“Chart of Russia and MH-17 Malasyian Plane disaster “ In continution to my article ” MH-17 Malasyian Plane Disaster link http://www.mundaneastro.org/?p=4977 I have done a short analysis looking at the horoscope of Russia with Virgo Lagna and Capricorn Navamsha of 12 th June 1990 13-45 hrs Russia Moscow and Dasha of Rahu-Mercury-Ketu in operation, it seems that there is a possibility of Russian Rebels in Ukraine involved in the shooting of the Malasyian Plane MH-17 astrologically as per the planetary positions on the 17th July 2014 . See the chart Below.

“Chart of Russia and MH-17 Malasyian Plane Disaster “by Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

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I have tried to make the analysis by the foundation chart of Russia with Virgo Lagna and capricorn navamsha of 12th June 1990 13-45 hrs. Moscow and Dasha of Rahu-mer-ketu in operation for the MH-17 Plane Disaster . My article "Chart of Russiaand MH-17 Malasyian plane disaster"http://www.mundaneastro.org/?p=5017

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“Chart of Russia and MH-17 Malasyian Plane disaster “In continution to my article  ” MH-17 Malasyian Plane Disaster” link http://www.mundaneastro.org/?p=4977   I have done a short analysis looking at the horoscope of Russia with Virgo Lagna and Capricorn Navamsha of 12th June 1990   13-45 hrs Russia Moscow and Dasha of Rahu-Mercury-Ketu in operation, it seems that there is a possibility of Russian Rebels in Ukraine involved in the shooting of the Malasyian Plane MH-17 astrologically as per the planetary positions on the 17th July 2014  . See the chart Below.

Lagna is Virgo in the nakshatra is chitra and the lord of Chitra Mars is placed in the 7th house of Wars aspected by Retrograde Saturn, making the country war mongering or getting involved in war like situations as per theResearch  paper produced By Mr. K.N Rao .

The country is running the dasha of Rahu-Mercury-Ketu at the time of the MH-17 Malasyian  Plane disaster. Rahu is placed in the 5th house  with its dispositor and the nakshatra lord inconjuction with Rahu in the same house . Saturn is Retrograde and about to fall in Sagitarius on the 21st June 1990.  5th house  signifies morals, immorality,scandles, etc. Crimes according to B.V Raman as it is the 8th from the Karam sthan.  Transit Rahu was also with Saturn in Libra till 14th July 2014 in the airy sign and Natal Satrun was aspecting this conjuction by 10th aspect in Libra. As per Bhav siddhikaal the moment Rahu ingressed in the Lagna it gave the result of the immorality planned by the nation , then Ketu was in the 7th house with Moon the nakshatra Lord of Rahu and the dispositor of Ketu, getting involved in immorality and war like situations for this event.Mercury Antar dasha Lord is the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord and is placed in the 9th house with Sun the 12th lord , in navamsha it is debilitated and as per Rashi Tula navamsha it is placed in the 7th house of Wars , In Transit Mercury is placed in the 10th house with Venus the 9th Lord , Giving power to do the act.As Per my research when ever a malefic transits over the 8th Lord/8th house /navamsha sign of 8th lord / , there is possibility of the Country getting involved in untoward happenings . Ketu has just Transitted over Mars and in navamsha of the foundation chart Mars 8th Lord is with Ketu.In transit Mars has activated the natal Mars for a period of 111 days since Mars was in Lagna since 25th March 2014 in fallen state  and the country also getting involved in the Ukraine Crisis. After 14th July Mars is in the sign of Libra and aspecting Saturn and Rahu in the 5th house triggered the event, natal Mars also aspected the  Transit combination of Mars and Saturn in the 2nd house to activate the event . Natal Saturn also aspected this Transit combination . The country will not come out of war like situations till Dasha of Rahu-Venus till 2017 broadly. Hence as per the above analysis there is possibility of the Russian Rebels in Ukraine taking part in the war like activity of the Disaster of the MH-17 Malasyian Plane disaster  .                                                                                                               Jyotish Acharaya   anil aggarwala 20th July 2014