Book Review Session (BRS)

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  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    A book review is a description,critical analysis, and an

    evaluation on the quality,meaning, and significance of abook, not a retelling

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    Develop reading skills Analytical skills

    Logical thinking

    Reasoning Understanding management concepts

    Real life business examples

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    There is no right way to write a bookreview. Book reviews are highlypersonal and reflect the opinions of

    the reviewer. A review can be as shortas 50-100 words, or as long as 1500words, depending on the purpose of

    the review.

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    1. Write a statement giving essentialinformation about the book: title, author, firstcopyright date, type of book, general subjectmatter, special features (maps, color plates,

    etc.), price and ISBN

    2. State the authors purpose in writing thebook. Sometimes authors state their purpose

    in the preface or the first chapter

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    Why did the author write on this subjectrather than on some other subject?

    From what point of view is the work

    written? Was the author trying to give

    information, to explain somethingtechnical, to convince the reader of abeliefs validity by dramatizing it inaction?

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    What is the general field or genre, andhow does the book fit into it? (Useoutside sources to familiarize yourself

    with the field, if necessary.)

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    Who is the intended audience? What is the author's style? Is it formal or

    informal? Evaluate the quality of the writingstyle by using some of the followingstandards: coherence, clarity, originality,forcefulness, correct use of technical words,conciseness, fullness of development,fluidity. Does it suit the intended audience?

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    Scan the Table of Contents, it can helpunderstand how the book is organizedand will aid in determining the

    author's main ideas and how they aredeveloped - chronologically, topically,etc.

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    How did the book affect you? Wereany previous ideas you had on thesubject changed, abandoned, or

    reinforced due to this book? How isthe book related to your own course?What personal experiences you've had

    relate to the subject? How well has the book achieved itsgoal?

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    Would you recommendthis book to others?


  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    a. Description The author presents word-pictures of scenes and events by givingspecific details that appeal to the five senses,or to the readers imagination. Description

    presents background and setting

    b. Narration: The author tells the story of aseries of events, usually presented inchronological order. In a novel however,chronological order may be violated for thesake of the plot

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    c. Exposition: The author uses explanation andanalysis to present a subject or to clarify anidea. Exposition presents the facts about asubject or an issue as clearly and impartially

    as possibled. rgument: The author uses the techniques

    of persuasion to establish the truth of astatement or to convince the reader of its

    falsity. The purpose is to persuade the readerto believe something and perhaps to act onthat belief

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)


    Evaluate the book for interest, accuracy,objectivity, importance, thoroughness, andusefulness to its intended audience. Showwhether the author's main arguments are


    Respond to the author's opinions. What do youagree or disagree with? And why?

  • 8/13/2019 Book Review Session (BRS)
