CHAPTER 4 FEDERALISTS & REPUBLICANS Section 3: Jefferson in office

CHAPTER 4 FEDERALISTS & REPUBLICANS Section 3: Jefferson in office

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CHAPTER 4FEDERALISTS & REPUBLICANS Section 3: Jefferson in office

Page 2: CHAPTER 4 FEDERALISTS & REPUBLICANS Section 3: Jefferson in office

Adams to Jefferson

Congress passed the Judiciary Act Created 16 new Federal Judges

Who does Adams pick???????????????? Federalists

Became known as the “Midnight Judges”

Jefferson takes Power Repeals the Judiciary Act = did away with

position Refused to deliver one of Adams appointment

lead to Marbury vs. Madison

Page 3: CHAPTER 4 FEDERALISTS & REPUBLICANS Section 3: Jefferson in office

Marbury vs. Madison

Was: A United States Supreme Court Case

Issue: William Marbury was appointed to Justice of the Piece

by Adams but letter was never delivered. Jefferson told James Madison (Chief Justice) not to deliver it. Marbury then field suit against Madison for not sending letter.

Verdict Sided with Madison – Judiciary Act of 1789 was

unconstitutional Request for court order couldn’t go directly to Supreme


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Marbury vs. Madison


Created Judicial Review Power to decide of laws passed by the Congress

were constitutional Made Supreme Court stronger

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The Louisiana Purchase

Jefferson offered to buy New Orleans from France (Napoleon) France needed money – War Debt

U.S. got 828,000 miles of land for $15 million

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The Barbary War Old administration would pay to have pirates

not attack American ships in Mediterranean Jefferson refused to give in

Sent the U.S. Navy

Result Pirates gave up

Importance Marked the 1st time the U.S.Fought a foreign military conflict

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Embargo of 1807 British Navy:

Imprisoned U.S. sailors

To avoid war Jefferson asked congress to impose an

Embargo on England to hurt their economy

Result Alost destroyed American trade Made Jefferson look bad