Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)

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  • 8/10/2019 Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)


    Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods

    Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)

    A Community Insights Research Project:

    perceptions of growth changean! "eing in #ac$neyneigh"ourhoo!s

    %ay &'

    Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)

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    Intro!uction*********************************************************************************************************+%ore "ac$groun! on the partners***********************************************************************Consulting with our chil!ren hearing their ,oices**********************************************-Consultation process*******************************************************************************************.Chil!ren/s !emographic "ac$groun!s*****************************************************************01uestions an! responses***********************************************************************************'Au!io of respon!ent2s comments**********************************************************************03ummary of the fin!ings***********************************************************************************&'4uil!ing on this research:**********************************************************************************&+%ore info on the Peoplescience consultancy*****************************************************&%ore info on Trinity Centre (Dalston)*****************************************************************&5

    Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)

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  • 8/10/2019 Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)



    De!icate! to impro,ing the 6uality of life for e,eryone the 7Chil!ren2s 8oices in 9ureigh"ourhoo!s; research project came into "eing through a partnership "etween:

    * Trinity Centre (Dalston)&* Community Insights Research Project (Team #ac$ney)

    This project represents a new regional approach to harnessing an! gal,anising communityinsight an! communal consciousness that are important in esta"lishing an! maintaining#ac$ney citi

  • 8/10/2019 Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)


    More background on the partners

    1) Trinity Centre (Dalston)

    The Trinity Centre (Dalston) was esta"lishe! as a charity in 00- to pro,i!e family!e,elopment an! chil! care ser,ices* It was opene! to the pu"lic in 00. after afun!raising campaign that !rew support from her Royal #ighness the Princess of alesan! secure! the fun!s for the refur"ishment of the "uil!ing*

    The aim an! o"jecti,es for the Centre are to pro,i!e an economic training an! communityresource for the local neigh"ourhoo! through the pro,ision of:

    practical assistance to families an! chil!ren

    support to parents ena"ling them to learn eperience an! !e,elop new an! eisting s$ills

    a wi!e programme of acti,ities for each chil! or young person to enjoy an! participate inaccor!ing to their a"ility an! nee!s allowing for growth in confi!ence an! self>esteem*

    Trinity Centre (Dalston) operates in one of the most !epri,e! war!s of #ac$ney: one of themost !epri,e! "oroughs in on!on*

    3ince its opening the Centre has ma!e its space a,aila"le to the local community an!successfully run a range of family an! chil!ren/s programmes ser,ing o,er ''' chil!ren'' young people at least +'' mem"ers of the pu"lic an! supports o,er ' local groups*

    Amongst the most prominent of these latter are the Trinity After 3chool Clu" pro,i!ing!aily e!ucational an! recreational acti,ities for local chil!ren from +*+'pm>-*''pm%on!ay>=ri!ay its popular chil!ren2s holi!ay clu" an! the E4oy< To %en/ project that offerspractical support to young men failing in the e!ucation system an! more generally in

    realising their full potential*

    e recognise that the greatest impact the centre currently has on the pro,ision of localcommunity amenities is in the area of chil!care an! parenting s$ills* 9ne purpose of thisstu!y is to assess this impact to !ate from the perspecti,e of the users themsel,es thechil!ren an! young people "y fin!ing out how atten!ing this pro,ision has affecte! theire,ery!ay li,es*

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    2) Community Insights Research Project

    3ince April &'+ Team #ac$ney has a!opte! a new approach to community insight whichaims to "ring together ,iews an! perspecti,es from:

    resi!ents ser,ice users

    ,oluntary sector


    This wor$ is o,erseen "y the community insight group which "rings together Team#ac$ney partners from the statutory sector community networ$s an! the ,oluntary an!community sector* The group routinely re,iews insights that ha,e "een gathere! throughcommunity networ$s meetings engagement acti,ities an! sur,eys* It "rings all of theseinsights together in or!er to inform the Team #ac$ney partnership an! the annual E3tate ofthe 4orough/ report*

    The community insight group also i!entifies where there are gaps in insight an! consi!ershow partners can wor$ together to a!!ress this gap* The group meets at least four times ayear an! is in the process of finalising their first wor$ plan*

    ocal Partners in,ol,e! in the Team #ac$ney Community Insight Froup are currentlyrunning a community !ialogue project on the topic of growth change an! cohesion in#ac$ney*

    & community organisations were awar!e! a small grant to in,ol,e resi!ents incon,ersations an! acti,ities with this theme Trinity Centre (Dalston)was one of these*#ac$ney C83 manage! the community !ialogue grants awar!s*

    Team #ac$ney is remitte! to use the materials an! the intelligence gathere! at the annualpartnership meeting 3ummer &'*

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    Consulting with our children, hearing their voices

    There were two main reasons why the Trinity Centre !eci!e! to engage in this initiati,e:

    * or$ing with chil!ren an! families is a core part of the Centre2s long>stan!ingo,erall ser,ice seeing it !e,elop uni6ue an! respecte! community relations an!a!,ocacy capacities*

    &* 4eing clear that chil!ren ha,e the right to "e consulte! an! ha,e their ,oices hear!an! ,iews respecte! un!er Article &* of the ? Con,ention as well as inaccor!ance with the "est practice of #ac$ney Council the Centre2s !eterminationhas "een to empower chil!ren an! families $nowle!ge of their rights response>a"ilities an! self>creati,e capacities in regar! to community !e,elopment*

    =rom the Community Insights "roa! themes an! priorities "riefing it was !eci!e! to focuson the following 6uestion:

    7hat $in!s of opportunities resi!ents woul! li$e to see for themsel,es an! their familiesin their local neigh"ourhoo!s an! town centres*;

    In eploring this 6uestion the consultation also too$ on a further agen!a of ) "ringingattention to ,aluing neigh"ourhoo! an! human eperiences within it an! &) intro!ucingthe chil!ren to the language pertaining to this issue to help !e,elop them as acti,eciti

  • 8/10/2019 Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)


    Consultation process

    The Trinity Centre management ha,ing agree! that the consultation nee!e! to "e !onethen went on to !efine the ,alues (as state! a"o,e) of !oing it*

    GInternal organisational capacities were com"ine! with the i!entifie! professional ser,icesof Peoplescience Intelligence ?nit to !esign an! !eli,er the consultation*

    GThe o"jecti,es of "oth Community Insights an! Trinity Centre were !iscusse! an! agree!*This le! to !eci!ing on an o,erall approach for consultation an! to consi!ering ways ofwor$ing with the chil!ren* 3pecific consultation metho!s were agree!: interacti,epresentations an! simple 6uestionnaires* These 6uestionnaires were !esigne! to mostlyfeature 7yesHno; 6uestions an! 7how !o you feel; 6uestions which the chil!ren were torate with a fi,e point smiley face scale*

    GA general time line ha! "een alrea!y propose! through the Community Insights fun!ingprocess an! this was agree! as achie,a"le* #ow the chil!ren woul! "e accesse! wasi!entifie! as follows:

    at Trinity Centre

    through two intro!uctory presentation sessions

    "y ,aluing eperiences opportunities concerns an! i!eas

    "y !efining neigh"ourhoo!s

    through enhancing a sense of change an! the a"ility to !efine change

    two sur,ey 6uestioning sessions

    holi!ay clu" &st =e"ruary &'

    as part of an after school clu" &th %arch &'

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    Childrens demographic backgrounds

    All of the &- chil!ren consulte! were 4ritish "orn citi

  • 8/10/2019 Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)


    Questions and responses

    4elow are the 6uestions that were as$e! !uring the sur,eying of the chil!ren* =ollowingthese are the results of the sur,ey*

    3uest ons

    4actors5Top c yes 5 no sm ley-"ace scale

    local "amily 6 "riends Do you ha7e "amily and "riends

    li7ing in your local area8o9 do you "eel about that8

    common spaces li:e par:s andplay grounds

    Do you use local par:s andplaygrounds8

    o9 do you "eel about them8

    bus and train stops and stations Do you use buses and trains8 o9 do you "eel about them8

    local schools and libraries

    Do you li7e in 9al:ing distance"rom your school8

    Do you use your local library8

    o9 do you "eel about school li"e8

    perceptions o" sa"ety and dangerThin:ing about sa"ety in yourneighbourhood; ho9 do you "eel8

    shops and shopping centres Do you go shopping 9ith your

    "amily8o9 do you "eel about the shopsand shopping centres in your area8

    "aith; culture and communitycentres (church; mos3ue; temple;

    synagogue; tabernacle etcopen 3uestion?Tell me about them8

    +rea 9here I li7e 5 +rea 9here Igo to school or attend child-care

    Do you li7e in the area o" thiscentre or in another area8

    Desired "uture change

    >open 3uestion?

    hat could impro7e li"e in yourarea8

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    Do you have family and friends living in your local area?

    Answer Count Percentage %

    Mes (M) &+ JJ*-K

    o () + *5K

    &- ''*''K

    $es ($)

    %o (%)

    N,iew commentaryO

    ow do you feel a!out that?

    Answer Count Percentage

    8# 8ery #appy (8#) &*+K

    # #appy (#) + 5'*''K

    I4 In 4etween (I4) +*J5K

    ?# ?nhappy (?#) ' '*''K

    8? 8ery ?nhappy (8?) ' '*''K

    A o Answer (A) +*J5K

    &- ''*''K

    &' &ery'ay (&')

    ' 'ay (')

    I* In *et+een(I*)

    ,' ,nhay(,')

    &, &ery,nhay (&,)

    %A %o Ans+er(%A)

    N,iew commentaryO

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    Do you use local par"s and playgrounds?

    Answer Count Percentage

    Mes (M) &+ JJ*-K

    o () + *5K

    &- ''*''K

    $es ($)

    %o (%)

    N,iew commentaryO

    ow do you feel a!out them?

    Answer Count Percentage

    8# 8ery #appy (8#) ' +J*-K

    # #appy (#) J +'*..K

    I4 In 4etween (I4) - &+*'JK

    ?# ?nhappy (?#) ' '*''K

    8? 8ery ?nhappy (8?) ' '*''K

    A o Answer (A) & .*-0K

    &- ''*''K

    &' &ery'ay (&')

    ' 'ay (')

    I* In *et+een(I*)

    ,' ,nhay(,')

    &, &ery,nhay (&,)

    %A %o Ans+er(%A)

    N,iew commentaryO

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    Do you use !uses and trains?

    Answer Count Percentage

    Mes (M) & J'*..K

    o () 5 0*&+K

    &- ''*''K

    $es ($)

    %o (%)

    N,iew commentaryO

    ow do you feel a!out them?

    Answer Count Percentage

    8# 8ery #appy (8#) 5*+JK

    # #appy (#) - &+*'JK

    I4 In 4etween (I4) 0 +*-&K

    ?# ?nhappy (?#) + *5K

    8? 8ery ?nhappy (8?) & .*-0K

    A o Answer (A) & .*-0K

    &- ''*''K

    &' &ery'ay (&')

    ' 'ay (')

    I* In *et+een(I*)

    ,' ,nhay(,')

    &, &ery

    ,nhay (&,)

    %A %o Ans+er


    N,iew commentaryO

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    Do you live in wal"ing distance from your school?

    Answer Count Percentage

    Mes (M) 0 .+*'JK

    o () . &-*0&K

    &- ''*''K

    $es ($)

    %o (%)

    N,iew commentaryO

    ow do you feel a!out school life?

    Answer Count Percentage

    8# 8ery #appy (8#) 5 5.*-0K

    # #appy (#) . &-*0&K

    I4 In 4etween (I4) + *5K

    ?# ?nhappy (?#) +*J5K

    8? 8ery ?nhappy (8?) ' '*''K

    A o Answer (A) ' '*''K

    &- ''*''K

    &' &ery'ay (&')

    ' 'ay (')

    I* In *et+een(I*)

    ,' ,nhay(,')

    &, &ery

    ,nhay (&,)

    %A %o Ans+er


    N,iew commentaryO

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    Do you use your local li!rary?

    Answer Count Percentage

    Mes (M) &*+K

    o () 5+*J5K

    o answer +*J5K

    &- ''*''K

    $es ($)

    %o (%)

    %o ans+er

    N,iew commentaryO

    Thin"ing a!out safety in your neigh!ourhood# how do you feel?

    Answer Count Percentage

    8# 8ery #appy (8#) - &+*'JK

    # #appy (#) 0 +*-&K

    I4 In 4etween (I4) - &+*'JK

    ?# ?nhappy (?#) & .*-0K8? 8ery ?nhappy (8?) + *5K

    A o Answer (A) ' '*''K

    &- ''*''K

    &' &ery'ay (&')

    ' 'ay (')

    I* In *et+een


    ,' ,nhay

    (,')&, &ery,nhay (&,)

    %A %o Ans+er(%A)

    N,iew commentaryO

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    Do you go shopping with your family?

    Answer Count Percentage

    Mes (M) &- ''*''K

    o () ' *'*''K

    &- ''*''K

    $es ($)

    %o (%)

    N,iew commentaryO

    ow do you feel a!out the shops and shopping centres in your area?

    Answer Count Percentage

    8# 8ery #appy (8#) J +'*..K

    # #appy (#) &*+K

    I4 In 4etween (I4) 5 0*&+K

    ?# ?nhappy (?#) & .*-0K

    8? 8ery ?nhappy (8?) ' '*''K

    A o Answer (A) ' '*''K

    &- ''*''K

    &' &ery'ay (&')

    ' 'ay (')

    I* In *et+een(I*)

    ,' ,nhay(,')

    &, &ery

    ,nhay (&,)

    %A %o Ans+er


    N,iew commentaryO

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    +o' do not go to a faith or cultural centre*ow do you feel a!out this?

    Answer Count Percentage

    8# 8ery #appy (8#) & &'*''K

    # #appy (#) '*''K

    I4 In 4etween (I4) & &'*''K

    ?# ?nhappy (?#) 5 5'*''K

    8? 8ery ?nhappy (8?) ' '*''K

    A o Answer (A) ' '*''K

    ' ''*''K

    &' &ery'ay (&')

    ' 'ay (')

    I* In *et+een(I*)

    ,' ,nhay(,')

    &, &ery,nhay (&,)

    %A %o Ans+er(%A)

    N,iew commentaryO

    Do you live in the area of this centre or in another area?

    Answer Count Percentage

    Mes (M) 5 0*&+K

    o () & J'*..K

    &- ''*''K

    Interpretation note:7Mes; I li,e in the area of this centre*7o; I !o not li,e in the area of this centre*

    $es ($)

    %o (%)

    N,iew commentaryO

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    udio o! respondent's comments

    A concise au!io mi of selecte! comments from the chil!ren has "een pro!uce!*

    #earing their epresse! i!eas an! eperience of neigh"ourhoo! life gi,es a ,ery important

    complement to the a"o,e statistics*

    A copy (mp+ au!io file) may "e o"taine! from the Trinity Centres we"site or thePeoplescience archi,e:



    Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)

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    "ummar# o! the !indings

    Do you ha,e family an! frien!s li,ing in your local area#ow !o you feel a"out that

    The majority of chil!ren (JJK) respon!e! that they !o ha,e family an! frien!s li,ingin their local area* %ost were happy or ,ery happy with this* The chil!ren who sai!that they !i! not ha,e family an! frien!s li,ing near them !i! not in!icate that theywere less than happy with that* N,iew ta"le S chartO

    Do you use local par$s an! playgroun!s#ow !o you feel a"out them

    The majority of chil!ren sur,eye! (JJK) sai! that they !o use local par$s an!playgroun!s* hilst the majority (-0K) were happy or ,ery happy with them &+K

    a large minority felt in "etween happy an! unhappy with them* The points ofconcern raise! were such things as the cleanliness of these areas the range an!6uality of play e6uipment an! feelings that these spaces were un!er>utilise! an!nee!ing more promotion* There were also concerns a"out security in these spaces*N,iew ta"le S chartO

    Do you use "uses an! trains#ow !o you feel a"out them

    J'K of the chil!ren sai! that they use! "uses an!Hor trains* 9,er half (5K) of thechil!ren were not happy with the "us an! train journeys that they eperience* This

    was their strongest areas of concern across the range of areas co,ere! "y thesur,ey* The concerns inclu!e! cleanliness security an! personal safetyencountering !istur"ing passengers an! poor ser,ice regar!ing !elays*

    =rom a gen!er point of ,iew it was foun! that more "oys (-&K) felt less than happywith "uses an! trains than the girls (-K) who also felt less than happy** N,iewta"le S chartO

    Do you li,e in wal$ing !istance from your school#ow !o you feel a"out school life

    Bust un!er .+K sai! that they li,e! in wal$ing !istance from their schools* %ostchil!ren (J5K) were happy with school life* 5K "eing unhappy or feeling in"etween happy an! unhappy with school*

    =rom a gen!er point of ,iew the same percentage (5K) of "oys an! girls felt lessthan happy with school life* N,iew ta"le S chartO

    Do you use your local li"rary

    %ost (5K) of the chil!ren sur,eye! !i! not use local li"raries* It was clear thatsome of the chil!ren who !i! not use local li"raries ne,ertheless use! li"raries attheir schools* N,iew ta"le S chartO

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    Thin$ing a"out safety in your neigh"ourhoo! how !o you feel

    Bust o,er half of the chil!ren sur,eye! were happy or ,ery happy with regar! totheir feelings a"out safety in their neigh"ourhoo!* Fi,en the importance of thisfactor of neigh"ourhoo! life it is still of concern that as many as &K of the chil!renrespon!e! that they were not happy in their feelings regar!ing safety in their


    =rom a gen!er point of ,iew it was foun! that more "oys (-K) felt less than happywhen thin$ing a"out safety in their area than the girls (+JK) who felt less thanhappy* N,iew ta"le S chartO

    Do you go shopping with your family#ow !o you feel a"out the shops an! shopping centres in your area

    All of the chil!ren go shopping with their families* %ost (.+K) were happy or ,eryhappy* hilst most chil!ren enjoye! the general i!ea of shopping concerns for

    some were to !o with safety an! col!ness in shopping centres lac$ of !i,ersity ofshops an! their re!uce! range of goo!s* There was an awareness an! sense ofassurance shown "y some chil!ren that in "igger stores there woul! "e staff traine!to loo$ after lost or trou"le! chil!ren* N,iew ta"le S chartO

    Do you go to a faith or cultural centre li$e a church mos6ue temple ta"ernacle orsynagogue for eample#ow !o you feel a"out this

    Bust un!er -&K sai! that they !o atten! a faith or cultural centre* This 6uestionhighlighte! an interesting fin!ing as we foun! a clear !ifference in the epresse!

    attitu!es state! "y the chil!ren towar!s the fact of them going to a faith H culturalcentre or their not atten!ing one*

    9f the -&K who sai! they !i! atten!e! a faith H cultural centre ''K sai! they werehappy or ,ery happy with this* 9f the +JK who sai! they !i! not atten! such acentre .'K sai! they were not happy with this* N,iew ta"le S chartO

    Do you ha,e any other i!eas a"out your areahat coul! impro,e life in your area

    The chil!ren share! a "roa! range of i!eas concerns an! life impro,ement

    suggestions regar!ing their areas* The list "elow summarises their comments:

    %ore playgroun!s an! more space*

    People shoul! stop throwing gum on the floor*

    4uil! new shops*

    4uil! "ig shops li$e a Tesco in my area*

    ess gangs an! no more fighting*

    3top people throwing stuff on the groun! without putting it in the "in*

    %y area coul! "e more clean an! ti!y*

    %ore houses an! more par$s*

    ocal people shoul! use our local par$ more*

    Re!esign local pathways so that they are chil! frien!ly

    If there was a hot tu" right outsi!e my house

    People coul! help to recycle an! clean some places in the par$* %ore room to play where the foot"all place is*

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    %ore room where cars par$ to ma$e it safer*

    Ta$e the trees away from our ol! foot"all play area*

    ot so much "uil!ing wor$s ta$ing place*

    People coul! stop ri!ing their "i$es on the pa,ement*

    Fenerally ma$e new "uil!ings in my area*

    %o,e house tra,els far to get to this Centre*

    Don2t li$e spi!ers in the house get ri! of them*

    Coul! ma$e more "uil!ings for chil!ren for people to !o what they want to !o for fun an!sports li$e gymnastics*

    ess "uil!ing stop !estroying our playgroun!s just to "uil! peoples houses*

    #elp the poor with money so that they can feel "etter peace an! 6uiet with frien!s*

    e nee! more par$s an! more places to sit !own

    Clean the area that the !ogs use (messy an! smelly)an! fi the local par$ fence*

    The place we use to play foot"all now has trees there an! we are not a"out to play there*

    In some of the green areas there coul! "e more par$s instea! of a lot of trees*

    I want them to crush our "uil!ing an! ma$e a new one as it is really ol!* 9ur flat is $in! ofsmall an! we nee! more space*

    Fangs spray on close! !own shops an! walls*

    Reopen shops an! $eep an eye out for gangsters who spray on walls*

    Its easy to wal$ to my frien! family an! local "us stops*

    Do you li,e in the area of this centre or in another area

    This 6uestion was inten!e! to gauge their own sense of locality an! was not crossreference! with any official metric for "eing 7in the area; such as the chil!2s homea!!ress* here re6uire! the reasoning was that if you coul! comforta"ly wal$ tothe Centre then this coul! "e consi!ere! 7in;* Bust un!er &'K of the chil!ren sai!that they li,e! in the area of the Centre* N,iew ta"le S chartO

    Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)

    page ## o" #$

  • 8/10/2019 Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)


  • 8/10/2019 Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)


    More in!o on the &eoplescience consultanc#

    Peoplescience ntelligence ,nit (PI?) has for many years "een in,ol,e! in a "roa!range of research an! mar$eting projects mainly associate! to the organisation of -chools

    .f ,nified /earning(unifie!$nowle!ge*org maths!ance*co*u$) an! for the !e,elopmentof ?nifie!$nowle!ge Practice glo"ally* #owe,er its ser,ice history has "een far moreetensi,e* To its cre!it it has "een in,ol,e! in wor$ing on se,eral commissions from localgo,ernment authorities commercial "usinesses an! non>go,ernmental organisations*

    4roa!ly the PI? ser,ices are as follows:

    ,trategic %lanning

    esearch 6 Consultancy

    Bar:eting 6 +rt9or: Design

    Internet %resence 6 In"ormation Banagement

    Corporate Design 6 Venture %lanning

    Cultural Integrity Banagement

    The ?nit2s foun!ational "asis of operation is its series of eight pioneering strategicstatistical reference reports pro!uce! from 00- to &''* They are as follows:

    !< lac: Community eport (National; !22/; isbn A2$#1##2A)#< lac: Child eport (National; !220; isbn A2$#1##2!!)< lac: Community eport (National; !222-#AAA; isbn A2$#1##2.).< +sian Community eport (National; !222-#AAA; isbn A2$#1##2./)$< lac: Child eport (National; !222-#AAA; isbn A2$#1##2/#)/< e9isham lac: Child eport (!222#AAA; isbn A2$#1##288)0< Camden lac: Child eport (!222#AAA; isbn A2$#1##21)1< ammersmith lac: Child eport (!222#AAA; isbn A2$#1##2#E)

    =rom 00- to the present time Astehmari 4ate$un has ser,e! as the Principal Consultantfor the PI? an! has wor$e! mainly on a project "y project "asis with multiple formats ofspecialist teams each perfectly suite! to the achie,ement of each project2s o"jecti,es*

    ad7antage by design@ad7antage%IF tel G.. (A)#A 1!.. !0#A


  • 8/10/2019 Children's Voices in Our Neighbourhoods - Community Insights @ Trinity Centre (Dalston)


    More in!o on rinit# Centre ()alston*

    Centre Acti-ities

    There are lots of acti,ities happening at the Centre on each !ay oft the wee$*

    If you are loo$ing for a space to hire ,isit our 8enue #ire page

    8isit our Acti,ity page for a range of chil!ren an! family acti,ities

    ee! chil! care or training in chil!care 8isit our 3er,ices page

    8isit our we"site or call us to!ay: thetrinitycentre!alston*org*u$


    Incum"ent 8icar PAR9C#IA Church Council (PCC)

    Church ar!ens

    Directors . anagement Committee

    Flenis 9/Connor Chair

    loy! =rench Treasurer

    %ary 4ec$les 3ecretary

    Da,e 3aun!ers (till =e" &')

    Carlos Remotti>4reton

    Collin Da,is

    Lulitt Futil$in

    Contact "etails

    The Trinity Centre4eechwoo! Roa!on!on

    LJ +DM

    0e!' www*thetrinitycentre!alston*org*u$1mail'tc!alston@thetrinitycentre!alston*org*u$

    Tel''&' .&0 -'- 2ailway' on!on 9,ergroun! to Dalston Bunction3a''&' .&0 -'- 4us' JJ &+ && 0 .- -. 5- +J