<Chinese Reading>系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, 同时强化语言学习,并进一步训练中文写作技巧,适合作为华语学 习者低丶中丶高级程度的辅助教材。学习者可以透过动画和5QBook 有声图文书轻松学中文,主题式阅读多元丰富的经典故事系列,并 利用多媒体练习检测对故事的理解。有多种版本,可依需求选择正 体字丶简体字丶汉语拼音,文末皆附中英文对照。本系列共分为六 级,读者可以选择适合自己程度的内容阅读,期望在大量扩展阅读 的同时,增进语言能力与文化知识。 <Chinese Reading> series is designed for learners of Chinese who want to keep a reading habit, strengthen reading strategy and train writing skills, and it works best as extracurricular reading materials for learners of all levels from beginners to advanced learners. Learners can easily access Chinese by watching animations and reading 5QBook, interactive eBook exclusive on 5QChannel. The collection of stories includes various Chinese classics, and relating multimedia exercises are provided for learners to check their understanding. Learners can select different language options, including Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Hanyu Pinyin, and English translation is also available. The series is categorized into 6 levels, so learners can select the most suitable reading materials. By reading considerably, learners can enhance language skills and cultural knowledge. Level 1 亲子共读 Level 2 自己念故事 Level 3 短篇故事 Level 4 中篇故事 Level 5 长篇故事 Level 6 文言文 Animation Relating Multemedia Exercise Reading Comprehension Chinese-English Translation 5QBook Writing Exercise ◆动画故事 ◆延伸应用练习 ◆5QBook有声图文书 ◆写作练习 ◆阅读理解 ◆中英文对照

系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, reading.pdf · 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, 同时强化语言学习,并进一步训练中文写作技巧,适合作为华语学

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Page 1: 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, reading.pdf · 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, 同时强化语言学习,并进一步训练中文写作技巧,适合作为华语学

<Chinese Reading>系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略,同时强化语言学习,并进一步训练中文写作技巧,适合作为华语学习者低丶中丶高级程度的辅助教材。学习者可以透过动画和5QBook有声图文书轻松学中文,主题式阅读多元丰富的经典故事系列,并利用多媒体练习检测对故事的理解。有多种版本,可依需求选择正体字丶简体字丶汉语拼音,文末皆附中英文对照。本系列共分为六级,读者可以选择适合自己程度的内容阅读,期望在大量扩展阅读的同时,增进语言能力与文化知识。

<Chinese Reading> series is designed for learners of Chinese who want to keep a reading habit, strengthen reading strategy and train writing skills, and it works best as extracurricular reading materials for learners of all levels from beginners to advanced learners. Learners can easily access Chinese by watching animations and reading 5QBook, interactive eBook exclusive on 5QChannel. The collection of stories includes various Chinese classics, and relating multimedia exercises are provided for learners to check their understanding. Learners can select different language options, including Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Hanyu Pinyin, and English translation is also available. The series is categorized into 6 levels, so learners can select the most suitable reading materials. By reading considerably, learners can enhance language skills and cultural knowledge.













◆Relating Multemedia Exercise

◆Reading Comprehension

◆Chinese-English Translation


◆Writing Exercise







Page 2: 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, reading.pdf · 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, 同时强化语言学习,并进一步训练中文写作技巧,适合作为华语学

Teaching Learning Resource

Animation (动画) 5QBook (有声图文书)

Practice (练习) PPT-Creative Writting

Dedicated to creating enjoyable Chinese class.

PDF Printable File Choose what you need and print.



图文故事 中英对照  练习卷(1)

 练习卷(2)  练习卷(3)

Page 3: 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, reading.pdf · 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, 同时强化语言学习,并进一步训练中文写作技巧,适合作为华语学

Level 1 Read with Family 亲子共读

猴子生氣了 口渴的乌鸦 怕热的牛

灯猴 胆小的兔子 螳螂捕蝉

Reading with family makes story more enjoyable, and children are inspired to read as an interest.This level is suitable for beginning learners of Chinese, who can understand basic vocabulary and short sentences.Story length at this level is beneath 200 Chinese characters, including 10 beginner’s vocabulary or less.


Reading and interacting with 5QBook by oneself helps to keep independent reading as a habit.This level is suitable for beginners that can understand long sentences and short paragraphs.Story length at this level is beneath 400 Chinese characters, including around 10 beginner’s and medium vocabulary.


自己念故事Level 2 Read by Yourself

Page 4: 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, reading.pdf · 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, 同时强化语言学习,并进一步训练中文写作技巧,适合作为华语学

Level 3 Short Story 短篇故事

龙向鸡借角 年来了 夸父逐日

打牛看主人 一丘之貉 虚有其表

Short stories have longer length, and the level of vocabulary is higher, making reading a little bit more challenging. This level is suitable for beginners and intermediate level learners that can understand coherent paragraphs.Story length at this level is beneath 600 Chinese characters, including around 10 intermediate vocabulary.


Medium length stories have higher level of vocabulary, and learners can try to contemplate hidden morals behind the stories.This level is suitable for intermediate-high level learners that can understand full paragraphs.Story length at this level is beneath 800 Chinese characters, including around 15 intermediate-high vocabulary.


中篇故事Level 4 Medium Length Story

Page 5: 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, reading.pdf · 系列主要培养中文学习者阅读习惯和策略, 同时强化语言学习,并进一步训练中文写作技巧,适合作为华语学

Level 5 Novel Story 长篇故事

白蛇传 西游记 三国演义

人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远 苟不教 性乃迁

教之道 贵以专 昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼

窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬

诗词 三字经 论语

Novel stories are adapted from classic Chinese literary works that have been popular among Chinese native readers.This level is suitable for near-native learners of Chinese.Story length at this level is over 800 Chinese characters, including more than 20 intermediate-high and advanced vocabulary.


From children’s introductory reading materials to the classics by the Chinese schools of thoughts, the essence of thousands of years of Chinese culture is collected in this level.This level is suitable for near-native learners of Chinese.Story length at this level varies. For example, each chapter of Three Character Classic is around 30 Chinese characters, and each of Confucian Analects is around 350 Chinese characters.


Level 6 Classical Chinese 文言文