27 Part I – Introduction Galaxy is a group of billions of stars, dust and gas, that are close to one another. The stars we see and the solar system are part of the galaxy. Galaxies are considered as the building blocks of the universe. There are different galaxies that exist in the universe. One of these is the Milky Way galaxy, Milky Way is the galaxy where we belong. It is our home in the universe. Milky Way is a spiral galaxy like pinwheel. Milky Way is a interesting topic because we want to know and learn more about from this. We want to know the characteristics of this, how it is differ from another galaxy what are the things that can be found in this galaxy.

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Part I – Introduction

Galaxy is a group of billions of stars, dust and gas, that are close to one another.

The stars we see and the solar system are part of the galaxy. Galaxies are considered as

the building blocks of the universe. There are different galaxies that exist in the universe.

One of these is the Milky Way galaxy, Milky Way is the galaxy where we belong. It is

our home in the universe. Milky Way is a spiral galaxy like pinwheel. Milky Way is a

interesting topic because we want to know and learn more about from this. We want to

know the characteristics of this, how it is differ from another galaxy what are the things

that can be found in this galaxy.

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A. Background of the Study

The Milky Way is the band of hazy light that looks like a stream of spilled milk in

the night sky, though a telescope this light can be seen to be millions of stars, the Milky

Way is a galaxy, which is a system of stars that more through the universe together. The

sun is one of the stars in the galaxy. There are probably over 100 billion stars in the

Milky Way. There are also dark clouds or Nebulae, which might be dust patches, gas

clouds, or dark bodies. Some areas of the Milky Way have brighter patches and streaks,

which might be nebulae that reflect the light of neighboring stars. Radio telescopes have

picked up noises which may one day explain what these cloudy area really are. Man’s

galaxy is probably similar to other of the spiral galaxies that can be seen through

telescopes. It is believed that from outside the Milky Way, the stars would seem to form a

giant pin wheel with five arms. This pinwheel is constantly spinning around in space.

Some astronomers compare it appearance to a large whirling pancake.

The center of the Milky Way is thicker than the edges, astronomers believe that

the solar system is situated about half – way between the center and the edges of the

Milky way, on the inner edge of the fifth arm, looking toward the center of the Milky

way shows a greater number of stars that can be seen toward the edge of the galaxy. The

Milky Way is believed to be over 100,000 light years wide.

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B. Statement of the Problem

1. What is Milky Way Galaxy?

2. What are the things that can be found in the Milky Way?

3. What are the different shapes and different galaxies?

4. Why do our galaxy called Milky Way Galaxy?

5. How do the universe formed?

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C. Significance of the Study

1. To know more about Milky Way Galaxy

2. To know what are the different kinds of Galaxies

3. To know what are the different shapes of Galaxies

4. To know what are the things can be found in Milky Way Galaxies

5. To know the characteristics of Milky Way Galaxy

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D. Scope and Limitations

This research focused to our galaxy, which is Milky Way. It gives information

that helps us to know more about Milky Way, and gives information that help us to be

aware in the importance of our galaxy in our lives. We will easily know the different

kinds of galaxies and different shapes of galaxies and their characteristics.

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E. Methodology

This term paper gives special task for all of us. Our group spent time, effort, and

money to gain more information through research. This research paper was carefully

finished through the help of each members who gathered information from the school

library, by reading encyclopedia, dictionaries, science book and books that contained

about Milky Way Galaxy.

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F. Definition of Terms

Splashed – to spread or scatter like s splashed liquid (Webster’s English Dictionary)

Nebula – any of many clouds of gas or dust seen in the sky among the stars (Webster’s

English Dictionary)

Diversity – the condition or fact of being different (Webster’s English Dictionary)

Binoculars – a hand held instrument for seeing at a distance that is made up of two

telescopes usually having prisms (Webster’s English Dictionary)

Constellation – any of eighty – eight groups of stars forming patterns (Webster’s English


Starry – full of stars; consisting of stars; shining like stars (Webster’s English Dictionary)

Universe – all created things including the earth and celestial bodies viewed as making up

one system (Webster’s English Dictionary)

Galaxy – one of billions of collections of stars, gas, and dust that make up the universe

(Webster’s English Dictionary)

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Part II – Main Discussion

From earth, the Milky Way appears like a Milky band of light, it is spiral galaxy

seen from the inside. It is truly vast, more than 100,000 light years in diameter. Viewed

side on, the Milky Way’s disk is seen to be much thinner than its central bulge.

Surroundings it is a halo of globular clusters and old red stars. Young, hot stars shine

within open clusters along the Milky Way’s spiral arms. The galactic bulge is a huge

collection of old redder stars and its center lays a super massive black hole. The Milky

Way contains stars, clusters and gas clouds. All the prominent objects in our night sky

come from a small part of our galaxy. It is one of the grandest sights in the sky is the

Milky Way. In a clear moonless night when you are away from the lights, find the long

cloud of stars that stretches across the sky. This is the Milky Way. The Milky Way is of

special interest to us because the sun is one of the millions of stars that make up the

Milky Way is a band of stars that stretches across the sky. The position of this band of

stars is changes throughout the night and with the seasons. In the open country on a dark

cloudless night the Milky Way is beautiful, dazzling sight. Part of the Milky Way is a

band of stars the stretches. However, you will never have any difficulty in locating this

band on a clear night. Most of the stars that can be seen at light belong to the Milky Way

galactic system. There are about 100 billions stars in the Milky Way. Our sun is one of

these stars.

Our galaxy contains 200 – 400 billions stars, most of which are dimmer than the

sun. On this scale, the solar system is insignificant.

Size of the Milky Way. Its hard to study the Milky Way Galaxy with optical

telescopes because large quantities of interstellar matter block our vision with the aid of

the radio, telescopes, and scientist have determined the structure of the galaxy. The Milky

Way is a large spiral galaxy whose disk is about 100,000 light years wide and about

10,000 light years thick at the nucleus.

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Structure of the Milky Way. Radio telescopes reveal that the Milky Way has

atleast three distinct spiral arms, with some signs of splintering. The sun is positioned in

one of these arms about two thirds of the way from the center, or galactic nucleus, at a

distance of about 30,000 light years. The stars in the arms of the Milky Way rotates

around the galactic nucleus. The most outward arms move the slowest and the ends of the

arms appear to trail. Our solar system orbits the galactic nucleus about every 200 million

years. Surrounding the galactic disk is a nearly round halo made of thin gas and

numerous clusters of stars. These star clusters do not participate in the rotating motion of

the arms but have their own orbits that carry than trough the disk. Although some clusters

are very dense, they pass among the stars of the arms with plenty of room to spare.

Inside the Milky Way. The Milky Way contains stars, clusters, and gas clouds.

All the prominent objects in our night sky come from a small part of our galaxy. The

Milky Way is a band of 100 billion stars that appears as a wide, bright are across the

night sky. These billion stars from a flattened disk with a bulge at the center. 1

A disagreement is developing about the “spiral nebulas” seen as smudges

of light scattered in the night sky. Many astronomers believe that these are clouds of

finely divided material forming part of our galactic system of stars, the Milky Way.

Other’s, such as Heber D. Gurlis of the lick observatory in California, think they are vast

collections of stars or “ island universes ”, many thousand of light years outside the

Milky Way.

____________1 O’Byrne John, Space. . Fog City Press. 2005, p.24

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The U. S. astronomer Harlow Shapley, of the Mount Wilson Observatory in

California, has made the first accurate estimate of the size of the galaxy (also known as

the Milky Way) and where its center lies. Until now, most astronomers have assumed

earth lies near the center of the galaxy, but Shapley reckons the center lies some 50,000

(or 5.8 thousand billion miles – 9.3 thousand billion kilometers) away in the some

direction as the constellation of Sagittarius. Overall, this implies that the galaxy is at least

12,000 light 10 times bigger than previously thought.

A Canadian astronomer, John Plaskett, has discovered a remarkable double star

system (two stars orbiting each other) thousands of light years distant from Earth. Double

stars are common in the Milky Way galaxy, but what distinguishes Placket’s two some in

their sheer size – both stars are larger than any other star ever observed. Plackets found

that each of the luminous, blue – colored stars is about go times larger than the sun.

However, despite their size, the stars are visible to the naked eye because they are so far

away. Even with a good telescope they appear as a single point of light, only by

analyzing their light emissions was Plaskett able to work out that there were two stars

present. 2

We can never see the center of the Galaxy because of the obscuring effect of the

interstellar material. Present knowledge is derived mainly from radio and infrared

astronomy. It lies beyond the star clouds in Sagittarius and is several light years in

diameter. There the highest density of stars is found, and it is estimated that within 2 light

years from the center there are several millions of stars. Very close to the galactic nucleus

astronomers found hot compact clouds moving at the high speed and a very bright and

compact radio source, 0.0001 light – year across. The nature of this object is not yet

understood, although some astronomers believe that it may contain a black hole.

____________2Padilla, Michael J., Miaoulis, lonic, et. al., Prentice Hall Physical Science,

2005 Pearson Education, Inc., p.671

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During World War I, Harlow Shapley (1885 – 1972) in the United States

measured the size of our galaxy. From his studies of RR Lyrae variable stars in globular

clusters and his estimates were very close to nuclear estimates: the disk being about

100,000 light years thick beyond the nucleus, which is much thicker. He also proved that

the sun, together with the Earth and the other members of the Solar System lies well

away from the center; the modern estimate of its distance from the galactic nucleus is

30,000 light years. The comparative size and structure of the Galaxy was uncertain,

however and became clear only with the work of Edwin Hubble (1889 – 1953), who

showed in the 1920’s that the spiral galaxies [3] are external systems, of bathe same basic

type as our own.

If so, then there seemed no reason to doubt that our own Galaxy must also be

spiral (although since the Earth is situated inside it, the spiral effect is naturally lost). The

final proof came from the radio astronomy. During World War II, Hendricks Van de

Hulst (1918) and his colleagues in the Netherlands calculated that the clouds of cold

hydrogen spread through the Galaxy should radiate at a wavelength of 21cm, and in

1951, E. Purcell and H. Ewen, in the United States, showed that this is what does happen,

when the positions and the movements of these hydrogen clouds when where worked out,

an unmistakable spiral structure was found with the sun located between two of the spiral

arms.[5]. It has also been established that the Galaxy is rotating, not as a solid body, at

one rule, but showing differential notation. In the neighborhood of the sun, the revolution

period is of the order of 230 million years – known unofficially as the cosmic years.

The Milky Way as mapped by Martin and Tatiana Kesbula, at the Land

Observatory in Sweden, has coordinates referring to galactic latitude and longitude

measured from the galactic latitude and longitude measured from the galactic plane. The

zero point for the longitude is the intersection between the galactic plane and the celestial

equator near the borders of Aquila and Serpens. The North Galactic pole is in Coma

Berenices, the South Galactic pole is in sculptor.

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The Milky Way, one of the grandest sights in the sky is the Milky Way, on a clear

moonless night when you are away from the lights, find the long cloud of stars that

stretches across the sky. This is the Milky Way. The Milky Way is of special interest to

us, because the sun is one of the millions of stars that make up the Milky Way.

In the open country on a dark, cloudless night, the Milky Way is a beautiful,

dazzling sight. Part of the Milky Way is a band of stars that stretches across the sky, the

position of this band of stars is changes throughout the night and with the seasons.

However, you will never have any difficulty in locating this band on a clear night.

Most of the stars that can be seen at night belong to the Milky Way. These stars

are members of the Milky Way galactic system. There are about 100 billion stars in the

Milky Way. Our sun is one of these stars.

What is the shape of the Milky Way? Where is the sun located in the Milky Way?

(these have been difficult questions to answer. Scientist has said that their problem is

something like that of a prisoner in a jail somewhere in a city who wants to draw a map

of the city. How could he go about making such map? If he could see the city from). If

we could see the Milky Way from a distance, it would be easy to sketch its shape. But,

we are a part of the Milky Way. We are surrounded by the stars that make up the Milky

Way. It is hard to see the shape of something when you are inside it.3The Milky Way is

usually thought of as a standard spiral galaxy. However, recent evidence suggests that the

Milky Way is a barred – spiral galaxy instead. 4

When you see the Milky Way at night during the summer, you are looking toward

the center of the galaxy. The center of the galaxy is about 25,000 light years away, but it

is hidden from view by large clouds of dust and gas. However, astronomers can study the

center using x – rays, infrared radiation and radiowaves..

____________3“The Random House”, Encyclopidia. Ed. 3rd p. 118-1194“Adventures in Science”. Encyclopedia. Ed. 2nd p. 13-17

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On a clear, dark night far from city lights, you can see a faint white band

stretching across the night sky

This is the Milky Way. The Milky Way galaxy has an estimated 200 to 400

billion stars and a diameter of more than 100,000 light years. Every individual star that

you can see with the unaided eye is in our galaxy. The Milky Way’s flattened disk shape

is caused by its rotation. The sun takes about 220 million years to complete one orbit

around the galaxy’s center. At the center of the galaxy is a bulge of stars surrounded by

an immense halo of globular clusters. Recent evidence suggests that there is a massive

black hole at our galaxy’s disk are spiral arms of gas, dust and young stars. Stars are

forming in these spiral arms. 5

The Milky Way is usually thought of as a standard spiral galaxy. However, recent

evidence suggests that the Milky Way is barred spiral galaxy instead. When you see the

Milky Way at night during the summer, you are looking toward the center of our galaxy.

The center of the galaxy is about 25,000 light years away, but it is hidden from view by

large clouds of dust and gas. However astronomers can study the center using x – rays,

infrared radiation and radiowaves.6The Milky Way contains stars, clusters, and gas

clouds. All the prominent objects in our night sky come from a small part of our galaxy.

Astronomers believe that most galaxies must have formed before 10 billion years ago

with in a few billion years of the Big Bang. But they are less sure of how they formed.

Two scenarios have been suggested and its possible that both were at work. Galaxies may

have assembled themselves in stages over a period of billion of years. “Building Blocks”

of material may have come from surrounding globular clusters. The universe was born

almost 14 billion years ago in gigantic explosion that astronomer as second call the Big

bang. For a fraction of a second, it was a super – hot, super – compressed speck of exotic

particles. As it expanded and cooled, familiar particles formed.

____________5”Adventures in Science”. Encyclopedia. Ed. 3rd p. 276 Padilla Michael J., Miaoulis Ionnic, et.al.,Prentice Hall Physical Science. 2005 Pearson Education, Inc; p 425

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Then, atoms formed, later clumping together under gravity’s influence to form

stars, and galaxies. 7

The Milky Way forms a huge, irregular circle of stars titled about 60 degrees to

the celestial equator. Even before the structure of our galaxy was known, the great

astronomers Herchel proposed that this concentration of stars was due to the galaxy

extending farther in space in some directions than in others. It is now clear that in looking

at Milky Way are looking down the long direction of our galaxy. As you look through a

deeper layer of stars, the stars appear more numerous. The Milky Way has both thin and

congested spots. In Sagittarius it is at its brightest, but all of it is a wonder to behold. On a

clear night, the sky is speckled with thousands of stars. In fact, there are just a few of the

200 billion stars belonging to our galaxy, the Milky Way. From the Earth, the thickest

part of the Milky Way looks like a patchy band of white light stretching into space. But

Milky Way is actually shaped like a spiral and is about 100,000 light years across. It has

atleast 2 major arms, made up of dusty nebulae and brilliant blue – white stars. Older

yellow and red stars form the nucleus of the galaxy. As the Earth lies way out on one of

the arms of the imagine what the galaxy looks like from the outside. Clouds of dust and

gas also block much of our view of the middle of the galaxy. Astronomers, however,

have recently determined that a huge object, possibly a black hole lies in the center of the

galaxy. 8

The Great Nebula is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way. It is a visible galaxy

other than the Milky Way. I t is two million light years away from the Earth. Do you

know why the galaxy called Nebula? Nebula is a Latin word which means cloud. It was

called Nebula because it appears like a band of white clouds. But, it is actually made up

of millions of stars.

____________7 O’ Byrne John, Space. Fog City Pren. P.1418 Irving James Gordon, Stars. Western Publishing Company Inc.,p.44

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The Great Nebula is also called Andromeda Galaxy because it lies in the

constellation of Andromeda. The Andromeda galaxy is located between Cassiopeia and

Pegasus. This galaxy is bigger than the Milky Way. It is similar to the Milky Way in

shape. There are two galaxies in the southern Hemisphere. These are the large

Magellanic. Cloud and the small Magellanic Cloud. These galaxies were at first thought

to be hazy clouds of light only. These two galaxies are also visible to us. Although they

are considered the closest galaxies to the Milky Way, they are 170,000 to 200,000 light

years away from us. Whirlpool Galaxy is about 10 million light years away from us.

Galaxies can be classified according to their shapes. One type of galaxy is called

Elliptical galaxy. This galaxy has a circular and oval shape. It is the most common galaxy

in the universe. It is look like round or flattened balls. It contains billion of stars but has

little and dust between the stars and contain only old stars. Giant Elliptical galaxies are

massive. This galaxy has five trillion stars. Another type of galaxy is the Spiral Galaxy.

This galaxy is similar to a pinwheel. The stars in this galaxy are arranged in the disk. The

arms of a normal spiral galaxy are filled with stars and gas clouds. Some galaxies appear

to have a bulge in the middle and arms that spiral outward like pinwheels. The spiral

arms contain many bright, young stars as well as gas and dust. The third is an irregular

galaxy. It has no definite shape. The Large Magellanic Cloud and the Small Magellanic

Cloud are irregular galaxies. Irregular galaxies have random shapes, and they are smaller

than the Milky Way. Next is a Barred Galaxy, has a bar of stars across its center. The

spiral arms begin at the ends of the bar.

Only about ¼ of all galaxies are spirals and ¼ are irregular. The most numerous

types are elliptical galaxies with shapes ranging from that of a football to globular.

Elliptical vary greatly in size, from around 10 million stars up to the largest galaxies

known, with a hundred trillion members. They contain little gas and few young stars, so

they are predominantly reddish in color. There are no large elliptical galaxies in the local

group, but some small ones are satellite galaxies of Andromeda.

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Spiral galaxies can have tightly coiled arms, emerging from large central disks, or

less tightly coiled ones emerging from smaller disks. The same range of forms appears in

a type of a galaxy described as a barred spiral in which a spiral arms emerges from each

end of a central bulge that takes a bar – shaped rather than a circular form. 9

The Milky Way is our home in the universe. Do you know why it is called the

Milky Way? This because the light of the stars that are mixed with patches of nebulae

appears like drops of milk splashed across the sky. It has band of hazy light that looks

like a stream of spilled milk in the night sky, through a telescope this light can be seen to

be million of stars. A galaxy is an island of matter in space – a giant collection of gas,

dust and millions or billions of stars. The Milky Way Galaxy is in the shape of a disk.

The Earth’s approximately halfway out from the center. Since the Earth is located inside

of the Milky Way, various parts of the galaxy are always visible in our sky. The disk of

the Milky Way is thin. When we look toward away from the center or in any other

directions we see many stars and much gas and dust in those directions we see a band of

white across the sky, mottled with some dark material. People have long called the band

of the light that appears across sky by the home the Milky Way Galaxy because of its


Milky Way is just only one of millions of galaxies in the universe. Most galaxies

outside our own are too faint and distant to be seen with naked eye or binoculars, but it is

fascinating to study their shapes in a telescopes. There many other galaxies in the

universe that are similar to the Milky Way Galaxies are sometimes called “island

universe “. A spiral galaxy can be seen in the constellation Andromeda. This is probably

the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way. It is about two million light years away. 10

“Universe” is the word we use to describe everything we know to exist. It is

endless space that contains everything. It includes all the stars, the planets in solar

system, moons, comets, asteroids, gas and dust scattered throughout it.

____________9“Student Handbook”. Encyclopedia. Vol.5 p.2710“Young People’s Science”. Encyclopedia. Vol.11 p.1062

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It is believed that the universe started from nothing. It was created by God Whom

among Christians is called Yahweh or God the Father. Astronomers were able to make

powerful instruments that helped them gather information about heavenly bodies in the


One of the powerful instruments being invented is a solar telescope. This

telescope has a mirror which is buried deep in the ground at the lower end of a tunnel

parallel with Earth’s axis of rotation. This large mirror reflects the light of the sun down

the end of the tunnel.

Another instrument is the Hubble Space Telescope. This telescope was made to

help astronomers; get images of the astronomical objects such as galaxies and other

planets. There are theories that try to explain the history of the universe. First theory is

the Big Bang Theory is the name given to the theory that says the universe began with a

gigantic explosion 15 billion years ago and that the galaxies are still moving apart from

the explosion. An evidence for this theory is that distant stars seem to give off red light

which happens if they are moving away from us. The universe may expand forever or it

might stop and then slowly collapse in on itself.

According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe formed in an instant, billion

years ago, in an enormous explosion. Since the big bang the size of the universe has been

increasing rapidly. The universe is billions of times larger now than it was early in its


As the universe expanded, it gradually cooled after a few hundred thousand years,

atoms formed. Two hundred million years after the big bang, the first stars and galaxies

formed. An American astronomer, Edwin Hubble, discovered important evidence that

later helped astronomers to spectrums of many galaxies of various distance from Earth by

examming a galaxy’s spectrums Hubble could tell how fast the galaxy is moving and

whether it is moving toward our galaxy or away from it. Hubble discovered that with the

exception of a few nearby galaxies all galaxies are moving away from us and from each

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other. Hubble found that the farther away a galaxy is the faster it is moving away from

us. Hubble law strongly supports the Big Bang theory.

The next is Steady State Theory states that the universe is the same everywhere

and at all time. This second theory of the nature of the universe holds that the universe is

not expanding. The Steady State Theory recognizes evolutionary processes in stars and

galaxies – that they change with ages, but it does not recognize an evolution of the

universe is constant in size and uniform throughout. Next is Pulsating Theory states that

the universe expanded from a ball of matter.A present it is still expanding but time would

come when it would stop expanding. It would contract and expand all over again. 11

____________11“Young People’s Science”. Encyclopedia. Vol.16 p.1520-1521

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Part III

A. Summary

The Milky Way Galaxy is the band of hazy light that looks like a stream of spilled

milk in the night sky. Milky Way is our home where the solar system located. Milky Way

have billion stars, the sun is one of the stars in the Milky Way. Milky Way is probably

similar to other of the spiral galaxies. Milky Way looks like a giant pinwheel with five

arms. The astronomers believed that the solar system is situated about half – way

between the center and the edge of the fifth arm. There are many galaxies exist in the

universe like Andromeda Galaxy, Large Magellanic Cloud, Small Magellanic Cloud,

Whirlpool Galaxy, and Milky Way Galaxy. Galaxies also classified according to their

shapes. Like elliptical galaxy, spiral galaxy, irregular galaxy. And also galaxies form

from many theories. Many scientists said the Big Bang Theory, others said that Steady

State Theory, some are Pulsating Theory and many Christians believed that God is the

one created universe, galaxies and all the things in this universe.

B. Conclusions

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After we analyzed, we learned and conclude that there are different types of

galaxies that exist in our universe and different shapes of galaxies. The Milky Way

Galaxy is our home is belong to a spiral - shaped galaxy. We also found that the galaxies

is a very huge that composed of billions of stars, dust, clouds and gases. And also our

solar system is bound in the Milky Way Galaxy.

C. Recommendation

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The researchers offer the following recommendations:

1. We recommend to give importance our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy as a part of

our universe.

2. We like to recommend all the readers to continue studying about the Milky Way


3. Everyone must know how our galaxy is important.

4. In this topic, you can also know how the Milky Way formed.

Part – IV

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Irving James Gordon, Stars, Western Publishing Company Inc., p. 44

O’Byrne John, Space, Fog City Press. 2005, p. 24

Padilla Michael J., Miaoulis Ionic, et.al. Prentice Hall Physical, 2005 Pearson

Education, Inc., p. 671


“Milky Way Galaxy” The Random House Encyclopedia. 3rd ed.p. 188 – 119

“Milky Way Galaxy” Adventures in Science Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. p. 13 – 17

“Milky Way Galaxy” Adventures in Science Encyclopedia. 3rd ed. p.27

“Milky Way Galaxy” Student Hand Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 5 p. 27

“Milky Way Galaxy” Young People’s Science Encyclopedia. Vol. 11 p. 1062

“Milky Way Galaxy” Young People’s Science Encyclopedia. Vol. 16 p.1520 -



Webster’s English Dictionary. Amos Books, Inc. 2004 ed.

Appendix A

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Out – line

Title Page

Approval Sheet



Part I – Introduction

A. Background of the Study

B. Statement of the Problem

1. What is the Milky Way Galaxy?

2. What are the things that can found in the Milky Way?

3. What are the different shapes of the galaxy?

4. Why do our galaxy called Milky Way Galaxy?

5. How do the galaxies formed?

C. Significance of the Study

D. Scope and Limitations

E. Methodology

F. Definition of Terms

Part II – Main Discussion

Part III – Summary/ Conclusion/ Recommendation

Part IV – Bibliography

Part V – Appendices

Appendix A – Out – line

Appendix B – Biodata

Appendix B

Page 24: calatagan national high school 1


Bio – Data

Name: Eduardo V. Perado

Nickname: Eduard

Age: 15 years old

Birthdate: March 13, 1995

Birthplace: Poblacion 1, Calatagan Batangas

Address: Poblacion 1, Calatagan Batangas

Sex: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Edgardo Perado

Occupation: Fisherman

Mother’s Name: Maurita Perado

Occupation: Housewife

School Attended

Elementary: Jacobo Zobel Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2007

High School: Calatagan National High School

Year Graduated: 2011

Appendix B

Page 25: calatagan national high school 1


Bio – Data

Name: Jonel C. Ramos

Nickname: Jonel

Age: 15 years old

Birthdate: May 17, 1995

Birthplace:Tanagan, Calatagan Batangas

Address: Tanagan, Calatagan Batangas

Sex: Male

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Eligio Ramos

Occupation: Farmer

Mother’s Name: Josephine Ramos

Occupation: Housewife

School Attended

Elementary: Tanagan Elementary School

Year Graduated: S.Y. 2006 - 2007

High School: Calatagan National High School

Year Graduated: 2011

Appendix B

Page 26: calatagan national high school 1


Bio – Data

Name: Pauline B. Perado

Nickname: Polen

Age: 16 years old

Birthdate: June 27, 1994

Birthplace: Poblacion 1, Calatagan Batangas

Address: Poblacion 1, Calatagan Batangas

Sex: Female

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Victor Perado

Occupation: Carpenter

Mother’s Name: Gloria Perado

Occupation: Housewife

School Attended

Elementary: Jacobo Zobel Elementary School

Year Graduated: 2007

High School: Calatagan National High School

Year Graduated: 2011

Appendix B

Page 27: calatagan national high school 1


Bio – Data

Name: Ailene A. Reyes

Nickname: Lyn

Age: 15 years old

Birthdate: May 27, 1995

Birthplace: Bagong Silang, Calatagan Batangas

Address: Bagong Silang, Calatagan Batangas

Sex: Female

Citizenship: Filipino

Civil Status: Single

Father’s Name: Vicente C. Reyes

Occupation: Farmer

Mother’s Name: Teresa A. Reyes

Occupation: Housekeeper

School Attended

Elementary: Pedro Palacio Sr. Memorial Elementary School

Year Graduated: March 2007

High School: Calatagan National High School

Year Graduated: April 2011