德霖學報「第二十四期」 民國 99 8 《聲身交響-中文藝術歌曲篇》詮釋與評析 1 《聲 身 交 響 - 中 文 藝 術 歌 曲 篇 》詮釋與評析 Interpretation and Analysis ofBeing in Sound of SymphonyChinese Art Song曾麗君 Tseng,Li-Chun 德霖技術學院 De Lin Institute of Technology 中文摘要 傳統藝術不能背離群眾乃至孤芳自賞,古典音樂需找尋一條能關聯於現代的道路,一 條可與觀賞者及現代科技互動的路線;聲身交響系列的基調就是在創造新的表演形式,目 的在於呈現舊觀念思想之跳脫,且試圖在傳統的表演藝術上嚐試新的可能。 聲身交響系列音樂會是以聲樂為表演本質,附加鋼琴伴奏型態的創新藝術表演;此一 系列的表演實屬一人音樂會,由演出者單獨包辦聲樂演唱技術與藝術歌曲伴奏技巧,揉合 不同的表演工具,嘗試驗證在古典音樂領域裡,成為一種可被學習、能被實際運用的創新 改變。 筆者的靈感來自於實驗劇場之小型演出,近年來無論國內外皆醞釀著成本低人數少之 跨域藝術製作,再者年輕族群嚮往現代聲光效果,為著通識古典音樂鑑賞的教學工作,筆 者設想出一個潛移默化的演出型態,導引青年學子進入音樂殿堂,為未來的文化藝術傳承 刻畫深切印象。 Traditional art cannot be isolated from the public. It has to be on the track to interact with audiences and technology in the modern world. The aim of new performing styles is to get rid of the conventional thinking mode and in an attempt to create new possibilities in the performing arts. The serial concerts primarily presents vocal solo accompanied on the piano by herself at the same time. The new performing art is a kind of solo-recital which demonstrates this innovation of art to be studied and performed in the classical music field. The inspiration comes from the miniature performance of experimental drama. As a lecturer of Appreciation of Classical Music, the author figures out the performing style with low cost and few participants along with modern audio visual effects to attract younger generations and guide them into the sanctuary of music.

Chinese Art Songs

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《聲身交響 - 中文藝術歌曲篇》詮釋與評析

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  • 99 8 -



    Interpretation and Analysis ofBeing in Sound of SymphonyChinese Art Song


    De Lin Institute of Technology

    Traditional art cannot be isolated from the public. It has to be on the track to interact with audiences and technology in the modern world. The aim of new performing styles is to get rid of the conventional thinking mode and in an attempt to create new possibilities in the performing arts. The serial concerts primarily presents vocal solo accompanied on the piano by herself at the same time. The new performing art is a kind of solo-recital which demonstrates this innovation of art to be studied and performed in the classical music field. The inspiration comes from the miniature performance of experimental drama. As a lecturer of Appreciation of Classical Music, the author figures out the performing style with low cost and few participants along with modern audio visual effects to attract younger generations and guide them into the sanctuary of music.

  • 2

    1 (General Education)(Liberal Arts) Liberal liberare2-Drucker Saying on Change 3 --


    2007 1 2005 69 2 2005 39 3 Peter F. Drucker-Drucker Saying on Change 94 96

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    Time for fresh thinking Jake McCall, Tim McChesney

    both innovation and creativity come from looking at things differently, fresh thinking and new ideas. In our view, innovation is applied creativity, and innovation is the key to sustainable growth5.

    2004 5 ()()

    -(1922 - ) 36 11

    4 Peter F. Drucker-Drucker Saying on Change 94 80 5 Jake McCall, Tim McChesney. Marketing Magazine. Toronto: Mar 31, 2003. Vol. 108, Iss. 12; pg. 11

  • 4

    (1911-1955)(19 05-1981) (1914 - 1991) -(1932 1997) -(1943- )1970 () -(1948- ) ()- - 47 42 (1921- ) 1943 6 (1942~1992)

    6 1996

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    1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  • 6

    6. 7. () 8. 9. 10. 11.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


    8Barrett, F. D.Tools and Tricks for Innovators

    7 M. L.TushmanC. A. OReilly III - Winning Through Innovation:A Pratical Guide toLeading Organizational Change and Renewal 87 272 8 P. F. Drucker-(Drucker Saying on Management) 94 107

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    Improvise to innovate M. CrossanBarrett, F. D.Tools and Tricks for Innovators

    Improvisation may be one way of thinking about and developing the new skills needed to succeed12.

    it is often competitors from outside an industry who change the face of competition within the industry - precisely because they are not constrained by conventional views13.

    2008 Alexander Pereira 14 2004 Paddington


    9 95 84 10 Peter F. Drucker-(Drucker Saying on Change) 94 108 11 Michael L.TushmanCharles A. OReilly III (Winning Through Innovation:A Pratical Guide toLeading Organizational Change and Renewal) 87 278 12 Mary Crossan. Ivey Business Quarterly. London: Autumn 1997. Vol. 62, Iss. 1; pg. 36, 7 pgs 13 Barrett, F. D.. Business Quarterly. London: Winter 1980. Vol. 45, Iss. 4; pg. 57 14http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2008/10/07/2003425211/print 15 2003

  • 8

    1921 ( Afshialomov ) ( Marval ) ( Shell ) 16 ABA 17 181945-1960 ABA 1945-1960 (1911~1955)1930 1936 19401949 19 16 http://www.ntso.gov.tw/publish/portrait/por_02_04.htm 17 69 341 18 343 19 http://big5.ccnt.com.cn/show/zhonghuayf/tianlaichzzh/tianlai-23.htm

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    (1905~1985)1930 1936 20 (1916~1991)21 (1932~1997) 22 ABA 23 1943 20 http://big5.ccnt.com.cn/show/zhonghuayf/tianlaichzzh/tianlai-14.htm 21 22 69 350 23 69 351

  • 10

    1987 11 ABA 241988 5 AB 1989 5 1989 6 AA 1948 1945 1921 1946 1969 2001 2001 25 47 42 1945

    24 25 http://mayasun.idv.tw/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1346

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    (1942~1992)1975 1992 26 1933 1910 27 1938 1906 1925 1926 1929 1930-1931 1930 1932

    26 http://www.sunrise-records.com/ok/index.phtml?PUT=t6_show&ID=629 27http://mayasun.idv.tw/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1346

  • 12

    1937 1939 1944 28 1938 1963 1967 1977 29

    1939 1966 1973



    28 http://www.lib.thit.edu.tw/id29-9306.htm 29 http://www.au.edu.tw/ox_view/edu/music/Hsiaoindex.htm

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    . 1. 95 2. 87 3.1998 4.2003 5.2005


    7.M. L.TushmanC. A. OReilly III - Winning Through Innovation:A Pratical Guide toLeading Organizational Change and Renewal 87

    8.P. F. Drucker-(Drucker Saying on Management) 94

    1.Mary CrossanImprovise to innovate Ivey Business Quarterly. London: Autumn 1997.

    Vol. 62, Iss. 1. 2.Jake McCall, Tim McChesneyTime for fresh thinking Marketing Magazine. Toronto:

    Mar 31, 2003. Vol. 108, Iss. 12. 3. Barrett, F. D.Tools and Tricks for InnovatorsBusiness Quarterly. London: Winter 1980.

    Vol. 45, Iss. 4

    1. 2. 1996 3. 1990 4. 2003 5. 1984 6. ) 1991

  • 14

    7. 1995 1.http://www.ntso.gov.tw/publish/portrait/por_02_04.htm 2.http://big5.ccnt.com.cn/show/zhonghuayf/tianlaichzzh/tianlai-23.htm 3.http://big5.ccnt.com.cn/show/zhonghuayf/tianlaichzzh/tianlai-14.htm 4.http://www.sunrise-records.com/ok/index.phtml?PUT=t6_show&ID=629 5.http://mayasun.idv.tw/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1346 6.http://www.lib.thit.edu.tw/id29-9306.htm 7.http://www.au.edu.tw/ox_view/edu/music/Hsiaoindex.htm 8. http://mayasun.idv.tw/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1346 9. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2008/10/07/2003425211/print

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    Rocky Canyon

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