RESTRICTED BOP/64 GENERAL AGREEMENT ON 1 November 1966 TARIFFS AND TRADE Limited Distribution Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions Original: English 1966 CONSULTATION UNDER ARTICLE XVIII :12(b) WITH CEYLON Basic Document for the Consultation 1. Legal and administrative basis of import restrictions The present legal basis for the control of imports is the Import Control Act No. 9 of 1959. Under this Act, the Government has the power to prohibit or restrict the importation of any goods and to prescribe any conditions relating to import and export. Import controls enforced under this Act are designed to permit the maximum value of imports consistent with the need to safeguard the country's over- all foreign exchange reserves. The Defence (Miscellaneous) Regulations under which import control was administered earlier though superseded by the above Act are yet kept in force by virtue of the Import and Export Control (continuation) Act No. 27 of 1950. These Regulations constitute a further legal basis for import control. Import policy is formulated by the Ministry of Commerce and Trade subject to the approval of the Cabinet. The responsibility for administering the Regulations rests with the Controller of Imports and Exports whose office constitutes a department of the Ministry of Commerce and Trade. Details of import policy, of licensing procedures and any changes thereof are published in the Ceylon Government Gazette. 2 and 3. Methods used in restricting imports and treatment of imports from different sources With effect from 25 November 1964 "Open General Licence" items were also brought under licensing.2 All imports are presently subject to individual import licensing. For purposes of licence control, imports are classified in the following manner: (a) General quota items for whose import individual import licences are required. (b) Special quota items for whose imports individual import licences are required. 1Material supplied by the Governnent of Ceylon. Footnotes added by the secretariat. 2BOP/33 Annex A lists the former Open General Licence items.

BOP/64 November TRADE - World Trade Organization ... GENERAL AGREEMENT ON BOP/641 November 1966 TARIFFS AND TRADE Limited Distribution Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions

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BOP/64GENERAL AGREEMENT ON 1 November 1966TARIFFS AND TRADE Limited Distribution

Committee on Balance-of-Payments Restrictions Original: English


Basic Document for the Consultation

1. Legal and administrative basis of import restrictions

The present legal basis for the control of imports is the Import Control ActNo. 9 of 1959. Under this Act, the Government has the power to prohibit or restrictthe importation of any goods and to prescribe any conditions relating to importand export. Import controls enforced under this Act are designed to permit themaximum value of imports consistent with the need to safeguard the country's over-all foreign exchange reserves. The Defence (Miscellaneous) Regulations under whichimport control was administered earlier though superseded by the above Act are yetkept in force by virtue of the Import and Export Control (continuation) Act No. 27of 1950. These Regulations constitute a further legal basis for import control.

Import policy is formulated by the Ministry of Commerce and Trade subject tothe approval of the Cabinet. The responsibility for administering the Regulationsrests with the Controller of Imports and Exports whose office constitutes adepartment of the Ministry of Commerce and Trade.

Details of import policy, of licensing procedures and any changes thereof arepublished in the Ceylon Government Gazette.

2 and 3. Methods used in restricting imports and treatment of imports fromdifferent sources

With effect from 25 November 1964 "Open General Licence" items were alsobrought under licensing.2 All imports are presently subject to individual importlicensing. For purposes of licence control, imports are classified in thefollowing manner:

(a) General quota items for whose import individual import licences arerequired.

(b) Special quota items for whose imports individual import licences arerequired.

1Material supplied by the Governnent of Ceylon. Footnotes added by thesecretariat.

2BOP/33Annex A lists the former Open General Licence items.

BOP/64Page 2

(c) industrial raw materials, accessories and machinery may be imported bymanufacturing industries on "Actual User" basis against individual.import licences.

(d) Requirements of basic agricultural industries and items for personalor specific use by individuals and institutions may be imported on a"Direct User" basis against individual import licences.

(e) Reserved items for which import licences are not released to the trade.

(f) Items for which no licences are issued.

Import subjectto individual licensing

(a) General quota items

Goods appearing in Licensing Schedule No. 2 of Import Control -Notice 48/63may be imported against quota allocations. Quota allocations issued to tradersare determined on the basis of imports made during the years preceding theintroduction of control. These years are 1959 to 1961 for the majority of thecommodities, while for items like foodstuffs and drugs which were brought undercontrol in the recent past, the relevant years are 1962, 1963 and 1964. Firmsor individuals who have made imports of. commodities for which they apply to beregistered as quota holders have to establish that they had imported theidentical commodities during the specific years. An importer is allowed aquota on the basis of his best year's imports. Importers are issued quotaallocations twice each year.

The amount of the quota allowed during a particular half year is dependenton the decisions made by the Foreign Exchange Budget Committee which allocatesthe quantum of exchange that should be set apart for the import of particularcommodities. Based on the quantum of exchange allocated for a particular groupof commodities, an importer is issued a licence covering a particular range ofcommodities based on a generic description. The importer is generally free tomake imports of a particular group of commodities up to the value for which thelicence is issued.

(b) Special quota items

These constitute mainly the residue items not listed under general quotaitems. Imports of those, items may be permitted against individual importslicences depending on the exigencies of each case.

1See Annex B. BOP/33 for list.

BOP/64Page 3

(c) Industrial raw material, accessories and machinery items

Goods appearing in Licensing Schedule No. 5 of Import Control Notice 21/65may be imported by manufacturing industries on an "Actual User" basis.1 ActualUser Licence holders may import goods from any source including Ceylonized areas.Actual User Licences are granted on the recommendation of the Ministry ofIndustries (Development Division) and the Department of Rural Development andSmall Industries.

(d) Direct User Licensing Scheme

Under the Direct User Licensing Scheme individual import licences areissued to approved Direct Users who import goods for their own use and not forre-sale purposes. Under the Scheme, the following are approved Direct Users:

Group (i)

Group (ii)

Group (iii)

Group (iv)

Group (v)

Group (vi)

Organizations, associations and institutions other than the manu-facturing industries covered by the Actual User Scheme

Diplomatic and consular services and others permitted to importgoods duty free

Repair workshops engaged in maintenance of motor vehicles, radiosand watches

Direct User applicants for lorries, commercial vans and trucks

Direct User applicants (imports for personal use only)

State corporations (and government's imports through local agents).

Goods for which no licenses aregranted

(e) Reserved items

These are items for which import licences will not be released to the trade.They include items reserved for sole import by government or State corporationsor the Co-operative Wholesale Establishment.

1See Annex A to this document for list, which replaces Annex C, BOP/33.

2See Annex B and paragraph 5 below.

BOP/64Page 4

(f) Items for whïch no licences are issued

No licences are issued for the import of goods which are produced insufficient quantities by local industries.

Other restrictions

The grant of individual import licences is subject to a fee equivalent to1 per cent of the value of goods (except for importers exempt from the paymentof import duties).

Ceylonization of trade

The distinction in licensing procedures for import from different sourcesis made in accordance with the policy of the Government of Ceylon to promote the"Ceylonization" of trade. This is to enable Ceylon nationals to carry on anincreasing proportion of the new import trade. This distinction in licensingprocedures is not intended or operated so as to discriminate against importsfrom different sources.1

Bilateral agreements

Ceylon has trade and payments agreements or arrangements with thirteencountries namely, Bulgaria, the Peoples Republic of China, Czechoslovakia, theDemocratic Republic of Gerarmy, Hungary, Iran, the Democratic People' s Republicof Korea, Poland, Rumania, Syria, the United Arab Republic, the USSR andYugoslavia. These trade agreements contain indicative lists of productsavailable for export from the respective partners to the agreement. The paymentsagreements provide for bilateral clearing accounts through which all paymentsmust be effected.

1 It is understood that only registered Ceylonese traders are permitted toimport from countries in the Ceylonized trade area, which comprises the easterncountries, Austria, Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea,Spain and Yugoslavia. Only such traders are authorized, also, to importspecified commodities from any source. The commodities subject to this regulationinclude onions, oilseeds, rice products, footwear, watch parts and the principaltextile products.

BOP/64Page 5

4. Commodities or groups of commodities affected by restrictions

The commodities affected by restrictions are as follows:

(a) General quota items appearing in Licensing Schedule No. 2 of ImportControl Notice 48/63 and supplemented and/or modified by ImportControl Notice 22/64.1

(b) Industrial raw materials, accessories and machinery items as appearingin Licensing Schedule No. 5 of Import Control Notice 21/65. The listis contained in Annex A.

5. Use of State trading or Government monopoly in restrictingimports

The Government (Food Department) is the sole importer of paddy, rice,wheat, flour, sugar, maldive fish, red onions, lentils and dhal. The Co-operativeWholesale Establishment is the sole importer of cummin seed, tamarind, raisins,sultanas, cane jaggery (sakkara) , dried fish, tinned fish, dried chillies,mustard seed and textiles.

The following State Corporations have also a sole monopoly on the importof items mentioned against them (sec Annex B):

(a) Eastern Paper Mills Corporation - newsprint paper, other than newsprint and paper board.

(b) National Textile Corporation - cotton yarn.

(c) Ceylon Cement Corporation - cement.

(d) Ceylon Oils and Fats Corporation - foodstuffs for animals and maize.

(e) Ceylon Petroleum Corporation - petroleum and petroleum products,lubricating oils and greases.

(f) Paranthan Chemicals Corporation - caustic soda.

1Notice 48/63 is in Annex B, BOP/33. The textof Notice 22/64 has not beenreceived but it is understood that this Notice added all foods which had up tothen been on Open General Licence (as show in Annex A, BOP/33) to the generalquota list.

BOP/64Page 6

The Government or Government .agencies and State Corporatïons have a monopolyon the import of these items in order to secure adequate supplies and fairdistribution.

6. Measure's taken since the otherwisemodifyingimport restrictions

(1) By Import Control Notice 22/64 dated 25 November 1964 an individualimport licence is required for the importation; of food items from anysource.

(2) By Import Control Notices 26/64 and 27/64 bath dated 19 December 1964additional proprietary drugs -and veterinary dru-s appearing therein maybe imported on licences. This list was added to by Import ControlNotices 14/65, 27/65, 5/66, 14/66 and 18/66.1

(3) By Import Control Notice 2/65 dated 18 January 1965 items appearingtherein were reserved exclusively for importation by particular StateCorporations (AnnexB).

(4) By Import Control Notice 21/65 date, 6 October 1965 a revisedSchedule No. 5 was published for import of goods against Actual UserLicences. This replaced Schedule No. 5 issued with Import ControlNotice 51/63 dated 12 December 1963 (Annex A).

(5) By Import Control Notice 24/66 dated 9 August 1966, domestic electricappliances appearing therein may be imported on licences.

7. Effects of restrictions on trade

At the end of 1963 the coverage of individual import licensing arrangementshad extended to approximately 57 per centof imports (measured in terms of importsduring that year). These imports amounted to R849 million in 1963. Theprincipal restriction introduced during 1964 and 1965 was that dated25 December 1964 affecting items of foodstuffs. Imports af these foodstuffsamounted to R398 million and R307 million in 1964 and 1965 respectively, or4.96 per cent and 4.80 per cent of total imports in 1964 and 1965 respectively.Calculation of the coverage is necessarily approximate in as much as customs datado not always lend themselves to identification of particular items of importsselected for restriction.2

¹Texts of most of these orders are available in the secretariat. They appearto amend a basic text (Notice 25/64) which has not been submitted, by adding variousdrugs to a list of products which may be imported under licence.

²Most of the remainder of Ceylon's imports consisted of imports by the FoodCommissioner's Department and other Government departments.

BOP/64Page 7


CEYLON'S BALANCE OF PAYMENTS, 1963-65¹(in millions of rupees)

Goods and servicesExports, mainly f.o.b.Imports, mainly c.i .f.Trade balance

Transportation and merchandiseinsurance

TravelInvestment incomeGovernments, n.i.e.Other (incl. non-monetary gold)Total: Services

Total: Goods and servicesPrivate transfer paymentsPrivate non-monetary sector capitalNet errors and omissionsTotal (A through D)Central Government transfers and capitalTransfer paymentsLoans received (net)Short-term liabilitiesOther capitalTotal

Total (E plus F)Monetary movements, total

. 1963 1964 1965²_ _

































-1. 'I C

1No sign indicates credit; minus sign indicates debit..





- 1 - BOP/64


(Extract from the "Ceylon Government Gazette" No.14.533of 15 October1965)


Manufacturing Industries - Actual User Licences

The following notifications are hereby cancelled:

(i) Import Control Notice No. 51/63

Licence Schedule No. 5 - Government Gazette Extraordinary No.13-855of 12 December 1963.

(ii) Import Control Notice No. 52/63

Registration of Manufacturing Industries - Government Ga'ette ExtraordinaryNo.13,858 of 14 December 1965.

2. Licence Schedule No. 5 for Actual User Licences is replaced by theSchedule which appears below.

E.M. WIJENAIKE,Controller of Imports and Exports.

Colombo, 6 October 1965


(Schedule No. 5)

(Sections and numbers within brackets are those referred to in Ceylon TradeClassification and Tariff Publication effective from 1 January 1965, based on theRevised Standard International Trade Classification.)


Group: A-Food(Section O)

Quota ItemNo. Description of Goods

A 1 .. Milk and cream evaporated or condensed (022.1)A 2 .. Milk and cream dry (022.2)A 3 .. Butter (023)A 4 . Chese .(024) -A 5 .. Egg powder and pulp (025.0.99)A 6 .. Cereals other (045)A 7 .. Meal and flour of wheat of meslin (046)A 8 .. Malt (048.2)A 9 .. Malt extract (048.81)A 10 . Cerea l .preparations other. (048)A 11 .. Hcps including lupu.Line (054.84)A 12 .. Sugar raw (061.1)A 13 .. Sugar refined (061.2)A 14 .. Molasses (061.5)A-15- .. -Liquid glucose (061.9.99)A 16 .. Glucose (061.9.99)A 17 . Sugar and syrups, n.e.s. (061.9.99)A 18 .. -- Sugar preparations (062.0)A 19 .. Coffee, extracts, essence, concentrates (071.05)A 20 .. Saffron (Kurnumappu) (075.29.01)A 21 .. Ginger dry (075.29.02)A 22 .. Ginger raw (075.29.03)A 23 .. Spice.s other (075)A 24 .. Fooding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals) (081)A 25 .L.ard (091.3.02)A 26 .. Margarine other (091.4,09)A 27 .. Edible fats other (091.4.99)A 28 .. Gelatine (099.09) -A 29 .. Peetine (099.09)A 30 .. Food n.e.s. (099.09)

Group: B - Beverages and tobacco (Section 1)

B 1 .. Tobacco unrninufactured (121.0)B 2 .. Beedy tobacco (121.0.01)B 3 .. Beverages, n.e. s.B 4 .. Tobacco, n.c.s.

- 2 -

- 3- BOP/64

Group: C - Crude materials inedîble -(except fuels) (Section 2)

Quota ItemNo. Description of Goods

C 1 * Oilseeds, oil nuts and oil kern-els (221)C 2 .. Wood in the rough or roughly squared (242)C 3 Wood shaped or simply worked (243)C 4 .. Cork raw and waste (244)C 5 .. Pulp and waste paper (251)C 6 .. Raw silk not thrown (261.3)C 7 .. Wool and other animal hair (262.2)C. 8 .. Raw cotton other than linters (265.1)C 9 .. Cotton linters (263.2)C 10 .. Cotton waste not carded or combed (253.3)C 11 .. Cotton carded or combed (263.4)C.12 .. Jute fibre (264.0)C 1) .. Vegetable fibres except cotton and jute (265)C. 14 .. Synthetic and regenerated (artificial fibres) (266)C: 15 . Waste materials from textile fabrics (267.0)C 16 .. Fertilizers crude (271)C 17 Marble rough or sawn and similar monumental stones (272.12)C 18 ... . Gypsum and. plasters -.(272.21)C. 19 .. Marble powder, granules and chippings (275.4)C, 20 .. Sulphur, other than sublimed, precipitated or collordaly

sulphur (274.1)C 21 .. Infusorial earth, etc. (275.22)C 22 .. Natural asphalt and natural bitumen (276.1)C 23_ . Clay and otler refractory minerals (276.2)C 24 .. Moulding sand (276.21.01)C 25 .. Pullers' earth (276.21.02)C 26 .. Fire clay (276.21.03)C 27 .. China clay (276.21.99)C 28 .. Graphite (276-.22)C 29 . Asbestos erude, washed or ground asbestos fibre raw (276.4)C ,0 .. Chalk (276.91)C 31 .. Tale, French chalk, industrial talc, talc powder (276.95)C 52 ., Borax, natural crude (276.97)C 53 .. Mineral substances - other (276.99.99)C ,4 .. Iron ore and concentrates (281.3)C 35 .. Iron and steel scrap (28L .01)C 36 .. Non-ferrous metal scrap (284.01)C 37 .. Bones, ivory, horns, hoofs and similar products (291.14)C 58 .. Tortoise shell and waste (291.14)

BOP/64 -4 -

Quota ItemNo. Description of Goods

C 39 ** Ambegris, civet, musk (291.98)C 40 .. Bristles of animal origin (291.99.99)C 41 .. Other materials of animal origin (291.99.99)C 42 .. Barks for tanning (292.1.01)C 43 .. Myrobalams (292.1.02)C 44 .. Plants and parts of plants of types primarily used in dyeing

and tanning (292.1.99)C 45 . Natural gums, resins, balsams and lacs (292.2)C 46 .. Vegetable materials cl types primarily used for plaiting,

e.g. baskets and plastic rugs (292.3)C 47 . Plants, seeds, flowers and parts of plants, n.e.s. of types

primarily used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidalor fungicidal purpose (292.4)

C 48 .. Beedy leaves (292.4.40)C 49 .. Vegetable saps, extracts, pectic substances and mucilages and

thickeners derived from vegetable products (292.91)C 50 .. Vegetable materials used primarily in brushes and brooms (292.93)C 51 .. Other materials of vegetable origin, n.e.s.C 52 ,. (292.99.99) Crude materials - other

Group: D Mineral fuels, lubricants and related (D 1 .. Coal (321.4)D 2 .. Coke (321.8)D 3 .. Petroleum crude (331.0)D 4 .. Special boiling point spirit 50/82 and degree centigrade (332.1.02)D 5 .. Kerosene oil in b lk (332.2.01)D 6 .. Kerosëne cil in cases or drums (332.2.02)D 7 .. Diesel oil (332.3.02)D 8 .. Gas oil (332.3.02)D 9 .. Furnace oil (332.3.03)D 10 .. Lubricating ails and greases (332.5)D 11 .. Mineral jelly including petroleum (332.61)D 12 .. Match wax (332.62.01)D 15 .. Mineral wax for candles (332.62.02)D 14 .. Paraffin wax (332.62.03)D 15 .. Mineral waxes other (332.62.99)D 16 .. Non-lubricating oils, n.e.s. (332.91)D 17 .. Pitch (332.92)D 18 .. Petroleum bitumen and other petroleum residues (532.95)D 19 .. Gas manufactured (341.2)

- 5 - BOP/64

Group: E Animal and vegetable oils and fats (Section 4)

Quota ItemNo. Descriptionof Gocds

E 1 .. Animal oils and fats (411)E 2 .. Animal tallow (411.52)E 3 .. Linseed oil (422.01)E 4 . Groundnut ail (421.4)E 5 .. Olive oil (421.5)E 6 .. Palm oil (422.4) (422.2)E 7 ,. Castor oil unrefined (422.5.01)E 8 .. Castor oil refined (422.5.02)F 9 .. Vegetable oils and fats n.e.s. (422.9.02)E 10 .. Waxes of animal or vegetable origin (431.4)

Group: F -Chemicals (Section )

F 1 .. Halogenerated derivatives of hydrocarbons (512.13)F 2 .. Methyl alcohol (512.21) (Methanol)F 3 .. Ethyl alcohol, absolute alcohol, rectified spirits denatured

spirits (512.24)F 4 .. Glycerine (512.26.01)F 5 . Acetic acid (512.51.01)F 6 .. Formic acid (512.52.02)F 7 .. Acetyl salicytic acid (512.53)F 8 .. Tartaric acid (512.53)F 9 .. Citrie acid (512.53)F 10 .. Cream of tartar (512,99.99)F 11 .. Sachharin (512.99.99)F 12 .. Creysylic creosoae andhigh boiling tar acids (512.99.99)F 13 .. Organic compounds other (512.99..99)F 14 .. Inorganic gases (513.1) (oxygen, hydrogen, rare gases)F 15 .. Sulphur (513.233)F 16 Mercury sublimate (513.25)F 17 .. Carbon black (513.27)F 18 ,. Hydrochloric acid (513.3 1)F 19 .. Sulphuric acid (513.33)F 20 .. Zinc oxide (531.51)F 21 .. Zinc white (513.51)F 22 .. Manganese dioxide (513.52)F 23 .. Titanium oxides (513.55)


Quota Item.No. "Dèscription of Goods

F 24 -- Lead oxides (513.56)F 25 .. Ammonia anhydrous (513.61)F 26 .. Caustic soda (513.62)F 27 .. Caustic potash (513.63)F 28 .. Other inorganic bases and metallic oxides hydroxides and

peroxides (515.69)F 29 C.Chlorides and oxychlorides (514.12)F 30 .. Chlorites and hypochlorats including bleaching powder

(chloride of lime) (514.13)F 31 .. Sulphites and thisulphates (514.23)F 32 .. Sulphates including alum (514.24)F 33 .. Sodiurn carbonate (soda ash) (514.28)F 34 .. Calcium carbonate (514.29.02}F 35 .- Other inorganic compound n.e.s. (514.9)F 36 .. Coal tar (521.1)F 37 .. Coal tar distillates (521.4)F 38 .. Creosote (521.4.01)F 39 . Synthetie -organic dyestuffs natural indigo and colour lakes

(531.0)F 40 .. Dyeing and tanning extracts and synthetic tanning materials (532)F 41 . Synthetic tanning materials (532.3)F 42 .. Wattle bark extract and other tanning extracts of vegetable

origin (532.4)F 43 .. Paint making materials -dry colours, middle chrome, yellow

chrome powder (533-.1)F 44 .. Colouring materials n.e.s. (533.1)F 45 .. Printing inks (533.2)F 46 .. Prepared pigments, opacifiers, enamels glazes lustres, etc.

- other (533.331.99)F 47 . Aniline dyes for dyeing textiles, wearing apparel and soap

(533.32.03)F 48 .. Alkali dyes ( 49 .. Stamping foil (533. 32.99)F 50 .. Varnishes, lacquers, water pigments and dyes - other (533.32.99)F 51 .. Prepared driers (533.34)F 52 .. Fillers and other materials for paint making (533.35)P 53 * Pigments, paints, varnishes and related materials n.e.s. (53.335)

- 6 -


Quota ItemNo, Description of Goods

F 54 . . Vitamins and provitamins (541.5)F 55 .. Antibiotics (541.3)F 56 .. Alkaloids ancd their derivatives (541.4)F 57 .. Fish liver oils (541.7.03)F 58 .. Medicaments other (541.7.99)F 59 ** Dextrose (glucose) portified, (541.99)F 60 .. Pharmaceutical products other-(541.99)F 61 .. Essential oils, perfume and flavour materials (551)F 62 .. Soap compounds, aromatic chemicals and synthetic essential

oils (551.22)F 63 .. Abrasive soaps and other (554.1.99)F 64 .. Polishing compounds and polishes (554.3.99)F 65 .. Nitrogenous fertilizers (561.1) -F 66 . Phosphatic fertilizers (561.2)F 67 . . Potassic fertilizers (561.3)F 68 .. Fertilizers n.e.s. (561.9)F 69 .. Explosives and pyrotechnical articles (571)F 70 .. Polythene and polyvinyl chloride pipe fîttings (581.2)F 71 .. Cellophane, rayophane, pliofilm and similar transparent wrapping

materials (581.32.)F 72 .. Celluloid sheets (581..32)F 73 .. Synthetic resins (moulding powder) for use in the local

manufacture of plastic products (581.92.01)F 74 . Sealing compounds for dry cell batteries, accumulators and

batteries (581.92.99)F 75 Modified natural resins and estergums (581.92.99)F 76 .. Other artificial plastic materials (581.99)F 77 . Active ingredients for the manufacture of disinfectants n.e.s.

(599.2.01)F 78 ,, Active ingredients for the manufacture of fungicides n.e.s.

(599.2.02)F 79 .. Active ingredients for the manufacture of insecticides and

solvents therefore except kerosene oil n.c.s. (599.2.05)F 80 .. Casein (599.53)F 81 . Albumins (599.54)F 82 .. Gelatin and gelatin derivatives (599.55)

- 7 -


Quota ItemNo. Description of -Goods

F 83 ,, Hidepowder- peptones (599.56)F 84 ,. Dextrin, soluble or roasted., starches and starch glue

(599.57)F 85 .. Prepa-red glue n.e.s. (599.59)F 86 .. Spirits cf turpentine (599.6-5.01)F 87 .. Pine oil (599.63.01)F 88 ., Resin (599.64.01)F 89 .. Soldering fluid, welds, fluxes and other auxiliary preparations

for soldering, welding or brazing (599.94.01)F 90 .. Paint remôvers and thinners- (599.95)-F 91 .. Other chemical products and preparations n.e.s. (599.99)

Grou: G- Leather and leather manufactures (Section 6)

G 1 R;constituted and artificial leather (611.2)G 2 .- 'Leathur (61')G 3 .. Uppers, legs and other prepared, parts of footwear (612.3.99)G 4 ,. Manufactures of leather n.e.s. (612.9)

Group: H- Rubber materials and rubber manufactures Uction 6)H 1 .M.Materials of rubber (621)H 2 .. Rubber casings and separators (629.99)H 3 .. Rubber casings for tyre rebuilding (629.99)H 4 .. Bicycle brake blocks, pedal blocks and hand grips (629.99)H 5 .. Manufactures of hard rubber other (629.99)

Group: J - Wood, cork manufactures (Section 6)

J 1 ., Veneer shcets for match boxes (631.1)J 2 .. Veneors othor (631.2)J 3 .. Wood simply shaped or worked n.c. 5. .(631.8)J 4 .. Wood imported for the manufacture- of pencils (632.89)J 5 .. Wood separators for the manufacture of splash proof accumulators

and batteries (6)2.89)

- 8 -

- 9- BOP/64

Quota ItemNo. Descripticn of Goods

J 6 .. Other articles of wood n.e.s. (632.39)J 7 .. Cork stoppers (633.01.01)j 8 . Cork sheets of natural cork cut to shape (63)5,01.03)J 9 .. Agglomerated cork and. articles thereof (635.02)J 10 .. Cork manufactures n.e.s. (6553.o02)

Group: K - Paper, paperboards and manufactures thereof (Section 6)K 1 .. Printing and writing paper (641.2)K 2 .. Uncoated printing paper (641.21)K 3 .. Coated printing paper (641.22)K 4 .. Kraft paper for Manufacture of bags fsr bagging cement,

dessicated coconut, etc. (641.3)K 5 .. Kraft paperboar' (641.3)K 6 .. Cigarette paper in rolls, sheets (641.4)K 7 .. Paper lining (641.5.01)K 8 . Paper wrapping, tissues (641.5.02)K 9 .. Common packing and wrapping paper (641.5.90)K 10 .. Glassine paper (641.5.90)K 11 .. Greaseproof paper (641.5.90)K 12 .. Match paper (641.5.09)K 13 .. Wrapping tissue paper and wrapping papers, impregnated,

coated or printing (641.5.09)K 14 . Common packig- and wrapping paper other, (641.5.09)K 15 .. Paperboard, strawboard , cardboard, millboard, boxboard (641.5,10)K 16 .. Paper tissue other than wrapping or packing in bulk, rolls or

sheets (641.4.30)K 17 .. Paper for the manufacture of outercasing cf dry-cell batteries

(641.5.99)K 18 . Marble paper (641.5.99)K 19 .. Paper n.e.s. (641.5.99)K 20 .. Fibre boards (641.6)K 21 . Paper and paperboard'. n.e.s. (641.9)K 22 .. Packing and wrapping paper impregnated coated or printed other

than tissue (641.91.01)K 23 * Bristol board (641.92)K 24 .. Cloth-lined paper (641.92)K 25 .. Pasteboard (641.92)


ItemNo Desçription of Goods

K 26 .. Insulating paper and paperboard impregnated (641.95)E` 27 .. Filter blocks of paper pulp (641.96)K 28 .. Fibre corners for manufacture of suitcases (642.93)K 29 .. Blank clock cards (642.95)K 30 .. Cellulose wadding (64E.99)K 31 .. -Cards and folders for filing systerns (642.99)K 32 .. Articles of pulp of paper and of paperboard other (642.99)

Group L-Textiles (Section 6)

L 1 .. Thrown silk and other silk yarn and thread (651.1)L 2 .. Yarn of wool and animal hair (651.25)L 3 .. Berlin (pure wool) (651.25.01)L 4 .. Cotton yarn and thread grey (unbleached) (651.3)L 5 .. Cotton yarn and thread bleached (651.41)L 6 .. Linen shoe thread (651.5)L 7 .. Linen bock binding thread (651.5)L 8 .. Yarn and thread of flax, ramie, and true hemp (651.5)L 9 .. Shoe thread (651.5)L 10 .. Yarn and thread of synthetic fibre (651.6)L 11 .. Yarn and thread of regenerated artificial) fibres ( 651.7)L 12 .. Yarn of glass fibre (651.8)L 13 .. Yarn of textile fibres spun with or covered with metal (651.91)L 14 .. Yarn of jute (651.92)L 15 Yarn of other textile fibres (651.93)L 16 ... Yarn and thread other (651 .9)L 17 ., Cotton fabrics woven grey (unbleached) (652.1)L 18 - Pure cotton wrappin.3 gauze for dry cell batteries (652.1)L 19 . Pure cotton canvas grey unbleached (652.1)L 20 .. Cotton fabrics other (652.2)L 21 .. Silk fabrics woven (653.1)L 22 - Woollen fabrics woven (653.2)L 23 .. Linen rarnie and true hemp fabrics woven (65).)L 24 .. Jute fabrics (653.4)L 25 .. Fabrics woven of synthetic fibre (655.5)L 26 .. Fabrics woven pregenerated (artificial) fibres (653.6)L 27 .. Fabrics woven n.e.s. (653.9)L 28 ., Weven labels badges (654.02)L 29 ., Narrow fabrics other than woven labels (654.0l.99)L 30 . Tulle, lace, embroidery, ribbons, trimming,s and cther small

wares (654)

- 10 -

- 11 - BOP/64

Quota ItemNo. Description of Goods

L 31 .. Wadding and articles of' wadding (655.81)L 32 . Wicks of textile fabrics, gas inantle fabrics (655.82)L 53 . Jute bags and sacks (656.1.01)L 34 .. Made up articles wholly or chiefly of textile materials n.e.s.

Group: M - Non-rmetallic mineral manufactures (Section 6)

M 1 .. Lime (661.1)M 2 ,. Cement Portland (661.01)M 3 , Cement coloured or ferrocrete (661.2.02)M 4 .. Cement other (t661.2.99)M 5 . . Mineral insulatinL; materials (663.5)M 6 .. Carbon and graphite products including lighting carbons,

electrodes carbon brushes and battery carbons (663.65.01)M 7 .. Manufactures of asbestos friction materials (663.8)M 8 .. Optical glass ((664.22)M 9 .. Plate and sheet glass (664.4.01)M 10 .. Glass bulbs for the manufacture of electric bulbs (664.9)M 11 .. Fibre glass insulating material (664.94)M 12 .. Bottles and similar containers, stoppers and other closures of

"lass (665.1)M 13 .. Anchors for the manufacture of electric bulbs (565.89)M 14 .. Other articles of glass n.e.s. (665.89)M 15 .. Non-metallic mineral manufactures n.e.s.

Group: N - Base metals and manufactures (Section 6)

N 1 .. Pig iron (671.2)N 2 .. In;ots and other primary forms of iron and steel (672)N3 .. Iron and steel bars, rods, angles, shapes and sections (673)N 4 .. Universal, plates and sheets of iron and steel (674)N 5 .. Ioop and strip of iron and steel (675)N 6 .. Strapping wire (67',.01.01)N 7 ., Uninsulated electric wire, iron and steel (6,7.01.02)N 8 .. Nail wire, iron and steel (67', .01.03)N 9 .. Wire iron and steel black or -alvanized (677.01.04)N 10 .. Iron aid steel wire other (677.10.99)N 11 .. Wire imported for the manufacture cf barbed wire (677.01.99)N 12 .. Tubes, pipes and fittings cf iron and steel (678)N 13 .. Copper and copper alloys anrd manufactures (682)


Quota ItemNo. Description of Goods

N 1.4 .. Nickel and nickel alloys worked or unworked (683)N 15 .. Aluminium and aluminium alloys unworked (684.1)N 16 .. Aluminium and aluminium alloys worked (684.2)N 17 .. Aluminium in coil (684.22.01)N 18 .. Aluminium foil (684.23)N 19 .. Lead and lead alloys unwrought (635.1)N 20 .. Lead and lead àlloys worked (685.2)N 21 .. Zinc and zinc alloys unwrought (686.1)N 22 .. Zinc and zinc alloys worked (686.2)N 23 .. Tin and tin alloys unwrought (687.1)N 24 .. Tin and tin alloys worked (687.2)N 25 *- Mi.scellaneous non-ferrous base metals employed in metallurgy (689)R 26 .. Tungsten, molybdenum and tantalum and filaments (689.4)N 27 .. Base metals n.e.s. - others (685.5.99)N 28 .. Cans aluminium ready made or ready made components (692.22)N 29 .. Wire products (693)N 30 .. Nails, screws, nuts, bats, rivets and similar articles of iron,

steel or of copper and alloys (694)N 31 .. Razor blades blanks whether or not in strips (696.03.99)N 32 .. blocks, padiocks, keys therefor Df base metals (698.11)N 33 * Base metal mountings and fittings of types largely used in

furniture, doors, etc. (698.12)N 34 .. Clasps, hooks, eyes, buckles, etc. of base metals (698.53)N 35 * Crown corks (698.85.01)N 36 .. Stoppers, crown corks, bottle caps, etc.. of base matals.-

other (698.85.99)N 37 .. Printed containers iron and steel (698.91.99)N 38 .. Manufactures wholly or mainly of iron and steel n.e.s. (698.91.99)N 39 .. Articles of copper n.e.s. (698.92.99)N 40 .. Articles of nickel, n.e.s. (698.93.99)N 41 .. Articles of aluminium, n.e.s. (698.94.99)N 42 .. Articles of lead, n.e.s. <§98.96)N 43 .. Articles of zinc, n.e.s. (698.97)N 44 .. Zinc cans and cups for manufacture of dry cell batteries

(698.97)N 45 .. Articles tin, n.e.s. (698.98)

- 12 -


GroupO - Machinery, apparatus and appliances (Section 7)

Quota ItemNo. Description of Goods

0 1 .. Internal combustion engines and parts - other (711.5.99)0 2 .. Agricultural machinery and appliances for harvesting, threshing

and sorting component parts (712.2.02)0 3 .. Tractors component parts (712.5)0 4 .. Other agricultural machinery (712.99)0 5 ... Office machines component parts (714)0 6 .. Sewin-- machines household and industrial component parts and

accessories (717.3.03)0 7 .. Air conditioning machines component parts (719.12)08 .. Refrigerators electric, gas or mechanical excluding domestic

types-component parts (719.15)0 9 .. Tea niachinery-driers-component parts (719.19.02)0 10 .. Tea machinery component parts (719.19.04)0 11 .. Domestic refri-erators non-electrical component parts, n.e.s..

(719.42)0 12 ., Weighing machinos-component parts, n.e.s. (719.63.02)0 13 .. Machinery for insect, pest and malaria control purposes,

component parts (719.64.01)0 14 .. Rubber machinery component parts, n.e.s. (719.8)-o 15 . Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, n.e.s. (710.92)0 16 .. Transmission shafts and cranks pulleys, plummer blocks, ball and

roller bearings, flanged couplirigs and set collars ('7-19.93)0 17 Metal plastic joints (gaskets) (,19.94)0 18 .. Machinery- parts non-electrical, n.e.s. (719.99)0 19 . Rubber rollers (719.99)0 20 .. Motors and component parts (722.1)0 21 .. Electric power machinery and switch ,ear, other (722)0 22 .. Equipment for distributing electricity (723)0 23 .. Radio receiver component parts, n.e.s. (724.2.02)0 24 .. Radiogram-component parts (f'24.2.04)0 25 .. Domestic refrigerators electrical component parts, n.c.s. (-,-25,01)0 26 .. Domestic washing machines whether or not electric companent

parts, n.e.s. (725.02)0 27 .. Electric fan component parts, n.e.s. (725.05.02)0 28 .. Electro-mechanical domestic appliances other component parts,

n.e.s. (725.03.09)0 29 .. Electric space heating equipment; etc., component parts (725.05)0 30 .. Primary dry ceil batteries and cells camponent parts, n.e .s.


- 13

BOP/64 - 14 -

quota ItemNo. Description of Gocods

0 33 .. Electric accumulators component parts. n.e..s. (729.120 32 .. Electric lamps component parts, n.e.s. (729.2)0 33 . Exhaust tubes and stems for electric lamp bulbs ('729.3)0 34 .. hermionic, etc., valves and tubes photocells, transistors, etc.

(729.3)0 35 .. Electrical measuring and controlling instruments and apparatus

and component parts (729.5)0 36 .. Vacuum, and pressure gauges for the manufacture of.pumps (729,95)0 37 .. Electrical parts of machinery and appliances, n.e.s. component

parts (729.98)0 38 -.. lectrical lightin- accessories and fittings, component parts,

n.e.s. (722.2.99)0 39 .. . Electric torches component parts, n.e.s.0 40 .. Other electric goods and apparatus, n.e.s. component parts (729.99).0.41 .. Spare parts for motor vehicles, n.e.s. component .parts (732.89.02)0 42 .. Trailers and other road vehicles component parts (733.310 43 .. Bicycle and tricycle n-r.print )e.ts n.s. (733.12)0 44 .. Machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s. component parts

Group: P - Miscellaneous manufactured articles (Section 8)

P 1 .. Electric torches component parts, n.e.s. (812.43.01)P 2 .. Furniture component parts, n.e.s. (821.09.99)P 3 .. Travel goods, handbags and similar articles component parts>

n.e.s. 81P 4 .. Chemical products and flashlight materials used in photography

(863.3)P 5 ,. Photographic fiLn plates and paper (862.4)P 6 .. Watches component parts, n.e.s. (964.29.01)P 7 .. Clocks component, parts, n.e.s. (864.29.19)P 8 .. Musical instruments componentt parts. n.e.s. (891)P 9 .. Children's toys, indcor games and sperting, goods component parts,

n.e.s. (394.2)P 10 .. PeramibulatGrs, toys, games and sportin- goods component parts,

n.e.s. (894)P 11 ... Office and stationery supplies of base metals component parts,

n.e.s. (895.1)P 12 .. Fountain pens and ballpoint pens component parts, n.e.s. (895.21.01)P 13 .. Fountain pen nibs and nib points (895.22)P 14 .. Slates for writing unworked (899.92)P 15 Office and stationery supplies, n.e.s. component parts (895)P 16 .. Unassembled component parts of umbrellas (899.43)P 17 .. Powder puff s and pads (899.51)P 18 . Slide fasteners and parts thereof (899.53)P 19 .. Vacuum flasks component parts, n.e.s. (899.97)P 20 . Articles n.e.s.



Miscellaneous Departmental Notices


Reserved Items

Importers dre hereby informed that the goods appearing in column (1)in Schedule 1 below are reserved exclusively for importation by corporationsshown in column (2) of the Schedule. No licences will be issued to othersfor the importation of these goods.

2. A further notice will be published in regard to goods exclusivelyreserved for importation by the Co-operative Wholesale Establishment.

Colombo, 18 January 1965E.M. WIJENAIKE.

Controller of Imports and Exports


Column (2)

1. Newsprint2. Paper other than newsprint3. Paperboard4. Cotton yarn5. Cement6. Feeding stuffs for animals (not

including unmilled cereals andcoconut poonae)

7. Maize8. Petroleum (other than for supply

to ships and aviation)9. Lubricating oils and greases,

including mixtures with animal andvegetable lubricants (other thanfor supply to ships and aviation)

10. Caustic soda

Eastern Paper Mills CorporationEastern Paper Mills CorporationEastern Paper Mills CorporationNational Textile CorporationCeylon Cement CorporationCeylon Oils & Fats Corporation

Ceylon Oils & Fats CorporationCeylon Petroleum Corporation

Ceylon Petroleum Corporation

Paranthan Chemicals Corporation
