THE BRONXVILLE RETORTErt, MONXVILLE, N. Y., MbNDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1951. TELEPHONE BR 2-7580 ~~ -*f I "•*-, Society and Club News of Interest to the Women of Rebecca Stout Is Fiancee of Mr. Underbill A Spring wedding la planned by Miss Rebecca Jane Stout, daughter of Mrs. Charles Sperry Andrew* of ft Devon Road, wb*se engage- ment to Jtohn H. Underhin Jr., ton of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Under- bill of Waban, Mass.. was announc- ed Saturday bar Mr. tod Mrs. An- Miss Stout, who !s a member of the Broaxviile Junior League, Is ft graduate of Pine Manor Junior College and the Tobe Coburn School of Fashion Careers. Mr. Underbill wee graduated from Wesleyan University, served with the U. S. Army and is now assocalted with the Aetna Life In- surance Company in Boston.' 2 Village Are Guests at 'Deb 5 Cotillion Mist Jane Kenaod, village resi- dent and Miss Monique Jfjeiger of New York City, formerly of BronxviHe, were among the girls who attended the Debut<tete Cotil- lion and Christmas Ball held Fri- day night in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf AsotrU York City. Miss Renaud Is the Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Westway. Miss Pfleiger it daughter of Mrs. P. L Prentice of 760 Parte Avenue, formerly of I Brooklandt, and John J. Pfleiger of Port Washington,' L. L Miss POegier made her debut on Nov, 21 at a reception given at her mother's home. She will leave with her mother and step- father, P L Prentice, me latter part of January for an extended vacat^q^&jl Hawaiian Islands. 'IttospHpswIpeir of 9 Governors Road is tl^yreat uncle of Miss, Pfleiger. »"&£ ' '>& ' ; , II i, ».M Ml • I I HOME FROM SLU Mist Patricia Storck, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. fconaM G. Storck of 9 Willow x Circle, has arrived home from St Lawrence Univer- sity, Canton, N. Y. A sophomore Mitt. Storqk is majoring to psy- chology and is a member of Delta Faith Aldrich Is Engaged to* James wykoff The engagement, of Mist Faith Aldrich to James Hayes Wykoff of Belment, Mass:, has been an- nounced by her parents, t)r. and Mrs. Harold Bucken Aldrich Jr., of 81 Park Ave. The announcement of Miss Aid- rich's engagement was made at a small party at the Aldrich home yesterday. Miss. Aldrich, who was presented at the Westchettor Cotillion in Rye last September, attended Bronx- viHe schools and is a student at Sweet Briar College. Mr. Wykoff, ton of Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Wykoff of Belmont, Mass., is now attending Harvard University^where he is a member 6f Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770, the Varsity -Club Pi Eta clubs. No ,date has'' been set for the wedding. from many West- Chester communities assembled at the HoSday dudes Clark, (left Linda to r%htl Warren Lylea, JDale TrlPP vPat Luther and BIB Moore^-Staff Photo by Dante Raffaeli Mrs. Reynolds Visiting Her Son fit, Syracuse Mrs. F,, .Breflegt Reynolds, 36 Avon Road; kHft:#eturday to spend Christmas, in Syracuse with her ton, James A. Reynolds and his family. Mr. R^bolds, who is with Columbia Mills, lived in Bronxville all his life until he moved to Syra- cuse four years ago. His children, Mliry, Jimmy and Philip attended school here, -vj . - fjiefore leavinf home, Mrs. Rey- nolds tent a 15 contribution to the Christmas fund u $or Tony, the bus driver, "because he was always so wonderful $> my children." ifirs, Reynolds iwill return home the day before |few Year's. t —I.I»I.'-J . i *^e«"'" v ' "•-'•* "?y— MissNessle Hostess WithMissSwelling A supper party was given Fri- day'night by HBss Judy Swatting and Miss Helen Nessle of 55 Saga- more Road, wh|> male their, home with their aunts, Miss Julia Mark- ham and Mrs. %anklin P. Ham-t mond. ' Out of town guests included Dwigbt Crocks* Of Auburn, Me., Kenneth Shireltog of Grand Rap- ids, Mich., and Wendell Smith of West Newton, Mass. , On Saturday Miss Swelling left for Albany and Mist Nessfe left for Schenectady, where they will spend the Christmas holiday W» " - Miss Robinson Parents at Tea Mr. and Mrs. Leland Rex Robin- son of 384 New Rochelle Road held a tea at their home yesterday aft- ernoon to introduce their daughter, Mitt Sarah Rogers Robinson, to their friends. it . i 'm Mitt Robinson, who it a fresh- man at Pembroke College of Brown University In Providence, JR. L , made her debut at the Westches- ter Cotillion. She returned bomav for h$v Chriatmat vacation la** Wednesday and wilf resume classes on Jan. 2. / . A graduate of the George School in Bucks County, Pa., she it a granddaughter of the late Mr. end Mrs. William O. Robinson of East Orange, N. J., and Mrs, Lucius L. Ball m Muncie, Ind, andf the late Dr. Ball. .^ ', « ', -ftr.i / ,-——. . rf., M * If < m mm - SARAH ROGERS ROBINSON turn to college on Jan. 2. lege andiaohool acnyttiee/j in- ••'' - '-• " T " ' -"-'•'"' "* ''^ty^j r r *' Junior League Group Sings ^Carols in Dkbut at Hospital A small boy in a blue and white bathrobe waved A Utile girl, her leg in a cast, forgot the bright colored picture, book she had been looking at so carefully. And for a nine, Thursday after- noon, "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed- Reindeer" pranced about the halls for Lawrence Hospital's littlest pa- the large glass windows mat separated their rooms from the hallway, they eagerly followed -•very movement, every note, ev- ery word of the Musical Therapy Group of the Bronxville Junior League, who had come to carol mere. The blue uniformed women sang several of the best known Christ- mas songs tor the boys and girls before making, their, way to the other hospital floors to carol for the adult patients. Throughout their tour of 'the building, they were requested by patients and nurses to ting the "old favorites- - "Silent Night," •The First Noel," ''Hark, the Her- ald Angela Sing." Group Vented Tear Ago The Musical Therapy Group be- gan singing carols for hospitals and other institutions early this month after two months of prepa- ration. Its Christmas repertoire in- cluded tome 16 or IS tonga. The group was foamed a year ago last Fail by Mrs, Rolf Kroll. Who had sung with the Musical Therapy Group of the New York Junior League. It hat 13 members. $ Althouah the troun makes its Christmas appearances in octets. Grasslands, incidentally, they sang continuous^ *orhjto. hours.' Then* appearance Thursday was their first at Lawrence Hospital They sang at .the Peabody Home for the Aged in Pelham Friday. And they will appear at a meeting f of the BronxviHe League for Ser*| vice on Jan, 2. With the conclusion of their i Christmas appearances, they will * begin practicing for their Spring tour, which probably will begin* around March. Their repertoire throughout the year includes about . two dozen songs. 1 Members of the Musical Thera- py Group include Mrs. Kroll, Mrs. I Bern Budd Jr., Mrs. Robert C. f Ransom, Mrs. William L. Wil- liams, Mrs. H. C Strong Jr., Mrs. ! William B. Bolton, Mrs. James Spalding, Mrs. Fischer Black, Mrs. Theodore Brophy, Mrs. Andonio de Zalduondo, Mrs, Arthur Peters, f- Mrs. Halsey Barrett and Mrs. Ros- coe Ingalls. St plant to ting in quartets at oth- er times to the women will be able to visit more hospitals. According to Mrs. Kroll who di- rects the ringing during their ap> hi anxious to sing at homes for the blind and for the aged, at convalescent homes and at hospi- tals and other institutions. There are no soloists among the whose voices blend per- Some of their musical ar- ranaements were done by Mar- •hall Bartholomew, director of choral music at Yale. Some were done by Hejen Ahola, a sentor at Sarah Lawrence College. John Horniet, assistant to the president at the collet e, hat been coaching the group jointly with Mist Ahola V { * a' Chapter Feted At Reception Members of the New York Chap- ter, United Daughters of the Con- federacy, were entertained by the chapter president, Mrs, William Beecher Hambright, at a recep- tion yesterday afternoon at the Hambright home.gt. 57 DeWitt Av- '©one," '/-' The chapter, chartered on April 26, 1897, annually awards two scholarships for study at . the Col- lege of Charleston, Charleston, S. C, and one scholarship for the University of North Carolina* The objectives of the prgahfeatinn, ao> cording to Mrs. Hambright, include the sponsorship of memorial,^ben- evolent, historical, educational and social programt, -f v The guests included the presi- dent of the New York Division. | UDC. Mrs. Robert E* Qe^tW Palmer Avenue, Chapter officers attending in- cluded Mrs. Arthur R. Malone, third vice president; Mrs: Wilmot B. Allen, recording secretary; Mrs. i David B. Sabtoe, corresponding S e c r e t a r y ; Mrs. Effie Helen Church, treasurer; and Mrs. Uoyd-^ - W. King, registrar. The Bronxville guests Mr. and Mrs. George S, Stanley, 0 m % v> " M"j George Qark, Fjtoyd Smith. The guest,list alto included Mrs. Edward McQuade, Mrs. Edward F. Nordell, Mrs. Bedell Parker. Mrs. James A. Webb, Mrs. A. Ben- son Cannon, Mrs. George Wash- ington Kavanaugh, Mrs.. Walter W. Lee, Mrs. Ctoy, Hardtop Orvia, Mrt» |. Darrington Semple, Miss Eileen Semple, Mrs. Charles E. Sheppard, Jerome Alexander, Robert Bald- win,. Bernard M. Baruch, Phelan Beales, LeRoy Campbell, Hon. and Mrs. John W. Finger, Hon Hugh Gordon Miller, the Rev. Nathan A^Seagle, Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Short, all of ijew York Oty; Mrt. Thomas B. 'Jackson, Edge- water, N. J.: Mrs. Charles P. Pas- torfield, New Haven, Conn.; Mrs. Charles E; Proctor, Oyster Bay,' L. L; Judge William.a 3eard, Westfield, N . J.'; and Cmdc James W. Dodd, JUverside, Conn. 1 : M ~y j Apawamis 'i'**! t COLLEGE PROM held at the Field C^ib Satorday waa,|a re- union tor many young men and wotoen who have, been |,away from the Village this Fall. Whirl- ing- couples and sideline specta- tors are shown in the photo (above l e f t J "The' foursbpe in Calvin Cherry, Carolyn Dietrlck and Colton McKay. Two couples who interrupted a chat to pose for the photographer are Sheila Drigis; *Gebrge Fripp, Mary Lundy and Johnny Parks. Mr. and Mrs. W|lson T. Lundy and Mr. and Mrs: Edmund H. Driggs were cocnairmen of. the dance For Reunion •aw S.*.--": ('Si* •. . •-<.. the top photoiare Dank ^towelL ~-Staff Photos by John Sarid s. Ji M'Neurs Hosts At Christmas Party Ipr 40 The ReV. Drland Mrt^ Ronald W. Mcl»feur of 11 Gramatan Gar- dens entertained about 40 of their young married friends Thursday night at a Ounstmas party at their hohie. The guests sang Christmas car- ols, played games and acted out an impromptu play, Mrs. MteNeur composed Xhk first part of a mystery ' story, which she told to tiie guests. Then three different 'groups' tried acting out ith '.Mrs. JDanJei/Wood-. •io wiih, the ant pastor at the ^Reformed Church. < The couple Is from New Zea- land, where Christmas comes In raid - Summer. For refreshments Mrs* McNeur served 'Trifle,'- a cool, popular Christmas dewert in that country, Mrs. McNeur sayt it it pretty hot at Christmas time andjpeople want things^ to eat that are refreshingly cold. •• |;yl >i .... 'ui..i.i. ^ • i.M I 11ii• III• Sorority Gives Party For Children at Clinic BEDFORD VILLAGE— Sixty* little patients, treated by toe We^tchlfester Cerebral Palsy Association, were given a Christr mal par|y Friday afternoon'hi S t MatmeW's; Church, by tite West- chester Club of Alpha Gamma ..Stockings ifor each child were fiUer .Aetobers'earlier in the week at the home of Mrs. Edward RYE— Westchester alumnae of Sweet Briar College in Virginia will join v^th alumnae from Southern Con- necticut to sponsor Westchester's first Sweet Briar Day luncheon at 12:30 P. M. Friday at the Apa- wamis Club. *•* This is the date when the col- lege's alumnae groups throughout the country stage holiday reunions. In previous years county alumnae have convened with New York Oty, Long Island, and New Jer- sey clubs in New York. Mrs. John S. Warden of Larch- mont and Mrs. William B. Crane of Stamford, Conn., are cochair- men for the day, Mrs. Clement F. Scofield of White Plains is taking » reservations, through today. Assisting Mrs. DonaH B. Stook- ey of Hastings, program chairman, are Mrs. HarHson P. Doty of New Rochelle, acting president of the club, and Mrs. Adrian Massie of .Bye.. Honor guests who will address the session include Mrt. Bernice D. LiU, director of. admissions at the college, and Mist Susan .Bob- ton of Kew Gardens, L. L, presi- dent of the college's student gov* ernment * Mist Hobson,, first student chos- en to speak at an opening convo- cation of .the college, was One of six Americans selected to attend an international students' seminar in Germany last Summer. .Ill dale. Each stocking contained candy, books, and a gingerbread man. The chapter also sent Christ- mas cookies, and furnished ice cream and a Christmas tree. Members also brought knitted garments for the children. Mrs. Arnold D. Way of BronxvUie was in charae' of the nroiecL • U A •• M *m m^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

BR 2-7580 Society and Club News of Interest to the Women offultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Bronxville NY Reporter... · 2014-12-23 · THE BRONXVILLE RETORTErt, MONXVILLE, N. Y.,

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Page 1: BR 2-7580 Society and Club News of Interest to the Women offultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Bronxville NY Reporter... · 2014-12-23 · THE BRONXVILLE RETORTErt, MONXVILLE, N. Y.,



• " • * - ,

Society and Club News of Interest to the Women of Rebecca Stout Is Fiancee of Mr. Underbill

A Spring wedding la planned by Miss Rebecca Jane Stout, daughter of Mrs. Charles Sperry Andrew* of ft Devon Road, wb*se engage­ment to Jtohn H. Underhin Jr., ton of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Under­bill of Waban, Mass.. was announc­ed Saturday bar Mr. tod Mrs. An-

Miss Stout, who !s a member of the Broaxviile Junior League, Is ft graduate of Pine Manor Junior College and the Tobe Coburn School of Fashion Careers.

Mr. Underbill wee graduated from Wesleyan University, served with the U. S. Army and is now assocalted with the Aetna Life In­surance Company in Boston.'

2 Village Are Guests at 'Deb5 Cotillion

Mist Jane Kenaod, village resi­dent and Miss Monique Jfjeiger of New York City, formerly of BronxviHe, were among the girls who attended the Debut<tete Cotil­lion and Christmas Ball held Fri­day night in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf AsotrU York City.

Miss Renaud Is the Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Westway. Miss Pfleiger i t daughter of Mrs. P. L Prentice of 760 Parte Avenue, formerly of I Brooklandt, and John J. Pfleiger of Port Washington,' L. L

Miss POegier made her debut on Nov, 21 at a reception given at her mother's home. She will leave with her mother and step­father, P € L Prentice, me latter part of January for an extended v a c a t ^ q ^ & j l Hawaiian Islands.

'IttospHpswIpeir of 9 Governors Road is t l ^ y r e a t uncle of Miss, Pfleiger. » " & £ ' '>& ' ;

, II i , » . M Ml • I I •

HOME FROM SLU Mist Patricia Storck, daughter

of Mr. and Mr*. fconaM G. Storck of 9 Willowx Circle, has arrived home from S t Lawrence Univer­sity, Canton, N . Y. A sophomore Mitt. Storqk is majoring to psy­chology and is a member of Delta

Faith Aldrich Is Engaged to* James wykoff

The engagement, of Mist Faith Aldrich to James Hayes Wykoff of Belment, Mass:, has been an­nounced by her parents, t)r. and Mrs. Harold Bucken Aldrich Jr., of 81 Park Ave.

The announcement of Miss Aid-rich's engagement was made at a small party at the Aldrich home yesterday.

Miss. Aldrich, who was presented at the Westchettor Cotillion in Rye last September, attended Bronx­viHe schools and is a student at Sweet Briar College.

Mr. Wykoff, ton of Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Wykoff of Belmont, Mass., is now attending Harvard University^where he is a member 6f Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770, the Varsity -Club Pi Eta clubs.

No ,date has'' been set for the wedding.

from many West-Chester communities assembled

at the HoSday

dudes Clark,

(left Linda

to r%htl Warren Lylea, JDale TrlPP

vPat Luther and BIB Moore^-Staff Photo by Dante Raffaeli

Mrs. Reynolds Visiting Her Son fit, Syracuse

Mrs. F,, .Breflegt Reynolds, 36 Avon Road; kHft:#eturday to spend Christmas, in Syracuse with her ton, James A. Reynolds and his family. Mr. R^bolds, who is with Columbia Mills, lived in Bronxville all his life until he moved to Syra­cuse four years ago. His children, Mliry, Jimmy and Philip attended school here, -vj . - fjiefore leavinf home, Mrs. Rey­nolds tent a 15 contribution to the Christmas fundu$or Tony, the bus driver, "because he was always so wonderful $> my children." ifirs, Reynolds iwi l l return home the day before | f e w Year's.

t — I . I » I . ' - J . i *^e«"'" v ' " • - ' • * " ? y —

MissNessle Hostess WithMissSwelling

A supper party was given Fri­day'night by HBss Judy Swatting and Miss Helen Nessle of 55 Saga­more Road, wh|> m a l e their, home with their aunts, Miss Julia Mark-ham and Mrs. %anklin P. Ham-t mond. '

Out of town guests included Dwigbt Crocks* Of Auburn, Me., Kenneth Shireltog of Grand Rap­ids, Mich., and Wendell Smith of West Newton, Mass. ,

On Saturday Miss Swelling left for Albany and Mist Nessfe left for Schenectady, where they w i l l spend the Christmas holiday

W» " -

Miss Robinson

Parents at Tea Mr. and Mrs. Leland Rex Robin­

son of 384 New Rochelle Road held a tea at their home yesterday aft­ernoon to introduce their daughter, Mitt Sarah Rogers Robinson, to their friends.


. i 'm

Mitt Robinson, who i t a fresh­man at Pembroke College of Brown University In Providence, JR. L, made her debut at the Westches­ter Cotillion. She returned bomav for h$v Chriatmat vacation la** Wednesday and wilf resume classes on Jan. 2. / .

A graduate of the George School in Bucks County, Pa., she i t a granddaughter of the late Mr. end Mrs. William O. Robinson of East Orange, N. J., and Mrs, Lucius L. Ball m Muncie, Ind , andf the late Dr. Ball.

.^ ', « ', -ftr.i / , - — — . .

rf., M * If



mm -


turn to college on Jan. 2. lege andiaohool acnyttiee/j in-•• ' ' - ' - • " T " ' -"-'•'"' "* ' ' ^ t y ^ j r r * '

Junior League Group Sings ^Carols in Dkbut at Hospital

A small boy in a blue and white bathrobe waved A Utile girl, her leg in a cast, forgot the bright colored picture, book she had been looking at so carefully.

And for a nine, Thursday after­noon, "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed-Reindeer" pranced about the halls for Lawrence Hospital's littlest pa-

the large glass windows mat separated their rooms from the hallway, they eagerly followed

-•very movement, every note, ev­ery word of the Musical Therapy Group of the Bronxville Junior League, who had come to carol mere.

The blue uniformed women sang several of the best known Christ­mas songs tor the boys and girls before making, their, way to the other hospital floors to carol for the adult patients.

Throughout their tour of 'the building, they were requested by patients and nurses to ting the "old favorites- - "Silent Night," •The First Noel," ''Hark, the Her­ald Angela Sing."

Group Vented Tear Ago The Musical Therapy Group be­

gan singing carols for hospitals and other institutions early this month after two months of prepa­ration. Its Christmas repertoire in­cluded tome 16 or IS tonga.

The group was foamed a year ago last Fail by Mrs, Rolf Kroll. Who had sung with the Musical Therapy Group of the New York Junior League. It hat 13 members. $ Althouah the troun makes its Christmas appearances in octets.

Grasslands, incidentally, they sang continuous^ *orhjto. hours.'

Then* appearance Thursday was their first at Lawrence Hospital They sang at .the Peabody Home for the Aged in Pelham Friday. And they will appear at a meeting f of the BronxviHe League for Ser*| vice on Jan, 2.

With the conclusion of their i Christmas appearances, they will * begin practicing for their Spring tour, which probably will begin* around March. Their repertoire throughout the year includes about . two dozen songs. 1

Members of the Musical Thera­py Group include Mrs. Kroll, Mrs. I Bern Budd Jr., Mrs. Robert C. f Ransom, Mrs. William L. Wil­liams, Mrs. H. C Strong Jr., Mrs. ! William B. Bolton, Mrs. James Spalding, Mrs. Fischer Black, Mrs. Theodore Brophy, Mrs. Andonio de Zalduondo, Mrs, Arthur Peters, f-Mrs. Halsey Barrett and Mrs. Ros-coe Ingalls.

St plant to ting in quartets at oth­er times to the women will be able to visit more hospitals.

According to Mrs. Kroll who di­rects the ringing during their ap>

hi anxious to sing at homes for the blind and for the aged, at convalescent homes and at hospi­tals and other institutions.

There are no soloists among the whose voices blend per-

Some of their musical ar-ranaements were done by Mar-•hall Bartholomew, director of choral music at Yale. Some were done by Hejen Ahola, a sentor at Sarah Lawrence College. John Horniet, assistant to the president at the collet e, hat been coaching the group jointly with Mist Ahola


{ *


Chapter Feted At Reception

Members of the New York Chap­ter, United Daughters of the Con­federacy, were entertained by the chapter president, Mrs, William Beecher Hambright, at a recep­tion yesterday afternoon a t the Hambright home.gt. 57 DeWitt Av-'©one," '/-'

The chapter, chartered on April 26, 1897, annually awards two scholarships for study a t . the Col­lege of Charleston, Charleston, S. C , and one scholarship for the University of North Carolina* The objectives of the prgahfeatinn, ao> cording to Mrs. Hambright, include the sponsorship of memorial,^ben­evolent, historical, educational and social programt, - f v

The guests included the presi­dent of the New York Division. | UDC. Mrs. Robert E* Qe^tW Palmer Avenue,

Chapter officers attending in­cluded Mrs. Arthur R. Malone, third vice president; Mrs: Wilmot B. Allen, recording secretary; Mrs. i David B. Sabtoe, corresponding S e c r e t a r y ; Mrs. Effie Helen Church, treasurer; and Mrs. Uoyd-^ -W. King, registrar.

The Bronxville guests Mr. and Mrs. George S, Stanley, 0

m % v>


M " j

George Qark, Fjtoyd Smith.

The guest,list alto included Mrs. Edward McQuade, Mrs. Edward F. Nordell, Mrs. Bedell Parker. Mrs. James A. Webb, Mrs. A. Ben­son Cannon, Mrs. George Wash­ington Kavanaugh, Mrs.. Walter W. Lee, Mrs. Ctoy, Hardtop Orvia, Mrt» | . Darrington Semple, Miss Eileen Semple, Mrs. Charles E. Sheppard, Jerome Alexander, Robert Bald­win,. Bernard M. Baruch, Phelan Beales, LeRoy Campbell, Hon. and Mrs. John W. Finger, Hon Hugh Gordon Miller, the Rev. Nathan A^Seagle, Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Short, all of ijew York O t y ; Mrt. Thomas B. 'Jackson, Edge-water, N. J.: Mrs. Charles P . Pas-torfield, New Haven, Conn.; Mrs. Charles E; Proctor, Oyster B a y , ' L. L; Judge W i l l i a m . a 3eard, Westfield, N. J.'; and Cmdc James W. Dodd, JUverside, Conn.

1 :


~y j n»

Apawamis 'i'**!


COLLEGE PROM held at the Field C^ib Satorday waa,|a re-union tor many young men and wotoen who have, been |,away from the Village this Fall. Whirl­

ing- couples and sideline specta­tors are shown in the photo (above l e f t J "The' foursbpe in

Calvin Cherry, Carolyn Dietrlck and Colton McKay. Two couples who interrupted a chat to pose for the photographer are Sheila Drigis; *Gebrge Fripp, Mary Lundy and Johnny Parks. Mr. and Mrs. W|lson T. Lundy and Mr. and Mrs: Edmund H. Driggs were cocnairmen of. the dance

For Reunion • a w S.*.--": ('Si* •. . •-<..

the top photoiare Dank ^towelL ~-Staff Photos by John Sarid

s. Ji

M'Neurs Hosts At Christmas Party Ipr 40

The ReV. D r l a n d Mrt^ Ronald W. Mcl»feur of 11 Gramatan Gar­dens entertained about 40 of their young married friends Thursday night at a Ounstmas party at their hohie.

The guests sang Christmas car­ols, played games and acted out an impromptu play,

Mrs. MteNeur composed Xhk first part of a mystery ' story, which she told to tiie guests. Then three different 'groups' tried acting out

ith '.Mrs. JDanJei/Wood-. •io wiih, the

ant pastor at the ^Reformed Church. <

The couple Is from New Zea­land, where Christmas comes In raid - Summer. For refreshments Mrs* McNeur served 'Trifle,'- a cool, popular Christmas dewert in that country, Mrs. McNeur sayt it it pretty hot at Christmas time andjpeople want things^ to eat that are refreshingly cold.

• • | ; y l > i . . . . ' u i . . i . i . ^ • i.M I 11ii• I I I •

Sorority Gives Party For Children at Clinic BEDFORD VILLAGE—

Sixty* little patients, treated by toe We^tchlfester Cerebral Palsy Association, were given a Christr mal par|y Friday afternoon'hi S t MatmeW's; Church, by tite West­chester Club of Alpha Gamma

..Stockings ifor each child were fiUer .Aetobers'earlier in the week at the home of Mrs. Edward

RYE— Westchester alumnae of Sweet

Briar College in Virginia will join v^th alumnae from Southern Con­necticut to sponsor Westchester's first Sweet Briar Day luncheon at 12:30 P. M. Friday at the Apa­wamis Club. *•*

This is the date when the col­lege's alumnae groups throughout the country stage holiday reunions. In previous years county alumnae have convened with New York Oty, Long Island, and New Jer­s e y clubs in New York.

Mrs. John S. Warden of Larch-mont and Mrs. William B. Crane of Stamford, Conn., are cochair-men for the day, Mrs. Clement F . Scofield of White Plains is taking » reservations, through today.

Assisting Mrs. DonaH B. Stook-ey of Hastings, program chairman, are Mrs. HarHson P. Doty of New Rochelle, acting president of the club, and Mrs. Adrian Massie of .Bye..

Honor guests who will address the session include Mrt. Bernice D . LiU, director of. admissions at the college, and Mist Susan .Bob-ton of Kew Gardens, L. L, presi­dent of the college's student gov* ernment * Mist Hobson,, first student chos­en to speak at an opening convo­cation of .the college, was One of six Americans selected to attend an international students' seminar in Germany last Summer. . I l l

dale. Each stocking contained candy, books, and a gingerbread man. The chapter also sent Christ­mas cookies, and furnished ice cream and a Christmas tree.

Members also brought knitted garments for the children. Mrs. Arnold D. Way of BronxvUie was in charae' of the nroiecL

• U A


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
