WELCOME TO CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Children are welcome at our services. There are toys in the playpen located at the west transept. (front left) Please feel free to take this publication away with you. Dear Cathedralites What a wonderful clergy conference at Lake Rotoiti last week. Our Bishop Richard got a standing ovation at the end having delivered 3 fine Bible studies on Philippians. David Moxon, Archbishop, also entertained us with some Pope jokes as he spent 5 years living in Rome, whereas Wes and Janet Chambers from Christchurch also powerful speakers. The morale amongst clergy in the Nelson diocese is very high. Patsy and I raced down to Christchurch last Thursday for a funeral. John Kitto was one of my administrators at St. Christophers for a number of years. A wonderful man who will be missed by the church. I’m of heavy heart as I head to take part in John’s funeral as some of his own kith and kin will not be attending but partially they are boycotting coming to the funeral. To experience that hurts from our families but it is vital in my estimation that at whanau occasions like weddings and funerals we put all of this aside and come together as one even if it’s just for 2 hours and nothing deep is resolved. Things can only get worse and deteriorate when family members refuse to attend such momentous events. I urge you not to fall into that trap even if you might feel like it as a protest against things past. Congratulations to Ren Kempthorne, John Gill and Dennis Mellsop on their recent birthdays , and also thanks for the special slap up morning tea and celebration. At the 5.30pm and 7pm services the Revd. Jeff Odhiambo, who hails from Kenya, is married to an American, and who now ministers at Victory church will be preaching. Don’t miss him. Council meeting occurs on this Tuesday. Pray for council as they consider the budget for 2019. Don’t forget to invite people to CAMEO, Come And Meet Each Other. Our first lunch will be on Friday November 2 nd . I am looking for folk who can just pick up their neighbours down the street and bring them. We at the cathedral are hosting a prayer meeting for the World Week of Peace. Our turn is this Wednesday 17 October at 6.30pm. We will meet in the Chapel. Please come and join us. We meet with fellow clergy on Thursday morning as we get together for worship, for prayer and for sharing. It’s a big week next Sunday as it i s Trafalgar Day & Sea Sunday and we are going to have a grand service here in the Cathedral. There will be special guests, music and a lot of fanfare. Steve is orchestrating this service and Revd. Nigel will be preaching. CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL NELSON SUNDAY BULLETIN – Suffrage Sunday 14 th October - 20 th Sunday after Trinity

CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL NELSON SUNDAY BULLETIN … · At the Clergy Conference Steve from Masterton Tinua spoke about the problems of suicide in the rural sector while Gaelynne Pound

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WELCOME TO CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Children are welcome at our services. There are toys in the playpen located at the west transept. (front left) Please feel free to take this publication away with you.

Dear Cathedralites

What a wonderful clergy conference at Lake Rotoiti last week. Our Bishop Richard got a standing ovation at the end having delivered 3 fine Bible studies on Philippians. David Moxon, Archbishop, also entertained us with some Pope jokes as he spent 5 years living in Rome, whereas Wes and Janet Chambers from Christchurch also powerful speakers. The morale amongst clergy in the Nelson diocese is very high.

Patsy and I raced down to Christchurch last Thursday for a funeral. John Kitto was one of my administrators at St. Christophers for a number of years. A wonderful man who will be missed by the church. I’m of heavy heart as I head to take part in John’s funeral as some of his own kith and kin will not be attending but partially they are boycotting coming to the funeral. To experience that hurts from our families but it is vital in my estimation that at whanau occasions like weddings and funerals we put all of this aside and come together as one even if it’s just for 2 hours and nothing deep is resolved. Things can only get worse and deteriorate when family members refuse to attend such momentous events. I urge you not to fall into that trap even if you might feel like it as a protest against things past.

Congratulations to Ren Kempthorne, John Gill and Dennis Mellsop on their recent birthday’s , and also thanks for the special slap up morning tea and celebration.

At the 5.30pm and 7pm services the Revd. Jeff Odhiambo, who hails from Kenya, is married to an American, and who now ministers at Victory church will be preaching. Don’t miss him.

Council meeting occurs on this Tuesday. Pray for council as they consider the budget for 2019.

Don’t forget to invite people to CAMEO, Come And Meet Each Other. Our first lunch will be on Friday November 2nd. I am looking for folk who can just pick up their neighbours down the street and bring them. We at the cathedral are hosting a prayer meeting for the World Week of Peace. Our turn is this Wednesday 17 October at 6.30pm. We will meet in the Chapel. Please come and join us. We meet with fellow clergy on Thursday morning as we get together for worship, for prayer and for sharing.

It’s a big week next Sunday as it is Trafalgar Day & Sea Sunday and we are going to have a grand service here in the Cathedral. There will be special guests, music and a lot of fanfare. Steve is orchestrating this service and Revd. Nigel will be preaching.


14th October - 20th Sunday after Trinity


Those receiving Holy Communion are invited to do so EITHER by intinction, i.e. retaining the wafer when it is given to you and then dipping it in the cup of wine before consuming it OR by consuming the wafer when it is given to you and then drinking from the common cup.

Grape juice is available at communion.

Gluten free wafers are available.

Hearing Aid Loop available - please turn to the T position on your hearing aid ALSO

Ramp for access to the Sanctuary (on the right side)

Special chairs are available from the Pulpit side for those with disabilities or back problems. Note that the leg height can be adjusted to suit.


Worshippers experiencing Cold or Influenza-like illnesses or associated symptoms are advised to refrain from partaking of the practice of “Intinction” with the wafer or using the “Common Cup” during the communion ceremony. Clearly labelled wine and fruit juice alternatives are provided utilising the small thimble glasses. This recommendation is an important personal and public health issue which conforms with the Cathedral’s Health and Safety requirements.


At the Clergy Conference Steve from Masterton Tinua spoke about the problems of suicide in the rural sector while Gaelynne Pound is a well known drama and music teacher here in Nelson. She usually puts on a concert from her students here at the cathedral at midday on Saturday October 27th. Any proceeds are going to Youth Mental Health Organisation aimed at addressing the problem of youth suicide in New Zealand.

After the concert from 1.30pm to 3 pm we are having a soul to soul gathering where folk of all different religions meet together. We’ve never met at the Cathedral so it’s our turn this month, at the Cathedral from 1.30 to 3 pm on Saturday October 27th. It is great to meet various folk from other religions who live in Nelson and to hear their stories. Like coming to hear the cathedral story.

Have a great week. In His service, Mike

8.00am HOLY COMMUNION (Yellow booklet)

Celebrant Dean Mike Hawke Preacher Reverend Allen Michel Readings Job 23:1-7; Hebrews 4:12-13; Mark 10:17-31

10.00am FAMILY EUCHARIST (Booklet) Celebrant Reverend Nigel Whinney Preacher Dean Mike Hawke


Officiant Dean Mike Hawke Preacher Reverend Jeff Odhiambo Introduction Opening hymn CP14 – Glory to Thee, my God this night

Old Testament Reading Amos 5:6-7 (Jenny Dickie) Magnificat 362 Tell out my soul (omit v2) New Testament Reading Mark 10:17-31 (Jenny Wells) Nunc Dimittis Apostles’ Creed Hymn CP606 – Thy hand O God has guided Sermon Reverend Jeff Odhiambo Prayers Notices Offertory Hymn CP390 – Blessed Assurance Jesus is mine Blessing Sung Amen Organ Voluntary


(Informal charismatic style worship)

Guest preacher : Reverend Jeff Odhiambo

Matthew 7:13-23


The Sentence and Collects for the day Sentence: “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any

two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

Collect: Almighty God, your word is a lamp for our feet and a light upon our

path; Grant that by patient study of the Scriptures we may follow more closely the way that you set before us; though Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and for ever. Amen.

Job 23:1-7

1 Then Job answered: 2 ‘Today also

my complaint is bitter; his hand is

heavy despite my groaning. 3 O that I

knew where I might find him, that I

might come even to his dwelling! 4 I

would lay my case before him, and fill

my mouth with arguments. 5 I would

learn what he would answer me, and

understand what he would say to me. 6 Would he contend with me in the

greatness of his power? No; but he

would give heed to me. 7 There an

upright person could reason with him,

and I should be acquitted for ever by

my judge.

Hebrews 4:12-13 12 Indeed, the word of God is living and

active, sharper than any two-edged

sword, piercing until it divides soul

from spirit, joints from marrow; it is

able to judge the thoughts and

intentions of the heart. 13 And before

him no creature is hidden, but all are

naked and laid bare to the eyes of the

one to whom we must render an


Mark 10:17-31

17 As he was setting out on a journey,

a man ran up and knelt before him,

and asked him, ‘Good Teacher, what

must I do to inherit eternal life?’ 18 Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call

me good? No one is good but

God alone. 19 You know the

commandments: “You shall not

murder; You shall not commit

adultery; You shall not steal; You shall

not bear false witness; You shall not

defraud; Honour your father and

mother.”’ 20 He said to him, ‘Teacher, I

have kept all these since my

youth.’ 21 Jesus, looking at him, loved

him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go,

sell what you own, and give the money

to the poor, and you will have treasure

in heaven; then come, follow

me.’ 22 When he heard this, he was

shocked and went away grieving, for

he had many possessions. 23 Then

Jesus looked around and said to his

disciples, ‘How hard it will be for those

who have wealth to enter the kingdom

of God!’ 24 And the disciples were

perplexed at these words. But Jesus

said to them again, ‘Children, how

hard it is to enter the kingdom of

God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go

through the eye of a needle than for

someone who is rich to enter the

kingdom of God.’ 26 They were

greatly astounded and said to one

another, ‘Then who can

be saved?’ 27 Jesus looked at them

and said, ‘For mortals it is impossible,

but not for God; for God all things are

possible.’ 28 Peter began to say to him,

‘Look, we have left everything and

followed you.’ 29 Jesus said, ‘Truly I

tell you, there is no one who has left

house or brothers or sisters or mother

or father or children or fields, for my 4

sake and for the sake of the good

news, 30 who will not receive a

hundredfold now in this age—houses,

brothers and sisters, mothers and

children, and fields, with

persecutions—and in the age to come

eternal life. 31 But many who are first

will be last, and the last will be first.’

Amos 5:6-7

6 Seek the LORD and live, or he will

break out against the house of Joseph

like fire, and it will devour Bethel, with

no one to quench it. 7 Ah, you that turn

justice to wormwood, and bring

righteousness to the ground!

13 ‘Enter through the narrow gate; for

the gate is wide and the road is easy

that leads to destruction, and there

are many who take it. 14 For the gate is

narrow and the road is hard that leads

to life, and there are few who find

it.15 ‘Beware of false prophets, who

come to you in sheep’s clothing but

inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You

will know them by their fruits. Are

grapes gathered from thorns, or figs

from thistles? 17 In the same way,

every good tree bears good fruit, but

the bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good

tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a

bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree

that does not bear good fruit is cut

down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus

you will know them by their fruits. 21 ‘Not everyone who says to me,

“Lord, Lord”, will enter the

kingdom of heaven, but only one who

does the will of my Father in

heaven. 22 On that day many will say

to me, “Lord, Lord, did we not

prophesy in your name, and cast out

demons in your name, and do many

deeds of power in your

name?” 23 Then I will declare to them,

“I never knew you; go away from me,

you evildoers.”

7pm Hymn : It’s your blood


7pm Reading - Matthew 7:13-23

It’s Your blood that cleanses me, It’s Your blood that gives me life. It’s Your blood that took my place in redeeming sacrifice; Washes me whiter than the snow (than the snow) My Jesus, God’s precious sacrifice, It’s your blood.




Given that Trafalgar Day falls on a Sunday this year, we have decided to combine it with Sea Sunday.

It will be a fantastic service to celebrate all things maritime, and the hero for whom our city was named. We have even found a naval helicopter pilot to preach! We will be welcoming VIPs from politics, the Navy and Merchant Navy, fishing and port, and our music will be provided by internationally renowned organist Dr Kemp English.

There will be all sorts of surprises on the day, so do come along and celebrate this important milestone for our city.

Blessings, Steve

CONFIRMATION is a time when you renew your baptismal vows. A number of folk in the Cathedral intend to be confirmed this year. If you are interested in being confirmed please let Father Steve know. He will be running some group sessions for preparation in the forthcoming weeks. [email protected]


If you would like to donate toward flowers for 2018,

please fill in the folder at the main entrance.

Flowers today were donated by Murray Farrant

‘In memory of John Ferguson and Walter Downes – all who fell at Passchendaelle.’

Cost: $50.00 from 2019


24 - 30 September 2018 =237

The Cathedral needs to receive $5115.00

p/w in giving from all sources in order to

meet this year’s budget.

Last week we received $2113.00

Payments can be made into BNZ Bank

Acc: For the Churchwardens of the

Parish of Christ Church/Acc #: 020704:

0028423: 00 or by cheques made payable

to the Churchwardens of the Parish.



The new folder is available on the front entrance desk for those who wish to

donate towards flowers for 2019.

Nelson Cathedral will be delighted to welcome Dr Kemp English as guest organist for the Trafalgar Day Service on the 21st October. Dr English is an internationally renowned concert organist based in the Tasman region. Recent engagements have included solo organ concerts in venues such as the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Sydney Town Hall, London’s Westminster Central Hall, Montpellier Cathedral, Tewkesbury Abbey, Chester Cathedral, Hull City Hall, Auckland Town Hall, Dunedin Town Hall, Scot’s Church Melbourne, Elder Hall Adelaide and York and Glasgow Universities. Classically trained at the Royal Academy of Music in London, Kemp is much in demand as a solo organist, collaborative pianist, and specialist fortepiano exponent worldwide. He has re-leased 23 critically acclaimed CDs on the Naxos, Decca and Ode record labels.'



If it’s your please call the office on 03-548 1008 or email [email protected].



MEDITATION Meditation the Cathedral Chapel will

now take place on TUESDAYS 6-7PM

All welcome


Come and join us on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday @ 12 noon for a midday meal. We are located in the hall behind All Saint Church at 30 Vanguard Street. ALL WELCOME Cost: $3 cash/meal, $5 = 2 meals, or $10 = 5 meals.


Monthly Services at BISHOPDALE CHAPEL on the 1st Thursday of the month

at 11:15am - Celtic Communion All welcome





June Craighead left some papers about family history in the Chapel. If found please contact the Office on 03-548 1008 or alternatively email [email protected].

THIS NOTICE CAN NOW BE FOUND IN ALL FRENCH CHURCHES It is possible that on entering this church you may hear the Call of God. On the other hand, it is not likely that he will contact you by ‘phone. So thank you for turning off your ‘phones.

If you would like to talk to God, come in, choose a quiet place, and talk to him. If you would like to see him in person, send him a text while driving.


Update on little Lucy (1, Australia)

Adrian, father, confirmed donor for bone marrow transplant. Pre-op chemo starts 9 Nov. Date for op not known. Will advise. Med team have learn new techniques. Many thanks for your prayers. Bless all.


will be meeting on

Monday 5th November

Venue: 5 Highgrove Place, Nelson Title: GP’s and Churches in France & England

Any queries please call Rev Allen Michel on 548 3554.

‘Simply the Story' Bible Story Telling

Workshop 9-11 November

Everyone loves stories, the Bible is 75% story. Learn how to tell stories to a friend over coffee, in a small group, with young or old. A great tool

for evangelism and discipling. For full details contact Dianne Ross 03 548

2145 email: [email protected]



Pray for the growth of our Cathedral Choir; * Pray for numerical growth: for new members to join and use their voices for God’s glory. -Pray for spiritual growth: that as they sing Your

praises, they may grow in Christ more & more.

HERE TO HELP If you know of someone who is in need of prayer, a visit, home communion, or other support, please let Steve know, and the pastoral committee will respond as best it can. This includes telling us of recent be-reavements of parishioners, congregants or families. Don't assume we know, please tell us! We would rather have had ten notifica-tions than none. Help us to help our friends and families. Rev Steve Jordan [email protected]


Heavenly Father, we lift up to You all those Nigerian Christians – men, women and children – currently in the hands of the Boko Haram Islamist militants who kidnapped them. We pray that the You will remain their refuge and fortress and their trust in You will not falter despite all efforts to make them deny their love for Your Son. By Your

grace, we ask that the chains binding up their minds will fall away and they will be strengthened in their Christian faith moment by moment of their long ordeal. We ask in Jesus’ Name that they will soon be released back to their families. (Psalm 91:1-2; Acts 12:7) In Jesus’ name, Amen.

For prayer requests please contact Rev Tapita Ching on

027 255 3013.


* Pray for the Parish of Kaikoura – all

Clergy & staff

* Pray for Cathedral Sidespeople, Readers

& Intercessors

*Pray for Rick & Anne (Matthew & Stephen)

in Egypt.


*Pray for persecuted Christians in world.

* Hunger crisis in South Sudan.

*A STOP to child kidnapping.

*Recent Indonesian earthquake - ongoing

search for victims.


*Ongoing mental health issues in NZ.

*Wisdom for NZ Prime Minister & Cabinet

SICK: Rosemary Crow, John, James,

Andrew, Jake, Carol, Jean Crockett,

Lachlan, Tim Hurd, Roger Williams,

Elizabeth, Catriona, Sean Eichstadt,

Rebecca, Russell Dickson, Robyn

Robertson, Anja, Rayner, Shirley Eichstadt,

Mary Frank, Joshua & family, James, Andy,

Lois and Thomas Ashley, Letisha & Tyler,

Sarah& daughter, James, Ray, Rebecca

Brunning, Sophie, Charlotte, Paul, Douglas

Chillington, Ashleigh (9) Ian & Barbara

Chillington, Trina.



Adult leaders needed to assist junior leaders with

games stations. Are you a ‘sausage sizzler experts?

If you can help, please call John on 027 295 9261.





CAMEO at the Cathedral

Come and meet each other

An opportunity for you to come to the Cathedral for a meal, a chat, a sing-a-long, and a prayer.

2nd November from 1-2.30pm Everyone welcome

Free:- Koha opportunity

Phone Dean Mike 021 711 726 / 548 1443

Sunday 14th October

08.00am - Holy Communion 10.00am – Family Eucharist

12.30-3.30pm - Whakatu Maori Mission Community Service 5.30pm – Sung Evensong 7.00pm - Word & Worship

Monday 15th October

08.00-09.00am - House of Prayer & Healing in the Chapel 12.15pm – Holy Communion

Tuesday 16th October

08.00-09.00am - House of Prayer & Healing in the Chapel 09.00am – Walking Group with morning tea afterwards

12.15pm – Holy Communion 6.00-7.00pm – Meditation at the Cathedral Chapel

Wednesday 17th October

9.00am-12.00pm - House of Prayer & Healing in the Chapel ** Last Wednesday of every month we all meet in the Chapel

for combined prayer – 1.00pm-2.00pm** 10.00 – Holy Communion

11.00 – Exercise for Health (Quiet Room) 1.30pm – Flax Group (Quiet Room)

Thursday 18th October

9.00am-12.00pm - House of Prayer & Healing in the Chapel 12.15pm – Holy Communion

Friday 19th October

08.00-09.00am - House of Prayer & Healing in the Chapel 12.15pm– Holy Communion

Saturday 20th October

08.00am – Holy Communion

Sunday 21st October – Trafalgar & Sea Sunday (Labour Weekend)

08.00am - Holy Communion 10.00am – Choral Eucharist – Special Trafalgar Day & Sea Sunday Service

- with Children’s Church Programme 12.30-3.30pm - Whakatu Maori Mission Community Service

5.30pm – Choral Evensong 7.00pm - Word & Worship



We are delighted to have families with children worship with us. During school term time we have a children’s ministry during the service.

Toilets can be found outside down the path to the left. If it is raining you can use the toilets off the Teaching Room.

Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee in the Quiet Room after the service.


We are delighted to have you join us for today’s service. Please fill out the form, tear off and place in the Newcomers Box at the main entrance.



I would like to know more about:

NAME: _______________________CONTACT NUMBER: _________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________

The Very Reverend Michael Hawke: 548 1443 / 021 711 726 [email protected]

Reverend Steve Jordan 021 294 6105

[email protected]

Lead Organist: Jane Mitchell 021 051 3875 [email protected]

Lead Conductor: Melanie Carruthers 027 725 2942 [email protected]

Service Co-ordinator: Patsy Hawke 021 269 0455 [email protected]

Children’s Ministry Worker: John Laing 0272 959 261 [email protected]

Dean’s Warden: Graham Allan 027 244 8184

[email protected]

Peoples Warden: Jenny Dickie 021 342 227 [email protected]

Office Administrator: Teresa Coombs 548 1008 [email protected]

https://nelsoncathedral.nz Facebook: Christ Church Cathedral

PO Box 657 Nelson

Office Hours: M-F: 9.30am – 12.30pm


(Labour Weekend)