SCRIPTURIENT IMMACULATE IRRESISTIBLE CEASELESS FIERY PASSIONATE WORDY COURAGEOUS LIONHEARTED PLUCKY DAUNTLESS INCONTROVERTBLE the ink splat BIS IB Newsletter: Issue 1 EAT DRINK COFFEE Ziya Jaffer p.7 WATCH THROWBACK Amy Vasunia p.11 TRISHNA Varun Chatlani p.10 FEEL WORLD Kanika Basu p.6 In this issue Editorial p.2 What is Social Entrepreneurship? p. 3 Life in the IB p. 4-5 10 Things Not To Do On Your First Date p. 5 What I know of Human Kindness p. 6 What Your Coffee Says About You p. 7 On Zachary Sobiech p. 8 Recipe: Oreo Cheesecake Cookies p. 8 Eclectic p. 9 The Anatomy of the Perfect Chocolate-Chip Cookie p. 10 Restaurant Review: Trishna p. 10 The TV Shows That Defined Our Childhood p. 11 3 Steps to Changing Your Life p. 11 What Happens When Your Little Brother Can Beat you at Chess p. 12 Article p. 13 10 New Bands to Know Before 2013 Ends p. 14 In this issue page 1

Bombay International School: IB Newsletter

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Issue 1

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the ink splat

BIS IB Newsletter: Issue 1



COFFEEZiya Jaffer p.7


THROWBACKAmy Vasunia p.11

TRISHNAVarun Chatlani p.10


WORLDKanika Basu p.6

In this issueEditorial p.2

What is Social Entrepreneurship? p. 3Life in the IB p. 4-5

10 Things Not To Do On Your First Date p. 5

What I know of Human Kindness p. 6What Your Coffee Says About You p. 7

On Zachary Sobiech p. 8Recipe: Oreo Cheesecake Cookies p. 8

Eclectic p. 9The Anatomy of the Perfect Chocolate-Chip Cookie p. 10

Restaurant Review: Trishna p. 10The TV Shows That Defined Our

Childhood p. 113 Steps to Changing Your Life p. 11

What Happens When Your Little Brother Can Beat you at Chess p. 12

Article p. 1310 New Bands to Know Before 2013

Ends p. 14

In this issue

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It all began with deep beetroot layers sandwiched with creamy frosting. By the time we had progressed to Layer 3, we were done with editing. Layer 5, and the layout was done. As we conducted solemn fencing matches with our spoons and trailed crumbs across the desk, we realised that the newsletter’s word count was increasing faster than our calorie count. What inspires you? The thrill you get when at smell of Kung Pao Potatoes wafts out of the school kitchen? That elusive 42 on your report card? Or are you like us, the type to savour every heaped spoonful of pillowy dollops of cream cheese frosting? Whatever it is, go out there, and find the one thing that drives your passion. The Ink Splat is about finding that passion and expressing it. You can write about whatever you want – cars, books, food. This newsletter is a space for you to project and present your thoughts, and to read about the views that your peers have expressed. Back to the red velvet cake-in-a-jar, the most scrumptious food we ate all weekend. Find your red velvet cake. Find something that will fuel your passion, something that you love so much that you wouldn’t mind doing (or eating) it for the rest of your life. Find something that will give you a sugar rush, its own potent blend of concentrated energy, something that will fire up your cylinders while simultaneously

providing cushiony support for you when you falter (just imagine falling into a mountain of fluffy frosting), something that will make your adrenal glands go crazy, even if it means that diabetes is lurking on your horizon. And now that we’ve convinced you to find your passion, flip open this issue to read about the passions of your friends and classmates.

We prefer sugary sweetness to throwing ourselves of planes at obviously silly altitudes, but if you find that these adorable jars don’t provide you with a heady enough adrenaline rush, feel free to strap on a skydiving suit.

W H AT I S S O C I A L E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P ? VIKRAMADITYA JOSHI According to Greg Dees, Social Entrepreneur-ships comprise of the following characteristics:

∗ Adopting a mission to create and sustain social value (not just private value)∗ Recognizing and relentlessly pursuing new op-portunities that serve mission∗ Engaging in a process of continuous, innova-tion, adaptation and learning∗ Acting boldly without being limited by re-sources currently in hand∗ Exhibiting heightened accountability to the constituencies served and for outcomes created

The Social Entrepreneurship Framework:

∗ Innovation∗ View a social problem as a business opportu-nity∗ Grow or scale to enhance mission ∗ Metrics based on social impact ∗ Collaboration (among individuals and sectors)∗ Include all sectors and industries

∗ Application of appropriate business/social en-hancement strategies∗ Non-traditional revenue/value generating strat-egies for the organization∗ Mobilize financial and human capital

Why am I telling you about this? ∗ It is an emerging field which has courses in top universities around the world∗ It is a sector which hasn’t been researched into much depth therefore the room for expansion and op-portunity is HUGE∗ India is a constantly growing market which has played home to several successful entrepreneurs. ∗ Social Entrepreneurs require people with exper-tise not only in Business but Communication, Psychol-ogy, Mathematics, Information Technology etc ∗ This field allows you network with the vast com-munity of social entrepreneurs who are ‘change makers’ ∗ With Social Entrepreneurship – you can MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

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L I F E I N T H E I B RHEA MULANI DISCLAIMER: The following conversation is purely inten-tional and bears resemblance to all IB students.

1. Teacher to students: now write your name on this note card. Student 1: OK Student 2: This is easy!

IB Teacher to IB students: now write your name on this note card IB Student 1: how big? IB Student 2: which corner? IB Student 3: cursive or print? IB Student 4: do we need to put our whole middle name or just our middle initial? IB Student 5: What if we don’t have a middle name? IB Student 6: Is pencil okay? IB Student 7: Do you want it on the side with lines or the blank side?

2. IB students face numerous conflicts, the most basic being, picking any one of the following…• Good Grades• Sleep• A social life

3. If you are in the IB and you ever find yourself without any homework to do one evening, then one of the following events must be true:• You’re forgetting something.• Something is wrong with your planner.• You’re about to wake up in a few minutes.

4. IB students don’t believe in miracles... We rely on them.

5. ToK in brief: The question: How do we know? The answer: We don’t.

6. The number 45 never looked so high until now.

7. IB Kid 1: Hey, want to hear a joke? IB Kid 2: Yeah, sure. IB Kid 1: Our social lives.

8. IB helps you with stress management. It throws all this stress at you and says, ‘Manage it!’ Then you have your breakdown and you get over it.

9. During a break in the Biology mock exam:

IB Student 1: What’s evolution? IB Student 2: It’s when we finish this exam and half of us drop dead so that only the people who are smart enough move on to the next mock.

10. You know you are in IB when for the past two years, all the English books you have read, someone always dies...and their deaths are symbolic.

11. Non-IB Student: If a tree falls in the woods, and no one’s around to hear it, does it make a sound?

IB Student: If no one is around to hear or see this “tree”, how do you know it exists? Non-IB Student: ... IB Student: ...and then, if you’ve never been to this “wood”, how do you know it exists? Non-IB Student: ... IB Student: Moreover, where are these “woods”? You have to examine it from a cul tural aspect, as well. Non-IB Student: ...JUST FORGET IT

12. An IB graduate’s skills: i. A veteran procrastinator. ii. Immune to caffeine. iii. Paraphrasing iv. Can function on little or no sleep. v. Knows how to write 4000 words of professional sounding jargon. vi. Knows Stalin better than his grandmother

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13. After handing in TOK essays IB Student 1: Yes! No more TOK for the rest of our lives! IB Student 2: How do you know that?

14. True Story:

Non IB Student: Hey, it’s your birthday! What are you doing today?

IB Student: Well, I have a calculus test and my

TOK presentation, a meeting with the IB Coordinator after school to get some scholar ship forms filled out, the rest of my math IA to do, two hours of chemistry tonight, and then I’ll probably go home and finish my physics lab before I read Death of a Salesman. Non IB Student: ...Cool.

15. 12+2=….Wait! Let me get my GDC!

16. How do you have time to read this?!

O N YO U R F I R S T DAT E ANISHA BAKRE + ARUNDHATI AJAYAN Remember the time you spent dreaming about how that perfect date would be? The day, the time, the place… But did you ever think of what could go wrong, the blunders or the faux pas you might make? The answer maybe yes, but you can never be certain about it. So to help you make that lasting impression on your first date here is 10 Things Not To Do On Your First Date!

1. Eat any food that contains excessive garlic, onion or parsley: You don’t want to leer away your date with your bad breath!

2. Forget to carry money: “I bought something really expensive before” and “I SO remember carrying my wallet but I just can’t seem to find it!” never works.

3. Bring along a friend: Your best buddy shouldn’t be a “Kabab mein haddi”. You can always give a detailed account to him/her.

4. Be late: Since it’s your first date, you don’t want to seem like you’re “way too cool to be on time”.

5. Do any strenuous activities: Plan out a comfortable schedule so that your date can avoid the unappealing odors and sweaty clothes and you can steer clear of scurrying to find that faithful deodorant 6. Brag: We know you’re talented, smart, athletic, skillful and have other various plus points but let your date figure that out for themselves.

7. Get your hands on anything edible you can find: Try and restrain yourself from hogging up all the food. Save that eating binge for another day.

8. Post updates on Facebook: To all those Facebook addicts out there, must you really update your status to “At Moshe’s with my date! Can’t wait to see how it goes” or “We just ordered a pizza…first meal together”?

9. Send a picture to your parents: It’s a great thing that you’re so excited and utterly delighted about your first date but ask yourself this question before taking those Indian Matrimonial website type pictures; how does the person sitting on the other end of the table feel about it? 10. Don’t start planning your wedding: The date went

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well and that’s great! But the truth is he/she may not be The One you’ve convinced yourself they are.

Now that you’ve read this article, here’s hoping your next first date will be devoid of those awkward, embarrassing and ever so funny moments!

W H AT I K N O W O F H U M A N K I N D N E S S KANIKA BASU Yesterday I mourned those I felt I knew.

Today was one of the most morose yet unexpectedly inspirational days for me. Although it was distorted with loss and the sadness that comes with death, the news I heard today has taught me a couple of life lessons.

I woke up to three news articles on Twitter. News like this always ruins the website for a couple of days. You cannot look at it without being reminded of the news you wish you hadn’t heard. Oblivion really is bliss.

The news however reminded me that life is short and we would be fools if we didn’t use every second we have doing exactly what we want to. You only live once and life is a miracle in itself. Preserve it!

The inventor of the Bose speakers, Amar Bose, died of old age recently. That man taught me what passion and innovation can birth. He spent his life innovating and collaborating. In an attempt to bring the auditorium or concert music experience to the homes of millions, he casually created a successful company, Bose co opera-tion as a “by product”. Losing him reminds me that in-novation is the only way we can leave a mark upon the world. What we contribute keeps us from being forgot-ten.

Popular TV show Glee’s star actor Cory Montieth passed away today at the age of 31. It is devastating when we lose people we feel so connected to through the characters they play on the silver screen. Cory was a sweet, funny and talented man and that is what I choose to remember of him. On Glee we learn acceptance of our flaws and ourselves, all while hit songs are thrown in to spike our interest. And in the depth of his story I chose to learn that we should take no day for granted. Do something new. Do something different. Do not harm your body with drug abuse. Do not settle for any-thing less than perfection because every day is a miracle.

The verdict for a well-reported case was found yester-day morning. Treyvon Martin, a black teenager was shot dead by George Zimmerman about a year and a half ago. Yesterday Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges and walked free. This news shocked me. I felt all these angry emotions all at once. I read voraciously all I could about the verdict. But what I have learned from fol-lowing this story over the year is that no matter how many times we tell ourselves that human prejudice is a problem of the past: racism, sexism and homophobia are rampant around us. We live in a time when we can change things by the click of a button. We can express our views on the Internet, which basically means that once you have typed out that one comment and pressed enter, you cannot take it back. I dread the day that the kids of the future read the history books of today to discover that we were just as horrifying as Germany was during world war two. I dread to see them half gaze in disgust at the pictures of the injustice and words about grief and differentiating between those who are white and those who are black. I just hope that we can do something to soften that blow. Talk to one person, talk to five. Try to make them see what you see. The only thing we can do is fight for what we know of human kindness and spread the rare moments in which we can see it shine.

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Inspired by an article written in The Economic Times on Thursday 18th July 2013.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many different types of coffees that you can order at Starbucks or Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf even though you can’t really tell the difference?

Have you ever stopped to think, “Hey, what’s the difference between a Macchiato and a Cappuccino?” or “How come the Espresso is served in a tiny shot glass while a Mocha in a huge cup?” Well lucky for you, your guide to different types of coffee and what they say about you is right here. From Espressos to Lattes, we’ll tell you what a cup of coffee suggests about your personality.

The EspressoStrong and concise, you’re friendly and adaptive. You don’t enjoy prolonging work or other tasks. You actually like the taste of coffee, which is a rare but admirable trait.

Double EspressoYou’re practical and hardworking. Since your love for coffee has been prevalent for a while now, that one shot of espresso just doesn’t do it for you anymore. The aroma, the colour, and the aftertaste a shot of espresso leaves on your tongue is like no other. You enjoy tasting the coffee even once you have finish your cup.

Triple EspressoYou’re enthusiastic but also a little obsessive. This super strong coffee is just what you need before an IB Higher Level Physics or Math exam. If you enjoy a triple espresso even when it’s not the occasion to, it

definitely means that you are a legitimate coffee addict. You’ve been awake since the late 90’s!

MacchiatoThis foamy, delightful coffee is the best beverage to enter your mouth. You may add some caramel or hazelnut to enhance the flavor of your cup of coffee. For those of you who enjoy macchiatos, you’re fun loving and enjoy indulging in the yumminess of life.Also, you and I can definitely get a cup of coffee soon!

Coffee To – GoYou’re focused and serious. You believe that when there’s too much work from your Psychology Teacher or yet another English commentary to write, a break at Starbucks isn’t going to help. So pack your stuff and go home immediately. After all, when the going gets tough the tough get a cardboard sleeve because the cup is too hot.

So now, as they say in Brazil, the country that produces the most coffee, tchau!

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O N Z AC H A R Y S O B I E C H ZEUS SHROFF For those of you who do not know who Zach Sobiech was, he was a 17 year old American folk singer-songwriter from Stillwater, Minnesota, who was a member of the band A Firm Handshake. At the age of 14 years , Zach was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a bone cancer that strikes children. In May 2012 Zach’s doctors informed him he had only 6 months to a year left to live. Zach turned to music to voice his feelings. His world famous song - Clouds - was sensational and Zach became one of the most renown singers in the USA. ‘Clouds’, his final goodbye to his family and fans, got over 7 million hits all over the world. Even before he was diagnosed, Zach lived each day like his last, believing in the fact that you did not need to be told you were going to die to truly live. Zach Sobiech became the first independent artist to take the No. 1 spot on iTunes; it has been downloaded more than 200,000 times (and is currently 67). His album, which includes “Clouds,” is also charting well on Billboard, and is

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the top folk album. Zach Sobiech died in May 2013. His music reached out and touched whoever listened to it with a message, each song expressing his fight and emotion which now live within us.There is no shortage of popular music inspired by death, but rare is the artist who is the one dying, who invites the world in to join the journey. Our fascination and fanaticism with his song and story might be explained by an eventuality and universality he understood, unfairly and earlier than most people: We’re all going to die. So what are you going to do with the final days of the life you have?

Ingredients22 Oreos: 16 left whole, and 6 coarsely chopped2 8-oz packages cream cheese, room temperature1/2 cup sugar1/2 tsp vanilla extract2 large eggs, room temperature, lightly beaten1/2 cup sour creamPinch of salt

Instructions1. Preheat oven to 275 F.2. Line 12 standard muffin tins and 4 ramekins (or 16 muf-fin tins, if you have them) with paper liners.3. Place 1 whole Oreo in the bottom of each lined cup.4. Beat the cream cheese in the bowl of a stand mixer on medium. Gradually beat in the sugar and vanilla.5. Pour in the beaten eggs, a little at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition.6. Beat in the sour cream and salt.7. Stir in chopped cookies by hand.8. Pour the batter into the prepared tins, filling each almost to the top.9. Bake, rotating pan halfway through, until filling is set, 22-25 minutes.10. Cool in the pans for about 15 minutes, on a wire rack, then transfer to a plate in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

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01 Songza: Use this app to discover new music

- select your mood, what you’re doing, and how you’re feeling - and go. Songza will suggest playlists, songs, and artists. It alters its suggestions as you progress and give songs thumbs up or down, drawing from its massive music library to help you discover new music. Free on the App Store for Apple devices.

02 In 5 bill ion years, the expansion of the universe will

have progressed to the point where all other galaxies will have receded beyond detection. Indeed, they will be receding faster than the speed of light, so detection will be impossible. Future civilizations will discover science and all its laws, and never know about other galaxies or the cosmic background radiation. They will inevitably come to the wrong conclusion about the universe......We live in a special time, the only time, where we can observationally verify that we live in a special time. - Lawrence Krauss

04 People observe the colors of a day only at its beginnings

and ends, but to me it’s quite clear that a day merges through a multitude of shades and intonations with each passing moment. A single hour can consist of thousands of different colors. Waxy yellows, cloud-spot blues. Murky darkness. In my line of work, I make it a point to notice them. Death, The Book Thief, Markus Zusak

06All I need is a sheet of paper and

something to write on, and then I can turn the world upside down. - Friedrich William Nietzsche

05 Demilked.com - A haven for graphic designers, Demilked

claims to “x the world’s most creative minds and give youtasty inspiration cocktails by mixing industrial design, technology, and concepts.” Full of fabulously exciting ideas, Demilked is at once über-inspiring and super-awesome.

03Photographer Martin Klinas is known for

his ‘exploding’ work - What does music look like? Through his first photo series, described as a 3D take on Jackson Pollck, Klimas picked music, placed paint on speakers, and had the vibration of the music sent the paint aloft . He has also done series on exploding flowers (using liquid nitrogen and an air gun), flower vases and porcelain figurines.

07Global: Residents in Turkey have united to

paint stairways in the colours of the rainbow. In an eccentric display of community, citizens of Istanbul painted a stairway in the capital. Residents even rallied on Twitter to repaint the stairway after the city council repainted the stairway grey.


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To all you seafood lovers, Trishna is one of the finest restaurants in Bombay. Located in Kala Ghoda, in between the mesh of several gallies, everyone around that area knows about this restaurant. I’ve been here many times and the food has always been up to the mark. Trishna is a seafood restaurant with a very pleasing ambiance. Getting a table is tough, as the restaurant is always occupied. The service of the restaurant varies from time to time. However, more often than not it is worth the wait.Coming to the price, dishes have an expensive tag attached to them but the quality of food surpasses that.Trishna Specials - Is your tongue craving for some luscious crabs? If so, Butter Pepper Garlic Crab (Obviously, the king sized one) is Trishna’s signature dish, which you can’t afford to miss. Other meat worth trying is the Jumbo Pomfret and Tiger Prawns, which are cooked to perfection. Recommended dishes include Pomfret Hyderabadi -barbecued with black pepper, it’s a true masterpiece. The Pomfret Hariyali enveloped in green masala and baked in a tandoor is delicious and picante like the Spaniards would call it.Fish Sholay Kebab, Kolhapuri Prawns or Squid expertly prepared with butter, pepper, and garlic will definitely satisfy your hunger on a Sunday afternoon. Every type of fish is prepared in every possible way. Surprisingly, the vegetarian food is also excellent. The Paneer Chilli and Tandoori Potatoes tastes great with a variety of bread including like Naan and Neer Dosa. Desserts lack uniqueness and do not match up to the standards of the rest of the food. The kulfi or chocolate mousse, are most likely to be outsourced. Luckily, you won’t have much room for dessert anyway!In conclusion, mouthwatering seafood cooked to perfection, with an array of different preparations and a must try restaurant. The quality of seafood at Trishna is a safe bet, year-round. Make a reservation on Saturday night for a Sunday lunch!

FACTFILEAddress: 7, Sai Baba Marg, Kala Ghoda, Fort, MumbaiTelephone: 022 22703213, 022 22703214Cuisines: Seafood, Coastal, Mangalorean, ChinesePrice: ExpensiveAverage meal for two: Rs 1500Timing: 12:00 to 3:30, 6:15 to 12:30Ranked #14 of 1,180 restaurants in Mumbai


D E F I N E D M Y C H I L D H O O D AMY VASUNIA 1. Pokémon To be completely honest, the only reason I ever watched Pokémon was because I had a crush on Ash. Team Rocket, however was my favorite. They roamed around with an evil cat “Meow” (how creative, right?) and ran away when harmless Pokémons like Psychduck and Jigglypuff came. That was just mean.

2. Shin Chan “Ayeee Mitsy”. The terror of a little Chinese boy was famous for his red t-shirt, yellow shorts, and rude behavior. So much so that he was banned from Indian television after parents complained of his misbehavior from their own children after watching it. I admit to having anger issues myself after watching the show…

3. Baby Looney TunesWe loved them all. How could you resist sweet-talking, baby animals whose sole purpose in life was just to look cute and be naughty?

4. Courage the Cowardly DogSo without a doubt, this show was scary. It was only meant for those bada** children who stayed up till 10 o’clock on Friday nights and watched TV. Till date, I have never been able to watch an entire episode without either putting on the lights or calling up by best friend.

5. Drake and Josh Until recently I was on Team Drake, however, after seeing Josh’s radical transformation from geek to gorgeous, I honestly don’t know whose team I am on anymore. However, these two were my favorite onscreen brothers, always on my TV screen every night at 9pm on Nickelodeon.

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1) Be honest.

It is NOT easy. You may be laughed at or screamed at but if you are truly being honest there is nothing else you can do, say or be because you are being true to who you are. However remember that being honest doesn’t mean blurting out the first thing that pops up in your mind. Being honest with consideration for others feeling is a beautiful way to stay true and at the same time not put others down. The clichéd saying “honesty is the best policy” is known to all yet applied by a mere few.

2) Think before you speak.

I am sure while you read this you are questioning why this is one of the ways to make your life simpler. Think, in the last day how many times have you thought before speaking your mind? How many times have you taken some time to actually let your mind form a thought in its entirety before blurting out whatever you think instantly as it is thought? This will result in you often saying things which you wished you could take back. Life isn’t a quiz competition. The one who speaks first isn’t a ‘winner’. Calm down, take a moment.

3) Listen.

Thinking of what you are going to say next when someone is speaking to you isn’t listening. Listening is letting their words percolate into your mind and responding only after comprehending what they are saying. Listen to others, to be heard.

Just like mutual funds are subject to market risk, the steps above are too.



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What would you say if I told you that an 11 year old could beat you in 4 moves at a game of chess? Nothing, because you probably wouldn’t believe it. Unfortunately I can say nothing because my brother actually did beat me in 4 moves. Humiliation was all I felt for the next week. How could a 4 foot good-for-nothing child beat me. It is hard enough having a sibling to deal with when it comes to the television or computer, but when that sibling has bragging rights it becomes so much worse. Older siblings will understand the satisfaction of bullying and cajoling younger siblings to do work for them. In an older sibling’s mind, younger siblings were born to serve the older ones. This does not work when the younger sibling proves that they are better than the older sibling at something. Usually the older child will never get into a bargain with their sibling unless they know that they will win. I was apparently way off base when my brother asked me to play a game of chess against him. In my mind he was so small, what would he know about chess. Right? WRONG – so wrong. Let me tell you something. ALWAYS double-check your facts about your sibling. Somewhere in the back of their mind, they are always plotting ways to get to you, so never give them any leverage that they can use against you. If your younger sibling knows that you’re bad at a game, that’s the game they invariably always want to play. You, being the older sibling, trying to act cool don’t want to let the “baby” back you into a corner so you agree. Then your life pretty much goes downhill from there. Your sibling has found a way to exact revenge on you for all the times that you made him walk to your room and get you a book or get you a glass of water. That is something that he will never let go of. Since the tide has turned, it is now your turn to find out your sibling’s weakness. The first thing you have to do is butter up your sibling. Let your sibling believe that he has all the power. Once he thinks that, you can manipulate him and make him the insubordinate child that he was born to be. You have to hold on to all

information extremely close to you. Plot at how you will obtain that power on the inside but externally be cool, don’t let your sibling see anything. I know I am making this sound like the end of the world but I promise, anyone with a younger sibling will agree that this is war. Giving up a position of power would be the worst thing that happens to you.One day your sibling will eventually slip up, and when that time comes you have to be ready to resume control in your relationship. The easiest way to do this is to challenge your younger sibling to a long game. The younger sibling may be better at it than you but you have a longer concentration span and after a while your younger sibling will forfeit, giving you control again. Now it’s easy to go back to the correct order of life where your sibling cannot hold you at ransom anymore and you can tell him to do whatever you want because he lost a game to you. However even through all this, siblings do still love each other. I know I have learnt my lesson, never let your sibling pick the game that you are going to play. If you have an extremely sweet brother like me, however, you wont have to worry – even if he beats you, he will still do the things you ask because he loves you. The only thing that will not go is a “know it all”, smirk from his face, but that is something that I will just have to deal with.

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Since I’ve already taken the liberty to assume you, dear readers have a recent version of iTunes on your laptop. I shall go one step ahead and deduce that none of you have ever used your Genius bar.

So for the next 5 minutes, I shall enlighten you about 10 new bands you need to know about before 2013 ends and they’re all over the iTunes charts.

1) Spud In The BoxA desi rock band, comprising of 2 lead singers and 3 guitarists and a drummer. They only play originals with a abnormally high decibel level.Listen to ‘attention please’ and ‘lens life’, and if you’re impressed with our local talent you can always catch them at Blue Frog on a saturday night.

2) Of Monsters and MenThey’ve released one album named after their chart-buster ‘Little Talks’, this band is primarily indie with a twist. ‘King and Lionheart’

3) Young the GiantThis ‘young’ band is mainly soft rock with a lead singer of Indian origin. Listen to ‘cough syrup’, ‘strings’ and ‘12 fingers’. Ideal saturday afternoon listen, just before you’ve realised the truckload of work you have for monday morning.

4) Tame ImpalaThis band is completely spaced out, extremely weird and nothing you’d ever believe you’d enjoy. But if you want to broaden your music taste (Beliebers especially) you might just enjoy them

5) NovellaSwirling psychedelic noise echos describe this London based trio perfectly. With a fierce presence and a won-derfully absurd EP this band is definitely one to watch out for.

6)Post War YearsThe future of indie-pop this four piece band from Leamington Spa has been around since 2008 but took off during the end of 2012. Their music is described


as gripping with quirky faslettos yet retain their unique-ness.

7) TesseracTTheir second album Altered State was a new perspec-tive to progressive metal. Formed in 2007. They’ve been called the pioneers of the ‘djent’ movement, with cutting lyrics and strong melodic hooks. Give them a try if you enjoy Karnivool and Dead Letter Circus.

8) BlondfireThis band has an electropop vibe bound to make you smile. A brother and sister released a 4 song EP in 2012 and now an album called Young Heart in spring 2013. ‘Where The Kids Are’ is my personal favourite.

9) Dinner And A SuitWith upbeat indie melodies,3 surprisingly goodlooking men will make you sing along to every song in their new album Since Our Departure. You can expect them to take the indie world by storm soon as they’ve al-ready placed themselves on the iTunes list and are here to stay.

10) Rocket To The MoonMy personal favourite, with songs like Ever Enough these skinny jean-wearing boys love their rock-pop sound. Added bonus - they love Taylor Swift and cover her hits more often then you’d think.

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The images used in this newsletter are for representational purposes only.

Credit goes to:


for the images used here.