Newsletter 台灣氣膠研究學會 Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research NO.74 March 2019 1 ◎發行人:林文印 ◎編輯團隊:楊禮豪、林聖倫 ◎發行日期:2019331◎本會網址:http://www.taar.org.tw/ E-mail[email protected] 《台灣氣膠研究學會會訊》為台灣氣膠研 究學會發行之會員通訊,每季發行一次 第十四屆第三次理監事會議已於2019 39日在雲林科技大學召開,並通 4位新會員入會審查,成為台灣氣 膠研究學會初級會員(2)及常年正會 (2),歡迎加入台灣氣膠研究學會! 新會員名單如下: 1.戴榮斌-國立暨南大學資訊管理系 教授 2.林鼎信-瀚盟科技(股)公司 董事總經理 3.榮建誠-成功大學環境微量毒物研究中心 助理研究員 4.劉亞璇-國立中央大學環境工程研究所 AAQR Special Issue 1. Low-cost Air Pollution Sensors 徵稿至201941日截止 2. Aerosols, Air Quality and Climate Change in the Himalayan Region 稿至201941日截止 3. Optical Properties of Atmospheric Aerosol ― Observation, Measurement Techniques and Model Analysis for Improving the Accuracy of Aerosol Light Absorption Determinations in Polluted Sites 徵稿至2019730日截止, 歡迎踴躍投稿。 本會將於AAC 2019中,爭取AAC 2021舉辦權,邀請各位會員赴香港共 襄盛舉。 AAQR Impact Factor: 2.589 公佈欄 01 02 03 04 05 祝大家身體健康、事事順心如意!!

台灣氣膠研究學會 Newsletter · 究學會發行之會員通訊,每季發行一次 • 第十四屆第三次理監事會議已於2019 年3月9日在雲林科技大學召開,並通

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Page 1: 台灣氣膠研究學會 Newsletter · 究學會發行之會員通訊,每季發行一次 • 第十四屆第三次理監事會議已於2019 年3月9日在雲林科技大學召開,並通

Newsletter台灣氣膠研究學會Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research

NO.74 March 2019



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• 第十四屆第三次理監事會議已於2019

年3月9日在雲林科技大學召開,並通過4位新會員入會審查,成為台灣氣膠研究學會初級會員(2位)及常年正會員(2位),歡迎加入台灣氣膠研究學會!新會員名單如下:1.戴榮斌-國立暨南大學資訊管理系 教授2.林鼎信-瀚盟科技(股)公司 董事總經理3.榮建誠-成功大學環境微量毒物研究中心


• AAQR Special Issue :1. Low-cost Air Pollution Sensors

徵稿至2019年4月1日截止2. Aerosols, Air Quality and Climate

Change in the Himalayan Region

稿至2019年4月1日截止3. Optical Properties of Atmospheric

Aerosol ― Observation,

Measurement Techniques and Model

Analysis for Improving the Accuracy

of Aerosol Light Absorption

Determinations in Polluted Sites


• 本會將於AAC 2019中,爭取AAC


• AAQR Impact Factor: 2.589








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專家介紹:莊銘棟 研究副技師








E-mail:[email protected]




進入社會工作後,先後進入新系環境科技公司及中興工程顧問公司服務,在業界的七年期間,參與許多大型計畫,舉凡營建工程管制計畫、砂石業汙染及稽查管制計畫、空氣污染防制計畫 (SIP)、焚化廠建置管理計畫、空氣品質管理計畫(AQMP),以及數件大型環境影響評估計畫等等。因緣際會考上中央大學環境工程研究所博士班,跟隨李崇德教授再次一頭鑽進作學術界的天地裡,在就讀博士期間,專長主要為氣膠化學以及空氣品質模式。在2005年下半年開始參與「台美環保署合作計畫」並至美國田納西大學跟隨Dr. Joshua Fu.進行短期研究,然後就開始合作至今。由於對於空氣品質模式的發展有所興趣,在2009年至北卡州立大學跟隨Dr.

Yang Zhang進行博士後研究,進一步學習WRF/Chem氣象-化學耦合模式並完成美國東南區空氣品質預報系統。2010年返回台灣後,回到中央大學開始有關大陸塵霾與東南亞生質燃燒氣膠等相關的研究, 2012-2015年承接桃園市環保局的「桃園市細懸浮微粒與臭氧成因及管制計畫」,關注地方空氣品質並開啟本地污染相關研究。2010年加入MICS-Asia workshop、7SEAS working group、TOAR,開拓國際合作發展。同期間,個人撰寫了數篇文章,並於2016年申請升等副教授。2019年1月考慮職涯規劃,赴中央研究院環境變遷中心就職迄今。

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早在就讀博士班期間,就曾利用位於新莊北部超級測站的連續觀測資料進行2002年黃沙事件的分析,並Atmospheric Environment期刊發表生平第一篇文章(Lee et al., 2006),這個研究也是亞洲第一個利用超級測站的連續觀測資料解析黃沙特性的文獻。該研究除分析粗、細粒徑的氣膠成分外,同時也找出黃沙事件中最大小時濃度與黃沙影響持續時間有絕對的正比關係。此外,發現黃沙事件也會夾帶大量細懸浮微粒至台灣,因此衍伸出以CMAQ化學模式進行模擬研究 (Chuang et al., 2008a),在李崇德教授、美國環保署Dr. Carey Jang及美國田納西大學Prof. Joshua, S. Fu的台美合作計畫共同指導下下,成功地完成亞洲首次以CMAQ模式模擬亞洲大陸長程傳輸細懸浮微粒的化學演變的文獻。另外,在2016年的研究發現在台灣北端富貴角觀測PM2.5 事件在有些情況下主要自長程傳輸,但也有發生主要來自本地污染或是兩者混合貢獻 (Chuang et al., 2017)。由於台灣環保署已經公佈PM2.5的法規標準,長程傳輸貢獻的PM2.5 ,在過去雖有人從天氣類型分析或是模式模擬著手進行量化方面的研究,但都有某些缺失,因此發展出一個方法,以長期觀測數據為主,短期模擬為輔,詳盡計算出在盛行東北季風盛行的情況下,台灣西半部從北到南各處的長程傳輸及當地污染貢獻PM2.5的量及百分比,(Chuang et al., 2018) 。

Lee C.T.*, Chuang M.T., Chan C.C., Cheng T.J., Huang S.L., 2006. Aerosol

characteristics from the Taiwan aerosol supersite in the Asian yellow-dust periods

of 2002. Atmospheric Environment 40, 3409–3418.

Chuang, M.T., Fu, J.S., Jiang, C.J., Chan, C.C., Ni, P.C., Lee, C.T. *, 2008a.

Simulation of long-range transport aerosols from Asian Continent to Taiwan by a

Southward Asian high-pressure system. Science of the Total Environment 406, 168-


Chuang, M.T. *, Chou, C.C.K., Lin, N.H., Takami, A., Hsiao, T.C., Lin, T.H., Fu, J.S.,

Pani, S.K., Lu, Y.R., Yang, T.Y., 2017. A simulation study on PM2.5 sources and

meteorological characteristics at the northern tip of Taiwan in the early stage of the

Asian haze period. AAQR 17, 3166-3178.

Chuang, M.T.*, Chung-Te Lee*, Hui-Chun Hsu, 2018. Quantifying PM2.5 from

long-range transport and local pollution in Taiwan during winter monsoon: An

efficient estimation method. Journal of Environmental Management 227, 10-22.

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在東南亞生質燃燒傳輸的研究,主要可以分為數據分析以及模式模擬兩方面,在李崇德教授及研究室的學弟妹們的努力下,產生大量珍貴的數據,個人佔便宜的使用這些資料,經過補強後,先後完成在鹿林山觀測的水溶性離子(Lee et al., 2011) 及碳成分分析(Chuang et al., 2014) 、在泰國觀測的近生質燃燒源的氣膠特性分析(Chuang et al., 2013a)、在東沙島的PM2.5觀測成分分析(Chuang

et al., 2013b),以及結合東南亞生質燃燒源區與鹿林山觀測資料去探討氣膠老化(Chuang et al., 2016a)。這些研究提供了生質燃燒氣膠的特性,個人非常感謝李教授以及學弟妹的付出。

基於在觀測的認知,使得可以在模擬方面進行深入研究,以CMAQ模式模擬東南亞生質燃燒氣膠長程傳輸至台灣的化學演變機制(Chuang et al., 2015),可以知道各前驅物如何轉變成PM2.5 。然後,又將此研究展延至東南亞生質燃燒氣膠傳輸至台灣上空的情況 (Chuang et al., 2016),該研究同時探討鹿林山觀測到的PM2.5事件,分別來自東南亞生質燃燒氣膠以及台灣本地產生的氣膠如何傳輸至鹿林山,還有傳輸過程中的化學演變。

Lee, C.T. *, Chuang, M.T., Lin, N.H., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R., Wang, S.H., Huang, H.,

Chen, H.W., Weng, G.H., Hsu, S.P., 2011. The enhancement of biosmoke from

Southeast Asia on PM2.5 water-soluble ions during the transport over the Mountain

Lulin site in Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment 45, 5784-5794.

Chuang, M.T., Lin, N.H., Chou, C.C.K., Sopajareepom, K., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R.,

Chang, Y.J., Lee, C.T. *, 2013a. Characterization of aerosol chemical properties

from near-source biomass burning in the northern Indochina during 7-

SEAS/Dongsha experiment. Atmospheric Environment 78, 72-81.

Chuang, M.T., Lin, N.H., Chang,S.C., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R., Chang, Y.J., Lee, C.T.

*, 2013b. Aerosol chemical properties and related pollutants measured in Dongsha

Island in the northern South China Sea during 7-SEAS/Dongsha experiment.

Atmospheric Environment 78, 82-92.

Chuang, M.T., Lee, C.T. *, Lin, N.H., Chou, C.C.K., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R., Chang,

S.C., Wang, S.H., Huang, H., Cheng, H.W., Weng, G.H., Lai, S.Y., Hsu, S.P., Chang,

Y.J., 2014. Carbonaceous aerosols in the air masses transported from Indochina to

Taiwan: Long-term observation at Mountain Lulin. Atmospheric Environment 89,

507-516. June, 2014.

Chuang, M.T.*, Fu, J.S., Lin, N.H., Lee, C.T., Gao, Y.,Wang, S.H., Wang, S.H., Sheu,

G.R., Hsiao, T.C., Wang, J.L.,Yen, M.C., Lin, T.H., Thongboonchoo, N., Chen,

W.C., 2015. Simulating transport and chemical evolution of of biomass burning

pollutants originating from Southeast Asia during 7-SEAS/2010 Dongsha

Experiment. Atmospheric Environment, 112, 294-305.

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Chuang, M.T., Lin, N.H., Chang,S.Y., Sopajareepom, K., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R.,

Chang, S.C., Chang, Y.J., Lee, C.T. *, 2016a. Aerosol transport from Chiangmai,

Thailand to Mt.Lulin, Taiwan-implication of aerosol aging during long-range

transport. Atmospheric Environment, 137, 101-112.

Chuang, M.T., Fu, J.S., Lee, C.T., Lin, N.H., Gao, Y., Wang, S.H., Sheu, G.R., Hsiao,

T.C., Wang, J.L., Yen, M.C., Lin, T.H., Thongboonchoo, N., 2016b. The simulation

of long-range transport of biomass burning plume and short-range transport of

anthropogenic pollutants to a mountain observatory in East Asia during the 7-

SEAS/2010 Dongsha Experiment. AAQR 16, 2933-2949.



ammonium及PM2.5 nitrate 較易在台北盆地累積,都市測站的濃度分別約為背景測站的1.5倍及4 到12倍。 PM2.5 sulfate 在都市及背景測站的濃度則相當穩定並佔PM2.5的30%左右,結果顯示PM2.5 sulfate 是來自於LRT, PM2.5 nitrate及OC則是來自本地污染源的影響 (Chuang et al., 2008b) 。個人於2012年開始進行桃園地區相類似的研究,在模擬2007年5月桃園地區高臭氧事件個案,以CMAQ的process analysis技術中的IRRs output計算出空間上NOx-limited或VOC-limited的分布,可惜相關研究結果遲遲因繁忙而未發表。另外,基於與中山醫學大學張士昱教授合作計畫需求,使用PMF受體模式探討桃園市PM2.5的各種來源,也拓展使用模式的種類(Chuang et al., 2016c)。

Chuang M.T., Chiang P.C., Chan, C.C., Wang C.F., Chang Y.Y., Lee C.T. *, 2008b.

The effects of synoptical weather pattern and complex terrain on the formation of

aerosol events in the greater Taipei area. Science of the Total Environment 399,


Chuang, M. T., Chen, Y.C., Lee, C.T., Cheng, C.H., Wu, Y.P., Chang, S.Y. *, 2016c.

Apportionment of the sources of high fine particulate matter concentration events

in a developing aerotropolis in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Environmental Pollution, 214,


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至美國北卡州立大學跟隨Dr. Yang Zhang進行博士後研究期間,開始使用WRF/Chem耦合模式,同時進行2008年8月發生於美國東南部大範圍的個案分析,並與CMAQ模式的結果進行比較,以及在兩個月內設計完成整套即時預報系統的shell scripts及繪圖scripts,並進行超過五個月以上的逐日測試。預報系統的實驗自2009年5月進行至9月,然後自2009年11月又重新啟動。在進行此項研究時,持續檢討預報系統的缺失,如氣象預報或排放資料的準確性,在氣膠生成機制上增進不少(Chuang et al., 2011)。回到台灣後,開始將這方面的經驗引用在台灣地區空品預報的相關研究,如參與林能暉教授主持的環保署委託研究計劃以及王家麟教授主持的科技部計畫,進行長程輸送的預警。因為預警的經驗及分析,在2018年開始研究中國三大工業區對於台灣PM2.5的影響評估以及傳送機制探討(Chuang et al., 2018)。

Chuang, M.T., Zhang, Y. *, Kang, D., 2011. Application of WRF/Chem-MADRID

for Real-Time Air Quality Forecasting over the Southeastern United States.

Atmospheric Environment 45, 6241-6250.

Chuang, M.T. *, Ooi, M., Kong, S., Wang, S.H., Huang, W.S., Yen, M.C., Lin, N.H.,

2018a. The long-range transport of PM2.5 from three major industrial parks in

Chinese mainland to Taiwan. 2018 Joint International conference on ABaCAS and

CMAS-Asia-Pacific, Beijing, May 21-23, 2018.


在中央大學能源工程研究所服務期間,基於國家對於能源政策的資訊模糊及缺乏,因此指導學生評估2030年前台灣地區能源的供電穩定性探討,以年發電量的角度,皆可達到15%的備用電量率,但以月發電角度分析時,在2019至2024年仍無法達到備用電量率15%,尤其在2024年最低,備用電量率僅為8.8%,若再以夏季尖峰發電小時去分析備用電量率時,在2017~2030年都無法達到15%,甚至在2024年有電量不足的問題,備用電量率為-0.9%,極有可能會有缺電的危機 (Chuang et al., 2018)。此外,最近考慮到台灣風能開發的限制,因此轉戰到都市風能的評估,積極開發小尺度氣象場模擬技術,並以台中市為例探討都市風能開發的可能性,結果示台中市的海岸區(清水、梧棲、龍井、沙鹿區)8樓以上,以及市區(西屯、北屯、市中心區)120公尺以上大樓都有經濟開發價值。

Chuang, M.T.*, Chang, S.Y., Hsiao, T.C., Lu, Y.R., Yang, T.Y., 2018b. Analyzing

major renewable energy sources and power stability in Taiwan by 2030. Energy

Policy 125, 293-306.


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New Books on Aerosol



Excerpt from Pyrethrum Mists and Aerosols for Control of Insects in Tobacco


Mists and aerosols are not as effective as fumigation for controlling the cigarette

beetle. However, they are very useful for controlling insects in loosely constructed

buildings where fumigation cannot be used.

The difference between mists and aerosols is in the size of the particles produced,

the mists having the larger. Because of this fact, the mists can be used in both Open

and closed warehouses whereas the use of aerosols is restricted to closed or semi

closed buildings.

The highly refined, very volatile hydrocarbon oil used in these studies proved quite

satisfactory. Heavy oils are undesirable because they leave an objectionable greasy

deposit in tobacco warehouses.

Synergists for pyrethrum, when used as a contact insecticide, appeared to be of little

value against the cigarette beetle.


Title: Pyrethrum Mists and Aerosols for Control

of Insects in Tobacco Warehouses (Classic


Author: Joseph Nesbitt Tenhet

Publisher: Forgotten Books (2019年2月15日)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0364772166

ISBN-13: 978-0364772164

Page 9: 台灣氣膠研究學會 Newsletter · 究學會發行之會員通訊,每季發行一次 • 第十四屆第三次理監事會議已於2019 年3月9日在雲林科技大學召開,並通

New Books on Aerosol



Extensively updated to reflect the outpouring of research in the field, this Second

Edition documents the theory and practical utilization of aerosols in inhalation

therapy and tracks advances in aerosol formulation, development, and application.

Supplying readers with studies on physiology, metabolism, and pharmacokinetics

for a clear understanding of the therapeutic impact of lung aerosols, this guide

analyzes inhalation technologies for a vast array of diseases including asthma, cystic

fibrosis, COPD, pulmonary infectious diseases, and diabetes.


Title: Inhalation Aerosols: Physical and

Biological Basis for Therapy (Lung Biology

in Health and Disease Book 221)

Author: Anthony J. Hickey

Publisher: CRC Press; 2 edition (October 25, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0849341604

ISBN-13: 978-0849341601

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New Books on Aerosol



Phytomanagement of Polluted Sites: Market Opportunities in Sustainable

Phytoremediation brings together recent and established knowledge on different

aspects of phytoremediation, providing this information in a single source that offers

a cutting-edge synthesis of scientific and experiential knowledge on industrially

contaminated site restoration that is useful for both practitioners and scientists. The

book gives interested groups, both non-profit and for-profit, methods to manage

dumpsites and other contaminated areas, including tactics on how to mitigate costs

and even profit from ecological restoration.

‧ Covers successful examples of turning industrially contaminated sites into

ecologically healthy revenue producers

‧ Explores examples of phytomanagement of dumpsites from around the globe

‧ Provides the tools the reader needs to select specific plant species according to

site specificity


Title: Phytomanagement of Polluted Sites:

Market Opportunities in Sustainable


Author: Vimal Chandra Pandey、Kuldeep Bauddh

Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (May 16, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0128139129

ISBN-13: 978-0128139127

Page 11: 台灣氣膠研究學會 Newsletter · 究學會發行之會員通訊,每季發行一次 • 第十四屆第三次理監事會議已於2019 年3月9日在雲林科技大學召開,並通

New Books on Aerosol



This series presents authoritative invited summaries of research on atmospheric

chemistry in a changing world. These range from comprehensive reviews of major

subject areas to focused accounts by individual research groups. The topics may

include laboratory studies, field measurements, in situ monitoring and remote

sensing, studies of composition, chemical modeling, theories of atmospheric

chemistry and climate, feedback mechanisms, emissions and deposition,

biogeochemical cycles, and the links between atmospheric chemistry and the

climate system at large.

Volume 2 comprises chapters describing research on multiphase chemistry affecting

air quality in China, on multiphase chemistry of organic compounds leading to

secondary organic aerosol formation, on biogeochemical cycles involving ammonia,

on oxidation of aromatic compounds, on reactions of Criegee intermediates

(important in oxidation of alkenes), and on laboratory and field measurements of

isotopic fractionation in the atmosphere.

Readership: Graduate students and professionals interested in

enviromental/atmospheric chemistry, climate science, and surface/interface



Title: Advances in Atmospheric Chemistry:

Volume 2: Organic Oxidation and Multiphase


Author: J R Barker、A L Steiner、 T J Wallington

Publisher: Elsevier; 1 edition (May 24, 2016)

Language: English


ISBN-13: 978-9813271821

Page 12: 台灣氣膠研究學會 Newsletter · 究學會發行之會員通訊,每季發行一次 • 第十四屆第三次理監事會議已於2019 年3月9日在雲林科技大學召開,並通

依據USEPA Method202,原生型粒狀物(Primary particulate matter, Primary PM)為可過濾性微粒(Filterable PM, FPM)與可凝結性微粒(Condensable PM, CPM)之總和。





會議日期 會議名稱 會議地點

APR 2, 2019 2019 T&T TFOSE 國際研討會 台灣大學, 台灣

APR 3–6, 2019

12th International Conference on Carbonaceous Particles in

the Atmosphere (ICCPA) 2019 (https://iccpa2019.univie.ac.at/home)



APR 9 –11, 2019International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC)

2019 (https://www.partec.info)



MAY 27–30, 2019Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2019(http://www.cityu.edu.hk/aac2019/index.htm)

Hong Kong,


JUN 21–22, 2019 改善台灣PM2.5空品的策略、固污和移污監控技術研討會集思台中新烏日會議中心

JUN 25–28, 2019112th Annual Conference & Exhibition (ACE 2019) of

A&WMA (https://www.awma.org/ACE2019)Quebec, Canada

JUL 11, 2019 Workshop on PM2.5 Control by Air Filtration 交通大學, 台灣

JUL 28–AUG 2, 2019

16th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society

(AOGS 2019) (http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2019/public.asp?page=home.htm)


AUG 18–22, 2019 第九屆海峽兩岸環境與生態會議-宜蘭論壇 宜蘭大學, 台灣

AUG 25–30, 2019

Dioxin 2019 - 39th International Symposium on Halogenated

Persistent Organic Pollutants(http://www.dioxin2019.org)



AUG 25–30, 2019 European Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2019 (https://eac2019.se)Gothenburg,


OCT 4–5, 2019

The 26th International Conference on Aerosol Science and

Technology (ICAST 2019)(Coming soon…)



OCT 14–18, 2019AAAR 37th Annual Conferencehttps://www.aaar.org/meetings-events/meetings-and-events/

Portland, OR


原生型粒狀物 = FPM+CPM氣膠詞彙