--construction of this site started last jan. 18....hmmmmm let us see when could i finish this--> .:.: HOME | .:.: BLURB | .:.: BRAINS | .:.: ABOUT RK | .:.: MY STORIES | .:.: AWARDS | .:.: FORUM .:.: CHAT | .:.: DOWNLOADS | .:.: LINKS | .:.: ADD A LINK This is my first-born. Well…the closest thing to it, anyhow. I don't have any kids. This is the first Fan Fiction I have ever ventured to write. It's a little shakey in places, but I've kept it the way it is. Of course, I've tried to weed out the grammatical mistakes and spelling errors, but I probably haven't gotten all of them. Blame it on sleep deprivation. But I've decided not to make any major changes, just to keep the first-time flavor. Besides, it's always good to have something to look back on and say that I've grown since that first one…aiya! I'm not THAT profound, but then I kinda feel like that. Sort 'er like Elvis Presley before he began speaking like he had something stuck in his mouth. Hope you like this one! Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. I do not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candles I light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate… "BRING OUT THE DRAGON" by anna-neko Chapter One Mitsumo Yasanari flipped the rat-tail into her cauldron and a puff of smoke popped up from the pot. The red liquid simmering in the mixture turned yellow and she smiled in satisfaction. Ah. The potion is coming along fine. In a few minutes, it'll be ready for the false memory. "Yasanari…" whispered a deep voice from the corner of the room. Yasanari looked up from her work and regarded the vague image of her husband on the enchanted mirror. She smiled at him, her brown hair framing her beautiful face. She radiated love, love for the wizard trapped inside the mystical prison. "Soon, my love, you shall be free again." Mistumo Taka's eyes widened almost in disbelief, his palms pressing against the inside surface of the mirror he had been sealed in. "Y-you've found a way to unleash the dragon in Hiko?" Yasanari chuckled and went to the mirror, trailing her fingers against the image of his face tenderly. "No. I've told you it was impossible, didn't I? His spirit is too controlled and calm to draw out the dragon from him, but I've discovered a better alternative." Taka frowned at his witch-wife. "Yasanari-chan, you know the Hiten Misturugi Dragon is the only dragon powerful enough…" "Hush…" she interrupted in an amused voice. "No need to tell me, husband. Listen…there is another who houses the same kind of dragon." Taka stared at Yasanari, shocked. "Another? Hiten Mitsu…"

Bring Out the Dragon by anna-neko (rkdreams)

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Once again this isn't mine. It's by anna-neko from her rkdreams website. I'm uploading because I got a request for it. All chapter links in the pdf are working.

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Page 1: Bring Out the Dragon by anna-neko (rkdreams)

--construction of this site started last jan. 18....hmmmmm let us see when could i finish this-->

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This is my first-born. Well…the closest thing to it, anyhow. I don't have any kids. This is the first Fan Fiction

I have ever ventured to write. It's a little shakey in places, but I've kept it the way it is. Of course, I've

tried to weed out the grammatical mistakes and spelling errors, but I probably haven't gotten all of them.

Blame it on sleep deprivation. But I've decided not to make any major changes, just to keep the first-time

flavor. Besides, it's always good to have something to look back on and say that I've grown since that first

one…aiya! I'm not THAT profound, but then I kinda feel like that. Sort 'er like Elvis Presley before he began

speaking like he had something stuck in his mouth. Hope you like this one!

Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. I

do not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candles

I light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


by anna-neko

Chapter One

Mitsumo Yasanari flipped the rat-tail into her cauldron and a puff of smoke popped up from the pot. The red

liquid simmering in the mixture turned yellow and she smiled in satisfaction. Ah. The potion is coming along

fine. In a few minutes, it'll be ready for the false memory.

"Yasanari…" whispered a deep voice from the corner of the room.

Yasanari looked up from her work and regarded the vague image of her husband on the enchanted mirror.

She smiled at him, her brown hair framing her beautiful face. She radiated love, love for the wizard trapped

inside the mystical prison. "Soon, my love, you shall be free again."

Mistumo Taka's eyes widened almost in disbelief, his palms pressing against the inside surface of the mirror

he had been sealed in. "Y-you've found a way to unleash the dragon in Hiko?"

Yasanari chuckled and went to the mirror, trailing her fingers against the image of his face tenderly. "No.

I've told you it was impossible, didn't I? His spirit is too controlled and calm to draw out the dragon from

him, but I've discovered a better alternative."

Taka frowned at his witch-wife. "Yasanari-chan, you know the Hiten Misturugi Dragon is the only dragon

powerful enough…"

"Hush…" she interrupted in an amused voice. "No need to tell me, husband. Listen…there is another who

houses the same kind of dragon."

Taka stared at Yasanari, shocked. "Another? Hiten Mitsu…"

Page 2: Bring Out the Dragon by anna-neko (rkdreams)

"Yes," she interrupted again. "One who's spirit can be churned simply because he had been through so

much pain and suffering. The fourteenth master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu: Himura Kenshin."

Taka's shocked expression transformed into glee and he laughed. "Battousai. Oh, my brilliant wife! You

must free me from this wretched prison soon so I can be with you!"

Yasanari smiled. "I'm working on it."

"And you can draw out his dragon, you say?"

"Yes, and it gets better, my dear."

"How is that?"

Yasanari grinned, her eyes gleaming ferociously. "His woman, Kamiya Kaoru, has the purest soul I have

ever seen. Even if they've…done things together…her blood…"

"Will be the perfect offering to the dragon," Taka finished delightedly. "Nothing like maiden's blood to

intoxicate an oversized lizard."

Yasanari laughed at her husband's humor. "This will be so easy. It will be over before the Sorcerers' Triad

can have the authority to arrest us, and by the time they do get the authority, we would be gone from this

realm, out of their jurisdiction."

"I love your scheming little heart."

"This I know," she said with a satisfied smile.

Ludlow Anvik would have turned red in the face if he were in human form. Perched on the windowsill of

Mitsumo Yasanari as a canary, he had heard and seen the whole exchange between husband and wife. As of

this moment, he was utterly infuriated.

How could they think they would get away with this? He asked himself. He was thoroughly insulted that the

Mitsumos even entertained the thought that the Sorcerers' Triad would not act accordingly with such


Janek wil not be pleased.

Ludlow flapped his wings and took off into the air. As assistant to the great sorcerer Janek Malfid, who is

distinguished as a third of the Sorcerers' Triad, the magic realm's Supreme Court, Ludlow was seldom

caught idle. Apart from his duties in the Ithenea, courthouse for the judicial affairs of Mages, Ludlow served

Janek's orders.

This time, it was to monitor the activities of Mitsumo Yasanari, wife of convicted Mage Killer, Mitsumo Taka.

Right after Mitsumo Taka was cursed into the Mirror Prison for the murder of three Magic Wielders, Janek

himself reading the sentence, the respected Triad member expressed concern over the punishment.

"We should have sent him to Dakova," Janek had told his two Triad colleagues. "And then sealed off his

wife's memory of him."

Dalfidor Wortshire, the oldest in the triad, shook his head. "There isn't enough evidence for either, Janek.

His crimes perhaps deserve the Hell Prison, but the evidence only warrants the Mirror Prison, not to mention

his wife's release."

Temise Sarencen, iron-lady of the triad, nodded. "I dare say he deserves Dakova, but we are bound by the

Law of the Mages."

Janek sighed and conceded the point. He would have to deal with it himself, and this is where Ludlow came


Ludlow was asked to keep an eye on Yasanari. It was a maneuver brought of fear that has proven to be


Now, as Ludlow soared through the air, he entered a portal connecting him to Janek's office.

Page 3: Bring Out the Dragon by anna-neko (rkdreams)

"What news, Ludlow?" Janek asked as soon as the canary settled on a cushioned chair.

The bird sprouted massive legs while its wings became arms. A red face accompanied the man that had just

materialized in Janek's office. Young at 132 years old, Ludlow was still not adept at hiding his emotions.

"Yasanari has found out about Himura Kenshin and is planning to draw the dragon from him."

Janek sighed and rubbed his forehead. He felt like going to the Mage Senate and screaming "I told you so! I

told you your stupid laws would go easy on him!" but of course, that was conduct unbecoming of a judge.

"The idiots…" he muttered, not necessarily meaning the senate. "I suppose they're certain to get away with



Janek frowned. "And their offering to the dragon?"

"Kamiya Kaoru."

Janek shook his head, annoyed. "Maiden's Blood. The witch thought of everything. Except…"

"Except?" Ludlow prompted him.

"Every dragon has its master…" Janek said with a small smile.

Realization crept into Ludlow's eyes. "Of course! But…what are we going to do about Yasanari in the


Janek shrugged. "What can we do? Unless she actually harms a Mage, we cannot arrest her. Yasanari knows


"But the dragon will not follow its master unless the master…"

"We'll have to rely on Kaoru's magic," Janek said in finality.

Ludlow sighed. "Janek, have you forgotten that she doesn't know she's a Mage?"

"No, I haven't, and I think it's about time the Head of Revelations does something to remedy that."

Nania Faye, Head of Revelations, took the call of Janek Malfid on the Spectram and smiled as the illusion of

him appeared in her office.

"To what do I owe the honor of this call, Your Honor?" Nania asked respectfully, her green hair dancing on

the tendrils of her powers.

Janek cut right to the chase. "I need you to do a revelation."

"Who is the Mage?" was the professional response, raising a spectral scroll at eye level.

"Kamiya Kaoru," Janek replied.

Nania checked the scroll then closed it with finality. "Not eligible, Your Honor. You know the rules. Only

Mage blood relatives can tell the Mage about their gifts, and in the absence of such, a Mage's capabilities

can only be revealed if the mage is clearly in danger of another mage. These things work like arrest

warrants you know. Can't issue it unless there's probably cause. Get my drift?"

"Kaoru is in danger."

"I'll need proof of that."

Janek sighed. "Can't you take my word for it? Can't you make an exception this once?"

"Never! And besides, Kaoru is an Elemental Mage. You know how the Empress prefers them to stay

dormant. The less active Elemental Mage's there are, the less potential chaos there will be," Nania said

pointedly. "The Empress will have my head if I bend the rules, even for Kaoru."

Janek frowned in thought. The Empress had reason to limit the existence of Elemental Mages. Such mages

used one of the four elements of the realm to manifest their power. Most times, it was their kind of magic

Page 4: Bring Out the Dragon by anna-neko (rkdreams)

that caused mass destruction. Not intentionally…most of the time. Even the purest of hearts can wreak

serious havoc by the power of the elements, because the strength of the magic often surpasses the strength

of the mage's will. The power can easily spin out of control, which was often the case in disasters of the


The Empress of the Earth Realm thought Elemental Mages so troublesome that revelations to them were

executed only upon special permission granted by the Empress herself, with the weighty recommendation of

the Head of Revelations, of course.

Janek had one last shot in his footlocker. "You know you owe me, Nania."

Nania frowned. "Janek, I know you understand how much I appreciate the discounts you offer me on the

Flogworm supply for my department. In fact, I could not manage without it, but do be fair. Discounted

Flogworms can hardly be considered equal to what you ask of me. You know the punishment for

unauthorized revelations."

Janek smiled apologetically. "I had to try. This is very important to me."

Nania smiled in return. "Listen, I can't bend the rules, but I can make them more manageable. Give me

proof of Kamiya Kaoru's endangered life and I will make certain the Empress approves of her revelation.

Good enough?"

"It will have to do."

Yasanari chanted the false memory into the potion she was concocting and the yellow mixture glowed

green. It's ready.

She took the sterilized vial from the sleeve of her kimono and filled it with the potion. She corked the tube

and made two more of the same portions for emergency purposes. When she was done, she summoned her


Bushio Desuke walked into Yasanari's spell chamber, an evil grin already pasted on his face at the mere

anticipation of the dastardly deeds his master had in store for him.

Yasanari skimmed her eyes covetously over her Ghoul. What a handsome Ghoul he was, young and supple.

She would have to seduce him before she let her husband out. Bushio Desuke had the looks of an angel but

the disposition of an imp. He was capable of doing the dirtiest, sleaziest and most tasteless task, without

loss of his enjoyment. He was strong too, freakishly so. He can lift large objects and take hits without

breaking a sweat. He possessed no magic, merely a Walker, as Mages called non-mystics. He had been

tricked into blind submission, like most ghouls were. Yasanari had promised to teach him magic when she

considered him ready for it. Of course, he would never be ready. Walkers suffered eternal banality. No skill,

no spell, ever!

Desuke just thinks he would be able to do magic, and Yasanari encouraged his hopes because he made a

very resourceful ghoul.

"Yasanari-sama," Desuke said respectfully. "You called?"

"Yes," Yasanari replied. "Tomorrow we put my plan into action. We will go together, but you must do

everything for me, lest the Mage Government gain authority to arrest me." Loopholes in the system were

such gems!

Desuke chuckled. "Understood, Yasanari-sama. Your cunning humbles me."

"That so? Well, I have better ways of humbling you, Desuke," she said naughtily. She loved her husband,

but it never hurt to have a little fun on the side.

To be continued…

Since I've got tons of weird names in the story (also, I've gotten requests to have the names ironed out),

I've listed the important names down here for reference.

Page 5: Bring Out the Dragon by anna-neko (rkdreams)

Important Names to Remember (Original characters):

Mitsumo Yasanari - Evil sorceress plotting to get Kenshin's dragon. She is the wife of convicted Mage

Killer Mitsumo Taka.


Mitsumo Taka - Mage Killer sentenced to the mirror prison. Husband of Yasanari.2.

Janek Malfid - One of the three in the Sorcerers' Triad, Supreme Court of the Mage Government. He

sits with Dalfidor Wortshire and Temise Sarencen. He most certainly sentenced Mitsumo Taka to the

mirror prison, but he feels that the punishment should have been more severe.


Ludlow Anvik - Works in Ithenea, Courthouse of Judicial Affairs. I didn't go much into what he does

there officially because what he does as the assistant of Janek Malfid is more important. He's is

Janek's right hand man.


Nania Faye - Head of the Department of Revelations.5.

Bushio Desuke - Yasanari's ghoul. He has no magic and he never will have magic.6.

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Just so you know, I've sort of picked up this story from where "Heart's Ease" and "Kimi Wa Dare WoMamotte Iru" left off. Lemons, but two of the best I've read. You fans should check it out. This is, by nomeans, a continuation of the two, but there is a reference to them. So in case you missed it, you mustknow that in my story, Kaoru and Kenshin have already, well…made love. Hope you don't find thatoffensive.

Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. Ido not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candlesI light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


By anna-neko

Chapter Two

Ludlow entered the edifice of Celestine, home of the Department of Walker Affairs, otherwise known as theDepartment of Meddlers. The government agency is in charge of the welfare of Walkers in relation toMages, and they worked independently of mage governance to be effective in their duties. Though meddlingwas common, it had to be authorized and in accordance with law, mostly to prevent chaos and abuse.

Ludlow's mission was to seek Rodren Helinwart's help.

Rodren, head of the DWA, was a decent Mage whose concern for the race of Walkers bordered on godlikecompassion.

Ludlow, famed assistant to Janek Malfid, was immediately ushered into Rodren's office.

"What can I do you for, Ludlow?" asked Rodren with an accommodating smile.

Ludlow immediately stated his purpose. "I need a meddling."

Rodren laughed at the straightforward approach. "Who is the unfortunate Walker to be used?"

Ludlow grinned, his tension easing at the Mage's candid manner. "We're not certain yet, but I want to beauthorized to meddle as soon as a particular revelation takes place."

Rodren sat back on his chair, an amused smile on his face. "You know the rules. A Walker must 'ask' for themeddling, usually extracted in the form of prayers or bouts of exasperation, and that same Walker must

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have circumstantial right to do so."

Ludlow knew the drill. Walkers who "asked" for meddles usually had no idea that "someone" was listeningand often attributed the sudden appearance of help to luck or coincidence. The DWA only answered Walkerprayers when it involved a worthy cause to aid a Mage in trouble. Furthermore, a Walker can apply the aidonly if he or she has a capacity to do so. For instance, a Walker who does not know how to swim cannotpossibly hope to rescue a drowning Mage by jumping into the water with the hopes of suddenly learningbuoyancy.

Ludlow gave a nod. "I understand that, but I know you can issue me a surveillance team, can't you?"

Rodren shrugged. "It depends. The purpose must be vital to a Walker's well-being in relation to MagePolicy."

Ludlow smiled in relief. "Leave that to me."

Himura Kenshin watched Kamiya Kaoru, his fiancée, in awe as she emerged from the house, purse andparasol in hand.

Thank you, Kami-sama. He thought, sighing in contentment. His beautiful Kaoru was safe, safe fromEnishi's Revenge; safe from all the other perils that came before. The dangers he had caused her wouldhave driven any other woman away from him, but she was so special. She had stood her ground withoutfear or hate. She loved him in spite of all that, and he loved her all the more for it.

The night before Enishi's attack, she had been the light in the darkness. Only she can create the love theyshared in such chaos. Until now, he could not explain how they had made passionate love amidst the tumultof fear, how they had eased each other's hearts by a mere touch of their finger tips. Then after they got herback, when he was so full of the guilt and the pain at the thought that he had failed her, she had comfortedhim again with her heart, soul and body. He didn’t deserve her, but she thought otherwise.

"Where are you going, Kaoru?" he asked, his arms elbow-deep in soapsuds.

She smiled at him and affectionately rapped his head with her parasol. He was still a bit too protective ofher, still trying to shadow her every move. It was endearing, but that endearment would transform intoirritation if he did not let up. "Just the market. We're running low on tofu."

"I'm just about done with the laundry. If you wait a little I can come with you," Kenshin said, staring up ather with rurouni innocence.

"Mou!" Kaoru sighed, rapping him again. "You're such a horrible liar, Kenshin. You didn't even bother to hidethe laundry pile," she said, pointing to the telltale stack of dirty clothes beside him.

Kenshin gave a chuckle, caught. "Ah, silly me," he said, chastising himself. "Very well, Kaoru. I will stay, butI think Yahiko's been wanting to go into town. Perhaps you should ask him to go with you."

Kaoru sighed again, rolling her eyes around in exasperation. "Give it up, Kenshin. You've already used thattactic. I see right through it. I'm going alone."


"I'll be back before you know it. Don't worry," she said, giving him a placating kiss on the lips.

"Oro?" Kenshin responded, blinking in confusion.

She was gone in a flash.

He sighed and went back to his laundry. Kaoru was an amazingly stubborn woman. At that thought, hesmiled. The Hitokiri Battousai wouldn't have his woman any other way.

Ludlow perched himself on a nearby tree, this time as a parrot. He peered at Kamiya Kaoru as she

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purchased the tofu. Even in the brightness of the sun, her aura flared radiantly.

She's a powerful mage, this one. If only she knew it. Her trainer would have to be just as powerful to beable to teach her the proper use of it, but that was of little concern. He already knew who her trainer wouldbe if the Department of Revelations decides to let her know her capabilities.

Ludlow gave an amused squawk at the prospect of her meeting with her trainer. That would be a sight tosee. He'd have to be there. He wouldn't miss it for the world!

His light thoughts were disturbed by the sight of Yasanari's ghoul walking casually through the crowd.

Ludlow cursed loudly, earning him an odd look from a Walker below.

"What are you looking at?" Ludlow squawked in Japanese.

The Walker fled in fear.

What can he do? He couldn't meddle just yet. Unauthorized meddling carried heavy sanctions. They canrevoke his license to practice magic indefinitely, and for a Shape Shifter like him, which meant no moreflying, ocean swimming or thousands of other delights, he couldn't do without the stress relief. His work inthe Ithenea would be punishment if he couldn't unwind the way he usually does.

Kaoru was extraordinary however. He wouldn't put it past her that she could take care of herself. Her puritywasn't even marred by the fact that she and Himura had already slept together. Several times, in fact.Perhaps it had much to do with Himura's deep love for her. Nevertheless, it took a very innocent soul tostay so pure in spite of the loss of maidenhood. At least Ludlow knew Yasanari couldn't harm her in thataspect. If she had that idiot Desuke rape her, she'd lose her Maiden's Blood. Dragons did not take kindly totainted offerings. What was Yasanari going to do?

He'd have to keep a close watch. Yasanari was resourceful. Very dangerous.

Damn witch. Ludlow thought.

Kaoru looked over her shoulder. There he was again.

A young man with black hair and brown eyes seemed to be following her in the last half- hour. It wasbeginning to make her nervous. Handsome though he was, he had a glint in his eyes that overshadowedthe flattery she would have felt.

She was suddenly sorry that she had not heeded Kenshin's offer of accompaniment.

Kaoru shook off her paranoid thoughts and scolded herself. Stupid! Those days of danger are over! The manwasn't following her, she convinced herself. He just happened to have the same route as she did. Nothing toworry about.

Clutching her tofu bucket more firmly in her hand, she quickened her pace as she headed home. Why wasshe so afraid anyway? She was the adjutant master of Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu. She could take anybody on,even with a sorry excuse for a weapon in the form of a parasol.

She noticed that the man equaled his pace with hers.

"Calm down," she grumbled under her breath. "Get a grip, Kamiya!"

In spite of her brave words, she started to run.

The man followed suit.

God! He was after her.

Her warrior instincts took root. She turned around, parasol in hand, and made a swing for her pursuer'shead.

The man absorbed the hit of the umbrella with barely a flinch. She followed it up with the bucket and madeno difference.

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Damn! She thought. Why does he have to be so strong?

She felt the full force of his bulk on her midsection and the scream she had been intending to belt out wasknocked from her breath.

They fell to the ground in a heap, and in spite of the shouts from the crowd, no one helped her.

The man smiled as he pinned her beneath him. He was too heavy and strong. Her struggles were futile.

Catching her breath, she screamed, but he swung his fist at her head, slamming consciousness from her.

To be continued…


"Rurouni" - according to the creator of RK, this means "wanderer". I think he made it up, but I dunno.1.

"Mou!" - Kaoru's expression of exasperation.2.

"Oro!" - Kenshin's expression of surprise, wonder, clueless-ness, etc.3.

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I know that last one was pretty standard. I have to warn you that you might think this next one's kinda

standard too. Just please, don't be too hard on me. If any of the characters go OOC, I am the only one to

blame. I like it when they go OCC, in fact. It adds spice. I'd also like to warn you that this fic is mostly

centered on Kaoru and Kenshin. Don't kill me if it lacks more parts for the others.

This chapter has some R-rated stuff. For words and violence, I think, so if you're not old enough to read

stuff like this, you must STOP right now. For those of you who are considered "mature audience", I hope

you like this next one.

Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. I

do not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candles

I light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


By anna-neko

Chapter Three

Kenshin, Yahiko and Sano were startled out of their morning reverie when they heard an urgent banging on

the gate.

"Himura-san! Himura-san!" a small voice squeaked at the top of his lungs.

Fear knotted Kenshin's belly. His first thought went to Kaoru. She wasn't home yet. It has not been very

long, but the fact that she was not with him was enough cause for worry. He rushed to the gate with Yahiko

and Sano in tow. Why did peace always elude them?

When Kenshin opened the gate, he discovered one of Kaoru's new pupils impatiently bouncing on his heels

and toes. The blood drained from Kenshin's face.

"Shiro-kun!" he gasped. "What is wrong, little one?"

"The Sensei!" Shiro cried, tears suddenly flowing from his eyes. "Somebody attacked Teacher!" he shrieked.

"Then he took her! Took her!" he yelled, waving his arms about.

"Show me," Kenshin said, keeping his panic from overwhelming him.

The little boy took off and Kenshin bounded right after him, his hand to the hilt of his reversed edge sword,

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his sakabatou.

"Kenshin!" Yahiko yelled. "Shit! Sano, get a move on!"

Kenshin did not even look back as he scooped little Shiro in his arms, ordering the boy to tell him where to

go. He summoned his god-like speed and left everyone behind in a flash.

They were at the scene of the attack in no time.

Kenshin saw the parasol and the bucket. There was tofu everywhere, and the marks on the dirt showed

evidence of a struggle.

Putting Shiro down, he turned to the crowd with a glare. "Where did he go?" he asked, scaring half of the

on-lookers away.

They all knew who he was, and they knew the Kamiya girl's relationship with him. Nobody wanted to get in

his way.

With shaky hands, a few people pointed to the direction of the river.

Leaving Shiro behind, Kenshin sped to the direction he had been led until he reached the banks of the river.

He looked around him, frantically searching for clues: A depression in the grass, or perhaps a print in the

moist soil…anything!

Kenshin's trained eye found a trail of crushed leaves and the subtle imprint of a foot. Like a wild animal in

search of prey, he followed the lead, thinking of nothing but the demise of whomever had dared to take his


"Where are you?" he growled to himself, his feet barely touching the ground. He fought his inner ghosts, his

rurouni self warring with the spirit of Battousai. He could usually contain the assassin, but during times like

these, anxious, frightened, angry, it was difficult to stay in control.

About a mile through his trek, the trail stopped, and out in the distance, he saw a boat riding the current of

the river.

A man stood almost at the hull of the boat in perfect balance. He had a triumphant smile on his face.

"Battousai!" the man shouted above the din of the water. "This yours?"

The man raised a body in his arms.

The kimono, the raven hair, the blue ribbon…it was Kaoru, unconscious and limp.

This is too much. He had just gotten her back from Enishi, and now it was happening again! All those times

when she had been kidnapped, he couldn't even remember being so pissed! Why were they always

involving her? Why? No more! He will take no more of it! This time, he was not going to stand for it. His

eyes flashed, losing his hold on his sanity faster than he ever did, and his eyes turned amber.

"YOU," Kenshin murmured in fury, half of his anger directed at the man and half at himself for being so

helpless once again. His golden eyes glinted in the sunlight. "If you harm her, I swear…"

The man's maniacal laugh carried itself to Kenshin's ears, and it was almost as if he had heard Kenshin's

words through the pounding of the river. "You'll get her back, but maybe after I'm through with her, yes?"

Kenshin was ready to go on a rampage. His breathing had gone ragged and his mind was spinning on

images of blood, and a severed head. One head in particular. "I'll see you dead! By my soul I'll see you dead

if you harm her!" he growled in wrath.

A mist rose out of nowhere, impossibly defying the heat of the sun. The strange fog engulfed the boat like a

blanket, then as quickly as the fog came, it dissipated. The boat was nowhere in sight.

The Hitokiri Battousai stared in disbelief. Where had it gone? Where did that mist come from? What sort of

magic was this?

Unable to contain any more of the rage, Kenshin pulled out his sword and swung at an unsuspecting tree

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with the sharp edge of his sakabatou.

The tree, which had been in existence for a hundred years, ceased to be as it fell, trunk and all to the

ground. It toppled with a crash in a cloud of dust and debris.

In a mingling of frustration, wrath and sorrow, Kenshin screamed Kaoru's name to the heavens.

Sano and Yahiko heard the scream as it reached the streets of Edo. It sounded like the wail of a beast,

made human only by the torrent of emotions.

"Damn!" Sano hissed, breaking off into a faster run to follow the sound. "That was horrible!"

Yahiko bravely stunted his tears as he struggled to keep pace with Sano's large strides. "Ugly has to be

okay. Kami-sama!" It was a little more than a prayer, Yahiko fashion. His fear of losing his dearest hag was

rivaled only by Kenshin's. He would not know what to do without Kaoru taking care of him, beating the crap

out of him, come to that.

It took them quite a while to get to Kenshin, but when they did, he was still panting with rage.

He was hunched menacingly on the trunk of a felled tree, apparently just recently cut down judging by the

color of its leaves, very recently.

The sight was frightening. The amber-eyed ex-assassin looked anything but a retiree from the Ishinshishi.

At that very moment, he was the Hitokiri, and if anyone had been unfortunate, or stupid enough to stumble

upon him during the height of his rampage, it might not be a tree that Kenshin would be standing on.

"Damn!" Sano said, backing away slightly.

"W-where's Kaoru?" Yahiko asked hesitantly, too scared to try his luck with calling her names.

Kenshin turned away from them, looking over his shoulder to the river. "Taken," he simply replied.

A deathly quiet ensued.

After a while, Sano found the courage to speak. "Who took her, Kenshin?"

"Some nobody," Kenshin replied in a low growl. "I've never seen him in my life, but I have no need of

knowing him. He shall die for this."

The death sentence churned Sano and Yahiko's insides, sending prickles down their backs. It was terrifying

to hear Kenshin speak so coldly about killing. The rurouni was never this bloodthirsty. He was not even like

this when they found the Kaoru-doll in the dojo.

"Kenshin, we have to report this to the cops," Sano said cautiously.

"You report it," Kenshin snapped icily as he stood up to full height. "I'm finding a boat and I'm going into

that river," he said with finality.

He hopped from the tree trunk and proceeded farther along the riverbank to the nearest boat station.

Ludlow burst into Janek's office in a great flurry through the window. His parrot form settled on a chair and

began to talk. "Yasanari has kidnapped Kamiya Kaoru!" He cried, flapping his wings and scattering a few

feathers around in the process. He instantly took the shape of the man he was.

Janek leaned back calmly on his seat. "Did she actually take Kaoru?"

"Well, her ghoul did," Ludlow said. "But she did a transport. She took her ghoul and Kaoru by magic."

Janek sighed and shook his head. "Not good enough. The ghoul's a Walker, and too many Walkers stumble

accidentally into transports to consider it as anything more than another mishap."

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"But we know Yasanari took them deliberately!" Ludlow argued.

"It's insubstantial. It wouldn't hold up for a warrant," Janek said. "As of this moment, it's still the affair of

the Walkers."

"A revelation then," insisted Ludlow.

"Wouldn't do. Yasanari herself hasn't done anything," replied Janek. "You said so yourself that it was the

ghoul that did it all," Janek pointed out.

"But she used magic!"

"Technically, not on Kaoru."

Ludlow swore vehemently before becoming coherent again. "Those Mitsumos have been riding on

technicalities since day one."

"Well, at least they know their law," Janek said optimistically.

"Right. A little too much, I think."

Kaoru felt Kenshin's fingers slip through hers under the table at the Akabeko. He was smiling at her with the

most loving eyes. She blushed but smiled back.

They were celebrating her safe return from Enishi's island, as well as Kenshin's recovery from the battle

after Rakuninmura.

"Hey!" Sano suddenly called to them from across the table. "In case you've forgotten, you're not the only

two people here!"

Kenshin's face turned red and Kaoru's turned even redder.

"Shut-up and leave them alone, Rooster-head!" Megumi said, more for a desire to chastise him than a

compulsion to be the advocate of Kaoru and Kenshin's romance. The inevitable fact that her dear Ken-san

ended up with Racoon-girl still stung. "I'd be all lovey-dovey too if the person I love came back from the



"I'd be freaked out if you asked me," Yahiko said, stuffing his face with rice. "Zombies aren't exactly


Kaoru glared and her fist tensed. Her knuckle had Yahiko's name written all over it.

Kenshin grinned and wisely decided to attempt withdrawing her fangs. "Kaoru isn't a zombie," he told Yahiko

calmly. "Zombies are never this beautiful, if you'll allow me to be frank."

Kaoru gave Kenshin a delighted smile.

Sano's face screwed up. "Bleh…spoken like a true boyfriend. Careful Kenshin, we can't have Kaoru going into

sugar-shock, can we?"

Everyone else laughed and Kaoru gave her rurouni a loving gaze.

The way back home had become much quieter on account of the fact that Sano, Yahiko and Megumi had

gone on ahead to have a gambling spree.

Kenshin and Kaoru walked home hand in hand, enjoying the lulling sounds of the night.

Kenshin suddenly smiled and stopped walking. Kaoru blinked at him in surprise.

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"Kenshin?" she inquired, uncertain about whether she should be worried. She never took anything Kenshin

did for granted. Apart from his domestic habits at the Kamiya-dojo, everything else he did had purpose,

calculated, one of the many characteristics he carried on from being Battousai to a Rurouni.

"Beloved," he practically whispered, pulling her close to him. "Do you remember this place as I do?" he

asked, caressing her cheek.

Kaoru reluctantly left the touch of his hand and brought her gaze to her surroundings. It was the pond of

the fireflies, as lonely as it had been the last time she stopped to look at it during the night. The fireflies

flickered about it lazily, enlivening the dreary scene to some degree.

Her stomach twisted as the memory became more vivid in her mind. It was the evening Kenshin said

goodbye to her so he could go to Kyoto.

She nodded sadly. "Y-Yes," she replied softly. "And it still hurts me."

An apologetic smile, mingling with his own pain, touched his face. "As it does I," he replied tenderly. "Leaving

you tore me apart inside, but I had to go. I would do it the same way if time were turned back."

A tear rolled down her face at his words, the hurt surfacing anew. Did it mean that he could still leave her?

In spite of what they shared the night before Enishi's attack? Or the intimate love they shared after they got

him back home? They had made love. Doesn't that count for something? Would she have to fear his leaving

her all her life?

He kissed the path of the teardrop on her cheek. "Do not cry, Kaoru. That was then, this is now. I would

never leave you again. At least, not like that. As long as I live, I will always come back to you, and if I had to

go for good, I'd take you with me."

Happiness welled inside her at his words, her sadness leaving her in cascades. A smile crept into her lips

where it threatened to tremble just a few minutes before. His promise meant so much to her, and Kenshin

would always speak true. She inched forward and kissed him. There was no resistance and Kenshin cupped

her face in his hands.

When they parted, Kenshin gazed at her lovingly, quite in a daze. "Er…I'm not finished talking yet, that is…"

he said, catching his breath.

Kaoru gave a mild giggle and an impish stare. "Then finish."

He smiled and gathered his senses. "This place was not meant to have bad memories. You had such good

ones before I ruined it for you."

She made a motion to protest but he stopped her with a quick kiss. She blinked in surprise, then she smiled,

conceding silently.

"I want to give you back the good memories," he said, caressing her chin with his thumb. With deliberate

grace, he reached into his sleeve and pulled something out. It glinted in the moonlight.

"Kenshin…" Kaoru gasped as he took her hand.

"Will you marry me, Kaoru? With all my faults…with my past?"

She looked deeply into his eyes. "Kenshin…yes. With all the faults I do not see and the past that made you

the man I love. I want to marry all of you."

A flush of happiness came over his face, and slipping the ring around her finger, he took her into his arms

and kissed her with all the longing and passion that never seemed to abate.

When they separated, Kaoru snuggled her head in the hollow of his shoulder and began to kiss his neck.

"How shall we celebrate this, Kenshin?" she purred.

Kenshin grinned and picked her up into his arms. She did not protest. "This unworthy one has a good idea."

"Is that so, good sir?" she asked, mischievously imitating his speech pattern.

"Yes. This unworthy one has a very good idea."

With godlike speed, he brought them back to the dojo where they made love in sweet surrender.

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Kaoru opened her eyes and saw the ring on her hand. She smiled and half-expected to find Kenshin

snuggled up against her, but when she shifted to take a more comfortable position, she realized that she

couldn't move. Her hands and feet were bound by rope.

Her head throbbed painfully and with a sinking heart, she realized what had happened to her.

Kidnapped…again! When will it stop?

Containing a sob, she looked at her surroundings.

The place looked like a shanty, complete with small holes on the walls and ceiling. Except for a few piles of

rotten wood, the place was bare.

Her gaze fell on a figure standing a few feet away. She saw his face through the meager lighting and

recognized him as the man who had attacked her.

Kaoru glared at him angrily. "Bastard! Let me go!" she yelled from the floor.

The man chuckled. "You're as foul-mouthed as that lover of yours, girl."

A woman, with blue flowing hair and wearing an uncompromisingly black kimono, emerged from behind

him. She smiled placidly, saying nothing and doing nothing. She just grinned and knelt comfortably on the


"I am Bushio Desuke," said the man with a patronizing bow. "And you, Kamiya Kaoru, are mine!"

Kaoru watched in horror as he approached her. How did he know my name? Of course, she shouldn't be

very surprised. The lunatics usually knew her. What was it this time? Revenge for some relative of his that

Battousai had killed? Or was this her enemy? That was entirely possible. "Stay away from me," she

growled, wriggling away a bit.

Desuke crouched down before her and traced her face delicately with his finger. "So pretty…" He smiled,

then without warning, he grabbed a fist full of her hair and drew her up.

Kaoru hissed, getting to her feet to support her own weight. Her scalp stung from the rude handling.

"You must forgive me, but I have to do this," said Desuke without a hint of apology in his tone to match his


He gave a mocking grin, and to Kaoru's surprise, he buried a heavy fist on her gut. Her vision blurred at

the pain, and she fell to the ground on her hands and knees, coughing and gasping for breath. Her eyes

watered involuntarily.

No sooner had she began to breathe properly when she felt his foot slam savagely against her ribs. The

force of it practically lifted her off the floor. She felt and heard something crack inside her.

Unable to have the breath to cry out, she slumped silently, face down on the rotting floorboards. She

struggled for air, but even that gave her discomfort. It hurt to breathe.

He gave her another kick on the same spot and the stabbing pain forced a wail from her lungs.

She lay wincing on the ground as her captor circled her.

"I'm sorry, but did that hurt?" he asked sardonically.

Grabbing her by her hair and the fabric of her kimono, he continued to beat her, aggravating the agony of

her ribs and hitting her within every inch of her body. Pain exploded within her at every blow, and unable

to defend herself, she could do nothing but shriek in torment.

"Why?" she sobbed as he dropped her to the floor. "Why are you doing this?"

"It's my job," he simply replied.

Whimpering, she struggled to turn around and face him but was met by a staggering blow to her arm. She

emitted a scream as her arm snapped, broken at the forearm. She rolled into a protective ball.

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"S-Stop!" she pleaded, blood oozing from her nose and mouth. "Please…"

Desuke grinned and savagely took her by the shoulders, forcing her on her back. He sat on top of her,

straddling her between his legs. Her attempts to get out from beneath him were futile. Apart from her

weakened, bound and battered state, he was strong and heavy.

"This is the best part," he said wickedly. He took a knife tucked into his sash and cut her bindings. Even

without the restraints, Kaoru hadn't the strength to put up a decent fight. Try as she might to hit him or

shove him off her, she dealt herself more pain than she did her abuser.

With the same knife, he sliced her obi. Roughly, he undid her kimono.

"N-No!!" Kaoru screamed, sobbing for mercy. "Please! Stop! Stop!"

"Shut up!" Desuke hissed, gripping her by the neck.

Kaoru was exposed in her undergarments and she whimpered against the force. She tried to kick, but her

thighs were too sore to possess any force.

As he parted her legs and held her down, she continued to plead for relief.

"God, you're one beautiful bitch," Desuke said in sincerity. "I'm getting hard just looking at you!"

A sob rose in her throat. She tried to cover herself but she failed miserably against his strength.

Consistent to his un-delicate handling of her, he cut the cloth covering her womanhood.

She screamed. No! Is he going to…? He will! Oh, please no!

Desuke laughed, taking something from his sleeve. Bringing it to his mouth, he bit it. It was a corked vial,

and he blew the stopper from between his teeth. Without ceremony, he poured the liquid into her mouth.

It tasted foul, and she gagged. She would have gladly spat it out if Desuke had not forced her jaw shut and

pinched her nose.

"Swallow!" he ordered her.

She had little choice in the matter. The moment the liquid went down her throat, she blacked out without a


Desuke relaxed upon seeing her body go limp and he stood up. "Well, that was easy. I should have

prolonged it," he said with a chortle of delight.

"You did well, as always," Yasanari said. "Phase one is done. Now all we have to do is wait."

Desuke nodded and skimmed his eyes over Kaoru's body. "Can't I do her just once, Yasanari-sama? She's


Yasanari frowned. "Touch her and you'll never be able to get it up again, you hear? I can't have her


"But she isn't a virgin!" Desuke protested. "Battousai's had his way with her already!"

"Idiot!" Yasanari hissed. "Battousai does not make her impure. He loves her too much, but if you rape her,

she will be violated. The dragon will not take her like that and it will kill all of us. Now give me that knife. I

have to do a bit of surgery."

Knife in hand, Yasanari bent over Kaoru and knicked her privates. When there was enough blood to

simulate an actual rape, she stood up and smiled at her handy work. "That'll do. Let's go. It's time for

Battousai to find her."

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Haze or true? Kaoru thought as she opened her eyes. Voice…she could hear it. No, just one voice, echoing

unnaturally. And breathing, rapid breathing.

Then she…felt something? Shoving…her…no, shoving in and out of her…

Her eyes widened as the form of Desuke appeared on top of her, grinning in ecstasy, pushing himself inside

her, cupping her breasts and shouting profanities.

"You’re MY whore now!" he said, laughing as he raped her viciously.

She tried to scream, but no sound would escape. Illusion? Nightmare? No…real…but it can't be! It's real, it's

just that she had lost her voice.

Tears spilled from her eyes. His ministrations hurt. It hurt so much, and she could only pray that it would be

over soon.

A few minutes later, he groaned in pleasure, shuddering.

He pulled out of her and he stood up, leaving her on the floor.

She felt something trickling down from the apex of her thighs. Blood, perhaps, and she whimpered in agony.

She tried to roll to her side but she could not move. It hurt too much to move.

With trembling fingers, she used her good arm to pull her kimono closed.

"G-God!" she sobbed, her voice returning.

"That'll do," said his woman companion. "Let's go. It's time for Battousai to find her."

Their forms disappeared into thin air, but Kaoru did not give a damn.

All she could comprehend were the woman's words. "It's time for Battousai to find her."

Kaoru shook her head. No! Her mind shouted in shame. Not like this! Not like this!

"NOOOOOO!" Kaoru screamed

Kenshin heard the scream, filled with so much agony, and it was Kaoru. He turned his ear, desperately

trying to pin point where it had come from.

His heart slammed into his chest as he searched frantically for a clue.

"Kaoru!" he called, hoping she was near enough for him to hear. There was no response. "KAORU!" he

called again.

A mist crept out from nowhere under the light of the moon. It looked like the same kind of mist that had

taken Kaoru and her captor earlier.

In a split second, the mist dissipated, pulling away as if someone had summoned it back, and Kenshin's

eyes widened at what he saw. There was the kidnapper's boat, pulled up on the bank. Beyond that was a

shanty, and it looked deserted.

With all his strength, he pushed his boat to the bank, and barely on shore, he jumped out of the boat.

Splashing through the shallow water, he headed straight for the shanty.

He burst through the door, and at the center of the room was Kaoru, staring at him with horror-stricken



"San" - Honorific. Considered a polite form of address. Almost like Mr. or Ms. depending on whether

you're addressing a man or a woman.


Page 18: Bring Out the Dragon by anna-neko (rkdreams)

"Kun" - Another honorific, used to address boys; those of lower rank if it's a man using it; or a close

friend, if it’s a girl addressing a boy. This can also be used on a woman of lower rank (but I've only

heard this used on women in a military set-up, so I don't know if this always applies.)


"Battousai" - Unsheathed sword3.

"Hitokiri" - Assassin4.

"Hitokiri Battousai" - Kenshin's name during the Boshin Civil Wars5.

Chapter(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Here's the low-down. I've been getting stuff about my story being derivative, so here it goes. If my story

sounds like it came from somewhere, I didn't intend to copy any of the creative work done by my fellow

authors. The fact is I wrote this story thinking and HOPING it would be original ^_^. Anyway, I would also

like to say that I wrote this during my pre-Harry Potter days, so J.K. Rowling, please do not kill me. I have

to admit that Ms. Ashley Auld's "Heavenly Incarnation" inspired it. That's where I got the idea of magic

having an organized government and all that. I hope though, in the deepest recesses of my heart, that I do

not turn it into a "Heavenly Incarnations II", although it would be great if Ashley-dono could make one, ne?

Wherever you are, Ashley-dono, it would be great if you would take this glaringly obvious hint seriously.

For this chapter, there ain't going to be much action, but there will be lots of, well, I couldn't really say

WAFF…maybe somewhere between WAFF and angst. You guys figure it out.

Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. I

do not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candles

I light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


By anna-neko

Chapter Four

Kaoru's eyes did not welcome him. They were filled with dismay, tinged with a sense of wishing she were

somewhere else, but trying to understanding the meaning behind the look of panic would have to be done

at another time. Whether she wanted it or not, he had arrived, and he had to make sure she was safe.

With the golden glow still residing in his gaze, Kenshin went to her and knelt by her side, a growl almost

rising in his throat at the sight of her broken body.

Blood trickled from her nose and mouth, and her face was bruised from eye to chin. He could tell one of her

arms were broken, and the rasp in her breathing might be an indication that her ribs may be badly broken

as well. He couldn't even see the rest of her injuries because she had hastened to cover herself after her

initial terror at the sight of him. She managed a bit, but she was in too much pain to do anything more

than drape one side of her kimono over her. After that, she stayed still, but her eyes were wide with fear.

He thought maybe her injuries had disoriented her, and that she did not recognize him. "It's me, Kaoru.

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Don't be frightened." He said in a steady voice. He struggled within himself to call back the rurouni.

Battousai's gruff manner, though at this point showing as much tenderness as the hitokiri could muster,

could not hope to match the easing presence of Himura Kenshin, the man who did laundry at the Kamiya


Kaoru's lip trembled then she began to cry, closing her eyes. It was the only part of her that did not hurt

when she moved it.

The rurouni was winning. "Hush," he murmured, lowering his body and gently touching his scarred cheek

against her bruised one. He did not want to move her just yet, not until he's splinted her arm and seen to

her other injuries.

"Kenshin…" she whispered. Things were not quite clear to her. Had she been raped? It had seemed like a

dream. A very vivid dream, come to that, and she had felt pain. Should she tell him? If she had been

violated, he had every right to know, so that he could decide if he wanted her or not, even if his decision

might hurt her, but does she have to tell him now? No. Maybe later. Maybe…

"Hush, dearest." The rurouni had returned. "Just relax. Let me try to fix you," he said gently, wiping the

trail of blood from her mouth and nose with his sleeve.

Kenshin rose from the floor and picked up pieces of wood from a nearby pile. Looking around, he found the

remnants of her obi. He briefly wondered why it had been so cleanly sliced off. A brief thought caused him

to glare and order Battousai to stay down.

"You'll get her back, but maybe after I'm through with her, yes?" The man had said. Had he…?

He shook his head slightly, clearing him mind. They would deal with that later. Right now, Kaoru's in pain.

Skillfully, he used his materials to splint her arm, then every so delicately, he tried to check her ribs. He

had seen people being splinted at the body, to avoid further damage.

Kaoru pulled away with an abrupt jerk, holding her clothing about her more tightly, as if to protect herself.

She whimpered at the stabbing pain, but she stubbornly refused to be examined.

"Please, love," Kenshin said tenderly. "I can't make you comfortable if I don't know what hurts."

"P-Please," she whimpered in a weak voice. "J-just take me home, Kenshin. I -- I want to go home." Toomuch evidence too soon. She could not let him find out just yet.

Kenshin sighed. "Kaoru, I might have to carry you to some extent, at least until I find a carriage," he

explained. "Until then…"

She shook her head as vehemently as she could. "I'll stand the pain," she said resolutely. "I just want to

LEAVE this place. I -- I can't walk. He…he hit me one too many times on my legs." She almost blushed. She

hated being helpless. Too much independence had taught her to rely on herself, but this time, she would

have to swallow her pride.

Gold flashed briefly in his eyes again at her words, but for her sake, he struggled for control. He gave in to

her plea and gingerly picked her up.

Kaoru bit her lip from the pain, but she said nothing.

It might be a long walk, but Kenshin thought nothing of it.

They met Yahiko and Sano along the riverbank with a hoard of police trailing behind them. The faint smell

of cigarette smoke told Kenshin and Kaoru that Saitoh was abroad.

Sano was the first to spot them. "God! We've been looking forever! Where did you find her?"

"In a shanty, not very far away," Kenshin replied in a weary voice. He had been surprised at the short

distance he had walked. Hours had passed since he had begun looking for her. He should have been halfway

to Kyoto by the time he located her, and yet here they were, minutes from the Kamiya dojo. Apparently,

whatever illusion had gotten him had gotten the whole police force as well.

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"Kaoru!" Yahiko exclaimed in seeing her pitiful state.

Sano looked her over and his face crumpled. "Oh, Jou-chan…" he said with uncharacteristic tenderness.

Kaoru could not smile, even for the benefit of the others. There was too much…shame. Silently, she hid her

face in the folds of Kenshin's gi.

Sano noticed the color of amber flash faintly in Kenshin's eyes. It was only momentary, but he understood

Kenshin's rage. However Kaoru looked now, she must have been worse when he first found her.

"Sano, Kaoru needs a carriage," Kenshin said softly.

"Kamiya-san has a carriage," said an all too familiar voice in a billow of smoke. His smoke hit Sano and

Yahiko's perimeter of air while he signaled his men to bring over the transport.

Sano and Yahiko coughed and complained in unison. "Hey!"

"Thank you, Saitoh," Kenshin said as the sound of hoof beats grew louder.

The carriage halted near them and Yahiko scrambled to open the door for Kenshin and Kaoru.

Kenshin stepped in and gently laid Kaoru on the cushioned seat.

Her eyes remained downcast, but her grip on the collar of his gi tightened. "D-don't leave me with him," she

pleaded, her eyes briefly glancing at Saitoh then back to her hand. She cannot look Kenshin in the eyes. At

this point, she only trusted three men. Kenshin, Sano and Yahiko. The rest are as capable of ravishing her

as Desuke might have.

Kenshin could not understand her fear, but he nodded. "Just a moment, Kaoru. I must speak to Saitoh. I'll

call Sano and Yahiko over."

She nodded and let him go. With one flick of Kenshin's head, Sano and Yahiko were by Kaoru's side in

seconds. Kenshin stepped out of the coach moments after.

The young boy sat steadfastly on guard at the door of the carriage and Sano sat by her to comfort her as

best he could.

"You're going to be all right, Jou-chan," Sano said, stroking her head tenderly, his brotherly affection

growing at the sight of her so battered.

"I don't think so, Sano," she whimpered.

Sano was slightly shocked by her response. Was he hearing this from Kaoru? What happened to the forever

optimistic, bright and shiny Jou-chan he knew and loved? "Jou-chan, don’t say that…"

"I-I'm sorry, Sano," she said, burying her face in her hand. "But you don't know what he did to me. You just

don't know…"

Sano swallowed a lump in his throat, but he continued to comfort her. What could be that bad, Kaoru?

Kenshin described Kaoru's kidnapper to Saitoh and where he found her. His eyes regained their feral gaze

as he spoke, and his face had become expressionless. He wasn't sure if it was Saitoh's presence combined

with his testimony that brought it on, but somehow, through the course of their discussion, he had lost a

great measure of control.

Saitoh nodded when Kenshin's version of the events was fully revealed. "So you found her, as usual," said

the police officer.

"Yes, as usual," Kenshin said, the sarcastic tone in his voice implying that he always did a better job than

the police. Battousai was never as polite as the rurouni.

"What was she like when you found her?" Saitoh asked.

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"Bruised. Battered," Kenshin replied icily.

"Raped?" Saitoh suddenly interjected.

A dangerous leer crossed Kenshin's face. "I couldn't tell," he growled. It was almost a lie. There

were…indications, but he wasn't about to volunteer that to Saitoh.

"Let me know when you find out," Saitoh said, puffing at his cigarette.

"I'll do no such thing, Saitoh," Kensin said, annoyed. "Whatever Kaoru experienced back there, it has to

come from her. Understand?"

Saitoh shrugged. "Whatever. I really should be asking her question now, but I'm fairly certain you won't let

me, and I am in no mood to fight you at this late hour. I'll come by when she's better. Maybe tomorrow."

Kenshin swore. Inconsiderate bastard!

"Well?" Janek Malfid asked Nania Faye expectantly.

Nania tapped her finger against the crystal ball thoughtfully. "Smart witch, that Yasanari," she said as she

watched the brutal scene in the shanty. "Well, the kidnapping still remains to be the affair of the Walkers,

and from what I gather from you, kidnapping isn't exactly enough to put Yasanari away for very long,

hmm?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Janek cleared his throat, turning a bit red. "There isn't really enough evidence to support her

masterminding of the crime to begin with. What we have isn't enough to even arrest her, and you know

how we are not suppose to consider Seeing Spheres as reliable evidence. It's too easy to fake. I'll need

more to have a case on her."

Nania suppressed a smile. "In your own time, Janek, but the potion and the, well, delicate surgery certainlywarrants a revelation. Can't help her with the potion though. Looks like a False Memory brew. That info

might help when you consult with the DWA."

Janek sighed in relief. "Thank you, Nania! Thank you!"

Nania finally let go of the smile she had been trying to hold back. "I'll serve the revelation myself. She is,

after all, an Elemental Mage."

Megumi spoke a litany of Kaoru's injuries: Broken ribs…broken arm…cracked shoulder blade…fractured

shins…bruises all over…scratched and bleeding…

Kenshin could barely listen. It was too horrible. Who would do such a thing to a sweet and kind woman like

Kaoru? Even Enishi had given her the treatment she deserved.

"And…Ken-san…" Megumi said, her eyes suddenly filling. "There's something else…"

Kenshin's attention perked in response. "What?"

In a sudden burst of despair, Megumi began to cry in her hands.

"Megumi!" Yahiko gasped, wondering about what could be so horrible that the great Megumi-sensei would

succumb to emotions.

"Hey! Get a grip, fox-lady!" Sano scolded brutally. "If there's something wrong with Jou-chan that you can't


Megumi's palm connected with Sano's cheek with a loud crack. "Shut up, Sano!" she cried angrily. "Just

shut-up! How dare you…you can't possibly…" She fell to crying again, even harder than a while ago.

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Sano stared in astonishment, silenced by her outburst and the broken words hampered by her sobbing. It

spoke more eloquently than any rebuke he had dealt her.

Kenshin was now thoroughly alarmed. He wanted to grab Megumi by her shoulders and shake it out of her,

but he surmised that it would only make the situation worse, so he kept his peace.

After a prolonged silence, disturbed only by Megumi's whimpers, she finally composed herself enough to

speak again. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "There were…lacerations on her…damn!" she swore,

frustrated by her own lack of strength. "Ken-san…I think…she may have been…raped."

Yahiko sank to his knees in a sudden wave of weakness.

Sano, for once, did not have the sense to curse. His jaw dropped and he curled a fist menacingly.

Kenshin simply looked at Megumi, his eyes flashing amber and filling with unstoppable tears.

"N-Not Kaoru!" Yahiko said with conviction. "There must be some mistake…"

Megumi shook her head. "Oh, I've never wanted to be so wrong in my entire life! But the indications…"

"I hate you!" Yahiko yelled at Megumi. He sprang to his feet and ran out of the dojo.

"Yahiko!" Sano cried a bit angrily.

"It's alright, Sano," Megumi said in a calm voice. "Let him deal with it his way. We have bigger problems."

"Jou-chan," he responded, a teardrop rolling down his face. For a person like Sano, that was a complete

release of emotion. An ex-gangster like him shouldn't cry, but God, this time, he couldn't help it. This was

his Jou-chan they were talking about. "Kenshin?"

Kenshin said nothing. He simply walked to Kaoru's room and closed himself in before he faced her.

She was not asleep. Clean and bandaged, she stared at the ceiling with an expressionless look in her eyes.

"Kaoru…" he called out to her in a soft voice.

Instead of looking at him, she turned her face away. That was her only response.

Unable to contain himself, he fell to his knees beside her, clutched her hand in both of his and lowered his

face over it. He was silent at first, and it almost seemed as if that was all he was going to do, but a few

seconds later, Kaoru felt something wet dripping on her fingers. Once in a while, he would let out a

strangled sob.

They stayed that way for several minutes until Kaoru stretched out the fingers of her bound and bandaged

arm to touch it to his head.

"Kenshin," she began in a quiet voice, refusing to look at him even as his face stayed hidden. "Do you


"Yes," he replied, not leaving the solace of his hands. "Please. I am sorry. So very sorry. This unworthy one

did not find you sooner."

"It's not your fault," she said. Perhaps it's mine, she thought sadly. "I tried to stop him, but he was too

strong," she continued, as if to explain.

Kenshin lifted his head and observed her apparent refusal to make eye contact with him. "Love, look at

me," he pleaded.

She refused by staying still.

"Kaoru, please," he said, gently taking her chin to coax her.

Kaoru turned her head, but her eyes would not meet with his.

Pain crossed his face. "Kaoru, why won't you look at me?" he implored.

"B-Because…I am not worthy of you anymore," she said, almost in a whisper, tears overflowing from her

sapphire pools. She hadn't been sure earlier that…it had happened, but when she saw the expression of

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Megumi's face, the way the doctor's lips had gone ashen when the examination was complete, Kaoru

became certain that she hadn't dreamed it. It had been real, and now she had to face Kenshin with it.

Kenshin shook his head while his heart wrenched like never before. Not worthy of me? Kaoru, you've neverbeen more wrong! Was this what she felt when he told her that he wasn't worthy of her? Had he known

that it caused her this much pain, he would not have said such things to her so casually. Strange how a

turning of the tables can change ones perception so quickly. "Don’t say that!" he said a bit forcefully.

"I'm sorry…"

"Stop," he sighed in slight frustration. "You haven't done anything to apologize for. Kaoru, what happened

cannot make you less worthy of anybody, least of all me. You are the most precious person in my life, and

I'll be damned if I let anybody else convince me otherwise. Understand?"

She said nothing in response at first, and just when Kenshin thought he should ask her again, she replied

in a very weak voice. "I understand."

Kenshin felt her tone pulling at his heart. She did not believe him, but he refused to give it up. He would

have to tell her again, next time. Right now, she needed to rest. Carefully, he settled himself beside her

and took her hand more comfortably into his. He wanted to put his arms around her, but he did not want to

hurt her. "Sleep, love. I'll stay right here."

"Th-Thank you," she said in a whisper.

It hurt him to hear her thanking him. She shouldn't have to. She didn't have to.

This was going to take some time.

"I love you, Kaoru," he said, kissing her shoulder.

She wept.

"That witch is certainly getting her way," Ludlow said in extreme annoyance. "She'll draw out the dragon for

sure! The beating was bad enough, but the False Memory of rape? Too much! Much too much!"

Janek gave a slight nod in agreement. "Yes. Overkill, I think, is the right word. And Kaoru being such a kind

soul…the poor woman."

"At least the revelation is underway," Ludlow said wearily. "Will her trainer be introduced to her soon?"

"Not exactly," Janek said with a thoughtful look about him. "He'll teach her, but he's not ready to show

himself just yet. I think he's holding back for some sort of private joke."

Ludlow gave a grin. "Sounds like him."



"Any opportunity to meddle yet?" Janek asked.

A frown erased any trace of Ludlow's previous smile. "Not yet. I've been given a surveillance team by the

DWA. They're watching out for openings."

"Good, good, because I have an inkling."

Ludlow screwed up his face. "An inkling?" Sometimes his boss can be very odd.

"A hunch," Janek supplemented. "Keep your eye on the doctor. Megumi, isn't it? If she expresses a

willingness, she'll be able to help."

Ludlow gave Janek a suspicious look. "What do you have in mind?"

Janek smiled placidly and sat back on his swinging chair. "If things go the way I think it will, this is how

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we're going to fix it…"

"Kaoru! Kaoru!"

Kaoru felt someone nudging her in her sleep. She had never heard the voice in her entire life. Who wasthis?

Kaoru peeled her eyes open and beheld a woman with green hair, floated about her as if she were underwater. She was beautiful, but a stranger, a foreigner in her room!

Kaoru had been through too much to take anything for granted, and sure enough, she gave out a screamand scrambled out of bed. She grabbed her parasol and went into a defensive stance, glaring at the woman."Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Maa…maa…" said the woman calmly. "That isn't necessary," she continued in perfect Japanese. "Look."

The woman's finger pointed to the futon and Kaoru saw herself, wrapped in the loving arms of Kenshin.Kaoru's eyes widened in shock.

"Shit! Am I dead?" Kaoru asked in wonder.

The woman chuckled. "No, of course not. We're in Suspended Time. Almost like a dream-state, but for real.Almost…look at yourself."

Kaoru did as she was told and realized that although she still had on the bandages, she was actually up andabout, feeling better than ever…well, almost. Some wounds take longer to heal, some never.

"Not everything is what they seem, Kaoru," said the woman, a strange gleam in her eyes. "I am Nania Faye,and this is your Revelation."

"Eh?" Kaoru asked, a stupid stare on her face. It was all a little too surreal for her. Revelation? What wasthis woman talking about?

Nania chuckled. "Revelation. I'll explain. Can we step outside to talk? You can bring your, ahem, umbrella ifyou wish."

Kaoru suddenly felt silly, finding no reason to bring her parasol with her. If this was a dream, which she wasalmost certain it was, then she could just wake up if anything untoward took place. Laying it gently down,she gestured to go outside. "Tea?" she asked her mysterious visitor.

"Arigato. I would like that very much," Nania replied.

Tea was ready in just a few minutes. Somehow, the water boiled faster than expected. Well, dreams do

have a tendency to defy reality, Kaoru thought.

As soon as they were comfortably settled in the receiving room, each of them with a cup in hand, Naniabegan to speak.

"How much do you remember of your mother, dear?" Nania asked.

Kaoru smiled sadly. What a strange, strange dream. She shook her head. "Practically nothing. She diedwhen I was very young. I can only remember what she looked like, but the rest of her I learned fromfather."

Nania nodded. "Pity. She was a wonderful woman."

Kaoru's eyes widened in surprise. "You knew her?"

"Quite well, actually," Nania said with a smile. "She was a heart-wrenching beauty, and she had the kindnessof a goddess. When you were born, you were the only thing she talked about."

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"Yes," Nania replied. "She wanted to teach you everything she knew, and the way she cooked! Well, Icertainly miss her miso."

Kaoru sighed wistfully. " I could have used those lessons."

Nania chuckled. "Cooking would have been the least of it. There were more important things you could havelearned. You see Kaoru, your mother was a Mage."

Kaoru blinked at the unfamiliar word. "A Mage?"

"Yes, a magic-wielder. She was an Elemental Mage of Water. She can make water dance in the air and floatgracefully in the breeze. She was very powerful and skilled."

Kaoru suppressed a smile. Definitely a dream for the books. Magic wielder? What kind of yarn was that? Shebriefly wondered what could have induced such a dream as this. "Is this a joke?"

Nania shook her head. "No joke. I am dead serious. And most importantly, you are a Mage yourself."

"Eh? Now I really don't believe you!"

Nania smiled. "I expected as much, but I've come here to tell you that you are an Elemental Mage of Fire.It's quite unusual actually. Elemental Mages of Water don't usually produce offspring contrary to their own.Water Mages tend to stick to Earth and Wind children. In that light, you are special. There is a reason youare a Fire Mage, and I think I know what it is."

"Matte!" Kaoru abruptly said. "A Fire Mage? This is--"

"Listen first, then I'll give you proof that everything I tell you is true," Nania said patiently. When Kaoru fellsilent, Nania continued. "Yes, you are a Fire Mage, and I think you've been made one to tame the dragon.The Dragon is the spirit of your fiancée's sword skill."


"Yes. Himura Kenshin houses a very powerful dragon. Dragons use fire as its weapon, and it could only betamed by someone who cannot be burned. Did you not notice that you are the only one unafraid of himwhen he turns Hitokiri? Your magical power surpasses that of the dragon's, and a Hiten Mitsurugi dragon,especially his, will bow only to him, and to you."

Kaoru was too speechless to utter an agreement.

"Kenshin loves you because you are Kaoru, but Battousai loves you because he can respect your power."

Kaoru gave a small gasp. "Does Kenshin know?"

Nania shook her head. "Not exactly, but he can feel it. He just doesn't know what it is. He protects you forseveral reasons, but it has nothing to do with him thinking that you are weak. His love for you is onereason, the other is because he feels you are his master, the only one powerful enough to control him. Theother reasons are just as compelling but unimportant now.

"If your mother were alive, you would have known about your power since childhood. You're father couldn'tpossibly do the telling. Apart from the fact that he isn't a Mage, telling you would have done no one anygood. You wouldn't have believed him, which is an essential part of a revelation, and no other Mage wouldhave supported for any proof that you might demand. Your mother was the only one authorized to tell you,but since she died, Mage Law dictates that you be told only when you are in danger of another Mage."

"I-I'm in danger of another Mage?" Kaoru asked, feeling a shudder coming over her.

"Yes. A very cunning Mage," Nania replied. "Her specialty is the manipulation of objects, but her experiencehas taught her many other powers. Her name is Mitsumo Yasanari. You've seen her. She was the womanwho was with Bushio Desuke. I can only tell you to prepare yourself for her. I am not authorized to revealanything else. That would be Meddling and that's not my department unless the DWA tells me it is. There's awhole different system of Mage Government out there. You will learn it eventually. You must also expect atrainer to come along soon."

Kaoru hadn't the slightest idea what she was talking about. What registered were the names, but the rest

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was pure babble as far as Kaoru was concerned. "Trainer? Who's my trainer? Training for what?"

Nania laughed. "He refuses to be revealed until such time he decides to tell you himself, but he will trainyou, albeit anonymously at first. That, my dear, will be the main proof of my words. In the meantime, you'llhave some proof in the morning."

Nania stood up and Kaoru protested. "Matte! Is that all?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, dear. I'm afraid so. Don't worry though, everything will be fine. Also, I amauthorized to heal you. It's SOP with the circumstances surrounding Revelations such as yours, consideringmost Mages are half-dead from another Mage's beatings before Revelation of your classification. Come."

Kaoru stood up and followed Nania into her room.

Nania called out to someone…in the roof? "Treigan!"

A small man appeared out of nowhere and Kaoru gasped in surprise. Did these beings never use doors?

Without ceremony, he knelt beside her body on the futon and placed a hand on its forehead. Kaoru'scorporeal body glowed for several seconds then settled. After that, Treigan disappeared.

"Nania-sama?" Kaoru asked uncertainly.

Nania nodded. "You're healed. Now rest, dear. You'll need your strength for your training tomorrow."

Nania led a dazed Kaoru back into her body, and before Kaoru could say anything else, she was asleep againin Kenshin's arms.

When Kaoru awoke the next morning, Kenshin was already gone, most likely to make breakfast.

A dream. Just a dream. She thought, remembering her nighttime visitor.

She shifted on her futon to stare at her ceiling. Strangely, it was comforting, the blankness of it. She can

clear her mind of unpleasant memories.

Kaoru remembered Kenshin's words the previous night. It had been a balm to the sting of her emotions, but

how quickly the effects of it dissipate. Maybe Kenshin had not yet realized his disgust of her, of being used

by another man.

Her door slid open and she saw Kenshin with a tray of food in his hands.

"Good morning, Kaoru," Kenshin said with a smile. "I've brought you breakfast."

"Good morning, Kenshin," she said, lowering her gaze. "Thank you, but I am not very hungry."

His smile persisted. "We'll try to eat this anyway, yes? It's just soup. You'll need it to get better," he said,

laying the tray beside her and smoothing a tender hand on her forehead. "Besides, Megumi-dono will be by

to see you. She will hurt me if she examines you and finds out you are un-fed. So do it for me, alright?"

With downcast eyes, she nodded. She didn't feel particularly rebellious at this point. Perhaps she should be

thankful that Kenshin was still speaking to her.

Kenshin watched her and suppressed a sigh. She was still not looking at him. He wanted to plead for her

not to be like this, but he supposed now was not the time. He realized that it would take infinite patience to

get her back to her old self. It would be too much to ask for it too soon.

With the most unwavering care, he assisted her into a sitting position.

Kaoru braced herself for some pain but amazingly felt nothing, even on her ribs, which had been the sorest

spot of all.

Kenshin looked at her intently and noticed that the bruises on her face had all but disappeared. Megumi

must have used very good medicine. "You're already looking better. I could hardly make out the bruises on

your face," he said in all sincerity. He scooted over behind her to support her body as she bent up.

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"K-Kenshin, you don't have to…"

"Let me, love," he interrupted gently, kissing her temple and pressing his nose momentarily in her hair. "I

want to. I need to."

She nodded silently, loathed on denying him anything.

Reaching out from behind her, he easily pulled the tray and laid it across her, it's legs resting at the side of

her hips.

To oblige him, she gingerly partook of the soup.

Seeing that she was managing well by herself, Kenshin occupied himself with sweet ministrations. Stroking

her cheek, or planting soft kisses on her head.

Kaoru could not help but feel so loved. It felt wonderful, but it also gave a slight pang.

Halfway through the meal, she could not take it anymore. She began to cry in her hands.

"Kaoru?" Kenshin asked in alarm. "Is there something wrong? Am I hurting you?"

Sniffling, she tried to control her sobs to reply. "H-How can you still love me? I'm…dirty! Don’t I disgust youat all?"

"Kaoru!" Kenshin said, shocked at such strong words. "No, you're not dirty! You're not! Don't ever think

that. And how can I be disgusted of someone I love so much? Kaoru, you cannot let what happened to you

rob you of your self-worth. Please…"

He wrapped his arms around her from behind as she wept, rocking her gently to soothe her battered

feelings, but in spite of his own calming and reassuring words, the Hitokiri threatened to creep out, his rage

for the one who violated her coming in waves. He did not know how he'd manage if he saw the bastard

again. Kenshin was almost certain he would kill the man, but will the act lessen the rage, or fuel it?

Kenshin tried to control his own emotions, lest his amber-eyed gaze frighten Megumi when she arrives.

"Kenshin…" Kaoru called as she caught sight of the flecks of gold in his eyes for a second before she

lowered her gaze again. She silently reprimanded herself for bringing out Battousai. If she was destroying

herself, she should at least keep from dragging anyone down with her. "I think I'm done with breakfast."

His eyes fell almost disapprovingly at the half-full bowl but figured it would have to do for now. He'd have

to coax her to take more later. He nodded and proceeded to lower her back on the futon.

Again, Kaoru felt no pain. A brief image of a small man named Treigan flashed in her mind. No, that wasjust a dream.

"Kenshin?" she suddenly called as he took the tray.

"Yes, Kaoru?"

"Was there…was there a tea set in the sitting room when you woke up?" she asked cautiously.

The surprise he felt for her inquiry erased all traces of the Hitokiri at the moment. "As a matter of fact,

there was. It was set for two, actually. I thought maybe Yahiko and Sano had a late-night tea session. How

did you know?"

Kaoru's heart beat faster. "…some proof in the morning," the woman named Nania had said. Just a dream.

Kaoru told herself. Just a dream! "I just--" she began to explain. "--thought I heard voices last night. Yes,definitely Yahiko and Sano."

The explanation was lame, but Kenshin accepted it without a thought. He left her so he could finish up in

the kitchen.

Kaoru's head was spinning. Yes, it could have been Sano and Yahiko. They were both inconsiderate enough

to leave the tea tray out anyway, but…

With a trembling hand, she brought her fingers to her ribs, pressing gently on the places where it hurt the

most. Nothing. She moved her broken arm to test it. There was no pain. Desperately, she sat up in bed.

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"My God…" she whispered, feeling only sleep-kinks on her back. She was, in fact, healed!

She stood up and stretched. She was fine.

Kaoru steadied her nerves. What just happened here?

Last night, she couldn't even walk, now she was up, fully gaining the function of her arms and legs. No

dream could do this.

She knelt on the floor, her mind in a jumble. Three words rang in her head as clear as day: It was real.

Megumi, Yahiko and Kenshin gasped in seeing Kaoru emerge from her room in her gi and hakama, bokken

in hand.

"Kaoru, are you mad?!?" Megumi cried, going to her and gently taking her by the arm and elbow. "You

shouldn't be up in your condition! Are you hoping to kill yourself?"

"But Megumi, I'm fine," Kaoru said, delicately pulling away.

Kenshin did not look at all pleased by her statement. "You're going back to bed, Kaoru. That's final," he said



"You silly, stupid girl!" Megumi hissed. "I think Yahiko and your other pupils will understand if you can't

train them for a while."

"Yeah, Kaoru. Get better first for God's sake!" Yahiko said with a serious frown. He was still refraining from

calling her names. "Shiro and the others are really worried about you. D'you think they don't care enough

to let you heal?"

Kaoru sighed. "I'm alright! See…"

Kenshin picked her up and paid no heed to her protests. Like a man carrying a child throwing a temper

tantrum, he brought her back to bed and pulled the covers over her. "Kaoru, please. This is for your own

good. You need rest. Don't be stubborn."

Kaoru gave up and said nothing. She'd let Megumi check her. The doctor would see she was healed.

After she promised to stay put, Kenshin and Yahiko left her with Megumi.

To be continued…


I've left out some words because I've already given the translation in the other chapters. Sorry I'm lazy.

Jou-chan - Sano's pet name for Kaoru, translated as "Little Missy". Isn't that kawaii?1.

Maa..Maa… - words to calm down a fuss. Something like "Alright, settle down people."2.

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Hello minna! I'm so glad you're still with me! This chapter's going to be a bit slow, but it's necessary. Bear

with me now. I haven't the faintest idea how the Japanese police go about their business. I'm taking this

from the stuff I read in other fan fics and a bit from the anime itself, so please do not flame me if I get it

wrong. Think of it as…anou…creative license.

This chapter is kind of for Fox-lady fans out there. You go girl!

Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. I

do not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candles

I light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


By anna-neko

Chapter Five

Megumi came out of Kaoru's room with a dazed look on her face. It was as if she had been struck by

lightning. It did not seem like she bore bad news, but Kenshin and Yahiko were alarmed nevertheless.

"M-Megumi-dono!" Kenshin stammered, his heart filling with fear. "What is it? Is it bad?"

Yahiko began to bite back tears. "Megumi…is there something very wrong with Kaoru?"

Megumi shook her head, speaking in a stunned tone. "K-Kaoru's fine. In fact…she's…she's better than ever."

Kenshin and Yahiko sighed in relief, not comprehending Megumi's words quite yet.

"Ken-san, did you hear me?" Megumi said. "Kaoru's alright. She's healed. No broken bones, no bruises, no

wounds. It's as if God came down last night and mended her."

They stared at Megumi in shock as her words sunk in. They could say nothing.

Finally, Kenshin found his voice. "But…Megumi-dono, how is that possible? She was so...broken last night.

She couldn't even walk."

Megumi gave him a pleading look. "I know, Ken-san. And no doubt, she was practically smashed to pieces. I

set the bones myself. I couldn't explain it, but she's completely healed!"

"This is seriously freaking me out," Yahiko muttered, feeling the hairs on the back of his head standing up.

"Show me," Kenshin said to Megumi.

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Megumi nodded and both followed her to Kaoru's room.

They found Kaoru on her knees, sitting on her heels. She was staring at the hands on her lap with a very

disturbed frown on her face. All her splints had come off, and the bandages that wrapped her wounds were

pooled on the floor beside her.

Forgetting to be tactful in their flurry, all three stood surrounding her on the futon.

"Please stand up, Kaoru," Megumi said.

Kenshin motioned to help Kaoru but she was up before he could move to her side.

Megumi picked up the bokken from the ground and stretched it out for Kaoru to take. "Hold this up

horizontally with your broken arm."

Kaoru complied without a word, without a flinch.

"Now do a kata," Megumi told her.

Kaoru sighed slightly but executed a turning martial arts form with fluid grace. There was no sign of any

pain or discomfort.

She held her stance steadily as if waiting for her sensei's approval.

Kenshin and Yahiko gaped. This was unbelievable. Nobody could fake something like this, at least, not as

well. Kenshin decided to examine her himself.

He moved forward and pressed a hand to her ribs. "This doesn't hurt?"

Kaoru shook her head. "No," she said. Though her eyes did not meet his, he knew she was telling the truth.

He gripped her arm. "How about this?"

"I-I'm fine, Kenshin," she said in a soft voice.

Kenshin tried to feel the lumps on her back.

"Hey!" Yahiko cried. "Now you're just groping her!"

Kenshin blushed and stepped back. "I-I'm not! It's just--I couldn't believe it!"

Megumi finally managed to let out a giggle. "It's alright, Ken-san. I did the same thing a while ago. If I

wasn't in my right mind, I'd swear magic was involved."

Kaoru's eyes suddenly swerved towards Megumi. It was so pointedly done that Megumi actually gave a jerk

of surprise, her smile startled from off her face.

Kaoru looked away, embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry…I was just surprised you'd say something like that. Sorry."

"Not as surprised as I was," Megumi grumbled, then she reverted back to her bright mood. "All in all, I still

want you to lay off on the training for a day or two. You were pretty beat up. I'm not taking any chances."

Kaoru raised pleading eyes at her. "But I can't just sit around all day. If I do then that means I'd have to

think, and I don’t want to think…please, at least let me teach."

Megumi's eyebrows creased at Kaoru's expressive gaze, so filled with innocence in spite of what she had

been through. "I suppose teaching would be okay, as long as you don't push yourself. Yahiko can keep an

eye on you for me."

"Arigato, Megumi-chan," she said softly, lowering her eyes again. "Now I must meditate before class. Excuse

me." She walked passed them and out of her room, disappearing at the turn.

Those who remained stared at the door silently for several moments before Megumi spoke again.

"She hasn't even smiled in the slightest," she said in a sad and faraway tone.

Kenshin sighed. "It only happened yesterday, Megumi-dono," he responded, as if that explained everything.

It nagged him though, that Kaoru wouldn't even look at him. It was not hate. He knew enough about ki to

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recognize hate when it was present, but there was a loathing, directed to herself. Did she think herself

below him now? It pained him to see her so desolate. He wanted to ask her where his strong and spirited

Kaoru was, but he knew it would be too much for her at the moment. He would never ask that much from


Yahiko, with an unusual amount of insight, tugged at his gi and said, "Don't worry, Kenshin. We'll get her

back. She just needs time, that's all. This is Ugly we're talking about."

Kenshin smiled at him and put an appreciative hand on his shoulder. The name-calling never sounded so

good. "Thank you, Yahiko-kun."

"I have to go," Megumi suddenly said. "I'll come back later to check on Kaoru. You two better take good

care of her while I'm gone."

"Of course, Megumi-dono!" Kenshin said.

"You got it, fox-lady!" Yahiko exclaimed.

Megumi arrived at the clinic and rushed into the operating room before Dr. Genzai could even give her a

proper welcome.

The moment Megumi slammed the door shut, she fell to her knees, weeping.

She cried for several minutes, curled up into a ball on the floor and rocking herself in her misery. It took a

while before her thoughts gave her a measure of relief. Stupid! You're a doctor, not a god! Not all illnesses

can be cured!

Megumi shook her head, sobbing. "Oh Kaoru…" she whispered. "If only I knew how to fix this for you."

"Eyahoo!" Ludlow whooped at his surveillance crew. "Janek was right on the money!"

The surveillance team smiled at the jubilation of their leader.

"Zager!" Ludlow called eagerly to one of his crew.

"Yes sir?" Zager responded.

"Get me the National Bureau of Potions, and somebody inform Rodren that all systems are go for a


Later that evening, after Megumi came by to administer a check-up, Kaoru sat out on the porch, leaning

her head wearily against a porch pillar. She was looking at the ring on her hand while she fiddled with it


"Kaoru?" she heard a voice behind her.

Kaoru knew it was Kenshin and she did not look up when she replied. "Yes, Kenshin?"

He sat beside her and placed a steadying hand on her jittery ones. "Love, you should go to bed. Yahiko

thinks you wore yourself out today. I think so too."

Staring at their joined hands, she nodded. "I'll fold in soon, in a while."

"Do you want some company?" he asked gently.

"I'd like that," she replied.

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They sat motionless for a few moments.

Kenshin was beginning to enjoy the peace when he felt Kaoru's hand grow cold and tense. Kenshin was

about to ask her what was wrong when a faint smell of cigarette smoke wafted to his nostrils.

Sure enough, Saitoh's form appeared in the light of the lamp, reeking of tobacco. "Good evening Battousai,

Kamiya-san." His cold feral eyes as expressionless as ever.

Kaoru kept still, but her hands involuntarily gave a slight tremble.

"What do you want, Saitoh?" Kenshin asked, his usual politeness gone in the face of Mibu's Wolf.

"I heard Kamiya-san has recovered from her injuries. I think I've given her enough time to 'regroup' seeing

she's so special and all. I've come to question her," Saitoh replied without much preamble.

"Come back tomorrow," Kenshin said gruffly. "Kaoru's tired."

A sarcastic smile spread across Saitoh's face. "I think Battousai's woman is perfectly capable of speaking up

for herself, right Kamiya-san?"

Kaoru looked up briefly in surprise, then she lowered her gaze again, nodding.

"Well? Will you cooperate?" Saitoh asked her impatiently, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Ask your questions," she said feebly, her grip tightening on Kenshin's hand.

Though her voice was soft, Kenshin noted her choice of words. It sounded more like the adjutant master of

the Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu, and some of his tension eased.

Saitoh blew out the smoke. "Was your attacker alone?"

Kaoru shuddered at the memory. "When he kidnapped me, he was alone."

"How about when you were being beaten?"

"He did it alone. I was tied hand and foot. I couldn't fight back," she answered calmly. It was Kenshin's grip

that tightened this time. She continued. "But there was somebody there with us, a woman. She didn’t do

anything or say anything. She just…watched."

Kenshin gave a start. This was a surprise. Kaoru never mentioned anything about a woman. Then again,

they haven't really talked about it.

Saitoh raised an eyebrow, then went on. "Were you raped?"

"Saitoh!" Kenshin growled angrily.

"Kamiya-san, I have to know. Police business, you see."

Tears dripped from her eyes to Kenshin's hand. She did not speak.

"Saitoh, Kaoru is not ready for this! Leave. Now," Kenshin hissed.

Saitoh frowned, extremely annoyed. "I haven't the luxury of time, Battousai. Some mad man is running

loose in Japan and I have to catch him. Now there's even another person involved. A woman, perhaps even

crazier than our psycho friend. I wouldn't have to ask these questions if Kamiya-san would just tell me

everything from the very beginning."

"You know what happened!" Kaoru said bitterly. Her voice was steady, but the tears continued to flow. For

the first time since she got back, she raised her eyes to meet with the one she was speaking to. "I was

attacked in the middle of the street and the next thing I know I was in a cabin. Then for no apparent

reason, he just started beating me. I asked him why, but he just kept saying that he had to, that it was his


"So he was hired?"

"I don't know!" She cried, hiding her face again.

"Then what happened?"

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"He made me drink something. I don't know what it was, but I passed out, and when I woke up her was…he

was…" her voice trailed off, and she finally broke down in gale of violent tears, burying her face in Kenshin's


Kenshin took her in his arms and glared at Saitoh menacingly, golden eyes and all.

Saitoh sighed, taking a Mibu's Wolf kind of pity. "Just tell me yes or no. Where you raped?"

She did not reply for several seconds, then from the confines of Kenshin's gi, she answered. "Yes…"

Kenshin felt his heart ripping apart for her. Hearing her say it for the first time made it so much more

horrible. He tightened his embrace on her, as if to protect her.

"Hmph!" Saitoh said, stone faced. "He ought to be killed then. I don't care much for fools like him."

Kenshin could not help but agree.

"Then what happened after that?" Saitoh prodded.

Kaoru rose from her refuge slightly, wiping her eyes and sniffing as she gave small hiccups. "They left. They

said it was time for Battousai to find me."

A flicker of astonishment and rage came to Kenshin. They had used her in all possible ways. So it was all

another dastardly plan to get to him. Who were they? Neither name nor face registered in his memory, and

strangest of all was the fact that Kaoru's assailant had said nothing that remotely resembled revenge for

what he had done. It was as if the man had just did it to spite him, to get him angry.

Saitoh raised an eyebrow. "Find you? I didn't think anybody would be so crazy as to get on your bad side,

Battousai. Well, that hardly matters. 'Dyou have names, Kamiya-san?"

Kaoru nodded. "The man's name is Bushio Desuke. He introduced himself. The woman…Mitsumo Yasanari."

She did not explain how she got that name, but her healing has convinced her of many things. "Are we

done, Saitoh-san? I'm very tired."

"Saitoh is done," Kenshin said firmly. It was short of saying, "Whether he likes it or not."

Saitoh was not intimidated, but he had better things to do than argue with Battousai. "I'll come back when I

need more information. What you've told me will do for now." He took a final drag of his cigarette and

threw it away. "Goodnight. You will see me again."

Kenshin said nothing as he watched Saitoh walk out of the gate.

When they were finally alone, Kaoru spoke. "I am sorry, Kenshin," she said feebly. "I did not want you to

hear that."

Kenshin's face softened and he stroked her head. "It is alright, Kaoru. You need not apologize. None of it

was your fault."

"Thank you, Kenshin. I love you," she piped out as she fell into his embrace again.

Kenshin smiled, tears falling from his eyes. "I love you, Kaoru."

"Are you sure you can close up by yourself, Megumi-san?" Dr. Genzai asked her as he began to head out of

the door of the clinic.

Megumi smiled and nodded. "Certainly. I have some things to do before I go home, anyway. Go on ahead."

"Well, in that case, arigato. I'll see you tomorrow," said Dr. Genzai as he left the clinic.

Megumi locked the clinic door and started to clean up the daily mess. She usually did not like doing it, but

this time it was comforting to do something she had complete control of.

Half an hour later, when she was putting the finishing touches to the herb cabinet, she heard a knock on

the door.

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What does rooster-head want now? Megumi thought, irritated. She went to the door and yelled, "Is that

you, Sanosuke?" before opening it.

"No, it isn't," a voice replied timidly. Definitely not Sano. "My name is Dr. Schniedel. Is Dr. Genzai in?"

Cautiously, Megumi undid the lock and opened the door. She beheld a man, a short and fat man, wearing

western clothing. He was a gaijin with sandy blonde hair beneath his bowler hat, a beard and spectacles. He

was about the jolliest looking man Megumi has ever seen, and her suspicions disappeared with a sudden

aura of unexplainable warmth.

"I am sorry, but Dr. Genzai left about thirty minutes ago," Megumi responded with a smile.

Dr. Schniedel looked very distressed. "Is that so? I was hoping to give him what he asked me to make. He

said it was very urgent and that it was for his goddaughter. I'm leaving for Kyoto tonight and this is the

only time I could give it."

For Kaoru? "Please come in Dr. Schniederu," Megumi said, ushering the kindly man through the shoji and

closing them in. "If it's as urgent as you say, perhaps I can give it to his goddaughter myself."

Dr. Schniedel smiled and removed his hat, tucking it beneath his arm elegantly. "Thank you, good lady. You

must be Dr. Megumi. Dr. Genzai talks about you a lot whenever we see each other, and I'd certainly entrust

you with this medicine."

"Medicine, Dr. Schniederu?" Megumi asked.

The older doctor nodded. "Yes. He asked me to mix this for…Kaoru-san I think is the name."

"Yes, sir. Kaoru-san is his goddaughter. She is my friend."

"Excellent! Then you must make sure she takes this. I was told that she might be in a very melancholy

state and might have a need to heal her soul as much as her body," continued Dr. Schniedel.

Megumi was surprised. "Medicine for the soul?" she asked uncertainly.

Dr. Schniedel nodded with an amused smile. "In a manner of speaking. It actually works in a person's brain,

to ease a troubled soul. It's an anti-depressant. It will make her feel better, emotionally."

The closest thing Megumi has heard to such a thing was opium, but if the medicine came from someone Dr.

Genzai trusted, she was willing to give it to Kaoru.

"Tell her to drink this vial before she sleeps and then to call you in the morning," Dr. Schniedel said with a

laugh. He handed a small palm sized bottle and Megumi examined its contents.

The liquid glowered a faint green. "Why does it glow like that?"

"I think it's the mushrooms. They glow in caves," replied the older doctor. "Well, I must be going. The

train's going to leave in an hour and I have to be at the station. Please give my regards to Dr. Genzai."

Megumi bowed respectfully. "Of course. Thank you Dr. Schniederu."

Dr. Schniedel smiled and bowed in return. He went to the door and put on his hat, tipping it thereafter in a

western-style goodbye.

"Have a safe trip," Megumi said as she let him out.

"Thank you," Dr. Schniedel said.

The small man stepped out in the street and walked away, whistling a merry tune. Megumi watched him

disappear in the fog, his whistling dissipating in the night.

"Wake up, lazy!" Somebody said.

Kaoru peeled her eyes open to the sound of the voice and half-expected to see Yahiko standing over her.

Although the voice was slightly higher in pitch than the young boy's, she thought maybe her sleepy state

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may have impeded her hearing.

She rose from bed and yawned. "Yeah, yeah. I'm awake."

Kaoru looked around but saw no one. She blinked, puzzled. She could have sworn…she shook her head. So

now she was hearing things.

She observed the light outside through her shoji door. It was still dark out, so she decided to tuck herself

back into bed, but when she turned back to her futon, she was almost scared out of her skin to find her own

body still sleeping under the sheets.

"Damn!" she hissed, rolling over to her side in astonishment.

"What’s the matter with you? You've seen this before with Nania," scolded the voice from nowhere. It

sounded like a woman's voice, like no one she's ever heard before.

Kaoru frantically looked around her, scrambling to her feet. "Who's there?" she demanded, reaching for her


The voice chuckled. "What are you going to do with that? Hit me? You can't even see me."

"Show yourself, dammit!" Kaoru cried.

"I don't feel like it now," said the voice. "I'll show myself when I want to. In the meantime, all you have to

know is that I am your trainer. You may address me as Shishou."

Kaoru glared at no one in particular. She raised a fist and growled. "I'm not calling you master! I can't even

see you!" she declared.

"Idiot…" the voice grumbled. "You ought to learn more respect for your Shishou, Kaoru."

"Who are you?" Kaoru asked angrily.

"Look, Nania already told you about me. I'm your trainer. If you want to beat Yasanari, you have to listen to

what I say. You hear?"

Kaoru stood in her place, speechless. Her trainer? As a Fire Mage, stupid!

This was not happening. This is not real! But the healing, and the tea set! That was real. How is this any

different? Magic is real. Oh God! "Kenshin!" she screeched in panic. "Kenshin!" She cried again, rushing out

of her room and into his.

"Now what are you doing?" the voice asked.

Kaoru covered her ears and found Kenshin asleep on his futon. She rushed to his side and tried to shake

him, but her hand passed right through his body. "Yahhh!" she shrieked.

"Calm down, idiot!" Said the voice, irritation apparent in her tone. "I'm not going to hurt you! And what are

you going to tell him when he wakes up? That you're hearing things? I'll tell you what he'll do. He'll send

you to the mad house, that's what!"

Kaoru slumped weakly on her heels, the words sinking in. "H-How do you do this? This Suspended Time?"

she asked in a resigned tone.

"Don't ask me, I just work here," the voice replied. "Now will you call me Shishou? I haven't got all day, you


Kaoru nodded. "Yes."

"Good. Now shall we get on with the lesson?"

"W-Whatever," Kaoru said wearily. What in the world was she doing? Talking to no one, taking orders from

God knows whom. It was ridiculous. "I thought you were suppose to be…"


"A guy."

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"Hmph! Can't a government change its mind?" Asked the voice scornfully. "The one who was suppose to

train you was too busy. He couldn't commit."

Feeling stupid, Kaoru got up and went to the dark front yard.

"Happy now?" Kaoru asked sourly. "I couldn't see a thing."

Shishou sighed. "Idiot…idiot…must I do everything?"

The porch lamps came to life and illuminated the grounds.

Kaoru's jaw dropped open in shock. "Wha--? How did you…?"

Shishou gave a groan. "Stupid! Did you think they'd send a two-bit Wind Mage or Earth Mage to teach a

Fire Mage? Use your head, Raccoon-girl! Of course I have to be a Fire Mage myself! Honestly…such an


"Hey!" Kaoru yelled at the sky where she assumed her sensei was. "I think you've called me one too many


"Oh, shut-up. There are things to do," said her Shishou. "Now I have to teach you how to conjure the fire."

Kaoru was fuming but decided to take up her lesson.

Ludlow and Janek smiled as Elena Hernsdatter entered the office.

"Well, Dr. Schniedel, how did it go?" Janek asked the small, stout man.

The same man who sported western clothes and a doctor's bag transformed into a very attractive, six-foot

woman with long brown hair.

She smiled and sat on the easy chair facing Janek's desk. "Piece of cake. Just a little bit of a Calming Spell

at the beginning and everything else went smoothly. Megumi acted according to plan, but really, Janek…it

was a stroke of brilliance in your part!"

Coming from one of the best DWA field agents, that was a rare compliment. All field agents were gifted with

more than one major power. Some of the best possessed four. Elena possessed six. Shape Shifting, Mind

Reading, Elemental Manipulation, Flight, Manipulation of Inanimate Objects and Healing.

"Well," Janek said, trying to shake off the compliment. "I've always kind of wanted to manage a meddle."

"Simply genius!" Elena said.

Kaoru watched in fascination as a small ball of fire bobbed dynamically above her palm. "I can't believe I'm

doing this," she gasped, the heat of it not searing her at all.

"I must admit," said Shishou. "You got on faster than I expected. You didn't even burn anything down."

Kaoru frowned but held back a retort. Instead, she asked her questions. "How come I never accidentally

created a fire before?"

"Consciousness of your power is very important," Shishou replied. "No matter how powerful you are, if

you're not aware of your magic, then you will not be able to conjure it. That's how the Mage Government

keeps most undesirable Mages in check."

"Undesirable?" Kaoru asked, playing with her fireball, flipping it from one hand to another and separating

the single ball into many tiny twirling ones.

"There are ten major powers all in all," Shishou said. "Elemental Manipulation, Healing, Shape Shifting,

Flight, Manipulation of Inanimate Objects, Mind Reading, Foresight, Beast Mastery, Strength and Speed.

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These powers are inherent, born with the Mage. It's either you got it, or you don't. The others are

considered minor powers and any Mage can learn them with a proper education, like Potion Making, Dream

Weaving, Transport, Curses, Spells, Time Stoppage…that sort of thing. Some Mages have a certain

personality profile that makes them prone to abusing these powers, so the Mage Government would prefer

not to unleash these berserkers if they can help it."

Kaoru let fly a small fireball to an isolated rosebud. The unwitting flower burst into flames. "Yasanari

manipulates inanimate objects, doesn't she? Nania-sama said so."

"Yes," Shishou replied. "Most people don't know the difference between Manipulation of Inanimate Objects

and Elemental Manipulation. We manipulate the raw powers of the earth: Wind, water, earth, and fire. They

can only manipulate its products, like paper, chairs, ashes, you get the idea."

Kaoru nodded, understanding. "Is she very good?"

"She's not as powerful as you are, but her experience can more than make up for that," Shishou answered

her. "She cannot be underestimated."

Kaoru said nothing as she molded her fireball into a tiny dragon.

"Well, I guess this lesson will do for today," Shishou said.

Kaoru looked up. "Already?"

"I told you, I have things to do. This isn't my only responsibility, you know," she said bluntly. "Besides, this

is merely a crash course, so you'll stand a chance against Yasanari when she makes her move. After that

affair, that's the only time I can actually go through the whole wasabe. Tomorrow, we do defense and

offense. Till then, practice conjuring and moving the fires around."

"Yes, Shishou," Kaoru replied.

"Don't burn your dojo down while I'm away, idiot," she said.

In a flash, Kaoru was back in her real body, staring up at the ceiling of her room with the sun streaming

through her window.

Megumi informed Dr. Genzai about their night visitor.

"Dr. Schniederu?" asked Dr. Genzai. "My, how quickly he responds! I just sent that letter barely two days

ago! Had to leave for Kyoto, you say? Well, he was always very busy. I was not even sure he could mix the

medicine for me at all! Be a dear and give it to Kaoru-san for me, demo, with her healing like you said,

maybe she doesn't need it anymore."

"I think this will be good for her," Megumi said, taking the vial.

Tucking it firmly in her parcel, she headed straight for the Kamiya dojo.

"Good morning, Ken-san, Yahiko-kun," Megumi said, appearing at the kitchen door. "Is Kaoru-chan awake?"

"Good morning, Megumi," Kaoru suddenly said from behind her.

Megumi smiled at her brightly. "Goodmorning, Kaoru! I have some medicine for you."

"Really?" she asked without returning the smile.

Stoically, she entered the kitchen and headed for the table to help with breakfast. Yahiko and Megumi

fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Did you sleep well, love?" Kenshin asked to ease the mood.

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"Yes, quite well," Kaoru replied. She turned to Megumi and asked, "What's this medicine, Megumi?"

The smile returned to Megumi's face. "It's an anti-depressant. To help your emotions, Kaoru, so that you

won't be so sad," she said in the simplest terms she can gather.

Kaoru absorbed the doctor's words.

"I didn't know there was such a thing," Yahiko remarked.

"Neither did I, but Dr. Genzai foreigner friend brought it in last night. At this point, I'm willing to try

anything," Megumi said. "So will you take it, Kaoru?"

"Of course I will," Kaoru replied in a soft voice.

Kenshin smiled slightly. At least Kaoru wanted to get better. That was a good sign. "Thank you for bringing

it over, Megumi-dono. Please stay for breakfast."

Megumi bowed her thanks and began to help them.

They worked in silence for several minutes.

Kaoru, for once, was occupied with thinking about something else other than the assault on her virtue. She

was thinking of her surreal lessons of last night, or was it during dawn?

She looked at the stove. The fire was not yet burning. Forgetting to take care not to be seen, she raised

two fingers and made a slight darting motion with her hand towards the coals.

Kenshin saw her and wondered what she was about. He was startled out of his thoughts by a burst of

flames shooting out of the oven.

Everyone but Kaoru yelped in surprise, jumping back in astonishment.

"Damn! What the hell was that?" Yahiko yelled.

"Ken-san, you idiot!" Megumi scolded. "You should know better than to leave a flame unattended!"

"But--" Kenshin protested.

"It's alright," Kaoru said in a calm, almost lifeless voice. "It was just a flare, no harm done."

Megumi and Yahiko settled down at her words, cursing vehemently by themselves.

Kenshin looked from the pit to Kaoru, uncertain of what he had seen.

Goodness! He thought, gaping at her. Was it my imagination or did she…? His eye caught a tendril of smoke

lacing from Kaoru's fingertips, then it was gone. She continued to chop vegetables, her eyes downcast.

Shaking his head, Kenshin closed the pit trap and proceeded to put water on to boil.


Author's Note (again): So, did you figure out who her Shishou was? Hope you didn't. It's a surprise!

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Author's Note: This next one's a turning point. No big earthquakes or anything, but sit back, relax, and seewhat happens next.

Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. Ido not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candlesI light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


By anna-neko

Chapter Six

Desuke watched his master for a reaction to his report.

Yasanari did not look pleased, but she was not in despair either, just extremely annoyed.

"They're on to us, beloved," said Taka from his mirror prison, a disturbed expression on his face.

Yasanari frowned. Her husband could be such a fool sometimes. "I'll wager they were on to us from the verybeginning, idiot. That was almost a given, but the point was, I made certain that none of my acts couldwarrant an arrest, and I managed that perfectly, thank you very much. I could even handle the Revelationof that sorry bitch, but I didn't expect that they'd be able to meddle so soon."

"So what do we do, Yasanari-sama?" Desuke asked humbly.

Yasanari sighed. "I'll just have to do a Dream Weave to absorb the effect of the Meddling. Ugh! I hate doingthat!" She said in absolute distaste, her lips curling.

"But that's blatantly illegal, Yasanari-sama!" Desuke protested. "They'll arrest you for sure!"

"Nobody has been arrested for weaving true, Desuke dear," Yasanari said with a patient smile. "Only falseweaving is considered actionable."

A curious look crossed Desuke's face. "I never asked you why you weren't arrested for the False MemoryPotion."

"Dream Weaving is a kind of magic that has to be administered directly by a Mage," Yasanari explained. "Itis not something that can be handed over for somebody else to do, therefore, if the Dream Weave is false,the Mage applying it is directly responsible. On the other hand, potions can be given over to another

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person. When a Mage hands over a potion to somebody else, it ceases to be the responsibility of the Magewho created it and the same Mage cannot be blamed for any of the consequences in the use of the potionthereof. Now if that potion is handed over to a Walker, like you, then it goes as far a ceasing to be in thejurisdiction of Mage Government. Understand?"

Desuke nodded, then grinned. "How wonderfully penetrable Mage Laws are."

Yasanari smiled placidly. "Quite," she agreed with satisfaction.

Kaoru stared at the vial in her hand, examining its contents curiously.

It glowered green against the darkening dawn, casting an eerie light on her hand. It did not seem like anyordinary medicine. With so many strange things happening, she was willing to bet that the MageGovernment had something to do with this.

She uncorked the vial and drank its contents. It tasted sweet, like strawberries, then it fizzled slightly as itwent down her throat. Interesting, it was her favorite flavor.

"Kaoru," Kenshin said as he sat down beside her on the porch.

"Yes, Kenshin?"

"Are you alright?"

She nodded, taking a deep interest in the empty vial in her hand. She stiffened as she felt the delicatetouch of his fingers on her cheek.

"Please, love. I want to see your face," he said softly, his fingers trailing to her chin to coax her to look athim.

Kaoru pulled away and set her gaze in the opposite direction. "I'm sorry, Kenshin. I can't right now."

Kenshin's face contorted in pain, but he was determined for the sight of her eyes. He moved closer andtouched his forehead to her temple as he whispered in her ear. "Why…"

She shook her head but could not pull away from his delicate touch, her love for him overcoming most ofher shame.

He planted a soft kiss on her cheek and she closed her eyes.

Kenshin contained his sigh of frustration and tried a final tact. Ever so gently, he caressed her lips with hisown.

The feel of his mouth against hers sent a shock through her system, and like a parched throat given adraught of clear water, she drank of him, kissing back with a sudden ferocity.

Kenshin had not expected such an intense response, but his longing for her ignited like a torch. He cuppedher jaws in his hands, savoring the feel of her tongue entangling with his.

When they slowly parted, his breathing was ragged. Summoning his self-control, he looked at her face.

Her eyes were still closed, and gently resisting his hold, she lowered her head. It was the only time shepermitted herself to open her eyes again.

Kenshin sighed softly, exasperated at his failed efforts. It was then that he noticed the porch wasthoroughly illuminated. The lamps, which had been dead just a moment ago, were now bobbing with merryflames. It was uncanny, but it was as if someone had lighted all four lamps in five heartbeats, while theywere kissing!

He brought his gaze back to Kaoru who insisted on staring at nothing but his gi.

First this morning in the kitchen, and now the porch lamps! What was going on?


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"Yes, Kenshin?"

"Did you…?" He began, then suddenly shaking his head, he waved his hand. "Nevermind…" It wasridiculous. How can he suppose Kaoru was doing it? Silly.

Kaoru did not respond. Inwardly she was berating herself and her carelessness. She just knew her shishou

would be calling her idiot-pupil when she taught her again. If she taught her again. Shishou did not seemlike a very patient…being.

"I'm going to sleep now," Kaoru said, quietly standing up. "I'm tired. I shall see you in the morning,Kenshin."

Kenshin looked at her longingly but nodded. "Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, Kenshin," she whispered back as she disappeared into her room.

Kaoru groaned sleepily, feeling a faint draft coming over her. Curling up into a tighter ball, she tried to pullthe covers of her bed close around her. She tried to palm for her blanket but could not seem to find it.Shifting slightly, she sat up to find the elusive blanket but was met by a very hard object stabbing at herhip.

"Ouch!" She hissed, opening her eyes to see what it was. She was jolted out of her sleepy haze by what hereyes beheld. She was no longer in her room, no longer in her dojo. She was on a familiar lookingriverbank, a rock pressing against her back in her awkward position.

How did she get here? Her gaze darted frantically to her surroundings. Mou! More magic!

She hugged herself against the cold then thoughtfully constructed tendrils of flames around her body. Thewarmth surrounded her like a mantle.

"My, you must have had a very successful first day of training," said a voice she had heard before. "By theway your shishou complained, you'd think he was teaching an idiot or something."

Kaoru turned and saw the green-haired Mage.

"Nania-sama!" Kaoru exclaimed, inadvertently missing something in what Nania had said in herastonishment.

"Hello Kaoru," said Nania, smiling at her gently. "Are you ready to know the truth?"

Kaoru stared at her blankly. More surprises? When will it end? "Truth about what, Nania-sama?"

"About what really happened," Nania replied, going to Kaoru and reaching out a hand to help her up. "I toldyou once that not everything is what they seem. You shall see in a moment just how much I meant thosewords."

Kaoru extinguished the flames surrounding her and took Nania's offered hand to get to her feet.

Nania led them through the fog until they came upon a shack.

Something twisted in the pit of Kaoru's stomach. She knew that shack, and she almost knew who would beinside. Turning around in the opposite direction, Kaoru just wanted to run away, but Nania held her.

"You must see, Kaoru," Nania told her gently. "The truth shall liberate you from you wretchedness. Trustme."

Trembling, Kaoru nodded and complied.

As they neared the shanty, they could hear voices. Two voices. One demanding to be released while theother immensely enjoying himself.

"Bastard! Let me go!"

"You're as foul mouthed as that lover of yours, girl."

Kaoru froze in her tracks and shook her head. "I -- I can't go in there. I can't go through with this again."

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"The truth is not always easy to come by," Nania said sympathetically. "But in it, you will find redemption.Do not throw this opportunity away. A Truth Potion can work only if you are willing to know the truth."

"Truth Potion…" Kaoru whispered in wonder, then she spoke out loud. "The medicine Megumi gave me! Thatwas a Truth Potion? Goodness, is Megumi a Mage?"

"No," Nania replied. "She was merely an instrument, made to deliver something she knew nothing about,but she had pure intentions, and that's what made it possible. Right now, this is the image the potion stirsinside you. I exist outside the potion, and was sent merely to guide you through your journey. Now let's go.Let us see what truths were hidden."

Nania gestured ahead of her and Kaoru nodded. They walked through the walls of the shack like ghosts.

Kaoru tensed at the sight of her past self being viciously beaten by Bushio Desuke. It was bad enough beingat the receiving end of his punches and kicks, but to watch it happening all over again was ten times morehorrible. Several times, Kaoru had to close her eyes against the brutality of the scene, or else her eyeswould be roving to Mitsumo Yasanari's still figure.

Finally, it came to the part where Desuke pinned her to the floor and sliced her obi free. "N-No!" Screamedher past self. "Please! Stop! Stop!"

Kaoru turned away, her heart beating relentlessly against her chest. "I cannot look."

Nania coaxed her to turn back and watch. "Bear it, Kaoru. Be brave."

Desuke would call her a beautiful bitch, and then express a desire for what he saw. Kaoru would try to fightback, but was not proof against his strength. Desuke cut the undergarment on her womanhood open andshe wailed. The next moment, Desuke was forcing the liquid down Kaoru's throat, then she passed out.

Kaoru braced herself for the scene of the rape but Desuke stood up, chuckling. "Well, that was easy. Ishould have prolonged it," he said.

Yasanari would speak for the first time. "You did well, as always. Phase one is done. Now all we have to dois wait."

"Can't I do her just once, Yasanari-sama? She's really…desirable," said Desuke.

Yasanari looked severely displeased by his words. "Touch her and you'll never be able to get it up again, youhear? I can't have her tainted."

"But she isn't a virgin! Battousai's had his way with her already!"

Yasanari was now angry. "Idiot! Battousai does not make her impure. He loves her too much, but if yourape her, she will be violated…"

Kaoru listened, unbelieving, growing numb at what she was seeing.

After exchanging a few more words, Yasanari took a knife and wounded the privates of Kaoru's past self.

"That'll do," Yasanari said, rising to join her companion. "Let's go. It's time for Battousai to find her."

Yasanari and Desuke disappeared into thin air, leaving Kaoru alone.

It was at that split second that the Kaoru on the floor opened her eyes and gave a blood-curdling scream."NOOOOO!"

A few moments later, Kenshin burst through the door.

The scene faded and Kaoru found herself back in her dojo yard. Nania stood expectantly beside her.

"The rape…?" Kaoru asked, turning to Nania for an answer.

Nania shook her head. "It never happened. What Desuke gave you was a False Memory Potion. It made youbelieve you had been raped, and Yasanari's surgery convinced your doctor too. It's a very potent potion.Anyone can fall prey to it."

"But…why didn't you just tell me? Why is Yasanari doing this?"

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Nania gave her a faint smile. "If we had just told you that you weren't raped, would you have believed us?You wouldn't have. A Dream Weave wouldn't do either. You'd have just taken it as a dream. Besides, thingshappen for a reason. It wouldn't do to just meddle whenever we felt like it. We had to comply with certainrequirement before we can administer anything. As for Yasanari…she needs something from you. From yourfiancée actually. She wants his dragon."

Nania turned to leave.

"W-Wait!" Kaoru cried.

"That's all for now, Kaoru. I shall pray for your success," Nania said, disappearing into the night.

Kaoru frowned. Why did these mages have to be mysterious all the time?

A few moments later, the truth finally sank into her: She hadn't been raped.

It still felt weird, after all, she had been truly devastated by the belief of it, but this definitely changedthings, for the better.

A small, tentative smile formed on her lips. Now, the real healing began.

…."God, you're one beautiful bitch," Said Desuke. "I'm getting hard just looking at you!"

Kaoru sobbed and tried to cover herself, but failed miserably at his strength.

With rough strokes, Desuke cut the cloth covering Kaoru's womanhood.

Kaoru screamed.

"Stop!" Kenshin cried.

Kenshin's amber eyes flew open, his forehead and body bathed in sweat, his breathing ragged from fury. Hesat up from his futon and placed his head in his hands.

It was so real. The dream was so real. Seeing Kaoru, hearing her plead for mercy at each brutal attack ashe stood by, unable to move, unable to reach out and slit Desuke's throat with his sword. It was too muchto bear.

"Oh Kaoru…" he whimpered to himself. "Was it like that, love? Oh God!"

The glow of the Hitokiri remained in him, and unable to stop the onslaught of emotions, he left his futonand went to her room.

He saw her sleeping peacefully in the center of the bed, curled up in a fetal position.

With the gentleness of the rurouni, he settled himself behind her and put his arm around her waist. Sheuncurled at the sudden comfort his presence had provided. She sighed but continued to slumber.

Kenshin pulled her closer against him and buried his face in her hair, tears streaming from his golden eyes.

Kaoru felt an unbelievable comfort when she woke up to her shishou's summons.

"Get up! I've got things to do," said Shishou.

"Yeah, yeah…" Kaoru said drowsily.

She took a moment to enjoy Kenshin's embrace, snuggling a little closer to him, sighing in contentment.Joy was now suffusing her miserable heart. The truth had indeed set her free, as Nania had promised.

"Hurry up!" Shishou yelled. "God-dammit, what do I have to do to start on schedule here?"

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"How about showing yourself?" She snapped back, leaving her corporeal body reluctantly.

"Great! Hundreds of new mages and I get the one that's not only stupid, but has a mouth on it as well!"Shishou growled.

"Hey!" Kaoru yelled, seething. "Nobody talks to the Kamiya Kasshin Master that way!"

"My, you're a fiery little adjutant master today," Shishou remarked, unaffected. "Oh, I get it. You found outabout the truth, didn't you?"

This changed her mood in an instant. A broad smile spread across her face as she rose from the futon. "Yes.It's good to know the truth. I'm worthy of Kenshin after all!"

Her Shishou scoffed. "It's more likely that idiot-pupil was never worthy of you!"

Kaoru glared, hoping her Shishou can see her. "What? You shut up! You know nothing -- what did you callhim?" Her tone changed. Something had struck a chord.

"I haven't got time for this," Shishou said impatiently. "Come out to the yard or I'll drag you out."

Muttering curses, Kaoru stomped out of her room to begin her lessons.

Author's Note: Tee…hee…getting ideas? Well, here's a teaser. Next chapter, there's going to be a lemon tomake up for this very short chapter, so stay in touch. I'll try to make it good. Remember that I promised I'dnever do a back to back? Well, I won't break that promise, but I'll release Chapter Seven sooner than myusual one-week interval. How's that? I'll see ya'll soon.

Chapter(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Ok, here's the lemon chapter. I just thought love deserved a little airtime in this emotionally draining fic.

It's kinda important in a sense that this is vital to Kaoru's emotional healing, and something else too…you'll


I received a request for a lemon, and I could say that I did this piece especially for that request, but I think

I'd be lying, because whether or not I got that request, there would be a lemon anyway! The fact is, I am a

great fan of "Heart's Ease" and "Kimi Wa Dare Wo Mamotte Iru", and if I can make a lemon as wonderful as

those, I'd die a happy woman. Of course, I won't be so stupid as to suppose that I could match it, but

consider this an honest attempt. So here it is.

I would also like to apologize for any mistakes in the geography. I have no idea how they get from the

Kamiya Dojo to the Akebeko, therefore I will invoke Creative License again. A coward's defense, yes, but if I

was better at this writing deal, I might have been able to create RK, ne? Oi! Stranger things have


Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. I

do not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candles

I light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


By anna-neko

Chapter Seven

"Good morning, Kenshin!" Came a bright voice from the entrance of the kitchen. "Good morning, Yahiko!

Good morning, Sano!"

All three men turned to stare at Kaoru who was smiling from ear to ear, looking prettier than ever in a blue

and purple kimono. She had done her hair up differently, the loose strands perfectly made up in a half

ponytail framing her glowing face. Her obi was knotted differently too. She looked adorable, and her

graceful step made her all the more endearing.

"Kaoru?" Kenshin asked uncertainly.

"What's for breakfast?" she asked cheerfully as she peered into the pots.

"Jou-chan, are you alright?" Sano asked in concern, delicately touching her forehead for a temperature.

Kaoru stared at them, returning their curious gazes. It was then she realized her mistake. She should have

been a bit more discreet. A little subdued. Less blithe. How was she going to explain this to them? She

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blushed, pulling away from Sano's hand. "I'm alright," she said, less eagerly. "I -- I'm just…I don't want you

guys to see me sad."

The faces around her relaxed. They had been ready to pack her off to bed and report to Megumi that she

was going delirious, or something like that.

"For a moment there I thought you'd gone crazy," Yahiko said, sighing in relief.

"Love, you don't have to pretend for us," Kenshin said gently, caressing her cheek lovingly with his thumb.

"Really, Jou-chan," Sano said with uncharacteristic delicacy. He had been acting the same way since

Kenshin brought her back, and it was getting a bit unnerving. "We can handle it. Don’t worry about us."

Kaoru's eyes misted over for the love she felt from everyone. They were all so wonderful! How could she

have been so thoughtless? Consuming herself in her grief, wallowing in self-pity…she didn't even consider

how they would feel, how they would worry about her. "S-Sorry…I didn't think…"

"Kaoru," Kenshin said to stay any more words from her. He wiped the tears that had begun to cascade down

her cheeks with his sleeve. "Let's just have breakfast, alright?"

Kaoru gave him a beautiful smile and nodded.

Kenshin's breath caught, and he watched her in awe as she grabbed the cups and plates to fill it with rice

and viands.

"That medicine Megumi gave her must have worked really well," Yahiko muttered to Sano.

Sano nodded. "I guess so."

Kenshin was not listening to them. He was too preoccupied watching Kaoru with a besotted gaze as she

bustled about, setting the bowls on trays. Her smile had completely taken him.

"Everyone," Kaoru said after she finished setting the trays. "I'm thinking that maybe we should have dinner

tonight at the Akabeko. My treat."

"Oro?" Kenshin reacted.

"Sure Ugly. Whatever." Yahiko said absentmindedly.

Kaoru bonked him on the head with her fist. "I ought to wash your filthy mouth!" She said, frowning.

"Ouch!" Yahiko complained.

"Dinner sounds good, Kaoru," Kenshin said.

"Well, you certainly know how I feel about free chow," Sano said, grinning.

"Then it's settled," Kaoru declared.

Yahiko rubbed his head and sat up. "What's up anyway ug -- Kaoru?" he asked.

Kaoru didn’t know how to tell them that she had just wanted to celebrate the fact that the truth had been

revealed, but that would make no sense to them, so she merely shrugged and said, "I just thought we all

could use a break, that's all."

Kenshin thought it very heart-wrenching. Kaoru was obviously being cheerful for them. It would be just like

her to dump her own feelings of sorrow to rid the rest of them of anxiety. But it wouldn't do. It really

wouldn't. Not so soon. In time, the way wounds are supposed to heal. Not now, where it would be just like

picking at a newly formed scab.

He would have to talk to her. Maybe later, after they got back from the Akabeko.

He remembered his dream from last night, that horridly vivid dream with images that struck his very soul.

If he were to ponder it, turn it in his mind every which way he can, he couldn't stand to believe that half of

it had actually happened to her. If it had been anything like that…Bushio Desuke had sealed his place in


He turned back to the stove to put out the flames, its orange glow mingling with the amber specks in his

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"What's up?" Janek asked Ludlow who had walked in with a very troubled look on his face. He noted with

grim amusement that the same face was almost becoming a permanent fixture. The lad needs to lighten up

a bit. "How did the operation with Kaoru go?"

"Perfectly, of course," Ludlow replied, but his anxious face remained.

Janek contained a sigh. "Then what's the problem?"

"Yasanari did a Dream Weave on Himura," Ludlow reported.

"Was it a legal one?"

"Yes, but that's not what troubles me," Ludlow said, taking a seat. "She showed him what happened in the

shanty, every gory detail. Of course, there was no rape, but what Himura saw was enough to get him really,

really pissed. Yasanari can still draw out the dragon."

Janek shook his head sadly. "It's out of our hands now, Ludlow. We'll just have to count on Kaoru to finish

this well."

Kaoru stepped out of her room wearing an attractive red kimono. She let her hair fall freely down her back,

held only by a hair band to keep it from falling unwontedly to her face. She was stunning.

"Hey! You almost look un-ugly," Yahiko said, grinning.

Before Kaoru could react, Sano swiped Yahiko's bamboo sword from the child's back and slammed it on

Yahiko's butt painfully.

"Ouch!" Yahiko cried, rubbing his ass. "That really hurt rooster-head!"

"That'll teach you for biting the hand that feeds you," Sano said, shoving the shinai back into the boy's


Kaoru grinned at him. "Thank you very much, Sanosuke. He deserved that."

"You are beautiful, my love," Kenshin whispered huskily in her ear.

Kaoru blushed and took his hand gratefully. "Thank you very much, Kenshin, beloved," she whispered back.

Beloved! It was music to his ears. "You deserved it," he said in a low voice, staring intently at her face,

savoring the blue sapphires that were her eyes. He had longed for the sight of them for days, but now that

he saw them, he could not get enough.

Sanosuke grinned. "Maybe Yahiko and I ought to skip this invitation," he said mischievously, giving Kenshin

a wink he did not bother to hide from Kaoru.

Kaoru blushed even deeper and proceeded to pull Kenshin towards the gate. "Don't be silly, Sano. You've all

been so good to me that I want to return the favor."

"Oh, Kaoru…" Kenshin said, compassion filling his voice. Did she not know that they did it because they

loved her? That no payback was necessary?

Kaoru hugged his arm as they walked, understanding Kenshin's gentle protest. "Hush, Kenshin. I know

none of you are asking for this, that I don't have to, but…please, let me?"

Seeing her with such a good semblance of happiness, her pleading eyes drowning him, he could deny her

nothing tonight. "Of course," he simply said.

"Everyone, I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to take the river route tonight," Kaoru said to them with a

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cute smile.

"But that's --" Yahiko began to protest but was cut short by Sano and Kenshin's stern looks. "A great idea,"

he finished, muttering.

The river route was longer, hence Yahiko's objections, but it was scenic, with a small bridge arching over

the running water.

It was quite a busy route, but the hum of the river and the hushed tone of its visitors made it pleasant and


When they arrived at the river, Kaoru drank in the scene.

"Isn't it pretty?" Kaoru said as she stared at the water breathlessly.

Kenshin looked at her and nodded. "Yes," he replied, not meaning the river.

"Yeah, peachy," Yahiko muttered beside Sanosuke.

Sano chuckled. "Some day kid…"

They walked a bit more before finally reaching the bridge connecting the diversion to town.

"We're almost in town, Yahiko, so brighten up," Kaoru said over her shoulder with a grin.

"Yeah, feed the mutt and he'll stop barking," Sano said, ruffling Yahiko's hair.

Yahiko tried to swing a fist at the street fighter. "Hey! Who you callin' a mutt?"

Sano held him at arm's length while the boy vainly made punches and kicks. It was hopeless. The

ex-gangster was just too long and the boy was too short.

Kaoru giggled at the comic sight.

Kenshin thought her so adorable that he nuzzled his nose on her temple, thoroughly endeared by the

delight in her eyes. He did not care if he was publicly displaying his affections. She was too sweet to resist.

Her giggles dissipated as a tingle coursed through her body at his touch. Naughty thoughts began to run

inside her mind. How long has it been since they last…? Two weeks, maybe more. The engagement got

them busy, then there was the incident…Dread came over her as a new thought processed itself. What if he

didn't want to because he thinks she had been…used?

"Kaoru, red really suits you," Kenshin said, taking her hand and kissing the back of it tenderly.

Kaoru gave a faint gasp, beginning to feel guilty that she had even thought him capable of such coldness.

No. He loves her, and later after dinner, she would help him prove it. "Is that so?" She asked with

innocence befitting a temptress.

It seemed her eyes showed her intentions, because it began to appear on his face as plain as kanji.

"Without a doubt," he rumbled, pulling her close to kiss her eyelids.

"Hey! There you go again! Forgetting that you're not the only two people in this world!" Sano scolded them,


Kaoru pulled away, red faced. Kenshin merely smiled. It was rather discomfiting to see that Kenshin did not

embarrass as easily about these things as she did.

They walked all the way to the restaurant and arrived there in higher spirits.

Dinner out was exactly what everyone needed. They laughed and joked about the silliest things, and Yahiko

even tried to start a fight over the table, just to get more into the mood, but Kaoru refused to make a


The whole time, Sano observed Kenshin staring at Kaoru with ardent longing. The brief touches and

brushes the rurouni would give Jou-chan could have caused sparks to fly.

"Getting a little humid here, don't you think?" Sano asked Kenshin casually.

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"Is that so? Maybe you should ask for a glass of cold water, if you'll allow me to suggest," Kenshin replied,

completely missing the point.

Sano chuckled. "I see a monsoon coming."

Kenshin had no idea what Sano was talking about and decided not to delve on it. He had other things to

worry about, like Kaoru…and how he thought she was particularly…delectable tonight.

After dinner, it was time to go home.

Going with his instinct, Sano invited Yahiko to accompany him to one of his gambling sprees.

Of course, Kaoru had a lot to say. "What? Oh no you don't Sano. I will not let you expose him to gambling

at such a young age! I won't allow it!"

Somehow, Sano got his way in the end, and he dragged Yahiko with him before Kaoru could start throwing

things in his direction.

Huffing away, Kaoru provided enough amusement of her consternation to Kenshin, who walked with her,

chuckling inwardly.

The dojo was quiet, lulling in the absence of the constantly animated presence of Yahiko. But for the first

time since the kidnapping incident, it was welcome, soothing at its wake.

Kaoru looked at Kenshin as they entered the house, a blush creeping up her cheeks, part embarrassment,

and part heat. She wanted to tell him that she did not want to be alone that night, but she was not even

certain whether he would welcome her invitation.

"Kenshin…" She began in a soft voice.

"Yes?" He responded, tracing her face with the tip of his fingers from beside her. His heart was drumming in

his chest, her closeness, their isolation from the world and people outside, never felt so perfect.

Carefully, he took her in his arms and kissed her.

His kiss was gentle, lips touching lips as an assurance of love too powerful to unleash in one fell swoop. In

fact, it was too careful, seeking for something more but burdened with worry.

Kenshin could hardly bear it, but it had to be born, for her sake. Would she? Would she allow him? He

wanted her, but he was afraid to take what he wanted, afraid that the touch of a man, even his own, would

not be permitted. What she had gone through, he could not hope to understand, but he needed her,

perhaps too much, and driven as he was by his desires for the feel of her body, he hadn't the slightest idea

whether it would be welcomed as an expression of love, or a violation of her heart.

Their lips pulled apart, and Kenshin stared into sky-tinged eyes, darker than day, but brighter than night,

pools of sapphire that can bring him to his knees with a single look. He was hers, she set the limit, and no

matter how steep those limits were, he would abide by them.

Kaoru returned his gaze, questioning, curious. What was it that she saw in his eyes right now? The

amethyst glow, normally bereft of anything but rurouni innocence or the coldness of Battousai, were

smoldering and hungry, yet filled with restraint. Why was he holding back? Did he…not want her anymore?

Did he think her used? Soiled? He used to have such passion for her, but now…now he was hesitating.

Her tears spilled involuntarily, and she tried to look away, pull away, so she can be alone in her anguish,

but he took hold of her by the waist, anxiety etching his features.

"My love…is there something wrong?" he asked in a soft voice, caressing her cheek with the back of his

hand, wiping away the wet trails with the cuff of his sleeve.

Shaking her head slightly, she made a feeble attempt to be released from the fold of his arm. "N-Nothing's

wrong. If you don't…it's alright. Goodni--"

He refused to let her go so ridden with misery. "Kaoru," he murmured, cutting her off before she can

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complete what she was saying. "Your tears always have meaning. Your sadness, especially this past few

days…it hurts me that I don’t know what to do to make you feel better. Please, dearest…make me


Her heart wrenched, and a bit of bitterness churned within her. She wanted to tell him that she longed for

him, yearned for the touch he had taught her to miss, but she could not speak, she could not demand.

What was one to do when the other half of the whole no longer sought the intimacy she so needed? It was

almost anger that drove her to do what she did next. What she cannot say in words, she hoped to convey

by action.

She grabbed him by the nape, pulling him down so her lips could take his. She meant for it to be quick, to

make it seem like a mockery of her own desire, but before she can pull away, before she could even dare

him to take a woman whom she though he considered to be used and stained, his hands were cupping her

jaws, and his tongue was searching for the caress of hers.

Kenshin could not believe how quickly he had reacted, how bereft of reason his actions were, but it had

been too much for him to resist. To be kissed by her in that manner freed him from every shred of control

had been struggling to maintain. That single kiss snapped his restraint, and he had to have her, now.

Pulling her against him, he used his other hand to undo the band binding her hair. Silken ebony strands

laced through his fingers and he clutched her by the back of her head while the jasmine scented locks

emitted a perfume that heightened his senses.

Kaoru gave a moan, happiness mingling with relief. She had not expected this. It felt like begging for a

morsel, then receiving a banquet in its stead. His mouth, melding with hers in such untamed wanting

dispelled all her doubts of the past few days.

Their passion soared, the night growing warmer by the second, and it engulfed them in whole.

"Kaoru…" he sighed, half groan, half whimper. "I've wanted this…" he continued, planting heated kisses on

her throat as he pulled the knot of her obi free. "But I was afraid you didn't…" He took deep draughts of air

through his mouth, rasping his teeth against the soft skin of her neck.

She wanted to reproach him for being too considerate, to let loose a few mild expletives just to express how

ridiculously wrong he had been, but passion was fast clouding cognitive thought, and all she could do was

glide her hands through his hair and claim his lips again.

Her obi slid from her in a soft rustle, dropping to the floor at her feet, and as his hands slid beneath the

fabric to loosen the embrace of her kimono, he lowered his lips to taste the hollows of her shoulder.

Gentle still, she thought, marveling at how he insisted on being the obliging lover in spite of the savageness

she knew was aching to break through. It always had to be a delicately slow build up, going only as far as

playing to coax her to her pinnacle, and she liked that, without a doubt. He had endeavored to do it so

perfectly that perhaps he had convinced her that it was the only way to push her to the edge, but this time

it was different. She had felt something more primitive in the kiss that began their love making tonight,

and she wanted to unleash it.

She shrugged out of her kimono, leaving herself in her undergarment while Kenshin closed the distance

between their lips yet again. She led them to her room, keeping their lips and tongues locked in unyielding


Once inside, Kaoru undertook to undo the ties that still bound his desires.

Kissing him deeply, she pulled him to her until her back was to the wall. He responded by pressing himself

against her, trying to slip his hands beneath her silken undergarment, running his fingertips on the skin

over her pelvic bone. She shuddered, but she was determined to set the pace. She knew he would go slow

if she let him, but perhaps if she turned the tables, got him to want her unbearably enough to let blinding

passion, instead of tender consideration, take over, she could show him she welcomed the wildness he


She took a fist full of the fabric of his gi and yanked it out of the confines of his hakama. Sliding her hands

against his muscled chest, then his arms, she pushed off his gi and sent it to the floor. Ever so delicately,

she pushed him away, her eyes inviting yet commanding him to be patient.

Let's see if you can stand this sweet torture, Kenshin, she thought with an impish smile.

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He kissed her again, trying to regain dominance over the situation, but cupping his jaw in her hand, she

coaxed him away from her. He groaned, turning his attentions to the hand that was holding him at bay,

kissing it heatedly and rasping his teeth against the heel of her palm. She let that same hand glide down

his chest to his sash.

"My love…don't tease…" he pleaded, attempting to get closer to her.

"Hush," was all she said, taking hold of the hilt of his sakabatou and its scabbard.

Surprised, he kept still, breathing and waiting with silent anticipation at what she was going to do.

Carefully, she twisted the sword and scabbard so that its sharp edge would nestle against his sash, then

slowly, she pulled the sakabatou partway from its sheath, slicing the ties of his hakama as she did so.

His hakama pooled at his feet, and his breath caught as she slammed the sakabatou back into its case. The

catch made a metallic click, and Kenshin thought that was the end of it, but with a grace he had always

known she possessed, she slid the clothed weapon to his shoulder. Reaching around him with her other

hand, she took hold of the hilt, caging his neck in her arms. She stepped closer to him in the process, and

tilting her head up, she caught his earlobe between her lips and sucked.

He closed his eyes at the pleasant sensations her ministrations were causing him to endure, and his body

was screaming for him to take her.

Kenshin heard the rasp of metal against leather, and in a split heartbeat, his hair sprung loose from its

bindings, sending his red locks in a cascade at his back. He felt her tongue on his neck as the sword was

re-sheathed, then she pulled away again. She breathed sensuously through her parted lips as she held his

gaze, hugging the sword to her chest and cleaving the fabric of her undergarment between her breasts.

How he wanted to sample her skin that very moment.

Kaoru turned to her dressing table, laying down the sakabatou with infinite care, aware that he was

watching her with intense longing. Any second now…

She felt arms enfolding her body from behind her, and she sighed contentedly as she felt his hungry lips on

her shoulder. She encouraged him, tilting her head to the side and sliding her hands along his arms. She

breathed his name with yearning.

Something short of a growl rumbled in his throat and he pulled her undergarment from her urgently. She

raised her arms in response to ease the passage of the clothing and then craned her neck to take a kiss

from his lips. His kiss drank of her while his hands took to grasping her breasts.

Needing him to possess her with unfettered desire, she clasped one of his wrists in her hand and led it

lower on her body.

Knowing what she wanted, his desire to give the only thing overcoming his urges to take, he stroked her

core, his fingers untangling the threads that coiled around that moment of insanity he needed her to


She whimpered and fell against him, supported only by his arm around her waist. She closed her eyes and

arched her neck, relishing his touch with her quickening breath.

Kenshin was breathing raggedly. He wanted to feel her around him so badly, and he did not know how long

he could hold out. Her impassioned cries did nothing to ease his desire, and he found himself almost

pleading for her gratification, so that he might share it with her sooner than he was wont to expect.

Her wail of fulfillment blanketed his senses, and he could only bring her to completion. When finally she

had fully crested her peak, he immediately picked her up and laid her down on the futon, kissing her,

needing her more intensely than he ever did before.

Kaoru moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck and coaxing him on top of her. He

settled himself on her, her breasts molding to his chest enticingly as she bent her legs to his sides. She

brought her lips to his ear and whispered her desires. Glorifying the way he moved, recounting the

awesome effects of him being inside her, pushing him to let go of the savageness, telling him how

sometimes, she wanted him so badly that she would touch…

Kenshin succumbed to the madness. With her name on his lips, he entered her, and they both moaned at

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the pleasure of it.

He moved with fast and hard strokes, noting with satisfaction her cries of assent. He would only go as far as

she let him, but this time, the limits he thought he knew so well were unfathomable. He closed his mouth

over hers, their tongues battling furiously to match the torridness of their cadence.

She wrapped her legs around him, the shift causing an exquisite sensation to course through his body

anew. He grit his teeth against his impending release, ordering himself to wait for her.

"My love…" he practically begged. "Give in to me."

His words, so poignant in its intentions, were enough to drive her to the momentary loss of lucidity they so

wanted. Fires danced in her mind, binding her, almost burning her skin. Her senses shot up, cresting in an

unbelievable arc. She screamed his name, feeling her ecstasy exploding through her entire body.

His eyes flashed, and he felt, rather than knew, that he wanted to give her more. His will, more powerful

now than he could ever have imagined, fueled his capability to go on, relentless in the pursuit to please

her, serve her.

Serve her…his eyes glinted amber, and there was nothing in the world he wanted more than to hear her

again. To see her rise, and fall, within the power of his longing.

He pushed her up the futon, then lifted her until her back was to the wall.

Bereft of purchase, lost in the pleasure he so demandingly gave, she cried out for him to go on, to show her

how far he was willing to go. And then it happened, inside her, within her, she felt and almost heard

something so spellbinding that it raced through her veins with a roar.

Golden, blazing and soaring, bringing her to a world of fires…untamed spirits…and the dragon within him.

Swirling around her, forcing her surrender, giving her no choice but to be prey to it.

It was blinding and wonderful.

His tongue sought her throat, his groans searing her senses as his thrusts pushed her over the chasm of

bliss. She shrieked, welcoming the raging dementia of that glorified moment. Fire igniting in her very soul.

Her apparent gratification, coupled with the spasm of her core around him finally sent him spinning out of

control. He filled her, feeling the full measure of his blessed madness as he called to her huskily through his

haze, his shout of rapture echoing in its intensity.

Loved, wanted, cherished. That was what she felt, and it was all she needed to feel to soothe the battered

emotions that had plagued her these days past. Legs entangled beneath the sheets, the closeness meant

more to her than it ever did. She reprehended herself for her lack of trust. How can she even think he was

capable of turning her away?

Kenshin looked at Kaoru's flushed face and they smiled at each other in tender satisfaction. He pulled her

to him, running his hand against her moist back.

"Kenshin, you were wonderful," Kaoru said, tracing her finger against the scar of his cheek.

"You made it wonderful, Kaoru," he replied, caressing her hips and closing the distance of their lips.

When they parted, he stared lovingly into her blue pools.

"I missed those eyes, Kaoru," he whispered in a heartfelt tone.

"I'm sorry, Kenshin," she said guiltily. "I was being selfish. I should have trusted you."

He smiled gently. "Not selfish, my love, afraid, but yes, you should have trusted me. However, it is evident I

have forgiven you, haven't I?"

She chuckled. "Yes Kenshin, and I will never doubt you again. In the morning, I have something to tell


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Kenshin grinned mischievously and pulled her to him by draping her thigh over his hip. "Oh?" He drawled,

catching her earlobe in his lips. "Why not tell me now, hmm?"

"Because…" she gasped, trying to gather her senses. "It's a little too complicated and it wouldn't do when

we're having so much fun."

Kenshin began to lick her shoulder and run his hand against her thigh. "Fun…yes, loads of fun…"

Kaoru closed her eyes and smiled dreamily. "But…not that I'm complaining…but don't you need to recover


He pushed his hips against her, her softness touching the evidence of his arousal. "Does it feel like I need to

recover?" he rumbled against her throat.

"Oh Kenshin…" she breathed, rocking her hips slowly against his. "How do you…?"

"I love you, Kaoru," he murmured, already awash in heat. "I desire you. I could only hope to make you


He gazed briefly into her eyes, reading her own desires. Those pools of blue, shining, with

reflections…merely reflections really…of amber…

She brought her head forward for a deep kiss, and they continued their love making through the night.

To be continued…

Author's Note: What did you think? I hope you thought that was nice. Did you understand how significant

this love scene was? Well, if you didn't, that's okay. You'll know what I mean in the next chapter. The next

one will be where the action, the final showdown, will be.

Japanese terms (Left out some of those already encountered before):

Oro - Kenshin's favorite expression of surprise, mild or otherwise. He only uses it in non-serious



Gi - Samurai upper garment. Those things that look like robes and gives us a perfect view of

Kenshin's sexy chest.


Hakama - Samurai pants. These things don't give us a perfect view of Kenshin's thighs because his gi

gets in the way of the slits at the sides, but it does leave much to the imagination.


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This is it. The grand finale (before the epilogue, of course) is finally here. I’m praying that you think this is

as kick-ass as you want it to be. There will be some invention in the moves. Just one move, because I’m not

very good at stuff like that. I got the idea from my martial arts class. You’ll see.

Just a thought, though. I am currently watching "Sakura Wars". Don’t you think Sakura looks a helluva lot

like Kaoru? Hmmm…looks like Kaoru, fights like Kenshin. Interesting…she could be their kid, ne? Well,

maybe that goes in my next fic.

Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. I

do not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candles

I light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


By anna-neko

Chapter Eight

"Shishou!" Kaoru growled angrily as her eyes flew open.

She found Kenshin staring at her from his side of the futon, blinking in surprise. "Umm…why are you so

mad at Hiko?" He asked, his surprise turning into an amused smile.

Kaoru gaped at him, then she laughed, shifting in her place to lean her head against his chest.

It was early morning, and she had just been with her Shishou in one of their training sessions. "It wasn’t

Hiko-san, beloved. It’s a different master."

Kenshin chuckled and pulled her closer. "I’m not sure I like you dreaming about other men, if I may be


A giggle escaped Kaoru and she kissed Kenshin’s neck affectionately. "My Shishou is a woman, Keshin.

Don’t worry."

He chuckled and kissed her on the lips, then he reluctantly pulled away. "No," he told himself. "We’ve had

enough fun. It’s time to work and start the day."

"Hmmm…work?" she drawled, planting kisses on his chest.

Kenshin smiled at her. "Stop that, Kaoru," he said gently.

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"No," he said again, another chuckle escaping him. "I will be strong because there are things that need to

be done. I have responsibilities."

He pulled away and she pouted momentarily before breaking out in a smile.

"Can I help?" She asked, seeing the perfect opportunity to make her revelations to him.

"Of course," he replied, getting dressed. "Just promise to behave," he said with a grin.

"I’ll behave," she said, tilting her head to the side playfully.

He kissed her forehead and headed out of the room. "Give me twenty minutes."

Kaoru didn’t even have to ask him for what. He would probably take a quick bath, then have her tub ready

for her to bathe in. He was such a dear that way. She’d be even more surprised and alarmed if she didn’t

have a tub full of warm water in the morning.

An hour later, bathed and ready for the day, Kaoru and Kenshin put things in order. Kaoru was partly

thankful that Yahiko had not arrived yet to see the mess of her kimono and obi outside her room, knowing

he would tease her scandalously, or else complain loudly, which could be a lot worse.

Having tidied up the house, they made their way to the kitchen.

Kenshin filled a pot with water and put it over the stove. He tossed some logs into the furnace and was

about to light it when Kaoru placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me," she said, crouching down beside him.

Gracefully, she bent her face to the wood and simply blew.

A fire ignited, slowly setting the fuel and coals ablaze.

Kenshin stared wide-eyed, speechless at the spectacle. She…how did she…? So it had been her all along! But

HOW? "Oro! How did you…?"

She merely smiled at him, letting him absorb the scene before she said anything. She pulled a stalk of

celery from their supply basket and began her placid chopping.

He stood up, gaping at her, still uncertain at what he had witnessed. "The stove yesterday…and the lamps.

It was you…how?"

She gave a miniscule smile, turning to him. "Have you ever heard about Mages, Kenshin?"

"The dragon churns. I can feel it. We move now, Desuke," Yasanari told her ghoul.

Desuke smiled and bowed to his master. "Yes, Yasanari-sama. I can’t wait."

"Mages?" Kenshin asked, totally at a loss.

Kaoru nodded. "Ma…" Her words suddenly trailed off, her eyes falling to the threshold of the kitchen.

A mist was creeping into the room, building into a thick haze. And with it, she felt a horrible presence. It

was familiar. Nay, she knew it well. That dark ki that had assaulted her senses, both in waking and in sleep.

Human, yet unmistakably inhuman. Fear knotted in her belly, and her face took on an ashen seeming.

Kenshin noticed her going pale and he followed her eyes. Sensing her terror. He saw the fog, and out of

sheer instinct, his hand went to the hilt of his sakabatou.

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"Battousai!" Came a wail from outside. "I want your dragon!"

That voice! She recognized its arrogance. She had played it in her head a countless number of times these

past few days. She trembled, and she had to summon all of her courage to stay on her feet.

Don’t be afraid, Kamiya! She ordered herself. Yasanari is with him. It is her that I must prepare for. It is HER

who can harm me. I trained for her. I must keep my presence of mind. It was a mantra, and she could not

let Desuke distract her.

Kenshin saw her momentary panic, and he glared at the rising mist. He knew who his challenger was, by

Kaoru’s reaction if not by the baritone of the voice.

Desuke…The name rang in his mind. Rage began to build even before he could see his enemy’s face.

"It churns," Yasanari whispered in anticipation. Fuel the anger…taunt him. Provoke him. His soul is

unsettled, always has been. Never quite at peace, never quite steady. It will be their downfall, and my


She muttered a spell, malice coating her every word. The string of power wove around her fingertips, then

she let it loose.

Images slammed into Kenshin’s head, and he shut his eyes in the hopes of blocking it, but it stirred,

blanketing his thoughts, and remembered dreams of pain, horror, suffering suffused his memories. His

torment…and hers.

Kaoru…screams…begging it to stop.

Kenshin fell to his hands and knees, eyes wide, staring at the floor but not acknowledging the existence of

his surroundings. "S-STOP!" He shrieked.

Kaoru jerked from her place, her head swerving towards his crumpled form. "Kenshin!" She exclaimed,

crouching to his side and putting her arms around him. Oh God! What is she doing to him? What is she…?

He did not respond to her. He couldn’t. He was seeing something else, and nothing could stop it. Blood of

the slain…calling me in voices filled with hate and fear…blood on my hands…never washes

off…Tomoe’s…Kaoru! Oh, Kaoru!

She cries! She cries! I couldn’t stop him! I couldn’t protect her!


"Kenshin, please! Look at me!" Kaoru pleaded, placing her palms to his face and coaxing his eyes to meet

with hers.

His gaze, purple and battling with gold, resembled a blind stare. Seeing, but not reality. They were

animated, but it was a dance of darkness.

Kaoru began to shed tears, trying to shake him back to his sanity. "Kenshin! Can you hear me? Please

listen!" She sobbed, her hands quivering against his cheeks.

Kenshin couldn’t listen, wouldn’t. He was seeing her, beaten, scarred and broken. So broken…she couldn’t

even walk…she wouldn’t look at me. She can’t. She is ashamed of herself. Pain. She’s in so much pain. Body,

heart, soul…broken. Desuke…

And then it was amber, glimmering in its coldness, yet burning at the core. "Kaoru…" He growled.

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Kaoru gasped at his malevolent tone. "Kenshin?" She asked, hoping she could get him back.

His sprung to his feet with the agility of the Hitokiri.

Kaoru stared at him in horror, knowing yet refusing to give in. "W-Wait! Don’t!"

"Stay here," Battousai said, flashing out of the kitchen in a blink of an eye.

Kaoru shook off her terror and gathered her senses. She disobeyed him and followed. "Kenshin! Kenshin

no!" She cried, rushing out after him. He had been so fast. She didn’t even know exactly where he had


She reached the yard, and the fog that covered it cleared.

Bushio Desuke came into view, brandishing a sword clumsily, Mitsumo Yasanari behind him in her black

kimono. Kenshin was no where in sight.

Kaoru took a deep breath, trying to calm her frantically beating heart.

"He is hiding in the shadows like the assassin he is," Yasanari told her from across the yard. "But he’ll be

coming out soon enough."

Kaoru glared at her, mustering her will to speak without fear. "Yasanari, you don’t know what you are


"Don’t I?" Yasanari asked, cocking a smile. She turned to her ghoul. "Desuke, why don’t you have another

go at Kaoru over there."

Kaoru stiffened.

Desuke gave an evil smirk and chuckled. "With pleasure, Yasanari-sama," he said, moving right for Kaoru in

slow, deliberate steps.

Kaoru could not, for the life of her, stay still. Though she knew, though he had not ravished her, she had

felt his hand. That had been real, and even if the rape had been false, he could make it as true as any

reality. She stepped back involuntarily as he came towards her, her breath catching in her throat.

"Stop," came an icy voice from the shadows.

All of them froze, and their gazes swerving to the sound.

The eyes of the Hitokiri peered at them with an amber shimmer from the darkness they did not even know

was there. They could see his form, imposing even in its vagueness, but he did not move into the light.

"Bastard," he said to Desuke. "We finally meet again."

Desperate, uncertain, Kaoru whimpered. "No, Kenshin!" She pleaded. "It was a mistake! He didn’t rape me,

he…" Anything. Anything to get back even a particle of lucid thought. She was groping, but she had to do


Kenshin was apparently in no mood to believe her. "Kaoru, step away," he said in his Battousai drawl.

Yasanari finally let out a derisive laugh.

"It will be a pity to waste your whore when we’re through with you, Battousai," Desuke said mockingly. "I

really enjoyed her."

Kenshin’s ki began to glow, emanating a dark-blue tinge around him. He emerged, and they could see that

his face was monstrously angry. "Shut up! You will die for what you did!"

Kaoru’s tears continued to flow and she gave a frustrated moan. For a moment, Kenshin looked at her,

slightly moved by her lamentation. "Don’t believe him, Kenshin! He didn’t have me! He made me take

something…it wasn’t real!"

"Ah! So you know the truth!" Yasanari said, grinning. "I did a pretty good job on that False Memory, didn’t

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Kenshin glared at Yasanari. She is behind all this. False memory, she said? What is she talking about? "You.

I don’t know who you are, but I know you had something to do with this, and you will die with this bastard,"

he growled, pointing to Desuke.

Yasanari chuckled, unfazed by the threat. "Your lady speaks true. She wasn’t raped. I only made her believe

she was, through magic, but do you remember the dream you had the other night?"

Kenshin did nothing but stare at her with building hate. He refused to remember, but the images were too

vivid to keep at bay. Kaoru, being beaten to the ground, her blood spraying from the force of the blows…his

ki darkened.

"Yes…" Yasanari drawled in approval. "You remember. What you saw, that had been true. That was how

Desuke hurt her, crushing every sorry bone in her body. And he did enjoy himself, didn’t you Desuke?"

"Absolutely," Desuke replied with a smile worthy of a serpent. "The thrill of hitting a woman never loses its


Kenshin stepped forward, clutching into a fighting stance. "You first, bastard. Then I’ll slice your bitch in


Kaoru gasped, shaking her head from side to side. He must not! Not for her, not for anybody! "Stop!" She

cried in despair.

Desuke did not lower his gaze from Kenshin’s. "Draw it, Yasanari-sama," he muttered from the corner of his

mouth. "You know I cannot fight him."

Yasanari nodded and stepped forward herself, chanting her spell.

Something flashed before Kenshin’s eyes. A light, or rather the blinding glare of obsidian. Reflections of a

dream appeared to him, a mirror of what was already imprinted in his mind magnified a thousand fold.

The scene in the shanty played right before him. Shadows and phantoms of Kaoru and Desuke were

reenacting every detail of brutality. The blood, the cries, and the pain, her pain…

Kenshin’s ki exploded around him, his wrath clear by the gleam in his eyes.

I have been to this place before…his thoughts thrummed. A place where hate and bloodlust reign supreme.

It fills me with power, clouding my mind like a drug. It overcomes me, and if I give in to the demands of this

old world, there is no turning back, probably no salvation…but for her…Kaoru, for you…

Rage raced through his veins, consuming him. Kenshin screamed.

Yasanari yanked her hand into a fist and she let out a spellbound wail, piercing their ears like millions of


Kaoru, Desuke and Kenshin clutched at their heads, agony lacing through all of them, but that was not the

worst of it.

It happened, cloaking the yard in a mass of energy. A dragon spirit, nine headed, blue and fiery, tore its

way out of Kenshin’s body.

Kenshin screamed again, but this time, it was filled with torment. The spirit shot out of him and hovered in

the air tentatively as Kenshin collapsed on the ground. The dragon stirred, the tiny flames from its nostrils

enlarging as it breathed.

"Kenshin!" Kaoru cried, wanting to go to him but fearing her presence would hurt him even more.

Desuke recovered from his own pain and managed to laugh through the ringing in his head. Kenshin had

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apparently weakened, no doubt from the separation of his soul from the spirit of the Hiten Mitsurugi.

"Come!" Yasanari commanded the dragon.

The dragon gave a deafening shriek of protest, but it was pulled by an unseen force, taking its place above

Yasanari’s head.

Kaoru finally decided to go to Kenshin, skidding to her knees beside him and enveloping him in a protective


"Give it back, Yasanari!" Kaoru demanded as Kenshin struggled to gather his strength.

Yasanari smiled defiantly and Desuke leered.

"The dragon is mine, Kaoru," Yasanari informed her. "And once it gets its offering, it will willingly follow my


"Offering…" Kaoru whispered, not liking the sound of it.

"Yes. Offering," said Yasanari. "Pure blood. Your blood."

Kaoru could only stare in horror as the dragon, shrieking and writhing, sped headlong towards them. With

all her courage, she pushed Kenshin out of the way and stood up as if to accept the dragon into her arms.

The force of the dragon hit her like the detonation of a bomb, and she was sent flying several feet away in

a ball of flames.

"Kaoru!" Kenshin groaned, watching in helpless dread as she careened into a tree. "Noooo!" He struggled to

stand, but succeeded only in tumbling forward.

"Shit! Jou-chan!" Came Sanosuke’s voice from the dojo gate. Yahiko stood beside him, his eyes wide with

sickening fear.

Her burning body slammed on the tree trunk and she bounced face down on the grass. The dragon turned

circles over her as the flames leapt from her still form, and then it dove downward, plunging through her


Spellbinding…racing through her veins with a roar…Golden, blazing and soaring, bringing her to a world of

fires…untamed spirits…and the dragon within him. Swirling around her, forcing her surrender, giving her no

choice but to be prey to it. It was blinding and wonderful. Fire igniting in her very soul.

She had felt this before, experienced it in its purest form. Making love to Kenshin while Battousai roamed

free in his spirit…it was a binding.

Kaoru knew now what it had been. She had unified with the dragon, held its power, and it was hers. Every

dragon has its master…isn’t it lucky that it happens to be me?

Sano’s eyes roved frantically to survey the scene before him. There were two people in the yard he has

never seen before, but they were smiling at his friends’ demise. They’re the enemy. As for Kenshin, he was

down for the count. He couldn’t get up and he could barely move.

And Jou-chan. "Shit! Yahiko! Get help!" He ordered the boy who was too panic-stricken to argue about

having to leave.

Yahiko sped off, heading for the police station.

Sanosuke rushed towards Kaoru. Must put out the flame. He thought desperately.

But before he could get to her, they were all met by a most unholy sight.

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Even Yasanari and Desuke were unable to hold back a start.

Kaoru rose from the ground, angrily dusting off her kimono, flames dancing off her entire body. "Damn,

Yasanari!" She said in an annoyed tone, unaffected by the fire surrounding her. "You should have known

better than to pit this dragon against me!"

With a single ki release, the flames were extinguished and the dragon, nine heads swerving gracefully,

entwined itself lovingly around Kaoru’s limbs. The beast shrieked in triumph.

Her eyes determined, Kaoru made a cup of her palm and ball of fire twisted and hovered above her hand.

"Y-You can’t be…" Yasanari stammered in shock. The dragon…no! But she is! Of all the fucking luck! "You

bitch!" She cried.

"You didn’t tell me she was a Fire Mage, Yasanari-sama," Desuke said in a hushed voice. He had known she

had powers, but to be a Fire Mage? Fate couldn’t have been more cruel.

"More importantly," Kaoru said with a cocky smile. "I am the dragon’s master. Kenshin had bent it to his will

through Hiten Mitsurugi, but it will always serve me first. You dare command it to consume me? No spell is

potent enough to destroy its respect for me, Yasanari."

Kenshin and Sano stared at Kaoru with mouths wide open. She was not burnt in the slightest, and her

kimono did not even have a trace of soot. It seems that whatever strange powers she possessed, she could

transmit it to her clothing if she willed it. And what was she talking about? Dragons? And Magic? What was

going on?

"Kenshin, Sano, I want you to stay back. This fight is between me and Yasanari," she said to them firmly,

then she turned to the witch. "And I expect you to keep that thing out of the way until we finish this," she

added, pointing a finger at Desuke.

Desuke turned red with anger. "Shut your trap, you whore!"

"Quiet, Desuke!" Yasanari said sternly. "She is right. Unless you want both of us to get killed, stay out of


Sano went to Kenshin and assisted the samurai to his feet, moving both of them at a safe distance. He was

too awed to disobey Kaoru’s instructions.

"Who the hell are these guys, Kenshin?" Sano grumbled.

"That’s the guy who kidnapped Kaoru. The woman is his master," Kenshin replied weakly, regaining some of

his strength but feeling very empty.

"Kenshin, I have to borrow your dragon for a while," Kaoru said gravely. "Don’t worry, I’ll give it back."

"Shit! I wouldn’t have the nerve to deny her anything right now!" Sano said, wide eyed.

Kenshin nodded to Kaoru wordlessly.

"Thank you," she said, then she looked at Yasanari. "Now we fight."

Two flares erupted from the sides of Kaoru’s legs, slitting her kimono from thigh to hem. Kaoru crouched

low, free from the restraints of her skirt.

Yasanari collected herself. This would be entirely about self-preservation. There was no hope of getting the

dragon back at this point, but if she could live through this, she might find another way. "If you think you

can beat me girl, you are dead wrong." She fished a hand full of white paper Sakura from her sleeve. "How

long have you been training? A day or two?"

"I know enough to beat you, witch," Kaoru said menacingly. She felt as confident as she sounded. She may

be short of experience, extremely short of it, but she knew she was powerful. More powerful than Yasanari,

and she had to rely more on her experience as a swords woman and her meager, but efficient mage


Yasanari smirked. "I don’t think so." She threw her Sakura into the air above her head and a bolt of energy

rose out of her hand. The Sakura whirled like pinwheels and made straight for Kaoru.

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Kaoru jumped into the air, the dragon disentangling and pushing her up higher on its snout. She threw the

fireball at Yasanari and it exploded a few feet away from where Yasanari stood.

Yasanari shrieked and was thrown back, tumbling halfway through the yard.

The Sakura Yasanari had let loose pierced through the tree Kaoru had been in front of and the tree trunk

shattered into a million tiny pieces. The leaves and branches fell to the ground with a crunching crash.

"Holy crap!" Sano hissed, protecting himself from the debris.

Kenshin stared at both women, shocked. "They’re both so powerful!" He gasped as Kaoru landed atop the

dojo gate and Yasanari recovered, looking angrier than ever.

"That’s the closest you’ll ever get to me again, you hatchling mage!" Yasanari cried.

"You realize I could have killed you, Yasanari," Kaoru responded calmly from her perch. The dragon circled

her overhead. "I missed on purpose. I’ll not have your death on my conscience." She hopped from the arc

and landed on the ground with perfect form.

Yasanari glared. "Big mistake, honey. You should have killed me while you had the chance." She had

underestimated this one, and this time, she was not going to take her for granted.

The witch took out another batch of origami. This time, they were black cranes. The energy field shot out of

her hands again and the cranes made right for Kaoru. Kaoru’s training kicked in, and she dodged the paper

bullets. The part of the gate connecting to the brick wall was wrecked in seconds.

"That attempt was even more pathetic than the last one!" Kaoru remarked, rolling to safety.

"Not really," Yasanari said. "Those cranes are impenetrable. They don’t go as easily as the Sakura."

Sure enough, several glowing dots rose from the rubble and swarmed towards Kaoru like angry hornets.

Too surprised to move, Kaoru raised her palms in front of her. She created a barrier of fire around her. The

cranes were so strong that Kaoru skidded back several feet as they came in contact with her shield. As the

cranes flew past her, several razor-like cuts blossomed from Kaoru’s skin, staining her now tattered kimono

with blood.

Yasanari laughed. "Impressive! But how log do you think you can keep up?" She asked.

Kaoru tried to create an attack, but before she could gather her energy, the cranes made for her again. She

jumped out of the way and the dive-bombing cranes sent billows of dust and soil in all directions, creating a

gaping crater on the ground.

The dragon gave a shrill scream, as if imploring its master to tell it what to do.

Kaoru kept dodging the attacks and tried to think of a way to get to Yasanari, but each plan was interrupted

by the possessed origami.

"This is too easy!" Yasanari cried with an amused grin. She flicked her fingers about, the tendrils of her

power extending to the dojo porch. The wood of the pillars groaned with some kind of stress.

Kaoru began to falter. Two or three cranes completely got past her defenses and dealt her deep slashes

along her legs and back. She hissed, trying to ignore the stabbing pain.

Exhausted and frustrated, Kaoru released a string of fireballs to burn each crane individually, but she

succeeded only on making them friskier. A crane bit deep into her arm and no amount of lip biting could

forestall her cry.

Kenshin breathed deeply to control his growing fear. Come on Kaoru, you can do this…

Kaoru grasped her bleeding arm and created her force field again, trying to buy herself some time until she

could think of a way to get out of her fix.

Yasanari laughed louder, and she flung her arms forward, palms spread out in front of her. The porch

collapsed, and splinters of wood flew towards Kaoru like knives.

Kaoru’s eyes widened and she flipped into the air, landing behind the protection of the felled tree from a

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while ago. The porch debris bit into the tree with such force that it shook, and Kaoru had no choice but to

leave it, lest she got crushed under its weight.

She kept her magical barrier around her, but the cranes buffeted her relentlessly.

Kaoru fell to the ground in a heap, her limbs shaking from the beating. The cranes made right for her

defenseless form.

"Kaoru!" Kenshin shouted, hating himself for being helpless but offering what he could. He would not let

her lose. "Kaoru! Get up!"

"Hold!" Yasanari yelled to her minions. The cranes pulled back and hovered above Kaoru in anticipation.

"Still think you can beat me?"

Panting, blood oozing from her wounds, Kaoru looked up, a determined gleam in her eyes. "It isn’t over,"

she simply said.

Yasanari chuckled then raised her hands to the cranes. "Annihilate!"

The cranes dove for Kaoru. Kaoru created a barrier again and the cranes created fresh cuts on Kaoru’s

already shredded skin. Ignoring the new wounds inflicted upon her, she called out in a magical voice.

"Dragon! Come!" Power erupted from her form, and it hauled the dragon towards her.

With an earth-moving roar, the dragon sped towards Kaoru, and when it reached her, it spun around her in

blinding speed. It enveloped her on all sides and the cranes were unable to penetrate, bouncing and

ricocheting in all directions. Any attempt of the cranes to get past her dragon shield failed.

Kaoru rose from the ground with renewed confidence.

"Yes! Go Jou-chan!" Sano whooped in encouragement.

Yasanari gasped, seeing her cranes being deflected by the spin of the dragon around Kaoru.

"Now we finish this my way," Kaoru said. She crouched into a sword stance and a blade of fire formed in her

hands. It blazed, and no one doubted that it was as light as a wooden sword, but as effective as a blade.

Yasanari stepped back, absolutely flustered.

Kaoru charged in skillful grace, the dragon keeping up with her.

Yasanari’s eyes widened in fear.

Kaoru raised her flaming sword and with the speed of her years of training, she executed her Kamiya

Kasshin Seven Pressure-point technique. She hit all of the most vulnerable and painful parts of Yasanari’s


Kaoru was done in seconds, and she stood panting behind Yasanari in offensive stance. The witch dropped

to the ground with seven smoldering wounds precisely placed on her person.

The cranes just as soon dropped harmlessly to the grass.

"Yasanari-sama!" Desuke screamed, wide-eyed and clutching at his hair. "Bitch! You killed her!"

"No," Kaoru replied, her flaming sword disappearing. "She’s just unconscious."

She fell weakly to her knees, her magic and strength momentarily spent. She was still bleeding, but it

hardly mattered. She had won. That was what was important. Recovery could come later. She had grown

too weak.

For a second, Sano and Kenshin had to figure out if Kaoru was telling the truth. Yasanari looked lifeless

enough, and with wisps of smoke still rising from the witch’s body, it might have been more believable to

suppose she was dying if she wasn’t dead already.

"Go dragon," Kaoru said, her voice echoing with residual power. "Return to the soul that seeks you!"

The dragon swooped in circles around her, shrieking in nine different tones from each head, and then it

swerved, diving towards Kenshin.

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Kenshin felt like nine swords had just plunged into him. He screamed at the pain, and he fell to his knees

as the last of the dragon’s tail disappeared into him.

"Oh, man! Are you alright?" Sano asked him frantically.

Kenshin was gasping for breath, but he nodded. "Yes. I’ll live." The emptiness had been filled. He felt whole

again, and his strength came rushing back to him. His ki glowered, as if the dragon inside him was

adjusting itself, settling peacefully back.

A battle cry resounded through the yard.

Kenshin’s eyes swerved to the sound and he saw Desuke rushing to Kaoru with an upraised sword.

Kaoru could only stare in horror. Desuke was bereft of form. He probably never held a sword in his entire

life, but at this moment, he would win against her. She tried to summon her magic, but she could not.

Having lacked the training to regulate the energy she had used, she had drained herself, unprepared for

contingencies. But before she could relinquish herself to her fate, there was a hiss, like swishing steel. The

wind whispered, then there was a clang.

Desuke tumbled back several feet as Kenshin stood between him and Kaoru, sakabatou unsheathed.

"K-Kenshin!" Kaoru gasped.

"This one’s mine, Kaoru," he said in a low voice. "And I’ll be dead before he lays a hand on you again."

Desuke rose and clutched into an awkward position. "Maybe I’ll have your whore after all, Battousai."

Mou! Is he crazy? Kaoru thought.

Desuke’s own words sealed his demise. He didn’t stand a chance in hell. Golden eyes and all, Kenshin

pierced the ground in front of him and heaved forward. "Ryou Sou Sen!" He shouted.

The ground erupted in bursts, heading straight for Desuke.

Desuke was not even able to dodge. He felt the full force of it and was brutally thrown back, an imprint of a

sword on his gut. He landed on the ground, hard. He was unable to move, barely able to breathe. With that

single move, Kenshin had disposed of the threat.

Kenshin didn’t usually apply special moves on opponents that could be put away with ordinary hits, but

apparently, Kenshin had made an exception.

Stoically, Kenshin flicked his sword in a chiburi, sheathed it and walked towards Desuke’s momentarily

paralyzed body. Kenshin crouched down and glared into Desuke’s terrified eyes with his amber gaze.

"Remember my face, Desuke," Kenshin growled, placing a hand around Desuke’s throat. "We’ll see each

other in hell and I will personally attend to your eternal suffering." He tightened his grip on Desuke and the

terrified man’s eyes grew wide as air was cut off. "You dared to hurt Kaoru, and I promised to see you dead.

I will fulfill this promise right now."

Desuke gave out a choke, his vision dimming, the cold voice ringing in his ears.

Kenshin felt a hand pressing gently on his shoulder.

"Kenshin," said a soft voice. "Let go. Let go, beloved."

Kenshin’s grip on Desuke’s throat loosened a little and the defeated man rasped for what precious air he

could get from the pathetic reprieve.

"He’s done enough damage already," Kaoru continued, cupping Kenshin’s face in her hands from behind

him. "Will you let him turn you into a murderer as well?"

"But he hurt you," growled Battousai. "For that, he must die."

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"No," Kaoru replied gently. "For that he must live. Punishment cannot be dealt to a dead man. Please,

beloved. Let Saitoh and the law handle him."

Kenshin let Kaoru’s words sink in, and just a few seconds before Desuke was strangled completely, Kenshin

let him go.

Desuke took painful gulps of air, struggling to get oxygen back into his system.

Kaoru embraced Kenshin from behind, leaning her head tenderly against his shoulder. "Thank you,


Kenshin shook his head and took a deep breath, the rurouni slowly returning. "No. Thank you, Kaoru, for

saving me again from returning to the blood."

They stayed that way for several moments, but they were interrupted by a jolly voice from behind them.

"Great job, Kaoru-san!" Said the voice.

They turned and saw a pleasant looking man who seemed about twenty and five years old.

Kaoru and Kenshin blinked in seeing several people now littering the yard. Someone was fixing the totaled

porch, another was replacing the mistreated tree and hauling out the dead one, and a third was repairing

the destroyed gate and wall. But most importantly, a bunch of people began to carry off Yasanari’s limp


"Eh?" Kaoru exclaimed in surprise.

"Hey! What’s going on here?" Sano demanded, staring at the confusion in awe.

The man, a foreigner, bowed to them respectfully. He introduced himself as Ludlow Anvik, assistant to Janek


"I’m from the Department of Justice, Mage Government," Ludlow continued. "We’ve been trying to pin

Mitsumo Yasanari for quite some time now. Thanks to you, Kaoru-san, we have her practically wrapped in a

box, ready for prison."

Kenshin could not say anything for lack of his brain functions. Nothing Ludlow had said made sense. Sano

was worse off.

Ludlow turned to Kaoru and saw her battered form. "Oh, you’re hurt. Treigan!"

The same small man appeared out of nowhere and went to Kaoru. He placed a hand on her forehead and

she glowed a bright yellow. The wounds disappeared right before their very eyes, and when Kaoru settled

back to her normal Aura, Treigan faded into nothingness.

"Damn!" Sano cursed.

"Kaoru," Kenshin began, turning to her. "What’s going on?"

Kaoru was about to ramble off when Ludlow spoke for her.

"Nania will be here in a moment to help you explain," said Ludlow. "She’ll be bringing your trainer too,


"You mean I finally get to meet her?" Kaoru asked.

Ludlow nodded, a strange twinkle in his eyes. "Yes. Now, I really must be going. Representatives of your

Walker Government will be here soon to collect Desuke."

"But why don’t you take him yourself?" Kaoru asked.

"He’s a Walker. He’s not our affair. Besides, an ordinary jail cell can hold him," he replied. "You’ll still be

seeing me, anyway. I’m in charge of teaching you Mage Law. Take this and read it. I’ll be back next year,

after you’re done with them."

A thick stack of manuscripts fell into Kaoru’s arms and she toppled off balance from the weight of it. "Are!"

She yelled, falling into Kenshin’s arms in astonishment.

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Ludlow transformed into a canary and then flitted off into the sky. The other people began to disappear in a

mist, and in a few seconds, the yard was empty except for Sano, Kenshin, Kaoru and Desuke.

The place looked as good as new.

"Jou-chan…" Sano began.

Yahiko suddenly burst through the gate, Saitoh and the whole police force in tow. "Kenshin! Kaoru! Are you


Kenshin collected himself. He was thoroughly perplexed by everything that was happening, but for the

benefit of the police force, he had to be coherent. He forced a sane expression on his face. "We’re fine,

Yahiko," he replied evenly. "Saitoh! I thought you’d never get here!"

The police then spotted Desuke sprawled on the ground. They began collecting him in his withered state.

Saitoh looked disappointed as he took a puff of his cigarette. "I was expecting to take him dead, Battousai.

Lost your nerve again?"

Kenshin glared at him. "Kaoru saved me from it, as usual."

Saitoh turned to Kaoru. "You almost look as bad as when Battousai first found you. So, are you going to

press charges for…that particular thing he did to you?"

"Just the kidnapping and the mauling," Kaoru replied calmly.

"Jou-chan!" "Ugly!"

"Shut-up, you two!" Kaoru said sternly. "There was no rape."

Saitoh looked displeased. "I’d rather you don’t go timid on me now, Kamiya-san."

"Kaoru has made her decision, Saitoh," Kenshin said, getting up and helping Kaoru with her manuscripts.

"Respect it."

Kaoru stood up with Sano’s help. "It’s a little hard to explain Saitoh, but rest assured, there was no rape. It

was an illusion, a good one at that, but an illusion nevertheless," she said. "Sorry to disappoint you," she

added sarcastically.

"Feh!" Saitoh said with a grunt. "Whatever, Kamiya-san. I still think you should have killed him, Battousai."

"Battousai thinks so too," Kenshin replied. "But this unworthy one thought better of it, fortunately."

"I’ll be back later to haul you and Kamiya-san in for questioning," Saitoh said, beginning to leave. "By the

way, where’s the woman that came with the guy?"

"Gone," Kaoru replied quickly.

"She got away?"

"No. She’s just gone, where she couldn’t do any harm."

"Did you kill her?"

"No. She’s alive, but nobody need worry about her."

Saitoh raised an eyebrow but knew enough of the Kenshin-gumi to believe that they had put an enemy

away without having to kill him or her. "If you say so, Kamiya-san," he said, walking away and out of the

Kamiya compound with the rest of his troops.

When he was gone, Kenshin and the others were about to give sighs of relief when a woman with green

flowing hair came walking through the gates.

"Nania-sama!" Kaoru exclaimed.

A hulking, padded man followed her in and left the rest of them totally gone of their wits.

"Damn! It’s Hiko!" Sano said, staring at their new visitors.

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"Shishou!" Kenshin stammered. "What are you doing here?"

Hiko grinned. "I’ve come to train my new idiot-pupil, of course!"

Kaoru felt like swooning. "You? You’re my trainer? But you’re -- you sounded like a woman!"

Hiko gave a laugh. "Idiot, idiot. I can make magic, do you think I can’t change my voice? You would have

recognized me in a second and we’d never get anywhere with the training. I can just see you biting my

head off for things I did to Kenshin in the past."

Kenshin glared at his master. "You are not going to teach her Hiten Mitsurugi, Shishou!" He said in finality.

"I won’t let you!"

"Calm down!" Hiko said in an irritated tone. "That’s not what I’m training her for. This little firefly’s going to

learn how to use her magic, and I’m teaching her."

"It seems you’re a good teacher, Hiko," Nania remarked. "She beat Yasanari to the next century."

Hiko raised an eyebrow. "Hmph! Honestly, I didn’t think my idiot pupil could do it."

"Hey! Quit calling me that!" Kaoru yelled, waving her fist. "You got a lot of nerve, Hiko!"

"Squirt like you ought to be sealed from using your magic," Hiko remarked, walking to towards the house.

Kaoru followed, fuming. "I didn’t remember inviting you in, did I?"

"I don’t have to be invited. I’m your Shishou."

"You boor!"

"Idiot pupil!"


Kenshin, Yahiko and Sano stared at them in awe.

Nania chuckled. "It’s a pity I couldn’t watch them all the time."

Nearby, a canary burst out in song, flapping its wings as if laughing its head off.

Author’s Note: Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it? The next one will give closure to this saga. Then it’s (sniff)

bye, bye time.

Chapter(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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This is it. Almost time to say goodbye. Forgive me for being melodramatic, but I had a lot of fun writing

this. And I enjoyed abusing my powers in the release of the chapters. Hey, it’s the only time I have any

powers at all, so you’ll forgive me, ne? Anyway, I have other fics in mind. Though I’m thinking of laying off

on the drama for a while.

Well, enough preamble.

Standard disclaimers apply. "Rurouni Kenshin" (c) Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shuiesha, Shounen Jump, and Sony. I

do not own RK, pray as I might, every night, it just wouldn't happen that way. No matter how many candles

I light, no matter how many chickens I decapitate…


By anna-neko

Chapter Nine (End)

It took a lot of explaining in the part of Nania to get Kaoru’s family to understand her situation, but Nania

did it with a patience that drove Hiko to name calling.

Ignoring Hiko’s whining, Nania started from Kaoru’s mother, to Yasanari’s plans, to the Mage Government

meddling, to Hiko being a Fire Mage himself and finally to the present. She left nothing out, especially

Yasanari’s attempt to draw out Kenshin’s dragon to set her husband free from the Mirror prison.

It was all so awesome, but as Sano had so piquantly said, "After seeing what I did, I’m ready to believe

anything." The rest were inclined to agree with him.

When everything about the past was explained and after they rejoiced over the False Memory fiasco, Nania

began to discuss the future.

"I take it you and Kaoru will be marrying in a fortnight," Nania told Kenshin.

Kenshin smiled and nodded. "Yes, Nania-dono. You’re invited to come to the wedding, of course. It would be

an honor to have a government official as a guest."

Nania bowed her thanks. "I shall be delighted. However, there are important things to discuss about

marriage, your children being the most significant. Children you will most certainly have, and I dare say

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you will have many, but it is by nature that one Mage family produces only two Mages in maximum, the

first child being certain to have it. You’ll probably have Fire Mages, like Kaoru. Fire Mages are proud and

tend to stick to their own, so prepare for havoc, Himuras."

This disturbed the future parents considerably and Yahiko groaned, knowing he’d be the baby sitter on

many occasions. Sano smiled, looking forward to the prospect.

"Then of course, there’s the aging," Nania pointed out. "Kaoru-san will age like any ordinary Walker. She

isn’t a Higher Mage who tend to live for hundreds of years. She will age regularly, but Himura-san, you are

to be blessed with a wife who will forever look no more than a day over twenty. How do you like that?"

"Oro?" Kenshin reacted in surprised, then a stupid grin crossed his face. A wife who will look twenty

forever? Oh, rapture and delight! He was the luckiest rascal alive! Of course, he realized that he’d have to

fend off suitors for the rest of their married life, but a little exercise never hurt anyone. "Will everything

else about her be twenty as well?" He asked impishly.

Kaoru blushed furiously. "Kenshin!"

Nania and Hiko laughed. Nania nodded. "To an extent, yes."

"So, my former idiot-pupil is a man-guy after all," Hiko remarked, sipping his sake.

"Furthermore," Nania warned. "Mages have a tendency to be…extraordinarily attractive to Walkers once

their powers are in full bloom. It could get quite annoying."

Kenshin sighed and Kaoru chuckled. "Don’t worry, Kenshin. You know I’ll be good."

"No, dearest, it’s not that," Kenshin said. "It’s just that it seems inevitable that I’ll be fighting off fools who

think they can get you for the rest of my life."

It had been six months since Kaoru and Kenshin got married, and after a particularly grueling training

session, Kaoru confronted her shishou in the presence of Kenshin.

"Eeeeeeee-nough!" Kaoru cried after Treigan had healed her for the thousandth time.

Hiko blinked in surprise and Kenshin was thinking that it was about time Kaoru threw in the towel.

Hiko had been every bit as relentless in training Kaoru as he used to be training Kenshin. Sometimes,

Kaoru even got it worse because Hiko had the luxury of a magical healer handy all times of the day. In fact,

Treigan has become a close friend of the Himuras.

Although Kaoru never took the beating silently, she never wanted out, and Kenshin would not interfere for

the sake of his wife’s honor. Of late, watching Kaoru being burned and battered by the rigorous exercises,

Kenshin had seriously considered speaking to Kaoru about taking a break and letting him deal with Hiko’s

objections, but apparently, she had beaten him to the punch.

"What did you just say?" Hiko asked, a displeased frown on his face. "Did you just say ‘enough’, idiot pupil?"

Kaoru glared at him. "You heard me! I have tried to reason with you, but you wouldn’t listen. For the next

seven months, I’m taking a break from you!"

Hiko scoffed. "Pregnant mages have been training since the dawn of time, idiot pupil. Who are you to

oppose that?"

Kenshin let Hiko’s words sink in before his eyes turned a dangerous amber. "K-Kaoru’s pregnant?"

Kaoru smiled at him. "Yes, Kenshin. I found out from Megumi this morning. I’ve been along two months."

Kenshin turned to Hiko in wrath. "YOU! You knew it all this time and you kept--?"

"Simmer down!" Hiko said, a little unsettled. "The training wouldn’t have hurt her or the baby. I knew what

I was about."

"Kaoru stops training with you today," Kenshin growled, taking his wife deliberately by the arm. "Come back

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after the child is born. YOU HEAR ME, HIKO?"

"Maa..maa.." Hiko said, disgusted. "Cool it! I get it, okay? I’ll give you the seven-month reprieve. Shees!

What does a shishou have to do to get some respect around here?"

Hiko left, resolving to get himself a bottle of sake.

Kenshin turned to Kaoru and smiled at her. "My love, you’re so clever! Pregnant?" He crooned, embracing


Kaoru laughed. "Idiot! You had as much to do with this as I did."

"I love you, Kaoru," he whispered, nuzzling his nose with hers.

She nuzzled back with a wicked smile. "I love you too, Kenshin."

Kenshin picked her up in his arms. "It’s about time I had a hand in your training today, Kaoru," he said,

grinning mischievously.

"Oh? In what aspect, husband?" She asked, smiling and raising an eyebrow.

"My favorite one," Kenshin replied, carrying her to their room.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Genzai!" Said a voice from the entrance of the clinic.

Megumi and Dr. Genzai looked up from their respective patients and saw a short and fat gaijin with a kindly


"Good afternoon, Dr. Schniederu!" They said in unison, flashing their own smiles.

"Back from Kyoto, I see," Dr. Genzai said.

Dr. Schniedel looked confused but kept the grin on his face. "Actually, I came from Yokohama. I just finished

mixing that medicine you asked me to make, Dr. Genzai. I just got your letter last week. I’ve been out of

town, you see, and I just got back in. I hope it’s not too late."

"B-but, you came by here seven months ago to give me the medicine!" Megumi said.

Dr. Schniedel gave her an uncertain stare. "Begging pardon, madam, but I’ve never seen you in my entire

life. You must have been mistaken."

Megumi’s heart beat fast in her chest. "Y-You gave me that anti-depressant, remember?"

Dr. Genzai started. "Megumi, there is no such thing. I asked Dr. Schnideru to mix a bone-healing medicine,

and you gave it to Kaoru!"


"Here it is, Dr. Genzai. Even if it’s too late, I’m sure this is essential to your practice." Said Dr. Schniedel.

Megumi stared blankly. If everything wasn’t going so well with Kaoru, she would be frantic by now. Dr.

Genzai seemed to look the same.

Goodness, strange things will happen indeed!

Only in the Kamiya Dojo!


Author’s Final Note: There, it’s done. Thought this particular ending would be the wind-down from the

drama. Well, this is over. I’m thinking of putting up a sequel, with the Himura family twenty years from

this, but for the life of me, I still couldn’t quite grasp a plot. We’ll see.

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Well, this is goodbye to this fic.

It was fun while it lasted. Ja, mata ato de!

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