By: Dr. Rafael S. Barrozo OPTA-Executive Director

By: Dr. Rafael S. Barrozo OPTA-Executive Director

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By:Dr. Rafael S. Barrozo

OPTA-Executive Director


What is Organic Farming?

• Organic farming is

the production of

crops and livestock

without the use of

synthetic chemicals

and in-organic



What is conventional/ modern agriculture?

• Modern agriculture uses pesticides, herbicides, fungicides,

rodenticides and harmful chemicals to produce the food we eat.

• The food produced from conventional agriculture is harmful to

human health because they contain residues of chemicals and

in-organic fertilizers.


• Organic agriculture is healthy for the farmers who produces our foods to the environment because it avoids poisonous chemicals for consumers, who eat the organic food.


Organic Farming creates “Living Soil”

• Full of life with microorganism, fungi, worms

and termites.

• Very rich in macro and micro elements, trace

elements, and vital energy

• Very rich in organic matter


Modern Chemical Farming creates “Dead Soil”

• Acidic soils with few microorganisms

• Lacking in micro elements, trace elements,

poor vitality

• Almost O organic matter


What are the harmful effects of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides, suicide?

• In August 2000, a research team in Holland

published findings which showed that men

whose jobs gave them a high exposure to

pesticides had significantly lower sperm



• Couple of years earlier, a Danish study found

that a sample of organic farmers had sperm

counts 50% higher than the national average.

• The Economic and Social Research Council,

USDA, published a report in April 2000 saying

that a combination of high tech crops,

pollution and soil erosion are affecting the

intelligence of millions of people.


• High yielding rice and wheat, the so called “green

revolution crops” developed in Los Baños, the

Philippines, are now named as one of the causes of

brain damage especially impaired intellect in poor

or third world countries.

• These crops, produced under modern agriculture

techniques using large doses of pesticides,

herbicides, and fertilizers are being blamed for

intelligence problems because they do not contain

essential brain nutrients such as iodine, iron and

vitamin A.


• A decrease in brain size has been reported among

poor communities in Brazil over 30 years.

• “We evolved bigger brains at the cost of a smaller

digestive system requiring high quality food” says the


• “If food supplies become poor quality or

contaminated. This might favor humans with a bigger

gut or larger digestive system but with a resultantly

smaller brain.”


• This phenomenon has forced the Philippine

government to make laws, RA 8976, the “Food

Fortification Law” requiring all rice, sugar,

cooking oil and flour sold in the market to be

fortified with iron in the form of ferrous sulfate

– a synthetic micronutrient derived from scrap



• According to Hawley’s Condensed Chemical

Dictionary, one hazard of ingesting large amount

of ferrous sulfate is that it causes “stomach


• A Stanford University study of 496 patients newly

diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease suggests that

in-home use of pesticides increases the rich of the

neurological disorder by 70%.


• A study at Emory University in Atlanta,

confirmed a connection between Parkinson’s

disease and pesticides after laboratory rats

developed Parkinson’s like symptoms upon

prolonged exposure to the organic pesticide

rotenone. (Neurology Reviews, August 2000;

Nature Neuroscience, December 2000.)


• For many years, pesticides were studied mainly to

determine their potential to cause cancer.

Recently, researchers at Mount Sinai School of

Medicine in New York has found that the most

widely used class of indoor insecticides is a

probable hormone disrupter that may interfered

with reproductive functions and possibly

contribute to cancer.


• Thousands of people in Florida have reported

suffering health problems following aerial

spraying of the insecticide Malathion against

Mediterranean fruit flies attacking food crops.

The victims have filed a class-action have sent

against Cheminova Inc. the manufacturer of

Malathion, which is related to the nerve gases

used in World War II.


• Modern agriculture or Chemical farming has

damaged our environment by contaminating our

rivers, lakes, drinking water and clouds forming

rain. These poisonous chemicals has killed not

only insects but also fish, birds, useful small

animals, microorganisms and some plants.

These agricultural chemicals is killing humans



• Without microorganisms, the soil, will be

lacking in other micronutrients needed by the

body such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc,

cooper, selinium, manganese, vit. C, vit. A, vit.

B6, Folecin, vit. E, potassium, etc.

• There are 23 elements needed for human

health that come from the soil.


• Plants convert the 23 elements, along with

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen into food nutrients

– amino acids, carbohydrates, essential fats,

vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fiber.

• A deficiency or absence of even one element

produces deficient food, which can result in

health problems in the body.


• Dr. Albrecht and Dr. Allison of Missouri

University with the funding by the International

Harvester Company conducted experiments on

animals using plants grown in soil deficient in

the 23 elements especially the trace elements.

• The food produced on this soil was also

deficient in the trace elements or nutrients.


• The cattle fed with plants grown in poor soil

developed certain deficiency diseases. The

blood of these sick cattle was analyzed and

was found deficient in trace elements.

• The missing trace elements was supplied or

added to the soil and then the animals were

fed with food grown on such enriched soil. The

cattle recovered from their fever and disease.


• Dr. George H. Earp-Thomas wrote in 1950 his

discoveries on the relationship between poor

soil and human and animal diseases.

• He concluded that “There is only one disease,

and that is MALNUTRITION.”


• The body cells will die, “atrophy away” if not supplied

with constant nourishments. Many soils can no

longer produce foods adequately supplied with all the

essential factors. The more you eat of deficient food,

regardless of your health, the more you hasten your

decline – if the trace elements are lacking.

• Such symptoms fill medical books with fancy names,

but here is one name which covers practically all of



• Drs. Albrecht-Allison conducted experiments

and with organic farming produced an

organic food that would meet the needs of

the medical profession, that would have all

of or more than the 32 factors and 23

elements well proportioned for their use.


• The organic food produced from organic crops was

richer in protein than meat, carried all the needed

amino acids, a full and liberal supply of vitamins

A, C, K, the B complex, some E, F, G and P.

• The trace minerals iron, copper, zinc, calcium,

phosphorus, cobalt, the factors Inositol, folic aid,

Choline – all essential for good health.


• With the discovery of the health benefits derived from rich

sail coming from organic farming, the nature doctor, or

now called naturopathic doctors, are able to supply proper

nutrition to sick persons and are able to heal their

diseases, by giving organically grown foods.


• Organic Agriculture do not use pesticides.

Because of this, the food produced are now called

“Power Charged” foods. Organic foods contain

more phyto-chemicals that are called “Medicinal

Foods.”• Scientists from the Department of Food Science

and Technology of the University of California-

Davis discovered that fruits and vegetables

grown organically can reduce the risk of heart

disease, cancer and other diseases. (Journal of

Food Chem. 57(5), 2003).


• According to these scientists, crops grown organically

contain more polyphenolics than conventional crops

possibly because they are not sprayed with any pesticides.

• These results showed that berries and corn grown

organically contained up to 58 percent more

polyphenolics, strawberries, 19% more, blackberries, 58%

more and all of them have higher content of ascorbic acid

(Vit C) and other antioxidants, flavonoids and



• Livestock like chicken, pigs and cattle, grown in

chemical-industrial animal farming systems are also

sources of chemicals harmful to health.

• The animals grown like sardines in unhealthy animal

farms are fed and injected with synthetic chemicals to

force them to grow fast and survive the pathogenic

microorganisms that abounds. These are antibiotics,

growth hormones, steroids, synthetic vitamins and



• When humans eat these animals, they also ingest

these synthetic chemicals and whatever disease

these animals have.

• Because meat produced in animal farms are too

unhealthy, the Harvard Medical School in its newly

constructed Food Pyramid or Dietary Guide warned

that meat should be taken in small quantities, and

that Red Meat should be taken only occasionally.

(Paminsan-minsasn lang)


Today, Oncologists from the Harvard Medical School recommend to cancer patients to:

• Change lifestyle

• Become vegetarians or avoid

red meat

• Eat lots of organic food

• Avoid eating at FAST FOOD

Restaurant like McDonalds


• Because the foods we eat today lack

nutritional content, children and adults, no

matter how they eat are “starved” and tend to

eat more then necessary, resulting into:

obesity, diabetes, cardio-vascular and heart

diseases, and chronic and degenerative

diseases including Parkinson’s.


The best way to Health is by eating only Organic Food.

• You can avoid disease by eating only “Certified

Organic” food.

• The Organic Producers Trade Association,

OPTA is also an accredited Organic

Certification Agency by the Department of

Agriculture. OPTA-COP performs Organic

Farm Inspection and Certifications.


Interested farmers and food producers who want to learn Organic Farming and Organic Food Processing can contact OPTA, Philippines at:• 21 Makaturing Street, Bgy. Manresa,

Quezon City, Philippines 1115Tel. (632) 363-6816 Fax. (632) 415-3636Cellphone: 0919-7381457E-mail: [email protected]: www.optaphil.com

End of Presentation