Chapter 5 The Weight Management

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Specialist System
And now, it is time to put it all together. Your work will feel like magic to you, because you will witness many transformations. To be successful from the very start, use these session check list sheets with each client. After the first session, continue mastering their journey with them, and as you proceed, you’ll be able to better identify your role in their journey. Each client will present differently to you, so always remain open and ready to provide them with the best service of their lives. Believe in yourself, believe in your coaching, and believe that you can change so many lives. Being a Weight Management Specialist will be one of the most rewarding positions you ever accept in your life.
Chapter 5
Session 1:
The Initial Consultation Check List: (This first session will be your longest session)
Measurements (if client wants them)
Before pictures
Set S.M.A.R.T goals
Review Nutrition: Cut and paste the charts pro- vided in this course to a document that you can give client at your session. Be sure to credit the correct sources that each chart was extrap- olated from to avoid plagiarism. You may put these charts onto your company letterhead pa- per to make your materials look professional
Grocery shopping spree to help client pick out their first week of options (optional)
Introduce the food logging system to them
Be sure to set a date for when you will communicate with them. Coaching ses- sions can be done over the phone or in person. That is your decision.
Chapter 5
Review of the week: the food log, exer- cise, sleep, stress management.
Discuss the good and the bad: eg: unhealthy work lunches, alcohol at a party, poor sleep, fail to plan and pack meals for work, etc.
What did they do to apply their S.M.A.R.T goals this week?
What is their plan for the upcoming week?
You may mention the VO2 Max test in your first session or you can wait a few weeks and integrate it into their things to do later. It is always best to focus on one compo- nent of this course at a time. You want your clients to master what you teach them. If you throw this whole course at them all at once, they will feel overwhelmed. Remember, every client will need something different from your coaching so be sure to dive deep- ly into their goals on that first session. If you take their body composition on the first session, then you will want to re-test body composition at the three month mark. You might be wondering how long each session should last. Usually, sessions run anywhere from thirty minutes to one hour. Some clients will want more than one hour so be clear about what the goals are for each session. Rather than making the sessions exactly the same each week, take notes of the things they told you so that you can have a follow up conversa- tion the following session. If your client struggles one week, open up the line of communi- cation to more than once a week. Touch the client during the week through email, text or phone call. Showing your clients that you care goes such a long way. Remember, they hired you to guide them through a journey that they are struggling in. Your role is to be their big- gest cheerleader and help them realize that they will never fail as long as they have your support and belief in them. You ultimately want them to learn how to believe in themselves so that they don’t forever need your coaching. While you will eventually lose them as a cli- ent, you can rest assure that their success will generate plenty of other referrals for you.
The Weight Management Specialist System
Conclusion Congratulations on your completion of the Weight Management Specialist Manual. Be sure to watch the Weight Management Specialist video that corresponds to this course for more hands on information to all the information provided in this manual. The course also comes with a final exam which I feel confident you will pass as long as you read this man- ual thoroughly. Remember, this is a specialty so with any specialty, you want to know the information so that you prepare yourself to be successful. Being a “specialist” requires you to continue learning about people’s behaviors and needs, and to stay on top of the latest health and fitness news. To be your best, you must take on this role with authority and be- lieve that your assistance can and will restructure the lives of many individuals who really need your commitment as their coach. Be that committed coach, and always reflect on how amazing your assistance is. It is a gift to give someone their life back. You are that gift!
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