DATA INPUT SKILLS Business Correspondence Documents

Business Correspondence Documents

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Business Correspondence Documents. Data Input Skills. Memo. Interoffice Memorandums – Written messages used by employees within an organization to communicate with one another. . Memo Formatting. MARGINS: Top - 2 inches Sides and Bottom – 1 inch HEADING – ALL CAPS starting at left margin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business Correspondence Documents

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Interoffice Memorandums – Written messages used by employees within an organization to communicate with one another.

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Memo Formatting

MARGINS: Top - 2 inches Sides and Bottom – 1 inch

HEADING – ALL CAPS starting at left margin TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:

Double Space (DS) between each entry of the heading.

Align Heading entries at the horizontal 1 inch mark. Use TAB to get to the one inch mark, and expose your ruler

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Memo Formatting

Memo body: All paragraphs of the memo begin at the left hand


Paragraphs are Single Spaced (SS) with a Double Space (DS) between paragraphs

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Memo Extras

Reference Initials – If someone other than the originator of the memo keys it, his/her initials are keyed in lowercase letters at the left margin, Double Spaced (DS) below the body

Attachment/Enclosure Notations – If another doc is attached, key Attachment below the last line of the body or reference initials.

If a doc accompanies a memo but is not attached, key the word Enclosure

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Memo Settings Review

Set line spacing and line leadingSet the marginExpose the rulerUse the current date unless otherwise statedType your initials for Reference Initials If not specified, use the formatting defaults:

Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri 11-point font

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Memo Assignment

Key the memo on Pg 56.Save in BTA folder as Memo 1

Put the current date Put your initials Remember to set the formatting

Key the memo on Pg 57. Top memoSave as Memo 2

Don’t forget the enclosure

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Memo Creation

Create a memo that outlines how you plan to make better grades this nine weeks in this class. Follow all formatting correctly – Pg 56 Send memo to Whitney Welch Body of Memo must be 150 words minimum Attach the grades from the first nine weeks.

So attachment should appear at the bottom of memo and somewhere in the body should state that your first nine weeks grades are attached.

Save As Grades Memo in Student U:/ BTA folder. Send Memo to me by student email for a grade.

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Electronic Mail – Used in most business organizations.

Because of the ease of sending, emails have somewhat replaced the memo and business letter

The email is delivered within seconds, in the same building or any computer in the world.

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Email format

The heading will include: TO: SUBJECT: CC:

All heading entries will be DS between DS after last heading entry

Level of Importance – Drop down box with High, Normal, Low

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TO: Email addressSUBJECT: CC: Carbon Copy – Who copies of the email

are being sent to, email addressBcc: ?

The name of the sender and the date are automatically entered into the email by the email server.

Use the TAB key to jump from form line to form line in an email server form

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EMAIL BODY Block format SS inside of and DS between paragraphs

Attachments Paper clip1. Browse – Find document2. Attach File - It will appear in gray on pop up window

Address Book – Contacts Once an email address in entered, a copy will be

saved to the address book, click on TO: in order to select from the book

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Student Email Accounts are located under the Favorites (star) on the Internet Explorer toolbar

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Email Assignment

Create the email on top of Pg 59. TO: [email protected] Carbon Copy yourself Save AS: Email 1 in your BTA folder

Use your student email to send email 1 as an ATTACHMENT to [email protected] Mark as HIGH level of priority

THEN: Two different emails should be sent to 2 separate classmates. Any classmate will do, just be able to verify they received it

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Unbound Reports

Reports prepared without covers and binders Example on Pg 65

If they are more than one page, they are fastened together in the upper-left corner by a staple or paper clip.

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Unbound Report Settings

Margins 2” – top 1” – left, right and bottom

Not Block Style – Indent all paragraphs

Spacing Double Space the entire body of the document,

including all heading types Reference Page will have special spacing

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Unbound Reports

Main Heading Centered ALL CAPS Bold 14-pt font

Side Headings Bold Aligned Left 12-pt font

Reference Heading Centered Bold ALL CAPS 14-pt font

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Unbound Reports

In-Text Citations References used to give credit for paraphrased or quoted

material Keyed in parenthesis in the body of the report

Citations include: Name of author Year of Publication Page number of material

Internet Citation Name of author Year of publication

If there are two articles by the same author, include the title of the article

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Unbound Reports

Quotations of up to 3 keyed lines are enclosed in quotation marks “ ”

Long quotes (4 or more lines) will be left indented

An ellipse is three periods (…) Will indicate material omitted from a quote Have a blank space before and after the ellipse

If the omitted material occurs at the end of a sentence, put the punctuation before the ellipse

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Unbound Reports

Reference List All references used in a report should be listed at the end

of the report under the REFERENCE heading AKA Bibliography or Works Cited page

Quadruple Space (QS) after the last line of the report and before the Reference heading

DS after the Reference heading Begin the first line of each reference at the left margin

Indent continuing lines 0.5 inches (one tab strike) Single space continuing lines

References are listed in alphabetical order by authors last names. Double Space (DS) between references

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Unbound Reports Review

Set Line spacing and Line leadingSet the marginsDouble space Format each heading properlyFormat In-text CitationsCreate and format a Reference List

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Unbound Report Assignment

Key the Unbound Report on Pg 65.Save As: Report 1 in Student U:// BTA folder

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Friday Unbound Report Assignment

Key Report on Pg 70-71Save As: Report 2 in Student U:// BTA folderEmail Report to me for a grade. Email

address is on the board.

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Completion Day

Memo Pg 56 Save As: Memo 1 Pg 57-top, Save As: Memo 2

Email Pg 59, Save As Email 1 Email addressing changes in school

Unbound Report Pg 65 Save As: Report 1 Pg 70-71 Save As:Report 2

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Business Letters

A letter written by an individual to deal with business

Business letters are in Block Format

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Business Letters

Margins First Page

Top 2 inches Bottom, left, and right 1 inch

All other pages 1 inch on top, bottom, left, and right

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Business Letters

Basic parts of a Business Letter Return Address Date Letter Mailing Address Salutation Body Complimentary Close Name of the Writer

Special Parts Reference Initials Attachment/Enclosure notation

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Business Letter Basic Parts

Return Address – two lines First line - street address Next line - City, State, ZIP Code SS then:

Date – one line Month, Day, and Year

Quadruple space (QS) after the Date

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Business Letter Basic Parts

Letter Mailing Address – 3 lines 1st line - Key a personal title (Mr. Mrs. Dr. Lt.) followed

by the receivers name 2nd line – Street Address 3rd line – City, State, and ZIP

Double Space after the Letter Mailing Address

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Business Letter Basic Parts

Salutation – one line Must be professional (To Whom it May Concern, Dear …) No punctuation after the salutation

Double space after the salutation

Body of Letter Block Style Single space inside of paragraphs Double space between new paragraphs

Double space after the Body of the Letter

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Business Letter Basic Parts

Complimentary Close Sincerely or Thanks. Must be professional No punctuation

Quadruple space after the complimentary close This is where you would put your signature – in pen

Name of the writer – Originator of the message May have a personal title before it (Mr. Mrs. Dr. Lt.) May have a job title following it, single spaced below

Double space after the name of the writer if any extras appear

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Business Letter SPECIAL PARTS

Letter may include these extras: Reference Initials Attachment/Enclosure notations

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Business Letter SPECIAL PARTS

Reference initials Place initials if letter is keyed by someone other than

the originator

Double space after the reference initials

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Business Letter SPECIAL PARTS

Attachment/Enclosure notation If doc is attached, key attachment after DS If doc is not attached but enclosed, key enclosure

after DS

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Business Letter Review

Set line spacing and line leadingSet marginsNote the different line spacingsReturn addressDateLetter mailing addressSalutationBodyComplimentary closeName of writerExtras

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Business Letter Assignment

Key the professional business letter on Pg 78.Save As: Letter 1

Pay attention to the details

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Envelops and Labels

To create an envelop, go to: Mailings > Envelops

Items to be defined Letter Mailing Address – Delivery Address Return Address Change Feed

4 1/8 x 9 ½ inches is the default envelop size

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Envelops and Labels

To create a label: Mailings > Labels

Things to be defined What to print

Full page or single label Click on Label to change the size of the labels

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Mail Merge

To create a Mail Merge: Mailings > Mail Merge Select Recipients Edit Recipients