CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 ASSA.M DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK GARO HILLS· E. H. P 1l.I.YNTEIN of the Indian Administrative Service Superintendent of' Census Assam Printed at tile Tribune Pjess, Gauhati and published by the Government of Assam" 1964

CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 1: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India






of the Indian Administrative Service

Superintendent of' Census Operations~ Assam

Printed at tile Tribune Pjess, Gauhati and published by the Government of Assam" 1964

Page 2: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Part I-A

Part I-B

Part I-C

Part II-A

Part II-B

Part II-C

Part III

Part IV

Part V-A

Part V-B (i)

Part V-B (ii)

Part VI (i)

Part VI (ii)

Part VI (iii)

Part VII-A

Part VII-B


Part VID·B

Part IX



( All the Publications of the State will bear the Vol. No. III)

} General Report

Report on Vital Statistics

Subsidiary Tables

General Population Tables

General Economic Tables

Cultural & Migration Tables

Household Economic Tables

Report on Housing and Establishments

Scheduled Caste/Tribe Tables and Reprints

Tribes and Castes of Assam

Tribes and Castes of Assam

Village Survey Monographs

Village Survey Monographs

Village Survey Monograph::;

Survey of Handicrafts

Fairs & Festivals

Administration Report ( Enumeration)

Administration Report ( Tabulation)




11 District Census Handbooks

Not for &ale

Page 3: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India






INTRODUCING THE STATISTICS ..................................................................... .




3. TIlE VILLAGE DIRECTORY ............................................................................ 18-127


A-I & Appendix m A-II A-III A-IV

- Area, Houses and Population ........................................................ 129-131

- Variation in Population during sixty years .............................................. 132 - Villages classified by population ............................•..••.•......•...........• 133 - Towns (and Town-groupS) classified by population in 1961 with variation since 1901 ..........•• 134


B-1 B-lll Pt. A

B-II1 Pt. B

B-IV Pt. A

B-1V Pt. B

l;l-IV Pt. C & .Appendix


:S-Vll Pt. A

B-VIII pt. A

B-VlII Pt. B


_ Workers and Non-workers classified by sex and broad age-groups .........................• 135-137 _ Industrial Classification of workers and non-workers by educational levels in urban

areas only ................................•.................•....................... ' .138-139 _ Industrial Classification of workers and non-workers by educational levels in

rural areas only ..................................................................... . 140-143 _ Industrial Classification by sex and class of worker of persons at work at Household

Industry ....•.............................• , ......•..•...• , .....••....•..•••••.••...•. 152-153 _ Industrial Classification by sex and class of worker of persons at work in non-household industry,

trade, business, profession or service .................................................. 154-159 _ Industrial Classification by sex and divisions, major groups and minor groups of persons at

work other than cultivation .......•..................................•............... 1 60-1 (i3

_ Occupational Classification by sex of persons at work other than cultivation ...•.•........•• 164-179 _ Occupational divisions of persons at work other than cultivation classified by sex, broad

age-groups and educational levels in urban areas only .••.....•.•.......•.•.......... · .• 180-184 _ Persons working principally (i) as Cultivators, (ii) as Agricultural Labourers or (iii) at

Household lndustry classiiJ.ed by sex and by Secondary work (i) at Household Industry (ii) as Cultivator or (iii) as Agricultural Labourer .......•......•..•••............•.. · .. · .186-188

_ Persons unemp.oytd aged 15 and above by sex, broad age-grou}>s and lducational levels in urban areas only ..............•...••.........•..........•.. ,.· .•.• ,·············· .190-191

_ Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by sex and educational levels in rural areas only. '" .. 192 _ Persons not at work classified by sex, broad age-groups and type of activity .................. 193-199

6. ,C-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES C-ll - Age and Marital Status ................................ ··.··························· 200.-206 C-ID Pt. A - Age, Sex and Education in all areas .................................................... 207

C-ID Pt. B - Age, Sex and Education in urban areas only .............................................. 20S

C-V - Mother tongue (alphabetical order) ...................... ····························• .2C9-211 C-Vll - Religion ..............................................................•............. 212-214

C-Vlll Pt. A _ Classification by literacy and industrial category of Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Castes ............................................•.......•................. 217

C-VlII Pt. B _ Classification by literacy and industrial category of Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Tribes ..............................................................•.• , ..•. 218

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7. scr~TABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES SCf-I Pt. A - Industrial Classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for

SCT-I Pt. B SCT-II Pt. A SCT-I1 Pt. B SCf-ill Pt.A(i) SCT -Ill Pt.A(ii) SCf-1II Pt.B(i) SCf -Ill Pt.B(ii) SCT-IV Pt.A SCT-IV Pt.B SC-I

ST-l ST-ll

Scheduled Castes .................................................................... 220--223 - Industrial Classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Tribes ....... 224-226 - Age and Marital Status for Scheduled Castes ............................................ 228-229 - Age and Marital Status for Scheduled Tribes ............................................ 230-232 - Education in urban areas only for Scheduled Castes .................................... 234 - Education in urban areas only for Scheduled Tribes ........................................ 235 - Education in rural areas only for Scheduled Castes ...................................... 236 - Education in rural areas only for Scheduled Tribes ........................................ 237 - Religion for Scheduled Castes .••...•.••..•.•.•......................•.••.....•.•..••• 238 - Religion for Scheduled Tribes .•.•.•........••.....•......•.............•............. 239-240 - Persons not at work classified by sex, type of activity and educational levels for .

Scheduled Castes ••••••••••••••••.•..•••.•.•...•.........•.•...•••.•••••...•.......•. 241-242 - Mother tongue and Bilingualism for Scheduled Tri~".i~ ................................ 243-245 - Persons not at work classified by sex and typ,e of activity fOr Schedule~ Tribes ................ 246-247

B. INTRODUCING THE OFFICIAL STATISTICS .................. ~;: .....:.'~.-. __ ... ,.,. ., , , ............ 248--251



1.1 Monthly Total Rainfall at important centres in the district from i9i:l ~ l~F~:;:-;~;~;: ~~\.~ ~ /,(~ .................. 252 1.3 Maximum and Minimum Temperatures by station and by month in the distric.t froin 19i1,~ ....•............... 253-254


2.1 Number of births and deaths as reported in the district from 1951 to 1960 •.••••..•.•••••••••••••••.......•••••• 255 2.2 Deaths from some selected causes in the district from 1951 to 1960 .••.•••.•.•.•••••.•...••.•.•••.••••..••.•.•.•... 256


3.1 Land Utilisation Statistics in the district for the decades 1901 to 1961. ............... '" .................. ; ........ 257 3.2 Area under principal crops in the district for the decades 1901 to 1961. ............................................. 258 3.3 Gross area irrigated under different crops in the district for the decades 1901 to 1961 •.••.....•..•.•.•••..•.....••..•. 259 3.4 Sources of irrigation in the district for the decades 1901 to 1961. ................................................ 259 3.5 Yield rates of principal crops in the district, 1951-52 to 1959-60 ................................................ ; .260 3.6 Fortnightly wholesale prices of important commodities in the district from 1958 to 1960 ...........•................. ; 261-270 3.7 Average retail prices of important commodities in the district for 1951. ............................................ 271


4.1 Variation in the number of main Livestock in the district during 1945 to 1961 .••.••••.•• _ ••••••.• _ ••.••.••••..••••••.••. • l12


5.1 List of all categories of industries in the district based on Houselists ..••••••..•.•••.••..•••.••••...•....•.....•... 273-276 5.2 List of small scale uidustries operating in the district .••••.••• _ ••••••••••••••.•••• '.' •••••...•••.••....•..••.•.•. 277-279


6.1 Number of criminal cases tried and persons convicted in the district from 1951 to 1960 •••...•..•.......•••..••..•. 280 6.2 Strength of Police and Jails in the district from 1951 to 1960 .................................................... 281 6.3 Different types of Co-operative Societies in the district from 1951-52 to 1960-61 .•••..•.•.....••..•.....•.....••.• 282 6.4 Receipts of revenue under different heads in the district from 1951-52 to 1960-61 •• ._. •••.•••...•.•.•.....••..•...•• 283


7.1 Different classes of Public Health and Medical Centres in the district from 1951 to 1960 •.•••.•.•••...•.•.•..•.... 284


8.1 Number of different types of educational institutions and nwnber of students in the district in 19!19·ClO and 1960-61 •.•••• 28'-290

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9.1 Number of Printing Presses, Newspapers, Cinema Houses, other places of public entertainment and Periodicals & Journals ................................................................................................... 291


10.1 Names and length of village roads in the district ....................•.....••..••................•............. 292-294 10.2 Different categories of roads in the district as on 31st March, 1961. ............................................. 295


11.1 Names and Stages of the Community Development Blocks in the district •......................................... 296


12.1 List of Banking Institutions functioning in the district 1960-61 ...............•.............................••.•. 297 ]2.2 Gross and Net collections on Sman Savings in the district from ]951-52 to 1960-61 .....................•..........•. 297


13.1 List of Fairs and Festivals observed in the district ............................................................... 298 13.2 List of different types of Hats and Markets in the district ........................................................ 299

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District Census Handbooks were introduced for the first time during the 1951 Census. In the 1961 Census, the District Census Hand­books have further been improved by making the introduction of the districts more elabo­rate, by the addition of official statistics and by having separate tables for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes. The introduction to each district is a sort of gazetteer giving the physical features, geological data, climate, rainfall and temperature, flora and fauna etc. and a short history of the people inhabiting the district. Sociological data about the people have also been given briefly. Attempts have also been made to appraise the impact of the two Five Year Plans on the economy of each distnct. Official statistics are given in the form of tables, but there is also an in­troduction explaining the purpose and utility of the official statistics. For example, the District Census Handbook will supply the number of schools and dispensaries existing in each district as well as the road mileage and many other data which one would like to know about each district. Such data will be useful to the administrators, legislators

and sociologists who want to study the people of any district.

Data on the various subject mentioned abOVe have been collected from the District Gazetteers prepared by Mr. B. C. Allen ICS, from monographs written on the people by well-known ethnographists and sociologists as well as from various Departments of Government, both Central and State. Many Deputy Commissioners and Subdivisional Officers have greatly helped me in supplying such data as are available with them Concern­ing the district. The nature, quality and quantity of the data supplied by each Deputy Commissioner and Subdivisional Officer vary directly according to the interest that each officer has in his district/subdivision.

The preparation of tables was done under the able guidance of Sarvashri J. C. Bhuyan and K. S. Dey, Tabulation Officers, to whom I am greatly indebted. I could not have dictated my write-ups in such a shOrt space of time had it not been for the great help given by my two Stenographers, Sarvashri G. Raghuram and J. Ramsden.

E. H. PakynteiD

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Tura, Town

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A Borang or Field Watch House

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The Garo Hilts District is bounded on the north by GoaJpara district, on the west by the district of Goalpara and _ra1't of Rangpur (East Pakistan ), on the south by the East Pakistan district of Mymensingh and on the east by the United Khasi and Jaintia Hills district. The district forms the western part of the Assam range and also the western and south­western boundary of the State. It is situated between latitude 25 09 1 and 260 North and 89 047 1

and 91 °2' East, and covers an area of 3152 square miles ( or 8163. 7 square kilometers ).


The origin of the name Garo has been the subject of some conjecture. In the southern portion of the hills there exists a division of the tribe who call themselves 'Gara' or Ganching. These people are not far removcd from the Mymensingh district of East Pakistan, from which direction the Garos were first approached by Europeans or Bengalis. It is therefore not unlikely that this division of the tribe first received their appellation of Gara, that the name was extended to all the inhabitants of the hills, and that in time it became corrupted from 'Gara' to 'Garo'. Another theory, which has its foundation on the story of the migration from Tibet is that one of the original leaders of the migration was named Garu, and that he gave his name to the tribe. From the fact that Garos never used the name except in conversation with a foreigner, but always call themselves 'Achik' ( hill-man), Mande (the man) or Achik Mande, it is likely that the first is the correct derivation of the name, and that 'Garo' is merely a corruption of the name of one of the sUbdivisions of the tribe.

Whatever may be the origin of the word 'Garo', the tribal people inhabiting the present Garo Hills district and some of its adjoining places have long been known to outsiders as the 'Garos'. It is after the word 'Garo'that the district bears its present name. The history of the district cannot, therefore, be disassociated from the history of the tribe, who form the immense mass of the inhabitants, and have given their name to the hills in which they live.


As implied by its name, the greater portion of the district consists of hills which form the


western extremity of the range dividing the valleys of the Brahmaputr<l and the Surma. The hills in the north are low, but gradually increase in height untill a fine range of mountains called the Tura Hills is reached. The hills near the Brahmaputra or Amawari, as that river is called by the people of the district, are uninteresting. They are usually covered with grass reeds or scrubby timber; in former times they were no doubt covered with forest, which has gradually disappeared under the 'Jhum' system of cultivation. Further in the interior of the district, when the higher ranges are reached, the country becomes bolt.:er, and the scenery more beautiful. On a clear day from the summit of Tura hiI1 a fine view can be obtained over the plain districts, the course of Brahmaputra being traceable for a distance upwards of a hundred miles. During the months of October and November, when the atmosphere is clear, a glimpse of the snowy range of the Himalayas beyond Darjeeling is often obtainable. It would be difficult to find a wider or more diversified scene than that which is presented to the eye of the traveller from the top of the rather steep ascent of Tura hil1.


Due to sufficient rainfall in the Assam range the gorges are occupied by rivers and rivulets, but not one of them is navigable by boats of four tons burthen throughout the year. Only five of the rivers can be said to be navigable at all in their COUrse within the hills. These are the Krishnai, Kalu, Bhugai, Nitai and Someswari.


The Krishnai, which is called Damring by the Garos, takes its rise in the hills to the north of the Arbela range, near the village of l\4and:'llanggiri, Whence it flows in a northerly dIrectIon past the vell~ges of Rongrengiri, Thapa and Songma to Jna, a frontier village where it leaves the district and enters Goalpara: It is navigable by canoes In the cold season as far as Rongrcngiri but there is very little traffic. Dunng the earthquake of 1897, the greater part of the bed of the Krishnai between Dekachang and Jira sank and formed a lake about eight miles long and in places nearly a mile wide. The river enters this lake near Dekachang.

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The Kalu river, known by the Garos as the Gonal, takes its rise in the Tura range near t~e s~ation. of. Tura, and flows in a westerly directIOn ttl I It leaves the Garo Hills near Putimari and enters Goalpara. It again appears near the Rangapani hill, and for about two miles form the boundary of the district from the village Rangapani to Peshkar Bhita. It then faUs into the Jinjiram, near Kakripara in the Goalpara district. Its principal tributary is the Banarasi river, which is called Rongkon by the Garo;;, whiCh also takes its rise near Tura, and flows into the Kalu at a short distance from the point where it leaves the district. The Kalu is navigable for a distance of ten miles in the hills from Harigaon [is far as Damalgiri, which is within twelve miles of Tur:a, by boats. of two tons bUrthen, but only dUrIng the ramy season. The passage is dangerous, owing to the numerous snag" in the riverbed, and until the Tura station was opened in 1868, the river had never been navigable at all.


The next river is the Bhugai, which takes its rise on the Tura range a little to the south­east of the station; and flows in a southerly direction passing many villages from Anai to Dalu, near which it leaves (he hills and ultimately falls into tbe old bed of the Brahmaputra above the station of Nasirabad in the. di~trict ?f Mym~nsjngh (East Pakistan ). Its prmcipal tnbntary IS the Noarang,], which, falls into ~t. near the village of Remrangpara. The Bhugalls known to the Garos as the Bugi.


The Nitai is known to the Garos as the DJ.reng and takes its rise on the southern slopes of the Tura watershe:l. It passes the villages of Adapgiri, Chakpatgiri, Sembu, Choto Sembu, Silkigiri and Bamongiri, and at Ghosh~aon enters the district of Mymensingh, where It falls into the Kanks river. Canoes can proceed as far as Chakpatgiri when the river is full of water.


The Someswari, or as it is called by the Garos, the Simsang, is the largest stream in the district. It drains the country to the north of the Tura range, up to the wa tershed of the Amblai river. It takes its rise on No krek, and drains the country between Tura and Arbela ranges and the valley of the Rongdi. The river follows a very winding course and at first flows in an easterly direction for about thirty miles. It then takes a turn to the south and runs gene­rally in a southerly direction, till it emerges on


the plains _in pargana Susang of Mymensingh. It.,IS naVIgable for fair sized boats as far as ~!J.u, about twenty ~liles from the point where It Issues from the hIlls .. Beyond this point, dug­out can?e~ can Occ].sIOnally be used as far as RongkalbI.?ra, the pOint of junction of the Someswan and .the Rongkai river. The upper reac.hes of the nver can hardly be described as navlga",?Ie,. as th~ rapi~s are long and dangerous. The pnncIp:L] tnbutarles are the Rongkai the Rongdi and the Chibok. '

. No important changes of course, nor any lllstances of alluvium or diluvium are known to have taken place in the flvers. 'Their banks are usually steep, and in some places, the strean~s flow through deep ravines, hardly accessible to man or beast. The beds of the rivers are generally rocky while within the hi}ls. All the rivers and streams within the hIlls are fordable at. nearly every bend during the dry season, but In the rainy season, many of them become impassable torrents.


The only lake m the district is that which has been formed by the subsidence of the valley of the Krishnai during th'~ earthquake of 1897. The grea tcr p:lrt of the bed of the Krishnai between Dekachang and Jira sank and formed a lake a b~JUt. eig?t miles long and in places nearl.y a mI~e 10 WIdth. The lake was originally the SIte of a dense forest, but in places it is now as much as twelve feet deep. The only other bee1s of any importance are the Bara bil in the Kalumalupara pargana, and the Kata beel between Kalaichor and Mahendraganj.


The principal mountain ranges in the Garo Hi]]s district are the Tum and the Arbela hills The Tura range runs almost through th~ Centre of the district due east and west, until it joins the Khasi mountajn ranges. The Arbela range is situated to the north of the Tura hills, and runs almost parallel to them. Nokrek (4,652 feet), the highest peak in the Tura range is situated about eight nllIes to the south-esat of Tura, and from this point the hills gradually decline in height. Kailas east of the Someswari is 3,375 feet above the level of the sea, and BaJpakram, on the border of the Khasi Hills, 2,831 feet. These ranges are generally in the form of longevell ridges, occasionally diversi­fied by peaks and towering masseS. The rest of the district consists of a tumbled mass of hills, wbMe general tendency is to rull north and south. Several of the peaks are between 1,500 feet and 2,000 feet in height, but the general level is considerably less than this. In their origiGal state the whole of these hills must ha Ve been covered with dense tropical forest,

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and much of this forest still remains. Where, however, the hills have been cleared for cultiva­tion, bamboos and high reed jungles cover the sites of the fallowing jhums. The sides of the hills are usually fairly stcep but not precipi­tous, but an exception should, perhaps, be made in the case of the Tura and Arbela ranges. Here, though there are few rocks and precIpices to bc seen, the ascent to the summit except by one of the recognised paths would be by no means easy even for a man on foot. The hills, as a rule, take the form of ridges sloping steeply to the valleys with wh;ch they are intersected, but any boldness of outline which they may possess is effectually concealed by the luxuriance of the veg<:tation in whiCh they are enshrouded. The Kailas hills, which is caned Chitmang by the Garos, stands out an abrupt hog-backed mass, which towers above most of the hills in the vicinity. It thus ::ppears to be higher than it really is, and it is probably on this account that it is regarded by the Garos as the home of the spints of the dead.


The greater parts of Garo Hills are formed of gneissic rocks. Upon them are superim­posed strata referable to the crdc:ceous system which consist of sandstones and conglomerates with subordinate clays and occasional coal seams. The cretaceous beds are overlaid by rocks of nummulitic age, consisting of lime­stone and sandstone with interstratified shales. Above the nummulitics there are upper tertiary rocks, composed mainly of sandstones, which form low hills along the border . of the Mymen­singh district of East Pakistan. Marine fossils have been met with in the lower beds of these sandstones.

The geological time scales represented in the Garo Hills are the oldest Archaean group, that covers nearly half (4142 sql'are ki~ometers) of the distfict in the north and the Tertiaries. The archaeans are represented by gneisses which iucludc veins and lenticles (if regmatitic material and hornblende-schist. The foliation of the gneiss trends roughly north and south with dip both tQ the east and west. Near Dobu, magnetite quartzite rocks, possibly belonging to the Dharwans, are exposed and similar rocks infolded with the gneiss are found again west of Chimagiri and south-west of Ara. It is possible that they remain in such isolated positions partly owing to faulting. Kaolinised gneisses and thick deposits of Kaolin are seen in the valley of Rongtham from ncar Narring­giri (25 037' N-90042" E) southward, and well developt'd in the valley south-esat of Dobu and further south around Tura and eh:ewhere. Except the magnetite-quartzites, other members of the Shillong selies are not met with in the regio1,1.


The Permian is represented by an exposure of Gondwana rocks, consisting of carbonaceoUs shales with lenticles of vitranised coal, sand­stone and grit, measuring 18 spuare kilometers at Singrimari. On fossil evidence (Vertebraria indica) and on the basis of analysis of the coal, the beds are assigned to Barakar ~ Lower Gondwana) series. The beds dip gently west­ward under the alluvium of the Jinjiram. They contain, however, no working seams. It is Suggested that due to a series of north­South faults with westerly downthrows, the Gondwana bed, once of a great thickness, has been greatly depressed ; this presumption is confirmed by the discovery of Gondwana coal at 2400 to 2700 Metres depth in oil well drilling in East Pakistan, The Jurassic is represented by many dolerite dykes, sometimes as silt-like intrusions and sometimes with inClusions of gneiss, which pierce the Gon­dwanas and are mainly observed between Damra and Simsang. They are regarded as of the same age as the Sylhet Trap or the Rajmahal Trap. Near Singrimari the doleritk materials have also undergone widespread kaolinisation over the gneissic area, perhaps at the close of the Cretaceous period, suggesting that land did exist on the Tum plateau at the end of the Cretaceous period.

The Jaintia Series (Tertiary system) here consists of the TUra stage, the Siju stage and the Rewak stage. The seri;,:s covers an arca of 381 square kilometers ::nd is comparable to the Theria, the Sylhet limestone and the Kopili stages of the Eocene age of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills. The Tum stage (170 metres thick) beds are faulted against the gneisS of the mountain to the west of Tura and alsc on the Dobu road, about 5 kilometers south of Tura. The outcrops stretch acrOss the southern part form south-east to north-west in a belt of 19 kilometers wide. The stage consists of sandstone with intercalated coal se;'.mS. The overlying Siju range stretches acroSS the district from east to west in a ribbon outcrop 5 kilometers wide and measures 1140 square kilometers. The Siju and the overlying Rewak stages are represented at Damalgiri, west 'of Tura, by impure sideritic limestone and calcareous shales. The limestone decreases in thickness from 90 metres west of Sim,ang river to 15 metres west of Tura. At Darnalgiri the sideritic beds are barely 1.5 metres thick suggesting a sho.Howing of the Eocene sea in a westerly direction. The Surma series, of Lower Miocene age, overlies the beds of the Jaintia Series with an unconformity. The intervening Barail series is missing. The KopiJi stage, of the Eocene, is directly over­lain by the Bhuban stage of Surma series, which consists of soft sandstone and is exposed on the banks of the old Brahmapntra river north-west of Mahendraganj. The overlying Tipam series

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of Upper Miocene age, covers 1341 kilometers in outcrops across the district from east to west, with varying width of 6.5 kilometers near Maheshkbali to Mahendraganj. Rocks of Quarternary era, the olde: alluvium, coverS an area of 251 square kIlometers and are seen east of Manikarchar and south-east of Mahendraganj. The recent Brahmaputra all­uvium reaches up to the northern bonndary of the district and on the west extends east­ward from the Brahmaputra itself.

The Tura range was brought about by the directional mOVement of the Crust from a northern direction and the Darranggin and neighbouring coalfield have bem thrown into basin by the same movement.


The Garo Hills district 1S a potential rich mineral area of Assam. There are deposits of coal, lim::stone and fireclay whiCh are virtually untapped.


Coal found in the dIstrict is of cretaceouS OrIgIn. The areas include the closely associated BalJong, DOiring, and Waimong (Chutmang) fielc?s lying east of the Simsang Valley on the slope below the Kaivlas Peak. There are two seams in Ba1j, ng and Doiring and three in Waimong. All are of good quality. The reserves in the lower seams are cOillputed at somewbat oWr four million tons in Baljang and one milliOn tons in Doiring. The Rongrengiri coallleds lie in the Simsang valley about twelve miles east of Arbela and twenty miles east of Tura. The area covers about 25 square miles. Coal seams in Rongrengiri are thin and are not worth mining at present.

Of Jate, much attention has been paid to the development of the Derangiri coalfied which lies north of TUla range, a few miles below Rongrengiri. Outcrops of coal are found on bo.th s'des of the Simsang river wh;ch flows through th~ Dama1giri area. Field investi­gations reve al the presence of a main seam ranging in thickness from five to nine feet and expo"ed at places in the river beds. AnothtT upper seam one and a half to two eet thick IS seen some 200 feet up in the

sequence. There are some other thin seams also. The roam seam in the Derangiri field contains reserves of about 125 million tons of hard, sPlinterY coal.

The Dcrangiri coal measures extend east­wards up the Rengchu vaney into tbe Nong­stoin area of the Kbasi Hills. Cn the Asilagann hill there ere occurences of at least two coal seams, out of which the lOWer


one has reserves of not less than 15 million tons partly coking coal.


Limestone tNummulitic) is found .n the Siju Limestone stage of the Jaintia serieS of Eocene age. The bed stretches a!ong the entire length of the Garo Hills from Pendenglu on the east to Damalgiri on the west. White clays are known to OCCur in as many as ten places in the distriCt. There are well­exposed sections near TUfa, Deranggiri, Damalgiri etc. along the southern slopes of the Tura range. Feldspars and quartez occur almost obiqUltons1y in the gneiss of the district.

The Associated Cement Company Limited had projected to build a Cement Factory at Siju Arthcca, Where coal and limestone cccur tegether, carrying the finished product OVer an aerial ropeway to the nearest road head at Jhana Janijal. The partition of tJ:e country killed the project. The development of the pendengru coalfied died a Similar death. At present, a 5,000 kilowatt power plant is being built at Nangalbibra 111 the Simsang, in the Deranggiri coalfield. The coalfield will be worked by the National Coal Development Corporation. The raw materials for the stone­warc or pottery plant is easily available in the area. so also the main raw material for a calcium carbide factory.

Lack of communication has effectively stood on the way of exploitation of the pre­sently known mineral deposits. The easy outlet from the district is through Mymensingh, nOw in East Pakistan. With the partition, these outlets have been closed.


The general elevation of the district is low. Tum, the headquarters of the district is sitl'ated on a spur of the main range and as it is only about 1,300 feet above sea-level, the temperature at certain se<:.sons of the year is fairly high. November to February are the only really cold months in the year. Though the heavy rainfall in summer months keeps down the temperature, it renders the atmos­phere exceedingly steamy and oppressive.

The average annual rainfall of the district recorded at TUra is, 2,689 mm. more tban two-thirds. of which is precipitated in the four months, May to August. In the four other months, November to February, there are al­together less than two inches of rain. The rainfall sn the district decreases from soiuth to north. At the south-east end of the district the average rainfall is above 400 cm. In the

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next belt to the north, it averages between 300 to 400 cm. and in the western and the north portion, the rainfall averages 250 to 300 cm.


The district lies in the epicentral reg:on of SOme important earthquakes. In the gr~at catastrophe of 1897, the distnct suffered heaVIly with the loss of life and property. There. were many landslides in the hills. The. ChId rang fault in the Krishnai river is re~ponsible for the aftershocks after the main earthquake. The other earthquakes onginatmg in ~he district are that of September 9,1923, whIch had the intensity of 7-1 on tbe Rossi-Forel scale, and that of July 3,1930 witb the intensity of 7-1.


In 1900, the northern portion of the Garo Hills was visited by a tornado of mo.st exceptional violence. On the 18th of. Apnl, a violent storm traversed the portIOn of Goalpara which lies between the Brahmaputra and the Garo Hills, and finally di~appeared into the latter district, The path of the storm was only about a quarter of a mile III width, but within this limited area the strength of the hurricane was qUite phenomenal. Thirty persons Were killed outright in Goalpara, and eighty-eight injured. In ~he Garo Hills the village of Shondana, whIch was exposed to the full force of the wind, was utterly demoliShed and six persons Were killed and nine injured. This storm occured about 4 P. M. in the afternoon, and on the following day, but about two hours earlier, there was a second hurricane, which followed a line a little to the north of the storm of the 18th. It struck the village of Silkata, killing eight persons and injuring one, and blew down trees and houses. One of the killed, a boy, had his head torn off and his back broken, while three others had their heads completely smashed and their brains dashed out.


The GarO Hills district it rich in forest resources. It has got 103 square miles of Forest Reserve which belongs to the Government and about 2,706 square miles of what have been called UncIassed State Forests. These Unclassed State Forests are included on the Akhing lands of various Nokmas and such lands are subject to shifting cultivation. the annual area" of shifting cultivation being allotted by the Nokmas to the villagers of his Nokmaship sO that actually very few of these Unclassed State Forests bear any useful tree growth. The administration of these Unclassed


State Forests is now vested in the District Council.

Sal is the prinCipal timber species occurmg in the Forest Reserves. It is, In the log form, exported primarily to East Pakistan after being taken to the Brahmaputra by road from the plains areas of the djstrict. Sawn. timber. of sal, mostly in the form of sleepers, IS supphed at Pandu to the Eastern Group Sleeper Control. The district is the feeond biggest producer. of Sal in the State. Apart from Sal, the Fnnclpal other useful ~.pecies occuring in these forests are Gurgra which is in keen demand as a plywood timber and also Hajdu which has also been accepted as a ply\,ood timber but at present not much in demand.

The Unclassed State Forests are full of bamboos of various kinds. While touring in the Garo Hi]ls one sometimes simply wonders at the vast expanses of bomboos, Tbe principal species are Dalu and Muli and these are exported to Pakistan and to a less extent to Gaubati. A revenue of more than a lakh of rupees is derived from the sale o.f Dalu bamb,?os and Muli bamboos. The Mull bamboos whIch have become reduced in VIgour and hence thinner are being used for the manufacture of umbrella handles in the small industries located in the district. Srr:.all quantities of Agar and Cane (of the Raidallg Variety) are also produced. Deposits of coal are known to exist in the Uuclassed State Forests but tbey bave not becn worked out so far.

Due to bad communication, tbe forest resources of the district cannot be exploited to a satisfactory extent. The Government j s taking keen interest in exploiting the Forest products and spent a sum of Rs. 289)117.0~ during the First Five Year Plan. The expendI­ture considerably increased in the Second Five Year Plan and amounted to Rs. 1,308,914.00. Old roads are improved and maintained while new roads are being constructed; old planta­tions are maintained while creating new planta­tions, projects are piloted, Cinchona. Nurseries maintained, Zamindari Forests reclaImed, new regeneration areas created aud .staff incre~s~d. Taking advantage of the habI!s of shlftmg cultivation of the peoplc, plantatIOns of Forest species have been created by the Forest Depart­ment by the tungya method whereby the villagers raise agricultural crops on One aCre of land allotted inside Forest Reserves annnally to them, at the same time sowing seeds of Forest tree crops in between the lines of agricultural crops. Excellent plantations have been created by this method.

FAUNA The hills abound in games, the larger kind

being elephants, tigers, leopards, buffaloes,

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bears, wild pigs and deer of which the principal varieties are the sambar, the barking deer and the swamp deer. In the low country, occa­sionally rhinoceros were found. The serow is sometimes seen and wild dogs are occasionally met with. Wild buffaloes are found in the valleys of the Bhujai, Nitai and the Someswari, and mithuns are fairly common. Wild elephants are much feared by the G:.uos as they often injure the crops and sometimes cause loss of life. In 1904, 17 persons were killed by wild animals, and rewards were paid for the destrnc­tion of 50 tigers and leopards and 54 bears. Since 1878, elerhants had been hunted almost every year by the Gove.rnment Khedda depart­ment, about 190 animals being annually captured. Small games inculde peafowls, wild ducks of various kinds, snipes partridges, pheasant and jungle fowl, while excellent mahseer fishing can be obtained in the rivers.

As eveywhere else, wild animal life has been sadly depleted in this district which once used to have all kind of animals ; at present the p~incipal wild animals are only tigers and elephants.


According to the Census of 1961, the Garo Hills district is surpassed only by the United Khasi and jaintia Hills districts in total popula­tion among the autonomous districts of the State. The population of the district is now 307,228 of whom 156,740 are males and 150, 488 are females against the Census of 1951 population figure of 242,075 of whom 124,054 are males and 118,021 females. The present Census shows a total increase of 65,153 persons over the last Census, the percentage of increase being 26.91 against the 1951 percentage increase of 8.28 which was the lowest registered in the State. The lowest percentage in the present Census is registered by the Cachar district, it being 23.53. The rates of growth of popula­tion were 14.94,12.71,6.57 and 17.11 Percent for 1911,1921,1931 and 1941 respectively. So the 1961 Census shows the highest decennial growth compared to the earlier Censuses. This phenomenal increase is due to low death n te, better coverage, better health facilities and migrants from outside, mainly from East Pakistan. The percentage increase is 34.45 for the whole State and for the Assam Hills Division it is 35.96.

The density of population of the district in the 1961 Census is 97 persons per square mile as against 77 persons per square mile in the last Census. The density is only 58 persons per square mile in the Assam Hills and for the State it is 251 persons per square mile.

The Garo Hills district has no subdivision.


It is divided into 10 mauzas of which Mauza IV ~as a p?pu~ation of 62,777 persons, the largest III the dlstnct. The smallest population is held by Mauza X, the figure being 11,310. Mauza I shows, strangely enough, a decrease, but not an increase of population over the last Census while Mauza X in which Tura, the district headquarters is situated, registns an increase of 181.8 % in the 1961 Census over the 1951 Census. The high rate of increase is explained by the tendency to move into towns.

Tura, the offiCial headquarters of the district, which covers an area of 3.53 square miles is the only town in the district. It ccntains a population of 8,888 persons in the present Census of whom 5,423 are males and 3,465 females, i. e, for every 1000 males, there are 639 females. Therefore, of the total population of 307,228, the urban population is only 8,888 while 298,340 live in the villages. ;: s in the case of all other districts, a definite tendency to move towards urban areas is prominent in the Garo Hills district.

The literacy percentage of the district in the 1961 Census is 19.96 against 7.31 in the 1951 Census. The percentage among the male popUlation is very high compared to that ot the female population, and it is again comparatively high in the urban areas wherc it is 60.17 as compared with the lural percentage. Garo Hills district is one of the mmt il)iterate districts of the State. The average liteJaey per­centage for the State as a whole is 27.36 and for the Mizo district, which registers the highest rate in the State it is 44.01.

A good number of displaced persons, mostly from East Pakistan, is to be found in the district. This is natural because the district is bounded on the west and south by Rongpur and Mymensingh districts of East Pakistan.


Of the origin of the Garos we have no infor­mation of any historical value. Until the latter part of the nineteenth century, little Was known of this tribe except by those who suffered from their depradatioll~, and by the officers who undertook the task of pacifying them and changing them into law-abiding subjects. Fthnologically the Garos are a section of the great Bodo race, which at one time occupied a large part of the valley of the Brahmaputra. They are said to have entered Assam from the north-east, and to have spread in successive "aves, not only over the valley of the Brahma­putra, but even beyond it to the hills of Tippera. According to their own traditions, the Galos came originally from Tibet and settled in Cooch Behar. Their next wanderings were towards Gauhati, where tlley were enslaved by the

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Assamese, but released by a Khasi Prince, who settled them in the neighbourhood of Boko. Thc place was, however, infested with tiger-men, and the Garos then moved into the Habaraghat Par gana , ~hence they finally wandered into the hills in WhICh they now are found.

The earliest notices of the Garos describe them as being in a state of intermittent conflict with the Zamindars of the large estates Jying at the foot of the hi:Is. These Zamindars were, in all probability, themselves sprung from the great Bodo stock to which the Garos belong, but in power and civilisation had advanced far beyond their highland Kinsmen. This was believed to be in the days of Mughal rule and these powerful Zamindars, who only paid a nominal tribute to the British Government, enjoyed a position of semi-independence. The exactions levied by the subordinates of these border chiefs irritated the hillmen, and the belief that the spirits of their headmen required the souls of others to attend them in the next world acted as a further incitment to the des­p:ltch of raiding parties. The border chiefs with whom the Garos are princirally brought in contact were those of Karaibari, Kalumalu­para, Habraghat and Mechrara. One of their duties was to protect the plains from agressions of the hillmen, but their principal object was to enrich themselves with tr<"de, cotton being a valuable article of export from the hills.

In 1775-76, the .zamindars of Mechpara and Karaibari entered the hills to avenge some Garo raids of marc than usual atrocity. They remained for some years in the hills and brought a considerable tract of under their control. The princ~p:ll chief of the southern hills at that time was a man called Rcnghta, and even he became subject to the Karaibari Zamin­dar. The Zamindar was an individual of much force of character, who tried to obtain for him­self a position of absolute independence. He declined to pay his revenue, opposed all attempts to determine the boundaries of his Zamindari, and it WaS till 1815 that he was finally arrested.

The lawlessness of the Zamindars in the plains was naturally enough reflected in the hills, and, in 1816, Mr. Scott, afterwards Agent to the Governor-General on the North-East Frontier, was deputed to enquire into the matter. It could hardly be denied that action of some kind was called for, as during the ten years ending with 1816, 157 villages had been burnt by the Garo raiders and 178 persons kined. As a result of this enquiry it was decided to completely remove the Garos from the control of the Zamindars, to prohibit the levy­ing of tne illegal dues which had been the cause of so much friction, and to place the frontier markets under the direct management of the Government. Mr. Scott entered into relations


with 121 Garo chiefs living west of the Somes­wari, and as long as he was able to give the matter his personal attention, the peace of the frontier seemed to have been undisturbed.

The trib(! at this time was divided into the following three sections : the Garos settled in the plains who did not differ much material1y from ordinary raiyats, the Guros in the outer ranges who had to some extent been subdued and were assessed to tribute and the independent or b2mulva Garos who occupied the higher hills in the interior.

In 1825, there was some trouble near Sher­pur on the borders of Mymensingh, in which the Garos inhabiting the lower ranges were implicated. At the end of the eighteenth century, a Muhamm~l.dan Fakir had settled here and had attracted a smat! following, called in derision by their ne:ghbours paghuls or fools. In 1813, he died and was succeeded by his son Tippu, who, with his mother, laid claim to miracu!ou" powers. The villagers, many of whom were Garos, were much oppressed by the Zamindars. In 1825, a body of 700 men assem­b!ed to attack their landlords at Sherpur, and serious rioting took place. The paghuls were ultimately subdued, the country they inhabited was held to be outside the borders of the per­manently settle-d estates, and the agrarian grie­vance was removed. In 1833, the paghuls again attempted to stir up a peasant rising, but it came to nothing.

About this time there was a certain amount of unrest upon the frontier. On enquiry being made it was found that it waE brgely due to the oppressive conGuct of the officials of the Garo markets. An expedition was sent up into the hills in 1837 under Mr. Strong. T.he arrears of tribute were realised without difficulty, many of the Garo villages tendered their SUbmission, and all this was effected without any loss of life on either side.

Occasional murders still took place, and in 1848 it was found necessary to send an expedi­tion to subdue the Dassanni Garos, who had murdered one of their headmen with all his family for the somewhat inadequate reason that hc had requested the tribe to pay tribute which had been in arrears since 1834.

In 1852, the Goalpara frontier was in a very disturbed condition. Seven raids took place, in which 44 persons Were killed. An expedition was despatched into the hills, which burnt a village, but as the raiders were not surrendered, it was decided to blockade the hillmen. This was attended with certain measure ef success, as they were to a great extent dependent on the profits of the cotton trade, and some of the offenders were given up

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to justice. For three or four Years there was peace- upon the frontier, but towards the end of 1856, the hillmen broke out again, and between 1851 and 1859, there were nine raids made into Goalpara, which resuIted in loss of twenty lives.

Further disturbances occurd along the fron­tier, the closing of the markets proved ineffectual, and in 1861 an expedition was despa­tched into the hills. The troops advanced from two sides, from GoaTpara and Mymensingh, and succeeded in reaching and punishing most of the offending villages. Arrangements, were then made for the appointment of local head­men who were to be responsible for the arrest and surrender of offenders, but this arrange­ment did not extcnd to the hills over­looknig Mymensingh. An attempt by the Susang Raja, a Zamindar of Mymensingh, to levy rent in the hills led to a murderous raid in 1866, which was punished by an expedition.

Government had by ihis time to come to the conclusion that control from without would never really solve the Garo question. Hitherto it had been thought that it would be quite impo­ssible for a European officer to exist in these malarious hills during the rainy season, but in 1866 it was decided that the experiment should be made, and in the following year, Lieutenant Williamson was established on one of the spurs of Tura mountain.

The success which attended this experiment was remarkable. The Garos are naturally a cheerful, kindly race, who, when fairly treated, give no trouble, and between 1867 and 1871 nearly on:: hundcrd independent villages tendered their allegiance to the British Government.

In 1810, when th.e Survey of the Khasi Hills had nearly been completed, the survey party found itself at the north-east border of the Garo Hills, and it was decided to carry out a survey of th.at portion of the Garo territory which acknowledged British rule. The Deputy Comm­issioner, Captain Williamson joined Major Austin who was in charge of the survey party, and the two office'·s marched across the hms from Susang to Damra, and were thus the first Europeans to traverse the hills from Mymen­singh to Goalpara. The only village to offer any opposition was Bangangri, and this was OVer­come by the exercise of a little tact. The villagers dropped their hostile attitude, received the party, and finally tendered their submission and agreed to pay revenue to the BritiSh Government. Their example was then followed by many other independent villages.

In the following season, work was again resumed till it was stopped by an unfortunate incident which occured in March, 1811. It was


necessary for the purposes of the survey to clear a station on the summit of the Mimanram mountain. Two coolies who, it is said. were unable to speak the Garo language, were deputed to collect labour from the villages of Pharamagiri and Rangmagiri which are situated near Mimanram. When they arrived at Rangmagiri they found a feast in progress, and were offered some liquor by the revellers. What happened then, it is difficult to say, but it is obvious that a dispute can easily arise when one of the parties to it is half drunk, and neither side can plOperly understand the Janguage of the other. The GaTOS threw them­selves on the two coolies and attempted to make them prisoners. In th:! course of the struggle, one of them succeeded in escaping, the other was murdered, and his head kept as a trophy.

The season was so far advanced that punitive measures were postroned till the following cold weather. The villages were visited by Captain La Touche, the officiating Deputy Commi­ssioner, and as he was unable to arrest the murderers, a party of police was left at Pharamagiri. In May, 1812, two of the men who were most responsib:c were brought in, and shortly afterwards an attack was made on the protected village of Demakchigiri by the independent villages of Kokwagiri and Bawighi. An attack was also made in the outpost stationed at Pharamagiri. The Deputy Commissioner proceeded to this village and occupied the villages of Kokwagiri and Bawigiri without difficulty, but Government tad by this time come to the conclusion that it was no longer desirable to tolerate any so-called ind(pendent villages in the hills. The Lieutenant-Governor, therefore, submitted pro­posals for their subjugation and the same met with the approval ofthe Governor-General in Council, and the necessary preparations for an expedition Were at once taken in hand.

The expeditionary force was divided into three columns. One column, under Captain Davis, entered the Hills from Goalpara district on the north by the Nibari Duar ; a second under Mr. Daly, entered from the Mymensingh district, 011 the south; the third or main column under Captain Williamsen, the Deputy Commissioner, marched from Tura. It was arranged that each column should follow a prescribed route through the independent tract, visiting and enforcing the submission of all villages on its way; and it was hoped that all would meet at a central rendezvous at about the same time.

The expedition was singUlarly successful. Many villages tendered their submission after little or no opposition. The Garos. convinced apparently that resistance was hopeless,

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accepted the terms offered by Captain Williamson, and had under his directions, been engaged in opening out paths across the hLls in several directions.

The subsequent history of the district is of quiet thoLgh not of rapid progress. The Garos are some of tt e most peaceful of the hillmen in Assam, and quickly settled down under a rule which was both considerate and light.


There was no town in the Garo Hills before the 1961 Census. ]n 1961, I included Tura as one of the towns of Assam because its population was 8,888 (which ex.ceeds 5,000), the density is more than 1,000 per square mile and more than 75 % of its adult population live by non­agricultural means. Although Tura has no municipality or town committee, it satisfies the three criteria laid down for any place to be called a town.


There are now 2,415 inhabited villages in the Garo Hills as against 2,257 in 1951, by far the largest number of villages in any hill district of Assam. The main reawn for the big number of villages is because the Garos used to practise almo'it entirely only the jhum method of cultivation and so a village may merely consist of only a few houses because these people want to live as near their cultiva­tion as possible. Their social system is also such that they do not have any special Vene­ration for any established village like the Khasis or the Mizos. Indeed two or three Garo villages have only less than ten persons, ard in fact, many Garo villages consist of only a few houses, and in no other district of Assam are the villages SO small.


There were 71,418 houses in the Garo Hills in November 1960 according to the Census houselists. The houses are mostly made of bamboo for the frames and thatching grass for the roof although some wooden posts are also used to support the <chang' portion of the house. Tl ... e front portion (lfthe house is more ot less on a level with the ground, but as the -houses may run up to 80 feet to 100 feet in length and are built on the side of a hill, a consideriltle portion of the structure is of necessity to be raised on wooden posts. Thc breadth of each house is more or -less about tote width of each room only. The interior of these elongated houses is divided into several compartments but there is a shortage oflight and ventilation. \Vnenever they can, they use


Sal wood for the main posts of their houses and granaries. The poorer villages have to content thtemselves with bamboo. Thatching grass is nearly always available but in some places bamboo leaves are used for roofing. There are no social distinctions in the choice of materials. A Gannani Nokma can show his rank in the appearance of his house. For example, in the front wall and the flank walls of the front verandah, ordinary peop!e have the slats horizontal and vertical, but the Nokma may place these cross-wise, whether in the open work window ventilation, in the upper part of the front gable, or in the close woven wall proper. There are generally one or more verandahs at the side or end, and in front two wooden posts are erected in memory of each dec:d member of the family - Before some houses there will be seen a regular sheaf of thirty Or forty posts, some of whiCh are roughly carved into the effigy of the human form and dre_;sed in the clothes of the deceased. 1 he torns of all cattle killed are also k, pt in the front verandah, as an abiding testimony to the wealth and liberality of the family. The above d.;scription, however, apply mutatis mutandis to the Garos of the last century. Modern educated Garos have built their houses according to the Assam type of houses.


The staple food of the Garos is rice, but they also eat yams, beans, millets, maize and chillies in addition. They also eat the flesh of almost any animal, dome~ticated or wild, wh ch they can get. Like many other hill triles of Assam, the Garos of the interior do not take milk. Nowadays, however, many Garos have become Chri~tians and many of thLm have become educated. Edl.cated Garos and Chri&tians gene] ally take milk.

In the old days, and even now in the interior of thc Garo Hills, the Garo costume is as scanty as is compatible with decency. The men wear a narrow c]oth, which is passed between the legs and tastened round the waist. Ti,e women's cloth, which is only atout fourteen inches broad, is fastened round the body below the navel, the two top corners meeting over the thigh; the bottom corners are left unfastened, as otherwise the petticoat "ould be too tight for comfort. The women load their earS wi.h masses of brass earrings, and indiv:duals have been seen with more than 60 brass rings, each 6t inches in circumference, and weighing alto­gether just under 2lbs. in the lobe of a sing:e ear. 1he lobe, though enormously distended was not broken, but the weight of the rings was to a great extent, supPGrted by a string passed O'er the head. Garos wear turb~ns wOLnd tightly round the top of the head so as to hep

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the hair ereCt. The actual Crown of the head is, however, bare.

Every man who is a Ganna Nokma may wear a red pagri. This is of silk with a fringe, and yellow embroidery, and is woven by the Khasis. Such pagris are common in the Chisak country where Nokmas arc three a penny. but very rare in the rest of the hills. The Chisaks alone among the Garos wear jaksils when of the rank of Nokma. These are pla.in bronze or brasshops worn just above the elbow. In the old days when the coloured loin cloth or gando was decorated with beads, as it rarely is nowa­days, only one who had taken a head could sport a fourth row of beads. Now anyone who has given the requisite feasts is at liberty to do so. Only great land Nokmas are allowed to keep yaks' tails in the house, and on bringing one in, the Nokma has to perform a sacrifice called gurerima {holding a horse) but this is confined to Chisaks.

Modern Garos who are Christians and who have ceen educated, have changed their mede of dress. The men folk in the highland regions generally were western dress while those who live near the plains also wear a dhoti. The educated women folk wear a sari.


The Garos appear to believe in a Supreme Deity and in a future life, but, as is usual in the hills the bulk of their religious activities are dev~tcd to the propitiation of evil spirits, Who are supposed to be the cause of the misfortunes that befall them. The following is an old description of a Garo sacrifice-"The priest squatted before a curious flat Shield of split bamboo and cane, and lDuttered strangely to himself, as though under the influence of some drug. A viUager kept dragging a kid in a circle round and round the priest and the god, and each time as it passed the priest dabbed it on the head w1th a little flour and water. Finally a little of the mixture was forced into its mouth and it was summarily beheaded. The blood was allowed to pour upon a plate of rice, which, with the tail, was offered to the deity. The rest of the animal went to form part of the feast". The above is a description made of the Garos more than fifty years ago by Captain Playfair. Since th.;.n much water has flown down the sea and many Garos have become educated while about 40,000 ha VI;?

become Christians. The Christian Garos do not observe any of the above religious cere­monies for obvious reasons. Superstition has also died down among the Christians. Even the non-Christians have by and large ceased to be as sup~rstitious as they used to be in the days of yore.



Although inter-marriage is not prohibited, mixed marriages among tte Garos are rather rare This is mainly due to the fact that in the hill areas, the population is almost entirely composed of Garos only. Strips of flat land adjacent to the plains are mostly occupied by Muslim immigrants, but even he.re. mixed marriages are rare. Among the non-Christian GaTOS, the proposal comes from the family of the bride, and though his parents' consent must be obtained, the wishes of the person concerned most are sometimes not consulted. The essential portions of the ceremony are an address from the priest and the slaughter of a cock and a hen. Di\orce is recognised and widows are allowed to remarry, but are expec­ted to do so in the husband's family. Polygamy is permitted provided that the consent of the first wife is obtained. Among the Garo Christians, marriages are arranged and solemnised according to the tenets of Christianity. Divorce is not recognistd by the Catholics, but among the Protestants, divorCe is recognised only according to the provisions of the Indian Christian Divorce Act. Inheritance goes through the female. and property frequently goes through the daughter to the son~in-Jaw. Where this is the case among the non-Christian Garos, the son-in-law is compelled to marty his mother­in"law, if she is still alive. When a wOman dies, the family property paSses to the youn­gest daughter. Or occasionally to her e~dest daughter. The husband is, hOweVer, allowed to retain Possession of the estate if he can succeed in cbtaining one of his first wife's family as his second spouse. In spite of the liberal expos.ure of their persons, the women are chaste and may make good and steady wiveS.


Por all practical purposes, the occtlpations of the inhabitants of the Garo Hills begin and end with agriculture. In the hills, the Garos .:ultivate their land on the system known as jhum or the slash-and-burn method of cultiVa­tion. According to this method, bamboos, trees and Shrubs are eut down indiscri­minately in the months of December to January-February of each year and left to dry. Towards the end of February and March, fire is set to the debris and thereafter, the unburnt woods are collected and put ~eparately. With the first rains, the ground is prepared and seeds are sown in the burnt ash. Much has been said against the evil of this method of cultivation, but modern opinion is more liberal regarding this practice. In the Dhebar Commission Report, quotations are made from the opinions of Shri M. D. Chaturvedi, form,e:rly

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inspector Generai of Forests, and M. S. Sivaraman, Adviser to the Programme Administration of the P1anning Commission regarding this method. The liberal opinion is of the view that the shifting cultivation is the only practical approach to certain inherent difficulties in preparing a proper seed-bed in steep slopes where any disturbance of the surface by hoeing or ploughing will result in washing away of the fertile top of the soH. The tribal people, therefore, take care not to plough or disturb the soil before sowing. The destruction of weeds and improvement of tilth necessary for a proper seed-bed are achieved with the help of fire. What is necessary is thdt shifting cultivaticn should be controlled because it is tied up with the tribal way of life. It is also necessary to educate the tribal people in soil conservation, contour-bunding and terrace cultivation. Terrace cultivation is rather expensive in the hills without subsidies from Government. According to the 1961 Census, 93.7 % of the inhabitants of the Garo Hills are engaged only in cultivation as against 95.1 % in 1951. The slight shift in percentage suggests that the Garos are gradually taking to other forms of occupations also, and this is a very good sign.

Apart from agriculture, the Garos also keep buffaloes, cattle, goats, pigs and poultry. Cattle are neither worked nor milked and are there­fore sturdy. Goats and cocks are used for food and sacrifice. The local industries are hitherto practically of no importance. The Garo women weave a a coarse cotton cloth for the scanty garments of themselves and the men and bamboo mats and baskets are also m:::de for sale. Rude pottery is made in certain villages, but nearly all the metal utensils are imported. Cotton growing is a very important occupation of SOme parts of the Garo Hills. But the trade in cotton is mostly in the hands of outside traders who, is alleged, are not very scrupulous, compared to the simple GaTOS.

With the improvement of communications, some Garos are engaged in transport and commerce and that probably accounts for the slight lowering of the percentage of culti­vators. The opening of communications has also helped the Garos to sell their produce more profitably. The 0 vious necd for the develop­ment of this district is much more improve­ment of communications in the first instance.


The organisation of the Garos is more or less democratic. When a matter is in dispute, all concerned, including the women, assemble and debate, with feasting proportionate to the gravity of the issue. Generally the chair is taken by the Nokma, if it concerns only one


village, or by the laskar (a petty magistrate appointed by the District Council, generally on election by the Nokmas of the. charge ), or even by the mauzadar (salaned Garo official who checks the assessment of house tax for a group of laskars).

There is no definite division into groups or classes WIth a definite order of social precedenCe as between these classes. Any man who has acquired social status is called a 'nokma', anyone else is an 'ordinarY man' (ramram mande). So also is one who has given the necessary feasts, which entitle him to wear certain badges-among Chisaks in the north­east jaksils ( elbow rings) and a red silk turban. Among Chisaks the standard of feast requirLd is very low, and nokmas abound. In the rest of the hills only the very rich can give thc elaborate feasts required. In some parts only a genuine nokma (i. e. one who has gone through the expensive ritual of feasts and is called a Ganna Nokma, Ganna having the same force in this cas~ as Ganna ~n the Naga Hills) can adorn hIS house WIth certain carved boards, and with a criss-cross pattern of bamboo slats in the walls at the fore-part of his house.

In the hills, the nokma or headman of the village is, according to Garo customs, consi­dered to have jhum rights OVer a certain tract of land. All members of the village are, however allowed to cultivate rent free, and even if a foreigner or Garo from another village settles on the land, he is only required to pay a purely nominal quit rent, such as four annas in cash or a present of fowls and liquor. The nokma thus, under Garo usage, reaps little or no benefit from such rights as he is considered to possess, and he does not appear to have ever occupied the position of an ordinary landlord.


The last decade witnessed the introduction of the District Council which has taken OVer the administration of all subjects enumerated in the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India. Though still in its infancy, the District Council has been trying to do much for the improvement of the lot of the Garo people.


Although many letters were addressed to variouS Departments of the Government or Assam as well as to the District authorities in the Garo Hills, no reports were available regard­ing eeonomic development in this district. Only the District Agricultural Officer of the Garo Hills gave a report about certain developments regarding agriculture, but some parts of his

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f6port are not intel!igible to ll1e either due to bad English or bad typing or both.

From the figures published by the Director of Statistics, the Garo Hi1l~ district is ecoLomi­c::Jly the most backward part of ASfam. Its per capita income was only Rs. 192/- in 1960-61 which w? s the lowest of an the di stricts of the State. The average per capita inceme for Assam is Rs. 307/-, and for the Lakhimpur district, it is Rs. 417/-. This figure of per capita income is perhaps the most aceu ate pointer to the very poor state of development of this district.


As already stated, 93·67 per cent of the total 'Working population of the district IS dependent on agriculture. 1 he only areas where the wet method of paddy cultivation can be done are those lying at foothills alongside the border of Goalpara district and the Rangpur and Mymensingh districts of Pakistan. But almost all these strips of fertile loamy foil are practi­cally occupied by immigrant Muslims. The tribal Garos live mostly in the hill areas where the soil is poor and the method of culti vat ion is the primitive jhum system. In hill areas, the soil is either !'andy-loam Or c12yey-Ioam. In the plain strips of land, tl.e principal kharif C' ops grown are paddy, jute <: nd sugarcane and the p incipal n bi crops are gram, pulses, mustard, tobacco, potato, ~esamun and vegetables. In the jhum areas, the principal crops grown by the Garos are cotton, millLt, maize, hill pad( y, mesta, ginger, chillies, betel leaf, pine-apples, tapioca aram (kochu), banana, tnrmeric and seme kind of summer vegetables. Cas] eW nuts, oranges, black pepper, cocoanut, betel nut, lemon, guava, lichi, mango and jack fluits are also grown throughout the district.


Under the impact of the two Five Year Plans, something has been done by Government to effect some changes in the sphere of agri­culture. Various schemes of agriculture Were made and these can be summarised as follows :-

(i) Farms: Altogether 15 Seed Farms and 3 Demonstration Farms have been established in the district with a view to increase the production of improved seeds locally.

(ii) Fertilizers:· The Garo people use only bUTnt ashes and some cowdl;ng as manure. Under the scheme, certain fertilizers and manures which were not used by the cu'tivators before were introduced and every effort was


made to popularise them among the hill people. It is said that their use has gradually become popular with the passage of time. The people Were also taught to make compost and green manure.

(iii) Cash Crops: In order to increase the area producing cash crops and other flod crops, subsidies in cash and kind have been provided to the cultivators and consequently the condition of cash crops such as jute, cotton, mustard, pine-app.e etc. has improved.

(iv) Horticulture: In order to introduce and increase the cultivation of improved plants aud grafts other than the local varieties, f:>tt.ps were taken to estEblish two Horticulture Nurseries at Rongram and and Dobashipara.

(v) Demonstration: Agricultural Inspectors and Demonstrators were appointed and various demon~trations have been conducttd at various cent.:-es with a view to eXhibiting improved practices in the field of cultivc..tion among the village cultivators. The vil1agers have shown keen interest in these practices.

(vi) Japanese Method: The Japanese method of cultivation of paddy was introduced mainly in the strips of plains at the foot hills with sali paddy and this method has been found to be very useful in increasing production. As it can be used only in strips of plains area, the benefit has gone mainly to non-tribal people.

(vii) Agricultural Implements: IIllproved agricultural implement of various kinds W<!I e introduced and distributed among the cultivators.

(viii) Minor Irrigation: Wherever suitablc areas for wet cultivation are available in the hills and wherever there are small stre; ms and. springs in the area, the people have const! ucted chsnoels ~nd bunds to irrigate their fields. Government have helped to implement these m;nor irrig-~tion schemes and so an area of 56,579 acreS has been benefited by this scheme. There is no doubt that wherever there are irri­gation facilities, they have increased the level of production.

(ix) Land RecJamation and Soil Conser­vation: During the First and Second Five Year Plans, many areas which Were lying uncultivated, were reclaimed and made suito_ble for cultivation. Terracing has been introduced in the hin slopes and subsidies were given to the cultivators who introduced this method.

(x) Plant Protection: Under the scheme, the cultivators were enlightened how to use pesticides and other technical devices to prevent

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their crops from attack by pests and insects, and various equipments such as dusters and sp ayers were distributed at subsidised rates among the cultivators.

{xi) Border Scheme: This scheme was implemented during the Second Five Year plan to help thc people living on the Pakistan borders whose ec( noroy was hard hit by the Partition. Under the scheme, subsidies for regeneration of food crops and cash crops and tt,e cultivation of other fuod crops were given and free sl...pply of val ious plants, seeds, implements etc. we, e also provided to the cultivators. It was ur der this scheme that a FJ uit Preservation F:::.ctory was started at Tura with the idea of processing the fruits available in the border areas. The economic conditicn of the people has improvtd to some extent with the intloduction of this scheme,

(xii) Rehabilitation Scheme: This scheme was in.tiated during the Second Five Year PI.n with a view to control the process of shifWng cultivation which is widelY prevalent in the hill areas. Under the schtme, two mejor viilages, nc.mely Rengkhong and Wazadagiri, were orgr.nised. In e<.ch of these vill~ ges, 300 fa.milies have befn leh<..bilit< ted wl1h lhe essential facilities for their livelihocd esp(cially in connection with thc developmtnt of agriculture.

(xiii) Field Management Committees: 3CO Field M2nagement Committees were established in the district by the end of the SecoLd FiVe Year Ph n, but due to ignorance cnd other factors, the people have not teen benefited by this scheme.

The District Agricultural Officer opined that due to dIfficulties of communic<. tion "nd some natural calamities such as droughts and att. ck by pests, the modest tcrgets of most of the agricultural 5chemes could not be achieved.



There if> as yet no industry worth the name in the Garo Hills district. Although co&.1 and limestone lie hidden beneath tte earth in Garo land, they have not yet been exploited for the benefit of the Garos and the State of Assam.

There are a few primitive cottage industries such as weaving of coarSe cloth, ma.king of baskets and other cane work. No report was received from the Industries Dep tJ tment rega ding its activity in this district, but from some data collected by my staff, it appears that during the FL»t and Second Five Year Plans, Government spent a certain amount of money for the develofment of these small scale and cottage industl ies. Grants-in-aid were given to the workers, machines and tools distributed and subsidies given (Cnd products purchased at fixed price to encourage the sm",Il scale industdes.


From the data collected by my staff from the FishelY Derartment, it appears that all that this Department has Lone in the Garo Hills district is to distribute a sum of Rs. 84,400/- to 170 parties within the distril t as subsidies or £rants­in-aid for the dcvelorm: nt of fisheries. Tht-re are no Fish Farms and no Fish Seeds were aho produced in the distlict.

. Though a hill district, Garo Hills has ample scope for the development of beels, swamp and river fisheries. Moreover, in many areas the climatic conditions are similar to thosc obtain­ing in the plains districts. There are a few natural fisheries which are owned and leased out by the Distri ct COllUCil to Iessef:s including few Co-orerative Societies. The number of such :catural fisheries is about thirty one. Almost all kind of fishes are seen in these natural fi&heries. Even species like the rohu, k<.tJa, chita), magur, kai etc. which are comnion in the plains are also found in this district.

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The All-India Census Publications published by the Union Government contain data only down to the level of a district in some cases, Or to the level of a police station in other cases. Data regarding each village cannot be had from the Central Government Census Publications. But ihe data down to the level of a village are very essential for the purpo.>es of the State Government and the administration in the districts and subdivisions. So for the first time. the District Census Handbooks were compiled and printed for each district of Assam in 1951. The editing and compilation was done by the Superinten­dent of Census Operations, but the printing and expenditure thereof was borne by the State Government. The District Census Handbooks have become very popular ever since, because they are needed not only by Government and the Deputy Commissioners and Subdivisional Officers. but ,also by the Local Bodies and the general public. They are absolutely essential for the purposes of delimitation of constituencies, the establish­ment of panchayats. the determination of quota of civil supplies, the establishment of police stations and many other administra­tive matters required by the State Govern­ment. It has therefore, been decided that in the 1961 Census also, the District Census Handbooks should be edited and compiled by the Superintendent of Census Operations and printed at the cost of the Government of Assam.

The Primary Census Abstracts given in the 1951 Census will now appear in the form of Village Directories which not only giVe detailed Census data for each village, but they also give ~uch other informations as the existence of communication facllities, drinking water facilities, educational facili­ties, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and the different categories of workers. The Village Directories also give us the area in acres of each village, if the village has been cadastrally surveyed and if the area figure is available, and they also give us the number of literates and the number of workers classified according to the nine categories of the Standard Industrial Classi­fication adopted by the GOvernment of India. Such informations are furnished for each village and for each block of a ward of a town. Thus the Directory furnishes in­formation on the primary economic acti-


vities of each village or ward of a town and the hteracy proportion of the population. This abstract is useful therefore, not only for the State Government and the Local Bodies for their adminstrative purposes but they are also in great demand by various Ministries of the Union Government like the Ministary of Educaton, Mmistry of Labour and Employment, Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Planning Commission. These data are also required for all saIT.pIe surveys, both rural and urban, based on villages or wards of a town. The District Cen~us Handbooks also C{)ntain tables on mother tongue, religion and the various tables specially prepared for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes of each district. Official statistics relating to vital statistics. statistics of hous(hold and small-scale industries, administrative statistics and other statistics relatmg to various activities of Government. especially those connected with the First and Second Five Year Plans, have also been given. There is therefore, no doubt that the District Census Handbooks of the 1961 Census will furnish most of the data that are required for administrative as well as for planning and deVelopment purposes.

Before 1951, the population had been classified by religion but at the 1951 Census, the economic classification was subs­tituted for the classification based on reli­gion. In 1951, the people have been divided into two broad livelihood categories, namely the agricultural classes and the non-agricul­tural Classes, and these two classes have again been sub-divided into four classes each. Each of the eight livelihood classes was again divided into three sub-classes with reference to their economic status, namely-

(i) ·(ii) (iii)

Self-supporting Persons; N on-earning Dependents Earning Dependents.


In the 1961 Census, the classificatioll based on livelihood has been done away with and the basis of the classification now is work. People have been divided into two classes, the Workers and Non-Workers. The working population has been divided into nine categories of workers namely-

I. W or king as Cultivator

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IL Working as Agricultural Labourer

III. Working in Mining, Quarrying, Live­stock, Forestry. Fishing, Hunting and Planta tions, Orchards and allied activities

IV. Working at Household Industry

V. Working in Manufacturing other than Household Industry

VI. Working in Construction

VII. Working in Trade and Commerce

VIII. Working in Transport, Storage and Communications

IX. Working in Other Services

The working population has been classified separately according to the returns relating to occupation and industry. The Indian Census Economic Classification adopted at the 1951 Census was neither a purely Industrial nor an occupational Classification of the population but it was a combination of both. There wer~ only 10 divisions and 88 subdivisions of the Industries and services. In the 1961 Census the National Classification of Industries and Occupation adopted by the Government of India was also used for the Census and there were more than 300 occupational families and 300 ind'Jstrial minor groups for which figures are given for the total population sex-wise. Another unique feature of the 1961 Census is that all these Economic Tables are prepared on the basis of the principal work of a person.

Non-workers have again been classified into eight categories as follows :-

1. A full-time student or child attending school who does no other work, such as make articles at home for sale, nor eve~ he_lp ~art-time in his own family cultIvatIOn, mdustry, trade or business.

2. A person engaged in unpaid home duties (like housewife or other adult female) who does no other work, such as make articles at home for sale or wages, nor belp regularly even part-time in family cultivation, industry, trade or business.

3. Any dependent, including an infant or child not attending school, a person permanently disabled from work because of illness or old age.

4. A retired person who is not employed again, rentier, person living on agricul­tural or non-agricultural royalty, rent or dividend or any otber person of independent means for securing which he does not have to work and who does no other work.


5. A ·beggar, vagrant or independent woman without indication of source of income and others of unspeCified source of existence.

6. A convict in jail (an undertrial prisoner is shown as a workcr if he used to work before he was apprehended) or an inmate of a penal, mental or charitable institution.

7. A person who has not been employed before but is seeking employment for the first time.

8. A person employed before but now out of employment and seeking employ­ment.

In the 1951 Census, the population was shown according to certain units known as Census Tracts. These Tracts were selected by the Superintendent of Census Operations on an ad-hoc basis and they may constitute one Police Station, two Police Stations or even three Police Stations and they may also consis-t of part of a Police Station only. Urban areas of each dis­trict were treated as separate Tracts in the 1951 Census. In the 1961 Census, I have taken Police Stations only as units of Census Divisions and so all census data are given down to the level of a Police Station. In the case of Garo Hills, however, the Mauzas were taken instead of Porce Stations according to the census practice in the past. MOreover, Caro Hills has only one established Police Station with maps and so the Mauzas are the only con­venient smaller units. The other exception is that the urban areas of Tura were treated as a separate entity for the district.


As all details cannot be given in the Village Directory, certain abbreviations and notations were used for the sake of easy reproduction and printing. The following notations were there­fore used in the Village Directory.

NOTATIONS 1. Transport and Postal Facilities

(i) Road Bridle Path Metalled Road Tarred Road

(ii) Railway (iii) Postal F~cilities

Branch Post Office Sub-Post Office Extra Departmental Branch Office Extra Departmental Sub-Office Central Sub-Office

) ) ) )



'BO' 'SO'


Page 37: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

2. Edllcational Institutions

(i) Primary, Basic, Tol, Muktab, Night, Nursery School

(ii) Middle School (M.E. & M.V.)

(iii) High School or Higher Secondary

(iv) Higher Institutions including Colleges

(v) Techical Institutions

3. Drinking Water Supply

(i) Tanks or Beels

(ii) Kacha well

(iii) Pipes and Tube wells or Ring wells

(iv) Pucca well

(v) River, Running Stream or Springs

P. S. Distance of the items is con­sidered up to five miles











4. Bazar Day and Medical Facilities

(i) Weekly Bazar

(ii) Daily Bazar

(iii) Dispensaries

(iv) Hospitals





5. Veterinary Facilities and whether the village is covered by Commnnity D.welopment or National Extension Service Blocks

(i) Government Veterinary (ii) Private Vetermary (iii) Other Methods

(iv) Community Development

(v) National Extension Service


) ) )




The following definitions used in the 1961 Census are reproduced below for easy reference:

1. Town

For the purpose of the 1961 Census, a town means a Municipality, a Town Comm:ttee, or a Cantonment and any other area having the fQl10wing urban characteristics:


(i) Hthe population is not less than 5,000

(ii) If the density is not less than 1,000 per square mile

(iii) If the adult male population in non-agri­cultural livelihoods is at least 75 per cent of the total male popu:ation.

2. Village

In Assam a village means a cadastral village where there has been a cadastra1 survey. In the Plains districts where there has been no cadastral survey, it is taken to be a gaon together with its adjacent 'tolas', 'paras' etc. provided that none of these independent collec­tions of houses are so large or so distant from the cadastral village, with distinct indi­vidual names. In the Hills districts, the most con­venient definition of a village is that it is a collection of houses bearing a separate name and situated with certain boundaries tradi­tionally recognized by the villagers.

3. House

It is a structure or part of a structure inhabited or vacant or a dwelling, shop, a shop­cum-dwelling or a place of business, workshop, school etc. with a separate entrance.

4. Household

It is a group of persons who commonly live together and take their meals from a common mess or kitchen unless th~ exigencies of work pre\ ent anyone of them from doing so.

5. SCheduled Tribes

They are members of the backward tribes who generally occupy the hilly areas or other rather inaccessiUe )Carts of the Indian Union. They are generally very backward "and so the Government of India has prepared a schedule of such tribes for the purpose of giving them fac Ii ties in education and employment so that they may come up to the level of the other advanced people of India as soon as possible. Scheduled Tribes may belong to any religion.

6. Scheduled Castes

They belong to the lowest rung of the castes of the Hindu and Sikh religions. In order to ~elp them' rise to the level of other more advanced societies in India, the Government has made a schedule of such people-hence the name Scheduled Castes.

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I '

Delang or Monument of Wood and Bamboo I

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Page 40: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

7. Houseless persons

They are people who have no houses to dwell and generally li"e in pavements or open pl ... ces, such as beggars, who beg in people's houses by day and sleep under the trees by night.

8. Institutional population

They are people who are inmates of institu­tions, like hostels, boardings, jails etc.

9. Worker

Is a person who is working as a cultivator, an agricultural labourer, at a household ind ... stry or he may be doing any other wo k but he m...lst earn ~ome income. Work includes not only actual work but also effective supervision and direction of work.

1(1. Non-worker

Is a person who is either not doing any work or who oes some work Lorn which he does not earn any income. For example, a p.;nsioner and a rentier who earn some income but if they do not do any other work they are classi­:Ii d as nO;l-workers. On th;:: contrary, students and housewives may be doing some work either in school or in the house but as they do not earn any income they are classifie0. as non­workers for the purpose of the Census ..


For purposes of the Census a person is wor:"ing as a cuI ti vator if he or she is engaged either as employer, sin)e worker or family

. worker in (a) cuI ivation of land or supervision or direction of cultivation of Lnd owned or held from Govern,nent. (b) cultivation of land or supervi;ion or direction of cultjvatJon of land held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share.

12. Agricultural Labourer

Is a person who works in another person's land on y as a labourer w<thout exercislllg .any supervision or direction in cultivation for wag"s in a~h, kind or share, such as share of produce. The labourer should have no ri~ht of lease or contract on land on which he works nor tlhould he be responsi ble for taking decision as to which crops to sow and when or taking the risk of cul ivation. A share of the produce goes to him only as wages.

13. Hausehold Industry

A household industry is defined as an industry con lucted by the head of the household himself or mainly by members of the household at home or within the 'village 1n rural areas and only at home in urban areas.

Page 41: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Selle- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of VilIage{Town( Amenities Sq. miles Houses Castes Tribes Edu .. No. Ward Enumerator's No.-No. cated

Block: of of Persons Hou-House-

ses holds

p M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


10 t- 10 00 10 00 10 \0 - N ..,. 10 N

.,., v M it 00 ~ t- !::l 00 '" 00

g t-. N ..,.. ..., 00 '" r-Total

.,.., r-. -D ...,- 0\- ~ ~ .... G <::> ..., 10 .,., .,., .... M ..., ..... .... .....

on ..... ..... ~ I- M \0 .,., ..,. ~

..,. M 00 ~ M ..... N \0 I- .,., <"l '" ~

..., "l. ~ ..,. ...,

""" ..... 10 0\

Rural ::!; 00 00- ;;:; ~- 00' r-. 00 ,.., .,., '"

..,. ~

..., ..... N ... ... ...

\0 0\ 00 <"l .,., ..,. \D .... ~ 00 .,., .... 00 M \0 0 M .,.. ~ r- OD

~ "'t. \0 I-~ on ~ Urban ..,.; ..... ...;' 00 .... C"i .... .., .....


Page 42: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




Sl. T9?J_,WfJrkerS Non- No.

-iX) workers

M F ·M F M F It P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23' 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

- N IC M N

~ ~ ~ '" ... \0 ~ N ~ co r-- ... ... r-- ~ ~ ~

~ ..., ...., 00 \0 -.r \0 ~ "" !:; 00 ..., \0 ...., .,., N .... 00 0 !"'I ...,. ,., .... .... 0 """

N N ....; 0 ri \IS ri ~ .... .... .,.; ...,~ 0 Q'I 00 00 t- IC t-

.,., 'V 00 ..., N ... .... Q\ t- N ~

0 ...., ~ t- Q\ ....,

~ M ~ ;:: Q\ t-~ 8, ~ ~ ... 00 q t- oo .... ...., t- o

t-~ ~" .... .... ~ .... ;:r N co N g- e>. <.r> N" ..... .... g t.:' t- oo t- IC

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Page 43: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India
Page 44: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S1. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

on M .., on r-. r-. .., - '<t '<t ..". 0'1 0 N .., on ~ -c;:: \0

~ 0 - r-. .., - N \0 - ..,. M M ffl on

0 ~ 0 sa r: r: - -48 37 48 37 29 1 12 14 12 14 7 12 2 20 19 20 19 9 9 3 50 55 50 55 20 21 4 17 15 17 15 9 9 5 28 23 28 23 16 14 6

6 7 6 7 3 3 7 15 24 15 24 11 6 8 15 10 15 10 8 4 9 36 34 36 34 28 16 10 45 46 45 46 15 18 11 33 17 17 17 2 1 11 2 11 11 12 6 10 6 10 4 7 13

21 19 21 19 14 11 14 23 18 22 18 1 13 11 15 13 12 13 12 6 11 16 11 17 11 17 14 6 17

107 113 107 110 3 64 69 18 63 66 63 66 14 42 19 27 30 26 29 1 1 22 12 20 18 22 18 22 10 8 21 16 22 16 22 11 9 22 64 71 62 71 2 33 30 23 19 19 19 19 11 8 24 16 18 16 18 8 7 25 20 25 20 25 8 12 26 24 27 24 27 11 13 27 3 3 3 3 2 3 28

25 32 22 32 3 10 10 29 11 15 11 15 6 8. 30 5 8 5 8 6 4 31

10 7 10 7 4 3 32 9 7 9 7 4 1 33

11 14 11 14 9 10 34 23 33 23 33 18 11 35 18 30 18 30 19 13 36 16 16 15 16 15 9 37 28 29 28 29 13 23 38 23 30 23 30 14 17 39 9 9 9 9 11 2 40

40 42 35 42 1 4 30 23 41 29 26 29 26 18 21 42 19 22 19 22 19 16 43 10 14 10 14 6 7 44 10 11 10 11 8 9 45 16 17 16 17 14 7 46 20 26 20 ::.6 12 14 47 26 31 26 31 10 10 48

8 12 8 12 6 5 49


Page 45: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of I>istrlct-(5) GARO HlLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Area Residential Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate

in Houses tion duled duled and Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres ~No. Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's of of catcd

Block Hou-House- PersonS ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

SO Pachagaon R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 6 6 30 16 14 16 14 1 1 51 Nekora R, p. Riv Wb, Cd. 20 20 105 52 53 52 53 32 25 52 Mohadeo R, Riv. Wb, Cd. 13 13. 82 41 41 41 41 10 7 53 GlHljia R. Riv, Cd. 9 9 44 23 21 23 21 4 S4 MOhesKaIa R,S, Wb,Cd. 13 13 45 28 17 27 17 12 3 S5 Banda No Population 56 Nengsra R, p. Riv, Wb, Cpo 10 10 88 45 43 45 43 23 5 57 Rongra Dobakol R, M, Riv, Wb, Cd. 20 20 157 87 70 71 70 46 23 58 Rongra Sora R, P, Riv, Wb Cd. 11 11 101 56 45 55 45 32 15 59 Badim Bari R, Riv, \\ b, Cd. 3 3 22 12 10 12 10 3 60 Uripur R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 5 5 33 16 17 16 17 7 1 61 Rewakkambopal R, Riv, D, Cd. 5 5 32 16 16 16 16 6 4 62 Rewak Dabram R,Riv, Cd. 11 11 48 29 19 29 19 14 9 63 Rewak Doka Baram R, P, Riv, Cd. 21 21 136 68 68 68 68 35 30 64 Rewak Rongai R, Riv, V, Cd. 4 4 28 17 11 17 11 3 2 65 Chakalak Gitim R, Riv, Cd. 20 20 123 86 37 43 37 37 :. 66 Rongchek Girl R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 12 12 90 44 46 42 46 23 9 67 Chitman~ Hangcadol R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 12 12 121 58 63 58 63 35 34 68 Chitmang Gonglot R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 20 20 147 70 77 70 77 24 8 6fj Chitmang Hgimpal R, Riv, V, Cd. . 10 10 84 40 44 40 44 12 3 70 Dalenggitim R, P, Riv, Cd. 12 12 60 33 27 33 27 22 10 71 Suladu Girl R, Kw, Wb, V, Cd. 14 14 100 51 49 51 49 14 4 7!. Janta Giri R,Kw, V,Cd. 17 17 94 51 43 51 43 14 13 73 Thaipo Giri R, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 20 20 145 77 68 77 68 41 40 74 NeDgkong SOnginong R, fc S, Cd. 42 42 232 128 104 128 104 76 56 75 Matmagittir R, w, Wb, V, Cd. 10 10 50 24 26 24 26 10 8 76 Chigitchak Giri R,Kw, V,Cd. 5 5 29 20 9 20 9 7 2 71 Kbarukol R, M, S, Wh, Hos, V, 20 20 127 60 67 60 67 46 49

Cd. 78 Palkol Jalanggiri R,M,S,Cd. 31 31 230 118 112 118 112 77 73 7,9 Palkolwatre Girl R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 15 15 129 69 60 69 60 30 15 80 Palkolwatre Girl-Son~ong R, Riv, V, Cb. 3 3 20 12 8 12 8 3 1 81 Rongge Gitim R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 16 16 84 41 43 41 43 14 7 82 Rongrenpal R, P, S, V, Cd. 20 20 160 77 83 77 83 27 18 83 Mongmabal R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 12 12 64 30 34 30 34 13 12 84 Rongru·Asim R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 13 13 90 47 43 47 43 30 19 85 Nokol-Girl R, P, Riv, Wb, D, V, 47 47 360 179 181 179 181 67 28

Cd. 86 Naworam R, S, V, Cd. 11 11 65 40 25 40 25 28 14 87 AJokpang R, P, Riv, Wh, D, V, 12 12 137 64 73 64 73 29 27

Cd. 88 Goka-Giri R. P,S, Cd. 20 20 163 85 78 78 78 31 13 89 Imbakagiri R, Riv, V, Cd. 10 10 7CJ 43 36 43 36 21 6 90 PepchandaI R, Riv, V, Cb. 6 6 35 19 16 19 16 11 2 91 Gakathainang R, Riv, V, Cd. 13 13 85 44 41 44 41 23 7 92 Balsal Girl R. Kw, Db, D, V, Cd. 20 20 106 51 55 46 55 38 37 93 Dabi-Giii R, P, S. Wb, D, V, Cd. 20 20 134 71 63 70 63 38 22 94 Masighat R, P, Riv, Wb, D, V, 21 21 135 71 64 71 64 39 15

Cd. 95 GOkaimika R,S, V,Cd. 10 10 55 31 24 30 24 14 5 96 Baghmara Reserve R, P, Riv, Db, D, V, 18 18 128 67 61 67 61 51 21

Cd. 97 DambukAga R, P, S, V, Cd. 20 20 131 61 70 60 70 38 35 98 Ampang Giri R, P, S, V, Cd. 23 23 104 52 52 52 52 29 20 99 Halwa R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 26 26 165 88 77 88 77 49 43

100 Wagekona R, P, Riv, D. V, Cd. 19 19 86 44 42 44 42 28 17 101 Goabari R, P, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 26 26 192 100 92 100 92 36 18


Page 46: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- SI. (I"';';IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

11 11 11 11 5 3 50 30 34 30 34 22 19 51 25 22 25 22 16 19 52 16 14 16 14 7 7 53 18 11 15 11 3 10 6 54

55 30 29 30 29 "" 15 14 56 58 38 37 38 8 1 4 8 29 32 57 36 31 32 29 3 2 1 20 14 58 9 10 9 10 3 59

12 12 12 12 4 5 60 11 11 11 11 5 5 61 19 14 19 14 10 5 62 36 44 36 44 32 24 63 9 7 9 7 8 4 64

76 23 28 20 1 47 3 10 14 65 33 27 33 27 11 19 66 36 38 36 38 22 25 67 49 60 49 60 21 17 68 23 27 23 27 17 17 69 17 18 17 18 16 9 70 29 29 29 29 22 20 71 31 28 31 28 20 15 72 44 45 44 45 33 23 73

·70 77 69 77 1 58 27 74 18 16 18 16 6 10 75 13 8 13 8 7 1 76 38 45 38 45 22 22 77

65 65 64 64 1 53 47 78 43 41 43 41 26 19 79 8 7 8 7 -.... 4 1 80

29 27 29 27 12 16 81 47 53 47 53 30 30 82 14 19 14 19 16 15 83 32 27 32 27 15 16 84

126 137 126 137 53 44 85

21 17 21 17 19 8 86 34 43 34 43 30 30 87

46 37 38 37 6 2 39 41 88 25 21 24 21 1 18 15 89 9 13 9 13 10 3 90

24 25 22 25 2 20 16 91 35 27 27 27 8 16 28 92 34 32 34 32 37 31 93 33 37 33 37 38 27 94

17 13 15 13 2 14 11 95 36 31 26 31 31 30 96

39 49 37 49 1 22 21 97 31 33 28 33 3 21 19 98 54 50 51 50 3 34 27 99 28 27 28 27 16 15 100 58 58 57 58 42 34 101


Page 47: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-{S) GARO WLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town! Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tnbes Edu·

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

102 Dambukatong R, p. Riv V. Cd. 20 20 145 67 78 67 78 14 11 103 Dambukapal R, p. Riv. Wb, V, Cd. 65 65 348 180 168 178 168 97 ;5 104 Chikasin Giri R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 14 18 79 37 42 37 42 13 14 105 Bolsil-Giri R, Riv, V, Cd. 10 13 68 36 32 33 32 20 8 106 Dil Sing Giri R, Riv. Wb, V, Cd. 8 8 56 28 28 28 28 4 1 107 Wachal Chiring R. Riv, Wb. V. Cd. 7 7 54 31 23 30 23 8 3 108 Uripur R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 10 10 79 37 42 37 42 8 5 109 Lokipur R, P, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 6 6 36 17 19 17 19 1 110 Gajipur R, P, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 6 6 29 14 15 14 15 5 2 III Daklek Bari R, P, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 6 6 33 17 16 17 16 3 112 Baghmara Police Project 8 8 23 13 10 13 10 10 4 113 Jeregitim R, p. Riv, Wb, D, V, ]0 10 65 37 28 35 28 17 13

Cd. 114 BHkona R, Riv, Wb, D, V, Cd. 6 6 55 31 24 31 24 20 16 115 Kemchong R, Riv, V, Cd. 8 8 45 21 24 21 24 1 116 Sijuariteka R. P, Riv. Wb, V, Cd. 14 14 114 54 60 53 60 20 11 117 Munggi Timmaic-Hirampot R, P. Riv. V, Cd. 21 21 105 49 56 49 56 21 9 118 Halwaatong R, p. Riv, V. Cd. 20 20 128 53 75 53- 75 20 5 119 Jongkol-Giri R, Riv, V, Cd. 7 7 36 14 27 14 22 10 5 120 Kusuk Kasri R, Riv. V, Cd. 8 8 34 21 13 21 13 1 121 Bolbok-Giri R, Riv. V. Cd. 7 7 36 20 16 20 16 11 8 122 Sijusongmong R. p. Riv, Wb. V, Cd. 61 61 389 189 200 18) 200 28 10 123 Sijusonggirat R, P, Riv, Wh, V, Cd. 20 20 124 54 70 54 70 21 5 124 Siju Rongmiktai Nang R, P, ' iv, Wb, V, Cd. 20 20 180 107 73 82 73 30 11 125 ~iju Talkim R, P, Riv. Wb. V, Cd. 21 21 188 102 86 88 86 32 '}

126 Siju Damik Gitim R, Tk, Wh, Cd. 20 20 91 44 47 44 47 7 1 127 Nokat-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 21 21 142 70 72 70 12 22 9 128 Aruak-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 22 22 104 54 50 54 50 18 6 129 Daldu Giri R, H, Riv, Cd. 3 3 15 7 8 7 8

. 130 Ronang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 2 2 10 5 5 5 5 131 Gatabil-Giri R, Riv. Cd. 14 14 81 39 42 39 42 11 132 Rongdik Emong Giri R P, Riv, Cd. 63 63 320 174 146 174 146 55 20 133 Rompa Emong Giri R, Riv, Cd. 12 12 78 39 39 39 39 10 8 134 Gandra Giri R. Riv, Cd. 22 22 105 53 52 53 52 135 Tole-Giri R, P, Riv, V. Cd. 34 34 195 79 116 79 116 39 25 136 Dapsi Adapgiri R, Riv. V, Cd. 3 3 13 4 9 4 9 1 137 Badri Nongrugitim R, P, Riv, D. Cd. 21 21 113 59 54 59 54 14 11 138 Dapsi Gurugiti,n R, Riv, D, Cd. 4 4 34 14 20 14 20 139 Dapsi Jadigitim R, Riv, D, Cd. 5 5 19 11 8 11 8 140 Badri Rongdong Gitim R. p. Riv, Wb. D, Cd. ,24 24 211 161 50 45 50 19 14 141 Badri Jesrugitim R, p. Riv, V. Cd. 16 16 101 42 59 42 59 14 14 142 Badri Watregitim R, p. Riv, D, Cd. 17 17 103 53 50 53 50 12 2 143 Badri Rongsa Awe R, P, Riv, Cd. 20 20 94 53 41 53 41 16 4 144 Badri Rongding Awe R, P, Riv, Cd. 17 17 102 49 53 49 53 17 8 145 Darang Duragitim R, p. Riv, Cd. 19 19 85 45 40 45 40 22 17 146 Badri Maidugitim R, P. Riv, Cd. 17 17 92 48 44 48 44 13 15 147 Areng Gitim R, P, Riv. Cd. 6 6 61 33 28 33 28 14 2 148 Darang Chiga R, p. Riv, Cd. 12. 12 29 14 15 14 15 8 1 149 Darang Boldak R, Riv, Cd. H B 61 34 33 34 33 2 150 Darang Nengs Rang R. Riv. Cd. 11 SO 22 28 22 28 151 Darang Akepgitim R, Riv, Cd. 10 10 41 18 23 18 23 152 Darang Dajugitim R, Riv, Cd. 23 23 94 43 51 43 51 1 153 Rongkandi Nongalbra R, Riv. Cd. 8 8 21 15 6 15 6 8 154 Nongal Bagar Gitim R,S,Cd. 9 9 54 24 30 24 30 155 Rongkadidi Rongdamd R. Riv. Cd. 9 9 37 18 19 18 19 156 Rongkandi Bolsai Gitim R, P, Riv, Cd. 11 11 45 27 18 27 18 9 4 157 Rongkandi Dengjame R, Riv, Cd. 8 8 41 21 20 20 20 158 Dabokol Nengjagitim R, Riv, Cd. 11 11 SO 22 28 20 28


Page 48: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

DIRECTORY .-\. ,::;1\1\1




Total workers Non- SI. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1 _--47 50 47 50 20 28 102

111 109 102 108 1 2 6 1 69 59 103 22 26 22 26 15 16 104 25 21 17 21 8 11 11 105 20 18 20 18 8 10 106 17 19 17 19 14 4 lO7 21 25 21 25 16 17 108 13 13 13 13 4 6 10) 7 11 7 11 7 4 110

10 11 10 11 -- 7 5 111 9 4 1 4 8 4 6 112

19 16 19 16 18 12 113

22 19 22 19 9 5 114 13 17 13 17 8 7 115 40 40 40 40 14 20 116 36 40 36 40 13 16 117 37 41 37 41 16 34 118 9 13 9 13 5 9 119

10 9 10 9 11 4 120 14 13 14 13 6 3 121

112 110 112 110 .. 77 90 122 37 44 37 43 1 17 26 Ld 70 46 41 43 29 3 37 27 124 72 52 46 50 2 15 1 10 30 34 125 28 29 28 29 16 18 126 42 42 41 42 1 28 30 127 30 31 29 31 1 24 19 128 4 5 4 5 3 3 129 4 3 4 3 1 2 130

24 23 24 23 15 19 131 90 84 82 84 8 84 62 132 24 25 24 25 .. 15 14 133 39 34 39 34 14 18 134 42 56 41 56 .. 1 37 60 135 3 4 3 4 ..

1 5 136 " 33 41 33 41 -- 26 13 137 9 11 9 11 5 9 138 8 7 8 7 3 1 139

140 30 24 30 116 21 20 140 26 27 24 27 2 16 32 141 30 28 30 28 23 22 142 27 23 26 23 1 26 18 143 34 27 34 27 15 26 144 30 24 29 24 1 15 16 145 21 27 20 27 1 27 17 146 19 14 18 14 1 14 14 147 9 9 9 9 5 6 148 23 22 23 22 11 11 149 13 16 13 16 ..

9 12 150 11

.. 18 11 18 7 5 151 33 3S 33 3S -- .. 10 16 152 12 5 4 5 8 3 1 153 13 17 13 17 11 13 154 13 11 13 11 5 8 155 20 13 20 13 7 5 156 11 11 11 11 10 9 157 15 21 15 21 7 7 158


Page 49: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Schc- Sche- Literate Serial

in Residential tion duled duled and Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's cated Block No.of No.of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

159 Dabakol Nongmilong R. p. Riv, Cd. 10 10 52 23 29 23 29 160 Darang Palalgitim R, P, Riv, Cd. 16 16 92 47 45 47 45 2 161 Darang Sadigitim R. Riv, Cd. 11 11 48 25 23 25 23 162 Darang Enaggitim R. P, Riv, Cd. 30 30 155 78 77 78 77 13 1 163 Gare Muragitim R, S, Cd. 32 32 152 75 77 75 71 164 Gare Nengabing Gitim R, p. Riv, Cd. 19 19 78 33 45 33 45 6 4 165 Sudugiri Taragitim R, P, Riv, Cd. 48 48 237 121 116 121 116 27 16 166 Sibbari R, Edbo, M, Riv Wb, 32 32 164 83 81 79 81 43 32 D,Cd.

167 Chambil-Giri R, S, Wb, Cd. 15 15 107 55 52 55 52 34 22 168 Chambil Badimagiri R,Kw, V,Cd. 28 28 135 67 68 66 68 42 23 169 Ering-Giri R, P, Riv Cd. 5 5 93 41 52 41 52 14 5 170 Adap.Giri R,Riv,Cd. 8 8 35 16 19 16 19 7 1 171 Chengna-Giri R,P,S, Cd. 23 23 119 53 66 53 66 10 12 172 Bamonoi Pogiri R, P, Riv, Cd. 14 14 63 27 36 27 36 12 8 173 Bamon-Giti R, P, Riv, Cd. 19 19 102 47 55 47 55 39 35 174 Dikrong-Gid R,Riv,Cd. 8 8 36 18 18 18 18 11 1 175 Dengga-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 30 30 151 73 78 73 78 13 10 176 Rong Chang-Giri R,Riv,Wb. 6 6 33 17 16 17 16 9 6 177 Chitabet-Giti R,P,Riv. 7 7 33 16 17 16 17 8 8 178 Tengki Badima-Giri R, P, S, Wb. 30 30 154 73 81 71 81 39 27 179 Daram Giti R, P, Riv, Wb. 12 12 74 42 32 42 32 22 22 180 Songgitalgiri R, P, Riv, Wb. 6 6 32 19 13 19 13 8 3 181 Geduagiri R,Riv, Wb. 3 3 9 5 4 5 4 2 2 182 Rongkrak Giri R,Riv, Wb. 19 19 91 49 42 49 42 12 6 183 Gilmatkol Gid R, p. Riv, Wb. 13 13 69 34 35 34 35 9 11 184 Songwar:-Giri R,S, Wb. 9 9 42 19 :23 19 23 8 7 185 Baliwat-Giri R, P, S, Wb. 37 37 176 87 89 87 89 39 34 186 RingkapsonagitaI R, P, Riv, Wb. 3 3 13 7 6 7 6 2 187 Ringkap-Songgitcham P,Riv, Wb. 11 11 52 23 29 23 29 10 6 188 DaTit-Giri Riv, Wb. 22 22 105 51 54 51 54 189 Darit-J ongkanggitim Riv, Wb. 8 8 50 27 23 27 23 190 Dariwatrc-SonggitaI P,S, Wb,D. 33 33 150 70 80 70 80 14 4 191 Tebisok-Giri R, P. Riv, Wb. D. 21 21 117 55 62 55 62 16 9 192 Kamrang-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 23 23 137 75 62 75 62 37 18 193 Ronggang-Giri R, P, RiY, Wb, D. 25 25 147 74 73 74 73 55 54 194 Koki-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 14 14 80 34 46 34 46 13 7 195 Dagal-Giri R,Riv, Wb 6 6 29 13 16 13 16 196 Dagal Asimdik R,Riv, Wb. 4 4 17 9 8 9 8 197 Asimdiknokat Giri R,Riv, Wb. 9 9 44 21 23 21 23 10 2 198 Daritdallcng Giri R,Riv, Wb. 4 4 22 11 11 11 11 199 Rongri-Kimgiri R, P, Riv, Wb. 30 30 155 78 77 76 77 24 8 200 Botichiring Giri R,Riv, Wb. 2 2 11 7 4 7 4 201 Nokatandamaguri R, Riv, Wb. D. 16 16 66 30 36 30 36 4 2 202 Rongrikimkilam R,M,S, Wb. 46 46 292 158 134 158 134 79 49 203 Bamon Bajra Giripok R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 17 17 105 63 42 63 42 27 18 204 Konchikol-Giri R, Riv, Wh, D. 8 8 41 20 21 20 21 10 11 205 Tebok-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 16 16 67 36 31 36 31 14 2 206 Aritak-Giri R. Riv, Wh, V. 7 7 33 16 17 16 17 1 1 207 Balasing Giri R, Riv, Db, V. 2 2 13 7 6 7 6 2 208 Barnon Jado Giri R, Riy, Wh, V. 15 15 94 57 37 57 31 35 21 209 Tihisak Brem Giri R,Riv. 7 7 39 23 16 23 16 11 7 210 Darok-Giri R, Riv, Wb. 7 7 39 23 16 23 16 1 211 Daldom-Giri R,Riv, Wh. 7 7 36 15 21 15 21 1 212 Doraoinding Giri R,Riv, V. 8 9 45 20 25 20 25 5 6 213 Ampangdam Giri R,Riv, Wb. 29 29 150 70 80 70 80 7 2 214 Kojal-Giri R,Kw, Wh, V. 6 6 23 13 10 13 10 5 2


Page 50: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S)' (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

15 16 15 16 8 13 159 38 33 38 33 9 12 160 17 15 17 15 8 8 161 48 49 48 49 30 28 162 54 48 54 48 21 29 163 22 24 22 24 11 21 164 76 76 76 76 45 40 165 45 44 39 44 6 38 37 166

343 26 32 26 1 22 26 167 41 37 41 36 3 23 31 168 28 21 21 21 20 31 169

31 11 8 11 8 8 170

38 31 38 22 28 171 14 17 14 17 r3 19 172 3° 32 28 31 1 2 17 23 173 18

11 18 11 7 174 4

5 45 44 45 1 28 33 175 9

7 9 7 8 9 176 8

36 11 8 11 8 6 177 35 36 35 37 46 178

23 24 23 24 19 8 179 13 9 13 9 6 4 180 3 3 3 3 2 1 181 28 29 28 29 21 13 182 23 20 23 20 11 15 183 12 13 12 13 7 10 184 54 45 54 45 33 44 185 5 5 5 5 2 1 186 14 14 14 14 9 15 187 23 33 23 33 28 21 188 14 16 14 16 13 7 189 43 47 43 47 27 33 190 35 31 35 31 20 31 1y1 38 36 38 36 37 26 192 37 34 37 34 37 3) 193 19 20 19 20 15 26 194 7 8 7 8 6 8 195 4 5 4 5 5 3 196

11 11 11 11 10 12 197 4 6 4 6 7 5 198

39 35 37 35 2 39 42 199 2 3 2 3 5 1 200

17 23 17 23 13 13 201 80 76 76 76 4 78 58 202 30 25 29 25 1 33 17 203 12 12 12 12 8 9 204 21 21 21 21 15 10 205 11 7 11 7 5 10 2(6 5 5 5 5 2 1 207

34 24 34 24 23 13 208 12 10 12 10 11 6 209 14 10 14 10 9 6 210 13 15 13 15 2 6 211 14 15 14 15 6 10 212 41 40 41 40 29 40 213 9 2 9 2 4 8 214


Page 51: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

215 Dingding Giri R, Riv, V. 5 5 26 12 14 12 14 4 1 216 Rong Bok Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 4 4 18 6 12 6 12 217 Meka Adu Girl R. Riv. Wb. V. 10 10 31 15 16 15 16 12 10 218 Molme Adu Giri R, Riv, V. 4 4 22 13 9 13 9 219 Daganda Giri R,Riv, V. 7 7 28 14 14 14 ]4 1 220 Pilne-Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, V. 8 8 42 17 25 17 25 221 Narongkol-Giri R Riv, V. 7 7 25 14 11 14 11 222 Damal-Giri R.Kw,D. V. 7 7 26 14 12 14 12 223 Damal Nokat Giri R, Riv, Wb, V, 6 6 26 12 14 12 14 224 Angratuli Forest Office R,S,Wb. 7 7 11 7 4 3 4 2 5 225 Tellakhali F.V. R, P, Riv, V. 40 40 217 118 99 118 99 9 226 Rakipara F.V. R, P, Kw, Wb. V. 13. 13 66 31 35 31 35 1 227 KondokF.V. R, P, Riv, Wb. V. 20 20 87 42 45 42 45 6 2 228 Rongchong Giri R, Riv, V. 6 6 39 24 15 24 15 229 Megua-Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, D, V. 22 22 123 64 59 64 59 17 9 230 Dompo-Giri R, P, Kw. D, V. 9 9 38 26 12 26 12 1 231 Meguasong Giri Tal R, P, Kw, Wb, D. V. 34 34 148 74 74 74 74 9 3 232 Chitompagiri R, P, Riv. Wb, D, V. 12 12 49 23 26 23 26 233 Mangkeng Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, V. 6 6 31 17 14 17 14 7 3 234 Gajang-Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, V. 5 5 25 14 11 14 11 235 Mangapa Giri R, Riv, V. 7 7 37 23 14 23 14 236 Dibae Giri R, Riv. Wb, V. 9 9 21 10 11 10 11 3 1 237 Thija Giri R, Riv, Wh, V. 3 3 20 12 8 12 8 1 238 Bolchimda Girl R, P, Riv, Wb, V. 3 3 97 50 47 50 47 7 2 239 Bolchimda Giri Song Gital R, Riv, V. 6 6 37 15 22 15 22 240 Eldimaram Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 3 3 13 6 7 6 7 241 Banggua Giri R. Riv, V. 4 4 18 6 12 6 12 1 1 242 Imara Girl R. Riv, Wb, V. 6 6 36 21 15 21 15 2 243 Dike-Gid R, Riv, Wb, V. 7 7 40 17 23 17 23 244 Anae-Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 6 6 33 15 18 15 18 2 1 245 Wae Nabeng Giri R,Kw, Wb, V. 7 7 38 18 20 18 20 6 9 246 Sonaram-Giri R, K-v, Wb, V. 6 6 32 13 19 13 19 4 1 247 Bakata Giri R,P, Riv. 7 7 33 17 16 17 16 2 248 Dibanga-Giri R, p. Kw, Wb, V. 17 17 82 42 40 42 40 16 8 249 Makbilkol Giri R, Riv, Wb. V. 7 7 34 14 20 14 20 1 250 Gaga-Giri R, Riv, Wb. V. 10 10 59 31 28 31 28 10 3 251 Agal Giri R. Riv. Wb. V. 6 6 23 12 11 12 11 1 252 Mibon Para K,M,S,Wb, V 33 33 219 111 108 111 108 54 10 253 Chilpara Daram Giri R, P, Riv, V. 22 22 127 62 65 62 65 17 5 254 Baksri Adim R, Riv, V. 9 9 32 23 9 23 9 3 255 Karawang Giri R,P,S, V. 13 13 53 27 26 27 26 11 2 256 Galwanggitok R,Riv. V. 10 10 61 32 29 32 29 5 2 257 Dompao Giri R,Riv, V. 3 3 16 6 10 6 10 1 1 258 Achiota R, Riv, V. 10 10 44 22 22 22 22 1 259 Chandi Giri R, Riv. V. 7 7 34 15 19 15 19 260 Boldamnokat R,Riv, V. 7 7 34 21 13 21 13 261 Bakwanang Giri R,Riv, V. 4 4 17 8 9 8 9 262 Sabea Giri R, Riv, V. 3 3 15 8 7 8 7 263 Rongtu Kosik K,Riv,V. 4 4 20 10 10 8 9 264 Jama Giri R,P, Riv, V. 5 5 28 14 14 14 14 6 265 Babilbanda Giri R,Riv, V. 7 7 33 18 15 18 15 3 266 Gatdura Giri R, P,Riv, V. 18 18 82 38 44 38 44 16 6 267 Chigitchag Giri R, Riv. 4 4 20 10 10 10 10 2 268 Aringgakol Giri R,Riv, V. 5 5 23 12 11 12 11 3 269 Rengna Giri R,P, Riv, V. 10 10 50 22 28 22 28 2 270 Ruatsru Giri R, Riv, V. 3 3 14 7 7 7 7 3 271 Mitap Badala Giri R,P, S, Wb. 33 36 187 97 90 97 90 40 33


Page 52: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- SI. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

8 7 8 7 4 7 215 5 9 5 9 1 3 216

11 9 11 9 4 7 217 7 6 7 6 6 3 218

12 10 12 10 2 4 219 10 16 10 16 7 9 220 11 7 11 7 3 4 221 9 5 9 5 5 7 222 8 11 8 11 .. 4 3 223 6 4 1 4 5 1 224

88 71 88 71 30 28 225-20 28 20 28 11 7 226 24 23 23 23 1 18 22 227 18 10 18 10 6 5 228 50 43 49 43 14 16 229 18 7 18 7 8 5 230 52 46 51 46 22 28 231 20 24 20 24 3 2 232 11 9 11 9 6 5 233 11 8 11 8 3 3 234 14 10 14 10 9 4 235 7 7 7 7 3 4 236 7 5 7 5 5 3 237

34 32 34 32 16 15 238 11 13 11 13 4 9 239 4 5 4 5 2 2 240 4 8 4 8 2 4 241

14 10 14 10 7 5 242 10 17 10 17 7 6 243 8 11 7 11 1 7 7 244

12 16 12 16 6 4 245 8 12 8 12 5 7 246

10 12 10 12 7 4 247 27 25 26 25 1 15 15 248 9 8 9 8 5 12 249

21 17 21 17 10 11 250 7 7 7 7 5 4 251

51 74 46 74 5 60 34 252 28 35 27 35 1 34 30 253 9 2 9 2 14 7 254 9 3 9 3 18 23 255

11 1 11 1 21 28 256 4 1 4 1 2 9 257

10 2 10 2 12 20 258 7 2 7 2 8 17 259 7 7 14 13 260 4 4 4 9 561 3 3 .. 5 7 262 5 3 3 2 2 1 5 7 263 6 5 1 8 14 264 6 6 12 15 265

18 3 17 3 1 20 41 2:66 4 2 4 2 6 8 267 4 2 4 2 8 9 268 9 3 8 3 1 13 25 269 3 .. 3 4 7 270

53 43 48 43 1 4 44 47 271


Page 53: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied in Residential Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses tion duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's Castes Tribes Edu-

Block No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -._ ----~ -_. -~- ___ k _____ ....,. ~ ___________

-----------._-------------_ 272 Megap Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 9 9 48 24 2~ 24 24 22 273 Guri Pathal R, Riv. 7 7 51 24 27 24 27 2 274 Chi thing Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 17 19 96 49 47 49 47 8 6 275 Semburongkina Giri R,Riv. ' 2 2 8 3 5 3 5 276 Tebil-Giri R,P,Riv. 23 25 113 59 54 59 54 277 Sembu-Gonggag-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos. 33 36 160 73 87 73 87 21 8 278 Sawekol-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 14 16 55 28 27 28 27 14 4 279 Sembu Rong to Tgitim R,Riv, Wb. 18 18 82 39 43 39 43 1 280 Atagiri R, Riv, V. 20 20 82 42 40 42 40 1 281 Mitapsong Mong R, P, Riv, Wh, Hos. 12 15 68 40 28 40 28 215 5 282 Rongjang Giri R, Riv, Hos. 12 12 46 24 22 24 22 283 Dagal-Songgi Tal R, Riv, Wb. 5 5 19 12 7 12 7 4 1 284 Dagal-A~im R,Riv, Wh. 12 12 42 19 23 19 23 5 2 285 Takrokanchcng-Giri R,Riv, Wb. 2 2 7 3 4 3 4 2 1 286 Narongchiring Giri R,Riv, Wb. 3 3 11 6 5 6 5 1 287 Chengnang Giri R,Riv. 3 3 15 7 8 7 8 288 Dagal Nokat Giri R, P, Riv, Wh. 24 24 131 66 65 66 65 30 21 289 Doba-Giri R, S, Wb, V. 23 23 112 62 50 62 50 36 28 290 Chokpot Giri R,M,S, Wb. 44 44 215 109 106 109 106 58 38 291 Dagal Wagebokil R, P, Riv, Wb. 29 29 66 36 30 29 30 20 11 292 Wagebok Songgi1all R, Riv Wb. 14 14 59 33 26 33 26 21 7 293 Darnitgiri R,Riv, Wb. 25 25 108 56 52 56 52 1 294 Bucakol-Giri R, Riv. 13 13 42 20 22 20 22 295 Darnit Rong Sina Giri R, P,Riv. 14 14 68 29 39 29 39 9 296 Dindi-Giri R,Riv, V. 6 6 23 11 12 11 12 297 Remsong Mong R, P, Riv, V. 6 6 27 11 16 11 16 298 Rembadimagir R, P, Riv, Wb, V, Nes. 22 22 104 54 50 54 50 13 2 299 Sembu-Rom Pragiri R,Kw,V. 8 8 36 15 21 15 21 5 4 300 Sembu Rongsina R,Kw, Wh. 3 3 15 5 10 5 10 301 Sembu Jakingri R. Riv, Wb. 3 3 17 8 9 8 9 302 Sembu Nokat R, Riv, Wb. 4 4 15 6 9 6 9 1 303 Sembujibingitirn R, Riv, Wb. 9 9 34 15 ]9 15 19 7 304 Sernbusingrong Gitim R, P, Riv, Hos, V. 11 11 49 17 32 17 32 305 Sembu Song Mong Giri 2 2 7 3 4 3 4 306 Mon Song Mong Giri R, S, V. 23 24 84 37 47 37 47 15 1 307 Mon Dobakol R, P, Riv, V. 30 30 111 40 71 40 71 13 4 308 Mon Rong Sang Giri R,P, Riv. 8 8 37 24 13 24 13 12 3 309 Ginneng Koisi Songmong R,Riv, V. 7 7 41 22 19 22 19 310 Ginneng Koisi Songgitat R, Riv, V, Nes. 5 5 42 18 24 18 24 8 4 311 Dilni-Giri R,Riv, V. 8 8 26 11 15 11 15 312 Rongasin-Giri R,Riv. 23 23 98 49 49 49 49 313 Songsang Giri R, Riv. 1 I 2 1 1 1 1 314 Rongre Asim Giri R, Riv, Hos. 14 14 51 30 21 30 21 2 315 Wathe-Giri R,Riv. 5 5 5 3 2 3 2 316 Chiringna ·Giri R,Riv. 7 7 42 19 23 19 23 317 Warirna-Giri R, Edbo, P, Riv, Wb. 28 28 125 50 75 50 75 13 7 318 Doldu-Giri R,Riv, Wb. 7 7 39 25 14 25 14 319 Ganchi Kalak Giri R,Riv. 20 20 73 35 38 35 38 11 4 320 Wakjapak-Giri R,Riv. 11 11 38 15 23 15 23 321 Doba-Giri R,Riv. 10 10 41 16 25 16 25 4 322 Ruabanga Giri R,Riv. 6 6 21 11 10 11 10 1 323 Rongbil Banggiri R,Riv. 4 4 13 8 5 8 5 1 324 Bugi-Giri R,Riv. 11 11 41 17 24 17 24 17 24 225 Kalbeng Giri R,Riv. 15 15 61 26 35 26 35 326 Rongme-Giri R,Riv. 15 15 74 45 29 4S 29 1 327 Minchichiring R,Riv, V. 2 2 8 5 3 5 3 328 Gane Gitim R,Riv, V. 7 7 27 13 14 13 14 2 3


Page 54: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

16 17 16 16 8 7 272 16 18 16 18 8 9 273 27 29 27 29 22 18 274

2 3 2 3 1 2 275 39 34 39 34 20 20 276 48 51 48 51 25 36 277 16 13 16 13 12 14 278 23 27 23 27 16 16 279 23 27 23 27 19 13 280 24 14 24 14 16 14 281 17 17 17 17 7 5 282 9 7 9 7 3 .. 283

15 15 15 15 4 8 284 3 3 3 3 1 285 5 5 5 5 1 286 6 4 6 4 1 4 287

45 42 45 42 21 23 288 42 36 41 36 1 20 14 289 77 67 76 67 .. 1 32 39 290 24 21 21 17 3 4 12 9 291 21 18 21 18 12 8 292 42 40 42 40 14 12 293 15 16 15 16 5 6 294 18 28 18 28 11 11 295 10 9 10 9 1 3 296 11 13 11 13 3 297 42 39 42 39 12 11 298 11 13 11 13 4 8 299

5 7 5 7 3 300 6 6 6 6 2 3 301 5 7 5 7 1 2 302 5 15 5 15 10 4 303

10 24 10 24 7 8 304 3 3 3 3 1 305

25 ,6 24 35 1 1 12 It 306 30 52 30 52 10 19 307 18 10 18 10 6 3 308 16 14 16 14 6 5 309 14 15 14 15 4 9 310 9 11 9 11 2 4 311

27 29 27 29 22 20 312 1 1 1 1 313

20 15 15 12 5 3 10 6 314 3 1 3 1 1 315

14 13 14 13 5 10 316 44 54 44 54 6 21 317 19 11 19 11 6 3 318 17 28 17 28 18 10 319 12 15 12 15 3 8 320 10 16 10 16 6 9 321 5 6 2 6 3 6 4 322 5 4 3 4 2 3 1 323

12 18 12 18 5 6 324 10 24 10 24 16 11 325 29 24 29 24 16 5 326

3 2 3 2 2 1 327 8 9 8 9 5 5 328


Page 55: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

N umber and Name of District-(5) GARO IDLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :


Total Popula-Serial

Area Residential Sche- Sche- Literate Name of Village/Town I Amenities in Houses tion duled duled and

No. Ward/Enumerator'S Acres No.-N"o. Castes Tribes Edu-Block of of cated

Hou- House- Persons ses holds

p M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

329 Darengsa-Giri R,Riv, V. 12 12 50 28 22 28 22 330 Ancheng-Giri R,Riv, V. 9 9 53 26 27 26 27 331 Matchok-Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 3 3 14 8 6 8 6 332 Rongpak Giri R, Riv, V. 19 19 95 44 51 44 51 1 333 Rotong-Giri R,Kw, V. 8 8 39 20 19 20 19 1 334 Adilma-Giri R,Riv, V. 9 9 49 25 24 25 24 1 335 Ganggo Giri R, Riv, V. 11 11 56 30 26 30 26 1 336 Nokat-Giri R, Riv, V. 2 2 16 9 7 9 7 337 Akoksi-Giri R, Riv, V. 5 5 29 18 11 18 11 338 Gandingang Giri R,Riv, V. 2 2 8 6 2 6 2 339 Biking-Giri R,Riv, V. 4 4 17 11 6 11 6 340 Chibak-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, V. 11 11 53 27 26 27 26 2 341 Waro Songgitcham R,Riv, Wb. 7 7 21 12 9 12 9 342 Waro Songgital R, Riv, Wb, V. 7 7 33 15 18 15 18 343 Rang Bing Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 5 5 24 10 14 10 14 344 Dingbing-Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 5 5 26 14 12 14 12 345 Rongdeng-Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 5 5 31 15 16 15 16 346 Doran-Songmong R, Riv, Wb, V. 7 7 24 9 15 9 15 347 Doran-Songgital R,Riv, V. 9 9 34 18 16 Ig 16 348 Chiangal-Giri R, S, Wb, V. 7 7 31 17 14 17 14 349 Daji-Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 7 7 26 15 11 15 11 350 Daji Boldakgiri R, Riv, Wb, V. 4 4 17 10 7 10 7 351 Dajiadu Giri R, Riv, Wb. V. 7 7 39 18 21 18 21 352 Silkidu R, Riv, Wb. 5 5 22 9 13 9 13 353 Inchra-Giri R, Riv, Wb. 3 3 16 9 7 9 7 354 Rongmaeda Giri R,Riv, V. 9 9 46 21 25 21 25 355 Rongmaeda Song R, Riv, V. 4 4 14 7 7 7 7 356 Rongmae Daruk Gital R,Riv, V. 9 9 42 20 22 20 22 357 Tojaning Giri-A R,Riv. V. 4 4 23 13 10 13 10 358 Tojaning Giri-B R, P, Riv, V. 2 4 15 8 7 8 7 2 1 359 Ruga Nokat R, Riv, Wb. 13 14 56 24 32 24 32 6 3 360 Drong Song Mong R, Riv, Wb. V. 9 11 43 18 25 18 25 361 Drong Song Gital R,Riv, V. 4 4 16 10 6 10 6 362 Drong Chitilong R,Riv, V. 9 9 41 16 25 16 25 363 Gori-Para R, P, Riv, V. 10 10 43 21 22 21 22 9 3 354 Rugading-Giri R,S, V. 31 37 180 89 91 67 72 3) 15 365 Ruga Song Mong R.P,S, V. 18 23 121 58 63 58 63 20 8 366 Ruga Doni Giri R, P, Riv, V. 12 12 60 29 31 29 31 1 367 Makbil Kol R, P, Riv, V. 12 13 67 30 37 30 37 10 5 368 Kuga Regingitim R,P,Riv. 16 17 88 46 42 46 42 14 4 369 Dabing-Giri R, P, Riv. 5 5 20 9 11 9 11 370 Dabing Nokat R,S. 5 5 18 9 9 9 9 371 Dabing Song Mong R, P, Riv, V. 8 9 28 10 18 10 18 372 Dabing Sonal Giri R,Riv. 7 7 33 16 17 16 17 373 Thechi-Giri R, Riv. 1 1 6 3 3 3 3 1 374 Wasa-Giri R,Riv. 21 21 100 42 58 42 58 1 1 375 Dasing Bibra R,H, Riv. 7 8 30 11 19 11 19 4 6 376 Rongra Chigiri R, P, Riv, Hos 5 6 25 10 15 10 15 2 3 377 Panchung-Giri R,Riv. 1 1 5 2 3 2 3 378 Domia-Giri R, Riv. 5 5 14 5 9 5 9 379 Rongra Tantalu-Giri R,Riv. 6 6 30 13 17 13 17 380 Silang Bibra R,Rlv, 2 2 8 4 4 4 4 381 Rangra Nokgat R,Riv. 8 8 43 27 16 17 16 382 Rongra Song Gitcham R,Riv. 4 4 22 13 9 13 9 383 Songkalak-Giri R,Riv. 7 7 51 35 16 15 16 384 Rongra Tanak Giri R,Riv. 9 9 62 43 19 23 19 385 Ruka-Para R, Riv, Wb. 17 17 129 88 41 88 41 6 2


Page 56: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S1. (I-IX) workers No.


J6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

J9 15 19 15 9 7 329 18 19 18 19 8 8 330 4 4 4 4 4 2 331

31 32 31 32 13 19 332 13 14 13 14 7 5 333 15 15 15 15 10 9 334 19 20 19 20 11 6 335 7 5 7 5 2 2 336

10 8 10 8 8 3 337 2 2 2 2 4 338 6 6 6 6 5 339

16 16 16 16 11 10 340 7 8 7 8 5 1 341

10 11 10 11 5 7 342 8 10 8 10 2 4 343 9 10 9 10 5 2 344 9 9 9 9 6 7 345 8 12 8 12 1 3 346

10 12 10 12 8 4 347 10 13 10 13 7 1 348 10 8 10 8 5 3 349

6 6 6 6 4 1 350 15 16 15 16 3 5 351 6 2 6 2 3 11 352 5 5 4 7 353

15 6 15 6 6 19 354 5 4 5 4 2 3 355

13 2 13 2 7 20 356 7 4 7 4 6 6 357 6 4 5 4 1 2 3 358

17 10 17 10 7 22 359 12 10 12 20 6 15 360

6 2 6 2 4 4 361 7 7 7 7 9 18 362

16 3 16 3 5 19 363 44 17 43 17 1 45 74 364 32 13 29 13 3 26 50 365 16 6 16 6 13 25 366 13 8 13 8 17 29 367 24 5 24 5 22 37 368 5 5 4 11 369 5 5 4 9 370 7 2 7 2 3 16 371

10 2 10 2 6 15 372 1 1 1 1 2 2 373

27 17 24 17 3 15 41 374 7 2 6 2 1 4 17 375 7 2 7 2 3 13 376 2 1 2 1 2 377 4 4 1 9 378 7 2 7 2 6 15 379 2 1 2 1 2 3 380

10 10 17 16 381 5 5 8 9 382

12 2 12 2 23 14 383 13 2 13 2 30 17 384 17 3 17 3 71 38 385


Page 57: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Area Residential Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Uterate

in Houses tion duled duled and Serial Name of Village/Town/Ward/ Amenities Acres No. No. Castes Tribes Edu-

No. Enumerator's Block of of cated Hou- House- Persons

ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

386 Rongra Jakeng Giri R,Riv. 6 6 29 14 15 14 15 387 Kasi-Giri R,Riv, 9 9 48 29 19 29 19 388 Wabra-Giri R, Riv, Wb. 8 8 36 16 20 16 20 389 Gando-Gid R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 19 20 107 52 55 52 55 13 8 390 Rongsong Giri R,P, Riv. 12 13 71 33 38 33 38 8 391 Sewal Kosik R,Riv. 9 9 43 23 20 23 20 392 Chari-Para R,P,S. 17 17 99 46 53 46 53 1 1 393 Srik-Giri R, P, Riv. 22 24 100 43 57 43 57 5 3 394 Sem-Para R,S. 20 21 136 82 54 61 54 8 1 395 Nag Rajora R,P,S. 26 28 142 69 73 69 73 27 15 396 Banda-para R, Kw, Wb, D. 30 31 156 81 75 81 75 15 397 Dima-Para R, Riv, Wb. D, 9 9 35 16 19 16 19 6 3 398 Dang Subil R, SWb, Hos. 6 6 22 14 8 14 8 7 2 399 Chcreng Para R.Kw. 27 28 110 63 47 63 47 10 6 400 Kera-Gitim R, Kw. 15 15 78 37 41 36 41 10 7 401 Atisia Giri R,Riv. 22 22 98 46 52 46 52 402 Atisia Nokat R,Riv. Wb. 8 8 44 21 23 21 23 403 Mongheng Nokat R,S, Wb. 30 30 122 67 55 67 55 19 2 404 Silk Christian Githim R,P.S. 25 32 131 70 61 69 61 58 41 405 Silki Songsarik Gitim R.P,S. 30 30 150 74 76 72 76 53 41 406 Ampangdam Giri R, P, Riv. 14 14 84 44 40 44 40 25 18 407 Rongsiba Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 13 17 70 41 29 41 29 24 14 408 Achak Chiring Gid R, P. Riv. Cd. 6 6 32 15 17 15 17 7 4 409 Darit Bal1aj Juri R. p. S, Cd. 12 13 54 28 26 28 26 12 9 410 Chambua Giri R, Riv, Cd. 4 5 14 8 6 8 6 5 1 411 SamkaGiri R, Riv, V. 12 14 61 38 23 38 23 6 2 412 Chigitchak Giri R, S. 7 8 37 20 17 20 17 413 Tengki Giri R, P, Riv, V. 17 18 97 44 53 44 53 11 8 414 Kimdegong Giri R,Riv. 8 8 33 17 16 17 16 8 6 415 Nanil Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, V. 13 15 50 26 24 26 24 16 14 416 Nanil Songgital R, P, Riv, Wb. 4 5 33 14 19 14 19 5 6 417 Damikchi Giri R,P, Riv. 14 14 71 33 38 33 38 13 6 418 Topanto Giri 4 4 19 10 9 10 9 2 2 419 Mandang Reding Giri R,Riv. 25 25 115 60 55 53 55 4 420 Radi Giri R, P, Riv. 8 10 52 30 22 30 22 14 6 421 Duching Giri R,Riv. 1 1 7 3 4 3 4 422 Dalwat Giri R,Riv. 4 4 19 12 7 12 7 5 2 423 Dasal Giri R,Riv. 7 7 27 14 13 14 13 3 1 424 Chigit Chakadu Giri R,Riv. 4 4 20 10 10 10 10 425 Eman Durabanda R, P, Riv. 31 33 164 82 82 82 82 38 30 426 Papadadeng Giri R,Riv, Wb. 6 6 26 13 13 13 13 427 Papa Song-Mong R,Riv. Wb. 16 17 72 35 37 35 37 428 Kilbolma Giri R,Riv, Wb. 12 13 64 32 32 32 32 6 1 429 Kolbolmagiri Asimgiri R, Riv, Wb. 6 8 22 10 12 10 12 430 Kolbo Magiri Damal Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 12 13 45 29 16 29 16 7 2 431 Papa Asak Giri R,Riv. 7 9 34 16 18 16 18 4 3 432 Mandang Megong R,Riv. 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 433 Papa Songgital R,Riv. 7 8 31 13 18 13 18 433a Mandang Agalgiri R, Riv. 11 11 41 17 24 17 24 434 Dabit Manda Nokap R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos. 21 21 113 58 55 58 55 40 40 435 Dabitampang Dam-Giri R, P, S, Wb, Hos, V, 36 36 211 103 108 103 108 60 42

Cd. 436 Dura-Giri R, P, Riv, Hos, Cd. 19 19 105 54 51 49 51 30 23 437 Nelwagiri Joksongram R,P, S, Cd. 27 27 137 66 71 66 71 34 20 438 Gitinggiri Songmong R, P, Riv. Wb, Hos, 28 28 168 96 72 96 72 9 3

V,Cd. 439 Giting Bibra R,Riv, Cd. 11 11 59 33 26 33 26 4 4 440 Gitinggrechibenang-Gitim R, Riv, V, Cd. 18 18 114 55 59 55 59 18 16


Page 58: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

7 1 7 1 7 14 386 15 1 15 1 14 18 387 10 2 10 2 6 18 388 32 12 32 12 20 43 389 24 8 24 8 9 30 390 13 7 13 7 10 13 391 28 23 28 23 18 30 392 30 16 30 16 13 41 393 31 12 30 12 1 51 42 394 38 8 37 8 1 31 65 395 34 19 34 19 47 56 396 7 5 7 5 9 14 397 6 3 5 3 1 8 5 398

21 7 21 7 42 40 399 22 10 21 10 15 31 400 31 10 31 10 15 42 401 14 7 14 7 7 16 402 38 11 37 11 1 29 44 403 36 28 24 25 1 2 9 3 34 33 404 38 32 34 32 3 1 36 44 405 16 18 16 18 28 22 406 19 17 19 17 22 12 407 7 9 7 9 8 8 408

15 17 15 17 13 9 409 3 6 3 6 5 410

15 17 15 17 23 6 411 9 11 9 11 11 6 412

23 26 23 26 21 27 413 9 12 9 12 8 4 414

11 15 11 15 15 9 415 8 11 8 11 6 8 416

27 25 27 25 6 13 417 6 7 6 7 4 2 418

43 36 36 34 7 2 17 19 419 15 15 15 15 15 7 420 2 2 2 2 1 2 421 6 6 6 6 6 1 422 7 8 7 8 7 5 423 5 4 5 4 5 6 424

43 44 43 44 39 38 425 8 8 8 8 5 5 426

21 25 21 25 14 12 427 27 23 27 23 5 9 428

6 8 6 8 4 4 429 14 11 14 11 15 5 430 8 13 8 13 8 5 431 1 2 1 2 .. 432 8 10 8 10 5 8 433

11 17 11 17 6 7 433a 33 32 33 32 25 23 434 53 63 53 63 50 45 435

31 30 28 28 3 2 23 21 436 34 37 29 35 4 2 1 32 34 437 45 46 45 46 51 26 438

13 12 13 12 20 14 439 27 31 27 31 28 28 440


Page 59: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza:

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

441 Asokgiri No Population 442 Agrong-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 17 17 76 38 38 34 38 23 13 443 Wami Seng-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 6 6 42 17 25 17 25 9 9 444 Namiksik-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 13 13 49 25 24 25 24 21 6 445 Mindik-Giri R, Riv, Hos, Cd. 28 28 165 87 78 87 78 44 23 44;; Garosamkal Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 13 13 56 27 29 27 29 5 3 447 Gara Songgital R, P, Riv, Cd. 29 29 144 73 71 73 71 46 27 448 Rompa Asim-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 19 19 100 47 53 41 53 25 9 449 Daritasim-Giri R, P, S, Y, Cd. 48 48 264 140 124 140 124 70 28 450 Doso-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 61 61 322 145 177 145 177 66 43 451 Chram-Giri R, P, Riv, Y, Cd. 24 24 110 52 58 52 58 15 7 452 Dok Giri R, P, Riv, Y, Cd. 12 14 56 28 28 28 28 12 11 453 Rutha Gid R, P, Riv, Cd. 8 8 37 18 19 18 19 4 2 454 Kene Giri R, P, S, Wb. 43 43 195 101 94 101 94 1 455 Kenealcheng Gid R,Riv, Wh. 2 2 7 5 2 5 2 456 Kenechamia Giri R, P,S, Wb. 6 6 24 12 12 12 12 457 Chigrik-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 3 3 10 7 3 7 3 2 1 458 Parom-Giri R, P, Riv. 44 44 234 117 117 100 103 9 9 459 RokmJng Giri R,P.Riv. 24 24 116 60 56 60 56 1 2 460 Rongmadoba Giri R, Riv. 12 12 61 29 32 29 32 461 Jale Giri R, Riv, Wb. 11 11 55 34 21 34 21 3 4 462 Budu Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 16 16 68 28 40 28 40 4 2 463 Kene Badima Giri R,Riv. 6 6 37 18 19 18 19 464 Badu Watre Giri R,Riv, Wh. 6 6 23 11 12 11 12 465 Kantasi Giri R,Riv. 7 7 36 15 21 11 15 466 Bugakol-Giri R,Riv, Wh. 5 5 19 8 11 8 11 467 Chisreng-Giri R, Riv, Wb. 8 8 34 17 17 17 17 468 Daji Teksra Giri R,S,Wb. 8 8 26 11 15 11 15 4 469 Dorek Asim Giri R,Riv, Wh. 3 3 13 8 S 8 5 470 Daji Badima Giri R, P, RivWb. 4 4 19 8 11 8 11 1 1 471 Daring-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 17 17 78 37 41 37 41 2 472 Dasam-Giri R, Riv, Wb. 4 4 23 14 9 14 9 473 Dagal Songmong R, Riv, Wb. 5 5 21 11 10 11 10 474 Romba Girl R, Riv, Wb. 11 11 42 20 22 20 22 3 475 Dokanang Giri R, Riv, Wb. 3 3 17 8 9 8 9 1 476 Theksra Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 11 11 54 21 33 21 33 13 7 477 Rongthra Giri R, Riv, Wh. 8 8 35 14 21 14 21 11 478" Waida Giri R, P, Riv, Wh. 5 5 25 12 13 12 13 2 2 479 Rongrakasim R,Riv. 7 7 25 9 16 9 16 480 Rame Giri R, Riv, Wb. 10 10 46 24 22 24 22 481 Dadeng Giri R,Riv. 10 10 33 13 20 13 20 482 Dendam Giri R, Riv, Wb. 22 22 89 50 39 50 39 1 483 Darenan Giri R, Riv. 6 6 28 15 13 15 13 484 Rongsima Giri R, Riv, Wb. 9 9 47 22 25 22 25 485 Sonawari Song Gital R Riv, Wb. 6 6 27 14 13 14 13 3 1 486 Daje Bibra Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 33 40 190 97 93 89 89 63 41 487 Rang Bilbang Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 12 13 60 31 29 31 29 10 1 488 Jongkol Giri R, Riv, Wb. 9 9 46 21 25 21 25 10 3 489 Bolchu Giri R,Riv,Wb. 9 9 26 14 12 14 12 3 1 490 Dalda Giri R,Riv, Wb. 9 9 38 19 19 19 19 5 2 491 Nodong Giri R, P, S, Wb. 22 22 105 49 56 44 50 17 3 492 Gop Giri R, Riv, Wb. 13 13 66 30 36 30 36 493 Dareng Giri R, P, Riv. 24 24 120 58 62 55 58 12 4 494 Jetra Giri R,Riv. 11 11 53 25 28 25 28 2 2 495 Dabal Giri R,Riv. 12 12 66 30 36 30 36 496 Rongma Kakija Giri R, P, Riv. 23 23 115 69 46 69 46 20 4 497 Wage Bok Giri R, Riv. 12 12 59 24 35 24 35 498 Gena Para R, Riv. 16 16 75 42 33 42 33


Page 60: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



W OR-k'.s R S-",.~ ..... ._, .. ~.,


Total workers . Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No.


18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ..

32 33 34 35 36 37 1 16 17 .. -_.-... --- ...

441 20 23 16 17 4 6 .. 18 15 442

9 12 9 12 8 13 443 16 18 16 18 9 6 444 41 38 41 38 .. 46 40 445 19 19 19 19 .. 8 10 446 36 37 35 36 1 1 37 34 447 31 29 25 25 6 4 16 24 448 58 57 58 57 82 67 449 75 77 75 77 70 100 450 22 29 22 29 30 29 451 13 15 13 J5 15 13 452 10 12 10 lZ 8 7 453 61 64 60 64 1 40 30 454 4 2 4 2 1 455 9 10 9 10 3 2 456 4 3 4 3 3 457

69 67 68 67 1 48 50 458 44 37 43 37 1 16 19 459 18 24 18 24 11 8 460 19 17 19 17 15 4 461 22 24 22 24 6 16 462 11 11 11 11 7 8 463 8 10 8 10 3 2 464

14 9 11 9 3 1 12 465 6 9 6 9 2 2 466

14 9 14 9 3 8 467 9 10 9 10 2 5 468 5 4 5 4 3 1 469 6 8 6 8 2 3 470

24 25 24 25 13 16 471 10 5 10 5 4 4 472 7 8 7 8 4 2 473

14 15 14 15 6 7 474 4 5 4 5 4 4 475

19 23 19 23 2 10 476 8 16 8 16 6 5 477 6 8 6 8 6 5 478 7 9 7 9 2 7 479

15 17 15 17 9 5 480 12 16 12 16 1 4 481 31 27 31 27 19 12 482 13 10 13 10 2 3 483 16 13 16 13 6 12 484 7 7 7 7 7 6 485

60 59 51 55 8 4 1 37 34 486 19 15 19 15 12 14 487 17 17 17 17 4 8 488 10 8 10 8 4 4 489 12 13 12 13 7 6 490 38 34 33 32 5 2 11 22 491 21 23 21 23 9 13 492 42 38 39 37 3 1 16 24 493 17 18 17 18 8 10 494 19 23 19 23 11 13 495 41 30 41 30 28 16 496 20 20 20 20 4 15 497 23 24 23 24 19 9 498


Page 61: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

NMIMI and Name of Diatrict-(5) GAllO HILLS VlUAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of ViDage/Towtt/ Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. N •. cated of of Persons

Hou-House-80s holds


J : 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .----

499 Chawek Chibandhu R,S. 7 7 34 14 20 14 20 - Kalsi Girl R,Kw,Wb. 9 9 47 25 22 25 22 sel Ilongroog Girl Il, Riv. 6 6 37 13 24 13 24 502 Gun-om R,Kw. 9 9 48 25 23 25 23 S4n SomonGirl R,Kw. 6 6 64 31 33 11 13 S84 Balmola Girl R,Riv. 5 5 59 28 31 8 11 ~5 Mandai Gitok Il, Riv, Wb. 4 4 58 29 29 9 9 ~ kongd&Giri R,Riv. 9 9 80 44 36 24 16 507 I\ongscp Giri R,Kw. Wb. 35 35 187 96 91 76 84 6 5 SQS llongsj..Girl R. p. Riv, Wb. 15 15 72 38 34 38 34 509 R.onsaDg Girl R.Riv. 11 11 43 27 16 27 16 510 Dakal Giri R,Riv, Wb. 11 11 47 18 29 18 29 511 Milwasa-Girl 11 11 55 29 26 29 26


Page 62: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- st. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 ZD 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 1

9 12 9 12 5 8 499 19 13 19 13 6 9 500 7 13 7 13 6 11 501

15 15 15 15 10 8 SOl 8 9 8 9 23 24 503 5 5 5 5 23 26 504 8 4 8 4 21 25 505

16 12 16 12 28 .24 506 44 45 41 44 1 2 1 52 46 507 24 22 24 22 14 12 508 13 13 13 13 14 3 509 13 21 13 21 5 II no 13 11 13 11 16 IS Sl1


Page 63: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of Distriet-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Total Residential Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in ---- Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Sq. miles No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

r- oo .... N "" V) \0 .... \D

"" r- ...., 00 o;T "" N \0 V)

"":. 00, r- N "<I" 00 ~ 00

Mauza II Total .... .... ",,' 0 d: d: 0-: M .... .... V) M N N N

1 Boldam Giri R, M, Pw, Wb, Hos. 26 34 254 88 166 88 164 33 69 2 Gatli Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 24 24 248 128 120 128 120 80 20 3 Jongna Giri R, Pw, Wb, Hos. 19 19 93 54 39 54 39 4 Wanang Giri (I) R, P, Pw, Wb, D, V. 9 9 43 20 23 20 23 12 13 5 Wanang Giri (II) R, P, Kw, Wb, Has. 11 12 141 74 67 74 67 15 7 6 Boldamsong Gital R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 13 14 67 33 34 33 34 10 5 7 Dimeli Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, V. 10 10 108 52 56 52 56 37 34 8 Kambak Para Nokat R, P, K.w, Wb D, V. 15 15 287 146 141 146 141 42 12 9 Kambak Para Songgicham R, P, Kw Wb, 10 10 65 27 38 27 38

10 Dinang Para R, M, Kw, Wb, V. 11 11 259 122 137 122 137 1 11 Jan-Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, D, V. 6 6 53 29 24 29 24 17 10 12 Dangsa Para R,S. 15 15 98 52 46 52 46 24 16 13 Dangsin Para R,Pw. 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 14 Sobak Giri R,Pw. 21 21 92 48 44 48 44 2 1 15 Aning Para R,Pw. 35 35 145 76 69 76 67 3 1 16 Dinggina Giri R, Riv. 15 15 97 44 53 44 53 17 Senta Para R, Riv, Wb. 19 19 80 42 38 42 28 18 Tewali R, P, Riv, Wb. 28 28 216 110 106 110 106 29 1 19 Wada Giri R, Riv, Wb D, V. 13 13 ]06 55 51 55 51 37 19 20 Gandi Giri R, Pw, Wb, D, V. 22 22 107 51 56 51 56 23 22 21 Kalaichar Para R, P, Tk, Wb, D, V. 13 13 187 92 95 92 95 39 36 22 Bollong Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, D, V. 17 17 132 72 60 72 60 29 8 23 Garagari R, P, Kw, Wb, D, V. 30 30 235 123 112 123 112 41 8 24 Digli Gid R, P, Kw, Wb, D, V. 24 25 117 54 63 54 63 11 1 25 Jolan Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 19 19 133 68 65 68 65 17 10 26 Ratri Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos. 33 33 135 70 65 70 65 2,0 4 27 Agal-Giri R, Kw, Wb, Has, Cd. 10 10 51 24 27 24 27 28 Muji-Giri R, Kw, Wb, Has. 38 38 193 93 100 93 100 25 8 29 Cheli Para R,Kw,Wb,D. 42 42 210 107 103 107 103 7 30 Cheli Nokat R,Kw, Wb,D. 26 26 142 75 67 75 67 2 1 31 Ampati R, Edbo, Kw, Wb, D. 82 82 452 247 205 240 203 154 102 32 Goldat Giri R, P, S, Wb, D. 57 57 263 137 126 137 126 27 23 33 Bangdu Para R, Kw, Wb,D. 39 39 197 104 93 104 93 34 Balughat R, P, Pw, Wb, D, V. 48 48 222 107 115 107 115 33 15 35 Merenggi Para R, Kw, Wh, D, V. 77 77 313 159 154 159 154 26 12 36 Megdual Ading Giri R, Kw, Wh, Has, V. 18 18 84 43 41 43 41 3 37 Simila Kana R, Kw, Wb. 17 17 80 37 43 37 43 38 Arua Giri R,Kw, Wh. 11 11 60 30 30 30 30 39 Kalai Para R, P, Kw, Wh, Has, V. 23 23 111 56 55 56 55 44 39 40 Demdema Kona R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos. 28 28 139 76 63 76 63 45 18 41 Kera Para R,P,Riv. 45 45 209 110 99 99 98 12 2 42 Suremang Giri R, KW,Cd. 25 26 118 60 58 60 58 4 3 43 Molmi Nokat R, Riv, Cd. 4 4 17 8 9 8 9 44 Songma Giri R, Riv, Cd. 9 10 30 15 15 15 15 45 Manda Giri R, Riv, Cd. 7 7 20 10 10 10 10 46 MolmiGiri R,Kw. 15 16 59 32 27 32 27 47 Daranga Giri R,Riv. 7 7 37 19 18 19 18 48 Sosot-Para R,Riv. 10 11 44 22 22 22 22 49 Srop Giri P. 9 9 33 9 24 9 24 50 Rangda Para R, Riv, Wh, D, V. 7 7 26 13 13 13 13


Page 64: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M. F M F M F

--16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1 ~-

.... ,-< '" N '" "'" a- 0\ ~ "'" <'l 00 1.0 .... M 0\ '" 00 !:; 0\ <') <') \0 ..... ..... M ..... M >r> .... ~ "" M on N .,.,

~ .,,; ~ ,..: ,-- <'i' ..... ..... ..... - .....

85 81 66 78 4 15 3 3 85 1 75 74 72 74 3 53 46 2 32 25 31 25 1 22 14 3 12 11 10 11 1 1 8 12 4 40 32 38 31 2 1 34 35 5 19 Hi 18 16 1 14 18 6 36 34 36 34 16 22 7 99 87 99 87 47 54 8 20 23 20 23 7 15 9 74 83 74 83 48 54 10 14 16 14 16 15 8 11 36 34 36 34 16 12 12 .. 2 2 13 30 27 29 27 18 17 14 45 48 45 48 31 21 15' 31 35 31 35 13 18 16 21 29 21 29 21 9 l'f' 81 68 79 68 1 1 29 38 18 41 30 39 30 2 14 21 I? 27 37 27 37 24 19 20 53 54 49 54 <4- 39 41 21 42 35 31 34 10 1 30 25 22 78 78 77 78 1 45 34 2j 33 38 33 38 21'· 25 24' 46 46 45 46 1 22 19 25 51 49 51 49 1<} '16 26 15 14 15 14 9 13 27 63 57 63 57 30 43 28 72 63 72 63 35 40 29 41 39 41 39 . . .. " 34 28 30

142 115 117 113 4 1 5 1 3 12 1 105, 90 31 87 79 84 75 2 4 1 50 47 32 57 65 56 65 1 47 ' ·28 33 76 71 76 71 ,·31 44 34 95 96 93 95 2 1 64, 58 35 30 27 30 27 13 14 36 23 28 23 28 14 15 37 19 17 19 17 11 13 38 42 42 42 42 .. ·.H 13 39 47 38 47 38 .. ' 29 25 40 67 57 56 57 7 4 43 42 4i . 38 38 38 38 22 2) 42 5 6 5 6 3 3 43

10 10 10 10 '5 5 44 5 7 5 7 5 J 45 '

24 19 24 19 H ' S 46 12 12 12 12 7 6 47 11 13 II 13 11 9 48 7 11 7 11 2 13 49 8 10 8 10 5' 3 50



Page 65: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds _--------P M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

51 Doriapara R, Riv, Wb, D. 14 . 14 74 38 36 38 35 52 Rengsipara R,M,Riv. 19 19 87 42 45 42 45 1 53 Doldenga Giri R, p, S, Wb, Hos, V, 18 18 231 120 111 116 111 31 9

Cd. 54 KarongGiri R, P, Pw, Wb, Has, 30 30 192 95 97 95 97 20 10

55 Magupara V,Cd.

R, P, Pw, Wb, Has, 49 49 327 171 156 171 155 36 9

56 Josipara V.Cd.

R. P, S, Wb, Hos, V, 21 21 357 193 164 193 164 46 22 Cd.

57 Tibapara R, P, Kw, Wb, Has, 46 46 320 155 165 155 165 35 14

58 Bamonpara V, Cd.

R. P, Riv, Wb, Has, 23 23 205 105 100 105 100 25 8

59 Sana Girl V.Cd.

R, Kw, Wb, Has, V, Cd.

10 10 50 26 24 26 24 12 9

60 Chandapara R, P, S, Wb, HaS, V, 54 57 412 206 206 206 206 66 44 Cd.

61 Abia Giri R, Riv, Cd. 8 8 45 19 26 19 26 4 62 Asim Giri R, p, Riv. V, Cd. 16 16 90 46 44 46 44 63 Dopanang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 4 4 22 12 10 12 10 64 Cholon para R Riv, Cd. 7 7 36 19 17 19 17 65 Chilipara R, P, Riv, Cd. 12 12 97 51 46 51 46 66 Mibonpara R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 27 27 298 149 149 149 149 67 Rirnrangpara Ading Giri Riv. Wb, Cd, 16 16 155 71 84 71 84 68 Rimrangpara Kebigiri R., Riv, Wb, Nes. 10 10 69 37 32 37 32 69 Ringrangpara Bajigiri R. Riv, Wb, Nes. 6 7 42 23 19 23 19 70 Ringrangpara Adugiri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 10 10 56 29 27 29 27 14 7 71 Mandang Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 4 4 23 10 13 10 13 2 72 Bagu Giri R,Riv, Wh. 10 13 53 26 27 26 27 73 Roogkhang Githim R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 4 5 18 10 8 10 8 2 74 Dagal Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 7 10 72 29 43 29 43 3 75 Nabando Giri R, Riv, Nes. 5 8 45 17 28 17 28 1 76 Dagi Giri R, P, Riv, V, Nes. 22 24 113 S5 58 55 58 8 77 Dawa Giri R, Kw, Nes. 4 4 16 8 8 8 8 78 Narong Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, Cd. 17 18 86 41 45 41 45 5 2 79 Chigisim Giri R, Riv, Cd. 7 7 32 15 17 ]5 17 1 80 Asim Nokat R, Riv, V, Nes. 3 3 19 iO 9 10 9 1 81 Sangkni Girl R, P, S, V, Nes. 19 20 76 44 32 44 32 18 7 82 Danki Para R, P, Riv, V Cd. 11 11 56 31 25 31 25 3 1 83 Dopanang Giri R, Riv, V, Nes. 6 6 60 30 30 30 30 1 84 Dimindi Gid R, Riv, V. 6 6 36 18 18 18 18 85 Dipota Giri No Population 86 Kalupara R, P, Riv, V, Nes. 24 24 120 64 56 64 50 15 14 87 Bozkong Para R, Riv Hos, V, Nes. 9 9 34 19 15 19 15 8 2 88 Romba Song Gital R, Riv, V. 9 9 52 25 27 25 27 7 3 89 Songsak Para R, Riv, V, Nes. 8 8 35 17 18 17 18 90 Soksimarang R,Riv, V. 6 6 25 II 14 11 14 91 Rongsi Giri R. P, Riv, V, Nes. 19 19 84 1 43 41 43 22 17 92 Karijora Gid R, Riv, V, Nes. 20 20 114 59 55 59 55 26 18 93 Maraka Para R, P, Riv, V. Nes. 19 19 70 38 32 38 32 12 11 94 Kalsim Para R, Riv, Wh. V, Nes. 6 6 25 10 15 10 15 95 Donabolong Giri R, Riv, V, Nes. S 8 35 13 22 13 22 3 3 96 Daka Giri R. P, Kw, Nes. 6 (, 25 13 12 13 12 10 3 97 Daren Giri R,Riv, Ne,. 7 7 38 15 23 15 23 98 Balma Para R, p. Riv, Nes. IS 15 65 33 32 33 32 12 7 99 Among para R, P, S, V, Cd. 37 43 174 97 17 97 77 13 6

100 S~nan, Giri R. S, Cd. 11 11 40 17 23 17 23 4 2


Page 66: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I--IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 -22 23 22 23 16 13 51 24 28 24 28 .. 18 17 52 77 65 67 63 8 2 2 43 46 53

60 58 60 58 35 39 54

105 91 105 89 66 65 55

114 93 10) 91 4 2 79 71 56

.83 95 82 95 72 70 57

59 61 59 61 46 39 58

IS 12 14 12 11 12 59

108 114 107 114 98 92 60

11 15 11 15 8 11 '61 28 25 28 25 18 19 62

6 8 6 8 6 2 63 13 11 13 11 6 6 64 28 30 28 30 23 16 65 93 101 93 101 56 48 66 54 47 54 47 17 37 ·67 24 25 24 25 13 7 68 12 13 12 13 11 6 7J 22 17 20 17 2 7 10 70 6 9 6 9 4 4 71

18 19 18 19 8 8 72 9 6 9 6 1 2 73

20 25 20 25 9 18 74 9 18 9 18 8 10 75

40 39 40 39 15 19 76 5 6 5 6 3 2 77

23 26 22 26 18 19 78 8 9 8 q 7 8 79 6 5 6 5 4 4 80

26 25 20 25 6 18 7 81 23 17 23 17 8 8 82 19 19 19 19 11 11 83 12 13 12 13 6 5 84

85 35 44 35 44 29 12 86 13 II 13 II 6 4 87 16 15 16 15 9 12 88 11 12 11 12 6 6 89

8 10 8 10 3 4 90 30 29 30 29 11 14 91 38 31 38 31 21 24 92 30 21 30 21 8 11 93 7 9 7 9 3 6 94 9 13 9 13 4 9 95

10 10 10 10 3 2 96 9 14 9 14 6 9 97

17 22 17 22 16 10 98 67 52 67 52 30 25 99 11 15 11 15 6 8 100


Page 67: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

"N_ber a •• Name of ]i)istrict-(f.) GAR0 HiKJLfi VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

--------Area Occupied Total Popwa- Sche- Sche- Literate

m Residential tion duled duled and Serial Name of Village/TowIOl/ Ame~ities A~Cfl Hguses Castes Tribes Edu-

No. Ward/Eriumerat.r's Ng. No. cated BIg~k of of Persons

HOIl- House-ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15

101 Mara Para R, P, S, V,Cd. 27 33 120 58 62 58 62 26 12 102 Rong Bok Giri R, V,Cd. 12 16 50 23 27 23 27 3 103 RakInan Para R, P, Riv. V. Cd. 13 17 67 38 29 38 29 1 104 JonangPara R. P. Riv. V. Cd. 18 22 77 41 36 41 36 13 3 lOS · Boldol"eng Giri R. Tk, V, Cd. 10 12 42 20 22 20 22 1 106 Jongby Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, V, Cd. 25 28 108 61 47 61 47 16 2 107 · Dolong Gid R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 5 5 25 16 9 16 , lOS Rong Rong Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 6 6 28 1<4 14 14 14 109 Aginda Rin, Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nos. 26 26 147 63 84 63 84 21 14 110 Rong Ping Gm R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 5 5 30 15 15 15 15 2 111 Rong Dong Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 8 8 40 23 17 23 17 7 5 112 Rong Ram Giri R, M, Riv, Wb, Nes. 7 7 34 12 22 12 Z2 1 2 113 · Singnanda Gid 6 , 37 14 23 14 23 2 3 114 Jenggitchak Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, Mes. 25 2S 120 S9 61 59 61 33 16 115 Bolchu Giri R. p, Kw, Wb. Nes. 17 17 72 36 36 32 35 10 7 116 DopGiri R. P. Riv, Wb. Nes. 36 36 1613 80 88 80 88 20 15 117 Balama Giri R. Riv. Wb. Nes. 13 13 57 28 29 28 29 2 118 Mareng Giri R. Riv. Wb. Nes. 8 8 38 18 20 18 20 119 Adu Giri R. p. Riv. Wb Nes. 9 9 35 20 IS 16 11 1 120 Rojong Girl R. P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 16 16 77 38 39 38 39 5 1 121 Darak Akong Giri R, P, S, Wb, Nes. 31 31 127 62 65 62 65 12 7 122 Daru Ading Giri R, S, Wb, Nes. 10 10 52 29 23 29 23 123 Chekwat Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 17 17 72 38 34 38 34 5 124 Rongata Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 7 9 36 19 17 19 17 125 Gim Bi! Ading Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 8 8 33 17 16 17 16 126 Rongbil Bang Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, Nes. 14 14 62 36 26 36 26 7 2 127 Gana Para R, P, Kw, Wb, Nes. 9 9 38 20 18 20 18 2 128 Chidaret Giri R, Kw, Wb, Cd. 6 6 20 10 10 10 10 L,9 Rongka Giri R, Kw, Wb, Cd. 10 10 53 30 23 30 23 130 Bugakol Giri R, Riv, Nes. 17 17 81 39 42 39 42 131 Rongmin Giri 4 4 24 14 10 14 10 6 4 132 Dagu Giri R, Riv, Nes. 18 18 86 38 48 38 '18 133 Dagu Nokat Giri R, Kw, Cd. 7 7 34 17 17 17 17 lA Betra Giri R, Riv, Cd. 6 6 ]5 6 9 6 9 2 1 135 Kapu Giri R, Riv, Cd. 20 20 73 42 31 42 31 1 2 136 Tarim Para R, S, Wb, Hos, V. 17 17 80 36 44 36 44 137 Rajin Para R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 12 12 49 24 25 24 25 138 Sesu Giri R, S, Wb, V, Cd. 12 12 54 23 31 23 31 139 Santro Giri R, S, Wb, Cd. 20 20 82 36 46 36 46 140 Wakkoloang Girl R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 4 4 29 ]4 15 ]4 15 2 3 141 Rongbert Giri R, S, Wb, Cd. 14 14 74 44 30 44 30 10 5 142 Chisak Giri R, S, V. 18 18 74 36 38 36 38 143 Dalua Giri 12 12 56 29 27 29 27 144 Song Sang Nokat R, S, Wb, V, Cd. 3 3 14 7 7 7 7 145 Rongsi Ading Giri R,8, V. 8 8 35 19 16 19 16 146 Galwang Giri R,Kw, Cd. 8 8 34 15 19 15 19 3 147 i Sampal Giri R, P, Kw, Nes. 23 24 116 64 52 64 52 16 8 148 ,: Rong Bong Giri R, P, Riv, Nes. 4 4 17 II 6 11 6 1 149 ,I Doreng Giri R, P,Riv. 14 15 66 39 27 39 27 2

'150 : 'Jawak Giri R, P, Riv, Nes. 19 19 73 39 34 39 34 5 7 151 . Nalna Para R, P,Riv. 31 32 133 67 66 67 66 6 1 152 . Bandra Ading Giri R. 16 16 74 35 39 35 39 13 153 Ta1ani Bisik Giri R. 1 1 4 3 I 3 1 154. Dura Giri 11 11 49 28 21 28 21 2 ISS Acha Para R, Riv. Wh. 14 14 56 26 30 26 30 1 156 Chigi Techak Giri R, p, Riv, Wb. 15 16 79 45 34 45 34 4 157 Dolma Ading Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 17 17 63 30 33 30 33 158 Somdom Giri R, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 8 8 38 18 20 18 20


Page 68: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


MAUZA (ll)



Total workers NOll- S!. (I-IX) workers No.



16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

37 39 36 39 1 21 23 101 16 18 16 18 7 9 102 29 24 29 24 9 5 103 29 22 29 22 12 14 104 15 16 15 16 5 6 105 42 33 42 33 19 14 106

8 6 R 6 8 3 107 8 8 8 8 6 6 108

35 40 35 40 28 44 109 12 7 12 7 3 8 110 13 7 13 7 10 10 III 8 14 I) 14 4 8 112 9 12 9 12 5 11 113

36 37 36 37 23 24 114 21 16 16 15 4 1 1 15 20 115 42 44 47 44 1 32 44 116 16 20 16 20 12 9 117 12 13 12 13 6 7 118 15 11 14 11 1 5 4 119 23 2'.1 23 29 15 10 120 46 53 46 53 16 12 121 22 16 22 16 7 7 122 26 24 26 24 12 10 123 12 13 12 13 7 4 124 13 ]1 13 11 .. 4 5 125 23 17 22 17 1 13 9 126 13 11 12 II 1 7 7 127

6 7 6 7 4 3 128 14 17 14 17 16 G 129 22 30 22 30 .. 17 12 130

7 7 6 7 1 7 3 131 21 32 21 32 17 16 132 ]0 8 10 R 7 9 133 5 7 .5 7 1 2 134

26 23 26 ~, 16 8 135 -.' 23 28 23 28 J3 16 136 18 18 18 18 6 7 137 16 23 16 23 7 8 138 28 26 28 26 I) 20 139

6 5 6 5 8 10 140 24 20 24 20 20 10 141 30 31 30 31 6 7 142 21 21 21 21 8 6 143

6 4 6 4 1 3 144 13 1 I 13 11 6 5 ]45 12 14 12 14 3 5 146 39 35 39 35 25 17 147

7 4 7 4 4 2 148 23 18 23 18 16 9 149 26 26 25 26 I 13 8 150 51 41 51 41 .. 16 25 151 22 19 21 19 1 13 20 152 2 1 2 1 1 153

16 14 16 14 12 7 154 16 19 16 19 10 11 155 25 20 25 20 20 14 156 19 23 19 23 11 10 157 10 16 10 16 8 4 158


Page 69: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GAR0 fHl!LS VIllAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Townj Amenities Area Houses Population duled duIed and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- Bouse-ses holds


-----_. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15

----------~-------------- -

159 Salasati Giri R, Riv,Cd. 13 13 56 29 27 29 27 1 1 160 Dobilong Gid 16 16 85 42 43 42 43 21 9 161 Dapdal Giri R, Riv, V, Cd. 12 12 59 26 33 26 33 7 2 162 Garnbe Giri R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 25 25 128 65 63 65 63 25 4 163 Suring Giri R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 12 12 46 24 22 24 22 6 1 164 Denasa Giri 16 16 59 28 31 28 31 2 3 165 Dangsa Para R, P, Riv, V, C~. 19 23 76 34 .<;2 34 42 166 Garoading Giri 9 9 34 16 18 16 18 2 167 Donda Giri P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 5 5 23 6 17 6 17 168 Ronggal Giri 9 9 47 20 27 20 27 169 Dola Ading Giri R,Kw. 20 21 93 50 43 50 43 13 2 170 Darechik Giri Riv, Wh, Cd. 11 11 52 24 28 24 28 1 171 Diini Gid R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 21 21 99 44 55 44 55 4 172 Aminda Simsang R, Kw. Wb, Nes. 45 45 215 104 111 95 104 16 22 173 Aminda R.ongsa R, P, S, Wb, Nes. 20 20 101 48 53 48 53 21 18 174 Bolchu Giri 29 29 134 71 63 71 63 27 18 175 Mareng Giri R, Kw, Nes. 21 21 90 39 51 39 51 11 4 176 Nengja Para Pw, Nes. 13 13 32 14 18 14 18 2 177 bea Giri R, Riv, Nes. 7 7 31 17 14 I7 14 178 Gonggang Giri R, Riv, Nes. 11 11 41 18 23 18 23 179 Galabal Giri R, Riv, Nes. 8 8 60 32 28 32 28 180 baren Giri R, Edbo, Wb, Hos, 41 43 220 120 100 115 100 45 24

Nes. 181 baren G,ri Nokat R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos, 30 34 li9 104 75 104 75 19 3

V, Nes. 182 barengiri Agal R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos, 9 9 31 17 14 17 14 3

V. Nes. 183 Darong Giri R, p. Riv. Wb, Cd. 50 56 214 110 104 101 102 23 7 184 Chisak Gimbil Giri R, Riv. Wb, Nes. 11 11 44 22 22 20 22 2 1 185 Songsang Giri R, P, Kw, Wh, Hos, 17 17 86 41 45 41 45 6 6

Nes. 186 Nawal Giri R, Riv, Wb, Hos, V,

Nes. 22 22 98 51 47 45 43 5 2

187 Mang Gua Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, Nes.

S 8 46 23 23 23 23 2

188 Raba Ronggap Gid R, P, Kw, Wh, Hos, Nes.

11 11 61 28 33 26 33

189 boldi Giri R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Nes. 25 25 145 75 70 75 70 43 25 190 Bolwari Giri R, P, Riv, Wh, Nes. 31 36 145 67 78 67 78 7 3 191 banak Giri R, Riv, Wb. Nes. 11 12 52 28 24 28 24 192 Danak Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 20 21 88 46 42 46 42 193 banakNepal R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 6 6 34 19 15 19 15 194 Bokma Giri R. Kw, Nes. 11 13 52 32 20 32 20 195 Dolda Giri R, Kw, Nes. 8 10 39 19 20 19 20 4 7 196 Dop Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 8 9 36 19 17 19 17 1 197 bobasi Para R, P, Riv, Db, Hos, 40 43 156 82 74 82 74 25 12

Nes. 198 Cotton Farm R, Riv, Db, Ho'>, Nes. 4 10 11 6 5 6 5 3 199 Matchakol Giri R, Riv, Hos, Nes. 31 33 164 81 83 71 77 12 14 200 Roba Giri R, Riv, Db, Nes. 16 17 60 31 29 23 25 5 3 201 AgiJang Giri R, S, Wb, Nes. 29 29 121 61 60 .52 60 3 202 Walbaka R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 8 8 32 20 12 11 11 1 203 Dakkop Giri R, Kw, Wb, Hos. Nes. 9 10 38 20 18 20 18 2 204 KumiPara R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos 14 19 45 30 15 30 15 13 6

Nes. 205 Deigratia Batwan R, Kw.Ncs. 1 1 3 3 3 3 206 SericuIture Farm R, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 10 15 19 12 7 9 7 5 2 .207 Megong Giri R, S, Wh, Hos, Nes. 9 10 25 11 14 11 14 2 1


Page 70: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Serial (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

21 18 21 18 8 9 159 23 19 23 19 19 24 160 14 19 14 19 12 14 161 39 42 38 42 1 26 21 162 16 18 16 18 8 4 163 16 23 16 23 12 8 164 23 26 23 26 11 16 165 9 12 9 12 7 6 166 5 7 5 7 1 10 167

11 14 11 14 9 13 168 25 27 25 27 25 16 169 18 16 18 16 6 12 170 25 29 25 29 .. 19 26 171 61 71 64 74 3 3 31 34 172 25 31 25 31 23 22 113 48 41 48 41 23 22 174 25 34 25 34 14 17 175 12 12 12 12 2 6 176 10 11 10 11 7 3 177 12 15 12 15 6 8 178 19 22 19 22 13 6 179 74 12 63 12 5 5 46 88 180

66 2 66 2 38 73 181

II 2 6 1 2 4 6 12 182

69 11 60 8 9 3 41 93 183 18 5 14 5 4 4 17 184 21 10 14 6 1 6 4 20 35 185

34 7 29 4 5 3 17 40 186

12 8 12 8 11 15 187

17 8 17 8 11 25 188

36 IS 3S 15 39 S5 J89 45 40 44 40 22 38 190 17 S 17 5 11 19 191 32 12 32 12 14 30 192 9 10 6 9 1 2 2 10 5 193

16 16 16 16 .. 16 4 194 9 12 8 12 1 10 8 195

12 11 12 11 7 6 196 54 4S 53 4S 28 29 197

2 .. 1 4 5 198 43 21 38 17 4 4 1 38 62 199 19 21 13 18 6 3 12 8 200 39 37 33 35 6 2 22 23 201 15 4 4 4 11 . 5 8 202 9 14 9 14 .. 11 4 203

18 10 10 7 2 1 3 2 3 12 5 204

3 3 205 10 5 10 5 2 2 206 8 12 8 12 3 2 2lJ7


Page 71: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and N.1mc of District-{S) GARO lULLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. eated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

208 Megong Giri Nokat R, Kw, Wb, Hos, it 12 29 13 16 13 16 3 2 Nes.

209 Megong Giri Agal R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Nes.

29 37 79 57 22 49 22 30 4

210 Basic Training Centre R, P, S, Wb, Hos, S 12 63 57 6 57 6 47 Nes.

211 Poultry Farm R, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 10 13 23 15 8 8 8 8 2 2.12 Chitoktak R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 24 28 93 46 47 46 47 14 5 213 Cherangiri R, Riv, Db, Has, 27 28 120 71 49 71 49 33 25

Nes. 214 Wadanang Giri R, Kw, Db, Hos 48 48 212 116 9{) lI6 % 46 24

Nes. 215 Rongkonsong Gital R, Riv, Cd. 15 16 65 29 36 29 36 216 Badagong Oiri R, Riv, Nes. 7 8 29 11 18 11 18 217 Asipara 7 8 37 15 22 15 22 218 Chanda Oiri 9 10 35 22 13 14 13 219 Maswmata R, Riv, Nes. 12 13 64 39 25 39 25 3 1 220 Rongkon Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 23 26 85 42 43 42 43 15 7 221 Alot Oiri R, Riv, Nes. 19 20 81 36 45 26 45 3 1 222 Chasin Giri R, P, Riv, Has, Nes. 28 32 139 68 71 68 71 3 5 223 Chasin Gid Nepal Bathan R, Riv, Nes. 3 5 18 11 7 11 7 224 Dura Dipo R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 47 47 266 133 133 126 133 24 18 225 Dura Kantra R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 24 24 120 68 52 59 51 2S 17 226 Tasak Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Ho;, 23 23 114 45 69 45 69 14 14

V, Nes. 227 Darichik Giri (Ancheng Giri) R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos, 55 55 277 135 142 129 141 37 19

V, Nes. 228 Boldoreng Oiri R, P, Riv, Db, Hos, 30 30 132 65 67 60 65 32 24

V, Nes. 229 Damal Giri R, Edbo, Riv, Nes. 30 30 125 64 61 45 46 230 Damal Giri Nokat R, P, S, Nes. 40 45 155 78 77 63 73 231 Bolong Giri R, P, S, Wb, Nes. 29 29 128 59 69 59 69 232 Gamba Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 16 16 79 43 36 43 36 233 Rongbak Giri R, Riv, V, Nes. 16 16 67 31 36 31 36 234 Akong Gid R, Riv, V, Nes. 12 12 44 18 26 18 26 235 WakkaOiri R, Riv, Nes. 38 38 171 81 90 81 90 2 236 Dengnakpara R, P, Riv, V, Nes. 49 49 230 119 111 III 102 4 10 237 Chimiseng Giri R,Riv, Cd. 10 10 51 25 26 25 26 238 Indik Giri R. S, Wb, Nes. 21 23 86 45 41 45 41 239 Indik Nokat R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 10 11 48 19 29 19 29 240 MolmeGiri R, P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 11 14 43 23 20 23 20 241 Nara Giri R, Riv, Nes. 32 36 128 67 61 67 61 4 242 Rongkhon Giri R, Riv, Nes. 15 16 58 29 29 29 29 4 243 Agasigiri ( Okapara ) R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 12 14 54 26 28 26 28 2 244 Apul Giri (Doreng Giri) R, M, S, Wb, Nes. 4S 50 235 118 117 liS 117 72 51 245 Okha Para R, Riv, Nes. 27 29 138 75 63 75 63 14 5 246 Rongkong Giri Sanggital R, Riv, Nes. 24 26 III 66 45 66 45 27 11 247 Muri Giri R, P, S, V, Cd. 25 25 95 49 46 49 46 4 248 Garangpara R, Riv, Cd. 12 12 48 24 24 24 24 2 249 Chongpotdop Oid R, Riv, Cd. 15 15 71 39 32 39 32 1 250 Chokopot Mrong Gid R, Riv, Cd. 13 16 61 33 28 33 28 1 251 Songjol Para R, Riv, V, Cd. 15 16 64 33 3J 33 31 5 2 252 Rongmuli Giri R, Riv, V, Cd. 14 16 62 28 34 28 34 18 15 253 Pathang Giri R, Riv, V, Cd. 15 16 79 39 40 39 40 2 254 Domba Dopa Gid R, Riv, V, Cd. 15 17 69 34 35 34 35 255 Domba Mrong Giri R, V,Cd. li 16 53 27 26 27 26 256 Akipara Mrong Oiri R, Riv, V, Cd. 7 9 33 15 18 15 lR 257, Akipara Agitok Giri R, Riv, Cd. 4 5 13 5 8 5 8 2


Page 72: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S]' (I-IX) workers No.

------------------------------------------------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

8 9 7 9 5 7 208

30 l7 13 16 2 2 3 9 27 5 209

46 3 46 3 11 3 210

11 10 4 8 211 27 27 25 27 .. 2 19 20 212 40 43 12 20 4 1 24 22 31 6 213

52 50 6 26 19 26 24 64 46 214

16 18 16 18 13 18 215 7 9 7 9 4 9 216 9 15 9 15 . . .. 6 7 217

15 4 10 2 5 2 7 9 218 21 18 21 18 .. 18 7 219 27 23 24 23 3 15 20 220 24 23 ]5 19 9 4 .. 12 22 221 41 41 40 41 .. 1 27 3() 222 11 4 .. 11 4 .. .. 3 223 87 96 80 91 6 5 1 46 37 224 51 42 44 41 7 1 17 10 225 36 45 36 44 9 24 226

89 108 88 108 46 34 227

50 49 42 47 5 2 3 15 18 228

47 40 47 40 17 21 229 54 41 52 41 2 24 36 230 43 44 43 44 16 25 231 28 24 28 24 15 12 232 24 22 24 22 7 14 233 16 19 16 19 2 7 234 56 54 56 54 25 36 235 75 69 74 69 1 44 42 236 17 17 17 17 8 9 237 27 3 27 3 18 38 238 14 .. 14 5 29 239 12 2 12 2 11 18 240 44 31 44 31 23 30 241 17 1 17 1 12 28 242 15 t 15 1 11 27 243 40 22 39 22 1 78 95 244 46 46 29 63 245 29 29 37 45 246 27 23 27 23 22 23 2.7 16 17 16 17 8 7 248 18 18 18 18 21 14 249 21 21 21 21 12 7 250 19 20 19 20 14 11 251 20 18 20 18 8 16 252 23 30 23 30 16 10 253 15 18 15 18 19 17 254 14 13 14 13 13 13 255 9 10 9 10 " 6 8 256 3 4 3 4 2 4 25'1


Page 73: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO ffiLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of ViUage{Town/ Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

258 Thallang Giri R, Riv, Hos, Cd. 20 22 101 50 51 50 51 1 259 Nokdan Nokat Gid R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 14 16 75 39 36 39 36 12 2 260 Nokat Giri R, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 11 11 53 28 25 28 25 3 261 Nokdan Para R, P, R;v, Cd. 13 14 93 44 49 44 49 4 2 262 Sanpan Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 41 43 178 87 91 87 91 11 3 263 Badupara R,P,Riv. 33 33 148 69 79 69 79 3 1 264 Badupara Jengam Giri R, Riv. 18 18 74 42 32 42 32 265 Rangman Giri R, M,Pw, Cd. 26 29 121 63 58 63 58 30 13 266 Songbandu Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 22 22 94 42 52 42 52 267 Rakwapar R, P, Riv, Cd. 32 34 133 56 77 56 77 11 9 268 Cholong Para R, P, Riv, Cd. 23 27 94 44 50 44 50 269 Chengga Para R, P, Riv, Cd. 23 27 115 64 51 64 50 10 1 270 Makal-Para R, P, S, Cd. 19 22 83 41 42 41 42 11 2 271 Tirim-Para R, Kw, Cd. 13 14 53 26 27 26 27 2 272 Anggalang Giri R, S,Cd. 14 16 62 30 32 30 32 5 273 Rangsa-Giri R,S, Cd. 15 16 65 28 37 28 37 1 274 Rangsabarua-Giri R, Kw, Cd. 5 5 17 10 7 10 7 1 275 Chasm-Para R, Kw, Cd. 23 28 105 53 52 53 52 3 276 Gani Para R, P, S, Cd. 38 49 193 100 93 leO 93 35 29 277 Akin Para R, Kw, Cd. 26 26 119 60 59 60 59 5 3 278 Dosengga Giri R, Kw, Cd. 42 42 185 95 90 95 90 8 2 279 Basul Para R, Kw, V,Cd. 18 21 71 35 36 35 36 5 2 280 Wagitok Giri R, P, Kw, V, Cd. 19 21 70 36 34 36 34 13 6 281 Dabila Giri R, Kw, V, Cd. 32 36 155 79 76 79 7G 8 282 Ancheng Giri R, M, Kw, V, Cd. 34 41 185 96 89 96 89 33 13 283 Badu Giri R,Kw, V, Cd. 7 7 28 10 18 10 18 1 284 Morop Giri R, Kw, V,Cd. 12 12 59 29 30 2) 30 285 Asim Giri R, Kw, V, Cd. 11 11 56 33 2+ 33 24 1 1 286 Asu Giri R, P, Kw, Db, Cd. 22 28 120 61 59 61 59 30 25 287 Alla Giri R, Rly, P, Kw, Wb, V, 30 35 126 69 57 69 57 29 19

Cd. 288 AlIa Nokat Giri 9 9 54 23 31 23 31 4 2 289 Ani Giri 22 22 89 46 43 46 43 17 11 290 Gandhi Giri 7 7 25 10 15 IO 15 3 2 291 Ganchirongdmg Giri 13 13 61 27 34 27 34 2 292 Asunang Giri 10 12 47 27 20 27 20 13 11 293 Dangjing-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 8 12 34 14 20 ]4 20 8 9 294 Satilok-Giri R, P, S, Cd. 14 19 79 41 38 41 38 22 5 295 Satiloknokat Giri P, Kw, Cd. Enumerated with ViIi age No. 298 296 Boldam Sangkni Giri R, Riv Cd. S 18 30 16 14 16 14 297 Sunkolang-Giri R, P, S, Cd. 9 11 43 22 21 22 21 7 2 298 Dop-Giri R. P, S, Cd. 28 29 152 85 67 79 44 8 4 299 Similang-G i ri R, Riv, Cd 1 1 4 3 1 3 1 300 Rekelnang Giri R,Riv, Cd. 3 3 18 10 8 10 8 301 Warisep-Giri R,Riv, Cd. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 302 Semdong Song Mong Giri R,Riv, Cd. 6 6 32 14 18 14 18 303 Rongdi Ading Giri R, Riv,Cd. 3 3 14 7 7 7 7 304 Nachi Ading-Giri R, Riv,Cd. 6 (j 30 ]5 15 IS 15 3 305 Chigrang-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 7 8 52 24 28 24 28 306 Degrang-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 10 Il 18 25 23 25 23 307 Bandari-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 8 8 41 20 21 20 21 4 308 Gandoknawepil Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 10 11 29 15 14 15 14 4 1 309 Mikadu-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 4 4 39 22 17 22 17 6 2 310 Rong Chang·Giri R,Riv, Cd. 7 7 28 14 14 14 14 4 311 Rongde-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 16 16 86 44 42 44 42 7 312 Brama-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 10 10 43 16 27 16 27 313 Aleka-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 1 I 11 3 8 3 8 314 Mekalpa-Giri R, Riv, Cd. II 13 54 26 28 24 26 4 1


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Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

34 44 34 44 16 7 258 22 16 20 16 2 17 20 25~ 19 14 19 14 <) 11 26() 23 23 23 23 21 26 2<11 49 51 48 51 38 40 262 38 38 38 38 31 41 263 16 20 16 20 26 12 264 28 23 27 23 1 35 35 265 25 29 25 29 17 23 266 30 33 30 33 2' .044 267 20 23 20 23 24 27 268 23 22 23 22 .041 29 269 22 24 22 24 19 IS 270 15 18 15 18 .. .. II 9 271 23 23 20 22 2 1 1 7 9 TT2 21 26 21 26 7 11 273

7 5 7 5 3 2 274 32 43 32 43 .. 21 9 275 57 57 51 55 5 2 1 43 36 276 37 35 37 35 .. 23 24 277 58 56 57 56 1 37 3~ 278 19 20 19 20 16 16 279 19 20 19 20 17 14 280 41 42 41 42 38 34 281 45 43 43 43 1 51 46 282 8 9 8 9 2 9 283

13 19 13 19 16 11 284 15 15 15 15 .. III 9 285 26 37 24 37 2 35 22 286

. 34 35 33 35 1 35 22 287

18 16 18 16 5 15 288 27 _ 3 26 23 19 20 289

7 9 7 9 3 6 290 15 17 15 17 12 17 291 13 12 12 12 1 14 8 292 10 10 8 10 2 4 10 293 18 21 18 21 23 17 294

295 11 10 11 10 5 4 296 14 14 14 14 8 7 297 50 45 45 45 2 1 3 35 22 298

1 1 1 1 2 299 4 5 4 5 6 3 300

1 1 1 301 8 11 8 11 6 7 302 4 6 4 6 3 1 303

11 10 II 10 4 5 304 15 15 15 15 9 13 305 11 14 11 14 14 9 306 13 13 13 13 7 8 307 9 9 9 9 6 5 308

14 10 14 10 8 7 309 10 8 6 1 2 2 4 6 310 28 26 28 26 16 16 311 10 15 10 )5 6 12 312 2 3 2 3 1 5 313

16 19 14 19 1 1 10 9 314


Page 75: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Numbel' and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS ViLLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied in Residential Total Popula- Selle- Selle- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenili.;:s Sq. miles Houses tion duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. Castes Tribes Edu-

Bloi.:k of of cated Hou- HOllse- persons

ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

315 Dana Ading Giri R, Riv, Cd. 23 26 135 72 63 72 63 24 12 316 Wage Chiring Gid R, Riv, V, Cd. 8 8 39 20 19 20 19 317 Anehi-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 4 4 27 19 8 19 8 5 318 Awegiri R,Riv, V. 11 11 60 31 26 34 26 9 2 319 Durabanda Agitokgiri 30 30 97 49 48 4':1 48 29 22 320 Durabanda Chambugong-Giri 18 18 114 52 62 52 62 42 35 321 Wangma-Giri R,Riv, Cd. 11 11 39 17 22 17 22 322 Dura-Asim-Giri R, Riv, V. 16 16 80 39 41 39 41 3 2 323 .h ongko Giri R, P, Riv, V. 14 14 57 27 30 27 30 9 8 324 Rongdam-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 7 8 40 19 21 19 21 6 3 325 Sasat Giri R, Riv, Cd. 9 9 49 25 24 25 24 3 3 32, Rimthang-Para R, P Kw, Wb, D, Y, 53 53 256 120 136 120 136 12 7

Cd. 327 Bakda Pam R, Riv, \Vb, V. 30 30 144 72 72 72 72 1 328 Pokasindigiri R, S, Wb, D, V, Cd. 27 27 110 53 57 53 57 4 3 329 Gena Para R, P, Riv, Wb, D, Y, 33 33 149 74 75 74 75 13 1

Cd. 330 Angital Gid R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Cd. 14 14 65 34 31 34 31 4 2 331 Babela Para R, M, S, Wb, D, V, 61 61 340 170 170 170 170 85 48

Cd. 332 Medu Para R, Riv, Wb, D, V, Cd. 12 12 57 27 30 27 30 2 2 333 Jarang Para R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Cd. 49 49 270 120 150 120 150 34 25 334 Wakmedam Giri R, iv, Wb, D, V, Cd. 16 16 83 44 39 44 39 3 1 335 Jarang-Kana R, P, S, Wb, D, V, Cd. 72 72 356 185 171 181 171 90 62 336 Gendi Kona R, Kw, D, V, Cd. 28 28 130 72 58 72 58 29 12 3,7 Belabol-Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 19 20 84 39 45 39 45 15 4 338 Sanjeng Para R, Riv, Cd. 43 43 302 148 154 148 154 339 Bolan Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos, 41 41 230 108 122 108 122

Cd. 340 DobokGiri R,Riv, Cd. 13 13 73 38 35 38 35 341 Cewazi-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 19 20 86 42 44 42 44 3 342 Rangga.Para R, P, Riv, Cd. 19 19 98 53 45 53 44 16 7 343 Song dan Para R, Riv.Cd. 11 11 51 28 23 28 23 1 344 Norog·Giri R, Riv,Cd. 37 39 166 83 83 83 83 12 6 345 Rohon Para R, P, S, Wb, D, Cd. 77 77 358 175 183 175 183 60 34 346 Dolba Para R,Riv, Cd. ]8 20 78 32 46 32 46 347 Bidapara R, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 15 15 55 28 27 28 27 1 348 Santo-Gre R, P, Riv, Cd. 57 57 239 112 127 103 121 6 1 349 Kern Para R, Riv, Cd. 17 17 86 43 43 43 43 1 350 Dima Giri R,Riv. 32 32 120 57 63 57 63 9 351 Selbal Giri R,Riv. 9 9 45 24 21 24 21 352 Anang Para R,Riv. 15 15 55 23 32 23 32 353 RakaGitim R,Riv. 13 13 52 25 27 25 27 354 Ganchu Dari R,Riv. 22 22 98 46 52 46 52 8 6 355 Banang Para R, Riv. 15 15 70 30 40 30 40 2 1 3 6 Gujang Para R,Kw, Wb. 30 30 131 63 68 63 68 1 357 Sanjang Para R,P, Kw, Wb. 20 20 98 50 48 50 48 3 358 Gobinath Kila R, P, Kw, Wb. 22 22 145 71 74 71 74 29 30 3 9 Moneng-Para R,Kw, Wb. 33 33 157 79 78 79 78 11 2 360 Arok Gitim I R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 16 16 114 55 59 55 59 361 Arok Gitim Il R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 24 24 110 62 48 62 48 4 362 Turang Para R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 12 ]2 58 35 23 34 23 363 Rapang Pang Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 32 32 190 102 88 102 88 364 Dura Para R, Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 23 23 164 83 81 83 81 365 Matrongkoz·Giri R, Riv, Cd. 26 26 156 72 84 70 84 366 Dingam Para R, Riv Wb, Cd. 38 38 203 103 100 103 100 4 3 367 Ontha Para R, S, Wb,D. 53 53 233 117 116 117 116 2


Page 76: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

nikEcTO!tY ASsAM




Total workers Non- S1. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

45 41 45 41 27 22 315 12 14 12 14 8 5 316 12 7 12 7 7 1 317 23 16 23 16 11 10 318 36 31 36 31 13 17 319 41 39 41 39 11 23 320 14 16 14 16 3 6 321 26 32 26 32 13 9 322 18 19 18 19 9 11 323 13 14 13 14 6 7 324 16 18 16 18 9 6 325 67 74 67 74 53 62 326

45 44 45 44 27 28 327 32 33 32 33 2] 24 328 39 37 39 35 2 35 38 329

18 15 18 15 16 16 33 ) 82 73 73 70 3 2 6 88 97 331

13 15 13 15 14 15 332 63 75 62 75 1 57 75 333 25 23 25 23 .. 19 16 334 87 82 77 82 1 1 8 98 89 335 28 33 28 33 44 25 336 22 23 22 23 17 22 337 93 113 93 113 55 41 J38 75 78 75 78 33 44 339

29 26 29 26 9 9 340 24 29 24 29 18 15 341 29 26 26 26 2 1 24 19 342 18 17 1~ 17 10 6 343 50 55 49 55 1 33 28 344 97 97 90 ')7 3 2 78 86 345 22 25 22 25 10 21 346 18 22 18 22 .. 10 5 347 75 78 69 74 2 5 2 37 49 348 31 32 31 32 12 11 349 40 38 39 38 17 25 350 14 13 14 13 10 8 351 18 21 18 21 5 11 352 16 19 16 19 9 8 353 28 32 28 32 18 20 354 16 20 15 20 14 20 355 40 3 40 32 23 36 356 25 26 25 26 25 .22 357 28 22 27 21 1 43 52 358 47 42 45 42 2 32 36 359 17 22 17 22 38 37 360 30 31 30 31 32 17 361 18 15 18 15 17 8 362 44 44 44 44 58 44 363 36 38 36 38 47 43 364 36 39 36 39 36 45 365 54 54 54 54 49 46 366 73 70 73 70 4) 46 367


Page 77: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(~ GNRO mIlLS VILLAGE

Name of Mal1za :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Person.;

HOll- House-ses holds -----------------------


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

368 Lakhi Para R,Kw,V. 39 39 150 69 81 69 81 2 369 Kongkinang Girl R,S, Wb, D. 14 15 53 28 25 28 25 1 370 Bangsi Giri R,Riv, V. 14 14 57 28 29 28 29 1 371 Chigitchak Giri R, Riv, Wb. 1 1 5 2 3 2 3 372 Tekman Para R, P, S, Wb, D. 21 24 112 57 55 57 55 9 5 373 Mongala Giri R,Riv. 11 11 41 22 19 22 11 374 Matchok: Para R, S, Wb,D. 16 17 70 37 33 37 33 2 2 375 Pilji Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 8 8 44 23 21 23 21 7 3 376 Rengram Para R, Riv. 27 28 87 61 26 61 26 15 5 377 Adang Giri R,Riv, Wb. 19 19 81 40 41 40 41 5 1 378 Chana Para R, P, S, Wb, Cd. 32 32 120 65 55 65 55 13 2 379 Khana Para (Gilmatdok Giri) R, Riv. 5 5 24 7 17 7 17 380 Sira Para R, Riv. 32 32 126 63 63 63 63 3 2 381 Pansana Grc R,Riv. 7 7 20 11 9 11 9 382 Sonajuri Giri R,Riv. 18 18 66 33 33 33 33 383 Chiman Para R, Kw, Wb, Cd. 16 16 53 26 27 26 27 2 384 Tok Para R, P, Riv, Wb. 36 36 206 106 100 76 80 5 4 385 Buria Para R, P, Riv, Wb. 20 20 137 68 69 38 49 10 4 386 Dalam Giri R, M, Riv, Wb. 20 20 137 77 60 47 42 387 Matchim Para R, P, S, Wb, D, Cd. 36 36 198 109 89 99 89 7 9 388 Rangtia R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Cd. 3 3 21 6 15 6 5 389 Rimrang Para R, P, Kw, Wb, Has, 47 50 178 89 89 89 89 9

Cd. 390 Santhang Para R,Riv. 43 44 180 90 90 90 90 8 4 391 MolongPara R, P, Kw, Wb, D,

Cd. 25 25 127 64 63 64 63 11 4

392 Nokal Giri R,Riv. 23 24 leo 54 46 54 46 2 4 393 Mebit Para R, Kw, Wb, Cd. 16 17 75 39 36 39 36 394 Chura Budi Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, Cd. 30 31 133 69 64 69 64 17 4 395 Anang Pari Nokat R, P, S, Wb, D, V, 37 37 163 79 84 79 84 11 5 396 Mandalgiri Anangpara Nokat R,Kw, Wb, V. 13 13 68 31 37 31 37 2 1 397 Chlpragre Anang Giri Nokat R, P, Kw, Wb, V. 42 42 185 97 88 97 88 60 41 398 Chitora R,Kw,D,V. 29 29 135 68 67 68 67 43 45 399 Rokol-Para R,Kw,V, 18 ]8 76 36 40 36 40 400 Wada-Giri R,Kw,V. ]4 14 59 29 30 29 30 401 Chepa-Giri R, S, Wb,D. 32 32 136 70 66 70 66 402 Talleng-Giri R, P, Kw, D, V. 32 32 142 78 64 78 64 403 Daru-Giri R,P,S, V. 51 51 256 129 ]27 129 127 55 48 404 Nachil-Para R,Kw. 37 37 151 79 72 79 72 405 Dina-Para R,P,Kw. 25 25 ]23 54 69 54 69 ]8 17 406 Dalse-Giri R,Kw. 11 11 59 27 32 27 32 407 Boldak-Giri R,Kw. 109 109 571 281 290 281 290 ]6 2 408 Damal-Giri R,P,Kw. 21 21 105 57 48 57 48 13 4 409 Nokat-Giri R,Kw. ]0 10 55 25 30 25 30 2 410 NagaI-Para R,P,Kw. 29 2;1 144 71 73 71 73 1 1 411 Kiru-Para R,P,Kw. 40 40 199 105 94 105 94 30 11 412 Chapa-Para R,Kw. 14 14 56 25 31 25 31 413 Megap-Giri R,Kw. 18 18 88 51 37 51 37 25 17 414 Thocha-Para R,Kw. 46 46 198 101 97 101 97 11 3 415 Salman-Para R,P,Kw. 51 51 209 101 108 101 108 11 416 Santu-Giri R,P,S,V. 17 17 72 33 39 33 39 6 2 417 Kida-Para R,Kw. 18 18 86 41 45 41 45 3 418 Bangda Para R,S. 20 20 168 83 85 83 85 419 Sindil Girinokat R,Kw,V. ]8 18 162 74 88 74 88 420 Okchokgiri R,Kw,V. 18 18 77 38 39 38 39 421 KimdaGiri R,Kw, V. 11 11 42 22 20 22 20 422 Monking Giri R,P,Kw, V. 18 18 140 70 70 70 70 423 Dasa Gid Nokat R,Kw, V. 11 11 120 58 62 58 62


Page 78: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S1. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

45 53 45 53 24 28 368 17 16 17 16 11 9 369 19 15 19 15 9 14 370 1 1 1 1 1 2 371

34 27 34 27 23 28 372 18 15 18 15 4 4 373 19 20 19 20 18 13 374 12 11 12 11 11 10 375 32 4 32 4 29 22 376 24 26 24 76 16 15 377 34 37 33 37 31 18 378 4 10 4 10 3 7 379

42 38 41 38 1 21 25 380 8 6 8 6 3 3 381

21 24 21 24 12 9 382 19 23 19 23 7 4 383 46 48 46 48 60 52 384 31 35 31 35 37 34 385 31 35 31 35 46 25 386 61 61 60 61 1 48 28 387

3 4 3 4 3 11 388 52 65 49 65 3 37 24 389

52 59 50 58 2 1 38 31 390 38 39 35 38 3 1 26 24 391

33 28 33 28 21 18 392 28 22 26 20 2 2 11 14 393 36 43 35 42 1 1 33 21 394 58 30 54 29 2 2 1 21 54 395 19 18 19 18 12 19 396 52 35 52 35 45 53 397 31 30 30 30 .. 37 37 398 20 21 18 21 2 16 19 399 15 6 15 6 14 24 400 38 31 37 31 32 35 401 48 37 48 37 30 27 402 71 74 70 74 58 53 403 48 48 48 48 31 24 404 33 36 33 36 21 33 405 16 17 16 17 11 15 406

152 172 152 172 129 118 407 42 31 42 31 15 17 408 17 18 17 18 8 12 409 52 49 52 49 19 24 410 59 53 58 53 46 41 411 18 20 18 20 7 11 412 32 25 32 25 19 12 413 56 59 55 59 45 38 414 64 68 63 68 37 40 415 21 22 21 22 12 17 416 27 25 27 25 14 20 417 51 54 51 54 32 31 418 50 49 50 49 24 39 419 21 29 21 29 17 10 420 14 11 14 11 8 9 421 4! 48 42 48 28 22 422 36 40 36 40 22 22 0423

Page 79: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Hous;;s Population duled du.ed and No. Ward/Enumerator's in ----- Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -----_----------------------- ,_---

424 Dop Giri R,Kw,V. 7 7 114 56 58 56 58 425 Dikim Para R,P,Kw, V. 10 10 95 46 49 46 49 426 Jikal Giri R,Kw, V. 10 10 87 44 43 44 43 427 ArengGiri R, Kw, Wb, Hos, V. 21 21 224 115 109 115 L9 23 7 428 Godal Giri R, M, S, Wb, Hos, V. 26 26 211 115 96 115 96 48 19 429 Dalbot Para R,Kw, V. 4 4 157 71 86 71 86 1 430 Bolchu Giri R, S, Hos, V. 19 19 181 93 88 93 88 6 431 Balading-Giri R, Kw, Hos, V. 15 15 143 71 72 71 72 16 9 432 Koltotol R, Kw, Hos, V. 16 16 84 40 44 40 44 3 2 433 Murcha Pani R, P, Kw, Hos, V. 17 17 190 92 98 92 98 41 20 434 Murchapani Koch R, Kw, Hos, V. 11 11 105 52 53 52 53 435 Sasatbol-Giri R, Kw, Hos, V. 4 4 61 33 28 33 28 2 436 Chigitchak Giri R, Kw, Hos, V. 27 27 314 158 156 158 156 5 437 Bandar Kona R, P, S, Hos, V. 23 23 216 118 98 118 98 53 37 438 Hatisil R, Kw, Hos, V. 20 20 116 59 57 59 57 17 9 439 Jang Chet Para R, P. Kw, Wb, D, V. 64 64 359 188 171 181 167 56 16 440 Manwa Para R Kw. 34 34 146 75 71 75 71 441 Senta-Para R, Kw. 34 34 283 152 131 145 127 6 442 Gara-Giri R, P, S. 55 55 241 124 117 117 117 12 3 443 Sengminpara R, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 19 19 84 35 49 35 49 444 Somonpara R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 40 40 274 134 140 134 140 14 5 445 Boldam Giri R, S, Cd. 24 24 163 78 85 78 85 446 Jembra Giri R, Kw, Cd. 14 14 101 46 55 46 55 447 Okapara Songiteham Giri R, Kw, Cd. 17 17 99 44 55 44 55 448 Churabudi Giri R, P, S, Wb, V. 15 16 165 87 78 87 78 42 34 449 Mcngkak Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 14 16 99 55 44 55 44 450 Amak Giri R,S, Wb. 10 11 85 42 43 42 43 451 Chengkuri Giri R, P, Kw, Wb. 15 15 136 74 62 74 62 3 2 452 Alaba Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, V. 41 41 309 161 1-18 161 148 25 13 453 Noagiri R, P, Riv. 13 13 136 74 62 74 62 454 Bolchu Giri R, P,Riv. 12 12 92 43 49 43 49 455 Grcng Gandi R, P,S. 27 27 237 129 108 129 108 34 17 456 Rongchadeng Giri R, Riv, Wb, D. 47 47 323 159 164 159 164 1 457 Jamang Giri R, Riv, Wb, D. 36 36 172 92 80 92 80 1 458 Bongpara Nokat R, Riv, Wb, D. 16 .16 84 43 41 43 41 459 ( Dilni Giri ) Bongpara R, P, Riv, Wb. 31 31 247 129 118 129 118 8 1 460 ( Chisri Giri } Asina Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 27 27 229 111 118 111 118 47 44 461 Adu Girl R,P,Kw,D. 41 41 207 98 109 98 109 9 1 462 Bolgang Giri R,Kw,D. 14 14 52 25 27 25 27 4 1 463 Dorambok Giri R, P, S, Wb, D. 30 30 196 97 99 97 99 38 25 464 Jewit Giri R, Riv. 21 21 122 69 53 66 40 5 465 Balal Giri R, Riv. 19 19 70 32 38 32 38 2 466 Jalwa Giri R,Riv,D. 52 52 360 179 181 179 181 60 29 467 Masal Giri R, P, S, Wb, D. 33 33 318 172 146 172 146 87 56 468 Rangsa-Giri R, S,Wb, D. 12 12 57 31 26 31 26 7 1 469 Rangsa-Kona R, M, Riv, Wb, D. 14 14 98 54 44 54 40 35 24 470 Mangga-Giri R,Kw, Wb,D. 11 11 54 28 26 28 26 471 Chongpot Girl R, P, S, Wb. 28 28 136 73 63 64 61 15 5 472 Jelbong Para R,P Kw. 85 85 369 208 161 207 161 49 13 473 Salbari R, Kw, wb. 14 14 71 34 37 34 37 1 1 474 Ska Giri R, P, S, Wb. 50 50 222 126 96 126 96 5 475 Golman-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 30 30 156 89 67 89 67 2 476 Gilding Giri R,RivW. f>7 67 180 81 99 81 99 2 477 Rongsang G iri R, P, S. 28 28 225 110 115 110 115 1 478 Abagiri R, Rlv. 33 33 126 65 61 65 61 5 479 Matala-Giri R, Riv, Wb. 36 36 149 75 74 7S 74 480 DombaGiri R,P,Riv. 49 49 247 132 115 126 111 3 481 Rem-Para R, Riv. 22 22 99 47 52 47 52 3


Page 80: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S]' (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

25 20 25 20 31 38 424 29 32 29 32 17 17 425 25 26 25 26 19 17 426 67 70 67 70 48 39 427 75 63 73 63 2 40 33 428 44 53 44 53 27 33 429 54 58 54 58 39 30 430 46 43 46 43 25 29 431 26 27 26 27 " 14 17 432 59 61 56 60 3 1 33 37 433 38 36 37 36 1 14 17 434 23 22 23 22 10 6 435 95 94 95 94 63 62 436 66 62 64 62 2 52 36 437 32 36 32 36 27 21 438 123 115 112 111 10 4 1 65 56 439 55 57 55 57 20 14 440 96 80 88 77 8 3 56 51 441 80 72 73 72 7 44 45 442 20 23 20 23 15 26 443 88 91 87 91 46 49 444 60 67 60 67 18 18 445 34 35 34 35 12 20 446 38 34 38 34 6 21 447 52 45 50 45 2 35 33 448 36 . 29 36 29 19 15 449 26 33 26 33 16 10 450 49 40 49 40 25 22 451 96 83 96 83 65 65 452 45 38 45 38 29 24 453 28 31 28 31 15 18 454 82 65 82 65 47 43 455 94 94 94 94 65 70 456 51 44 51 44 41 36 457 27 23 27 23 16 18 458 79 77 79 77 50 41 459 56 61 56 61 55 57 460 61 66 60 66 1 37 43 461 14 15 14 15 11 12 462 45 49 43 49 2 52 50 463 28 32 28 32 41 21 464 21 25 21 25 11 13 465 110 105 110 105 69 76 466 109 85 106 85 3 63 61 467 20 16 20 16 11 10 468 33 22 33 22 21 22 469 16 10 16 10 12 16 470 37 33 37 33 36 30 471 111 113 110 113 97 48 472 15 22 15 22 19 15 473 70 72 70 72 56 24 474 40 44 40 44 49 23 475 53 71 53 71 28 28 476 77 85 77 85 33 30 477 44 42 44 42 21 19 478 50 44 50 44 25 30 479 80 77 80 77 52 38 480 31 35 31 35 16 17 481


Page 81: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO lULLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza:

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sehe- Literata

Serial Name of Village/Town} Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou-House-ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

482 Sonamita R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 81 81 580 295 285 282 278 44 23 483 Misikona R,S. 12 12 56 27 29 27 29 1 484 Jenggitehak Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 6 6 47 21 26 21 26 485 Chidek Giri R, M, S, Wb, Has. 11 11 54 25 29 25 29 486 Water Giri R, Riv, Wh, D. 33 33 175 80 95 80 95 3 487 Water-Nokat R,Riv, Wh. 14 14 60 28 32 28 32 1 488 Ban Giri R,Kw, Wh, D, 46 46 207 106 101 106 101 11 4 489 Talang-Giri R,Riv, Wh. 13 13 59 31 28 31 28 490 Chigitchak Giri R, P, Riv. Wh, D. 23 23 120 58 62 58 62 14 7 491 Akin Para R, P, Tk, Wb D. 17 17 91 52 39 52 39 29 14 492 Dolbari R, p, S, Wb, D. 28 28 155 85 70 85 70 55 41 493 Maraka Para R, Kw, Wb, Has. 40 40 132 71 61 71 61 2 494 Sona-Bil R, P, S, Wh. 20 20 108 64 44 64 44 17 4 495 Baih Para R, P, Riv, Has. 15 h 68 40 28 40 28 19 10 496 Chirim Para R, Riv, Wb, Has. 50 50 221 126 95 126 95 3

497 Maleha Para R,P, S. 46 46 211 108 103 108 103 5 498 Dobok Giri R,Riv. 17 17 81 41 40 41 40 3 1 499 Chandan Para R,P, Riv, Wb. 57 57 259 136 123 136 123 12 3 500 Chondonnokat R, P, Riv, Wb. 24 24 134 73 61 73 61 6 501 Baniapara Adu Giri R, P, Riv, Wh, 57 57 230 105 125 105 125 24 11 502 Ajong-Giri R, T, Riv, Wb, Has, V. 14 14 76 37 39 37 39 503 Bandaraja R, Riv, Wb, Has. 46 46 231 124 107 124 107 5 2 504 Pora-Singga R, M, Riv, Wb, Hos, 19 19 80 40 40 40 40 31 28

V. 505 Bolsal Giri R. P, Riv, Wb, Has. 23 23 106 60 46 60 46 18 6 506 Pareng-Para R,Kw, Wb,D. 32 32 143 75 68 75 68 1

507 Badagiri R,P,Kw. 16 16 76 37 39 37 39 11 5 508 Baina-Para Songma R, M, S, Wb, D. 25 25 127 69 58 69 58 52 16 509 GaJmara R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 39 39 187 93 94 93 94 11 5 510 Watre Giri R, Riv, Wh. 18 18 90 38 52 38 52 I

511 Rangapani R, S, Wb, Has. 13 13 60 36 24 31 24 6

512 Rong Ram Giri R, Edbo, Riv, Wb, Has 72 72 317 189 128 189 128 513 Chengkom Para R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 52 55 240 107 133 107 133 18 3 514 Simsang Bokaman-ri-Giri R, Riv, Wb, D. 37 39 168 88 80 88 80 8 515 Kebol Para Riv, Wb, D. 43 45 200 103 97 103 97 2

516 Garabokman-Giri R, Riv, Wb, D. 17 18 79 45 34 45 34

517 Jangna Para R,Riv, Wb, D 17 26 157 63 94 63 94 2

518 Bolehu-Giri 25 25 95 47 48 47 48 1

519 Radan-Para R, p, Riv, Wb, D, V. 23 24 93 44 49 44 49 8 4 520 Gang-Gipara R, Riv, V, 42 42 154 73 81 73 81 8 3

521 Salam-Para R, Riv, V. 9 9 39 21 18 21 18 522 Doma-Para R, Riv, Wb, Hos V. 53 55 211 110 101 lIO 101 10 3

523 Dagila Para Nokat R, P, Riv, Wb, V 20 20 98 56 42 56 42 524 Patijhora Garo Para R, Riv, VI. 18 18 85 42 43 42 43

525 Rongkhai-Giri Nokat R, S, Nes. 22 23 102 53 49 53 49

526 Rongkhai Giri Songma R,Kw, 23 24 110 55 55 55 55 2

527 Paneha Para R,Riv. 36 37 153 78 75 78 75

528 Wagi-Para R, Riv, V. 28 30 108 55 53 55 53

529 Hulu-Kona R,P, S. 30 32 132 76 56 76 56 25 5

530 Pagila·Para 66 66 295 151 144 151 144 9

531 Nogar-Para R, P, S, Wb, D, V. 42 46 216 117 99 117 99 64 36

532 Doram Chas R,P,Riv. 30 33 181 103 78 103 78 30 16

533 Darga-Para R, P, S, Wb, D, V. 27 31 157 83 74 83 74 35 22

534 Chapa-Hati R, P, S, Wb, D, V. 56 59 274 145 129 145 129 42 34

535 Kentra-Kona R, P, S, Wb. 20 21 89 47 42 47 42 1 2

536 Baksapara R, P, S, Wh, D, V. 37 39 158 72 86 72 86 28 20

537 Songjam Para R,P,S, Wh, 8 8 35 18 17 18 17 1


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Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

166 162 154 154 8 8 1 3 129 123 482 14 18 14 18 13 11 483 12 12 12 12 9 14 484 13 17 13 17 12 12 485 46 57 46 57 34 38 486 17 19 17 19 11 13 487 68 63 68 63 38 38 488 16 21 16 21 15 7 489 31 31 31 31 27 31 490 31 27 31 27 21 12 491 45 41 45 41 40 29 492 48 37 48 37 23 24 493 31 24 31 24 33 20 494 18 15 17 15 1 22 13 495 67 63 66 63 1 59 32 496 60 60 60 60 48 43 497 21 22 21 22 20 18 498 83 83 81 83 2 53 40 499 37 35 36 35 1 36 26 500 66 76 65 76 1 39 49 501 20 23 20 23 17 16 502 72 61 69 61 3 52 46 503 20 17 20 17 20 23 504

42 32 42 32 18 14 505 51 44 51 44 24 24 506 22 28 22 28 15 11 507 23 24 21 24 2 46 34 508 43 52 40 52 3 50 42 509 24 27 24 27 14 25 510 28 16 23 16 5 8 8 511

125 112 125 112 64 16 512 61 75 61 75 46 58 513 50 47 49 47 1 38 33 514 63 62 63 62 40 35 515 24 23 24 23 21 11 516 38 44 38 44 25 50 517 27 36 27 36 20 12 518 27 35 27 35 17 14 519 57 56 57 56 16 25 520 12 13 12 13 9 5 521 70 66 70 66 40 35 522 28 29 28 29 28 13 523 33 30 33 30 9 13 524 30 35 30 35 23 14 525 32 38 32 38 23 17 526 49 43 49 43 29 32 527 35 33 35 33 20 20 528 49 38 48 38 1 27 18 529 93 90 92 90 1 58 54 530 76 51 59 51 8 1 8 41 48 531 49 48 49 48 54 30 532 37 40 35 40 2 46 34 533 88 77 87 77 1 57 52 534 17 20 16 20 1 30 22 535 41 44 39 44 1 1 31 42 536 9 9 9 9 9 8 537


Page 83: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO lULLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds

f' M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

538 Damdiloka R, Riv. 36 38 161 77 84 77 84 3 1 539 Songma-Giri R,Riv, Wb. 18 19 94 54 40 54 40 7 540 Gongra-Para R,Riv, Wb. 16 17 77 40 37 40 37 541 Kangkang-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 20 22 112 55 57 55 57 7 542 Debajani R, P, Riv, Wb, D, V. 15 17 86 38 48 38 48 9 7 543 Jongrin Giri 23 24 100 53 47 53 47 6 2


Page 84: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

45 53 45 53 .. 32 31 538 27 24 27 24 27 16 539 23 21 23 21 17 16 540 28 33 28 33 27 24 541 21 27 21 27 17 21 542 26 29 26 29 27 18 543


Page 85: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Sq. miles Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

'" 0 r-- ~ r-- \0 00 "'" .... r-- ~ '" r-- r-- ~ ('.I \0

Mauza III Total ....; \0 q on ~ '" '" ~ r-. ('f ~ iO

0- ~ ~ ...;

e-- .... .... '" C'l

1 Dingna Para R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 29 29 131 58 73 58 73 16 13 2 Bakgila Gin Dalangsa R, P, Pw, Wb, Nes. 48 48 235 123 112 123 112 22 17 3 Bakgila Gid R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 75 81 130 65 65 65 65 10 6 4 Cbibong Giri R, S, Wb, D, Nes. 10 10 54 22 32 22 32 5 Wajata Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, D, 51 53 229 120 109 119 109 42 29

Nes. 6 Simbukol Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, D, V,

\ 75 85 330 168 162 158 116 95 57

Nes. 7 Selsellaam Guri, I R, P, Pw, Wb, D, V, 47 51 444 231 213 228 213 106 109

Selsellamanda Giri r Nes. Selsellaagipeng Giri J

8 Dokagiri R, Kw, Wb, D, V, 40 40 166 80 86 80 86 21 21 Nes.

9 Dipo Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Nes.

19 21 81 45 36 45 36

10 Selsella Project R, S, Wb, D, V, Nes. 19 19 73 44 29 37 19 29 19 11 Doldoret Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, 33 33 150 73 77 73 77 35 26

Nes. 12 Kangkala Para R, Kw, Wb, D, V, 30 30 147 62 85 62 85 7 13

Nes. 13 Rongram Giri R, Kw, Wb, V, Nes. 22 22 86 52 34 52 34 1 2 14 Chinabot Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, V, 7 7 31 15 16 15 16 1

Nes. 15 Rongcbi Gid R, Kw, Nes. 28 28 129 69 60 69 60 5 3 16 Boldaka Giri R, Kw, Nes. 19 19 75 38 37 38 37 7 3

17 Galamati Gid R, Kw, Wb, D, V,

Nes. 2 2 17 8 9 8 9 1 1 18 Kilmangitim R,Kw, Nes. 9 9 47 26 21 26 21 19 ManggaPara R, Kw, Nes. 20 20 75 34 41 34 41 4 20 Ronchapgiri R, Kw, Nes. 16 16 65 38 27 38 27 1 21 Matchok Chiring Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 8 8 34 18 16 18 16 22 Maljang Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, D, S 8 35 16 19 16 19 2

Nes. 23 Noga Para R, P, Kw, Wb, D,

Nes. 47 47 186 85 101 85 101 3 3

24 Modhupara R, P, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 32 36 157 84 73 84 73 37 10 25 Gongg Lang Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 38 38 186 102 84 102 84 28 13 26 Megon Giri R, P, Tk, Wb, Hos, 12 12 61 28 33 28 33 1

Nes. 27 Gandu Para R, Tk, Wb, D, Nes. 33 34 161 74 87 74 87 28 Dajonu Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 18 20 94 43 51 43 51 29 Balaladu Guri R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 17 17 65 34 31 24 25 1 30 Rogirikak Gid R. Riv. Wb, Nes. 25 25 99 46 53 46 53 31 Boldaka Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 31 31 123 61 62 61 62 32 Chibok Giri R, Riv, Nes. 24 24 115 55 60 55 60 33 Dabak Giri R, Riv, Nes. 28 28 134 65 69 65 69 34 Walkam Giri R, Riv, Wb, D. Nes. 4 4 10 5 5 5 5 35 Boshi Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 12 12 60 23 37 23 37 36 Mirong Gid R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 21 21 93 36 57 31 52 37 Makbilkol Giri R, Riv, Wh, D, Nes. 17 17 66 32 34 32 34 2 3


Page 86: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Serial (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

-.r '" N 00 N -.r 0 0'1 -.r ~ 0 '0 0'1 <"l 0'1 <"l '" ,...,

00 0 N 00 - -.r ';f. ~ ,..., ,..., -.r 0 N 0'1 t-oo t- q (T") - N ":. ~ 00 00 00 ~ ,..., ,..., ,..., ,..., ,..., ,...,

39 2S 39 2S 19 48 1 66 57 66 57 57 55 2 36 10 36 10 29 55 3 12 18 12 18 10 14 4 62 18 60 12 1 6 1 58 91 5

94 80 92 80 2 74 82 6

125 109 121 109 1 1 1 106 104 7

46 47 44 46 1 1 34 39 9

33 17 33 17 12 19 9

29 4 3 2 1 .. 23 4 15 25 10 52 40 52 40 21 37 11

38 43 38 43 24 42 12

30 24 30 24 2! 10 13 10 8 10 8 5 8 14

39 32 39 32 ·30 28 15 24 26 24 26 14 11 b

6 6 6 6 2 3 17 12 13 12 13 14 8 18 25 21 25 21 9 20 19 21 17 21 17 17 10 20 10 12 10 12 8 4 21 9 9 9 9 7 10 22

55 56 55 56 30 45 23

40 27 34 27 6 44 46 24 57 45 57 45 45 39 25 16 17 15 17 1 12 16 26

41 56 41 56 33 31 27 25 28 25 28 18 23 28 22 21 16 18 6 3 12 10 29 34 30 34 30 12 23 30 34 37 34 36 1 27 25 31 27 30 22 30 5 28 30 32 36 42 36 42 29 27 33 4 5 4 5 1 34

13 18 13 18 10 19 35 24 28 20 26 4 2 12 29 36 21 23 21 23 11 11 37


Page 87: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou-House-

ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

38 Wakanta Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 34 34 135 66 69 66 69 39 Singwal Gid R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 12 13 51 26 25 26 25 40 Rajong Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, D, 34 34 147 76 71 76 71 7

Nes. 41 Babet Para R, P, Riv, Wb, D, 6 8 32 17 15 17 15 2

Nes. 42 Solkar Para R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 12 12 52 22 30 22 30 43 Sampal Gid R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 16 16 74 37 37 37 37 44 Gugu Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 6 6 26 12 14 12 14 45 Rochon Para R, P, Riv, Wb, D, 49 SO 210 102 108 102 108 14 10

Nes. 46 Apal Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 20 20 103 57 46 57 46 47 Ragre Gid R, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 10 10 53 30 23 30 23 3 48 Jongki Para R, P, Riv, Wb, D, 27 27 135 63 72 63 72. 3 4

Nes. 49 Muda Para R, P, Kw, Wb, D, 39 39 199 106 93 106 93 7 1

Nes. SO Tombola Gid R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 8 8 41 22 19 22 19 51 Tombol Nokat Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 12 12 64 32 32 32 32 1 52 Cheran Gid R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 11 11 57 24 33 24 33 53 Boldam Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 12 12 64 40 24 40 24 54 Boldak Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 10 10 52 25 27 25 27 55 Balong-Giri R, Kw, Wb. D, Nes. 38 38 193 88 105 88 105 56 Mukdangra R, P, Pw, Wb, D, V, 35 35 175 86 89 86 89 46 20

Cd. 57 Asimgiri R, P, Riv, V, Cd. 18 18 92 46 46 46 46 1 58 Dengsagiri R, P, Pw, V, Cd. 33 33 168 78 90 75 86 27 27 59 Dopatehigiri R, P, Pw, V, Cd. 32 32 162 85 77 85 77 35 18 60 Chisamikgiri R, Riv, Cd. 3 3 15 8 7 8 7 1 61 Anggotgiri R, Pw, Hos, Cd. 14 14 70 33 37 33 37 1 62 Bolsalgiri R, Riv, Cd. 10 10 51 23 28 23 28 63 Rongdokgiri R, Riv, Cd. 10 10 52 26 26 26 26 64 Wadagiri R, Riv, Cd. 36 36 180 91 89 84 83 3 65 Ashigiri R, Kw, Cd. 16 16 82 41 41 34 33 1 66 Kemranggiri R, Riv. Cd. 17 17 88 37 51 37 51 67 Jongdikgiri R, Riv, Cd. 17 17 88 47 41 47 41 68 Buripara R,S, Cd. 35 35 178 89 89 89 89 69 Boldam Giri R, KW,Cd. 15 15 76 37 39 37 29 70 Chidaogiri R, Kw, Cd. 21 21 106 52 54 50 53 71 Agisimgiri R, Riv, Cd. 7 7 37 17 20 17 20 72 Adugiri R, Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 13 13 68 33 35 33 35 73 Goeragiri R, Pw, Wb, D, Cd. 22 22 110 51 59 51 59 74 Chokring Giri R, S, Wb, Hos. 16 16 130 66 64 66 64 1 75 Balnang Giri R, p. S, Wb, Hos. 18 18 144 70 74 70 74 39 23 76 Goramara Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos. 7 7 84 40 44 40 44 3 77 Sangkare Giri R, M, Pw, Wb, Hos. 25 25 278 132 146 132 146 70 44 78 Rongdik Giri R, p. Kw, Wb, Hos, V. 7 7 84 42 42 42 42 79 Abisala Gid R. Kw. Wb, Hos. 10 10 99 51 48 51 48 80 Nokatgiri R, P, S, Wb, Hos. 12 12 163 86 77 86 77 43 35 81 Apalgiri R, P, Kw, Wb; Has. 10 10 102 61 41 61 41 82 Ronggekgiri R, Pw, Wb, Hos. 15 15 174 76 98 76 98 17 17 83 Baghmara R, Pw, Wb, Hos. 15 15 174 87 87 87 87 10 13 84 Dilna Para R, S, Hos, Nes. 16 16 331 158 173 158 173 85 Nokgat Giri R, S, Wb, Hos, V, Cd. 12 12 62 29 33 29 33 86 Wakro Giri R, P, S, Wb, Hos, V, 5 5 24 9 15 9 15

Cd. 87 Wagop Giri R, S, Wb, Hos, V, Cd. 10 10 52 26 26 26 26


Page 88: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



------~---- --,~-- --------~---- - .... --~-------~ WORKERS



Total workers 0;Ofl- Sl. (I-IX) \\orkcrs No.

----~---------------. -~----~---

M F M F M F 11.1 F 1\1 F M F M F M F M F M F Tvi F

_--------_-._---- .. _-------.. ---------- -,~----

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 --------~-------

4& 45 48 45 18 24 38 17 15 17 15 9 10 39 51 47 49 47 ], 25 24 40

8 7 8 7 l) 8 41

17 21 17 21 5 ') 42 24 20 24 20 [3 17 43 10 ') 10 9 2 :i 44 68 74 68 71 34 34 45

34 31 34 31 " 15 46 _J 21 14 20 14 I ') 9 47 44 4t; 40 45 I 3 J 19 24 48

72 64 68 64 4 34 29 49

13 15 13 1" 9 -1 50 23 20 23 20 l) 1') 51 15 17 15 17 9 j6 52 18 14 18 14 22 ju 53 17 18 17 18 8 'J 5,~ 63 65 63 65 25 40 55 44 34 41 34 3 42 55 56

46 46 46 46 , , - , 57 46 38 43 34 .\ ~, 32 52 5K 43 34 43 .4 42 43 59 8 7 8 7 (I)

20 :0 20 20 13 17 (,1 13 15 13 15 10 13 (l2 16 18 16 18 10 \; (.J 50 44 47 44 3 -t 1 4:; (il 25 24 13 20 7 -+ /() ! i ():'i 18 27 i8 27 1'1 .'1 f,') 31 26 31 26 1() I) (,'/ 49 62 49 62 4U 21 GH 24 26 24 26 , . .. lJ D (,()

36 36 2lJ .<5 7 [ !I> Hi '/1) 10 10 10 10 7 1(; ~I 21 2) 21 2) '" 15 / -~ '-3U 36 30 36 21 -" -,' ,,' 37 A 37 34 :'9 30 74 41 41 41 ,11 2,) " -IS .J.,

24 23 ::'4 23 16 11 7,) 64 56 64 56 G:~ 'J() 'i7 26 28 26 2:) jh 1; 7f'i 31 34 31 34 20 1 ~ 7lJ 55 55 55 55 -1 22 8() 38 31 38 31 23 10 ~I 47 60 47 60 2Y -~~; 02 54 48 ~4 4B .l3 .1') Wl 98 116 98 11(; 6') 57 lS4 20 22 20 22 '9 I, 85

8 l) X l) .. l .. () 8"6

IS 19 1 S Il) .- 7 8,7,

65 ..

Page 89: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

NW'nber and Name of District-,(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Mea_- Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in~ R~sidential tion duled dilled and Serlal Name of Village/Town/ ,

Amenities Acres .. Houses' Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated Block of of Persons

HOIl- House-ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

88 Kimbok Giri R, Riv, Wb, Hos, 11 11 40 20 20 20 ::0 Nes.

89 Ujeng Giri R. S, Wb, Hos. Nes. 14 14 144 63 81 63 81 90 Dikrima Gid R, S, Wb, Has, Nes. 11 11 44 21 23 21 23 91 Rongsang Giri R, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 22 22 162 74 88 74 88 92 Chamba Giri R, Riv, Wb, Has. V, 23 23 187 94 93 94 93 Cd.

93 Damalaga Giri R, Riv, Wb, Hos, V, 12 12 52 30 22 30 22 Cd.

94 Damalapal Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Has, V, 30 30 251 140 111 140 III 2 3 Cd.

95 Nengkal Para R, P, Riv, Wb, Has, V, 22 23 184 83 101 83 101 5 2 Cd.

96 Komila Para R, P, Riv, Wb, Has, V, 16 16 78 39 39 39 39 6 Cd.

97 Singgimari R, M, Pw, Wb, Hos, 20 20 106 60 46 60 46 5 8 Cd.

98 Apal Giri R, M, Pw. Wb, Hos, 17 17 100 52 48 52 48 4 10 V,Cd.

1 99 Jeldo Para R, Pw, Wb, Nes. 39 39 159 76 83 76 83 1 100 Gora Mara R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 28 28 104 53 51 53 51 101 MangruGiri R, Pw, Wb, Nes. 19 19 74 38 36 38 36 102 Newal Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 9 9 44 23 21 23 21 103 Tikrina Dare R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 22 22 W 42 38 42 38 104 Gaora Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 15 15 64 29 35 29 35 105 Bollong Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 19 19 81 38 43 38 43 1 106 Boldam Giri R, P, Kw, Nes. 22 22 101 47 54 47 54 107 Bangeta Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 14 14 56 26 30 26 29 108 Dareng Grri R, Kw, Wb, Neg. 21 21 108 55 53 55 53 4 4 109 Rongadat Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 17 17 82 36 46 36 46 2 1 110 Gimea Giri R, P, Pw, Wb, Neg. 61 61 290 150 140 150 140 53 34 111 Nagani Para R, P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 16 16 79 42 37 42 37 9 2 Il2 Rangma Giri R, Riv, Wb, Hos, 15 15 80 38 42 38 42 2 Nes.

113 Rongrnatchok Giri R,Riv. 16 16 86 43 43 43 40 114 Takima Girl R, p, Pw, Ncs. 37 37 191 105 86 99 86 41 21 115 Cherang Giri R,Riv. 33 33 150 77 73 71 68 4 1 116 Bolona Giri R, P, Riv. 6 6 45 24 21 24 21 117 BaM Girl R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 28 28 123 61 62 61 62 118 Balujonra R, P, Kw, Wb, Has, 35 35 165 79 86 3 29 11

Nes. 119 Wadagok Giri R, Kw, Wb, Neg. 52 52 235 117 118 117 118 7 120 Katchu Giri R, Kw, Wb. Nes. 5 5 }8 8 10 8 10 121 Ncngkak Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 16 17 66 27 39 27 39 122 Ari Girl R, Pw, Wb Nes. 27 27 129 57 72 57 72 123 Rongsang Giri R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 13 13 50 24 26 24 26 124 Songjal Giri R, Kw, Nes. 15 15 90 44 46 44 46 125 Menggo Para R, Riv, Nes. S 5 21 7 14 ·7 14 126 Amok Giri R,Kw, Nes. 6 6 34 15 19 15 19 127 Diting Giri R, Kw, Nes. 8 8 :39 19 20 19 20 128 Digrang Giri R, Riv, Nes. 10 13 42 24 18 24 18 129 Ganang Gitim R, Riv, Nes. 16 17 73 36 37 29 34 130 Jongba Girl R. Riv, Nes. 14 l4 56 27 29 27 29 131 Misimanda Giri R, Riv, Nes. 18 IS 78 37 41 37 41 132 Mikka Para R, Riv, Wb. Nes. 20 20 81 45 36 45 36 133 Koehu Giri R, Pw, Wb, Nes. 22 22 98 48 50 48 50 134 Boldam Giri R, Riv. Wb. Neg. 14 15 74 41 33 41 33 135 Bartl. Bara R, S, Wh, Nes. 45 45 204 113 91 113 91 81 51


Page 90: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers NQ.


-_---------------_.-------_- -------------------:.-----------16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

14 17 14 17 6 3 88

50 54 50 54 13 27 89 18 17 18 17 3 6 90 48 60 48 60 26 28 91 64 70 64 70 30 23 92

20 14 20 14 10 8 9-3

83 79 81 79 1 57 32 94

61 74 60 73 1 1 22 27 95

25 22 25 '22 14 17 %

42 30 42 30 18 16 97

32 37 32 37 20 11 98

45 54 45 53 1 31 29 !t9 39 32 39 32 14 19 100 23 19 23 19 15 17 101 12 15 12 15 11 6 102 23 25 23 25 19 13 103 18 20 18 20 11 15 104 26 26 26 26 12 17 105 35 30 35 30 12 24 106 16 15 16 15 .. 10 15 107 32 32 25 31 7 23 2l 108 19 24 18 24 1 17 22 109 88 83 81 83 7 62 57 110 21 24 21 24 21 13 111 20 27 ~O 27 18 15 112

18 25 18 25 .. 15 18 113 53 49 42 49 7 3 1 52 37 114 38 40 33 36 1 -4 -4 39 33 115 16 12 16 12 S 9 116 44 62 44 62 .. .. 17 117 47 53 44 28 3 25 32 33 118

78 82 78 82 39 36 119 6 10 6 10 2 126

19 27 19 27 8 12 121 37 43 37 43 26 29 122 17 19 17 19 7 7 123 26 30 26 30 18 16 124

6 10 6 10 1 4 125 11 12 11 12 -4 7 126 11 15 11 15 8 5 127 17 14 17 14 7 4 128 23 27 17 25 6 2 13 10 129 17 22 17 22 10 7 130 23 29 23 29 14 12 131 29 31 29 31 Hi 5 132 35 32 35 32 13 18 133 24 20 24 20 17 13 134 45 48 41 48 2 2 6S 43 135


Page 91: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of Distrkt-('5) GANO HlLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

A.lea OccupIed Total Popula- Sehc- Sehe- Literate ,iIil Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town; AIt1.enities .Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-.No. Ward/Enumerator'~ No. No. eated

Bloc], of of Persons Hou- House-ses holds

p ~1 F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ') 10 11 12 13 14 15

136 Tairong Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 15 15 60 26 34 26 34 1 . 137 Bajamara R, Kw, Ne<:. 12 12 56 2. 30 n 28 1 138 Bajamara Kasmatir R. Kw, \Vb, Nes. 7 7 36 20 16 20 16 3 139 Maraka Para R, Kw, \Vb, Nes. 4 4, 20 12 8 12 8 140 Melagre R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Nc~. }O to 47 21 26 21 26 141 Sinda Para R, Riv, \Vb, Nes. 17 I7 92 51 41 51 41 142 Wanok Giri R, Riv, Wb, Ne.'. 7 7 34 15 ]1) 15 19 143 Jari Gin R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 14 14 61 34 27 34 27 144 RongmaGiri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 12 12 49 25 24 25 24 145 Bolbok Gir§ R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 27 27 121 56 65 56 65 3 146 Rongsa Giri R, Riv, Wb, Ncs. 9 ') 48 24 24 24 24 147 Seka Para R, ;Riv, Nes. 16 16 85 47 38 47 38 148 Arong Ciri R, Riv, Wb, Ne,. 8 8 41 14 27 14 27 149 .Rongma Ciri R, Riv, Wb. 36 36 174 '1;7 87 87 87 150 Mangchim-Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. S S 26 14 12 14 12 151 Ba]ong-Gj~i R, Riv, Wb, ~e$. 9 ') 44 27 17 27 17 4 1 152 Sasat-Giri R, P, S, Wb, Nes. 46 46 238 135 103 135 103 45 26 153 Kasi-Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, ~\:-~. 7 7 56 28 28 28 28 154 Olatchinang Gil i 13 13 52 .2S .., ~i 28 24 9 6 _ ...

155 Rongbandik Girt R, Riv, \Vb, Nes. 6 () 30 15 I5 15 15 1St; Dadong Gui R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 11 11 43 19 24 19 24 157 Chisak Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 17 17 74 35 39 35 39 15S Batra Oid ]{, Riv, Wb, Hos, ;\les. 5 5 22 10 12 10 12 159 Chisak Grigitim R, Riv, Nes. 5 5 23 10 13 10 13 160 Mekamak Giri R, Riv, Wh, -;\res. 10 II) 53 24 29 24 29 ]61 Tingnlang Gin R, Riv, Nes. 2\) ~9 I'll 6S 73 62 64 162 Sarnpal-Giri R, Riv, Nes, 26 26 t09 55 54 55 54 163 Rongchu-Giri R, Tk, Wb, Cd. 39 39 170 84 86 78 82 7 5 164 ROllgnabali G,,-j R, Riv, Cd .. II 11 49 17 32 17 32 165 Rambat-Oiri R, Riv, Vvb, Hos, Nes. 19 19 99 49 50 49 50 16G Kalsing-GirJ R, Riv, Wb, Hos., Nl's. 16 16 81 47 34 4] 31 6 2 167 Toma-Oil'.i R, lR.iv, Wb, Neo:. 19 19 84 47 :'J,7 35 28 10 1 16B jen:5jan:;:~Giy, R, Riy, \Vb, Ne;s. ]6 JI> 73 38 35 38 35 169 Roxt\-Gid R, P, Riv, \)\/b, Nc". 54 50 270 J44 ] 21) 144 120 170. Rom 01lSii Gid Ft, Riv, \Vb, Nee. -" 24 lIt. 65 51 65 5) -,-",

171 Chigit Cbak Girj R, Riv, 'I,vb, Ho:s, 1\"1".". 20 :0 71t! 41 35 41 35 172 J,ta ~ang-Gi;ri R, Riv, \Vb, Ne,~. :1) =~') Il7 61 5if1 61 56 173 R8.ha~g gang~jl CD~Y'i R, Riv, 'lIb. S 5 25 12 13 12 13 174 Bangsidua R, P. Kw, Wb, Ho<. 63 65 338 195 143 177 134 101 73 1]5 Bangrane; Giri R P, Riv. Wh, Hos, 50 50 290 i51 139 151 139 14 6 176(21) Chambak Para g ]"' 70 34 3() 34 36 1 "'" J.76(b) Apal Girl 45 45 168 84 8.t 84 84 5 176(c) Renachi Gir; R, Riv, Wt'. 49 50 254 125 129 125 129 1 1 177 Aigiri R,P. Rh. 45 45 193 96 97 96 97 7 1 173 Abok Gid H.,Riv. 40 40 154 84 7() 84 70 1 179 'Vlenggotchi Gir; R,Rh. 22 22 80 37 43 37 43 !flO Nenachon Giri R,Riv. 27 27 115 52 63 52 63 2 181 Mangga Giri R,P,Riv. 35 35 149 72 77 n 77 5 2 182 Teksra Giri R, P, Riv, Nes. 53 53 229 131 9S 125 96 23 6 183 Chikasin Giri R, P. Riv, Nes. 30 30 145 74 71 63 65 5 184 Diti Giri R. M, Riv, Wb, D, 11 11 87 34 53 34 53 5 2

Ncs. 185 Jongdik Giri R, P, Riv, Nes. 13 13 56 29 27 29 27 lE6 Dolong Giri R, p. S, Ncs. 63 63 273 146 127 141 124 2 8 1.87 Sihsek Oiri R,Riv. 26 26 104 53 51 53 51 1 3 188 . Gindopara R, P, Rh . 60 60 294 135 . 159 135 129 8 8 189 Rencha Gi:rj R,Riv. 27 27 124 64 60 64 60 1,)1) DflTikOi,i R, P, Ri"i. 23 23 103 50 53 50 53 9 3


Page 92: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



WORKERS ----------------------


Total workers Non- SI. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

19 18 19 18 .. 7 16 136 16 20 16 ~O 10 10 137 10 12 10 12 10 4 138 8 4 8 4 4 4 139

14 16 14 16 7 10 140 39 30 39 30 12 11 141 12 12 12 12 3 7 142 21 15 21 15 13 12 143 18 16 18 16 7 8 144 37 43 37 43 19 22 1'15 13 13 13 13 11 11 146 28 22 28 22 ]9 ]6 147 10 16 10 16 4 11 148 54 6(, 54 66 33 21 149 11 10 11 10 3 2 150 17 13 17 13 .. 10 4 151 74 65 72 65 .. 2 61 38 152 20 18 9 JO 11 8 8 10 153 18 19 ]8 19 10 5 154 10 9 10 9 5 6 155 11 13 II 13 I) 11 156 25 24 25 24 10 15 b7

7 10 7 13 3 2 158 6 8 6 8 4 5 159

16 16 16 16 8 13 160 42 3-) 37 35 5 4 26 34 161 36 36 36 36 .. 19 18 162 46 44 38 42 2 2 • 6 38 42 163 14 ]7 14 17 3 15 164 31 26 .31 26 18 24 165 24 23 18 20 6 3 23 11 166 25 23 15 17 6 6 3 1 22 14 167 27 25 27 25 11 10 168 71 72 70 72 73 54 169 36 32 36 . 32 29 19 170 24 25 24 25 17 10 171 39 29 39 29 22 27 172 8 4 8 4 .. .. . . 4 9 173

83 78 61 . 5 1 2 3 1 2 14 2 112 65 174 68 81 68 81 83 58 175 23 22 23 22 11 14 176a 50 55 50 55 34 29 176b 79 77 79 77 46 52 176c 50 57 49 57 1 46 40 J77 45 46 45 46 39 24 178 22 28 22 2H 15 15 179 33 39 33 39 19 24 180 42 48 41 48 .. . . 30 29 181 83 64 77 63 5 1 48 34 182 49 45 41 42 8 3 25 26 163 24 31 24 31 10 22 184

20 15 20 15 9 12 185 78 63 77 63 1 68 64 ]86 32 34 32 34 21 17 187 72 82 72 82 63 77 188 40 38 40 38 24 22 189 34 33 34 33 16 20 190


Page 93: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

NUmber and Name of Distrlet-(g) GAit(:) HILtS V1LLAGE Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sehe- Sehe- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town! Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

191 Songgital Giri R, Riv. 28 28 133 58 75 52 71 5 3 192 Water Giri R,P, Riv. 60 60 284 140 144 131 121 1 9 193 Anon Giri R, P, Riv, Hos, Nes. 54 58 234 118 116 118 116 5 4 194 Rongdena Giri R, P, Riv. Nes. 32 32 137 66 71 64 70 5 2 195 Ading Giri R, P, Riv. 94 94 496 267 229 254 177 196 Kama Giri R, Riv. 87 87 377 199 178 191 175 197 Ronmasu Giri R,Riv. 20 21 109 58 51 58 51 11 6 198 Dipu Giri Riv. 26 27 117 50 67 50 67 13 8 199 Baljeck Giri P,Riv. 42 42 245 124 121 124 121 44 28 200 Baljeck Giri Song'ma R,P.Riv. 28 28 127 66 61 57 60 29 12 201 Mandari Giri R,Riv 13 13 58 29 29 29 29 3 3 202 Chaenggal Giri R, Riv. 14 14 65 31 34 31 34 4 1 203 Rongkon Giri R,Riv. 25 25 100 52 48 52 48 4 5 204 Dagal Rongkheng R, Riv. 17 17 80 38 42 38 42 4 1 205 Arvakapal Giri R,P,Riv. 36 36 175 93 82 93 82 19 6 206 Bokbek Giri R,P,Riv. 40 40 202 110 92 101 85 22 5 207 Gokgol Giri R, P, Riv, Nes. 51 51 233 124 109 119 106 35 9 208 Kilmaoam Giri 24 24 90 39 51 39 51 1 209 Rongop Giri R, Riv. 37 37 159 75 84 75 84 1 210 Ading-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 4 4 14 8 6 8 6 211 ' Aminggak Giri R. Riv, Cd. 19 19 96 45 51 34 40 3 1 212 Chibong-Giri R, Riv, Wh, Cd. 38 38 175 92 83 92 83 7 213 Daja Giri R,Riv, Cd. 16 16 79 41 38 34 30 214 Dakram Giri R,Riv, Cd. Enumerated with village No. 213 215 Duehing Giri R, Riv, Cd. 7 7 37 19 18 19 18 216 Mongal-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 22 22 90 40 ~Q 40 50 217 Ampang Giri R, Riv, Wh, Cd. 34 34 178 87 91 87 91 218 Asak Giri R, Riv. Wb, Cd. 9 9 43 20 23 20 23 219 Domidik Saka Giri R,Riv, Cd. IS 15 75 36 39 31 37 4 220 Dumidikkama Giri R, Riv, Cd. 29 29 123 56 67 56 67 221 Maraka Para R, P, Riv, Cd. 30 30 142 72 70 72 70 10 4 222 Bugakolgiri R, Riv, Cd. 5 5 22 10 12 10 12 223 Balupara R,Riv, Cd. 41 41 191 89 102 89 102 15 5 224 Chibok Giri R,Riv, Cd. 7 7 32 12 20 12 20 5 7 225 Danak Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 15 15 44 25 29 25 29 2 4 226 AsimGiri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 6 6 26 13 13 13 13 227 Megong Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 18 18 79 36 43 31 42 10 6 228 Sadalpara R, Riv, Nes. 61 68 341 173 168 156 161 2 229 Gambari Giri R, Riv, Nes. 35 35 129 60 69 57 67 230 Urang Giri R, P, Riv, Nes. 29 31 127 62 65 50 52 1 1 231 Monda Giri R, Riv, Nes. 11 11 42 21 21 21 21 232 Balma Giri R, Riv, Nes. 20 21 90 42 48 42 48 233 Arang Giri R, Riv, Nes. 9 9 43 20 23 20 23 234 Chidik Giri R, Riv, Nes. 22 24 95 51 44 51 44 235 Srop Giri R, Riv, Cd. 20 20 89 50 39 35 22 5 236 Srop-Adingiri R,Rlv,Cd. 21 21 98 S3 45 53 35 237 Dachigiri R, Riv, Cd. 4 4 21 12 9 12 9 238 Ronje Giri R,Riv, Cd. 4 4 16 8 8 8 8 239 Angkoll Giri R, Riv, Cd. 9 9 37 15 22 15 ]2 240 Dodonang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 8 8 37 15 22 15 12 1 241 Wakanta Giri R, Riv, Cd. 3 3 11 4 7 4 7 242 Senari Achik Giri R,Riv, Cd. 5 5 22 9 13 9 13 243 Darang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 8 8 35 19 16 19 16 1 244 Sora Giri R, Riv, Cd. 17 17 98 44 54 44 44 12 3 245 Dopanang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 9 9 49 31 18 31 18 3 246 Galwang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 27 27 134 59 75 53 69 247 Cherang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 20 21 93 50 43 40 43 3 248 Rangwalkam Giri R, Riv, Cd. 9 9 37 24 13 24 13


Page 94: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


MAUZA (III)· . .



Total-workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

37 44 35 42 2 2 21 31 191 82 81 73 78 9 3 58 63 192 79 76 78 76 39 40 193 47 43 44 42 2 1 19 28 194

179 142 175 142 4 88 87 195 155 136 149 136 6 44 42 196

33 34 33 34 25 17 197 34 42 34 42 16 25 198 75 73 74 73 49 48 199 44 39 37 38 6 22 22 200 21 17 21 17 Il 12 201 22 20 22 20 9 14 202 34 31 34 31 18 17 203 25 26 25 26 13 16 204 67 54 66 :-4 26 28 205 70 58 63 54 7 4 40 34 :'06 76 67 69 65 3 2 .. 4 48 42 207 34 32 34 32 5 19 28 54 58 54 58 21 26 209 6 5 6 5 .. 2 1 210

31 31 22 27 9 4 14 20 211 58 57 58 57 34 26 212 24 20 17 16 7 4 17 18 213

214 12 12 12 12 7 6 215 28 33 28 33 12 17 216 52 51 52 51 35 40 217 12 13 12 13 8 10 218 26 20 22 ,9 3 10 19 219 35 47 35 47 .. 21 20 220 47 45 43 43 3 2 1 25 25 221 7 6 7 6 3 6 222

52 58 48 56 4 2 37 44 223 8 12 8 12 4 8 224

18 23 18 23 7 6 225 9 8 9 8 4 5 226

22 26 18 25 4 1 14 17 227 115 110 108 110 7 58 58 228 44 45 39 45 5 16 24 229 45 33 37 33 7 17 32 230 13 13 13 13 8 8 231 25 27 25 27 17 21 232 9 16 9 16 11 7 233

28 32 28 32 23 12 234 30 25 20 22 10 3 20 14 235 31 32 31 32 22 13 236 6 6 6 6 6 3 237 4 5 4 5 4 3 238 9 11 9 11 6 11 239 9 II 9 11 6 11 240 1 5 1 5 3 2 241 6 8 6 8 3 5 242 9 10 9 10 10 6 243

IS' 32 18 32 26 22 244 16 15 16 15 15 3 245 34 45 31 41 3 4 25 30 246 31 26 31 26 19 17 247 14 11 14 11 10 2 2M!


Page 95: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No.~ NO:- cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House

ses holds ----------------------P M F M F M F M F

---------------------------------------------- -----------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS

249 Nokat Giri R, Riv, Cd. 5 5 27 15 12 15 12 250 Pagu Giri 1<, Riv, Cd. 15 15 68 29 39 29 39 1 251 Dalma Giri R, Riv, Cd. 1') 19 90 42 48 42 48 252 Rongbak Giri R, Riv, Cd. 48 48 241 122 119 110 117 253 Kalak Giri R, Riv, Cd. 13 13 56 25 31 25 31 254 Bangda Giri R, RIV, Cd. 15 15 60 31 29 31 29 3 255 Damjong Giri R, Riv, Cd. 10 10 46 21 25 21 25 256 Dipo Giri R, Riv, Cd. 21 21 84 44 40 34 40 . i 257 Waram Giri R, Riv, Cd. 27 27 132 67 65 57 6:5 258 Ampang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 27 27 136 72 64 62 64 259 Asim Giri R, P, Riv, Nes. 78 7') 323 159 164 147 ISS 15 10 260 Tea Rong Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 61 61 271 129 142 120 135 11 6 261 Darechik Giri R, Riv, Nes. 10 10 46 22 24 22 24 262 Sanc Hong Giri R, Riv, Nes. 15 15 75 31 44 31 44 263 Chibra Giri R, Riv, Cd. 61 61 294 153 141 134 134 6 1 264 Ganol Giri R, Riv, Wb. Cd. 32 33 164 88 76 73 75 2 265 Alagiri R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 50 50 190 98 92 87 ~5 9 1 266 Chibasal Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 17 17 65 35 30 21 29 267 Jendra Giri R, Riv Wb, Cd. 32 32 122 59 63 49 55 12 7 268 Digrang Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 31 31 128 74 54 54 54 6 4 269 Rong Ram Bazar R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 25 25 212 132 80 24 27 75 6 270 Danang Songgilcham 45 45 216 105 111 lUO 108 5 2 271 Danang Giri Songma R. P, Riv. 84 84 375 188 187 182 182 12 3 272 Kosi Giri R,Riv. 10 10 51 27 24 27 24 273 Dalang Giri R, Riv. 40 40 147 75 72 75 72 1 274 DarO Giri R,Riv. 20 20 103 52 51 46 48 2 275 Rengsen Giri R,Riv. 53 53 265 121 144 1.2 141 2 1 276 Selbal Giri R, Riv, Wb. 57 59 286 129 157 129 I~J 4 1 277 Misima Giri R,Riv. 25 25 113 66 47 :'8 4 278 Nokat-Giri R, Riv. 13 13 65 39 :6 39 26 12 5 279 Matchru Giri R, P, Riv. 10 11 44 21 23 21 23 5 2 280 Asinang Giri R,Riv. 38 43 158 93 65 93 65 58 16 281 Rong Sang Giri R,Riv. 53 53 227 113 114 105 113 13 4 282 Jengjal Giri R,Riv. 11 11 41 16 25 16 25 283 Megap Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 18 18 88 46 42 46 42 10 8 284 Dopanang Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 15 15 75 39 36 39 36 10 3 285 Chick Giri R, P, Riv. Wb. 35 35 ITl 97 1)0 97 80 14 33 286 Bawe Giri R, P, Riv, D, Cd. 32 32 123 58 65 55 64 II 14 287 Songgital Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 28 28 130 74 56 74 56 10 3 288 Marak Giri R, P,Riv. 19 19 74 41 33 41 33 2 5 289 Dllwang Giri R,Riv. 28 28 142 70 72 64 71 12 9 290 Jabret Giri R,Riv. 20 20 103 50 53 50 53 291 Nokat Gin R,Riv. 17 17 89 42 47 42 47 292 Marak Giri R, P, Riv. 25 25 99 48 51 48 51 11 15 293 Donsima Giri R,Riv, V. IS 15 73 37 36 37 36 12 5 294 Choka Giri R,Riv. 18 18 92 44 48 44 48 295 Timbo Giri R,P, Riv. 27 27 133 68 65 65 6~ 7 .9 296 Romba Giri R. P, Riv, Wb. 47 47 213 115 98 ]11 96 46 27 297 Romb Ading Giri R,H, Riv. 49 49 276 141 135 135 132 32 19 298 Chaddi Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 35 35 160 79 81 68 71 2\ 17 299 Bibra Giri R, P, Riv. 24 24 116 52 64 47 60 8 6 300 Larakalak Giri R, P, Riv. 31 31 163 82 81 82 81 15 15 301 Balangding Giri R, P, Riv. 13 13 55 30 25 30 25 14 6 302 Sakal Giri R,P, Riv. 8 8 45 25 20 25 20 6 2 303 Sasat Giri R,P,Riv. 22 '22 133 63 70 (,3 70 11 2 304 Chiwate Giri R,P, Riv. 14 14 73 31 42 31 42 11 10 305 Sil Sotchi Giri R, P, Riv II 11 51 31 20 31 20 g 1 306 Romha Ading Giri R, P, Riv. 5 5 35 18 17 15 16 6 6


Page 96: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

9 5 9 5 6 7 249 18 22 18 22 11 17 250 24 34 24 34 18 14 251 98 96 96 94 2 2 24 23 252 17 21 17 21 8 10 253 24 20 24 20 7 9 254 14 18 14 18 7 7 255 29 30 29 30 15 10 256 49 53 49 : 3 18 12 257 52 50 52 50 20 14 258

111 112 99 112 12 . . .. 48 52 259 88 92 67 87 8 5 13 41 50 260 17 15 17 15 5 9 261 26 30 26 30 5 14 262 93 95 88 95 5 60 46 263 54 50 49 49 1 1 4 .. 34 26 264 68 61 58 56 9 5 1 30 31 265 22 20 18 19 4 1 13 10 266 33 36 31 34 2 2 .. 26 27 267 40 40 38 40 I I 34 14 268 78 7 3 5 6 1 4 41 23 54 73 269 82 78 78 75 4 3 23 33 270

132 133 125 128 6 5 1 56 54 271 . 22 18 22 18 5 6 272 56 54 56 54 19 18 273 39 36 32 35 7 1 13 15 274 82 96 78 93 4 3 39 48 275 93 108 93 108 36 49 276 47 34 40 31 7 3 19 13 277 22 16 22 16 17 10 278 15 18 15 18

" 6 5 279 47 31 39 29 8 2 46 34 280 84 77 74 74 10 3 29 37 281 11 22 11 22 5 3 282 31 25 31 25 15 17 283 21 22 21 22 .. 18 14 284 45 45 44 45 " 1 52 35 285 42 41 39 40 1 3 16 24 286 39 42 38 42 1 35 14 287 23 22 23 22 18 11 288 46 45 46 45 24 27 289 30 37 30 27 20 16 290 24 27 24- 27 18 20 291 32 33 32 33 16 18 292 20 19 20 19 17 17 293 29 27 29 27 15 21 294 44 42 40 41 3 1 1 .. 24 23 295 64 60 60 59 .. 4 1 51 38 296 81 78 76 75 4 3 1 60 57 297 50 47 40 42 9 5 1 29 34 298 36 55 31 51 5 4 16 9 399 51 49 51 49 31 32 300 19 18 19 18 11 7 301 11 13 11 13 14 7 302 39 43 39 43 24 27 303 17 24 16 24 14 18 304 19 16 19 16 12 4 305 8 6 7 5 1 1 10 11 306


Page 97: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza:

Area Occupied in Residential Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses tion duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's ~. No.- Castes Tribes Edu-

Block of of cated Hou- House- Persons

ses holds


------="'"-------------------------------- ------_ .... -----------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

307 Rong Rang Nokat Giri 6 6 33 20 13 20 13 8 1 308 Waribox Giri R,P,Riv. 36 36 17J 84 86 76 74 19 7 309 Saming Giri Riv. 38 38 157 79 78 66 61 4 310 Mru Giri Riv. 24 24 125 65 60 65 50 311 Ringge Giri R,Riv. 54 54 250 113 137 107 107 312 Bolbok Giri R, P, Riv. 39 39 146 75 71 69 59 25 12 313 Warisep Girl R, P, Riv. Cd. 23 23 112 54 58 50 35 4 314 Songmaboldam Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 27 27 105 56 49 46 49 10 6 315 Digrang Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 11 11 45 17 28 17 18 6 316 Rongbrak Giri R, Riv, Cd. 27 27 103 50 53 46 41 1 317 Saringre R, Riv, Cd. 11 11 63 31 32 31 32 318 Wakringtong Giri R, Riv. Cd. 1 I II 60 29 31 29 21 319 Rongpot Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 11 11 87 45 42 38 29 6 7 320 Gondeng Giri P.Riv. 50 52 265 136 129 124 II6 26 9 321 Chidek-Giri Riv. II 13 76 40 36 40 36 322 Agal-Giri P, Riv. 33 38 138 72 (it) 72 66 12 4 323 Agura-Giri P, Riv, Wb. 54 56 276 147 129 147 129 32 5 324 Nengkal Giri Riv. 3 3 44 19 25 19 25 325 Sate-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 26 26 113 56 57 56 57 2 1 326 Dadeng Songma R, P, Riv, Wh, Cd. 112 112 538 269 269 248 253 56 30 327 Dadeng Songmair Cham R, p, Riv, Wh, Cd. 21 21 198 99 99 99 99 3 328 Dilsi-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 33 33 157 88 69 88 69 129 Asim-Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 19 19 93 45 48 45 48 330 Gimbil-Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 16 16 84 44 4) 44 40 331 Kantang Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 15 15 68 32 36 32 36 332 Reeo-Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 32 32 139 75 64 74 63 3 333 Diringga Giri R, Riv, Cd. 11 11 89 49 40 49 40 334 Dabi-Giri R, p, Riv, Cd. 13 13 205 107 98 107 98 14 3 335 Boldak Giri Song Cheham 16 16 7I 33 38 33 38 336 Boldak Giri R, P, S, Cd. 15 15 115 52 63 52 63 337 Songma Rang Song Gitcham No PopuiaLon 338 Damal-Giri R, P, Kw, Cd. 10 11 96 56 40 56 40 17 4 339 Cham-Para 17 17 127 69 58 69 58 1 340 Dona-ParI R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 6 6 32 11 21 11 21 341 Doldeng-Gre R, Riv, Cd. 12 12 64 33 31 33 31 342 Tenang Gre R, Riv, Cd. 16 16 74 34 40 34 40 343 Chiran Songma Giri R, Riv, Cd. 13 13 116 54 62 54 62 344 Najak-Giri R, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 15 15 86 41 45 41 45 2 345 Wankolagre R, Riv, Wb, D. Cd. 19 19 92 46 46 39 36 1 346 Kangkarong Giri R, Kw, Wb, Cd. 16 16 85 43 42 43 42 347 Daras Inggre R, Kw, Wh, D, Cd. 8 8 38 18 20 18 20 348 Janjalagre R, Riv, Wh, D, Cd. 5 5 26 13 13 13 13 349 Chanang Para R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 12 12 61 32 29 32 29 350 Rongkonare R, Kw, Wh, Cd. 21 21 101 41 60 41 60 351 Balmagiri R, Riv,Cd. 9 9 43 22 21 22 21 352 Tepatanggre R, P, Riv, Cd. 30 30 112 45 67 45 67 353 Magal-Para R, P, Riv, Cd. 54 54 253 132 121 132 121 2 354 Teks-Ragiri R, Riv, Wh, Cd. 14 14 64 32 32 29 31 355 Jangra-Para R, Riv, Cd. 27 27 144 63 81 63 81 356 Bikong Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 52 52 245 113 132 113 132 19 11 357 Duri-Giri R,Riv, Cd. Merged with village No. 361 358 Galwang-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 23 23 94 46 48 46 48 35~ Chisik Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 16 16 85 41 44 41 44 360 Chinaring-Giri R, Riv, Cd. 7 7 26 13 13 13 13 361 Doragiri R, Rv, Cd. 17 17 75 42 33 42 33 362 Tojongre R, Riv, Cd. 7 7 40 18 22 18 22 363 Ringri R, Riv, Cd. 21 25 116 59 57 59 57 364 BoldakGiri R, Riv.Cd. 27 29 136 70 66 70 66


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Total workers Non- S1. (I-IX) workers NQ.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

10 8 10 8 10 5 307 51 48 41 45 6 3 4 33 38 308 54 56 41 49 13 7 25 22 309 32 36 32 36 33 24 3H) 81 90 77 90 4 .. 32 47 311 52 49 46 47 4 2 2 23 22 312 40 41 34 38 5 3 1 14 17 313 35 38 34 38 1 21 11 314 11 15 11 15 6 13 315 35 43 31 41 4 2 15 10 316 21 21 21 21 H) 11 3J7 20 14 20 14 .. 9 17 318 28 22 22 20 5 2 1 17 20 319 81 85 70 77 10 7 1 1 55 44 320 25 26 25 26 15 10 321 44 48 43 48 J 28 18 322 84 75 83 75 1 63 54 323 12 17 12 17 7 8 324 41 36 41 36 15 21 325

182 168 167 158 15 9 1 87 101 326 62 61 t2 61 37 38 327 48 47 48 47 40 22 328 28 31 28 31 17 17 329 31 25 31 25 13 15 330 27 22 27 22 5 14 331 52 41 49 40 3 23 23 332 29 25 29 25 20 15 333 65 57 65 57 42 41 334 23 19 23 19 10 19 335 29 42 29 42 23 21 336

337 30 26 30 26 26 14 338 41 37 41 37 28 21 339

6 11 Ii 11 5 10 340 17 14 17 14 16 17 341 22 23 22 23 12 17 342 36 35 36 35 18 27 343 24 29 24 29 17 16 344 25 24 25 24 21 22 345 23 23 23 23 20 19 346 11 12 11 12 7 8 347 9 8 9 8 4 5 348

19 18 19 18 13 11 349 25 33 25 33 16 27 350 14 14 14 14 8 7 351 38 43 38 43 7 24 352 81 83 81 83 51 38 353 28 23 25 22 3 4 9 354 45 53 45 53 18 28 355 75 89 75 89 38 43 356

357 34 32 34 32 12 16 358 31 32 31 32 10 II 359 9 8 9 8 4 5 360

25 24 25 24 17 9 361 10 14 10 14 8 8 362 38 37 38 37 21 20 363 44 55 44 55 26 11 364


Page 99: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GAttO HILLS VILLAG£

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Area Residential Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate

in Houses tion duled duled and Serial Name of Village/Town! Amenities Acres ~NO:- Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's' of of cated

Block Hou-House- Persons ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

365 Ronacchandal Giri R, Riv, Cd. 10 10 52 25 27 25 27 366 Dodang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 31 33 123 65 58 56 52 3 367 Chabwaong Giri R,Riv, Cd. 11 11 46 29 17 29 17 368 Sotamareng Gre R, Riv, Cd. 37 37 185 94 91 84 83 2 369 Rangsagre R, Riv, Cd. 39 39 172 78 94 78 94 370 Dogal Giri R, Riv, Cd. 28 28 142 72 70 72 70 371 . Rondupara R, P, Riv, Cd. 59 59 273 135 138 129 138 14 2 372 Dimakglri R. Riv, Cd. 21 21 105 47 58 47 :8 373 Dajagiri R. P, Riv, Cd. 35 35 161 75 86 75 86 21 2 374 Chiran Gonggitcham R,Riv, Cd. 20 20 120 63 57 63 57 375 Chambalgre R, Riv, Cd. 12 12 186 92 94 92 94 2 376 Alokdia Giri R, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 30 30 152 71 81 7I 81 5 377 Sakmrong Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 13 13 64 35 29 35 29 1 378 Nalsamorong Giri R, Riv, D, V, Cd. 4 4 16 10 6 10 6 379 Kamamorong Giri R, Riv, Wh, V, Cd. 24 24 118 57 61 57 61 1 380 Magu-Para R, Riv, Cd. 16 16 76 43 33 35 29 2 381 Rongsep Giri R, Riv, Cd. 53 53 2iO 137 133 127 130 1 382 Aruak Nikat Girl R, Riv, D, V, Cd. 25 25 109 55 54 55 54 1 383 Sakalak Giri R,Riv, Wb. 8 8 49 23 26 23 26 384 Jamgongda Giri R. P, Riv. 22 22 110 57 53 57 53 11 385 Jamgonda Nokatgre R, Riv, Wb, D. 25 25 93 44 49 44 49 386 Jamgonda Kinde Giri No Population 387 Bawalgre R, Riv, Wh, Nes. 5 5 26 12 14 12 14 3 388 JengrHgre R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 20 20 75 35 40 35 40 1 389 Dilgi Giri R,Riv, Wh. 20 20 80 39 41 39 41 390 Angkerongdik Giri R,Riv. 33 34 148 76 72 74 72 1 391 AndaUki Girl R, RIv. 29 30 109 55 54 55 54 392 Kashi Dam Giri R,Riv. 19 21 90 47 43 47 43 1 393 Rongmak Gid R, Riv. 36 39 161 85 76 85 76 1 394 Neng Baparll R, &iv. 24 25 93 42 51 42 51 395 To,inpara R, &iv, 65 65 263 128 135 125 134 7 396 Vring Girl R.Riv. 10 10 51 24 27 24 27 397 Ajru Girl R, Riv. 12 12 54 27 27 25 25 6 398 Chinalim Giri R, &lv. 17 17 64 32 32 32 32 5 399 Bolchu Gid R, Riv, Nes. 35 35 168 83 85 80 80 2 400 Reng>in para R, Riv, D, Nes. 33 33 140 73 67 64 63 2 401 Megongachik Girl R, Rjv, Wb, D, Nes. 10 10 42 17 25 17 25 402 Monga Para R,Riv, Nes. ·34 34 149 76 73 76 73 4 403 Dandare Giri R, Riv, Cd. 25 25 120 58 62 53 .W 1 404 Kakunang Giri R, Riv, Wh. 13 13 70 31 39 31 39 405 Chisik-Giri R,Riv, Wh. 35 35 183 86 97 86 97 406 Chibol GIri R, Riv, Wh. 12 12 54 28 26 28 26 407 Dobokjakol Giri R. Riv. 30 30 146 66 80 66 80 408 Romba-Giri R,Riv, Wb. 60 60 298 139 159 139 159 2 409 Dottrong Giri R. Riv. Wh. 31 33 156 79 77 79 77 410 Kongra Para R, p. Riv. Cd. 34 34 177 90 87 90 87 1 411 Pedaldoba (Garo) R, p. Riv, Db, V, Nes. 49 49 227 111 116 111 116 30 19 412 Bol Bat Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 39 39 166 87 79 87 79 7 413 R angtap Giri R, Riv, Cd. 13 13 54 28 26 28 26 2 414 Dalchang Kona R, P, Riv, Cd. 30 30 151 69 82 69 82 1 415 Delsrigar R, Riv, Cd. 25 25 107 52 55 52 55 416 Bondukmali 40 40 179 88 91 88 91 42 14 417 Kasreng Dap R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Cd. 16 16 83 46 37 46 37 20 8 418 Rong Mali R, M, &iv, Wb, D, V, 30 30 159 85 74 76 42 10 3

Cd. 419 Roba Giri R, Riv, Wh, Hos, Cd. 34 34 180 82 98 81 98 5 420 Jangrang Giri 28 28 J28 59 69 59 69 6 421 Galepara R, Riv, Wb, V, Cd. 30 30 135 63 72 63 72 1


Page 100: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Sl. Total workers Non- No.

(I-IX) workers


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

15 18 ]5 18 10 9 365 39 40 31 35 8 5 26 18 366 ]8 ]4 18 14 .. 11 3 367 74 69 65 63 8 6 1 20 22 368 54 60 54 60 24 34 369 41 46 41 46 31 24 370 85 90 79 85 6 5 50 48 371 35 41 35 41 12 17 372 50 54 50 54 25 32 373 34 35 34 35 29 22 374 51 59 51 59 41 35 375 39 45 39 45 32 36 376 19 16 19 16 10 13 377 4 5 4 5 6 1 378

37 41 37 41 20 20 379 22 19 18 17 4 2 21 14 380 77 72 75 71 2 1 60 61 381 37 37 37 37 18 17 382 16 12 16 12 7 14 383 31 29 31 29 26 24 383 31 36 31 36 13 13 385

386 7 7 7 7 5 7 387

:0 30 20 30 15 10 388 22 23 22 23 .. 17 18 389 40 44 38 42 2 2 36 28 390 32 36 32 36 23 18 391 31 24 31 24 16 19 3~2 48 51 48 51 37 25 393 24 30 24 30 .. 18 21 394 75 78 73 73 2 5 53 57 395 13 17 13 17 11 10 396 16 ]2 15 12 1I IS 397 19 23 19 23 13 9 398 51 43 50 43 1 .. 32 42 399 46 42 37 38 9 4 27 25 400 14 16 14 16 3 9 401 37 44 37 44 39 29 402 37 36 32 33 5 3 21 26 403 18 24 18 24 13 15 404 48 51 48 51 38 46 405 17 19 17 19 11 7 406 47 48 47 48 19 32 407 90 107 90 107 49 52 408 48 46 48 46 31 31 409 45 48 45 48 45 39 410 55 51 46 46 7 5 2 56 65 411 45 49 45 49 42 30 4F 16 16 16 16 12 10 4 3 38 43 38 43 31 39 414 33 3! 33 32 .. .. 19 23 415 42 44 27 37 11 7 4 46 47 416 20 15 12 10 7 2 3 1 26 22 417 52 43 47 40 5 3 33 31 418

49 62 48 62 1 33 36 419 35 41 32 39 3 2 24 28 420 42 42 39 40 3 2 21 30 421


Page 101: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Nurnb~r and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate iII Residential tion duIed duled and

Serial Name of Village/Townl Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

422 Rongbak-Giri 41 41 177 85 92 79 92 13 8 413 Boldam Giri R,Riv, Wb. 7 7 33 17 16 17 16 424 Dajaka Giri R, Riv, Wb. 9 9 42 19 23 19 23 425 Jeibong-Giri R, Riv, Wb. 14 14 50 30 20 30 20 426 Domesal Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 69 69 292 151 141 139 135 5 427 Among-Giri R, Riv. 49 49 195 97 98 97 9S 428 Daibeng Giri R, P, Riv, V. 35 35 154 72 82 72 82 3 429 Bajengdoba R, Edbo, M, S, Wb, 82 82 479 249 230 226 204 115 78

430 Bakengnangline Hos, V, Nes.

86 67 50 29 24 24 153 86 67 431 Bakengning R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, 43 43 234 124 110 124 110 76 55

Neo• 432 Chisim Giri R, P, Riv. 33 33 152 71 81 71 81 15 433 Chisimmacthok Giri R,Riv. 17 17 85 42 43 42 43 434 Chisimaduma Giri R,Tk. 21 21 109 59 50 59 50 435 Korebara R, P, Riv, D, Cd. 65 65 330 161 169 161 169 13 436 Mansingre R, P. Riv, Wb, Hos. 20 20 97 52 45 52 45 437 Raksamgalima Girt R, Riv, Hos. 16 16 85 46 39 46 39 ')

438 Chisimrajenggre R,Riv. 21 21 116 56 60 56 60 439 Raksam Song Magiri Riv. 34 34 113 52 61 52 51 5 440 Raksam Song Gi, i 32 34 132 67 65 67 65 441 Molaram R, Rlv. 16 16 70 36 34 36 34 442 Morongdik R,Rlv. 10 10 49 28 21 28 21 443 Theka Giri R, Riv. 15 15 58 26 32 26 22 444 Saling Giri R,Riv. 19 19 87 40 47 40 47 5 2 445 Neng Gitchak Giri R, Riv. 20 20 113 59 54 59 54 5 446 Achotchong Giri R,Riv. 20 20 114 51 63 51 63 6 447 Chisimandam Giri R, Riv, Wb. 46 46 208 107 101 96 95 2 448 Balkol Giri R, .t{iv, Cd. 24 24 108 50 58 50 58 2 449 Dengnag Giri R, Riv, 26 26 117 49 68 49 68 1 4.:00 Kagrak Giri R,Riv, 24 24 122 55 67 55 67 2 451 Chiran Giri R, P, Kw, Cd. 36 36 173 95 78 80 70 21 7 452 Dalmang Giri R,Riv, V. 32 32 172 79 93 79 93 453 Dutong Giri R,Riv, V. 36 36 209 lOS 104 105 104 2 454 Mohol GlTi R, P,Riv, V. 50 50 225 108 117 1(:8 117 2 455 Bolsong R, P, Pw, V, Cd. Enumerated with village No. 454 456 Bolong Pang Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 13 13 66 37 29 37 29 12 457 Asimgre Chichot Chong R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 9 9 46 27 19 27 19 8 2 458 Chakodan Para R, P, Riv, Wb, 28 28 147 73 74 73 74 26 J8

459 Torika (Garo) D,Cd.

131 31 23 R, 'P, Pw, Wb, D, Cd. 49 49 266 135 131 135 460 Nowalading Giri R, Riv, Wb, D. 23 23 109 57 52 57 52 461 Nokwal Rang Jolang Giri R,Riv. 20 20 110 49 61 49 61 462 Nokwal Burunggre R,Kw, Wb,D. 36 36 159 85 74 85 70 12 4 463 Barali R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 22 22 115 64 51 64 51 10 8 464 Ronga Gora Ading R,P,Kw. 70 70 342 167 175 167 170 36 25 465 Gosing Bhitta R. P, Pw, Wb, D. 47 47 227 114 113 J 14 113 29 18 466 Bong Banchigre R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 20 20 96 44 52 44 52 I 467 Datong Para R,Riv,D, V. 41 41 190 87 103 87 103 4 4 468 GotaBara R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 20 20 84 42 42 42 42 12 5 469 Raksam Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, D, 38 38 185 88 97 88 97 13 9

Nes. 470 Ronggal Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, D, 58 58 285 153 132 )53 132 22 5

Nes. 471 Jamdam Gid R, Riv, Wb, Hos. 31 31 140 75 65 75 65 9 2 472 Dabong Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 52 52 296 151 145 143 141 2 473 GondagiradaJ Giri R, P, Kw, D, V, Nes. 43 44 217 109 108 109 108 6 3 474 Gonda Giri R, Riv, Nes. 12 12 79 36 43 36 43 2


Page 102: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S}' (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

49 59 41 59 6 2 36 33 422 11 13 11 13 6 3 423 9 17 9 17 10 6 424

20 16 20 16 10 4 425 93 91 85 86 8 5 58 50 426 66 67 66 67 31 31 427 49 58 49 58 .. 23 2·1 428

128 93 77 75 29 16 6 1 3 13 1 121 137 429

52 39 50 39 2 34 28 430 70 63 69 63 1 54 47 431

47 43 47 43 24 38 432 24 21 24 21 18 22 433 31 25 31 25 " 28 25 434 92 94 89 94 2 1 69 75 435 33 32 33 32 19 13 436 33 27 33 27 13 12 437 36 40 36 40 .. 20 20 438 36 38 35 37 1 16 23 439 40 42 40 42 27 23 440 20 22 20 22 16 12 441 13 13 13 13 15 8 442 16 20 16 20 10 12 443 26 28 26 28 14 19 444 35 37 35 37 24 17 445 25 38 25 38 26 25 446 56 61 49 56 1 7 4 51 40 447 36 37 36 37 14 21 448 34 40 32 39 2 1 15 28 449 33 36 31 34 2 2 22 31 450 66 53 61 53 5 29 25 451 50 51 50 51 29 42 452 70 57 69 57 35 47 453 76 78 76 78 32 39 454

455 16 20 14 20 21 9 4 6 14 Ii 14 11 13 8 457 35 36 35 36 38 38 458

76 59 76 5~ 59 72 459 28 35 28 35 29 17 460 27 32 27 32 22 29 461 47 41 47 41 38 33 462 39 32 39 32 25 19 463

109 106 108 106 58 69 464 69 73 69 73 45 40 465 25 27 25 27 19 25 466 67 73 67 73 20 30 467 28 31 28 31 14 11 468 53 52 53 51 35 45 469

97 89 97 89 56 43 470

42 41 42 41 33 24 471 88 91 88 91 63 54 472 60 68 60 68 49 40 473 18 21 18 21 18 22 474


Page 103: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Total Popula-Area Residential Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town I Amenities in Houses tion duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's Acres N6~--NO:- Castes Tribes Edu-

Block of of cated Hou- House- Persons ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

475 Machok Giri 18 18 74 35 39 35 39 13 6 476 Asim Giri R, Kw, Wb"V, Nes. 15 15 64 26 38 26 38 477 Ringge Giri 20 20 74 35 39 35 39 478 Gedu Para (Dina Para) 27 27 135 62 73 57 65 23 4 479 Kalwa Giri R, Riv, V, Nes. 16 16 68 36 32 36 32 3 480 Tangra Para Doabak Giri R, Riv, Wb, V, Nes. 18 18 89 44 45 44 45 6 481 Jangra Para R, P, Pw, Wb, Nes. 42 42 227 114 113 110 113 31 6 482 Jangra Para Songgit Chamgre 23 23 132 63 69 63 69 2 483 Dowak Giri 16 16 110 56 54 56 54 3 484 Rongjenare 13 13 67 28 39 28 39 2 485 Kasakgre 13 13 76 36 40 36 40 3 486 Dingan Para 23 23 107 54 53 54 53 487 Tonga Para R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 24 24 141 79 62 79 62 10 11 488 Kenta Para 7 7 36 13 23 13 23 489 Natregre 38 38 322 167 155 167 155 13 3 490 Mankolagre 36 36 238 126 112 126 112 19 5 491 Cihmagre 20 20 139 73 66 62 59 9 6 492 Apal Giri R, S, Wb, Ne,. 24 24 143 70 73 70 73 6 493 Napak Giri R, Kw, V, Nes. 13 13 66 37 29 37 29 3 3 494 Dai Giri R,S, 26 26 90 44 46 44 46 1 495 Dabong Giri R, P, S. 48 49 210 104 106 96 100 19 4 596 Menggotchi Giri 20 20 71 36 35 33 34 7 4 497 Tibongre 47 47 169 77 92 77 39 4 498 Damachiga 71 71 324 172 152 172 152 61 40 499 Jongchipra R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 22 22 100 49 51 49 51 500 Angaripara R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 9 9 49 29 21 28 21 4 4 501 Asim Giri R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 14 14 70 39 31 39 31 13 12

Nes. 502 Nakat Giri 11 11 40 18 22 18 22 503 Ronipara R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 14 14 62 34 28 34 28 1 1

Nes. 504 Mandagre R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 14 14 57 31 26 31 26 505 Loskarpara R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 11 11 40 20 20 20 20 506 Chigijangre 55 55 230 126 104 126 104 12 507 Manda Kosak Giri R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 14 14 67 34 33 34 33 508 Egopara 13 13 51 24 27 24 27 509 Balasatgre 61 61 233 116 117 116 117 510 Renghi Giri 33 33 170 90 80 90 73 1


Page 104: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- SI. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

22 24 ::0 24 2 13 15 475 20 16 20 16 6 22 476 24 . 29 24 29 11 10 477 47 49 46 49 1 15 24 478 24 26 24 26 12 6 479 30 29 30 29 14 16 480 63 63 61 63 1 1 51 50 481 48 54 46 54 .. 2 15 15 482 36 34 36 34 .. 20 20 483 17 21 17 21 11 18 484 36 40 36 40 485 31 29 31 29 23 24 486 46 46 45 46 1 33 16 487 10 15 10 15 3 8 488

107 98 106 98 1 60 57 489 87 71 87 71 .. 39 41 490 43 44 33 40 9 4 1 30 22 491 43 42 43 42 27 31 492 28 17 28 17 9 12 493 27 30 27 30 17 16 494 58 57 57 57 1 46 49 495 21 24 21 24 .. 15 11 496 56 51 55 51 1 21 41 497 96 85 96 85 76 67 498 25 20 25 20 24 31 499 18 14 18 14 10 7 509 22 21 21 21 I 17 10 501

12 12 12 12 6 10 502 19 18 19 18 15 10 503

14 15 14 15 17 11 504 14 13 14 13 6 7 505 78 69 78 69 48 35 506 20 20 20 20 14 13 507 IS 15 15 15 9 12 508 62 65 62 65 .. 54 52 509 50 47 38 43 12 4 40 33 510


Page 105: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of Distriet-(S) GARO }fiLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sehe- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities (Sq. miles) Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's cated

Block No.of No.of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


VI N t- t- o ~ !:: 0 ..., ...., t- o t- ..... '" 00 00 N

g '" ~. t- oo. 0.. "'l t- '" 0.. Total N" N ..... 0 ..... <5 8' ~"

00 ..... ..... '" ('<) ...., ,., ,.,

1 Resu-Belpara R, H, S, Wb, Hos, V, 105 130 600 331 269 30} 260 274 181 Nes.

2 Resu Bakrapara R, P, S, Wb, Hos, 36 39 234 121 113 121 113 91 65 Nes.

3 Halua Para R, Kw, Wb, Hos, 30 31 157 80 77 80 77 36 29 Nes.

4 Deka Chang R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 25 25 139 70 69 70 69 41 40 Nes.

5 Daram R, P, Kw, Hos, Nes. 55 55 308 162 146 162 146 105 88 6 Daram Akakki R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 33 33 173 88 85 88 85 55 47

Nes. 7 Bangalmara R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos. 30 30 172 89 83 89 83 52 41 8 Rew Para R, Kw, Wb, Hos, 8 8 44 22 22 22 22 8 9

Nes. 9 Chibagokrong R, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 27 27 122 64 58 64 58 21 15

10 Chidaset 42 43 180 88 92 88 92 19 15 11 Mangtu R, P, S, Has, Nes. 25 25 124 67 57 67 57 28 18 12 Kantolgari R, P, S, Hos, Nes. 50 53 244 117 127 117 127 67 66 13 Dame Apal R, P, S, Wb, Hos, 37 40 178 102 76 102 76 44 33

Nes. 14 Medu Apal R, P, S, Wb, Has, 21 21 107 61 46 61 46 20 16

Nes. 15 Nengsa Apal R, P, S, Wb, Hos, 18 19 68 35 33 35 33 13 13

Nes. 16 Wak Pat R, Kw, Wb, Has, 14 14 65 35 30 35 30 13 10

Nes. 17 Chidaret Gambalgamg Aga R, S, Y, Nes. 16 16 61 28 33 28 33 18 Chidaret Apal R, P, S, D, Nes. 28 28 118 51 67 51 67 13 10 19 Doelachi Apal R, P, S, D, Nes. 18 18 90 42 48 42 48 17 11 20 Doelachi Aga R, S, D, Y, Nes. 22 22 102 56 45 56 45 13 4 21 Doelachi Oola Apal R, P, Kw, D, Nes. 29 29 144 74 70 74 70 39 36 22 Doelachi Dagal R, S, Hos, V, Nes. 15 15 49 24 25 24 25 23 Doelachi Dagal Rabha R, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 11 11 62 32 30 32 30 1 1 24 Raya Apal Sonyma R, P, S, Hos, Nes. 52 52 251 123 128 123 128 65 46 25 Mandalang Gid R, Riv, Nes. 20 20 104 53 51 47 49 26 Kantra R, P, S, V, Nes. 21 21 107 53 54 53 54 27 Rongbeng R, P, Riv, Nes. 26 26 124 58 66 58 66 28 Dalbot Nokat R,~S, Nes. 26 26 117 63 54 63 54 29 Dalbot Songma R, Riv, Nes. 64 64 318 169 149 169 149 30 Gobil Songma R, Riv, Nes. 45 45 168 82 86 82 86 31 Gobil Chondalsi R, Riv, Nes. 25 25 99 58 41 58 41 32 Rongrong Marongpara 25 25 123 61 62 61 62 9 33 Rongrong Bolsongchok 27 27 133 65 68 63 66 12 3 34 Rongrong Resagiri R, P, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 11 11 56 35 21 35 21 1 35 Rongrong Mongnalgiri R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Nes. 14 14 74 38 36 38 36 1 36 Rongrong Antidam R, P, S, Wb, Has, Nes. 11 12 44 26 18 26 18 11 37 Bengbekre R, P, Kw, Hos, V, Nes. 13 14 59 32 27 32 27 3 38 Rongrong Songgital R, P, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 20 20 90 45 45 45 45 15 19 39 Akuanggre R, P, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 14 14 68 37 31 37 31 4 1


Page 106: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

.... 8l 0- M M 1.0 1.0 ~ 1.0 M I/") .... 0- N .... .... N 0 00 0 "'" "'" 0- ..... 1.0 N ..... 00 I/") N ..... I/") 0- N N 0 ..... M ~ r-;_ 0-,- 0-,- ~. 0'0.- ::: ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

261 196 231 188 28 8 70 73 1

90 73 89 73 1 31 40 2

51 52 51 52 29 25 3

39 35 37 35 2 31 34 4

96 85 94 85 2 66 61 5 42 43 42 43 46 42 6

38 37 37 37 1 51 46 7 9 10 9 10 13 12 8

41 35 34 28 7 7 23 23 9 52 56 45 49 7 7 36 36 10 39 33 26 22 13 11 28 24 11 44 43 40 43 4 73 84 12 56 59 35 :;8 21 21 46 17 13

24 27 19 21 5 6 37 19 14

26 25 14 16 12 9 9 8 15

23 19 19 15 4 4 12 11 16

19 18 19 18 9 15 17 35 32 35 32 16 35 18 23 24 23 24 19 24 19 33 29 33 29 23 16 20 47 41 47 41 27 29 21 18 17 18 17 6 8 22 22 15 22 16 10 15 23 92 87 92 87 .. 31 41 24 30 33 30 33 23 18 25 32 31 32 31 21 .3 26 38 35 38 35 20 31 27 38 36 38 36 25 18 28

100 88 100 88 69 61 29 57 55 57 55 25 31 30 38 28 38 28 20 13 31 36 39 36 39 25 23 32 39 38 37 36 2 2 26 30 33 18 15 18 15 17 6 34 18 20 18 20 20 16 35 19 12 13 10 5 2 1 7 6 36 19 14 19 14 13 13 37 26 29 26 29 19 16 38 16 18 15 18 1 21 13 39


Page 107: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Nwnber and Name of District-(5) GARO HILlS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza ;

Occupied Residential Total Sehe- Sehe- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Houses Population duIed duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acr~s No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


1 2 ' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

40 Akuanggre Rangmagre R, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 10 10 41 22 19 22 19 41 Akuanggre Radanggre R, P, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 37 39 155 80 75 80 75 24 7 4l(a) Rongtalugre 18 18 100 51 ~9 51 49 3 41(b) Rongtalu Songgital 4 4 23 11 12 11 12 41(c) Watenanggiri 5 5 29 13 16 13 16 1 41(d) Digijegiri 14 14 71 37 34 37 34 9 42 Wagop R Riv, Hos, Cd. 34 34 163 79 84 78 83 1 1 43 DanaI Songma R, Riv,Cd. 30 30 126 66 60 66 60 44 DanaI Dasikgiri R, Riv, Nes. 30 30 127 68 59 68 59 45 Garasonggitcham R, Riv. 33 33 139 69 70 69 70 46 Garadamringgiri R, Riv, Nes. 15 15 65 39 26 39 26 47 Manda-Songgitcham R,Riv. 12 12 44 19 25 19 25 3 48 Manda Cheran R, Riv. 18 18 91 41 50 41 50 1 49 Manda Chaehat R,S. 18 18 87 47 40 47 40 1 50 Jogogiri R, Riv, Nes. 35 35 145 65 80 65 80 51 Snal R, M, Riv, Nes. 27 27 109 58 51 56 51 2 52 Bolong Gid R, Riv, Nes. 36 36 176 97 79 92 79 11 53 Dokhi R, Riv, Nes. 27 27 106 54 52 54 52 2 54 Remsotiggitcham R, Riv, Nes. 22 22 105 51 54 51 54 2S 3 S5 Remsonggital R, Riv, Nes. 19 19 111 51 60 51 60 25 3 56 Remapal R, Riv, Nes. 14 14 82 51 31 30 31 17 5 57 Remkatong Giri R, Riv, Nes. 12 12 62 36. 26 36 26 7 58 Rongrong Songgitcham R, Riv, D, Nes. 20 20 92 48 44 48 44 4 1 59 Akarok Songgitcham R, P, Riv, Nes. 29 29 119 48 71 48 71 11 1 60 Akarok Songgital R, P, Riv, Nes. 7 7 38 19 19 19 19 2 61 Akarok Akemgre R, p, Riv, Nes. 32 32 149 73 66 73 66 16 62 Akarok Mendal R, P, Riv, Nes. 26 31 109 48 EI 48 61 23 7 63 Akarok Dingrepa R, P, Kw, Nes. 23 25 120 61 59 61 59 30 17 64 Waksonengsa R, P, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 25 25 129 55 74 55 74 ·4 1 65 Waksotodamgre R, P, Riv, Nes. 24 24 111 59 52 59 52 1 1 65(a) Waksochirongban R, P, Riv, Nes. 12 12 67 31 36 31 36 4 66 Wakso Asimgre R, P, Kw, Nes. 17 19 73 42 31 42 31 9 67 Walso Achugre R, Riv, Nes. 24 24 104 50 54 50 54 1 68 Wakso Rongsepgre R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 6 6 31 16 15 16 15 7 4 68(a) Wakso Dewagitim R, Riv, Wh, D, Nes. 10 10 49 25 24 25 24 69 Berubari R, P, Kw, D, Nes. 81 81 398 208 190 208 190 88 64 70 Kosigre R, P, Kw, D, Nes. 56 56 237 106 131 106 131 65 44 71 Moamari R, P, S, D, Nes. 52 52 205 117 88 99 85 79 39 72 Dohakal R, P, Kw, D, Nes. 21 23 109 59 50 59 50 29 19 73 Mendu dam R, P, S, D, Nes. 25 2S 128 62 66 62 59 17 10 74 Chengalma R, P, Kw, D, Nes. 17 18 98 52 46 52 46 20 12 75 Megapgre R, Riv, Hos, Nes. 20 20 71 33 38 33 38 76 Songme gap R, Riv, Wb, Hos Nes. 25 25 108 49 59 49 59 18 23 77 Jongdongre R, Riv, Hos, Nes; 40 40 210 100 110 100 110 38 15 78 Rongpetchi R, P, Riv, Wb, D; V, 23 23 106 41 65 41 65 20 20

Nes. 79 Abe-Ram R, Riv, Wh, Hos, V, 10 10 56 32 24 32 24 6 3

Nes. 80 Naronghol R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 43 43 190 89 101 89 86 70 53

81 Dalbiugka V, Nes.

R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos, V, 41 41 169 85 84 85 84 32 18 Nes.

82 RongalGiri R, P, Riv, Cd. 24 24 105 47 58 47 58 18 16 83 Dopilang Giri R, Riv, Cd. 12 12 62 30 32 30 32 84 Dilsek Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 48 48 238 121 117 121 104 33 11 85 Songgitcham R, P, Riv, Nes. 29 29 131 71 60 71 60 8 1 86 Bibirak Giri R, Riv, Cd. 34 34 151 76 75 76 75 87 Kawak Giri R, Riv, Cd. 14 14 51 25 26 25 26 5


Page 108: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No


16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

11 13 11 13 11 6 40 44 44 44 44 36 31 41 33 30 33 30 18 19 41(a) 6 6 6 6 5 6 41(b) 7 9 7 9 6 7 41(c)

23 17 23 17 .. 14 17 41(d) 56 52 55 51 1 1 23 32 42 40 39 40 39 26 21 43 42 42 42 42 26 17 44 43 43 43 43 16 27 45 27 20 27 20 12 6 46 12 16 12 16 7 9 47 30 35 30 35 11 15 4& 40 32 40 32 7 8 49 48 52 48 52 17 28 50 44 34 42 34 2 14 17 51 55 50 39 50 16 42 29 52 34 38 3+ 38 20 14 53 34 28 34 28 17 26 S4 34 31 34 31 17 29 S5 38 27 17 27 21 13 4 S6 15 19 15 19 21 7 57 30 32 30 32 18 12 58 33 37 33 37 15 34 59 13 13 13 13 6 6 60 45 46 45 46 28 20 61 33 35 33 35 15 26 62 35 35 35 35 26 ~4 63 32 41 32 41 23 33 64 34 3:\ 34 34 25 18 6S 19 21 19 21 12 15 65(a) 24 19 24 19 18 12 66 26 33 26 33 24 21 67 9 8 9 8 7 7 68

16 14 16 14 9 10 68(a) 120 127 119 91 36 1 88 63 69 73 82 72 82 .. .. 1 33 49 70 79 55 43 55 1 5 1 21 8 38 33 71 38 34 37 34 1 21 16 72 42 34 42 34 20 32 73 22 23 20 21 2 2 30 23 74 23 23 23 23 10 15 75 29 27 29 27 20 32 76 68 60 68 60 32 50 77 26 26 24 26 2 15 39 78

16 14 16 14 16 10 79

47 40 47 40 42 61 80

43 42 43 42 42 42 81

34 37 34 37 13 21 82 18 23 18 23 12 9 83 66 79 63 78 3 1 55 38 84 50 4S 50 4S 21 15 8S 53 50 53 50 23 25 86 19 23 19 23 6 3 87


Page 109: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied in Residential Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Townj Amenities Acres Houses tion duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's Castes Tribes Edu-

Block No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds

p M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ---.. _- _. ---------- _- -88 Rimtang Giri R,P, Tk, Cd. 29 29 149 79 70 76 64 19 2 88(a) -Bewagiri R P, Riv, Cd. 33 33 165 79 86 73 76 15 3 89 Suehil Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 31 31 156 77 79 77 79 11 3 90 Thapa Agitehap R, P, Kw, Nes. 46 48 258 135 123 135 123 116 60 91 Chisi Onari R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos, 57 58 285 167 118 167 118 30 11

Cd. 92 Damringgiri R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos,

Cd. 38 38 183 91 92 91 82 66 23

93 Nokatgre R, Riv, Wb, Hos, V, 43 43 184 86 98 86 98 11 5 Cd.

94 Boldan Rongsehgre R, Riv, Cd. 19 19 60 30 30 30 30 16 9 95 Balre Kona R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, V, 37 39 217 114 103 114 103 77 53

Cd. 96 Doba Koigre R,S,Cd. 33 33 151 81 70 81 70 26 8 97 BoIPuma R,P,S. 17 17 87 52 35 52 35 27 6 98 Darenchi R, P, S, Db, V. 31 33 149 77 72 77 72 45 28 99 Dajonggre R, Kw, Nes. 70 74 293 147 146 147 146 15 6

100 Sinscngwalne R,P,Riv. 34 34 151 81 70 81 70 45 29 101 Cheranaldo R, P, Riv, Db. 44 44 213 107 106 107 106 51 32 102 Cheran Songma R, Riv. 35 36 132 71 61 71 61 30 11 103 Dogap BolJng R,Riv. 16 16 60 31 29 31 29 13 5 104 Mejolgiri Dogru R, P, Riv. 25 25 134 65 69 65 69 29 17 105 Imsamdap R, Riv. 11 11 58 32 26 32 26 6 4 105(a) Gambil Jithim 10 10 51 26 25 26 25 1 106 Chima Aga R, P, S, Cd. 27 27 126 59 67 59 67 17 15 107 Wage Aghe R, P, S,Cd. 42 42 148 78 70 75 70 45 24 108 Imbanggi R, P, S, Cd. 31 31 148 73 75 73 75 24 11 109 Doratchorgabilgihim 12 12 62 31 31 31 31 12 5 110 Depadoratcha R, S, Wb, Hos, Cd. 21 21 78 39 39 32 34 24 15 111 Bangsi Aga R, P, S, Hos. 21 22 112 57 55 57 55 32 36 112 Bangsiaga R,P,S. 25 25 141 76 65 76 65 47 37 113 Babu Para R, S, Wb, Hos, Cd. 16 16 99 49 50 49 50 39 40 114 Matcha Wakram R, P, S, Wb, Cd. 27 27 126 62 64 62 64 37 30 115 Raigsol R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Cd. 12 12 57 25 32 25 32 7 11 116 Rcti R, S, Cd. 3 3 20 11 9 11 9 2 116(a) Dangkhong F.V. 30 30 167 83 84 83 84 44 24 117 Damitdangra R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 28 28 139 65 74 65 74 48 55 118 Rading R,P,Riv,D. 15 15 74 42 32 42 32 28 13 119 Bonggre R,M,Riv. 15 15 73 39 34 39 34 28 26 120 Olbaknanga R,P,Riv. 20 20 85 40 45 40 45 30 11 121 Kensri 8 8 43 21 22 21 22 14 16 122 Donal R,P,Kw. 21 21 94 44 50 44 50 34 33 123 Dal Bob 19 19 73 35 38 35 38 17 15 124 Dagalaringga R,M,Kw. 43 43 213 113 100 113 100 34 14 125 Dangkong Songgitcham R, Riv, Hos, Cd. 7 7 40 24 16 24 16 3 1 126 Dangdora Giri R, Riv, Hos. 8 8 39 20 19 20 19 127 Dangsongital R, Riv, Hos, Cd. IS 18 77 38 39 38 39 6 128 Dangpathang Giri 12 12 66 29 37 29 37 129 Pake Girl No Population 130 Barikmeap Giri 33 33 124 63 61 63 61 131 AsiImindil Giri R, Riv, D, Cd. 30 30 137 75 62 75 62 132 Asilmindil Ading R, Riv, D, Cd. 18 18 77 44 33 44 33 133 Chidimit R, Riv, Hos. 16 16 76 40 36 40 36 134 Koksi R, Riv, Hos. 26 26 110 57 53 57 53 27 10 135 Chotcholja R, M, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 102 102 471 238 233 238 233 160 135 136 Watregitam R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 79 79 377 196 181 196 181 103 62

Nes. 137 Kosak Bandini R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Nes. 18 18 78 36 42 36 42 23 13


Page 110: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) w()rkers No,


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

53 45 50 45 3 26 25 88 65 58 59 58 6 14 28 88(a) 54 54 54 54 23 25 89 75 79 72 79 3 60 44 90 89 80 89 80 78 38 91

59 65 59 65 32 27 92

52 52 51 52 1 34 46 93

17 16 17 16 13 14 94 50 46 44 46 6 64 57 95

37 32 29 23 5 9 3 44 38 96 27 18 25 18 1 1 25 17 97 46 41 36 38 2 3 1 7 31 31 98 90 97 90 97 57 49 99 40 47 39 47 1 41 23 100 62 60 60 60 2 45 46 101 51 47 51 47 20 14 102 16 19 16 19 15 10 103 38 35 38 35 27 34 104 21 15 21 15 11 11 105 13 12 13 12 13 13 105(a) 32 35 32 35 27 32 106 46 39 37 39 5 4 32 31 107 41 42 41 42 32 33 108 21 16 21 16 10 15 109 24 21 24 21 15 18 110 21 27 20 27 1 36 28 III

, 48 45 48 45 .. 28 20 1 2 22 23 19 23 3 27 27 113 39 41 39 41 23 23 114 J5 17 15 17 10 15 115 5 4 5 4 ., 6 5 116

52 52 52 52 31 32 116(a) 40 44 40 44 25 30 117 26 21 26 21 16 11 118 22 18 22 18 17 16 119 28 30 28 30 12 15 120

9 9 9 9 12 13 121 28 29 28 29 16 21 122 22 26 22 26 13 12 123 72 55 72 55 41 45 124 13 14 13 14 11 2 125 12 14 12 14 8 5 126 25 23 25 23 13 16 127 17 28 17 28 12 9 128

43 129

46 46 43 17 18 130 46 38 46 38 29 24 131 30 23 30 23 14 10 132 21 18 21 18 19 18 133 39 33 39 33 18 20 134

134 128 125 128 9 104 105 135 99 100 98 100 1 97 81 136

22 24 22 24 14 18 137


Page 111: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARQ HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sehe- Sehe- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. eated

Block of of PersoJls Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

l38 Rajasimlareser R, Kw, Wo, Has, Nes. 5 5 29 13 16 13 16 7 10 139 Upper Kharkuttare R, P, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 95 95 469 235 234 233 230 138 119 140 Lower Kharkuttare R, H, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 70 70 361 178 183 177 183 112 94 141 Raja Simila R, H, Kw, Wb, Hos, 36 36 187 100 87 100 87 67 63

Nes. 142 Naehi Rongdik R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 9 9 40 20 20 20 :0 6 3 143 Raja Simila (a) R, M, S, Wb, D, V, 58 58 306 167 139 167 139 123 105

Nes. 144 Konchikol Akawe 34 34 169 86 83 86 83 73 64 145 Uguri R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 18 18 80 42 38 42 38 35 32

Nes. 146 Ranganadil Wing R, H, Tk, Wb, D, 25 25 97 43 54 43 54 34 40

Nes. 147 Aringdo R, P, Riv, V, Nes. 23 23 100 45 55 • 45 55 38 43 148 Tokkol R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos,

Nes. 23 23 98 43 55 43 55 32 48

149 Malenggok R, M, Riv, Nes. 14 14 70 35 35 35 35 25 19 150 Kolor R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos, 4 4 26 12 14 L! 14 7 2

Nes. 151 Rangsa R, P, Riv. 24 24 114 51 63 51 63 30 35 152 Konehikoiaga R, M, S, Wb, Hos, V, 27 27 117 56 61 56 61 23 29

Nes. -153 Chaehinath R. P, Riv, Wb, Hos, 28 28 111 58 53 58 53 40 24

Nes. 154 Jalkim R, P, Riv, Nes. 28 28 117 57 pO 57 60 35 24 155 Megamading R, P, Riv, V, Nes. 25 25 118 62 56 62 56 34 24 156 Silkigitini R, M, Riv, Wb, Hos, 15 15 61 37 24 37 24 24 11

V, Nes. 157 Chiipara Reserve No Population 158 Matrongkol R, M, Riv, Hos, Nes. 14 14 73 39 34 39 34 23 12 159 Matehagitim R, P, Riv, Wb, D, 15 15 59 33 26 33 26 20, 15

Nes. 160 Dimit Gandim No Population 161 MakkreAdap R, Riv, Wb, Hos. 13 13 49 25 24 25 24 14 13 162 Lower Jambal R, P, Kw, Nes. 36 36 174 92 82 92 82 45 31 163 Upper JambaJ R, P, Kw, Nes. 25 25 129 66 63 66 63 22 21 164 Sari Awe R,Kw. 29 29 122 69 53 69 53 30 17 165 Chima Impel R, P, Kw, D, Nes. 25 25 99 50 49 50 49 7 5 166 Sam Brak R, M, S, Wb, Hos, 93 97 458 237 221 237 221 102 58

Nes. 167 Kantra R, P, S, Wb, D, 52 52 268 138 130 138 130 75 59

168 Bolmedong Reserve V,Cd.

R, P, Kw, Wb, D, 33 33 160 83 77 83 77 45 30 V,Cd.

169 Mendima R, P, S, Wb, D, 71 71 370 190 180 190 180 83 59 V, Nes.

170 Mendima Rava No Population 171 Chilpara R, P, Kw, Wb, V, Nes. 31 31 145 73 72 73 72 49 27 172 Chibongga R, M, S, Wb, Has, 105 105 540 252 288 252 288 184 179

Nes. 173 Megam Akong R. P, S, Wb, Hos, Nes. 54 54 237 116 121 116 121 55 43 174 Rong Bare R, P, Kw, Wb, Has, 22 22 105 56 49 56 49 33 23

Nes. 175 Bagabata R, P, Kw, Wb, Nes. 50 51 280 129 151 129 151 88 86 176 Tekonggitok R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos, 11 11 44 22 22 22 22 15 13

V, Nes. 49 27 177 Ganggasa R, P, S, Wb, Has, Nes. 18 19 95 49 46 46 32

178 Sumadare R, Kw, Wb, Has, Nes. 8 8 36 19 17 19 17 7 4


Page 112: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S1. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

7 7 6 7 1 6 9 138 145 152 137 152 1 7 90 82 139 105 III 94 111 1 10 73 72 140 62 66 56 65 6 1 38 21 141

12 17 12 17 .. 8 3 142 63 71 52 70 1 1 9 1 104 68 143

37 40 37 40 49 43 144 22 24 20 24 2 20 14 145

23 24 21 23 20 30 146

22 24 22 23 . . .. 1 23 31 147 20 30 18 30 1 I 23 25 148

23 23 23 23 12 12 149 9 9 9 9 3 5 150

31 38 31 38 20 25 151 39 44 38 44 1 17 17 152

44 39 44 39 14 14 153

36 42 36 42 21 18 154 24 27 23 27 1 38 29 155 24 16 24 16 13 8 156

157 24 20 23 20 15 14 158 19 20 19 20 14 6 159

160 11 11 10 11 14 13 161 52 54 52 54 40 28 162 45 40 45 40 21 23 163 52 40 52 40 17 13 164 33 27 33 27 17 22 165

167 145 167 145 70 76 166

85 80 85 80 53 50 167

52 48 52 48 31 29 168

134 107 134 107 56 73 169

170 46 46 46 46 27 26 171

182 171 182 171 70 117 172

63 74 62 74 53 47 173 33 32 33 32 23 17 174

93 97 90 97 3 36 54 175 17 15 16 15 1 5 7 176

28 28 27 28 21 18 177 12 13 12 13 7 4 178


Page 113: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Sehe- Sehe- Literate Residential Total

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Houses Population du1ed duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou-House-ses bolds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

179 Baksal Para R. p. So Nes. 72 72 383 192 191 192 191 120 105 180 Albela Gitim R. p. Kw. Wb. Nes. 14 15 72 39 33 39 33 29 19 181 Lower gandim R, p. Kw, Wb, Hos, 18 19 87 41 46 41 46 26 25

Nes. 182 Tenga Basi R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Nes. 7 7 35 20 15 20 15 12 11 183 Tengasat Reserve R, P. S, Wb. Hos" V, 13 13 53 29 24 29 24 26 21

Nes. 184 Adokgiri R. M, Kw, Wb, Nes. 44 44 227 122 105 .. 122 105 68 50 185 Gorok R, P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 25 25 117 51 66 51 66 23 12 186 Badakka R, P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 58 58 263 135 128 135 128 77 54 187 Dilma Ading R, Riv. Wb, Nes. 9 10 48 21 27 21 27 4 188 Rangket gitim R, P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 19 19 84 39 45 39 45 13 1 189 Reking R, P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 21 22 86 37 49 37 49 5 1 190 Tensimina R, P, Kw, Wb, Nes. 8 9 37 19 18 19 18 11 10 191 Dilma Adop R, M, S, Wb, Nes. 19 20 94 42 52 42 52 28 26 192 Dapol Para R, P, Riv, Wb, Nes. 14 IS 63 33 30 33 30 19 12 192(a) Ildek Reserve R, S, Wb, Nes. 17 17 68 39 29 39 24 20 9 193 Waramja R, P, Riv, Wb. 28 29 l39 71 68 71 68 42 27 194 Aruak R, P, Riv, Nes. 24 25 127 57 70 57 70 21 20 195 Adeeth R,Riv. 11 11 62 34 28 34 28 7 3 196 Delkang R. p. Riv, Cd. 24 24 128 59 69 59 69 40 28 197 Saaumalam R, P, Riv. 14 14 73 42 31 42 31 4 I 198 Rong Chare R, P, S, Cd. 27 28 138 66 72 66 72 32 18 199 Pet Chong R,P,Riv, V. 26 26 138 67 71 67 71 41 27 200 Dotbangs R.M,Riv. 21 22 85 41 44 36 43 11 2 201 Asro R,Riv. 16 16 98 47 51 47 48 3 1 202 Indim R,Riv. 7 7 33 15 18 15 18 2 202(a) Rangra Akhong R.Riv, Wb. 11 12 66 40 26 40 26 6 203 Agropa Tal R, P, Kw, Wb, Ne,;. 28 28 149 82 67 82 67 47 30 204 Chi Chara R. P, Riv, Cd. 19 19 100 45 55 45 55 31 12 205 Wapil R. p. S. Wb. Cd. 32 32 172 95 77 95 77 33 13 205 Rong Bang R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 24 24 133 58 75 55 75 8' 1 207 Indangkap R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 7 7 33 17 16 17 16 5 208 Chibragibin R. Riv, Wb, Nes. 23 23 111 60 51 60 51 29 10 209 Wari Ading R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 14 14 87 47 40 47 40 25 14 210 Rema R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 15 15 97 39 58 39 58 6 211 Jajie R. P, Riv, Wb. Nes. 17 17 97 48 49 48 49 31 14 212 Mandu R, p. Kw, Wb. V. Nes. 19 19 107 55 52 55 52 28 21 213 Gulutb R, Riv, Wb, D. 13 13 73 36 37 36 37 5 1 214 Nangailering R, Riv, Wb, V. 15 15 89 45 44 45 44 19 9 215 Rongking Jing R,Riv. V. ' 13 13 65 29 36 29 36 11 6 216 Mudi Para R, p. Riv. V. 28 28 126 65 61 55 58 29 10 217 Memillam R, P.Riv. V. 18 18 91 42 49 34 42 13 6 218 Thingba R, Riv. V. 10 10 66 33 33 33 33 8 219 Jidak Akong R. p. Riv, V. 29 29 146 68 78 68 78 22 11 220 DomolJa (Dohilla) R.Riv. V. 10 10 44 21 23 12 20 6 11 221 Chig Pang R, p. Riv, V. 24 24 108 45 63 45 63 26 22 222 West Ranggkelgitim R, P.Riv, V. 5' 5 27 17 10 17 10 11 8 223 Deehisoram R. P.Riv. V. 38 38 186 91 95 91 95 56 49 224 Mengkrah R, M, S, V, Nes. 18 18 87 41 46 41 46 25 23 225 Wardro 35 35 169 75 94 75 94 42 30 226 Chikal Pegro 24 24 119 66 53 66 53 40 23 227 Chikal Sangma 24 24 102 56 46 56 46 31 10 228 Kabera 6 6 22 8 14 8 14 3 2 229 Chekjongbra 29 29 152 79 73 79 73 51 38 230 Waneho 24 24 132 66 66 66 66 30 20 231 Chijong Atong 14 14 61 33 28 33 28 17 9 232 Nengidi (Gitim) 13 13 52 30 22 30 22 14 6


Page 114: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

113 117 106 117 2 5 79 74 179 27 20 27 20 12 13 180 31 35 30 35 1 10 11 181

10 10 10 10 10 5 182 18 18 18 18 11 6 183 57 61 53 60 4 1 65 44 184 32 29 29 27 3 2 19 37 185 90 75 89 75 1 45 53 186 16 17 16 17 5 10 187 27 25 26 25 1 12 20 188 19 25 19 25 18 24 189 11 12 11 12 8 6 190 25 28 20 26 5 2 17 24 191 18 17 17 17 1 15 13 192 25 14 23 14 2 14 15 192(a) 43 39 43 39

"" 28 29 193 34 35 33 35 1 23 35 194 22 ]6 22 16 12 12 195 30 31 30 31 29 38 196 27 23 27 23 15 8 197 42 37 41 36 1 1 24 35 198 43 45 42 45 1 24 26 199 26 28 22 27 4 1 15 16 200 28 29 28 29 19 22 201 11 8 11 8 4 10 202 18 14 18 14 22 12 202(a) 31 35 30 35 1 51 32 203 25 28 22 28 2 1 20 27 204 41 46 40 46 1 54 31 205 36 40 35 40 1 22 35 206 9 12 9 12 8 4" 207 26 31 26 31 34 20 203 29 23 28 23 1 18 17 209 22 23 22 23 17 35 210 21 23 20 23 1 27 26 211 28 21 28 21 27 31 212 21 22 21 22 15 IS 213 17 24 16 24 1 28 20 214 17 17 17 17 12 19 215 38 34 25 32 10 2 3 27 27 216 24 25 18 22 5 3 1 ]8 24 217 22 25 22 25 11 8 218 39 46 38 46 1 29 32 219 16 12 10 10 5 2 1 5 11 220 30 28 29 28 1 15 35 221 7 7 7 7 10 3 222 41 44 40 44 1 50 5J 223 19 19 19 19 22 27 224 52 61 51 60 1 1 23 33 225 44 38 43 38 1 22 15 226 37 30 36 30 1 19 16 227 5 8 5 8 3 6 228 52 54 51 54 1 27 19 229 47 45 46 45 1 19 21 230 25 19 25 19 8 9 231 17 14 17 14 13 8 232


Page 115: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO IllLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's ·~No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds

l' M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

233 Gabil Okbret No Population 234 Gandual Gabil R,Riv, Woo 36 36 173 76 97 76 97 18 6 235 Gabil Adin R, P, Riv. 37 37 165 82 83 82 83 37 13 236 Gabet Patal R,P,Riv. 33 33 151 74 77 74 77 32 18 237 Gabert Daingra R,P,Kw. 48 48 194 104 90 104 90 40 19 238 Gabil Awake R,P, Riv. 30 30 94 39 55 39 55 19 15 239 Gabil Rangberam R,P,Riv. 37 37 176 84 92 84 92 13 4 240 Gabil Billa R,Riv. 20 20 134 68 66 68 66 16 5 241 Gabil Kokosi R, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 37 37 222 116 106 116 106 13 4 242 Dambo Watesu R,P,Riv. 40 40 299 150 149 150 149 26 11 243 Dambo Chane R, Riv, Wb. 20 22 108 57 51 57 51 20 5 244 DamboBima R, Kw, Wb, Cd. 41 41 341 173 168 173 168 68 25 245 DambuApol R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 23 23 137 65 72 65 72 30 27 246 Dam Githong R,P,Riv. 20 21 96 47 49 47 49 12 8 247 Dam Reserve (1) R, P, S, Wb, D. 10 13 79 39 40 39 40 17 13 248 Dombg Reserve R, P, S, Wb, D. 17 17 94 49 45 49 45 23 7 249 Forest Hills of Jhum Control R, P, Riv Wb, D. 10 10 24 15 9 12 9 8 1 250 Rongdu Rongra R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 10 15 81 41 40 41 40 8 3 251 Rongdo Dabith 30 32 170 90 80 90 80 12 2 252 Rongdo Rongtith 32 37 159 78 81 78 81 1 253 Rangdu Imbol R,Riv, 8 9 56 22 34 22 34 4 254 Rongdu Nengja R, Riv, Wb. 9 9 51 21 30 21 30 255 Rongdu Chalbari R,Kw, Wb. 11 11 54 23 31 23 31 8 256 Nung Chram R, P, S, Wb, D. 152 152 787 398 389 398 389 127 77 257 Darugirinengpat R, P, Riv, Wb, Hos. 21 24 120 60 60 60 60 3 258 Naranggiri R,P, S. 30 30 167 83 84 83 84 6 1 259 Darugiri Chik Ama R,P, Tk. 35 37 189 83 106 83 106 11 6 260 Darusack R, P, S, Wb, Hos. 90 91 450 238 212 236 212 83 53 261 Darugiri Reserve R, S, Wb,D. 34 35 162 89 73 85 73 52 22 262 Darn Akang R, P, S, Wb, D. 73 74 407 211 196 211 196 56 28 263 Ponjneng Nengbron R, P, S, Wb, D. 30 32 179 91 88 91 88 47 45 264 Ponjneng Silchang R, P, Kw, Wb. D. 50 50 261 140 121 140 121 65 ' 22 265 . Rongjengrniktong Jeng R,Kw,Wb,D. 18 18 85 46 39 46 39 . 27 6 266 Jambal R, P, S, Wb, Hos. 62 67 432 211 221 211 221 120 80 267 Rongjeng Chachat R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 20 27 247 136 111 136 111 68 40 268 Rongjeng Ara Githim R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos. 30 30 209 103 106 103 106 35 26 269 Rongjeng Reserve I R, P, S, Db, D. 42 43 299 167 132 166 132 82 41 270 Rongjeng Reserve II R, S, Wb, D. 9 9 53 30 23 30 23 15 8 271 Dobo R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos. 23 28 209 III 98 111 98 58 44 272 Rongjeng Rongmithy 40 48 275 144 131 144 131 77 50 273 Rongjeng Seve 21 29 158 75 83 75 83 36 20 274 Rongjeng Kristian-Para 122 122 878 476 402 423 402 289 147 275 Banggong Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 20 20 114 50 64 50 64 1 276 Akel Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 24 24 164 77 87 73 83 277 Singwe Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 35 35 175 92 83 92 83 2 278 Dawa Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 40 41 249 131 118 131 118 1 279 Dawa Songgital R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 27 27 128 61 67 61 67 2 280 Kusimkol Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 40 40 209 113 96 113 96 22 6 281 Kolmesal Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 10 10 35 16 19 16 19 2 1 282 Chachat Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 20 20 123 49 74 49 74 8 2 283 Achakjankin Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 14 14 64 32 32 32 32 1 284 RongonGiri 15 15 62 33 29 33 29 285 Simsang giri R, P,S, <;;d. 40 42 229 107 122 107 122 20 10 286 Dobetkol Gid R, Riv, Cd. 22 22 108 49 59 49 59 14 10 287 Chiok Giri 26 26 181 97 84 97 84 11 5 288 Sampal Giri R, P, Riv. 23 23 139 74 65 74 65 39 20 289 Bawe airi R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 27 27 166 80 86 74 84 42 36 290 Cheran Giri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 12 12 49 24 25 24 25


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Total workers NOD- S!. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

233 50 55 50 55 26 42 234 53 55 53 65 29 28 235 50 44 49 44 1 24 33 236 67 59 54 59 13 37 31 237 29 35 26 35 3 10 20 238 58 58 58 58 26 34 239 39 36 39 36 29 30 240 77 73 77 73 39 33 241 95 95 95 95 55 54 242 33 29 23 29 24 22 243

105 107 105 107 .. 68 61 244 45 50 45 50 20 22 245 30 26 30 26 17 23 246 26 28 26 28 13 12 247 31 30 31 30 18 15 248 11 5 5 1 10 4 4 249 26 25 26 25 15 15 250 57 49 56 49 1 33 31 251 46 49 46 49 32 32 252 16 19 16 19 6 15 253 11 19 11 19 10 11 254 15 20 15 20 8 11 255

227 241 224 241 3 171 148 256 42 43 42 43 18 17 257 59 60 52 60 7 24 24 258 57 66 57 66 .. .. .. 26 40 259

135 136 114 136 5 2 1 13 103 76 260 65 50 54 50 2 9 24 23 261

148 140 147 140 1 63 56 262 49 43 49 43 42 45 263 75 75 73 75 2 65 46 364 23 23 23 23 23 16 265

117 121 115 121 2 94 100 266 69 61 67 61 2 67 50 267 61 66 61 66 42 40 268 70 75 66 73 4 2 97 57 269 11 11 11 11 19 12 270 55 60 55 60 56 38 271 95 82 95 82 49 49 272 47 52 47 52 28 31 273

338 240 248 235 7 11 5 58 14 138 162 274 35 50 35 50 15 14 275 38 41 38 41 39 46 276 51 54 51 54 41 29 277 81 75 81 75 50 43 278 35 36 35 36 26 31 279 65 54 65 54 48 42 280 10 10 10 10 6 9 281 31 29 31 29 18 45 282 16 15 16 15 16 17 283 19 17 19 17 14 12 284 54 57 53 57 1 53 65 285 26 22 26 22 23 37 286 47 39 47 39 50 45 287 33 33 32 33 1 41 32 288 37 35 37 35 43 51 289 12 12 12 12 12 13 290


Page 117: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARD HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sehe- Sehe- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

291 Chiganchin Girl R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 14 14 60 31 29 31 29 292 Balpot Girl R,Riv. 37 37 183 94 89 94 89 293 Kalna Giri 27 27 102 43 59 43 49 30 34 294 Rangret Giri 16 16 75 37 38 37 38 25 13 295 Rangbinga Pat R, P, Riv, Wb, Cd. 40 40 172 88 84 88 84 62 55 29" Chiminang Giri 10 10 37 18 19 18 19 10 1 297 Wongbin Boldah 37 37 179 85 94 85 94 57 50 298 Boldak Giri R, Riv, Cd. 21 21 102 49 53 49 53 8 2 299 SongmaGiri R,M,Riv. 19 19 76 41 35 41 35 12 5 300 Admg Giri R, Riv, Cd. 21 21 96 47 49 47 49 9 1 301 Chima Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 35 35 166 90 76 90 76 24 10 302 Dachikgitim R, P, Riv, Cd. 17 17 76 32 44 32 44 1 9 303 Wengkro Sanggitniam R,Riv, Cd. 10 10 51 32 19 32 19 10 1 304 Nengkra Aka wa R, Riv, Cd. 40 40 176 91 85 91 85 12 2 305 Nengkra Agalgitim R, Riv, Cd. 35 35 155 82 73 82 73 15 3 306 Dobu Songgitchan R, P, Riv, Cd. 61 61 306 142 164 142 162 54 40 307 Bawegiri R,Riv, Wb. 12 12 62 35 27 35 27 2 1 308 Dinaming Giri R, Riv. 39 39 170 85 85 80 72 5 309 Dolwari Giri R, P,Riv. 27 27 89 42 47 42 47 9 1 310 Gitik Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 25 25 109 60 49 46 49 40 33 311 Ganing Gid R, P, Riv. 27 27 91 51 40 51 40 11 2 312 Nengmadal Giri R,P,Kw. 76 76 315 156 159 147 159 20 7 313 Dorengki Giri R,Riv. 36 36 166 89 77 89 77 13 3 314 Sokadam R, Riv. 59 59 239 118 121 118 121 315 Banggragiri R,Riv. 15 15 61 28 33 28 33 316 Rongrebo R,Riv. 55 55 214 99 115 95 113 317 Rongreng Nokat R, Riv. 32 32 125 67 58 67 58 318 Megopgiri R, Riv. 27 27 116 56 60 56 .60 319 Rongmugitim R, P, Riv, Cd. 15 15 98 51 47 51 47 13 9 320 Dobu Achakpek R, P, Riv, Cd. 30 30 157 84 73 84 73 19 5 321 KobarGitim R,Riv, Cd. 18 18 105 49 56 49 56 3 322 Dimith R, P, Riv, Cd. 30 30 136 70 66 70 66 14 7 323 Rangmal Badinagiri R, P, Kw, Wb, Cd. 22 22 115 66 49 66 49 45 19 324 Tiribal Welfare Centre 14 14 23 10 13 10 13 6 4

Ronaggeng giri 325 Rangrenggiri F. B. O. R. P, Riv, Cd. 12 12 38 20 18 14 18 8 2 326 Rongreng Chidikgiri R, P, Kw, Wb, Cd. 62 62 278 138 140 138 140 56 31 327 Jamge R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 30 30 172 88 84 88 84 1 328 Saminchaning R, S, Wb, Cd. 22 22 129 65 64 65 64 1 329 Saminchaning-Songkama R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 30 30 154 80 74 80 74 8 3 330 Bolmoram Agal R, P, Riv, Wb, D, V, 40 40 203 98 105 98 105 13 4

Cd. 331 Bolmoramadinggiri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 14 14 52 26 26 26 26 5 1 332 Bolmaramdochok R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 27 27 127 64 63 64 63 333 Bolmaramadapgiri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. lR 18 90 40 50 40 50 2 334 Bolmaram Napakbolchugiri R, Riv, Wb, Cd. 35 35 174 82 92 82 92 335 Napakapal R, P, Riv, D, V, Cd. 50 50 275 133 142 133 142 29 11 336 Bitasik R, P, Riv, D, V, Cd. 31 31 162 78 84 39 53 337 Songsak Bolong R, P, Riv, D, V, Cd. 41 41 171 .93 78 78 78 41 19 338 Bone Chiranggiri R, Riv, D, V, Cd. 30 30 165 76 89 76 89 I~ 339 Dimbil R,Riv,D. 4 4 29 14 15 14 15 340 Noreknenysam Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, V, Cd, 30 31 163 85 78 85 69 341 Bone Chidang Giri R, Riv, D, V, Cd. 20 21 88 46 42 46 42 342 Norek Ranj Bhah Giri R, Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 11 11 48 22 26 22 26 343 Bone Rirnrang Giri R, Riv, D, Cd. 17 17 76 35 41 35 41 344 Songsak Rangdol Giri R, P, Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 21 22 104 52 52 52 52 345 Gorang R, P, Riv, Cd. 24 24 134 56 78 56 78 27 12 346 Kokul Songgitchan R, Riv, Cd. 8 9 42 27 15 27 15 4


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Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

13 15 13 15 18 14 291 42 44 42 44 52 45 292 23 25 23 25 20 34 293 17 17 17 17 20 21 294 36 42 36 42 52 42 295 7 7 7 7 11 12 296

50 61 50 61 35 33 297 34 41 34 41 15 12 298 21 23 21 23 20 12 299 37 41 37 41 10 8 300 65 54 65 54 25 22 301 22 31 22 31 10 13 302 22 18 22 18 10 1 303 59 67 59 67 32 18 304 73, 64 73 64 .. 9 9 305 75 95 70 95 5 67 69 306 20 18 20 18 15 9 307 62 55 62 55 23 30 308 27 29 27 29 15 18 309 40 33 40 33 20 16 310 33 24 32 24 1 18 16 311

102 104 101 104 1 54 55 312 68 50 68 50 21 27 313 78 75 78 75 40 46 314 25 29 25 29 3 4 315 68 78 68 78 31 37 316 43 43 43 43 24 15 317 47 52 47 52 9 8 318 35 29 35 29 16 18 319 60 47 60 47 24 26 320 31 29 31 29 18 27 321 46 45 46 45 24 21 322 52 36 52 36 14 13 323 6 6 4 13 324

6 2 4 14 18 325 100 97 100 97 38 43 326 59 53 59 53 29 31 327 41 30 41 30 24 34 328 43 40 43 40 37 34 329 51 50 50 50 1 47 55 330

19 19 19 19 7 7 331 37 35 37 35 27 28 332 22 25 21 25 1 18 25 333 37 43 37 43 45 49 334 73 64 71 64 2 60 78 335 44 47 44 47 34 37 336 57 9 38 8 3 6 2 8 1 36 (9 337 49 58 49 58 27 31 338 7 7 7 15 339

53 4 53 4 32 74 340 26 3 26 3 20 39 341 14 15 14 15 8 11 342 22 29 22 29 13 12 343 34 36 34 36 18 16 344 38 46 38 46 18 32 345 16 12 16 12 11 3 346


Page 119: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO }{ILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Perso .. s

Hou-House-ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

347 Rongchek Songgitchan R, Riv, Cd. 12 12 71 34 37 34 37 2 1 348 Songsak Wagop Giri R, p. Riv, Wb, Hos, 40 43 206 104 102 104 102 30 16

Cd. 349 Sinal Bolong R, P, KW,Cd. 20 23 114 58 56 58 56 16 15 350 Sinal Songma R, P, Riv, D, Cd. 30 31 170 87 83 87 83 30 19 351 Bone Giri R, Riv, D, Cd. 53 53 214 106 108 106 108 7 1 352 Rongap Songgitchan R, Riv. 25 25 112 54 58 54 58 353 KeraCamp R, Riv, Wb, Hos. 5 5 15 9 6 9 6 5 3 354 Songak Bolchu Gid R, Riv, Wb, Hos, Cd. 31 31 177 78 99 78 99 15 16 355 Rongap Mikilsiun R, Riv, Wb, D. 20 20 125 62 63 62 63 356 Rongap Songgital R, P, Riv, Wb. 65 65 295 141 154 141 154 6 11 357 Norekdal Bot R,Riv, V. 30 31 141 69 72 69 72 358 Norek-Songma R, Riv, V. 20 20 134 63 71 63 71 359 Rongap Bengbong Giri R, Riv, V. 9 9 47 20 27 20 27 360 Rongap Wate Giri R,Riv, V. 16 16 63 30 33 30 33 361 Songsak Agal R, P, S, Wb, V. 40 40 198 99 99 99 99 39 33 362 Ronchek Songgital R,Riv, V. 18 18 88 42 46 42 46 7 3 363 Kaknalmeng R, P, Riv, V. 24 24 113 45 68 45 68 15 11 364 Nirekneng ling Giri R,Riv, V. 25 25 119 50 69 50 69 365 Paknak Gid R,Riv,V. 16 16 98 51 47 51 47 366 Rangma} Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 44 44 228 125 103 125 103 16 9 367 Rongsak Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 40 40 214 113 101 113 101 14 3 368 BansamGiri R, P, Riv, Wb, 50 50 271 136 135 1 8 128 5 369 Ane-Giri R, Riv, Wb, V. 14 14 70 37 33 37 33 370 Bibra Giri R, Riv. 13 13 64 28 36 28 36 371 Jongmi Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 35 35 174 88 86 88 86 16 4 372 Jalgeng Giri R, Riv, Wb. 6 6 35 19 16 19 16 373 Pilgon Giri 4 4 23 12 11 12 11 374 Watre Giri R,Riv. 5 5 26 13 13 13 13 375 Merong Giri R,P, Riv. 6 6 32 18 14 .. 18 14 2 2 376 Ramibo Giri R,P, Riv. 8 8 42 21 21 21 21 12 11 377 Bolking Gid R,P,Kw, Wb. 40 40 156 78 78 78 78 18 11 378 Mangree Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 18 18 94 66 28 66 28 28 6 379 Rangitok Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 4 4 15 8 7 8 7 380 Moal-Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 14 14 70 35 35 35 35 9 2 381 Asim Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 10 10 41 24 17 24 17 9 8 382 Rengre Giri R, p, Riv, Wb. 40 40 229 128 101 123 101 5 1 383 Nari Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 20 20 111 63 48 63 48 16 2 384 Gonggua Giri R,P, Riv. 30 30 171 85 86 85 86 385 Saari} Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 17 17 '97 50 47 50 47 386 Darak Giri R,P,Riv. 40 40 214 113 101 113 101 387 Bansing Giri R,P,Riv. 42 42 193 92 101 90 100 2 388 Nongsrang Ading Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 16 16 85 48 37 44 37 2 389 Qatal-Giri R,P,Riv. 14 14 73 37 36 34 36 1 390 Udu Giri R,P,Riv. 16 17 82 45 37 45 37 391 Sobok Giri 31 32 173 87 86 87 86 392 Nobo-Giri R, P,Riv. 25 26 150 81 69 81 69 393 Rapdik-Giri R, Riv. 33 35 154 78 76 78 76 394 Jingan Giri R,P, Riv. 17 18 72 35 37 30 34 395 Roogchek Chama-Bugong R,P,Riv. 7 8 47 23 24 23 24 396 Rongchek Songgitcham 11 21 117 59 58 59 58 2 397 Ampang Giri R,P, Riv, V. 16 17 71 39 32 39 32 398 Bandi Giri R,P, Riv. 32 33 139 80 69 30 38 1 1 399 Rongking Giri 36 37 133 74 59 74 59 4 400 Mandai Giri R,P,Riv. 53 55 220 110 110 108 101 16 3 401 Daribok Giri· R P,Riv. 31 32 82 41 41 41 41 402 Tongbal Gid R,P, Riv. 44 46 216 105 111 104 110 17 12 403 Songgital R,P,Riv. 16 18 110 61 49 61 49 1


Page 120: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Serial (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

20 19 20 19 14 18 347 52 55 51 55 1 52 47 348

31 34 31 34 27 22 349 36 40 35 40 1 51 43 350 66 69 66 69 40 39 351 39 38 39 38 15 20 352 5 .. 1 4 4 6 353

53 51 52 51 1 25 48 354 36 37 36 37 26 26 355 98 111 98 111 43 43 356 48 48 48 48 21 24 357 45 51 45 51 18 20 358 13 17 13 17 7 10 359 23 22 23 22 7 11 360 52 54 46 53 6 1 47 45 361 25 32 25 32 17 14 362 38 36 28 36 17 32 363 31 48 31 48 19 21 364 43 34 43 34 8 13 365 92 87 91 87 1 33 16 366 78 81 77 87 1 35 20 367 95 97 92 97 3 41 38 368 30 25 30 25 7 8 369 22 24 22 24 6 12 370 63 61 63 61 25 25 371 9 9 9 9 10 7 372 8 7 8 7 4 4 373 7 8 7 8 6 5 374

10 10 10 10 8 4 375 17 16 17 16 4 5 376 50 49 50 49 28 29 377 35 25 35 25 31 3 378 5 4 5 4 3 3 379

26 22 26 22 9 13 380 13 13 13 13 11 4 381 75 67 75 67 53 34 382 44 37 44 37 19 11 383 84 85 84 85 1 1 384 37 37 37 37 13 10 385 87 84 87 84 26 17 386 73 85 73 85 19 ]6 387 31 25 31 25 17 12 388 24 23 24 23 13 13 389 35 29 35 23 10 8 390 70 63 70 63 17 23 391 61 50 61 50 20 19 392 53 49 53 49 25 27 393 21 19 21 19 14 18 394 13 17 13 17 10 7 395 37 40 37 40 22 18 396 22 20 22 90 17 12 397 49 45 49 45 31 14 398 48 46 48 46 26 13 399 69 65 69 65 41 45 400 24 25 24 25 17 16 401 62 82 62 82 43 29 402 33 25 33 25 28 24 403


Page 121: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza:

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Townl Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No.-No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou-House-

ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

404 Dinajek Gid R, P, Riv. 28 35 243 127 116 ]27 116 18 5 405 Chubrong Giri R,P,Riv. 15 17 69 38 31 38 31 406 Enggak Giri R,P, Riv. 16 18 78 40 38 40 38 407 Arnpang Giri R,P, Riv, 44 47 211 III 100 111 ]00 9 2 408 Gojang Giri R, P, Riv. 8 9 29 14 15 14 15 409 Ancheng Giri 19 20 72 34 38 34 38 410 Rongak Giri R,P,Riv. 24 26 102 51 51 51 51 411 Chisobra 36 38 163 86 77 86 77 412 Dolwari Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 17 18 80 37 43 37. 43 413 Adap Giri R, P, Riv, Wb. 54 55 231 112 119 112 119 2 414 Prap Giri R,Riv, Wb. 10 10 63 34 29 34 29 415 Akong Giri R,Riv, Wb. 10 10 36 20 16 20 16 416 Rong Kaltek Giri R, Riv, Wb. 23 24 103 46 57 46 57 417 Rongreng Giri R, Riv, Wb. 28 28 142 70 72 70 72 418 Watre Giri R, Riv. 65 65 272 143 129 143 129 419 Mironggran Giri No Population 420 Kalak R,Riv. 44 44 245 126 119 126 119 7 5 421 Mega Giri R,P,Riv. 29 29 186 94 92 94 92 5 4 422 Songgitcham R,Riv. 36 40 158 85 73 85 73 423 Rongchet Akong 37 37 166 91 75 91 75 50 35 424 Dagal Nokat R,Riv. 8 8 47 21 26 21 26 9 9 425 Mejol Giri Nokat R,P,Riv. 14 15 75 33 42 33 42 12 8 426 Chibi Bang R'P'fw, 15 17 81 39 42 39 42 15 13 427 Baikret R, P, w, Wb, D. 42 42 204 99 105 99 105 52 27 428 Arne Bong R, P, Riv, Wb. 19 20 101 54 47 54 47 34 20 429 Sirnseng Nokat R,P,Riv. 19 20 105 51 54 51 54 30 26 430 Simsen Balkoi R, P, Riv. 11 11 57 25 32 25 32 18 18 431 Galwagiri Sangama 21 21 95 45 50 45 50 5 5 432 Jabua Giri R,P,Kw. 98 103 236 116 120 116 120 27 26 433 Chambil Dan R,P,Kw, Wb. 34 38 161 83 78 74 69 25, 25 434 Dagal Bolma 33 33 168 93 75 93 75 72 53 4'5 Pakne Giri R,KW. 66 66 313 152 161 152 161 56 55 436 Manosong Bamil 107 108 486 271 215 240 205 124 59 437 Mangsang Rangme R, P, Riv, Wb. 35 35 181 87 94 87 94 13 4 438 Mangsang Mogo R, M,Kw, Wb. 33 33 142 84 58 84 58 20 3 439 Mansang Ronggisim R,Kw, Wb. 41 42 178 89 89 89 89 31 24 440 Mangsang Mokura R,P,Kw, Wb. 115 115 629 309 320 309 320 171 121 441 Nongbak Agal R, P,S, Wb. 99 99 551 299 252 299 252 132 63 442 Nongbak Imtra R,P,Kw, Wb. 16 16 80 43 37 43 37 20 19 443 Nongbak Ading 9 9 35 18 17 18 17 1 444 Nongbak R, P, Riv, Wb. 11 11 61 33 28 33 28 17 7 445 Ranga Agal R,P,Kw, Wb. 45 45 235 124 111 124 111 77 55 446 Morongga R,P,Kw, Wb. 32 32 141 75 66 75 66 32 28 447 Nongbak Rengkilgitim R, P, Riv, Wb. 16 16 94 51 43 51 43 23 10 448 NongkangkiI Enumerated with village N~. 445' 449 Chinarik R, Riv, Wb, 10 10 44 18 26 18 26 2 4~0 Ren~ Chonggithim 22 22 95 45 50 45 5() 12 11


Page 122: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- SI. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

86 82 86 82 41 34 404 27 24 27 24 11 7 405 27 28 27 28 13 10 406 62 68 62 68 49 32 407 11 10 11 10 3 5 408 20 25 20 25 14 13 409 38 35 38 35 13 16 410 60 58 60 58 26 19 411 32 28 32 28 5 15 412 89 77 89 77 23 42 413 29 19 29 19 5 10 414 12 13 12 13 8 3 415 30 32 30 32 16 25 416 49 47 49 47 21 25 417 93 87 93 87 50 42 418

419 104 86 104 86 22 33 420 65 67 65 67 29 25 421 61 57 61 67 24 16 422 55 49 55 49 36 26 423 13 13 13 13 8 13 424 20 27 20 27 13 15 425 27 31 27 31 12 11 426 69 76 68 76 1 30 29 427 33 31 33 31 21 16 428 32 31 32 31 19 23 429 17 20 17 20 8 12 430 44 47 44 47 1 3 431

105 104 105 104 11 16 432 74 66 67 64 7 2 9 12 433 88 74 87 74 1 5 1 434

136 150 136 150 .. .. .. 16 11 435 184 145 168 145 3 5 2 6 87 70 436 63 66 63 66 24 28 437 53 47 53 47 31 11 438 63 60 62 60 1 26 29 439

197 189 197 189 112 131 440 208 196 208 196 91 56 441

34 32 34 32 9 5 442 9 11 9 11 9 6 443

22 20 22 20 11 8 444 82 74 82 74 42 37 445 44 45 43 45 1 31 21 446 32 27 32 27 19 16 447

448 12 13 12 13 6 13 449 26 34 26 34 19 16 450


Page 123: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Maoza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in R.esidential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Sq. miles Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Mauza V I"- M M 0'1 0 0'1 "" l"- N I"- 0\ 00

Total '" 0. " '" \0 ~ 00 0'\ N .- "" 0'\ o. .- "":. N "l ....

M" 00· .-" C') • M r- oo r- ....

1 Halai Danga No Population 2 Bugilabhita R, P, Pw, Wb. D. 115 115 706 226 480 82 96 78 103 19 2 '3 Kamari R, P, S, Wb. D. 57 57 345 172 173 172 173 50 7 4 Bogadal R, S, Wb,D. 10 10 44 21 23 21 23 2 5 Holai Donga (F. V.) R, P, Kw, Wb, D, V. 44 44 194 101 93 94 86 30 10 6 Nanok-Hamari R, Kw, Wb, D, V. 27 27 133 64 69 64 69 7 Nagar Gaon R,P, Kw, Wb,D, V. 47 47 244 120 124 120 124 5 8 Jugir Jhar R, P, S, Wb, D. 53 53 303 157 146 72 73 25 5 9 Khathol Bari R, P, Kw, Wb, D, V. 69 69 517 220 297 2 218 194 102 12

10 Kadam Sali R, P, S, Wb, D, V. 36 36 253 120 133 120 133 39 4 11 Dhapang-Para R, S, Wb, D, Nes. 46 46 247 117 130 117 130 9 12 Konchan Kana R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 30 30 135 74 61 74 61 7 13 Odal Guri R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 54 54 281 09 142 139 142 13 2 14 Chitu Para 17 17 99 43 56 43 56 4 1 15 Tikri Killa R, M, Kw, Wb, D. 108 110 473 305 168 9 140 37 16 Bakri-Para R, Kw, Wb, Hos. 13 13 133 65 68 65 68 2 17 Biro-Para 11 11 74 40 34 40 34 16 8 18 Borodal Danga R, P, S, Wb, D, V, 45 45 382 182 200 182 200 49 13

Nes. 19 Chotodal Danga R, P, S, Wb, D, V, 28 28 193 93 100 93 100 21 7

Nes. 20 Dhela Para R, P, S, Wb, D, V, 28 28 193 99 94 75 73 28 1

Nes. 21 Upper Dhela Para R, P, S, Wb, D, V, 13 13 57

Nes. 29 28 29 28 4 2

22 Pamila R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 10 10 69 41 28 41 28 19 1 23 Balu Para, R, P, S, Wb, D, Nes. 15 15 98 49 49 49 49 24 9 24 Bag Para R, S, Wb, D, Nes. 15 15 68 33 35 5 1 25 Laksa Para R, P, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 11 11 93 50 43 42 38 20 2 26 Chota Daldanga Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 25 25 107 54 53 17 23 5 1 27 Puta Mati R. S, Wb, V, Nes. '38 38 210 115 95 81 67 14 2 28 Bata Para ~ , P, Wb, D, Nes. 25 25 167 78 89 78 89 8 1 29 Kachreng Dar R, P, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 19 19 109 47 62 45 60 13 4 30 Bordubi R, P, S, Wb, D, Nes. 22 22 149 66 83 66 83 11 6 31 Kamkor-Para R, S, Wb, D, Nes. 14 14 92 43 49 43 49 1 32 Nagua Para (B) R, M, Kw, Wb, D, 28 28 114 50 64 48 59 7 5

Nes. 33 Nagua Para (K) R, M, Kw, Wb, D, 35 35 187 89 98 89 98 9

Nes. 34 Khaka Para R, ~ Kw, Wb, D, 30 30 147 74 73 74 73 2

es. 35 Bel Guri R, P, Kw, Wb, Nes. 29 29 129 65 64 65 64 3 36 Borgobol R, P. Kw, Wb, V, Nes. 35 35 188 91 97 91 97 18 2 37 Medhi Para R, P, S, Nes. 6 6 16 12 4 9 3 6 1 38 Tila Para R, P, S, Nes. 3 6 21 9 12 9 12 7 3 39 Kalita Para R, P, S, Wb, Nes. 16 16 107 51 56 51 56 4 40 Bora Bera R, P, Kw, Wb, Nes. 29 29 166 86 80 83 80 22 3 41 Matha Para 21 21 187 81 106 69 90 27 5 42 Halu Gaon 29 29 73 35 38 35 38 13 3 43 Juri Gaon 20 20 145 75 70 75 70 12 ' 4


Page 124: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

t- o '" ~ ..... 0 \0 "" "" '<t \0 '" - \0 '" - M "" '" 00 \Q .,., 0\ .,., '<t '<t 00 M ..., ... ~ ...,

'" .,.,

00 M '" 00 '<t ... t- o '<t- '<t- '<t- ",- ",- '<to

1 134 290 84 241 4 5 43 43 1 1 2 92 190 2 91 89 90 89 1 81 84 3 14 13 14 13 7 10 4 59 34 50 34 1 8 42 59 5 40 41 40 41 24 28 6 70 79 70 79 " 50 45 7 98 66 97 64 1 2 59 80 8

113 204 107 202 3 2 3 107. 93 9 65 72 61 72 4 55 61 10 79 78 79 78

" 38 52 11 48 40 32 32 16 8 26 21 12 80 89 80 89 59 53 13 24 30 24 30 19 26 14

190 15 9 3 2 1 27 11 5 5 83 1 2 56 115 153 15 37 32 37 32 28 36 16 24 22 23 22 1 16 12 17 92 106 85 106 7 90 94 18

47 40 46 40 1 46 60 19

50 54 44 54 3 1 2 49 40 20

19 18 18 18 1 10 10 21

21 18 21 18 20 10 22 30 29 29 29 1 19 20 23 18 19 17 19

" 1 15 16 24 27 27 21 25 2 2 2 2 23 16 25 31 14 30 2 1 12 23 39 26 63 26 50 1 4 25 2 7 52 69 27 49 42 49 42 29 47 28 27 13 27 3 10 20 49 29 38 44 37 3 1 41 28 39 30 26 19 20 12 6 2 5 17 30 31 30 10 20 2 2 8 1 1 6 20 54 32

50 35 44 4 3 32 2 39 63 33

42 33 41 33 1 32 40 34

42 33 40 33 2 23 31 35 49 49 48 49 1 42 48 36

5 " 1 " 1 3 7 4 37 7 1 5 1 2 2 11 38

28 24 28 " 24 23 32 39 45 41 43 2 1 39 1 41 39 40 55 41 52 21 2 20 1 26 65 41 13 23 12 23 1 22 15 42 41 32 39 32 2 34 38 43


Page 125: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Trihes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

44 FedarDuba 32 32 177 97 80 97 80 51 H 45 Naya Para (B) 10 10 52 29 23 29 23 10 2 46 Naya Para 12 12 72 42 30 42 30 21 6 47 Bar Jhora R, P, Kw, Wh, D, Nes. 27 30 147 74 73 74 73 31 9 48 Fakir Mara R, P, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 32 34 154 87 67 79 65 17 4 49 Sora Para R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 22 22 141 75 66 75 66 27 12 50 Thakur Bila R, P, Kw, Wh, D, Nes. 36 36 194 97 97 97 97 47 40 51 Boisong 93 96 468 235 233 235 233 97 63 52 Tetulguri R, P, Kw, Nes. 12 13 63 40 23 40 23 30 12 53 Thorka 21 24 166 92 74 92 74 35 2 54 Jerdoba R, P. S, Wb, D, Nes. 32 45 258 141 117 141 117 61 50 55 Swarmari R, M, S, Wb, D, Nes. 63 79 377 192 185 192 185 70 55 56 Matchukisong R, P, Kw, Nes. 11 12 60 34 26 34 26 11 2 51 Dhangor Bhita R, Kw, D, Nes. 19 19 97 46 51 46 45 11 58 MakriPara R, Kw, Nes. 10 10 50 30 20 30 20 8 59 Mendima R, P, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 18 18 101 55 46 55 46 30 27 60 Chilpara (F. V.) R, Kw, Wb, D, Y. 12 12 54 27 27 27 27 3 61 Tengasot (F. Y.) R, P, S, Wb, D, Y. 12 12 5.: 30 22 30 22 9 6 62 Bangsi R, P, Kw, Wh, D, Cd. 89 99 526 260 266 259 266 162 153 63 Bangsiapai (F. V.) R, P, Wh, D, Cd. 22 22 109 45 64 45 64 5 2 64 Chituk R, P, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 34 34 165 13 92 73 92 4 2 65 Amerim No Population 66 Dainadubi P. S. Dis:)ensary 12 12 62 39 23 27 23 22 10

and Forest Beat Office 67 Nagar Para 32 32 179 87 92 87 92 29 21 68 Choto Mia Para R, H, S, Wh, D, V, Cd. 15 15 81 42 39 42 39 16 11 69 Boro Mia Para R, P, Kw, Wb, V, Cd. 32 32 165 83 82 83 82 25 8 70 Na! Bari R, P, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 19 19 96 43 53 42 53 21 22 71 Rangsi R, P, Kw, Wh, Cd. 15 15 90 44 46 44 46 15 8 12 Dhepa R, P, S, Wb, D, Cd. 53 53 224 105 119 105 119 84 84 73 Damas R, P, S, Wb, D, Cd. 100 100 458 254 204 254 204 182 144 74 Dokamcheng R,P,S, Cd. 50 50 248 135 113 135 113 63 42 75 Nokchar R, P, Kw, Wh, Hos, V, 20 20 100 58 42 58 42 15 1

Cd. 76 Rongduppathar 18 18 192 91 101 91 101 35 10 77 Jongla Para R, S, Wb, Hos, Cd. 20 22 66 40 26 40 26 5 2 78 Rom Para R, P, Kw, Wh, Hos, 17 17 116 55 61 55 61 26 13

Daram Para ( Rabha ) V,Cd.

79 R, P, Kw, Hos, V, Cd. 12 ]2 78 34 44 34 44 11 13 80 Tbapa R,P,Kw. 63 67 347 ]83 164 153 149 65 19 81 Thapa ( Chidaret ) R, P, Kw, Hos, Cd. 13 13 76 39 37 39 37 16 5 82 Soenang R, P, Kw, Wh, Hos, 51 54 259 142 111 142 111 71 43

V,Cd. 83 Rongkaminchi R, P, Kw, Wh, Hos, 32 42 189 89 100 89 ]00 51 36

V,Cd. 84 Jam Gaon R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 69 86 449 232 217 232 217 107 57

V,Cd. 85 Soenang Poihimari R, P, S, Wb, Hos, ' 26 36 180 87 93 87 93 53 38

Nes. 86 Genang Bijni ( Khas ) R, M, S, Wh, Hos, 23 29 162 88 74 88 14 44 10

V, Nes. S7 Kawak R, P, S, Wb, Hos, 21 21 169 87 82 87 82 47 25

V, Nes. 21 88 MangPongro R, P, S, Wh, Hos, 31 73 41 32 41 32 18 10

V, Nes. 89 Soksan R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 31 31 119 97 82 97 72 73 60

V, Nes.


Page 126: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No.


-----------------------16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

45 48 45 18 30 52 32 44 17 14 17 12 2 12 9 45 20 23 20 23 22 7 46 36 33 36 33 38 40 47 43 36 41 36 2 44 31 48 39 39 39 39 36 27 49 52 50 48 49 1 1 3 45 47 50

133 132 129 130 4 2 102 101 51 31 14 30 14 1 9 9 52 53 46 51 46 2 39 28 53 88 66 87 66 1 53 51 54

129 122 129 122 63 63 55 28 20 28 20 6 6 56 28 33 28 33 18 18 57 22 14 22 14 8 6 58 30 27 29 26 1 1 25 19 59 19 14 12 12 7 2 8 13 60 16 13 15 10 1 3 .. 14 9 61

110 63 72 45 31 18 7 150 203 62 27 35 27 35 18 29 63 52 47 52 47 21 45 64

65 18 1 17 21 23 66

49 50 48 50 1 38 42 67 21 20 20 20 1 21 19 68 44 42 43 42 1 39 40 69 14 13 9 11 2 2 3 29 40 70 22 16 17 15 4 1 1 22 30 71 55 70 52 70 3 50 49 72

112 127 106 122 4 2 4 1 142 77 73 59 63 56 63 3 76 50 74 40 32 40 32 18 10 75

58 68 58 68 33 33 76 30 18 30 18 10 8 77 34 47 34 47 21 14 78

15 20 15 20 19 24 79 112 91 103 88 1 .. 1 4 2 4 71 73 80

17 22 17 21 .. 1 22 15 81 87 65 84 63 3 2 55 52 82

60 53 53 47 6 6 1 29 47 83

160 142 159 138 4 72 75 84

52 45 52 45 35 48 85

39 34 39 34 49 40 86

48 46 48 46 39 36 87

22 17 22 17 19 15 88

55 49 55 49 42 33 89


Page 127: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO IflLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

90 Wan Jeng R, M, Kw, Wb, Hos, V,Cd.

82 82 467 243 224 234 217 177 147

91 Gaduli R, Kw, Wb, Hos, 12 12 44 36 8 7 18 3 V, Nes.

92 Mendi Pathar R, P, S, Wb, Hos, 53 63 306 201 105 99 85 102 30 V, Nes.

93 Harin Kata R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, V, Nes.

46 46 259 134 125 134 125 57 24

94 Harinkatabakra Para R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 14 14 77 46 31 46 31 31 18 V,Nes.

95 Domenti R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, IS 15 80 50 30 50 30 31 6 V, Nes.

96 Manik Ganj R, Edbo, M, S, Wb, 81 81 427 223 204 223 198 144 53 D, V, Nes.


Page 128: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

132 103 115 97 2 4 5 10 2 III 121 90

29 8 20 7 8 91

143 27 37 25 38 11 11 45 58 78 92

69 67 68 67 65 58 93

22 18 22 IS 24 13 94

23 19 23 19 27 11 95

117 102 106 102 11 106 102 96


Page 129: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

l"umter and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duIed and

Serial Name of Villag!/Town/ Amenities Sq. miles Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

..... - ~ N 0\ - 00 0 "" 00 0 ~ ..... '" N 0\ .... "" on N

00 N ..... ..... 0 .... "'t '" ":, '<t' Mauza VI Totil>l 00 "," ..., \0" 00 cO N N .... "" -

Peradnga R. P, Pw, Wb, D, V, 33 34 190 89 101 10 9 Cd.

2 Neki Kona R, Pw. Wb, D, V, Cd. 16 17 76 41 35 8 3 Kalu Gaon R, P, Pw, D. V, Cd. 51 54 239 120 119 26 8 4 Sak Mal R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Cd. 37 39 182 92 90 10 9 21 8 5 Jiga Bari R, Kw, Wb, V, Cd. 15 16 62 33 29 4 2 6 Goal Gaon R, P, Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 24 27 115 58 57 58 57 40 5 7 Tara Para R, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 16 17 89 51 38 51 38 16 1 8 Patranga R, Pw, Wb, D, V, Cd. 30 31 168 91 77 16 5 9 Sidakandi R, M, Pw, Wb, V, Cd. 120 120 598 310 288 2 2 19 16

10 Pesha Kandi R, P, Pw. Wb, V, Cd. 119 119 530 254 276 34 3 11 Morasudhi R, Pw, Wb, V, Nes. 48 48 222 108 114 10 1 12 Bhotooba R, Kw, Wb, V, Nes. 30 30 183 90 93 12 13 Magur Mari R P, Pw, Wb, D, Ncs. 44 44 277 148 129 17 3 14 Bhotooba (Garodobi) R, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 73 73 399 201 198 15 2 15 Bharak Gaon R, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 15 15 75 37 38 16 Namabilla R, P, Pw, Wb, Nes. 45 46 223 120 103 17 Sit Kata R, P, Pw, Wb, Nes. 41 41 228 118 110 2 18 Bor Billa R, Riv, Wb, Nes. 4 4 13 7 6 19 Hari Pur R, P, Pw, Wb. D. Ncs. 76 78 389 215 174 21 9 20 Halliday Ganj R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, 14 18 50 33 17 15 4

Nes. 21 Kasari Para R, P, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 98 99 511 274 237 10 11 2 5 71 18 22 Kaimbata Para M, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 106 106 582 295 287 295 286 83 7 23 ~ala Pani R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 25 26 137 61 76 61 76 17 24 Rang Kala R, P, Pw, Hos, V. 57 57 286 141 145 141 145 27 2 25 Chapra Buohi R, Kw, Wb, Hos, V. 7 7 34 19 15 19 15 2 26 1st Shyam Nagar R, M, Pw, Wb, Hos, 55 61 331 178 153 176 153 105 46

V. 27 2nd Shyam Nagar R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 82 84 493 252 241 252 241 126 15 28 Phul Bari Motor Station R, Pw, Hos, V. 117 117 471 300 171 13 10 166 39 29 Phul Bari B. O. C. R, Pw, Hos, V. 5 5 12 12 9 11 30 Phul Bari Police Station R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 16 16 50 26 24 9 9 20 11 31 Phul Bari Dispensari R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 7 9 24 16 8 9 6 10 5 32 Do. Veterinary Office R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 2 3 2 2 2 2 33 Do. P. W. D. Office R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 12 12 40 20 20 7 5 8 9 34 Do. Forest Office R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 8 8 37 22 15 5 7 10 5 35 Do-Cotton Ginning Hill R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 10 13 48 20 28 9 4 36 Samding R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 77 77 378 198 180 12 12 40 9 37 Maji Para R, Riv, Wb, Hos, V. 42 42 194 99 95 10 1 38 Machang Pani R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 65 71 380 198 182 163 146 67 28 39 Gumai Jhora R,Kw. Wb.D. 29 43 230 128 102 17 8 40 Balu Jhora R, P, Pw, D, Cd. 59 70 381 201 180 45 7 41 Bhait Bari (North) R, P, S, Wb, D, Cd. 69 105 699 353 346 11 10 18 2 42 Raja Bala R P, Pw, Wb. D, Cd. 43 70 486 234 252 39 9 43 Kau Jani R, Kw. Wb, D, Cd. 10 11 59 34 25 6 3 44 Bhaitbari (South) R, P, Pw, Wb, D, Cd. 177 177 795 421 374 ~O 40 16 45 Paham R,M,Pw,V. 163 202 1184 594 590 S92 590 123 11 46 Burir Jharand Paborari R, Pw, Wb, V. 31 33 167 93 74 9 47 Ni<;laJ;lpur and Sorokpara R. P, Kw, W!J, V, ~~ 7(> 400 196 204 196 204 20 3


Page 130: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. ·(i:....:..lX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

0 r-- \0 ..... '<!" r-- ..... .... 00 r-- \0 "" .... r-- N V) QQ "" V) ..",. 0- QO \0 '<!" "" on "" on V) 8 V) <'. r-- \G 0- <":, 00 ..... '<!" "" r--'<T. ..... ",. ..... ",. .p

45 45 44 101

'13 13 28 35 2 64 2 45 2 19 56 117 3 41 41 .. 51 90 4 21 20 1 .. .. 12 29 5 33 30 I 1 2 25 56 6 25 24 1 1 26 37 7 51 38 12 .. 1 40 77 8

147 1 93 27 4 23 1 163 287 9 151 3 99 37 3 .. 15 103 273 10 69 4 ,,9 17 4 1 2 39 110 11 44 42 2 .. 46 93 12 79 70 8 1 69 129 13

105 82 1 22 1 96 197 14 23 19 4 14 38 15 67 1 61 1 6 .. 53 102 16 72 70 1 1 46 110 17

5 3 2 2 6 18 127 99 1 10 18 88 173 19 24 2 2 10 7 3 9 17 20

153 • 3 77 42 1 6 14 2 13 121 234 21 162 160 158 158 2 4 133 127 22 37 37 37 37 24 39 23 80 76 79 76 61 69 24 11 8 11 8 8 7 25 59 58 50 40 1 18 7 119 95 26

140 133 133 113 2 .. 20 .. 5 .. 112 108 27 236 18 25 16 10 24 68 101 7 64 153 28

12 6 6 29 20 1 4 16 1 6 23 30 10 2 10 2 6 6 3] 2 2 32

16 2 16 2 4 18 33 I5 6 9 7 15 34 18 11 1 .. 17 11 2 17 35

126 37 98 31 8 1 7 1 1 11 5 72 143 36 69 39 26 2 1 1 30 95 37

106 76 93 76 8 5 92 106 38 67 56 10 1 61 J02 39

119 104 8 .. 1 5 82 180 40 189 1 131 1 36 5 9 8 164 345 41 119 5 94 4 25 1 115 247 42

19 1 11 7 1 1 15 24 43 220 2 124 1 75 1 15 5 1 201 372 44 39 1 316 1 1 1 1 275 589 45 52 50 2 41 74 46

122 120 120 120 2 74 84 47


Page 131: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mllnza :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of VillagejTownj Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. WardjEnUIl:lerator's in Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou-Rouse-ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ----

48 AlokDia R, Riv, Wb. Has, V. 30 31 152 71 81 71 81 2 49 Maulakandi R, P, Pw, Wb, V. 86 88 582 314 268 28 3 50 Palthor Kata R P. Pw, Wb, V. 32 34 258 141 117 4 3 24 3 51 Bamon Dangar R,Kw, Wb, V. 10 10 59 27 32 27 30 11 7 52 Upper Nalbari R,P,Pw, Wb, 21 22 99 51 48 51 48 17 4 53 Lower Nalbari R, Kw, Wb. V. 27 27 138 64 74 64 74 19 5 54 Bholar Bbita R, M, S, Wb. V. 352 352 877 445 432 75 47 55 GopurPara R. Kw, Wb, V, Cd. 23 23 103 55 48 55 48 3 1 56 Kogomari R, P, Kw, Wb, Has, V, 11 12 52 26 26 26 26 6 1

Cd. 57 Bangal Khata R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V, Cd. 31 32 178 109 69 109 19 26 19 58 Chardhota Para R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 113 115 548 294 254 14 3 59 Puskorini Para R, S, Wb, Has, V. 56 56 241 121 120 4 60 Dewan Kata R, P, Pw, Wb, Has, 35 35 184 91 93 91 93 22 5

61 Goladigli V,Cd.

R, Kw, Wb, Has, V, 22 23 175 100 75

Goladigli (BaDSi) Cd,

62 R, Pw. Wb, HOII, V, Cd. 21 21 101 45 56 2 <'3 Heri Bhanga S, Wb, Hos, V, Cd. 59 59 305 162 143 44 14


Page 132: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No.

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

36 48 36 48 35 33 48 191 2 174 2 2 15 123 266 49

75 3 73 1 3 1 66 114 50 18 16 14 16 2 2 9 16 51 24 25 24 25 .. 27 23 52 33 42 30 41 .. 1 3 31 32 53

268 250 .. 12 .. 1 5 177 432 54 26 31 26 30 1 29 17 55 12 10 10 10 2 14 16 56

46 38 42 32 2 I " 4 1 1 63 31 57 187 160 172 149 6 5 ·1 8 6 107 94 58 76 71 72 71 3 1 45 49 59 56 57 53 57 1 .. .. 2 35 36 60

65 44 49 37 15 7 35 31 61

30 26 26 21 3 4 1 1 15 30 62 93 57 83 51 5 5 5 1 69 86 63


Page 133: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of Distiict-(S) GARO HIUS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Total Sehe-Residential Sehe- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in ---- Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Sq. miles No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou-House-'es holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

~ ..... M -< N 0\ ;g 0 0 \0

'" ..., ..., ..... 0 0\ 00 :;; ~ C'l 0\ \0 C'l \0 M ~

..., Mauza VII Total "r ,,-i "r v5 ..0 '" '"

1 Kanar Char R, P, .Pw, Wb, Nes. 67 71 348 199 149 32 31 37 5 2 lChari Gaon P, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 40 42 201 92 109 48 60 21 7 3 Dipkai R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, 39 41 214 110 lQ4 91 77 23 :z.

V, Nes. 4 Chamaguri R, P, Pw, Wb, D V, 21 21 131 65 66 65 66 8

Nes. . 5 Nismipara R, P; Kw, Wb, D, V, 21 21 119 56 63 2

Nes. 6 l\iarak R, P, Pw, Db, D, V,

Nes. 9 9 55 30 25 2

7 Gola Giri R, Kw, Db, D, V, Nes. 50 52 213 111 102 111 102 14 2 8 Marenga Para R, Kw, Db, D, V, Nes. 21 21 109 55 54 7 9 Salbila R, Kw, Db, D, V, Nes. 29 31 155 78 77 38 39 2

10 HeIdi Bari R, P, Pw, Db, D, V, 35 37 164 91 73 61 50 24 4 Nes.

11 Babet Para R, P, Kw, Db, D, V, 22 22 95 51 44 16 23 16 2 Nes.

12 Khal Para R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Nes. 24 24 129 65 64 1 11 3 13 Guthuli Bari R, P, Kw, Wb, D, V, 6 7 37 23 14 4 1

Nes. 14 Khil Bari R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Nes. 6 6 32 18 14 2 14(a) Bhaluk Mari 7 7 32 15 17 1 14(b) Boga Kona 6 6 21 12 9 2 15 Balachanda R, P, S, Nes. 28 28 147 74 73 74 73 35 3 16 Dygor R, Kw, Wb, Nes 41 41 229 113 116 113 116 35 4 17 Sapal Guri R, P, Pw, Nes. 27 27 137 71 66 71 66 26 3 18 AIjun Guri R, Pw, Wb, Nes. 52 52 294 159 135 154 110 76 10 19 Banda Bok Kw, Wh, D, Nes. 23 23 120 70 50 70 50 18 3 20 Bhajamarh R, Kw, Wb, Nes. 37 37 161 94 67 94 67 40 3 21 Ratan Gola R, M, Kw. Wb. D. Cd. 30 30 155 76 79 45 42 24 5 22 Shankar Para R, Kw, Wb, Has, Nes. 13 13 71 41 30 41 30 11 23 Rangtha para R, M, S, Wh, D, Cd. 33 33 154 65 89 65 89 3 4 24 Kharcheng Para R, P, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 98 103 495 247 248 73 69 9 25 Indra para R, P, Kw, Hos, Nes. 4 4 18 9 9 9 9 3 26 Tangaon R, P, Kw, Wb, D, Nes. 8 8 33 19 14 3 27 Salibhui R, P, Kw. Nes. 12 15 82 41 41 41 41 16 2 28 Dhapguri R, P, Riv, Wb, D, Nes. 21 22 119 63 56 63 56 38 14 29 Beru Para R, P, Riv, Wh, D, Nes. 23 23 123 65 58 65 58 41 9 30 Benabazar & Dipkai R, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 23 23 139 65 74 65 74 46 16 30(a) Dipkai R, Pw, Wb, D, Nes. 18 18 77 38 39 38 39 22 . 1 31 Balapara R, Pw, Db, D, Cd. 27 27 129 60 69 18 22 15 32 Teporpara R, P, Pw, Db, D, Nes. 91 95 424 219 205 42 59 18 1 33 Gandi Para R, P, Pw, Db, D. 44 44 453 233 220 79 55 75 23 304- Puthimari R, P, Riv, Db, D. 8 8 33 22 11 11 6 14 3 35 Tiksali R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 7 7 34 17 17 17 17 7 1 36 Tangabari R, P, Pw, Db, D, Nes. 42 42 234 122 112 122 112 13 2 37 Bairagi Para R, P, Pw, Wh, D, Nes. 46 46 289 155 134 103 89 10 3 38 Garodoba R, P, Pw, Db, D, Nes. 45 45 223 108 115 84 88 6 39 1st. Sonamiti R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, 9 11 39 19 20 18 19 1



Page 134: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

V) t- '0 00 C\ '0 .... N C\ t- -:t -:t .... t- V) t- V)

N t- '" a; .... 'V C\ 'V .,., "<t .,., \0 00 00 M N 00 M N N N N ..," .., ..;- N

116 5 56 1 6 47 2 3 2 4 83 144 1 64 64 60 64 I 3 28 45 2 65 57 61 57 2 2 45 47 3

38 35 37 34 27 31 4

33 38 32 37 23 25 5

16 13 16 13 14 12 6

63 69 57 60 4 9 2 48 33 7 34 32 33 32 1 21 22 8 48 47 47 46 30 30 9 48 43 45 43 3 43 30 10

27 25 22 25 4 1 24 19 11

40 34 36 34 2 2 25 30 12 14 10 10 10 4 9 4 13

5 8 5 8 13 6 14 8 7 8 7 7 10 14(a) 8 7 7 7 1 4 2 14(b)

45 44 32 3.7 10 7 2 2} 29 15 60 68 52 58 7 10 1 53 48 16 41 43 27 26 14 17 30 23 17 9& 83 96 83 2 61 52 18 47 36 47 36 23 14 19 59 45 59 45 35 22 20 41 31 40 31 35 48 21 22 11 22 11 19 19 22 28 44 22 1 4 43 2 37 45 23

146 144 134 140 10 4 2 101 104 24 5 5 5 5 4 4 25

15 6 5 10 5 1 4 8 26 22 16 17 5 16 19 25 27 32 30 24 25 6 1 4 2 31 26 28 43 33 36 26 6 3 4 1 22 25 29 40 37 37 22 2 1 14 1 25 37 30 24 27 22 9 2 18 14 12 30(a) 42 19 29 16 13 3 18 50 31

126 5 99 27 5 " 93 200 32

141 146 126 126 13 5 15 1 92 74 33 15 9 11 4 2 7 7 2 34 10 12 9 12 1 7 5 35 64- 57 62 52 5 2 58 55 36 89 73 83 54 19 5 66 61 37 56 51 56 51 .. 52 64 38 J2 8 7 3 5 5 7 12 39


Page 135: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche· Literate in Residential tion dulcd duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Acres Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block or' of Persons Hou- House·

ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

40 2nd. Sonamili R, p, Kw, Wb, Hos, 40 40 172 91 81 14 8 23 Cd. '

41 Bansali R, Kw, Wb,D. 14 14 59 32 27 4 42 Khong Para R, p, Kw, Wb, D. 24 25 124 68 56 68 46 16 43 Saptboka R,Pw,D. 61 61 331 159 172 75 73 39 1 44 Lutu Bari R,Kw,D. 14 14 114 56 58 14 2 45 Mohis Bathan Para R,P,Pw,D. 16 17 82 51 31 51 31 IS 46 Cholita Bari R, P, PW,D. 19 21 93 43 50 43 50 3 47 Daku Para R,Kw,D. 14 14- 122 68 54 68 54 33 1 48 Ding Jora R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 13 14 133 71 62 71 62 22 2 49 Borkona R, Kw, Wb, D. 12 16 153 76 77 22 6 50 Deokasara R, Kw, Wb, D. 15 15 153 75 78 75 7ll 28 4 51 Joyear R, p, Pw, Wb, D. 43 43 387 207 180 125 110 53 23 52 Kashara R,Pw, Wb, D. 15 15 276 139 137 75 50 48 12 53 Bel Bari R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 31 32 274 151 123 1 21 1 54 Peskarvita R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 5 7 38 ]8 20 3 3 ') 1 55 Thakuram Bari R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 24 25 I'll 103 88 103 85 24 1 56 Basbari R,Pw, Wb,D. 15 22 150 65 85 18 8 57 Muri Khati R, Pw, Wb, D. 10 15 74 38 36 16 1 58 Bandri Kona R,Kw, Wb,D. 14 15 118 58 60 56 52 5 59 UlubarI R, Kw, Wb, Hos. 16 21 123 68 55 16 1 60 Morkona R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos. J8 19 86 43 43 14 2 61 Eartapara R, Kw, Wb, Hos. 11 11 71 37 34 37 34 6 3 62 Marpara R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 25 30 201 106 95 43 43 28 15 63 Kha.ll Gaon R, P. Pw, Wb, Has. 24 24 165 81 84 81 80 17 5 64 Be1asin R, M, Pw, Wb, Has. 43 47 385 201 184 81 84 33 8 65 Nirghin R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos. 23 24 159 80 79 80 79 19 5 66 Bania Para R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos. 18 19 148 77 71 77 71 10 1 67 Samati R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 30 30 177 91 86 91 86 35 5 (OS Bata Joar R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 51 52 241 131 110 79 66 42 11 69 Kllmli R, p, Kw, Wb, D, 44 44 229 115 114 65 33 70 Karjali Para R, Pw, Wh, D. 9 10 42 23 19 18 4 71 Latri R,Pw, Wb, D. 17 17 94 48 46 48 46 37 3 72 Shipra R,Kw, Wb. D. 17 17 89 54 35 54 34 38 '7 73 Bora Latri ( 1 ) R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 16 16 72 31 41 22 7 74 Boro Latri ( 2 ) R,Pw, Wb, D. 9 9 42 20 22 16 12 75 SuI Guri R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 65 69 396 195 201 69 71 115 37 76 Ghasura R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 69 61 487 247 240 115 17 77 Taktaki R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 37 37 213 99 114 48 10


Page 136: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

50 45 38 11 43 1 41 . 36 40

20 16 17 12 3 3 1 12 11 41 37 29 30 22 7 7 31 27 42 84 40 69 33 13 4 2 3 " 75 132 43 28 29 24 21 4 7 1 28 29 44 26 15 22 13 4 2 25 16 45 21 21 18 18 2 3 22 29 46 33 36 30 27 3 9 35 18 47 41 44 36 39 5 5 30 18 48 42 40 40 39 2 1 34 37 49 39 53 38 49 1 4 36 25 50

113 114 106 105 6 9 1 94 66 51 76 83 72 74 4 9 .. 63 54 52

139 88 1 9 86 9 2 1 12 35 53 12 11 11 10 1 1 6 9 54 56 47 42 47 3 4 2 5 47 41 55 44 55 42 51 2 4 21 30 56 20 24 18 21 3 2 .. 18 12 57 35 27 17 14 9 12 9 1 23 33 58 43 34 37 34 6 25 21 59 24 19 23 18 1 1 19 24 60 20 17 20 16 .. 1 17 17 61 58 53 52 52 5 1 1 48 42 62 54 54 45 48 4 4 2 5 27 30 63

118 107 84 83 25 24 9 83 77 64 41 48 35 40 5 5 3 1 39 31 65 39 46 33 41 6 5 38 25 66 51 47 48 46 1 1 2 40 39 67 71 65 56 47 15 13 1 4 60 45 68 59 72 53 62 3 7 2 2 1 1 56 42 69 12 14 10 12 1 1 2 .. 11 5 70 26 23 15 18 8 5 1 2 22 23 71 26 24 22 22 3 1 1 1 28 11 72 18 22 14 18 2 4 1 I 13 19 73 11 12 8 11 1 1 2 9 10 74 94 114 75 95 10 16 2 3 1 6 101 87 75

131 146 131 142 4 116 94 76 53 63 44 56 6 4 1 3 2 46 51 77


Page 137: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(S) GARO RILl.S VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Area Residential Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate

in Houses tion duled duled and Serial Name of Village/Town/Ward/ Amenities Sq. miles No. No. Castes Tribes Edu-

No. Enumerator's Block of of cated Hou-House- Persons ses holds

p M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

rn t- "<t N ~. 0'1 "<t '" ;::!; 00 0 ,..., N .... 00 ,_ ,_ '" 0 0 (")

Mauza VIII 0; r-;, 00 '" 0'1 1'0 '" N" 0 "<t Total C'l N N '" \&S \0" N N N" ,...,

1 Dufuria Goan R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 48 48 294 148 146 49 42 93 31 2 Chela Para R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 51 51 319 171 148 171 148 91 21 3 Kache Gaon . R, P, Pw, Wb. 132 132 550 346 204 229 202 75 8 4 KatuliGaon R, P, Pw, Wb, D, V. 34 34 210 107 103 107 103 83 17 5 Gandhi Giri R,Kw,..S, V. 12 12 52 24 28 2 6 Kalaichar Bazar R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 15 15 57 42 15 13 10 25 3 7 Lipper Kalaichar R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 65 65 292 146 146 5 40 12 8 Lower Kalaichar R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 67 67 282 137 145 1 21 4 9 Kalai Gaon R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, V. 147 147 722 261 461 148 165 103 10

10 Balur Ghat R,Kw,D. 17 17 77 39 38 4 2 11 Lokaichar R, P, Pw, Wb, D, V. 43 43 211 110 101 15 4 12 Hati Barkona R,Kw,D. 3 3 19 9 10 9 10 2 13 Kalegaon Bhatibhue 13 14 58 25 33 25 33 12 1 14 Katholbari Para R, Pw, Wb, D, V. 5 5 21 II 10 11 10 7 1 15 Kalegaon Ghiajuri Para 21 21 91 44 47 42 47 18 3 ]6 Kalegaon Dharamchas 6 6 28 13 15 13 15 6 1 17 Kalegao Nullibari Para Hat 22 22 97 56 41 56 41 20 2 18 Kalegaon Kodaldhowa 5 5 24 12 12 3 19 Kalegaon Kodaldhowa 29 31 160 68 92 68 72 39 7 20 Kodaldhowa ShuJi Para 10 10 62 34 28 34 28 11 1 21 Kodaldhowa Khicha Para 8 8 46 20 26 20 26 5 1 22 Kodaldhowa Shilbari Para 12 13 52 26 26 26 26 4 23 Kodaldhowa Dokor Para 4 4 27 12 15' 12 15 5 24 Kona Para 4 4 33 17 16 17 16 5 25 Nunmati Gorbhui Para P,Pw,D. 18 ]8 80 40 40 40 40 15 26 Nunmati Bagbmara Para R,Pw, D. 16 16 78 34 44 34 44 13 27 Nunmati Karaital Para R,Kw,D. 13 13 100 45 55 45 55 19 28 Nunmati Gufrai R, Kw, Wb,D. 21 21 143 75 68 50 68 2 4 29 Gufrai Nunmati Para R, P, Riv, Db, V. 14 14 6] 35 26 35 26 5 1 30 Gufrai Tangna Para R,Kw,Db,D. ]3 13 69 41 28 1 2 14 2 31 Patijoar New Village R,Kw,V. 10 10 50 31 19 10 1 32 Patijoar Old Village R,P.Kw, Wb. ]8 IS ]02 50 52 50 52 29 11 33 Jikjar Magurmari R, P, Kw, Db. 88 92 228 113 115 2 3 34 7 34 Jikjak R,P,Pw. 45 45 231 126 105 123 105 34 7 35 Jikjak Kona Para R,Kw,D. 2 2 15 9 6 9 6 5 36 Hakhok Dubi Jikjak R,P,Kw, Wb. 10 10 58 34 24 34 24 ]5 37 Jikjak Nolbari Para P,Kw. 4 4 14 6 8 6 8 2 38 Paneha Para Kw. 3 3 19 9 10 9 10 4 39 Bhairakupi R, P, Pw, V. 25 25 110 55 55 53 54 19 1 40 Bhairakupi MorakoU R,P, Kw, Wb. 6 6 39 17 22 17 22 7 1 41 Bhairakupi Dhha Para R Kw, Wb. 6 6 32 23 9 23 9 8 42 Bhairakupi Hidobari Para R,Kw, Wb. 8 8 30 17 13 17 13 4 43 Bhairakupi Beltuli Para R,P,Kw, Wb. 10 10 61 37 24 37 24 7 44 Bhairakupi Lotch Bari R, Kw, Wb. 3 3 18 13 5 13 5 5 45 Shaha Kamaldorga R, Pw, Wb, D, V. Tagged with Serial No. 43 46 Nalarbhani R, Kw, Wb, D, V. 16 16 70 38 32 3 47 Chapahati Polke Camp R, Pw, Wb, D, V. Enumerated with Seriai No. 46 48 Silkona R, Kw, Wb, D, V. 9 9 35 16 19 6 1 49 Kendrakona (Namahpara) R, Pw. Wb, D, V. 4 4 21 11 10 11 10 4 50 Kendrakona Old R. P, Kw, Wb, D, V. 7 7 26 9 17 9 17 4 51 Raghupara Melo Para R, Wb,D, V. 9 9 46 20 26 20 26 2


Page 138: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S1. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

<:> '" "<t 00 or. or. 00 '" N 00 '" 00 '" '" or. "" 00 "'I <"'"l <"I '" N <'> ~ - \0 ..... N r- oo - \0 "" '" -'" ""!. or. '" on '" N 0 ..... .... - N .... - or)

83 80 83 80 65 66 1 81 89 81 89 .. 90 59 2

125 180 91 174 7 4 1 1 15 1 11 221 24 3 59 52 44 50 4 1 ~ 10 48 51 4 2'} 5 12 1 7 5 4 23 5 28 .. .. .. 2 12 14 14 15 6 87 7 71 1 6 2 3 4 6 59 139 7 83 76 6 .. 1 .. . . 54 145 8

198 214 181 192 7 19 2 2 2 6 1 63 247 9 23 11 12 16 38 10 57 1 27 29 1 1 53 100 11 5 3 2 .. 4 10 12

14 16 9 1 3 15 2 11 17 13 6 0 5 0 1 .. 5 10 14

32 2 20 11 2 1 12 45 15 7 1 5 2 1 6 14 16

24 1 18 4 1 2 32 40 17 6 6 2 1 2 2 5 .. 6 6 18

39 24 26 20 12 4 1 29 68 19 14 18 9 5 18 .. 20 10 20 12 13 7 4 13 1 8 13 21 13 17 6 6 17 13 9 22 8 7 4 4 7 4 8 23

12 10 4 8 10 .. 5 6 24 21 25 12 8 25 1 19 15 25 18 22 12 6 22 16 22 26 24 28 12 12 28 " 21 27 27 54 35 15 1 10 34 3 26 21 33 28 19 17 11 2 8 15 16 9 29 21 17 9 2 9 15 2 1 20 11 30 12 13 8 1 4 12 19 6 31 27 30 16 2 10 28 .. 23 22 32 62 67 31 7 26 60 5 51 48 33 70 61 33 5 29 56 2 6 56 44 34

5 4 2 3 4 4 2 35 18 14 9 9 14 16 10 36

5 4 3 1 2 3 1 4 37 6 5 2 4 5 3 5 38

33 30 21 11 29 22 25 39 9 11 4 5 10 8 11 46

13 6 6 7 6 H> 3 41 10 8 4 2 5 6 1 7 5 42 17 14 6 9 14 2 20 10 43 9 4 3 6 4 4 1 44

45 27 1 24 1 3 11 31 46

47 9 1 6 2 7 18 48 7 7 4 10 49 5 3 5 3 4 14 50

11 4 10 1 3 22 51


Page 139: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Num~er and Nanie of Districi-(5) GARO HILLS VIltAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Residential Total Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in Casles Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

52 Nandarkhar West R, P, Pw, Db, D, V. 103 133 666 339 327 15 (lnclunding Sander Para)

53 Nandachar (Paal Para Chega R, P, Pw, Db, D, V. 131 151 740 390 3:>0 81 21

54 Para Much Para)

Nandichar (Daspara R, Pw, Wb, D, V. 100 100 558 298 260 51 48 85 60 121 34 Mohendra Goan Bazar)

R, Edbo, M, Pw, Db, 55 Majharchar tPart I-A) D,V.

101 110 716 367 349 22 16 4 91 37

56 Majharchar (Part I-B) R, Pw, Db, D, V. 148 168 751 392 359 16 14 96 29 57 Majharchar (Part II-A) R, P, Pw_ Db, D, V. 149 149 769 379 390 138 38 58 Majharchar (Part II-B) R, Pw, Db, D, V. 160 180 838 421 417 109 42 59 Kukurmari (Kukurmari) R, Pw, Wb, D, V. 82 82 361 188 173 41 5 60 Tungruchar-A R, Pw, Db, D, V_ 98 100 475 241 234 41 14 61 Tungruchar-B R, P, Pw, Wb, D, V. 86 89 442 235 207 65 12 62 Silghaguri R, Kw, Wb, D, V. 49 49 115 59 56 56 54 9 63 Tara Para R, P, Kw, Db, D, V. 33 33 150 76 74 76 74 17 1 64 Bahadur Kat'a R, Pw, Wb, D, V. 34 34 177 89 88 64 66 9 65 Debajani R, Riv, Wb, D. 7 7 46 23 23 =}

~, 3 --", 66 Malmua R, Pw, Wb, D, V. 22 23 90 41 49 ,~ : 4S 11 67 Bajhora 1st R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Cd. 26 26 131 71 60 ,j c> 20 2 68 Bajho a 2nd Kw, Db, D, V. Cd. 16 16 59 25 34 1 69 Dhopakura 1st A R, P,Pw, Db, D, V, 51 51 236 117 119 49 54 45 10

Cd. 70 Dhopakura 2nd A R, P, Pw, Db, D, V, 107 107 475 260 215 77 70 76 14

Cd. 71 Gena Para R, Pw, Wb, D, V, Cd. 15 16 75 36 39 34 34 14 4 72 Bhafue R, P, Pw, Db, D, V, 50 50 274 135 13-9 75 77 44 2

Cd. 73 Gobinda Para R, Kw, Wb, D, V, Cd. 4 4 20 8 12 2


Page 140: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S!. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

198 10 131 39 2 24 10 2 141 317 52

192 46 81 22 4 10 41 36 24 20 J98 304 53

167 22 6 2 56 3 11 2 67 21 20 131 238 54

192 5 91 2 41 4 1 26 28 2 175 344 55

214 12 96 1 64 1 2 4 1 22 6 1 28 .. 178 347 56 230 9 149 4 44 1 4 2 1 18 .. 4 8 4 149 381 57 249 14 164 5 35 3 31 8 16 1 172 403 58 110 4 87 1 10 2 3 7 4 78 169 59 146 10 117 20 2 10 7 95 224 60 138 118 10 10 97 207 61 35 30 3 2 24 56 62 40 36 40 35 1 36 38 63 49 29 42 29 7 40 59 64 ]2 11 12 11 11 12 65 27 21 22 18 3 5 14 28 66 38 27 38 27 33 33 67 15 8 15 8 10 26 68 61 24 60 24 1 56 95 69

153 57 65 51 15 6 6 39 28 107 158 70

20 20 18 20 2 16 19 71 80 66 72 65 1 7 55 73 72

6 4 1 2 11 73


Page 141: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Ntimber and Name of District-(5) CAR0 HILL'

Serial No.

2 3 4


6 7


9 10 11 12 13 14

IS 16 17







24 25






31 32

Name of Village/Town/ Ward/Enumerator's


Mau~ IX

Changar Para

Balu Ghora Belabor Halehati


Seseng Para Chandabhui


Dhing Khaghora

Dalu Project ( Kamdib ) Dhingkhojhoro ( Dubigau ) Dalu P. W. D. Office Borengga Para P. O. Dalu Thana Dalu Veterinary

Lakhikura Salbari Para ( Dalugaon ) Aougachel Para (II)

Barengga Para (II)


Dalu Gaon






R, P, Kw, Wb, Hos, Cd,

R, Kw, Wb, Hos, Cd. R. Pw, Db. Hos, Cd. R, P, Pw, Db, Hos,

Cd. R, P, Pw, Db, Hos,

Cd, R, P, Pw, Db, D, Cd. R, P, Pw, Db, Hos,

Cd. R, M, Kw, Db, D,

V,Cd. R, Pw, Db, D, Cd. R, P, Pw, Db, D, Cd. R, Pw, Db, Hos, Cd.

R, Pw, Db, Hos, Cd. R, Pw, Db, Hos,

V,Cd. R, Kw, Db, Hos, Cd. R, Pw, Db, Hos, Cd. R, Pw, Db, Hos, V,

Cd. R, Pw. Db, Hos, V,

Cd. R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos,

V,Cd. R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos,

V, Nes. R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos,

V,Cd. R, P, Pw, Wh, D,

V,Cd. Dhap Giri (under-khujikura) R, P, Pw, Wb, D,

V,Cd. Goda Giri R, Pw, Wh, D, V, Cd. Khandak Para R, Kw, Wb, Hos,

V, Cd. Asira Giri (U. Khandok Para) R, P, Pw, Wh, Hos, V,

Cd. Baburam Bill


Saipani (U. Killapara)

Gangbanga (KilJapara)

Killapara (A) Killapara (B)

R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, V, Cd.

R, Kw, Wb, Hos, V, Cd.

R, H, Pw, Wb, D, V, Cd.

R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, Cd.

R, Pw, Wb, D, V, Cd. R, S, Wh, D, V, Cd.

Area in

Sq. miles



Occupied Residential

Houses No. No. of of

HOll- House­ses holds



45 22 29


27 146


35 30 11

5 13


12 64 15







12 48






161 127




~5 49

27 148


35 30 11 5

13 5

12 64 15







12 48






165 127

Total Popula­tion

Sche­duled Castes


Name of Mauza :

Sche­duled Tribes

Literate and




7 8 9

175 86 89

183 84 99 107 53 54 126 57 69

192 99 93

123 64 59 580 295 285

68 32 36

128 84 44 143 75 68 30 20 10 15 10 5 56 31 25 22 14 8

65 35 30 269 123 146 64 25 39

16 10 6

260 134 126

428 227 201

117 59 58

318 172 146

310 162 148

112 55 57 211 100 111

95 45 50

293 157 136

56 29 27

330 196 134

163 84 79

724 377 347 568 341 227

10 11


2 5

22 14

12 13 14

86 89 29

84 99 14 53 54 11 20 20 18


37 29 19 77 57 97

32 36 9

33 39 68 75 68 20 10 6 14 317

22 17 20 12 8 7

33 30 15 48

25 38 9


134 126 67

155 136 108

59 58 9

172 146 105

162 148 112

55 57 24 100 111 16

45 50 15

156 136 22

29 27 2

63 58 98

80 77 51

43 37 162 37 39 81




"' 11


2 4


23 8 7 5

12 1

7 12 6







16 7





66 19

Page 142: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Total workers (I-IX)






Non- SI. workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

43 48

46 68 33 32 38 46

50 56

47 48

46 68 33 32 36 40

45 54

..... r-- o


37 21 17 20 173 128 131 SO 31 35


67 31 16

6 15 8

17 57 14





8 9 2

11 30 9




34 27





30 26 57 69

30 35




11 32 9







3 5 11 4

.. 1

812 7 II 14 246

1 2

44 10 2

69 22





30 26 56 69

30 35





203 189

86 104 85

19 19



13 11




20 45

4 13

17 4

2 3







1 4 43

1 1

2 8

4 4

9 14










00 N


.. 2




2 1

13 2


2 2 1





96 43

.. 4

.. 2

10 3·



7 4

58 3 2

16 1 2

13 6

3 8







1 1 1


38 41

38 31


2 3 4

20 22 19 23

49 37

27 38


6 7 122 157

17 18 8

17 36 9 44 59 10

4 8 11 4 5 12

16 25 13 6 7 14

18 19 15 66 116 16 11 30 17

6 4

66 76



118 118 20




25 43






78 23

31 24 42 25

15 26

50 27

8 28



47 88

2 91 118 29

30 45 61

174 334 31 7 152 216. 32'

Page 143: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Numbe{and Name of District-(S) GARO IHLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Occupied Total Sche- Sche- Literate Residential

Serial Name of Village/Town I Amenities Area Houses Population duled duled and No .. Ward/Enumerator's in ---- Cast~s Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

33 Thoiogang (Land Custom R, M, Pw, Wb, D. 22 22 119 56 63 56 63 30 24 Dispensary and Forest)

20 17 2 31- Banaguri P, Riv, Wb, D. 10 10 37 20 17 35 Domdoma Riv, Wb, D. 13 13 83 42 41 42 41 36 Rimging Githim R, Riv, Wb, D. 7 7 27 15 12 15 12 1 37 Rongdolchi P, Riv, Wb, D. 22 22 81 41 40 40 40 17 13 38 Chirakhati R, Riv. 52 52 199 106 93 106 93 15 5 39 Nelwa Giri R P, Pw, Wb, Cd. 75 75 300 158 142 158 142 70 31 40 Ading Songsarek R, Riv, Wb. 50 50 151 76 75 76 75 35 14 41 Ading Christian R, Riv, Cd. 5 5 30 21 9 21 9 10 7 42 Desang Giri R, P, Kw, Cd. 47 47 208 107 101 107 101 58 21 43 Bedolbhui R, Riv, Cd. 11 II 57 24 33 24 33 13 2 44 Netri R, P, Kw, Cd, 25 25 149 77 72 37 17 51 39 45 Roma Giri R, P, Riv, Cd. 34 3 167 80 87 80 87 28 23 46 Dabram R, P, Pw, Wb, Hos, 53 55 270 135 135 135 133 78 65

V,Cd. 47 Apapara R, Pw, Wb, Hos, V, 27 27 117 56 61 56 61 22 7

Cd. 48 Chigitchak Giri R, Kw, Hos, V, Cd, 21 21 93 47 46 47 46 30 10 49 Sangilal R, Kw, V, Cd. 10 10 42 18 24 18 24 10 7 50 Jongkol R. P, Riv, Db, Hos, 28 28 170 73 97 72 97 36 29

Y, Cd. 51 Custom Office R, Riv, Wb, Hos, 3 3 7 5 2 5 2

Cd. 52 Hospital R, S, Wb, Hos,

Cd. 8 11 33 15 18 . 6 6 10 5

53 Catholic Mission Compo R, P, S, Wb, D, 7 II 19 11 8 8 8 9 2 Cd.

54 Check Post R, S, Wb, Hos. 2 4 9 3 6 2 5 2 Cd.

55 Post Office R, S, Wb, Hos, Cd. 2 2 2 2 2 56 Border Force Camp Enumerated with Serial No. 62 51 Anthi Camp. R, Riv, Wb, Hos, Cd. 41 44 151 107 44 34 24 73 13 58 District--State forest office R, Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 7 9 1 ) 13 6 10 6 9 3 59 Police Station 12 16 57 30 27 22 17 1:) 60 District Council House 1 2 5 2 3 2 3 1 61 P. W, D. Staft' 12 12 42 29 13 17 8 13 3 62 Project 64 70 293 169 124 169 120 109 46 63 Wage5ik R, P, S, Wb, D, V, Cd. 158 163 910 463 447 26J 260 139 58 64 Baghmara Christians Githin 10 12 69 34 35 33- 35 26 21 65 Baghmara Rangdo Krana R, Riv Wb, D, V, Cd. 43 51 211 105 106 Ill3 105 72 76 66 Ghose Gaon R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 83 83 294 107 187 71 69 28 58 67 Baigankana R,Pw, Wb,D, 36 37 162 84 78 69 66 35 12 68 Khongkorta R, P, Riv, Wb, D. 18 18 89 43 46 43 46 19 5 69 Dimagiri R, P, Kw, Wb, D. 43 43 195 86 109 84 109 44 20 70 Dephuli Para R, P, Pw, Wb, D. 48 51 186 85 101 85 101 22 5 71 Mandang Giri R, P, Pw, \\lb, D. 27 28 113 59 54 59 54 17 3 72 Jadugiri R, P, Riv, Db, Hos. 33 36 145 78 67 77 67 6 1 73 Ratabari R, Pw, Db, Hos. 59 64 237 118 119 106 79 27 2 74 Chengkhali R, Riv, Wb. 54 54 177 65 112 65 112 19 5 75 Kala para P, Pw, Wb. 33 33 155 75 80 74 76 75 12 76 Kapasipara R, M, Riv, Wb. 107 107 529 270 259 246 228 100 37 77 Ramchenga R, P, Pw, Wb. 80 80 348 167 181 164 180 39 13 78 Namchapara R, P, Pw, Wb. 47 47 219 98 121 9i 121 79 Jhatapara R,Kw, Wb. 16 33 109 48 61 48 61 5 80 DUl1lnikura R,Pw, Wb. 44 47 174 97 77 95 77 20 3 81 Bilkona R, P, Pw, Wb. 72 80 281 140 141 140 141 87 15 82 Gobrakura R, Riv. 18 19 104 54 50 35 33 7 4


Page 144: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- S)' (1-00 workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

30 28 19 28 11 26 35 33

9 7 7 7 2 11 10 34 24 25 24 25 18 16 35 8 8 8 8 7 4 36

27 19 26 19 1 14 21 37 31 28 30 28 .. 1 75 65 38 79 78 74 78 2 3 79 64 39 37 42 33 42 1 2 1 39 33 40 12 8 12 8 9 1 41 73 75 73 75 34 26 42 20 20 20 20 4 13 43 50 39 50 39 27 33 44 55 59 54 59 1 25 28 45 63 63 45 58 2 2 16 3 72 72 46

22 20 22 19 1 34 41 47

25 21 24 21 1 .. 22 25 48 12 12 7 10 1 4 2 6 12 49 37 33 24 29 1 1 1 3 10 1 36 64 50

4 4 1 2 51

8 1 4 4 7 17 52

7 1 1 6 1 4 7 53

2 2 1 6 54

2 2 55 56

56 5 1 2 9 19 1 27 1 51 39 57 8 8 5 6 58

13 13 17 27 59 1 1 1 3 60

18 .. 4 3 11 11 13 61 85 45 32 40 1 2 7 1 1 44 2 84 79 62

185 21 20 15 1 3 7 97 1 2 56 4 278 426 63 9 10 2 6 1 2 .. 6 2 25 25 64 8 17 3 12 3 1 1 5 97 89 65

99 20 14 11 2 5 70 6 2 9 8 167 66 44 36 32 35 3 1 7 1 1 40 42 67 20 11 18 11 1 1 23 35 68 41 45 40 45 1 45 64 69 29 25 18 21 7 1 1 3 1 2 56 76 70 27 22 20 21 6 1 1 32 32 71 28 20 24 20 3 1 50 47 72 48 40 35 37 9 1 4 2 70 79 73 15 96 90 4 4 11 2 50 16 74 45 51 42 50 1 1 2 30 29 75 90 9 70 8 19 1 1 180 250 76 98 100 92 100 5 1 69 81 77 74 85 74 85 24 36 78 28 27 26 27 2 20 34 79 44 35 37 34 2 5 1 53 42 80 56 63 55 62 1 1 84 78 81 32 30 32 30 22 20 82


Page 145: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5} GARO IDLLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :


Occupied Residential Total Sehe- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Area Hous.;:s Population duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's in ---- Castes Tribes Edu-

Block Acres No. No. cated of of Persons

Hou- House-ses holds


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

83 Angratuli R,Riv. 1 2 7 3 4 3 4 84 Fikirkona R,P,Riv. 61 66 281 139 142 139 142 30 7 85 Rangajhora R,P,Kw. 20 20 67 35 32 35 32 12 2 86 Gasuapara R,P,Wb. 108 11)8 643 391 252 204 183 102 36 87 Gandibor R,P,Pw. 49 62 229 111 118 78 81 19 5 88 Silbaripara R,Kw. 14 22 73 38 35 1 89 Kadangboka R,Kw. 30 31 136 63 73 63 73 3 3 90 Makabaripara 22 22 94 52 42 6 1 5 91 Jatrakaona 94 94 470 244 226 106 101 97 46


Page 146: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- SI. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

1 1 1 1 2 3 83 74 89 74 89 65 53 84 20 17 20 17 15 15 85

282 113 209 105 2 2 3 45 8 5 16 109 139 86 41 51 41 49 2 70 67 87 16 16 15 14 1 2 22 19 88 31 31 29 30 2 1 32 42 89 20 27 19 21 1 5 1 32 15 90

143 99 114 84 10 2 3 2 8 18 1 101 127 91


Page 147: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District-(5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate in Residential tion duled duled and

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Sq. miles Houses Castes Tribes Edu-No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. cated

Block: of of Persons Hou- House-

ses holds

p M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


'" 8 0\ .... 10 .... '" 00 '" $ r-. """ '" "" r-. "" \D 0

Mauza X T r...: q N 3 r-. V) r-. ~ r-. ~

N N \D" .,; N rri' .... ....

N 0\ r-. N \D '" .... 0\ I(") ..., .... 00 N N .... ~ \D \D 00 '<I'

R -.i '<I' or> """ .., ....

N" .... ....

V> \D ::1i 00 .., .,.., '<I' r-. ..., 0 00 V> 00 N \D \D 0 N N

U ,.; V> t- oo "":, '<I' \D ~ V> 00 .... " _" r¥:) I(") ",," N .... ...," ,..."

1 Dalu Para R, P, Pw, Wb, D. Cd. 82 86 374 203 171 11 8 36 5 2 Korai Tola (Hari Gaon) R, Pw, Wb, D, Cd. 19 20 119 60 59 10 2 3 Nunmati (Had Gaon) Riv, Wb, D, Cd. 17 17 99 54 45 4 Kanchikona R, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 17 17 93 44 49 5 Hari Gaon R, P, Pw, Wb, Cd. 58 59 274 149 125 13 2 6 Dighla Para R, K w, Wb, D, Cd. 32 32 142 74 68 7 1 7 Garu Bandha R, Edbo, M, Pw, Wb, 101 128 461 296 165 S5 57 78 19

D,Cd. 8 Dumuni Gaon (1st) R, P, Pw, Wb, D, Cd. 43 46 256 130 126 8 9 Dumuni Gaon (2nd) R, Pw, Wb, Cd. 22 22 122 62 60 4

10 AndharKona R, P, Pw Wb, D, Cd. 19 19 138 68 70 2 6 9 11 Cheng Ghora R, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 20 21 55 27 28 1 'i 12 Chama Guri R, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 26 26 140 73 67 1 9 13 Pura Para R, Kw, Wb, D, Cd. 33 34 149 76 73 11 2


Page 148: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- SI. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

N -.jo <"I M 0\ '01" r- on .... ~ '" 0 r- .... r- ~ N - 0\ N r-.. r-.. .., q 0- -.jo 00 00 \0 0- \0 ..... 00 r- ~ '" ..... 0 .,... l""- on .,... ...... ..... .... ..... ..... o. .,... .., ..... N M .....

\0 \0 on <"I ~ '01" on \,() ..... '" I""- M 0 0 00 I""- ..... I""- 00 .... ...... M "... .... ..., l""- on on "<t .,., .,.,

\0 00 00 '" l""- on 00 ..... -.jo '" I""- .... 00 ~ ~ - M 0 l""- I""-'V ...... I""- '" \0 r- 0 ::::: ..... 00 ..... 00 ~ r- ~ ~ "<t ..... M .....

~ "'t ..... M

110 74 54 29 42 45 4 3 7 93 97 1 35 35 33 33 2 2 25 24 2 27 27 27 25 2 27 18 3 27 27 27 26 1 17 22 4 80 74 77 68 3 6 69 51 5 56 49 51 42 5 7 18 19 6

192 22 6 3 25 16 7 31 1 56 67 2 104 143 7

74 65 73 63 2 1 56 61 8 34 35 21 22 12 7 6 1 28 25 9 42 46 37 41 1 4 4 1 26 24 10 15 18 15 18 12 10 11 42 43 42 42 1 31 24 12 52 61 52 61 24 12 13


Page 149: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Number and Name of District- (5) GARO HILLS VILLAGE

Name of Mauza :

Area Occupied in Residential Total Popula- Sche- Sche- Literate

Serial Name of Village/Town/ Amenities Sq. miles Houses tion duled duled and No. Ward/Enumerator's No. No. Castes Tribes Edu-

Block of of cated Hou- House- persons

ses holds

p M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -Garo Hills District Urban

'" \C) 0\ 00 M '" '<I' - t- M 0 00

<'i V'> '" 00 M \D \D 0 M M V'> "':. 00 '<I;, ~ 'D t- V'> 00

Tura Town ...... ...... 00· .,... M' ....... <"i _.

1 CIRCLE No.1 453 557 2,736 1,645 1,091 340 218 921 354 Block No. 1 90 147 660 392 268 106 19 227 98 Block No.2 120 166 168 439 329 5 6 234 81 Block No. 2(a) 3 3 20 20 5 Block No.3 25 25 126 79 47 77 47 13 Block No. 3(a) 6 6 31 14 17 14 17 5 12 Block No. 3(b) 95 95 498 276 222 113 60 200 105 Block No.4 110 110 604 396 208 25 9 236 58 Block No. 4(a) 4 5 29 29 7

2 CIRCLE No.2 457 473 2,453 1,456 997 596 355 999 522 Block No, 1 90 90 490 277 213 132 102 179 101 Block No.2 93 109 587 342 245 118 104 214 120 Block No.3 110 110 659 414 245 166 60 313 158 Block No.4 164 164 717 423 294 120 89 293 143

3 CIRCLE No. 3 167 171 1,141 629 518 4 I 511 431 510 405 Block No.1 59 59 364 219 145 153 103 112 110 Block No.2 46 46 297 158 139 137 106 133 102 Block No.3 28 28 215 116 99 114 97 95 74 Block No.4 34 38 271 136 135 4 1 101 131 110 119

4 CIRLE No.4 479 538 2,552 1,693 859 .. 1,220 6931,084· 547 Block No.1 62 62 337 153 184 151 129 89 112 Block No.2 100 116 479 349 130 338 130 266 58 Block No.3 81 99 562 338 224 329 139 266 143 Block No.4 127 147 600 385 215 246 197 297 190 Block No.5 40 50 190 190 83 Block No.6 13 13 73 68 5 8 1 15 1 Block No.7 25 26 211 114 97 110 97 68 43 Block No.8 25 25 100 96 4 38


Page 150: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Total workers Non- Sl. (I-IX) workers No.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

1.0 00 00 0-, t- l() ~ 8 """ 0\ t- .... ~ ~ N N 0 ..... t-

""" M t- 1.0 \C) .... - 00 0 00 N ..... N 0). """ - - .... - 0 N ..... o_ N <'1- "t t<l

1,057 117 69 41 39 27 3 64 3 54 2 228 4· 66 .. 510 63 588 974 267 7 2 23 20 11 11 .. 202 5 125 261 250 5 23 1 3 1 32 11 72 27 82 3 189 324 20 5 3 12 69 41 68 41 1 10 6 5 17 5 17 9 139 23 11 8 3 3 3 12 4 14 87 16 137 199 270 24 16 5 20 2 130 14 93 22 118 184 29 1 28 756 91 17 17 23 25 6 19 38 14 22 .. 618 47 700 906 2 127 32 9 5 4 2 5 .. 111 23 150 181 161 29 1 1 5 5 6 2 4 13 5 .. 143 5 181 216 223 20 9 2 6 1 13 8 6 .. 184 14 191 225 245 10 7 1 14 3 14 24 1 6 .. 180 5 178 284 237 91 2 18 33 25 10 14 8 1 168 47 392 427 3 105 22 1 13 12 12 7 4 1 67 10 114 123 56 21 11 10 2 3 1 40 10 102 118 26 35 1 1 20 1 3 1 18 15 90 64 50 13 4 1 1 2 43 12 86 122 896 139 8 28 9 3 16 42 20 44 2 13 .. 786 63 797 720 4 55 21 5 .. 55 16 98 163 286 7 2 2 1 8 6 270 4 63 123 186 26 16 2 9 5 .. 170 10 152 198 173 44 3 10 9 3 8 19 2 13 .. 138 12 212 171 83 83 107 68 3 4 4 12 48 3 2 40 38 5 18 1 10 2 2 22 18 74 59 5 3 2 91 4


Page 151: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Besides the Village Directory which contains the Primary Census Abstracts for each village in the district in addition to other important informations relating to the village, all A-series tables relating to the general- population; all B(i) i. e. General Economic Tables except B-II, all Cseries i. e. Social and Cultural Tables except C-I, C-IV & C-VI; and all tables for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are reproduced in this volume. A short explanatory note for each of the above census tables presented in this volume is also given.


Page 152: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



This is the basic population table for the Census. This table furnishes the data for each police station and town separately. The area is given both in square miles and square kilometres ; but the density is calculated from square miles only. In addition to the data on area and del1sity, this table gives the number of inhabited and uninhabited villages, occupied residential houses and the population separately for males and females according to the 1961 Census for both rural and urban areas separately.

The area figures of the district and police stations are as supp'ied by the Director of land Records and Surveys, Government of Assam. The area figures of the towns are collected from the respective Deputy Commissioners and SUbdivisional Officers, local Bodies and in some cases, from the Local Self-Government Department of the Government of Assam. In case of Garo Hills, Deputy Commissioner supplied the area

figures of Mauza and Town of the district.

Page 153: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





o .-1


~!:::~~&j~~S~~~~~~~t:i ~~~~N~OO~~~~N~M~V ~~~~dd~~~~~~~~~~ IOlO ~r""'IfT1t'1"'1 .-1.-1

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J. .s ~

Page 154: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

A-t-ARtA, ltousts ANt> POPULATION


Houseless and Institutional Population

Total Houseless Population Institutional Population District/Mauza Rural

Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Garo Hills District T 467 399 68 R U 467 399 68

Mauza I R 1 Mauza II R I Mauza HI R Mauza IV R Mauza V R }- Nil Mauza VI R I Mauza VII R Mauza VUI R MauzaIX R J

T 467 399 68 MauzaX R ..

U 467 399 68


Page 155: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





This table furnishes population data for the last Seven Censuses from 1901 to 1961 and the variation of population in each decade. This is a very important table as it gives the growth of population from decade to decade and in the absence of reliable vital statistical data, forms the main source for estimation of population. One of the main changes in this table since the last Census is that perCent­age variation is given from decade to decade.

Decade Percentage Years Persons Variation Decade Males


2 3 4 5 6


7 ----------_ 1901 138,274 70,035 68,239 1911 158,936 +20,662 +14.94 81,264 77,672

1921 179,140 +20,204 +12.71 91.466 87,674 1931 190,911 +11,771 +6.57 97,442 93,469

1941 223,569 +32,658 +17.11 113,180 110,389

1951 242,075 +18,506 +8.28 124,054 118,021

1961 307,228 +65,153 +26.91 156,740 150,488


Page 156: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



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Page 157: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Garo Hills



This table gives the growth of each town since 1901. This table furnishes the areas of the towns of the 1961 Census both in square miles and square kilometres. For the purrose of this table, all towns are divided into 6 classes according to popUlation. As in table A-II, the percentage variation of each town is given from decade to decade. But in Garo Hills district, Tura is tIle only town considered for the first time in 1961 Census.

CLASS V-5,~9,999

Status Area Percentage Name of Town of Year Persons Decade Decade

Town Sq. miles Sq. Km. variation Variation

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Turo 1961 3.53 9.14 8,888

Note: Town treated as such for the first time in 1961 is printed in italics








Page 158: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





This table is prepared separately for total, rural and urban population and it gives the total population classifying the nine industrial categories of workers and non-workers. Each category is divided into five age-groups namely, 0-14, 15-34, 35-59, 60+ and Age not stated. This is the basic economic table. The classification of workers and non-workers by age-groups is a special feature of the 1961 Census. The age-groups correspond to the different stages of life which have special significance with reference to capacity to work, namely, children, young persons, middle-aged persons and elderly persons.


Page 159: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 160: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 161: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



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Page 162: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 163: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



III I II In Mining, Quarry- IV

ing, Livestock, Educational Leveb As Agricultural Forestry, Fishing, ./\t Household

Total Populatioll As Cultivator Labourer Hunting, Plan- Industry of Workers and tations, Orchards Non-workers and allied


Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

GARO HILLS TOTAL 298,340 151,317 141,023 82,478 76,813 2,062 1,203 937 339 387 1,002 llliterate 242,354 114,283 128,071 58,646 64,902 1,557 1,076 701 316 173 869 Literate (Without

Educational Level) 51,104 32,920 18,184 21,625 11,498 469 127 223 23 187 112 Primary or Junior Basic 4,552 3,811 741 2,182 407 36 13 25 18 Matriculation and Above 330 303 27 25 6 2 3

MAUZA TOTAL 35,947 ' 18,144 17,803 10,413 10,205 17 7 73 31 4 4 illiterate 27,587 12,823 14,764 6,478 8,102 7 5 38 31 2 3 Literate (Without

Educational Le\el) 8,147 . 5,170 2,977 3,855 2,055 9 2 35 2 1 Primary or Junior BasL 197 136 61 76 47 i Matdculation and Above 16 15 4 1

MAUZA TOTAL 59,731 30,282 29,449 17,533 17,232 63 14 119 39 62 14

Illiterate 51,414 24,821 26,593 13,8L8 15,336 47 14 90 32 23 6 Literate (Without Educational Le\cl) 7,577 4,885 2,692 3,370 1,779 15 29 7 3S 8 Primal) or lunioI Basic 712 Matriculation and

554 158 355 114 1 4

Above 28 22 6 3

MAUZA TOTAL 61,057 30,580 30,477 18,022 18,388 112 44 460 209 14 41

illiterate 55,672 27,056 28,616 16,007 17,278 55 29 363 197 5 36 Literate (Without

5.207 3,382 5 Educational Level) 1,825 1,959 1.105 56 15 96 12 9 Primary or Junior Basic 158 125 33 54 5 1 1 Matriculation and Above 20 17 3 2

MAUZA TOTAL 62,777 31,817 30,960 19,249 19,043 93 116 66 14 26

nliterate 45.174 21,137 24,037 11,144 13,025 38 59 35 10 12 Literate (Without

16,407 9,707 14 Educational Level) 6,700 7,354 5.033 55 57 31 4 .. PriIDary or Junior

1,155 932 742 Basic 223 185 Matricula tion and Above 41 41 9

MAUZA TOTAL 17,029 8,610 8,419 4.252 3,814 97 50 46 43 83 434,

Illiterate 12,222 5,401 6.821 2.313 2,981 65 42 41 43 35 407 Literate (Without

4,009 E.ducational Level) Primary or Junior

2,477 1,532 I,4S3 799 30 & 4 35 25

Basic 745 682 63 482 34 2 1 12 1 Matriculation and Abovo 53 SO 3 4 1 1


Page 164: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India
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Total Population of In Mining, Quarry.

ing, Livestock, Educational Levels Workers and Non. As Agricultural Forestry, Fishing, At Household

Workers As Cultivator Labourer Hunting, Industry Plantations, Or-chards and allied


Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


'lQTAL i6,771 8,719 8,052 3,886 1,:261 444 37 51 1 38 57 IUi~j\te. 14,686 7,062 ' 7,624 3,139 1,177 418 37 44 1 23 43 Literate (Without

384 662 84 25 Educational Level) 1,734 1,350 7 15 8 PzlJDary or Junior

329 289 40 84 Basic 6 Matriculation and Above 22 18 4


'TOTAL 12,931 6,652 6,279 3,296 2,848 359 246 51 2 9 267 Illiterate lO,655 4,762 5,893 2,072 2,696 267 225 43 2 5 246 Literate .(Without Educational Level) 1,936 1,578 358 1,096 148 90 21 8 4 19 Primary or Junior Basic 334 306 28 128 4 2 2 Matriculation and Above 6 6


TQT.t\L 13,684 6,972 6,712 2,524 938 615 515 68 43 22 Illiterate 11,246 4,964 6,282 1,630 896 450 495 45 25 21 Literate (Without Educational Level) 1,723 1,37J 352 670 37 146 20 12 8 1 Primary or Junior Basic ... 667 589 78 219 5 19 11 9 Ml\tri!=ulation aDd Above 48 48 5 1


TOTAL 15,991 8,225 7,766 2,788 2,611 173 90 3 93 14? Illiterate 11,500 5,124 6,376 1,572 2,145 130 86 2 31 ;1 Literate (Witho~t.

2,979 1,201 Educational. ~yel) 4,334 1,355 .458 43 4 62 45 Primary or Junior Basi!l. . , .. ". .... 80 54 26 15 6 9 ~~i.cuIatiofi and Above 71 68 9 2 2


TOTAL 2,422 1,316 1,106 515 473 89 84 15 16 Illiterate 2,198 1,133 1,065 483 466 80 84 12 16 Liter4lte (WithQ~i [email protected]~.) 30 21 ~9 5 3 Prlri,lary or Junior Basic . 175 144 31 27 7 9 Matriculation and Above 19 18 1


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V VI vn vm IX X In Manufacrur- In Trade and In Transport, In Other iDS other than In Construction Commerce Storage and Services Non-workers Educational Levels

Household Communications Industry

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


S6 3 1 107 2 355 38 3,779 6,655 TOTAL 34 3 1 36 1 171 32 3,195 6,331 Illiterate

112 4 447 288 Literate (Without

18 63 Educational Level)

60 1 132 Primary or Junior

4 8 33 Basic

12 5 Matriculation and

3 Above

vn 4 4 21 7 75 2,837 2,905 TOTAL 2 17 7 21 2,335 2,717 Illiterate

Literate (Without 2 3 3 23 352 167 Educational Level)

Primary or Junior 26 149 21 Basic

Matriculation and 5 Above

vm 78 53 R 313 63 5 266 8 3,052 5,113 TOTAL 50 51 2 168 62 4 100 6 2,490 4,751 Illiterate

Literate (Without 10 2 2 58 1 56 408 291 Educational Level)

Primary or Junior 18 4 85 78 2 146 71 Basic

Matriculation and 2 32 8 Above


47 4 28 465 25 38 649 50 3,941 4,839 TOTAL 15 3 2 137 13 20 213 21 3,002 4,017 Illiterate

Literate (Without 32 1 12 328 12 17 364 26 919 809 Educational Level)

Primary or Junior 6 15 2 18 9 Basic

Matriculation and 8 1 57 2 4 Above


31 1 59 77 2 530 530 TOTAL 21 1 45 31 461 498 Illiterate

Literate (Without 13 9 Educational Level)

30 1 55 23 Primary or Junior

9 14 Basic Matriculation and

1 16 Above


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This table corresponds more or less to the Union Table B-III of the 1951 Census.

It divides the working population, other than persons at work at cultivation, industriallY into nine Divisions, forty five Major Groups, 343 Minor Groups and into four statuses of employment. The Indian Census Economic Classification adopted at the 1951 Census was neither a purely industrial nor occupational classification of the p:Jpulation but was a combination of both. There were only ten divisions and eighty eight subdivisions of industries and services. The present classifica­tion follows the National Classification of Industties adopted by the Government of India with some suitable minor modifications within the framework. This table deals only with the industrial classification of workers. The workers at Household Industries are classified into two employment statuses, namely, Emp10yee and Others. The workers in Non­Households Industries are classified by the four statuses of employment, namely, Employer, Employee, Single w~rker and Family worker against Employer, Employee and Independent worker in the 1951 Census. An Employer is a person who has to employ other persons in order to carry on the business from which he seCUres his livelihood. He is not only responsible for his own personal work but also for giving work to others in the business. But a person who employs domestic servants for household duties or has subordinates under him in an office where he is employed by others is not an employer, even if he has the power to employ another person (s) in his office on behalf of his own employer (s).

An Employee is a person who usually works under some other person for salary or wages in cash or kind. Persons employed as Manager, Superintendents, Agents etc. and in that capacity employ or control other workers on behalf of their own employers are only ~mployees.

A Single Worker is a person who works by himself but not as Head of household in a


Household Industry. He is not employed by anyone else and in his turn does not employ anybody else, not even members of his household except casually. This definition of a single worker will include a person who works in joint partnership with one or several persons hiring no employees and also a member of a Producers' Co-operative. Each one of the partners Or members of such Producers' Co­operatiVes is treated as a Sing'e worker.

A Family worker is a member who works without receiving wages in cash or kind, in an industry, bus:ness or trade conducted mainly by members of the family and ordinarily does at least one hour of work everyday during the working Season. For the purpose of this definition, members of a family may be drawn from beyond tbe limits of the household by ties of blood or marriage. The fam'Jy worker may not be entitled to a share of the profits in the work of thc business carried on either by the person or head of the household or other relatives.

This table has three parts. Part A restricts itself to an account ~olely of persons at work at Household Industry. It presents data for employee and others only for major groups separately for total, rural and urban.

Part B deals with the persons at work in non-household industry, trade, ·business, profession or service by the the four statuses of employment only for total and ur1;>an. This part of the table also gives data only for major groups.

Part C of the table furnishes data for each minor group of the Industrial Classification in respect of persons at work other than cultivation for total and urban. It does not classify the workers by status of employment.

This is a very important economic table as it gives the employment position in various sectors of the economy.

The Indian Standard Industrial Classifica­tion So far as this district is concerned, is replO­duced below ;-

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Major Group Description Minor


00 Field Produce & Plantation Crops

Production of other crops (including vegetables) not covered by production of cereal crops, pulses, fibres, oilseeds, sugarcane and other cash crops 005

01 Plantation Crops

Production of plantation crops other than tea, coffee, rubber, tobacco, ganja, chinchona and opium 015

02 Forestry and Logging

Planting, replanting and conservation of forests Felling and cutting of trees and transportation of logs Production and gathering of other forest products not covered above

03 Fishing

020 021 026

Production offish by fishing in inland waters including the operation of fish farms and fish hatcheries 031

04 Livestock and Hunting

Production and rearing of livestock (large heads only) mainly for milk and animal power such as cow, buffalo, goat 040 Production of ducks, hens and other small birds, eggs by rearing and poultry farming 043 Rearing of bees for production of honey, wax and collection of honey 044

---------------------------DIVISION 1 MINING AND QUARRYING

10 Mining and Quarrying

Quarrying of stone tincluding slate), clay, sand, gravel and limestone 107

Mining and quarrying of non-metallic products not classifi.{d above such as preCious and semi-precious stone, af>bestos, gypsum, sulphur and asphalt 109


20 Food Stuffs

Production of rice, alta, flour etc. by milling, dehusking and processing of crops and food grains 200 Production of bread, biscuits, cake and other bakery products 20; Production of butter, ghee, cheeSe and other dairy products 206 Production of ~diPle fat$ anp 9iJ (other than hydrogenated oil) '},07


Page 170: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

------------------------.--------------------------~~-----~ ,Major Group


Division 2 & 3 : MANUFACTURING (Continued)

Production of other food products such as sweetmeat and Condiments, ;muri, mudd, chira, khoi, cocoa, chocolate, toffee, lozenge


Cotton dyeing, bleaching Cotton "eaving in handlooms

24 Textile-Jute

Jute spinning and weaving

25 Textile-Wool

Embroidery and art work in woolen textile

~6 Textile-Silk

Spinning of silk other than in roiHs

27 Textile-Miscellaneous

Manufacture of hosiery :llld other knitted fabrics and garments Embroidery and making of crepe lace and fringes Making of textile garments including rain coats and head~ear

28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden Products



27J 272 273

Sawing and planning of wood 280 Manufacture of wooden furniture and fixtures 281 Manufacture of structural wooden goods (including treated timber) such as beams, posts, doors, windows 282 Manufacture of boxes and packing cases other than plywood 287 Manufacture of materials from cork, bamboo, cane, lea .... es and Qther allied products 288

30 Printing and Publishing

Printing and publishing of newspapers and periodicals

31 Leather and Leather Products

Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear Repair of shoes & other leather footwear

34-35 Non-Metallic Mineral Products Other than Petroleum and Coal

Manufacture of struct ural stone goods, stone drt: ssing and sto.ne crushing Manufacture of earthenware and earthen pottery Manufacture of earthen image, busts and statues

36 Basic Metals and their Products except Machinery and Transport Equipment

Manufacture of armaments Manufacture of iron and steel furnitures


511 314

343 350 355

362 364

37 MaclUnery (All kinds other than Transport and Electrical Equipment)

Manufacture and assembling of machinery other than electrical, except textile machinery 370


Page 171: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Major Group

Description .Mia~ Group

Divisioa 2 "3 : MANUFACTURING (Continued)

38 Transport EqUipment

Manufacture of motor vehicle engines parts and accessories 383 Repairing and servising of motor vehicles 384 Manufacture of bicycles and tricycles and accesseries such as saddle, seat frame, gear 385 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 388 Manufacture of 'other transport equipments such as animal drawn and hani drawn vehicles 389 Assembling and repiliring of watches and clocks 392 Manufacture of jewellery silverware and wares using gold and other precious metal ' 393 Manufacture and tuning o{mrlsical instruments 394 Manufacture and repair work of goods not assignable to any other group 399


Construction and maintenance of buildings including erection, fiooring, d~corative cOnstructions, electrical & sanitary installations 400 CO[lstruction and maintenance of roads, rail"ays, bridges, tunnels 401 Construction and maintenance of tckgraph and telephone lines 402 Construction and mainter"ance of waterways ar,d "ater reservoirs such as bUDd, embankments, dam, canal, tank, tubewell, wells 403


51 Electricity and Gas

6eneration and transmission of electric ener8?, 500

51 Water supply and Sanitary Services

Collection, purification and distribution of water to domestic and industrial consumers 510


6t>-63 Wholesale Trade

Wholesale trading in cereals and pulses 600 Wholesale tradiag in vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish, dairy products,

eggs, poultry and other food-stuff (not covered elsewhere) 601 Wholesale trading in all kinds of fabrics and textile products such as

garments, hsseian, gunny bag, silk and woolen yarn, Shirtings, suitings, hosiery products 602

Wholesale trading in wood, ramboo, cane, thatches and similar products 621


Page 172: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Mlij,Qr Group Description

, Minop Group

Divisien 6 : TRADE AND COMMERCE (Continued)

Wholesale trading in agricultural and industrial machinery equipment and tools and appliances other than electrical 6~1

Wholesale trading in all goods not covered above 639

64-68 Retail Trade

Retail trading in cereals, pulsl;:s, vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, poultry 640

Retail trading in beverages such as tea (kaf) , coffee (seed and powder) aerated water 641

Retail trading in intoxicants such as wine, liquor 642 Retail trad ng in tobacco, bidi, cigarettes and Dther tobacco products 644 Retail !rading in fuel such as coke, firewood and kerosene 645 Retail tradlng in food-stuff likc sweetmeat condIments, cakes biscuits, etc. 646 Retail trading in animals 647 Retail trading in fibres, yarns, dhoti, saree, readymade garments of cotton,

Wool, silk and other textile and hosiery products: (lhis includes retail , . tradjng in piece-goods ot: cotton, wool, silk and 0 tber textiles) , 650 Retail trading in medicines and chemicals 652 Retail trading in footwear, head-gear such as hat, umbrella, shoes and

chappals . 653 . Retail trading in wooden, steel and other metallic furniture and fittings 660

Retail trading in stationery and paper. 661 Retail trading in metal, procelain and glass utensils 662 Retail trading in bricks, tile and other building materials 670 Retail trading in hardware and sanitary equipments . 671 Retail trading in wood, bamboo, cane, bark and thatches 672 Retail trading in other building materials 673 R tail trading in electrical goods like electric [an, bulb 682 Retall trading in skins, leather and furs and their products excluding

footwear and headgear 683 1tetail trading in clock & watch, eye glass, frame 684 Retail trading in musical instnments, gramophone records, pictures and

paintings inCluding curio dealing 687 Book-Selling .' 688

. Retail trading in goods unspeCified 61S9

&~ Tr~dc and Commerce Miscellaneous

Importing and exporting of goods and commodities Stocks, shares and futures Money lending (indigenous)

690 692 6~4

~=-~------------.-----------------------~----------DIVISION 7 : TRANSPQRT, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATION

---------_-----------70-71 TraDSport

"transporthig by tramway'arid bus service' ' 7tH Transporting by motor vehicles (other than omnibus) ., 702-'rransporti:Qg by road through other meanS of transport such an hackney

carriage, bullock cart, ekka 703 Animal transporting by animals such as horses, elephant, mule, camel 704


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Transporting by boat, steamer, ferry etc., by river, canal Transporting by other means not covered above

73 CommBoicatiob

Postal, telegraphic, wireless and signal communication Telephone communication Information and broadcasting


: W Public Service



(This does not include Government or Quasi Government or local b~dy activities, other than administrative in such fields as transport, commulllca­tion, information and broadcasting, education and scientific s.ervices, health, industries, production, construction, marketing and operatIon of Dnallcul,l :i:ttstitUtiODS each of which is classified in the appropriate wdustrial groups)

Public service in p::>lice Public service in administrative departments and offices of Central Government Public service in administrative dtpaltments and offices of quasi-government organisation, municipalities, local boards etc. Public service in administrative departments and offices of State Governments

Educational and Scientific Services

Educational services such as tbose rendend by technical colleges, techincal schools and similar technical and vocat~onal institutions Educational services such as those rendered by colleges, schools and similar other institutions. of non.technical type Scientific services and research institutions not capable of classification under any individual group

Medical and Health Services

Public health and medical services rendered by organisations and individuals such as by hospitals, sanatoria, nursing homes, maternity and child welfare clinic as also by hakimi, unani, ayurvedic, alloFatbic and homeopathic practitioners Veterinary services rendered by organisations and individuals

Religious and Welfare Services

Religious services rendered by religious organisations and their establishments maintained for worship or promotion of religious activities, (this includes missions, ashrams and other allied organisations) Rel.igious and other allied services rendered by pandit, priest, preceptors, fakIr, monk Welfare services rendered dy organisations operating on a non-profit basis for the promotion of welfare of the community such as relief societies~ red-.cross oraanifation for the collection and allocation of contributions for charity Lega~ Services

706 709

730 731 132

803 804

805 809




'.820 821




Legal services rendered by barrj.ster, advocate, solicitor, mukteer, pleader, muhurie, munshi 840


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M~or Group

Description Minor Group

Division 8 : SERVICES (Continued)

85 Business Seryices

Engineering services rendered by profes.sional organisation or j~dividuales Business, services rendered by organisatIOns of accountants, audItors, book­

keepers or like individuals



86 Community Services and Trade & Labour Association

Services rendered by trade associations, chambers of commerce, trade unions and similar other organisations 860

Services rendered by civic, social, cultural, political and fraternal organisa-tion such as rate-payers association, club, library 861

87 Recreation Services

Recreation serv~ces rendered by cinema houses by exhibition of motion pictures 871

Recreation services rendered by organisations and ind:viduals such as those of theatres, opera companies, ballet and dancing parties, musicians, exhibi-tions, circus carnivals 872

88 Personal Services

Services rendered to households such as those by domestic servants, cooks 880 Services rendered to housetolds sl!ch as those by governess, tutor, private

secretary 881 S~rvices rendered by hotels, boarding houses, eating houses, cafe restaurants

and similar other organisations to provide lodg"ng and boarding facilities 881

Laundry servicing rendered by organisations and individuals, this includ~s all t)-pes of cleaning, dyeing, bleaching, drycleaning services 883

Hair dressing, other services rendered by organisation and individuals such as those by barber, hairdressmg saloon and beauty shops 884

Services rendered by portrait and commercial photographic studios 885

89 Services (Not Elsewhere Classified)

Services rendered by organisations or individuals not el&ewhere c1assified 890


90 Activties unspecified and not adfquately described (This includes new entrants to the Labour market)

Activiti~s ~n~pecified and not adequately described inCluding activities of ~uch l~dlVldu~ls. who fail to provide sufficient information about their mdustnal affiltatlOn to enable them to be chssified 900


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Division & Major Group URBAN

Females of 1. S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --------------~----.--

All Divisions T 465 1,103 81 14 384 1,089 R 387 1,002 70 14 317 988 U 78 101 11 67 101 Division 2&3 T 465 1.10~ 81 14 384 1,089 R 381 (002 70 14 317 988 U 78 101 11 67 10-1 Major Group 20 T 48 41 6 42 41 R 35 41 2 33 41 U 13 4 9

23 T 32 958 1 11 31 947 R 3Z 866 1 11 31 8~5 U 92 92 ,. 25 T 3 3 R 3 3 U

" .. 26 T 1 1 R 1 1 U .. 27 T 37 9 3 34 9 R 22 7 2 20 7 U 15 2 1 14 2 " " 28· T 138 1 47 91 1 R 114 1 45 69 1 U 24 2 22

31 T 17 7 ·16 7 R II 11 .. U 6 7 1 5 7 " 34-35 T 40 68 1 39 68 R 40 68 1 39 68 U

" 36 T 43 4 6 3 37 R 35 4 6 3 29 U 8 8 38 ..• T 12 7 5 R 9 4 5 U 3 3

'. 39 T 98 11 9 89 11 R 89 11 9 80 11 U 9 9


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DIVISION OF I.S.I.C. Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Division 2&3 4 4 4 4


Division 2&3 62 14 13 49 13


Division 2&3 14 41 2 12 41


Division 2&3 26 3 :3


Division 2&3 83 434 16 6 67 428


Division 2&3 38 57 5 33 56


Division 2&3 9 267 4 9 263


Division 2&3 43 22 6 37 22


Division 2&3 93 147 22 2 71 145


Division 2&3 15 16 3 12 16


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Branch of Industry

Total Total Employer Employee Single-Worker Family-Worker

Division and Major group of Urban

I.S.I.C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

All Divisions T 8,378 1,044 219 17 4.905 34() 2,859 357 395 330

U 2,790 268 54 5 2,204 201 401 16 131 46

Division 0 T 994 ·344 35 10 226 37 638 118 95 179

U 57 5 1 14 2 22 1 20 2

Major Group 00 T 2 2 U 2 2

01 T 2 2 U 2 2

02 T 11 11 U 2 2

03 T 203 45 10 42 126 45 25 U

" 04 T 776 299 25 10 180 37 501 73 70 179

U 51 5 1 10 2 20 1 20 2

Divis:on T 10 2 8 U 10 2 8

Major Group 10 T 10 2 8 U 10 2 8

Division 2&3 T 396 89 22 136 4 222 59 16 26 U 134 19 6 77 43 8 19

Major Group 20 T 42 15 2 16 23 14 1 1 U 13 1 10 2

23 T :0 4 15

U 15 15

24 T 3 2 U

" 27 T 56 4 5 14 36 1 1 3

U 20 2 8 9 1

28 T 134 7 63 59 5

U 71 2 45 21 3

30 T 4 1 2 1 1 U 4 2 1 1

31 T 23 3 2 4 16 1 3 U 10 9 1

" 34-35 T 43 41 5 3 38 38 U 5 5

" " 36 T 30 12 18

U 1 1

" 37 T 1 1

U 1 1

" 38 T 32 1 3 12 14 3 1

U 8 1 1 7 1

" " 39 T 2g 4 3 7 17 1 3

U 1 3 1 3


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Branch of Industry Total

Division and Total Employer Employee Single-Worker Family-Worker

Major Group of Urban I.S.I.C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Division 4 T 172 3 9 1 93 70 1 U 87 3 4 1 63 20 1

Major Gorup 40 T 172 3 9 1 93 1 70 U 87 3 4 1 63 1 20

Division 5 T 4 3 U 3 J

Major Group 50 T 3 3 U 3 3

" 51 T 1 U

Division 6 T 1,588 137 84 5 341 4 962 87 201 41 U 318 20 21 3 135 2 115 47 15

Major Group 60-63 T 43 4 6 16 19 4 2 U 25 4 13 6 2

64-68 T 1,540 131 77 4 323 4 942 83 198 40 U 293 18 17 2 122 2 109 45 14

69 T 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 U 2 1 1

Division 7 T 161 8 1 125 20 8 U 102 6 1 88 2 6

Major Group 70-71 T 112 1 8 1 76 20 8 U 79 1 6 1 65 2 6

73 T 49 49 " U 23 23

Division 8 T 5,052 470 61 3,978 294 938 92 75 84 U 2,079 220 16 1,822 196 191 14 50 10

Major Group 80 T 2,586 75 2,586 75 U 1,396 61 1,396 61

81 T 737 83 558 71 176 9 3 3 " U 84 44 84 44

82 T 152 49 5 83 45 64 3 .. U 60 27 38 27 22

83 T 44 1 2 24 1 14 4 U 15 1 11 1 4

84 T 12 1 9 1 ,. U 3 1 2 1

85 T 12 2 7 2 U 10 2 7

86 T 7 5 1 5 2 3 .. U


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Branch of Industry Family-Worker Total Total Employer Employee Single-Worker

Division and Urban Major Group of

Males Females I.S.I.C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Major Group 87 T 15 14 1 8 2 4 14 U 13 1 8 4

88 T 678 58 15 391 30 254 10 18 18 U 157 32 6 106 23 29 4 16 5

.. 89 T 809 184 34 307 69 424 72 44 43 • J

U 341 54 7 170 39 140 10 24 5

Division 9 T 1 U

Major Group 90 T U


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Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single-Worker Family-Worker

Division of I.S.I.e. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


ALL DIVISIONS 481 46 11 1 294 9 164 15 12 21 DIVISION 0 73 31 3 i 17 3 47 10 6 17 " 2&3 4 1 2 1

4 19 1 7 11 6 20 1 3 13 3 7 2 1 1

" 8 362 15 5 263 6 91 5 3 4 9 1 1


ALL DIVISIONS 519 131 9 1 287 37 203 41 20 52 DIVISION 0 119 39 4 1 29 6 77 11 9 21 2&3 3 1 2

4 8 3 5 ., 6 36 13 2 6 1 23 9 5 3 8 353 79 3 248 30 96 21 6 28


ALL DIVISIONS 736 233 26 6 287 27 385 83 38 117 DIVISION 0 460 209 16 6 108 18 306 76 30 109

2&3 10 2 6 2 4 5 1 4

" 6 49 1 4 13 26 1 6 7 3 2 1 8 209 23 4 157 9 46 6 2 8


ALL DIVISIONS 539 43 14 299 10 206 17 20 16 DIVISION 0 66 14 3 14 2 43 5 6 7

It 2&3 13 5 2 11 4 1 4 7 1 3 3 6 89 2 5 16 1 59 9 1 7 7 1 4 1 1 .. 8 357 22 4 260 7 89 8 4 7


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Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single-Worker Family-Worker

Division of I.S.IC. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


ALL DIVISIONS 455 62 12 3 236 9 186 24 21 26 DIVISION 0 46 43 1 2 7 5 34 15 4 21

" 2&3 16 1 4 11

4 9 2 7 6 111 6 5 1 19 72 4 15 1 7 2 1 1

"4 8 271 13 5 203 4 61 5 2


ALL DIVISIONS 572 42 13 272 15 267 21 20 6 DIVISION 0 51 1 3 13 1 30 5

2& 3 56 3 3 12 39 3 2 4 1 1 6 107 3 11 80 13 7 2 2 8 355 38 4 234 14 117 18 6


ALL DIVISIONS 151 13 5 70 63 8 13 4 IJIVISION 0 51 2 1 6 34 10 2

2&3 4 4 1 3 2 1 1 6 21 7 2 7 10 6 2 1 8 75 2 57 16


ALL DIVISIONS 738 124 27 288 6 373 96 50 21 DIVISION 0 68 3 16 44 5

2&3 78 53 4 15 3 57 46 2 4 4 8 1 3 4 6 313 63 15 1 50 209 47 39 15

" 7 5 3 2 8 266 8 4 201 3 57 3 4 2


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OR SERVICE (Coneld.)


Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single-Worker Family-Worker

Division of I.S.l.e. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II


ALL DIVISIONS 1,230 79 41 595 23 534 35 60 21 DIVISION 0 3 2 1

" 2&3 47 4 3 II 32 3 1 1

" 4 28 2 11 15 5 1 1

" 6 465 25 23 71 317 20 54 5 7 38 1 24 12 1 8 648 50 12 476 23 156 12 4 15


ALL DIVISIONS 167 3 7 73 2 77 1 10 DIVISION 2&3 31 1 2 6 21 1 2

" 6 59 3 10 38 8 8 77 2 2 57 2 18


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Page 184: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 185: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Minor groups hav;ng less than 1 % of workers of the respective D~vlsion (Less than 0.5 % in Case of minor groups of Division 2 & 3 ), have been shown in this appendix.

The following abb:ev:ations have been used :­

HI-Household Industry

NHI-Non-household Industry



005 Total NHI (M 2), Urban NHI (M 2) ; 015 Total NHI (M 2), Urban NHI (M 2); 020 Total NHI (M 2) ; 021 Total NHI (M 2), Urban NHI tM 2); 026 Total NHI (M 7) ; 043 Total NHI (M 9), Urban NHI tM 9) ; 207 Total NHI (M 1) ; 241 Total NHI (M 3) ; 256 Total HI (F 3); 262 Total HI (F 1) ; 271 Total HI (M 1) ; 272 Total HI (M 3, F 7) ; 287 Total HI (M 2) ; 300 Total NHI (M 4, F 1), Urban NHI (M 4); 343 Total NHI (M 5), Urban NHI (M 5) ; 355 Total NHI t M 2) ; 362 Total HI (M 2), NHI (M 1), Urban HI (M 2), NHI (M 1) ; 370 Total NHI(M 1), Urban NHI (M 1); 383 Total NHI (M 1); 388 Total HI (M 2), NHI (M 3) ; 392 Total NHI (M 2), Urban NHI (M 1); 394 Total NHI (M 1) ; 600 Total NHI (M 1, F 4), Urban NHI (M 1); 601 Total NHI (M 6); 602 Total NHI (M 10), Urban NHI (M 10) ; 621 Total NHI (M 3), Urban NHI (M 2); 631 Total NHI (M 6); 639 Total NHI (M 17), Urban NHI ~M 12) ; 641 Total NHI (M 9 ), Urban NHI (M 9); 642 Total NHI (M 5), Urban NHI (M 3) ; 644 Total NHI (M 17), Urban NHI (M 1) ; 647 Total NHI (M 11), Urban NHI (M 1) ; 652 Total NHI (M 10) ; 653 Total NHI (M 6), Urban NHI (M 6) ; 660 Total NHI (M 8), Urban NHI (M 1) ; 662 Total NHI (M 2), Urban NHI (M 1) ;


670 Total NHI (M 4), Urban NHI (M 4) ; 67} Total NHI (M 8, F 1), Urban NHI (M 2, F 1); 673 Total NHI (M 1, F 1), Urban NHI (M I, F 1); 682 Total NHI (M 10) ; 683 Total NHI (M 1) ; 684 Total NHI (M 1) ; 687 Total NHI (M 3), Urban NHI (M 3) ; 688 Total . NHI (M 3), Urban NHI (M 3) ; 690 Total NHI (M 5) ; 692 Total NHI (F 1), Urban NHI (F 1); 694 Total NHI (F 1), Urban NHI (F 1); 810 Total NHI (M 1), Urban NHI (M I); 812 Total NHI (M 1), Urban NHI (M 1); 821 Total NHI (M 11), Urban NHI (M 5); 830 Total NHI (M 18), Urban NHI (M 6); 831 Total NHl (M 21), Urban NHI (M 7) ; 832 Total NHI (M 5, F 1), Urban NHI (M 2, F 1); 840 Total NHI (M 12, F 1), Urban NHI (M 3, F 1); 850 Total NHI (M 9), Urban NHI (M 7); 851 Total NHI (M 3), Urban NHI (M 3); 860 Total NHI (M 5) ; 861 Total NHI (M 2, F 5) ; 871 Total NHI (M 12), Urban NHI (M 12) ; 872 Total NHI (M 3, F 14), Urban NHI (M 1) ; 881 Total NHI (M 2); 882 Total NHI (M 47, F 8), Urban NHI (M 25, F 6); 883 Total NHI (M 21, F 7), Urban NHI (M 11, F 4); 884 Total NHI (M 43, F 9), Urban NHI (M 14); 885 Total NHI (M 6), Urban NHI (M 3).

Page 187: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Occupational classification by sex of persons at work other

than cultivation

This is a new table for the 1961 Census. As discussed earlier ln case of table B-IV, the classification adopted is the 1951 Census was a combination of industrial and occupational. Two separate tables are, therefore prepared on the basis of industry and occupation of the workers in this census.

This 'table classifies the workers other than at cultivation into 11 Occupational Divisions, 7S Groups and 331 Families according to their occupations. This classification follows the National Classifica­tion of Occupations adopted by the Government of India with minor IJ}.0difications within the frame work. It gives data for each family of the National Classification of Occupations separate:y for total and urban and for persons, males and females, and thus brings out the distribution of occupations among rtales and females.


Page 188: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




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Page 189: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 190: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




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Page 191: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


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Page 192: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 193: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 194: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 195: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 196: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 197: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 198: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Families having less than 1 % of workers of the respective Division (Less than 0'5 % in Clse of families of Division 1-8), have been shown in this appendix. The following abbreviations ha ve been used :-

III-In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities

IV-At Household Industry V-In Manufacturing other than Household Industry

VI-In Construction VII-In Trade and Commerce

VIII-In Transport, Storage and Communications IX-In Other Services M-Males F-Females

009 Total IX (M 1), Urban IX (M 1) ; 019 Total IX (M 9) ; 021 Total IX (M 5), Urban IX (M 1) ; 030 Total IX (M 8, F 2), Urban IX (M 5) ; 031 Total V (M 2) ; 042 Total IX (M 1, F 2), Urban IX (M 1, F 2) ; 043 Total IX (M 7), Urban IX (M 1) ; 044 Total IX (M 5), Urban IX (M 3) ; 047 Total IX (M 8) ; 053 Total IX (F 2) ; 060 Total IX (M 2), Urban IX (M 2) ; 061 Total IX (M 1), Urban IX (M 1) ; 069 Total IX (M 5), Urban IX (M 5); 071 Total IX (M 7), Urban IX (M 7) ; 075 Total IX (M 4) ; 079 Total IX (F 1) ; 082 Total IX (M 2), Urban IX (M 2) ; 089 Total VIII (M 1), IX (M 1), Urean VIn (M 1) ; 091 Total IX (M 10), Urban IX (M 1) ; 099 Total IX (M 2, F 1), Urban IX (M 2) ; OxO Total IX (M 11), Urban IX (M 11) ; 120 Total VII (M 2), Urban VII (M 2); 134 Total VIII (M 1), Ulban VIII (M 1) ; 136 Total IX (M 3), U ban IX (M 1) ; 202 Total IX (M 1), Urban IX (M 1) ; 210 Total IX (M 1), Urban IX (M 1) ; 211 Total IX (M 8, F 1), Urban IX (M 7, F 1) ; 220 Total IX (M 7).

300 Total VII (M 16), Urban VII (M 16) ; 310 Total VII (M 3, F 1) ; 320 Total VII (M 3), Urban VII (M 3); 329 Total VII (M 4), Urban VII (M 4); 339 Total VII (M 1),

Urban VII (M 1) ; 409 Total III (M 3), Urban III (M 3); 4]2 Total IX (M 2), Urban IX (M 2) ; 440 Total III (M 8) ; 442 Total VII (M 1, F 4), Urban VII (M 1, F 4) ; 701 Total IV (M I, F 1) ; 702 Total IV (M 3, F 4) ; 714 Total V (M I); 715 Total IV (M 1) ; 719 Total IV (M 3), V (M 1, F 4); 140 Total V (M 2), Urban V (M 2) ; 753 Total V eM 12), VI (M 1), VIII (M 2), Urban V (M 9), VI (M 1), VIII (M 2) ; 755 Total V (M 6) ; 756 Total IX (M 2), Urban IX (M 1) ; 760 Total V (M 5), IX (M ]), Urban V (M 5), IX (M 1) ; 762 Total V (M I), Urban V (M 1) ; 764 Total VIII (M 2), Urban VIII (M 2); 769 Total IX (M 14), Urban IX (M 14); 779 Total V (M 1) ; 790 Total VI (M 1), Urban VI (M 1); 791 Total III (M 6), VI (M 5), Urban III (M 6), VI tM 5).

801 Total V (M 3), Urban V (M 3) ; 803 Total V (M 1), Urban V (M 1) ; 821 Total V (M 1) ; 822 Total V (M 3) ; 829 Total IV (M 2), V (M 4) ; 850 Total IV (M 10) ; 861 Total VIII (M I), IX (M I), Urban VIII (M I), IX (M 1).

900 Total IX (M 1) ; 902 Total IX (M 5), Urban IX (M 2) ; 910 Total IX (F 3), Urban IX (F 2); 919 Total IX (M 7), Urban IX (M 3) ; 979 Total IX (M 6), Urban IX (M 3).


Page 199: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Category of workers

1 .






















Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


535 485 50· 102 6 17 1 51 18 104 73 31

8 4 4 4 4

19 19 12 20 20 18

2 2 378 363 15 102 6 5 1 51


726 581 145 89 26 12 4 45 2 34 11 158 119 39 76 62 14

3 3 8 8 5

49 36 13 34 11

432 3Sj 79 89 26 7 4 45 2


1,02 ~ 750 274 64 9 5 32 47 669 460 209 1 55 14 41 10 10 5 5 2

50 49 1 47 1 3 3

232 209 23 63 9 j 32


60, 565 43 92 9 12 2 43 83 2 80 66 14 26 26 18 13 5 --

7 7 4 91 89 2 83 2 7 7 -- - .

379 357 22 92 9 8 2 43


1,034 538 496 81 6 11 15 107 5 89 46 43 517 83 434

16 16 --9 9 5 117 111

2 2 6 107 5

284 271 13 81 6 6 15


Page 200: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Mill za Level)




,------------ -----------DIVISION X Oateaory of


Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


73 31 2 129 11 77 1 16 'N>'lAL 73 31 III

4 4 IV 4 V 7 VI

2 VII 2 .. VID

114 7 75 1 16 IX


119 39 119 39

2 191 58 72 5 17 T@>TAL Dl

62 14 IV 3 V 3 VI

1 2 1 VII VIII

2 123 44 71 3 16 IX


459 209 4 86 53 44 9 'FO'lAL 459 209 III

14 41 IV 10 V 3 VI

2 VII 3 VIII 1 59 12 42 1 9 IX


66 14 8 165 13 82 2 14 TOTAL 66 14 .. III

26 IV 13 5 V 3 VI 1 3 2 VII

7 VIII 1 122 8 79 2 12 IX


46 43 2 206 440 56 2 14 TOTAL 46 43 III

82 434 1 IV 15 1 V 4 VI

.. 3 1 1 VII 2 VIn

., 105 6 S3 1 11 IX


Page 201: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Category of workers









VI vn

vm IX


VI vn






Persons Males Females

2 3 4

709 610 99 52 51 1 95 38 57 59 56 3

1 1 107 107

2 2 393 355 38

440 160 280 53 51 2

276 9 267 8 4 4

28 21 7

75 75

927 781 146 68 68 65 43 22

131 78 53 8 8

376 313 63 5 5

274 266 8

1,549 1,323 226 3 3

240 93 147 51 47 4 28 28

490 465 25 38 38

699 649 50

201 182 19

31 ]5 16 32 31 1

59 59

79 77 :l


(Down to



Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fema~es

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


99 17 6 2 51 103



98 17 6 2 51 1


19 2 10 19 7

19 7

19 2 10


77 3 8 34 306 59 1

4 306 59

75 3 4 34


184 23 28 3 94 2 458 24

16 458 24

]84 23 12 3 94 2


18 2 9 58


18 ;: 9


Page 202: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Mauza lenl)



Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


51 1 5 19() 76 51 1

38 57 54 3


2 2 97 16


51 2 38 271 51 2

9 267 4 4



67 5 209 86

67 43 22 77 53

4 .. 5

85 5


3 38 343 170

3 93 147 47 4 12

38 191 19

X 74 Hl

15 iii 31 1

28 1



Males Females Males Females

21 22 23 24

84 2 21

3 1

81 2 20

18 3


16 3

63 3 12 1

'6 3 1

57 11

134 4 41

7 1

127 3 41

17 1 4


16 1 4


Category Qf workers




VIll fX


VI vn



VI Vll



VI vn vln





Page 203: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India






This table is prepared only for urcan areas and only up to the Division of the Nat;onal Occupational Classification. The population llnder each Occupational Division is classified by the five age-groups; 0-14, 15-34, 35-59, 60+ and Age not stated and further classified according to the broad educational levels. This table is likely ta give useful informations about those occupations which attract personnel.


Page 204: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 205: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 206: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




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Page 207: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 208: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Part A of th;s table shows persons working principally (i) as Cultivators or (ii) as Agricultural Labourers or (iii) at Household Industry classified by sex and by Secondary work (i) at Household Industry (ii) as Cultivators or (iii) as Agricultural Labourer.

Part B of this table shows the Industrial Classification by sex of persons working in Non-Household Industry, Trade, Business, Profess:on or Service who are also engaged at Household Industry. As there is no such figure in this District, Part B of table B-VII is not presented.

Table B-VII is prepared separately for total, rural and urban population. Part A of the table is a cross tabUlation in tht case of persons whose principal and secondary works are any two of (i) Cultivation, (ii) Agricultural Labour and (iii) Hous(hold Industry. This table is important as it shows the extent to which cultivation is supplemented by househo!d industry or vice versa.

Divisions and Major Groups appearing in Part A of this table are described below :

Division 2 & 3 : Manufacturing

Major Group 23 : Textiles-Cotton

Major Group 28 : Manufacture of wood and wooden products


Page 209: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India







Principal work Secondary work

Total I-At Household II-As Cultivator III-As Agricultural Cultivator, Agricultural Labourer or Rural Industry Labourer

Household Industry (Division Urban and Major Group) Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

T 192 246 2,982 2,551 Cultivator R 192 212 2,959 2,545

U 34 23 6

T 185 160 45 34 Agricultural Labourer R 185 160 45 34


Household Industry T 4 31 1 33 Classified by Divisions & R 4 31 1 33 Major Groups U

T 4 31 1 33 Division 2 & 3 R 4 31 1 33


T 4 31 33 Major Group 23 R 4 31 33


T 1 "

28 R 1 U


Page 210: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India







Principal work Secondary work ----------------.-------.


Cultivator, Agricultural Labourer or Household Industry (Division)

I-At Household Industry

II-As Cultivator III-As Agricultural Labourer


Cultivator Agricultural Labourer Household Industry classified by Division


Cultivator Household Industry classified by Division


Cultivator Agricultural Labourer Household Industry classified by Division


Cultivator Household Industry classified by Division


Cultivator Agricultural Labourer

Cultivator Agricultural Labourer Household Industry classified by Division


Cultivator A&ri~tural Labourer








11 84

10 88

136 1

Females Males









6 41






15 134


98 8


2 2



12 12


11 11







1 1










6 6

1,999 4 4


7 2 2



4 4


Page 211: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India







---------------------____.----------------------~------ .. -Principal work

Cultivator, Agricultural Labourer or Household Industry (Division)

I-At Household Industry

Males Females

Secondary work

II-As Cultivator

Males Females

III-As Agricultural Labourer

Males Females ---------1---------· ~---2----3~----4------5~-----6----7--


Cultivator 17 20 . 129 87 Agricultural Labourer 10 12 8 "" Housebold Industry classified by Divisi0n 2 8 9

DIVISION 2&3 2 8 9


Cultivator 1 10 31 Agricultural Labourer 13 HOUlcbord Industry cIa'lifted by Division 8



Page 212: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


This table shows the persons unemployed aged 15 and above by sex, broad age-groups and educational levels.

Part A of this table relates to urban areas. This is a classification of unemployed persons by their educational levels and age-groups. This is prepared separately for those who are seeking employment for the first time and for those who were employed before but are now out of employment and seeking work. In the first case, the age-groups are 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35+ and Age not stated and in the second case, 15-19,20-24,25-34,35-44,45-59,60+ and Age not stated. This table will throw light on educated unemployed for purposes of planning for employ­ment and also for assessing the available man-power.

Part B of thIS table relates to rural areas. In this table educational levels for total unemployed persons are given. The educational levels are limited to Literate (without educational level), Primary or Junior Basic and Matriculation and above as in Table B-III-Part B.


Page 213: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



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Page 214: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 215: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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I I I 0 I " I 1 I -< I I 1 Cl

I I \ I I


Page 216: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


This table shows the persons not at work classified by sex, broad age-groups and type of activity.

Thi3 table is prepared separately for total, rural and urban population. It relates to the non-working population. The non-workers are divided into eight categories according to their activities. This kind of tabulation was never attempted before, nor were questions asked on the activities of non-workers.

The eight categories are based on the recommendations of the United Nations. This table makes the data available separately . for those who have an earning without working. Separate data are also available in respect of housewives, who though do domestic work, are not classified as economically active. Separate data are also available for school-attending children which may be useful to the Education Department. There is a category which consists of aU other dependents including children and disabled persons.


Page 217: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Total R.ural







Age-group Total Non-working population Full time students Household duties

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10

Total ] 33,535 63,279 70,256 9,984 6,312 7,548 10,904 0-14 112,603 57,104 55,499 7,095 5,025 7,049 1,929

15-34 12,891 ) 4,327 8,564 2,878 992 214 5,966 35-59 4,503, 761 3,742 8 293 106 2,286 60+ 3,412 1,024 2,388 176 712

Age not stated 126 63 63 3 2 3 11

Total 128,031 60,802 67,229 8,563 5,327 7,534 9,037 0-14 109,439 55,542 53,897 6,388 4,314 7,048 1,038

15-34 10,999 3,531 7,468 2,165 718 203 5,226 35-59 4,162 678 3,484 7 293 106 2,072 60+ 3,308 990 2,318 174 690

Age not stated 123 61 62 3 2 3 11

Total 5,504 2,477 3,027 1,421 985 14 1,867 0-14 3,164 1,562 J,602 707 711 1 891

15-34 1,892 796 1,096 713 274 11 740 35-59 341 83 258 1 214 60+ 104 34 70 2 22

Age not stated 3 2 1

--- -----_


Page 218: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Dependents, infants Retired, rentier or Beggars, vagrants Inmates of Persons seeking Persons employed and disabled independent means etc. penal, mental & employment for before but now

charitable institutions the first time out of employ-ment and see-

king work

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

44,797 51,661 174 259 711 1,110 3 5 30 3 32 2 42,687 48,064 4 272 477 1

996 1,373 1 14 189 209 5 26 3 22 2 431 793 25 43 180 327 3 8 631 1,382 148 198 67 96 1 1 52 49 3 1 2

43,818 51,499 156 259 711 1,105 1 8 11 1 41,834 48,064 4 272 417

959 1,301 1 14 189 207 1 6 7 1 362 750 19 43 180 326 1 3 611 1,335 136 198 67 95 1 1 52 49 3

979 162 18 "'~ '.

5 2 4 22 3 21 1 853 1 37 72 2 4 20 3 15 1 69 43 6 1 2 5 20 47 12 1

1 2

Page 219: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

SI. No.

1 -1


















Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated

Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated

Total 0-14

15-34 35-59

-60+ Age not stated

Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated

Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated

Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated

Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated


Total Non-working population

Persons Males Females

4 5 6

14,770 1229 1,541 13,027 6,744 6,283

972 325 647 420 61 359 339 87 252 12 12

24,163 12,105 12,058 21,895 11,172 10,723

1,362 662 700 411 108 303 463 146 317 32 17 • 15

23,467 11,696 11,771 21,773 lO,969 lO,804

994 524 470 258 81 177 437 117 3_0

5 5

23,668 11,910 11,758 21,585 10,87~ 10,711

1,348 736 612 255 86 "169 452 208 244

28 6 22

7,782 3,723 4,059 6,609 3,320 3,289

663 279 384 247 51 196 260 73 187

3 3

10,434 3,779 6,655 6,912 3,386 3,526 2,083 219 1,864

967 60 907 450 114 336 22 22

5,742 2,837 2,905 4,990 2,598 2,392

390 144 246 152 33 119 209 61 148

1 1


Full time students

Males Females

7 8

850 917 735 788 114 110

1 '19

1,517 764 1,080 656

436 105 1 1


1,020 518 684 413 336 105

1,275 872 738 636 533 235

1 1


972 669 750 588 219 81


871 355 732 345 138 9


514 201 404 193 110 8

HouSehold duties

Males Females

9 10

60 253 2 60 9 23 3 47

46 123

22 706 2 70

13 446 4 105 3 85

3,627 344 3,523 122

46 146 30 57 28 19

3,753 49j 3,503 135

113 232 46 62 158 58

3 8

424 27

250 116 30


27 3,077 1 343 3 1,774

22 833 1 125


3 423 2 64 1 224

88 47

Page 220: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Inmates of Persons employ-Dependents, infants Retired, rentier or Beggars, vagrants penal, mental & Persons seeking ed before but

and disabled independent means etc. charitable : employment for now out of em- S!. institutions the first time ployment and No.

seeking work

Males Females Maies Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1

6,311 6,361 6 6 2 4 1 6,007 5,435

199 513 1 2 1 53 284 4 6 3 40 129 1 12

10,400 10,153 16 22 147 413 1 2 9,994 9,781 96 216

184 86 2 28 61 81 64 3 2 17 131 1 1

124 209 13 18 6 5 17 13

7,034 10,889 14 20 3 6,762 10,269

142 219 51 120 74 281 14 20 1 5

6,864 10,214 18 :0 127 4 6,633 9,855 85

~O 113 11 21 39 82 8 16

102 150 18 31 .5 14

2,620 2,830 21 35 110 101 5 2,519 2,612 4 51 58

40 33 20 20 12 60 3 4 33 16 49 123 18 27 6 7


2,785 3,074 67 107 23 40 1 3 3 1 6 2,652 2,835 1 2

69 69 1 4 9 1 3 2 1 22 41 7 20 7 13 1 42 109 60 86 11 16


2,310 2,261 3 19 7 1 7 2,192 2,135

30 13 3 1 .. 31 28 3 2 56 85 3 16 2 1


Page 221: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Sl. No.






2 3

MAUZA VIII Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated

MAUZA IX Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated

MAUZA X Total 0-14

15-34 35-59 60+

Age not stated


Total Non-working population Full time students Household duties

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8,165 3,052 5,113 768 221 15 2,182 5,515 2,846 2,669 696 216 7 168 1,560 135 1,425 72 5 4 1,284

768 27 741 647 322 44 278 4 83

8,780 3,941 4,839 761 791 17 1,052 6,287 3,164 3,123 559 462 5 43 1,530 483 1,047 202 57 7 789

655 164 491 272 1 100 290 112 178 4 120 18 18

1,060 53\) 530 15 19 10 81 846 469 377 10 16 3 6 97 24 73 5 3 7 58 29 7 22 17 86 28 58 17 2 2


Page 222: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Dependents, infants and disabled

Males Females

11 12

2,264 2,642 2,141 2,284

56 126 27 65 40 167

2,727 2,645 2,478 2,503

139 117 39 1 56 24 15

503 430 456 355 10 12 7 5

28 58 .2

Retired, rentier or independent mean~

Males Females

13 14


2 9

Beggars, vagrants etc.

Males Females

15 16

3 68 2 1 1 10

29 28

419 351 122 115 131 84 121 118 42 34 3

Inmates of penal, mental &

charitable institutions

Males Females

17 18

Persons seeking employment for the first time

Males Females

19 20





Persons employ-ed before but Sl.

now out of em- No. ployment and seeking work

Males Females

21 22

2 8


2 9

2 10


Page 223: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



This table is 'prepar:;:d separately for total, rural and urban population. This is a very important demographic table. The age-groups conform to the international requirements. From this table, it can be ascertained whether proportions in the various marital statuses have increased or decreased since last Census and whether any trend is observed in the age of marriage. This table which was prepared on a 10 % sample at the 1951 Ce:nsus is pre;-ared on full count at the present Census.

Page 224: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 225: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


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Page 226: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 227: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



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Page 228: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 229: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 230: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 231: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 232: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



This table is prepared from the mother tongue returns 9f the 1961 Census. The figures in detail down to Mauza level, in case of rural areas, and up to District level, in case of urban areas, are shown in this table in alphabetical order.


Page 233: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



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Page 234: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 235: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

c.vu-bu . ~ ~

This is the only table where the urban population is also taMliI.ttd separately separately for total, rural and urban popuiatiori. This table !gives


District! Total Nll.fues of Religions Total

Mauza Rural Urban Buddhists Christians HindUs

Persons Males Females Males Females Males. Females. Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -~-

T 307,228 156,740 150,488 160 117 45,186 42,12S 27;714 24,102 Garo Bills District R 298,340 151,317 147,023 160 117 43,013 40243 24~ 1 22,677'

U 8,888 5,423 3,465 2,173 1,876 2,833 1,425 T ;. Mauza I R 35,947 18,144 17,803 8,114 7,80S 397 121 U

T Mauza U R

U 59.731 30,282 29,449 9,922 8,914 478 344

T 3,890

_ .. ". Mauza m R 61,057 30,580 30,477 22 8 4.275 983 627


T . ,. Mauza IV R 62,777 31,817 30,960 14,169 13,362 432 230


T 2,378 5;404

.. Mauza V R 17,029 8,610 8,419 2,535 5,368


T Mauza VI R

U 16.771 8.71'} 8,052 423 370 2;6~i7 2.473

T 6,279

~.' ... Mauza vn R 12,931 6,652 138 109 35 28 S~903 5,W7


T Mauza VIII R 13,684 6,972

U 6,7ii 47 23 4~4t9 4,224

T Mauza IX R

U 15,991 8,225 7,766 3,457 3,458 3,'037 2,606

11,310 1,897 .' . )

1,502 T 6,739 4,571 2,209 ~4 Mauza X R 2.422 1.3J6 1,t06 .36 ~1 l~ll 1.077

U 8,888 5,423 3,465 2,173 1,'876, 2, 3 1,425


Page 236: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


for each Mauza. as a special case. This table is prepared the distribution of population according to religion.

arranged in alphabetical order Other Religions District/ Total

and Religion not statea Rural Msdza Jains Muslims Sikhs Persuasions Urban

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 1

15 9,015 8,148 .63 15 73,454 75,584 1,073 433 T ". . . 12 8,718 8,039 35 15 73,365 75,493 1,073 433 R Gtlro Hills DiStrict

3 297 109 28 89 55 U

T 10 9,579 9.854 44 23 R Maoza I


"3 . -.; .... 20,i42 4~i

T 13 19,408 46 1t MauZa n


25.198 '," ·1 MaUia Itt 6 18 2 25,906 76 46



3 58 1 16,689 466 40 R MauzaIV U

262 T

177 144 1 490 267 3 R Mauza V U

T 3 5,422 4,969 1 243 240 R. Mauza VI


T 462 452 103 80 11 3 R Mauza VlI


T 2,504 2,465 2 R Mauza vm


T 43 3 31 15 1,652 1,677 5 7 R Mauza IX


3 308 III 28 90 55 7 6 T 11 2- 1 7 6 R. Mauza X

3 297 109 28 &9 S5 U


Page 237: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE C-vn (Details of combined entries included in columns 18 & 19 under "Other ReUgions aod Peramasioos")


Total Rural Urban


Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Garo 142,274 68,391 73,883 142,221 68,362 73,859 53 29 24

Animist 5,335 4,639 696 5,257 4,591 666 78 48 30

Rabha 958 180 778 958 180 778

HajoDg 208 153 55 208 153 55

Boro 124 41 83 124 41 83

Brahmo 52 29 23 48 26 22 4 3 Kachari 37 10 27 37 10 27

Atheist 12 10 2 4 2 2 8 S

Baishnab 1 1 1 1

Khasi 1 1 1


Page 238: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India
Page 239: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

TABLE c-vm


Classification' by Uteracy and industrial category of worken and

1100-workeD among Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes

This table is presented in two parts-Part A relates to Scheduled Castes and Part B relates to Scheduled Tribes. It is prepa.red separately for total, rural and urban population. The table gives the total population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes separately and their distribution by literacy and classification of workers into different industrial categories and the total number of non-workers. Literacy figures of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are given for the first time in the present Census. Thia table is important as it will be the basis for the allocation of Reserved Seats in Parliament and the State Legislatures.


Page 240: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 241: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 242: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





All the SeT Tabl~s are prepared in two parts. Part A relate '" to Scheduled Castes and Part B relates to Scheduled Tribes.

This table is prepared for each Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe. This table gives the population of each Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe separately, for rural and urban, and also shows in which sectors of industry members of each Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe are working. Data have also been given on the un-wholesome occupations in which the members of Scheduled Castes are working. The population figures of each individual caste and tribe are often required for welfare and other works.


Page 243: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 244: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 245: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



MAUZA I Brittial-Bania or Ban.ia (M. 3, F. 4).

MAUZA V Brittial-Bania or Bania (M. 3, F. 3), Dhupi or Dhobi (M. 1), Hira (M. 1, F. 2), Muehi or Rishi (F. 2), Kamamdra (M. 80, F. 90).

MAUZA VI Dhupi or Dhobi (M. 8), Ihaio, Malo or lhaIo-Malo (M. 15, F. 79), Muehi or Rishi (M. 71, F. 10), Narrawdra (M. 117, F. 102), Sutradhar (M. 8).

MAUZA VIII Bhuinmali or Mali (F. 2), Ihalo, Malo or Ihalo-Malo (M. 38 F. 26), Muehi or Rishi (M. 21, F. 17), Namasudra (M. 20, F. 19).

MAUZA IX Brittial-Bania or Bania (M. 18, F. 9), Dhupi or Dhobi (M. 5), Muehi or Rishi (M. 56. F. 10).

MAUZA X Namasudra (M. 1).


Page 246: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 247: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 248: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



MAUZA I Garo (M. 17,524, F. 17,627), Hajong (M. 73, F. 28), Any Naga T,ibes ( M. 1).

MAUZA II Gam (M. 29,796, F. 29,159), Haje,ng (M. 97, F. 56). Khasi and Jainti:l (M. 1), Any Kuki Tribes (M. 1, F. 1 ).

MAUZA III Dima,a (Kachari) (M. 40, F. 31), Garo (M. 29,469, F. 29,363), Hajong eM. 65, F. 54), Mikir (M. 1), Any Naga Tlibes (M. 1).

MAUZA IV Dimasa (Kacha;i) (M. 72, F. 65), G::ro (M. 31,313 F. 30,642), HRjong (M. 4, F. 10).

MAUZA V Dimam (Kachari) (M. 463, F. 547), Garo (M. 2,756, F. 2,661), Hajong (M. 4,501, F. 4,269), Any Mizo (Lushai) Trib;s (M. 1), Any Naga Tribes (M. 1).

MAUZA VI Dimasa (Kachari (M. 24,F. 31), Garo (M. 2,198, F. 2,144), Hljong (M. 195, F. 185), Any Naza Tribc:s (M. 1).

MANZA VII Dima,a (Kachari) (M. 16, F. 20). Garo (M. 149, F. 269), Hajcmg (M. 3,305, F. 2,894), Man (Tai-Sptaking) (M. 136,

F. 117)

MAUZA VIII Garo (M. 57, F. 24), Hajong (M. 2,244, F. 2,190) Any Naga Tribes (M. 2).

MAUZA IX Gam (M. 5,196, F. 5,148), Hajong (M. 673, F. 579), Kha';i and laintia (M. 6). Any Mizo (Lushai) Tribes (M. 1),

Any Naga Tribes (M. 2).

MAUZA X Garo (M. 15, F. 19). Hajong (M. 54, F. 46).


Page 249: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 250: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



This is an important demographic table corresponding to table C-II but it gives data for the total population only. The age-groups are restricted to 0-14, 15-44, 45+ and Age not stated. At present demographic data are not at all available in respect of these communi­ties. This table thus fulfils a very uoeful role. The age and marital status data give an indication whether the population belonging to Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes is decreasing, stable or increasing.


Page 251: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



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Page 252: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


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Page 253: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 254: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 255: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 256: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



This table is preparcd for each Schecluled Caste and SCheduled Tri:Je and separatdy, for rural and urban population. It gives tl:e lite ·CCj· and cducationQI levels for each SC:lcdulcd Caste and Schedliled Tribe. In the CaSe of llrban are?s, data are given for educational levels as in Table B-III Part A. Tn the case of rural areas, data arc given only for mere literat(s, Primary or Junior Basic and M,ltric.;J,~tion and above as in Tab;e B-III Pnrt-B.


Page 257: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Name of Scheduled Castes



Dhupi or Dhobi

Name of Scheduled Castes



Dhupi or Dhobi

Educational Levels

Total Illiterate Literate (without educational level) Primary or

Junior Basic

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4




Matriculation or Higher Secondary




Educational Levels

Technical diploma not

equal to degree

5 6 7 8 9

Non-technical diploma not

equal to degree

University degree Technical degree or post-graduate or diploma equal

degree other than to degree or post­technical degree graduate degree

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


Page 258: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Name of Scheduled Tribes


TOTAL Dimasa (Kachari) Garo Hajong Khasi and laintia Any Mizo (Lushai) Tribes Mikir Any Naga Tribes

Name t)f Scheduled Tribes



Males Females

2 3

2,667 1,703 7 4

2,563 1,655 63 12 22 21

7 9 4 1 1 1

Matriculation or Highet Secondary

Educational Levels

Illiterate Literate (without cducationallevcl) Primary or Junior




1,680 4

1,644 28


Technical -diploma not

equal to degree

Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9

1,051 539 327 277 275 2 2 1 1 1

1,027 502 316 254 266 8 22 2 13 2

12 6 2 6 4 1 4 5 2 2 1 3

1 1

Educational Levels

Non-technical diploma not

equal to degree

University degree Technical degree or post-graduate or diploma equal degree other than to degree or post-

technical degree graduate degree

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


TOTAL 157 43 13 7 Dimasa (Kachari)

152 41 10 5 (Jaro Hajoug °s 3 2 Khasi and laintia Ally Mizo (Lushai) Tribes Mikir Any Naga Tribes


Page 259: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




Name of Scheduled Castes


Bhuinmali or Mali

Brittial-Bania or Bania

Dhupi or Dhobi


Ihalo, Malo or Ihalo-Malo

Muchi or Rishi



Total Illiterate Literate (withont educational lewl)

Educational Levels

prim~.ry or Junior Basic

M a triculrt ti on and above

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 S ') 10 11

.---~---- _. ------------466 373 389 353 64 ,,0 j'


2 2

24 16 10 16 11 , .)

14 13

2 2

53 105 39 96 12 9 :2

148 39 118 35 26 4 4

218 211 200 ~O2 1·j. 9 , ~

8 8

------------------~--------------- -------------------


Page 260: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Name of Scheduled Trihes

ToLil Illiterate Literate (without educationallcvel)

Educational Levels

Primary or M;]triculation Junior Basic and


Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fcm,lIes Males Female s

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


TOTAL 130,454 128,179 102,456 110,563 25,168 17,047 2,689 551 141 18

Dimasa (Kachari) 615 694 509 665 83 24 19 5 'I

Garo 118,473 117,056 93,'137 100,133 22,336 16,415 2,076 -192 124 16

Hajong 11,211 10,311 7,908 9,648 2,720 607 574 54 9 2

Kh2Si and Jaintia 7 1 4 2

Kuki Any Tribes 1

Any Mizo (Lushai) Tribes 2

Mikir 1

Man (Tai-Speaking) 136 117 99 116 19 18

Any Naga Tribes 8 4 2



Page 261: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



This table is prepared separately for rural and urban. This table is hltended to give the religions professed by members of each Caste/Tribe belonging to SCheduled Castes/Seheduled Tribes.



Note :-Members of SCheduled Castes can be10ng either to the Hindu or Sikh religion. In Gam Hills District, there are no rr embers of Scheduled Castes belonging to Sikh religion. As all the Scheduled Castes belong to Hindu religion, the caste-wise population is given in Table SCT-I Part A and, therefore, no separate figures have been presented in this Table.


Page 262: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


_--_----Name of Religion

Name of Total Serial Scheduled Tribes Rural No. Urban Buddhist Christian Hindu Garo

---------------------------_----------------Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

------ --------------------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t 1 12 13 14

Total R 258,633 130,454 128,179 141 108 42,962 40,151 17,617 13,549 68,362 73,859 U 4370 2,667 1,703 2,172 1,649 465 30 29 24

Dimasa ( Kachari ) R 1,309 615 694 163 122 442 545 U 11 7 4 2 5 4

2 Garo R 235,529 118,473 117,056 5 42,761 40,028 6,136 2,740 68,362 73,859 U 4218 2,563 1,655 2,134 1,619 400 13 29 23

3 Hajong R 21,522 11,211 10,311 20 11,038 10,255 U 75 63 12 4 59 12

4 Khasi and Jaintia R 7 7 7 U 43 22 21 21 20

5 Any Kuki Tribes R 2 I 1 I U

(j Man ( Tai-Speaking ) R 253 136 117 136 108 9 U

7 Mikir R 1 1 1 U 5 4 3 1

8 Any Mizo ( Lushai ) R 2 2 2 Tribes U 16 7 9 7 9

9 Any Naga Tribes R 8 8 8 U 2 1 1 1


Page 263: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Name of Serial Scheduled Tribes No.



Dimasa (Kacha. i)

2 Garo

3 Hajong

4 Khasi and Jaintia

5 Any Kuki Tribes


Rural Urban Hajong

Name of Religion

Kachari Khasi Animist Indefinite Beliefs

Re1ig'on not stated

Male Females Male; Females Maks Females Males Females l\;ales Females Males Females

3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -----_._------ ---

R 153 55 10 27 200 71 1,009 359 U 1 R 10 27 U R 200 71 1,009 358 U R 153 55 1 U R U R U

6 Man ( Tai-Speaking ) R U

7 Mik;r R U

8 Any Mizo (Lllshai) R Tribes U

9 Any Naga Tribes R U


Page 264: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





This table is prepared for total Scheduled Castes and not for individual castes. It is prepared separately for total, rural ani urban. The table gives data for students and unemployed persons in the non-working population. They are further classified accOlding to broad educational levels consisting of Literates, Primary or Junior Basic, Matriculation or Higher Secondary and Above Matriculation or Higher Secondary. This table gives very useful informations on the students and unemployed persons among the Scheduled Castes.

'';)" ·_'tl

Page 265: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Educational levels


Total Non-work­ing population

Persons seeking Full time students employment for

the first time

Persons employed before but now out of employ­ment and seeking



Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

TOTAL Total 50S 249 256 49 6 2 6 1 192 249 Illiterate 419 183 236 1 2 5 1 175 235 Literate (without educational level) 78 58 20 44 6 14 14 Primary or Junior Basic 8 8 4 1 3 Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher


RURAL Total 502 247 255 48 6 2 6 1 191 248 llIiterate 416 181 235 2 5 1 .174 :t34 Literate (without educational1evel) 78 58 20 44 6 14 14 Primary or Junior Basic 8 8 4 1 3 Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higher



Total 3 2 1 1 1 1 Illiterate 3 2 1 1 1 1 Literate (without educational level) Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation or Higher Secondary Above Matriculation or Higber



Page 266: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




Scheduled Tribes ha ve their own peculiar languages and dialects and this table gives the language or dialect of each tribe. Those members of the tribes who have moved out of their homes, and as a result of their contact with the local population, speak some other languages, those languages also are shown in this table.


Page 267: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Name of Scheduled Tribes












Mother tongue-Total

Total Speakers number of persons re-turned as speaking a

language subsidiary to the mother tongue

Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5

Mother tongue ASSAMESE

219 184 163 86

7,368 6,540 1,953 908

136 117 18 9

Mother tongue BODO/BORO

31 61 20 51

55 53 43 50

Mother tongue DIMASA

363 453 128 123

Mother tongue GARO

119,776 118,061 18,848 13,482

4 2

Mother tongue HAIJONG/HAJONG

3,906 3,783 2,249 1,493


Subsidiary language


Bengali (M 112, F 82) English (M 12, F 2) Garo (M 35) Hindi (M 4,F 2)

Bengali (M 1,862, F 884) English (M 80, F 22) Garo (M 10) Nepali (M I, F 2)

Bengali (M 8, F 6) HaijongjHajong (M 4, F 1) Hindi (M 6, F 2)

Assamese (M 8, F 1) Kachari (M 12, F 50)

Assamese (M 5) Kachari (M 38, F 50)

Assamese (M 126, F 122) English (M 2, F, 1)

Assamese (M 12,623, F 11,234) Bengali (M 1,520, F 607) English (M 3,975, F 1,530) Hindi (M 719, F 107) Kachari (M 2) Nepali (M 9, F 4)

English (M 2)

Assamese (M 1,582 F 1,368) Bengali (M 606, F 112) English (M 7, F 8) Garo (M 49, F 2) Hindi (M 5, F 3)

Page 268: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


Name of Scheduled Tribes














Total Speakers

Mother tongue-Total number of persons re­turned as speaking a

language subsidiary to




the mother tongue

Females Males

3 4

Mother tongue KHASI


19 19












Mother tongue LUSHAJjMIZO

2 2

7 2 4

Mother tongue MIKIR

1 2

Mother tongue MOGH




Mother tongue RABHA


592 844 417


Subsidiary language


English (M 15, F 8) Garo (M 2, F 1) Hindi (M 2, F 1)

Hindi (F 2)

Assamese (M 1) English (M 1) Hindi (F 4)

English (M 2)

Assamese (M 2) English (M 2) Garo (M 1) Hindi (M 1, F 1)

Assamese (M 2) Bengali (M 2)

Assamese (M 802, F 394) Bengali (M 20, F 12) English (M 2, F 1) Garo (M 20, FlO)

Page 269: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




This table is prepared for each individual Scheduled Tribe. This table gives data for students and unemployed persons in the non­working population. This gives the progress of education and the position in regard to the unemployment in case of each indivi­dual tribe.

Page 270: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



Total Non-working Persons seeking Persons employed Population employment for before but now

Sl. Name of Scheduled Tribes Full time students the first time out of employ- Others No. ment and seeking work

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


TOTAL 98,750 43,832 54,918 9,169 4,939 15 14 34,634 49,979 1 Dimasa (Kachari) 621 287 334 84 54 203 280 2 Garo 87,859 38,348 49,511 8,006 4,442 12 14 30,316 45,069 3 Hajong 10.100 5.115 4,985 1,036 428 2 4,077 4.557 4 Khasi and Jaintia 29 9 20 7 3 2 17 5 Any Kuki Tribes 1 1 1 6 Man (Tai·Speaking) 124 66 58 32 11 34 47 7 Mikir 3 3 ., 1 1 1 8 Any Mizo (Lushai) Tribes 12 4 8 3 1 1 7 9 Any Naga Tnbes 1 1 1


TOTAL 95,575 42,111 53,464 8,405 4,270 4 2 33,700 49,194 1 Dimasa (Kachari) 617 287 330 84 53 203 277 2 Garo 84,756 36,657 48,099 7,256 3,779 2 2 29,397 44,320 3 Hajong 10,077 5,101 4,976 1,033 427 2 4,066 4.549 4 Any Kuki Tribes 1 1 1 5 Man (Tai·Speaking) 124 66 58 32 11 34 47


TOTAL 3.175 1.721 1,454 764 669 11 12 934 785 1 Dimasa (Kacbari) 4 1,69i

4 1 io 3 2 Garo 3.103 1,412 750 663 12 919 749 3 Hajong 23 14 9 3 1 11 8 4 Khasi and Jaintia 29 9 20 7 3 2 17 5 Moor 3 3 1 1 1 6 Any Mizo (Lusbai) Tribes H 4 8 3 1 1 7 7 Any Naga Tribes 1 1 1


Page 271: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


The Tabulation Plan and other proposals for the 1961 Census envisaged incorporation of official statistics on a large variety of subjects for each district in the District Census Handbook of the district concerned. This proposal was communicated to all Chief Sec;'ctaries of State Governments by the Registrar General as early as November 1960 with the request th:lt e[ch State Government should take up the collection of the data in right earnest so that the same mtty enrich the informations of the District Census Handbook. Each State Government was also welcome to further enrich the District Census Handbooks by any additional information that they may like to incorporate in the hand­book. The items with other details were listed by the Registrar General and he also indicated the periods against which such data were to be collected. Copies of the above letter and the contents therein were forwarded to all Superintendents of Census Operations by the Registrar General with the request that the matter may be pursued with the State Governments. The data were to be processed and compiled by the Superintendent of Census Operations and inc;)rporated in the District Census Handbooks of each District.

. In pursuance of this communication from the Registrar General, I opened a small cell with a Statistical Assistant, one Upper Division Assistant and a few experienced tabulation personnel to take up the work and I addressed all the State and Central Government departments dealing with the subjects under which the data were to be collected and compiled. I pursued the matter not only by letters and rcminders, but also by sending my staff to the various departments concerned to copy out the data wherever it was not possible for the department concerned to supply the data to me Without extra hands. But in­spite of persistent pursuit for about two years, all the data could not be collected. Some informations were not available at all, while some departments were not very co-operative. As the Census Publications cannot wait indefinitely for these informations, I have to process and compile whatever data are available tome.

The subjects listed to be collected embraced almost all spheres of the socio-econom;c life of the people and the Governmental activities connected therewith. From rainfall and

temperature to places of ancient monuments and worship, from vital statistics to statistics of banks and insurances, from agricultural and land utilisation statistics to the statistics of local bodies, industries and so on, the plan was to appraise the stage of development of each one of the socially and economically important aspect of governmental activities during the last decade which coincides with the two Five Year Plans. Had it been possible to collect all the data in full, a clear picture would have been obtained of the stage of development of each district of Assam as well as the achievements and the impacts of the two Five Year Plans on the economy of each district of Assam. It would also have been possible to bring to light the inter-district and regional disparities in respect of development schemes in each district or region and these data could then be utilised as the basis for future plans and allocation of different schemes.

Realising the fact that well-conceived plans must be based on correct statistics, I started the work of collecting the data with earnestness and tried my utmost to collect as much informa­tion as possible of all departments of Govern­ment. But in spite of the best of exertions by me and my staff, only about 60 % to 70 % of the data had reached me till the end of 1962. These available data have been duly processed, . compiled' and presented in the. table following this Note. Incomplete as they are, even the data thus presented in this book will surely give a picture of the various stages of developments in each district and region of Assam and I hope that my successor may improve upon the same in the next Census. I shall now briefly describe the original plan and the achievements in respect of the collection of data against each one of the broad heads in the cases below :-


The aim was to give rainfall data of five centres and temperature data for two centres for each district of Assam for the period 1951-60. I addressed the Meteorologists in charge of the Regional Meteorological Centre, Calcutta and the Gauhati Airport. I also addressed the Deputy Commissioners and Subdivisional Officers as well as the Adviser, Assam Branch of the Indian Tea Association, and I was able

Page 272: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

to collect rainfall and temperature data for one centre only in the district. Tbe data thus collected and complied will be reasonably accurate for the district.

2. VITAL STATISTICS I addressed the Director of Health Services,

Assam for supplying me with vital statistics whicb are so important for population planning and projection. . Our plan was to show the births and deaths \ recorded for each month of the 13:st .decade against. each police station in the dIstnct. The Pubhc Health Department replied that they never have records of births and deaths down to the pollce station level and so I asked them to give the figures down to the district level, but even that also was not forthcoming. I sent my staff to the office of the Director of Health Services and they had to take much trouble in locatmg, extracting and compiling whatever data are available. in that office regarding vital occu­rences from the Vital Statistics Returns lying un cared for in the office premises of the Director of Health Services. But these data are a~solutely inaccurate and they cannot give any pIcture of births and deaths in the district. However, the table is presented for whatever it is worth. In the General Report of the 1951 Census, the then Director of Health Services admitted that there is no doubt that the collection of registration data is defective. As far back as 1921, my predecessor Mr. Llyod remarks that "it is obvious that the vital statistical figures are useless for purposes of comparison or checking with the Census figures." In 1911, Mr. McSwinney remarks that "the inaccuracies are so great that there is danger of inferring that the present system of collecting vital statistics is absolutely useless." If the collection of vital statistiCS had been so bad in the past decades, it has been worse during the decade 1951-61. The Deputy Director of Health Service!> told me that when the data were collected by the police, mauzadars and the municipalities, something could be had from them; but when the collection has been entrusted to the Panchayats no figures are available at all. Government may have to devise a definite scheme and a definite agency for the collection of these vita! ?ccurences, otherwise these important statIstICS are of no usc as far as Assam is concerned.


In respect of land utilisation and agricul­ture~ informations were proposed to be fur~ls~ed u~der the heads-(i) land utilisation statIstIcs (11) area under princiral crops (iii)

gross area irrigated (iv) sources of irrigation (v) irrigation projects (vi) yield rates of principal crops (vii) fortnightly wholesale prices of important commodities month by month (viii) consumption statistics (ix) details of socio-~conomic enquiries and (x) agricultural extensIOn schemes.

Statistics under these two heads are still in a very poor stage of development in Assam. In April 1961, I addressed the Director of Agriculture, the Director of Land Records and the Director of Statistics requesting them to supply me with as much data under the above hyads as are available with each of them. The Director of Agriculture st~aightaway shifted this responsibility to the DIrector of Statistics. The Director of Statistics in his turn asked me to collect the data from his office records through some of my staff. The Director of Land Records directed the Settlement Officers and Deputy C.ommissioners concerned to . supply the dala dIrect to me. In accordance WIth the suggestion of the Director of Statistics, I sent a few employees of my office to collect the avail­able data fro_m his office records. Except for the penods 1901-1912, 1952 and again from 1958 onwards, most of the data were available and were collected accordingly. In reply to the Director of Land Records' letter t.o .all Settlement Officers and Deputy CommiSSIoners, only the Deputy Commissio­ners of Cachar and GoaJpara and the Settle­ment Officer, Sibsagar submitted some figures. The rest Were silent. I also made direct correspondence with all the Revenue and Settlement Officers but to no effect. For the period 1901-12 and 1952 I wrote to the Registrar General to sec if the 'necessary figures could be extracted from some of the publications preserved in the archives of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The Registrar General was kind enough to take the trouble and get the figures collec­ted and forwarded to me. These figures are included in the tables prepared under this head.


Within the above limitations, tables under Agriculture and Land Utilisation statistics have been prepared and presented. Most of the tables arc limited in scope and practical usefulness from the point of view of studying the trends or projecting a policy decision owing to lack of infoTn'ations for the gaps during the period under reference. The period of reference 1901-1960 is interpreted as consisting of the Census years, namely 1901, 1911, 1921, 1931, 1941, 1951 and 1961. Each Census year represents five years, i. c. two years ahead and two years backward of the Census year which is also included.

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But the Census years 1901 and 1961 are exceptions to this rule. In view of the non­availability of data preceding the year 1901 and following the year 1961, the figures for the year 1901 has been worked out on the average of the years 1901 to 1905 and for that of 1961, the average was worked out from the year 1956-57 to 1960-61.

Although the original plan was to publish the prices of staple food stuff and average prices of basic commodities month by month for the last decade with a cost of Living Index, the plan had to be restricted to the presentation of avera£e retail prices of some important commodities due to the non­availability of data.

The construction of the cost 'of living Index calls for informations regarding comsumption level, weightage, family budget etc. Such informations are not available even in the Department of Statistics. Consequently the idea had to be dropped. The Director of AgricUlture had been requested to enlighten me with data regarding experiments in double and triple cropping and agricultural extension schemes, but even though a reply was received from him no data could be had from it. The data relating to consump­tion statistics and details of socio-economic enquiries have also been left out altogether on account of non-availabihty of data.


Variation in the number of main livestock during 1920-60 was proposed to be given. I addressed the Secretary, Veterinary Department, Government of Assam who directed the Director of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department to compile and forward the necessary figures to me. The Director of Veterinary Department could supply me with data only from 1945 onwards. For the earlier period, he said the data were not available in the Department.


I wrote to the Department of Industries for a list showing all categories of Industries of the district, but I was referred to the Su­perintendent of Industries, Tura. I Wrote to the latter accordingly and he furnished me with a list of small scale industries operating in the district. A li~t showing all categories of industrics has been compilcd from the Census data e'Xtracted from the Houselists and these were presented in the tables.


Under this head, informations were sought to be incorporated. in this book in respect of


the (1) number of criminal cases tried. (2) persons convicted, (3) strength of police, jails, (4) receipt of different kinds of taxes, (5) receipt of land revenue, (6) number of registered documents and (7) value of property transfcrred in the district for the latest period of time for which informations are available. The growth of co-operative societies from 1951 till 1960 was anothcr item under this head.

Data regarding the number of criminal caSes tried and persons convicted are collected from the 'Report on the Administration of Crim;nal JUstice in the State of Assam' Which was subsequcntlv supplemented by data extracted by my staff from the office records of the office of the Inspector General of Police, Assam. On the strength of Police in the district, whatever data has been presen'­ted, were compiled from the 'Report on the Police Administration in the State of Assam'. The Commissioner of Taxes was prompt enough to supply me with the figures of collections under different categories. I wrote to the Revenue Department and the Director of Land Recor(~s to send me the figures showing the recc'jpt of land revenue during the last dec;:,de. The Dircctor of Land Records referred me back to the Revenue Department. The Revenue Department made a lot of cOrrespondences but no data were available from them. At long last, the compilation team could collect some figures from the 'Statistical Abstract' publisLed by the Director of Statistics and office rccords of the Revenue Department unofficially. For informations regarding the number of registered documents and valuc ot proPerty transferred in the district, 1 made necessary correspondences with the Director of Land Records and Inspector General of Registration who referred me to the Accountant General and the District Registrars. I had written to the District Registrars accordingly, but nothing had been received. Data regarding different types of co-operative societies in the district were collected by my staff from the office records of the office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Assam, Shillong which was subse­quently supplemented by the information furnished by the D~puty Co-operative Officer, Tura.


The list presented regarding this item was prepared from the data supplied by the Civil Surgeon, Garo Hills, Tura.


Under this head, the intention was to show the increase m the number of various cate-

Page 274: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

gories of ,chools and colleges including Medical and Technical from 1951 to 1960. I wrote to the Director of Public Instruction, Assam, accordingly but inspite of a number of reminders, he could not supply me with the required data. My next COllI;se was to depute some of my staff to that office and get the informations collected. In this way, my staff with the co-operation of the office statf of the Director of Public Instruction, could collect informations for two years only; My staff were given to understand that informations for the earlier years were not aVaIlable in the office of the Director of Public Instruction.


The informations furnished under this head were supplied by the Deputy Commissioner, Garo Hills, TUfa.


Undcr this hea'.), informations were attemp­ted to be compiled regarding the number of (1) village roads, and (2) different cate­gories of road mileage.

For data on village roads, I wrote to the Development Commissioner who was good enough to get the data collccted through the Block Development Officers. But the in­formations received were not complete for the whole district. On road mileage, the Chief Engineer (Roads & Buildings) was addressed and he supplied me with a booklet from which the informations presented in this book were extracted.

11. LOCAL BODIES This includes the Panchayats in the rural

areas and Municipalities and Town Commit­tees in urban arcas. As there is neither any Panchayat nor any town having municipality or town committee in the district this item has b.::en dropped.


The Development Commissioner, Assam furniShed me with a statement showing the


names and stages of aU the Community Projects in the district. After Compilation to make it intelligible to the general reader, the statement is reproduced in this volume.


On request, the Director of Statistics was good enough to furnish me with a list showing the banking institutions in the district. Data on Small Savings were sup­plied by the Regional Director, National Savings, Government of India, Assam, Shillong. For data on the number of insurance policies in the district, I wrote to the Divisional Manager, Life Insurance Corporation, Gauhati, and the Managing Director, Life Insurance Corporation, Bombay but they could not supply me with the district-wise figures. Consequently the idea had to be dropped.


A list of Fairs and Festivals in the district was furnished by the Deputy Commissioner, Tura. The Secretary, Chief Executive Com­mittee, District Council, Tura supplied the data relating to Hats and Markets.



Informations were sought to be incorporated in this book in respect of (1) Some of important events that took place in the district during the decade 1951-60, (2) ancient monuments, antique objects and places of worships and (3) gazetteer of place nameS in the district. I wrote to the Deputy Commissioner, Tura and other local authorities accordingly but nothi~g had been received from him. Consequently the idea had to be dropped.

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Page 277: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


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Page 278: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 279: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 280: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Years Total number Total number Total increase (+) or Perc.!ntage increase of of Births of Deaths decrease ( - ) of Births Births over Deaths

over Deaths

1 2 3 4 5

1951 752 594 + 158 + 21.01

1952 674 488 + 186 + 27.60

1953 1,734 966 + 768 + 44.29

1954 1,769 1,151 + 618 + 34.93

1955 1,827 1,190 + 637 + 34.86

1956 1,613 1,050 + 563 + 34.90

1957 2,121 1,178 + 943 + 44.46

1958 1,201 777 + 424 + 35.30

1959 1,783 1,008 + 775 + 43.47

1960 1,414 646 + 768 + 54.31

Total 14,888 9,048 + 5,840 + 39.21


Page 281: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





~ Ode:<!

~ >, ..<l .... .... .,

~ e:<! >,'" '" .... '" ."E CIS .2~ !:? >, .... .... .... 0 .8~ ."

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1951 269 48 41 4 177 33 6

1952 147 82 74 1 4 66 69 3 7

1953 294 ~1 110 1 4 245 213 6

1954 311 18 205 1 3 636 69

1955 29 68 2 117 63 6 47

1956 83 109 77 11 725 53

1957 70 254 375 2 461 148

1958 436 72 113 2 2 53 30

1959 508 160 121 2 3 218 44

1960 253 53 108 7 143 44 3

Total 29 2,439 2 944 x 1,287 7 46 2,724 750 3 :x 20 3


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1 2

(a) (b)

3 (a) (b) (C) (d)

4 (a) (b)



Figures in Acres

Categories 1901 1911@ 1921 1931 1941 1951

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Forests" 69,564 68,277 65,819 65,526 752,803 Area not available fer cultivation 131,000 131,000 131,000 131,049 Land put to non-agricultural uses


Barren and uncultivable land Area cultivable 1,586, 43 1,708,286 1,709,343 1,691,056 1,6)0,270 Cultivable wastes*** 1,586,843 l,70~,2~6 1,709,3·B 1,691,056 ££1,690.270 Fallows other than current Pastures and grazing land Miscellaneous tree crops & groves not included under net area sown Area cultivated 222,385 104,111 112,2119 129,648 153,516 Net area sown 90,879 95,024 104,(J07 117,264 144,730 Current fallows 131,506 9,087 7,662 ! 12,384 @@8,786

.. The forest areas exclude the areas of the forest villages within the reserves ! including secdling areas

££ Average of three years viz. 1948-49 to 1950-51. For the subsequent years viz- 1951-52 and 1952-53 data are not available

@ Figures for the year 1912-13 only *** The informations re ating to cultivablc wastes, pastures and grazing lands and miscellaneous

tree crops and groves etc., were not available separately for the years prior to 1951-52 and these three categories were included under the group "cultivable wastes other than fallows" for the years 1912-13 to 1949-50 which changed into category "otber uncultivated land excluding current fallows" from the year 1950-51 onwards. This category since 1951-52 had been divlded into (i) cultivable wastes, (ii) permanent p~stures and grazing lands and (iii) area under miscellaneous tree crops and groves not included under net area sown

** Data presented for 19.1 is the average of two years viz. 1956-57 and 1957·58. FOr the subsequent years viz. 1958-59 to 1960-61 data are not available

@@ Average of three years viz. 1948-49 to 1950-51 and it includes the seedling areas for the same years.

N. R. Not reported




93,465 N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R. N.R.

N.R. 175,801


Page 283: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




SI.No. Items 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Basic Foodcrops (i) Total Cereals and Millets 102,407 135,241 (a) Rice 22,419 43,879 64,092 68,064 75,057 91,962 120,770 (b) Jowar (C) Bajra (d) Maize 3 7 10,364 14,093 (e) Ragi (f) Wheat 74 12 51 150 (g) Barley (h) Oth~r Cereals and small Millets 30 228 (ii) Total Pulses 1,086 2,349 (a) Gram 100 241 (b) TUf 41 247 (c) Other Pulses (excluding gram and tur) 945 1,861 (d) Other Foodgrains (including pulses) 161 866 2,470 3,526 4,127

103,493 (iii) Total Foodgrains 22,711 44,770 66,562 71,590 79,191 137,590 (iv) Fruits and Vegetables 1,493 1,407 1,856 2,857 3,142 4,497 9,116

2 Other Foodgrains (a) Sugarcane 12 11 35 20 53 80 375 (b) Condiments & Spices 576 3,b37 (c) Other Food::rops 76 347 (d) Total Foo,Jcrops 2 ',216 46,188 68,453 74,467 82,386 108,722 151,065

3 Non-Foodcrops (a) Groundnut (b) Total Oilseeds 3,301 5,468 6,397 6,275 7,790 7,457 );1,485 (c) CotLn 47 11,801 19,069 19,045 22,539 26,332 20,551 (d) Jute 1,792 4,348 3,797 4,631 5,725 7,644 15,039 (e) Total Fibres 1,839 16,150 22,866 23,676 28,264 34,336 36,074 (f) Plantation Crops (Tea only) (g) Coffee

320 50

(h) Tobacco 99 110 154 317 579 600 4 Miscellaneous Crops 176 5,599 7,646 9,045 10,967 432

(a) Dyes and Tanning materials 317 (b) Drugs & Narcotics (other than tea) 99 110 154 320 579 650

(c) Fodder Crop, 128 (d) Green Manure Crops 18 (e) Other Non-Foodcrops 47 513

5 Total area sown under all crops 29,631 73,515 105,516 113,780 129,727 151,573 199,933 6 Area sown more than once 3,178 9,190 10,492 9,173 12,463 6,843 21.491 7 Net area sown 26,453 64,355 95.0L4 104,607 117,264 144,730 178,442


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Sl.No. Items 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Rice 19,509 31,342 37,568 53,407 53,865 2 Wheat 3 Total Cereals 19,509 31,342 53,865 4 Total Pulses 202 5 Other Cereals and Pulses 6,397 486 1,63+ 6 Total Foodgrains 6,397 19,509 31,342 38,054 55,243 53,865 7 Sugarcane 8 MisceIIaneous Foodcrops 1,958 4,389 9 Total Foodcrops 6,397 19,509 31,342 40,012 59,632 53,865

10 Cotton 11 Miscellaneous Non·Fooc'crops 2,488 2,078 12 Total Non-Foodcrops 2,488 2,078 13 Total irrigated area under all 6,397 19,509 31,342 42,500 61,710 53,865

crops 14 Net irrigated area 639,7 19,509 31,342 42,500 61,710 53,865

* Data presented for 1961 is the average of two years viz. 1956-57 and 1957-58. For the subsequent years viz. 1958-59 to 1960-61 data are not ava'lable




Sl.No. Items 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961*

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Canals :-(a) Government Canals (b) Private Canals (c) Total

2 Tanks 3 Tube Wells 4 Other Wells

6,397 31,342 42,500 61,710 53,865 5 Other Sources 19,50) 6 Total 6,397 19,509 31,342 42,500 61,710 53,865

.. Data presented for 1961 is the average of two years viz. 1956-57 and 1957-58. For the subsequent years viz. 1958-59 to 1960-61 data are not available


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Yield in Pound! Acre as Per Crop Cutting Survey

-------SJ. Items 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Paddy (a) Ahu (autumn> 584 644 720 681 855 813 808 644 459 (b) Boro (spring) 784 784 784 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 (c) Sali or Baa (winter) 879 946 920 878 900 896 914 1,027

2 Jowar 3 Bajra 4 Maize 480 492 800 480 500 540 500 350 350 5 Ragi 6 Wheat 810 492 520 500 450 450 500 500 500 7 Other Cereals 448 480 500 500 320 350 430 8 Total Cereals * 707.4 634.33 698 702.2 755.5 810.6 729 684.66 686 9 Gram 407 398 400 500 400 400 400 400 500

10 Tur or Arahar 560 268 400 650 650 650 650 500 500 11 Other Pulses 161 333 320 350 350 350 350 350 12 Total Pulses * 376 333 373.33 500 466.66 466.66 466.66 4]6.66 500 13 Potatoes 4,032 4,584 4,950 4,036 4,228 2,876 3.627 4,810 4,136 14 Sugarcane 25,200 25,200 24,500 21,300 25,300 22,000 33,183 33,048 27,409 15 Ginger (dry) 16 Pepper (black) 17 Chillies (dry) 18 Tobacco 545 806 720 700 500 500 450 450 450 29 Groundnut 20 Castor Seed 249 314 320 450 300 280 300 300 300 21 Sesamum 358 403 400 350 500 440 450 450 450 22 Rape and Mustard 403 403 350 350 400 40 422 449 301 23 Linseed 358 358 320 200 24 Cotton 167 174 94 94 94 100 92 60 95 25 Jute 969 1,292 1,273 1,077 1,313 1,204 1,277 1,223 1,334

* Average of the items for which data are available


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Page 288: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





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Page 290: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 291: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 292: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 293: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 294: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 295: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 296: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Rice Atta Mas)lr Matikalai Months

Potato Fish Egg Salt Chilly

1951 (per Sr.) (Per Sr.) (Per Sr.) (Per Sr.) (Per Sr.) (per Sr.) (Per pair) (Per Sr.) (per Sr.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

January February March 0.60 0.51 0.77 0.62 0.39 1.91 0.25 0.17 3.02 April 0.60 051 0.75 0.57 0.43 2.06 0.25 0.18 3.22 May 0.65 0.57 0.75 0.75 0.46 2.37 0.28 0.19 3.34 June 0.66 0.57 0.76 0.75 0.60 2.50 0.25 0.19 3.88 July 0.67 0.57 0.76 0.75 0.90 3.00 0.25 0.19 3.26 August 0.69 0.57 0.76 0.75 0.81 2.31 0.26 0.19 3.25 September 0.68 0.57 0.76 0.75 0.79 2.75 0.28 0.22 3.60 October 0.67 0.51 0.76 0.81 0'78 2.12 0.25 0.22 3.60 November 0.67 0.57 0.76 0.75 0.78 2.00 0.28 0.22 3.58 December 0.62 0.61 0.77 0.75 0.75 2.05 0.32 0.24 3.32

Mustard Gur Sugar Milk Dhuti Sari Shirting Kerosene Leafy Months Oil Oil Tobacco 1951 (Per Sr.) (Per Sr.) (Per Sr.) (per Sr.) (Each) (Each) (Per Yd.) (Per Sr.) (Per Sr.)

1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

January February March 2.45 0.65 1.12 0.62 5.43 5.48 1.64 0.44 6.00 April 2.46 0.67 1.14 0.51 5.50 5.56 1.49 0.53 6.00 May 2.35 0.75 1.18 0.50 5.30 5.39 1.38 0.62 6.00 June 2.43 0.75 1.18 0.50 5.37 5.44 1.38 0.62 6.00 July 2.43 0.75 1.21 0.50 5.50 5.64 1.48 0.62 6.00 August 2.43 0.70 1.20 0.50 5.77 5.73 1.55 0.62 6.00 September 2.43 0.75 1.20 0.50 5.78 5.80 1.55 0.50 6.01 October 2.43 0.75 1.20 0.50 5.78 5.80 1.51 0.50 6.00 November 2.43 0.75 1.18 0.50 5.78 5.80 1.52 0.50 7.00 December 2.43 0.75 1.23 0.50 5.40 5.43 1.44 0.50 7.00

( .. ) Indicates data not available


Page 297: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage population Population variation in Population vadation in Population variation in variation in

Livestock jn 1945 in 1951 1951 over in 1956 1956 over jn 1961 1961 over 1961 over 1945 1951 1956 1951

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Cattle 60,189 127,340 +111.57 134,257 + 5.43 +123.06

Buffalo 9,991 24,045 +140.67 27,438 + 14.11 +174.63

Sheep 145 257 + 77.24 778 +220.72 +436,55

Goat 13,988 17,005 + 21.57 24,808 + 45.89 + 77.35

Horses and Ponies 62 184 +196,77 445 +141.85 +617.74

Poultry 62,224 285,391 +358,65 391,583 + 37.21 +529.31

N. B.-Figures are not available for 1945 Livestock Census, (+) Sign for increase


Page 298: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Table 5.1



(Industries are d~n)t:,d by three digit cod;) numbers while the number of units are s~own in brackets)


~uhgora 235 (1) ; Chell1ba giri 235 (1) ; Ball1Jllgiri 235 (2) ; Millbonpa,.a 235 (1); Dabit Ampmglall1 giri 235 (1) ; Dabil Ash;m 325 (1).


Megong giri-Rongkbon agat 369 (1) ; Anangpara 369 (2) ; Goda 1 giri-278 (l) ; Mechapani 393 (1).


Sek'ia Agipang giri 273 (1); Rongchcrl giri 384 (1); Tamagiri 369 (1) ; Rongrambij~l block 369 (2) ; Bajajdelca 235 (1).


Rem Baza"a 399 (1) ; Rong:'angiri 369 (1).


Sikrikilla 281 (2), 369 (2), 388 (1) ; Mendipathar Rabha 280 (1) ; Mendipathar 235 (1).


Fu]bari Motor Station 205 (1),220 (1),369 (4).


Shakuranbari 205 (1)


NandiI' Char M. Jai Bazar 273 (3), 369 (4), 393 (2) ; Majher Char 369 (2),388 (1), Kuhl' Manwa 369 (1).


Saipai 205 (1), 211 (1), 350 (4), 369 (1), Killapara 205 (5), 311 (3),350 (6),369 (3), 384 (1), 393 (5), 399 (1) ; Gasuapara 369 (1), 388 (1).


Garobandha 313 (1).


Total-205 (2),281 (4),289 (I), 302 (1), 384 (3),392 (1),399 (4).

Tura-Block 1-289 (n, 384 (1), 392 (I) ; Block 2-281 (4),302 (1), 384 (2) ; Block 3-205 (2), 369 (1), 399 (4).


Page 299: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India


81. No.


Description Code

-------------------------_._-----------------1 2 3

--,------------".-...;.------------------__,,_.,_..--.---1 2

3 4

5 6


8 9


11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 39


Production of raw cotton and kindred fibre crops Production of crops (including vegetables) other than cereal crops, pulses,

oilseeds, fibres, sugercane and other cash crops Production of wood, bamboo, cane reeds, thatching grass, etc. Production of ducks, hens and other small birds, eggs by rearing and. poultry

farming . ~ Rearing of silk-worms and production of cocoons and. raw silk Production of other animal husbandry products such as skin, bone, ivory and

teeth Production of rice, atta, flour etc. by milling dehusking and processing of crops

and foodgrains Production of sugar and syrup from sugarcane in mills Production of indigenous sugar, gur from sugarcane or pa'm juice and

production of candy Production of fruit products such as jam, jelly, £auce and canning and

p:-eservation of fruits Production of bread, biscuits, cake and other bakery products Production of butter, ghee, cheese and other diary products Production of edible fats and oil ( other than hydrogenated oil) Production of other food products such as sweatmcat and condiments, muri,

murki, chira, khoi, cocoa, chocolate, toffee, lozenge Production of country liquor Production of aerated and mineral water Production of ice Production of ice-cream Procession of tea in factories Production of other beverages Manufacture of bidi Manufacture of hookah tobacco Cotton ginning cleaning, pressing bailing Cotton spinning (other than in mills) Cotton dyeing, bleaching Cotton weaving in power looms Cotton weaving in handlooms Manufacturing of khadi textile and handlooms Printing of cotton textile Jute pressing and baling Jute spinning and weaving , Manufacture of other products like rope cordage from jute and similar fibre

such as hemp, mesta Wool spinning other than in mills Spinning and weaving of silk textile in mill Spinning of silk other tl:an in mills Weaving of silk textile by hand]oom Manufacture of hosiery and other knitted fabrics and garments Making of textIle garments including rain coats and headgear M3.nufacture of made-up textile goods exc~pt wearing apparel such as

curtains, pillow cases, bedding materials, mattress, textile bags Manufacture and recovery of all types of fibres for purposes of padding,

wadding and upholstery filling



005 007

043 045


200 201


203 205 206 207

209 211 214 215 216 217 219 220 223 230 231 233 234 235 236 237 240 241

244 253 260 262 264 271 273



Page 300: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

----------.---------------. Sl. No. Description Code

1 2 3

41 Manufacture of umbrellas 278 42 43

Sawing and planning of wood 280 Manufacture of wooden furniture and fixtures 281



46 47 48 49 50

Manufacture of structural wooden goods (including treated timber such as beams, posts, doors, windows 282

Manufacture of wooden industrial goods other th2n transport equipment such as bobbin and similar equipment and fixtures 283

Manufacture of other wooden products such as utensils, toys artwares 284 Manufacture of veneer and plywood 285 Manufacture of plywood products such as tea chest 286 Manufacture of boxes ami packing cases other than plywood 287 Manufacture of materials from cork, bamboo, Cane, leaves and other allied

products 288 51 Manufacture of other wood and allied products not covered above 289 52


Manufacture of pulp from wood, rags, wastepaper and other fibres and the conversion oi such pulp into any kind of paper & paper board in miH 290

do do do handmade 291 54

55 56

M"nufacture of products, such as pap:!r bags, boxes, cards envelopes and moulded pulp goods from pap:::r, paper board and pulp 292

Printing and publishing of newspapers and periodicals 300 Printing and Publishing of books 301



All other typ:::s of printing including lithography, engraving, etching, blvck making and other work connected with printing industry 302

All types of binding stitching, siZing and other allied work connected w:th binding industry 303

59 Carrying, tanning and finishing of hides and skins and preparation of finished leather 310

60 Manufacture of shoes and. other leather footwear 311 61 Manufacture of clothing and wearing apparel (except footwear) made of

leather and fur 312 62


Manufacture ofleather products (except those covered by code No. 311, 312), such as leather upholstery, suitcases, pocket books, Cigarette and key cases, purses, saddlery, whip and other articles 313

Repair of shoes & and other leather footwear 314 64 65

Repair of all other leather products except footwear 315 Manufacture oftyres and tubes 320

66 Production of petroleum, kerosene and other petroleum products in petroleum refineries 324

67 Production of coaltar and coke oven 325 68 Manufacture of other coal and coaltar products not covered elsewhere 326 69 Manufactre of f;::rtilizers 332 70 71

. Manufacture of ammunition, explosive and fire works 333 Manufacture of matches 334



74 75 76

Manufacture of mediCines, pharmeceutical preparations, perfumes, cometics and other toi~et preparaticns except soap 335

Manufacture of other chemicals and Chemical products not covered above (including inedible oils and fats.) 339

Mlnufacture of structural clay products such as brick, tile 340 Mlnufacture of cement and cement products 341 Manufacture of lime 342

77 78

Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing and stone crushing 343 Manufacture of asbestos products 347

79 80 81 82

Manufacture of mica products 348 Manufacture of earthenware and earthen pottery 350 Manufacture of porcelain and its products 352 Manufacture of earthen image, busts and statues 355


Page 301: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

~1. No.



84 85


81 88 89 90




94 95 96 97

98 99


101 102 103

104 105


107 lOS

109 110 III 112

113 114 115

116 117 lIs




Manufacturc of earthen toys and artwarcs except those covered by code No. 355

Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 110t elEewhere specified Manufacture of iron and steel including smelting, refining, loning, conver­

sion into basic forms such as billets, blooms, tubes, rods Manufacture including smelting, refining of non-ferrous metals 2nd alloys

in basic forms Manufacture of iron and steel furniture Manufacture of brass and bell-metal products Manufacture of aluminium products Manufacture of metal products (other than of iron, brass, bell-metal and

aluminium) such as tin can Enamelling, galvanising, plating, (inCluding electroplating) polishing and

welding of metal products Manufacture of sundry hardwares such as G. I. Pipe, wire net, bolt, screw,

bucket, cutlery (this will also include the manufacture of sundry ferrous engineering products done by jobbing engineering concerns which cannot be classified in codes 360,361,364-370, 316-384, 386, 388-390, 392-394, 396 and 399

Manufacture and assembling of machinery other than electrical, except textile machinery

Manufacture of instaled wires and cab]cs M 2.nufacture of all kinds of battery Manufacture of electronic equipment such as radio, microphone Manufacture of electric machinery and apparatus, appliances not specified

above Manufacture, assembling and repairing of locomotives Manufacture of wagons, coaches, tramway and other rail road cquipment

other than joist, rail, sheet, plate Manufacture and assembling of motor vehicles of all types (excepting motor engines) ManUfacture of motor vehicles engines parts and accessories; Repairing and servicing of motor vehicles Building and repairing of water transport equipment such as ships, boats

and manufacture of marine engines . Repairing of bicycles and tricycles Manufacture of other transport equipments such as animal drawn and hand

drawn vehicles Manufacture of optical instruments and lenses, opthalmic goods and photo­

graphic equipment supplies Assembling and repairing of watches and clocks Manufacture of jewellcry, silVerware and wares using gold and other

pr.~eious metal Manufacture and tuning of musical instruments Manufacture of sports good.s Manufacture and repair work of goods not assiEnable to any other group. Construction and· mainte:r.ance of buildings including erection, flooring,

decorative constructions, e~ectrical & sanitary installatic.ns Generation and transmissiOn of electric energy Distribution of electric energy Collection, purification and distr;butic'n of water to de,mestic ar:d industrial

consumers Retail trading in food stuffs like sweatmeats, condiments, cakes, biscuits etc. Retail trading in goods unspecifi( d Recre31tion services rendered by Cinema houses by exhibition of motion

pIctures Service, rendered by portrait :ll1d commelciaI photographic stud'os







361 364 365 366




370 376 377 378

379 380


382 3S3 384

386 388


390 392

393 394 396 399

<:00 500 501

510 646 689

871 885

Page 302: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 303: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

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Page 304: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India



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Page 305: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India
















Source: (a) Replrt on the Administration of Criminal Justice in the State of Assam, 1952-57

(b) Inspector General of Police Assam, for 1951 and 1958-60.

Number of Criminal Cases tried , Number of Persons convicted

2 3

69 103

1,120 748

1,029 1,138

614 650

523 491

604 633

694 602

124 158

104 117

72 82

---------------------,--------_..-----------------------------_._-Grand Total 4,953 4,722


Page 306: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




Source: (a) Report on the Police Administration in the State of Assam

(b) Inspector General of Poliee, Assam for 1951, 1958 and 1959

No. of No. of Deputy No. of Asstt. Sub- No. of Proportion of

Supednten- No. of Sub- In!>pectors No. of Total Police No. of Total amount cognizable Years dents of Inspectors Inspectors & Head Constables Stations Outposts of cognizable crime

Police Constables crime investigated investigated to the Police

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l

1951 1 1 8 23 101 134 1952 1 1 12 27 154 195 5 1 205 1 to 1.05 1953 X 1 9 24 148 182 5 1 154 1 to 1.03 1954 X 1 9 24 148 182 5 1 1955 X 1 9 24 148 182 5 1 1956 .. 1957 1 1 9 24 148 182 5 1 248 1.14 1958 1 1 12 29 209 252 1959 1 2 15 37 233 288 1960

Additional or Temporary Police Strength of Jail

Deputy Superin- Asstt. Sub- Total

Years ten dents Inspectors Sub- Inspectors Constables Total strength cols. Name of Class IV of Police Inspectors & Head (7+17 ) Jails


1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1951 134 1952 X X X X X X 195 1953 1 X 2 5 111 119 301 1954 X X 3 11 122 136 318 1955 X X 2 5 11 19 201 1956 Tura I 1957 182 do I 1958 2 5 12 19 271 do I 1959 288 do I 1960 do I

( .• ) Indicates data not available


Page 307: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India





----<'l .,.,

"'" .,... \0 r- oo

'" 8 .....

~ .,... ":' \0

SI. Name of the N ":' on ":' .,... or> 0 .,... rn ..J- on ..0 r- ob do.

No. Society V) on .,... V) V) on or> on "" ~ 0\ Q\ ~ '" '" '" '" 0\ '" - ..... ..... - - .....

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Credit Co-operative Societies 5 12 22 41 69 74 79

2 Union Credit Co-operative Societies 4 5

3 Consumers Co-operative Societies 1 2 2 2

4 Fishery Co-operative Societies 2 4 6 7 11 13

5 Farming Co-operative Societies 1 1 1 2 4

6 Ginning & Processing Co-operative 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Societies 7 Industrial Co-operative Societies 2 3 4 5 5 5 11

8 Multi-purpose Co-op~rative ~o~ieties 1 1 3 4 5 5

9 Marketing Co-operative Soclelles 2 3 3 9 11

10 Service Co-operative Societies ii 7

11 Trading Co-operative Societies 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11

12 Weaving Co-operative Societies 3 9 11 14 25 29 33 35

Total Number 10 10 13 27 41 60 97 132 157 184


Page 308: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

SI. No.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SI. No.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Source : (1) Directorate of Economics &: Statistics (2) Commissioner of Taxes (3) Commissioner of Excise

(4) Revenue Department (5) Accountant General, A!'sam and Nagaland

Taxes 1951-52

2 3

Sales Tax 45,515.00 Amusement and Betting Tax 6,615.00 Motor Spirit and Lubricant Tax 14,494.00 Excise Revenue 16,132.00 Land Revenue Stamps Profession Tax 1,080.00 Agricul tural Income Tax 3,102.00 Income Tax ..

1956·57 1957-58

8 9

12,644.00 17,854.00 7,645.00 22,640.00 4,239.00

21,030.00 22,937.00

4,756.00 3,308.00 270.00 62.00




788.00 878,000.00



50,285.11 26,808.76


49,718.04 x




33,796.00 129,089.00

3,080.00 722,000.00



29,287.86 26,692.07


22,162.87 x




15,047.00 118.00

16,666.00 24,057.00


319.00 3,569.00




33,72 I.I 2 29,477.67


x 1.367.00



16,915.00 579.00

18,901.00 25,933.00

764.00 3,912.00




221,269.09 120,575.50 54,300.00

284,183.65 280,691.00

71,880.91 10,227.00 18,883.00

155,000.00 1,221,000.00 1,269,000.00 668,000.00 485,000.00 6,667,000.00

.;;r.B.-The figures represent combined collection from GoaJpara district and Ga~o hills district as. no d~str~ct wise figures are available with the Income tax Dcptt. Income tax collectIOn from Garo Hlll~ Dlstnct which is included in the above total figures, would not exceed Rs. 12,000/-on the average III respect of any of the years mentioned above as stated by the Income Tax Officer, Dhubri

( •• ) Indicates data not available


Page 309: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




FOR THE PERIOD 1951 to 1960





Maternity & Child Welfare Centres

Public Health & Anti-Adulteration Activities*

Rural Health Centres

B.C.G. Campaigns+

Malaria Control Centres

Family Planning Centres




2 13















































( * ) Public Health Activities is doing by means of Propaganda for Sanitation and Health Education in the rural area by Public Health Staff (Vaccination for Small Pox ana Anti-innoculation for Cholera)

(+) The Party came twice, once in 1954 and again in 1958

(-) Indicates data not available









Page 310: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




IN 1959-60 AND 1960-61 ·IN THE DISTRICT

SI. Type of Institution No.

1 2

1 College for General Education

2 School for General Education (a) Higher Secondary (b) High (c) Middle (d) Junior Basic (e) Primary (f) Nursery

3 School for Professional Education (a) Industrial and Technical Arts and Crafts (b) Basic Training School (c) Non-Basic Training School

4 School for Special Education For Adults


No. of Institutions



858 1 8

49 19

771 10

5 3 1 1

53 53

No. of Students



29,015 776

1,186 3,439 1,027

22,204 383

103 33 35 35

1,258 1,258


No. of No. of Institutions Students

5 6

1 80

883 32,121 1 880

11 2,064 51 2,690 45 2,414

760 23,566 15 507

5 109 3 43 1 42 1 24

67 1,772 67 1,772



Page 311: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Table 8.1 (Contd.)




Name of Aided Colleges

1 Tura Collage, Tura



4 5 6 7 8 9

10 II 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Government Higber Secondary/Multipurpose School

Government Multipurpose High Schoo], Tura

Name of Aided Recogn:sed Higb School

United Kharkutia Governmmt Aided H. E. Schcol, Kharkutia

Name of Aided Unrecognised High Schools

Resu Belpara H. E. School, Resu Belpara Baghmara H. E. SChool, Baghmara Dalu H. E. School, Farangapan DiIma Apal H. E. School, Mcnd:pathar Ampati H. E. School, Ampati Tura H. E. SChool, Tura

Name of Unaided Unrecognised High Schools

Rongjong High School, Rongjong Sulgur High School, Ampati Boldamgiri High School, Kalgach;a Mohendragonj High School, MOhendragonj

Government M. E. Schools

Baghmara M. School, Baghmara Be!para M. E. School, Balpara BaJmgdo~x~ M. E. School, Bajingdoba Boldamgm M. E. School, Kalaichar Dalu M. E. Schcol, Barangapan Rongjong M. E. School, Rongjong

Name of Aided Recognised Schools

Ampati M. E. Shoo], Ampati Dkhapara M. E. School, Damalgiri Sibba M. E. SchOOl, Sibba Silkigin M. E. School, Slbba Kapasipan M. E. School, Sibba Rajasimki M. E. Sehool, Kharkutia Shyamnagar M. E. SchOOl, Phulbari Tikri Killa M. E. School, Tikri Killa Selsela M. E. School, Selsela Chotchoja M. E. School, Kharkutia Dilmaadap M. E. SChool, Adokgiri Dilma ApaJ M. E. School, Mendipathar Belmarcha M. E. School, Mohendragonj Chilonga M. B. School, Kharkutia Christian Girls' M. E. School, Tura Government Aided M. E. School, Tura Bolarbhita M. E. School, Phulbari





176 61 4S

114 40


18 18 26 24

133 267 167

63 131 157

107 76 79 52 36 55 71 61 63 61 70

131 52 41

116 151 62

Page 312: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

TABLE 8'1 (Contd.)


--....1_ ,_ __ _.-____ , ___ , __ _


37 Rajabala M. E. School. Bhaitbari 38 Salguri M. E. School, Ampathi 39 Nagapara M. E. Sc.:hool. Nagarpara 40 Babelapara ,M. E. School, Parakusia 41 Dalu Bengali M. E. School, Barengarara 42 Rug;apara M. E. School, Barengapara 43 Rongara M. E. School, Ronfara 44 Mihoc,para M. E. School Barengapara 45 Mansang M. E. School, Rongjong 46 Porakasia M. E. School. Porakasia 47 ManikganJ Iaharlal M. E. Schoal, Manik[anj


49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62


Name of Aided Recognised M. E. Madrassa

Bhaitabari M. E. Madrassa, Bhaitabari

Name of Unaided Recognised M. E. Schools

Tura Don Bosco M. E. School, Tura TUra Gurkha M. E. School, Tum

Name of Unaided Unrecognised M. E. Schools

Karukol M. E. School, Baghmara Chokpot M. E. School Rongnkim Girls', Sibbari Betasing M. E. School, Ampati Bainapara Gotlaigiri M. E. School, Ampati Garobandha M. E. School, Garobandha Kaimbataparni M. E. School Phulbari Suarmari M. E. School, Baida (GoaJpara) Adokgiri M. E. School, Adokgiri Rong1enggiri M. E. School, Rongrengiri Don Bosco M. E. School, Baghmara Katah M. E. School, Ampati

Name of Aided Recognised Venture School

Rumakona Venture M. E. School, Garobudu

Name of Government Training School

64 Basic Training Centre, T\lr<t



60 70 49 42 62 38 56 63 85 28 51


86 50

34 46 86 22 50 58 20 38 50

106 64 10


Page 313: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

List pI L. p. SchQC)IIj

-----~------------.------.----------------------------.------------SI. No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1.7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Institution 51. No. Institution

------,------.------------------------,------.-----Tura Leper Colony L. P. School Rengrampara L. P. School Kalaipara L. P. School Wagegitok L. P. School Matchimpara L. P. School Rongnadigiri L. P. Sehool Dingkhajora L. p. School Garamgre L. P. School Chapathi L. P. School Chandabhui L. p. School Rohonpara L. P. School Noranggiri L. P. School Bhatua L. P. School Salmanpc:ra L. P. School Ganipara L. P. School Anangrara L. P. School Makalpara L. P. School Kongtokpara L. P. School Santogiri L. P. School Nand'rehar L. P. School Goprarngiri L. P. School Sandagre 1. P. School Rangmingiri L. p. School Megonggiri L. P. School Rangapara L. P. School Arteka L. P. School Panda Chikasin L. P. School Damikchigiri L. P. School Halchati L. P. School Wagekona L. P. School D~bitbibra L. P. Schaal Rongsu Agal L. P. School Rongrikimgiri L. P. School Tholejang L. P. School Rongrengpal L. P. School Rongru Asim L. P. School Kapasipara L. P. School Kolapara L. P. School Gasuapara L. P. School Jikjak L. P. School S:lpalguri 1. P. School Moh(:ndraganj L. P. School Beluarchar L. P. School Saulmari ( GaTO ) 1. P. School Jarangkona L. P. School Dimiligiri L. P. School Nongchram 1. P. School Tungrucbar L P. School Jerdoba 1. P. School Kodaldowa L. P. School


51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 13 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99


Dingjour L. P. School Sul.guri L. P. School Rangsakona L. P. School Rangagora L. P. School Sonamite L. P. School Kilapara L. P. School Majberchar 1. P. School Morasuti L. P. School Kathalbari L. P. School Halledayganj L. P. School Betasing L. P. School Goalgaon L. P. School Paham L. P. School Dewankata L. P. School Kongkana L. P. School Sakware L. P. School Chotcholja L. P. School Adokgiri L. P. School Kama G~'.ndhim 1. P. School Ronga Agal 1. P. School Athiabari L. P. School Rangketgitim 1. P. School Rajasimla 1. p. School Bakenang 1. P. School Baksalpara 1. P. School Damash L. P. School Damit Dangra 1. P. School Arnpatigiri L. P. School Raja Apal 1. P. School Baringgiri Bolkret L. P. School Rangashi Aga L. P. School Sonang L. P. School Bhagbata 1. P. School Upper Kharkutta L. P. School Kalchengpara L. P. School Thakurbilla L. P. School LOWer Manikganj L. P. School Dagal Bolmedang 1. P. Scbool Depa L. P. School Dabram L. P. School Mahlakhandi L. P. School Bhaitbari 1. P. School Jonglapara L. P. School Upper Manikganj L. P. School Khantolguri L. P. School Darampara 1. P. School Kharsengdap L. P. School Narongkol L. P. School Sembu Mitapgiri L. P. School Porakhasia 1. P. School

Page 314: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Sl. No.

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 12~ 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 157 158

TABLE 8.1 ~Contd.)


Nolbari L. P. School Belpara L. P. School Dengnapara L. P. School Rangshi L. P. School Nagargram L. P. Scharo! Morkona L. P. School Dalupara L. P. School Matchakolgiri L. P. School Watrigitim L. P. School Megam Ading L. P. School Balwat Rongchanggiri L. P. School Dambuk Apal L. P. School Tengki Badimagiri L. P. School Gabil Daningka L. P. School Menduma L. P. School Moamari L. P. School Ranga Naidilwang L. P. School Dochisoram L. P. School Damagiri L. P. School Babellapara L. P. School Darungiri ( Ambeng) L. P. School Dareng (Petchong) L. P. School Darugiri (Chisak) L. P. School Paromgiri L. P. School Rongchri L. P. School Konchikol Aga L. P. School Agroggiri L. P. School Dobu Rimding L. P. School Ronganggiri L. P. School Khosijara L. P. School Dasanggiri L. P. School Chibongga L. P. MejoIgiri L. P. School Bonbera L. P. School Bald-para L. P. School Miapara L. P. School Pedeldoba L. P. School Bainapara L. P. School Halwa L. P. School Karukal L. P. School Wanangiri L. P. School Thokol L. P. School Siperakumli L. P. School Katuligaon L. P. School Depulipara L. P. School Nandirchar L. P. School Bholarbita L. P. School Thorika Assamese L. P. School Amindagiri L. P. School Gokapal L. P. SChool Rekmangiri L. p. School Lower Kharkotia L. P. School Simseng-Songgitcham L. P. School Baksapara L. P. School Kayambatapara L. P. School Charbatapara L. P. School Ampathi Hat L. P. School Ampathi Hat L. P. School Fakirmara L. P. School

SI. No.

159 ItO 161 162 163 ]64 165 166 167 168 169 ]70 171 112 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 213

. 214 215 216 217

289 ,


Samandalgiri L. P. School Nokatgiri L. P. SchoOl Rongjeng Reserve L. P. School Darang Daju L. P. School Nengbrokgitim L. P. School Sayamnagar L. P. School lambalgitim L. P. School Megam Akong L. P. School Bandukmali L. P. School Balachanda L. P. SchoOl Mangsang Bamil L. P. School Asiragiri L. P. School Bamon-Dipogiri L. P. School Fakirkona L. P. School Sualmari Rabha L. p. School Bilkona L. P. School Bolchugiri L. P. School Bolsong L. P. School Monabari L. P. School Dilma Adap L. P. School Dopatchigiri L. P. School Gajingpara L. P. School Gongrung L. P. School Kerupara L. P. School Mang~ang Mokura L. P. School Masangpani L. P. School Gokolgiri L. P. School Rongbing Boldak L. P. School Rongtimu L. P. School Na.pak Apal L. P. Schcol Simsamgiri L. P. School Songsak Bolchu L. P. School Thapa Bisrampur L. P. School Tekmanp3.ra L. P. School Waramja L. P. School Arengdo L. P. School Baringgiri L. P. School Dambo Mrok L. P. School Babukona L. P. School Thorika (Garo) L. P. School Rajengdoba L. P. School Ramchengga L. P. School Gosmgpita L. P. School Jijikapara L. P. School Upper Chandmari L. P. School Nagorpara L. P. School Anangpara L. P. School BoIdamgiri L. p. School Borolatri L. P. School Menduma (Rabha) L. P. School BeJpara Assamese L. P. School Tura Assamese L. P. School Anderkona L. P. School Hatugaon L. P. School Thapa Dangri L. P. School Gimegiri L. P. School Dekachang L. P. School Aigiri L. P. School Rangmalgiri L. P. School

Page 315: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

TABLE 8.1 (Concld.)

------,-----------------------------.--------------------SI.No. Institution SI. No. Institution

-------218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232

JambaIgiri L. P. School Monbangangiri L. P. School Chisregiri L. P. School Dadengg"ri L. P. School Rongchugiri L. P. School Cnimagil i L. P. School Didapara Ll P. School Chiramgiri L. P. School Sotmarenggiri L. P. School Sonccbi] L. P. School Jenggitchatgiri L. P: School Konchlkol L. P. School Dhupguri L. P. School A1agiri L. P. School Nalbari (Rabha) L. P. Scheol

233 Marok L. P. School 234 GobinathkiIIa L. P. School 235 Bfmongiri L. P. School 236 Somonpara L. P. School 237 Rondupara L. P. School 238 Aru<..kgiri (Ambeng) L. P. School 239 Kuligaon L. P. School 240 Aruakgiri (Matchi) L. P. School .


241 Lower Chandmari Junior Basic 242 Songsak Agal Junior Basic 243 Selsella Junior Basic 244 Sibbari Junior Basic

Note-The above list does not exactly correspond to the period 1960-61.


Page 316: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India




Year Newspapers

1 2



Cinema Houses Printing Presses Public Entertainments

3 4 5

1 1 x

(..) Indicates data not available


Periodicals and Journals


Page 317: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

S1. No.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

TABLE 10.1



Name of Roads


Selsela-Chamhagiri Road Selsa~a Earok-pulbari Road Damalgiri-Chokranggiri Road Rengchigiri Dipokgiri Road Dipokgiri-Mapilkolgiri Road Sasatgiri Bhajalmara Road Selsela-Mandagiri-WajEdagiri Road Selsela-Balachanda Road Mandagiri-Bhajamara Road Chambagiri-Simbukolgiri Road Marok-Salbil Road Rengmagiri-Dolbokgiri R()ad Rochonpara-Jeldera!a Road Nengkolpara-Apalgiri R0ad Rangtapara-Bhalukmari Road Haldlbari-Sangkolpara Road Baghmara-Mahadeo & Moheshihola Road (Border Road) Dambuk-Apal-Dambuk-Aga, selfhelp Road Baghmara-Karukhol Road Baghmara-Mindikgiri (Self-help) Road Silkigir, Nengkhong Road Chambilgiri, Bamongiri Road Jaksongram-Nilwagiri Road (2) Baghmara Wagesik Road (S. H. Road) Baghmara Jongkol Road-Babram Road (S. H. Road) Malkikona-Kongkona Road (S. H. Road) Baghmara, Rongdokram and Dabit, Ampangdamgiri Road (S. H. Road) Dabigir Gittingiri Road (S. H. Road) Siju, Badri Rongdonggittim via Rongbinggiri & Rongrenggiri Road

{So H. Road) Rongrenggiri, Kusimkholgiri Road (S. H .. Road) Nongalbibra. Rangsanta Road (S. H. Road) Siju, Rongsu Road (S. H. Road) Allokpang, Rongsuasim Road (S. H. Road) Goka, Karukol & BaIkal R0ad (S. H. Road) Rewak, Ariteka Road (S. H. Road) P. W. D. Road of Baghl1'ara-palu 33 miles to Stlkigiri (S. H. Road) Simsanggiri to Nengkra Road (test relief) Karukhol, Nengkhong Road (test relief) 9 miles Rongser.ggiri Road to Chandigiri Village Approach Road Constructed at Block Head-quarter Chibragiri Road Waribonkgiri Road to Dilmadilsekgiri Rom Hat to Dadenggiri Dadenggiri to Damal Asim


Length in Km.


9.656 12.875 12.875 9.656

12.875 9.656 6.437

12.875 9.656 4.828 2.413 3.219 8.047 3.219 1.609 1.609

56.127 8.047

19.312 22.530 22.530 9.656 6.437 4.828 8.047 1.609 8.047 4.828

56.327 4.828 4.828 6.437 6.437 8.047 6.437 9.656

12.875 12.875

4.828 1.609 4.828 3.219 8.047


Page 318: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

TABLE 10.1 (Contd.)



------.-------Sl. No. Name of Roads

_-_---------' 1

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88


Masangpani to Syamnagar Childnang to Paham Dadenggiri to Bikronggiri Phulbari Gimning Mill to Mou!akandi TikrikilJa to Jangrapara TikrikiI!a to Dingampara Jangrapara to Balsatgiri Jangrapana to Bekbekgiri Jarangkuna-Chenggapara Road Sesengpara Chandapara Road Sesengpara-Halchati Road Dalu-Josipara Road Magupara-Thalanggiri Road Sesengpara-Posenggagiri Road Halchati-Bolanggiri Road Magupara-Mathchokpara Road Kherapara-Rimrangpara Road Kherapara-Murigri Road Machangpani-Mibonpara Road Kherapara-Asugiri Road Asugiri-Sangknigiri Road Baromil to Bogai Road Darenggiri-Sandong Road Sangknigiri-Durabanda Road Ganapara-Rong,igiri Road Bhugai to Sibbari Rl ad Tatrakona to Sibbari Road Kandokgro to Angratuli Road Mangkengri to Bandapara Road Sibbari to Cbambilgri Read Dominikura to Bilkona Road Chokpot to Emandurabandha Road Jetragri to Chokpot Road Paromgri to Chokpot Road Chitabagri to Chokpot Road Rugapara Mangkenggiri Road Dlbanda to Rombagri Road Mitapgri to Chitimgri Road Ronganggri to Bamongri Road Chokpot to Waramgri Road Chibokgri to Rajarama Road Chokpot to Mondobakil Road Resu-Bakrapara Road Hatogaon-Suarmari-Rangagora Road


Length in Km.



4.828 9.656 8,047 8.047

19.312 9,656

19.312 22.530 12.875

6.437 8.047 4.828

11.265 11.265 1.609 3.219

11.265 4.828

16.093 16.093 12.875 25.749 22.530 11.265 9.656

32.187 25.749

2.413 4.023 2.413 2.413

19.312 22.530 24.140 16,093 12.875 14.484 12.069 8.047 3.219 6.437

16.093 17.702 9.656

Page 319: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

SI. No.

TABLE 10.1 (Concld.)



Name of Roads Length in KIn.


89 90 91 <i2 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 III 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129


Resu-Mangthu-Raja-Apal Mendudamjoining with P. W. D. Road Mangthu Rongrong Hat Road Surmari-Jetdoha Rangagora Road From P. W. D. to Doldungga Shymnagar Road Raksamgiri Rengsinpara-Fcdaldoha Road Rengsinpara Belguri Road Fedaldoba-Nayapara Rabhagaon Road Achaksamgiri Kharipara Road TikrikkiUa Rombagiri Road Jangrapara-Balsatgiri Road Rajengdoba Anugiri Road Bajindoba Thakakona-Chakodam Road Thapa BisrampurRoad Manikgonj Galangmi Road Damas-Matchacholgiri Road Damas Chitukona Road Nishangram Fangsuadam Road Resu-Daram-Krishnai Road Dilma-Genang Road Gajingpara Donol Road Raksamgiri-Jangrapma Road (taken Over by P. W. D.) Photamati-Raksam2iri Road (taken over by P. W. D.) Damas-Lela (Path Galpa) Road Haringkata to Anthidomi Fedaldoha-Garo-R .. bha Road Hatogaon-Borbaka Road Nengachakgiri Bekhekgiri Road Rongrong-Hat-Rajl-Apal Road Resu-Bak,apara-Babukona Road Bajengdoba-Bakenang Road Mongfangro-Genang Road Suarmari-Hatogaon Road R<esu-Nacholgiri Road Bundukmali-Kharsnengd.ap Road Kharsengdap to Photamati Road Chitukona-Laskarpara Road TlkrikiUa-Shymnagar Gondagiri Road Photamati-Afalgiri Road D mgkhong-Jambal Road Kentra-Sambrak Road Neshangram Dainadubi Road

N. B.-Informations regarding four shadow blocks are not available.



22.530 12.875 4.828 3.219

30.577 9.656

12.875 8.047

19.312 9.656

28.968 9.656

22.530 9.656 8.047 8.047 4.828

22.530 6.437

11.265 12.875 6.437 9.656 3.219 4.828 4.828

12.875 8.047 4.828 4.828 4.828 8.047 3.219 3.219 4.828 7.241

11.265 8.047

12.875 6.437 7.241

Page 320: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

Sl. No.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12* 13* 14*

15* 16* 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

TABLE 10.2



Source: P.W.D. (R & B) Govt. of Assam

Black topped sur- Metalled Gravelled Earth

Name of the Roads faced (in Km.) (in Km.) (in Km.) (in Km.)

2 3 4 5 6

Tura Phulbari Road 3.105 71.260 Medhipara Phulbari Tikrikilla Road 1.609 48.280 Tura Mankdchar Road 11.377 38.591 Metalled Station Road 0.272 Tura Da u Road 4.232 47.732 Sanitorium Bungalow Road Kharuahat Road 2.815 Bridle path on Tura-Mankachar Road Garobandha-Ampatgiri Road 17.702 Phulbari-Hallida)ganj-Garobandha Road 6.437 46.558 Dalu Baghmara Road 71.534 Mabadev Moheshkola Road Conswapara-Chokpot Road Road from 19.312 Km. of Tura-Dalu Road to Seju via Cbokpot & Emengiri Dalu-Mohendragonj Road Road from 14.484 KID. ofTl.lra-Dalu Road to Parkashia Rongram-Rongramgiri Road 54.717 Road around the Tura Bazar 0.353 Bazar approach Road 0.369

8·.047 7.241 . Potamati ]ongrapara Road Bojendoba Rangsai Road 25.749 Chibinang Bikangiri Road 11.265 Old Tura Phulbari Road 1.013 Roman Catholic Road 0.611 0.402 Mangchim Bhajamara Rajabala Road 17.106 Tura Bazar Hawakhana Road 0.707 Upper Howakhana Road 0.707 Road Crossing Civil Surgeon's compound & D. C. Hostel 0.304 Mankachen Mohendijna Road 14.484

Total: 31.096 421.527 61.956

* Roads under construction


Total Bridle path length of (in Km.) the road

(in Km.)

7 8

74.365 49.889 49.968 0.272

51.964 6.437 6.437

2.815 7.241 7.241

17.702 52.995 71.534 9.656


69.202 38.624 54.717

0.353 0.369

15;288 25.749 11.265 1.013 1.013

17.106 0.707 0.707 0.304


13.678 743.909

Page 321: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

TABLE 11.1



Source: Development Commissioner, Assam, Shillong

S1. Name of the Block Category Date of No. of Population Area in No. allotment villages in (,000) Sq. miltls

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 RESUBELPARA III October/52 183 23 282.00 2 DALU II October/52 207 21 224.00 3 DAMBUKAGA M.P.C.D. October/52 262 24 445.00 4 SELSELA I April/58 230 22 196.00 5 RONGRAM I October/59 257 22 303.00 6 DADENGGRA P.E. April/October 161 173 22 270.00 7 CHOKPOT P. E. April/61 352 20 277.00 8 JIKJAK Shadow 132 23 98.00 9 BETASING Shadow 147 21 168.00

10 SONGSAK Shadow 183 18 497.00 11 DAMBE ROGJENG Shadow 196 23 392.00

Total 2,327 239 3,152.00

Yearwisc expenditure in rupees made in each of these projects from


SI. No. 1953·54 1954-55 1955·56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959·60 1960-61

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 531,824 516,959 479,530 349,496 63,669 183,000 187,000 261,727 2,573,205 2 14,388 164.023 172.907 165,545 280,339 129,446 222,878 132,826 1,282,352 3 71,698 360,284 417,638 349,242 487,341 1,686,203 4 66,631 272,296 299,030 637,957 5 17,168 106,591 123,759

Total 546,212 680,982 652,437 586,739 704,292 796,715 1,048,584 1,287,515 6,303,476

Note: Expenditure figures for SI. 7 to 13 being nil


Page 322: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

S1. No.




TABLE 12.1




Name of Institutions


State Bank of India

Assam Co·operative Apex Bank

Head Office


State Bank of India, 3 Strand Road, Calcutta-l

Assam Co-operative Apex Bank, Ltd., Shillong



1 Tura

1 Tura


TABLE 12.2







• 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61


Gross Collections


707 450


( .• ) Indicates data not available

In thousand Rs.

Net Collections


176 162


Page 323: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

TABLE 13.1



Village (8) or Town (s) in English month ofthe S1. Name of the Fairs year in which it is Duration of tho No. and Festivals which it is observed observed festivals

1 2 3 4 5

1 Wangta All Garo Non-Christian villages September to October 3-7 days ( Actual date is fixed by the village elders )

2 Buddha Pumima Holdibari January 1 day 3 Manasa Puja All Hajong villages January 1 day 4 BohagBihu All Hajong & Koch villages January 3 days 5 Christrna, AU Christian villages and

atTura Town December 1 day

6 Easter All Christian villages December 1 day 7 New Year's Day do January 1 day 8 Id-Uz-Zuba All Muslim villages July 1 day 9 Id-Ul-Fitr do May 1 day


Page 324: CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 - Linguistic Survey Of India

SL No.

Table 13.2


SUUfce ;-Secretary, ElI;ecutive Committee,

N~eof H'lts and Markets

Destrict Council, TUfa

Place where it is held

-------------------Whether Daily/ Bi-weekly/Weekly / Fortnightly

----------------------------------------2 3 4

--------------------1 Dalu New Hat Dalu Weekly 2 Dalu Project Hat Barengapara

" 3 Chisengpara Hat Chisengpara " 4 Gachuapara Hat Gachuapara " S Duminikura Hat Duminikura " (l Sibbari Hat Sibbari " 7 BagmaraHat Bagmara " 8 Chokpot Hat Chokpot " 9 Siju Hat Siju " 10 Porakasua Hat Porakasua " 11 Kali bari Hat Kalibari " 12 Bahadurkata Hat Bahadurkata " 13 Mahendraganj Hat Mahendragani " 14 Dolakipara Hat Dolakipara " 15 Katuli Hat Katuli " 16 Kalaichar Hat Kalaichar " 17 Ampati Hat Ampati " 18 Garobandha Hat Garobandha " 19 Mellim Hat Mellim " 20 Selsela Hat Selsela " 21 Rajabala Hat Rajabala " 22 Rongram Hat Rongram " 23 Machangpani Hat Machangpan " 24 Bangalkata Hat Bangalkata " 25 Rom Agal Hat Rom Agal " 26 Bolchugiri Hat Bolchugiri " 27 Tikrikillya Hat TikrikilJya

28 Photamati Hat Pholamati " 29 Belguri Hat Belguri " 30 Bajengdora Hat Bajengdora " 31 Mendipathar Hat Mendipathar

32 Rong-Rong Hat Rong-Rong 33 Rongjeng Hat Rongjeng

" 34 Tura Hat Tura "