China - JU - Honchun - MIPR Introductions - Doc

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  • 8/3/2019 China - JU - Honchun - MIPR Introductions - Doc


    Report on the progress of CRP 15009 research contract

    Hongchun Wu, Liangzhi Cao*

    [email protected]

    Department of Nuclear Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, China

    1. Background information (areas of experience and expertise in solution reactor

    design, analysis, construction, operation, maintenance, waste management, etc. as

    well as similar information related to isotope extraction from solution reactor


    NECP (Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics) lab of Xian Jiaotong

    University has been focusing on neutron transport calculation method and its

    application in nuclear engineering for several decades.

    On the one hand, many neutron transport solvers have been developed, such as:

    Auto-MOC : based on the Method of Characteristics and the customizationof the AUTOCAD software;

    TEPFEM : based on the Finite Element Method and the Pn method; LESFES: based on the Finite Element Method and the Sn method; DNTR: based on the triangular nodal method and the Sn method; TEMTD: based on the transmission probability method; DDPM : based on the discrete direction probability method; and so on.On the other hand, many applications of these solvers have been implemented.

    Aqueous homogenous solution reactor, which is regarded as a promising candidate forproducing medical isotopes, is one of the objects of these applications.

    2. Detailed information on current and planned research activities including specific,

    expected outputs.

    A software package for the core design, fuel management calculation and safety

    analysis of the aqueous homogenous solution reactor has been developed in NECP lab.

    This software package contains four parts:

    few-group constants computation code PANTHER three-dimensional in-core fuel management calculation code FMSR three-dimensional core neutronic kinetics analysis code DNTR-T and point-reactor kinetics analysis code POINT-R.

    PANTHER begins with the 69-group WIMS library released by the IAEA and

    performs the transport calculation for the complex geometry of the solution reactor. It

    supplies few-group constants for 3D steady state calculation code FMSR and 3D

    transient state computation code DNTR-T. FMSR initializes transient analysis

    calculation for DNTR-T and POINT-R except steady state fuel management

    calculation. The detailed theoretical model of the PANTHER/FMSR can be found in

    our published paper (FMSR: A code system for in-core fuel management calculation

    of aqueous homogeneous solution reactor, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2010).

    DNTR-T performs efficient 3D transport kinetics calculation by combines improved

  • 8/3/2019 China - JU - Honchun - MIPR Introductions - Doc


    quasi-static method (IQS) and triangular nodal Sn method. POINT-R employs

    analytical method to solve the point reactor kinetics equation by considering the void

    and temperature feedback. All these four code systems have been verified against

    some benchmark problems. Further validation is undertaken.

    As the future research plan, low enrichment uranium (LEU) fueled aqueoushomogenous reactor (AHR) core neutronic design will be carried out by using the

    code system developed above. Firstly, the design objectives of the LEU fueled AHR

    must be specified by investigation or communication with IAEA. For example, the

    power level, the power peak factor, the reactivity feedback coefficients and generating

    rate of the medical isotopes et al, must satisfy some criteria. Secondly, an reference

    core design will be obtained by following the design criteria. Thirdly, the reference

    design will be improved and optimized.

    3. Ideas related to opportunities for collaboration (per the attached draft agenda

    beginning at 16:00 on 24-February)In our opinion, the verification and validation of the codes are of critical

    importance and bring a lot challenges to the code system development. Currently, the

    code system was only verified against some simple benchmark problems, but not

    experimental data. It is difficult to confirm that the codes are exactly accurate with

    practice and absolutely reliable. In order to specify the difference between numerical

    simulation and actual operation, many experiments will be needed or some other ways

    to verify the codes need to be designed. So, we propose the collaboration on the

    development of solution reactor benchmarks under the IAEA support. All participants

    can join the program to give their own solutions to a series of common benchmark


    In spite of that, some basic works will be needed. For instance, the 69-group

    WIMS library does not contain some important medical isotopes such as Mo-99. The

    present point burnup model can not lead us to the fine distribution of the all the

    isotopes in reactor core.

    4. Your current work plan (activities and schedule).

    2010.2-2010.5 Further verification and validation of the codes 2010.6-2010.7 Preliminary core design of the LEU fueled AHR 2010.8-2010.9 Neutronics analysis and optimization of the LEU fueled AHR 2010.10 Project summary