CHARLES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS...2 Protocol & Etiquette Procedures Manual Table of Contents Charles County Board of Commissioners Terms and Service Responsibilities Mission & Vision

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Page 1: CHARLES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS...2 Protocol & Etiquette Procedures Manual Table of Contents Charles County Board of Commissioners Terms and Service Responsibilities Mission & Vision





Adopted: September 7, 2011

Page 2: CHARLES COUNTY COMMISSIONERS...2 Protocol & Etiquette Procedures Manual Table of Contents Charles County Board of Commissioners Terms and Service Responsibilities Mission & Vision


Protocol & Etiquette Procedures Manual

Table of Contents

Charles County Board of Commissioners

Terms and Service Responsibilities

Mission & Vision Statements

Approval of/Amendments to the Manual



Protocol and Etiquette Defined

Operating Protocol - Board of County Commissioners

Awards/Recognition Items Protocol

Procedures for Document Requests & Awards

County Officials Ranking

Honorifics and Titles for Officials

Order of Precedence for County-Sponsored Events

Programs for County-Sponsored Events

Flag Etiquette

Appendix A – Public Forum Guidelines

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Charles County is governed by a board of five County Commissioners who are elected at-large

to four-year terms. The Charles County Commissioners are responsible for: raising revenues to

fund the capital and operating budgets of County departments and agencies; providing for the

public health, safety, and welfare of County residents; adopting and updating the Land Use Plan

and Zoning Ordinance and overseeing the development process; establishing, promulgating, and

enforcing County rules, regulations, ordinances, policies, and procedures; appointing boards,

commissions, and task forces to advise them and make recommendations; and fulfilling the

mission of Charles County Government and serving on various board and councils in the

County, region, and State.


The mission of Charles County Government is to provide our citizens the highest quality service

possible in a timely, efficient, and courteous manner. To achieve this goal, our government must

be operated in an open and accessible atmosphere, be based on comprehensive long- and short-

term planning, and have an appropriate managerial organization tempered by fiscal



Charles County is a place where all people thrive and businesses grow and prosper; where the

preservation of our heritage and environment is paramount; where government services to its

citizens are provided at the highest level of excellence; and where the quality of life is the best in

the nation.

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Approval of/Amendments to the Protocol Procedures Manual

The first edition of this document was authored by the Clerk to the County Commissioners,

reviewed for legal sufficiency and format by the County Attorney, and approved by the Board of

Charles County Commissioners. This Manual may be amended or modified only by the

direction and vote of the Board of Charles County Commissioners.

Approved this 7th

day of September, 2011.



Candice Quinn Kelly, President

Reuben B. Collins, II, Esq., Vice President

Ken Robinson

Debra M. Davis, Esq.

Bobby Rucci

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This manual has been designed to provide a guide on the basics of proper protocol and etiquette

to the Board of County Commissioners and Charles County Government staff, and to help

master the basics of official/diplomatic protocol.

The manual outlines operating protocol for the Charles County Board of Commissioners’ for the

purpose of enhancing teamwork among members of the Board, Administrative/Management

Team and staff, outlines the steps involved in receiving, and presenting dignitaries and other

officials. Also, it will list the order of seniority of County officials, and how they should be

greeted, presented etc. …….. With practice, protocol and etiquette will not be difficult, but will

be instead a natural, courteous way to properly greet and entertain visitors and colleagues.

The rules and processes of official/diplomatic protocol are based in pragmatic thinking, common

sense, and good manners.

Adopted protocol makes the job of representing our County easier by facilitating our work as a

team, making our relationships and interactions with others more predictable, and by providing a

basic social framework and hierarchy to follow.


The term "protocol" comes from the Greek and means "first glue". It may be said that protocol is

the "glue" that holds official life in our society together. By definition, protocol generally refers

to customs and rules of politeness and courtesy between individuals and society. That is, the

rules of official and social behavior. For government, nations and provinces, protocol is a system

of conventions, procedures and symbols which express their identity and facilitate relationship

between them. In short, protocol is a set of formal rules describing how to deal with officials and

official business.

It would be impossible to cite every rule governing every situation. The following suggestions

are basic. Always apply common courtesy and you will never go wrong in those situations not

covered in this manual.


Government protocol covers such areas as official visits procedures, symbols (flags and other

visual emblems, anthems, uniforms), forms of address (written and verbal), tables of precedence,

ceremonies, guidelines for hospitality, and seating-plans, gifts and dress codes.

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Etiquette is the body of manners and forms prescribed by custom, usage, or authority. It is

accepted as correct behavior when people deal with one another. Etiquette preserves respect for

the rights and dignities of others. In short, etiquette is good manners. Today, many of the old

established customs are blended with less restricted ways of life—of entertaining with little or no

help, in communicating with others, and in coping with everyday problems that once were

handled by a staff.

As with any rule of the road, a charted course will get you to a specific place at a given time for a

certain occasion. Proper etiquette is not artificial. It is a practical set of rules. When learned,

these rules save time that would be wasted in deciding what is proper.

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For the purpose of enhancing teamwork among members of the Board,

Administrative/Management Team and staff, as members of the Charles County Board of

Commissioners, we publicly commit ourselves collectively and individually to the following

goals with respect to operating protocol:

1. To make decisions based on what is best for citizens of the County.

2. To operate with honesty, insight and integrity.

3. To set clear goals for ourselves.

4. To communicate accurate and complete information at all times.

5. To encourage and welcome communications between staff, the Board, and the community.

6. To agree to follow the chain of command and insist that others do also and to refer inquiries to

the appropriate person and process to resolve concerns.

7. To agree, in addition to following established protocol, to adhere to adopted Charles County

Government Standard Operating Procedures.

8. To understand, in accordance with law, that the Board has authority as a collective body

which, by majority vote, makes policy decisions and directs staff action. Further, that individual

board members do not have authority to make policy decisions; only the Board as a whole has

such authority, with the understanding that the Board President will communicate the position(s)

of the Board on controversial issues.

9. To agree to debate issues with care and to respect other members point of view while keeping

board meetings efficient and effective.

10. To agree to ask the Board President to place an item on the agenda instead of bringing it up

unexpectedly at the meeting, ultimately keeping surprises to other board members as the

exception, not the rule.

11. To recognize that our primary duties are providing for the public health, safety, and welfare

of County residents by establishing, promulgating, and enforcing County rules, regulations,

ordinances, policies, and procedures.

12. To understand that Executive Sessions will be held only for a legally permissible reason and

to maintain the confidentiality that is required for any discussion held in Executive Session.

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Designation of the Board Vice-President

The County Board shall elect a Board Vice President at the first meeting of the newly seated

Board of Commissioners. The Vice President shall serve in this capacity for the term of the

Commissioners (4 years).

Regular Meetings

As a general rule, the Board shall hold regular meetings on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Regular

Tuesday meetings shall commence at 9:00 am in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room at

the Charles County Government Building, 200 Baltimore Street, La Plata, Maryland. Regular

Wednesday meetings shall commence at 2:00 pm in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room

at the Charles County Government Building, 200 Baltimore Street, La Plata, Maryland. The

meeting conclusion time shall be based upon the completion of County business scheduled.

Regular meeting agendas are available each Thursday at 12:00 p.m. on the County’s website on

BoardDocs – the Commissioners’ e-governance program, and on the bulletin board located at the

entrance of the Charles County Government Building. Meeting notices are also provided to the

Maryland Independent by the County’s Public Information Officer.

The meeting time, date or venue is subject to change.

Special Meetings

The Board may call special meetings. Such meetings shall be called with as much advance notice

as is feasible, based upon the subject matter of the special meeting, to all available Board

members, members of the news media, and the general public. If time will allow, published

notice in the Maryland Independent newspaper shall be given to the public. Special meetings

will also be posted on the County’s website on BoardDocs – the Commissioners’ e-governance

program, and on the bulletin board located at the entrance of the Charles County Government


Special meeting notices shall specify: (1) the specific item or items to be considered at the

special meeting, and (2) the date, time, and place of the meeting. Special meetings of the County

shall be held in the Commissioners’ Meeting Room, unless the Board has determined that other

facilities are to be used.

All specials meetings of the Board shall be limited to the specific item or items set forth in the


Presiding Officer, Roll Call

The Board President, or in the Board President’s absence, the Vice President of the Board shall

take the chair at the time appointed for the meeting and call the Board to order. The Board

President or Vice President calling the meeting to order shall be the Presiding Officer for the

balance of the meeting.


A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

The Board President shall be a member of the Board, and shall have the right to vote on all

matters coming before it, but shall have no veto power.

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Public Forum

The Board may designate time once per month for a public forum. Members of the public

wishing to address the Board may do so at this time. The Board shall follow the established

Public Forum Guidelines (included in this Manual as Exhibit A for reference).

The Board President is responsible for limiting the amount of time for each member of the public

wishing to speak. In the event there are more members of the public wishing to speak than the

time allotted allows for, the Board President may amend the agenda to include extended public


Agenda Preparation Process

The Board President conducts a weekly agenda meeting with the Clerk, County Administrator,

and Commissioners’ Office Administrator to set the Commissioners’ weekly agendas.

Commissioner agendas are prepared primarily to accomplish the Commissioners’ responsibility

to fund the capital and operating budgets of County departments and agencies, provide for the

public health, safety, and welfare of County residents, adopt and update the Land Use Plan and

Zoning Ordinance, and oversee the development process and is driven by the Board’s adopted

Goals & Objectives. County departments or organizations request Commissioner Agenda time

by completing an Internal or External Agenda Request Form which provides the nature of the

request, any fiscal impact to the County, and other pertinent information related to the matter.

All Agenda Request Forms are presented to the Board President at this weekly agenda meeting

for direction and approval to schedule such items on Commissioners’ agendas. Commissioners

should submit all agenda requests to the Commissioner President. The Commissioner President

will provide the County Administrator and Clerk with the direction to schedule items requested

by Commissioners. Upon approval, the Clerk shall schedule the approved items on an upcoming

Commissioner agenda.

Written agendas shall be prepared in advance of all board meetings by the Clerk and shall place

Call to Order as Item No. 1; and thereafter other items of business in the order of presentation

which the Board President deems best or as directed by the Board of Commissioners. Each

weekly agenda will include a ―New Business‖ category in the event a Commissioner or

Commissioners needs to make the Board aware of a new item of business.

Draft Agendas

The Clerk will release draft agendas two weeks in advance to the Commissioners and internal

staff. This provides the Commissioners with an opportunity to review upcoming agendas and

express any questions or concerns to the Board President prior to agendas becoming final.

Agenda Publication

Commissioner agendas are posted on the County’s website in the BoardDocs application at

12:00 p.m. the Thursday immediately preceding the next Commissioners meeting. Agendas are

also posted on the County Government bulletin board located in the atrium of the County

Government Building, and provided to the Maryland Independent by the County’s Public

Information Officer. Agenda item information is also published in BoardDocs at this time and is

available for the Commissioners’ meeting preparation. It is the responsibility of each

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Commissioner to prepare for meetings and to review the agenda and agenda item information

published in BoardDocs.

Agenda is Public

Any member of the public or the news media requesting copies of any regular or special meeting

agenda shall be provided the same pursuant to the provisions of the Maryland Annotated Code.

Discussion and Debate

The Board generally follows Robert's Rules of Order as a guide for open and efficient conduct of

Board debate or procedure of business in cases which they are applicable, and in which they not

inconsistent with State Statute or the Standing Rules of the Board.

a) No ordinary motion shall be debated, or put, unless the same is seconded by a board

member. The President shall restate any motion if requested to do so by a member of

the Board of Commissioners. Items on the agenda may be debated and/or discussed

prior to the submission of an ordinary motion. The withdrawal of either the motion or

the second to a motion shall terminate debate on the motion.

b) When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received other than the

following privileged motions: a) to lay on the table; b) to divide the question; c) to

postpone indefinitely; d) to postpone to a certain day; e) to refer; f) to adjourn. The

privileged motion shall have precedence in the order in which they are arranged. All

privileged questions shall be decided immediately without debate. A Board member

may make a negative motion to defeat a resolution or ordinance. This "objection to the

consideration" of the matter is considered a privileged motion and requires a second,

and must pass by a simple majority. If no motion is made on an item, the matter

automatically dies or does not pass.


When a question is put by the President, every member present shall vote; unless the Board, for

special reason, shall excuse a member prior to the calling of the roll or a legal conflict of interest

prohibits a member voting. Any member, who being present when his or her name is called fails

to vote upon any then pending proposition, unless previously excused by the Board, shall be

counted as having voted in the positive. In all cases, the call of the roll shall be alphabetically by

the family surname of each Board member except that the Chairman or Presiding Office shall

vote last.

Calling Vote

The ayes and nays shall be called upon the passage of agenda items. Unless a member requests,

other items will be by voice vote. When a vote is called for and a Board member is silent, the

Board member will be recorded as voting in the affirmative on the question. A member may

demand a roll call vote at any time prior to the assumption of other business.

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The Clerk shall prepare written copies of the minutes of the preceding meeting of the Board of

Commissioners and distribute them to its members no later than two (2) weeks following a

meeting. A copy of all approved minutes shall be available in the Office of the Clerk and on

BoardDocs for examination by members of the public. Upon the appearance of a quorum at a

Commissioners Board Meeting, the Board President shall inquire of the Board whether they wish

to approve, disapprove, or amend the minutes of a previous meeting of the Board of

Commissioners as prepared by the Clerk.

Any mistake or omission in the minutes may then be corrected by the Board.

Commissioner’s Role as a Liaison (Committee Assignments) The County Board shall select their committee assignments annually at the first meeting of each

calendar year. Commissioners shall serve as a liaison on their assigned committees. This means

that Commissioners attend meetings as a representative of the Board of Commissioners. Some

assignments that Commissioners are selected for require a Commissioner to actually cast a vote.

In these situations Commissioners are responsible for obtaining background information and the

necessary data above and beyond what the particular board to which he or she is assigned might

provide. The Commissioner must take steps in order to make a sound decision and place a

proper vote on behalf of the County. County staff can be utilized as well as the County

Attorney’s Office in the event a Commissioner requires additional information or guidance.

Other assignments are strictly informational in nature and the Commissioner attends the meeting

in order to obtain information for the Board of Commissioners and to ensure that the County has

a presence. Many assignments of this nature have ―County staff‖ back-up who attend in the

absence of a Commissioner.

Commissioners are expected to report monthly on the various boards and committees to which

they are assigned as a County liaison for the purpose of updating all Commissioners. Except

where a Commissioner is a voting member of the Board, and therefore must cast votes and

deliberate on board or committee business, all other positions are simply liaison and carry with

them no real authority or obligation other than to ensure that fellow commissioners are


Media Policies Role of Public Information Officer (PIO)

The Public Information Officer (PIO) works for the citizens of the County with an established

role to communicate information in the most efficient, clear and honest way possible to the

citizens and other users. The PIO writes press releases and communicate all important

information and news. The role of the PIO does not include providing speeches, public relation

materials and/or support of any kind for individual Commissioners. The PIO serves as the

spokesperson for the County and for the Board and not for individual Commissioners.

Commissioner Meetings and Events

When Commissioner Board Meetings are held or when Commissioner Board-sanctioned formal

events take place, the Public Information Officer may provide background information for all

Board members, to include details on specific issues. The PIO and/or County staff shall provide

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information, talking points, back-up support and the like for individual Commissioner meetings

and/or events only for those meetings and events in which Commissioner(s) are invited in the

official capacity of County Commissioner. It is the responsibility for Commissioners to prepare

for their individual meetings.

County Government Staff Support to Commissioners

Unless directly related to the Goals and Objectives adopted by the County Commissioners, and

approved by a majority vote of the Commissioners, when individual Commissioners require

support from staff to address issues or to assist with problem solving, meetings should be

scheduled during regular business hours with staff and citizens, as necessary, at the County

Government Building. These meetings shall be scheduled in accordance with the Charles

County Government adopted Standard Operating Procedure which relates to staff not being

diverted to outside events and that they not accept invitations to speak and attend outside

meetings. Commissioners are encouraged to attend meetings in their districts and address their


Constituent Concerns/Meetings

The Commissioners shall make a good faith effort to direct constituent concerns/meeting

requests to the constituent’s District Commissioner first, as a courtesy to fellow board members.

As customer/constituent service is always paramount, if a constituent insists on meeting with a

particular Commissioner, the Commissioner shall honor that request and make the District

Commissioner aware of the meeting and nature thereof as normal Board protocol.

Political Involvement/Activities

The Commissioners recognize that the proper operation of democratic government requires that

elected officials, employees and volunteers of local government be independent, impartial and

responsible to the people; that governmental decisions and policy be made in proper channels of

the governmental structure; that public office or the pursuit of public office not be used for

personal gains; and that the public have confidence in the integrity of government. Therefore,

the Commissioners will refrain from involving County Government staff in any personal

political activity, including, but not limited to: preparing for, organizing or participating in any

political meeting, political rally, political demonstration or other political event which promotes

an individual elected official.

Suspension or Amendment of Rules

No rule of the Board shall be suspended, altered, or rescinded except upon the affirmation vote

of three members of the Board.

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Awards/Recognition Items Protocol

Proclamation: A proclamation designates a specific day, week or year in honor of an individual, group, event or

purpose. Proclamations should be reserved for the most significant of occasions. Each year,

events of national importance are designated by federal, state and county proclamations. These

include Women's History Month, Black History Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Red

Cross Month, among others.

Certificates of Appreciation/Recognition/Congratulations/Retirement:

These Certificates are given to organizations or individuals: 1) to express the appreciation of the

community for an extraordinary service rendered or a noteworthy contribution to the

improvement of local life (whether social, cultural, economic, an act of selfless dedication or

other), or 2) to recognize a birthday, anniversary, family reunion or any other occasion where

celebrations of landmark significance unite local citizens and visitors alike in bonds of social


Certificates are given by the Commissioners to organizations and individuals who are being

recognized by the Commissioners. From time to time individual Commissioners may wish to

recognize groups or individuals and, in these instances, it is acceptable for Certificates to be

prepared and presented by an individual Commissioner.

Citations – Heroism/Milestone Birthdays/County Government Retirements:

An extraordinary act of valor or heroism may be recognized by a special Citation. Individuals

celebrating milestone birthdays (100), and Charles County Government employees retiring will

also be recognized with a Citation.

Offer of Sympathy/Condolences: These documents are prepared for presentation to bereaved families on behalf of the community

for fallen officers of the law, individuals who left an indelible mark on the fabric of this

community, victims of tragedy, military and/ or others.

Distinguished Visitor Certificate: Distinguished Visitor Certificates officially welcome and recognize visiting dignitaries of

national and international stature to enhance bonds of cooperation between our respective


Souvenirs: These are keepsakes and mementos representing Charles County. Items such as, lapel pins, tie

clips, pens, pencils, ties, scarves, etc., are available for Commissioners to present to visitors and

citizens. These items are all emblazoned with the County seal.

County Flags:

Upon notification of the death of a Charles County Government Employee, and at the discretion

of the President of the Board of County Commissioners, an official Charles County flag shall be

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hoisted to the peak of the flag staff and lowered. The flag will then be encased and presented to

the family of the deceased.

Sympathy/Get Well/Thinking of You/Thank You Cards

Commissioners may also send sympathy, get well, thinking of you or thank you greeting cards as

they deem necessary or appropriate.

Protocol for Document Requests and Awards Commissioners wishing to obtain an official document or award for presentation should provide

Commissioner staff with the document or award request, to whom and when the presentation

will be made, the purpose of the presentation, and the name, e-mail address and phone numbers

of a contact person in the event further research is required. The requesting Commissioner

should also advise staff how the document is to be delivered (i.e. presentation by a

Commissioner, pick-up, mail etc.). The staff will determine what kind of document will be

prepared pursuant to the guidelines listed above.

Community members and/or constituents may also request Commissioner-recognition items via

Commissioners’ staff.

Staff shall notify and receive the approval of the Commissioners for ALL recognition items and

awards requested for the full Board of Commissioners. Upon receipt of such approval, staff will

prepare the recognition item or award.

From time to time, individual Commissioners may wish to recognize groups, or individuals

being recognized by a group, or individuals. In these instances, it is acceptable for Certificates to

be prepared and presented by an individual Commissioner without approval of the Commissioner


Multiple signatures on documents: With documents requiring the signature of numerous members of the Commission, staff shall

follow the standard operating procedure for automated signatures.

Note of no exceptions: Absolutely no declared candidate for political office will receive an official document of any

type. This will avoid the impression of an official Charles County endorsement of this individual

and the possibility of a member of the County Commission being accused of impropriety.

Under this same rule, no County employees shall be recognized with an official document for

completing the duties bestowed upon them on their job description. County employees who are

retiring after many years of devoted service to this community are eligible for Citations. Those

who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to save a life or contribute to this community

in an exemplary manner are eligible for Citations, and also those County employees who have

done exceedingly well as members of organizations and associations outside of their County

responsibilities can also be eligible Certificates of Appreciations.

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County Elected Officials Rankings

Charles County’s protocol order of precedence reflects the County’s general order of seniority

and responsibility in receiving dignitaries/officials.

The President of the Charles County Board of Commissioners is the official County host. The

Vice-President becomes the official County host should the President not be available. In the

absence of the President or Vice–President should these respective offices deem another

Commissioner or County official/department more appropriate to handle such a request, such

request will be designated to that Commissioner or County official. However, whichever district

the dignitary/official will be visiting, the Commissioner of the district must be invited.

In addition to the President, Commissioners, County officials or departments with

responsibilities related to the functions of the visiting dignitary/official should be invited to meet

and greet that dignitary/official. As a guide following there is a list of the County’s top officials.

Order of Precedence

Charles County Board of Commissioners

Candice Quinn Kelly, President At-Large

Reuben B. Collins, II, Esq., Vice President District 3

Ken Robinson District 1

Debra M. Davis, Esq. District 2

Bobby Rucci District 4

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Honorifics and Titles for Officials

The proper use of honorifics such as ―The Honorable‖ and of titles such as ―Council Member,‖

facilitates observing the desired decorum in official life. Rules that are appropriate at the federal

level may be deemed inappropriate as the local level. Charles County, for example, extends the

courtesy title of ―The Honorable‖ to all elected officials, although aware that at the federal level

this honorific is not extended to county or to city officials other than the Mayor. What follows,

then, is Charles County’s guidelines for honorifics and titles used for elected, appointed and

religious officials, with a special section on gender-free usage.

Use of “The Honorable” for Elected Officials Charles County shall extend the courtesy title, ―The Honorable,‖ to all elected officials.

―The Honorable‖ will be used in addressing, orally and in writing, elected officials at the federal,

state, county and city levels.

In extending the honorific to elected officials, Charles County includes those from other

countries who are not addressed otherwise.

―The Honorable‖ is preferred throughout the United States, in stark contrast to honorifics such as

―The Right Honorable‖ in the British Commonwealth and ―Excellency‖ used in other countries.

This honorific may be used to address any ranking foreign officials who are not entitled to be

addressed as ―Excellency‖ in their respective countries. When high-ranking officials are

expected, the County’s designated representative shall study the country’s protocol and secure

information developed by the U.S. Department of State to determine whether they should be

addressed as ―His Excellency,‖ ―Her Excellency‖ or, simply, ―Excellency.‖

High-ranking Presidential appointees in office or retired, such as Members of the U.S. Cabinet,

also are addressed as ―The Honorable.‖

―The Honorable‖ may be used to address the Governor of the State of Maryland, but not other

appointed officials at the state, county or city levels.

County staff members should not be addressed as ―The Honorable,‖ unless they also hold elected


Members of County/City Boards and Commissions should not be addressed as ―The Honorable,‖

unless they also hold elected offices.

An elected official should never use ―The Honorable‖ to refer to himself or herself, orally, in

writing or on letterhead.

Use of “Honorable” with Names, Not Titles ―The Honorable‖ should be used before an elected official's name, not title. ―The Honorable‖

may be used to address former elected officials, though without their former titles.

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Honorifics and Titles for Members of the Charles County Board of Commissioners

The President and Board Members may be addressed as follows:

In Introductions:

The Honorable (FULL NAME), Charles County Commissioner, District X

Charles County Commissioner (FULL NAME)

At Meetings, Forums and Hearings:

Mr. Commissioner or Madam Commissioner (FORMAL USAGE)

Commissioner (SURNAME), (INFORMAL USAGE) Commissioner (INFORMAL USAGE)

When addressing Commission members in public, even friends on a first-name basis should use

the appropriate titles to demonstrate respect for the office and should use ―Commissioner‖ rather

than Mr., Mrs., or Ms. In self-introductions Commission Members should state simply, ―I’m

(FULL NAME), Charles County Commissioner,‖ rather than using language such as, ―I’m

Commissioner (FULL NAME).‖

Use of Honorifics and Titles in Public:

When addressing each other and participants at public functions, elected officials should reflect

the same level of formality and respect that they expect directed to them. By using titles and

surnames to refer to each other and to participants, they set the tone and level of formality not

only for participants, but also for observers. They should not refer to each other by first names or

by surnames preceded by ―Mr.,‖ ―Mrs.,‖ ―Miss‖ or Ms.‖ instead of by their titles.

Example of proper usage:

Commissioner (SURNAME)

Example of improper usage:


When addressing elected officials orally at meetings, hearings, forums or similar

activities, participants should use their titles and names, but not ―The Honorable.‖

Examples of correct usage:

―Good afternoon, Mr.\ Madam Mayor and Commissioner‖

―Good morning, Mayor (SURNAME) and Commissioner‖ ―Yes, Sir.‖ or ―Yes,


Examples of incorrect usage:

―Good afternoon, Honorable Mayor and Commissioner…‖

―Good morning, Honorable Mayor (SURNAME) and Commissioner…‖

―Good evening, Mrs. (SURNAME), Mr. (SURNAME), Miss (SURNAME) and Ms.

(SURNAME). ―Yes, Madam.‖ or ―No, Mister.‖

Gender-Free Language When addressing elected officials, appointed officials, staff members or participants at County-

sponsored events or referring to them in writing, gender-free language should be used. ―Lady‖

should not be used before a title, such as ―Lady Mayor‖ or ―Lady Commissioner.‖

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Gender-free titles should be used, such as Mayor, Commissioner, Firefighter, Police Officer.

Women should not be referred to by their first names while men of similar elected or

professional status are referred to by their titles and surnames.

Generally, men and women should be treated with equal respect and professionalism, including

using gender-free language and avoiding sexist nonverbal behaviors such as winking at women.

Honorifics and Titles for Religious Leaders Religious leaders do not use ―The Honorable‖ with their names and titles. Preferred honorifics

for numerous religions are listed in many protocol, etiquette and business communication books,

as well as in books about the rich variety of organized religions. Some Roman Catholic officials

use ―His Excellency.‖

The City’s designated representative should ensure correct usage of titles such as ―Brother,‖

―Father,‖ ―Monsignor,‖ ―Pastor,‖ ―Rabbi,‖ ―Reverend,‖ ―Sister,‖ etc.

Correct Usage in Correspondence When addressing business and social correspondence for elected officials, ―The Honorable‖

should be spelled-out and placed on the line before the official’s name. The title should be on

the second line and the spouse’s name on the next line, indented.

Examples of correct usage:

The Honorable (FULL NAME) Mayor Miami-Dade County (ADDRESS)

The Honorable (FULL NAME) Miami-Dade County Commissioner, District X


Examples of incorrect usage:



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Order of Precedence for County-Sponsored Events

Charles County sponsors countless meetings, ceremonies and activities throughout the year.

Questions ranging from the order of introductions to the content of the program typically are raised

and too often are answered with conflicting information. To enhance efficiency in planning and to

promote decorum, the guidelines below define the order of precedence for typical programs at

County-sponsored events; while the next section focuses on the program content, with a special sub-

section for program participants, including the master of ceremonies. The narrative is presented in a

script format that is adaptable for the occasion, persons and purposes at hand.

County Hosts At County-sponsored ceremonies such as ribbon-cuttings and groundbreakings, the Members of

the Board of County Commissioners may be introduced as hosts before observing the traditional

Protocol Order of Precedence.

In such cases introductory statements such as the following should be made:

• ―Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome our hosts for Charles County,

• The Honorable (FULL NAME), President, Board of the Charles County Commissioners.‖

• ―The Charles County Commissioner who represents District X in which we celebrate this

(EVENT) today, the Honorable (FULL NAME).‖

In order of their Districts, among the colleagues on the Board of County Commissioners.

• ―The Honorable (NAME), Charles County Commissioner, representing District X.‖

• ―The Honorable (NAME), Charles County Commissioner, representing District X.‖


The traditional Protocol Order of Precedence then will be observed, beginning with the highest-

ranking elected official present.

County staff members may be introduced in the following order with language such as,

―The Charles County staff is largely responsible for our success, especially, ―The County

Administrator, (FULL NAME). ―The Director of (DEPARTMENT NAME), (FULL NAME).




Members, County Boards and Commission Members of County Boards and Commissions may

be introduced, especially if their duties are related directly to the ceremony at hand.

The Library Board, for example, could be introduced at the opening of a County Public Library,

but not necessarily a groundbreaking for a park. When Board or Commission members are

introduced because their duties are related to the ceremony at hand, they should be introduced

after County Commissioners. The Chairs of Boards or Commissions should be introduced first,

and then their respective members in either seniority or district order.

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Community Leaders When appropriate, introduce community leaders such as the following:

• The Chair of the Board of Directors of the Charles County Chamber of Commerce, (FULL


• The President of the Charles County Chamber of Commerce, (FULL NAME).

• The President of the College of Southern Maryland, (FULL NAME).

• The Superintendent of Charles County Public Schools, (FULL NAME).





Project Participants It is appropriate to introduce architects, artists, contractors, designers, engineers and others who

played major roles in developing the project related to the ceremony at hand.

Attendance and correct names and titles should be confirmed in advance to avoid offending


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Programs for County-Sponsored Events

Programs sponsored by the Charles County Commissioners reflect different purposes and

participants, but typically require similar elements and participatory roles. Related to the preceding

section, ―Order of Precedence at Commissioner-Sponsored Events,‖ this section offers an overview

of typical program content and participants.

Presented in a format that can be adapted easily for varied events, it includes standard pre-program

announcements; describes the responsibilities of speakers and presenters; identifies courtesies that

should be extended to principles such as the keynote speaker; offers specific precautions that

preclude common minor but embarrassing problems; and reviews the importance of decorum,

including for Charles County personnel who are present but are not program participants. It also

highlights the role and responsibilities of the master of ceremonies, for his or her performance are

critical to any program’s success and enjoyment.

Organizers and planners who adapt this format should consider variables such as the weather and

seating arrangements in determining the ideal program length and time limits for speakers and

presenters. If the audience is standing outdoors in inclement weather, for example, the program

should be brief and time limits implemented.

Pre-Program Announcements At least five, then two, minutes before the program begins, an unseen announcer should announce

from afar the starting time with language such as,

• ―Ladies and gentlemen, the program will begin in five minutes. Please be seated.‖ (DO NOT SAY,


Three minutes later, the unseen announcer should state from afar,

• ―Ladies and gentlemen, the program will begin in two minutes. Please be seated.‖

When the master of ceremonies is ready to begin, the unseen announcer should state from afar,

• ―Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your master of ceremonies, (FULL NAME AND TITLE).‖

If this is handled properly, the master of ceremonies will not have to waste time trying to get the

audience’s attention and/or start on a negative note. When introduced in this style, the master of

ceremonies will not have to begin with a self-introduction.

―Master of Ceremonies‖ should be used for men and for women, rather than using ―Mistress of

Ceremonies‖ for women.

Program Format Call to Order (MASTER OF CEREMONIES)


Presentation of Colors, (COUNTY HONOR GUARD)

National Anthem and/or Pledge of Allegiance Welcome and Opening Remarks Commissioner

President, Commissioners (OR DESIGNEE)

Introduction of Honored Guests (MASTER OF CEREMONIES)

Speeches and Presentations (GUEST SPEAKERS)

Special Activities (COUNTY’S DESIGNEES)


Concluding Remarks (MASTER OF CEREMONIES)

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Program Participants Master of Ceremonies

Likely candidates to be master of ceremonies or to make presentations at County-sponsored

events include the following elected officials in the designated order: Charles County

Commissioner President, Charles County Board of County Commissioners, Charles County

Commissioner in whose district the event is held, Charles County Commissioner most involved

in the project, type of activity, issue and/or celebration at hand, Charles County Commissioner


If a County staff member is to serve as Master of Ceremonies, candidates should be considered

in the following order: County Administrator, County staff member most involved in the project,

type of activity, issue and/or celebration at hand. Selecting a good master of ceremonies is

critical to success, especially because he or she must: Begin, develop and end the program

efficiently, effectively and appropriately while reflecting a professional demeanor as Charles

County’s representative.

Understand and accept the responsibility to begin the program timely, ensure smooth transitions

between speeches and activities, direct the audience to any secondary locations for special

activities such as ribbon-cuttings and conclude the program.

Avoid improper actions such as delivering a series of speeches throughout the program,

providing information that should be articulated by other program participants and/or offering an

egocentric perspective of the program and its participants.

Work within a time frame for the program and ensure that all program participants understand

their purposes and time limits, especially for outdoor ceremonies in inclement weather. The

Public Information Officer (PIO) shall ensure that the script and materials for County

Commissioner-sponsored events are consistent with the County Commissioners’ Protocol &

Etiquette Manual and with the adopted standard operating procedures for the County


Elected and appointed officials shall be introduced in protocol order, with the Commissioner

President and County Commissioners introduced first.

The Public Information Officer (PIO) shall ensure that a current protocol list is developed and

provided for the master of ceremonies at County Commissioner-sponsored events.

Program Participants Program participants must understand their designated purposes and time limits. Those invited

―to say a few words‖ should not upstage principal participants. They should secure approval for

presentation of gifts, plaques, etc., so as to avoid violating ethics codes and/or upstaging

principal participants.

They should not risk offending hosts or honorees with unexpected, perhaps unwelcome,

presentations. Participants must be prepared to shorten their presentations in case of bad weather,

unexpectedly long program, etc.

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Introduction of Speakers The individual making the introductions should not dwell on self, read a boring profile or

oversell the speaker’s ability. They should develop an interesting introduction that is appropriate

for the occasion and audience at hand.

Keynote Speakers Keynote speakers should be given the opportunity to speak first or last. By speaking first, the

keynote speaker is not forced to reorganize their speech in the event another speaker uses their

content. Additionally, by speaking first the keynote speaker avoids an audience that is bored and

tire from listening to too many speakers for too long. By speaking last, the keynote speaker can

build on the success and themes of other speakers. No one should be allowed to upstage the

keynote speaker or honoree.

Precautions The program format and length should be developed in cooperation with visiting dignitaries and

key program participants to preclude offending them with unexpected delays and to honor their


To avoid offending or disappointing the audience by announcing that visiting dignitaries have to

―speak and leave,‖ secure time commitments from them in advance with estimated arrival and

departure times.

When program participants are from out-of-town, consider their travel schedules when planning

the time and length of the program.

Always have ―Plan B‖ ready in case principles are late or fail to honor their commitments.

Guests designated to perform special activities such as ribbon cuttings or ground breakings must

be informed in advance to ensure their presence and preparedness.

Too many speeches and too long a program often doom celebrations, so every effort must be

made to ensure that all participants cooperate, fulfill their duties and do not upstage the keynote

speaker, honoree or other luminaries.

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Everyday Flag Etiquette General Display It is universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on

stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be

displayed twenty-four hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.

1. When displayed either horizontally or

vertically, against a wall, the union should be

uppermost and to the flag’s own right, that is,

to the observer’s left. When displayed in a

window, the flag should be displayed in the

same way, with the union or blue field to the

left of the observer.

No other flag or pennant should be placed

above, or, if on the same level, to the right of

the flag of the United States of America,

except during church services conducted by

naval chaplains at sea… for personnel of the Navy…when the church pennant may be flown

above the flag.

No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag

equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the

United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof;

Provided, that nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice

heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior

prominence or honor, another national flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United


2. When flags of States, Cities, or

localities, or pennants of societies

are flown on the same halyard with

the flag of the United States, the

later should always be at the peak.

3. When the flags are flown from

adjacent staffs, the flag of the United

States should be hoisted first and

lowered last. No such flag or pennant

may be placed above the flag of the

United States or to the United States

flag’s right.

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4. The flag of the United America

when it is displayed with another

flag against a wall from crossed

staffs should be on the right the

flag’s own right, and its staffs.

Should be in from of the staff of

the other Staff.

5. The flag of the United States

of America Should be at the

center and at the highest point of

the group when a number of

flags of States or localities or

pennants of societies, are

grouped and displayed from


6. When flags of two or more nations are

displayed, they are to be flown from

separate staff of the same height. The flags

should be of approximately equal size.

International usage forbids the display of

the flag one nation in time of peace.

7. Churches, Auditoriums

When used on a speaker’s platform, the

flag, if displayed flag above and behind the

speaker. When displayed form staff in a

church or public auditorium , the flag of the

United states of America should hold the

position of superior prominence, in advance

of the audience, and in the position of honor

at the clergyman’s or speaker’s right as he

faces the audience. Any other flag so

displayed should be placed on the left of the

clergyman or speaker at the right of the


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State and Local Flag Display

When the Maryland flag is displayed within the State of Maryland, it should occupy the position

of honor (to the flag's own right, or the observer's left) after the U.S. flag and the flag of any

other nation, and before the flags of other states, Maryland counties and Baltimore City,

municipalities, and public or private organizations. The positions of honor in a display of flags


U.S. flag in the position of highest honor (the observer's extreme left or the highest point

in a grouping of flags)

the flag or flags of other nations ranked in alphabetical order

the Maryland flag

the flags of other states, ranked in an order determined by the respective state's date of

ratification of the U.S. Constitution or date of admission to the Union. In national events

or ceremonies honoring the nation or the U.S. flag, the Maryland flag may occupy the

seventh position among the flags of the states in recognition of its rank as the seventh

state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

the flags of Maryland counties (with Baltimore City being ranked as a county for the

purposes of this protocol), with the host county in the position of honor to the left (the

observer's right) of the Maryland flag, followed by the other county flags ranked in an

order determined by the a county's date of creation.

the flags of Maryland municipalities, and the flags or pennants of public and private

agencies, institutions, and societies ranked in an order determined at the discretion of the

organizers or sponsors of the particular event.

The U. S. flag displayed from a staff either on a speaker's platform or at floor level in a

public auditorium should occupy the position of honor to the speaker's right as the

speaker faces the audience. The Maryland flag displayed from a staff either on a speaker's

platform or on the main floor of a public auditorium should be placed in the second

position of honor to the left (the observer's right) of the U.S. flag. Both the U.S. and the

Maryland flags may be to the speaker's right (the observer's left), or the Maryland flag

(but not the U.S. flag) may be to the speaker's left (observer's right).

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We value your input and look forward to hearing your questions, comments or concerns. Therefore,

to increase accessibility, we have expanded our agenda to include a monthly public forum

opportunity at our regular meetings.

The following guidelines have been established to make the best use of public forum. While offering

a public forum it is important that the Commissioners are still allowed enough time to conduct our

other business.

Any person wishing to speak during the public forum segment must sign the sign-in sheet

upon entering the room. The sign-in sheet is available beginning 30 minutes prior to the start of the

public forum.

Please feel free to speak on any topic affecting Charles County residents.

When your name is called, come to the microphone, be recognized by the Commissioner

President, state your name, and make your comment. Comments should be concise and to the point

and limited to three minutes. The actual time limit will be at the discretion of the Commissioner

President based on the agenda for the evening and the time available.

Making a presentation using slide projectors or overhead projectors is not appropriate for

public forum.

If you believe that your topic requires more time or desire to make a more formal

presentation than is allowed under these guidelines, please contact the Clerk to the County

Commissioners for further information related to the Commissioners’ agendas.

You are free to make your point for all to consider. However, engaging in active debate with

Board or audience members will not be allowed. All comments and questions must be directed at the


Public forum is not to be used as a candidate’s forum.

All remarks must be respectful and courteous, free of name-calling and personal attacks.

Inappropriate language will not be tolerated. Remember that comments presented in a dignified

manner have more credibility.


Comment to the Board does not constitute a formal complaint, is not considered a request for records

under the Public Records Act, and does not require staff response unless directed to do so by Board.

The Board of Commissioners appreciates your cooperation in honoring these guidelines. We look

forward to hearing from you.