Casa de Snapdragon Catalog (2009)

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Catalog of books published by Casa de Snapdragon Publishing LLC

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Page 2: Casa de Snapdragon Catalog (2009)

Copyright 2009, Casa de Snapdragon LLC. All Rights Reserved

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Casa de Snapdragon LLC 12901 Bryce Avenue NE

Albuquerque, NM 87112 https://www.casadesnapdragon.com

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Page 3: Casa de Snapdragon Catalog (2009)


1 W a t e r u n d e r W a t e r

2 T h e M a k i n g o f T i b i a s I v o r y

3 S p e c t r a l F r e e d o m

4 A S c a t t e r i n g o f I m p e r f e c t i o n s

5 T h e P o e t r y C a f é

6 H a r r i e t M u r p h y

7 A D a n c e i n t h e W o o d s

8 I F o u n d M y F a t h e r i n a W o m e n ’ s P r i s o n

9 A S t r o n g e r G r a c e

1 0 R e c o l l e c t i o n s o f a n O l d M i n d , W e s t

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W a t e r u n d e r W a t e r Charles Ades Fishman

Paperback ISBN 978-0-9840530-2-5 $16.95

Charles Adés Fishman is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of English & Humanities at Farmingdale State College, where he created the Visiting Writers Program in 1979 and the Distinguished Speakers Program in 2001. He was series editor of the Water Mark Poets of North America Book Award and has served as poetry editor or guest editor for a wide range of publications, among them Cistercian Studies Quarterly, Gaia, Journal of Genocide Research, New Works Review, Pedestal Magazine, PRISM: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators, and Shirim; he has also served as associate editor of The Drunken Boat and poetry consultant to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. In 1995, Dr. Fishman received a

fellowship in poetry from the New York Foundation for the Arts and in 2006, he was honored as “Long Island Poet of the Year” by the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association. His previous books include Blood to Remember: American Poets on the Holocaust (2007) and Chopin’s Piano (2006), both from Time Being Books; Country of Memory (Uccelli Press, 2004); and The Death Mazurka, a 1989 American Library Association “Outstanding Book of the Year” that was nominated for the 1990 Pulitzer Prize in poetry. Chopin’s Piano received the 2007 Paterson Award for Literary Excellence.

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T h e M a k i n g o f T i b i a s I v o r y T h r o u g h t h e E y e s o f I n n o c e n c e D. Allen Jenkins

Paperback ISBN 978-0-9840530-5-6 $29.95 Paperback ISBN 978-0-9840530-4-2 $19.95

Bound to a chair, hands tied, face covered in a burlap sack, five-year old Tibias Ivory - the illegitimate, bi-racial son of Bethany Ivory, the daughter of the small, southern town of Principle's leading preacher and a murdered, black, high-school superstar, Mahognus "Hog" Worthington - has had the innocence of his young life ripped away by the depths of bigotry and degradation of hate. These horrific transgressions left his father hanging from a tree and ripped Tibias' hometown apart before he ever took a breath.

But the lessons that he learns from his mother, her new friend, Sergeant Luke Worthy, and an eccentric newcomer to Principle, Adam Zur, will give him the strength to believe that the impossible can happen and keep him from experiencing his father's fate. Deceit is brought to light, and the deeds of death will discover justice as the festering wounds of a town's heart are exposed to the divine love that can heal it

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S p e c t r a l F r e e d o m Selected Poetry, Criticism, and Prose Lynn Strongin

Hardcover ISBN 978-0-9793075-9-1 $29.95 Paperback ISBN 978-0-9840530-3-2 $18.95 "Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me"--wrote poet Emily Dickinson, who was said to have shaped, along with Walt Whitman, American poetry. Lynn Strongin, who has been called the Dickinson of our time, was faced with death at age twelve. Because stopping for death was not an option for this brave young girl, she decided to rise above her diagnosis of polio and sing rather than cry; she has been doing just that her entire life. Lynn Strongin was paralyzed at age twelve by the insidious disease which would be completely eradicated only two years later. But it was too late for her. She would soon realize that her life was going to be

very difficult as well as different from other children. She would, indeed, go on to miss schoolroom, adolescence and her first ball gown. The beautiful trappings of womanhood would never happen, yet this woman would never be trapped! She sang songs of rapture, not requiem. Lynn Strongin was the raptor and she rose above her cell. "Spectral Freedom" sings melodies of loss in poetry, prose and criticism, as well as providing the reader the ultimate definition of freedom. She shows how the human condition can be cruelly imprisoned inside of a box nailed shut on all sides and yet the soul is capable of breaking through that prison and rise. Strongin sings the many voices of liberty and like Dickinson prays and knows that the carriage holds "But" the self--and immortality.

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A S c a t t e r i n g o f

I m p e r f e c t i o n s Katrina K Guarascio

Hardcover : ISBN 978-0-9840530-3-1 $23.95 Paperback : ISBN 978-0-9793075-3-2 $13.95

Driven by desire, heartbreak, and love, Katrina Guarascio's poetry gives passion to the human experience, whether it be through explorations of love or death. It is a delightful invitation to get cozy with your romantic self.

--- Review by Elizabeth Wolf

A Californian native, Katrina K Guarascio currently resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico where she teaches Language Arts in the Rio Rancho School District. Katrina

received her Bachelor’s degree in English with a concentrate in Creative Writing at the University of New Mexico in 2002 which lead her to a position tutoring developmental reading and writing students at the local community college, CNM. She found the position a challenge and an inspiration, and decided to return to the University to further her degree in the field of education. She received her Master’s degree in Secondary Education in 2008. Although her lifelong goal was not always to teach, she finds it a rewarding career and feels she is truly able to spread her love of literature and writing to a generation who have difficulty recognizing their importance. She loves exposing her students to different forms of poetry, such as performance or slam poetry, and other more contemporary forms which are often neglected in education. Along with numerous one time publications in various literary magazines, two chapbooks of her poetry have previously been published: “Hazy Expressions” through Powerscore Press and “More Fire than Sun” through Shadow Poetry Publications. Katrina was a co-editor and Poetry editor of the University of New Mexico’s Literary Magazine, Conceptions Southwest, during her time as a graduate student. She also edited the Literary Magazine for Central New Mexico Community College, Leonardo, during her time working for the school. She is largely inspired by the individual and the human experience, and is constantly attempting to capture a persona in poetry. Her biggest literary influences include William Shakespeare, Toni Morrison, T.S. Eliot, Tori Amos, and Sandra Cisneros.

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T h e P o e t r y C a f e John Newlin

Hardcover : ISBN 978-0-9793075-7-7 $23.95 Paperback : ISBN 978-0-9840530-1-8 $16.95 I first discovered John Newlin's poetry several years ago. I knew that I had come across a brilliant and versatile writer with a true gift. Since that time, I read everything that he writes. This magnificent poet and photographer has captured the imagination and stirred the cocktail of grace that seems to impenetrate everything that he creates. John concocts a fine mixture of elegy and ecstasy poetry, add a dash of edge and grit; stir with imagery and wisdom and you have a John Newlin poem. My favorite in this finely tuned book is his exquisite poem, "Beyond the Pale" In this pouring, Newlin writes about the tragedy and ecstasy of life and the disconnect

between the two. He shows how people and events from the past can sometimes invade the present in a ghostly dance. Deep spirituality is woven into this rhyme. John Newlin grew up in Springfield, Illinois where he attended grade school and high school before attending Illinois College in Jacksonville, Illinois. John was designated a Naval Aviator and commissioned an Ensign in May of 1959. During his 23 year career in the Navy, he flew fighter jets from the decks of 11 different aircraft carriers in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. He saw aerial combat in the skies over North Vietnam in the summer of 1967. After his retirement from the Navy in February of 1980, John worked as a systems analyst and software engineer for several San Diego based Department of Defense contractors, including Computer Sciences Corporation and Hughes Aircraft. While working for Computer Sciences Corporation he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. John left Hughes in 1987 to market personal computer software that he had developed. He operated his software business for 11 years before retiring to Vista, California. During 1987 and 1988 John was a regular contributor of technical articles to The Programmer’s Journal magazine.

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H a r r i e t M u r p h y A Little Bit of Something Janet K. Brennan

Hardcover : ISBN 978-0-9793075-5-3 $25.95 Paperback : ISBN 978-0-9793075-6-0 $15.95

Come in, enjoy a cup of coffee, and sit a spell with Harriet Murphy as she regales you with her tales of family, life, and love in the early 1900's in the former gold mining town of Old Pine near Lake Tahoe in Northern California. This is a period in U.S. history of great mechanical and cultural inventions as well as a time for women attempting to gain their well deserved right to vote.

Her tales revolve around a woman living alone in the hills of the Siera Nevada with her horse, Pager, and a

myriad of other wonderful and colorful characters. Her humble abode is the log cabin that her father built for her family soon after he came across the country in the great gold rush of 1849. Although he never struck it rich in the mines, he found it a unique, yet ideal, place to live and care for his wife and daughter, Henrietta.

The Hardcover version of this book includes photography by John Newlin, Robin Creager, and others.

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A D a n c e i n t h e W o o d s Janet K. Brennan

Hardcover : ISBN 978-0-9793075-2-2 $27.95 Paperback : ISBN 978-0-9793075-6-0 $19.95 Anna and William Benton felt secure with 3 beautiful children, a home in the desert of New Mexico, and a wonderful marriage. Then tragedy struck. Their eldest daughter Beth was admitted to a hospital with respiratory problems. Just days later, she suddenly passed away in the middle of the night plunging Anna into the depths of depression with inexplicable pain in parts of her body that she had never experienced before. To make matters worse, her military husband received orders to report for duty with his family to a small American community in the mountains of Northern Italy, resulting in the loss of

their home and stability. Join the Benton family as they learn to adapt to the rigors of life in the small village of Montecchia di Crosara, Italy while Anna tries desperately to find a way to to cope with her pain.

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I F o u n d M y F a t h e r i n a

W o m e n ’ s P r i s o n The Journey Begins Tracey Brown, PhD

Hardcover : ISBN 978-0-9793075-4-6 $21.95 Paperback : ISBN 978-0-9793075-6-0 $15.95

Come spend some time in Richland Louisiana Parish Detention Center, a prison in the Deep South, with Tracey Brown, as she takes you into the lonely and often frightening world of the female inmate. Life as she knew it ended the day she was arrested for identity theft and sentenced to three, ten year sentences to be served concurrently.

When the bars closed behind her, Dr. Brown was suddenly thrown into a world that consisted of a 6x8 foot cell containing a bunk and a rusted out locker. As she cried herself to sleep on that first night, abandoned by her own family and friends, she suddenly realized that she would not be going through this ordeal alone. Finding a bible tucked away in the locker, she quietly asked the prison guard to whom it belonged. "It is yours if you want it," came the terse reply and, having been stripped of all of her worldly belongings, she quickly held this only possession close to her. She had a Bible.

This book is an eye opening documentary of Tracey Brown's days and nights spent in an environment most of us could never tolerate. It is filled with beautiful scripture and exquisite poetry written by Dr. Brown. Every day in jail presents something new to write about and, incredibly, thank her Father, the Lord, for sending her way. Although she spends her days shut off from the rest of the world, she manages to find joy in the smallest of pleasures. Things that we take for granted in our everyday lives, soon become cherished gifts in the austere world of prison. Yet, Ms. Brown finds beauty in all of it.

The Hardcover version of this book includes photos of Dr. Brown, the parish confinement facilities, and her family as well as bonus poetry by Dr. Brown.

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A S t r o n g e r G r a c e Janet K. Brennan

Paperback : ISBN 978-0-9793075-0-8 $13.95

Original poetry by Janet K. Brennan which deals with many aspects of life, some tragic, but most joyful. This book of poetry emphasizes that all of life is a special gift to be cherished and enjoyed to the last. Janet K. Brennan: AKA J. B. Stillwater, is a writer and poet who lives in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her husband, Arthur, and a great gray cat named Amos. Her short stories and poetry have been published around the world. Most recently, "Taj Mahal Review," December, 2004, and June, 2005. "Insights, a Collection of Contemporary Short Stories," Dec, 2004 where she is listed as "one of the best

contemporary writers of our time." "SP Quill Magazine", both spring and summer issues, "Common Swords Magazine" 2005, "The Power of Prayerful Living," Doug Hill, Rodale Books, 2001. Most recently, she has been a contributor to "Chicken Soup for the Soul, most recently "Chicken Soup for the Christmas Soul 2008" She has also been in "International Who's Who in Poetry", 2004. Janet�s most recent publications include short stories and poetry in the "Taj Mahal Review", Santosh Kumar, chief editor, 2005 and 2006 issues, and "Different Worlds, a Virtual Journey", a critically acclaimed publication for art and literature. Her colored pencil art-work and photography have been published in "Taj Mahal Review," 2005-2006 and she is currently writing book and manuscript reviews from authors around the globe.

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R e c o l l e c t i o n s o f a n O l d

M i n d , W e s t Janet K. Brennan

Paperback : ISBN 978-81-8253075-1 $15.00 Recollections of an Old Mind West is a compilation of western poetry. It did not take me long to begin a love affair with the west and all of its abundant beauty. The desert and southwest culture in all forms became my muse twenty five years ago, and I am in love with this high desert place to this day.

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Order Form (Retail – 20% Discount)

Mail your completed form with a check or money order to:

Casa de Snapdragon LLC Attention: Sales 12901 Bryce Avenue NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Item Title Price Quantity Total Water under Water (Paperback) $13.56

The Making of Tibias Ivory (Paperback) $15.96

The Making of Tibias Ivory (Laminated Hardback) $23.96

Spectral Freedom (Paperback) $15.16

Spectral Freedom (Hardcover with Dust Jacket) $23.96

A Scattering of Imperfections (Laminated Hardback) $19.16

A Scattering of Imperfections (Paperback) $11.16

The Poetry Café (Hardcover with Dust Jacket) $20.76

The Poetry Café (Paperback) $13.56

Harriet Murphy (Laminated Hardback) $20.76

Harriet Murphy (Paperback) $13.56

Dance in the Woods (Laminated Hardback) $22.36

Dance in the Woods (Paperback) $15.96

I Found My Father in a Women’s Prison (Hardcover) $17.56

I Found My Father in a Women’s Prison (Paperback) $12.76

A Stronger Grace (Paperback) $12.56

Recollections of an Old Mind, West (Paperback) $12.00





All prices include 20% discount off the retail price

Page 16: Casa de Snapdragon Catalog (2009)

Shipping and handling is $5.00 for one book, $9.50 for more than one book Books will be shipped to the return address on the envelope

From: _________________________________




TO: Casa de Snapdragon LLC

12901 Bryce Avenue NE

Albuquerque, NM 87112

Page 17: Casa de Snapdragon Catalog (2009)

Order Form

Mail your completed form with a check or money order to:

Casa de Snapdragon LLC Attention: Sales 12901 Bryce Avenue NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 Item Title Price Quantity Total Water under Water (Paperback) $13.56

The Making of Tibias Ivory (Paperback) $15.96

The Making of Tibias Ivory (Laminated Hardback) $23.96

Spectral Freedom (Paperback) $15.16

Spectral Freedom (Hardcover with Dust Jacket) $23.96

A Scattering of Imperfections (Laminated Hardback) $19.16

A Scattering of Imperfections (Paperback) $11.16

The Poetry Café (Hardcover with Dust Jacket) $20.76

The Poetry Café (Paperback) $13.56

Harriet Murphy (Laminated Hardback) $20.76

Harriet Murphy (Paperback) $13.56

Dance in the Woods (Laminated Hardback) $22.36

Dance in the Woods (Paperback) $15.96

I Found My Father in a Women’s Prison (Hardcover) $17.56

I Found My Father in a Women’s Prison (Paperback) $12.76

A Stronger Grace (Paperback) $12.56

Recollections of an Old Mind, West (Paperback) $12.00





All prices include 20% discount off the retail price Shipping and handling is $5.00 for one book, $9.50 for more than one book

Books will be shipped to the return address on the envelope

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From: _________________________________




TO: Casa de Snapdragon LLC

12901 Bryce Avenue NE

Albuquerque, NM 87112

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