CH5 : CH5 : Elasticity Elasticity Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN

CH5 : Elasticity Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN. The Concept of Elasticity How large is the response of producers and consumers to changes in price? Before

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Page 1: CH5 : Elasticity Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN. The Concept of Elasticity How large is the response of producers and consumers to changes in price? Before

CH5 :CH5 :ElasticityElasticity

Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN

Page 2: CH5 : Elasticity Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN. The Concept of Elasticity How large is the response of producers and consumers to changes in price? Before

The Concept of Elasticity

How large is the response of producers and consumers to changes in price? Before business firms and the government decide to change prices and taxes, they must anticipate the magnitude of response by those affected.

Elasticity is a measure of the responsiveness of people to changes in economic variables.

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elasticity A general concept used to quantify the response in one variable when another variable changes.

%elasticity of with respect to




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Price Elasticity of Demand

price elasticity of demand The ratio of the percentage of change in quantity demanded to the percentage of change in price; measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price.

pricein change %

demandedquantity in change % demand of elasticity price

Slope and Elasticity

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Price Elasticity of Demand

Types of Elasticity

TABLE 5.1 Hypothetical Demand Elasticities for Four Products


% Change In Price

(% P)

% ChangeIn Quantity Demanded

(% QD)Elasticity

(% QD ÷ %P)

Insulin +10% 0% .0 Perfectly inelastic

Basic telephone service +10% -1% -.1 Inelastic

Beef +10% -10% -1.0 Unitarily elastic

Bananas +10% -30% -3.0 Elastic

perfectly inelastic demand Demand in which quantity demanded does not respond at all to a change in price.

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Price Elasticity of Demand

inelastic demand Demand that responds somewhat, but not a great deal, to changes in price. Inelastic demand always has a numerical value between zero and -1.

Types of Elasticity

A warning: You must be very careful about signs. Because it is generally understood that demand elasticities are negative (demand curves have a negative slope), they are often reported and discussed without the negative sign.

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Price Elasticity of Demand

Types of Elasticityunitary elasticity A demand relationship in which the percentage change in quantity of a product demanded is the same as the percentage change in price in absolute value (a demand elasticity of -1).

elastic demand A demand relationship in which the percentage change in quantity demanded is larger than the percentage change in price in absolute value (a demand elasticity with an absolute value greater than 1).

perfectly elastic demand Demand in which quantity drops to zero at the slightest increase in price.

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Price Elasticity of Demand

Types of Elasticity

FIGURE 5.2 Perfectly Inelastic and Perfectly Elastic Demand Curves

Figure 5.2(a) shows a perfectly inelastic demand curve for insulin. Price elasticity of demand is zero. Quantity demanded is fixed; it does not change at all when price changes.Figure 5.2(b) shows a perfectly elastic demand curve facing a wheat farmer. A tiny price increase drives the quantity demanded to zero. In essence, perfectly elastic demand implies that individual producers can sell all they want at the going market price but cannot charge a higher price.

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Price Elasticity of Demand

Types of Elasticity

A good way to remember the difference between the two “perfect” elasticities is:

Page 10: CH5 : Elasticity Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN. The Concept of Elasticity How large is the response of producers and consumers to changes in price? Before

Interpreting the Value of Elasticity

Response to Price





Value of


Ed > 1

Ed < 1

Ed = 1

Demand Elasticity



Unitary elastic

Magnitudes of Change

%QD > %P

%QD < %P

%QD = %PType of




Substitutes Available



The main determinant of demand elasticity is the availability of substitutes for the good in question.

Page 11: CH5 : Elasticity Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN. The Concept of Elasticity How large is the response of producers and consumers to changes in price? Before

Interpreting the Value of Elasticity

The price elasticity for water (0.20) suggests that a 10% increase in the price of water would decrease the quantity demanded by only 2%.

The elasticity for specific brands of coffee (5.6) suggests that a 10% increase in the price of a specific brand would decrease its quantity demanded by 56%.

Estimated price elasticities of demand for selected products

ProductPrice elasticity

of demandSalt 0.1

Water 0.2

Coffee 0.3

Cigarettes 0.3

Shoes and footwear 0.7

Housing 1.0

Automobiles 1.2

Foreign travel 1.8

Restaurant meals 2.3

Air travel 2.4

Motion pictures 3.7

Specific brands of coffee 5.6

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Example: If the price of an ice cream cone increases from 2.00TL to 2.20TL and the amount you buy falls from 10 to 8 cones, then your elasticity of demand would be calculated as:

Computing the Price Elasticity of Demand

P rice e las tic ity o f d em an d =P ercen tag e ch an g e in q u an tity d em an d ed

P ercen tag e ch an g e in p rice

( )

( . . ).

1 0 81 0

1 0 0

2 2 0 2 0 02 0 0

1 0 0

2 0 %

1 0 %2

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Computing Price Elasticity of Demand

E d p ercentage change in q uantity d em and ed

p ercentage change in p r ice

% .Q

8 5 1 0 0

1 0 0

1 5

1 0 00 1 5 o r 1 5 %

%$ 2. $ 2 .

$ 2 .

$ 0.

$ 2 .P

2 0 0 0

0 0

2 0

0 010%





1 5 %

1 0 %1 5 0

Page 14: CH5 : Elasticity Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN. The Concept of Elasticity How large is the response of producers and consumers to changes in price? Before

Elasticity Along a Linear Demand Curve

Price elasticity of demand decreases as we move downward along a linear demand curve

Demand is elastic on the upper part of the demand curve and inelastic on the lower part.

Percentage decrease in price

Percentage increase in quantity


Point r to point s 4/80 = 5% 2/10 = 20% 20%/5% = 4.0

Point t to point u 4/50 = 8% 2/25 = 8% 8%/8% = 1

Point v to point w 4/20 = 20% 2/40 = 5% 5%/20% = 0.25

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Calculating Elasticities

Elasticity and Total Revenue

TR = P x Qtotal revenue = price x quantity

In any market, P x Q is total revenue (TR) received by producers:

When price (P) declines, quantity demanded (QD) increases. The two factors, P and QD move in opposite directions:

Effects of price changeson quantity demanded:






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Calculating Elasticities

Elasticity and Total Revenue

Because total revenue is the product of P and Q, whether TR rises or falls in response to a price increase depends on which is bigger: the percentage increase in price or the percentage decrease in quantity demanded.

If the percentage decline in quantity demanded following a price increase is larger than the percentage increase in price, total revenue will fall.

Effects of price increase ona product with inelastic demand: x D TRQP

Effects of price increase ona product with elastic demand: x D TRQP

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Predicting Changes in Total Revenue

Elasticity and Total Revenue

Type of demand Value of Ed

Change in quantity versus change in price

Effect of an increase in price on total revenue

Effect of a decrease in price on total revenue

Elastic Greater than 1.0

Larger percentage change in quantity

Total revenue decreases

Total revenue increases

Inelastic Less than 1.0 Smaller percentage change in quantity

Total revenue increases

Total revenue decreases

Unitary elastic

Equal to 1.0 Same percentage change in quantity and price

Total revenue does not change

Total revenue does not change

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Calculating Elasticities

Elasticity and Total Revenue

The opposite is true for a price cut. When demand is elastic, a cut in price increases total revenues:

When demand is inelastic, a cut in price reduces total revenues:

effect of price cut on a productwith elastic demand: x D TRQP

effect of price cut on a productwith inelastic demand: x D TRQP

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The Determinants of Demand Elasticity

Availability of Substitutes

Perhaps the most obvious factor affecting demand elasticity is the availability of substitutes.

The Importance of Being UnimportantWhen an item represents a relatively small part of our total budget, we tend to pay little attention to its price.

The Time DimensionThe elasticity of demand in the short run may be very different from the elasticity of demand in the long run. In the longer run, demand is likely to become more elastic, or responsive, simply because households make adjustments over time and producers develop substitute goods.

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Other Important Elasticities

Income Elasticity of Demand

income elasticity of demand A measure of the responsiveness of demand to changes in income.

incomein change %

demandedquantity in change % demand of elasticity income

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Income Elasticity

E i > 0 Normal Income QD E i < 0 Inferior Income QD E i > 1 Luxury % QD > % I E i < 1 Necessity % QD < % I

Income Elasticity

Type of Good Responsiveness

Classification of Goods According to Income Elasticity

E = p ercentage change in q uantity d emand ed

p ercentage change in inco mei

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Other Important Elasticities

Cross-Price Elasticity Of Demand

cross-price elasticity of demand A measure of the response of the quantity of one good demanded to a change in the price of another good.



of pricein change %

demanded ofquantity in change % demand of elasticity price-cross

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Exy > 0 Substitutes Py Qx

Cross Elasticity of Demand

Exy < 0 Complements Py Qx

Classification of Goods According to Cross ElasticityCross Elasticity


Type of Good

E = p ercentage change in q uantity o f X d emand ed

p ercentage change in p r ice o f Yxy

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Price Elasticity of Supply

Price elasticity of supply is a measure of the responsiveness in quantity supplied to changes in price.

E s p ercentage change in q uantity sup p lied

p ercentage change in p r ice

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Computing Price Elasticity of Supply

E s p ercentage change in q uantity sup p lied

p ercentage change in p r ice

% Q s

1 2 0 1 0 0

1 0 0

2 0

1 0 02 0 %

%$ 2. $ 2 .

$ 2 .

$ 0.

$ 2 .P

2 0 0 0

0 0

2 0

0 01 0 %





2 0 %

1 0 %2 0

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Supply Elasticity and Time

Supply becomes more elastic over time.

The increase in quantity supplied as a response to an increase in price is greater when supply is more elastic.

Higher market prices give business firms an incentive to expand production and output. As time goes by, the ability of firms to expand productive capacity is greater, and supply becomes more elastic.