Celtic Birth Signs

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The Celtic Zodiac *** Celtic Lunar Astrology is essentially a Druid Zodiac. The Druids were a sect of Celtic priests who inhabited the British Isles around 1000 B.C. The Druids used a lunar calendar consisting of 13 months, each being 28 days long, plus one intercalary day. The Druid religion was based mainly upon an awareness of natural and supernatural energies.

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Celtic Birth SignsThe Celtic ZodiacCeltic Lunar Astrology is essentially a Druid Zodiac. The Druids were a sect of Celtic priests who inhabited the British Isles around 1000 B.C. The Druids used a lunar calendar consisting of 13 months, each being 28 days long, plus one intercalary day. The Druid religion was based mainly upon an awareness of natural and supernatural energies. These energies were identified with spirits or dryads who dwelt within the ancient trees. Druids believed that trees were given spirits and attributes from the Sun, which was perceived as a symbol of the Supreme Being. Thus, trees were considered living entities, possessed with Infinite Knowledge and Wisdom...symbolically representative of the Cyle of Life, Death and Renewal. The Celts envisioned the entire Universe in the form of a tree, whose roots grew deep into the ground and whose branches reached high into the Heavens. In time, the Celtic people eventually designated a tree to each Moon Phase in their calendar in accordance with its magical properties. Therefore, the Celtic Zodiac is based upon the cycle of the Moon, with the year divided into the 13 lunar months established by the Druid religion. The Druids believed that the human race originally descended from trees, each tree being endowed with its own particular mystical qualities. They encoded these mysteries in a secret shamanic alphabet known as the Ogham...the origin of which is ascribed to Ogma, the Celtic God of Poetry and Eloquence. It is said that Ogma (son of the Dagda) created the Ogham for the learned and wise to use for inscription. Originally intended to be read from the bottom upwards (or occasionally carved from right to left), Ogham (also often written as "ogam") is pronounced as "AHG-m" or simply as "OH-em." It served as an alphabet for one of the ancient Celtic languages and may have originally been adapted from a form of sign language. The current understanding is that the names of the twenty major letters are also the names of twenty trees which were sacred to the Druids. The Ogham may still be seen carved into stone monuments of the Druid Era and is thought to have been a means for the Druids to leave secret messages for one another. The Ogham is sometimes referred to as "Crane Knowledge," due to the fact that Cranes form letters with their legs as they fly. On the whole, the Celtic society was based upon equality and balance between the male and female...the female Druidesses being symbolized by the Dryads who lived in the sacred trees. Each Celtic Tree/Zodiac Sign corresponds to a given tree, a letter of the Ogham alphabet, a Guardian Animal, a Celtic God and other items such as gemstones.

December 24 January 20: The BirchTo the Druids, the Birch (often referred to as the "Lady of the Woods" due to its grace and beauty) represented renewal, rebirth and inception, since it was the first tree to come into leaf after the Winter Season. The Birch along with the Elder were said to stand on either side of the one "Nameless Day" (December 23). This slender but determined tree, which represented the seed potential of all growth, is hardier than even the mighty Oak and will thrive in places where the Oak will fail to flourish. It also signifies cleanliness and purity. The Birch once fulfilled many purposes...from providing handles for brooms and axes to the manufacture of cloth and childrens' cradles. It is particularly well-known for its use in making writing parchment and oil from the bark was often used to treat skin conditions and depression. People were once "birched" in order to drive out evil spirits, while twigs were given to newlyweds to ensure fertility. Witches would use Birch twigs bound with Ash for their broomsticks or "besoms." Birch has been known to cure muscular pains and the sap used in the manufacture of wine, beer and vinegar. It is the rod of a Birch that Robin Red Breast used to slay the Wren in a furze or gorse bush on Saint Stephen's Day. In Wales, the Birch is a tree of love and wreaths of Birth are woven as love tokens. Its trunk was frequently use to form the traditional maypole and boughs were hung over cradles and carriages to protect infants from the glamor of the Little People. The Silver Birch, often found in spreading clumps on sandy soils, is the most common tree Birch in most of Europe. This elegant tree with its slender trunk, light branches and smooth, thin bark can grow to 100 feet (the Common Birch, reaching up to 65 feet in height, prefers acid or peaty soils). The Birch is one of the first trees to colonize an area after a mature forest is cut. It is a deciduous tree with white or grey bark and one of the earliest trees to gain its Spring leaves. The Birch lives to about age 50. It is cultivated in North America, often under the name of "Weeping Birch." A member of the Birch family and indigenous to Europe, the Birch may be found from Sicily to Iceland and even in some parts of Northern Asia. Its name is derived from the meaning "Bright" or "Shining" in Indo-European and Sankskrit terminology. It is possible that it came from the Anglo-Saxon term "Beorgan," meaning "to protect or to shelter."

There are two distinct types of Birch individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks. The "new moon" Birch individual has a more impulsive and emotional nature, but is inclined to be subjective and/or introverted. The positive traits of these people are displayed by their resolve or faith in themselves in overcoming all obstacles, thereby being more tenancious in pursuing their objectives in life. The "full moon" Birch individual possesses a clarity of purpose combined with a visionary nature. Such people are inclined to be more objective and/or extroverted. The characteristic negative traits, however, hinge upon a lack of reality which can sometimes cloud the judgment. In general, Birch individuals are determined, resilient and ambitious. Being goal-oriented, they make for excellent leaders, good organizers and supreme strategists. Usually undeterred by setbacks and possessed of an intense need to succeed, Birch individuals believe that hard work, patience and persistance will eventually triumph. Birch people are loyal, reliable and trustworthy, but prone to be reserved in displays of affection...although they are sociable with those they choose to socialize with. Personal limitations are not readily accepted by Birch individuals and due to their drive and ambition, there is sometimes a tendency to grow cynical. These people thrive best under a well-regimented lifestyle and are often known as the "workaholics" of society. Serious by nature with a somewhat droll sense of humor, Birch individuals sometimes aim to become less serious, which can lead to identity problems. There is a tendency for Birch people to become obsessive about health, but they are unlikely to be affected physically or mentally, having developed a powerful resistance. They prefer to keep a low profile, even in high office, preferring not to flaunt their successes, and have an acute sense of money...having worked hard to acquire their financial status. On the more negative side, Birch individuals can have a pessimistic attitude at times and may impose upon themselves a large amount of self-discipline. There is a tendency for the Birch individual to experience loneliness and successful marriages frequently occur later in life, since it is often difficult for such people to easily find someone willing to fit into their strict routine. Divorce is rare for those governed by the Birch...separations being more likely or the premature death of spouses. Birch people need a goal in life in order to avoid becoming depressed and pessimistic. They possess much individual potential but must cultivate great persistence in order to overcome personal setbacks. Physical Goal: To be rid of negativity, unhelpful influences and bad thoughts in order to accomplish a fresh, new start. Mental Goal: To concentrate on personal desires...the image of the result wanted must be held firmly in mind. Spiritual Goal: To focus on new beginnings...the White Birch symbolizes the desired image, standing out clearly from distractions and obstructions. Amergin Verse: "I am a Stag of Seven Tines" Ogham Association: Beith Polarity: Feminine Color: White Class: Peasant Letter Character: "B" Month: November... the New Year in the Celtic calendar and the first Ogham month, also being the traditional first month of the Winter Quarter. November begins with the Festival of Samhain, first day of the Celtic Year. Since it was once a time for killing livestock which would be unable to survive the Winter, the Anglo-Saxon name for November was "Blotmonath" or "Blood Month." It is a month which foretells of new beginnings and a cleansing period. Its name probably comes from the Latin Novem, which means "nine." Novem was the ninth month of the old Roman calendar. Alias: "Moon of Inception" and "Moon of Beginning" Magickal Properties: Protection of children, purification and creativity Some Famous Birch People: Jim Carrey, Minnie Driver, Mel Gibson, Marilyn Manson, Richard Nixon, Louis Pasteur and Howard Stern

SymbolsGemstone: The Birch gemstone is Rock Crystal, a naturally-occuring substance with the ability to render invisible light visible through the means of refraction. It is formed from clear, lustrous quartz

and was first discovered in the Alps, at which time it was believed to be a kind of ice or "krystallos." Rock Crystal has been valued since ancient times as a magical stone of divination and was formed into spheres for the art of crystal-gazing. Sometimes, shadows would materialize within the Crystal as it cooled...shadows which resembled mountains or pyramids, usually indistinct and barely discernable. These shadows were known as "phantoms" or "ghosts" and though considered imperfect for divination, such ethereal inner shapes lent a certain unique enchantment to the particular sphere. In Medieval Europe, alchemists believed that if Rock Crystal were cut in a certain manner and then placed in sunlight, it would have the power to make any solid thing invisible. To the Japanese, it was the "perfect jewel," being a symbol of purity, patience and perseverance, and in Ancient Rome, noblewomen carried Crystal balls in their hands during the heat of Summer, believing they had been formed from ice and thus, possessed cooling properties. American Indians treasured the Crystal as a sacred stone, believing it to possess a life and energy which was treated as a sacred trust. Some tribes would "feed" their Crystals with sacrificial blood whenever a Deer or Caribou was slain, believing this would keep the spirits within the stones aware of their reverence. The Druids are said to have used Rock Crystal to make themselves invisible so that they might travel undetected. If held in both hands, it was believed to induce serenity and peace of mind, as well as sharpening the mental processes. An aura of mysticism and magic continues to surround the Crystal and it may be many centuries before all its secrets are truly revealed. Flower: The flower of the Birch is the Common Daisy, which blooms from the earliest days of Spring until late in the Autumn and covers the ground with its flat leaves so closely that nothing can grow beneath them. It is said that the Daisy awakens with the Sun and sleeps with the Moon. As a symbol of innocence and fidelity, some authorities claim that the lineage of the Daisy may be traced to "Belenos," a Celtic God of Light and a Solar deity. Others maintain that the name is derived from the Latin bellus (meaning "pretty" or "charming") while yet others believe its name is taken from a dryad named "Belidis." The healing powers of the Daisy were often employed by the Druids, particularly on the battlefield. Under such circumstances, those who could counteract the debilitating shock of injuries accompanied by the immense loss of blood, were considered to be great wound-healers. Knights of old would wear a chain of Daisies on their persons to protect them in battle. If such a knight wore a double band, then he was recognized as being betrothed. Worn as a charm, the Daisy was said to protect the wearer and afford a cure for ulcers and warts. The Daisy grows profusely over wide areas throughout the world and is an evergreen plant of hardiness which complements the durability of the Birch. There is an old English proverb which states that Spring has not arrived until one's foot can be set upon twelve Daisies. To dream of Daises in the Spring or Summer is associated with good luck, but the same dream in the Autumn or Winter is considered to be bad luck. The tears of Mary Magdalene, as they fell upon the ground, are said to have created the first Daisies and, according to Celtic legend, the spirits of infants who had died in childbirth scattered Daisies on the Earth to cheer their sorrowing parents. Celestial Body: The celestial body associated with the Birch is the Sun ("Sul"). In terms of Celtic mythology, the Sun was a powerful deity whom the Welsh Bards called "Taliesin" and whose brilliance was referenced in many romantic and intellectual deeds which are the subject of numerous poems. In similar fashion, the Irish Celts also have many tales recounting the great deeds of their greatest of all Warrior Gods...their Sun-King named "Lugh." Lugh had many titles, one of which was "Lugh of the Long Arm," since he was believed to be guardian of two Great Gifts of the Ancient Irish...the Magical Sword and Spear. This belief in Lugh would eventually evolve over time into the beliefs surrounding Christianity and Jesus Christ...the "sun" or "son" of God who, coincidentally, may have belonged to an ancient Jewish order known as the "Essenes" or "Brotherhood of Light." Lugh is also credited with being the inventor of all arts and crafts. Deity: The Birch deity is Lugh, also known as the "Shining One." Lugh was a Hero God whose symbol in Wales was a White Stag and whose sacred symbol was a spear. Always accompanied by two Ravens, Lugh is sometimes depicted as having only one eye. He was a deity of many skills, a diverse God whose jurisdiction included the Sun, light, grain harvest, fire, metallurgy and weaving. He was also know to be a protector of the weak. Lugh, whose destiny it was to kill his grandfather, was Chief Lord of the Tuatha De Danaan and may have originally been a King of the Fomorians who was adopted by the Tuatha De Danaan and then by the Celts. Though divine, Lugh is thought to have possibly been sired by an earthly father and, because of this association, is perceived as a "bridge" between the mortal and immortal worlds. More statues and holy sites were erected to Lugh than to any other Celtic deity and he is often equated with the Greek God, Apollo. Lugh's final claim to fame is that his name became part of the term used to describe a certain fairy common in Irish folklore...over time, "Little Stooping Lugh" or "Luchorpain," evolved into the word "Leprechaun," the tiny expert cobbler and guardian of hidden treasure. Animals: The Golden Eagle - The Golden Eagle once symbolized the soul...signifying resurrection and rebirth...the power of life over death. It also represented a metamorphosis or change of spirituality on all levels. Now almost extinct in Britain, this magnificent Bird is seldom seen except in the North of Scotland. Scottish

Highland Chieftains still wear three golden-eagle feathers in their bonnets to proclaim their high rank. The Druids were believed to have the ability to change into the form of all birds and beasts, but among their favored choices was the Eagle, as well as the Raven and the Crow. The White Stag - The Stag of ancient times was considered a beast of royal lineage and, as a horned deity called "Cernunnos," became an important intermediary for the Celts between the animal kingdom and man, being guardian of the gateway connecting these two worlds. The Stag figures prominently in Celtic myths and legends. Antlers have been unearthed in Newgrange (Ireland), as well as at various sites in Britain, including Stonehenge and Glastonbury. It was a symbol of the metamorphic process of spiritual growth, high ideals and aspirations. December 24-December 31: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Apple, whose motto is "Fulfilled In Love." The Apple Tree is the tree of perfection, the love link that unites nature with mankind, life with death and the beyond with the here and now. It is one of the seven sacred Celtic trees. The Celtic calendar has only two fruit trees...one is the Apple and the other is the Fig. Apple individuals are usually slight of build and blessed with an abundance of charm, appeal and attraction. They exude a pleasant aura and are flirtatious, adventurous and sensitive. Always in love, Apple people seek to be loved and make for faithful and tender partners. They are generous, stable and possessed with scientific talents. A person who "lives for today," the Apple individual is a carefree philosopher endowed with imagination who dreams about an untroubled life with no division. Apples are excellent mediators, their moral tolerance being beyond reproach and they like to be in contact with people they can help, for by helping others, they can often help themselves out of a bad patch. January 1-January 11: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Fir, whose motto is "To Watch Over Every Birth" or "The Mysterious." Fir individuals have extraordinary taste, dignity and sophistication. They love anything that is beautiful, but tend to be somewhat moody and stubborn. Though somewhat egotistic, Fir individuals nonetheless care deeply for those close to them. They are usually quite modest, very ambitious, talented and industrious. Fir people tend to make many friends...and equally as many foes...but are very reliable in character. Reserved about everything that affects them closely, Fir individuals tend to take refuge beneath the facade of prosperity, with a paradoxical need to feel free and protected at the same time. January 12-January 20: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Elm, whose motto is "Noble Attitude." Elm individuals are usually pleasantly built and are fond of tasteful clothes. Their demands are modest and they are practical by nature. There is a tendency to be unforgiving of those who make mistakes, but they are otherwise cheerful. With a desire to lead, the unconventional Elm individual dislikes being given orders, but does make for an honest and faithful partner. With an inherent dislike of selfish people and those who "follow the pack," the ideals of Elm people lean strongly toward justice and tolerance. Although Elm individuals are prone to make decisions on behalf of others, they are nonetheless noble-minded and generous with a good sense of humor. Those who fall under the jurisdiction of the Elm detest being labeled...even if that label be a flattering one.

January 21 February 17: The RowanRowan trees were planted near doors and gates to ward off evil influences and branches were attached to barns in order that the cattle housed inside would be protected from misfortune. This tree was also believed to guard the gateway to the spirit world and its boughs often used for dowsing and deflecting spells. The Rowan is sometimes called the "Whispering Tree" and ancient legend tells that it has secrets to reveal to those who would but listen. The Rowan has been associated throughout history with protection against wickedness and is believed to be the wood which was used to engrave the Norse Runes. Its name is linked with the Norse "Runa" or "Rundall," meaning "a charm." It is also associated with the Sanskrit "Runall" meaning "magician." The Cornish and Scots would carry an equal-sided cross of Rowan to protect them from harm and wands were often placed over doorways to houses in order to ensure good fortune. In Wales, Rowans used to be planted in churchyards so that they might to watch over the dead. The Rowan, a tree of protection and insights, was known to be a tree belonging to the Faery. Its wood was frequently used for bows, favored second only to Yew for this purpose. When sliced in two, the orange-red Rowan berry reveals a pentagram symbol of protection. Thus, this tree was believed to possess the ability to protect from enchantment and trickery. It was once thought that the berries of the Rowan were so sacred that the Gods guarded them jealously and kept them from humankind. The Rowan was also believed to enhance strength with courage. The Ancient Druids would light fires of Rowan wood to help induce insights as to how a battle might progress and to invite the Faery folk of the Sidhe to fight alongside them, thus lending aid in the fray.

The Tuatha De Danaan are said to have brought the Rowan to Ireland from Tir Tairnagire, the "Land of Promise." In Irish legend, the first human female was created from Rowan (the first male being created from Alder). The Rowan tree, whose blossoms are members of the Rose family, flowers in May and rarely grows to be more than 30 feet in height. Also known as the Mountain Ash (although it is not related to the true Ashes), this tree is sometimes referred to as the "Lady of the Mountains," due to the fact that it often grows in the most inhospitable of places, though it is most frequently found in moutainous areas as well as gardens. The Rowan is also known as "Delight of the Eye," "Wiggy" and "Witchbane." This is a small, deciduous tree (considered by some to be more a shrub) with shiny, smooth, grey-brown bark that tends to roughen with age. All parts of the tree are astringent and may be used in tanning and dyeing black. When cut, its wood yields poles and hoops for barrels. The ripe red berries are said to be beneficial in the treatment of sore throats and inflamed tonsils and were once used as a curative for scurvy. The fruit of the Rowan is a favorite among birds and a delicious jelly can be made from the berries, which carry a pentagram shape...the symbol of protection and, according to many folk legends, an aid against magick. The Welsh once brewed an ale from Rowan berries, but the secret of this art has been lost over time. Walking sticks or magician staves were customarily made of this wood in order to ensure safe journeys at night and it was often carried on ships to prevent damage from storms. If planted upon a grave, the Rowan was thought to keep the deceased from haunting. A Rowan which grows out of another Rowan is known as a "Flying Rowan" and was considered especially potent against witches and their magick...a counter-charm against sorcery. Rowan is considered an "ornamental wood" and is a wonderful lure for birds (which gives this tree yet another name, "Bird Catcher"). It is also useful in making fence posts and walking sticks. There are two distinct types of Rowan individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks. The "new moon" Rowan individual tends to become impatient and frustrated in the struggle toward a greater awareness. Although such Rowans may never be quite reticent on a personal level, they will nonetheless help to pioneer great social changes with reforming zeal. The "full moon" Rowan individuals are less reticent all around, but are inclined to promise more than they are able to deliver. However, this will not negate their powerful influence and inspiration, and their response to every situation is primarily directed toward asserting the rights of the individual. In general, Rowan individuals are basically idealistic and progressive thinkers possessed of visionary minds, coupled with strong humanitarian and spiritual principles. They thrive on change, becoming impatient with convention or restriction. Artistic, original and unconventional, Rowan people can appear to others as detached and aloof for they are self-contained individuals and their vision is not necessarily always shared by the rest of humanity. Their cool temperament disguises many passionate beliefs and the need is always present for these individuals to argue their case against bigotry and ignorance. If Rowans are unable to find an outlet for their powerful imagination, they easily become restless and quarrelsome. Being true individuals who hate conformity, Rowans are natural born leaders but, because they often adopt unpopular causes, sometimes have very few followers. They are kind and thoughful people but have problems in following others, which can lead to serious authority issues. Rowan people make for excellent listeners and are very respectful of others' opinions. Since they are somewhat unconventional characters in their approach to life, however, they have a tendency to be a little tactless and may alienate people. Rowans are also liable to antagonize through debate and escalate a situation out of proportion. In terms of a career, the Rowan individual is naturally drawn toward modern technology and possesses an overwhelming desire to reorganize and improve on anything which might be outdated. Rowans are sympathetic bosses but would rather not take on responsibility for others. They frequently have diverse interests and tend to tinker with everything since they are extremely inventive people. The Rowan's sense of humor leans a little toward the odd side, with a propensity to laugh at serious issues...a trait that tends to reinforce their inherent knack for alienatation. They also possess a natural curiousity in science fiction and the concept of UFOs, while still being musically inclined and often enjoying the works of modern or relatively obscure musicians and composers. The unpredictable aspect of Rowans is a weak point in terms of relationships and they tend to be somewhat unromantic by nature. They usually marry later in life because they are reluctant to lightly make such a committment and also reluctant to relinquish personal freedom...it is not easy to find a partner who will understand this. Rowans can, however, enjoy extremely successful marriages if the chosen partner shares the same way of thinking. They are supportive parents, but will expect a great deal of independence from their children. Physical Goal: To keep a hold on senses in order to distinguish good from bad...and harm from help. Mental Goal: To refuse to be swayed, tricked or beguiled. Spiritual Goal: To possess the strength to turn away anything that threatens purpose and serenity...to be

unafraid. Amergin Verse: "I am a Wide Flood on a Plain" Ogham Association: Luis Polarity: Masculine Color: Red and/or Grey Class: Peasant Letter Character: "L" Month: December...the second month of the Ogham calendar and named for the Roman Goddess Decima who, as the middle of the Three Fates, personified the present. Alternatively, it may have been named after the Latin Decem, which means "ten." Decem was the tenth month of the old Roman calendar. Anglo-Saxons called December "Aerra Geola" ("The Time Before Yule") or "Wintermonat" ("Winter Month") and to the Irish, it was "Mi na Nollag" or "Christmas Month." The December Full Moon is known as the Backwoods' Cold or Hunting Moon. Alias: "Moon of Vision," "Spirit Moon" and "Astral Travel Moon" Magickal Properties: Healing, personal empowerment and divination Some Famous Rowan People: Garth Brooks, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Michael Jordan, Charles Lindbergh, Jerry Springer and Jules Verne

SymbolsGemstone: Rowan gemstone is the Peridot, also known as "Olivine," the "Evening Emerald" and, in ancient times, called "Chrysolite." Its name derives from the Greek meaning "golden stone." It is a transparent gem of a rich, bottle-green shade which contains a golden inner glow. One of the oldest known stones, it was once mined only at night because legend stated that the Peridot could not be easily seen during the daylight hours. It has been regarded as a gem of powerful magic by all ancient cultures. The Egyptians and Babylonians used it as a protective amulet against evil and it was often used to decorate medieval churches. Large Peridots (more than 200 carats in size) adorn the Shrine of the Three Magi at the Cologne Cathedral. The Greeks used it in headbands in order to foretell the future and the Druids stitched Peridot into their robes for protection. Said to possess the ability to drive away evil spirits, the power of the Peridot was considered to be even more intense when set in gold and King Solomon is believed to have been made wise and enlightened by drinking from cups made of Peridot. It is the only gemstone born in fire...the volcanic gem. Flower: The flower of the Rowan is the Snowdrop, also known as the "Fair Maid of February," "Candlemas Bells" and "Mary's Tapers," and referred to by old botanists as the "Bulbous Violet." Its botanical name derives from two Greek words for "milk" and "flower" and it has long been associated with purity, being described in poetry of classical Rome from the First Century A.D. as being "brought down from heaven." Nevertheless, it is said to be unlucky to bring the flower into the house if a member of the family is ill. The Snowdrop has been known for centuries throughout Europe and grows best in cool, moist soil, reaching six to eight inches in height. Despite its beauty, the Snowdrop is often seen as an omen of death. One of the legends associated with the origin of the Snowdrop states that after her expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Eve sat weeping while an angel comforted her. Since the banishment, no flowers had bloomed...instead, snow fell ceaselessly. As the angel spoke with Eve, he caught a snowflake in his hand, breathed upon it and it fell to Earth as the first Snowdrop. The flower bloomed and Hope was thus born. According to German legend, when God made all things on the Earth, he asked Snow to go to the flowers and obtain a little color from each of them. One-by-one, the flowers refused. Extremely saddened, Snow asked a Snowdrop to give a little of its color and the Snowdrop agreed. As a reward, Snow now allows the Snowdrop to bloom first whenever Spring arrives. Snowdrops were originally transported to Europe from Turkey. Monks carried the bulbs from Rome to England and were the first to plant them around old monasteries. Because of this, the Snowdrop is sometimes known as the "Church Flower." Their presence in churchyards eventually generated an unlucky reputation for the Snowdrop. Although commonly believed to be the first wildflower of the year, the Winter Aconite is perhaps more worthy of the title. The Snowdrop is reputed to have digestive healing properties. Celestial Body: The celestial body associated with the Rowan is the planet Uranus ("Brigantia"). Known to the Romans as Coelus ("Heaven"), Uranus was God of the Sky and father of the Titans. Deity: The Rowan deity is Brigid, Celtic Goddess of Fertility and Poetry. Also known as "Brid" (among many other aliases), Brigid's name comes from the old Irish word "brigh," which means "power" or "renown."

Daughter of the Dagda, Brigid was a major Celtic pastoral deity and one of the great Mother Goddesses of Ireland. Her priestesses numbered nineteen, representing the nineteen-year cycle of the "Celtic Great Year." As a Goddess, Brigid presided over many things...fire, fertility, the hearth, all feminine arts and crafts, as well as healing, agriculture, learning, poetry, love, witchcraft and occult knowledge, to name but a few. Brigid became Christianzed as Saint Brigit of Kildare, who is said to have lived from 450 AD to 523 AD, founding the first female Christian monastery community in Ireland. In Irish mythology, Brigid is regarded as midwife to the Virgin Mary, and has also been worshipped as a guardian of children and slayer of serpents. As Saint Brigit or Saint Bride, she is one of Ireland's Patron Saints. Animals: The Crane - One late Celtic tradition (apparently originated after the arrival of Christianity) stated that Cranes were people paying penance for wrong-doing. The Crane was associated with Lir, the Celtic Sea-God, who made his bag from the skin of this bird. The Crane was also sacred to the Triple Goddess and sometimes known as the "Moon Bird." It symbolized shamanic travel, the learning and keeping of secrets and the search for deeper mysteries and truth. The Green Dragon - The Dragon symbolized inspiration and imagination. It represented the supernatural forces that guarded the great secrets and treasures of the universe. There are numerous references to serpents or dragons in Celtic mythology. On many occasions, the Fianna fought huge dragons in lakes. One likely center of the Serpent/Dragon was the sacred site of Kildare, under the protection of the Goddess Brigit. Most cultures considered the Dragon as a benevolent dweller of caves, lakes and the Inner Earth. In ancient times, it was a symbol of wealth and associated with the power of the Elements (particularly that of the Earth), but also of the treasure of the subconscious mind. It often appeared in many varieties...as a water serpent or worm-shaped beast, as well as the more well-known winged depiction. January 21-January 24: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Elm, whose motto is "Noble Attitude." Elm individuals are usually pleasantly built and are fond of tasteful clothes. Their demands are modest and they are practical by nature. There is a tendency to be unforgiving of those who make mistakes, but they are otherwise cheerful. With a desire to lead, the unconventional Elm individual dislikes being given orders, but does make for an honest and faithful partner. With an inherent dislike of selfish people and those who "follow the pack," the ideals of Elm people lean strongly toward justice and tolerance. Although Elm individuals are prone to make decisions on behalf of others, they are nonetheless noble-minded and generous with a good sense of humor. Those who fall under the jurisdiction of the Elm detest being labeled...even if that label be a flattering one. January 25-February 3: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Cypress, whose motto is "Song of Resurrection" or "The Faithfulness." Cypress individuals are strong, muscular and adaptable, taking what life has to offer. Content and optimistic, Cypress people crave money and acknowledgement and hate to be lonely, although they are prone to pursue independence. They are passionate individuals, with a love which is difficult to satisfy, but are nonetheless faithful. Cypress individuals have a tendency to be quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic and careless. They often possess a biting irony and a certain taste for sarcasm, acquired by virtue of their tendency to bravely undergo the hardest of blows and thereby learn how to free themselves from the burdens of life. February 4-February 8: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Poplar, whose motto is "Overcome Doubt" or "The Uncertainty." Poplar individuals have a decorative appearance but tend lack self-confidence. They are prone to mature very quickly and assimilate things equally as quickly. Displaying courage only when absolutely necessary and hostile only toward extremists, the narrow-minded or hotheads, Poplar people prefer the goodwill of others and pleasant surroundings. This individual can be somewhat choosy, is often lonely and may harbor great animosity toward others. Artistic by nature, they are good organizers who lean toward philosophy. Reliable in almost any given situation, Poplar people cherish their friends and surround them with love. They take partnerships very seriously but are inclined to be generous only toward those who are generous in return. The life of a Poplar individual is made of judicious transactions and all manner of exchanges. If the Poplar perceives a warm and friendly atmosphere, then the heart and spirit opens...if not, then he or she will withdraw. February 9-February 17: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Cedar, whose motto is "Moral Greatness" or "The Confidence." Cedar individuals are often possessed of rare beauty. They know how to adapt, have a love of luxury and are usually blessed with good health. Not in the least shy, Cedar people are prone to sometimes look down on others, they themselves brimming with self-confidence. Determined and often impatient, Cedar individuals like to impress. They have many talents, are industrious and possess a healthy optimism and inner strength. Alert and usually thoughtful, the Cedar lives in enlightenment, responding to precise self-imposed requirements.

Neither success nor failure can erode the serenity or the determination of a Cedar individual. Otherwise able to make quick decisions, Cedar people seem to constantly be waiting for their one true love.

February 18 March 17: Ash TreeThe Ash was a sacred chieftain tree, believed to "court the flash" since it was prone to be struck by lightning. The wood of the Ash was thought to be enchanted and was used by the Druids to fashion wands and spears. Its twigs were placed in circles as a protection from snakes, while witches would use the timber as handles for their broomsticks. Children would be passed through the branches of an Ash in order that they might be protected and to cure them from illness. Ash leaves were placed under pillows to induce prophetic dreams or placed in bowls of water to ward off ailments. The Celts believed that the Ash originated in the Great Deep or the Undersea Land of Tethys. It belongs to the trilogy of sacred Irish trees (the other two being the Oak and the Hawthorn) and is said to offer particular protection from death by drowning. The seeds of the Ash have long been used in love divination. If the seeds did not appear on a certain tree, then its owner was thought to have been unlucky in love or a future venture would be unsuccessful. In Northern England, it was once believed that if a woman placed an Ash leaf in her left shoe, then she would be fortunate enough to immediately meet her future spouse. In Greece, the Ash was sacred to the Sea God Poseidon and in Ancient Wales and Ireland, oars were made of this wood. The shade of this tree is said to be harmful to plants because its roots will strangle other roots. The Ash of the Ogham alphabet is the Cosmic Ash, also known as the World Tree. It appeared in Norse mythology as Yggdrasil, the Tree of Odin (or Woden) who hung upside-down from its branches in order to gain enlightenment into the secrets of the Runes. Gwydion, the Celtic equivalent of this Norse God, was known to choose the thick, strong twigs of the Ash for his wands and was renowned for his magical abilities. The Ash has roots which deeply penetrate the soil, souring the ground and making it difficult for other vegetation to grow beneath it. The wood of the Ash is tough and pliable and often used in weaver's beams. This tree was indicative of the linking between the inner and outer worlds. In Norse legend, it was an Ash which spanned the Universe...with its roots in Hel and its boughs supporting the Heavens and Earth at its center. In Celtic lore, the Ash connected the three circles of existence...Abred, Gwynedd and Ceugant...which may be interpreted as the Past, the Present and the Future, or as Confusion, Balance and Creative Force. There was no hell in Celtic beliefs...only continual rebirth as passage was made from circle to circle until the Land of the Blessed was finally reached. The Common Ash is a large, deciduous shade tree with grey-brown bark furrowed in diamond patterns. A major tree of the lowland forests in much of Europe (together with the Oak and the Beech), it can grow to 130 feet in height on open sites, with a broad crown reminiscent of the American Elm. The Ash was and still is an important timber tree and traditional material for the handle of a witch's besom. The Common Ash is occasionally cultivated in North America and similar native Ash species are widely grown as street trees. The Ash is a member of the Olive family. The Ash is a tenacious tree, such that it is not unusual for a singular branch to begin to sprout from one tiny point on the bark of an otherwise dead trunk. There are two distinct types of Ash individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks. The "new moon" Ash individual tends to be more impulsive and demonstrative when it comes to emotional relationships. Although he or she may appear apprehensive, hiding beneath the surface is an immensely spontaneous person. The "full moon" Ash individual tend to be a natural exhibitionist who responds to situations with great generosity of spirit. This may be considered by some as a certain gullibility or naivete, but this apparent weakness is just that...merely apparent. In truth, it is the outward display of a humble spirit...a rare and much-coveted quality. In general, all Ash individuals tend to have duality in their natures. On one side, they are artistic with an aura of vulnerability...on the other side, they are quite pragmatic. Being compassionate and sensitive, they understand the baser elements of humankind, as well as the spiritual aspect. The compassion of Ash individuals also extends to the animal kingdom and they have an innate ability to relieve suffering, both by physical nursing and the power of prayer. The faith of the Ash is rarely orthodox in a religious sense, but they are highly intuitive individuals, often possessing a strong deeper sense of spiritual matters. Ash people are highly adaptable and, despite a frail appearance, can recover from almost any emotional blow. On the negative side, theose governed by the Ash frequently experience trouble when handling the more mundane practicalities of everyday living. Often easily influenced by others, the Ash individual can be low on selfconfidence and may become isolated. Ash people have a creative genuis for making money but frequently fail to carry a project or idea through to

its completion. As children, they require careful direction in order to learn how to use their talents to the fullest potential. Possessed of a somewhat mystical quality, Ash individuals are drawn to fantasy worlds. They adore the theater and movies, frequently blessed with beautiful singing voices although their preference is to work behind the scenes. They are also usually attracted to the ocean...or any other body of water...sometimes with fascination and sometimes with fear. There is no compromise for the vulnerable Ash individual where water is concerned...it will be one or the other. The career of the Ash person should never involve a routine which is too strict. The arts are a good choice but, because of the compassionate nature of these individuals, they are often drawn to the medical field and are good at organizing charitable functions. Ash individuals are quick-witted, spontaneous and gregarious. They possess a lively curiosity and are intelligent, persuasive speakers. Being enthusiastic, inquisitive and communicative, Ash people love engaging in discussions about new ideas and projects. They are gentle individuals and, though easily hurt, are able to cope well with the negative in addition to the positive. They make for kind and considerate friends, ideal sweethearts and caring parents. Being romantics and dreamers, Ash individuals frequently appear to have one foot in the "Land of the Sidhe" and strive constantly to keep order in their lives. On the negative side, Ash people possess a nebulous quality which can lead to an inability to cope with the practicalities of everyday living. They are also easily influenced by others and have a hypersensitive nature which can undermine their self-confidence and ambitions. It is important for Ash people to focus their mental abilities or they are inclined to become nervous and irritable. Physical Goal: To realize that actions echo in the cosmos as a stone cast into a pond creates ripples. Awareness of self and the world are interconnected and the effect of actions warrants careful consideration. Mental Goal: To learn that problems and questions are not exclusive to an individual...others also ponder. It is necessary to regard the question in a wider context and learn to ask opinions. Spiritual Goal: To become aware that all things are connected...to balance individual need with that of the Earth. Amergin Verse: "I am a Wind on a Deep Lake" Ogham Association: Nuinn Polarity: Feminine Color: Green Class: Chieftain Letter Character: "N" Month: March...the fifth month in the Celtic Ogham and named for Mars, the Roman God of War and Agriculture. To the Celts, this was the time of "Alban Eiler" or "Lady Day," associated with fertility rites. March also celebrated the Vernal Equinox and the First Day of Spring. The Celtic people believed that Hares (sacred to the Moon Goddess) came to chase away the Spririts of Winter during this month. Hares were native to the British Isles and later associated with Easter as the "Rabbit who hides the eggs." March foretold of a need to be aware of the inner and outer worlds and the fine balance between the two. To marry in this month is said to bring both joy and sadness. Alias: "Moon of Waters" Magickal Properties: Prosperity, Protection and Healing Some Famous Ash People: Jane Austen, Drew Barrymore, Albert Einstein, Michaelangelo, John Travolta and George Washington

SymbolsGemstone: The Ash gemstone is Coral, also known as the "Forest of the Sea." It is formed from an animal skeleton and thus, is not a true gemstone, but an ocean jewel. One of the most ancient of gem materials, Coral has been used for adornment since prehistoric times. Coral inlays and ornaments have been found in Celtic tombs from the Iron Age. Coral has a history of religious significance, being one of the seven treasures in Buddhist scriptures while in China, it was said that the Altar of the Sun was fashioned from Red Coral. It is said to possess the mystical property which builds an emotional foundation and was often used as a powerful talisman to stop the flow of bleeding, afford protection from evil spirits and ward off hurricanes. In Greek Mythology, when Perseus set the head of Medea on branches near the seashore, the blood which dripped was gathered by the Sea Nymphs and planted in the Sea to grow into Coral. This stone is also believed to protect children, cure madness and bestow wisdom upon those who wear it. Legend states that an amulet of Coral will turn chalky-white when encountering sickness. Once holding a special value for

sailors and travelers, it was thought to possess the power of allowing the safe crossing of rivers and seas. Through the ages, Coral has been used extensively as a cure for almost every ailment, from staunching bleeding wounds to curing insanity. Flower: The flower of the Ash is the Wood Anemone, a member of the Buttercup family. This flower is sometimes referred to as the "Woodland Ghost" because it can often be found on sites which were once covered by ancient woodlands. Blooms usually first appear in March, preferring wooded areas and meadows and it is said that the Wood Anemone never blossoms earlier than March 16 and never later than April 22. The Egyptians held the Anemone as the emblem of sickness and to the Chinese, it was the "Flower of Death." According to one Greek legend, Anemos (the Wind) sent his namesakes, the Anemones, in the earliest Spring days as the heralds of his coming...yet another states that the blooms sprang from the tears of Aphrodite as she wandered the woodlands weeping for the death of Adonis. In Palestine, the Anemone was thought to have grown beneath the cross of Jesus and for many years, the flower was believed to carry diseases. In Europe it was once customary to hold one's breath while travelling through a field of Anemones, the belief being that even the air which surrounded them would be poisonous. In ancient times, herbalists would recommend application of various parts of the Anemone for headache, agues and rheumatic gout. Celestial Body: The celestial body associated with the Ash is the planet Neptune ("Lir"), Roman Lord of the Sea. Deity: The Ash deity is Gwyddion, son of the Goddess Don. In Welsh Mythology, the Children of Don were the deities who represented the Sky and the people of Cymru referred to the Milky Way as the "Castle of Gwyddion." Magician, storyteller and trickster, Gwyddion was very wise, particularly in music magick, and once rescued Llew (his nephew) by singing an enchantment. Often referred to as a "Master of Illusion," Gwyddion was a helper of humankind and a warrior against the greedy and small-minded. He supported the cultural arts and learning, and attempted to stamp-out ignorance. For these endeavors, Gwyddion is sometimes called the "Druid of the Gods." Gwyddion and his brothers fought in the Battle of the Trees to ensure that the Dog, Deer and Lapwing which Gwyddion had taken from Annwn could remain on Earth. His last foray into the Otherworld resulted in Pigs (sacred to many Goddesses) being brought to humankind. Animals: The Adder - The Adder was symbolic of wisdom and spiritual energy. Snakes have long been associated with wisdom, reincarnation and cunning. Druids often carried an amulet called gloine nathair or serpent glass, which they stated was formed from the egg of an Adder, but is thought today to have actually been made of blown glass. The Seagull or Common Tern - Although this sea bird does not figure in Celtic legend, it is connected to Lir, the Sea-God and, like many other birds, was considered to be a messenger from the Otherworlds. The Sea Horse - An important figure in Celtic mythology, the Sea Horse often depicted significant connections with the Otherworlds, as symbolized by the fish tail. It was believed that The Sea Horse invited an individual to travel on a journey of discovery. It was also representative of confidence and grace. Many Celtic cultures regarded this creature as a baby Dragon. February 18: Those born on this date also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Cedar, whose motto is "Moral Greatness" or "The Confidence." Cedar individuals are often possessed of rare beauty. They know how to adapt, have a love of luxury and are usually blessed with good health. Not in the least shy, Cedar people are prone to sometimes look down on others, they themselves brimming with selfconfidence. Determined and often impatient, Cedar individuals like to impress. They have many talents, are industrious and possess a healthy optimism and inner strength. Alert and usually thoughtful, the Cedar lives in enlightenment, responding to precise self-imposed requirements. Neither success nor failure can erode the serenity or the determination of a Cedar individual. Otherwise able to make quick decisions, Cedar people seem to constantly be waiting for their one true love. February 19-February 28/29: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Pine, whose motto is "Father of Wisdom" or "The Particular." Pine individuals are very robust and active, and also tend to be cautious, provident and hard-working people. They are idealists, being trustworthy and practical by nature. They love agreeable company and know how to make life comfortable without being selfish...if Pine individuals have a benefit, it will almost always reflect on those around them. They make for good companions, though not always overly-friendly to those they do not know. Pine people fall in love easily, but with a passion which is prone to burn out quickly. They have a tendency to give up without much struggle and may suffer many disappointments in life.

March 1-March 10: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Weeping Willow, whose motto is "Nothing Unknown" or "The Melancholy." Willow individuals are extraordinarily attractive and very empathetic...but filled with melancholy. They adore anything beautiful and tasteful and possess an inherent desire to travel. Both psychologically and intelluctually, Willows are flexible and adaptable, blessed with a tolerance which allows them to identify with the most diverse of people. Practical-minded, Willow individuals are able to remain calm during "hustle and bustle." Being restless and capricious dreamers, Willow people are not always easy to live with, often demanding by nature. Honest with good intuition, Willows nonetheless frequently suffer greatly in matters of the heart before they find an anchoring partner.

March 11-March 17: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Lime (whose motto is "The Doubt") or the Linden (whose motto is "Protector of the Oak Trees")...dependent upon the source. Lime individuals are said to be inclined to accept in a composed fashion whatever life hands to them. They detest fighting, stress, laziness and idleness. Limes are relenting people who will often make sacrifices for their friends. They possess many talents but lack the tenacity to make those talents blossom. Lime people can be somewhat jealous and complaining by nature, but are very loyal individuals. Linden individuals are said to love life. No matter how much such people may try to convince themselves that everything is perfect, they cannot help but wonder why their ideas and dreams are more beautiful than reality. Extremely imaginative, Linden people tend to look at the world through "rosecolored glasses." This is an ideal that they are often able to convey to those around them who may then also view life in a more beautiful manner.

March 18 April 14: The AlderThe Alder was believed by the Druids to link both male and female principles, thus helping to create a balance between the two within each individual. It is also associated with courage and represents the evolving spirit. Considered to be a tree of death and resurrection, it may have been used (along with the Poplar) in the fe rod which was kept in pre-Christian cemeteries for the measuring of graves and corpses. The fe rod was handled only by an appointed official and was believed to have been carved with an Ogham inscription. Resistant to the rotting element of water, wood from the Alder was often used in the making of bridges, boats, clogs and milk jugs. It was also frequently used in the making of magical whistles, flutes and pipes. It was once a crime to fell an Alder since the angry tree spirit was believed to take revenge by burning down houses. If felled, however, the tree literally "bleeds" by turning from white to red. Red dyes were once made from the bark, brown dyes from the twigs and green dyes from the flowers of this tree. The Alder is a Faery tree sacred to Bran and, therefore, oracular in nature and often used for divination. Medicinally, it would be used to rid people of fleas and boils. In Irish legend, the first human male was created from Alder (the first female being created from Rowan). The Common Alder is a somber, deciduous tree with a dark bark. It is water-loving and most comfortable along lowland rivers and streams, often in the company of Aspens, Poplars and Willows. Like the Willow, the Alder sprouts from a stump, which allows this tree to regenerate after heavy flooding. In protected areas, Alders may grow to be 65 feet tall. European Alders are not widely cultivated in North America (where they are often sold under the name of "Black Alders"). Alders are members of the Birch family. The timber of the Alder is oily and used extensively for underwater foundations...parts of Venice and many medieval cathedrals were built on Alder pilings. On the Continent, Alder is used extensively to make cigar-boxes and the branches make good charcoal...valuable in the manufacture of gunpowder. Alpine peasants are often reported to have been cured of rheumatism by being covered with bags filled with heated Alder leaves. Horses, cows, sheep and goats are said to eat of the Alder, but swine refuse it and it is thought that it may be bad for horses, turning their tongues black. There are two distinct types of Alder individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks. The "new moon" Alder individual is perhaps the most restless and indecisive. While personal courage and sincerity may never be in doubt, such an individual might be well-advised to slow down every now and again in order to reconsider the cosequences of any actions. The "full moon" Alder individual is the most persuasive, exuding a more confident approach to life in general, but can lack the apparent vibrant energy associated with the "new moon" Alder. Nevertheless, such individuals can become extremely successful by being strategically placed in the right position to take full advantage of any crisis situation. In general, Alder individuals are powerful, adventurous people prepared to make their own way in the world,

often leaving friends and family behind. They possess a great deal of courage and make for wonderful allies, but usually prefer to fight their own battles. They have a restless spirit and, on occasion, can be foolhardy in pursuits due to their sense of adventure. Since they are also very competitive by nature, they are likely to do everything to the limit of their being, but often direct their energies entirely for the good of others...frequently to their own detriment. Alder people are inclined to break down barriers and explore new territory. Their enthusiasm and bravery makes them excellent leaders. They can, however, be selfish and display a quick temper which may earn them enemies. The Alder individual has a well-honed sense of humor (sometimes considered to be barbed or even satirical) and will often "play the clown" when in the midst of a group. Being extremely physical people, Alders are full of energy and have a deep-seated need to be active almost 24 hours a day. Impetuous and self-reliant, Alders enjoy risk-taking and are tenacious workers. Being affectionate, gentle, charming and usually accommodating, they inspire great loyalty in others. Magnificent as entrepreneurs, Alder individuals are often flamboyant and frequently attracted to dangerous occupations. In friendship, their personal ego rides high but they possess a need for recognition which often makes them vulnerable. They are great competitors but, if on the losing end, have the tendency to quit and try something new instead. If an Alder can be convinced to channel his or her energy into humanitarian causes, then he or she will be the type of person who is not easy to forget. Psychologically, the Alder is uncomplicated and will usually express any opinion quite openly. With a passionate nature and an inherent desire for love, they are apt to marry quickly but usually make better sweethearts than they do spouses, given their need for personal freedom. As parents, however, they rank among the best than can be found. It is important for Alder individuals to learn the art of diplomacy or they are prone to waste energy in fruitless disputes. Physical Goal: To be aware of the unique quality in self and in others. To keep eyes open in order to see the unusual and to acknowledge what is seen in another, if at all possible. Mental Goal: To utilize something that was previously overlooked. Oracular skills are not easy to acknowledge and the mind is sometimes unwilling to deal with the intuitive part. Spiritual Goal: To offer spiritual aid and protection in a dipsute...to let inutition be the guide. Amergin Verse: "I am a Tear the Sun lets fall" Ogham Association: Fearn Polarity: Masculine Color: Crimson Class: Chieftain Letter Character: "F" and "V" Month: January...the third month in the Celtic Ogham, named for Janus, the Roman God with two faces who presided over Gates and Doorways...beginnings and endings...the past and the future. A mild January is said to foretell of bad luck in the coming months, particularly May. Alias: "Moon of Utility," "Moon of Efficacy" and "Moon of Self-Guidance" Magickal Properties: Spirituality, Teaching, Weather Magick, Duty and Mental Prowess Some Famous Ash People: Mariah Carey, Eric Clapton, Mata Hari, Harry Houdini, Elton John, Eddie Murphy, Rosie O'Donnel and William Shatner

SymbolsGemstone: The Alder gemstone is the Ruby, a variety of the Corumdum family (basically aluminum oxide, of which the Sapphire is also a member), which is next in hardness to the Diamond. A stone of glowing, brilliant red, the Ruby was treasured throughout the Orient as the most precious of the gemstones. Rubies were once given as offerings to Buddha in China and to Krishna in India. It was once believed that the Ruby would change color and become darker when its owner was in danger or when an illness was imminent. It was also thought that this stone could chase away the spirits of the dead and any evil phantom not contained within Hell. The Ruby was once considered a powerful amulet, affording protection from disaster, plague and pestilence and promoting a cheeful disposition upon its wearer. It was also formerly believed to overcome depression and sorrow. In the form of a ring, this stone was said to bestow knowledge, health and wealth. During the Tenth Century in China and Europe, dragons and snakes were carved into the surfaces of Rubies to increase the flow of money and power to those who owned them. The finest Rubies are found in Burma and Ceylon and have a prominent place in the Crown Jewels of almost every empire. The medicinal powers of the Ruby were said to range from that of snake bite antidote to a curative for liver and heart ailments and

the gem was also highly-prized as a symbol of love, passion and friendship. It was also believed to guarantee success in battle. To dream of Rubies was thought to bring success in trade for the businessman and a bountiful harvest for the farmer. Flower: The flower of the Alder is the Broom...a member of the order of Leguminosae, or pod-bearing tribe. Its long, slender, erect and tough branches were often used in the making of brooms...hence its English name. As a medicinal aid, the Broom (under the name "Genista") is mentioned in the earliest printed herbals, especially of benefit in bladder and kidney afflictions. The bark of the Broom also yields an excellent and fine fiber, which has been employed since ancient times in the manufacture of paper and cloth, while the twigs and branches of this plant have often been used for thatching cottages and cornricks. As a heraldic device, the Broom was adopted as the Badge of Brittany and Geoffrey of Anjou thrust it into his helmet at the moment of entering battle in order that his troops might see and follow him. Legend states that the Broom was cursed by the Virgin as she and Joseph fled into Egypt due to the cracking of its ripe pods, which they touched in passing and which risked drawing the attention of Herod's soldiers to the fugitives. Celestial Body: The celestial body associated with the Alder is the planet Mars ("Maurth"), named for the Roman God of War who was the former God of Agriculture. Deity: The Alder deity is Bran the Blessed, God of the Spirit World, Celtic Raven God and Welsh God of the Underworld. He is also the God of Prophecy, The Arts, War and Writing, among others, and the patron of bards, minstrels and musicians. Said to be colossal in size, Bran was so large than no house or ship could contain him. A Master of the Isle of Britain, Bran set out with an army to avenge the ill-treatment of his sister Branwen by her husband, King Matholwch of Ireland. Mortally wounded in the foot by a poisoned spear during the battle, he instructed his followers to decapitate him and carry his head to London, where it was buried under the White Mount (now the vicinity of the Tower of London) and set facing France...the chief menace of invasion...in order to defend and protect the realm. It is said that King Arthur later had the head exhumed and then reburied facing a different way, being loath to have the kingdom guarded by any other than himself and his Knights of the Round Table. Some authorities believe Bran to be the root character of the Fisher King mentioned in Arthurian romance and according to medieval christian writings, Bran is credited with being the first British man. Animals: The Fox - The Fox symbolizes skill in diplomacy. It is a cunning and sly animal, possessed of the ability to make fools out of those who chase it. The Bear - Although not mentioned in Celtic legend, there is evidence that the Bear was a "totem animal" of the Druids. The word "arth," which means "bear," is the root word for the name "Arthur." The Bear was noted for its strength and stamina, symbolizing balance and harmony in life, and the fortitude to accomplish what is necessary. The Hunting Falcon or Hawk - Celtic tradition lists the oldest animal as the Hawk of Achill. As with many other birds, the Hawk is a messenger of the various worlds. However, it is noted as being more skillful and stronger than most others of its species. The Hawk symbolizes clear-sightedness and far-memory. To hear the cry of a Hawk during a journey is an indication that it would be wise to be alert to upcoming situations that require boldness and decisiveness in order to keep from being thrown off-balance. A noble bird that brought the Sun within his feathers and enabled recollection with the ability to progress. Merlin was said to have often transformed himself into a small Hawk...perhaps the reason why today, the smaller family member of the Hawk is known as a Merlin. Two knights who sat at Arthur's Round Table carried the name of the Hawk: Gwalchmai the "Hawk of May" and Gwalch-Y-Had the "Hawk of Summer," better known respectively as Sir Gawain and Sir Galahad. March 18-March 20: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Lime (whose motto is "The Doubt") or the Linden (whose motto is "Protector of the Oak Trees")...dependent upon the source. Lime individuals are said to be inclined to accept in a composed fashion whatever life hands to them. They detest fighting, stress, laziness and idleness. Limes are relenting people who will often make sacrifices for their friends. They possess many talents but lack the tenacity to make those talents blossom. Lime people can be somewhat jealous and complaining by nature, but are very loyal individuals. Linden individuals are said to love life. No matter how much such people may try to convince themselves that everything is perfect, they cannot help but wonder why their ideas and dreams are more beautiful than reality. Extremely imaginative, Linden people tend to look at the world through "rosecolored glasses." This is an ideal that they are often able to convey to those around them who may then also view life in a more beautiful manner. March 21: Those born on this date also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Oak, whose motto is "Symbol of Vital Strength" or "The Brave." Oak individuals are robust, courageous and strong by

nature. People of action who are often adverse to change, Oaks are unrelenting, independent and sensible. Every opposition rouses the fighting spirit of Oak individuals, who possess extraordinary vigor and unfailing endurance, fearing neither death nor the devil. Oak people are happily devoted characters...to family, to neighbors, to a cause, to art...the list is almost endless. They possess a very high self-esteem, believing themselves to be the tool of superior forces and refusing to be duped by pretentious human reason. March 22-March 31: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Hazel, whose motto is "To Be The First" or "The Extraordinary." Hazel individuals are charming, undemanding and often extremely understanding...they know how to make a good impression. Hazels are also active fighters for social causes. They are akin to pioneers, but with a competitive mind which can consume much of the Hazel energy. It is important that Hazels do not tire themselves out by trying to remedy too many faulty situations. Being honest and tolerant, with a precise sense of judgment, they are usually popular people, but can make for moody and capricious partners. Those born under the jurisdiction of this tree are said to have been conceived during the shortest or longest nights of the year and the number 9 is said to be particularly lucky for such individuals. April 1-April 10: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Rowan, also known as "The Service Tree," whose motto is "A Delight for Birds" or "The Sensitivity." Rowan individuals are full of charm, cheerful and talented without being egotistical. They like to draw attention and basically love life...even its complications. Somewhat restless, Rowans are both dependent and independent. They constantly strive for approval from others and detest loneliness. Rowans possess excellent taste, are artistic, passionate and emotional, with a burning desire to create a better and more beautiful world. Rowan people make for good company but find it hard to forgive what they perceive to be transgressions. April 11-April 14: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Maple, whose motto is "Combative Angel" or "Independence of Mind." Maple individuals are far from ordinary and never completely satisfied with standard replies. They admire those who clearly assert themselves and rise eagerly to any challenge. Maple people are full of imagination and originality, inclined to stand out in a crowd due to their willpower and sense of committment. Though appearing shy and somewhat reserved, they are truly ambitious, proud and self-confident. Maples hunger for new experiences and have a desire to impress. They enjoy what is unknown, strange and even hostile. The inherent Maple need for independence often clashes with the need to be surrounded by a community. With a tendency to be nervous, Maple people have many complexities. They possess excellent memories and easily learn new things. The love relationships of Maple individuals tend to be complicated affairs.

April 15 May 12: The WillowThe Willow symbolizes the female and rhythms of the circle. This tree was sacred to the Moon and, in Celtic lore, the Universe was hatched from two crimson serpent eggs (which contained the Sun and the Earth) hidden among the boughs of the Willow. Hens' eggs were later substituted for those of the serpent and symbolically eaten as part of the Beltane feasting. This ritual was eventually transferred to the celebration of Easter in the Christian calendar with the eggs becoming Easter eggs. Staves cut from this tree were often used for fencing, roofing house and lunar wands. Along with Sandalwood, Willow bark aided in the conjuring of spirits forth from the Otherword. It was also said to help soothe those who felt bitter or jealous and proved to be an effective medicine in the cure of worms and dysentery. Both Willow bark (containing Salicin) and the Primrose (the plant associated with the Willow) were once used as analgesics, particularly in the treatment of arthritic diseases. Pregnant women would lay cloths beneath the tree in order to catch the leaves, which were believed to assure an easy birthing process. Always known as a "tree of enchantment," the Willow is reported to have bestowed the mystic gift of eloquence upon Orpheus when he visited the sacred grove of Persephone at the Temple of Delphi in Greece. The Celts associated the Willow with poets and young suitors would commonly wear a sprig of Willow to acknowledge the power and status of the old "wise one" (the Cailleach of Celtic myth who was the Crone aspect of the triple goddess and to whom this tree was sacred). The words "Witchcraft" and "Wicca" are both derived from the word "Willow." The Willow was also host to the sacred Mistletoe of the Druids, which was often more commonly found growing on the Willow and the Poplar than it was on even the mighty Oak. This tree was once referred to as "Witches Aspirin," probably not only for its reputation in resolving dilemmas, but also for its headache-relieving properties. In the past, some cultures have been known to "Wear the Green Willow" in order that others might be aware they were going through a period of mourning and Druidical sacrifices were customarily offered in Willow-wicker baskets. It was once said that if someone felt an overwhelming need to confess, the secret could be shared with a Willow and be forever trapped. Its wood was often used for planing and lining burial graves due to its associated symbolism with death and protection. There are at least 500 species of Willow...from tall trees to Arctic plants barely two inches tall. The European

Willow, found in central and Southern Europe, is also known as the White Willow because of its greyish bark. The American variety is called the Black Willow due to its black-colored bark. Together with Poplars and Alders, this tree is usually found growing beside streams and lowland rivers, with a preference for damp and boggy areas. Its spreading branches, which reach toward the source of water, create a full shape and its leaves are long and slender, covered with silver hairs that give the entire tree a "shimmering" appearance. Willows can reach 80 feet in height and sprout vigorously from stumps. Its flowers are tiny and bear no petals. It is an imposing tree with a thick trunk and heavily-ridged bark. The Willow's catkins, which appear in early Spring prior to the appearance of leaves, attracts bees to begin the cycle of pollination. There are two distinct types of Willow individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks. The "new moon" Willow individual tends to more inclined to sudden mood changes and displays more unreliable character traits. These people are however receptive to change and quick to take advantage of any opportunity which presents itself. The "full moon" Willow individual tends to disregard advice, even though his or her own reasoning power often lacks credibility. The "full moon" Willow is, however, the most resourceful of the two types and is blessed with an even more exceptional memory than his or her "new moon" counterpart. In general, Willow individuals are basically articulate, strong-willed, resourceful and possessed with excellent memories. They touch upon all aspects of nature and its association with the Moon. Emotional and enigmatic, Willow people respond quickly to situations but are prone to sudden mood changes, which can make them difficult to get to know. Being shrewd and practical, they can be brilliant inventors but are also drawn to the unexplained mysteries of life. As a friend, the Willow individual can be a powerful ally...on the other hand, he or she can make for a formidable enemy. Willows have a type of passive tenacity and can be extraordinarily wise counselors and extremely nurturing parents who are protective of loved ones. The Willow person is often reluctant to forgive and forget, which can lead to permanent rifts with friends and family. In the work force, Willows are usually employed in very responsible positions but find it hard to settle upon a definitive career. If the career choice should be in the field of education, however, they are counted among the best teachers. Willow individuals seldom express a controversial opinion in public (which makes them appear very amiable) but privately, their views are usually strong one way or the other. They are possessed with an overactive imagination and tend to fret needlessly about health matters. The Willow has a deep interest in family loyalty and history and usually becomes the family genealogist. The figure of the mother tends to dominate and influence the Willow throughout his or her life but once, married, there is no more devoted individual when it comes to the spouse and children. The lunar energy of Willow people can be positively channeled into the arts, but it can also suddenly activate latent creative skills that may appear to change the personality. For the most part, Willows are incredibly difficult to get to know due to the type of "veil" over their personalities which hides a great deal. Their sense of humor is not always easy to define and tends to "come and go" depending upon the occasion. Blessed with a potential wisdom that makes them wise advisors, they are usually valued members of society. Willow individuals usually marry at a young age and close personal relationships are of the utmost importance. With the correct partner, Willow individuals create a powerful bond that tends to strike an affinity between the sexes. Willows must learn how to trust their inner voice or they can become moody and chronically indecisive. Since the Moon has always been associated with those who can influence the public with the force of their personality...either good or bad...the Willow individual is usually one to be reckoned with. There will be some Willow individuals who fail to fit the character pictures described above. These are, in every sense, the great magicians of the world. Appearing on the surface to be the most conventional of human beings, he or she will be experiencing an incredible inner life or imagination. However, there will be a time when this hidden potential suddenly bursts forth. It may take the form of writing to public figures or perhaps adopting a personal political role to address the rights and wrongs of a particular issue. Then again, there will be periods when such personal motiviation ceases as suddenly as it began and the intuitive nature of such a Willow individual appears to crave a complete break from the routine rigors of daily life. Physical Goal: To encourage a comfortable relationship with the material world, which is full of lessons and cycles of changing values. Change is paramount for growth...and values are no exception. Mental Goal: To gain understanding of a particular concept...a steady accumulation of facts is the foundation of understanindg. Not everything may be learned in one lesson...the key is repetition. Spiritual Goal: To learn that there must be periods of rest rather than continual activity. Amergin Verse: "I am a Hawk on a Cliff" Ogham Association: Saille

Polarity: Feminine Color: Known only to be "bright" Class: Peasant Letter Character: "S" Month: February...the fourth month in the Celtic Ogham. A time for purification and cleansing of the old while making way for the birth of the new season. Its name is said to have derived from the Latin Februarius, which means "to purify." Alternatively, it may have come from the Roman Goddess Februa, who is also known as June Februa, or from the God Februs who was later identified with the Roman God Pluto. According to legend, Romulus (founder of Rome) did not include this, the shortest month of the year, when he created the first Roman calendar, which contained only ten months. Alias: "Witches' Moon" and "Moon of Balance" Magickal Properties: Romantic Love, Healing, Protection, Fertility and Female Magick Some Famous Willow People: Charlotte Bronte, George Clooney, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Conan O'Brien, Jerry Seinfeld, William Shakespeare, Uma Thurman and Leonardo da Vinci

SymbolsGemstone: The Willow gemstone is the Moonstone (also known as Feldspar), an opalescent and transparent gem which is sometimes said to resemble a raindrop. It can come in a variety of soft sheens...including white, pink or yellow. Sometimes referred to as "Selenite," the Moonstone was used in ancient times in various parts of the world as a lucky charm and some miraculous cures have been attributed to the power of this stone. The Romans believed that the gem enclosed the image of Diana, their Moon Goddess, who represented the "moonlight splendor of night." It was said to have the power of bestowing wealth, victory and wisdom upon its wearer. The Druids suspended Moonstones from fruit trees to ensure a good crop and believed the stone changed color according to the waxing and waning of the Moon. As a gift for sweethearts, the Moonstone was thought to arouse tender affection and, if placed within the mouth at the Full Moon, was believed to grant the ability of foretelling both good or ill fortune. Flower: The flower of the Willow is the Primrose. It was highly-prized by the Druids and its abundance in woods, hedgerows and pastures made it an easily-collectible plant. The Primrose is in full flower during April and May and, in sheltered areas during mild Winters, may even be found in blossom during the opening days of the year. Primroses were often carried by the Druids during certain rituals as a protection from evil. The fragrant oil of the flower was also used by the Druids to annoint their bodies prior to specific rites in order that they might be cleansed and purified. The medicinal properties of the Primrose were believed to ease muscular rheumatism, cure insomnia and also aid in the healing of some forms of paralysis. An infusion of the flowers was recommended by some herbalists in order to make Primrose tea. If consumed during the month May, this tea was thought to cure "phrensie" or nervous hysteria. The Primose was once thought to fall under the jurisdiction of the Roman Goddess, Venus, and its leaves most beneficial as a fine salve to heal wounds. In ancient culinary arts, Primrose flowers were the chief ingredient of "Primrose Pottage" and its ground blooms were also used in a dish containing rice, almonds, honey and saffron. Its leaves are said to be consumed voraciously by the common silkworm. Celestial Body: The celestial body associated with the Willow is the Moon ("Llun"), which traditionally represents the mother figure and is associated with the maternal nature. It is also linked to the unconscious mind. The Moon has always been considered a symbol of illusion for it is constantly changing and dissolving. The Realm of Dreams is considered to fall under the jurisdication of the Moon but also relates to the residue of memory. Deity: The Willow deity is Cerridwen the Moon Goddess, also known as the Great Mother, Grain Goddess and Goddess of Nature. Cerridwen was the wife of Tegid the Giant and the mother of three children: a beautiful girl named Creirwy and two ugly boys, Avagdu and Movran. The ancient Welsh Bards called themselves Cerddorion or "Sons of Cerridwen." The Bard Taliesin was said to have been born of Cerridwen and to have tasted a potent brew from her magic cauldron of inspiration. This potion, known as "greal," is believed to be the origin of the word "Grail." Cerridwen was associated with death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magic, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells and knowledge. Her symbol was a white sow. She was said to also be the Goddess of dark prophetic powers and was believed to be the Keeper of the Cauldron of Underworld in which inspiration and divine knowledge are brewed. Cerridwen is often equated with Hecate, the crone of Greek mythology and also to the Greek Muses, but in a more violent and dark form.

Also associated with the Willow is Morgan le Fay, a formidable lunar sorceress and half-sister to King Arthur. It was the power of Morgan le Fay, working against Arthur behind the scenes, which eventually destroyed the unity of the Order of the Knights of the Round Table. The motivation behind her actions was revenge for the death of her father who had been treacherously killed by Uther Pendragon, the father of Arthur. In Celtic lore, Morgan le Fay symbolizes the darker forces of the psyche, which require great understanding and recognition. Animals: The Adder - The Adder is symbolic of wisdom and spiritual energy. Snakes have long been associated with wisdom, reincarnation and cunning. Druids often carried an amulet called gloine nathair or serpent glass, which they stated was formed from the egg of an Adder, but is thought today to have actually been made of blown glass. The Hare - The Hare was an animal particularly sacred to the Goddess Andraste. The movements of the Hare were sometimes used for divination. It is said that Boadiccea used the Hare in such a fashion just before her last battle with the Romans. Associated with transformation, the Hare is symbolic of adaptation, hidden teachings and intuitive messages. The Serpent or Sea-Serpent - In all ancient myths of creation, Serpents have been closely aligned with the growth of humankind in spiritual terms. Legends of Serpents are usually associated with the aspect of transformation found within the fire festivals of the Celts. The sacred Serpent is associated with the Goddess aspect of the Moon...a passive but form-creating spirit. April 15-April 20: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Maple, whose motto is "Combative Angel" or "Independence of Mind." Maple individuals are far from ordinary and never completely satisfied with standard replies. They admire those who clearly assert themselves and rise eagerly to any challenge. Maple people are full of imagination and originality, inclined to stand out in a crowd due to their willpower and sense of committment. Though appearing shy and somewhat reserved, they are truly ambitious, proud and self-confident. Maples hunger for new experiences and have a desire to impress. They enjoy what is unknown, strange and even hostile. The inherent Maple need for independence often clashes with the need to be surrounded by a community. With a tendency to be nervous, Maple people have many complexities. They possess excellent memories and easily learn new things. The love relationships of Maple individuals tend to be complicated affairs.

April 21-April 30: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Walnut, whose motto is "Looking for a Homeland" or "The Passion." Walnut individuals are unrelenting, considered somewhat strange by many and full of contrasts. Often egotistical, Walnuts are aggressive and noble with a broad horizon. They are unexpected and sponteneous in their reactions with little or no flexibility. Walnut people possess unlimited ambition and can make for difficult and uncommon partners. Not always liked but often admired, the Walnut individual is an ingenious stategist, who is very jealous and passionate by nature and rarely given to compromise. Walnuts will accept and endure a multitude of troubles in order to satisfy the desire for pleasure. An uncompromising character, the Walnut individual will undertake a project with inexhaustible perseverance and once in love, tends to love until death. May 1-May 12: Those born between these two dates also fall under the lesser influence of a secondary tree...the Poplar, whose motto is "Overcome Doubt" or "The Uncertainty." Poplar individuals have a decorative appearance but tend lack self-confidence. They are prone to mature very quickly and assimilate things equally as quickly. Displaying courage only when absolutely necessary and hostile only toward extremists, the narrow-minded or hotheads, Poplar people prefer the goodwill of others and pleasant surroundings. This individual can be somewhat choosy, is often lonely and may harbor great animosity toward others. Artistic by nature, they are good organizers who lean toward philosophy. Reliable in almost any given situation, Poplar people cherish their friends and surround them with love. They take partnerships very seriously but are inclined to be generous only toward those who are generous in return. The life of a Poplar individual is made of judicious transactions and all manner of exchanges. If the Poplar perceives a warm and friendly atmosphere, then the heart and spirit opens...if not, then he or she will withdraw.

May 13 June 9: The Hawthorn

The Hawthorn was a symbol of psychic protection due to its sharp thorns. It was also generally seen as a tree which brought good luck to the owner and prosperity to the land upon which it stood. It belongs to the trilogy of sacred Irish trees (the other two being the Oak and the Ash). Faery spirits were believed to dwell in Hawthorn hedges, which were planted as protective shrubs around fields, houses and churchyards. The Hawthorn was once thought to offer psychic protection to the traveler. The twigs would frequently be used as a curative for depression and the powdered seeds used to cure gallstones. Often used for walking sticks and to make fires, the Hawthorn