MAY 2016 ISSUE 5 THE IB LEARNER PROFILE AT GMIS “Education is life itself ” ~  John Dewey The IB learner profile which exemplifies the character sketch of an IB learner is the nexus of a learner’s life in PYP. Every learning experience is an opportunity to imbibe, calibrate, revitalize and express the portfolio of a communicator, inquirer, thinker and a caring, courageous, knowledgeable, open-minded, principled, reflective and balanced individual. The teachers adopt various strategies right from the ‘tuning in’ phase, scaffolding through to the reflection, wherein the learner makes a conscientious effort to fortify his/her profile. At GMIS, the day typically begins with Morning Assembly, this provides a true pathway to the timeless human values that develop PRINCIPLED students, the basic intrinsic profile attribute. The ’Wonder Walls’, ‘Query Corners’ or ‘Curious Quests’, coined with different terms, invariably offer a gateway to provoke thinking and questioning. Same is true with the ‘What are my opinions, thoughts, ideas and wonderings on...” activity of expression which makes every child a thinker, inquirer and a reflective person. When they read and reflect upon the perspectives of peers, they learn to become open-minded. The children become knowledgeable about the momentous global issues through ‘World on Stage’ presentations that inspire students to do their best possible actions en masse for a better community. They make each other aware and rise through action as good communicators. They become balanced by participating in various curricular activities and progress-oriented assessment tasks within the programme of inquiry, sports activities including athletics, basketball, soccer, cheerleading and various stage performances. In the recent PYP Exhibition, the children emphasized the simple, yet powerful, formula of ‘Idea x Action = Change’ and partook in several actions, ranging from field interactions with the underprivileged to collecting donations for community service, thus expressing the need for growing up as a caring human being. And it really takes courage to resolve to do the right thing and to follow it through in their lives. In addition, the classroom displays demonstrate the fact that the learners LIVE the learner profile. Ms. Srikala Year 5 Homeroom Teacher GMIS Jakarta 1 IB RESEARCH MANY IDEAS! DUNIA NEWSLETTER LIVING THE LEARNER PROFILE

IB RESEARCH MANY IDEAS! DUNIA NEWSLETTERblogs.ibo.org/.../06/Dunia-Newsletter-May-2016-1.pdf · THE IB LEARNER PROFILE AT GMIS “Education is life itself ” ~ John Dewey The IB

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Page 1: IB RESEARCH MANY IDEAS! DUNIA NEWSLETTERblogs.ibo.org/.../06/Dunia-Newsletter-May-2016-1.pdf · THE IB LEARNER PROFILE AT GMIS “Education is life itself ” ~ John Dewey The IB

MAY 2016 ISSUE 5


“Education is l ife itself ” ~  John Dewey The IB learner profile which exemplifies the character sketch of an IB learner is the nexus of a learner’s life in PYP. Every learning experience is an opportunity to imbibe, calibrate, revitalize and express the portfolio of a communicator, inquirer, thinker and a caring, courageous, knowledgeable, open-minded, principled, reflective and balanced individual. The teachers adopt various strategies right from the ‘tuning in’ phase, scaffolding through to the reflection, wherein the learner makes a conscientious effort to fortify his/her profile.

At GMIS, the day typically begins with Morning Assembly, this provides a true pathway to the timeless human values that develop PRINCIPLED students, the basic intrinsic profile attribute. The ’Wonder Walls’, ‘Query Corners’ or ‘Curious Quests’, coined with different terms, invariably offer a gateway to provoke thinking and questioning. Same is true with the ‘What are my opinions, thoughts, ideas and wonderings on...” activity of expression which makes every child a thinker, inquirer and a reflective person. When they read and reflect upon the perspectives of peers, they learn to become open-minded. The children become knowledgeable about the momentous global issues through ‘World on Stage’ presentations that inspire students to do their best possible actions en masse for a better community. They make each other aware and rise through action as good communicators.

They become balanced by participating in various curricular activities and progress-oriented assessment tasks within the programme of inquiry, sports activities including athletics, basketball, soccer, cheerleading and various stage performances. In the recent PYP Exhibition, the children emphasized the simple, yet powerful, formula of ‘Idea x Action = Change’ and partook in several actions, ranging from field interactions with the underprivileged to collecting donations for community service, thus expressing the need for growing up as a caring human being. And it really takes courage to resolve to do the right thing and to follow it through in their lives.

In addition, the classroom displays demonstrate the fact that the learners LIVE the learner profile.

Ms. Srikala

Year 5 Homeroom Teacher

GMIS Jakarta




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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5



“Caring” across the International Baccalaureate continuum

This recent study focused on the role of the learner profile attribute of caring across the continuum of IB programmes.

For access to the research summary please use the following link; http://www.ibo.org/contentassets/952a2e6109b144ac86485780bfc8fbec/caring-across-the-continuum-eng.pdf. If you wish to read the full report, it is available at ibo.org/en/about-the-ib/research/.

“The pedagogical principles that underpin IB programmes recognize, and indeed emphasize, that learning is a social process. Such learning must be underpinned by an ethic of care in which all those involved as teachers and students share an interest in supporting the learning of each other.”

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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5



The$learner$profile$is$central$to$the$PYP$definition$of$what$it$means$to$be$internationally$minded,$and$it$directs$schools$to$focus$on$the$learning.$The$attributes$described$in$the$learner$profile$are$appropriate$to,$and$achievable$by,$all$primary$years$students.$The$teacher$needs$to$interpret$these$attributes$in$a$manner$appropriate$to$the$age$and$development$of$the$student.$That$said,$part$of$the$adaptability$and$versatility$of$the$programme$lies$in$what$these$attributes$may$look$like$from$one$school$culture$to$another.$All$teachers$have$a$responsibility$to$assess$student$development$in$the$context$of$the$IB$learner$profile;$it$affects$all$students$throughout$the$programme.$Schools$have$a$responsibility$on$behalf$of$all$students$to$assess$and$report$on$progress$in$the$development$of$the$attributes$of$the$learner$profile.$A$PYP$school$is$a$school$that,$regardless$ of$ location,$ size$ or$ constitution,$ strives$ towards$ developing$ an$ internationally$ minded$ person$ who$demonstrates$the$attributes$of$the$IB$learner$profile.$(Making(the(PYP(happen:(A(curriculum(framework(for(international(primary(education)$








! !






Irma Mustafa

Homeroom Teacher of Grade 5


Jl.Kemang Pratama Raya AN 2 J3 Bekasi, Indonesia

Email : [email protected]










• Spend!time!with!your!child!to!try!new!things!(new!food,!new!games!and!activities).!• Encourage!your!child!to!really!listen!to!others!when!they!speak!and!parents!have!to!do!so!too.!• Introduce!your!child!to!different!festivals,!celebrations!and!traditions.!• Buy!books!about!different!cultures!that!are!age!appropriate!and!reflects!the!culture!in!positive!ways.!• Involve!your!child!in!certain!family!discussions!where!they!can!learn!different!opinions!and!ways!to!accept!decisions!




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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

Living the Learner Profile

The IB Learner Profile describes the type of learner that we hope to develop. But how do we check that we are on track? The IB also recognises that we are all part of a community of lifelong learners and the learner profile should be the shared vision of all involved in creating the learning environment of the school. So - what have you done today that demonstrates aspects of the learner profile?

Rather than have pictures of us demonstrating the learner profile in action, we thought it would be interesting to question ourselves. Are we really living the learner profile? The following questions and statements are suggestions that could form part of a reflective framework for educators, from senior administrators to teachers new to the IB philosophy, in order to examine their practice through the lens of the learner profile.

Inquirers: What pedagogical practices am I curious about? How do I demonstrate lifelong learning? What new skills would I like to learn? Have I conducted any research recently?

Knowledgeable: Do I remain current with developments in education, both locally and globally? What do I need to know more about? What ideas could I share with colleagues?

Thinkers: How do I identify potential problems with colleagues? What problem solving strategies work for me? How are my students solving problems in and out of the classroom? How have I encouraged my students/colleagues to think critically and creatively?

Communicators: Considering the feedback given on summative assessments - what message am I really giving? Do I allow my students time to respond in discussions? How do I let students know they are valued? How well am I collaborating to ensure the best possible experience for our students/teachers?

Principled: Do I show respect for the students by differentiating to meet their individual learning needs? How do I show respect for colleagues when I disagree with them? Have I acted with integrity and honesty?

Open-minded: When my ideas are challenged do I start my sentences with ‘but’? What am I open-minded about and on what won’t I compromise? Am I open-minded to new ways of working – with technology, for example?

Caring: Would my students and their families consider me to be caring? How have I made a positive difference to my colleagues? Or modelled how to make a difference to our environment – did I pick up that piece of litter or just walk past it?

Risk-takers: What do I do to support students to take risks with learning? What strengths do I have that enable me to take risks when moving to another country? Will I speak up during a meeting to ensure my view is represented?

Balanced: How do I maintain personal well-being? Do I support others in the development of emotional and physical well-being?

The list has countless possibilities! Nevertheless, the learner profile is a set of ideals that can inspire and motivate the work of schools and teachers, uniting them in a common purpose. We hope that the ideas and questions above help to focus on that goal.

Sarah-Jane Green (Vice Principal) and Melinda Mawson-Ryan (Senior Teacher) at ACG School Jakarta

[email protected] / [email protected]


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

Developing the IB Learner Profile at Sekolah Buin BatuAs part of the unit of inquiry about the human brain, the Year 6 students conducted a dissection to inquire into the different parts of a brain. The students were provided with some cow brains to make this activity relevant, engaging and challenging.

Experiencing the learning is a powerful strategy in crafting students understanding of concepts which lead them to be knowledgeable learners. This activity was completed when the Year 1 students conducted experiments about the properties of air.

Sekolah Buin Batu, through the Student Representative Council, organized a bazaar to raise money. The money raised will be donated to some less fortunate local schools. They demonstrated their ability to be caring to themselves and the community around them.

Arief Bubiman

PYP Coordinator

Sekolah Buin Batu

[email protected]


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

The Learner Profile and International Mindedness at our School

We are an IB school and our students are learning about and developing into global citizens. What kind of global citizens do we want our students to be? Once again I would like to to refer to the IB Mission Statement:

"...These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right." Making the PYP Happen, 2009, p5.

"The internationally-minded IB student is a critical and creative thinker.”

Our students are to develop into the citizens committed to address humanity’s greatest 21st century challenges in the classroom and beyond.

Through the school life and our programme of inquiry, our PYP students are provided with opportunities to “engage in global ideas and issues related to humanity and compassion. The world in which we live in can be unpredictable and challenging at times, but the IB students can break down these problems and make ethical, reasoned and balanced arguments based on continual development.”

Through our units of inquiry, BIS learners are introduced to common humanity with its diverseness due to differences in culture, religion, geography, histories, languages, etc. People are not obligated to be interested in differences around the world. BIS students are inquirers as they are interested in learning about different things.

BIS learners are knowledgeable. This knowledge and understanding they acquire in our school makes them more understanding and empathetic when confronted with people who are different, do things differently, and believe in different things. They can find, somewhere in their knowledge base, some fact or point of connection with new persons or new experiences.

As the IBO mission is to develop international mindedness for a “better and more peaceful world” through “...developing caring people” (ibid, p.2), we cannot care about something until we know about something. A colleague, Sam Sherratt has blogged about this: Help Them Be in Awe Before Asking them to Care. He believes that the students are not only to know about something but to be “in awe” about something too. I agree with him - he says that we can’t care about something until we are in awe of it first. Knowledge is the doorway. It sets us on the pathway called wonder (if the conditions are right). Awe always leads us to Care and our Care will be sincere and long-lasting when learning and understanding utilizes the pathway of inquiring and wondering as well as the including a balanced approach.

Our school cherishes the community of internationally minded learners with its programme of inquiry, its daily learning opportunities and the fantastic team of PYP teachers, who are role models to their students and our learning community.Living the learner profile genuinely is accepting and embracing every culture of the world’s citizens.

Marijana Drezgic

PYP Coordinator/Grade 5 TeacherBandung Independent School

[email protected]


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

The Learner Profile Beyond the ClassroomAt the beginning of every academic year, students from Pre-Kindy to Year 5 at Sekolah Cikal are asked to describe IB learner profile attributes and PYP attitudes. In the upper levels, students even create a visual representation to illustrate their understanding. Both students and teachers then display the posters proudly on the classroom walls. Teachers, without a doubt have encouraged their students to promote the IB learner profile attributes and PYP attitudes in the school. Now the question is, how can we develop the learner profile BEYOND the classroom? What can we do to ensure that the attitudes and profile attributes are EMBEDDED in their daily lives?

One of the challenges that teachers encounter is how to design a learning engagement that is engaging and meaningful for students and provokes further inquiry. We are also aiming to develop their skills and attitudes as well as their knowledge. As an answer to that challenge, Year 4 Sekolah Cikal teachers have created an engagement that integrates the learner profile attributes of caring, open-minded and reflective into their ‘How we organize ourselves’ unit.

Year 4 students went to Sekolah Kami, a community school located in the scavenger area of Bekasi. Sekolah Kami students shared their knowledge of how to become a young entrepreneur. Sekolah Kami have succeeded in optimizing their resources and actually utilize these resources to run a sustainable business. Although from different backgrounds students from Sekolah Cikal and Sekolah Kami were open-minded and worked collaboratively together.


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

Year 5 students at Sekolah Cikal have also taken the learner profile beyond the classroom. In Language, students have learnt about the elements of a story. In an attempt to weave the profile into their learning, students have created and published an e-book consisting of fictional stories with IB learner profile and PYP attitudes as the theme. The programme also consists of storytelling sessions with younger students.


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

Living the learner profile is a continuous and imperishable journey. With creativity and commitment we can become lifelong learners who are knowledgeable, skillful and have a great attitude to overcome future challenges.

By Laksmi Wijayanti Year 5 Teacher Sekolah Cikal [email protected] 


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

Live the LaminationMentari School Jakarta

By Nidhi KhanijaPYP [email protected]

The learner profile is an integral part of IB curriculum. It is a profile of the whole person as a lifelong learner. The learner profile is not a sign to laminate and post on the wall. It’s something every member of the school community should aspire to be. It is the value system that transcends learning and should be found at every turn in the school. Here at Mentari School Jakarta we not only interpret and translate the meaning and significance in our national and cultural context but we also help and encourage students to make this their own profile. Students apply and develop these characteristics in themselves and notice differences in their lives. The attributes of the profile are the habits of mind that allow students to act in a meaningful way and the secret to success in based on simplicity and repetition.

Here are some glimpses from different grade levels showing the same:

My Use of Recyclable BagsBy Jemma Tambunan (Grade 5)

In school we’ve always learned about recycling, reducing, and reusing. The 3 R’s. This way we learned what materials are better for the environment and sometimes the habitats around us as well. Plastics are constantly being used. For groceries, shopping and many more. By using plastic we are ruining our surroundings. People throw it everywhere. Rivers, roads, highways, and even the ocean\sea. This can cause flooding, sickness, and the death of creatures\fish\animals. So, how can we prevent these things? Start by using recyclable bags. They are easy to find and can be affordable. From all the years of going to school, I have come to a conclusion to try and stop using plastics! It will help the environment and the animals\creatures, that are affected by it. In my opinion, this action would represent the “thinker” and “caring” IB learner profile. I am a thinker because I thought of this issue and thought of a way to help the world. It also showed my initiative towards this topic. I am caring because I thought of and cared about the environment, the Earth, the people, and animals\creatures affected by the consequences it is causing. You can start by not using plastic at all. If it’s not necessary, why use it! For example, a drink, a chocolate bar, and some small medicine. You can simply put it in your bag. If you’re not carrying one, maybe you should start carrying a bag. Simple tasks like this could be done to save the Earth. If I can do it, you can do it too.


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Poster made by Maira, Gabriel, Radhin and Kathleen.


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

We celebrate Kartini Day on April 21st. Raden Ajeng Kartini is a prominent national heroine of Indonesia. She is a pioneer in the area of education for girls and women’s rights for Indonesians.In this activity the Grade 2 students showed that they are both knowledgeable and creative learners. In groups of four, they made a poster about Ibu Kartini that shows how Ibu Kartini is an IB learner, just like a Mentari student.Indonesian Language Teacher,Intan Dewiyani

Here are our first graders writing about their experiences with the learner profile attributes.

- I am a communicator because I like to tell my friends about my vacation during the break. I am also caring because I am kind to my friends. I also do what is right to my friends, so I am principled. I follow the IB learner profile so I can be a good student. By Maia

- I am knowledgeable because I like to read and study. By Arzi

- I am a communicator because I like to share ideas to my friends. By Anya

- I am balanced because I know how to choose food which is healthy and I like sports. I also tell others to do the same. By Bayu

- I am balanced because I make sure I have enough time to work and to play. By Malik

- I am caring because I help my friends when they trip or share my food if they forget to bring their snacks. By Safiyya

� I am a communicator. I express my I am caring. I care about plants. ideas clearly and confidently.


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

We are inquirers. We like to explore new things.

IB PYP classrooms are decorated beautifully with colorful and eye catching learner profile attributes, key concepts, attitudes and skills posters. Hallways are adorned with reminders about what an IB student embodies. However, are students actually doing what is written on these posters? Are they living the laminations?

The actions of Mentari School Jakarta students from Grade Two speak louder than these words. They are being proactive with their learning, both in and outside their classrooms. The UoI ‘How the World Works’ has inspired Mazaya to make well-informed choices that impact the Earth positively. According to her proud mother, she turns off the electricity whenever she leaves a room. Mazaya has stopped buying pencils and erasers for her personal collections so as not to be wasteful. She reuses cake boxes to keep her toys well organized. She chooses to drink from a glass and insists on not buying bottled water. Mazaya even gets upset with her mother when she opts to use the provided plastic bags from the grocery store, not the cloth bags brought from home! Warren also reminds his family to reuse plastic bags from the local Carrefour supermarket due to the hazardous impact it has on the environment. He practices the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) by carefully tearing wrapping paper from Christmas and birthday presents so that they can be reused to wrap future gifts; bows and ribbons are saved as well! Shera makes it a point to get her whole family involved in caring for Mother Earth. She actively participates in segregating their trash at home by biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials. This caring student makes sure her family are active participants by constantly reminding them. These are a few examples of students who put their learning into action.

Grade Two students are also very curious which leads them into action, and it all begins with inquiry. Inquiry happens not just in the classroom, but at home as well. Maliki’s mother, Ibu Puti, shared that her enthusiastic son described de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats. After that, he went on creating his own facts, feelings, benefits, cautions, creativity and process hats, which she was glad to witness. Maliki remembers what he learns and tries to apply it on his own; Ibu Puti is one very happy mommy! Likewise, Izella’s mother, Ibu Soon Lee, is amazed how her daughter can clearly articulate and explain the IB Learner Profile in relation to her own experiences. During a morning car ride, she asked many questions on the way to their destination, and thereafter said, “Mommy, do you know that I ask many questions because I am an inquirer?” They went on to discuss the words ‘caring’ and ‘risk-taker’ from the IB Learner Profile and Izella described the times she was compassionate and courageous. It is wonderful when students are living the laminations!

Seeing that our students have a love for learning is indeed wonderful. When they go through the process of inquiry, as they tune in, find out, sort out, go further and make conclusions, it is exciting for an IB teacher to witness. Yet it is when they take action and live the IB Learner Profile that it is the most rewarding! They are doing something with their learning. They are living the laminations.

By John [email protected]


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

How does ‘Living the Learner Profile’ connect to

the IB Standards and Practices?


4.The school develops and promotes international-mindedness and all attributes of the IB learner profile across the school community.

Collaborative Planning

C1.2. Collaborative planning and reflection addresses the IB learner profile attributes.

Written Curriculum

C2.11. The written curriculum fosters development of the IB learner profile attributes.

Teaching and Learning

C3.13.Teaching and learning develops the IB learner profile attributes.


C4.6. PYP requirement

a. Student learning and development related to all attributes of the IB learner profile are assessed and reported.


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

The Learner Profile throughout a Unit In the beginning of 2016, Kindergarten 2 Penabur Banda Bandung learned about

How We Organize Ourselves. The central idea was “Transportation systems are

related to the needs of community”. Our 4-5year old students showed their

inquiry about transportation. They brought transportation toys, books and movies

from home. Their parents were engaged and came to our class to do an incursion.

Our first incursion was making transportation (car) from used materials. They also tried to

ride on a vespa. They were knowledgeable and told the teacher to wear a helmet for their safety.

Other parents came and organized for traditional transportation to visit so all students could try to

ride them. Students were so enthusiastic and courageous to try the different transportation. They

were horses, delman (horse carriage), odong-

odong and becak (pedicap).

One parent brought his truck and let us wash it

after we rode on it. We were thrilled to have

that experience. We had a chance to deliver our package by delivery van. We know that we should

write our name and address so we won’t get our package mixed up

with others.

We also visited Taman Lalu Lintas where we could see

different kinds of traffic signs. We were trying to be principled and

encourage our parents to obey rules in the street. We went to the train

station and bought train tickets to Cicalengka. It was an amazing trip

because our parents could come with us. For the last field trip, we


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

went to Husein Sastranegara Airport. We met with the firemen and saw the fire truck. They were

extremely brave; they inspired some students to be firemen in the future.

We were inquirers when looking at an airplane, we walked in to it and asked so many

questions about the equipment to the pilots. We were well informed and able to retell our

experiences by drawing and discussion.

In our summative assessment, we made our own transportation from used boxes. Students

were guided to be thinkers and encouraged to create air, land and water

transportation. The materials were cut and painted and shared with

parents and friends.

We enjoyed this unit from beginning until end, it lasted for almost

10 weeks. Students learned about transportation with their friends,

teachers and parents. Furthermore, we applied IB learner profile every


Jane Lie

Penabur International School

[email protected]


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MAY 2016 ISSUE 5

Learner Profile Attributes and Growth Mindset I am currently in my third IB World School. All three have been very different experiences and very different schools also. My first and third IB experiences were at similar schools with the vast majority of the students being local, while my second experience was a truly international school with the students coming from all over the world and very few local students.

In regard to my other teaching experience, I have taught at three different schools in the United States. Two of those schools were in Fairfax County Virginia, and the third school (the most recent) was in Alexandria City, also in Virginia. It was at this school that I was introduced to the “Growth Mindset”. The best way for a school to improve itself and the students is to teach the students to have a different attitude; an attitude for success, not failure.

When I heard of the Growth Mindset, it all made sense to me, especially after coming right from a PYP school. I thought the learner profile attributes would fit right in. I believe that there is a great opportunity to combine the two with great results.

A quick explanation of growth mindset is being open to new experiences and knowing that achievement is based on effort and not fully on circumstances and ability. For example, instead of telling a student they did well because they are smart you could say that a student showed they were knowledgeable by…. (using specifics). Instead of telling a student they are bad when in trouble, remind them to make principled choices. So the growth mindset is not settling; instead working to improve, and the learner profile attributes can help to facilitate this.

The learner profile attributes can be utilised to support students both inside and outside of the classroom using the growth mindset approach. It is so important for students to be exposed to positive attitudes, actions, and thoughts. The IB learner profile and Growth Mindset both work to develop students who are global citizens striving “to create a better and more peaceful world” (Making the PYP Happen, 2009).

By Mike SheltonYear 6 TeacherGlobal Jaya [email protected]

References:Daggett, B. (n.d.). Preparing Students for Their Future. Dweck, C. S. (n.d.). Mindsets [Mindsets in Developing Athletes]. International education, values and attitudes: A critical analysis of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2016, from http://jri.sagepub.com/content/10/2/174.short Making the PYP happen: A curriculum framework for international primary education (December 2009)


Page 18: IB RESEARCH MANY IDEAS! DUNIA NEWSLETTERblogs.ibo.org/.../06/Dunia-Newsletter-May-2016-1.pdf · THE IB LEARNER PROFILE AT GMIS “Education is life itself ” ~ John Dewey The IB

MAY 2016 ISSUE 5


IB Regional Workshops

Global Jaya SchoolSept 9-11th

PYP Coordinators Meeting

NovemberDate TBC

What’s coming up?

Chairperson: Fifi Anggraini [email protected] (Sekolah Victory Plus)

Secretary: Early Kurnia Hapsari

[email protected] (Sekolah Victory Plus)

Treasurer: Priscy Shanti [email protected]

(Tunas Muda Meruya)