CASE STUDIES Leadership Programmes

CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

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Page 1: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

CASE STUDIESLeadership Programmes

Page 2: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Leadership Programmes & Solutions

Page 3: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Leading Yourself,Leading Others

We believe leadership is a responsibility not a position and that

improving it can only start if individuals are prepared to take personal

responsibility to change.

We help leaders at all levels to step up to this responsibility by

facilitating the ‘powerful awareness’ required for them to take ownership

of their development. Using all learning environments and channels we

work in partnership to create and deliver stretching, experience-rich

programmes that inspire career and life-affirming memories.

About Leadership Development Training

We develop and transform your leaders supporting them as they

progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is

critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a

high performing organisation. We work with singular or multiple cohorts

at various stages and all our programmes are designed to support the

delivery of the organisational strategy.

Who should choose this solution?

We work with a broad range of organisations at all levels. We

have specialist expertise in working with engineers and highly

technical people across several engineering and manufacturing

industries with multiple and connected leadership cadres.

Typically, the leadership development programme is for

individuals that are about to start their leadership journeys.

Why this solution is for you

The Leadership Development programme will improve the

sustainability of your business through the development of

leadership cadres who can inspire, innovate and future-proof

the business model. It will equip senior leaders with the skills

and insights to lead through major strategic upheaval and

change. To enable them to re-instil confidence, provide a clear

sense of direction and foster organisational wide collaboration.

Finally, it will help technical specialists to value the time they

spend coaching other human beings as much as they value

doing technical tasks.

Page 4: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

One on one facilitation Critical

feedback on communication/

presentation that I have NEVER

done. Fantastic and engaging

discussion with real world


- Participant feedback -

Page 5: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing


Global InsuranceServices Provider

Senior managers within Global Talent Pool

(2 years off executive level appointments)

150 participants between 2011-2017

Large ConstructionFirm

Leading UK based International

Engineering and Construction Firm

UK Med Construction Services Provider

Medium-Sized UK based Construction

Services Provider

UK ProfessionalServices Firm

A leading high profile 300-strong mul-

ti-Practice Legal Services provider operat-

ing in the South-East and London


Work within a highly sensitive and secure

environment to deliver market leading


Selected ClientReferences

Selected Client References on Leadership

Programmes with Technically-Oriented

Programme Participants

Page 6: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Issues, Challenges & Opportunities

From an organisational perspective

• An opportunity to conduct a ‘deep dive’ leadership skills audit of the talent pool at the

level beneath the GEC

• Commence the identification and development of a leadership cadre to help to ‘future

proof’ the organisation

• Demonstrate commitment to developing senior leaders across the business

• Embed the [client] Leadership DNA and highlight in behavioural terms the role and

responsibilities of senior leaders in the business

• Develop long lasting collaboration between leaders across the business; and equip the

organisation to achieve its commercial aims and organisational maturity

From the perspective of the Participant

• Create a significant developmental experience in line with the companies Leadership

DNA (leadership culture)

• Experience ‘hard-edged’ assessment activity, delivered through relevant business

simulation exercises

Case Study 1_Global Insurance


Page 7: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Impact:Results & Feedback

Large % of alumni now occupy

many executive positions with 4-5

being promoted to the General

Executive Committee (GEC).

Multi-million pounds worth of

new business developed within

alumni network.

Culture beginning to shift towards

‘relationships and pull’ away from

‘drive and push’ (GEC led).

Development of additional leader-

ship programmes modelled on the

ISMP such as the ELP (Emerging


Solution: ISMP – International Senior Management Programme

Pre-WorkUnderstand individual impact on

the workplace using a bespoke

360-degree feedback tool (devel-

oped with Mission Performance);

Gain insight into preferred

working styles through the use of

personality focused psychometric

measures (HoganDS; Ei);

Coaching discussions

3-way discussions to define ob-

jectives (Coach/manager/HR)

Residential7-14 days (programme changed

every year and was reduced from

14 to 7 days over 6 years

Covering leadership communi-

cations; coaching; leadership;

strategy (formulation and exe-

cution); practical leadership with

the Royal Navy;

Risk; Diversity; Business simula-

tion; values and decision making

and commercial awareness;

personal style and goal setting;


Delivered off site in an experien-

tial and highly engaging style

PostOngoing coaching

Personal development plans

and 3-way reviews

Participant led development

of an extended alumni global


Page 8: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Issues, Challenges & Opportunities

From an organisational perspective

• To create a rigorous and bespoke Leadership and Management qualification for the

[client] Site Supervisor and Site Manager population.

• To embed a consistent approach to leadership and management practice across all

construction sites in UK.

• To create and lead a safety culture across the leadership population.

• To lead the UK construction industry standards for operational delivery

From the perspective of the Participant

• A mandatory career progression qualification for all site supervisors and site managers,

including across three of the largest construction projects in Western Europe

• Providing the leadership and management essentials to lead complex build projects,

safely, on time and to budget.

Case Study 2_Leading

Engineering and Construction


Page 9: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Impact:Results & Feedback

First cascade of an ILM Level

qualification for construction site

supervisors and managers in UK.

Delivered to over 300 site super-

visors and managers in 2 years on

multiple sites.

Solution: ILM Level 4 Leadership and Management in the Construction Environment Qualification

ModularClass Room based with work

based guided learning Hours

2 day – Leadership and manage-

ment tool box

Guided learning hours – individ-

ual supervisors and managers log

actions and case studies.

2 day –Day 1 Creating a Safety

Culture Day 1. Day 2 Leadership

and management study of con-

struction site case studies

Guided Learning Hours - individ-

ual supervisors and managers log

actions and learning case studies

Assessment dayFinal test, guided learning hours


One to one coaching on site

3 x 1 hour per candidate)

Post Programme Modules Follow UpOngoing coaching; Personal

development plans and 3-way


Page 10: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Issues, Challenges & Opportunities

From an organisational perspective

• Lack of clarity and strategy at Board Level and within the Senior Management Team

• Emergence out of a downturn and a high-risk foreign venture

• Transfer of ownership and control to the next generation of senior leaders

• Lack of leadership skills in the middle management ranks especially around issues facing

multi-functional client facing Project Teams such as motivation, issues management,

performance management, communication etc

• Inadequate sales pipeline and business development

Case Study 3_Medium-Sized Construction

Services Provider

Page 11: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Impact:Results & Feedback

The programmes were

instrumental in supporting the on-

going turnaround of the business.

In particular the renewed strategic

focus helped to strengthen the

financial basis and create a plat-

form for further transformation.

A new SMT is now in place and

able and empowered to take the

business forward.

Solution: Board, SMT & Middle Management and Emerging Talent bespoke leadership programmes

12 month periodOver an initial 12 months period two modular

Leadership programmes were ran.

One aimed at the more senior levels, one at more

junior emerging talent. The programmes had simi-

larities in terms of content – for the sake of consist-

ency, but were tailored to each level

Three 1- and 2-day modules covered key aspects of

leadership including Leading Self, Self-Awareness,

Understanding Others, Conflict, High Performing

Teams, Motivation, Collaboration, creating a Perfor-

mance Culture, Giving and Receiving Feedback,


Each module had specific follow up Actions for

each participant

Long-term periodIn parallel, a longer term (4 years) coaching

relationship with 4 key Board members to

address specific issues that needed to be ad-

dressed to underpin the Transformation such

as Strategic Alignment, Senior Leadership

Support and Role Modelling, transition to and

coaching of new STM and Board members.

Currently planning an experiential off-site

with the new SMT to lift performance levels

further and make them self-sustaining

Page 12: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Issues, Challenges & Opportunities

From an organisational perspective• The firm’s growth had stalled in large part due to a reluctance and inability of the wider Equity

Partner (EP) Group to align on Vision and key strategic objectives. A tendency to pay lip service

to agreed objectives had crept in.

• In order to retain its ability to attract top Talent and maintain efficient scale, the Firm needed to

achieve a step change in its growth and revenue

• There was also a deficit in the ability to translate Vision into strategy and an actionable 5-year

strategic plan and then to lead, and engage and involve, the wider organisation in the effective

implementation of those plans

• The challenge of striking the right balance between retaining the best aspects of a very strong

supportive and collegiate culture while curbing pockets of lower accountability and managing


• Achieving the right level of support and collaboration (e.g. cross-selling) between different

Practices (which total 18 in number)

• More recently, the need to strategically respond to market changes including in the regulatory

environment and the advent new technologies such as AI. Also, the need to balance the aspira-

tions of younger talent in terms of innovation with clients needs of being a ‘trusted advisor’.

Finally, the departure of 75% of the most senior EPs in the space of 3 years, necessitating an

accelerated appointment and development of new EPs

From the perspective of the Participant• The development of leadership and people skills to complement professional expertise and, in

doing so, becoming more rounded leaders of the business and in the legal market place

Case Study 4_Professional

Services Firm

Page 13: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Impact:Results & Feedback

After our support in the 1st year in the lead up to, in and

after the Partner Strategy Conference, greater strategic

clarity, alignment and ownership across was achieved.

A shared Strategic Plan was developed with ownership

shared across the business

The EP Group effectively led the Implementation, Review

and updating – both interim and at regular conferenc-

es – of the Strategy. As leaders of the business they are

striking then right balance between time spent ‘on the

Business’ and ‘in the Business’, the former including time

spent coaching and developing others

Three years into the implementation of the 5-Year plan

the Firm was on target to exceed its key strategic objec-

tive of doubling the size of the firm by the end of the

5-year period. That target has since been achieved (and


A new 5 Year plan has been developed and is currently

under implementation. The leadership of that implemen-

tation is effectively being transferred a next generation of


Solution: Multi-year engagement with the EP Group aimed at Strategy Alignment, Effective Implementation and Succession Planning

Annual Strategy and Leadership workshops over 5 years, culminating in Partner Strat-

egy and Strategic Planning Conferences. Using Mission Performance’s ‘Mission Com-

mand’ methodology to create both strategic clarity, alignment and genuine partner

commitment, as well as agreeing strategic priorities

Support to translate strategic objectives into Action Plans that were shared and imple-

mented by teams across the organisation

Focused coaching follow-up with the Managing Partner, an interim CEO and the HR


Recently added 1-on-1 (executive) coaching support available to all EPs, but in particu-

lar aimed at newly appointed EPs

Page 14: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Issues, Challenges & Opportunities

From an organisational perspective

The organisation was looking to recruit a large % of new, younger people to replace an age-

ing population. All involve significant shifts in mind-set of the management and leadership

populations. All involve the need to learn and apply new skills to motivate, retain and drive

performance through people and teams. In particular:

• Facilitate knowledge/skills transfer and IP to new engineering talent

• Embed succession planning in all sectors of the business

• Attract and retain millennial employees to service increasing client demands

• Meet ever growing client demands and expectations

• Manage these client demands in the face of significant changes to manufacturing

• operations

From the perspective of the Participant

• Upskill our management populations to engage, motivate and develop the employee

base, so that we can deliver on our commitments and adapt to the ongoing changes

required to maintain the success of the business.

Case Study 5_Global Defence


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Impact:Results & Feedback

IIP Gold award retained for

second time with specific mention

to given to Learning and


% increases in positive observed

behavior as defined by the

bespoke leadership 360

Top 15 place on the Sunday

Times best large company to

work + 1st place for Learning and


Ability to satisfy huge export

growth whilst meeting growing

domestic demands

Ongoing success in recruiting

large numbers of talented young

engineers with successful shift to

a younger demographic in just 5


Solution: Managing Self, Managing Others, Managing Managers

Aim800+ managers trained over 7

years in three management pop-

ulations (Introduction – Founda-

tion - Advanced)

MASTER class sessions to network

the 3 levels, including tutorial

support to embed the ILM Level 3

& 5 award and certification

Three programmes that have up

to 4 modules per cohort of 12-16

and 10+ separate modules in to-

tal. Elearning support via skillsoft

2 profiling tools (SDI and EQi2.0)

and a bespoke 360 aligned to the

new values

Experiential reinforcement with


ApproachHigh quality content delivered

in an engaging, interactive and

action-oriented way by inspiring


Aligned with the highly sensitive

nature of the data and products


Aligns to the Drotter and Charan

leadership pipeline methodology

to ensure progression, rigor and


Aligned to and quality assured by

our internal ILM QA team

Our 5-stage strategy to sustain

behaviour change linked to the

latest research from neuroscience

Delivery StyleExperiential & stretching with multi-site delivery built in

Contextually explicit to Drotter and Charan passages 1->3

Case study specific

Resource rich within client’s constraints

Specialist delivery for specialist modules

Explicit relationship manage-ment with one account director and lead consultant to ensureprogression, quality and impact

Networked where possible we built networking & cross pro-gramme collaboration into thedelivery style

Robust attention on action plans and commitments to apply the learning

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Selected Client References

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Page 18: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Selected Client ReferencesLeadership Programmes with Technically-Oriented Programme Participants

“Mission Performance delivered an exceptional leadership devel-opment programme for our top 50 senior managers. The pro-gramme looked at increasing our leader’s self-awareness around their leadership and communi-cation styles, and to challenge them in their thinking. All of the exercises were carefully designed to enable the Leadership team to explore further how people’s natural preferences, motivations and conflict styles influenced their thinking in the various tasks. I would thoroughly recommend the Mission Performance team to deliver your leadership, team andcommunication objectives.”

“We have had the pleasure of working closely with Mission Performance for over 10 years. During this time, we successfully collaborated in the design and delivery of world class Leadership, Coaching, Communications plus Conflict management training and development programs. Mission has a unique perspective in their approach to leadership development that has enabled us to accelerate the development of many of our front-line managers as well as our senior leadership team. During the last 10 years Mission has become a trusted partner that has worked hard to understand the oilfield and the unique challenges that face our industry.”

“We all agreed this was the best training we have ever been on. This is all down to you and yourcolleagues at Mission Perfor-mance and your approach. We particularly like the way that we are emotionally engaged by the tasks, discussions and role plays as this makes things clearer and stick far better. As well as the focus on people and communication rather than processes and the way youexplain how the small things really make the difference. The coaching follow-up really helps and is excellent!”

“Mission Performance differen-tiates itself from other external partners I have engaged with by their ability to listen, relate and adapt their material and approach instantly allowing our audience to always connect with the message. They also do this professionally, whether it’s a ten-minute chatover coffee, a two hour speech from our Vice President or an intensive one week course. It’s sorefreshing how they remain per-manently engaged.”

HR Excellence andProject Manager UK Train Operator

Senior VP GlobalOil ServicesProvider

HQ PersonnelGlobal O&G Service Company

Course Participant – Modular leadership programme

Page 19: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Selected Client ReferencesLeadership Programmes with Technically-Oriented Programme Participants

“They are straightforward and flexible in their approach to devel-opment, preferring application tocomplicated theory every time. Engaging and highly qualified, their coaches and facilitators inspire, enthuse and engage at every level. They build strong enduring relationships with their clients and work seamlessly and with integrity to deliver very bespoke programmes that enable wider organisational change. One of the real acid tests is we still talk about the Mission Performanceprogramme. It was fun, chal-lenging and created an enduring fellowship. They are pleasure to work with and will I’m certain add huge value to any organisation they work alongside.”

“We have been working with Mis-sion Performance for two years and from the beginning have found it easy to develop a prag-matic and quality focused work-ing relationship. We genuinely see them as a partner that wants to work collaboratively with us, and seamlessly with our other key sup-plier, to deliver our flagship global senior leadership development programme. Their people are first rate, having depth and breadth of experience and always being fo-cused on meeting our needs and being willing to offer guidance and input in a supportive manner, and integrity. The range of their experiences and backgrounds has repeatedly added value to Partici-pants’ experiences.”

Client Team - Talent Development Global Telecoms Provider

“The two facilitators worked abso-lutely amazingly together. One of the best involved and informative courses I have ever attended. Very clear and understandable lan-guage for all people. Real exam-ples given, making it very clear how to implement it all in the day-to-day environment. Thank you so much for everything last week and for making the course work under very very challenging circumstances. Please also extend my thanks to your team.”

Training Manager UK based Engineering and Construction Firm

People Development Director of Global Insurance Provider

“Working with Mission Perfor-mance Team gave our newly formed Board and Senior Man-agement Team not only the clarity and alignment on what we needed to focus on to secure the ongoing turnaround of the business and nurse the company back to strategic health, but also, crucially, gave us the ability to execute on that clarity by acceler-ating our development as senior teams. Living our Values, Honesty and understanding ourselves as individual leaders…and working interdependently were some of the ‘keys’ Mission helped us devel-op and embed in our culture, The Mission Team are very personable, easy to work with and stick with it till the business impact is there”

Finance Director UK based Construction Service Provider

Contact Us +44 (0)1329 841652 [email protected]

Page 20: CASE STUDIES · progress through your organisation. This system level understanding is critically important to an efficient leadership pipeline and ultimately to a high performing

Mission Performance LtdB3 Bulwark,

Daedalus Drive,Daedalus Park,

Lee-on-the-Solent,PO13 9FX, UK

Tel: +44 (0)1329 841652Email: [email protected]

© Copyright Mission Performance Ltd All Rights Reserved 2019