Chapter 14 Athens and Sparta

Chapter 14 Athens and Sparta Chapter 14 Section 1 Political Changes in Greece

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Chapter 14 Athens and Sparta

Chapter 14 Athens and Sparta

Chapter 14 Section 1Political Changes in GreeceAnticipatory SetAs citizens of the United States, we have duties that we are expected to carry out.Voting is one of those dutiesWhat other duties do we have as citizens?

StandardsH-SS 6.4.2Trace the transition from tyranny and oligarchy to early democratic form of government and back to dictatorship in ancient Greece, including the significance of the invention of the idea of citizenship ELA Reading 6.2.2Analyze text that uses the compare-and-contrast organizational patternObjectiveStudents will be able to read and comprehend about different types of rule in ancient Greece, such as oligarchy, tyranny, and democracy.

Language of the DisciplineOligarchyPlutarchPhalanxCitizenTyranny


Ruled by the Few (Input)In the early city-states small groups of powerful aristocrats usually controlled the governmentThis type of government was called an oligarchy or a government in which most political power is held by a small segment of society.Wealthy upper class or powerful military make up this segment

Oligarchies (Input)

Oligarchies (Input)Large landowners held power that changes over timeAs trade and commerce increased, wealthy merchants and artisans joined this classOligarchies were usually headed by leaders of the upper class who made laws to benefit themselvesA law code was written by Draco who wanted harsh punishment for the poor, but Plutarch wrote about these severe laws

The Rise of the Phalanx (Input)Around 670 B.C., a new military formation called the phalanx began to change the ways that Greeks fought warsIn the past wars were fought on horseback, therefore only those who were wealthy enough to afford it became a Greek warriorA phalanx was a formation of heavily armed soldiers who moved together as a unit.

The Rise of the Phalanx (Input)In battle soldiers lined up so close to one another that each mans shield helped protect their neighborNothing could stand in the way of this formationThis was ancient Greeces most powerful fighting forceNow soldiers did not have to buy horses and armor and the middle-class could participateAt the same time ordinary citizens, or members of the state, became aware that they were more important in society and therefore wanted a greater voice in the government

The Rise of the Phalanx (Input)

Tyranny (Input)Strong rulers called tyrants formed another type of government called tyrannies, or governments ruled by a single strong ruler.Tyrants usual ruled with an iron hand and did not let anyone else have a role in the governmentThey were not always bad rulers, but governed fairly and made life better for their peopleTyrannies did not last long because power was not passed to new rulersTyrants could also not keep their promises

Rule by the Many (Input)Some city-states stayed with tyrannyMany other governments moved to rule by the manyWhen the government is ruled by the people it is called a democracyUnder this form of government, large numbers of people began to participate in civic affairs

The Beginnings of Democracy (Input)Athens was the first city-state to use a democratic form of governmentAfter years of unrest Athens found itself in warAristocrats appointed Solon to make changesHe revised the cities code to reduce punishments for crimesHe ended selling poor people into slavery for debtHe granted all male citizens the right to vote for government officialsA stable democracy was formingAfter Solon left office a tyrant took control until they went back to a democracy years later

The Development of Citizenship (Input)Citizenship made rule by the many successfulCitizenship is membership in a political communityCitizenship carries with it rights and responsibilities which set Greece apart from the rest of the worldIn places like Egypt, India, and China people were subjects to a rulerGreece let ordinary people take part in government and participate in responsibilityPericles writes to describe the citizens of Athens

Check for UnderstandingPlease determine the BEST answer for the following question.Please write your answer on your white boards and wait for the teachers signal. On the teachers signal, hold up your white boards.

Checking for Understanding #1Strong rulers provided a type of government called a _________________.Tyranny

Checking for Understanding #2The city-state of Athens was the first to experiment with this form of government.DemocracyChecking for Understanding #3According to the text, why was a phalanx a successful military tactic?The heavily armored soldiers would stand so close together, they would protect one anotherGuided Practice/Independent PracticeGuided PracticeComplete questions 1 - 3 on the reading comprehension worksheet.Raise your hand and wait to get stamped.If you received an R go to the back table with Ms. Graham.Independent PracticeOnce you have been stamped moved to independent practice and complete numbers 4 and 5 on the reading comprehension worksheet.HomeworkNote-taking guide on the reverse side.BonanzaVarious ArtistsTV Theme SongsiTunes 10.6.3Card SharksVarious ArtistsTV Theme SongsiTunes 10.6.3