PSZ 19 : 16 : (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA CATATAN: * Potong yang tidak berkenaan ** Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS JUDUL: STUDENT INVOLVEMENT IN CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ITS IMPACT ON EMPLOYABILITY OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AT UTM JOHOR BAHRU SESI PENGAJIAN: 2012/2013 Saya NURUL FAZWEEN NAJWA BINTI MUHAMAD ( HURUF BESAR ) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM /Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah )* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. 4. **Sila tandakan ( ) SULIT Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malyasia seperti yang termaktub di dalam (AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh: __________________________ __________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat tetap: LOT 1455, KG. TAPANG, PROF. MADYA DR. HAMDAN BIN SAID JLN. HOSPITAL, Nama Penyelia 15200 KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN. Tarikh : 21 JUN 2013 Tarikh : 21 JUN 2013

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PSZ 19 : 16 : (Pind. 1/97)


** Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD.

Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM)



SESI PENGAJIAN: 2012/2013 Saya NURUL FAZWEEN NAJWA BINTI MUHAMAD ( HURUF BESAR ) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian

sahaja. 3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi

pengajian tinggi. 4. **Sila tandakan (�� )

SULIT Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malyasia seperti yang termaktub di dalam

(AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh

organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan √ TIDAK TERHAD

Disahkan oleh: __________________________ __________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA)


JLN. HOSPITAL, Nama Penyelia


Tarikh : 21 JUN 2013 Tarikh : 21 JUN 2013

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“ I hereby declare that I have read this report and in my opinion this report is sufficient in

terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master Education (Management

and Administration)”

Signature : …………………………..

Name of Supervisor : ASSOC. PROF. DR. HAMDAN BIN SAID

Date : 28 MAY 2013

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A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of Master of Education

(Management and Administration)

Faculty of Education

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


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“ I declare that this report entitled “Student Involvement in Co-Curricular Activities and

Its Impact on Employability of Undergraduate Students of UTM Johor Bahru” is the

result of my own research except as cited in the references. The report has not been

accepted for any degree and is not currently submitted in candidature of any other


Signature :………………………………….


Date : 28 MAY 2013

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Special dedication for,

My beloved husband

Mohamad Safuan bin Mohd Nazam,

For all the love, patience and encouragements,

you are my strength till the end.


To my respectful supervisor,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdan bin Said,

An infinite thanks for your full cooperation, patience and guidances

along the journey of making this research.


A million thanks to my beloved mother,

Aminah binti Awang,

The one that will never stop encourage me,

to strive and struggle till the last.

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Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah SWT for giving me

blessing, strength and perseverance along the journey of making this research come true.

A million thanks to my respectful supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamdan bin Said, for his

full encouragement, support, patience and guidance throughout of making this research.

Thanks for the time, courage and knowledge given, I barely do not know how to repay

your kindness. Truly, I had an enormous knowledge and experiences throughout of

making this dream come true.

Sincere gratitude and thankful to my friends, who have been encouraged me since

my first semester till now. Thanks for all of your kindness, help and being a good listener

whenever the time is hard for me to overcome. Your assistance is so much helpful.

Last but not least, I wish a full love appreciation to my beloved husband,

Mohamad Safuan bin Mohd Nazam for being with me in every hard and tense moments.

A lovely encouragement and supports, guidance and patience, continous time spent and

hardwork, thanks my love. A lot of thanks and love to my lovely mother, for your

continous supports and kindness. Thank you so much.

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The purpose of this study is to identify the types of activities, time spent and reasons for the involvement in the co-curricular activities among the students in UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru. In addition, this study also conducted to identify the competency level in performing soft skills among the undergraduate students. Using the quatitative approach through a survey method, this study identified the types of activities which the student’s involved the most, hours they spent for the co-curricular activities, and also the reasons of their involvement in the co-curricular activities. Meanwhile, identifying the level of competency in performing soft skills among students is by using the guidelines of seven soft skills from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. The soft skills used as a reference consists of communication skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills, teamwork skills, lifelong learning and information management skills, professional ethics and morale, entrepreneurship skills and leadership skills. A total of 351 respondents from the population of final year undergraduate students involved in this survey. The data then analysed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0. The findings showed that most of the respondents are actively involved in the clubs and societies activities which is about 54.1% from the above total respondents. They spent their time for the co-curricular activities for about 3 to 4 hours per week, and this number is relatively low. Meanwhile, the highest competency of peforming soft skills is in the lifelong learning and information management skills and professional ethics and morale, both scored mean of 3.92. In addition, the findings also showed that there is no significance relation (r = -0.049, p > 0.362) between the time spent involved in co-curricular activities and the level of competency in performing soft skills. In conclusion, the level competency in performing soft skills among UTM students is still moderate and need to be enhanced for better future in employment. Furthermore, no significance relationship occurred from the correlation analysis between the time spent and level of competency may be due to the soft skills development from other approaches such as soft skills implementation by stand-alone subject, embedded into the existing courses and support programs held in the university. Thus, the management of the university needs to develop better co-curricular activities which focusing more to the development of student’s soft skills and not only depending to the other approaches. There are five recommendations were suggested to improve this study in the further researches.

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Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti jenis aktiviti, masa yan diperuntukkan dan tujuan penglibatan pelajar UTM Skudai dalam aktiviti ko-kurikulum. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tahap kompetensi pelajar dalam melaksanakan kemahiran insaniah (KI). Dengan menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif melalui kaedah tinjauan, kajian dijalankan merangkumi jenis aktiviti, masa yang diperuntukkan dan tujuan penglibatan pelajar dalam aktiviti ko-kurikulum yang disediakan oleh pihak universiti. Selain daripada itu, tahap kompetensi pelajar dalam melaksanakan KI adalah merangkumi tujuh KI berdasarkan kepada model pelaksanaan KI oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia. Tujuh KI yang digunapakai sebagai rujukan dalam kajian ini adalah kemahiran berkomunikasi, kemahiran pemikiran kritis dan menyelesaikan masalah, kemahiran kerja berkumpulan, kemahiran pembelajaran sepanjang hayat and pengurusan maklumat, kemahiran etika professional dan moral, kemahiran keusahawanan, dan kemahiran kepimpinan. Seramai 351 responden daripada populasi pelajar prasiswazah tahun akhir telibat di dalam kajian ini. Data yang diperoleh daripada tinjauan soal selidik dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 16.0. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa seramai 54.1% responden gemar menyertai aktiviti kelab dan persatuan daripada aktiviti-aktiviti lain. Kajian in juga mendapati responden memperuntukkan 3 hingga 4 jam seminggu untuk aktiviti ko-kurikulum, di mana angka ini sebenarnya masih rendah. Selain itu, kemahiran insaniah yang paling dipraktikkan oleh pelajar adalah kemahiran pembelajaran sepanjang hayat dan pengurusan maklumat serta kemahiran etika professional dan moral, di mana kedua-dua kemahiran ini berkongsi min yang sama iaitu 3.92. Tambahan lagi, dapatan kajian mendapati tiada hubungan yang signifikan wujud (r = -0.049, p > 0.362) di antara masa yang diperuntukkan untuk penglibatan dalam aktiviti ko-kurikulum dengan tahap kompetensi pelajar dalam kemahiran insaniah. Konklusinya, tahap kompetensi pelajar prasiswazah adalah masih sederhana dan perlu dipertingkatkan. Selain itu, analisis korelasi terhadap masa yang diperuntukkan dengan tahap kompetensi menunjukkan tiada hubungan yang signifikan berkemungkinan menunjukkan bahawa tahap kompetensi pelajar yang memuaskan mungkin disebabkan oleh pelaksanaan dan pemantapan KI yang dilakukan melalui pembelajaran formal iaitu melalui stand-alone subject dan model penerapan KI dalam subjek sedia ada. Justeru, pihak pengurusan universiti hendaklah merangka pelan pelaksanaan KI dalam aktiviti ko-kurikulum yang lebih mantap dan mapan supaya lebih memfokuskan pembangunan KI dalam kalangan pelajar. Dalam kajian ini juga dinyatakan lima cadangan yang boleh dilakukan untuk mempertingkatkan dan menambaik kajian ini.

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1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background of Information

1.2.1 The Freqency of Involvement

1.2.2 Reasons for Involvement in Co-Curricular


1.2.3 Soft Skills Awareness among Students

1.3 Problem Statement

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.5 Hypothesis of the Study

1.6 Significance of the Study

1.7 Scope of the Study

1.8 Limitations of the Study












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1.9 Theoritical Framework

1.9.1 Astin’s Involvement Theory

1.9.2 Model of Soft Skills Implementation by Ministry

of Higher Learning Education

1.10 Conceptual Framework

1.11 Closing







2.1 Introduction

2.2 The Concept of Student Involvement

2.3 The Concept of Co-Curricular Activities

2.4 The Importance of Co-Curricular Activities

2.5 Soft Skills: Element of Developing Human Capital

2.6 Model of Implementation of the Soft Skills

2.7 Elements of Soft Skills

2.7.1 Communication Skills

2.7.2 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

2.7.3 Teamwork Skills

2.7.4 Lifelong Learning and Information Management


2.7.5 Entrepreneurship Skills

2.7.6 Professional Ethics and Moral Skills

2.7.7 Leadership Skills

2.8 Soft Skills Implementation through Teaching and Learning

Process (Curriculum)

2.8.1 Stand-Alone Subject Model

2.8.2 Embedded Model

2.9 Employability Skills: In the Need of Highly Competent




















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2.10 Closing



3.1 Introduction

3.2 Design of the Study

3.3 Place of the Study

3.4 Population and Sample

3.4.1 Population

3.4.2 Sample of the Study

3.4.3 Sampling Method

3.5 Instrumentation

3.5.1 Questionnaire

3.6 Reliability and Validity

3.7 Pilot Test

3.8 Questionnaire’s Reliability

3.9 Data Analysis

3.10 Data Collection Procedure

3.11 Closing

















4.1 Introduction

4.2 Analysis of Part A: Demographic Background of the


4.2.1 Faculties

4.2.2 Age of Respondents

4.2.3 The Distribution of the Gender of Respondents

4.2.4 Respondents’ Ethnicity

4.2.5 CGPA of the Respondents

4.3 Part B: Descriptive Analysis

4.3.1 Types of Activites Involved by Respondents

4.3.2 Time Spent for Co-curricular Activities by











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4.3.3 Reasons for the Involvement in Co-curricular


4.4 Part C: Descriptive Analysis of the Soft Skills Outcomes

4.4.1 Competency in Performing Soft Skills Communication Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Skills Teamwork Skills Lifelong Learning and Information

Management Skills Entrepreneurship Skills Professional Ethics and Moral Skills Leadership Skills

4.4.2 Importance of the Soft Skills Among Students Soft Skills in Sports and Games Soft Skills in Clubs and Societies Soft Skills in Uniform Bodies

4.5 Correlation Analysis

4.5.1 Time Spent in the Co-curricular Activities and

Student’s Level of Competency in Soft Skills

4.5.2 Student’s Level Of Competency in Soft Skills and

Student’s Perception Toward the Importance of the

Soft Skills for Employability

4.6 Closing




















5.1 Introduction

5.2 Discussion on the Respondent’s Demographic


5.3 Discussion Based on the Objectives of the Study





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5.3.1 Time Spent for Co-curricular Activities among


5.3.2 Reasons for the Involvement in the Co-curricular


5.3.3 Competency in Performing the Skills

5.3.4 The Importance of Soft Skills in Sport/Games,

Clubs/Societies and Uniform Bodies activities

5.4 Discussion based on the Hypothesis of the Study

5.4.1 Time Spent for the Involvement of Co-curricular

Activities with the Student’s Level of

Competency in Performing the Soft skills

5.4.2 Student’s Level of Competency in Performing

the Soft Skills with Perception of the Importance

of Soft Skills.

5.5 Research Summary

5.6 Research Implications

5.7 Recommendations

5.8 Further Research

5.9 Closing















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2.2 Communication skills 24

2.3 Critical thinking and Problem Solving Skills 25

2.4 Teamwork Skills 26

2.5 Lifelong Learning and Information Management Skills 27

2.6 Entrepreneurship Skills 27

2.7 Professional Ethics and Moral 28

2.8 Leadership Skills 28

3.1 The 5 Likert scale used for the items under the student’s

level of competency in soft skills


3.2 The 5 Likert scale used for the items under the student’s

perception toward the importance of soft skills in

sport/games, clubs/societies, and uniform bodies.


3.3 Fraction of items in the questionnaire 40

3.4 Cronbach Alpha Reliability Index Reference 44

3.5 Cronbach Alpha Reliability Index 45

3.6 Statistical summary used for the items based on the 46

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objectives of the study.

3.7 Statistical summary for the items tested based on the

hypothesis of the study


4.1 Distribution of the respondents based on their faculties 52

4.2 Distribution of the respondents based on their age 54

4.3 Distribution of Respondents based on the Gender 55

4.4 Distribution of respondent’s ethnicity 57

4.5 Distribution of respondents based on the CGPA 58

4.6 Level of Mean by Levin and Rubin (2000) 59

4.7 Frequency, Percentage, Mean and the Standard Deviation

for the Types of Activities


4.8 Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation of

the Time Spent (hours/week) by the Respondents


4.9 Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation of

the Reason for Involvement in Co-curricular Activities


4.10 Crosstabulation between Types of Cocurricular Activities

and Reason for Involvement


4.11 Mean and Standard Deviation of Respondent’s

Competency in Communication Skills.


4.12 Mean and Standard Devation of the Critical Thinking and

Problem Solving Skills


4.13 Mean and Standard Devation of the Teamwork Skills 68

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4.14 Mean and standard deviation of the lifelong learning and

information management skills


4.15 Mean and Standard Devation of the Entrepreneurship



4.16 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Prefessional Ethics

and Moral Skills


4.17 Mean and Standard Deviations of the Leadership Skills 72

4.18 Mean and Standard Deviation of the Importance of Soft

Skills in Sport/Games Activities


4.19 Mean and Standard Deviation of the Importance of Soft

Skills in Clubs/Societies Activities


4.20 Mean and Standard Deviation of the Importance of Soft

Skills in Uniform Bodies Activities


4.21 Pearson Correlation Analysis of the Time Spent in Co-

curricular Activities and Student’s Level of Competency

in Soft Skills


4.22 Correlation between student’s level of competency in

soft skills and student’s perception toward the

importance of the soft skills.


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1.1 Soft skills development model for Higher Learning

Education (aspect measured in this study)


1.2 Conceptual framework of the study 15

2.1 Soft skills development model for higher learning



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1.1 Introduction

Co-curriculum activities are the complement aspect to the curriculum instructed in

every educational institutions. Leung, Ng and Chan (2011) defined co-curricular

activities as those activities that enhance and enrich the regular curriculum during normal

school day. The term may be used interchangeably with extracurricular activities, co-

curricular activities, and extra class activities, pupil activities, socializing activities, allied

activities, student activities and school activities (Zaimi Abu Bakar, 1996). Nowadays,

co-curriculum activities are not only taught after school hours, but also embedded in the

curriculum itself. According to Azizah Abd Razak (2002), co-curriculum is a practical

activities conducted as a continuity from the lesson in the class.

Co-curricular activities in university opened up enormous opportunity to the

students to be involved in activities they prefer to join. Involvement in the co-curricular

activities came with many beneficial parts to be chosen and experience. Involvement in

co-curriculum activities are genericaly thought of as ‘outside-the-classroom’ activities

help to reinforce the achievement of learning objectives include the membership in

student clubs, and organizations, colunteerism, athletic team particpitaion, or campus

leadership opportunities ( Storey, 2010).

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Alexander W. Astin (1984) emphasized the theory of student involvement by

mentioning it as an amount of physical and psychological energy that the students devote

to the academic experience. He also claimed that highly involved students are much

better than typical uninvolved students by the aspect of participating in school

organizations, interactions with other members and time spent on campus.

Co-curricular activities may be divided into three categories which are sports and

games, clubs and societies, and also uniform bodies. Students may have several reasons

on why they participated in co-curricular activities. Students eventually learned from

what they had already knew, that certain activities may fulfil their needs for life, which

may be the reason why they choose certain co-curricular activities to involve in.

World Health Organization (1998) listed some benefits which persons can

obtained when they participated in sport activities. These benefits include improvement

of socialization, self-esteem, self-perception, and physiological well-being. Other than

that, co-curricular activities may improve motor skills and physical fitness and also

enhance student normal physical and social growth maturation.While Centre for Disease

Control (2002) claimed that sport activities may appears to reduce depression and

anxiety, improve mood, enhance ability to perform daily task throughout person’s

lifetime. Marjohan Jamalis and Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee (2007) reviewed research

from Manaf and Fauzee (2002) which stated that co-curricular activities help students

gain new knowledge and skills as well as educating them against developing unhealthy

activities during their leisure time.

Ismat and Saleem (2003) emphasized the basic idea of co-curricular activities for

students to build up their character and personality as well as training of their mind that

may help academic achievement. In addition, co-curricular may help students to make

social and physical adjustment to themselves.

Before this, students devoted their years of study in university to gain as much

knowledge as they can by attending classes and lectures. They have one big mission – to

pass the exams and hold the degree. However, this kind of learning will not be able to

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distinguish student’s skills and may not be develop to be a better person in future. This is

called a rote learning.

The rote learning process adopted by Malaysian students since their school year is

partly attributed to their lack of soft skills amongst undergraduates when they reach

university year. Implementation of examination-based education system and also

pressures from parents, peers and school contribute to this learning style (Ahmed, 1998).

In Malaysia, few years ago, students trained to focus only on the subject matters,

and the technical skills by devoting almost all of their university year by studying.

However, they realized that hard skills and soft skills are actually complementing each

other. A research by Spencer and Spencer (1993) indicates that superior performers

possess both technical and behavioural skills. Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education is

now focusing the student development in an aspect of developing better human capital in


Co-curricular activities is not only a voluntarily programme just for fun.

Numerous studies showed that students who participate in student activities usually have

better grades, better attendance, and are successful in later life. The co-curricular

activities may not be tested or graded, but they educate and benefit student in ways that

the classroom activities will not be able to fulfil it (Klesse and D’Onofrio, 2000).

Roselina Shakir (2009) widely explained the need in strengthening

undergraduates’ soft skills in Higher Learning Education (HLE) because of these two

critical reasons. First, employers critic the performance of the graduates as they lack of

soft skills even though they are academically proficient and high achievers. Secondly, the

globalization process of the work force has increased from time to time and the job

placement imposes much more competitive skills on our graduates.

The co-curriculum activities provided by the uhniversities in Malaysia purposely

done to enhance the soft skills competency among the students. Thus, through the

journey of developing human capital for the nation, higher education implements seven

soft skills elements which comprise communication skills, critical thinking and problem

solving skills, teamwork, lifelong learning and information management skills,

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entrepreneurship skill, ethics, moral and professional ethics and also leadership skills.

These soft skills are needed by the students to be highly competent and able to survive in

the globalised job market today and in future.

1.2 Background of Information

The background of the informaion used in this study comprised the frequency of students

involvement in co-curricular activities, the reasons for the involvement and the soft skills

awareness among student in university.

1.2.1 The Frequency of Involvement

Astin (1984) refer student involvement to the amount of physical and

physiological energy that the students devote to the academic experience as such a way

for the students to be better persons. From the theory, he clearly said that highly involved

students spend more time on campus and participate actively in organizations. Thus,

students who involved more on co-curricular activities will be better than others.

Nowadays, students seems actively joined clubs and sports in university. They

may already aware the importance of participating in co-curricular activities that will give

them more benefits either to their academic life or their social interaction with friends.

However, will the amount of the involvement in co-curricular activities really make them

have more skills than others? The study need to be conducted to determine how many

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hours did the students spent for the co-curricular activities and doesit enough for them to

develop the soft skills competency.

1.2.2 Reasons for the Involvement in Co-Curricular Activities

A study conducted by Mohd Lotpi Razali (1997) shows a positive impact to the

student involvement in co-curricular activities which inlcude making student more

discpline, responsible, well-cooperate, honest, dedicated, interdependence, motivated

having high confidence level and courageous. Those co-curricular activities may give a

significant effect to students personality and improve their personal appearance while

with others.

According to Mashitah Ghazali (1995), there are a positive relation between

student involvement and their leadership forces. Involvement in co-curricular activities

give students a chance to enhance their leadership skills and shaping them to be a leader

for future. Based on the study by Marais (2011), involvement in co-curricular activities

help improve self-esteem, and self-confidence and make students feel worthy.

Nonetheless, co-curricular activities also promote the well-being of learners and bring out

the best in learners.

The previous research claimed that there is a increased number of students

participate in the co-curricular acivities (Kuh, 2000) and these activities is one of the

several strategies to help students meet their learning objectives and to achieve

institutional learning outcomes (Storey, 2010). However, we do not know how co-

curricular activities really affect students competency by lookng only on ow many hours

students spent for co-curricular activities. Thus, the study needs to be conducted to

determine why students involved in the co-curricular activities and what are the reasond

for their involvement.

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1.2.3 Soft Skills Awareness among Students

Soft skills are identified to be the most critical skill in the current global job

market especially in this fast moving era of technology. In managing human capital

development nationwide, universities have been provided a lots of fund by the ministry to

build up human capital through co-curricular activities amongst students (MOHE, 2006).

Roselina Shakir (2009) also review the model for implementation of soft skills in

higher learning institutions which include strategies such as embedding the skills in

existing courses, while also can be implement as an stand-alone subjects. Soft skills also

can be developed through programmes held based on campus life such as in university

residences, and also campus surroundings. While based on support programme, soft skills

also can be embedded in academic programmes and also co-curriculum (non academic)


As much as what have been prepared for students in universities, and also

facilities for their activities, they are also can apply for the budget of each of the

programmes organise by students. They came with their programme’s paperwork

consisting budget and objectives, to enhance their skills, or to nurture the team leadership

among members and so on. By organizing the programme, and making better connections

with other members, are they achieved the objectives of the programme and enhance their

soft skills? Thus, the study need to be conducted to investigate the curent development of

soft skills among students.

The study by National Higher Education Research Institute (2003) suggested that

unemployed graduates generally overrated themselves by believing that they are well

qualified and met all requirements of the regular job market, attributing their unsuccesful

application on lack of connection (Roselina Shakir, 2009). The graduates actually should

not have difficulties to fit in labour market as job vacancies recorded by Electronic

Labour Exchange (ELX) system are much more abundant than the graduates registrant.

However, they still facing problems to get a job caused by their poor command of

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personal qualities and employability skills (Wye and Lim, 2009). They did not aware that

the employer’s demand have changed, and they need much more than what the

curriculum at the university gave to students. Globalization of working industries making

the job placement more challenging and they are asking for better graduates in terms of

interpersonal skills, teamwork and able to handle intense working condition. If the

graduates do not aware of what they need to prepare by the time they working outside,

how can they withstand the challenge of it? The study then conducted to determine

students perception on the imporance of soft skills for the employability.

1.3 Problem Statements

Involvement in co-curricular activities may encounter along the life of student. It

may become the priority to one student despite another. Different students may not be

actively involved while others are. This shows that there are a variation of students who

are active and partly active based on the frequency of their involvement in cocurriculum.

Astin (1999) in his student involvement theory states, “the extent to which students can

achieve particular developmental goals is a direct function of the time and effort they

devote to activities designed to produce these gains”. Thus, student who spent more time

and gives more efforts will achieve more in the co-curricular activities. However,

nowadays, students gave more effort into the formal learning process, due to gained as

much knowledge and achive good result. Students may spent less time in co-curricular

activities without knowing that co-curricular can develop their skills that needed for job


Soft skills also called as generic skills, are one of the crucial aspect determining

student capability to withstand the challenges in working world. Globalization of the

work force and job market imposes much more competitive skills on our graduates

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(Roselina Shakir, 2009). Thus, students need to enhance their soft skills since in the first

year in university. Instead of abundance of programmes held in the university, students

still did not perceive the importance of soft skills to their future. Mala Agarwal (2009)

claimed that the challenge is to make students aware the importance of soft skills

eventhough they know it, they still give more importance to hard skills especially in

individual and group levels. The phenomena still cannot be diminished as students only

focused on their study and aimed to get good exam results.

Students may not aware that soft skills are not being developed only from the

learning process in the class. Involvement in co-curricular activities might give more than

what students can expect. However, the perception might decreased the importance of

soft skills among students for their job employment after graduating. Thus, a study need

to be done to investigate the soft skills development of Malaysian students through their

involvement in the co-curricular activities.

Hence, involvement in co-curriculum is actually the way to enhance student’s soft

skills by participating in clubs, sports, and so on. This study is to identified the frequency

of students involvement in the co-curricular activities along the years of study by

measuring how many hours students spent for the activities. In addition, this study will

also investigate what is the reason of their involvement in co-curricular activities during

their year in university. Eventhough there are many research had been done to prove that

soft skills enhance students employability, but, we did not know how well their

participation in co-curriculum activities in university really increased their soft skills.

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1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To investigate the frequency of the student involvement in co-curriculum

activities along the year of study in the university.

2. To investigate the reasons of student involvement in co-curriculum activities in


3. To identify the student’s level of competency in soft skills as a result of their

involvement in co-curricular activities.

4. To identify the student’s perception towards the importance of soft skills for


1.5 Hypothesis of the Study

The null hypothesis which will be proved in this study:

Null hypothesis 1

There is no significant relation between the frequency of involvement in co-curriculum

activities towards soft skills development.

Null hypothesis 2

There is no significant relation on student’s level of competency in soft skills with

student’s perception toward the importance of soft skills for employability.

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1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will provide an information to the university about the level of

awareness of students on the importance of soft skills towards employability after

graduating. This study will indicate the frequency of involvement, by means of how

frequent students spent on the co-curriculum activities whether enough or not for the

university to grade students for capability in developing soft skills.

This is crucial for the university to make an improvement to the structures of co-

curriculum activities held by the co-curriculum management centre. Thus institution also

needs to educate and instill a better awareness to the students on how the job market runs

for the most competitive person which well-rounded with soft skills and comes with more

capability than those who are lack of it.

This study also can be used by the Ministry of Higher Education for future

research on the effectiveness of the programmes held by MOHE nationwide. In such a

case that they will aware which programme is not suitable to be done for university’s

students which less attracted to the students. Hence, they can work on the new project

which gives more value and contains more knowledge of developing better soft skills for

the students.

By the view of lecturers, his study also gives beneficial information to the

lecturers on which types of soft skills they can be embedded in the learning processes as

an additional initiatives in developing the students’ soft skills thus enhancing their


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1.7 Scope of the Study

This study will be done to identify the co-curriculum involvement among students

in UTM Skudai. In reaching the objectives of this study, the scopes of the study are based

on the measuring of students’ soft skills referred by the elements of seven soft skills

provided by the Ministry of Higher Education which comprise communication skills,

critical thinking and problem solving skills, teamwork among students, lifelong learning

and information management skills, entrepreneurship skills, ethics, and professional

moral and leadership skills. The frequency of the involvement will be measure based on

how many hours per week students spent for the co-curricular activities. Meanwhile,

reason for the involvement measured by the choice given by the students to answer.

Students level of competency in performing soft skills will be measured using the seven

soft skills by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education in the Model of Soft Skills

Implementation. The importance of soft skills the measured by observing the rating from

the student’s perception of the importance of soft skills stated.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

The soft skills measured in this study only being investigated through the students

involvement in co-curriculum activities. The development of soft skills which is also

happened in the curriculum aspect, will not be measured.

This study also depends on the honesty of the students to give the correct

information on their involvement in co-curriculum activities. This study also only

relevant and valid to UTM and cannot be generalized to other universities until future

research runs to strengthen the findings from this study.

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1.9 Theoritical Framework

There are two theoritical framework used in this study. First, is the Involvement Theory

by Alexander W. Astin, meanhiwle the second theory is a model from the Malaysian

Ministry of Higher Education, which is the Model of Implementation of Soft Skills in

Higher Learning Institution.

1.9.1 Astin’s Student Involvement Theory

The Theory of Student Involvement proposed by Alexander W. Astin in 1984 is

used as a theoritical framework in this study. This theory explains the involvement of

students in higher education. Based on this theory, students involvement refer to the

amount of physical and psychological energy that the students devotes to the academic

experiences. Hypothetically said that student who actively participates in any student

organizations is the one who highly involved. Meanwhile, the other who uninvolved,

often neglect studies, abstains from co-curricular acivities and has frequent interactions

with other members.

In this theory, Astin (1984) emphasizes five postulates. Involvement is referring

to the investment of physical and psychological energy in various objects. The objects

may be highly generalized or highly specific. As an example, a student may involve in

the activities in gaining experience. It may include various activities such in sports,

debate team or being a president for English Society in his faculty. Being more

specifically, a student is preparing for his critical examination paper such as Physics. All

the above stated are the involvement of students.

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Secondly, involvement occurs along a continuum, which means, different students

manifest different degrees of involvement in a given objects. In the other hand, the same

students involved in different objects at a different times may also manifest different

degrees of involvement.

Right upon this, involvement also has both quantitative and qualitative features.

The extent of a student’s involvement in academic work, for instance, can be measured

quantitatively (on how many hours the student spends for studying), and by qualitatively

(how students do the assignment and comprehend to it or simply stares at the textbook

and day-dreams) (Astin, 1984).

The amount of student learning and personal development associated with any

educational program is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of student

involvement in that program. The more activities student involved, may enhance the

quality and quantity of the involvement.

Lastly, the effectiveness of any educational policy or practice is directly related to

the capacity of that policy or practice to increase student involvement. The educational

policy designed by the government much more likely influenced the students

involvement in the university.

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1.9.2 Model of Implementation of Soft Skills in Higher Learning Institution

Figure 1.1 Soft Skills Developement Model for Higher Learning Education

This model is actually comprised of 3 types of soft skills development in higher

learning institutions among HLE’s students which are by using the support programme,

by formal learning, and based on the campus environment.

In this study, soft skills which developed from the support programs will be used

as a guideline to measured student involvement in co-curricular activities. This approach

developed to enhance the soft skills among university’s students. It can be categorized by

two methods, which are Support Programme by Curriculum and Support Programme by

Co-Curriculum. The support programme focused on the curriculum purposely done to

assist students by enhancing their soft skills directly with the academic matters whereby

the programme focused in co-curriculum is to enhance students’s soft skills in the non-

academic matters, for their moral development and professionalism (MOHE, 2006).



Soft Skills Development Based on Support Programme

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1.10 Conceptual Framework


Figure 1.2 Conceptual Framework of the study

(Not Measured)

Frequency of student’s

involvement in cocurricular activities


(Based on the 7 soft skills by Ministry of Education)

Reasons for their involvement in the

co-curriculum activities

SOFT SKILLS (Sports and Games, Clubs and Societies, and

Uniform Bodies)



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In this conceptual framework, the dependant variables can be measured by how

many hours did students spent for their co-curricular activities, and reasons of their

involvement in co-curriculum activities. The types of co-curricular activities categorized

by sport and games, clubs and societies, and uniform bodies.

From the activities they involved in, this study can explore on what soft skills

they had obtained. The soft skills obtained act as an independent variable. From the

variable, the outcomes is the soft skills competency that may have been developed by the

students. The soft skills developed by the students may vary, student may show sifferent

development in seven soft skills mentioned above.

1.11 Closing

This study is purposely done to identify students involvement in co-curricular activities

and its impact on employability of the UTM graduates. This chapter discussed the

background information of the students involvement in co-curricular activties along their

study in university. The issue of the involvement in co-crricular and how its affect

graduate employability. The hypothesis and the objectives of the study have been

discussed in this chapter. The theoritical framework chosen as the guideline for this

research is a Involvement Theory by Alexander W. Astin (1984). Meanwhile, the

conceptual framework constructed based on the guidelines from the soft skills of

Implementation Framework from MOHE. The next chapter will be a reviewing section of

the previous researches done about the students involvement in co-curricular activities

which are mostly from Western. The previous researches about the important of soft

skills will also be reviewed in the nex chapter.