Book of English Unit 1 THE ALPHABET El alfabeto Inglés está compuesto de 26 letras A B C D E - F G H I J K L M N O P Q - R S T U V W X Y - Z Agrupo las letras de acuerdo al sonido: Ei : a j h - k I: b c d e g p t v E: f l m n s x z Ai: i y - Iu: q u w Ou: o Ar: r THE GREETINGS Hi : hola (informal) Hello : hola Good morning : buen día Good afternoon : buenas tarde Good Evening : buenas noches ( al llegar ) Good Night : buenas noches How are you? : ¿ Cómo está/s/n? How do you do? : ¿ Cómo le va? Nice to meet you : gusto o placer en conocerte I’m glad to meet you : encantado en conocerte Very well, thank you : muy bién gracias Fine, thank you : bién gracias See you later : nos vemos mas tarde See you tomorrow : nos vemos mañana Until tomorrow : hasta mañana Good bye : Adios Bye-bye : chau chau What is your name? : cual es tu nombre? My name is……………: mi nombre es………… What is your surname last name family name? My surname is………….. How do you spell your name?: Como se deletrea tu nombre? Useful expressions and commands (part 1) Repeat: repitan Repeat after me: All together: You alone: Solo usted Again: otra vez Read it: léalo Be quiet: silencio Erase the blackboard, please: Stand up: For homework; para tarea May I go to the bathroom?: May I go out? : puedo salir Did you finish?: terminaron Not yet: aún no Yes: Listen: escuchen Do you understand?: entienden Bring me some chalks, please: traeme algunas tizas, por favor

Book of English

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es un manual de ingles especial pára alumnos que estan empezando con el idioma ingles desde principiantes hasta alumnos del niveles avanzados. contiene unidades desde el saludos comunes de la vida cotidiana y ademas hasta ejercicios de lectura

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  • Book of English

    Unit 1


    El alfabeto Ingls est compuesto de 26 letras

    A B C D E - F G H I J K L M N O P Q - R S T U V W X Y - Z Agrupo las letras de acuerdo al sonido:

    Ei : a j h - k I: b c d e g p t v E: f l m n s x z Ai: i y - Iu: q u w Ou: o

    Ar: r


    Hi : hola (informal)

    Hello : hola

    Good morning : buen da

    Good afternoon : buenas tarde

    Good Evening : buenas noches ( al llegar )

    Good Night : buenas noches

    How are you? : Cmo est/s/n?

    How do you do? : Cmo le va?

    Nice to meet you : gusto o placer en conocerte

    Im glad to meet you : encantado en conocerte Very well, thank you : muy bin gracias

    Fine, thank you : bin gracias

    See you later : nos vemos mas tarde

    See you tomorrow : nos vemos maana

    Until tomorrow : hasta maana

    Good bye : Adios

    Bye-bye : chau chau

    What is your name? : cual es tu nombre?

    My name is: mi nombre es What is your surname last name family name? My surname is.. How do you spell your name?: Como se deletrea tu nombre?

    Useful expressions and commands (part 1)

    Repeat: repitan Repeat after me:

    All together: You alone: Solo usted

    Again: otra vez Read it: lalo

    Be quiet: silencio Erase the blackboard, please:

    Stand up: For homework; para tarea

    May I go to the bathroom?: May I go out? : puedo salir

    Did you finish?: terminaron Not yet: an no Yes:

    Listen: escuchen Do you understand?: entienden

    Bring me some chalks, please: traeme algunas tizas, por favor


    A : un una (delante de consonantes) An : un una (delante de vocales) El artculo indefinido A An se utiliza delante de sustantivos singulares A : before a word which begins with a consonant sound.

    An : before a word which begins with a vowel sound


    a teacher : un profesor una profesora an orange : una naranja

    A and An tell how many, because they do not indicate a definite person or object, are called Indefinite articles.

    Complete with A An and Translate to Spanish ..student ..eraser .notebook ..pencil ..umbrella .scientist ......table ..........classroom .............class ..........tourist ..secretary .elephant ..egg ..atlas .pen .schoolbag ..apple .insect


    The: el la los las You use in singular or plural.

    The indefinite article is pronounced in two different ways, depending upon what follows it.

    (de) when it is followed by a word beginning with a consonant.

    (di ) when it is followed by a word beginning with a vowel

    The student the apple

    The article the, because it indicates a definite person or object, (the child, the box) is called a definite article.

    Complete with THE and Translate to Spanish .blackboard ..words .student ..lessons .room ..windows .doors .chemists .floor .pen .ceiling .light .seat papers


    A pronoun is a very useful word that can be used in place of a noun. A pronoun may be used as the subject of

    a sentence.

    I YOU HE SHE IT WE YOU THEY ( Ellos ellas estos / as )

    Change by a personal pronoun

    Mary: she Peter: Helen and Karen: The car:

    Richard and I: The students: The student: The pencils:


    The present form of BE express facts about the present.

    Affirmative Interrogative Negative Contracted form

    I am am I? I am not Im not You are Are You? You are not You arent He is

    She is

    It is

    We are

    You are

    They are

    Complete with the correct form of the verb to be and Translate to Spanish

    1- A donkey..an animal 5- She..in the classroom 2- We.. students 6- Robert and Helen.friends. 3- The dog intelligent 7- I .a tourist 4- It .a pencil 8- Robert and I ..teachers.

    Substitute the noun for a pronoun

    1- Philip is a student : He is a student

    2- Alice is a nurse :

    3- Victor is a tourist :

    4- Sylvia is a secretary :

    5- The students are in the room:

    6- The car is new :

    Change the sentences to the interrogative form

    Philip is in class Alice is in class

    He is absent I am a student

    We are tourists Washington is in the United States

    Change the sentences to the negative form

    It is a door We are doctors She is a singer

    Edward is a doctor My name is Helen They are good students

    Change the sentences to the interrogative and negative form

    1- It is a city 2- She is a secretary 3- He is a pilot

    4- The oranges are delicious 5- Manolo and Rolando are in Bogot.

    6- I am sick 7- They are in Europe 8- Laura is beautiful

    9- Peter is in the laboratory 10- I am in the English class




    1- Most plurals are formed by adding s to the simple form ( La mayora de los sustantivos en Ingls se pluralizan agregandles directamente s )

    Example: Book = books

    2- When a word ends in y but is preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to i and es is added. (Cuando un sustantivo termina en y pero esta precedida de una consonante se cambia la y por i y se agrega es. )

    Example: party = parties

    3-When a word ends in y but is preceded by a vowel is not changed. (Cuando una palabra termina en y pero esta precedida de una vocal se agrega directamente s.) Example: day = days

    4- When a word ends in : ss sh ch x o is added es . ( A los sustantivos que termina en : ss sh ch x o se les agrega es para pluralizarlos.)

    Example. Tomato = tomatoes

    5- When a word ends in f fe is changed by ves. (Cuando la palabra termina en f fe se cambia la f fe por ves)

    Example: leaf (hoja) = leaves

    6- Irregular plural forms: there are only a few, the most common are: Existen sustantivos irregulares, es decir que no siguen la regla y tienen forma propia, los ms

    comunes son los siguientes:

    Foot (pie) = feet (pies) tooth (diente) = teeth (dientes) ox (buey) oxen (Bueyes)

    Mouse (ratn) = mice (ratones) man (hombre) = men (hombres)

    Woman (mujer) = women (mujeres) child (nio) = children (nios)

    Write the plural of these nouns Escribe el plural de estos sustantivos Glass horse lady day - baby camera mouse - watch country half actress hero potato flower knife dish child woman key pen -

    1- + s 2- y + ies 3- y + s 4 f-fe= ves 5- x-o-ss-sh-ch= es 6- Irregular

    Form the plural and Translate to Spanish

    City body (cuerpo) boy man library

    Horse foot thief (ladrn) pencil book

    Knife (cuchillo) fruit sandwich party gate

    Hand finger door computers shoe

    Search in newspapers and magazines 5 nouns, and then pluralize it. Use a dictionary to translate the

    word in English.


    Singular Plural

    This ( Este esta esto ) these: (estos estas ) That ( aquel aquella/o ) those: ( aquellos aquellas )

    This and These refer to people or things close or near to the speaker.

    This and These para referirse a personas o cosas que estn cerca del hablante

    That and Those refer to people or things which are some distance from the speaker.

    That y Those para referirse a personas o cosas que estn lejos del que habla.

    This and That are singular in number and are used to modify singular nouns.

    This y That estn en nmero singular y son usados para modificar sustantivos singulares.

    These and those are plural in number and are used to modify plural nouns.

    These y Those son de nmero plural y son usados para modificar sustantivos plurales

    Translate to Spanish

    This is a box: That is a table: These students are busy:

    This is a chair: That is my house: Those students are tired:

    This lesson is easy: These seats are comfortable: That is my sister:

    This is my hat: Those twins are my brothers:


    Las 3 preposiciones significan en, pero con diferencias al utilizarlas. IN: en ( dentro de algo )

    Example: We are in the classroom ( Ntros. estamos en la clase )

    ON: en ( sobre algo, en contacto con una superficie )

    Example: The book is on the table ( El libro est en la mesa o El libro est sobre la mesa)

    AT: en ( presencia en un lugar )

    Example:The teacher is at the blackboard ( La prof. est en el pizarrn )


    IN: before months : in September

    Years : in 1999

    Seasons : in winter

    IN: before a city : in San Lorenzo

    Country : in Paraguay

    IN: with the expressions : in the morning

    (in this case IN means por) : in the afternoon : in the evening

    ON: before days of the week : on Friday

    Dates : on July 4th

    ON: before name of streets : on Estrella Street

    : on Palma Street

    AT: before the time : at 5:15

    Special expressions : at noon - at night - at midnight

    AT: before exactly address : at 643 Palma Street

    Complete the sentences with IN ON AT and Translate to Spanish

    1- He lives389 Colon Street 2- My birthday is .December . 3- We are..the classroom . 4- Those books arethe table . 5- The Paraguayan Independence was1811 . 6- I wake up..6:00 7- The party isAugust 10th 8- Helen is..the door 9- I go to the church.Sunday 10- The American Embassy is..Mcal Lpez Avenue 11- I study..the morning 12- They liveBolivia

  • Complete the reading with IN ON AT and Translate to Spanish

    I live.a apartment with a big cat, ..Asuncin..1040 Palma street. The cat loves to sit..the sofa. When I read the newspaperthe evening, I sit.the sofa, and the cat sits ..me. My cats bed isthe kitchen floor, but he usually sleeps..my bedroom. I go to work the morning, and the cat stays alone..the apartment.

    Yo vivo en un departamento con un gato grande, en Asuncin en la calle Palma 1040. El gato ama sentarse

    en el sof. Cuando yo leo el peridico en la noche. Yo me siento en el sof y el gato se sienta sobre m. La

    cama de mi gato est en el piso de la cocina, pero l usualmente duerme en mi dormitorio. Yo voy a trabajar

    en la maana, y el gato se queda solo en el apartamento.

    THE NUMBERS ( 1 20 )

    1 : One

    2: Two

  • unit 2


    Its formed with the present form of be + the verb with ing to express moment activity. The ing form tell us that the time is right now.

    Es formado con la forma presente del verbo to be + el verbo principal con ing (ando iendo) Example: work ( trabajar ) = working ( trabajando )


    a- When the simple form of a verb ends in a single e, the e is dropped before adding ing.

    a- Cuando el verbo termina en e, se suprime la e y luego se agrega ing Ex. Have (tener) : having (teniendo) write: writing choose: choosing

    b- When the simple form of a verb ends in ie, the e is dropped and the i is changed to y before adding ing.

    b- Cuando el verbo termina en ie se suprime la ie y se agrega ing Ex. Die (morir): dying tie (atar): tying lie (mentir):lying

    Form the present continuous using the verbs in parentheses and Translate to Spanish

    1- Betty .. a new dress today ( wear ) 1- 2- Bill.. .. music ( listen ) 2- 3- Mr. Allen .a pipe ( smoke ) 4- You an English lesson ( study ) 5- Roger and Alex.. in the cafeteria ( eat ) 6- One student.. .. the question ( copy ) 7- Mary. .. a new dress ( choose ) 8- We .. on the blackboard ( write ) 9- He. ..a car ( drive ) 10- Karen and I. a soccer game ( watch )

    Translate to Spanish

    1- Martha is washing the windows:. 2- The cat is eating a mouse: 3- The baby is sleeping:... 4- Mr. Green is working in the garden: 5- The boys are playing football:. 6- William is washing the car:..


    WHO: quin / es ?. For questions about people. ( Para preguntas acerca de personas )

    WHAT : qu ?. For questions about things. (Para preguntas acerca de cosas)

    WHERE : dnde ?. For questions about places. ( Para preguntas acerca de lugares )

    WHEN : cundo ?. For questions about time. (Para preguntas acerca de tiempo, de la hora)

    Translate the questions or Answer the questions


    1- Who is that boy ? :

    2- Who are they ? :

    3- Who is finishing the exercise ? :

    4- Who are studying at the library ? :

    5- Who are eating at the cafeteria ? :

    6- Who are you eating with ? :

    7- Who are you studying with ? :

    8- Who sits in front of you ? :

    9- Who sits in back of you ? :

    10- Who sits on your right ? :

    11- Who sits on your left ? :


    1- What are you writing ? :

    2- What are you thinking about ? :

    3- What are you looking at ? :

    4- What is Betty doing ? :

    5- What is the lady drinking ? :

    1- What do you do in the morning ? :

    2- What do you do in the afternoon ? :

    3- What do you like ? :

    4- What does he like ? :

    5- What time does the class begin ? :

    6- What do you plan to do in the future ? :

    7- What do you want to be ? :

    8- What do you like to do on weekends ? :


    1- Where is your house ? :

    2- Where are you living now ? :

    3- Where are you sitting ? :

    4- Where are Mr. and Mrs. Green ? :

    5- Where is George ? .

    1- Where do you study ? :

    2- Where do you sleep ? :

    3- Where do you eat ? :

    4- Where do you work ?

    5- Where do you go on Saturdays ? :

    6- Where do you want to travel in the future ? :


    1- When do you study English ? :

    2- When do you eat breakfast ? :

    3- When do you usually do your homework ? :

    4- When does he watch TV ? :

    5- When does he go to the church ? :

    6- When does he do the homework ? :


    An adjective is a word that describes or points out a noun, an adjective modifies a noun. Adjectives in

    English only have one form, which we use with singular and plural.

    Un adjetivo es una palabra que describe o seala a un sustantivo, un adjetivo modifica a un sustantivo. Los

    adjetivos en Ingls no se pluralizan y se utilizan tanto para el singular como para el plural.

    Good bad old new young tall short long - big small expensive cheap nice beautiful handsome ugly clean dirty comfortable interesting intelligent happy- sad difficult easy fat thin poor rich delicious -

    Complete the sentences with an adjective then translate to Spanish

    1- My chair is = . 2- My classmate is.. = 3- The class is. = 4- The classroom is = 5- The lesson is . = 6- The questions are.. = 7- The students are = 8- The girls are.. =


    THERE IS: hay ( en singular )

    THERE ARE: hay ( en plural )

    Complete with There is There are

    1- a girl in the classroom 2- a room in the house 3- two calendars on the desk 4- three tables in the room 5- a classroom in the school 6- two old chairs in the room 7- a boy in the classrrom 8- four old houses on this street

    Change to questions ( Is there Are there ? )

    1- There is a book on my desk : Is there a book on my desk ? 2- There are five boys in the classroom : Are there five books in the classroom ? 3- There are two calendars on the walls : 4- There are eight rooms in my house : 5- There is a map on the wall : 6- There is a calendar on my desk :

    What about your home ? Give short answers

    Yes, there is / are

    No, there isnt / arent

    1- Is there a post office near your house ? : . Hay un correo cerca de tu casa ?

    2- Is there a museum ? : . Hay un museo ?

    3- Is there a bus stop near your home ?

    Hay una parada de mnibus cerca de tu casa ?

    4- Is there a cinema ?

    Hay un cine ?

    5- Is there a school near your house ?

    Hay una escuela cerca de tu casa ?

    6- Are there a lot of shops near your house?

    Hay muchos negocios cerca de tu casa ?

    7- Are there a lot of trees near your home ? :. Hay muchos rboles cerca de tu casa ?

  • Unit 3


    We use the present simple to talk about repeated actions or habits.

    In the affirmative form the verbs have the same form in all the persons, except in the third person singular. In

    the third person singular S is added In the interrogative form, we use the auxiliaries DO DOES to make questions.

    DOES with (He She It) DO for all other persons. Negative form we use the auxiliaries DO DOES then the word NOT follows these auxiliaries.

    Usamos el presente simple para hablar o referirnos acerca de acciones o hbitos.

    * En la forma afirmativa los verbos tienen la misma forma en todas las personas, excepto en las terceras

    personas del singular (He She It). En las terceras personas se agrega s.

    Excepciones: 1- Cuando el verbo termina en y pero est precedida de una consonante se cambia la y por i y se agrega es Study : studies

    2- A los verbos que terminan en: ss sh ch x o se les agrega es wtch : watches

    * Para la forma interrogativa utilizamos los auxiliares DO DOES para hacer preguntas. DOES: se utiliza con He, She, It

    DO: se utiliza con I We - You - They stos auxiliares se colocan al comienzo de la oracin y no tienen traduccin solo indican que la oracin est

    en forma interrogativa en tiempo presente. Al utilizar el auxiliar does el verbo deber estar en su forma simple

    sin s o es

    * Para la forma negativa utilizamos Do not = Dont - Does not = Doesnt que se colocan delante del verbo para negar y el verbo en forma simple en (he she it ) Affirmative Interrogative Negative

    I speak Do I speak ? I do not speak - I dont speak You speak Do you speak ? You do not speak - You dont speak He speaks Does he speak ? He does not speak - He doesnt speak She speaks Does she speak ?

    It speaks Does it speak ?

    We speak Do we speak ?

    You speak Do you speak ?

    They speak Do they speak ?

  • Rules: He she - it a- Most form adding s to the simple form of the verb. : live lives, eat eats b- When the verbs end in o-ss-sh-ch-x is added es. : go goes c- When a verb ends in y but preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to i and es is added.:

    study - studies

    Write correctly the verbs in parentheses and Translate to Spanish

    1- Joseph..TV in the evening ( watch ) 1-

    2- Joseph..in this room in the afternoon ( study ) 2-

    3- She..to the Chemistry class ( go ) 3-

    4- Hein San Bernardino ( live ) 4-

    5- The baby..milk ( drink ) 5-

    6- You at the library ( study ) 6-

    7- We ..the newspaper ( read ) 7-

    8- They..on the blackboard ( write ) 8-

    Change the sentences to the interrogative and negative form. Use Do - Does

    1- He walks every day ( El camina cada da )



    2- They speak in the school



    3- You do the homework every day

    4- I wait for John after class

    5- She teaches History at school

    6- Helen goes to Europe every year

    7- He helps his friends

    8- John goes downtown every Saturday

    9- She studies in the library in the afternoon

    10- Mr. Allen smokes cigarettes every day

    11- She lives on this street

    12- The bus arrives before nine oclock 13- They attend a big college

    14- She lives in the city

    15- He works in the city

    16- He leaves home at nine oclock 17- I take a bus to work

    18- They go to work by car

    19 They arrive at school at nine oclock 20 The boys like to study in the afternoon


    The adverbs of frequency are words which tell in general way how many times an action is repeated. They

    are used in sentence patterns which express customary or repeated action. The following are the most


    Los adverbios de frecuencia son palabras las cuales nos indican de que forma o cuantas veces una accin es

    repetida. Ellos son usados en oraciones para expresar costumbres o acciones repetidas. Los ms comunes son

    los siguientes:

    Always : siempre often: a menudo seldom: rara vez

    Usually: usualmente sometimes: algunas veces rarely: raramente

    Frequently: frecuentemente occasionally: ocasionalmente never: nunca

    The words seldom, rarely, never are negatives

    The position of adverbs of frequency - La ubicacin de los adverbios de frecuencia

    * In affirmative statements they are between the subject and verb

    * En oraciones afirmativas ellos se colocan ente el sujeto y el verbo


    He often call his mother (l a menudo llama a su madre )

    * With the verb to be is placed followed of to be * Cuando la oraciones tiene verbo to be (am is are) se coloca despus del verbo She is always happy. ( Ella est siempre feliz )

    The expressions with every, you put at the end of the sentence.

    Las expresiones con every se colocan al final de la oracin every morning: cada maana o todas las maanas

    every afternoon: cada tarde o todas las tardes

    every night : cada noche o todas las noches

    every day : cada da o todos los das

    every week : cada semana o todas las semanas

    every month : cada mes o todos los meses

    every year : cada ao o todos los aos

    Put the frequency word in the correct place and Translate

    1- He is busy (always ): 2- She is very tired ( usually ) 3- Mr. Green visits her mother ( every day ) 4- They go to France on holiday ( every year ) 5- We eat turkey ( every Christmas ) 6- Robert goes to the cinema ( often ) 7- I study English ( never ) 8- We watch TV in the evening ( rarely ) 9- Lucy is late to class ( always ) 10- They are absent ( rarely ) 11- I set the table (always) 12- He loses his keys (sometimes)

  • Read and Translate

    Mr. Green often gets up at 7:00, and he usually has breakfast at 7:30. He always starts work at 8:45. He

    sometimes eat at 12:00 and sometimes eats at one. He usually comes home at six oclock, and the Greens always have dinner at seven. Mr. Green always watches the news at nine, and he never goes to bed after



    unit 4

    POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES ( Adjetivos posesivos )

    Are used to show possession . They go before nouns. For example, they are always used before parts of the

    body. Ex. Wash your hand

    They are also used with family and acquaintance (trato) relationship terms.

    Ex. Betty lives with her uncle.

    I MY ( mi mis ) YOU YOUR ( su sus tu tus ) HE HIS ( su sus , de l ) SHE HER ( su sus , de ella ) IT ITS ( su sus , neutro ) WE OUR ( nuestro a ) YOU YOUR ( sus , de Ustedes )

    THEY THEIR ( sus , de Ellos )


    EX. Michael is a college student. His book is on the table

    Ex : Miguel es un estudiante . Sus libros estn sobre la mesa

    1- She is a teacher. ______ pen is on the desk.

    1-. 2- Susan and Michel are college students. _____books are on the table.

    2- . 3- I am a teacher. _____pencil is on the desk.

    3- . 4- You are a student. ______notebook is on the chair.

    5- We are teachers. _______books are on the table.

    5- He is a doctor. ______pen is on the floor.


    Ex. She has a beautiful face : Her face is beautiful.

    Ex. Ella tiene una hermosa cara. Su cara es hermosa

    1- He has big eyes ( El tiene grandes ojos ) : His eyes are big ( Sus ojos son grandes )

    2- She has a beautiful mouth : Her mouth is beautiful

    3- It has short ears : Its ears are short

    4- I have a funny nose : My nose is funny

    5- She has a friendly face : Her face is friendly

    6- They have big feet : Their feet are big

    7- You have good teeth :

    8- She has long hands :

    9- He has short fingers :


    Nouns which refer to persons, animals, and places have special possessive forms characterized, in writing, by

    apostrophe. The position of the apostrophe is determined by the final letter of the base form.


    a- When the base form ends in s and it is a plural form, only an apostrophe is added. Ex. The guests coats b- When the base form ends in s and it is a singular form, you may add an apostrophe. Jack Jones coat.

    c- When the base form ends in any letter except s an apostrophe plus s is added. Ex. Bettys friend

    Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form of the noun in parentheses

    Ex. Mikes house is very big ( Mike ) 1- His _____________pencils are on the desk. ( sister ) 2- _________________notebooks are in her room ( Ann ) 3- _________________sister is in Argentina ( Richard ) 4- My ______________ books are on the floor ( brother ) 5- ______________ house is on this street. ( Mrs. Davis )

    Write the possessive form and translate to Spanish

    1- The radio of John : 2- The dog of the Millers : 3- The basket of Mrs. Millers : 4- The Car of Mr. Green : 5- The shirts of the boys : 6- The house of the family : 7- The umbrella of the girls : 8- Resources of Canada: 9- The desk of the assistant: 10- The house of the Allens:


    La forma imperativa comienza directamente con el verbo, y es la nica que no lleva sujeto, ya que se supone

    que la orden est dirigida a YOU ( singular o plural ) Translate to Spanish

    1- Turn right : 6- Stand up :

    2- Dont turn left : 7- Be quiet : 3- Go : 8- Dont forget : 4- Dont go : 9- Dont talk : 5- Dont smoke : 10- Dont move :

    Change to the negative

    Open the door : Dont open the door

    Close the book : Dont close the book

    Memorize the conversation:

    Practice the exercise :

    Answer the questions :

    Give him a pencil :

    Who says these things to you ?

    Be quiet! Sit down and open your books : .. Please come and help me in the kitchen : .. Dont put your coat on the floor : .. Come and see me again soon : ..

    LETS (Let us)

    Esta expresin implica una sugerencia, una invitacin, es un imperativo en que se incluye la persona que


    Ex. Lets go : Vamos Lets not close the window : No cerremos la ventana

    Translate to English

    1- Cerremos la puerta :

    2- Estudiemos la leccin :

    3- Juguemos football :

    4- Caminemos :

    5- No hablemos en clase :

    6- Borremos el pizarrn :


  • Unit 5

    MASS NOUNS AND COUNT NOUNS Sustantivos de masa y sustantivos contables

    Count nouns: are nouns which can be counted and have plural form.

    Book, student, teacher

    Mass nouns: they dont have plural form and represent uncountable things. Although you may fel that some of them are countable. Languages differ in this respect; it is often not possible to translate the idea of number.

    Bread, water - milk

    MUCH : mucho a . Utilizamos con sustantivos incontables o de masa Ex. : much water

    MANY : muchos as . Utilizamos con sustantivos contables Ex. : many books

    VERY : muy . Se utiliza solamente con adjetivos.

    Ex. : very intelligent

    Write : much many or very

    1- bread 6- ..old 11- ..doors 2- corn 7- ..water 12- ..papers 3- umbrellas 8- ..milk 13- ..............good 4- cars 9- ..................soup 14- ..boxes 5- dirty 10- time 15- .oranges

    Complete with : much many very and Translate to Spanish

    1- I like .sugar in the coffee. 2- He earns ..money in his job. 3- Rose has ..friends in this city. 4- ....................books are ........................expensive.

    6- English is easy. 7- ..people go on picnics in summer. 8- We spendtime studying.


    A FEW : pocos as. Se utiliza con sustantivos contables o pluralizables A LITTLE : poco a. Se utiliza con sustantivos de masa


    You like.. She likes We


    Apples Oranges Bananas

    Mr. Green Yes

    Mrs. Green Yes Yes

    Penny Yes Yes

    Jenny Yes Yes

    Robert Yes Yes

  • Complete the sentences

    1-Mrs.Green likes apples and bananas

    2- Penny and Jenny. 3- Robert. 4- Mr. Green 5- Robert and the girls..

    Answer the questions

    1- What do you like ? 2- What dont you like ? 3- What does your family like ?


    Unit 6


    Will is an auxiliary, used as in indication of the future.

    WILL is a function verb. Ir is one of a group generally called modal auxiliaries. They always accompany

    other verbs and modify their meanings.

    We use will to talk about what we think or believe will happen in the future. Ex.: Betty will introduce the boys.

    Will, es un auxiliar usado para el tiempo futuro, y se coloca entre el sujeto y el verbo

    Ex. Betty will introduce the boys

    Ej. Beatriz presentar a los muchachos

    Contractions with will: will is often combined with subject pronouns and with not.

    The contraction of will not is irregular. Will not = wont

    Singular Plural

    Ill Well


    Hell Shell Itll


    Some expressions of future time:

    Later Next Sunday

    Later today Next week

    Tomorrow Next month

    The day after tomorrow Next year

    Translate and change the sentences to the interrogative and negative form

    1- The class will begin on time

    1- La clase comenzar a hora

    1- Will the class begin on time?

    1- The class will not begin on time

    2- She will talk to them




    3- They will talk about chemistry class

    4- They will be busy

    5- The class will begin at eight

    6- I will come at 10:00

    7- She will use her new pink dress

    8- Albert will be here tomorrow

  • 9- They will be working hard

    10 Hellen will go to the store

    Translate the sentences to Spanish

    1- Later, she will write the invitations


    2- She will sing her new song tomorrow.


    3- We will go to Europe next year.


    4- They will be tired after the party


    POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS They are used to show possession and are used without nouns.

    Ex. This book is your.


    Translate the sentences to Spanish

    1- They are not mine. They are yours :

    2- This isnt theirs. It is mine : 3- It is not his. It is hers :

    4- Those records arent mine. They are theirs :

    unit 7

    THE DAYS OF THE WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday.


    1- There are seven days in a week : 2- Monday is the first workday in the week :

    3- Tuesday follows Monday :

    4- Wednesday comes after Tuesday : 5- Thursday is the day after Wednesday :

    6- Friday is the last workday in the week :

    7- Saturday and Sunday are the weekend : 8- People usually dont work on the weekend : 9- They usually stay home and rest :

    Singular Plural

    1 Mine Ours

    2 Yours

    3 His





    January February March April May June July August September October November December.


    Use the appropriate form of be + going to + simple verb to indicate future actions.

    My parents are going to arrive tomorrow.

    Use the negative of be to form negative sentences in the future.

    The Millers arent going to move to Colorado next year.

    We use both will and going to in predictions about the future, but there is a difference:

    We use going to when we have already decided to do something.

    Ex.: Im going to clean the house. Use these time expressions: tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening next week next month next year.

    Translate the sentences to Spanish

    1- I am going to paint the kitchen:

    2- Anne is going to spend a day in the mountains next month:

    3- They are going to prepare foods :

    4- We are going to go to school early Monday morning :

    5- After lunch, Anne is going to sits in the sun and relaxes :

    Change the sentences to the interrogative and negative form

    a- We are going to take a trip to Europe



    b- We are going to have a wonderful time

    c- It is going to snow on Friday night

    d- I am going to ski every afternoon

    e- William is going to the baseball game with Linda

    f- Nancy and Peter are going to play tennis Saturday morning

    g- I am going to sleep well tonight

    h- She is going to eat dinner at her favorite Chinese restaurant

    THE NUMBERS ( FROM 20 TO 100 )

    20: Twenty

    21: twenty one

    22: twenty two

    30: Thirty 40: Forty 50: Fifty

    60: Sixty 70: Seventy 80: Eighty

    90: Ninety 100: One Hundred


    EX. How much are the and fifteen ? : Ten and fifteen are twenty five

    1- How much are thirty-three and fifty ? 2- How much are eleven and thirty ? 3- How much are seventeen and forty ? 4- Hoe much are eight and fifty ?

  • 5- How much are twenty-two and thirty-two ? 6- How much are six and thirty ? 7- How much are thirteen and fifty ? 8- How much are fourteen and sixty ? 9- How much are forty-nine and fifty ? 10- How much are fifty and fifty ?


    1- I want to six apples:

    2- We have thirty two teeth:

    3- Please, give me eighteen eggs :

    4- A dollar has one hundred cents :

    5- A month has thirty days :

    6- A week has seven days :

    7- A day has twenty four days :

    8- Twelve is a dozen :

    9- An hour is sixty minutes :

    10- A minute is sixty seconds :

    THE TIME ..

    unit 8


    Ordinal Short Form

    1 First 1st

    2 Second 2nd

    3 Third 3rd

    4 Fourth 4th

    5 Fifth 5th

    6 Sixth 6th

    7 Seventh 7th

    8 Eighth 8th

    9 Ninth 9th

    10 Tenth 10th

    11 Eleventh 11th

    12 Twelfth 12th

    13 Thirteenth 13th

    14 Fourteenth 14th

    15 Fifteenth 16th

    Right or wrong?

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

    1- A is the first letter of the alphabet 2- F is the fifth letter 3- K is the third letter after H 4- D is the third letter before H 5- Y is the second last letter 6- M is the fourteenth letter 7- N is the fourteenth letter

  • 8- T is the twentieth letter 9- Z is the last letter

    Write about these letters

    1- A is the first letter of the alphabet 2- B is the .. letter 3- D is the letter 4- H is the letter 5- L .................................... 6- E .................................... 7- K .................................... 8- J .................................... 9- F .....................................

    IDIOMS ( EXPRESIONES IDIOMTICAS ) Estas expresiones tienen un uso particular y muy diferente en las dos lenguas Espaol e

    Ingls. En Espaol se utilizan con el verbo TENER y en Ingls se usan con el Verbo To Be

    (am is are) . Las ms comunes son las siguientes: BE HUNGRY = tener hambre

    BE THIRSTY = tener sed

    BE SLEEPY = tener sueo

    BE HOT = tener calor

    BE COLD = tener fro

    BE 20 YEARS OLD = tener 20 aos

    BE AFRAID = tener miedo

    BE RIGHT = tener razn

    BE LUCKY = tener suerte

    Accountant reading


    The office is an ample and comfortable place. It is in downtown. Helen the secretary travels by bus

    every day. She always is on time.

    Mr. Smith is the boss. He is very intelligent. The office boy cleans the office every day.

    Albert is the office boy. In the office there are desk, chair, typewriter, telex machine, one computer,

    paper basket, and carpet.

    The office is in the second floor and we have an elevator to arrive there.


    La oficina es un amplio y confortable lugar. Esta en el centro de la ciudad. Elena, la secretaria viaja

    en mnibus todos los das. Ella siempre est a hora en su oficina.

    El seor Smith es el jefe. El es muy inteligente. El ordenanza limpia la oficina todos los das.

    Alberto es el ordenanza. En la oficina hay escritorio, silla, mquina de escribir, teles, una

    computadora, papelera y alfombra.

    La oficina est en el segundo piso y nosotros tenemos un ascensor para llegar all.


  • I am working in the office every day. I am the secretary. Mr. Jones is my boss. He is always on time.

    Albert is the office boy. He is cleaning the desk now. Alice is a typist. She is writing a commercial letter

    now. She is writing without mistake. My office is very modern and pleasant. It is well equipped.


    My house is not very big, but it is very comfortable. It has two floors, a garage and a garden.

    Downstairs there is a living-room, a dining-room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

    Upstairs there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

    The living-room is very big and comfortable: there is a sofa, two armchairs and a T.V. set. The

    kitchen has a gas cooker, a refrigerator, a sink and a small breakfast table. The bedrooms have one or two

    beds, a small table, a chest and a bookcase.

    I love my house and I am very happy to live there.

    Choose the correct letter to complete the sentences according to the reading.

    A) My house isnt B) Downstairs there is C) Upstairs there are

    very big a living-room two bedrooms

    very small a bedroom three bathrooms

    very comfortable a balcony three bedrooms

    D) The living-room is E) There is a T.V. set F) The bedrooms have

    small in the bedroom a bookcase

    comfortable in the kitchen three beds

    big in the living-room two T.V. sets


    Name: Anne Jackson

    I like school. Maths is my favorite class. I love numbers because they are fun.

    History is interesting, too. I dont like sports very much. Judo is difficult and swimming is boring. I never play football.

    My friends like sports, but they dont like school. Mr. Chips, the Maths teacher, is always angry because they never do their homework.

    Complete the sentences according to the story

    A) Her favorite class is E) She

    Science always plays football

    History usually plays football

    Maths never plays football

    B) She loves numbers because they are F) Her friends like

    fun play guitar

    boring sports

    good school

    C) History is interesting but swimming is G) Mr. Chips is her

    easy English teacher

  • difficult Maths teacher

    boring History teacher

    D) Her friends like sports, but they H) Mr. Chips is always

    dont like swimming angry

    never play football interesting

    dont do their homework boring

    Try to write your own story about your favorite class.


    Mr. and Mrs. Gonzlez are going to planning a business trip. They will visit some Europes countries to know and to buy at the same time.

    Mr. Gonzlez is a commercial travelers and he travels to offer or to sell. Mrs. Gonzlez is his

    secretary, she is very efficient and she always travels with Mr. Gonzlez her husband.

    They will visit the most interesting factories of French, Italy, Spain and England.

    They are going to buy mens shoes, socks, shirts, ladies shoes, ladies dresses and other things. Then they are going to visit the Eiffel Tower, and they will eat typical foods at the Parisiens restaurant. Tomorrow

    morning ; after they finish they work they will have a flight to Rome.

    Mr. and Mrs. Gonzlez will come back at the end of the month.

    COMMERCIAL WORDS ( PALABRAS COMERCIALES ) Balance : balance Bond : bono

    Expenses : gastos Investment : inversion

    Payment : pagos Interest : inters

    Discount : descuento Value : valor

    Percentage : porcentage Mortgage : hipoteca

    Bank card : tarjeta de banco Credit card : tarjeta crdito

    I want to deposit : quiero depositar

    Business terms : expresiones de negocio


    May, 12, 2002

    Colonial Shoes

    Greenwich Avenue 879

    San Francisco, California


    Dear Sir:

    We believe that you as a prestige company of business, must be interested in receiving new catalogues of

    shoes from new sources of supplier.

    Your company is recommended as one of the most important importer of shoes therefore, we take the liberty

    to enclose you our current catalogue, as well as quotation for your buying considerations.

    Waiting for a favorable answer.

    Yours, very truly

    Thomas A. White

  • Manager

    A letter of complaint

    Dear Mr. Ettlin,

    I am writing to complain about your airline booking system.

    I have been using your company for six years, and have always been satisfied with your

    service. Yesterday however, I arrived for a flight to Rio de Janeiro and was told that my seat

    was double-booked, even though I bought my ticket four months ago. I couldnt get on the plane. Your staff, who were very rude, turned down my request for a seat on another airline.

    I have been travelling regularly by air for the last fifteen years, and this has never happened

    to me before. I had to put off a meeting in Rio, and let down an important customer.

    I am still angry. I would like an apology from you, and a guarantee that this will not happen

    again. If you want me to use your airline in the future, my next ticket will have to be half

    price. Otherwise, I will never fly with your company.

    Your sincerely,

    .. T. J. Starley


    to complain: para quejarme booking system:

  • A Story from AESOP

    One of the story of the Greek writer Aesop concerns a group of animal who while sitting together one day in the forest, were talking about the popularity of the elephant. They all agreed that the elephant was the most popular animal in the forest, but not one of them could give a good explanation of this fact. The giraffe said: If the elephant had a long neck like mine, then it would be easy to understand his popularity. He would be the tallest animal in the forest. The peacock said: If he had my beautiful tail, it would be easy to understand he would be the most beautiful animal in the forest. The rabbit said: If he could run as fast as I, it would be easy to understand he would be the fastest animal in the forest. The bear said: If he was as strong as I, it would be easy to understand. He would be the strongest animal in the forest. At this moment the elephant himself appeared. He was larger and stronger than any of the other animals, and he was also superior in many other ways. But he was always quiet and modest about his many accomplishments. This, after all, was the real explanation for his popularity.


    Forest: bosque Fact: hecho, acontecimiento Like: como (comparativo) Accomplishments: cualidades It would be easy to understand: sera fcil entender He would be: l sera As..as: tan.como

    Answer the questions

    1) Was Aesop a Greek writer or a Spanish writer?

    1) 2) Where was the goup of animal sitting one day?

    2) 3) What were they talking about? 3) 4) Was the elephant popular or unpopular among the animals?

    4) 5) Is the elephant a large or a small animal ?

    5) 6) Is the elephant a wild or a domestic animal ?

    6) 7) What kind of tail has the peacock ?

    7) 8) What did the rabbit say ?

    8) .. 9) Who appeared at this moment among the group of animals?

    9) 10) In what way was the elephant superior to the other animals ?

    10).. 11) Did the elephant talk much about his many accomplishments or was he always quiet and modest ?

    11) 12) What, after all was the real explanation for his popularity ?



  • Last year more than fifty millions litres of pesticides were sprayed onto crops in Britain.

    These contained many different chemicals: we think that some them cause cancer and damage babies.

    And they end up on the food we eat.

    All food should be pesticide-free and all that is needed for this are laws against the use of pesticides.

    We must organized a kind of movement which will force this government to follow the example of more sensible countries where farmers are not allowed to spray chemical onto the food that grow.

    End up: acaban Allowed: permitido, dejado, admitido Spray: rociar, pulverizar Grow: cultirvar (Lectura de tiempo condicional)

    IN THE PRESIDENTS CHAIR Every week we ask someone what they would do if they were president. This week is the turn of Heather Pearce, an university teacher. I would import more high technology for our industries and transport systems instead of relying on cheap labour. I would pay for this by exporting more of our agricultural produce and cutting down on our food imports. I would work hard for international peace instead of making aggressive speeches, and at home I would put more money into our health and social services. Next week would you like to be in the presidents chair ?

    Vocabulary Relying on: contar con Speeches: discurso, alocucin. Cutting down on: reducir el consumo de Instead of: en vez de, en lugar de (Reading conditional tense) When I look back at my childhood, it seems that the best things inlife were free. Winter was a quiet time. We spent most weekends indoors. My family played a lot of word games, without paper or pencils. We went to the library and got books to read, and we played and sang songs. When it snowed (nearly everday), the neighborhood kids got together. We built snowmen, had snowball fights and made angels in the snow and moving our arms up and down. None of that cost us one cent ! fights: enfrentarse, luchar contra moving: moviendo, agitando


    My name is Ruo Lien. My name means Lotus in Chinese. A lotus is a beautiful flower. In the Chinese culture, the lotus is a symbol of purity. My parents want me to be good, pure, and beautiful. That is why they named me Ruo Lien. I try hard to be a good person, but it is difficult. I help poor people. I help old people, too. I try hard to be honest. I always tell the truth. I study hard. I study art, and I want to be a good artist.

  • Am I beautiful? Well, I am beautiful in my parents eyes. That is important to me.

    CIRCLE THE LETTER THAT SHOW THE CORRECT ANSWER 1- In the Chinese, Liens name means________ a- flower b- rose c- lotus 2- A lotus is ________ a- a beautiful flower b- a pure person c- a good artist 3- In Liens culture, the lotus is a symbol of _______ a- art b- purity c- beauty 4- Liens parents want her to be_______ a- good, pure and beautiful b- poor, old and important c- Chinese, difficult and shy 5- Lien knows that she is beautiful_______ a- in her friends eyes b- in her boyfriends eyes c- in her parents eyes

    ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 1- What is Lotus ? 1- 2- Is Ruo Lien a good person ? 2- 3- Are you a good person ? 3- 4- Is she beautiful ? 4- 5- What does she study ? 5-


    My name is Hassen. I am twenty-seven years old. I am male. I am from Tunisia, but I am a student in the United States. I am single now, but I hope to marry one day. I come from a large family. I have a mother, father, four brothers, and three sisters. They are in Tunisia. I love my family very much. I miss them. It is difficult for me to be far away from my home. I am a shy person, but I like to laugh. I like to be with children. Children are important in my life. At home, I play with sisters children. I also like the sea. At home, I go out in my fathers boat. He is a fisherman. I like the sound of the sea. It is my favorite music. I also like to cook. My mother says that I am a good cook. Finally, I like to work with wood. I make toys for children out of wood.

  • CIRCLE THE LETTER THAT SHOW THE CORRECT ANSWER 1- Hassen is ______ 2- Hassen is_______ a- a fisherman a- twenty-six years old b- a student b- twenty-seven years old c- a cook c- twenty-eight years old 3- Hassen is_______ 4- Hassens mother says that________ a- single a- she loves her son b- married b- her son is a good cook c- divorced c- she likes to cook 5- Hassen is ________ 6- He likes the sound________ a- an old people a- of the music b- a shy person b- of the boat c- a teacher c- of the sea 7- Hassen likes to________ a- be away from his family and have a good time b- laugh, be with children and play football c- laugh, cook and work with wood A SMALL TOWN I live in a small town of about 14,000 people. It has its disadvantages. The biggest is that people from the cities like to spend their vactions and weekends here, so there is a lot of traffic and stores are often very busy. The town has more advantages than disadavantages, it doesnt nuch industry. There is a lot of open space and fresh air. There isnt much pollution or crime. For a small town, there are a lot of things to do. There are more good restaurants than there are in most small twons. You can eat out at a different restaurant every night for a month. Its a good place to live.


    These days enough pesticides are sprayed onto vegetables * Last year more than fifty million litres of pesticides were sprayed onto crops in Britain. * These contained many different chemicals: we think that some of them cause cancer and damage babies. * And they end up on the food we eat. In fact in a recent survey we found that of 178 vegetables, 61 had chemicals on them. * All food should be pesticide-free and all that is needed for this are laws against the use of pesticides. * The government ought to regulate the use of pesticides. * Its important to follow the example of more sensible countries where farmers are not allowed to spray chemicals onto the food that they grow. * But there is a problem. * There isnt enough money! VOCABULARY Spreayed: esparcido onto: sobre end up: teminan Survey: inspeccin pesticide: pesticida grow: cultivar Enough: suficiente



    Litter: basura Garbage: desperdicios, desechos Like: como Ground: suelo, piso Garbage can: basurero to drop: dejar caer Look: se ve spoil: deteriora blows: sopla

  • Fence: valla, cerca Litter is garbage like food, paper, and cans on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People dont always put their garbage in the garbage can. Its easier to drop a paper than to find a garbage can for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view. The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of garbage. Litter is a healt problem, too. Food and garbage bring animals, which sometimes carry disease. Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people who throw garbage on the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to jail. One famous sayings in the United States is: Dont be a person who through litter

    MATCH THE WORDS ON THE LEFT WITH THE DEFINITION ON THE RIGHT 1- LITTER garbage on the ground or in the street 2- FENCE a special can for garbage 3- JAIL everything that a person can see 4- GARBAGE CAN a wall that separates two places 5- VIEW sickness 6- FINE a number of people 7- DISEASE money people pay as punishment 8- GROUP a place people stay as punishment

    INDEPENDENCE FOR PARAGUAY WAS NOT EASY TASK A small country, Paraguay is surrounded by giant neighbors, Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia, but proudly kept its independence since it was declared in 1811. It was not easy. The half century following independence was dominated by the dictatorship of Dr. J.R. de Francia (1813-1840) and the government of the Lpez, father and son (1841-1870). While the country evolved into a stable nation, they had to keep an eye on the neighbors. Marshal F.S. Lpez, became president when his father died in 1862. A terrible war called the War of the Triple Alliance in Paraguay, began in 1864. It killed half the population of Paraguay in five years of horror. The Paraguayans fiercely fought for every foot the their land, Lopez himself commanded the armed forces at the same time he was the head of the government. The capital city, Asuncin fell in January 1869. Lpez and his army headed north pursued by the enemy. Soldiers were recruited and marched, but children were all, left. He accepted them. Finally, deep in the interior, and accompanied by only a small group of men, Lpez, who had promised to win or die, was surprised at Cerro Cor in early 1870 by the Brazilian army. There the president-general died alongside his son. The war was over.

  • This was the bloodiest war in South American history, six years of occupation followed, and Paraguay was stripped of considerable land. Francisco Solano Lpez is one the legendary military heroes of Paraguay.


    Surrounded: rodeado Foot: pie Army: armada Neighbors: vecinos Land: tierra Win: ganar, vencer Proudly: orgullosamente Headed: se dirigieron Die: morir Half: mitad Pursued: perseguido Over: se acab Century: siglo Recruited: reclutados Stripped: despojado Dictatorship: dictadura As: as, de esa forma Land: tierra War: guerra Deep: interior, fondo Fiercely:furiosamente Early: a comienzo/s Fought: lucharn, pelearn Bloodiest: la ms sangrienta

    TRUE OR FALSE? 1- ( ) Paraguayans independence was declared in 1811 2- ( ) Rodriguez de Francia governed the country before its independence 3- ( ) Marshal Francisco S. Lpez governed began in 1841 4- ( ) F.S. Lpez father died in 1862 5- ( ) The War of the Triple Alliance killed over half the population of Argentina. 6- ( ) The War lasted ten years. 7- ( ) When Asuncin fell, Lpez headed south. 8- ( ) The Argentinian army surprised Lpez at Cerro Cor 9- ( ) When Lpez died the war was over.

    JUSTIFICACIONES TEACHER: Cristian david diaz