Book Of Celtic Tree Zodiac & Sabbats

Book Celtic Tree Zodiac & Sabbats - The WyrdSistersthewyrdsisters.com/Downloads/Trees and sabbats.pdf · Celtic Tree Zodiac & Sabbats. Beth (Birch) December 24 to January 20 THE SUN

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Celtic Tree Zodiac & Sabbats

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Beth (Birch) December 24 to January 20




TALIESIN, Bardic God

“I am a stag of seven tines”

Ruling Deity: The Warrior God Lugh, inventor of all arts and crafts.

Tree: Birch - To the druids, the Birch represented renewal and rebirth as it was

the first tree in leaf after winter. Birch people are determined, resilient and

ambitious. Good organizers, leaders and strategists, they are not deterred by

setbacks, believing hard work, patience and persistence will triumph. They are loyal

but reserved in showing affection. Birch people need a goal in life or they become

depressed and pessimistic.

Druic Animal: The white stag symbolizes high ideals and aspirations

Planetary Ruler: Sun

Birthstone: Crystal

Gaelic Name: Damh

Ogham Word: Beithe

Attributes: Independence, Majesty, Integrity, Pride

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Gift, Quality or Ability: Sensitivity to other worlds, shape shifting, initiation,


Moon: Feminine. Moon of inception, beginning. Protection of children, purification,


The Birch Moon prepares us for the journey through the year ahead. Purification

and protection rituals are common practices as the year again begins its waxing


Prepare yourself for things to come by making a birch broom. For the shaft choose

any branch or dowel two to four feet in length. Attach birch twigs to one end using

twine. Light thirteen candles, one for each of the thirteen Celtic Tree Months.

Rhythmically tap the broom over your body to purify your spirit and to garner a

protective force around you. Think of losing the uneasy and unsettled elements of

the past year while gaining those needed to make this year better. Do this to a


Broom and birch my spirit free,

Preparing me for what may be;

The past is done, the future unformed,

With purity and protection my path is adorned

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Luis (Rowan) January 21 to February 17





“I am a wide flood on a plain”

The Ruling Deity: Brigid, the Goddess of fertility and poetry.

Tree: Rowan - Rowans were planted near doors and gates to ward off evil and were

thought to guard the gateway to the spirit world. Rowan people are idealistic,

progressive thinkers with strong humanitarian and spiritual principles. They thrive

on change, becoming impatient with convention or restriction, artistic and original,

they can appear detached and aloof. Rowans need an outlet for their powerful

imagination or they can become restless and quarrelsome.

Druic Animal: The Dragon symbolizes inspiration and imagination

Ruling Planet: Uranus

Birthstone: Peridot

Gaelic Name: Corr

Ogham Word:Luis

Attributes: Secret Knowledge, Eccentric, Patient

Gift, Quality or Ability: Unusually clever with specialized skills and talents, and a

progressive outlook on life. Sense of the evolving spirit. Sensitivity to the other

world, journeying, magick.

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Moon: Masculine; Moon of vision, astral travel, healing, personal empowerment and


As our spirits wax with the new year, the Rowan Moon compels us to achieve the

inner strength that allows us to triumph over enemies and danger. The rowan has

been used for protecting dwellings, barns, and graveyards; to enhance healing and

divination rituals; and to increase our own sense of inner power so that we can flow

with - never against - the spiral forces of the universe.

Close your eyes and spread your arms, reaching high. Visualize them as the

branches of the rowan. Imagine that your feet are projecting anchoring roots deep

into the center of the earth. Your body is the rowan's trunk. Feel it grow stronger,

holding firm against whatever onslaught the elements can produce. Know that with

each passing year your trunk grows stronger. A bulwark against anything the

universe can hurl at you. Each year it is easier to cope with adversity, easier to turn

back ill-will and deflect danger. Know that you are the rowan, sturdy and confident,

rooted in Mother Earth while reaching for Father Sky

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LUGHNASAAD – February 2nd

Alternate Names

Lammas, Lunasa, Celtic 'Grain Festival'

Druidic Name


Christian Equivalent


Place in the Natural Cycle

Lughnassadh is the cross-quarter festival

that heralds the start of the autumn

quarter of the year and the end of the

summer quarter. Even though Lughnassadh

occurs at the warmest time of the year, it

marks the time at which days become

noticeably shorter.

The autumn season contains three

harvests, and Lughnassadh is the first of

these, the time when the first corn

harvest is cut. Lughnassadh is named after

Lugh (pronounced 'loo'), a Celtic deity of light and wisdom. At Lughnassadh, bread

from the first harvest was eaten in thanks,

and this tradition was continued in the

Christian church's Lammas ('loaf-mass')

service, where the first loaf would be

blessed at mass.

In terms of the Goddess cycle,

Lughnassadh is sometimes considered as

the time of transformation of the Goddess

into her aspect as pregnant Earth Mother.

The God is getting weaker as the days

grow shorter, but his rebirth is assured as

he is also present as the Goddess's unborn


Though the God is often considered as

dying at Samhain, there is a sacrificial

aspect to Lughnassadh, with the Corn

King being cut down to be transformed

into the life-giving fruits of the harvest

and resurrected as the new crop the

following year. Deities and symbols

associated with agriculture and harvest

are all appropriate for Lughnassadh, and

a symbolic eating of bread is often an

important part of celebrations at this

time of year.

Lughnasadh is a time to take stock and

be thankful for what we have and what

we have achieved. It is a time for

sharing and appreciation, a time to

consider our situation and learn the

lessons of the ways in which we have

reaped what we have sown, for good or

for ill. It is also an auspicious time for

deciding how to get the most from

ongoing situations or projects, and how

to bring more negative influences to an



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Nion (Ash) February 18 to March 17



Wood Anemone

Lir, Sea God

“I am a wind on deep waters”

Ruling Deity: The Magician, storyteller, and trickster, Gwydion.

Tree: Ash - The Ash was a sacred chieftain tree, said to "court the flash" as it

was prone to lightning strike. Its wood was thought to be enchanted and was used

for Druidic wands and spears. Ash people are quick witted, spontaneous and

gregarious. They have a lively curiosity and are intelligent, persuasive speakers,

enthusiastic, inquisitive and communicative. They love discussing new ideas and

projects. Ash people need to focus their mental abilities or they can become

nervous and irritable.

Druic Animal: The Adder symbolizes wisdom and spiritual energy.

Ruling Planet: Neptune

Birthstone: Coral

Gaelic Name: Ron

Ogham Word: Nion

Attributes: Spiritual, Loving, Super-sensitive

Gift, Quality or Ability: Tend to have great compassion and highly adaptable. Also

the romantics and dreamers of life. Artistic and emotional. Sensitivity to the other

world. Shape changing and connection with the faerie folk.

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Moon: Feminine. Moon of Waters, prosperity, protection and healing.

The Ash Moon is the balancing force that connects all of us with all worlds, seen

and unseen. It offers potent energy for healing spells, phychic work, protection in

or on water, dream magic, and curse-breaking.

For this ritual you will need an ash limb, or you may wish to decorate and empower a

dowel as an ash substitute. Face each direction in turn - moving clockwise and

starting in the west - while holding the ash wand before you. Visualize it beating

down any curse energy or ill-will being sent your way.

By the ash to all worlds my will does go, To those who would curse, I say them, "No!" The ash protects and absorbs the bane, Breaking the curse so I'm whole again.

End the ritual by taking the wand outside and placing it on the ground so the

negativity will be grounded

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Fearn (Alder) March 18 to April 14




Bran or Arthur

“I am the shining tear of the Sun”

Ruling Deity: The God of the spirit world, Bran the Blessed.

Tree: Alder - Alder resist rot in water and was used to make bridges, boats, clogs

and milk jugs. It was a crime to fell an alder, as the angry tree spirit would burn

down houses. Alder people are courageous, energetic, impetuous and determinded to

make their own way in the world. Self-reliant and adventurous, they love taking

risks and are tenacious workers. Affectionate and charming, they inspire great

loyalty in others. Alders must learn the art of diplomacy or they waste energy in

fruitless disputes.

Druic Animal: The Fox - symbolizes skill in diplomacy

Ruling Planet: Mars

Birthstone: Ruby

Gaelic Name: Art

Ogham Word: Fern

Attributes: Achieving, Primal Power, Instinct

Gift, Quality or Ability: Very connected to the ancestral roots. Filled with

courage and a sense of adventure. Extremely physical, extroverts. Protection,

journeying, and sensitivity to the other world.

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Moon: Masculine. Moon of Utility, Efficacy, Self Guidance. Spirituality, teaching,

weather magick, duty and mental prowess.

The Alder Moon brings out our inner psychic. European folklore tells us an alder's

energy is eternal, and it should never be cut down. Alder has been used to assist in

divination rituals, and wind instruments made of the wood have aided in summoning

spirits and working with weather magic. In Celtic mythology the alder is sacred to

the God Bran, Whose severed head became an oracle.

Open your psychic channels by lying flat on your back. Place a sprig of alder at the

top of your head to bridge the path to Bran. Place alder leaves or bark chips on your

forehead and near your mouth, and another on your belly to help you have the right

"gut reactions" to psychic images.

Ask Bran's assistance, relax completely, and focus on receiving impressions from

the Otherworld. Wait to interpret what you see or hear until later. Sleep with some

of the alder from your ritual under your pillow to dream prophetically and perhaps,

to clarify your psychic visions.

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Alternate Names

Celtic 'Festival of the Vine'

Druidic Name

Alban Elfed or Alban Elued (Light of the


Christian Equivalent

Saint Matthew's Day

Place in the Natural Cycle

Mabon is the solar festival that marks the

transition from the light to the dark half of

the year: day and night are of equal length.

On this day, the sun rises due east and sets

due west. The autumn quarter of the year

runs from Lughnassadh to Samhain, so

Mabon marks the mid-point of autumn. By

Mabon, the land is showing clear signs of

the journey towards winter - leaves are

beginning to turn and birds are gathering

for migration.

Mabon is the time of the second harvest,

when fruits are ready for collection. In

Celtic mythology, Mabon was the Young God,

abducted and imprisoned, only to return at a

later date. This is thus an appropriate title

for the day on which darkness gains the

upper hand over light until the following

equinox, Ostara. Mabon is the point at

which, conceptually at least, the Sun enters

the sign of Libra, the Scales or Balance -

the most appropriate sign for this day of

perfect balance between darkness and light.

Mabon is a time to consider which

aspects of your life you wish to

preserve and which you would prefer

to discard. It marks a time of

thankfulness, equality and balance

when you should try to appreciate and

enjoy the fruits of your labors. The

dark half of the year brings a greater

emphasis on reflection, rest and

planning, and Mabon is the point at

which these influences begin to be


The enchanting time of the year that

Mabon celebrates is perhaps most

beautifully evoked by To Autumn, by the English poet, John Keats.

Appropriately for this time of

benevolence, the poem first appeared

in a lively letter to a friend, and even

more appositely, this letter was

written on the autumnal equinox of

1819. It was published in 1820 in the

volume that would make Keats'

reputation after his death: Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes and other poems .


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Saille (Willow) April 15 to May 12

The Moon



Morgan le Fay

“I am a hawk on a cliff”

Ruling Deity: The Celtic Moon Goddess Ceridwen.

Tree: Willow - The Willow was sacred to the Moon and in Celtic myth the universe

was hatched from two eggs hidden among the boughs of the Willow. Willow people

have good memories and are articulate, strong willed and resourceful, emotional and

enigmatic. They have quick responses and are prone to sudden mood changes.

Willows must trust their inner voice ot they can become moody and chronically


Druic Animal: The Hare symbolizes adaptation and intuition.

Ruling Planet: Moon

Birth Stone: Moonstone

Gaelic Name: Nathair

Ogham Word: Sail

Attributes: Transformation, Healing, Life Energy

Gift, Quality or Ability: The virtue of resourcefulness is one of the greatest

strengths. Strong interest in Family. Excellent memory. Drawn to natural methods

of healing. Healing, magick, shape shifting and initiation.

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Moon: Feminine. Witches Moon, balance. Romantic love, healing, protection,

fertility and magick for women.

Like the willow that bends but doesn't break, The Willow Moon helps us do

whatever we have to do, it teaches us that we are able to push ourselves to levels

we once thought impossible. Once we attain things hard won, the willow offers

itself as a glue to bind them to us forever.

Binding must be entered into with care. Because we are all linked on wheel of life,

the energies we put in motion will eventually make a full circle and come back to us.

With willow branches, you can bind to yourself any object or idea, or you can bind

the actions of someone doing harm. Soak the branches overnight in water containing

a few drops of patchouli oil. Take a symbol of the thing to be bound, and wrap it

snugly in the branches. Tie it closed until the branches dry. Present the object to

the four elements to garner their assistance. When you are finished, keep the

object hidden.

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Alternate Names

Samhna, Halloween, Hallowe'en, Celtic

'Feast of the Dead'

Druidic Name


Christian Equivalent

All Saints' Day, Allhallows, Hallowmas,


Place in the Natural Cycle

Samhain (pronounced 'Sow-en') is the cross-quarter festival that marks the

start of the winter quarter of the year

and the end of the autumn quarter. By

Samhain, threadbare trees and colder

nights make it clear that winter is near.

Samhain is the time of the third and final

harvest when, in earlier days, cattle were

brought in from summer pastures. Excess

livestock was slaughtered and the meat

smoked or salted for winter. Samhain is a

time for divination and honoring the dead,

for the veil that divides the mundane and

subtle realms is considered to be

particularly insubstantial on this day.

To the Celts, this was the Feast of the

Dead and the Night of the Wild Hunt.

Samhain marked the Celtic New Year and

was the most important of the festivals.

As with other festivals, Samhain is not

constrained by the artificial midnight to

midnight divisions of

modern conception, and it is usually

considered as starting at sundown on

October 31st and ending at sundown on

November 1st.

Thus much of the celebration of

Samhain does occur at the most

appropriate time: Halloween.

The Christian tradition treats Samhain

as a Festival of the Dead too, with the

souls of departed saints remembered

on 1st November (All Saints' Day), and

those of the non-canonized dead the

following day (All Souls' Day). The

Church established All Saints' Day in

the seventh century when the Pantheon

in Rome was consecrated as the Church

of the Blessed Virgin and All Martyrs,

recasting both the Festival of the Dead

and the Temple to All Gods in terms of

Christian theology.

Samhain is a time to look back to the

past and forward to the future. It is

beneficial to reflect on those you have

known and the experiences you have

shared, as well as to take the time to

view the possibilities ahead of you.

Samhain is a profound time of the year,

offering the opportunity of



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Uath (Hawthorn) May 13 to June 9



Wood Sorrel

Govannan, smith-god

“I am fair among flowers”

Ruling Deity: The summer flower maiden Olwen.

Tree: Hawthorn - Hawthorn, or May, was a symbol of psychic protection due to its

sharp thorns. Faery spirits were thought to live in Hawthorn hedges, which were

planted as protective shields around fields, houses and churchyards. Hawthorn

people are mercurial, innovative, creative and confident. Easily bored, they crave

mental stimulation and challenge. They are eloquent and gifted performers, exuding

natural charm. Hawthorns must develop patience or hasty action can sabotage their

best efforts.

Druic Animal: The Owl symbolizes wisdom and patience

Ruling Planet: Vulcan

Birth Stone: Topaz

Gaelic Name: Beach

Ogham Word: Uath

Attributes: Organization, Community, Analytical

Gift, Quality or Ability: Very charismatic and full of new ideas. Lively spontaneity

and the ability to communicate on every level. Influential and very social. Fertility

and creativity.

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Moon: Masculine. Moon of restraint, hindrance, fertility, peace, prosperity, binding.

Hawthorn is sacred to the old gods and goddesses of Ireland known as the Tuatha

de Danaan. Long ago driven below the ground by foreign invaders, today the Tuatha

de Danaan are the fairy folk of Ireland.

You can open yourself to fairy contact through a simple ritual. You will need two

hawthorn blooms, a basket, and a chalice of water.

Go outside to a natural setting or garden and place the basket on the ground.

Meditate on the setting's symbolism as a place of unity for two polarized forces;

God-Goddess, male-female, fairy-human.

Fairies of old, I welcome your trust, I long to rekindle the bonds between us.

Place the two hawthorn blooms in the basket, pour water over them and walk away,

leaving your offering of friendship to the fairies.

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Duir (Oak) June 10 to July 7





“I am a god who sets the head afire with smoke”

Ruling Deity: The Father of all Gods, The Dagda.

Tree: Oak - The Oak was the sacred tree of the Druids, symbolizing truth and

steadfast knowledge. Doors made of Oak were thought to keep out evil. Oak people

are determined, self-motivated, enthusiastic and responsible. Natural leaders, they

remain calm in a crisis and are not easily swayed by opposition. Although serious

minded, they are cheerful and optimistic and do not give up easily. Oaks must

temper pride with humor or they become pompous and overbearing.

Druic Animal: The Wren, the Celtic king of the birds, symbolizes wit and subtlety.

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Birth Stone: Diamond

Gaelic Name: Dobhran

Ogham Word: Duir

Attributes: Family, Helpfulness, Intuitive

Gift, Quality or Ability: Enterprising with a wide breadth of vision. Very

optimistic with a personal magnetism. Protection, shape shifting, and journeying.

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Moon: Masculine. Moon of strength, security. Bear moon. Magick for men, positive

purposes, fidelity.

The mighty Oak Moon occurs at the time of the Summer Solstice, when the sun god

is at his peak of strength and vitality. The Oak Moon offers us this same security,

vigor, courage, and healing energy. The old Irish word for oak has been often been

translated as "door," giving us a glimpse into its power as a portal between all


To attain strength or healing during the Oak Moon, you will need two oak twigs and

two acorns. Hold a twig in each hand. Close your eyes and feel yourself being pulled

to the center of all places as each twig leads you to a different world. When you

feel you are at the oak's doorway, take an acorn in each hand; visualize one giving

you strength, and the other taking away your weakness or illness. Bury the acorn

you feel is taking away your weakness - preferably at the base of an oak tree - and

carry the other as a talisman of strength and well-being.

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YULE – JUNE 22nd

Alternate Names

Midwinter, Celtic 'Rebirth of the


Druidic Name

Alban Arthuan (Light of Arthur)

Christian Equivalent

Saint Thomas' Day, Christmas Day

(25th December)

Place in the Natural Cycle

Yule is the solar festival that marks

the shortest day of the year, with

the sun rising and setting at its most

southerly points. The winter quarter

of the year runs from Samhain to

Imbolc, so Yule stands at the

midpoint of winter.

Yule may mean 'Yoke of the Year',

derived from the Anglo-Saxon Geola, though some suggest a derivation

from the Norse Jul, meaning 'wheel'. Although it marks the sun's weakest

point in the year, Yule is also the

point at which the sun is reborn, as

days begin to grow longer again. This

link with the rebirth of the sun means

that Yule was chosen as the birthday

of the main deity in many religions..

Dionysus, Mithras, Helios, Horus and Jesus

(despite the Bible's indication of a spring

birth) were all reputedly born on 25th

December, the date on which the Winter

Solstice used to fall before calendar

changes The Druidic name for Yule, 'Light of

Arthur', identifies the legendary British

King Arthur with the sun god.

Saturnalia, the Romans' seven-day festival in honour of Saturn, took place from 17-23

December each year and was a time of great

merriment and gift-giving. The Roman name

of the Yule festival was Sol Invictus - the Undefeated Sun, and this was designated as

the birthday of Christ in 336 by Pope Julius

I in order to appropriate the most important

of the pagan festivals. The 'Twelve Days of

Christmas' are the days after Christmas Day

until the Epiphany (the day designated for

the manifestation of Christ to the Magi) on

6th January.

The Winter Solstice sees the crowning of

the Holly King, God of the waning year,

and his fall to his lighter aspect, the Oak

King, God of the waxing year, who is

reborn on this day (days grow longer after

Yule). This aspect of the festival is seen in

the Christmas carol 'The Holly and The

Ivy', whose refrain concerns 'the rising of

the sun', and which begins and ends:

The Holly and the Ivy,

When they are both full grown, Of all the

trees that are in the wood, The Holly bears

the crown.


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Tinne (Holly) July 8 to August 4


Red carnelian



“I am a battle-waging spear”

Ruling Deity: The Smith God Govannon.

Tree: Holly - When Celtic Chieftains chose a successor, he was crowned with a

Holly wreath. The ever-green Holly was thought to repel enemies, and warriors

carried Holy wood cudgels. Holly people are practical, capable and steadfast in

adversity, cautious, logical and efficient. They have good business sense but prefer

to assist rather than lead. In relationships they are sup ortive, protective and

possessive. Hollies must be less perfectionistic or they may suffer loss of

confidence and direction.

Druic Animal: The Unicorn symbolizes purity and strength.

Ruling Planet: Earth

Birth Stone: Red Carnelian

Gaelic Name: Kati

Ogham Word: Tinne

Attributes: Creative, Sensual, Nobility

Gift, Quality or Ability: A strong sense of personal integrity and a firm set of

values. Loyal and trustworthy. Deep devotion to family. Affectionate. Protection,

shape shifting and sensitivity to the other world.

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Moon: Feminine. Moon of encirclement, polarity. Protection, prophecy, magick for

animals, sex magick.

The Celts saw Holly as having a masculine energy, projective and fiery. It provided

the user with a direct link to the energy of the gods.

Make sure your magical desire is clear in your mind, seen by only you and unseen by

all others. With your goal clearly in mind, take twelve holly sprigs and separate

them into bunches of three. Wrap three of these bunches in cloths of colors

representing your goal. You may choose one color, or two, or three. As you wrap

each bunch, say:

Holly red and holly white, Caring for my wish tonight; Holly strong and holly green,

Bright to sight the now unseen.

Garnish the bundles with the remaining holly sprigs and keep them covered and

close to your sleeping place.

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IMBOLG – AUGUST 2nd Alternate Names

Oimelc, Brigantia, Imbolg, Brigid, Feast of

Lights, Celtic 'Candle Festival'

Druidic Name


Christian Equivalent

Saint Bridget's (Bride's) Day, Candlemas:

the Festival of the Purification of the

Virgin (2nd February)

Place in the Natural Cycle

Imbolc (pronounced 'im-molc') is the cross-quarter festival that heralds the start of

the spring quarter of the year and the end

of the winter quarter. Even though Imbolc

occurs at the coldest time of the year, it

marks the time at which days become

noticeably longer. Oimelc, an alternative

name for this festival, means "sheep milk",

as this is the lambing season.

Imbolc is a festival of waxing light and

purification, heralding the potential of

spring. It is associated with the Celtic

goddess Brid (pronounced 'breed') (also called Bride, Bridhe, Brigid or Bridget). In

terms of the Goddess cycle, Imbolc is the

point at which the old, winter aspect of the

Goddess, the Crone, is transformed into

the Maiden (the Virgin Goddess, Brid).

In its Christian form, Imbolc is the

Feast of the Purification of the Virgin,

in which candles are lit at midnight as a

symbol of purification (hence the

common name for this day, Candlemas).

It celebrates the presentation of the

infant Jesus at the temple and the

purification of the Virgin Mary. Jewish

law dictated that the mother of a male

child had to be purified by ritual 40 days

after the birth. The Christian Church

also appropriated the day more directly,

by designating the Goddess Brid as Saint

Bridget of Kildare, and recasting her

festival day as Saint Bridget's Day. Just

as Brid was the Goddess of poetry,

healing (particularly midwifery) and

smithcraft, so Saint Bridget became the

patron saint of these areas.

Imbolc traditions centre around light

and purification. Candles may be lit in

each room of a house to honour the

returning sun, or in each window from

sundown on Candlemas Eve (February

1st) until dawn. This is an appropriate

time to cleanse or bless your house, to

seek inspiration, and to purify yourself

of limiting thoughts and negative

attitudes. Dairy foods are particular

appropriate to eat on this festival of

calving and lambing.


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Coll (Hazel) August 5 to September 1





“I am a salmon in the pool”

Ruling Deity: The Sea God Manannan Mac Lir, a master of disguise.

Tree: Hazel - The Hazel was the tree of wisdom and it was a crime punishable by

death to fell one. It was thought magical skills and knowledge could be gained from

eating Hazel nuts. Hazel people are artistic. They have lively, analytical minds and

make inspiring teachers. Imaginative, they are radical and idealistic thinkers.

Hazels need to express their creativity or they can become morbid and


Druic Animal: Salmon, the oldest and wisest animal, symbolizing inspiration.

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Birth Stone: Amethyst

Gaelic Name: Bradan

Ogham Word: Coll

Attributes: Wisdom, Inspiration, Rejuvenation

Gift, Quality or Ability: Knowledge of the arts and science as well as good

reasoning powers. Perceptive and clever. Keen observers. Initiation, shape shifting,

connection with faerie.

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Moon: Feminine. Moon of the Wise, crone moon. Manifestation, spirit contact,

protection and fertility.

The energy of the Hazel Moon is good for contacting spirits and for enhancing

shapeshifting or astral projection rituals. It has a solid reputation of protective

energy, especially useful for protection of travelers. Hazel wood also makes an

excellent shield for deflecting negative intent when made with this goal in mind.

To craft a simplified version of a hazel shield to protect yourself, your home or

office, your car, or your barn, you will need at least nine hazel nuts as emblems of

protection. Hammer a hole through them large enough for the cord, then string

them together, making a binding knot between each. Hang these in your home and


Hazel, raise the shield so high, So tall and wide that none slips by; Protect, deflect, and quell all bane,

Make all around me safe again.

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Muin (Vine) September 2 to September 29



Branwen or Guinevere

“I am a hill of poetry”

Ruling Deity: The Tuatha De Danaan Gods of Light.

Tree: Vine - The Grapevine requires care to bear fruit in the cool Celtic climate

and became a symbol of sacred knowledge and spiritual initiation. Vine people are

discriminating, authoritative and set high personal standards. They appear cool and

detached but are secret romantics and can be sensitive, vulnerable and self critical.

Keenly perceptive, they have an eye for detail and refined aesthetic taste. Vines

must overcome a tendency to procrastinate or they can become lost in worry and


Druic Animal: The Swan symbolizes grace and beauty.

Ruling Planet: Venus

Birth Stone: Emerald

Gaelic Name: Eala

Ogham Word: Muin

Attributes: Beauty, Love and Soul

Gift, Quality or Ability: Kind and gentle, adept in love and the social arts. Calm

and serene with a strong domestic sense. Connection with faerie, shape shifting,

and creativity.

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Moon: Androgynous. Moon of celebration. Dream Magick, inspiration, courage,


The Vine Moon coincides with the Autumnal Equinox, when the bounty of the

harvest is celebrates. Fruits and wines are central to the holiday feast, and a

portion is always sacrificed to the God and Goddess, whose union produced the

harvest. The Vine Moon's energies are also used for seeking the blessing of

inspiration from the deities.

You will need wine or fruit juice, an apple (symbolic of wisdom and sacred to the

Crone Goddess who rules in Autumn), a sharp knife, and a long pin or nail. Make a

wine toast to the God and Goddess, offering a gift to them. Visualize the God and

Goddess filling the wine with the essence of unity. Take the knife and slice the

apple crosswise to reveal the five-pointed pentagram inside. Pour some of the win

into the center of the apple, and reseal the apple with the pin. Keep it through

autumn as a talisman to draw to you both wisdom and divine inspiration.

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Alternate Names

Eostre's Day, Celtic 'Bird Festival'

Druidic Name

Alban Eilir or Alban Eiler (Light of the


Christian Equivalent

Lady Day or the Annunciation (25th

March), Easter (moveable date)

Place in the Natural Cycle

Ostara is the solar festival that marks the

transition from the dark to the light half

of the year: day and night are of equal

length. On this day, the sun rises due east

and sets due west. The spring quarter of

the year runs from Imbolc to Beltane, so

Ostara marks the mid-point of spring. By

Ostara, life is returning to the land in

noticeable ways, and thus nature

demonstrates the festival's associations

with revival and the ascendancy of light.

Ostara is a celebration of conception,

regeneration and the triumph of light over

darkness. In terms of the Goddess cycle, it

is the time when the Maiden of Imbolc

conceives the child that will be born at

Yule. The Christian Church celebrates both

aspects of Ostara as the day of the

Annunciation (when Mary conceives Christ)

and the day of the

Resurrection (when Christ returns

triumphant from the darkness of

death). The latter, Easter, is

celebrated in the Western Christian

Church on the first Sunday after the

Paschal ('Passover') moon.

Ostara is a Germanic goddess of

spring and fertility, and the name of

her Anglo-Saxon equivalent, Eostre,

was used to derive the term Easter by

the Venerable Bede in the 8th century.

Eostre is a lunar goddess, and her

symbols include the egg and the rabbit,

both of which are obvious fertility

symbols. In addition, the egg

represents the Cosmic Egg of Creation

and the rabbit is symbolic of the moon

(it used to be thought that an image of

a hare could be seen in the full moon).

Eostre's festival was held on the first

full moon on or next after the vernal

equinox, so this fertility goddess lends

her festival, her symbols and her name

to the Christian celebration of the


Just as Ostara is a time to sow the

seed that will be harvested later in the

year, it is also a time to act on new

ideas and begin new ventures that will

grow as the year proceeds. It is the

point when, conceptually at least, the

Sun enters the sign of Aries and the

astrological cycle begins again. Ostara

is a time for renewal, when we should

reaffirm our commitment to those

things that are important to us and

revitalize our journey towards our


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Gort (Ivy) September 30 to October 27

Moon veiling Persephone


Woody nightshade


“I am a ruthless boar”

Ruling Deity: The faery bride Guinevere.

Tree: Ivy - The power of the Ivy to cling and bind made it a potent symbol of

determination and strength. Ivy can strange trees and was a portent of death and

spiritual growth. Ivy people are restless, sociable and good natured. Cheerful,

expansive and magnetic, they win friends easily and dislike offending others.

Although often indecisive, they are not weak willed and tackle difficult tasks with

infectious optimism. Ivy people must not get too caught up in others problems or

they can suffer disappointment and betrayal.

Druic Animal: The Butterfly symbolizes faery faith

Ruling Planet: Persephone

Birth Stone: Opal

Gaelic Name: Geadh

Ogham Word: Gort

Attributes: Veiling, Direction, Vigilance, Stamina

Gift, Quality or Ability: Generous providers but also thrifty savers and investors

regarding their future security. A sharp intellect as well as a wit. Artistic,

Protection, fertility, and creativity.

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Moon: Masculine. Moon of resilience, healing, co-operation, exorcism.

Ivy is as feminine as holly is masculine - their roles as emblems of the universal

creator are preserved for us in the medieval Christmas hymn, "The Holly and the

Ivy." The Ivy Moon strengthens our inner resilience.

Begin your ritual of exorcism inside a protective circle into which you have invited

all elemental spirits and the wise crone Goddess. On a small piece of paper, write

down that which you wish to banish. Lightly dab patchouli oil around the edge to

help ground its negative influence. Dab rosemary oil on your breastbone to help you

bounce back from the challenge.

Burn the paper in a heat resistant bowl and say:

Banished be (insert name of problem), the blight; Burned to ash and buried this night.

Bury the ashes from the bowl outside under a strong tree, and cover the spot with

ivy leave

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Ngetal (Reed) October 28 to November 24





“I am a threatening noise of the sea”

Ruling Deity: The Celtic God the Underworld, Pwyll.

Tree: Reed - The Druids believed the Reed was a tree because of its dense root

system. Cut Reeds were used as pens and symbolized wisdom and scholarship. Reed

people are complex, tenacious and fearless. Proud and independent, they have great

strength of character and rarely compromise. They thrive on challenge and have an

innate belief in their own destiny. Reeds must unite a sense of purpose with their

strong will or they can become self destructive.

Druic Animal: Hound or Dog was a title of honour for Celtic Chieftains as the Dog

symbolized enduring loyalty.

Ruling Planet: Pluto

Birth Stone: Jasper

Gaelic Name: Cailleach-oidhche

Ogham Word: Ngetal

Attributes: Wisdom, Change, Detachment

Gift, Quality or Ability: A powerful presence and personal magnetism that can

both attract and overpower sensitive people. Highly imaginative and passionate.

Initiation, sensitivity to the other world, magick.

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Moon: Feminine. Moon of the Home and hearth. Winter moon. Manifestation of

truth. Family concerns.

The Reed Moon is connected to the solar festival of Samhain, the time when we are

open to contact with ancestor spirits, strengthen our family ties, and gather in

supplies for the winter ahead.

First, take time to collect items you feel link you to your ancestors and place these

objects on an altar. Light a candle for each spirit whose name you call aloud, then

light one more for friendly wandering spirits. Once you sense their presence, offer

them food and drink.

Thank the spirits for making the sacrifices that made your world a better place,

and for giving you stamina to cope with adversity. Think of all the positive aspects

of yourself and honor them with blessings. For example:

Blessed be they who made me tall and redheaded. Blessed be they who made me smart and patient. Blessed be they who gave me artistic talent.

Blessed be they who gave me a sense of humor. . . .

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Alternate Names

Beltain, Bealtaine, Beltine, May Day,

Cetsamhain ('first Samhain'), Walpurgis

Night (Beltane Eve), Celtic 'Flower


Druidic Name


Christian Equivalent

Roodmas, Rood Day, Feast of Saint Philip

and Saint James, Feast of Saint Walpurga

Place in the Natural Cycle

Beltane is the cross-quarter festival that

marks the start of the summer quarter of

the year and the end of the spring quarter.

This is a time when nature blossoms and

felicity and fertility return to the land. In

times past, the livestock stockaded at

Samhain was returned to summer pastures

at Beltane.

Beltane is a joyful festival of growth and

fecundity that heralds the arrival of

summer. It is the festival of the 'Good

Fire' or 'Bel-fire', named after the solar

deity Bel. Bel was also known as Beli or Bile

in Ireland, with Bile meaning 'tree', so

Beltane may also mean 'Tree-fire'. Beltane

is the counterpart of Samhain (and is

sometimes referred to as Cetsamhain, the

'first Samhain'), and these two important

festivals divide the year into summer and

winter halves, just as the two equinoctial

celebrations, Ostara and Mabon, divide the

year into light and dark halves.

Lighting fires was customary at

Beltane, and traditionally a Beltane fire

was composed of the nine sacred woods

of the Celts. All hearth fires were

extinguished on Beltane Eve and then

kindled again from the sacred "need

fires" lit on Beltane. People would leap

through the smoke and flames of

Beltane fires and cattle were driven

through them for purification,

fertility, prosperity and protection.

In terms of the God and Goddess cycle,

Beltane marks the union of the two

deities, bringing new life to the earth.

It is a traditional time for

Handfastings (marriages), and was a

time for couples to make love outside

to bless the crops and the earth.

Maypoles were often danced around at

Beltane to bring fertility and good

fortune. The later addition of ribbons,

which were wrapped around the pole by

the dancers, brought a further sense

of the integration of male and female

archetypes, mirroring the union

between the God and the Goddess.

Beltane lore also includes washing in

Mayday dew for beauty and health, and

scrying in sacred waters, such as ponds

or springs.

The festival is sometimes referred to

as Roodmas, a name coined by the

medieval Christian Church in an

attempt to associate Beltane with the

Cross (the Rood) rather than the life-

giving symbol of the Maypole. Beltane

is a time to devote energy to growth

and integration. It is a time of

celebration, exuberance and hope, when

we should enjoy and appreciate the

gifts of nature.


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Ruis (Elder) November 25 to December 22





“I am a wave of the sea”

Ruling Deity: The crown Goddess and celtic tribal mother Cailleach Beara

Tree: Elder - The Elder tree was sacred to the faeries and branches were hung

above stables to protect horses from evil spirits. It was unlucky to burn Elder and

an omen of death to bring it indoors. Elder people are self sufficient, lively,

impetuous and outspoken. They dislike routine and refuse to be pressured by

others. Restless and highly energetic, they thrive on change and need constant

mental and physical challenge. Elders must learn to use change as a positive force

in their lives or they can become reckless and confused.

Druic Animal: The Raven symbolizes healing and protection.

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Birth Stone: Lapis Lazuli

Gaelic Name: Bran

Ogham Word: Ruis

Attributes: Strength, Perseverance

Gift, Quality or Ability: Raven people have a constructive approach to life. They

will continue a struggle that would defeat most people. They are very self-

disciplined and patient. Shape shifting, sensitivity to the other world, connection to

the faerie.

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Moon: Masculine. Moon of Completeness. Banishing and healing.

The Elder Moon is both the end of the Celtic lunar year and a time to prepare for

the next. The day after the Elder Moon resides in no month, but is solemn spiritual

day known as the Secret of the Unhewn Stone or the Feast of Potential.

During this Moon, plan to meet with your shadow self or cowalker - the part of you

residing in the otherworld who is the key to your completeness. It reflects the true

self of the year gone by, so that you may prepare to fulfill the potential of the year

to come.

Turn your altar to the west and light one black candle and one white candle. Gaze

between them into a portal to the otherworld. Call out to your other self to appear

to you between the candles. When the image is visible, commune with it in whatever

method seems appropriate. Learn from this self all you can about your true earthly


Offer your shadow self food and drink before bidding it farewell.

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LITHA Alternate Names

Midsummer, Celtic 'Oak Festival'

Druidic Name

Alban Hefin or Alban Heruin (Light of the


Christian Equivalent

Saint John the Baptist's Day (24th June)

Place in the Natural Cycle

Litha is the solar festival that marks the

longest day of the year, with the sun rising

and setting at its most northerly points.

The summer quarter of the year runs from

Beltane to Lughnassadh, so Litha stands at

the midpoint of summer.

Litha celebrates the height of the sun's

power and the abundance of summer.

Nature is alive, and fields and fruits are

growing towards harvest, but the blessing

is mixed, for once light reaches its apogee

it can only decline. Litha is a fairly modern

term for the summer solstice, and it may

be derived from an Anglo-Saxon word for

'moon' that referred to the sixth and

seventh months of the year. The Druidic

name for the festival, Alban Heruin or 'Light of the Shore', is very appropriate for this turning point of the

year, lying at the midpoint between 'Light

of the Earth' and 'Light of the Water'

(the Druidic terms for the equinoctial


In the past, midsummer fires were lit

for purification, protection and in the

hope that the sun could be kept

powerful for long enough to ensure a

good harvest. People would leap over

these fires in the belief that the crops

would grow as high as they could jump.

Drumming, dancing and singing were

common, making this festival a noisy

and social time.

Litha honors the apex of Light,

sometimes symbolized in the crowning

of the Oak King, God of the waxing

year. At his crowning, the Oak King

falls to his darker aspect, the Holly

King, God of the waning year (days

grow shorter after Litha). In terms of

the God and Goddess cycle, the God is

made King through his marriage to the

Queen at Litha.

Just as the winter solstice festival was

appropriated by the Christian church

to celebrate Christ's birth, so the

popular summer solstice festival was

taken to mark the birth of one of the

church's most important saints: the

cousin and baptizer of Jesus, John the

Baptist. Other saints' days correspond

to the supposed dates of their deaths,

but John's is unusual in marking his

birth. Saint John's Wort is a flower of

traditional importance to midsummer


Litha is a time to consolidate your

strengths and clear away negative

thoughts and energies. It is a time to

be joyful and full of life, while at the

same time mindful of the waning of the

light from now until Yule.

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December 23 is not ruled by any tree for it is the traditional day of the

proverbial "Year and a Day" in the earliest courts of law.

Black Pearl


“Who but I know the secrets of the unhewn dolmen?”

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