1. Bassnett, Susan: Translation Studies. London: Routledge 1991, 2.A. 2. Bell, Roget T. : Translation and translating. Theory and practice. Applied linguistics and language study. London/ N.Y. : Longman 1991 3. Catford, . C. :  A linguistic theory of translati on. An essay in applied linguistics . London: !"ford #n$%. &ress 19'(, (. A. (. )loto*, Lu$se %on : Translation and gender: feminist approaches explained . +an-ester: St erome &ul$s-$ng 199' . 0$le, an$el : Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator trai ning . Amsterdam: Benam$ns 199 . 4at$m, Bas$l/ +ason, 5an : The translator as communicator . London/ N.Y. : Routledge 199 '. 4e*son, Lane/ +art$n, a67:  Redefining translation. The variational approach . London: Routledge 1991 8. 4$gg$s, 5an/4er%e7, Sandor: Thinking translation. A course in translation method:  french t o english. London: Routledge 1992 9. +assoud, +ar7 +.: Translate to communicate. A giude for translators.  5ll$no$s: a%$d C. Coo6 )oundat$on 1998 1. Ne*mar6, &eter,  Approches to Translation , !"ford, &ergamon &ress, 1988 11.Ne*mar6, &eter :  A textbook of translation . Ne* Yor6 u.a. : &rent$e 4all 1988 12. Ne*mar6, &eter :  Paragraphs on translation . Cle%edon u.a. : +ult$l$ngual +atters Ltd. 1993 13. N$da, . A., Taer, C-. R, La tradut$on: t-eor$e et met-ode, Londres, All$anes  $l$;ue un$%erselle, 19'1 1(. Ste$ner, 0eorge, Ste$ner, 0eorge: After Bael: As<ets of language and translat$on. London: !"ford #n$%. &ress = t. >on +on$6a &lessner: Na- Bael. As<e6te der S<ra-e und des #erset?ens. )ran6furt: Su-r6am< 199(@ 1993, 2. A, A<res Bael, Al$n +$-el, 19'8 1. Tour7, 0$deon:  escriptive translation studies !  and e7ond. Amsterdam/&-$ladel<-$a: o-n Benam$ns 199


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1. Bassnett, Susan: Translation Studies. London: Routledge 1991, 2.A.

2. Bell, Roget T. : Translation and translating. Theory and practice. Applied linguistics and language study. London/ N.Y. : Longman 1991

3. Catford, J. C. : A linguistic theory of translation. An essay in applied linguistics. London: Oxford Univ. Press 1974, 4. A.

4. Flotow, Luise von : Translation and gender: feminist approaches explained. Manchester: St Jerome Publishing 1997

5. Gile, Daniel : Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training. Amsterdam: Benjamins 1995

6. Hatim, Basil/ Mason, Ian : The translator as communicator. London/ N.Y. : Routledge 1996

7. Hewson, Lance/ Martin, Jacky: Redefining translation. The variational approach. London: Routledge 1991

8. Higgis, Ian/Hervey, Sandor: Thinking translation. A course in translation method: french to english. London: Routledge 1992

9. Massoud, Mary M.: Translate to communicate. A giude for translators. Illinois: David C. Cook Foundation 1998

10. Newmark, Peter, Approches to Translation, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1988

11.Newmark, Peter : A textbook of translation. New York u.a. : Prentice Hall 1988

12. Newmark, Peter : Paragraphs on translation. Clevedon u.a. : Multilingual Matters Ltd. 1993

13. Nida, E. A., Taber, Ch. R, La traduction: theorie et methode, Londres, Alliances biblique universelle, 1971

14. Steiner, George, Steiner, George: After Babel: Aspects of language and translation. London: Oxford Univ. Press ( Dt. Von Monika Plessner: Nach Babel. Aspekte der Sprache und des Ubersetzens. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1994) 1993, 2. A, Apres Babel, Albin Michel, 1978

15. Toury, Gideon: Descriptive translation studies - and beyond. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins 1995