İBN SÎNÂ 090637 DİA Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019 Dunlop, D. M. A note on Colcodea in renderings from the Arabic .-- 1948-49 ISSN: 0021-6682 DOI: 10. 2307/1453262 ISSN: 00216682 : Jewish Quarterly Review, vol. 39 pp. 403-408, (1948-49) Greek writings (ancient) | Prosopography Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019 McGinnis, Jon A penetrating question in the history of ideas: space, dimensionality and interpretation in the thought of Avicenna .-- 2006 ISSN: 0957-4239 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 16 i pp. 3-4;6-7;47-69, (2006) Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019 Shihadeh, Ayman A post-Ghazalian critic of Avicenna: Ibn Ghaylan al-Balkhi on the material medica of the Canon of medicine .-- 2013 ISSN: 0955-2340 : Journal of Islamic Studies, vol. 24 ii pp. 135-174, (2013) Philosophy; Ibn Ghaylan al-Balkhi, Umar; Ibn Sina / Avicenna Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019 Dondaine, H. D. A propos d'Avicenne et de Saint Thomas .-- 1951 : Revue Thomiste, vol. 59 pp. 441-453, (1951) Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval ; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019 Dondaine, H. -D. A propos d'Avicenne et de saint Thomas. De la causalité dispositive a la causalité instrumentale .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, IV. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 109-121, Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval ; Aquinas, Saint Thomas; Thomas Aquinas, Saint ; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā 090637 / 1

İBN SÎNÂisamveri.org/pdfdkm/09/DKM090637b.pdf · A treatise on love by Ibn Sina .-- 1945 : Medieval Studies, vol. 7 pp. 208-228, (1945) Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna Philosophy 090637

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    090637 DİA

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Dunlop, D. M. A note on Colcodea in renderings from the Arabic .-- 1948-49 ISSN: 0021-6682 DOI: 10. 2307/1453262 ISSN: 00216682 : Jewish Quarterly Review, vol. 39 pp. 403-408, (1948-49)

    Greek writings (ancient) | Prosopography

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019McGinnis, JonA penetrating question in the history of ideas: space, dimensionality and interpretation in the thought of Avicenna .-- 2006 ISSN: 0957-4239 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 16 i pp. 3-4;6-7;47-69, (2006)

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Shihadeh, AymanA post-Ghazalian critic of Avicenna: Ibn Ghaylan al-Balkhi on the material medica of the Canon of medicine .-- 2013 ISSN: 0955-2340 : Journal of Islamic Studies, vol. 24 ii pp. 135-174, (2013)

    Philosophy; Ibn Ghaylan al-Balkhi, Umar; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Dondaine, H. D.A propos d'Avicenne et de Saint Thomas .-- 1951 : Revue Thomiste, vol. 59 pp. 441-453, (1951)

    Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval ; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Dondaine, H. -D.A propos d'Avicenne et de saint Thomas. De la causalité dispositive a la causalité instrumentale .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, IV. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 109-121,

    Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval ; Aquinas, Saint Thomas; Thomas Aquinas, Saint ; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    090637 / 1

  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Morewedge, P.A third version of the ontological argument in the Ibn Sinian metaphysics .-- State University of New York Press, Albany, 1979 : Islamic philosophical theology, Edit. Parviz Morewedge , pp. 188-222,


    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Akhtar, Ahmedmian;A tract of Avicenna translated by Umar Khayyâm .-- 1935 ISSN: 0021-1834 : Islamic Culture, vol. 9 pp. 218-233, (1935)

    Philosophy | Saints | Sufism (mysticism) | South Asia - 11th century Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Umar Khayyam / Omar Khayyam

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Brown, KevenA translation of Nasir al-Dīn Tūsī's commentary upon Ibn Sīnā's al-Ishārāt wa'l-tanbīhāt, al-namat al-tāsi' fī Maqāmāt al-'ārifīn: Namat nine on the stations of the mystics .-- 2007 ISSN: 1544-1326 : International Journal of Shī'ī Studies, vol. 5 i pp. 185-238, (2007)

    ; Nasīr al-Dīn Tūsī; Tūsī, Nasīr al-Dīn; Ibn Sīnā; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019[Ibn Sīnā]; AvicennaA treatise on love .-- Macmillan, in association with the Institute of Jewish Affairs, Basingstoke, 1988 : Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, II. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 314-334, Trans. Fackenheim, Emil L. Israel - general | Palestine | Arab-Israeli conflict - general

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Fackenheim, E. L.A treatise on love by Ibn Sina .-- 1945 : Medieval Studies, vol. 7 pp. 208-228, (1945)

    Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna Philosophy

    090637 / 1

  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ma'sumi, Saghir Hasan al-A treatise on the soul ascribed to Ibn-i-Sina .-- Lang, Berne, 1995 : Professor Muhammad Shafi' presentation volumeEdit. S. M. Abdullah on behalf of the Majlis-e-Armughān-e-'Ilmi , pp. 131-144, Greek writings (ancient) | Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Asmous, V.Abou Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenne) .-- 1952 : Europe, vol. 30 (no. 81) pp. 115-127, (1952)

    Art - general ; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Pini, GiorgioAbsoluta consideratio naturae: Tommaso d'Aquino e la dottrina avicenniana dell'essenza .-- 2004 ISSN: 1122-5750 : Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, vol. 15 pp. 387-438, (2004)

    Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval; Aquinas, Saint Thomas; Thomas Aquinas, Saint ; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Madzhidov, N. M. Abū 'Alī Ibn Sīnā and his influence on the medical science of the world .-- 1981 ISSN: 0044-5975 : Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, vol. 29 pp. 57-64, (1981)

    Ibn Sīnā; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019

    Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, I. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

    090637 / 2

  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019

    Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, II. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019

    Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, III. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019

    Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, IV. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019

    Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, V. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Hamarneh, Sami K.Abu Ali al-Husayn bin Abdallah bin Sina (Avicenna) (980-1037) .-- Eurabia, London, 1983 : The genius of Arab civilization: source of renaissance. J. R. Hayes, ed. 2nd ed. , pp. 196-197,

    Alchemy ; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

    090637 / 3

  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Shamukhamedov, Sh. Abu Ali Ibn Sina - poet-gumanist .-- 1981 : Zvezda Vostoka, vol. 1981 iii pp. 114-117, (1981)

    ; Ibn Sīnā; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Avicenna; Ibn SinaAbu Ali ibn Sina (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, I. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Avicenna; Ibn SinaAbu Ali ibn Sina (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, II. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Avicenna; Ibn SinaAbu Ali ibn Sina (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, III. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Avicenna; Ibn SinaAbu Ali ibn Sina (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, IV. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard NeubauerPhilosophy

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Yakubovsky, A. Y. Abu Ali ibn Sina i ego vremya (K 1000-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya po khidzhremusul'manskoi lunnoi era) .-- 1952 ISSN: 0042-8779 : Voprosy Istorii, vol. 1952 (9) pp. 87-100, (1952)

    ; Ibn al-Sīnā; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alonso Alonso, ManuelAccidente, accidental y número, según Avicena .-- 1963 ISSN: 0304-4335 : Al-Andalus, vol. 28 pp. 117-154, (1963)

    Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Nusseibeh, SariAl-Aql al-Qudsi: Avicenna's subjective theory of knowledge .-- 1989 ISSN: 0585-5292 : Studia Islamica, vol. 69 pp. 39-54, (1989)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Taylor, Richard C. ; Fakhry, Majid; Wisnovsky, RobertAl-Fârâbî and Avicenna: two recent contributions .-- 2005 ISSN: 0026-3184 : Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, vol. 39 ii pp. 180-182, (2005)

    Philosophy; Farabi, Abu Nasr Muhammad al-; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Sebti, MeryemAl-Fârâbî et Avicenne: une impulsion pour la pensée médiévale .-- Albin Michel, Paris, 2006 : Histoire de l'islam et des musulmans en France du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Sous la dir. de Mohammed Arkoun , pp. 214-222,

    Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna; Fārābī, Abū Nasr Muhammad al-

    090637 / 5

  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Griffel, FrankAl-Ġazālī's concept of prophecy: the introduction of Avicennan psychology into aš'arite theology. (Résumé: Le concept de prophétie chez al-Ġazālī: l'introduction de la psychologie avicennienne dans la théologie aš'arite. ) .-- 2004 ISSN: 0957-4239 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 14 i pp. 4;6;101-144, (2004)

    Philosophy; Ghazali, Abu Hamid al-; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Janssens, JulesAl-Ġazzālī, and his use of Avicennian texts .-- Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, Piliscsaba, 2003 : Problems in Arabic philosophy. Redigit Miklós Maróth , pp. 37-49,

    Philosophy | Theology

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Griffel, FrankAl-Ghazālī's use of original human disposition (fitra) and its background in the teachings of al-Fārābī and Avicenna .-- 2012 ISSN: 0027-4909 : Muslim World: a Journal Devoted to the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 102 i pp. 1-32, (2012)


    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Janssens, JulesAl-Ghazzali’s Miyar al-ilm fi fann al-maniq: sources avicenniennes et farabiennes .-- 2002 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 69 pp. 39-66, (2002)

    Attitudes to Islam & Muslims | Attitudes to non-Muslims | Philosophy | Christianity & Christians | Judaism & Jews; Farabi, Abu Nasr Muhammad al-; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Gazali / Gazzali, Abu Hamid al-; Ghazali / Ghazzali, Abu Hamid al-; Gazali / Gazzali, Abu Hamid al-

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Michot, YahyaAl-Nukat wa-l-fawa'id: an important summa of Avicennian falsafa .-- Warburg Institute, London & Turin, 2007 : Classical Arabic philosophy: sources and reception, Edit. Peter Adamson , pp. 90-124,

    Philosophy | Theology; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Jolivet, Jean;Al-Šahrastani critique d'Avicenne dans La lutte contre les philosophes (quelques aspects). (Abstract: Al-Šahrastani critic of Avicenna in The struggle against the philosophers (some aspects). ) .-- 2000 ISSN: 0957-4239 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 10 ii pp. 154-155;275-292, (2000)

    Philosophy | Cosmology Avicenna; Ibn Sina; Shahrastani, Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-; Šahrastani, Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Davidson, Herbert A.Alfarabi and Avicenna on the active intellect .-- Routledge, London & New York, 2008 : Islamic philosophy and theology: critical concepts in Islamic thought. Vol. III: Aristotelianism and NeoplatonismEdit. Ian Richard Netton , pp. 107-173, ; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna; Fārābī, Abū Nasr Muhammad al-

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Cruz Hernández, M. Algunos aspectos de la existencia de Dios en la filosofía de Avicena .-- 1947 ISSN: 0304-4335 : Al-Andalus, vol. 12 pp. 97-122, (1947)

    ; Ibn al-Sīnā; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Heath, PeterAllegory and philosophy in Avicenna .-- Philadelphia, 1992 :

    Arabic literature: classical - prose | Adab; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Heath, PeterAllegory and philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sînâ) with a translation of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad's ascent to heaven .-- University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia (USA), 1992 :

    Sufism (mysticism) | Theology; Avicenna; Ibn Sina; Muhammad, the Prophet

    090637 / 7

  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Kaya, VeyselAn example of the mystical Avicennism in Ottoman thought: Jamal al-Khalwati's interpretation of Ibn Sina's Risala ila Abi Said ibn Abi l-Khayr .-- 2012 ISSN: 1309-1786 : Ilahiyat Studies: a Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies, vol. 3 ii pp. 173-196, (2012)

    Philosophy | Theology; Khalwati, Shaykh Jamal al-; Cemal Halveti; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Abu Said b. Abi 'l-Khayr; Ibn Abi 'l-Khayr, Abu Said

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ormos, I.An unknown poem by Avicenna .-- Eötvös Loránd University, Chair of Arabic Studies & Csoma de Kőrös Society, Section of Islamic Studies, Budapest, 1988 : The Arabist, pp. 134-141,

    Arabic literature: classical - poetry | Genizah | Judeo-Arabic

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Steel, Carlos; Guldentops, GuyAn unknown treatise of Averroes against the Avicennians on the First Cause - edition and translation .-- 1997 ISSN: 1370-7493 : Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales. Forschungen zur Theologie und Philosophie des Mittelalters, vol. 64 i pp. 86-135, (1997)

    Latin | Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval; Ibn Rushd; Averroes; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Zedler, B. M. Another look at Avicenna .-- 1976 ISSN: 0028-6621 : New Scholasticism, vol. 50 pp. 504-521, (1976)

    ; Ibn al-Sīnā; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019López-Farjeat, Luis XavierAntecedentes de la interpretación aviceniana de la Poética de Aristóteles .-- 2005 ISSN: 1665-1324 : Signos Filosóficos, vol. 7/14 pp. 35-44, (2005)

    Philosophy; Ibn Sina; Avicenna; Aristoteles

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Galindo-Aguilar, E.Anthropologie et cosmogonie chez Avicenne .-- 1959 ISSN: 0018-862X : IBLA, vol. 22 pp. 287-323, (1959)

    ; Ibn al-Sīnā; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ünver, A. SüheylAphorisms of Avicenna .-- 1959 : Journal of the History of Medicine, vol. 14 pp. 197-201, (1959)

    ; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Kruk, R.Aristoteles, Avicenna, Albertus, en de locusta maris .-- Hes Uitgevers, Utrecht, 1985 : Tussentijds: bundel studies aangeboden aan W. P. Gerritsen ter gelegenheid van zijn viftigste verjaardag. onder redactie van A. M. J. van Buren, H. van Dijk, O. S. H. Lie, F. P. van Oostrom , pp. 147-156,

    ; Aristōtelēs; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Albertus Magnus, Saint

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Madelung, W. ;Aš-Šahrastanis Streitschrift gegen Avicenna und ihre Widerlegung durch Nasir ad-Din at-Tusi .-- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1976 : Akten des VII. Kongresses für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft, Göttingen . . . 1974. Hrsg. Albert Dietrich , pp. 250-259,

    Ethics | Philosophy | Shiism & Shiis/Shiah | Sufism (mysticism) Ibn Sina; Avicenna; Tusi, Nasir al-Din; Nasir al-Din Tusi; Shahrastani, Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-; Šahrastani, Muhammad b. Abd al-Karim al-

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019AvicennaAspects of Avicenna .-- Wiener, Princeton, 2001 : Edit. Hamori, AndrasEdit. Lewis, BernardEthics | Philosophy | Shiism & Shiis/Shiah | Sufism (mysticism)

    090637 / 9

  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bouyges, M. Autour de la philosophie arabe: Théry, Avicenne, Nallino .-- 1927 : Archives de Philosophie, vol. 5 iii pp. 174-191, (1927)

    Philosophy; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bertolacci, AmosAverroes against Avicenna on human spontaneous generation: the starting-point of a lasting debate .-- Springer, Dordrecht, 2013 : Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath: Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe / Anna Akasoy, Guido Giglioni, eds. , pp. 37-54,

    Philosophy; Ibn Rushd / Averroes; Ibn Rušd / Averroes; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Puig Montada, JosepAverroes, y la crítica de Avicena .-- 2003 ISSN: 1133-0902 : Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, vol. 10 pp. 127-138, (2003)

    Philosophy; Ibn Rushd / Averroes; Ibn Rušd / Averroes; Ibn Rušd; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ramón Guerrero, R.Avicena (ca. 980 - 1037) .-- Ediciones del Orto, Madrid, 1994 :

    Philosophy | Shiism & Shiis/Shiah ; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Naqib, 'Abdel-Rahman al-Avicena (Ibn Sina) (370 H/980- 428 H/1037) .-- 1993 ISSN: 0304-3053 : Perspectivas: Revista Trimestral de Educación (UNESCO), vol. 23 / 85-86 pp. 55-71, (1993)

    Philosophy | Shiism & Shiis/Shiah ; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Paniagua, S. Avicena latino y la cuestion teleológica en la fenomenologia de Husserl .-- 1979 : Stromata, vol. 35 pp. 101-104, (1979)

    Philosophy | Shiism & Shiis/Shiah ; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Corbin, HenryAvicena y el relato visionario: estudio sobre el ciclo de los relatos avicenianos .-- Paidos Iberica, Barcelona, 1995 : Trans. López Tobajas, AgustínPhilosophy

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Poncela González, Ángel; Coullaut Cordero, JaimeAvicena: El libro de las definiciones (Kitab al-Hudud). 1ª parte. Traducción española, anotaciones y comentarios de Ángel Poncela González y Jaime Coullaut Cordero .-- 2010 ISSN: 1133-0902 : Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, vol. 17 pp. 181-194, (2010)


    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Poncela González, Ángel; Coullaut Cordero, JaimeAvicena: El libro de las definiciones (Kitab al-Hudud). 2. ª parte. Traducción española, anotaciones y comentarios de Jaime Coullaut Cordero y Ángel Poncela González .-- 2013 ISSN: 1133-0902 : Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, vol. 20 pp. 195-205, (2013)

    Philosophy | Latin | Europe (general) - medieval | Translation, translating & interpreting | Arabic language

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ramón Guerrero, RafaelAvicena: sobre el amor .-- 2008 ISSN: 0211-2337 : Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, vol. 25 pp. 243-259, (2008)

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Goodman, L. EAvicenna .-- London, 1992 :

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Troilo, ErminioAvicenna - filosofo; e la sua influenza su la filosofia e la cultura europea del Medio Evo (e anche d'oltre M. E. ) .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, IV. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 257-322,

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Badawi, AbdurrahmanAvicenna (985-1036) .-- 1981 : Iranzamin, vol. 1 i pp. 45-48, (1981)

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Lucchetta, F. Avicenna (Al-Risala al-adhawiyya) e Averroè (Fasl al-maqal) di fronte alle scritture .-- Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d'Islamistica, Rome, 1996 : Recueil d'articles offert à Maurice Borrmans par ses collègues et amis, pp. 149-153,

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Aminrazavi, MehdiAvicenna (Ibn Sina) .-- Harper Collins, New York:, 1995 : Great thinkers of the Eastern world: the major thinkers and the philosophical and religious classics of China, India, Japan, Korea, and the world of IslamEdit. I. P. McGreal , pp. 449-452,Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Naqib, Abd al-Rahman al-; Avicenna; Ibn SinaAvicenna (Ibn Sina) (A. D. 980-1037 / A. H. 370-428) .-- 1994 : Prospects: Quarterly Review of Education, vol. 23 i-ii / 85-86 / 1993 pp. 53-69, (1994)

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bielawski, J. Avicenna (Ibn Sina)--czlowiek i dzielo. [Avicenna (Ibn Sina) l'homme et l'oeuvre. ] .-- 1952 ISSN: 0033-2283 : Przeglad Orientalistyczny, vol. 4 pp. 70-88, (1952)

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Mayer, TobyAvicenna against time beginning: the debate between the commentators on the Isharat .-- Warburg Institute, London & Turin, 2007 : Classical Arabic philosophy: sources and reception, Edit. Peter Adamson , pp. 125-149,

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Freudenthal, Gad; Zonta, MauroAvicenna among medieval Jews. The reception of Avicenna's philosophical scientific and medical writings in Jewish cultures, East and West .-- 2012 ISSN: 0957-4239 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 22 ii pp. 217-287, (2012)

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Akdoğan, CemilAvicenna and Albert's refutation of the extramission theory of vision .-- 1984 ISSN: 0578-8072 : Islamic Studies, vol. 23 iii pp. 151-157, (1984)

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Richardson, KaraAvicenna and Aquinas on form and generation .-- De Gruyter, Berlin & Boston, 2012 : The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin reception of Avicenna's metaphysics, Edit. Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Amos Bertolacci , pp. 251-274,

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina, Saint Thomas; Thomas Aquinas, Saint

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bertolacci, AmosAvicenna and Averroes on the proof of God's existence and the subject-matter of metaphysics .-- 2007 ISSN: 0391-2566 : Medioevo: Rivista di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, vol. 32 pp. 61-97, (2007)

    Philosophy | Theology | Prophethood & prophecy; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Ibn Rushd / Averroes; Ibn Rušd / Averroes; Ibn Rušd

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bizri, Nader el-Avicenna and essentialism .-- 2001 ISSN: 0034-6632 : Review of Metaphysics: a Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 54 iv / 216 pp. 753-778, (2001)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Adamson, PeterAvicenna and his commentators on human and divine self-intellection .-- De Gruyter, Berlin & Boston, 2012 : The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin reception of Avicenna's metaphysics, Edit. Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Amos Bertolacci , pp. 97-122,

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Janssens, Jules; Smet, Daniel deAvicenna and his heritage. Acts of the International Colloquium, Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve September 8 - September 11, 1999, Edit. Jules Janssens and Daniel de Smet .-- Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2002 :

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Law, B. C. Avicenna and his theory of soul .-- Iran Society, Calcutta, 1956 : Avicenna commemoration volume, pp. 179-186,

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Parvin, ManoucherAvicenna and I: the journey of spirits: a novel .-- Blind Owl Press, Costa Mesa, 1996 :

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Schwartz, D. Avicenna and Maimonides on immortality: a comparative study .-- Harwood Academic Publishers, in cooperation with the Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, Luxembourg, 1995 : Medieval and modern perspectives on Muslim-Jewish relations,Edit. R. L. Nettler , pp. 185-197,Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sina; Maimonides, Moses; Musá b. Maymun; Mosheh ben Maymon; Mosheh ben Maimon; Ibn Maymun, Musa

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Said, Hakim MohammedAvicenna and medical ethics .-- Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, [Bucharest:], 1981 : 16th International Congress of the History of Science. . . Bucharest. . . 1981: proceedings. C. Meetings on specialized topics; D. Commemorations , pp. 373-378,

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Abu Shanab, R. E.Avicenna and Ockham on the problem of universals .-- 1973 : Pakistan Philosophical Journal, vol. 11 pp. 1-14, (1973)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gutas, D. Avicenna and the Aristotelian tradition: introduction to reading Avicenna's philosophical works .-- Brill, Leiden, 1988 :

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Wisnovsky, RobertAvicenna and the Avicennian tradition .-- Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005 : The Cambridge companion to Arabic philosophyEdit. Peter Adamson and Richard Taylor , pp. 92-136,Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Brown, H. V. B. Avicenna and the Christian philosophers in Baghdad .-- University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 1972 : Islamic philosophy and the classical tradition. Essays presented by his friends and pupils to Richard Walzer on his seventieth birthdayEdit. S. M. Stern, Albert Hourani and Vivian Brown , pp. 35-48,Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019D'Ancona Costa, Cristina; Ancona Costa, Cristina d'Avicenna and the Liber de Causis: a contribution to the dossier .-- 2000 ISSN: 1133-0902 : Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, vol. 7 pp. 95-114, (2000)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Abadani, Farhad S.Avicenna and the Persian language .-- 1973 ISSN: 0378-0856 : Indo-Iranica, vol. 26 iv pp. 27-30, (1973)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Smith, Gerard; AvicennaAvicenna and the possibles .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, III. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 318-335, Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Ibn Sīnā; Aquinas, Saint Thomas; Thomas Aquinas, Saint

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E.Avicenna and the problem of the infinite number of souls .-- 1960 ISSN: 0076-5872 : Mediaeval Studies, vol. 22 pp. 232-239, (1960)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Steel, CarlosAvicenna and Thomas Aquinas on evil .-- Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2002 : Avicenna and his heritage. Acts of the International Colloquium, Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve September 8 - September 11, 1999, Edit. Jules Janssens and Daniel de Smet , pp. 171-196,

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Ibn Sīnā; Aquinas, Saint Thomas; Thomas Aquinas, Saint

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Az, Mehmet AtaAvicenna and Thomas Aquinas on the possibility of talking about God .-- 2013 ISSN: 1309-1786 : Ilahiyat Studies: a Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies, vol. 4 ii pp. 149-181, (2013)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Ibn Sīnā; Aquinas, Saint Thomas; Thomas Aquinas, Saint

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, Michael E.Avicenna and traditional Islamic belief .-- Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, 2003 : The Judeo-Christian-Islamic heritage: philosophical & theological perspectivesEdit. Richard C. Taylor, Irfan A. Omar , pp. 173-192, Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Street, TonyAvicenna and Tusi on the contradiction and conversion of the absolute .-- 2000 ISSN: 0144-5340 : History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 21 i pp. 45-56, (2000)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019F[oster], K[enelm]Avicenna and Western thought in the 13th century .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, IV. ollected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 160-175, Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Reisman, David C.Avicenna at the ARCE .-- 2001 : Princeton Papers, vol. 9 pp. 131-182, (2001)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Furlani, G[iuseppe]Avicenna e il Cogito, ergo sum di Cartesio .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, II. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 79-98, Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Babinger, F. Avicenna e l'Italia .-- 1952-3 : Annali della Accademia del Mediterraneo, vol. 1 pp. 19-24, (1952-3)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Cerulli, E. Avicenna et Laurent de Médicis à propos d'un passage de l' 'Altercazione' .-- 1959 ISSN: 0585-5292 : Studia Islamica, vol. 11 pp. 5-27, (1959)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ünver, A. SüheylAvicenna explains why stars are visible at night and not during the day .-- 1946 : Journal of the History of Medicine, vol. 1 pp. 330-334, (1946)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Verbeke, G.Avicenna im Westen: eine historische Begegnung .-- 1981 ISSN: 0044-5975 : Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, vol. 29 pp. 1-12, (1981)

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Zonta, MauroAvicenna in medieval Jewish philosophy .-- Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2002 : Avicenna and his heritage. Acts of the International Colloquium, Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve September 8 - September 11, 1999, Edit. Jules Janssens and Daniel de Smet , pp. 267-279,

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bäck, A. Avicenna in the age of Columbus .-- Lang, New York, 1998 : Columbus and the New World, Edit. J. C. Schnaubelt & F. Van Fleteren , pp. 19-37,

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Riet, S. vanAvicenna Latinus: Liber de Philosophia Prima sive Scientia Divina I-X .-- Peeters; Leiden: Brill, Louvain, 1983 : Editor: Van Riet, S. Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'; Riet, Simone van; Jodogne, PierreAvicenna latinus. Codices descripsit M-T. d'Alverny, addenda collegerunt S. van Riet et P. Jodogne .-- Peeters; Leiden: Brill, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1994 :

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, M-T. d'; D'Alverny, M-T; Van Riet, S; Jodogne, P; Riet, S. vanAvicenna Latinus. Codices descripsit M-T. d'Alverny, addenda colligerunt S. van Riet et P. Jodogne .-- Louvain-la-Neuve & Leiden, 1994 :

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Europe (general); Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristōtelēs

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. I .-- 1961 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 28 pp. 281-316, (1961)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. II .-- 1962 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 29 pp. 217-233, (1962)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. III .-- 1963 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 30 pp. 221-272, (1963)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. IV .-- 1964 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 31 pp. 271-286, (1964)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. IX .-- 1969 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 36 pp. 243-280, (1969)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Riet, S. van; Verbeke, G. Avicenna latinus. Liber primus naturalium: tractatus primus de causis et principiis naturalium. .-- Peeters; Leiden: Brill, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1992 : Éd. critique de la traduction latine médiévale par S. van Riet; introduction doctrinale par G. Verbeke

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Riet, S. van; Janssens, J. ; Allard, A. ; Verbeke, G. Avicenna latinus. Liber primus Naturalium: tractatus secundus, De motu et de consimilibus. .-- Académie Royale de Belgique, Brussels, 2006 : Éd. critique par S. van Riet, J. Janssens, A. Allard; introduction doctrinale par G. VerbekePhilosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Riet, S. van; Janssens, J. ; Allard, A. ; Verbeke, G. Avicenna latinus. Liber quartus Naturalium: De actionibus et passionibus qualitatum primarum. .-- Peeters; Leiden: Brill, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1989 : Éd. critique de la traduction latine médiévale et lexiques par S. van Riet; introduction doctrinale par G. VerbekePhilosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Riet, S. van; Verbeke, G. Avicenna Latinus. Liber tertius naturalium de generatione et corruptione. .-- Peeters, Leuven, 1988 : Édition critique de la traduction latine médiévale et lexiques par S. van Riet. Introduction doctrinale par G. VerbekePhilosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. V .-- 1965 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 32 pp. 257-302, (1965)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. VI .-- 1966 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 33 pp. 305-327, (1966)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. VII .-- 1967 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 34 pp. 315-343, (1967)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. VIII .-- 1968 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 35 pp. 301-335, (1968)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. X .-- 1970 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 37 pp. 327-361, (1970)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenna latinus. XI .-- 1972 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 39 pp. 321-341, (1972)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ibn al-Sina; AvicennaAvicenna Millenary celebrations in Iran .-- 1954 ISSN: 0378-0856 : Indo-Iranica, vol. 7 i pp. 44-46, (1954)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ishaque, M. Avicenna Millenary commemorative stamps explained .-- 1952-53 ISSN: 0378-0856 : Indo-Iranica, vol. 6 iii pp. 59-60, (1952-53)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Hasse, Dag NikolausAvicenna on abstraction .-- 2001 : Princeton Papers, vol. 9 pp. 39-72, (2001)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E. Avicenna on causal priority .-- Caravan, Delmar, 1981 : Islamic philosophy and mysticism, Edit. Parviz Morewedge , pp. 65-83,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Sadiq, 'isaAvicenna on education .-- 1956 ISSN: 0378-0856 : Indo-Iranica, vol. 9 iv pp. 71-77, (1956)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bäck, AllanAvicenna on existence .-- 1987 ISSN: 0022-5053 : Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol. 25 iii pp. 351-367, (1987)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Black, Deborah L. Avicenna on individuation, self-awareness, and God's knowledge of particulars .-- Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, 2003 : The Judeo-Christian-Islamic heritage: philosophical & theological perspectivesEdit. Richard C. Taylor, Irfan A. Omar , pp. 255-281, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Rundgren, Fr. Avicenna on love. Studies in the 'Risala fi mahiyat al 'išq', I .-- 1979 ISSN: 0078-6578 : Orientalia Suecana, vol. 27-8 pp. 42-62, (1979)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, Michael E. Avicenna on Meno's paradox: on "apprehending" unknown things through known things .-- 2010 ISSN: 0076-5872 : Mediaeval Studies, vol. 71 / 2009 pp. 47-62, (2010)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E. Avicenna on primary concepts in the Metaphysics of his al-Shifa' .-- Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1984 : Logos Islamikos: Studia Islamica in honorem Georgii Michaelis Wickens, Edit. R. M. Savory & D. A. Agius , pp. 219-239,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Black, Deborah L. Avicenna on self-awareness and knowing that one knows .-- University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 2003 : The unity of science in the Arabic tradition: science, logic, epistemology and their interactionsEdit. Shahid Rahman, Tony Street, Hassan Tahiri , pp. 63-87, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Haddawy, HusainAvicenna on style .-- 1981 ISSN: 1110-8673 : Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, vol. 1 pp. 21-37, (1981)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E. Avicenna on the division of the sciences in the Isagoge of his Shifa' .-- 1980 : Journal of the History of Arab Science, vol. 4 pp. 239-251, (1980)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Fatoorchi, PiroozAvicenna on the human self-consciousness .-- Kültür A. Ş. , Istanbul, 2008 : Uluslararasi İbn Sînâ Sempozyumu. Bildiriler: 22-24 mayıs 2008, İstanbul, II. International Ibn Sina Symposium. Papers: May 22-24, 2008, Istanbul, II. Editörler: Mehmet Mazak, Nevzat Özkaya , pp. 13-21,Trans. Mehdiyev, Nebi; Edit. Mehmet Mazak, Nevzat Özkaya , pp. 13-21,Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Black, D. L. Avicenna on the ontological and epistemic status of fictional beings .-- 1997 ISSN: 1122-5750 : Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, vol. 8 pp. 425-453, (1997)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alper, Ömer MahirAvicenna on the ontological nature of knowledge and its categorical status .-- 2006 ISSN: 1536-4569 : Journal of Islamic Philosophy, vol. 2 pp. 25-35, (2006)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Hasnawi, AhmadAvicenna on the quantification of the predicate (with an appendix on [Ibn Zur'a]) .-- University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 2003 : The unity of science in the Arabic tradition: science, logic, epistemology and their interactionsEdit. Shahid Rahman, Tony Street, Hassan Tahiri , pp. 295-328, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Ibn Zur'a

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Sabra, A. I.Avicenna on theSubject: matter of logic .-- 1980 ISSN: 0022-362X : Journal of Philosophy, vol. 77 pp. 746-764, (1980)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Graham, TerryAvicenna or Ibn Sina: Persian Sufi founder of Islamic science .-- 2000 : Sufi (London), vol. 45 pp. 22-29, (2000)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bäck, AllanAvicenna the commentator .-- Brill, Leiden, 2008 : Medieval commentaries on Aristotle's Categories, Edit. Lloyd A. Newton , pp. 31-72,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Aristoteles

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Spencer, H(arold)Avicenna to Ghazipuri: studies in eastern Islamic logic / by H. Spencer .-- Excalibur, London, 1988 :

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Terzioğlu, ArslanAvicenna und Alchemie .-- I. T. Ü. (Mimarlık Fakültesi Baski Atölyesi), Istanbul, 1981 : Bildiriler, I. Uluslararası Türk-Islam Bilim ve Teknoloji Tarihi Kongresi . . . 1981. Proceedings, I. International Congress on the History of Turkish-Islamic Science and Technology . . . 1981. II: Tip-diş hekimliği-eczacilik tarihi. History of medicine-pharmacy, dental medicine, pp. 133-142,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Lindgren, U. ; Von A. ZimmermannAvicenna und die Grund prinzipien des Gemeinwesens in Francese Eiximenis' Regiment de la cosa publica (Valencia 1383) .-- 1980 : Soziale Ordnungen im Selbstverständis des Mittelalters, vol. 2. Halfband. Berlin &c. pp. 449-459, (1980)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Weisweiler, M.Avicenna und die iranischen Fürstenbibliotheken seiner Zeit .-- Iran Society, Calcutta, 1956 : Avicenna commemoration volume, pp. 47-63,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Levy, R.Avicenna--his life and times .-- 1957 ISSN: 0025-7273 : Medical History, vol. 1 pp. 249-261, (1957)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Vansteenkiste, C. Avicenna-Citaten bij S. Thomas .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, IV. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 177-227,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna ; Thomas Aquinas,

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Wolfson, H. A. Avicenna, Algazali, and Averroes on divine attributes .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, III. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 177-203,

    Theology | Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Ghazālī, Abū Hāmid al-; Averroes; Ibn Rushd

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Furlani, GiuseppeAvicenna, Barhebreo, Cartesio .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, II. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 99-108,

    Philosophy | Christianity & Christians; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna; Bar Hebraeus / Barhebraeus / Abū 'l-Faraj Ibn al-'Ibrī; Descartes, René

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Hussaini, Mohammed El-Avicenna, filosofo umanista .-- 1953 ISSN: 0024-1504 : Levante / Al-Mashriq (Rome), vol. 1i pp. 41-46, (1953)

    Theology | Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Courtois, V. Avicenna, the Prince of the Learned .-- 1952-53 ISSN: 0378-0856 : Indo-Iranica, vol. 6 iii pp. 46-53, (1952-53)

    Theology | Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Hau, F. R. Avicenna: ein "zweiter Galen" .-- 1981 : Iranzamin, vol. 1 i pp. 39-44, (1981)

    Theology | Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Arberry, A. J. Avicenna: his life and times .-- Luzac, London, 1952 : Avicenna: scientist and philosopher. A millenary symposium, Edit. G. M. Wickens , pp. 9-28,

    Philosophy | Iran - 10th century | Iran - 11th century; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Yusuf, K. M.Avicenna: his life and works .-- 1972 ISSN: 0378-0856 : Indo-Iranica, vol. 25 iii-iv pp. 158-170, (1972)

    Philosophy | Iran - 10th century | Iran - 11th century; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Kaur, M.Avicenna: his life, works and impact .-- 1983 ISSN: 0379-3915 : Studies in History of Medicine, vol. 7 pp. 216-235, (1983)

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Nasr, Seyyed HosseinAvicenna: prince of science and philosophy .-- 1979 : Ur, vol. Jan. -Feb. pp. 32-35, (1979)

    Theology | Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019

    Avicenna: scientist and philosopher. A millenary symposium .-- Sage, London, 2010 : Edit. G. M. WickensTheology | Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Wickens, G. M.Avicenna: scientist and philosopher. A millenary symposium, Edit. G. M. Wickens .-- Luzac, London, 1952 :

    ; Avicenna; Ibn Sina Philosophy | Science - general

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gutas, DimitriAvicenna: the metaphysics of the rational soul .-- 2012 ISSN: 0027-4909 : Muslim World: a Journal Devoted to the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 102 iii-iv pp. 417-425, (2012)

    Philosophy | Ontology; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gabrieli, G. Avicenna. (Biografie e bibliografie da scienzati arabi. ) .-- 1923 : Archivio di storia della scienza, vol. 4 pp. 258-279, (1923)

    Philosophy; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Opítz, K. Avicenna. Das Lehrgedicht über die Heilkunde (Canticum de Medicina). Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt .-- 1940 : Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Medizin, vol. 7 pp. 304-374, (1940)

    Philosophy; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Hasse, Dag NikolausAvicenna's 'giver of forms' in Latin philosophy, especially in the works of Albertus Magnus .-- De Gruyter, Berlin & Boston, 2012 : The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin reception of Avicenna's metaphysicsEdit. Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Amos Bertolacci , pp. 225-249,Classification: Pre-modern philosophy & philosophers; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Albertus Magnus

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Michot, J. Avicenna's 'Letter on the disappearance of the vain intelligible forms after death': presentation and translation .-- 1985 ISSN: 0068-4023 : Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 27 pp. 94-103, (1985)

    Philosophy | Eschatology | Theology; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Judy, A. Avicenna's 'Metaphysics' in the Summa contra Gentiles .-- 1975 : Angelicum, vol. 52 pp. 340-384, 541-586, (1975)

    Philosophy | Eschatology | Theology; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Aminrazavi, MehdiAvicenna's (Ibn Sina) phenomenological analysis of how the soul (nafs) knows itself (ilm al-huduri) .-- Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2003 : The passions of the soul in the metamorphosis of becoming, Edit. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka , pp. 91-98,

    Philosophy; Razavi, Mehdi Amin; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Michot, Yahya; Sandys, GeorgeAvicenna's Almahad in 17th century England: Sandys, Pococke, Digby, Baron, Cudworth et alii . . . .-- Kültür A. Ş. , Istanbul, 2008 : Uluslararasi İbn Sînâ Sempozyumu. Bildiriler: 22-24 mayıs 2008, İstanbul, II. International Ibn Sina Symposium. Papers: May 22-24, 2008, Istanbul, II. Editörler: Mehmet Mazak, Nevzat Özkaya , pp. 299-318,Trans. Baş, Osman; Edit. Mehmet Mazak, Nevzat Özkaya , pp. 299-318,Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ali, Mohammed IqbalAvicenna's approach to cardiac diseases .-- 1993 ISSN: 0304-9558 : Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine, vol. 23 ii pp. 137-140, (1993)

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E. Avicenna's chapter 'On the relative', in the Metaphysics of the Shifa' .-- State University of New York Press, Albany (USA), 1975 : Essays on Islamic philosophy and science, Edit. George F. Hourani , pp. 83-99,

    Medicine | Science - general | Philosophy

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E.Avicenna's chapter on universals in the Isagoge of his Shifā' .-- : Islam: past influence and present challengeEdit. Alford T. Welch and Pierre Cachia , pp. 34-56, Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Yassin, Jafar Al-Avicenna's concept of physics .-- 1964 : Bulletin of the College of Arts (Baghdad), vol. 7 pp. 55-62, (1964)

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Younesie, MostafaAvicenna's conception of problematic identity .-- 2010 ISSN: 1740-7125 : Comparative Islamic Studies, vol. 4 i-ii / 2008 pp. 147-155, (2010)

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Lameer, Joep; Ibn Sina / AvicennaAvicenna's concupiscence .-- 2013 ISSN: 0957-4239 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 23 ii pp. 277-289, (2013)

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gammal, Samir Yahia el-Avicenna's contribution to the development and progress of medical sciences .-- 1994 ISSN: 0304-9558 : Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine, vol. 24 i pp. 15-26, (1994)

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Witkam, Jan JustAvicenna's copyists at work: codicological features of the two Leiden manuscripts of the Kitab al-Shifa' .-- 2012 ISSN: 0078-6527 : Oriens, vol. 40 ii pp. 223-255, (2012)

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Shihadeh, AymanAvicenna's corporeal form and proof of prime matter in twelfth-century critical philosophy: Abu l-Barakat, al-Masudi and al-Razi .-- 2014 ISSN: 0078-6527 : Oriens, vol. 42 iii-iv pp. 364-396, (2014)

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina; Razi, Fakhr al-Din al-; Far al-Din al-Razi; Masudi, Sharaf al-Din Muammad; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Abu 'l-Barakat Hibat Allah al-Baghdadi

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, Michael E. Avicenna's critique of Platonists in Book VII, Chapter 2 of the Metaphysics of his Healing .-- Peeters en Departement Oosterse Studies, Leuven, 2006 : Arabic theology, Arabic philosophy. From the many to the one: essays in clebration of Richard M. Franked. James E. Montgomery , pp. 355-369, Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Medicine; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Hasse, Dag NikolausAvicenna's De anima in the Latin West: the formation of a peripatetic philosophy of the soul 1160-1300 .-- Warburg Institute, London, 2000 :

    Philosophy | Greek writings (ancient) | Medicine; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bizri, Nader el-Avicenna's De anima: between Aristotle and Husserl .-- Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2003 : The passions of the soul in the metamorphosis of becoming, Edit. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka , pp. 67-89,

    Philosophy | Geometry; Avicenna; Ibn Sina; Aristoteles; Husserl, Edmund

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ahmed, Asad Q. ; Street, TonyAvicenna's Deliverance: logic. .-- Oxford University Press, Karachi, 2011 : Translation and notes by Asad Q. Ahmed; introd. by Tony StreetPhilosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Tawara, AkihiroAvicenna's denial of life in plants .-- 2014 ISSN: 0957-4239 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 24 i pp. 127-138, (2014)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Aertsen, Jan A. Avicenna's doctrine of the primary notions and its impact on medieval philosophy .-- : Islamic thought in the Middle Ages: studies in text, transmission and translation in honour of Hans DaiberEdit. Anna Akasoy and Wim Raven , pp. 21-42, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gutas, DimitriAvicenna's eastern ("Oriental") philosophy. Nature, contents, transmission. (Résumé: La philosophie "orientale" d'Avicenne: nature, contenu, transmission. ) .-- 2000 ISSN: 0957-4239 DOI: 10. 1017/S0957423900000072 ISSN: 09574239 e-ISSN: 14740524 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 10 ii pp. 155;159-180, (2000)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Reisman, David C. Avicenna's enthymeme: a pointer .-- 2009 ISSN: 0570-5398 : Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, vol. 56 vi pp. 529-542, (2009)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bäck, AllanAvicenna's hermeneutics .-- 2011 ISSN: 0042-7543 : Vivarium, vol. 49 i-iii pp. 9-25, (2011)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Di Vincenzo, SilviaAvicenna's Isagoge, chap. I, 12, De Universalibus: some observations on the Latin translation .-- 2012 ISSN: 0078-6527 : Oriens, vol. 40 ii pp. 437-476, (2012)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Druart, Thérèse-Anne;Avicenna's influence on Duns Scotus' proof for the existence of God in the Lectura .-- Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2002 : Avicenna and his heritage. Acts of the International Colloquium, Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve September 8 - September 11, 1999Edit. Jules Janssens and Daniel de Smet , pp. 253-266,Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Rosenthal, E. I. J. Avicenna's influence on Jewish thought .-- Luzac, London, 1952 : Avicenna: scientist and philosopher. A millenary symposiumEdit. G. M. Wickens , pp. 66-83,Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Antoine, R. Avicenna's influence on mediaeval thought .-- 1956 ISSN: 0378-0856 : Indo-Iranica, vol. 9 ii pp. 21-31, (1956)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Crombie, A. C. Avicenna's influence on the mediaeval scientific tradition .-- : Avicenna: scientist and philosopher. A millenary symposiumEdit. G. M. Wickens , pp. 84-107, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019C[rombie], A[listair] C.Avicenna's influence on the medieval scientific tradition .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, IV. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 136-159, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gutas, D.Avicenna's mad_hab, with an appendix on the question of his date of birth .-- 1988 ISSN: 1121-2306 : Quaderni di Studi Arabi, vol. 5-6, 1987-88 pp. 323-336, (1988)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gutas, D. ;Avicenna's madhab, with an appendix on the question of his date of birth .-- 1988 ISSN: 1121-2306 : Quaderni di Studi Arabi, vol. 5-6, 1987-88 pp. 323-336, (1988)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Wisnovsky, RobertAvicenna's metaphysics in context .-- London & Ithaca (USA), 2003 :

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Zonta, MauroAvicenna's metaphysics in the medieval Hebrew philosophical tradition .-- De Gruyter, Berlin & Boston, 2012 : The Arabic, Hebrew and Latin reception of Avicenna's metaphysics, Edit. Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Amos Bertolacci , pp. 153-158,Edit. Dag Nikolaus Hasse and Amos Bertolacci , pp. 153-158,Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gabrieli, F. Avicenna's millenary .-- 1950 ISSN: 0012-8376 : East and West, vol. 1 pp. 87-92, (1950)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019McGinnis, JonAvicenna's naturalized epistemology and scientific method .-- Ashgate, Farnham, 2013 : The unity of science in the Arabic tradition: science, logic, epistemology and their interactionsEdit. Shahid Rahman, Tony Street, Hassan Tahiri , pp. 129-152, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Treiger, AlexanderAvicenna's notion of transcendental modulation of existence (Taškīk al-wudjūd, analogia entis) and its Greek and Arabic sources .-- Bloomsbury, London, 2010 : Islamic philosophy, science, culture, and religion: studies in honor of Dimitri GutasEdit. Felicitas Opwis and David Reisman , pp. 327-363, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Decorte, JosAvicenna's ontology of relation: a source of inspiration to Henry of Ghent .-- Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2002 : Avicenna and his heritage. Acts of the International Colloquium, Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve September 8 - September 11, 1999, Edit. Jules Janssens and Daniel de Smet , pp. 197-224,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Henricus de Gandavo / Henri de Gand / Henry of Ghent

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Stroumsa, S. Avicenna's philosophical stories: Aristotle's Poetics reinterpreted .-- 1992 ISSN: 0570-5398 : Arabica, vol. 39 pp. 183-206, (1992)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; ; Aristōtelēs;

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019González Ginocchio, DavidAvicenna's philosophy of the animal soul in context .-- 2009 ISSN: 1461-5363 : Animals and otherness in the Middle Ages: perspectives across disciplinesEdit. Francisco de Asís García García, Mónica Ann Walker Vadillo, María Victoria Chico Picaza , pp. 63-73, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Teicher, J[acob] L[eon]Avicenna's place in Arabic philosophy .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, V. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 1-20,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ünver, A. SüheylAvicenna's praise of Euclid .-- 1947 : Journal of the History of Medicine, vol. 2 pp. 198-200, (1947)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E.Avicenna's proof from contingency for God's existence in the Metaphysics of the Shifa' .-- 1980 : Medieval Studies, vol. 42 pp. 337-352, (1980)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Davidson, H. A. Avicenna's proof of the existence of God as necessary existent being .-- Satura, Naples, 2010 : Islamic philosophical theologyEdit. Parviz Morewedge , pp. 165-187, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E. Avicenna's psychological proof of prophecy .-- 1963 ISSN: 0022-2968 DOI: 10. 1086/371710 ISSN: 00222968 e-ISSN: 15456978 : Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 22 pp. 49-56, (1963)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Fazlur RahmanAvicenna's psychology. An English translation of Kitāb al-Najāt, book II, chapter VI, with historico-philosophical notes and textual improvements on the Cairo edition .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, V.Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 39-175, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ahmed, Asad Q.Avicenna's reception of Aristotelian modal syllogistics: a study based on conversion rules and the Barbara problematic .-- : Before and after Avicenna. Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study GroupEdit. David C. Reisman, with the assistance of Ahmed H. al-Rahim , pp. 3-24, Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Aristotelēs; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Kohler, JosefAvicenna's Rechtsphilosophie .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, I.Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 103-108, Philosophy | Law - theory; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Finnegan, J. Avicenna's refutation of Porphyrius .-- Iran Society, Calcutta, 1956 : Avicenna commemoration volume, pp. 187-203,

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina; Porphurios / Porphyry / Porphyrius

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Grunebaum, G. E. vonAvicenna's Risâla fī l-'išq and courtly love .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, V. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 177-182, Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Grunebaum, G. E. vonAvicenna's Risâla fî'l-'išq and courtly love .-- 1952 ISSN: 0022-2968 DOI: 10. 1086/371098 ISSN: 00222968 e-ISSN: 15456978 : Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 11 pp. 233-238, (1952)

    Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Colish, M. L. Avicenna's theory of efficient causation and its influence on St. Thomas Aquinas .-- Ed. Domenicane Italiane, Naples, 1975 : Atti del Congresso internazionale (Roma-Napoli . . . 1974) Tommaso d'Aquino nel suo settimo centenario I, pp. 296-306,

    Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna; Aquinas, Saint Thomas; Thomas Aquinas, Saint

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Stone, Abraham D.Avicenna's theory of primary mixture .-- 2008 ISSN: 0957-4239 : Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 18 i pp. 99-119, (2008)

    Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Marmura, M. E. Avicenna's theory of prophecy in the light of Ash'arite theology .-- Passport, in conjunction with Serpent's Tail, London, Wistow, 1993 : The seed of wisdom: essays in honour of T. J. MeekEdit. W. S. McCullough , pp. 159-178, Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bäck, AllanAvicenna's theory of supposition .-- 2013 ISSN: 0042-7543 : Vivarium, vol. 51 i-iv pp. 81-115, (2013)

    Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Avicenna; Ibn SīnāAvicenna's tract on cardiac drugs and essays on Arab cardiotherapy / Institute of History of Medicine and Medical Research, New Delhi, India, and Institute of Health and Tibbi (Medical) Research, Karachi, Pakistan .-- Hamdard Foundation Press, Karachi, 1983 : Editor: [Abdul Hameed, Hakeem]Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Bell, J. N. Avicenna's Treatise on love and the nonphilosophical Muslim tradition .-- 1986 ISSN: 0021-1818 : Der Islam, vol. 63 pp. 73-89, (1986)

    Ethics | Philosophy | Theology; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Strobino, RiccardoAvicenna's use of the Arabic translations of the Posterior analytics and the ancient commentary tradition .-- 2012 ISSN: 0078-6527 : Oriens, vol. 40 ii pp. 355-389, (2012)

    Ethics | Philosophy | Theology; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Aristoteles / Aristotle

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Holmyard, E[ric] J[ohn]; Mandeville, D[esmond] C[ameron]Avicennae De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum. Being sections of the Kitâb al-Shifâ'. The Latin and Arabic texts edited with an English translation of the latter and with critical notes .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 2001 : Chemistry and alchemy: texts and studies, VI. Studies collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer, Farid Benfeghoul , pp. 147-240, Chemistry; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gastgeber, C. Avicennas Brief an Augustinus: zur "Christianisierung" heidnischer Literatur .-- 1995 ISSN: 0006-2022 : Biblos (Vienna), vol. 44 i pp. 13-31, (1995)

    Philosophy | Europe (general) - 11th century; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna; Augustinus / Augustine, Saint

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Horten, M[ax]; Wiedemann, E[ilhard]Avicennas Lehre vom Regenbogen nach seinem Werk al Schifâ. Mit Bemerkungen von E. Wiedemann .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 2001 : Optics: texts and studies, III. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer, Farid Benfeghoul , pp. 101-112, Philosophy | Europe (general) - 11th century; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Maróth, Miklós; AvicennaAvicennas politische Philosophie .-- Peeters, Leuven, 2002 : Studies in Arabic and Islam: proceedings of the 19th congress, Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Halle 1998. Edit. S. Leder with H. Kilpatrick, B. Martel-Thoumian, H. Schönig, pp. 13-22, Political theory & ideology | Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Wiedemann, E. ; Juynboll, Th. W.Avicennas Schrift über ein von ihm ersonnenes Beobachtungs-instrument .-- 1927 : Acta Orientalia (Copenhagen), vol. 5 pp. 81-167, (1927)

    Political theory & ideology | Philosophy; Ibn Sīnā

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Schaerer, Patric O. Avicennas Traktat Hayy ibn Yaqzan und dessen Parallelen mit dem Corpus Hermeticum .-- 2008 ISSN: 0004-4717 : Asiatische Studien. Etudes Asiatiques, vol. 62 i pp. 387-402, (2008)

    Arabic literature: classical - prose | Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ruska, Julius; AvicennaAvicennas Verhältnis zur Alchemie .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 2001 : Chemistry and alchemy: texts and studies, VI. Studies collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer, Farid Benfeghoul , pp. 242-243,

    Alchemy; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Birkenmajer, AlexanderAvicennas Vorrede zum "Liber Sufficientiae" und Roger Bacon .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, III. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 222-234, Philosophy | Europe (general) - 13th century; Ibn Sīnā / Avicenna; Bacon, Roger

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Birkenmajer, A. Avicennas Vorrede zum Liber sufficientiae und Roger Bacon .-- 1934 : Revue Néo-scholastique de Philosophie, vol. 36 pp. 308-320, (1934)

    Philosophy | Europe (general) - 12th century; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Bacon, Roger

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alper, Ömer MahirAvicennas's conception of the scope of metaphysics: did he really misunderstand Aristotle .-- 2007 ISSN: 1303-5746 : İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 16 pp. 85-103, (2007)

    Philosophy: modern | Ottoman Empire - 19th century | Ottoman Empire - 20th century | Turkey - 1922-2000; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Aristoteles / Aristotle

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ibn Sina; AvicennaAvicenne / La métaphysique du Shifa, Livres de VI à X. .-- Vrin, Paris, 1985 : Traduction française du texte arabe de l'édition du Caire, notes et commentaires par G. C. Anawati

    Philosophy | Eschatology

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Mazliak, PaulAvicenne & Averroès: médecine et biologie dans la civilisation de l'Islam .-- Vuibert: ADAPT, Paris, 2004 :

    Biology | Medicine; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Averroes; Ibn Rushd

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Büttgen, PhilippeAvicenne à Ratisbonne. Introduction à la théologie comparative .-- Fayard, Paris, 2009 : Les Grecs, les Arabes et nous. Enquête sur l'islamophobie savante. Sous la dir. de Philippe Büttgen, Alain de Libera, Marwan Rashed, Irène Rosier-Catach , pp. 235-257,

    Europe (general) - medieval | Christianity & Christians | Theology

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Cortabarría-Beitia, A.Avicenne dans le "Pugio fidel" de Raymond Martin .-- 1989 ISSN: 0575-1330 : Institut Dominicain d'Études Orientales du Caire: Mélanges (MIDEO), vol. 19 pp. 9-16, (1989)

    Science - general | Philosophy | Theology ; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Badawi, AbdurrahmanAvicenne en Espagne musulmane. Pénétration et polémique .-- Instituto Hispano-Árabe de Cultura, Madrid, 1981 : Milenario de Avicena, pp. 9-25,

    Theology | Philosophy | Political theory & ideology; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gilson, E. Avicenne en Occident au Moyen Age .-- 1969 ISSN: 0373-5478 : Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, vol. 36 pp. 83-121, (1969)

    Philosophy; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Avicenne en Occident: réunis en hommage à l'auteur. Recueil d'articles .-- Vrin, Paris, 1993 :

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Madkour, IbrahimAvicenne en Orient et en Occident .-- 1982 ISSN: 0575-1330 : Institut Dominicain d'Études Orientales du Caire: Mélanges (MIDEO), vol. 15 pp. 223-230, (1982)

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Debout, M.Avicenne et Ibn Tufayl. Quelques aspects de deux allégories philosophiques arabes: le récit de 'Hayy ben Yaqsan', 'Le Vivant, fils du Vigilant' .-- Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, [1989]1989 : Actes MELCOM 10e . . . (Middle East Libraries Committee) . . . 1988, pp. 104-107,

    Philosophy | Latin | Translation, translating & interpreting; Ibn Sina / Avicenna; Ibn Tufayl, Abū Bakr Muhammad

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Michot, J. Avicenne et le Kitab al-Madnun d'al-Ghazali .-- 1976 ISSN: 0068-4023 : Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 18 pp. 51-59, (1976)

    Science - general | Philosophy; Ghazali, Abu Hamid al-; Ibn al-Sina; Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Strohmaier, GotthardAvicenne et le phénomène des écrits pseudépigraphiques .-- Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2002 : Avicenna and his heritage. Acts of the International Colloquium, Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve September 8 - September 11, 1999, Edit. Jules Janssens and Daniel de Smet , pp. 37-46,

    Philosophy | Judaism & Jews | Greek writings (ancient) | Medicine; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019[Gilson, Étienne]Avicenne et le point de départ de Duns Scot .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Ibn Sīnā in the Western tradition: texts and studies, III. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 125-185,

    Philosophy | Europe (general) - medieval; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Duns Scotus, John

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Gardet, LouisAvicenne et le problème de sa "philosophie (ou sagesse) orientale" .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Abū 'Alī ibn Sīnā (d. 428/1037): texts and studies, IV. Collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin, in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer , pp. 189-198,

    Philosophy; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Corbin, HenryAvicenne et le récit visionnaire .-- Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Rome, 1955 : Conferenze tenute all' Is. M. E. O. da H. Corbin . . . . II, pp. 1-39,

    Philosophy | Sufism (mysticism); Ibn Sina / Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Lory, P.Avicenne et le soufisme: à propos de la Risāla Nayrūziyya .-- 1996 ISSN: 0253-1623 : Bulletin d'Études Orientales, vol. 48 pp. 137-144, (1996)

    Sufism (mysticism) | Qur'ān & Quranic studies / Koran / Kuran / Qoran / Coran ; Ibn Sīnā; Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Janssens, J[ules]Avicenne et sa "paraphrase-commentaire" du livre Lambda (Kitab al-insaf) .-- 2003 ISSN: 1370-7493 : Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales. Forschungen zur Theologie und Philosophie des Mittelalters, vol. 70 ii pp. 401-416, (2003)

    Philosophy; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Counet, Jean-MichelAvicenne et son influence sur la pensée de Jean Duns Scot .-- Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2002 : Avicenna and his heritage. Acts of the International Colloquium, Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve September 8 - September 11, 1999, Edit. Jules Janssens and Daniel de Smet , pp. 225-252,

    Philosophy; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Brătescu, G.Avicenne le médecin .-- Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, [Bucharest:], 1981 : 16th International Congress of the History of Science. . . Bucharest. . . 1981: proceedings. C. Meetings on specialized topics; D. Commemorations , pp. 367-372,

    Philosophy; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ben Yahia, B. Avicenne médecin: sa vie, son oeuvre .-- 1952 : Revue de l'Histoire des Sciences, vol. 5 pp. 350-358, (1952)

    Philosophy; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Sabri, T. Avicenne philosophe et mystique dans le miroir de trois récits: Hayy b. Yaqzan, l'Oiseau, Salaman et Absal .-- 1980 ISSN: 0570-5398 : Arabica, vol. 27 pp. 257-274, (1980)

    Philosophy; Ibn Sina; Avicenna

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  • Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Fouchécour, C-H. de; De Fouchécour, C-H. Avicenne, al-Qošeyri et le récit de l'échelle de Mahomet .-- Peeters, Leuven, 1996 : Le voyage initiatique en terre d'islam. Ascensions célestes et itinéraires spirituels / sous la dir. de Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi , pp. 173-198,

    Prophet Muhammad | Mi'rāj & Isrā'; Avicenna; Ibn Sīnā; Qushayrī, Abū 'l-Qāsim al-; Muhammad, the Prophet

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Michot, J. R.Avicenne, La définition de l'âme. Section I de l'Epître des états de lâme. Traduction critique et lexique .-- Vrin, Paris, 1997 : Langages et philosophie: hommage à Jean Jolivet, Edit. A. de Libera, Abdelali Elamrani-Jamal, A. Galonnier , pp. 239-256,Philosophy ; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Sinoué, G.Avicenne, ou, La route d'Ispahan .-- Denoël, Paris, 1989 :

    Philosophy ; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019[Ibn Sīnā]; Avicenna;Avicenne. Le livre de science (Dānesh-nāmeh), I-II. .-- Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, 1999 : Trad. Mohammed Achena et Henri MasséPhilosophy ; Avicenna; Ibn Sina

    Madde Yayınlandıktan Sonra Gelen Doküman 20.08.2019Ibn Sīnā; AvicennaAvicenne. Le Livre de Science. I (Logique, métaphysique). II (Sc