BUSINESS CONTINUITY SOFTWARE REPORTSOFTWARE REPORT · DRP & BCP TEMPLATES JANCO ASSOCIATES Function: Templates for creating disaster recovery and business continuity plans in Word

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BCM Software

As much as business would like to have software that does more than one thing, it’s unfortunately not the case.

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United Kingdom & European Head Office12-13 Bracknell Beeches, Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 7BW

Keeping people and information connected Consulting Recovery Services Managed Services BCM Software






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Function: Plan development, risk analysis,crisis messaging.

Launched 2006; major upgrade 2008;corporate version launched 2008.

123BCP takes the plan manager throughthe whole planning process. Staff can beallocated to groups which have specifictasks and processes to carry out before,during and after an incident. The planmanager can set dates that pre-disastertasks must be done by as part of a full plan diary. While the plan can be madeavailable online and on a user’s intranet,data is maintained by plan and groupadministrators rather than directly by thirdparties.

123BCP is a desktop application installedon a users’ PC or a server. For largerorganisations the Corporate version linksto SQL-enabled in-house databases. Planscan be uploaded to the 123BCP web service and can then be viewed (read-only) using any recent web browser. A newweb-based (and intranet) system will allowfull web-based processing from Q4 2009.

Among the benefits of the 123BCP modelis that a plan can be downloaded from the internet to a laptop, managed using the 123BCP PC software (for instanceduring a flight or a site visit) and thenuploaded back to the internet whenconvenient. Plans can also be activated –with notifications being sent to customers, suppliers or employees via SMS and/oremail. On the 123BCP Web Service, alldata stored on the web server is encrypted using the 256bit AES algorithm.

A new dedicated disaster recovery websiteis available so that a company can have aneasy to manage disaster recovery websitefor before and during any disaster. Anaudio messaging system makes it easy torecord messages for during any crisis withspecific messages linked to button presses.This message system also supportsscheduled messages for during DR tests.123BCP is purchased via a one-off fee, and all support is free of charge.

Training can be purchased if required aswell as a full planning service. A Wishlistfunction allows users to request upgradesor enhancements.


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Software for businesscontinuity planning is oneway of organising and

managing the data needed for businesscontinuity plans. These tools alsoserve to provide an audit trail ofevents for various purposes, some ofwhich may be used as a basis for some important capital expendituredecisions.

The following product summaries werecompiled using information suppliedby the software providers themselves.This is not an exhaustive list of allproducts available in the market. Ifyour product does not feature, andyou wish to be included in the nextreport, please contact CIR.

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Upcoming enhancements include Frenchand Spanish language versions, whichwill be available during 2010.

Tel: 0845 22 55 444www.123bcp.com


Function: Plan development andexecution in case of disaster, emergencyplans and IT recovery plans. WithGrade-It: business impact analysis (BIA)and risk impact analysis

Launched: 2001.

alive-IT supports all aspects of theplanning process. With its built-inwizards, the software also supportsculture and awareness programmes which makes the product ideally suited to enterprise-wide roll-outs. A BIA module is the latest addition to this software.

Supporting the UK’s BS 25999, alive-IT is fully web-based and can be accessedfrom any PC with a web browser. Allsoftware modules necessary for theoperation are included in alive-IT exceptthe database management system and, ifneeded, database clients (especially forOracle and DB2).

Apache Tomcat is provided for the webserver. An integration of Apache webserver and IIS (MS Internet InformationServer) is possible. Sun Java 5 (JDK 1.5.x)is assumed to be present.

The access protection of alive-IT contains is extensive, organised in foursteps featuring authentication, encoding,bugging protection and rules-basedauthorisation. alive-IT can be purchasedor leased. Training can also bepurchased. Alive-IT’s resource data /resource management function enablesoptimisation of an enterprise’s dataadministration, including customisabledefinition of data and data classes.

With alive-IT, resource classes can be freelydefined. Users can automatically importdata from existing databases (batch andonline). An essential aspect of alive-IT is

its process modelling. Diagrams areautomatically generated.

Tel: +49 (0)40 89 06 64 60www.controll-it.de


Function: Business continuity lifecycle,notification and crisis communication.

Launched: Web-based Business Protector,featuring a completely new code base,was released in 2000. The product iscurrently in version 4.5. 2008 Version 5.0integrating .NET 3.0.

Business Protector supports all phases ofthe business continuity planning lifecycle– from easy-to-configure frameworks,intuitive content management to robustscorecard, plan testing and systemreporting. Access control can be grantedat any level of the software to supply chainparticipants, external stakeholders,regulators and other interested parties.These rights can be granted as read/writeor read-only. All access is audited.

Business Protector is benchmarked againstBS 25999 and is fully web-based.Additional modules include incidentmanagement and automated notification.End-user and administrator training can beprovided either online or in-house.Administrative training typically takes twodays, usually provided in two one-hoursessions. End-users are generallyconversant with the solution after one four-hour training session

Tel: 020 8002 9029www.businessprotection.com


Function: Externally-hosted, secure, web-based information storage andcommunications.

Launched: 2007. Beta version: 2006.

CrisisCommsuite aims to make vital

information (during invocation, testing orpost-incident review) available to allauthorised users, regardless of location. Itdoes not aim to undertake BIA, risk orplan writing functionality, but ratherprovides a readily available platform forthe output from those projects to be stored,distributed and made available to supporttime-critical decisions at the time of anincident or in testing/exercising.

Within the lifecycle, Crisis CommSuite isprimary a tool that supports businesscontinuity programme management,embedding culture and testing,maintenance and review.

Crisis CommSuite provides a whole rangeof functionality both to support multi-channel communications during a disasterand also to create a virtual battle-box thatcan be accessed individually or on ashared basis at a command centre orEOC. It supports a media managementfacility, the opportunity to assign and re-schedule tasks as the incident progresses,an automated means of assessing levels ofimpact and the automatic notification ofthe appropriate levels of contact.

The objective of this product is to workworldwide with all other products such asplanning tools and automated calloutproducts (regardless of vendor) to providea single point of access at critical times.

In BAU conditions it also provides ameans of introducing and monitoring plangovernance, and helping enforce amaintenance and testing regime in linewith defined corporate policy.

In post-disaster and post-testing review itprovides absolute proof of what happenedwhen, how and who made what decisionsand why. The product supports BS 25999and can provide an off-site, virtual storagecapability for all of the key controldocuments required by BS 25999-2. If anorganisation defines its business continuitymanagement policy and supportinggovernance structure this can be input intoCrisis CommSuite and a series of RAGflags will provide management overview ofstatus and plan currency.

The product uses recognised SecureSocket Layer (SSL) security and


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incorporates full user ID and passwordprotection, and user profiles dictate whichareas of the system the users can obtainaccess to.

Tel: 01527 61926www.cpa-ltd.com


Function: Plan development,management, maintenance and distribution.

Launched: 2001.

TAMP Systems is a DRI Certified BusinessContinuity Vendor (CBCV) that providesplanning solutions for business continuityand disaster recovery. TAMP’s web-basedbusiness continuity planning andmanagement software, Disaster RecoverySystem (DRS), can be provided as aSoftware as a Service or client-hostedmodel.

The DRS software creates plans, keepsplans up-to-date and manages businesscontinuity management data. TAMP’sconsulting services include thedevelopment of BIAs as well as plans forbusiness continuity, disaster recovery, crisismanagement and pandemics. TAMP alsooffers the Essential Notification System(ENS), which provides automated deliveryof voice messages and failover of a currentvoicemail system for disaster recovery.

Tel: +1 516 623 2038www.tampsystems.com


Function: Templates for creating disasterrecovery and business continuity plans inWord formats. Templates include formsand questionnaires that can be used tocustomise the plan to fit specify needs.

Launched 1998. Version 5 launched 2008.

Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) andBusiness Continuity (BCP) are designedto create, maintain, test, audit, andfunction in compliance with all enterprise

and mandated business continuitymanagement requirements.

No training should be required to use this product. The DRP and BCPTemplates can be used in any enterprise.Templates and supporting material havebeen updated to be Sarbanes-Oxley,HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and ISO 27000compliant. The Disaster Recovery Planand Business Continuity Templatespredate BS 25999 and exceed itsrequirements.

Tel: +1 435 940-9300www.e-janco.com


Function: Plan development, planmaintenance, crisis communications.

Launched: 2004. Major upgrades in 2005,2007 and 2008.

eSecurus supports all aspects of the BS 25999 recommendations, embeddingbusiness continuity management in theuser organisation’s culture through:definition of policy; understanding anddefining the organisation andstakeholders; definition of key resources;definition of the risk register; BIA andidentification of critical processes;development of business continuity andincident management plans; invocationand exercise of plans; ongoingmaintenance and review of businesscontinuity management strategies alongwith remedial action support; internalaudit (supported through NonVerba’seInviso software); state of readinessreporting and management oversightthrough dashboard technology; changemanagement and audit control.

eSecurus is fully web-based andaccessible using IE browser. It can alsobe installed in-house or from ASP serverfarm over the internet. eSecurus requiresMS Office and Adobe Acrobat Distiller. It would also require Visio if ResilienceOn A Page process mapping andillustrations/flow charting capabilities are required.

Central administration is initiallyestablished through one definedadministration account. The administrator

is then responsible for the definition ofother administrative access and ongoinguser profiles. Within a corporateenvironment security access to theproduct is embedded within the profiledusers’ access. In an ASP environment all users require user name and passwordto access their profiled areas.

Data security is managed through thesystem administrator who is responsiblefor the establishment of access rights,roles and responsibilities. Latest newfeatures include a vaccination module,and exercising modile and a policyaccountability management module.NonVerba has also developed theintegration aspects of eSecurus, allowing users to link with their othersoftware solutions.

Tel: 020 7887 4544www.nonverba.com


Function: GRC, programme management,plan development, maintenance, testing,crisis management.

Launched: 2008. Major version releasescheduled for Autumn 2009.

FrontLine Live supports all parts of thebusiness continuity management lifecycle:understanding the organisation,determining business continuitymanagement strategy; developing andimplementing business continuitymanagement response; exercising,maintaining, and reviewing.

All users have access to the portalincluding supply chain vendors (based onpermissions). Department managers, ITmanagers, supply chain groups can accessthe platform to maintain and manage theirbusiness areas, access plans, anddocument business process. Integratedmodules include: programme management,employee management, vendormanagement, risks and impactsmanagement, technology management,plan management, team management,employee portal and reports manager.

FrontLine Live feature sets fully support BS

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25999. The platform includes project plansand templates based on BS 25999implementation. It also supports otherareas of governance, risk, and complianceincluding enterprise risk management,recall management, vendor management,technology management, employee skillsand talent tracking which can be used forpandemic planning and testing.

Tel: +1 973 845 4004www.continuitylogic.com


Function: Operational information back-upand business continuity and disasterrecovery plans.

Launched: 2003. Version 3.0: 2008.

IMCD supports planning and maintenanceand is BS 25999-compliant. Users require aWindows PC workstation. Reports can beposted on websites using PDF or HTMLgenerated outputs. Training is not usuallyrequired for this product.

Tel: +1 310 306 0166www.contingenz.com/imcd


Function: Plan development and maintenance.

Launched: 2007.

ImpactAware supports each step in thebusiness continuity management lifecycle,through the following modules: understandthe organisation through dependencymodelling; determine the businesscontinuity management strategy byinterpreting and analysing the dependencymodel; develop and implement a businesscontinuity management response throughplan generation and maintenance; exercise,maintain and review your businesscontinuity management through reportingand automated reviewing functions. Ifrequired, clients can provide access to thirdparties via a number of different accessroutes.

ImpactAware has been designed to allowbusiness continuity planning to be devolvedto non-practitioners if required and to allowany organisation to quickly and easilycompile a robust business continuity plan inline with the requirements of BS 25999.

ImpactAware’s appeal lies in the ability ofdepartment heads to compile businesscontinuity models that not only representtheir department, but that also contain allthe necessary information required toproduce a robust plan for that department.ImpactAware will then combine all thedepartmental models and automaticallyproduce a business continuity plan for theentire organisation.

Tel: 0131 448 0202www.impactaware.com


Function: Business continuitymanagement and risk governance.

Launched 2004, upgraded quarterly.

INONI delivers standards-aligned businesscontinuity management and riskgovernance solutions. The system is quickand easy to use, providing multi-locationBCMS, BIA, risk assessment, strategyframework, incident management andcontinuity plans as standard. It offersflexible governance functionality includingbenchmarking, outsource riskmanagement, education and self-assessment. It is fully scalable, has globalreach and supports many concurrent users.

INONI Adaptive Technology helps users tocreate bespoke solutions that converge onyour organisation’s specific requirementsboth within and beyond business continuitymanagement. Users may change itsstructure, flow, appearance, use oflanguage, behaviour, delivery andreporting.

INONI has many features and capabilitiesincluding powerful analytics, deliveringgraphical metrics and descriptive contentfor online review or inclusion in reports. Itsupports time-lapse event simulation andcontains an expert system educates, drivesaccountability and reduces workload.

Programmable workflow means users can post professional results immediatelyonline and to MS Office. Continuousupdating simplifies maintenance andprovides real-time decision data. Snapshotarchiving means user data grows,supporting trend analysis and creating astrategic information asset with real value.

Tel: 0845 045 1171www.inoni.co.uk


Function: Corporate structure,geographic spread, businessrequirements (including BIA andresource dependency mapping), riskmanagement, costed strategydevelopment, emergency response,incident management, proceduresdevelopment, exercising, programmemanagement, maintenance, audit, anduser permissions.

Launched: 2002. Annual upgrades.Version 8.1 to be released in September2009.

Written by accredited practitioners for useby novices, Revive delivers an ‘all hazards’planning approach. The user moves frommodule to module as they work through the business continuity managementlifecycle. Revive tracks progress anddetermines who is falling behind thescheduled review windows. Emails canthen be issued to assist in getting back on track.

Revive integrates with MS-Word proceduretemplates enabling simple integration ofpre-existing plans with database referenceinformation. If authorised by the user, theexternal supply chain may gain networkaccess to the software for planning andmaintenance purposes. The softwaresupports BS 25999, with the latest versionincluding incident managementcapabilities. Training can be arranged for a fee.

Tel: +61 412 557798www.linusrevive.com


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Function: Plan developmentand maintenance.

Launched: 2002. Annual upgrades.

Merrycon assists users in developing and maintaining a business continuitymanagement response through thedevelopment, production and maintenanceof plans. The software is consistent with the relevant parts of BS 25999 andsupports other standards that require the development and maintenance ofcontingency plans in response to anincident.

The product is a standalone applicationrequiring only MS Windows to run. The system is easy to use, and ashort training course is provided to users as part of an overall package.

Tel: 01539 730908www.merrycon.com


Function: Plan development,maintenance, exercising and audit.

Launched: 1989, Version 5.0: 1992.Version 7.35: 1997. Version 7.36: 2008.Version 8.0 (on-line): in development.

MSTA software is designed to supportinitial BIA, plan development, distribution,periodic maintenance, exercising and stafftraining. At the discretion of the planowner, supply chain participants may alsoaccess plans. MSTA v7.36 is standalone.MSTA v8.0 will be standalone or web-hosted. MSTA shares the MS Windowssecurity environment. Training for theproduct is provided free of charge.

Tel: 020 7723 7676www.msta.co.uk


Function: All phases of the businesscontinuity management process: projectinitiation, BIA/risk, planning, awareness,testing, maintenance, and incidentcommand.

Launched: 2002. Version 6.0 2008,features upgrades quarterly.

myCOOP is a simple and fast businesscontinuity management softwaresupporting the global enterprise. The full lifecycle of the professional practicesis managed in a tightly integrated, web-based, easy-to-use package supported24/7 internationally.

System and feature customisation iscarried out quickly and easily by clientswithout customised coding, systemsmodeling, or expensive on-site consulting.

Initial deployment for initial use takesonly a few hours, with high-level functionsincluding flexible BIA/risk surveycollection and graphical analysis; quick and easy plan creation andmanagement; program management tools (such as maintenance tasking,testing and training); integrated one-click notification; and incident commandfor exercises and real events.

Advanced new capabilities includepandemic planning, structured workflowand graphical dependency modelling.

Tel: 01442 262432www.coop-systems.com


Function: OpsPlanner is a fullyintegrated business continuity planning,BIA, incident/recovery management andautomated notification solution.

Launched: 2003. The current version ofOpsPlanner is 4.0.1; Version 4.1 will bereleased in Q4 2009.

The OpsPlanner solution provides aseries of methodology tasks, plantemplates, and risk assessment andbusiness impact analysis surveys that

can be customised to fit the needs of any organisation.

The design and functionality of theOpsPlanner solution allows the client toincorporate any number of standards intothe planning process as needed withinthe unique environment of each client.Specifically, the solution containsspecialised templates and checklistswhich enable the client to planconsistently with NFPA 1600, NIST 800-34, FFIEC guidelines, and DRII/DRJGAP. OpsPlanner is offered on a client-hosted basis and as well, as an ASPsolution which requires minimal to nooverhead for server or softwareadministration and support. The productrequires little training.

Tel: +1 814 943 4007www.opsplanner.com


Function: Plan development,maintenance, incident management, crisis communications.

Launched: 1992.

PARAD integrates a unique structuringand methodological approach to build and maintain plans. The modelscontained in the software simplify theupdate of business continuity proceduresand data. Suppliers can also accessplans, which fully comply with BS 25999.To use the advanced features, InternetExplorer, MS Word and Excel are allrequired. PARAD features rightsmanagement, secure connections andpassword encryption. Training, availableat a fee, usually takes between one to four days.

Tel: +33.1 41 49 41 87www.devoteam.com/parad


Function: Business continuitymanagement lifecycle: risk, BIA, planningdevelopment/maintenance, incidentmanagement, automatic notification.

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Launched: 1999. Enhanced regularly.

RPX includes all the components tosupport the entire business continuitymanagement lifecycle in one, web-basedapplication. An organisation may start theplanning process with risk assessmentand/or BIA, which RPX has simplified withsurveys/wizards, or dive right into theplanning process. RPX promotescollaborative, automated planning andmaintenance and since the entire businesscontinuity management lifecycle is in onetightly integrated application, theinformation entered under risk assessmentand/or BIA is used in building andmaintaining plans and teams.

A virtual command centre is an interactiveevent management tool whichautomatically records and manages allincidents, events, disasters and tests. TheRPX product can be opened up to acompany’s extended network – includingthe complete supply chain and such accessis controlled through RPX extensivepermission capability.

RPX incorporates the pertinent businesscontinuity management best practices,standards and regulations such as: BS25999, DRII, NFPA 1600, HB 221:2004,NIMS, ITIL, FFIEC guidelines (USfinancial institutions), Sarbanes-Oxley, andHIPAA (US healthcare industry). ISO27000 is followed for security assurance.

Tel: +1 203 455 9990www.recoveryplanner.com


Function: BIA, risk management, plandevelopment and maintenance andcompliance assessment.

Launched: 2002. Major upgradesannually.

Third party user access can be arrangedaccording to user authorisation. WithShadow-Planner, users can be assuredthat they are able to support therequirements of BS 25999. Shadow-Planner also provides support tobusinesses required to comply with

international standards, through itsoperational use and measurement usingits compliance feature.

Shadow-Planner is accessed through aweb browser (primarily tested on InternetExplorer) so most types of PC aresuitable. For self-hosting customers, theShadow-Planner servers use open sourcesoftware (Linux Ubuntu or RedHatEnterprise) and MySQL DBMS.

Shadow-Planner incorporates variousforms of security. Users are authenticatedthrough user name/password credentialsand optionally with an additional securitytoken key. Privilege levels are assignedthrough customisable security profilesand access to data can also be controlledaccording to a user’s position within thecorporate hierarchy (perspectives).Communication between web-browserand server is encrypted and the servers are located in highly secure data centres.

Tel: 01293 863214www.office-shadow.com


Function: All tools for the full businesscontinuity management lifecycle.

Launched: 1999. Three major upgradessince.

Strategy is commonly used by SMEs,large corporates, government agenciesand local government. Requiring only MSWindows to run, Strategy is simple to usewith very little training typically requiredto be able to use the software.

Tel: 05600 430875 www.strategyplanning.co.uk


Function: SunGard’s BCM Software Suiteis typically aimed at any organisationlooking to improve its business resilience,by using software to automate its business

continuity management. It is aimed atboth the public sector and privatesectors. SunGard’s business continuitymanagement Software Suite is acomprehensive solution designed tomanage all phases of the businesscontinuity management lifecycle. As suchit encompasses BIA Professional, LDRPS,Incident Manager and alsocomprehensive crisis communications.

Launched: 1988, continuous developmentsince. Additional modules will bereleased in coming months covering riskassessment, workforce assessment, supplychain assessment, exercise and testmanagement, and complianceassessment.

The most important feature of SunGard’sBCM Software Suite is the way in whichthe customer is placed at the centre ofthe philosophy of the solution. This ismade evident with features such as dragand drop call lists which allow users todevelop call lists as easily as they canopen, and move files, and dependencymapping which allows users to see whatprocesses and applications aredependant on others in time of crisis.

SunGard’s planning tools are designedwith key regulations in mind to enableusers to build comprehensive, compliant,and complete business continuitymanagement programmes. The licensingmodel for the product is equally asflexible, customers can choose to host thesoftware themselves, or have SunGardhost it for them.

SunGard’s BCM Software Suite supportsthe entire BS 25999 business continuitymanagement lifecycle, allowing businesscontinuity managers to understand theorganisation, develop, manage andimplement the ideal business continuitystrategy, as well as review, maintain andaudit the business continuity managementregime. A specific BS 25999 Navigator isnow available in LDRPS and will alloworganisations to more easily craft theirbusiness continuity management regime interms of the standard.

SunGard’s BCM Software Suite isaccessible using a web browser from anylocation. Access control in the Suite


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meets industry standards and has beendesigned to streamline admittancemanagement. Planners are able to assignspecific screens, plans, fields or recordaccess to each user. Access to planmaterial is determined by systemadministrators ensuring that onlyauthorised planners can see sensitivedata.

The suite also features PasswordComplexity, which provides additionalsecurity to ensure your organisation’sconfidential information stays that way.Password length requirements are eightcharacters, reinforcing program security.

Pricing for the solution is based on a mixof concurrent users and fixed price, withan additional maintenance charge. Thereis scope to either use an On DemandService from SunGard, or to purchase a perpetual licence. SunGard providesprofessional training on LDRPS (EndUser and Administrative), BIAProfessional, Incident Manager andCrystal Reports Writer.

Tel: 0800 143 413www.sungard.co.uk


Function: BIA, recovery strategydefinition, recovery planning, planexercising, learning, generalmanagement, automated notification,automated workflow and customisablereporting.

Launched: 2006. Upgraded 2007, 2008,and 2009.

The Planning Portal can assist with eachphase of the business continuitymanagement lifecycle – from helpingorganisations start a business continuityprogramme to helping them mature andincrease the efficiency of their programme.

The solution uses a set of integratedmodules – including BIA, Risk Assessment,Planning, Exercising, Training, andNotification – to support both initial datagathering and ongoing maintenance ofbusiness continuity related information.

Further, data entered into one moduleimmediately becomes available in all othermodules, reducing duplication andsimplifying the user experience. Useraccounts can be created for any party thatrequires access to the site, and permissionscan be set for each individual user – thuscontrolling what parts of the site each usercan access and/or modify.

The Planning Portal was designed toenable organisational compliance with BS25999’s Part 2: Specification. It alsosupports NFPA 1600 (US). The product iscompletely web-based and operates insideof Microsoft SharePoint 3 technology.Anyone with Microsoft Internet Explorer(or other major browser type) can accessand securely work in The Planning Portal –regardless of location.

The Planning Portal is available as both ahosted and locally installed solution. AnMS SQL Server with Reporting Servicesmay be required if users want to have theproduct locally installed. The PlanningPortal stores client information in securedatabases, located in a SAS 70 Type IIdata center, protected by passwords as wellas database and network firewalls toprevent the loss, misuse or alteration ofpersonal information.

All communications with this solution areencrypted with a GeoTrust 256bit Securitycertificate. Training is provided for a feeand is always included in the initialproposal.

Tel: 0800 941 0381www.theplanningportal.com


Function: Risk assessment, BIA, plandevelopment and maintenance, incidentmanagement.

Launched: 2003. Version 3, 2009

Toolkit is designed to support all aspectsof the business continuity managementlifecycle through understanding –through organisational, process andtechnology modelling; strategy – criticalresources and interdependencies

surfaced through BIA/modelling;response – plan development utilities (enabling the creation of any type of plan); EMR – automated planreview notices and tracking, test scenarioplans, status tracking, plan approvalworkflow utility.

Because Toolkit is web-based, access maybe granted to any participant, by makingthem a member of a ‘team’ with assignedresponsibilities. External access toToolkit is limited by any networkinfrastructure security imposed by thecustomer.

Toolkit incorporates risk assessment, BIAand plan development/maintenance is asingle, integrated package supportingthe entire business continuity managementlifecycle (as recommended by BS 25999)and can support FPA1600, the DRII 10professional practices and applicableITIL standards).

Toolkit is web-based and accessible viaMS Internet Explorer from any desktop. Itcan either be hosted internally (oncustomer’s own hardware, within theirown firewalls and security infrastructure)or externally by any third party (includingeBRP Solutions’ own SAS-70 certifiedpartner, FusePoint).

Access to Toolkit is limited to authorisedusers with valid user ID and password.User access is limited to only those itemsto which their team(s) has been grantedaccess. User names and passwords maybe optionally integrated with ADS orsingle-sign on authentication processes.

Its modelling utilities (process,technology, organisation) alloworganisations of any size and any industry to gain maximum value from its use – providing a decision supportsystem facilitated by ‘what if’ analytical capabilities.

Training can be provided on location for a fee. Toolkit is a fully-integratedbusiness continuity management utilitythat is flexible, scalable and easy to use.

Tel: +1 905 677 0404www.ebrp.net

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Plan navigatorDependency mapGraphical call listLocation resource managerReports – preformattedReports – own buildProcess modelling capabilitiesTechnology modelling‘What if’ analysisFlowchartsGraphsTables Plan viewerData collectorAutomatic analyticsSimulation capabilityDynamic updating from databaseEducation and trainingTest and exercise support

Functionality & AdministrationScreen customisation/translationHelpSpell checkCalendarCharts and reportsShortcut keysSearch and filterFiltersPersonal filtersCopy and pasteRoll-forward capabilityTemplates availableFAQsChange control and tracking

SecurityUser rolesUser groupsBusiness activity and project accessRisk securitySecurity previewIndividual passwordsInternet securityAudit trails

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Plan navigatorDependency mapGraphical call list

Location resource managerReports – preformatted

Reports – own buildProcess modelling capabilities

Technology modelling‘What if’ analysis


Plan viewerData collector

Automatic analyticsSimulation capability

Dynamic updating from databaseEducation and training

Test and exercise support

Functionality & AdministrationScreen customisation/translation

HelpSpell check

CalendarCharts and reports

Shortcut keysSearch and filter

FiltersPersonal filters

Copy and pasteRoll-forward capability

Templates availableFAQs

Change control and tracking

SecurityUser roles

User groupsBusiness activity and project access

Risk securitySecurity preview

Individual passwordsInternet security

Audit trails

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SunGard Availability Services 12-13 Bracknell BeechesOld Bracknell Lane WestBRACKNELLBerkshireRG12 7BW

Contact: TelemarketingTel: 0800 143 413Email: [email protected]: www.sungard.co.uk

SunGard Availability Services

Putting the Business into Continuity ManagementSunGard Availability Services' BCM Software - the market leading tool specifically designed for efficient BCM - helps enable you to cost-effectivelyautomate the management of all aspects of the BCM lifecycle.

Harnessing four decades of risk management expertise and 20 years of development, our software comprises LDRPS, powerful crisiscommunications and other modules to deliver easy to use, easy to deploy functionality, to optimise resilience and recoverability:

• LDRPS (Living Disaster Recovery Planning System) - Flexible, proven planning system for effective BCM, disaster recovery, incident management, and more

• BIA Professional - Intuitive BIA survey tool for overall strategic planning• Incident Manager - Virtual command centre for online communications, tracking and monitoring of incidents• Consulting - expert implementation assistance, training & technical support.

SunGard's BCM Software is one of our many award-winning* solutions that deliver strategic Information Availability - Consulting,Recovery Services and Managed Services - to help you stay in business no matter what. You too can benefit from:

• An unblemished 100% recovery track record• Thousands of man-years of dedicated Information Availability expertise • The UK's largest recovery estate• Fully-resilient and protected datacentre environments• National communications network.

* Business Continuity Awards: Service Provider of the Year - 2009, 2006, 2005, 2002, 2000, 1999: Finalist -2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2001,

2000; BCM Software - Finalist 2009, 2008; Most Innovative Product 2004 - LDRPS; 10th Anniversary Awards for Outstanding Excellence in Business

Continuity - 2008

OpRisk & Compliance: Business Continuity Strategy & Planning - 2007; Business Continuity Planning Software - 2007

Making Business Continuity a priority together with you.

With our expertise in Business Continuity Management we have developed the BCMS² system to provide you with a comprehensive aid tomanaging your BCMS.We continually improve our offering to the market having developed a system that adds real value to the ongoing management of your BCMS.Don't take our word for it, our customers in Global organisations and Government establishments continually recommend us.www.continuity2.com

BCMS² - Effective, affordable and resilient business continuity software by Continuity²

Continuity2Ltd - E232 Edinburgh House,Righead Gate, Glasgow, G74 1LS Telephone: 0845 0944402Fax: 0845 0944403Web: www.continuity2.com

• Incident Management • Compliance with BS25999 • Distribution & Call Cascading • Business Impact Analysis • 2 Way SMS & VOIP Messaging

• Manage Call trees• Plan Management • Exercising• Ease of Administration • Version Control


COOP Systems, Inc.

Function: All phases of the BCM process - - Project Initiation, BIA/Risk, Planning, Awareness, Testing, Maintenance, and Incident Commandall from a simple browser interface and a unified database.

Launched: 2002, Version 6.0 2008, features upgrades quarterly.

USP: “myCOOP is easy to use, fast, less costly BCM software supporting the global enterprise. First released in 2002 and recent winner ofthe Software of the Year Award, COOP Systems and its international partners empower some of the world's largest organizations by unifyingall the Professional Practices in one web-based instance.”

The full life cycle of the Professional Practices is managed in a tightly integrated, web-based, easy-to-use package supported 24X7internationally. Advanced new capabilities include pandemic planning, structured workflow and graphical dependency modeling.

System and feature customization is done quickly and easily by clients without customized coding, systems modeling, or expensive on-siteconsulting.

Initial deployment for initial use takes only a few hours, with high-level functions are as follows:

• Flexible BIA/Risk survey collection and graphical analysis • Quick and easy plan creation and management • Program management tools, e.g. maintenance tasking, testing, training, etc. • Integrated one-click notification • Incident command for exercises and real events

COOP Systems and our partners support clients anywhere in the world, no matter their industry, language, geography or scale of business.

U.S. Tel: +1.703.464.8700London Tel: +44.1442.262.432Sydney Tel: +61.2.8001.6597Bangalore Tel: +91.984.420.3287www.coop-systems.com


UK: 0845 045 1171

INT: +44 (0) 1189 629 757

EMAIL: [email protected]


INONI provides BCM and risk governance solutions to organisations worldwide. We offer a unique blend of software and services that satisfy eachcustomer's individual and changing needs, providing an enduring solution.

INONI® is fully supported online software with a range of delivery and hosting options. It provides end-to-end coverage of the BCM Lifecycle with thefollowing important features:

INONI® gives you access to powerful BCM and risk-related capabilities

INONI has been used since 2005 by the UK Financial Authorities and the BCI. Secure, reliable, flexible and proven, it is the software of choice formany organisations.

• BIA and Risk Assessment for one or many locations• Modular Continuity Plans• Pandemic Planning and Risk Management• Awareness-raising and education

• Time-lapse scenario simulation and testing• Self-assessment benchmarking• Real-time incident management• Supplier risk management

• Easy to use and maintain • Intuitive and real-time• Automated data collection and programmable workflow• Replaces unmanageable spreadsheets

• Standards-aligned, including BS25999• Reports and plans online and to MS Office• Quantitative analysis for better decisions• INONI® Adaptive Technology™ that fits your organisation

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BCM Enterprise Solutions RecoveryPlanner provides a complete BCM solution -from plan development to implementation, our services address continuitycompliance and governance requirements. Our BCM software, developed by our certified and experienced business continuity planners, willassist you with all aspects of the BCM process.

All-in-One, Web-based BCM SoftwareRecoveryPlanner's web-based software, RPX, encompasses all components of BCP, DR, Risk Assessment, BIA, incident response, testing,and automatic notification in ONE application.

• Easy to use, minimal end-user training• Many features promoting collaboration and communications, including unlimited licensing• Customer centric, comprehensive support • Migration from Word or other applications made easy with RecoveryPlanner proprietary tools• Hosted (SaaS) and customer hosted versions available

Since 1999 RecoveryPlanner has been delivering innovative BCM solutions for customers across the globe. Contact us today to see whycompanies of all sizes and industries rely on RecoveryPlanner's BCP planners and software for all aspects of the BCM lifecycle.

RecoveryPlanner+1 203-455-9990www.recoveryplanner.comrpmarketing@recoveryplanner.com


TexoNet Ltd Technopole Centre Edinburgh, EH26 0PJ Telephone: 0131 448 0202 [email protected] www.impactaware.com

TexoNet ImpactAware is a revolutionary software application that is used to model organisational dependencies and carry out

comprehensive impact analysis and continuity planning.

ImpactAware has been designed to allow any organisation to develop and embed a comprehensive business continuity process.

The software automates the management of coordinating distributed tasks and compiles a comprehensive set of robust business

continuity plans in line with the requirements of business continuity and risk management standards.

• Intuitive Web based user interface

• Easy to learn and easy to use

• Business Continuity Process Management and Analytics

• Comprehensive Dependency Modelling


Paradigm Solutions International (PSI) is an emerging leader providing Business Continuity Management software and certified consultingservices to commercial and government organizations.

The OpsPlanner™ BCM tool delivers web-based, fully integrated BCP/COOP/DR planning, incident management, and automated notificationalong with the most advanced Business Impact Analysis module available. PSI's easy-to-use, yet powerful tool is very affordable and canprovide a scalable and reliable Business Continuity Management solution for any organization. Our cost-effective OpsPlanner BCM solution,and the expertise of our certified consulting team, provides a highly competitive offering that has been chosen by a wide range of large andsmall organizations.

PSI assists our clients in the development and maintenance of effective Business Continuity Management programs. Let us help yourorganization prepare for, manage, and recover from, any unexpected business disruption. We are "In Business to Keep You in Business". To learn more or arrange for a free demonstration, call us at 800-558-9568 or visit us at www.OpsPlanner.com or www.ParadigmSi.com.

Paradigm Solutions International 6701 Democracy Boulevard, Suite 300Bethesda, Maryland, USA 208171-814-943-4007 - [email protected] - Corporate www.OpsPlanner.com - Product


Missed out? Please contact Murray Barber to discuss the advertising options available with the following

• CIR Magazine – next issue September/October• CIR Services Guide 2010 – to be published November/December

• CIR e-newsletters – weekly

[email protected] or 020 7562 2434

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BCM Software

You wouldn’t try to bang a screw in with a hammer. LDRPS BCM software exists to deliver against the BC planning

requirements of organisations. So why try to automate the complex demands of BC planning using a piece of general

purpose office software? Use the right tool for the job - LDRPS from SunGard. The BC planning tool.

Making the everyday happen.

The right tool can make

the job easy

t: 0800 143 413e: [email protected]: www.sungard.co.uk

United Kingdom & European Head Office12-13 Bracknell Beeches, Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 7BW

Keeping people and information connected Consulting Recovery Services Managed Services BCM Software




