Say No to Bullying Do you know what is the meaning of Bullying? And why bullying is very serious problem and dangerous for our social environment? Bullying is the use of violence, threat, or force to intimidate others. This behaviour can include threats, physical violence or force. It maybe base on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. A survey shows that all school in the world have few issue of bullying. It have bad impact for children. Not only for the bullied children, but also the children who bully, children who watch a bullying, even for the school with the issue of bullying. In the heavy case, bullying can be as a weapon to kill people. There are several problems for children who bullied. First, bullying can make the victims depression, anxiety and sleeping trouble, this problem has impact until the victim grows to be an adult. Second, there is insecurity right in the school environment. Third, can make the children as a loner and feel not confident. Fourth, can make the children don’t have the spirit of learning. Not only to the victims, bullying also have impact for they who do bullying. According to a research, when they are growing into an adult, the children who do the act of bullying have big tendency to behave roughly, do criminality, consume drugs and alcohol, and be engaged in free sex. By watching the act of bullying, children can also get the impacts. When they are at school, they may have depression and traumatic feeling. Moreover, alcohol and drugs be the way to lost the stress. The school, where the act of bullying happens, also gets the impacts. It make the activity of teaching and learning may be not


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Say No to Bullying

Do you know what is the meaning of Bullying? And why bullying is very serious problem and dangerous for our social environment? Bullying is the use of violence, threat, or force to intimidate others. This behaviour can include threats, physical violence or force. It maybe base on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.A survey shows that all school in the world have few issue of bullying. It have bad impact for children. Not only for the bullied children, but also the children who bully, children who watch a bullying, even for the school with the issue of bullying. In the heavy case, bullying can be as a weapon to kill people.

There are several problems for children who bullied. First, bullying can make the victims depression, anxiety and sleeping trouble, this problem has impact until the victim grows to be an adult. Second, there is insecurity right in the school environment. Third, can make the children as a loner and feel not confident. Fourth, can make the children dont have the spirit of learning.

Not only to the victims, bullying also have impact for they who do bullying. According to a research, when they are growing into an adult, the children who do the act of bullying have big tendency to behave roughly, do criminality, consume drugs and alcohol, and be engaged in free sex.

By watching the act of bullying, children can also get the impacts. When they are at school, they may have depression and traumatic feeling. Moreover, alcohol and drugs be the way to lost the stress.

The school, where the act of bullying happens, also gets the impacts. It make the activity of teaching and learning may be not effective and the morality education at the school can be doubted.

We should stop bullying because it is everyone problem, therefore everyone has to be the part of the solution. School and parents ought to educate children about bullying behaviour. We should help the victim of bullying with give them happiness and spirit of life. By bullying people we can't get somethings useful for our life but we just can give them fear and sadness.