The Coalition: our programme for government 1 The New Coalition: our programme for government

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Our programme for Government

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  • The Coalition: our programme for government 1

    The New Coalition:

    our programme

    for government

  • The Coalition: our programme for government 2


    By David Cameron, Nigel Dodds and Nigel Farage

    This is an historic document in British politics: the

    rst time that three parties have come together to

    put forward a programme for partnership


    As our parties have worked together it has become

    increasingly clear to us that, although there are

    dierences between us, there is also a huge amount

    of common ground. We share a conviction that multicultural Britain has failed and we need to re-

    establish the core British values that have come

    under assault from the liberal establishment. We

    believe that we need to free our businesses from

    red tape and crack down on shirkers such as

    benefits cheats, criminals, health tourists and illegal

    immigrants. We share a belief that we must re-

    assert the importance of the family as the central

    pillar of our society. Above all, we are committed

    to making Britain great again by cutting immigrant

    numbers and rejecting European interference in

    how we run our country.

    We are committed to turning current thinking on its

    head and developing new approaches to

    government, grounded in tradition. We have found

    that a combination of our parties best ideas and

    attitudes has produced a programme for

    government that is more radical and comprehensive

    than our individual manifestos.

    For example, when you take the Conservatives

    commitment to cap net migration to the tens of

    thousands, UKIP plans to prioritise British workers

    and the DUPs policy to restrict EU free

    movement, you have a united vision of how we can

    gain control of our borders again.

    Four weeks ago we could never have predicted the

    publication of this document. After the election, of

    course, there was the option of minority

    government but we were uninspired by it.

    Instead, there was the option of a coalition in the

    national interest and we seized it. A patriotic,

    proud and common-sense coalition.

    We will make Britain great again.

    Common Sense Britain

    Britain invented democracy and spread British

    values round the world through the British Empire.

    However, we are now told that we should be

    ashamed of our heritage. We will reverse this

    political correctness gone mad.

    We will repeal the Hunting Act.

    We will reintroduce smoking in pubs.

    We will re-introduce national service.

    We will pass a Face Coverings Prohibition Bill to ban the burqa.

    We will name the August bank holiday Margaret Thatcher Day.

    We will offer a free vote on the repeal of same-sex marriage legislation.

    We will reduce the maximum time limit for abortions.

    We will ensure that adoption can only be undertaken by heterosexual couples.

    We will allow hotel and restaurant owners to reject customers where they have an objection

    concerning a matter of conscience.

    Britain back to Work

    We are a trading nation but our businesses have

    been held back by European interference, green

    taxes, health and safety and red tape.

    We will implement in full the recommendations of the Beecroft Report,

    including new hire and fire rights for


    We will pass an Equality and Diversity Bill to outlaw positive discrimination, and scrap the

    Equalities Act.

    We will remove all benefits for under 25s.

    We will cut the top rate of tax to 40% and raise the inheritance tax threshold to 1 million.

    We will pass a Sexual Impropriety in Employment Bill to limit sexual harassment

    cases against small businesses.

    We will reduce the minimum wage for disabled people.

    We will hold a bonfire of health & safety laws.

  • The Coalition: our programme for government 3

    Liberating Public Services

    The NHS, the schools system and other public

    services have become over-bloated and too

    sheltered from competition. Standards are too low

    because of a liberal consensus biased against

    success and competition.

    We will allow new grammar schools.

    We will allow private companies to run academies and free schools for profit.

    We will introduce upfront charges on foreign citizens covering the full costs of using our

    health service.

    We will allow greater market competition and private provision in the NHS.

    We will privatise the BBC.

    We will introduce regional pay rates for civil servants.

    We will force schools to open in adverse weather conditions.

    We will introduce mandatory cooking lessons in schools.

    Making Britain Great Again

    In 1975, the British people signed up to a free trade

    area but not a political union. Brussels has become

    an over-centralising, over-regulating, protectionist

    burden on our country. Only by freeing ourselves

    from the EU can we regain control of our borders,

    stop the interference of foreign judges and trade

    freely with the rest of the world.

    We will hold an in/out referendum on Britains membership of the EU by the end of 2015. The

    government will campaign for Britains exit

    from the EU.

    We will withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights and scrap the

    Human Rights Act.

    We will increase defence spending beyond 2% of GDP. We will finance this through welfare

    cuts and scrapping the commitment to 0.7%

    development aid.

    Tough on Crime and


    We have a proud criminal justice tradition in this

    country but it has come under assault from

    European courts and so-called human rights.

    Criminals get off too lightly, too often.

    We will hold a referendum on the reintroduction of the death penalty.

    We will hold parents legally responsible for the criminal actions of their children.

    We will limit net immigration to the tens of thousands, abolish EU free movement and

    introduce an Australian style points system to

    ensure those we only let in skilled migrants.

    We will introduce criminal sanctions for illegal immigrants and introduce a repatriation plan

    for migrants.

    Claiming back our Green

    and Pleasant Land

    Our countryside is under threat from environmental

    pet projects that contribute little to our economy

    while scarring our landscapes.

    We will scrap High Speed II.

    We will prohibit the development of new onshore wind farms and progressively remove

    existing turbines from the countryside.

    We will restrict the height and location of offshore wind farms and remove any subsidies.

    Investing in Britain

    Our infrastructure badly needs investment but this

    has been held back by a mistaken green consensus.

    For the next five years, we will prioritise business

    over the environment.

    We will build an airport in the Thames Estuary.

    We will dramatically reduce environmental and planning restrictions on fracking.

    We will repeal the Climate Change Act and abolish the Department for Climate Change

    and Energy.

  • The Coalition: our programme for government 4

    Printed, published & promoted by Tim Gordon on behalf of the Liberal Democrats,

    both at 8-10 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AE