Name: Hannah McDermo Class: 6B Date: 11/26/12 By: Hannah McDermo

Booklet h mc dermott 1

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Page 1: Booklet h mc dermott 1

Name: Hannah McDermott Class: 6B Date: 11/26/12

By: Hannah McDermott

Page 2: Booklet h mc dermott 1

Name: Hannah McDermott Class: 6B Date: 11/26/12

Ancient Civilizations Physical Features Booklet

Directions: Use the list of physical features on the back of this paper to make an Ancient Civilizations Physical Features Booklet. Use one square for each term.

The excess of water in a


A tool used for carrying wa-

ter. It’s a pole with a bucket

at one end and a counter-

weight at the other.

Water that goes from under-

ground tubes to the soil.

Earth that has particles

with sand and clay.

Page 3: Booklet h mc dermott 1

Name: Hannah McDermott Class: 6B Date: 11/26/12

Ancient Civilizations Physical Features Booklet

Directions: Use the list of physical features on the back of this paper to make an Ancient Civilizations Physical Features Booklet. Use one square for each term.

A deserted place with

little water.

The land between

two mountains.

A waterfall that is al-

most vertical.

A part of the desert

where there is water

and trees growing.

Page 4: Booklet h mc dermott 1

Name: Hannah McDermott Class: 6B Date: 11/26/12

Ancient Civilizations Physical Features Booklet

Directions: Use the list of physical features on the back of this paper to make an Ancient Civilizations Physical Features Booklet. Use one square for each term.

of salt








tains that

are alike

in form

and di-


Land that is surrounded by

water on either side and that

connects larger pieces of


Land that is shaped like a trian-

gle and there is a river that

leaves rocks, and sand when it

gets in the sea.

The body

Page 5: Booklet h mc dermott 1

Name: Hannah McDermott Class: 6B Date: 11/26/12

Ancient Civilizations Physical Features Booklet

Directions: Use the list of physical features on the back of this paper to make an Ancient Civilizations Physical Features Booklet. Use one square for each term.

A river


goes in-

to a


river. A piece of large land that

is flat.

A high flat piece of
