Is it possible to combine business and spirituality? The two may seem incompatible at times, because in our Western culture, we've been programmed to think of money as something used to control those without it, much as religion has been used to control those who would otherwise sin like mad without a severe consequence to curtail these lower ambitions. But the pursuit of a higher cause can drive one to be more than just one who is earning money for a talent or skill. A belief system of contribution aids in the knowledge that one can make a difference by utilizing the passion of creativity. So why the division? Creativity drives production but I think that people forget that it takes an idea taken to fruition to be able to make anything tangible. Business is simply the essence

Business Vs. Creativity.Cwk (Wp)

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Is it possible to combine business and spirituality?

The two may seem incompatible at times, because in our Western culture, we've been programmed to think of money as something used to controlthose without it, much as religion has been used to control those who wouldotherwise sin like mad without a severe consequence to curtail these lower ambitions.

But the pursuit of a higher cause can drive one to be more than just one who is earning money for a talent or skill. A belief system of contribution aids in the knowledge that one can make a differenceby utilizing the passion of creativity.

So why the division? Creativity drives production but I think that people forget that it takes an idea taken to fruition to be able to make anything tangible. Business is simply the essence

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of making the idea profitable.

As a businessman and entrepreneur, I've seen how corporations can quash a creative spirit and sense of adventure needed to make a change in the 'business as usual' mindset of smaller minds,but a necessary part of the balance of bottom line vs. dreamer.

But I believe that a positive energy channeled into commerce can be a win-win situation, and accessing our whole mind and soulbenefits all involved. As a creative entity, I can see the possible melding of both energies. 

A true win-win situation.

Something like the Venus Project gives us a chance to seehow this is possible, with the foresight of people like Jacque Fresco and his love of humanity and dedication 

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to the same, reflected in his tireless and innovative social awareness.

The Venus Project

Will we be able to utilize such forward thinkers to their greatest potential, or just watch as he dies a death at the hands of severe myopia and avarice? Ever hear of the flying car? 

Will we see eyes now shut open a bit to realize that the ideas and passion of the idealist are really to the advancement of the many? The electric car is now taking another shot on the main stage, after many orchestrated big auto corporate bullets to its heart. Slowly, but surely the cardio paddles have been re-energized to give it  another chance at success, at life once again. Why? Because  big business sees a more aware society, because the  current economy favors it, and because corporation sees the money at the end of the tunnel, now within much easier reach. 

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Business and Spiritual Creativity can be friends if given the chance. Think Apple. Think X-Prize. Think it's possible, and it is. 
