Organizing Your Chemistry Laboratory Notebook Developed By: Gabriel Chavez (Learning Assistant) SSC Coordinator/Activity Director: Lilit Haroyan SSC Advisor/Faculty: Dr. Mike Fenton Technical Support: Hagop Hadjinian Funded by: Title V HSI ISSA, Department of Education Sources: Google, Chemistry Lab Manual Provided by Physical Science Department

Chemistry Lab Notebook

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Page 1: Chemistry Lab Notebook

Organizing Your Chemistry Laboratory Notebook

Developed By:

Gabriel Chavez

(Learning Assistant)

SSC Coordinator/Activity Director: Lilit Haroyan SSC Advisor/Faculty: Dr. Mike Fenton Technical Support: Hagop Hadjinian

Funded by: Title V HSI ISSA, Department of Education Sources: Google, Chemistry Lab Manual Provided by Physical Science Department

Page 2: Chemistry Lab Notebook

Title Page

Course: Section Number: Semester: Instructors Name: Your Name: Locker Number:

All data should be

in INK

Lab Notebook will Begin with a Title Page

Page 3: Chemistry Lab Notebook


Experiment Pg # 1: Title of Experiment…1 2: Title of Experiment…2-3

Copy all the index as it is in your Lab


2nd Page is the Index for the Lab

Page 4: Chemistry Lab Notebook

Laboratory Text Title, Author, Publisher,



3rd Page Bibliography

Page 5: Chemistry Lab Notebook

Page # Date

Title: Purpose: Procedure: Data / Observations: Results: Conclusion:

After this page the rest of the

experiments will have the same


Make sure you date every


Don’t forget to include


This will be your first Lab Recording

Page 6: Chemistry Lab Notebook

Important Always write down the tools used to perform the experiment(ex. Glassware) If you have a hard time remembering the tools you should draw them.

Important Write down a summarized procedure to help you during your lab exams. Once you receive your graded lab, you should go into your lab notebook and make the appropriate corrections.

Left Side Designed for

Notes and Calculations

Right Side Designed for Lab

Experiment Procedures and


Always Remember

Page 7: Chemistry Lab Notebook

There will be more items listed on your

inventory. Make sure to include them.

Learn the Glassware List

Page 8: Chemistry Lab Notebook

2nd Read Labs before Class and Follow

Procedures. Watch any Videos that

relate to the Lab.

4th Memorize all tools used

in Experiments Finally remember that your exam’s

grade will reflect the work you put into the Lab Notebook

1stOrganize your Lab

Notebook. 3rd Date every Experiment.

Tips to a Successful Lab