Blakey Drugs FORMALDEYDE Has been more difficult to obtain this year than ever before# We were for- tunate enough to get in a good supply* so buy early while the stock is complete FULLSTRENGTH GUARANTEED Our Formaldehyde complies with the PURE FOOD and DRUGS LAW STRYCHNINE and GOPHER PILLS Have alsofplaced'in stock a fre^supplyof Strychnine and Gopher Pills, »o buy NOW and have them [on^hand just when you want so use them. Now is the time—not to-morrow —or next week—bat to-day "DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS!' PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Phone 4] Mlnot, Minor Topics Howard JGlliott has purchased the Mc- Cabe dray line. J. P. O'neil is suffering from inflam- mation in one of his eyes. John Ecklund returned from Illinois with a car of tine horses. Alex, Pizano has returned from Mis- souri where he spent the winter &t his eld home, Fulton. J. I. riilden, a prominent young far- mer, has returned from u v isit with rela- tives at Cash ton, Wis. WANTED—Good quarter section near Minot for cash and unimproved city property. Price must be close. Call at or address, "C" care Independent. 4-42 Martin Roseland from Eagle Grove, la., is now located on the Hans WestoS farm south from town and is well pleas- ed witu the prospects. FOR RENT—My farm, nine miles south of Minot. t»ec. 23, 'lwp. 154-84. tor in- formation, call or address, Li. J. Reed, at 512 ward street, Minot, N. D. 3-21-4-llp Seed potatoes in fifty bushel lots at 60c. Sample at law office of F. H. Lam bert. Orders tilled from car to arrive. 4-lltf K. N. Sackett, Stewartville, Minn. WANTED—Good farm loans, to place at from -5300 to $500 per quarter. Long or short tune loan*. 4-1 Call or address "(J M care Independent. C. A. father of Jeanette returned from Barley, Minn., where he went to attend the funeral of his father, Christ Sather. a prominent citizen, who died oa March 21. John and A. L. Webber returned from Gooahue, Minn., where they at- tended the funeral of their father, P. G. Webber, who died Sunday, March 24. He wa=! 80 years of age and had been ill a long time. Robert Grieve, one of the big farmers at Peacock, Bask., was visiting his broth- er-in-law, J. P. O'neil, last week. He is farming two sections in Canada, and has 800 acres in crop. He speaks well of the country. The brothers-in-law bad not met for seventeen years. Mrs. Birch Reed received the sad news that her mother Mrs. Martha Judd, had died at New Town, Mo. Mrs. Reed only recently accompanied her mother home to Missouri, Mrs. Judd having spent the winter in Minot with her daughter. A. C. Gull of Goodhue, Minn., has been spending a few weeks with his son Wm. Gull south of town. Mr. Gull is enthusiastic over North Dakota. He says that quarters of land at his home sell readily from twelve to fifteen thous- and dollars and they will not produce any better crops than does our. Mr. Haskins from Minnesota, a brother to C. A. Haskins. the popular assistant cashier at the Union National bank, has purchased ten acres of land next to Garden Home addition from John Ehr, and will grow a large mod- ern garden with green house attach- ment. Lumber is on the ground for bis buildings. Such a place will pay ex- ceedingly well. KODOL For Dyspepsia clears the stomach and makes the breath as sweet as a rose. KODOL is sold by druggists on a guarantee relief plan. It conforms strictly to the National Pure Food and Drugs Law. Sold by MoCov <fe Co. Strayed— brom my place at Tasker, N. D., one flee bit gray horse, weight 1200 he Wire cut on right front loot. Shoe off from right front foot. No brand. Other three feet sharp shod. No- tifv, JOSEPH HAICHER, Tasker, N. D. Tom Malone's ten days old baby died Friday and was buried Sunday. Fred Knorr is planning on erect- ing a $4000 residence on East Fifth street. Choice home grown Brornus Enermus for eale at tf A. A. Robinson Elevator Co. Clifford Welch spent several days at Mohall last week, when he disposed of two autos. All kinds of millet seed and home erown Bromus Enermus at A. A. Robinson Elevator Co. tf A gray dray horse belonging to Barton, had its foot badly burned in a cinder pile Monday. There are many tonics in the land, As by the papers you can see; But none of them can equal Hollister's Rocky Mountain H ea. —P. V. McCo y & Co. J. L. McKinnon, the popular Sawyer merchant, has bought the interests of his brother, W. D. McKinnon, who is engaged in the grain business in Ray. ' Try GRANT S. YOUMANS who makes FARM LOANS and BUYS LAND. Olficft Rooms 7 and 8 (np stairs) Blaisdell-Bird Blk., kinot, N. D. John Ehr has been offered §150 an acre for some of his land near Minot. The price has been going up faster than anybody ever anticipated. Geo. Kemper, the bridge man, will make Minot his headquar- ters. He has ordered a huge steam shovel which will shovel and load 1000 cubic yards of dirt in a day. A farm item is going the rounds to the effect that a pound and a half of butter will buy a bushel of corn. A bushel of corn if pro- perly fed will make six pounds of butter. At this rate how long would it take for a man to get rich? Use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Children like its pleasant taste, and mothers give it hearty endorsement. Contains no opiates, but drives out the cold through the bowels. Made in strict conformity to Pure Food and Drugs Law. Recommended and fold by MC- COY & Co. Plans are complete for a $20, 000 sewer extension in Minot this year. The proposed sewer will be laid on Pleasant avenue, from 6th to Front streets; Wel- come, from 4th to 6th streets; Blaisdell avenue, from 9th to 6th streets; Reishus streets, from 6th to 4th streets; Belyea avenue from 6th to 1st streets. "Preventics" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or at the "sneeze stage." Preventics cure sealed colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop. Racine. Wis., will gladly mail you samples and a book on Colds free, i( you will write him. The samples prove their mer- it. Check early Colds with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Sold in 5c and 35c boxes by A. P. Slocum. John McDougall has his fire team in excellent training, In just twenty-five seconds after the fire alarm blew the other day, the horses were in the har- ness, and the wagon was going out of the door of the city hall Mr. McDougall is getting a new fire team, seventeen and a half hands high and weighing 3000 pounds, which had been selected for the Fargo fire department but which was turned over to that city too late. For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Kemedy. It is a snow-white, creamy. hes.lmzaot.isep tic balm that gives instant re- lief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Mak the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop. Ra e cine. Wis. Laige jars 50 cents. Sold by A. P." S'OCUM I WE WANT YOUR CREAM! You will want to sell us your cream when you & know what we pay. Don't be led away by such ^ premises as you have heretofore had from corpora- ^ cions, and companies that are changing hands Y every season. , X Remember we are here to stay. We are enlarg- ing each year. This year we am adding a churn to our olready large plant, and will buy your cream sweet or sour and pay you the spot cash on delivery, if you waptit. YOUR MONEY IS ALWAYS AT OUR COMMAND Call and see us before you contract elsewhere. White's Ice Cream Factory Minot, North Dakota. A. McDonald has secured the contract to carry the mail from Minot to Oscar via Ryder for a term of four years. This trip will soon be made daily instead of tri-weekly. Mr. McDonald has made a splendid record so far with carrying the mails, and Un- cle Sam is to be congratulated upon securing him again. The Minot Episcopal mission has been changed to a parish and the salary of the Rev. N. E. Ellsworth, the popular pastor, has been raised $400 a year. He will be able to attend to his du- ties in Minot wholly hereafter. There is some talk of erecting a larger church. The work is grow- insr so rapidly that the present building is entirely;-too small. Ed Kelley has disposed of his ice houses and entire outfit t:> John Peltier who took posses- sion of it last week. Mr. Kelley had put up 8000 tons of the fin- est kind of ice. He has handled ice here for sixteen years and ha* been very accommodating, and extremelv reasona* le in his prices. Years ago he used to put up only 200 tons of ice a year and always had plenty to spare at the end of the season. What is it that tastes as pleasant as maple sugar and quickly relieves coughs and colds? Mothers who have used it will quickly answer: "Kennedy's Laxa- tive Cough Syrup." The pleasant cold remedy that expels the cold through its laxative action on the bowels. Conforms strictly to the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Contains no opiates. Sold by MCCOY & Co. J. E. Lewis, who was spnfc to the pen the other day from this city for robbing a »box car of some clothing, is an old jail bird. He spent two yeaiv at Bismarck for shooting A. L. Vtin Dvke of Grand Forks near Larimore. Van Dyke was apassenger brake- man and in attempting to put off some hoboes, Lewis, one of them, shot three times, one bul- let passing clear thru Van Dyke. The man luckily lived and now pears the bullet as a watch charm. At the city council Monday night, a resolution was intro- duced doing away with the ser- vices of the two policemen who keep their eye on things about the G. N. depot night and day. The city is paying for one of the policemen and the G. N. for an- other. Another proposition to dispense with the services of one of the pol'ce, letting the city pay half the salary and the G. N. the other half, was also defeated. The new council will wrestle with the problem the latter part of the month, SKRIYSETH'S PBCIOQKAPHIC ART STUDIO The flncit StudtoJlB the West JU S. MAIN ST. MINOT, N. D. A NEW VAUDEVILLE HOUSE New Electric Theatre j^and Vau- deville House Opens Its En- gagement at the Jacobson Monday. Minot is right in line with other large cities of the west in having a new vaudeville and electrical theatre, which gave its first entertainment at the Jacob- son Monday night. Manager Bacon is particularly fortunate in securing two high class vaude- ville artists, Mr. N. and Mrs. Harry Stocton, who will do two double and two single sketches each performance and there will be two performances each even- ing, the first one beginning at 7:30 o'clock and the second one at 9 o'clock. Each 'performance will last fully an hour and a half and the charges have been made verv moderate, 15 and 25 cents. The show is a good one. In addition to the vaudeville ar- tists, moving pictures and illus- trated songs are given. The program will never be given an opportunity to get stale, for it will be very frequently changed. Minot will support an attrac- tion of this kind. The people of Minot and vicinity like to be en- tertained, and they will get more than their money's worth at the Jacobson. Organize Afton Township. Township 154, range 83, for- merly known by the name of Norman, has been reorganized, and the following officers were elected at the election held re- cent ly. Supervisors Oalf Lokensgaard Jacob Frost, and Lvin Garnsey; assessor, Victor Swanson; clerk, Wm. F. Gull; justices, Carl Hauge and II. O. llogers. Constables; John Sindlinger and John Frost; road overseer. Wm. F. Gull. Afton is the new name of the township. Some Poultry Figures. George H. Cosgrove, writing to the Rural New Yorker, giving facts concerning the result of keepiog 350 fowls, says his one year net result was $609.78, or $1.74 net profit per hen per year. He explains that he had too large a proportion of old hens, otherwise he could have equaled his previous average profit of $2 per nen for the year. His ex- pense for grain was $539,61, but he obtained $1,200 for the eggs, fowls, broilers and breeding stock which he sold. When you need a pill, take a pill, *ud be sure it's an Early Riser. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are safe, sure, satis- factory pills. The pills with a reputa- tion. They do not gripe or sicken. They are sold here by MCCOY & Co. FOR RENT South-West Quarter Section 15, Township 157, Range 81, and North-West Quarter Section 22, Township 157, Range 81. This half section lays 4 miles North-West of Deering, N. D. WANTED -FOR CASH 80 acres new breaking on the North-West Quarter Section 19, Township 157, Range 81. 50 acres new breaking on South-East Quar- ter Section 19, Township 157, Range 81. 80 acres new breaking on South-West Quar- ter of Section 2, Township 156, Range 82. The RENWALD LAND AGENCY MINOT, NORTH DAKOTA . 1c DEATH IS SURE To a gopher th at tat J toel of wheat piepared with MICKBLSON'S KILL "hJM - QUICK DANaER Don't use strych- nine. It is danger- ous and is not soluable enough In water to make even 20 kernels of grain prepared with it poisonous to gophers. REASON It stands to reason that preparations prepared by first making a solution of strychnine are too weak to cause deaths to gophers^, unless they eat a very large amount (Trade Mark) Gopher Poison Mr. Mlckelson, Dear Sir:—I have used your "Kill-Em-Quick" gopher poison and will say there is no other poison that will come up to It. I used three boxes on a hundred acres and there are no gophers to be seen, I found forty dead ones on a field ten rods square. MELVIN ; Yours truly. McCOMB. Mickelson's "Kill-Em-Quick" gopher poison is a powder composed of several poisons to be mixed with moist wheat. It remains on the outside of the kernel causing immediate death. A 81.25 size has the killing power to kill 4,000 gophers. Half size 75a. MANUFACTURED BY MICKELSON CHEMICAL CO.', Minot, N. D. Forsaleby A?Zgt s PAUL V. McCOY WAMJIIWII FLOUR f eseeeee assasaa (Br & * ft fc %. %• % ft % Buy your flour direct from thr mill. We save you money. Our fancy "Snow White" brand is a leader among flours. Every sack guaranteed. Minot Flour Mill Company TO-DAY ROWAN WANTS TO SEE YOU ! And he says he. wants lo meet you to-day and tomor- row and every other day when you are in line for new fur- niture. Rowan has less expense than any furniture dealer in Minot, pays cash for his goods, takes the discounts and is therefore in a position to give you a better deal than any other furniture dealer of the Northwest. Besides he carries the finest line of goods. You can't find a more up-to-date stock right in Minneapolis. Why not then patronize a home concern where, if everything is not satisfactory, you can get satisfaction the same day yyu get your furniture. FURNITURE DEALER Cor. Main and Third Sts. Jos. W. RcW^fi MINOT, N. D. UNDERTAKER CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Minot, North Dakota, March A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by John Halseth. contestant, against borr estead entry No. 30417. made No- vember II, 1904 for the neK of Section 30, Twp. 156 N., Range 88 W., 5th P. M . by Henry Peter- son, contestee, in which it is alleged that said Henry Peterson, said contestee, has wholly abandoned said tract and changed his resi- dence therefrom (or more than six months since makiug said entry and next prior to the date hereof; that he has ot established a resi- dence thereon; that said tract remains in its natural state, wholly abandoned and unim- proved : and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corpsof the United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during tho war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United States may be engag- ed and said parties are hereby notifled to ap- Dear. respond and otter evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m on May 25,1907. before the Beiri-ter and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Minot. North DaKota. The said contestant having, in a proper affi- davit, filed April 3,1907, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby or- dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. . L. D. McGahan, Register. Thomas E. Olsgard of Minot, N. D., 4_i-5-9 Atty. for Contestant. NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby «iven that sealed bids will be received for the cons'ruction of 2 school buildings in low* school district No. 64. o e on the S. W. % of the sw % Sec. 15. and the oi her t e S. R. corner of the S. W. H of Sec. 2 Twp. 15a. Rge. 82. Bids to be received up to M«y 4th. 1907 and mu-t be made separately. A certified check or a bond In the sum ot $600 to accom- pany each bid, Plans and specifications may be found at the office of County Superintendent Warren at Minot. or at the residence of the clerk of the district Chas. Perine. Sec. 21-153- 82. P. O. Address, S wyer. N. D., R. F. D. No. 1. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 4-4-4-Zj McCABE & Sv. JV QENERAL TRANSFER BUSINESS Piano moving a specialty. Baggage an< houshold goods handled with care. Good packed and stored. Hack calls day an< night, any part of city. Office in Optic Bids. Tel. 219 and 219 i- COL. F. I. MANAUGH Auctioneer and Salesman Not the old reliable, but the new—just as good Writs Ms Sidney, Montana Windsor Hotel. John Hoclllnger, Prop. Rates, 31 to $1.25 per day. Excellent Accommodations. Corner 2d and Ramstad Sts., one Block West of Soo Depot. MINOT, N. D. Enforcing Law In West. Judge: "What are they mov- ing the church for?" ^ "Well, stranger, I'm mayor"of these diggins, an' I'm fer law en- forcement. We've got an ordi- nance that says no saloon shall be nearer than 300 feet from a church. I gave 'em three days to move the church. FOB SALE- -Brotne Grass seed. Ole Oen, Minot,


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Page 1: Blakey Drugs I WE WANT YOUR CREAM!


Has been more difficult to obtain this year than ever before# We were for­tunate enough to get in a good supply* so buy early while the stock is complete

FULLSTRENGTH GUARANTEED Our Formaldehyde complies with the PURE FOOD and DRUGS LAW

STRYCHNINE and GOPHER PILLS Have alsofplaced'in stock a fre^supplyof Strychnine

and Gopher Pills, »o buy NOW and have them [on^hand just when you want so use them.

Now is the time—not to-morrow —or next week—bat to-day



Minor Topics

Howard JGlliott has purchased the Mc-Cabe dray line.

J. P. O'neil is suffering from inflam­mation in one of his eyes.

John Ecklund returned from Illinois with a car of tine horses.

Alex, Pizano has returned from Mis­souri where he spent the winter &t his eld home, Fulton.

J. I. riilden, a prominent young far­mer, has returned from u v isit with rela­tives at Cash ton, Wis.

WANTED—Good quarter section near Minot for cash and unimproved city property. Price must be close. Call at or address, "C" care Independent. 4-42

Martin Roseland from Eagle Grove, la., is now located on the Hans WestoS farm south from town and is well pleas­ed witu the prospects.

FOR RENT—My farm, nine miles south of Minot. t»ec. 23, 'lwp. 154-84. tor in­formation, call or address, Li. J. Reed, at 512 ward street, Minot, N. D. 3-21-4-llp

Seed potatoes in fifty bushel lots at 60c. Sample at law office of F. H. Lam bert. Orders tilled from car to arrive. 4-lltf K. N. Sackett, Stewartville, Minn.

WANTED—Good farm loans, to place at from -5300 to $500 per quarter. Long or short tune loan*. 4-1

Call or address "(JM care Independent.

C. A. father of Jeanette returned from Barley, Minn., where he went to attend the funeral of his father, Christ Sather. a prominent citizen, who died oa March 21.

John and A. L. Webber returned from Gooahue, Minn., where they at­tended the funeral of their father, P. G. Webber, who died Sunday, March 24. He wa=! 80 years of age and had been ill a long time.

Robert Grieve, one of the big farmers at Peacock, Bask., was visiting his broth-er-in-law, J. P. O'neil, last week. He is farming two sections in Canada, and has 800 acres in crop. He speaks well of the country. The brothers-in-law bad not met for seventeen years.

Mrs. Birch Reed received the sad news that her mother Mrs. Martha Judd, had died at New Town, Mo. Mrs. Reed only recently accompanied her mother home to Missouri, Mrs. Judd having spent the winter in Minot with her daughter.

A. C. Gull of Goodhue, Minn., has been spending a few weeks with his son Wm. Gull south of town. Mr. Gull is enthusiastic over North Dakota. He says that quarters of land at his home sell readily from twelve to fifteen thous­and dollars and they will not produce any better crops than does our.

Mr. Haskins from Minnesota, a brother to C. A. Haskins. the popular assistant cashier at the Union National bank, has purchased ten acres of land next to Garden Home addition from John Ehr, and will grow a large mod­ern garden with green house attach­ment. Lumber is on the ground for bis buildings. Such a place will pay ex­ceedingly well.

KODOL For Dyspepsia clears the stomach and makes the breath as sweet as a rose. KODOL is sold by druggists on a guarantee relief plan. It conforms strictly to the National Pure Food and Drugs Law. Sold by MoCov <fe Co.

Strayed— brom my place at Tasker, N. D., one flee bit gray horse, weight 1200 he Wire cut on right front loot. Shoe off from right front foot. No brand. Other three feet sharp shod. No-tifv, JOSEPH HAICHER,

Tasker, N. D.

Tom Malone's ten days old baby died Friday and was buried Sunday.

Fred Knorr is planning on erect­ing a $4000 residence on East Fifth street.

Choice home grown Brornus Enermus for eale at tf

A. A. Robinson Elevator Co. Clifford Welch spent several

days at Mohall last week, when he disposed of two autos.

All kinds of millet seed and home erown Bromus Enermus at A. A. Robinson Elevator Co. tf

A gray dray horse belonging to Barton, had its foot badly burned in a cinder pile Monday. There are many tonics in the land,

As by the papers you can see; But none of them can equal

Hollister's Rocky Mountain H ea. —P. V. McCoy & Co.

J. L. McKinnon, the popular Sawyer merchant, has bought the interests of his brother, W. D. McKinnon, who is engaged in the grain business in Ray. '

Try GRANT S. YOUMANS who makes FARM LOANS and BUYS LAND. Olficft Rooms 7 and 8 (np stairs) Blaisdell-Bird Blk., kinot, N. D.

John Ehr has been offered §150 an acre for some of his land near Minot. The price has been going up faster than anybody ever anticipated.

Geo. Kemper, the bridge man, will make Minot his headquar­ters. He has ordered a huge steam shovel which will shovel and load 1000 cubic yards of dirt in a day.

A farm item is going the rounds to the effect that a pound and a half of butter will buy a bushel of corn. A bushel of corn if pro­perly fed will make six pounds of butter. At this rate how long would it take for a man to get rich?

Use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Children like its pleasant taste, and mothers give it hearty endorsement. Contains no opiates, but drives out the cold through the bowels. Made in strict conformity to Pure Food and Drugs Law. Recommended and fold by MC­COY & Co.

Plans are complete for a $20, 000 sewer extension in Minot this year. The proposed sewer will be laid on Pleasant avenue, from 6th to Front streets; Wel­come, from 4th to 6th streets; Blaisdell avenue, from 9th to 6th streets; Reishus streets, from 6th to 4th streets; Belyea avenue from 6th to 1st streets.

"Preventics" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or at the "sneeze stage." Preventics cure sealed colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop. Racine. Wis., will gladly mail you samples and a book on Colds free, i( you will write him. The samples prove their mer­it. Check early Colds with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Sold in 5c and 35c boxes by A. P. Slocum.

John McDougall has his fire team in excellent training, In just twenty-five seconds after the fire alarm blew the other day, the horses were in the har­ness, and the wagon was going out of the door of the city hall Mr. McDougall is getting a new fire team, seventeen and a half hands high and weighing 3000 pounds, which had been selected for the Fargo fire department but which was turned over to that city too late.

For Catarrh, let me send you free, just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Kemedy. It is a snow-white, creamy. hes.lmzaot.isep tic balm that gives instant re­lief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Mak the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop. Rae

cine. Wis. Laige jars 50 cents. Sold by A. P." S'OCUM

I WE WANT YOUR CREAM! You will want to sell us your cream when you &

know what we pay. Don't be led away by such ^ premises as you have heretofore had from corpora- ^ cions, and companies that are changing hands Y every season. , X

Remember we are here to stay. We are enlarg­ing each year.

This year we am adding a churn to our olready large plant, and will buy your cream sweet or sour and pay you the spot cash on delivery, if you waptit.


Call and see us before you contract elsewhere.

White's Ice Cream Factory Minot, North Dakota.

A. McDonald has secured the contract to carry the mail from Minot to Oscar via Ryder for a term of four years. This trip will soon be made daily instead of tri-weekly. Mr. McDonald has made a splendid record so far with carrying the mails, and Un­cle Sam is to be congratulated upon securing him again.

The Minot Episcopal mission has been changed to a parish and the salary of the Rev. N. E. Ellsworth, the popular pastor, has been raised $400 a year. He will be able to attend to his du­ties in Minot wholly hereafter. There is some talk of erecting a larger church. The work is grow-insr so rapidly that the present building is entirely;-too small.

Ed Kelley has disposed of his ice houses and entire outfit t:> John Peltier who took posses­sion of it last week. Mr. Kelley had put up 8000 tons of the fin­est kind of ice. He has handled ice here for sixteen years and ha* been very accommodating, and extremelv reasona* le in his prices. Years ago he used to put up only 200 tons of ice a year and always had plenty to spare at the end of the season.

What is it that tastes as pleasant as maple sugar and quickly relieves coughs and colds? Mothers who have used it will quickly answer: "Kennedy's Laxa­tive Cough Syrup." The pleasant cold remedy that expels the cold through its laxative action on the bowels. Conforms strictly to the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Contains no opiates. Sold by MCCOY & Co.

J. E. Lewis, who was spnfc to the pen the other day from this city for robbing a »box car of some clothing, is an old jail bird. He spent two yeaiv at Bismarck for shooting A. L. Vtin Dvke of Grand Forks near Larimore. Van Dyke was apassenger brake-man and in attempting to put off some hoboes, Lewis, one of them, shot three times, one bul­let passing clear thru Van Dyke. The man luckily lived and now pears the bullet as a watch charm.

At the city council Monday night, a resolution was intro­duced doing away with the ser­vices of the two policemen who keep their eye on things about the G. N. depot night and day. The city is paying for one of the policemen and the G. N. for an­other. Another proposition to dispense with the services of one of the pol'ce, letting the city pay half the salary and the G. N. the other half, was also defeated. The new council will wrestle with the problem the latter part of the month,


ART STUDIO The flncit StudtoJlB the West


A NEW VAUDEVILLE HOUSE New Electric Theatre j^and Vau­

deville House Opens Its En­gagement at the Jacobson Monday.

Minot is right in line with other large cities of the west in having a new vaudeville and electrical theatre, which gave its first entertainment at the Jacob-son Monday night. Manager Bacon is particularly fortunate in securing two high class vaude­ville artists, Mr. N. and Mrs. Harry Stocton, who will do two double and two single sketches each performance and there will be two performances each even­ing, the first one beginning at 7:30 o'clock and the second one at 9 o'clock. Each 'performance will last fully an hour and a half and the charges have been made verv moderate, 15 and 25 cents.

The show is a good one. In addition to the vaudeville ar­tists, moving pictures and illus­trated songs are given. The program will never be given an opportunity to get stale, for it will be very frequently changed.

Minot will support an attrac­tion of this kind. The people of Minot and vicinity like to be en­tertained, and they will get more than their money's worth at the Jacobson.

Organize Afton Township. Township 154, range 83, for­

merly known by the name of Norman, has been reorganized, and the following officers were elected at the election held re­cent ly.

Supervisors Oalf Lokensgaard Jacob Frost, and Lvin Garnsey; assessor, Victor Swanson; clerk, Wm. F. Gull; justices, Carl Hauge and II. O. llogers.

Constables; John Sindlinger and John Frost; road overseer. Wm. F. Gull.

Afton is the new name of the township.

Some Poultry Figures. George H. Cosgrove, writing to

the Rural New Yorker, giving facts concerning the result of keepiog 350 fowls, says his one year net result was $609.78, or $1.74 net profit per hen per year. He explains that he had too large a proportion of old hens, otherwise he could have equaled his previous average profit of $2 per nen for the year. His ex­pense for grain was $539,61, but he obtained $1,200 for the eggs, fowls, broilers and breeding stock which he sold.

When you need a pill, take a pill, *ud be sure it's an Early Riser. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are safe, sure, satis­factory pills. The pills with a reputa­tion. They do not gripe or sicken. They are sold here by MCCOY & Co.

FOR RENT South-West Quarter Section 15, Township

157, Range 81, and North-West Quarter Section 22, Township 157, Range 81. This half section lays 4 miles North-West of Deering, N. D.

WANTED -FOR CASH 80 acres new breaking on the North-West

Quarter Section 19, Township 157, Range 81. 50 acres new breaking on South-East Quar­

ter Section 19, Township 157, Range 81. 80 acres new breaking on South-West Quar­

ter of Section 2, Township 156, Range 82.




To a gopher th at tat J toel of wheat piepared with



Don't use strych­nine. It is danger­ous and is not soluable enough In water to make even 20 kernels of grain prepared with it poisonous to gophers.


It stands to reason that preparations prepared by first making a solution of strychnine are too weak to cause deaths to gophers^, unless they eat a very large amount

(Trade Mark)

Gopher Poison Mr. Mlckelson,

Dear Sir:—I have used your "Kill-Em-Quick" gopher poison and will say there is no other p o i s o n t h a t w i l l c o m e u p t o I t . I u s e d t h r e e b o x e s o n a h u n d r e d a c r e s a n d t h e r e a r e no gophers to be seen, I found forty dead ones on a field ten rods square.

MELVIN ; Yours truly. McCOMB.

Mickelson's "Kill-Em-Quick" gopher poison is a powder composed of several poisons to be mixed with moist wheat. It remains on the outside of the kernel causing immediate death. A 81.25 size has the killing power to kill 4,000 gophers. Half size 75a.


ForsalebyA?Zgts PAUL V. McCOY


FLOUR f eseeeee assasaa

(Br &

* ft fc

%. %• % ft %

Buy your flour direct from thr mill. We save you money. Our fancy "Snow White" brand is a leader among flours. Every sack guaranteed.

Minot Flour Mill Company

TO-DAY • • • • • •


S E E Y O U ! And he says he. wants lo meet you to-day and tomor­

row and every other day when you are in line for new fur­niture. Rowan has less expense than any furniture dealer in Minot, pays cash for his goods, takes the discounts and is therefore in a position to give you a better deal than any other furniture dealer of the Northwest.

Besides he carries the finest line of goods. You can't find a more up-to-date stock right in Minneapolis. Why not then patronize a home concern where, if everything is not satisfactory, you can get satisfaction the same day yyu get your furniture.


Cor. Main and Third Sts.

Jos. W. RcW f̂i MINOT, N. D.


CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior. United States

Land Office, Minot, North Dakota, March

A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by John Halseth. contestant, against borr estead entry No. 30417. made No­vember II, 1904 for the neK of Section 30, Twp. 156 N., Range 88 W., 5th P. M . by Henry Peter­son, contestee, in which it is alleged that said Henry Peterson, said contestee, has wholly abandoned said tract and changed his resi­dence therefrom (or more than six months since makiug said entry and next prior to the date hereof; that he has • ot established a resi­dence thereon; that said tract remains in its natural state, wholly abandoned and unim­proved : and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corpsof the United States as a private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during tho war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United States may be engag­ed and said parties are hereby notifled to ap-Dear. respond and otter evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m on May 25,1907. before the Beiri-ter and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Minot. North DaKota.

The said contestant having, in a proper affi­davit, filed April 3,1907, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby or­dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. .

L. D. McGahan, Register. Thomas E. Olsgard of Minot, N. D., 4_i-5-9 Atty. for Contestant.

NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby «iven that sealed bids will

be received for the cons'ruction of 2 school buildings in low* school district No. 64. o e on the S. W. % of the sw % Sec. 15. and the oi her t e S. R. corner of the S. W. H of Sec. 2 Twp. 15a. Rge. 82. Bids to be received up to M«y 4th. 1907 and mu-t be made separately. A certified check or a bond In the sum ot $600 to accom­pany each bid, Plans and specifications may be found at the office of County Superintendent Warren at Minot. or at the residence of the clerk of the district Chas. Perine. Sec. 21-153-82. P. O. Address, S wyer. N. D., R. F. D. No. 1.

The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 4-4-4-Zj


Piano moving a specialty. Baggage an< houshold goods handled with care. Good packed and stored. Hack calls day an< night, any part of city.

Office in Optic Bids. Tel. 219 and 219 i-

COL. F. I. MANAUGH Auctioneer and Salesman

Not the old reliable, but the new—just as good

Writs Ms

Sidney, Montana

Windsor Hotel. John Hoclllnger, Prop.

Rates, 31 to $1.25 per day. Excellent Accommodations.

Corner 2d and Ramstad Sts., one Block West of Soo Depot.


Enforcing Law In West. Judge: "What are they mov­

ing the church for?" ^ "Well, stranger, I'm mayor"of

these diggins, an' I'm fer law en­forcement. We've got an ordi­nance that says no saloon shall be nearer than 300 feet from a church. I gave 'em three days to move the church.

FOB SALE- -Brotne Grass seed. Ole Oen, Minot,