Ch 7 Lecture Slides

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  • 8/20/2019 Ch 7 Lecture Slides


    Engineering ElectromagneticsW.H. Hayt Jr. and J. A. Buck 

    Chapter 7:

    The Steady agnetic !ield

  • 8/20/2019 Ch 7 Lecture Slides


    oti"ating the agnetic !ield Concept:

    !orces Bet#een Currents

    Ho# can #e descri$e a %orce %ield around #ire & that can $e used to determine the %orce on #ire '(

    agnetic %orces arise #hene"er #e ha"e charges in motion. !orces $et#een current)carrying #ires

     present %amiliar e*amples that #e can use to determine #hat a magnetic %orce %ield should look like:

    Here are the easily)o$ser"ed %acts:

  • 8/20/2019 Ch 7 Lecture Slides


    agnetic !ieldThe geometry o% the magnetic %ield is set up to correctly model %orces $et#een currents that

    allo# %or any relati"e orientation. The magnetic %ield intensity+ H+ circulates around its source+ I &+

    in a direction most easily determined $y the right-hand rule: ,ight thum$ in the direction o% the

    current+ %ingers curl in the direction o% H

     -ote that in the third case perpendicular currents/+ I ' is in the same direction as H+ so that their

    cross product and the resulting %orce/ is 0ero. The actual %orce computation in"ol"es a di%%erent

    %ield 1uantity+ B+ #hich is related to H through B 2 µ 0H in %ree space. This #ill $e taken up in

    a later lecture. 3ur immediate concern is ho# to %ind H %rom any gi"en current distri$ution.

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    Biot)Sa"art 4a#

    The Biot)Sa"art 4a# speci%ies the

    magnetic %ield intensity+ H+ arising

    %rom a 5point source6 current element

    o% di%%erential length d L.

     -ote in particular the in"erse)s1uare

    distance dependence+ and the %act that

    the cross product #ill yield a %ield "ector

    that points into the page. This is a %ormal

    statement o% the right)hand rule

    Note the similarity to Coulomb’s Law+ in #hich

    a point charge o% magnitude dQ& at oint & #ould

    generate electric %ield at oint ' gi"en $y:

    The units o% H are 8A9m

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    agnetic !ield Arising !rom a Circulating Current

    At point P, the magnetic %ield associated #ith

    the di%%erential current element Id L is

    The contri$ution to the %ield at P %rom any portion o% the current #ill $e ;ust the a$o"e integral e"alated

    o"er ;ust that portion.

    To determine the total %ield arising %rom the closed circuit path+

    #e sum the contri$utions %rom the current elements that make up

    the entire loop+ or 

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    T#o) and Three)

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    E*ample o% the Biot)Sa"art 4a#

    =n this e*ample+ #e e"aluate the magnetic %ield intensity on the y a*is e1ui"alently in the xy plane/

    arising %rom a %ilament current o% in%inite length in on the z a*is.

    >sing the dra#ing+ #e identi%y:

    and so..

    so that:

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    E*ample: continued

    We no# ha"e:

    =ntegrate this o"er the entire #ire:

    ..a%ter carrying out the cross product

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    E*ample: concluded

    #e ha"e:


    Current is into the page.

    agnetic %ield streamlines

    are concentric circles+ #hose magnitudes

    decrease as the in"erse distance %rom the z a*is

    E"aluating the integral:

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    !ield Arising %rom a !inite Current Segment=n this case+ the %ield is to $e %ound in the xy plane at oint '.

    The Biot)Sa"art integral is taken o"er the #ire length:

    ..a%ter a %e# additional steps see ro$lem 7.?/+ #e %ind:

  • 8/20/2019 Ch 7 Lecture Slides


    Another E*ample: agnetic !ield %rom a

    Current 4oopConsider a circular current loop o% radius a in the x-y plane+ #hich

    carries steady current I. We #ish to %ind the magnetic %ield strength

    any#here on the z  a*is.

    We #ill use the Biot)Sa"art 4a#:


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    E*ample: Continued

    Su$stituting the pre"ious e*pressions+ the Biot)Sa"art 4a# $ecomes:

    carry out the cross products to %ind:

     $ut #e must include the angle dependence in the radial

    unit "ector:

    #ith this su$stitution+ the radial component #ill integrate to 0ero+ meaning that all radial components #ill

    cancel on the z a*is.

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    E*ample: Continued

     -o#+ only the z component remains+ and the integral

    e"aluates easily:

     -ote the %orm o% the numerator: the product o% 

    the current and the loop area. We de%ine this as

    the magnetic moment :

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    Ampere@s Circuital 4a#

    Ampere@s Circuital 4a# states that the line integral o% H a$out any closed path 

    is e*actly e1ual to the direct current enclosed $y that path.

    =n the %igure at right+ the integral o% H a$out closed paths a and b gi"es

    the total current I, #hile the integral o"er path c gi"es only that portion

    o% the current that lies #ithin c

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    Ampere@s 4a# Applied to a 4ong Wire


    Choosing path a, and integrating H around the circle

    o% radius ρ  gi"es the enclosed current+ I :

    so that: as $e%ore.

    Symmetry suggests that H #ill $e circular+ constant)"alued

    at constant radius+ and centered on the current  z / a*is.

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    Coa*ial Transmission 4ine

    =n the coa* line+ #e ha"e t#o concentric

     solid  conductors that carry e1ual and opposite

    currents+ I. 

    The line is assumed to $e in%initely long+ and the

    circular symmetry suggests that H #ill $e entirely

    φ  ) directed+ and #ill "ary only #ith radius ρ .

    3ur o$;ecti"e is to %ind the magnetic %ield

    %or all "alues o% ρ 

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    !ield Bet#een Conductors

    The inner conductor can $e thought o% as made up o% a

     $undle o% %ilament currents+ each o% #hich produces the

    %ield o% a long #ire.

    Consider t#o such %ilaments+ located at the same

    radius %rom the z a*is+ ρ 1+ $ut #hich lie at symmetric

    φ  coordinates+ φ 1and )φ 

    1.Their %ield contri$utions

    superpose to gi"e a net H φ  component as sho#n. The

    same happens %or e"ery pair o% symmetrically)located

    %ilaments+ #hich taken as a #hole+ make up the entire

    center conductor.

    The %ield $et#een conductors is thus %ound to $e the same

    as that o% %ilament conductor on the z a*is that carries current+ I. Speci%ically:


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    !ield Within the =nner Conductor 

    With current uni%ormly distri$uted inside the conductors+ the H can $e assumed circular e"ery#here.

    =nside the inner conductor+ and at radius  ρ, #e again ha"e:

    But no#+ the current enclosed is

    so that or %inally:

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    !ield 3utside Both Conducors

    3utside the transmission line+ #here ρ  c+

    no current is enclosed $y the integration path+

    and so

    As the current is uni%ormly distri$uted+ and since #e

    ha"e circular symmetry+ the %ield #ould ha"e to

     $e constant o"er the circular integration path+ and so it

    must $e true that:

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    !ield =nside the 3uter Conductor 

    =nside the outer conductor+ the enclosed current consists

    o% that #ithin the inner conductor plus that portion o% the

    outer conductor current e*isting at radii less than ρ 

    Ampere@s Circuital 4a# $ecomes

    ..and so %inally:

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    agnetic !ield Strength as a !unction o% ,adius in

    the Coa* 4ine

    Com$ining the pre"ious results+ and assigning dimensions as sho#n in the inset $elo#+ #e %ind:

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    agnetic !ield Arising %rom a Current Sheet

    !or a uni%orm plane current in the y direction+ #e e*pect an x)directed H %ield %rom symmetry.

    Applying Ampere@s circuital la# to the path #e %ind:


    =n other #ords+ the magnetic %ield is discontinuous across the current sheet $y the magnitude o% the sur%ace

    current density.

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    agnetic !ield Arising %rom a Current Sheet

    =% instead+ the upper path is ele"ated to the line $et#een and + the same current is enclosed and #e #ould ha"e

    %rom #hich #e conclude that

    By symmetry+ the %ield a$o"e the sheet must $e

    the same in magnitude as the %ield $elo# the sheet.

    There%ore+ #e may state that


    so the %ield is constant in each region a$o"e and $elo# the current plane/

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    agnetic !ield Arising %rom a Current Sheet

    The actual %ield con%iguration is sho#n $elo#+ in #hich magnetic %ield a$o"e the current sheet is

    e1ual in magnitude+ $ut in the direction opposite to the %ield $elo# the sheet.

    The %ield in either region is %ound $y the cross product:

    #here a N is the unit "ector that is normal to thecurrent sheet+ and that points into the region in

    #hich the magnetic %ield is to $e e"aluated.

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    agnetic !ield Arising %rom T#o Current Sheets

    Here are t#o parallel currents+ e1ual and opposite+ as you #ould %ind in a parallel)plate

    transmission line. =% the sheets are much #ider than their spacing+ then the magnetic %ield

    #ill $e contained in the region $et#een plates+ and #ill $e nearly 0ero outside.

    K & 2 ) K  y a y

    K ' 2 ) K 



     H  x&  z )d 9' /

     H  x& -d 9'  z d 9' /

     H  x' -d 9'  z d 9' /

     H  x'  z )d 9' /

     H  x&  z d 9' /

     H  x'  z d 9' / These %ields cancel %or current sheets o%

    in%inite #idth.

    These %ields cancel %or current sheets o%

    in%inite #idth.

    These %ields are e1ual and add to gi"e

    H 2 K x a N )d 9'  z d 9' / 

    #here K is either K & or K '

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    Current 4oop !ield

    >sing the Biot)Sa"art 4a#+ #e pre"iously %ound the magnetic

    %ield on the z a*is %rom a circular current loop:

    We #ill no# use this result as a $uilding $lock 

    to construct the magnetic %ield on the a*is o%

    a solenoid )) %ormed $y a stack o% identical current

    loops+ centered on the z a*is.

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    3n)A*is !ield Within a Solenoid

    We consider the single current loop %ield as a di%%erential

    contri$ution to the total %ield %rom a stack o% N closely)spaced

    loops+ each o% #hich carries current I . The length o% the stack 

    solenoid/ is d, so there%ore the density o turns #ill $e N!d.

     -o# the current in the turns #ithin a di%%erential length+ dz + #ill $e


    -d! '

    d! '

    so that the pre"ious result %or H %rom a single loop:

    no# $ecomes:

    in #hich z is measured %rom the center o% the coil+

    #here #e #ish to e"aluate the %ield.

    We consider this as our di%%erential 5loop current6

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    Solenoid !ield+ Continued


    -d! '

    d! '

    The total %ield on the z a*is at z " #ill $e the sum o% the

    %ield contri$utions %rom all turns in the coil )) or the integral

    o% d H o"er the length o% the solenoid.

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    Appro*imation %or 4ong Solenoids


    -d! '

    d! '

    We no# ha"e the on)a*is %ield at the solenoid midpoint  z 2 /:

     -ote that %or long solenoids+ %or #hich + the

    result simpli%ies to:


    This result is "alid at all on)a*is positions deep #ithin long coils )) at distances %rom each end o% se"eral radii.

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    Another =nterpretation: Continuous Sur%ace Current

    The solenoid o% our pre"ious e*ample #as assumed to ha"e many tightly)#ound turns+ #ith se"eral

    e*isting #ithin a di%%erential length+ dz . We could model such a current con%iguration as a continuous

    sur%ace current o% density K 2 K a aφ   A9m.


    =n other #ords+ the on)a*is %ield magnitude near the center o% a cylindrical

    current sheet+ #here current circulates around the  z a*is+ and #hose length

    is much greater than its radius+ is ;ust the sur%ace current density.

    d! '

    -d! '

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    Solenoid !ield )) 3%%)A*is

    To %ind the %ield #ithin a solenoid+ $ut o%% the  z a*is+ #e apply Ampere@s Circuital 4a# in the %ollo#ing #ay:

    The illustration $elo# sho#s the solenoid cross)section+ %rom a length#ise cut through the z a*is. Current in

    the #indings %lo#s in and out o% the screen in the circular current path. Each turn carries current I. The magnetic

    %ield along the z a*is is NI!d  as #e %ound earlier.

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    Application o% Ampere@s 4a#

    Applying Ampere@s 4a# to the rectangular path sho#n $elo# leads to the %ollo#ing:

    Where allo#ance is made %or the e*istence o% a radial H component+

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    ,adial ath Segments

    The radial integrals #ill no# cancel+ $ecause they are oppositely)directed+ and $ecause in the long coil+

    is not e*pected to di%%er $et#een the t#o radial path segments.

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    Completing the E"aluation

    What is le%t no# are the t#o z integrations+ the %irst o% #hich #e can e"aluate as sho#n. Since

    this %irst integral result is e1ual to the enclosed current+ it must %ollo# that the second integral )) and

    the outside magnetic %ield )) are 0ero.

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    !inding the 3%%)A*is !ield

    The situation does not change i% the lo#er z-directed path is raised a$o"e the z a*is. The "ertical

     paths still cancel+ and the outside %ield is still 0ero. The %ield along the path  # to $ is there%ore NI!d 

    as $e%ore.

    Conclusion: The magnetic %ield #ithin a long solenoid is appro*imately constant throughout the coil

    cross)section+ and is H  z 2 NI!d .

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    Toroid agnetic !ieldA toroid is a doughnut)shaped set o% #indings around a core material. The cross)section could $e

    circular as sho#n here+ #ith radius a/ or any other shape.

    Belo#+ a slice o% the toroid is sho#n+ #ith current

    emerging %rom the screen around the inner periphery

    in the positi"e z direction/. The #indings are modeled

    as N indi"idual current loops+ each o% #hich carries current I.

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    Ampere@s 4a# as Applied to a Toroid

    Ampere@s Circuital 4a# can $e applied to a toroid $y taking a closed loop integral

    around the circular contour %  at radius ρ . agnetic %ield H is presumed to $e circular+

    and a %unction o% radius only at locations #ithin the toroid that are not too close to the

    indi"idual #indings. >nder this condition+ #e #ould assume:

    Ampere@s 4a# no# takes the %orm:

    so thatD.

    er%orming the same integrals o"er contours dra#n

    in the regions or #ill

    lead to zero magnetic %ield there+ $ecause no current

    is enclosed in either case.

    This appro*imation impro"es as the density o% turns gets higher 

    using more turns #ith %iner #ire/.

  • 8/20/2019 Ch 7 Lecture Slides


    Sur%ace Current odel o% a Toroid

    Consider a sheet current molded into a doughnut shape+ as sho#n.

    The current density at radius crosses the xy plane in the z

    direction and is gi"en in magnitude $y K a 

    Ampere@s 4a# applied to a circular contour % inside the

    toroid as in the pre"ious e*ample/ #ill take the %orm:

    leading toD

    inside the toroidD. and the %ield is 0ero outside as $e%ore.

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    Ampere@s 4a# as Applied to a Small Closed 4oop.

    Consider magnetic %ield H e"aluated at the point

    sho#n in the %igure. We can appro*imate the %ield

    o"er the closed path &'F $y making appropriate

    ad;ustments in the "alue o% H along each segment.

    The o$;ecti"e is to take the closed path integral

    and ultimately o$tain the point %orm o% Ampere@s 4a#.

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    Appro*imation o% H Along 3ne Segment

    Along path &)'+ #e may #rite:


    And there%ore:

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    Contri$utions o% y)

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    Contri$utions o% x)

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     -et Closed ath =ntegral

    The total integral #ill no# $e the sum:

    and using our pre"ious results+ the $ecomes:

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    ,elation to the Current

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    3ther 4oop 3rientations

    The same e*ercise can $e carried #ith the rectangular loop in the other t#o orthogonal orientations.

    The results are:

    4oop in yz plane:

    4oop in xz plane:

    4oop in xy plane:

    This gi"es all three components o% the current density %ield.

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    Curl o% a Gector !ield

    The pre"ious e*ercise resulted in the rectangular coordinate representation o% the %url o% H.

    =n general+ the curl o% a "ector %ield is another %ield that is normal to the original %ield.

    The curl component in the direction N + normal to the plane o% the integration loop is:

    The direction o% N  is taken using the right)hand con"ention: With %ingers o% the right hand oriented

    in the direction o% the path integral+ the thum$ points in the direction o% the normal or curl/.

  • 8/20/2019 Ch 7 Lecture Slides


    Curl in ,ectangular Coordinates

    Assem$ling the results o% the rectangular loop integration e*ercise+ #e %ind the "ector %ield

    that comprises curl H:

    An easy #ay to calculate this is to e"aluate the %ollo#ing determinant:

    #hich #e see is e1ui"alent to the cross product o% the del operator #ith the %ield:

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    Curl in 3ther Coordinate Systems

    Da little more complicated

    4ook these up as neededD.

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    Gisuali0ation o% Curl

    Consider placing a small 5paddle #heel6 in a %lo#ing stream o% #ater+ as sho#n $elo#. The #heel

    a*is points into the screen+ and the #ater "elocity decreases #ith increasing depth.

    The #heel #ill rotate clock#ise+ and gi"e a curl component that points into the screen right)hand rule/.

    ositioning the #heel at all three orthogonal orientations #ill yield measurements o%

    all three components o% the curl. -ote that the curl is directed normal to $oth the %ield

    and the direction o% its "ariation.

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    Another a*#ell E1uation

    =t has ;ust $een demonstrated that:

    D..#hich is in %act one o% a*#ell@s e1uations %or static %ields:

    This is Ampere@s Circuital 4a# in point %orm.

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    D.and Another a*#ell E1uation

    We already kno# that %or a static electric %ield:

    This means that:

    ,ecall the condition %or a conser"ati"e %ield: that is+ its closed path integral is 0ero e"ery#here.

    There%ore+ a %ield is conser"ati"e i% it has  zero curl at all points o"er #hich the %ield is de%ined.

    applies to a static electric %ield/

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    Curl Applied to artitions o% a 4arge Sur%ace

    Sur%ace &  is paritioned into su$)regions+ each o% small area

    The curl component that is normal to a sur%ace element can

     $e #ritten using the de%inition o% curl:


    We no# apply this to e"ery partition on the sur%ace+ and add the resultsD.

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    Adding the Contri$utions


    Cancellation here:

    We no# e"aluate and add the curl contri$utions

    %rom all sur%ace elements+ and note that

    ad;acent path integrals #ill all cancel

    This means that the only contri$ution to the

    o"erall path integral #ill $e around the outer

     periphery o% sur%ace &.

     No cancellation here:

    >sing our pre"ious result+ #e no# #rite:

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    Stokes@ Theorem


    We no# take our pre"ious result+ and take the limit as

    =n the limit+ this side

     $ecomes the path integral

    o% H o"er the outer perimeter 

     $ecause all interior paths


    =n the limit+ this side

     $ecomes the integral

    o% the curl o% H o"er 

    sur%ace & 

    The result is Stokes@ Theorem

    This is a "alua$le tool to ha"e at our disposal+ $ecause it gi"es us t#o #ays to e"aluate the same thing

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    3$taining Ampere@s Circuital 4a# in =ntegral !orm+

    using Stokes@ Theorem

    Begin #ith the point %orm o% Ampere@s 4a# %or static %ields:

    =ntegrate $oth sides o"er sur%ace & : #hich the %ar right hand side is %ound %rom the le%t hand side

     using Stokes@ Theorem. The closed path integral is taken around the

     perimeter o% & . Again+ note that #e use the right)hand con"ention inchoosing the direction o% the path integral.

    The center e*pression is ;ust the net current through sur%ace & +

    so #e are le%t #ith the integral %orm o% Ampere@s 4a#:

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    agnetic !lu* and !lu*

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    A Iey roperty o% B

    =% the %lu* is e"aluated through a closed sur%ace+ #e ha"e in the case o% electric %lu*+ auss@ 4a#:

    =% the same #ere to $e done #ith magnetic %lu* density+ #e #ould %ind:

    The implication is that %or our purposes/ there are no magnetic charges

    )) speci%ically+ no point sources o magnetic ield exist . A hint o% this has already

     $een o$ser"ed+ in that magnetic %ield lines al#ays close on themsel"es.

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    Another a*#ell E1uation

    We may re#rite the closed sur%ace integral o% B using the di"ergence theorem+ in #hich the

    right hand integral is taken o"er the "olume surrounded $y the closed sur%ace:

    Because the result is 0ero+ it %ollo#s that

    This result is kno#n as auss@ 4a# %or the magnetic %ield in point %orm.

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    a*#ell@s E1uations %or Static !ields

    We ha"e no# completed the deri"ation o% a*#ell@s e1uations %or no time "ariation. =n point %orm+ these are:

    auss@ 4a# %or the electric %ield

    Conser"ati"e property o% the static electric %ield

    Ampere@s Circuital 4a#

    auss@ 4a# %or the agnetic !ield

    #here+ in %ree space:

    Signi%icant changes in the a$o"e %our 

    e1uations #ill occur #hen the %ields are

    allo#ed to "ary #ith time+ as #e@ll see later.

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    a*#ell@s E1uations in 4arge Scale !orm

    The di"ergence theorem and Stokes@ theorem can $e applied to the pre"ious %our point %orm e1uations

    to yield the integral %orm o% a*#ell@s e1uations %or static %ields:

    auss@ 4a# %or the electric %ield

    Conser"ati"e property o% the static electric %ield

    Ampere@s Circuital 4a#

    auss@ 4a# %or the magnetic %ield

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    E*ample: agnetic !lu* Within a Coa*ial 4ine

    d B

    Consider a length d o% coa*+ as sho#n here. The magnetic %ield strength $et#een conductors is:

    and so:

    The magnetic %lu* is no# the integral o% B o"er the

    %lat sur%ace $et#een radii a and b+ and o% length d along z :

    The result is:

    The coa* line thus 5stores6 this amount o% magnetic %lu* in the region $et#een conductors.

    This #ill ha"e importance #hen #e discuss inductance in a later lecture.

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    Scalar agnetic otential

    We are already %amiliar #ith the relation $et#een the scalar electric potential and electric %ield:

    So it is tempting to de%ine a scalar magnetic potential such that:

    This rule must $e consistent #ith a*#ell@s e1uations+ so there%ore:

    But the curl o% the gradient o% any %unction is identically 0ero There%ore+ the scalar magnetic potential

    is "alid only in regions #here the current density is 0ero such as in %ree space/.

    So #e de%ine scalar magnetic

     potential #ith a condition:

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    !urther ,e1uirements on the Scalar agnetic otential

    The other a*#ell e1uation in"ol"ing magnetic %ield must also $e satis%ied. This is:

    in %ree space


    ..and so the scalar magnetic potential satis%ies 4aplace@s e1uation again #ith the restriction

    that current density must $e 0ero:

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    E*ample: Coa*ial Transmission 4ine

    With the center conductor current %lo#ing out o% the screen+ #e ha"e


    So #e sol"e:

    .. and o$tain:

    #here the integration constant has $een set to 0ero

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    Am$iguities in the Scalar otential

    The scalar potential is no#:

    #here the potential is 0ero at

    At point P / the potential is

    But #ait As increases to

    #e ha"e returned to the same physical location+ and

    the potential has a ne# "alue o% ) I.

    =n general+ the potential at P #ill $e multi"alued+ and #ill

    ac1uire a ne# "alue a%ter each %ull rotation in the xy plane:

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    3"ercoming the Am$iguity

    Barrier at

    To remo"e the am$iguity+ #e construct a mathematical $arrier at any "alue o% phi. The angle domain

    cannot cross this $arrier in either direction+ and so the potential %unction is restricted to angles on either 

    side. =n the present case #e choose the $arrier to lie at so that

    The potential at point P is no# single)"alued:

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    Gector agnetic otential

    We make use o% the a*#ell e1uation:

    .. and the %act that the di"ergence o% the curl o% any "ector %ield is identically 0ero sho# this/

    This leads to the de%inition o% the magnetic 'ector potential, A:


    and Ampere@s 4a# $ecomes

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    E1uation %or the Gector otential

    We start #ith:

    Then+ introduce a "ector identity that de%ines the 'ector (aplacian:

    >sing a lengthy/ procedure see Sec. 7.7/ it can $e pro"en that

    We are there%ore le%t #ith

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    E*pressions %or otential

    Consider a di%%erential elements+ sho#n here. 3n the le%t is a point charge represented $y a di%%erential length o% line charge. 3n the right is a di%%erential current element. The setups

    %or o$taining potential are identical $et#een the t#o cases.

    Line Charge Line Current

    Scalar Electrostatic otential Gector agnetic otential

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    eneral E*pressions %or Gector otential

    !or large scale charge or current distri$utions+ #e #ould sum the di%%erential

    contri$utions $y integrating o"er the charge or current+ thus:


    The closed path integral is taken $ecause the current must

    close on itsel% to %orm a complete circuit.

    !or sur%ace or "olume current distri$utions+ #e #ould ha"e+ respecti"ely:


    in the same manner that #e used %or scalar electric potential.

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    We continue #ith the di%%erential current element as sho#n here:

    =n this case

     $ecomes at point P :

     -o#+ the curl is taken in cylindrical coordinates:

    This is the same result as %ound using the Biot)Sa"art 4a# as it should $e/