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1.6.0 2013-09-12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Improvements: - Riak cache supports multiple nodes Fixes: - handle SSL verification when using HTTP proxy - ignore errors during single color symlinking Other: - --debug option for serve-multiapp-develop - Riak cache requires Riak-Client >=2.0 1.6.0rc1 2013-08-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: new `sqlite` cache with timestamps and one DB for each zoom level new `riak` cache first dimension support for WMTS (cascaded only) support HTTP Digest Authentication for source requests remove_all option for seed cleanups use real alpha composite for merging layers with transparent backgrounds - new tile_lock_dir option to write tile locks outside of the cache dir - new decorate image API - new GLOBAL_WEBMERCATOR grid with origin:nw and EPSG:3857 Improvements: - speed up configuration loading with tagged sources - speed up seeding with sparse coverages and limited levels (e.g. only level 17-20) - add required params to WMS URL in mapproxy-util wms-capabilities - support for `@` and `:` in HTTP username and password - try to load pyproj before using libproj.dll on Windows - support for GDAL python module (osgeo.ogr) besides using directly - files are now written atomical to support concurrent access to the same tile cache from different servers (e.g. via NFS) - support for WMS 1.3.0 in mapproxy-util wms-capabilities - support layer merge for 8bit PNGs - support for OGR/GDAL 1.10 - show TMS root resource at /tms Fixes: support requests>=1.0 for CouchDB cache HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST can be a list of hosts fixed KML for caches with origin: nw fixed 'I/O operation on closed file' errors fixed memory leak when reloading large configurations improve handling of mixed grids/formats when using caches as cache sources - threading related crashes in coverage handling- close OGR sources - catch IOErrors when PIL/Pillow can't identify image file Other: update example configuration (base-config) update deployment documentation update OpenLayers version in demo service use restful_template URL in WMTS demo update to prevent unnecessary warnings during installation accept Pillow as depencendy instead of PIL when already installed deprecate use_mapnik2 option1.5.0 2012-12-05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: - read remove_before/refresh_before timestamp from file - add --concurrency option to mapproxy-utils export Fixes: - fixed where option for coverages (renamed from ogr_where) - only write seed progess with --continue or --progress-file option Other: - add EPSG:3857 to WMS default SRSs and remove UTM/GK - remove import error warning for shapely - create metadata table in MBTiles caches 1.5.0rc1 2012-11-19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: clipping of tile request to polygon geometries in security API WMTS support in security API mixed_image mode that automatically chooses between PNG/JPEG use caches as source for other caches `mapproxy-util grids` tool to analyze grid configurations `mapproxy-util wms-capabilities` tool `mapproxy-util export` tool use_grid_names option to access Tiles/TMS/KML layers by grid name instead of EPSGXXXX - origin option for TMS to change default origin of the /tiles service - continue stopped/interrupted seed processes - support min_res/max_res for tile sources Improvements: do not show layers with incompatible grids in WMTS/TMS demo make 0/0/0.kml optional for the initial KML file use BBOX of coverage for capabilities in seed_only layers ignore debug layer when loading tile layers simplified coverage configuration add reloader option to make_wsgi_app() add MetadataURL to WMS 1.1.1 capabilities improved WMTS services with custom grids (origin)-use in_image exceptions in WMS demo client larger map in demo client always request with transparent=true in WMS demo client use in_image exceptions in WMS demo clientFixes: fixed reloading of multiapps in threaded servers fixed BBOX check for single tile requests fixed TMS for caches with watermarks fixed limited_to clipping for single layer requests with service-wide clipping geometries - fixed WMTS RESTful template Other: - deprecated `origin` option for tile sources was removed - empty tiles are now returned as PNG even if requested as .jpeg 1.4.0 2012-05-15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes: - fix TypeError exception when auth callback returns {authorized:'full'} - use MAPPROXY_LIB_PATH on platforms other that win32 and darwin - raise config error for mapnik sources when mapnik could not be imported 1.4.0rc1 2012-05-02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: - support clipping of requests to polygon geometries in security API - support for WMS 1.3.0 extended layer capabilities - on_error handling for tile sources. fallback to empty/transparent tiles when the source returns HTTP codes like 404 or 204 - add HTTP Cache-Control header to WMS-C responses Improvements: - WMS source requests and requests to cached tiles are now clipped to the extent. this should prevent projection errors when requesting large bbox (e.g. over 180/90 in EPSG:4326) - improved lock timeouts in mapproxy-seed - the debug source does not overwrite the layer extent anymore. makes it more usable in demo/wms clients - support for multiple files and recursion in base option - mapproxy-seed ETA output is now more responsive to changes in seed speed - improved demo service - choose different SRS for WMS layers - support for WMTS Fixes: - support loading of WKT polygon files with UTF8 encoding and BOM header - upgraded dictspec module with fix for some nested configuration specs. a bug prevented checking of the layers configurationOther: - the documentation now contains a tutorial - old layer configuration syntax is now deprecated - EPSG:4326/900913/3857 are now always initialized with the +over proj4 option to prevent distortions at the dateline see: 1.3.0 2012-01-13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No changes since 1.3.0b1 1.3.0b1 2012-01-03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: support for RESTful WMTS requests with custom URL templates support for CouchDB as tile backend support for Mapnik 2 sources limit maximum WMS response size with max_output_pixels new color option for watermarks new ``mapproxy-util serve-multiapp-develop`` command new wms.bbox_srs option for bounding boxes in multiple SRS in WMS capabilitiesImprovements: - log exceptions when returning internal errors (500) Fixes: - fix BBOX in WMS-C capabilities - prevent exception for WMS requests with unsupported image formats with mime-type options (like 'image/png; mode=24bit') - fixed blank image results for servers that call .close() on the response (like gunicorn) Other: - origin option for tile sources is deprecated. use a custom grid with the appropriate origin. 1.2.1 2011-09-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes: - fixed configuration of watermarks - support for unicode title in old-style layer configuration 1.2.0 2011-08-31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes: - fixed links in demo service when running as MultiMapProxy 1.2.0b1 2011-08-17~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: support for MBTiles cache support for (tagged-) layers for Mapnik sources configurable cache layout (tilecache/TMS) new `mapproxy-util scales` tool use MultiMapProxy with server scripts (mapproxy.multiapp.make_wsgi_app)Fixes: - prevent black borders for some custom grid configurations - all fixes from 1.1.x 1.1.2 2011-07-06 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes: - compatibility with older PyYAML versions - do not try to transform tiled=true requests - escape Windows path in wsgi-app template 1.1.1 2011-06-26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes: - add back transparent option for mapnik/tile sources (in addition to image.transparent) - keep alpha channel when handling image.transparent_color - fixed combining of multiple WMS layers with transparent_color - fixed header parsing for MapServer CGI source 1.1.0 2011-06-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other: - Changed license to Apache Software License 2.0 Fixes: - fixed image quantization for non-png images with globals.image.paletted=True 1.1.0rc1 2011-05-26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Improvements: - add template to build MapProxy .deb package - font dir is now configurable with globals.image.font_dir Fixes: - fixed errors in config spec1.1.0b2 2011-05-19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Improvements: - unified logging - verify mapproxy/seed configurations 1.1.0b1 2011-05-12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: support for tagged WMS source names: wms:lyr1,lyr2 new Mapserver source type new Mapnik source type new mapproxy-util command include development server (``mapproxy-util serve-develop``) first WMTS implementation (KVP) configurable image formats support for ArcGIS tile sources (/L09/R00000005/C0000000d) support for bbox parameter for tile sourcesImprovements: tweaked watermarks on transparent images [mapproxy-seed] initialize MapProxy logging before seeding authentication callbacks get environ and qusery_extent authentication callbacks can force HTTP 401 returns hide error tracebacks from YAML parser support for multipolygons in coverages add support for HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME support for integer images (e.g. 16bit grayscale PNG)Fixes: - fixes demo on Windows (loaded static content from wrong path) - fixed one-off error with grid.max_res: last resolution is now < max_res e.g. min_res: 1000 max_res: 300 -> now [1000, 500], before [1000, 500, 250] - add workaround for Python bug #4606 (segfaults during projection on 64bit systems) - do not add attribution to WMS-C responses Other: - removed Paste dependencies - removed deprecated mapproxy-cleanup tool, feature included in mapproxy-seed 1.0.0 2011-03-03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - no changes since 1.0.0rc1 1.0.0rc1 2011-02-25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Improvements: - handle epsg:102100 and 102113 as equivalents to 900913/3857Fixes: - fixed attribution placement and padding 1.0.0b2 2011-02-18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Improvements: [mapproxy-seed] support for configuration includes in mapproxy.yaml (base) [mapproxy-seed] updated config templates KML: reduce number of required KML requests KML: improve superoverlays with res_factor != 2Fixes: - [mapproxy-seed] apply globals from mapproxy.yaml during seed - fix tile_lock cleanup - merging of cache sources with only tile sources failed 1.0.0b1 2011-02-09 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: [mapproxy-seed] separated seed and cleanup tasks; call tasks independently XSL transformation of WMS FeatureInfo responses content aware merging of multiple XML/HTML FeatureInfo repsonses FeatureInfo types are configurable with wms.featureinfo_types request cascaded sources in parallel (with threading or eventlet) with new wms.concurrent_layer_renderer option disable GetMap requests for WMS sources (for FeatureInfo only sources) new cache.disable_storage option authorization framework new image.transparent_color option: replaces color with full transparency new image.opacity option: blend between opaque layers new watermark.spacing option: place watermark on every other tile new wms.on_source_errors option: capture errors and display notice in response image when some sources did not respond support for custom http headers for requests to sources add support for http options for tile source (user/password, https ssl options, headers, timeout)Improvements: [mapproxy-seed] enhanced CLI (summary and interactive mode) combine requests to the same WMS URL support for local SLD files (sld: file://sld.xml) changed watermark color to gray: improves readability on full transparent images - support for transparent/overlayed tile sources - renamed thread_pool_size to concurrent_tile_creators - tweaked KML level of detail parameters to fix render issues in Google Earth with tilted views Fixes: - rounding errors in meta-tile size calculation for meta_buffer=0 - work with upcomming PIL 1.2 release0.9.1 2011-01-10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fixes: - fixed regression in mapproxy_seed - resolve direct WMS request issues with equal but not same SRS (e.g. 900913/3857) 0.9.1rc2 2010-12-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Improvements: Allow nested layer configurations (layer groups/trees) Support custom path to libproj/libgdal with MAPPROXY_LIB_PATH environ Look for xxx if libxxx returned no results. Limit lat/lon bbox in WMS capabilities to +-89.999999 north/south valuesFixes: - bug fix for threshold_res that overlap with the stretch_factor 0.9.1rc1 2010-12-07 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Features: WMS 1.1.0 support Coverage support (limit sources to areas via WKT/OGC polygons) new base option to reuse configurations ScaleHint support (min/max_res, min/max_scale) Support for multiple MapProxy configurations in one process with distinct global/cache/source/etc. configurations New MultiMapProxy: dynamically load multiple configurations (experimental) threshold_res option for grids: switch cache levels at fixed resolutions seed_only option for sources: allows offline usage GetLegendGraphic support SLD support for WMS sourcesImprovements: concurrent_requests limit is now per unique hostname and not per URL concurrent_requests can be set with globals.http.concurrent_requests font_size of watermark is now configurable improved configuration loading time and memory consumption make use of PyYAML's C extension if available cache projection attributes in SRS objects for better performance try system wide projection definitions first, then fallback to defaults (e.g. for EPSG:900913) - trailing slash is now optional for /tms/1.0.0 - support for http.ssl_ca_cert for each WMS source - support for http.client_timeout for each WMS source (Python >=2.6) Fixes: - removed start up error on systems where proj4 misses EPSG:3857 - fixed color error for transparent PNG8 files - fixed links in demo service when URL is not /demo/- removed memory leak proj4 wrapper - fixed mapproxy-seed -f option - tests work without Shapely 0.9.0 2010-10-18 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - minor bug fixes 0.9.0rc1 2010-10-13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - new OpenLayers-based '/demo' service that shows all configured WMS/TMS layers - display welcome message at '/' instead of 'not found' error - less rigid feature info request parser (no error with missing style or format parameters). Use wms.strict to enable OCG compliant mode. - updated tempita to 0.5 0.9.0b2 2010-09-20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - new minimize_meta_requests option - moved python implementation dependent code to mapproxy.platform module 0.9.0b1 2010-08-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Improved support for EPSG:3857 - Source requests now never go beyond the grid BBOX even with meta_buffers/meta_ tiles - removed install_requires - flup: not required for all deployment options - tempita: now embeded - now Python 2.7 compatible - [mapproxy-seed] fixed libgdal loading on some Linux systems - [mapproxy-seed] check for intersections on all levels - add origin options to /tiles service to support Google Maps clients - Improved PNG performance with PIL fastpng branch. - New concurrent_requests option to limit requests for each source WMS server. - minor bug fixes 0.9.0a1 2010-07-27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - new configuration format (merged proxy.yaml and service.yaml) - refactoring of the caching (sources and layers) - large refactoring of the package layout - pyproj dependency is not required when libproj is available - removed jinja dependency - more options to define tile grids (min_res, max_res, etc.) 0.8.4 2010-08-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Extra newline at the end of all templates. Some deployment setups removed the last characters. - Improved PNG performance with PIL fastpng branch. - New concurrent_requests option to limit requests for each source WMS server.0.8.3 2010-06-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Some bug fixes regarding feature info - The configured resolutions are sorted 0.8.3rc2 2010-05-25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTTPS support with certificate verification and HTTP BasicAuthentication. - New `use_direct_from_level` and `use_direct_from_res` options to disable caching for high resolutions. - New `cache_tiles` source for more flexible tile-based sources Supports url templates like '/tiles?x=%(x)s&y=%(y)s&level=%(z)s' and Quadkeys as used by Bing-Maps. (as suggested by Pascal) - You can limit the SRS of a source WMS with the `supported_srs` option. MapProxy will reproject between cached/requested SRS and the supported. This also works with direct layers, i.e. you can reproject WMS on-the-fly. 0.8.3rc1 2010-04-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - new improved seed tool - seed polygon areas instead BBOX (from shapefiles, etc) - advanced seeding strategy - multiprocessing - new link_single_color_images layer option. multiple "empty" tiles will be linked to the same image. (Unix only) - fixed transparency for image parts without tiles - log HTTP requests to servers regardless of the success - made proj4 data dir configurable - use same ordering of layers in service.yaml for capabilities documents (use list of dicts in configuration, see docs) - performance improvements for requests with multiple layers and for layers with smaler BBOXs 0.8.2 2010-04-13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - no changes since 0.8.2rc1 0.8.2rc1 2010-04-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - add fallback if PIL is missing TrueType support - use zc.lockfile for locking - improved logging: - log to stdout when using develop.ini - add %(here)s support in log.ini (changed from {{conf_base_dir}}) - do not enable ConcurrentLogHandler by default 0.8.1 2010-03-25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- improved performance for simple image transformation (same srs and same resolution) #4 0.8.0 2010-03-22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - initial release