NUTRITIONAL RICKETS Dr Agelebe E. Bowen University Teach Hosp Ogbomoso

CALCIUM/PHOSPHORUS & VITAMIN D METABOLISM · Calcium 99% of all body Calcium –in bones Plasma calcium - Free ionized Ca Ω 45% Protein bound Ca Ω 50% Diffusible complexes Ω 6.5%

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Page 1: CALCIUM/PHOSPHORUS & VITAMIN D METABOLISM · Calcium 99% of all body Calcium –in bones Plasma calcium - Free ionized Ca Ω 45% Protein bound Ca Ω 50% Diffusible complexes Ω 6.5%


Dr Agelebe E.

Bowen University Teach Hosp


Page 2: CALCIUM/PHOSPHORUS & VITAMIN D METABOLISM · Calcium 99% of all body Calcium –in bones Plasma calcium - Free ionized Ca Ω 45% Protein bound Ca Ω 50% Diffusible complexes Ω 6.5%


99% of all body Calcium – in bones

Plasma calcium - Free ionized Ca Ω


Protein bound Ca Ω 50%

Diffusible complexes Ω 6.5%

50% of ingested Ca absorbed in jejunum

Ca is filtered in glomerulus

Reabsorption occurs throughout nephron

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Extracellular ionized calcium concentration within interstitial fluid is the most relevant to calcium homeostatic system.

It is not readily measurable.

Total or ionized serum calcium conc. is therefore determined.

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Role of Calcium

Cellular fxns – e.g. muscle contraction, hormonal secretion, cell division

Maintains intercellular adhesions

Promotes plasma membrane integrity

Ensures blood clotting

Ca salts (99%) acts as rigid framework facilitating body movements

Provides reservoir of Ca & PO4 ions for times of need

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85% of body phosphorus is in bones

Only 12% of plasma phosphorus is

protein bound.

70-90% of ingested phosphorus is

reabsorbed at PCT

No tubular secretion of phosphates

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Calcium homeostasis

Effective homeostasis dependent on

1) Normal functioning



Gut - Ca2+ transporting Cells

2) Adequate supply of


Vitamin D

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Calcium homeostasis

(GUT) Ca absorption

Phosphaturia DCT Ca reabsorption

Ca PTH KIDNEY Vit D3 from Vit D2 Gut Ca & P absorption

Bone resorption

DCT Ca reabsorption (Ca & P release)

Bone resorption (Ca & P release)

PTH secretion

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Parathyroid glands

Acts on:

1) Bones: Stimulates osteoclastic

activity and dissolution of bone.

2) Kidneys: ↑ tubular reabsorption

of Ca & ↓ P04 reabsorption

3) Gut : Increases efficiency of

Calcium reabsorption

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Calcitonin & Vitamin D3

Calcitonin - Physiological antagonist of


↓osteoclastic activity & ↓ bone resorption

Increases renal calcium clearance.

Vitamin D3 - calcium absorption from


Along with PTH releases calcium from


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Disorders of Calcium Metabolism


(1) Inappropriate secretion of PTH/PTH-

like substance

10 hyperparathyroidism

30 “

Ectopic production of PTH/PTH- like

substance (Pseudohyperparathyroidism)

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Causes of hypercalcaemia

(2) Vitamin D excess - Nutritional

- Granulomatous/Inflam dx

(3) Immobilization

(4) Neoplasia

(5) Others – Hyperproteinemia

- Hypophosphatemia

- Drugs (Thiazides, Vit A)

- Hyperthyroidism

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Neonatal – early, late onset

Hypoparathyroidism - congenital,



Vit D deficiency

Others – Ca deficiency, diuretics, ARF,

CRF, Pancreatitis, malabsorption,


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Management of Calcium disorders

Early Neonatal hypocalcaemia - occurs

1st 24-48hrs of life

Give IV 10% Ca gluconate 0.5-1ml/kg

over 15-20mins. Diluted

Late Neonatal hypocalcaemia - Features

are tetany, convulsions etc

same as above for emergency Rx

Change feeds as required.

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Neonatal hypercalcaemia

Features are FTT, lethargy, poor feeding,

polyuria, hypotonia, seizures etc


IV N/Saline

IV Frusemide - 1mg/kg

Rx underlying disorder

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Vitamin D3

Technically, not a true vitamin.

synthesis in skin can provide the body’s entire requirement unless exposure to sunlight is restricted

Few foods naturally contain appreciable amounts of Vit D - livers of fatty fish, cod liver oil, eggs, cheese, butter

Insignificant amounts of Vit D exist naturally in dairy products.


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Vitamin D synthesis

7 dehydrocholesterol Pre VitD3 VitD3

370C (Liver)

25 hydroxylase

1,25 (OH)2 D3 25(OH)D3


25(OH) D31αOHlase

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Regulation & Biologic action of

Vitamin D

Renal 1α hydroxylation - the most impt

regulatory mechanism – Its activity inversely

proportional to Ca & P ions

- directly proportional to PTH level

Actions are:

Anti-rachitogenic effects – Mobilize Ca & P

Most impt bioeffect is gut absorption of Ca

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Consequences of ↓Vit D3

Deficient Calcium absorption

leads to ↓Ca

2o ↑PTH leads to ↑bone


Prolonged/severe Vit D def

leads to ↓Ca

↓PO4 occur early

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found primarily in rapidly

growing infants esp preterm


Simultaneous lack of vit D,

sunshine or underlying

pathology of liver, kidneys

Multi-systemic involvement

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Causes of Rickets

Nutritional deficiency of vit D & high

dietary phytate

Inadequate exposure to sunlight

Mal-absorption of fat-soluble vits eg

coeliac dx

Inability to absorb from gut

Alteration in metabolism of vit D

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Causes of Rickets

Liver dx resulting in malabsorption +failure of 25OHlation

Renal dx resulting in failure of 1α


Vit D dependency / Pseudo Vit D deff due to 25OHlase enzyme def

End organ resistance (Vit D resistant rickets)

Drugs that antagonize Vit D action

Anticonvulsant Rx

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Vit D is essential for new bone formation

Vit D enhances gut absorption of Ca

Vit D Ca from gut plasma Ca

PTH Impaired responsiveness of

bone and gut to PTH & impaired osteoid

maturation size of parathyroid &

kidney response (Ca clearance & P


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Clinical features

Depends on age and underlying disorder

Preterm may present within 1st 2 mths of life with seizures

Other features are slow growth, bronchopneumonia

In older children -


Skull bossing

Delayed closure of fontanelles

Chest deformities - Rachitic rosary

Pigeon chest

Harrison’s sulcus

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Clinical features

Delayed dentition & defective enamel

Kyphosis, Lordosis, scoliosis etc

Enlarged ankles and wrists epiphyses

Lower limb deformities -

Adduction deformity – Genu valgum (knock


Abduction deformity – Genu varum (bow legs)

Windswept deformity

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Intermalleolar/Intercondylar distances

Normal 1-2cm

Mild <5cm

Moderate 5-10cm

Severe >10cm

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Differential diagnosis of Lower limb


Genu varum

Idiopathic - Usually bilateral

Physiologic - “

Blounts disease

Retardation of growth plate – medial side

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Genu valgum


Retardation of growth plate – lat. side

Trauma “ “ “ “ “

Paralytic causes – C.P. Polio

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Biochemical Investigations

Serum Ca, P, ALP


Urinalysis for aminoacids

Severe rickets - Ca, P, ALP PTH,

Less severity – NCa, P, ALP, PTH,

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Xrays of the wrists and ankles

Broadened epiphysis shows a typical

saucer appearance with loss of definition

of the metaphysis

Bone demineralization

Signs are fraying, cupping and widening

of the epiphysis

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Nutritional Rickets

Vit D 5000 – 10,000units dly x 6-8/52 or

200,000 –600,000units stat (PO)

Ca 500-1000mg dly x 6/52

Ca, P, ALP should be monitored for

evidence of healing

Radiologic healing within 2-4/52

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Hepatic dx /GIT malabsorption -

25,(OH)D310,000 – 25,000units dly or 300,000units stat or

DHT (dihydrotachysterol) (1mg = 3mg vitD3)

Familial hypophosphataemia -

Vit D (0.5 -1MUnits) + P (1.5 -2g x 4 - 6 doses/day)

or DHT

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Vitamin D dependent Rickets -

Vit D 10,000units or


Renal osteodystrophy -

1,25,(OH)2D3. 25000-250,000units/day

or DHT

supplementary Calcium

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Surgery - Cylindrical P.O.P – 3wkly

Wedge osteotomy before school age -usually 4-5 years


Cardiovascular and respiratory handicap due to pigeon chest

Contracted pelvis

Bone deformities