Casey Significant Tree Strategy Incorporating the Significant Tree Register Version: 2.1 Date adopted: 18 November 2014 Date updated: 14 July 2015 Responsible Department: Strategic Development Council policy documents change from time to time and it is recommended that you consult the electronic reference copy at www.casey.vic.gov.au/policiesstrategies to ensure that you have the current version. Alternatively you may contact Customer Service on 9705 5200.

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Casey Significant Tree Strategy Incorporating the Significant Tree Register

Version: 2.1 Date adopted: 18 November 2014 Date updated: 14 July 2015 Responsible Department: Strategic Development

Council policy documents change from time to time and it is recommended that you consult the electronic reference copy at www.casey.vic.gov.au/policiesstrategies to ensure that you have the current version. Alternatively you may contact Customer Service on 9705 5200.

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Executive Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Part 1 Significant Tree Strategy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

1 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

2 The Casey Significant Tree Study ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5

2.1 Chronology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

2.2 Methodology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

2.3 Significance criteria ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

3 Types of Significant Trees -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

3.1 River Red gums ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

3.2 Exotics and other Natives ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

4 Values of Significance Trees --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

4.1 Environmental Values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11

4.2 Ecological Values------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11

4.3 Landscape Values----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

4.4 Heritage Values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14

4.5 Social Values ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

5 Management of Significant Trees --------------------------------------------------------------- 17

5.1 Tree Protection Zone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

5.2 Site Specific Management ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19

5.3 Revegetation, Regeneration and Habitat Links --------------------------------------------- 21

6 Planning Controls for Tree Protection --------------------------------------------------------- 23

6.1 Council Policy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

6.2 State and Local Planning Policy Frameworks ----------------------------------------------- 24

6.3 Tree controls in the Casey Planning Scheme ----------------------------------------------- 25

6.4 Amendment C148 to the Casey Planning scheme ----------------------------------------- 25

7 Implementation and Monitoring ------------------------------------------------------------------ 26

7.1 Future additions to Significant Tree Register ------------------------------------------------ 26

7.2 Planning Controls------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26

7.3 Ongoing management of the Casey Significant Tree Register ------------------------- 26

7.4 Offsets and Replanting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

7.5 Tree Management ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

7.6 Heritage and Landscape -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

7.7 Small Grant Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27

7.8 Interpretation and Public Education ------------------------------------------------------------ 28

7.9 Monitoring tree protection controls ------------------------------------------------------------- 28

Bibliography ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29

Part 2 Significant Tree Register -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30

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Executive Summary

The objective of this strategy is the protection of identified significant trees, and more particularly the protection of approximately 1000 identified River Red Gum, exotic and other native trees.

This strategy is an updated version of the adopted Casey Significant Tree Study 2011, which provides background information and the methodology for identification of significant trees, including:

» the community nomination process;

» the environmental, ecological, landscape, heritage and social values of trees;

» an assessment of the listed trees against National Trust and other criteria;

» general tree management principles for significant trees;

» an assessment of the most appropriate planning scheme controls to protect the identified trees; and

» other strategies to protect identified trees.

One key strategy of the adopted Casey Significant Tree Study 2011 is the introduction of permanent trees controls over the identified trees in the Casey Planning Scheme.

Tree controls will protect the identified trees and the associated Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) at the base of the tree to ensure proposed development will not negatively impact of the health and structure of the tree.

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Part 1 Significant Tree Strategy

Blue Atlas Cedar (Tree Id. 1206)

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1 Introduction

As Casey continues to grow substantially, significant trees and other vegetation are under threat due to rapid urban development. Trees in Casey have been removed for this urban development, as there have been few restrictions to removal. Also, trees have died due to improper care and maintenance.

Overall only about 6% of former indigenous vegetation exists in the City of Casey and that which remains is often severely degraded. Against this background, all remnant vegetation and fauna in the City of Casey is important.

Large old trees, including dead trees, are very important because they provide hollows and nesting sites and provide greater food resources. They are critical for the survival of many fauna species. Large old trees are rare and uncommon and impossible to replace.

Vegetation remnants and large exotic trees may occur on Council owned land, Crown land or private land. Remnants may occur on land that is zoned for urban development or other purposes.

River Red Gums have very important environmental, landscape and in some cases, cultural heritage values in Casey. Large River Red Gums are considered to be of such significance in the municipality that all extant nominated specimens meeting the size criteria have been included in the study.

The Casey Significant Tree Strategy identifies the most significant trees in Casey and provides planning controls to protect these trees into the future.

The Casey Significant Tree Register identifies approximately 850 River Red Gums, exotic and other native trees that meet specified significance criteria. The study also makes reference to additional known heritage trees, such as two Avenues of Honour.

The Casey Significant Tree Register is not a register of all significant trees in Casey. The identified list has been compiled reflecting community nominations. The list excludes significant trees already protected by other planning controls such as the Heritage Overlay. Further identified significant trees will be added to the register when the need arises.

2 The Casey Significant Tree Study

2.1 Chronology

Council initially investigated the potential to prepare a significant tree study in March 2005, following growing concerns about the removal of significant large trees prior to and during planning development processes. This study was initiated by Council with the support of the Conservation Advisory Committee.

Subsequent actions have resulted in this version of the Casey Significant Tree Strategy and the approval of planning controls to protect the identified significant trees.

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Date Action

2005 Council resolved to initiate a Significant Tree Register.

2006 Community nominations - 3215 trees.

2007 Initial tree list database compiled.

2009 Desktop ranking against significance criteria – final list of approximately 1000 trees.

2011 Significant Tree Study 2011 adopted by Council.

Individual assessments of River Red Gums on public land.

2012 Individual assessments of Exotics/Other Natives.

Interim planning scheme controls approved.

Exhibition of Amendment C148 for permanent controls.

2013 Consideration of submissions to Amendment C148.

Re-assessment of trees in response to submissions.

2014 Report to Council to consider submissions to Amendment C148.

Panel hearing 23 June 2014.

Panel report 4 August 2014.

Late 2014 Report to Council for adoption and submission to Minister of Planning for approval of Amendment C148.

Late 2014 Report to Council for adoption of a revised Casey Significant Tree Strategy incorporating the Casey Significant Tree Register.

2.2 Methodology

Stage 1

The first stage of the study was the compilation of a list of significant trees. The initial list comprised 3,215 trees collected from the following sources:

» Public nominations for trees were invited from the Casey community.

» Conservation Advisory Committee.

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» National Trust of Australia (Victoria) volunteers.

» Council staff.

» Council’s appointed arboriculture and environment consultant, ENSPEC.

» Trees identified in Council strategies, such as the City of Berwick Heritage Study and the City of Berwick Conservation Strategy, were also included in the list of identified trees.

» All eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gums) above a size of 40cm at DBH (diameter at breast height) have been considered in the study.

The trees were assessed against National Trust significance criteria and two additional criteria that were added by Council, being ‘Remnant’ and ‘Outstanding Habitat Value’.

Each tree was provided with a unique identification number. The resultant database of 3,130 trees contained the following information for each tree: location with GPS coordinates; genus and species; ownership (private/public); estimated age, height and canopy width; and a photograph.

Stage 2

The second stage involved a desktop analysis to rank trees into categories, followed by a roadside inspection of some trees to confirm the desktop analysis and create the final list.

During this stage, it was decided that the study should have two parts for the following categories of significant trees:

1. All River Red Gums above a size of 40cm DBH; and

2. Exotics and other natives.

It is possible that trees initially investigated but not included in the final list may be considered in future additions to the Casey Significant Tree Register.

Moreton Bay Fig (Tree Id. 73)

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2.3 Significance criteria

The value of significant trees in Casey has been assessed using the established National Trust of Australia (Victoria) criteria, as well as two additional criteria added through the development of this study.

Trees identified in the study adhere to at least one of the criteria below:

Significance criteria Description

National Trust Criteria

Horticultural Value Any tree that is of outstanding horticultural or genetic value (e.g. could be an important stock for future propagation), including rare examples of local gene pools.

Location or Landscape Context

Any tree that occurs in a unique location or context, providing a contribution to the landscape, including remnant native vegetation, important landmarks and trees which form part of a historic garden, park or town. This also includes trees contributing to neighbourhood or area character.

Rare or Localised Any tree species or group of trees that is/are rare in the wild or in cultivation or has a very localised distribution.

Particularly Old Any tree or group of trees that is/are particularly old or venerable for its/their species variant.

Outstanding Size Any tree or group of trees that is/are outstanding for its height, trunk circumference or canopy spread.

Aesthetic Value Any tree or group of trees that because of their particular form or other attributes, show considerable aesthetic value.

Curious Growth Form Any tree or group of trees that is/are of outstanding interest because they exhibits a curious growth form or physical feature arising from abnormal outgrowths, natural fusion of branches, natural damage or pruning.

Historic Value Any tree or group of trees that is important to the cultural or natural history of the area through the commemoration of a particular occasion, including plantings by notable people or having association with an important event in history.

Aboriginal Culture Any tree or group of trees that has a recognised association with Aboriginal culture or heritage

Outstanding Example of a Species

Any tree or group of trees that is/are an outstanding example of its species in terms of good form, structure and health.

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Significance criteria Description

Additional Criteria

Remnant Type 1: Tree/s that survive from the pre-European era.

Type 2: Tree/s surviving from a previous landscape period, e.g. fruit/nut trees that were part of orchards before urbanisation.

Outstanding Habitat Value

A tree or group of trees with outstanding value as habitat or niche for native flora and fauna.

This assessment will require a review by an ecologist.

3 Types of Significant Trees

3.1 River Red gums

Casey has magnificent eucalypts including scarred trees and remnant old growth River Red Gums, mostly in the low lying parts of Doveton, Eumemmering, Hampton Park and Lynbrook, and along the Dandenong and Eumemmerring Creeks and adjacent land.

The remnants visible today are party due to the legacy of past Council policy and practice. The former City of Berwick decided that in any subdivision of land containing remnant River Red Gums over 1.5m girth, sufficient land would be set aside to preserve the individual trees. As a consequence some specimen red gums, particularly in the Doveton and Eumemmerring areas, were retained on small Council reserves. The City of Berwick Conservation Strategy 1991 sought to protect flora and fauna and several reserves were set aside, including Gunns Road Reserve.

River Red gum (Tree Id. 821)

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Many remnant River Red Gums in Casey are situated in parks, reserves and roadsides, which can accommodate the height and spread of the trees. A smaller but important number of River Red Gums are situated on private land including residential lots.

The Lynbrook area is notable for accommodating significant River Red Gums within the design of residential subdivisions in parks, reserves and roadsides. River Red Gums are iconic within the Hampton Park area and remnant specimen trees provide a dramatic backdrop to development.

3.2 Exotics and other Natives

The intention of the study is to identify a good representation of significant exotic and other native trees in all areas across Casey, regardless of the proportion of significant trees in a given area.

For example, there is a greater proportion of large and prominent trees that were planted during early settlement in the Berwick Township area, and a lesser proportion of significant trees in the new growth areas, where trees have been removed in preparation for urban development. In these circumstances, significant trees have been selected as being of the greatest significance to the local area.

Significant trees are predominantly located in parks, reserves and roadsides, which can accommodate the height and spread of the trees. A smaller but important number of significant trees are situated on private land including residential lots.

Bunya Bunya Pine

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4 Values of Significance Trees

4.1 Environmental Values

There are numerous environmental benefits of significant trees in a rapidly developing municipality namely:

» Increased biodiversity.

» Improved water management.

» Improved air quality.

» Reduced heat island effect.

The Casey Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy 2003 found that all extant Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC’s) are now considered Vulnerable or Endangered in the City of Casey. The Plains Grassy Woodland (EVC 55) which is the most typical in which eucalyptus camaldulensis is found, is endangered in the Gippsland Plain Bioregion.

That study concluded that without active protection and management most existing flora and fauna will be lost over various time scales.

All indigenous vegetation in the City of Casey is now a critically important biological resource and conservation initiatives must embrace the protection of remnant vegetation/fauna habitats from further destruction, and the management to maintain and upgrade biological values.

4.2 Ecological Values

Wildlife in Casey has been dramatically reduced over the last 200 years due to a serious decline in their natural habitat, which is largely due to agricultural use and urban land development. With this reduction in habitat, wildlife is struggling to find places to shelter, feed and breed. As a result populations of fauna, including many native bird species, continue to decline.

Large old trees are important environmental assets that are being progressively lost through clearing and declining health and are impossible to replace in the short term. They are now a scarce resource, virtually irreplaceable in a human lifespan. A range of native animals and birds are dependent on the natural hollows that develop in trees and some shrubs, for shelter and/or breeding. Very few trees are reaching the age at which hollows form, which can take over 120 years for suitable hollows to develop in a eucalypt tree.

Large old trees have greater food resources in the form of nectar, buds, seeds and invertebrates in bark than younger trees.

The loss of hollow-bearing trees from Victorian native forests has been listed as a potentially threatening process in accordance with Section 10 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.

Protecting large old trees and smaller trees on their way to becoming larger trees is one of the most important actions for conserving indigenous flora and fauna in an over cleared landscape.

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Scar tree Cranbourne habitat hollow.


» There are a surprising number of Australian bird species that rely on hollows for nesting sites. For example, Cockatoos only nest in tree-hollows, as do most other species of parrots and owls.

» Hollows only form in the trunks or branches of old trees. In many areas, there is a shortage of available hollows suitable for building nests.

» The clearing of old growth trees immediately robs hollow-nesting species of nest sites and, in the case of the Powerful Owl, many of its preferred mammalian prey species, such as possums, gliders and phascogales, which also live in tree-hollows, compounding the adverse effect.

» In areas where clearing of old trees has occurred, sometimes only a few hollows remain, resulting in much competition for breeding space. Some species are very aggressive when defending nest hollows, and less aggressive species decline.


» More than 300 species of Australian vertebrates depend on tree-hollows including dead trees.

» Trees with hollows are very important for native animals for nesting, sheltering or finding food.

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» Animals are very particular about what makes a hollow ‘suitable’ and the majority of occupied hollows, which can often be detected by their smooth, stained entrances, are more than 100 years old.

» Animals regularly move between many hollow trees to avoid predators and limit parasites.

» Tree-hollows provide essential nesting sites for many types of native animals including possums, gliders, birds, reptiles and bats.

4.3 Landscape Values

Large old trees of 8 or 9 metres in height are visually significant to the urban landscape setting. Being generally taller than the built form, the trees provide a canopy and landscape setting for urban development.

The retention of large old trees will protect scenic and recreational landscape assets. The trees form parts of the skyline are a key element of local landscape character.

River Red Gums are a visible reminder of the landscape prior to settlement, with some of these trees in Casey being more than 200 years old.

Trees and vegetation perform important functions at the local landscape scale, supporting wildlife movement, protecting soil from erosion and buffering riparian or other significant areas. These trees are excellent for soil stability, the regeneration of sites which have eroded, and also in wetlands.

Remnant (and planted) River Red Gums can be incorporated into macro-scale water-sensitive urban design features, such as swales, in new estates/subdivisions, due to their high tolerance for flooding. Inundation can add significantly to the growth rates of these trees under the right circumstances.

In summary, landscape benefits include:

» Visual screening and aesthetics;

» Soften urban landscape;

» Provide focal points;

» Provide scale to surrounding development;

» Shade/heat absorption; and

» Wind protection.

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Scar tree Cranbourne West

4.4 Heritage Values

Many trees or groups of trees are important to the cultural or natural history of the area or have recognised association with Aboriginal culture or heritage.

Formal recognition of such heritage values is provided by inclusion on the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Register and/or under the Heritage Overlay in the planning scheme.

There are numerous significant trees across the municipality that are formally identified for heritage protection.

Aboriginal cultural heritage

» Many of the River Red Gums within the urban areas of the municipality have been estimated to pre-date European settlement.

» Indigenous plants such as River Red Gums also form an important aspect of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

» They form an important link with the past, are a visual representation of earlier landscapes and support native fauna.

» Some plants were used for food and medicine by Aboriginal groups.

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» Some trees of importance to Aboriginal communities are no longer standing, such as in May Gibbs Crescent, Lynbrook, but are worthy of protection as heritage fabric for reference by future generations.

» Aboriginal Places are automatically afforded protection under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2007 regardless of their presence or not on the Victorian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Register and Information System (ACHRIS). There are 19 scar trees currently identified and recorded on this register, with the potential for more to be included.

» The Heritage Overlay (HO) include 2 trees of aboriginal cultural significant (scar trees).

Scar tree Cranbourne West

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» Casey’s River Red Gums are of historic significance having historic links to Melbourne’s growth, where timber from the district was used for wharves and street pavers in the central area.

» The Heritage Overlay (HO) includes listing of identified heritage trees:

» St Margaret’s School, 27-47 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick (HO39);

» Myuna Farm, 182 Kidds Road, Doveton (HO103);

» Gum trees Near 71 Pound Road, Hampton Park (HO140); and

» Henry Joseph Moran Reserve Pound Road, Hampton Park (HO178).

» The Heritage Overlay (HO) includes listing of seven Avenues of Honour of heritage significance, as identified and described in Our Living Memorials, Avenues of Honour in the City of Casey. The seven Casey Avenues of Honour are:

» Cranbourne Avenue of Honour, South Gippsland Highway Cranbourne (HO142);

» Narre Warren North Avenue of Honour, Memorial Drive and Main Street, Narre Warren North (HO27);

» Harkaway Avenue of Honour, Harkaway Road, Harkaway (HO165);

» Berwick Boys Grammar School, Church Street, Berwick (HO155);

» Tooradin Avenue of Honour, South Gippsland Highway, Tooradin (HO143);

» Beaconsfield Avenue of Honour, High Street, Berwick (HO198); and

» Wilson & Scanlon Streets, Berwick (HO199).

4.5 Social Values

Parks are inspiring and pleasant places to exercise and improve physical and mental wellbeing for today’s sedentary society that is more vulnerable to stress, mental health issues and obesity than ever before.

Parks and reserves with significant trees provide social benefits in terms of the physical, mental and spiritual health of individuals and the community. Such benefits include:

» Improved liveability.

» A distinct identity and sense of place.

» A “country feel-city living” character in existing and future suburbs.

» Added value to homes and communities.

» Improved health and wellbeing.

» Shade and shelter for all age groups on streets and in public parks.

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» Increased community engagement.

» Active and non-active participation in outdoor activities.

» Improved community resilience to climate change

Parks also provide economic benefits to local communities. The recreation and tourism industries are sources of local employment with flow-on economic benefits to local and wider communities.

5 Management of Significant Trees

Management of significant trees involves consideration of such matters as the protection of the root system, avoidance of soil compaction around the tree base, ensuring an adequate water supply, and maintenance of the trunk and canopy.

Large trees may require active management in the course of their lifetime, for public safety and the longevity of the trees. Management of these trees may at times require specialist knowledge. Ideally, the condition of an individual tree should be assessed by an arborist on a cyclical basis, and a management plan prepared to guide maintenance works.

Typically, old trees have adapted over time to changing weather and climatic conditions. Recently, weather and climatic conditions have led to long periods of drought and old trees may have difficulties in adapting. It is important to ensure that water levels for significant trees are maintained through changing conditions to ensure the survival of trees.

5.1 Tree Protection Zone

The management of individual trees is focussed on the Tree Protection Zone (TPZ). The TPZ is calculated in accordance with the provisions of Australian Standard AS4970-2009. The Australian Standard can be applied to both indigenous and exotic trees.

This standard applies a larger protective area being identified in which disturbance is to be avoided. Previously, it was common practice to exclude the area under a tree’s canopy from buildings and works.

The TPZ is calculated using the diameter at breast height (DBH), which is the diameter of the tree at 1.4m above grade. This is then multiplied by 12 to give a measurable distance from the tree. The TPZ is the area within this distance from the centre of tree’s trunk. (Where this is not possible such as where access to the site is restricted, a minimum tree protection envelope area of 20 metres radius from the tree trunk would apply).

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Tree Protection Zone

The TPZ may apply to allotments which do not contain the trunk of the tree, i.e. they may be located on the adjoining lot. In these cases adjoining landowners also play a part in ensuring the protection of a tree and may also benefit by the amenity offered by the tree such as landscape and aesthetic value.

Tree Protection Zone and Neighbouring Properties

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Disturbance should be avoided within the TPZ beneath each tree and there should be no new construction activity within this protection envelope. Hard surface areas and building works should be located away from the TPZ.

Threatening processes within the TPZ include:

» Weed invasions and disturbance.

» Tree decline, e.g. through possum browsing.

» Nutrient enrichment.

» Use of particular chemicals (in herbicides and pesticides).

» Soil compaction, e.g. by parking cars under trees.

» Soil cultivation/excavation/fill greater than 100mm depth from existing grade.

» Insect attack.

» Deterioration in water-quality.

» Erosion and sedimentation.

5.2 Site Specific Management

The key management considerations for all significant trees are:

» Avoiding disturbance within the TPZ;

» A regular tree assessment by an arborist; and

» Preparation of a management plan to guide maintenance works.

Site specific management techniques may be warranted in response to local conditions.

Additionally, irrigation considerations are particularly important for River Red Gums. This is because River Red Gums have evolved in response to periodic flooding. Interruption of drainage flows to the base of the tree is to be avoided. A reduction in the quantity of water to a tree can be caused through compaction by machinery, foot traffic or animals, changed drainage lines and overall reduced infiltration. A review of drainage in vicinity of trees may be required. Simple rectification to drainage flows may result in a better outcome for individual River Red Gums. River Red gums may be prone to limb drop.

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Works near and within the Tree Protection Zone

The following table lists tree management actions for identified significant trees and additional actions that may be required for River Red Gums.

Actions for all significant trees Additional actions for River Red Gums

Road Reserves

Installation of barrier protection.

Review drainage lines to ensure trees are sufficiently irrigated.

TPZ may apply to several properties, including private properties.

Example: very large specimen trees in road reserves in Lynbrook.

TPZ could apply to several properties, and understorey planting with native grasses within the TPZ is desirable.

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Actions for all significant trees Additional actions for River Red Gums

Residential Blocks

Minimum TPZ of 20m radius from the tree trunk, which may also apply to neighbouring properties.

Best practice tree management advice provided to landowners.

Small grants scheme could give support to landowners.

Example: Large specimen trees on residential blocks in Mystic Court in Doveton.

Arborist assessment and reporting may identify tree works in the interest of promoting the safety of residents and the health and longevity of the trees.

Large Developable Lots

Refer Australian Standards for protection envelope to be fenced off during construction activity.

Example: Large specimen trees in large developable lots in Hallam Road in Hampton Park.


Maintenance considerations such as the exclusion of activities and mulching or planting under canopy area.

Example: Parks and regeneration areas Banjo Patterson Reserve in Lynbrook.

Fencing off mature River Red gums may include some planting with native grasses to protect the trees and enhance public safety.

Restricting access and fencing off for revegetation and management as conservation zones is desirable, without the need for mulching.

Land management plans to be prepared for larger public sites.

Location of footpaths and street furniture should be sited outside the TPZ.

There is the opportunity for River Red gum regeneration on larger sites.

Trees to be set back 15-20m from boundaries.

Some fencing is appropriate for safety and to limit disturbance within the TPZ.

5.3 Revegetation, Regeneration and Habitat Links

With habitat, landscape and heritage values, River Red Gum linkages have potential benefits greater than the sum of the individual trees. Urban habitat links are particularly important for the survival of birds and insects. Habitat links may also facilitate the

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regeneration of indigenous trees. The need to offset the loss of native vegetation could lead to the strengthening of habitat links.

A habitat link is defined as:

An arrangement of habitat, not necessarily linear or continuous, that enhances the movement of animals or the continuity of ecological processes through the landscape’

(Ecological Connectivity Plan p. iii)

Several strategic studies have identified a need for greater regional habitat corridors/habitat links throughout the south-eastern region of greater Melbourne. A common theme in these studies is the continuing decline in biodiversity values combined with the increased pressure to further develop land for housing.

Scar tree Greater Dandenong/Casey boundary

The Casey Revegetation Strategy identifies the importance of restoring landscapes and protecting natural assets. The Living Links Corridors of Connectivity Master Plan Project 2, Discussion Paper, 2010, has identified the Dandenong Creek and Eumemmerring Creek corridors as key revegetation areas to which the Casey River Red gums are integral.

The Dandenong Creek Corridor sits immediately to the west of the Doveton and Endeavour Hills residential areas, while the Eumemmering Creek corridor abuts the Hallam area, and includes major reserves such as Gunns Road Reserve.

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Recommended objectives and actions for these corridors include:

» Applying planning scheme overlays to protect endangered vegetation communities and wetland habitat.

» Protecting all endangered vegetation communities, aquatic wetland habitat and habitat for threatened fauna species.

» Encouraging Councils to work with residents to improve local environmental conditions e.g. by planting indigenous vegetation to encourage birdlife to travel from urban areas to the corridors.

» Undertaking riparian improvement and target landholders to address biodiversity on private land.

» Liaising with Melbourne Water to protect remnant vegetation and create formal linkages.

» Strengthening movement and biodiversity connectivity in conjunction with Council and developers.

6 Planning Controls for Tree Protection

6.1 Council Policy

The City of Casey supports the protection of significant trees. This direction is established in the Council Plan 2013-2017 and is repeated in Casey C21 Building a Great City, 2011 and its precursor strategy, Casey C21, A Vision for Our Future. Key policy themes are environmentally responsible planning, enhancement of biodiversity, creation of habitat links and the protection of heritage assets.

As a result, the protection of significant trees is a recurring objective in numerous strategies of the Casey policy framework.

Casey Policy framework

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6.2 State and Local Planning Policy Frameworks

The State Planning Policy Framework (SPPF) contains various policy objectives that support: firstly, the identification, retention and protection of trees for biodiversity, habitat, character and heritage values; and secondly, the integration of trees into the planning and development of areas.

The Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF) comprises a Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) and various local policies. The protection of natural assets is a recognized objective within the LPPF for the benefit of current and future communities. The MSS also recognises that trees in general are the dominant streetscape element of Casey’s suburban and non-suburban areas.

Significant trees are finite assets within the municipality, valued because of their association with the landscape and cultural heritage and for their environmental attributes. Due to pressures associated with urban development, the ongoing viability and retention of these assets come under threat.

The detailed State and local strategies can be accessed from the Casey Planning Scheme website at Casey - Planning Schemes Online

Scar tree, Cranbourne

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6.3 Tree controls in the Casey Planning Scheme

There are a number of existing controls in the Casey Planning Scheme that apply to the removal/lopping of vegetation.

There are four overlays that can be used to protect and manage vegetation in urban areas:

» Vegetation Protection Overlay (VPO). This overlay is specifically designed to protect significant native and exotic vegetation in an urban or rural environment. It can be applied to individual trees, stands of trees or areas of significant vegetation.

» Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO). This overlay can be applied where there are environmental constraints on development or other important ecological values are identified. The ESO has broader applicability than the VPO as it may contain requirements for the construction of buildings and the carrying out of works.

» Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO). The SLO is appropriate when vegetation is primarily of aesthetic or visual importance in the broader landscape and should be used where vegetation is identified as an important contributor to the character of an area.

» Heritage Overlay (HO). The HO can apply to a tree or group of trees with identified historic or cultural significance.

The appropriate type of overlay control applicable to different areas has been assessed under differing circumstances with the guidance of the Department of Planning and Community Development’s Planning Practice Note: Vegetation Protection in Urban Areas, 1999.

6.4 Amendment C148 to the Casey Planning scheme

The comparative assessment of the planning controls indicated that the two principal planning tools considered most appropriate for the protection of individual significant trees are the Environmental Significance Overlay and the Heritage Overlay. These controls were incorporated into the planning scheme through Amendment C148.

Amendment C148 to the Casey Planning scheme to introduce permanent planning controls over identified significant trees was a key action in the original Casey Significant Tree Study 2011. The Amendment was adopted by Council on 18 November 2014 following a panel hearing to consider submissions.

Environmental Significance Overlay (ESO)

» ESO7 was applied for the protection of individual River Red Gums.

» ESO8 was applied for the protection of other significant Exotic and Native trees.

» The ESO was considered the most appropriate overlay, as it can be applied to an individual tree or a wider landscape, and importantly, a permit is required to carry out buildings and works within the TPZ area.

» The ESO protects the entire tree and its capacity to grow, as buildings and works should not be allowed within the TPZ to avoid any root disturbance.

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» Future subdivision plans should take into consideration the location of existing trees to avoid any development within the TPZ and ensure that land within a TPZ would not be affected by a multiple subdivided titles.

Heritage Overlay (HO)

» The HO applies to the extant fabric of trees of Aboriginal cultural significance, and two Avenues of Honour in Berwick.

» The HO applies to trees with an identified connection to local heritage.

» The HO over the Avenues of Honour will be consistent where similar Avenues of Honour are protected under the Heritage Overlay.

7 Implementation and Monitoring

7.1 Future additions to Significant Tree Register

The Casey Significant Tree Study 2011 is viewed as an initial stage in identifying those trees which are considered most valued in the municipality and are worthy of protection.

It is to be expected that additional trees of significance will be identified from time to time that require protection and therefore further stages of the strategy will be required to keep the list up to date.

7.2 Planning Controls

The key intention of the Casey Significant Tree Study 2011 was protect identified significant trees through the Casey Planning Scheme. This has been achieved through the introduction of the ESO7 and ESO8 and HO into the Casey Planning scheme. The proposed new MSS to be introduced by Amendment C50 should be strengthened to recognize the values of the identified significant trees and to include the updated Casey Significant Tree Strategy as a reference document.

Corrective amendments to the Casey Planning Scheme should be undertaken on an as-needs basis to include any further significant trees identified as being worthy of protection.

A further review of significant native and exotic trees within Casey should be conducted to investigate those trees identified as having some significance but not included as part of the original study.

7.3 Ongoing management of the Casey Significant Tree Register

It will be necessary to regularly update and amend the Casey Significant Tree Register. As stated above, additional trees of significance will be identified from time to time and will be added to the register in future amendments.

It is intended to implement a ‘live’ significant tree database to reflect inevitable changes to the list such as:

» Physical removal of a tree after storm damage;

» Physical removal of a tree if assessed as being dangerous;

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» Planning permit for removal following consideration and assessment of arborist advice;

» Addition of a significant tree; and

» Minor corrections to tree database.

A biennial desk-top review is intended and periodic inspection and reporting of the identified trees will be conducted as advised by a consultant arborist.

7.4 Offsets and Replanting

Large old trees are valued for habitat importance, such as providing nesting hollows and therefore their removal is to be discouraged. Any offset planting must be in accordance with the Casey Planning Scheme including Victoria’s Native Vegetation Framework.

Any replanting or supplementary planting of River Red Gums should be on a landscape basis so that connections or bio-links with surrounding woodlands and streamside corridors are maintained and strengthened.

If other significant trees are permitted to be removed, replacement of suitable tree species and offsets may be required to be planted locally and maintained to Council’s satisfaction.

7.5 Tree Management

Ground disturbance should be avoided within the TPZ beneath each tree and there should be no new construction activity within the TPZ. Over time, hard surfaced areas or facilities such as paving or seating would desirably be located away from the TPZ. Threatening processes within the TPZ should be avoided including: weed invasions and disturbance; nutrient enrichment; soil compaction; substantial insect attack; deterioration in water-quality parameters; soil compaction; erosion and sedimentation.

Council, in partnership with private landholders may, if appropriate, seek to discourage access within and fence the TPZ around large River Red Gums where they are in danger of impact from grazing, traffic, spraying or agricultural activity. Fencing and rehabilitation may also be recommended for other significant trees protection zones where threatened by ground disturbance activities.

Drainage assessments may be required as a consideration of planning permit applications for works or development in close proximity to River Red Gums or other significant trees.

7.6 Heritage and Landscape

All Casey’s Avenues of Honours and extant heritage fabric of Aboriginal cultural significance such as fallen scar trees should be protected through the Heritage Overlay of the Casey Planning Scheme.

7.7 Small Grant Fund

A small grant fund should be established to support private landowners in their efforts to protect and maintain significant trees. Suitable works may include tree maintenance, fencing off, water diversion, under storey planting, or individual property management plans.

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Casey intends to establish a small grant fund to support private landowners to maintain significant trees on their property. The grant fund will financially assist works aimed at protecting and enhancing the significant trees, such as protective fencing, understorey planting with tussock grasses, and preparing individual property management plans.

The existing Casey Heritage Fund is a similar small grants scheme which supports heritage property owners in the maintenance and enhancement of heritage places, and a similar grant scheme is proposed to apply to the identified significant trees. The grants scheme would also provide for emergency works to the trees.

7.8 Interpretation and Public Education

Interpretation and public education will play an important role in the protection in all Casey’s significant trees. Information on the protection of the trees will be compiled and distributed to landowners, community groups and individuals.

Information should be published on best practice management of Exotics and other Natives intended for protection.

A brochure indicating the value of River Red Gums trees containing hollows and their importance to wildlife will be produced and distributed to affected property owners.

Parks staff and contractors need to access information on planning controls, policies and management guidelines relevant to the protection of River Red Gums, trees with hollows and other significant trees.

Consideration will be given to compiling a suite of interpretative signage explaining the significance of the trees and their ongoing value to the community.

7.9 Monitoring tree protection controls

Following implementation of the tree protection controls in the Casey Planning Scheme by Amendment C148, the effectiveness of the controls should be monitored on a regular basis.

Key indicators of success may include:

» The response to the small grants fund;

» The number of enforcement actions in relation to significant trees;

» The number of planning applications under the ESO.

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Australian Standard – Protection of trees on development sites, AS 4970 (2009)

Australian Standard – Pruning of Amenity Trees, AS 4373 (2007)

Casey C21 Building a Great City, City of Casey (adopted 19 July 2011)

City of Casey Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy Volume 1 and Volume 2 Report Prepared by McMillan, S.E. Way, S, Carr, G. W and McMahon A. G. May 2003

Casey Revegetation Strategy 5 May 2009 Brett Lane and Associates Pty Ltd

City of Casey Roadside Vegetation Management (City of Casey 2005) Ecology Australia Pty Ltd Sarah E. Bedggood & Jamie B McMahon

Department of Planning and Community Development Planning Practice Note Vegetation Protection in Urban Areas (August 1999)

Ecological Connectivity Plan for the south-east region of Melbourne Prepared for DSE 26 April 2010

Living Links Corridors of Connectivity Master Plan Project 2 Discussion paper October 2010

Our Living Memorials Avenues of Honour in the City of Casey, City of Casey 2001

Parks Forum Ltd 2008 The Value of Parks Inspire Refresh Conserve Protect Play

The City of Berwick Conservation Strategy 1991

Victoria’s Native Vegetation Management – A Framework for Action (Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2002).


Birdlife Australia Threats to birds | BirdLife

ANU Home in the Hollows Home Sweet Home: Life in a Woodland Tree

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Part 2 Significant Tree Register

Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map


Eucalyptus camaldulensis Reserve, 209H Tinks Road, Narre Warren 5 ESO7

595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 607

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x10) Council reserve, 23-47 Gunns Road, Hallam 4 ESO7

604 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 23-47 Gunns Road, Hallam 4 ESO7

606 Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Council reserve, 23-47 Gunns Road, Hallam Olive Road, road reserve, Eumemmerring

4 ESO7

609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x8) Olive Road, road reserve, Eumemmerring

4 ESO7

617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x10) Olive Road, road reserve, Eumemmering 4 ESO7

627, 628, 631, 632, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x9) Olive Road, road reserve, Eumemmering

4 ESO7

629, 630 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Primary School, 58 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmering 4 ESO7

633, 636, 637, 639, 640, 641, 650, 651, 653, 655, 656, 661, 663

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x13) Primary School, 58 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmering 4 ESO7

642, 643 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Olive Road, road reserve, Eumemmering 4 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 652, 654, 657, 658, 659, 660, 662, 664, 665, 666

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x16) Olive Road, road reserve, Eumemmering 4 ESO7

667, 668 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Primary School, 58 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmering 4 ESO7

669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x9) Olive Road, road reserve, Eumememmering 4 ESO7

678 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Olive Road, road reserve, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 686, 687, 688

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x8) Council reserve, 106I Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

684, 685, 689 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Council reserve, 106I Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

690 Eucalyptus camaldulesis Council reserve, 106I Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

702 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 21 Kingfisher Drive, Doveton 4 ESO7

749 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 175 Kidds Road, Doveton 4 ESO7

753, 754 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Council reserve, 26 Claret Street, Doveton 4 ESO7

750, 751, 752, 755, 756, 758, 759, 760, 761, 762, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 776, 778, 779, 780, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x34) Council reserve, 175 Kidds Road, Doveton 4 ESO7

789 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Kindergarten, 29 Autumn Place, Doveton 4 ESO7

790 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 1A Power Road, Doveton 4 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

791 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 20 Power Road, Doveton 4 ESO7

792 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 20 Power Road, Doveton 4 ESO7

793 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 34 Oak Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO7

794 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 34 Oak Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO7

795, 796 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 3 Lace Street, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

797, 798 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 3 Lace Street, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

799, 800 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Council reserve, 1A Power Road, Doveton 4 ESO7

801 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 12 Lace Street, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

802, 803 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 6 Green Street, Doveton 4 ESO7

804 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Power Road, road reserve, Doveton 4 ESO7

806, 807, 810 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Power Road, road reserve, Doveton 4 ESO7

808 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 6 Green Street, Doveton Power Road, road reserve, Doveton

4 ESO7

811, 812 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Power Road, road reserve, Doveton 4 ESO7

813, 814, 815 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Reserve, 28W Princes Highway, Doveton 4 ESO7

816 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Power Road, road reserve, Doveton 4 ESO7

821 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council Reserve, 8-10I Rivergum Rise, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

847 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Freeway reserve, off Robjant Street, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

849 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 130 Fordholm Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

850 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council Reserve, 126I Fordholm Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

851 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 56 Fordholm Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

853, 854, 855, 857 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x4) Reserve, 54 Hallam Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

856 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Reserve, 54 Hallam Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

858 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Reserve, 54 Hallam Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

859 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Reserve, 54 Hallam Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

860 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Reserve, 50 Hallam Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

861, 862 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Reserve, 54 Hallam Road, Hampton Park ESO7

865 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 55 Hallam Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

866 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 81 Cairns Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

867 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2 Andrew Street, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

868 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 13 Jason Place, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

869 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 11 Jason Place, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x20) Council reserve, Branton Drive and 9I Jason Place, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

891, 892, 893 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Nature strip, McDowall Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

896 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 6 Jason Place, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

897 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 8 Jason Place, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

898 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 12 Jason Place, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x6) McDowall Road, road reserve, outside 505 South Gippsland Highway, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

906, 907, 908, 909 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x4) McDowall Road, road reserve, outside 505 South Gippsland Highway, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917,

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x17) Council reserve, 119-133I Central Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

918, 919, 923, 925, 926, 928, 930, 931, 932

920, 921, 922 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Council reserve, 119-133I Central Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

924, 927, 929 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Council reserve, 119-133I Central Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x18) Council reserve, 12I Dobson Crescent, Lynbrook

1006 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 16-181 Durack Avenue, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x6)

St Margarets School, 27-47 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO7

1272, 1273 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Median strip, Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

1274 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 24 May Gibs Crescent, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1275 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 8 May Gibbs Crescent, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1276 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 59 Henry Lawson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1277 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 5 Lindsay Crescent, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1278 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 66 Paterson Drive, road reserve, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1279 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 11 Silverwattle Drive, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1471 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 500 Soldiers Road, Clyde North 12 ESO7

1488 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 180 Pearcedale Road, Pearcedale 17 ESO7

1513 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 230-280 Fisheries Road, road reserve, Devon Meadows 18 ESO7

1514 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 220 Fisheries Road, Devon Meadoens 18 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1521 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 169 Smiths Lane, Cranbourne 18 ESO7

1567,1568, 1569,1570, 1571,1572, 1573,1574

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x8) Amstel Golf Club, 825 Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne West 14 ESO7

1575 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1070 Cranbourne Frankston Road, Cranbourne 14 ESO7

1577 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 14 Harpenden Terrace, Cranbourne 14 ESO7

1580,1581 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 980 Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne 14 ESO7

1589 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2 Campbell Parade, Cranbourne 15 ESO7

1608 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 35 Harry Street, Cranbourne 11 ESO7

1771 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1020 Thompsons Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO7

1772 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1000 Thompsons Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO7

1773 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 15 Volk Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO7

1774, 1775 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 20 Gwen Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO7

1776 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 75 Missens Road, Cranourne West 10 ESO7

1778 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Road reserve, 75 Missens Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO7

1782 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 920 Evans Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO7

1795 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 76-78 Camms Road, Cranbourne 10 ESO7

1796, 1797, 1802, 1803, 1804

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x5) Road reserve, Evans Road, Lynbrook 10 ESO7

1798, 1799 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 433I Evans Road, Lynbrook 10 ESO7

1812, 1813, 1814 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Council reserve, 135I Paterson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1815 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 102 Paterson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1816 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 141 Franklin Parade, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1817 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 10I Rowcroft Avenue, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1818 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 95 Hutchinson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1819 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 99 Hutchinson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1820, 1821 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Council reserve, 40I Cilento Crescent, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1822 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 45I Rankin Close, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1823, 1825, 1828, 1830, 1831, 1833

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x8) 2S Elliott Parade, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1826, 1834, Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 2S Elliot Parade, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1827, 10003 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 2S Elliott Parade, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1832, 1835 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Council reserve, 2P Elliott Parade, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1836, 1837 Eucalyptus camaldulensis(x2) 55 Aylmer Road, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1838 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 1 Eldershaw Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1840 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 30I Moreton Bay Boulevard, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1841,1842, 1843 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Transport reserve, 30S Moreton Bay Boulevard, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1844 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 22 Saltbush Avenue, Lyndhurst 10 ESO7

1845 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 35I Melington Drive, Lyndhurst 10 ESO7

1848, 1849 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 635 Hall Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO7

1860, 1861 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 13I Club House Crescent, Cranbourne East 11 ESO7

1862 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 13I Club House Crescent, Cranbourne East 11 ESO7

1892, 1894 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 40S Cameron Street, Cranbourne East 15 ESO7

1911 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 6 Hayley Way, Narre Warren South 11 ESO7

1918 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 825 South Gippsland Highway, Hampton Park 10 ESO7

1919 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 7-13 Kellett Street, Cranbourne North 10 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1921 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1/75 Lynbrook Boulevard, Lynbrook 9 ESO7

1922, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1940

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x16) Council reserve, 51I Paterson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1938, 1939, 1941, 1942

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x4) Council reserve, 51I Paterson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1943 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 51I Paterson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1944 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Rail reserve, 76-78 Camms Road, Cranbourne 7 ESO7

1945, 1963 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Rail reserve, behind 190 Dandenong-Hastings Rd Lyndhurst ; 76-78 Camms Rd Cranbourne

7 ESO7

1946 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Round-a-bout, Moreton Bay Boulevard, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1947 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 2 Waterbrush Crescent, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1948 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 1 Satinwood Way, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1949 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 3 Carabeen Way, Lyndurst 7 ESO7

1950 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 10 Carabeen Way, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1954 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1 Tobin Way, road reserve, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1955 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 134 Aylmer Road, Lyndhurst 7 ESO7

1956 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 12 Sunline Way, Lyndhurst 10 ESO7

1957 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 6 Aquantina Close, Lyndhurst 10 ESO7

1958 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 27 Tetrabine Way, Lyndhurst 10 ESO7

1959 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 57 Tobin Way, Lyndhurst 10 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1960 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 25 Tea Tree Court, Lyndhurst 10 ESO7

1962 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 40D Paterson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 10005

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x6) V line reserve, behind 190 Dandenong-Hastings Road Lyndhurst, 76-78 Camms Road, Cranbourne

7 ESO7

1969, 1970, 1971 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Melbourne Water Corporation land, 140W Dandenong-Hastings Road, Lynbrook

7 ESO7

1972, 1973, 1974, 1975

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x4) Education Department land, 37 Paterson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1976 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 8 Ronans Retreat, Lynbrok 7 ESO7

1977 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 44 Carboni Crescent, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1978, 1979 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Education Department land, 37 Paterson Drive Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1981, 1982, 1983 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Council reserve, 33I Henry Lawson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1985 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 56 Hutchinson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1986, 1987 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Nature strip outside 3, 5, 7 Chauncy Way, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1988 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 15 Henry Lawson Drive, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1990 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 3 Durack Avenue, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1991 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 23 Ratcliffe Way, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1992 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 19I Dutton Close, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1998 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 16T Raylee Place, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

1999 Eucalyptus camaldulensis South Gippsland Highway, road reserve, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

2000 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 505 South Gippsland Highway, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2005, 2006 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 10 Andrew Street, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2010 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 3 Sinclair Court, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2014 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 8 Winnima Avenue, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2016, 2017 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 46 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2018 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 13 Highland Avenue, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2019 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, Cairns Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2020 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Primary School, 58-96 Fordholm Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2022 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 3I Gumtree Grove, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2027 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 195 Hallam Road, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2036, 2037

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x8) 605 Glasscocks Road, Hampton Park 11 ESO7

2083 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Hampton Park Progress Association land, Somerville Road, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

2085 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 9 Robinson Crescent, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2087 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 7 Thanos Court, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2088 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 16-20 Stuart Avenue, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2089 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 11 Silvan Grove, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2090 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 24 Green Valley Crescent off Silvan Grove, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

2091 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 24 Green Valley Crescent off Silvan Grove, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

2092, 2093, 2094 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Council reserve, 24 Green Valley Crescent off Silvan Grove, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

2095, 2096 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Council reserve, 24 Green Valley Crescent, behind 27,29,31 Hallam Road, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2098 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 4 Sunnyvale Court, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2119, 2120 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) The Promenade, former Pound Road reserve next to Council reserve, 68R The Promenade, Narre Warren South

11 ESO7

2142, 2143, 2144, 2145, 2146

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x5) Department of Education, 47-51 St Boswells Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO7

2147, 2148, 2149, 2150, 2151, 2152

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x6) Department of Education, 47-51 St Boswells Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO7

2153 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Department of Education, 47-51 St Boswells Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO7

2154, 2155 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Council reserve, between Neilian Retreat and Yarrow Court, Berwick 9 ESO7

2181 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 77-89 Victor Crescent, Narre Warren 8 ESO7

2920 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 4 Latina Court, Narre Warren North 5 ESO7

2926 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 75 Belgrave-Hallam Road, Hallam 5 ESO7

2928 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1 Simpson Court, Hallam 5 ESO7

2930, 2931, 2932, 2933

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x4) Council reserve, 38-40 Kilberry Crescent and 10I Wanda Court, Hallam 4 ESO7

2934 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 38-40 Kilberry Crescent and 10I Wanda Court, Hallam 4 ESO7

2935 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 13 Wanda Court, Hallam 4 ESO7

2936 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 30 George Avenue, Hallam 4 ESO7

2937 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 35I George Avenue, next to 35 George Avenue, Hallam

4 ESO7

2942 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 44-48 Wedgewood Road, Hallam 4 ESO7

2947 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Melbourne Water Corporation, 89W Pound Road Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2948, 2951 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Melbourne Water Corporation, 89W Pound Road Hampton Park 7 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2949, 2950 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Melbourne Water Hallam Channel Drain, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2952, 2953, 2954, 2955, 2956, 2957

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x6) Melbourne Water Hallam Channel Drain, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2958, 2959 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Freeway reserve, South Gippsland Freeway, outside reserve 11 Pound Road, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

2962, 2963, 2964, 2965, 2966

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x5) Pound Road, median strip, outside 47-51 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2967, 2968, 2969

Eucalyptus camaldulensis(x3) Pound Road, median strip, outside 55 Pound Road Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2970, 2971 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Pound Road, median strip, outside 48-50 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2976 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Pound Road, median strip, outside 78 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2977 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Hampton Park Seniors/Bowling Club, 2-4 Narellan Drive, Hampton Park

7 ESO7

2978, 2979 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Pound Road, median strip, outside 91 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2980 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Pound Road, median strip, outside 93 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2981 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Pound Road, median strip, outside 97 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2982, Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Pound Road, median strip, outside 99-101 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2984 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Pound Road, median strip, outside 115 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2985 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Melbourne Water Corporation land, Centre Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

2987 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 120I Frawley Road, Hallam, behind 16-18 Edinborough Street, Hallam

5 ESO7

2988 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 1I John Edgcumbe Way, Endeavour Hills 4 ESO7

3006 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Power Road, road reserve, behind 40 Aldridge Street, Endeavour Hills 4 ESO7

3052 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 9 Rade Macut Court, Narre Warren North 2 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

3099 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Claret Street, road reserve, outside Council reserve, 26 Claret Street, Doveton

4 ESO7

3100 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Power Road, road reserve, outside 21-25 Liquidamber Street, Doveton 4 ESO7

3101, 3102 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Power Road, road reserve, outside 2-6 Botanical Grove, Doveton 4 ESO7

3110 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 19 Floriana Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO7

3111 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 15 Floriana Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO7

3114, 3115 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Doveton Primary School, 25-35 Rowan Drive Doveton 4 ESO7

3119 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Myuna Farm, 182 Kidds Road Doveton 4 ESO7

3123 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Myuna Farm, 182 Kidds Road Doveton 4 ESO7

3124 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Myuna Farm, 182 Kidds Road, Doveton 4 ESO7

3136 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 44 Betula Street, Doveton 4 ESO7

3138 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 14 Blossom Drive, Doveton 4 ESO7

3141 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 26 Claret Street, Doveton 4 ESO7

3142, 3143, 3144, 3145

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x4) Council reserve, 26 Claret Street, Doveton 4 ESO7

3147, 3148 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 27-43 Photinia Street, Doveton 4 ESO7

3157 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 13 Tarata Drive, Doveton 4 ESO7

3158 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 34 Oak Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO7

3159 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 11 Redfern Crescent, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3162 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2 Mystic Court, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3164 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 13-14 Mystic Court, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3165 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 4 Mystic Court, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3166 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 54-56 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

3167 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, outside 65 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3168 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Eumemmering Primary School, 58 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3169, 3170, 3171, 3172, 3173, 3174, 3175

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x7) Eumemmering Primary School, 58 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3176, 3177 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Eumemmering Primary School, 58 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3180, 3181, 3182, 3183, 3184, 3185

Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x6) 34 Oak Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO7

3197, 3198 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 2 Laurel Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO7

3199 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 18 Rebecca Court, Doveton 4 ESO7

3216 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 15 May Gibbs Crescent, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

3217, 3218 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Nature strip outside 19 and 21 Carboni Crescent, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

3219 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Nature strip, 35 Astley Wynd, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

3220 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 545 Evans Road, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

3222 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 292 Pound Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

3224 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 3 Mclennan Street, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

3226 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 7 Stanis Street, Eumemmering 4 ESO7

3228 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2 Cardinia Street, Berwick 9 ESO7

3229 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2175 Smiths Lane, Clyde North 13 ESO7

3231 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 980 Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne 14 ESO7

3232 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 980 Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne 14 ESO7

3233 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1000 Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne 14 ESO7

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Significant River Red Gums (ESO7)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

3235 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 690 Dandenong-Hastings Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO7

3236 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 11I Everlasting Boulevard, Cranbourne West 14 ESO7

3237 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 16-18I Durack Avenue, Lynbrook 7 ESO7

10002 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1s Lyndhurst Boulevard, Lyndhurst 10 ESO7

10006 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Olive Road, road reserve, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

10007, 10008 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) 58 Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring 4 ESO7

10009 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 34 Oak Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO7

10010, 10011 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Council reserve, 38 Adam Avenue, Hallam 4 ESO7

10012 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 35i George Avenue, Hallam 4 ESO7

10013 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Council reserve, 100P Belgrave-Hallam Road, Narre Warren North 5 ESO7

10014 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Reserve, Somerville Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

10017, 10018 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x2) Reserve, Somerville Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

10019 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Reserve, Somerville Road, Hampton Park 4 ESO7

10020 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Reserve, Somerville Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

10021, 10022, 10023 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (x3) Somerville Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO7

10024 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Power Road Behind 42 Aldridge Street Endeavour Hills 4 ESO7

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1, 2 Common Oak/English Oak Quercus robur (x2) Council reserve, 21I Cara Crescent, Berwick 9 ESO8

3 Quercus robur Council reserve, 21I Cara Crescent, Berwick 9 ESO8

4 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Council reserve, 21I Cara Crescent, Berwick 9 ESO8

6 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur 26 Cara Crescent, Berwick 9 ESO8

19 Morton Bay Fig, Ficus macrophylla Council reserve, 11I Melville Park Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

42 Bunya Bunya Pine, Araucaria bidwillii 146S Edrington Park Retirement Village, Berwick 9 ESO8

58 Desert Ash, Fraxinus oxycarpa 6 Melville Park Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

59 Port Jackson Fig, Ficus rubiginosa High Street, road reserve, Berwick 9 ESO8

71, 72 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur (x2) Soldiers Road/Kangan Drive, road reserve, Berwick 9 ESO8

73 Morton Bay Fig, Ficus macrophylla Council reserve, 9A Russel Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

239 Morton Bay Fig, Ficus macrophylla 13-25 King Road, Harkaway 6 ESO8

417 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur 381 Heatherton Road, road reserve, Narre Warren North 6 ESO8

423, 424 Norfolk Island Pine, Araucaria heterophylla (x2) 80-104 Robinson Road, Narre Warren North 6 ESO8

506 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Council reserve, 35-37 Quarry Hills Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

507, 508 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica (x2) Council reseve, 35-37 Quarry Hills Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

509 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Nature strip, 60A Quarry Hills Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

511 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Council reserve, 654H Princes Highway, Berwick 9 ESO8

512 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur 53A Homestead Road, Berwick 8 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

518 Canary Island Pine, Pinus canariensis Council reserve, 8I Radiata Rise, Narre Warren 6 ESO8

519 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Council reserve, 8I Radiata Rise, Narre Warren 6 ESO8

585 Pin Oak, Quercus palustris Council reserve, 86-92 Anaconda Road, Narre Warren 5 ESO8

588 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur 81-83 Frawley Road, Hallam 5 ESO8

591 Deodar Cedar, Cedrus deodara 26 Cornwall Street, Hallam 4 ESO8

699 Flame Tree, Brachychiton acerifolia Council reserve, 148-154 Kidds Road, Doveton 4 ESO8

747 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur 30 Haverstock Hill Close, Endeavour Hills 1 ESO8

820 Turkey Oak, Quercus cerris 15 Redleaf Close, Hampton Park 7 ESO8

823 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana

Council reserve, 15 Redleaf Close, Hampton Park 7 ESO8

1007 London Plane Tree, Platanus acerifolia Nature strip, 2/5 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

1008 Desert Ash, Fraxinus oxycarpa Nature strip, 7 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

1009 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Nature strip, 1/9 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

1011 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Nature strip, 1/15 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

1012 London Plane Tree,Platanus acerifolia Nature strip, 49 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

1013 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Gloucester Avenue, Fiddlers Green Retirement Village, Berwick 9 ESO8

1015 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica

London Plane Tree, Platanus acerifolia

Fiddlers Green Berwick

9 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1017 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Nature strip, 1/75 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

1024, 1026 English Elm, Ulmus procera (x2)

London Plane Tree, Platanus acerifolia

Nature strip, 27-47 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

1030 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Nature strip, 27-47 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

1031 English Elm, Ulmus procera Nature strip, 27-47 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

1040 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis Nature strip, 14 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

1053 English Elm, Ulmus procera Nature strip, 33-35 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

1054 Common Oak / English Oak, Quercus robur Nature strip, 37 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

1055 Algerian Oak, Quercus canariensis Nature strip, 46 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

1062 Red Iron Bark, Eucalyptus sideroxylon Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1063 Smooth Barked Angophora, Angophora costata Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1065 Black Poplar, Populus x canadensis Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1066 Black Poplar, Populus x canadensis Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1068 Judas Tree, Cercis siliquastrum 7 Blackburne Square, Extension of Loveridge Walk, Berwick 9 ESO8

1069 Canary Island Pine, Pinus canariensis 112-116 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1071 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Nature strip, 110 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1073 Canary Island Pine, Pinus canariensis 128 High Street, road reserve, Berwick 9 ESO8

1090 Smooth Barked Angophora, Angophora costata Nature strip, Reserve Street Berwick 9 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1091 Smooth Barked Angophora, Angophora costata Nature strip, Reserve Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1092 Desert Ash, Fraxinus oxycarpa Nature strip, 2-4 Reserve Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1094 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 25 Reserve Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1095 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 25 Reserve Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1182 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Nature strip, 96 Brisbane Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1190 Butan Cypress, Cupressus torolusa Nature strip, 1-11A Peel Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1193 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur (x2) Car park, Pioneers Park, 1-11 Peel Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1206 Blue Atlas Cedar, Cedrus atlantica ‘glauca’ Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1207 Bunya Bunya Pine, Araucaria bidwillii Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1208 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1210 Peppercorn Tree, Schinus mollis Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1211 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1218 Blackbean, Castanospermum australe 47 High St, Berwick 9 ESO8



Maiden Hair Tree, Ginko biloba

Unknown species

43-45 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1223 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 1-9 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

1282 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 1/214 Sladen Street, road reserve, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1283 Lemon Scented Gum, Corymbia citriodora 184 Sladen Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1291 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 3-4 Hilda Way, Cranbourne 14 ESO8

1292 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 3-4 Hilda Way, Cranbourne 14 ESO8

1434 Pin Oak, Quercus palustris 240-246 Clyde Road, Berwick 9 ESO8

1438 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 3020 South Gippsland Highway, road reserve, Tooradin 19 ESO8

1445 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 18 Mickle Street, Tooradin 22 ESO8

1451 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata 300 Manks Road, Clyde 19 ESO8

1459 Willow Mrytle, Agonis flexuosa 60 Moores Road, Clyde 16 ESO8

1475 Golden Elm, Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens' 7 Pearcedale Road, Pearcedale 20ESO

1481 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 72 Pearcedale Road, Pearcedale 20ESO

1489 Sugar Gum, Eucalyptus cladocalyx 1910 Dandenong-Hastings Road, Pearcedale 20ESO

1508 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata 39 Craig Road, Junction Village 15 ESO8

1511 Callery Pear, Pyrus calleryana 35 Stanley Road, Devon Meadows 18 ESO8

1537 Southern Bluegum, Eucalyptus globulus 257 Pearcedale Road, Cranbourne South 14 ESO8

1576 Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana 1070 Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Cranbourne 14 ESO8

1586 Narrow Leaved Peppermint, Eucalyptus radiata 15 Rimfire Crescent, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1592 Lemon Scented Gum, Corymbia citriodora 23 Valepark Crescent, Cranbourne 14 ESO8

1598 Smooth Barked Angophora, Angophora costata 73-75 Camms Road, Cranbourne 11 ESO8

1599 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis 12 Roma Avenue, Cranbourne 11 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1609 Red Flowering Gum, Corymbia ficifolia 121-131 Sladen Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1616 Sweet Gum, Liquidambar styraciflua Car park, 8-18 Lamb Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1617 Jacaranda, Jacaranda mimosifolia Car park, 151 Sladen Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1620 Norfolk Island Pine, Araucaria heterophylla 156-160 Sladen Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1621 Norfolk Island Pine, Araucaria heterophylla 156-160 Sladen Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1622 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 140-154 Sladen Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1759 Black Poplar, Populus x canadensis Median strip, 207 South Gippsland Highway, Cranbourne 11 ESO8

1760 Rough Barked Apple, Angophora floribunda Nature strip, 30 Dunbar Avenue, Cranbourne 11 ESO8

1765 Yellow Gum, Eucalyptus leucoxylon Median strip, 233 South Gippsland Highway, Cranbourne 11 ESO8

1769 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis 60 Clairmont Avenue, Cranbourne 11 ESO8

1781 Swamp Gum, Eucalyptus ovate 195 Evans Road, Cranbourne West 10 ESO8

1864 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis 24 Marklin Street, Cranbourne 11 ESO8

1868 Spooted Gum, Corymbia maculata Car park, 1-3 Lyall Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1869 Lemon Scented Gum, Corymbia citriodora Car park, 1-3 Lyall Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1871 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Primary School, 42-58 Bakewell Street, Cranbourne 15 ESO8

1895 Red Flowering Gum, Corymbia ficifolia 1475 South Gippsland Highway, Cranbourne 15 ESO8



Golden Elm, Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens'

Pin Oak, Quercus palustris

40S Cameron Street, Cranbourne East 15 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

1905, 1906 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica (x2)

1907 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 40S Cameron Street, Cranbourne East 15 ESO8

1908 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 405 Narre Warren Road, Cranbourne North 11 ESO8

1913 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana

Nature strip, 55P Rosebank Drive, Cranbourne North 11 ESO8

2057 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Westfield Fountain Gate, off Brechin Drive, Narre Warren 8 ESO8

2066 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 55 Webb Street, Narre Warren 8 ESO8

2067 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 57 Webb Street, Narre Warren 8 ESO8

2069 Algerian Oak, Quercus canariensis 418-420 Princes Highway, Narre Warren 8 ESO8

2071 Algerian Oak, Quercus canariensis Council reserve, 33I Oakleaf Place, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2072 Algerian Oak, Quercus canariensis Council reserve, 23I Oakleaf Place, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2084 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 89 Fordholm Road, Hampton Park 7 ESO8

2103, 2104 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana (x2)

Nature strip, 9 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2105, 2106 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana (x2)

Nature strip, 11 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2107 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana

Nature strip, 11 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2108 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana

Nature strip, 13 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2109 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana

Nature strip, 15 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2110 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana

Nature strip, 15 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2111 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana

Nature strip, 17 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2112 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana

Nature strip, 19 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2113, 2114 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana (x2)

Nature strip, 21 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2115, 2116 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. Pryoriana (x2)

Nature strip, 21 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2117, 2118 Rough Barked Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis ssp. pryoriana (x2)

Nature strip, 23 The Promenade, Narre Warren South 8 ESO8

2122 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Council reserve, 63-69I Galloway Drive, Narre Warren South 11 ESO8

2123 Yellow Gum, Eucalyptus leucoxylon 5 Parish Court, Narre Warren South 12 ESO8

2127 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 805 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne North 12 ESO8

2128 Pin Oak, Quercus palustris 1115 Glasscocks Road, Narre Warren South 12 ESO8

2129 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 1135 Glasscocks Road, Narre Warren South 12 ESO8

2141 Pin Oak, Quercus palustris Nature strip, 3 Frognal Mews, Berwick 9 ESO8

2159 Narrow Leaved Peppermint, Eucalyptus radiata 10 Yarrow Court, Berwick 9 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2183 White Poplar, Populus alba 340-350T Princes Highway, Narre Warren 8 ESO8

2186 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 112-116 High Street, road reserve, Berwick 9 ESO8

2187 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 112-116 High Street, road reserve, Berwick 9 ESO8

2189 Southern Bluegum, Eucalyptus globulus 112-116 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2193 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 120 High Street, road reserve, Berwick 9 ESO8

2194 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 120 High Street, road reserve, Berwick 9 ESO8

2196 Dutch Elm , Ulmus x hollandica Median strip, 93 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2197 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Median strip, High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2198 Black Poplar, Populus x canadensis Median strip, 120 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2199 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Median strip, 2/83-85 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2206 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Council tree reserve, 130I High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2220 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 134 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2226 Quercus robur, Council tree reserve, 136F High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2230 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Council tree reserve, 136F High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2232 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 136F High Street, road reserve, Berwick 9 ESO8

2233 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Council tree reserve,136F High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2234 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Council tree reserve, 136F High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2236 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Council tree reserve, 136F High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2246 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Secondary School, 138 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2262 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Council reserve, 40-42 Melville Park Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

2264 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Secondary School, 27-47 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

2265 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica Secondary School, 27-47 Gloucester Avenue, Berwick 9 ESO8

2267 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Council reserve, 5I Jomary Court, Berwick 9 ESO8


2271, 2272

London Plane Tree, Platanus acerifolia

Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica (x2)

6 Melville Park Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

2273 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 43 Edrington Park Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

2274, 2275 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica (x2) Secondary School, 138 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2281 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis 3 Hudson Street, Beaconsfield 9 ESO8

2282 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis 241-253 Soldiers Road, Beaconsfield 9 ESO8

2283 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis 241-253 Soldiers Road, Beaconsfield 9 ESO8

2286 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 14 Adamson Road, Beaconsfield 9 ESO8

2298 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Princes Freeway, road reserve. Berwick 9 ESO8

2299 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 65 Strathavan Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

2300 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 1/72 Kangan Drive Berwick 3806 9 ESO8

2301 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 1/72 Kangan Drive Berwick 3806 9 ESO8

2312 Algerian Oak, Quercus canariensis Nature strip, 44 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2320 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Nature strip, 38 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

2321 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Nature strip, 38 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

2322 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Natire strip, 38 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

2324 Algerian Oak, Quercus canariensis Nature strip, 36 Langmore Lane, Berwick 9 ESO8

2333 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 85 Melville Park Drive, Berwick 9 ESO8

2336 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Council reserve, 74 Clyde Road, Berwick 9 ESO8

2358, 2361 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata (x3) Nature strip, 753-755 Princes Highway, Berwick 9 ESO8

2359, 2360, 2362 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata (x3) Nature strip, 753-755 Princes Highway, Berwick 9 ESO8

2366, 2367, 2368 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculate (x3) Nature strip, 753-755 Princes Highway, Berwick 9 ESO8

2370 Lemon Scented Gum, Corymbia citriodora 1 Kirkfell Court, Berwick 9 ESO8

2407 Sydney Blue Gum, Eucalyptus saligna 51 William Road, Berwick 8 ESO8

2444 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Princes Highway, road reserve, Berwick 8 ESO8

2464 Jacaranda, Jacaranda mimosifolia 25 Lyall Road, Berwick 9 ESO8

2473, 2474, 2475 Oak, Quercus robur (x3) Council reserve, 7I Cara Crescent, Berwick 9 ESO8

2476 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Median strip, 103 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2477 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Median strip, 103 High Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2499 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur Reserve, 2 Cardinia Street, Berwick 9 ESO8

2578 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 49 Lyall Road, Berwick 9 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2668 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 104-110 Buchanan Road, Berwick 3 ESO8

2682 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 105-107 Beaumont Road, Berwick 6 ESO8

2693 Oak, Quercus species 152-158 Beaumont Road, Berwick 3 ESO8

2694 Oak, Quercus species 181 Beaumont Road, Berwick 3 ESO8

2695, 2696 Algerian Oak, Quercus canariensis (x2) 181 Beaumont Road, road reserve, Berwick 3 ESO8

2700, 2701, 2702, 2703, 2704,2705, 2706

Algerian Oak, Quercus canariensis (x8) Beaumont Road, road reserve, north of Farm Lane, Harkaway 3 ESO8

2799 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata 44T Old Coach Road, Berwick 6 ESO8

2800 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata 44T Old Coach Road, Berwick 6 ESO8

2801, 2802 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculate (x2) 44T Old Coach Road, Berwick 6 ESO8

2803 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Council reserve, 46Tt Old Coach Road, Berwick 6 ESO8

2804 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Council reserve, 46Tt Old Coach Road, Berwick 6 ESO8

2805 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Council reserve, 46TT Old Coach Road, Berwick 6 ESO8



Oak, Quercus species

Lemon Scented Gum, Corymbia citriodora

178 Hessell Road, Harkaway 6 ESO8

2814 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis 2 Bellbird Avenue, Harkaway 6 ESO8

2817 Silky Oak, Grevillea robusta 9 Bellbird Avenue, Harkaway 6 ESO8

2823 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 194-204 King Road, Harkaway 3 ESO8

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Significant Exotics & Natives (ESO8)

Tree Id. Tree Species Property Address of Tree PS Map

2826 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 2 Finkel Road, Harkaway 3 ESO8

2829 Messmate, Eucalyptus obliqua 11 Olive Avenue, Harkaway 6 ESO8

2868 Yellow Box, Eucalyptus melliodora 74-78 Robinson Road, Narre Warren North 6 ESO8

2883 Unknown species 6 Ryelands Drive, Narre Warren 6 ESO8

2884 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 381-403 Narre Warren North Road, Narre Warren North 6 ESO8

2890 Pin Oak, Quercus palustris 6 Fox Road, Narre Warren North 5 ESO8

2892 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 5-9 Fox Road, Narre Warren North 5 ESO8

2893 Pin Oak, Quercus palustris 5-9 Fox Road, Narre Warren North 5 ESO8

2895 Manna Gum, Eucalyptus viminalis 33-37 Fox Road, Narre Warren North 5 ESO8

2914 Narrow Leaved Peppermint, Eucalyptus radiata Nature strip, 5 Avonwood Road, Narre Warren North 5 ESO8

3003 Common Oak/ English Oak, Quercus robur 10 Aldridge Street, Endeavour Hills 4 ESO8

3058 Dutch Elm, Ulmus x hollandica 2-4 Fontaine Terrace, Narre Warren North 5 ESO8

3117 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata 20 Agonis Street, Doveton 4 ESO8

3151, 3152 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata (x2) 29 Autumn Place, Doveton 4 ESO8

3163 Smooth Barked Angophora, Angophora costata Nature strip, 23 Waygara Street, Eumemmerring 4 ESO8

3192 Smooth Barked Angophora, Angophora costata 26 Tristania Street, Doveton 4 ESO8

3195, 3196 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculate (x2) Primary School, 2 Laurel Avenue, Doveton 4 ESO8

3209 Spotted Gum, Corymbia maculata Council reserve, 129 Power Road, Doveton 4 ESO8