Cet Final Word List

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  • 7/28/2019 Cet Final Word List


    No. Word Root Root meaning Word meaning

    1 abbreviate brevis shorten to make shorter

    2 aberration errare wander A departure from the normal

    3 abnegation negare deny self denial

    4 abridge brevis shorten to make shorter

    5 abrogate rogat ask To abolish especially by authority

    6 abscission cise cut The act of cutting off

    7 absolve solvare loosen To pronounce clear of guilt or blame.

    8 abdicate dictum speak To relinquish (power or responsibility) formally

    9 accessory cedere fall A subordinate or supplementary item

    10 acclaim clamare shout To shout approval.

    11 accretion creare increase Growth or increase in size by gradual external additio

    12 accrue creare increase To increase

    13 acerbic acer bitter bitter tasting

    14 acoustics acou hear The total effect of sound

    15 acrid acer bitter Unpleasantly sharp

    16 acrimonious acer bitter Bitter and sharp in language or tone

    17 actuate actus to do activate

    18 adept aptus fit Very skilled

    19 adjunct junct join

    Something attached to another in a dependent or

    subordinate position

    20 admonish monit warn caution

    21 advent venire come

    The coming or arrival, especially of something extrem


    22 adverse vert turn Acting or serving to oppose

    23 advert vert turn to turn attention

    24 aesthetic aesth feeling Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good ta

    25 affected facere to do acted upon

    26 affiliation filus son To adopt or accept as a member

    27 affinity finis end A natural attraction

    28 affirm firma strong To support or uphold the validity of

    29 affluence fluere flow A flowing to or toward a point

    30 aggrandize grandis great To make appear greater

    31 aggregate greg flock Constituting or amounting to a whole

    32 agilie agere drive Mentally quick or alert

    33 agnostic gno to know

    One who believes that it is impossible to know wheth

    there is a God.

    34 agrarian agri soil Relating to agricultural or rural matters.

    35 alias alter another An assumed name

    36 alienate alter another To cause to become unfriendly or hostile

    37 alleviate levis lift to make more bearable

    38 altruism alter another Unselfish concern for the welfare of others

    39 ambidexterous ambi both using both hands with equal skills

    40 ambiguous ambi both Open to more than one interpretation

    41 ambivalent ambi both The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings

    42 amble ambulare walk An unhurried or leisurely walk

    CET 2011 Word list (vocab workshop)



  • 7/28/2019 Cet Final Word List


    43 amiable amare love Friendly and agreeable in disposition

    44 amicable amare love Characterized by or exhibiting friendliness or goodwi

    45 amity amare love Peaceful relations, as between nations; friendship

    46 amoral mor feelings neither moral nor immoral

    47 amorous amare love Strongly attracted or disposed to love

    48 anachronism chrono time

    One that is out of its proper or chronological order,

    especially a person or practice that belongs to an earli


    49 analgesic algos pain A medication that reduces or eliminates pain.

    50 analogy logos ratio A comparison based on such similarity

    51 anarchy arch rule Absence of any form of political authority

    52 anaemia haemo blood

    A pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying compo

    of the blood

    53 anaesthetic aesth feelings Insensitive.

    54 animated anima spirit Having life

    55 annihilate nihil zero To destroy completely

    56 annuity annu year The annual payment of an allowance or income

    57 anomaly nomos rule Deviation or departure from the normal

    58 anonymous onoma name Having an unknown or unacknowledged name

    59 antagonism agon struggle The condition of being an opposing principle, force, or fa

    60 apathy pathos feelings Lack of interest or concern

    61 arrogant rogat ask

    Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth o


    62 artifacts artis skill An object produced or shaped by human craft

    63 artifice artis skill Cleverness or skill

    64 apogee geo the earth the farthest point from the center of the earth

    65 archaic archae ancient

    Of, relating to, or characteristic of a much earlier, ofte

    more primitive period

    66 archetype archae ancient an original model

    67 ascendancy scandere climb Superiority or decisive advantage; domination

    68 augment augere increase To make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity

    69 autocrat auto self A ruler having unlimited power

    70 autonomy auto self Self-government

    71 autopsy auto self post mortem

    72 aver ver TRUE to declare

    73 aversion vert turn intense dislike

    74 avocation vocare speak a hobby

    75 bellicose bellum war Warlike or hostile in manner or temperament

    76 belligerent bellum war Inclined or eager to fight

    77 benediction bene good A blessing

    78 benefactor bene good One that gives aid

    79 benevolent bene good Characterized by or suggestive of doing good.

    80 benign bene good Of a kind and gentle disposition.

    81 calligraphy graphein write The art of fine handwriting.

    82 camaraderie camera chamber Goodwill and lighthearted rapport between or among fr

    83 carnage carn flesh Massive slaughter, as in war; a massacre.

    84 carnal carn flesh Relating to the physical and especially sexual appetite




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    85 choleric chole yello Easily angered; bad-tempered.

    86 circumlocution circum around A roundabout expression.

    87 circumscribe circum around To draw a line around

    88 circumspect circum around cautious

    89 circumvent circum around To go around

    90 clamor clamare shout A loud outcry

    91 claustrophobia claus close An abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spac

    92 coeval aevum age One of the same era or period

    93 cognizance gno to know Conscious knowledge or recognition;

    94 complacent placere please self-satisfied and unconcerned

    95 concede cedere fall To make a concession

    96 concord cord heart Harmony or agreement of interests or feelings

    97 condescend scandere climb lower oneself

    98 conflagration flagr burn A large destructive fire.

    99 congenial gen spirit Suited to one's needs or nature; agreeable

    100 congenital gen bieth Of or relating to a condition that is present at birth

    101 conjecture ject throw A statement, opinion, or conclusion based on guesswo

    102 conscience sci to know A source of moral or ethical judgment or pronouncem

    103 contort tort twist To twist, wrench

    104 contravene venire come To oppose in argument

    105 convivial viva life merry

    106 convoke vocare speak To cause to assemble in a meeting (to call for a meetin

    107 cordial cord heart Warm and sincere; friendly

    108 corporeal corp body Of, relating to, or characteristic of the body

    109 corpulent corp body Excessively fat

    110 consecrate sacr holy To declare or set apart as sacred

    111 credence cred belief Claim to acceptance

    112 credulous cred belief Disposed to believe too readily

    113 culpable culpa blame Deserving of blame

    114 culprit culpa blame One guilty of a fault or crime.

    115 credo cred belief a creed

    116 criterion crit judge

    A standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decisi

    can be based

    117 crescendo creare increase

    A gradual increase, especially in the volume or intensity

    sound in a passage.

    118 curator cura care a museum care taker

    119 cursory currere run Performed with haste and scant attention to detail

    120 cynical cyn dog

    Believing or showing the belief that people are motiva

    chiefly by base or selfish concerns

    121 cynosure cyn dog

    An object that serves as a focal point of attention an


    122 cacophony phonos sound harsh sound

    123 decadence cadere fall A process, condition, or period of deterioration or decl

    124 decapitate caput head To cut off the head of

    125 deciduous cedere fall Falling off or shed at a specific season or stage of grow

    126 defer ferre carry postpone.

    127 definitive finis limit Precisely defined or explicit.

    128 deflect flect bend To turn aside or cause to turn aside



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    129 defunct funct work Having ceased to exist or live

    130 deify dei god To make a god of

    131 demagogue demos people A leader of the common people

    132 demography demos people The study of the characteristics of human population

    133 denounce ounce tell To accuse formally

    134 derogatory rogat ask belittling

    135 desecrate sacr holy To violate the sacredness of

    136 detract tract pull To draw or take away

    137 dichotomy dicho two Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinio

    138 diffident fidere trust Lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence

    139 digress gress move To turn aside

    140 dilemma di two

    An argument that presents two alternatives, each of wh

    has the same consequence

    141 diligent agere drive Marked by painstaking effort

    142 disclaim clamare shout To deny or renounce any claim to or connection with

    143 discord cord heart Lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things

    144 discriminate crimin charge distinguish

    145 discursive currere run

    Proceeding to a conclusion through reason rather tha


    146 disinter terra the earth To dig up

    147 dissident sidere sit Disagreeing

    148 divine div god Having the nature of or being a deity.

    149 dogmatic dog opinion Relating to, characteristic of, or resulting from dogm

    150 dolorous dolere pain Marked by or exhibiting sorrow

    151 dubious du two undecided

    152 dupe du two An easily deceived person.

    153 duplicity du two The quality or state of being twofold or double

    154 duress durus hard Forcible confinement.

    155 equanimity anima spirit The quality of being calm and even-tempered

    156 equivocal voca speak

    Open to two or more interpretations and often intende


    157 errant errare wander Straying from the proper course or standards

    158 erroneous errare wander Containing or derived from error

    159 etymology etymos word study of words

    160 eulogy logos speech High praise or commendation

    161 euphemism eu good a subtle way of saying something harsh

    162 euthanasia eu good mercy killing

    163 exacerbate acer bitter To increase the severity

    164 exalt altus height To raise in rank

    165 exigency agere drive A pressing or urgent situation

    166 exonerate onus burden To free from blame

    167 expedite ped feet To speed up the progress of

    168 extemporaneous tempor time Carried out or performed with little or no preparatio

    169 extort tort twist To obtain from another by coercion

    170 extrovert vert turn being concerned with the social and physical environm

    171 efficacy facere to do Power or capacity to produce a desired effect

    172 egress gress move The act of coming or going out



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    173 eloquent loqu speak Characterized by persuasive, powerful discourse

    174 elucidate lucere shine To make clear or plain

    175 emend menda fault To improve by critical editing

    176 empathy pathos feelings

    Identification with and understanding of another's situa

    feelings, and motives

    177 enamoured amare love in love

    178 endemic demos people

    Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region,


    179 engender gen kind To bring into existence

    180 equable equi equal Not easily disturbed

    181 fidelity fidere trust Faithfulness to obligations

    182 finale finis end The concluding part

    183 flagrant flagr burn flaming

    184 florid flora flower Flushed with rosy color

    185 fractious frac break cranky

    186 gastronomy gastro stomach The art or science of good eating.

    187 genealogy gen birth

    188 generic gen kind

    189 genre gen kind Relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class

    190 genuflect flect bend To bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or gro

    191 grandiose grandis great grand

    192 gratuitous gratis pleasing Given or received without cost or obligation

    193 gregarious greg flock Seeking and enjoying the company of others

    194 habitat habere live The place where a person or thing is most likely to be fo

    195 incandescent candere shine Shining brilliantly

    196 incantation cant sing

    Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce

    magic effect

    197 incarnate carn flesh Embodied in human form

    198 incessant cessare stop Continuing without interruption

    199 incognito gno know With one's identity disguised

    200 incredulous cred believe disbelieving

    201 indict dictum speak To accuse of wrongdoing

    202 indolent dolerer pain Causing little or no pain

    203 indubitable du two Too apparent to be doubted

    204 induce ducere lead To lead or move

    205 induct ducere lead To admit as a member

    206 inept aptus fit Not apt or fitting

    207 infallible falere FALSE Incapable of erring

    208 infamous famma fame Having an exceedingly bad reputation

    209 infinitesimal finis end Immeasurably or incalculably minute

    210 infraction frangere break a violation

    211 infringe frangere break To defeat

    212 ingrate gratis blessing An ungrateful person

    213 inhibit habere live To hold back



    the study of families and the tracing of their lineages a





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    214 inimical amare love Unfriendly

    215 innate natus born inborn.

    216 innocuous noc harm harmless

    217 inter terra the earth bury

    218 interim inter between An interval of time between one event

    219 interminable terminus end endless

    220 intractable tract pull Difficult to mold or manipulate

    221 irrevocable voca speak Impossible to retract or revoke

    222 ignite ignis fire To set fire to.

    223 ignominy nomen name Great personal dishonor or humiliation

    224 illicit licere law unlawful

    225 immutable mutare move Not subject or susceptible to change.

    226 impede ped feet To retard or obstruct the progress of

    227 impending pendere weigh To be about to occur

    228 imperturbable turb turmoil Unshakably calm and collected

    229 implacable placere please Impossible to placate

    230 implicate plica fold to imply

    231 implicit plica fold to say things indirectly

    232 import port carry To bring or carry in from an outside source

    233 inalienable alias other That cannot be transferred to another or others

    234 legacy leg law

    Something handed down from an ancestor or a predece

    or from the past

    235 levity levis lift The state or quality of being light

    236 loquacious loqu talk Very talkative

    237 lucid lucere shine Translucent or transparent

    238 mandate mandare deny An authoritative command or instruction.

    239 matriarch mater mother A woman who rules a family

    240 melancholy melan black Sadness or depression of the spirits

    241 megalomania megalo big An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or ac

    242 memento mem memory A reminder of the past

    243 mendacious mend fault untruthful

    244 misanthrope anthropos mankind One who hates or mistrusts humankind.

    245 mnemonic mnem memory Relating to, assisting, or intended to assist the memo

    246 mutability mutare move Capable of or subject to change or alteration

    247 magnanimous anima spirit Generous in forgiving

    248 magnate magnus big A powerful or influential person

    249 malice mal bad A desire to harm others or to see others suffer

    250 malign mal bad Evil in influence

    251 mediocre medius middle Moderate to inferior in quality

    252 millennium annu year A span of one thousand years

    253 misogynist gyn women One who hates women

    254 monolithic lithos stone Constituting or acting as a single, often rigid, uniform w

    255 maladroit mal bad an inept person

    256 malediction dictum speak a curse

    257 malefactor facere to do a criminal




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    258 malevolent vollens wish Having or exhibiting ill will

    259 nascent nasc born Coming into existence; emerging, being born

    260 negate negare deny To rule out; deny

    261 neologism neo new A new word, expression, or usage

    262 neophyte neo new a person newly converted to a religious faith

    263 nocturnal noc night used during, occurring in, or relating to the night

    264 nomenclature nomen name A system of names used in an art or science

    265 nostalgia algos pain A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the

    266 novice nov new A person new to a field or activity; a beginner.

    267 noxious nox harm Harmful to living things; injurious to health

    268 obdurate durus hard Hardened against feeling; hardhearted

    269 obliterate littera letter to destroy every trace of; wipe out completely

    270 obloquy loqu speak

    state of disgrace resulting from public abuse, Abusively detra

    language or utterance; calumny

    271 obnoxious nox harm extremely unpleasant

    272 occlude clus close To cause to become closed

    273 omnipotent omni allHaving unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; a


    274 omnipresent omni all present in all places at the same time

    275 omniscient omni all Having total knowledge; knowing everything

    276 pacify pac peace to calm the anger or agitation of; mollify

    277 paradox dox opinion

    a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that is or

    be true

    278 parameter meteron measure

    any factor that defines a system and determines (or limits)


    279 parity par equal Equality, as in amount, status, or value.

    280 quadruped ped feet A four-footed animal

    281 recant cant sing to sing again

    282 recapitulate caput head To repeat in concise form.

    283 recluse clus close

    A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion

    often in solitude

    284 recrimination crimin charge A countercharge.

    285 refract frangere break cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable

    286 rejuvenate juvenus youngTo restore to an original or new condition

    287 reminiscence mnem memory the act of recalling or narrating past experiences

    288 renege negare deny fail to fulfill a promise or obligation

    289 renounce ounce tell

    To give up (a title, for example), especially by formal


    290 renovate novus new To restore to an earlier condition, as by repairing or remode

    291 replenish plenus full

    to make full or complete again by supplying what has been

    up or is lacking

    292 retrograde retro backward Moving or tending backward.

    293 retrospect specere see A review, survey, or contemplation of things in the past







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    294 sacrilege sacr holy

    the misuse or desecration of anything regarded as sacred o

    worthy of extreme respect

    295 sacrosanct sacr holy Regarded as sacred and inviolable.

    296 sanctimonious sanct holy excessively or hypocritically pious

    297 sangine sang holy

    298 satiate satis full To satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully.

    299 sedate sidere sit habitually calm and composed in manner; serene

    300 sedition sidere sit

    Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority


    301 senile sen old relating to, or characteristic of old age

    302 sensuous sentire feeling Appealing to or gratifying the senses

    303 sententious sentire feeling Abounding in pompous moralizing

    304 sentient sentire feeling having the power of sense perception or sensation; conscio

    305 solace sol one

    to give comfort or cheer to (a person) in time of sorrow, dist


    306 soliloquy loqu speak A specific speech or piece of writing in this form of discour

    307 solvent solvare loosen Capable of dissolving another substance.308 somnambulism ambulare walk the condition of sleepwalking

    309 somnolent somnos sleep Drowsy; sleepy.

    310 specious specere see Deceptively attractive.

    311 superannuated annu year over one year old, Retired or ineffective because of advance

    312 tractable tract pull Easily managed or controlled; governable

    313 transient trans across for a short time only; temporary or transitory

    314 transitory trans across xisting or lasting only a short time; short-lived or tempora

    315 translucent lucere shine

    allowing light to pass through partially or diffusely;


    316 temporal tempor time Of, relating to, or limited by time

    317 temporize tempor time

    To act evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, o

    postpone a decision

    318 terrestrial terra the earth Of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants.

    319 theocracy theo god government by a deity or by a priesthood

    320 timid tim fear Lacking self-confidence; shy.

    321 tractable tract pull Easily managed or controlled

    322 transient trans across Passing with time; transitory

    323 vacuous vac empty Devoid of matter; empty.

    324 veracity ver TRUE truthfulness or honesty, esp when consistent or habitua

    325 verbatim verbum word using exactly the same words; word for word

    326 verbiage verbum word An excess of words for the purpose; wordiness

    327 verbose verbum word

    Using or containing a great and usually an excessive numbe

    words; wordy

    328 verity ver TRUE The quality or condition of being true, factual, or real.

    329 versatile vert turn Capable of doing many things competently.

    330 vertigo vert turn

    a sensation of dizziness or abnormal motion resulting from

    disorder of the sense of balance





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    331 vivacious viva life Full of animation and spirit; lively

    332 vivisection viva life

    The act or practice of cutting into or otherwise injuring livi

    animals, especially for the purpose of scientific research

    333 vociferous vocare speak Making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcr
