Title: STAGE 1 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT For; Residential Development at Knockboy Client: Muir Associates Ltd. Date: April 2019 Report reference: 0575R01 VERSION: FINAL Prepared By: Bruton Consulting Engineers Ltd Glaspistol Tel: 041 9881456 Clogherhead Mob: 086 8067075 Drogheda E: [email protected] Co. Louth. W: www.brutonceng.ie

Bruton Consulting Engineers Ltd - Knockboy Safety Audit.pdf · Team Member: Jacqueline Haley MSc PGDip BENG MIEI The Road Safety Audit comprised an examination of the information

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Page 1: Bruton Consulting Engineers Ltd - Knockboy Safety Audit.pdf · Team Member: Jacqueline Haley MSc PGDip BENG MIEI The Road Safety Audit comprised an examination of the information



Residential Development at Knockboy

Client: Muir Associates Ltd.

Date: April 2019

Report reference: 0575R01


Prepared By:

Bruton Consulting Engineers Ltd

Glaspistol Tel: 041 9881456

Clogherhead Mob: 086 8067075

Drogheda E: [email protected]

Co. Louth. W: www.brutonceng.ie

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Contents1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................. 2

2.0 Background.................................................................................................................................. 3

3.0 Main Report................................................................................................................................. 4

3.1 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 4

3.2 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 4

3.3 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 5

3.4 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 6

3.5 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 6

3.6 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 7

3.7 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 8

3.8 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 8

3.9 Problem ............................................................................................................................... 9

3.10 Problem ............................................................................................................................. 10

4.0 Observations.............................................................................................................................. 11

5.0 Audit Statement......................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix A............................................................................................................................................ 13

Appendix B............................................................................................................................................ 14

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1.0 Introduction

This report was prepared in response to a request from Mr. Padraic Ballantyne of Muir Associates Ltd for

a Stage 1 Road Safety Audit of the proposed new junction for a planned residential development at

Knockboy, Waterford.

The Road Safety Audit Team comprised of;

Team Leader: Norman Bruton, BE CEng MIEI, Cert Comp RSA, MSoRSA

Team Member: Jacqueline Haley MSc PGDip BENG MIEI

The Road Safety Audit comprised an examination of the information provided and a site visit by the

Audit Team on the 16th October 2015. The Audit Team have been informed by the Design Team that the

existing road layout has not changed since the site visit was undertaken.

The weather at the time of the site visit was dry and the road surface was dry.

This Stage 1 Road Safety Audit has been carried out generally in accordance with the requirements of

NRA DMRB HD 19/15 Road Safety Audits, subsequently TII Publications DN-STY-01024, dated December


The scheme has been examined and this report compiled in respect of the consideration of those

matters that have an adverse effect on road safety. It has not been examined or verified for compliance

with any other standards or criteria.

The problems identified in this report are considered to require action in order to improve the safety of

the scheme for road users.

If any of the recommendations within this safety audit report are not accepted, a written response is

required, stating reasons for non-acceptance. Comments made within the report under the heading of

Observation are intended to be for information only. Written responses to Observations are not


The information supplied is listed in Appendix A. The information provided was considered adequate for

the purposes of carrying out the road safety audit requested. Additional information was received on

11th November 2015 which included a proposal to provide right turning lanes both into the proposed

development and into the existing Village development. A revised roads layout drawing was received on

the 9th April 2019 along with a Traffic & Transportation Assessment (PMCE).

It should be noted that the scope of this audit was limited to the proposed new junction and did not

include the internal layout of the proposed residential development.

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2.0 Background

Muir Associates Ltd on behalf of a developer intend to submit an application for planning to Waterford

City Council for a residential development at Knockboy.

The development will be accessed by a priority junction onto St. Mary’s Place. This junction is proposed

to be opposite the junction for the Village housing development north of St Mary’s cemetery.

The existing St. Mary’s Place road is a single carriageway road with footpaths on either side. The area

has existing street lighting.

South of the proposed development is St. Mary’s cemetery and church and associated off road car

parking facilities.

The southern end of St Mary’s place has a signal controlled junction with the L1023. Gaelscoil Phort

Láirge is located at the Western corner of that junction. There are on-road cycle facilities at this junction

continuing as far north as the cemetery.

There is a bus layby and shelter on the northbound side of St Mary’s Place on approach to the junction

for the Village housing development and there is a less formal bus layby on the southbound side

opposite the junction.

During the site visit a number of buses were observed undertaking U-turn manoeuvres at the cemetery

car park.

The site visit was undertaken during the am peak period of 8:30am to 9:30am.

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3.0 Main Report

3.1 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-06 Rev A


The proposed junction is directly opposite the junction into The Village residential development. There is

a risk that drivers exiting The Village development may not be aware of the presence of the through

route (Knockboy Village Road) given the uphill gradient of both sideroads and the flat gradient of the

through route. This could lead to drivers inadvertently entering the through route resulting in side

impact collisions



It is recommended that the junction be moved slightly to the south such that drivers travelling on The

Village side road do not perceive the proposed development road as a continuous route.

3.2 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-06 Rev A


It is proposed to provide a 7% downhill gradient on the proposed development access road towards the

Knockboy Village Road. It is unclear if it is intended to provide a dwell area on approach to the junction.

There is a risk that during frosty/icy conditions that vehicles will slide on the pavement surface of the

development road and overshoot onto the Knockboy Village Road resulting in side impact collisions.

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It is recommended that the gradient of the development access road be reduced to a maximum of 5%

throughout the scheme and to 2% on the approach to the junction.

3.3 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-06 Rev A and Site Observation.


It is proposed to provide a new section of footpath at the junction mouth, tying into the existing

footpath in front of the cemetery. The existing footpath has steps at the entrance to the cemetery.

Mobility impaired users would not be able to use this facility and may opt to travel on the carriageway

instead thereby increasing the likelihood of being struck by passing vehicles. The proposed development

will result in an increased demand for the use of this footpath towards the church and Gaelscoil Phort


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It is recommended that the footpath be made continuous from the new junction to connect with the

footpath south of the cemetery at the start of the church boundary wall. The kerb height of the footpath

should be such that vehicles can enter the car parking spaces for the cemetery and that blind individuals

can distinguish between the carriageway and footpath surfaces. (25-40mm)

3.4 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-16 Rev A


It is proposed to relocate the bus stop on the eastern side of

Knockboy Village Road to the north of its existing location. It is

unclear what stopping sight distance is available to drivers

travelling south on Knockboy Village Road to pedestrians,

particularly (lower height) children, crossing the road at this

location given both the vertical and horizontal alignment. Without

sufficient visibility drivers may not be able to slow in sufficient

time to avoid striking a pedestrian.

In addition the width of the existing bus bay is not sufficient for

buses to pull in clear of the carriageway. If the proposed bus bay

is not sufficiently wide then the visibility to the right for drivers

exiting the proposed development may be obscured by stationary

buses and they may enter the carriageway at inappropriate times leading to side impact or side swipe



It is recommended that that the stopping sight distance to the proposed bus bay be calculated and

checked for compliance with the 85th percentile of traffic speed on approach to that location. If

insufficient distance is achieved then the location of the bus stop should be relocated to south of the

new junction.

3.5 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-6 Rev A and site observation

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It was observed during the site visit that there is an on-road advisory cycle lane on the Knockboy Village

Road from the Gaelscoil to north of the cemetery car park. The lack of cycle provision from this point to

the proposed development and further north may lead to cyclists being squeezed for space on the

carriageway where the cross section is narrower or travelling on the relatively narrow footpaths and risk

collisions with pedestrians.


It is recommended that off road cycle facilities should be provided in the verge along the boundary of

the proposed development with suitable transitions with the existing cycle facilities at the cemetery car

park and north of the development from on road to off road facilities.

3.6 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-16 Rev A and site observation


A visibility splay of 3.0m x 90m is shown on the drawings provided to the

Audit Team. During the site visit it was observed that the Knockboy

Village Road north of the site has a steep vertical alignment. There is a

danger that drivers exiting

the proposed development

may not have the required

visibility to low height

vehicles which could lead to

them entering the

carriageway at inappropriate

times resulting in side

impact collisions

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It is recommended that the visibility to low height objects be calculated and checked for that required

for compliance with the 85th percentile speed of traffic travelling on the route. If the sight distance

cannot be achieved then it is recommended that the junction be located further south.

3.7 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-6 Rev A


It is unclear what facilities will be provided for

pedestrian wishing to cross from the proposed

development to the village development. There will

be desire lines for pedestrians to cross Knockboy

Village Road to facilitate permeability between the

two developments. Without a crossing facility at

those desire lines pedestrians could trip at kerbs,

slip on grass verges or fail to mount the kerb in the

case of mobility impaired and child buggy users

resulting in increased risk of being struck by passing



It is recommended that dropped kerbs and suitable tactile paving be placed at crossing points that will

match desire lines and result in pedestrians travelling perpendicularly across the road.

3.8 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-6 Rev A and site observation.


Although not observed at the time of the site visit it is anticipated that at Mass time or funeral times

that parking occurs on the Knockboy Village road where the junction is proposed. There is a danger that

after construction of the development that this practice may still occur and the visibility for drivers

exiting the development will be limited resulting in them entering the carriageway at inappropriate

times. This could result in side impact collisions.

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It is recommended that for a distance of 15m either side of the junction that slender bollards /low level

railing or similar be utilised to prevent parking. In addition double yellow lines should be provided on

the carriageway for 15m on approach to the junction.

3.9 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-06 Rev A [Additional information received includes right turning lanes]


Both right turning lanes are shown to stop at a point that coincides with the centerline of the side road.

There is a danger that drivers may enter the carriageway of the sideroads on the wrong side resulting in

head on collisions with oncoming sideroad traffic or that drivers staking simultaneous right turns may be

unclear as to whether they should turn nearside to nearside or offside to offside. This could lead to

minor collisions.


It is recommended that the stagger between the Village sideroad and the proposed development access

road be increased to provide at least back to back right tuning lanes with the turning lane continuing as

far as the correct lane to enter on the sideroad.

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3.10 Problem


Drawing 1775-C-06 Rev A [Additional information received includes right turning lanes]


Raised pedestrian crossing platforms are provided each side of the crossroads junction.

There is a risk that some pedestrians wishing to cross from the proposed development to the Village

Development will not utilise the most northerly crossing as it does not reflect the desire line and would

take longer journey times. This could result in pedestrians slipping on the embankment of attempting to

cross the carriageway at its widest point where 3 lanes exist.


It is recommended that a link be provided between the proposed footpath and the crossing point. The

gradient of this link should be no steeper than 1:12 and should be slightly staggered with the crossing

point to avoid cyclists, particularly children entering the carriageway at excessive speeds.

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4.0 Observations

4.1 Although outside the scope of the confined audit the Audit team feel that the proposed

footway in the new development that is curved to take into account the steep site will not

be used by the majority of able bodies users. They will take the direct line and this could

lead to slips and falls in wet conditions.

4.2 Existing warning signage for a T-junction ahead and junction ahead to the right/left will

have to be upgraded to reflect the layout of the new junction/crossroads.

4.3 Although outside the scope of the confined audit the audit team would query the

stopping sight distance for southbound drivers to the proposed pedestrian route at the

northern side of the development where pedestrian may cross Knockboy Village Road.

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5.0 Audit Statement

We certify that we have examined the site on the 16th October 2015. The examination has been carried

out with the sole purpose of identifying any features of the design which could be removed or modified

in order to improve the safety of the scheme.

The problems identified have been noted in this report together with associated safety improvement

suggestions which we would recommend should be studied for implementation. The audit has been

carried out by the persons named below who have not been involved in any design work on this scheme

as a member of the Design Team.

Norman Bruton Signed:

(Audit Team Leader) Dated: 16/4/2019

Jacqueline Haley Signed:

(Audit Team Member) Dated: 16/4/2019

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Appendix A

List of material Supplied for this Stage 1 Road Safety Audit;

Drawing 1775-C-06 Rev A

Drawing 1775-C-07 Rev A

Drawing 1775-C-16 Rev A

Additional Information received on 11th November 2015

Drawing 1775-C-06 Rev B (Right turning lanes added)

Traffic Modelling Review – 15117 R01 Rev F

Additional Information received on 9th April 2019

Drawing D1841-C-01 Rev A

Traffic & Transport Assessment P18-028 -RP -001 Rev 2 (PMCE Ltd)

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Appendix B

Feedback Form

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Scheme: Residential Development Knockboy

Stage: 1 Road Safety Audit

Date Audit (Site visit) Completed: 16th October 2015

Paragraph No.

in Safety Audit









Alternative measures (describe)



accepted by



3.1 Yes Yes

3.2 Yes No

MAL proposes to implement solutionin line with NRA TD 41-42 Sections7.16 to 7.17 (without relaxations) i.e.dwell area of 15m at 2.5% resulting in7.5% gradient on access road fromdwell area into the proposeddevelopment all in line with TD 41-42.


3.3 Yes No

Given the practical difficulties ofimplementing the necessary works onlands outside of the control of both thedeveloper and WCCC and followingpreliminary liaison with WCCC RoadsEngineer it is proposed to provide analternative “level” pedestrian route forless able pedestrians via a proposedcrossing from the east side to the weston St. Mary’s Place located south ofthe development access therebylinking up with the existing localcommunity facilities.

It is proposed to provide the crossingin line with the Traffic Islands(Refuges) in Section 6.8 of the TrafficManagement Guidelines (TMG). It isnoted that the proposed crossing willalso facilitate safe access to both busbays. It is also proposed the crossingswill take the form a raised pedestriancrossing to give greater emphasis tothe pedestrian and also to promotelower speeds on a road whichcurrently include speed bumps. Thespecific details of the speedbumps/ramps will be agreed withWCCC and the local bus serviceproviders at detail design stage. Referto images associated within TMG


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Diagram 6.9 for similar proposedmeasures to be implemented.It should be noted that WCCC advisedthat a right turn lane into existing TheVillage development is planned andthat the proposed development willalso require a similar right turn lane.The ghost islands associated with theprovision of the right turn lane areconsistent with the proposedpedestrian crossing.

3.4 Yes No

The recommended measure wasconsidered however due to space andsite visibility constraints together withthe practical difficulties ofimplementing the necessary works onlands outside of the control of both thedeveloper and WCCC MAL proposeto relocate the existing bus bay to theNorth instead. The bus bay will belocated outside the horizontal visibilitysplay for the proposed developmentjunction and still at an appropriatelocation for users of the bus. Theproposal will provide a bus bayadequate for the bus to pull insufficiently from the main traffic flow.It is also proposed to provide apedestrian crossing at this locationsimilar to that described in 3.3 aboveso as to provide for the safemovement of vulnerable users on theprobable desire line.


3.5 Yes No

The provision of the recommendedsegregated cycle track wasconsidered and while desirable inprinciple given the physical spaceconstraint at the cemetery car park(pinch point) in particular fortransitioning back to a cycle lane itwas deemed not to be appropriate inthe short term. Implementation of ashort section of cycle track would belikely to be less safe than an interimadvisory cycle lane which isconsistent with what appears to be anoverall WCCC Cycling Masterplan onSt. Mary’s Place and Dunmore Road.

It should be noted that the proposeddevelopment frontage can be easily


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modified in the future to provide for acycle track in the future.

The proposed advisory cycle lane tobe implemented on both sides of theroad will be in line with those currentlyin place on Dunmore Road and thoserecently implemented as part of theL1023 and St. Marys Place junctionenhancement works.

3.6 No No

MAL does not accept that the visibilityis inadequate as the verticalalignment has been checked andMAL confirm that the verticalalignment visibility splay meets therequirements of DMURS Fig 4.67.

It is perhaps worth noting that theproposed development junctionlocation was selected to achieveadequate vertical and horizontalvisibility splay which was problematichad the junction been placed furthernorth.


3.7 Yes No

The problem has been superseded bythe subsequent WCCC requirementto implement the right turning lanesnoted in 3.3 above. The provision of apedestrian crossing at the junction isno longer deemed to be safe and so itis proposed to provide a crossingclose to the bus bays located on thesouth bound (relocation of existing asper 3.4) and north bound (existing)bus bay. The pedestrian crossing willbe incorporated into the proposedright turn ghost islands and include apedestrian refugee in line with TMG6.8 as noted in 3.3.

It is perhaps worth noting that thelocation of the proposed pedestriancrossings is deemed appropriate as itis envisaged that there will be agreater number of pedestriansseeking to use the crossing at theselocations to access the bus servicesthan cross to travel between theVillage and proposed developments.


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