Chapter 17

Chapter 17

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Chapter 17. What’s going on in the West. Renaissance Reformation Catholic (counter) reformation Scientific Revolution Absolutism Enlightenment Commercial Revolution. Renaissance Changes in Thinking. Humanism Secularism Commercialism Feudalism to centralization Urbanization. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 17

What’s going on in the West

• Renaissance• Reformation• Catholic (counter) reformation• Scientific Revolution• Absolutism• Enlightenment• Commercial Revolution

RenaissanceChanges in Thinking

• Humanism• Secularism• Commercialism• Feudalism to

centralization• Urbanization

Renaissance: People & Events

• Erasmus• Da Vinci• Joan of Arc• Machiavelli

Reformation: Changes in Thinking • Moral supremacy of

priesthood• Decline of papal

authority• Religious division• Growth of secularism

Reformation: People

• John Wycliffe• Jan Huss• Catharine of Sienna• Girolama Savonarola• Martin Luther• Henry VIII• Jean Calvin

Catholic Reformation: Changes in Thinking

• Validity of papal authority• Admission of guilt• Persecution/suppression

of heresy

Catholic Reformation:People & Events

• Pope Paul III• Council of Trent• Jesuits & Ignatius Loyola• Inquisition

Scientific Revolution: Changes in thinking

• View of man in the universe

• Construction of human body

• Secularism

Scientific Revolution

– Nicolas Copernicus– Galileo– Kepler– Newton– Galen– Tycho Brahe – William Harvey

Absolutism: People & Events • Oliver Cromwell & Charles I• Louis XIV & Palace of

Versailles• Maria Theresa (Austria)• Frederick the Great

(Prussia)• Peter the Great (Russia)• 30 Years War & Peace of

Westphalia• English Civil War• War of Austrian Succession• Seven Years War

Enlightenment: Change in Thinking

• Inalienable rights• Separation of power• Civic duty• Social contract

Enlightenment: People

• John Locke• Jean-Jacques Rousseau• Baron de Montesquieu• Thomas Hobbes• Francois Marie Arouet

“Voltaire”• Adam Smith

Commercial Revolution:Changes in thinking

• Inflation (American Silver)• Colonial markets• Commercial farming• Material wealth (5x)• Social unrest

Commercial Revolution: People

• Proletariat: people without access to wealth-producing property