Care of Children and Adolescents With Psychiatric Disorders Chapter 26

Care of Children and Adolescents With Psychiatric Disorders Chapter 26

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Care of Children and Adolescents With Psychiatric Disorders

Chapter 26


5%-9% of children between ages of 9-17 have serious emotional disturbance with severed functional impairments

4%-6% -- seriously emotionally disturbed with some functional impairment

Other Disruptive Behavior Disorders

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Disobedience, argumentative

Trouble making friends

Conduct Disorder Serious violations of social norms

Separation Anxiety Disorder

School phobia

4% of school age children

Runs in family

May emerge after a change

May need medication -- antidepressants

Treatment psychotherapy

behavior therapy flooding vs desensitization

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

May have onset in childhood

Treatment similar to adults


1%-5% of school age children (adolescents higher)

Similar to adult treatment

Associated with suicide

Childhood Schizophrenia

Rare -- 2 per 100,000

Poorer pre-morbid functioning than adult onset

Nursing care follow PDD

Elimination Disorders

Enuresis involuntary excretion of urination after an age of

attainment of bladder control most common in boys etiology unknown limit fluid intake in evening behavioral treatment -- pad, buzzer

Encopresis soiling clothing with feces or depositing feces in

inappropriate places more common in boys usually not a result of physical problems education and behavioral interventions


National Institute of Mental Health