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MAY 14, 2018

The Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) met on May 14, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. in the Bis-Man Transit Building, 3750 East Rosser Avenue. Steve Saunders presided.

Members present were Marcus Hall, Carl Hokenstad, Justin Froseth, Gabe Schell, Ken

Nysether, Michael Johnson, Roy Rickert, Natalie Pierce, Chuck Peterson, and Steve Saunders. The Morton County Engineer was absent. Others present were Rachel Drewlow, Joey Roberson-Kitzman, and Kim Riepl,

Bismarck-Mandan MPO; John Van Dyke, City of Mandan Planner; Ed Ryen, WSB; Mark Berg, City of Bismarck Engineering; Whitney Schroeder, HDR; Toni Haider, SEH; Wade Kline, KLJ; Jason Gullicks, Apex Engineering; and Richard Duran, FHWA. Jason Carbee and Keith Bucklew, both of HDR, and Matt Pacyna of SRF, participated via telephone.

MINUTES Chair Saunders called for consideration of the minutes from April 16, 2018.

MOTION: Mr. Hall made a motion to approve the April 16, 2018 minutes as presented. Mr. Hokenstad seconded the motion and with all members present voting in favor, the minutes of the April 16, 2018 meeting were approved.

2017-2020 TIP AMENDMENTS & PUBLIC HEARING North Washington Street/ND Highway 1804 Roundabout Project

Ms. Drewlow described Exhibit A as an amendment to the 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the inclusion of a reconstruction project at the intersection of North Washington Street and ND Highway 1804. The intersection will be reconstructed to include an expandable roundabout and the project will be bid in 2018 for construction in 2019. The project is not currently in the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) but it is consistent with goal #1, goal #5, and goal #6 of the regional goals in the Plan. The total project cost is $2,570,000, of which, the federal portion will be $2,313,000. The state will provide $128,500 and the local match will be $128,500. Staff recommends approval of the amendment.

Mr. Froseth asked if the grant application had been made through and approved by the NDDOT. Mr. Hall replied it had, and explained Burleigh County had worked with NDDOT on the application through the first part of the year (2018).

Chair Saunders asked Ms. Drewlow if the item had been advertised appropriately for a public hearing and Ms. Drewlow stated it had, and had also been advertised for the required 15-day public comment period.

Bismarck-Mandan MPO TAC May 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes P a g e | 2

Chair Saunders opened the public hearing and called for comments. Hearing and seeing none, the public hearing was closed. MOTION: Mr. Hall made a motion to recommend approval of the amendment to the 2017-2020

TIP for the inclusion of the North Washington/ND Highway 1804 roundabout project as presented. Mr. Nysether seconded the motion and with Justin Froseth, Gabe Schell, Natalie Pierce, Roy Rickert, Carl Hokenstad, Chuck Peterson, Michael Johnson, Ken Nysether, Marcus Hall, and Steve Saunders all voting in favor, the motion was approved.

ND Highway 810 Mill & Overlay Project

Ms. Drewlow stated Exhibit B, also a TIP amendment, was for a mill and overlay project on ND Highway 810 between Memorial Highway in Mandan and Washington Street in Bismarck. The construction year of this project will be 2018. This project is not listed in the current LRTP but it is consistent with the goals of the Plan, specifically goal #1, goal #5, and goal #6. The total project cost is $1,139,000, of which, the federal portion will be $921,793 paid with Urban Regional funds. The state will provide $103,307 and the local match will be $113,900. The local match will be divided between Bismarck and Mandan. Staff recommends approval of the amendment which was advertised for the required 15-day comment period and also the public hearing today. No comment was received from the public.

Mr. Johnson noted the construction year was 2019 rather than 2018 as shown. Ms. Drewlow noted the correction.

Chair Saunders opened the public hearing and called for comments. Hearing and seeing none, the public hearing was closed.

MOTION: Mr. Schell made a motion to recommend approval of the amendment to the 2017-

2020 TIP for the inclusion of the ND Highway mill and overlay project with the noted change in construction year to 2019. Mr. Froseth seconded the motion and with Marcus Hall, Ken Nysether, Natalie Pierce, Roy Rickert, Carl Hokenstad, Chuck Peterson, Michael Johnson, Justin Froseth, Gabe Schell, and Steve Saunders all voting in favor, the motion was approved.

2015-2040 LRTP & 2017-2020 TIP AMENDMENTS & PUBLIC HEARING LRTP Amendment

Ms. Drewlow indicated Exhibits C and D in the packet were amendments to the 2015-2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the inclusion of language to address performance based planning.

She explained the 2015-2040 LRTP is currently not compliant with MAP-21 language to incorporate performance based planning. The proposed amendment indicates the MPO intends to utilize performance based planning and will begin this effort by linking its investment priorities to the NDDOT’s performance targets for safety.

Adoption of this discussion into the LRTP and the TIP is required by May 27, 2018. Additional amendments will be pursued in the future to incorporate other performance targets which will ensure compliance with the MAP-21 legislation is maintained.

Bismarck-Mandan MPO TAC May 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes P a g e | 3

The proposed amendment was modeled after NDDOT’s amendment to their State Plan. This amendment will indicate the MPO’s compliance with MAP-21 legislation until the updated MTP (Metropolitan Transportation Plan) is adopted.

Mr. Schell suggested changing the word “fuller” to “expanded”. It was agreed to change the verbiage.

Ms. Drewlow stated the amendments had been advertised for the required 15-day public comment period and that no public comment had been received.

Chair Saunders opened the public hearing and called for public comment on the proposed amendment to the LRTP and the TIP. Hearing and seeing none, he closed the public hearing. MOTION: Mr. Schell made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed amendment to the

LRTP with the noted change to replace “fuller” with “expanded”. Mr. Rickert seconded the motion and with Natalie Pierce, Marcus Hall, Carl Hokenstad, Chuck Peterson, Ken Nysether, Michael Johnson, Justin Froseth, Gabe Schell, Roy Rickert, and Steve Saunders all voting in favor, the motion was approved.

TIP Amendment

Indicating Exhibit D, Ms. Drewlow explained it was a similar amendment, but to the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). It is a requirement of the federal government that the MPO update both plan documents, the LRTP and the TIP, similarly. The language contained in the amendment to the TIP is more expansive than the language in the amendment to the LRTP. Specific safety targets are called out in this amendment, which are on page 3 of the document.

The amendment advertised for public comment 15 days prior to the public hearing. There were no comments from the public. The single comment received was from one of the jurisdictions, which was a question as to how the number of fatalities could be a decimal rather than a whole number. Ms. Drewlow explained the number represents a five-year rolling average, and thus, can quite likely be a decimal rather than a whole number.

Chair Saunders opened the public hearing and called for comments on the proposed amendment to the TIP. Hearing and seeing none, he closed the public hearing. MOTION: Mr. Froseth made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed amendment to

the 2017-2020 TIP. Mr. Hall seconded the motion and with Gabe Schell, Natalie Pierce, Roy Rickert, Carl Hokenstad, Chuck Peterson, Ken Nysether, Michael Johnson, Marcus Hall, Justin Froseth, and Steve Saunders all voting in favor, the motion was approved.


Mr. Saunders indicated Exhibit E1, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), is an agreement between NDDOT; the Bismarck-Mandan MPO; and the City of Bismarck, acting as Public Transportation Operator. The purpose of the agreement is to support a performance-based approach to the metropolitan transportation planning and programming process as specified within federal regulations. He reviewed the details of the agreement which were contained in the document, including responsibilities of the parties and also the fact that the agreement is not legally binding and may be cancelled by any one of the parties providing 30 days written notice.

Bismarck-Mandan MPO TAC May 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes P a g e | 4

Mr. Saunders then presented the information included in Exhibit E2 which provided the details of performance-based planning and target setting procedures to support the Memorandum of Agreement. He highlighted the following objectives, listed in the Purpose Statement of the document, and jointly agreed upon by the parties named in the Memorandum of Agreement to pursue cooperatively:

Developing and sharing information related to transportation performance data Selecting performance targets Reporting performance targets Reporting performance used in tracking process toward attainment of critical outcomes

for the MPO region Collecting data for the State asset management plan for the National Highway System

He went on to provide the five performance measures as: number of fatalities; rate of

fatalities; number of serious injuries; rate of serious injuries; and number of non-motorized fatalities and non-motorized serious injuries.

Mr. Johnson noted the items highlighted by Mr. Saunders applied specifically to safety targets. The procedure document is intended to be a living document; as more requirements and deadlines approach for identifying targets and measures for the other performance-based planning (such as pavement, bridge, reliability, transit), additional procedures specific to those measures will be developed.

Mr. Froseth asked why the City of Bismarck is identified as the Transportation Operator in the MOA. Mr. Saunders explained the City of Bismarck is the grantee for purposes of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Highway, and is recognized by them as the operator. However, the responsibilities have been contractually passed by the City of Bismarck to Bis-Man Transit as the contracted operator.

Mr. Johnson asked whether Mr. Saunders or Mr. Rickert would be taking the lead to get the MOA signed by the City of Bismarck. Mr. Saunders replied he would be handling that. MOTION: Mr. Rickert made a motion to recommend approval of the Memorandum of

Agreement between NDDOT, City of Bismarck, and Bismarck-Mandan MPO. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion and with Gabe Schell, Marcus Hall, Justin Froseth, Natalie Pierce, Carl Hokenstad, Chuck Peterson, Ken Nysether, Michael Johnson, Roy Rickert, and Steve Saunders all voting in favor, the motion was approved.

Mr. Johnson added, for clarification, that the process outlined within this document is the

same process that has been occurring between the named parties. The only difference is that federal requirements now state the process must be documented, and that is the reason for the MOA and the procedures document. TRAFFIC DATA ACQUISITION RFP (REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS)

Mr. Saunders announced the draft RFP, handed out to TAC members, was for a different type of study than is typical for the MPO. This will be for the acquisition of traffic which has not yet been collected. The collection dates of the data will occur in 2018, specifically between August 23 and October 18, 2018. The project has a not to exceed budget of $100,000.

Bismarck-Mandan MPO TAC May 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes P a g e | 5

Proposals received by or before the 4:00 pm deadline on June 5, 2018 will be considered for an interview, which will be conducted using Skype. The selection committee, consisting of a four-person panel (3 voters and 1 moderator, who shall be the MPO project manager), intends to interview, via Skype, between three and five candidates.

Mr. Saunders explained the content of proposals as addressed in the RFP and emphasized the length of the proposal is limited to 8 pages. He detailed the required elements of the proposal and which of these items may be included in the appendix rather than in the body of the 8-page proposal.

He stated the objective of the project is to augment the vehicle counting data of the MPO and its partners with current 2018 count data that is accurate and trustworthy. This data will be the basis of important road funding decisions moving forward.

Mr. Saunders reviewed the scope of work, including traffic collection preparation, traffic data collection, equipment, and count collection items. The data collected will consist of one of the following vehicle count types for each location specified:

A. Street counts (48 hour) with no turning movements, with classifications – 9 locations B. Street counts (48 hour) with no turning movements and with no classifications – 30

locations C. Intersection counts (24 hour) with turning movements and classifications – 73

intersections D. Intersection counts (48 hour) with turning movements and classifications – 23


Items C and D may also include pedestrian and bicycle counts, as determined at the time of contract negotiations

Count collection, which can begin as early as August 23, 2018 and must be complete by October 18, 2018, shall be collected on days when the schools are in session. Counts shall be collected on Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday, but shall not be conducted on any public holidays or when schools are not in session. The Bismarck Public Schools calendar and Mandan Public Schools calendar should be used for this determination.

Mr. Saunders concluded by referring to the project map included in the RFP which marks

all the locations for which counts are desired. He disclosed it has been made known that both the participating jurisdictions (Bismarck and Mandan) have chosen some locations which are not on functionally classified roads. He had been reminded by Michael Johnson, NDDOT, of the fact that the MPO cannot pay for data collected for those locations and the jurisdictions would either have to pay the full cost or provide substitute locations. While Mr. Froseth indicated he would like to retain the locations in Mandan and pay the full cost for those not on functionally classified roads, Mr. Schell stated he would provide substitute locations. Mr. Saunders stated it would have no effect on the RFP, and would only impact the amounts billed to the jurisdictions.

Mr. Schell requested the type of count be indicated by color on the map, making it easier to know which type of count is being taken at each intersection.

Mr. Froseth noted the tight time schedule for the project and using only Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week to collect counts. Discussion followed regarding the days for collection and the impact weather might have on the different types of collection. It was determined the biggest impacts would be to bicycle and pedestrian counts and tubular counts. For this reason, it was ultimately decided to extend the timeline of the study but leave the

Bismarck-Mandan MPO TAC May 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes P a g e | 6

collection days the same. Extending the completion date from October 18 to November 2, 2018, seemed agreeable to all parties.

Mr. Schell commented on the use of Skype for the interviews and Mr. Johnson agreed there should be other options for web-based interviews rather than just specifically Skype.

Mr. Roberson-Kitzman asked about public involvement and Mr. Saunders stated there are no public meetings associated with these types of projects.

Ms. Pierce suggested changing the language for the inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian counts from “may include” to “shall include”, with the details worked out when the contract is negotiated. It was discussed and decided the current language would remain as is.

Mr. Johnson stated he would like to see additional language in section VII. Objective to address how the MPO intends to use the count data in long-term planning.

Mr. Johnson also noted the key for the color-coding on the map cannot be vendor-specific.

A summary of the suggested edits to the RFP is as follows: Change references to Skype to a broader term such as video conference Page 6, under Selection Committee - change three (3) person panel to four (4) Page 12, under Count Collection – change October 18 to November 2 Page 12, under Count collection – change “for that City” Modify the map to reflect the type of collection, which will not be vendor-specific

MOTION: Mr. Froseth made a motion to recommend approval of the Traffic Data Acquisition

with the noted changes. Mr. Schell seconded the motion and with Marcus Hall, Natalie Pierce, Roy Rickert, Carl Hokenstad, Chuck Peterson, Ken Nysether, Michael Johnson, Justin Froseth, Gabe Schell, and Steve Saunders all voting in favor, the motion was approved.


Mr. Kline reported the 2020-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan was mobilized in April. The project steering committee was developed and a kickoff meeting was held on April 18 where the project scope and schedule was reviewed. In addition, work took place to develop the amendments for the TIP and LRTP relative to safety performance and performance based planning. The next steering committee meeting will take place the afternoon of June 12.

Current tasks include work on the background data collection process and project branding. The conditions report will be in development within the next month, along with financials analysis. TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN (TDP)

Mr. Pacyna stated the 2018 Transit Development Plan is underway and most of the preliminary set-up information is in the works. Bill Troe, SRF, will be in the Bismarck area in the following week (week of May 21) to kick off the project. He will conduct staff interviews and will meet with management to develop topics for SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats) analysis and data collection.

Mr. Rickert referred to the NDDOT 100 Year Transportation Expo at which transit surveys were made available. He asked Mr. Pacyna if he knew how many surveys SRF had

Bismarck-Mandan MPO TAC May 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes P a g e | 7

received and Mr. Pacyna stated he did not have that information but would get the request to Bill Troe to provide that number. REGIONAL FREIGHT STUDY 2018

Mr. Bucklew reported the first meeting of the FAC (freight advisory committee) occurred April 12. There was a total of 10 FAC members at the meeting; 9 of whom were initially identified as potential members and 1 who was gained from the open house. The meeting notes have been prepared and submitted to Joey, the project manager.

The first round of public open houses was also held on April 11 and April 12. They were very lightly attended, but despite that fact, some good comments were received, making it worthwhile.

Most of the work on the freight profile is complete, and it is going through the QA/QC process this week. It will be finished up this week to be turned in.

The website is active and has a lot of good information on it. There is still a small issue with one of the features of the website, and the team is working to correct it. He encouraged anyone who is interested to log in to the website and check out the Drop 10 Location feature and provide any comments or suggestions for improvement to him.

The study is 41% complete, both on budget and work effort. 2015 TRAVEL DEMAND MODEL REVIEW & SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROJECTIONS PROJECT

Mr. Carbee stated the final sets of feedback and comments from City/County staff had been received on the revised development allocation. The land development areas indicated by them had been translated into the model TAZ (traffic analysis zone) data for each of the three growth scenarios for the year 2030 and 2045.

The data, by scenario, for the TAZs will be presented next month and a growth scenario will be selected to be used as a baseline growth to be used in the 2045 MTP. There was a steering committee workshop last week to review the data, and comments from that will be coming in within the next two weeks. The steering committee will meet prior to the June MPO meetings so they can discuss and decide upon a growth scenario recommendation to make to TAC and Policy Board.

Although there has been a delay in receiving the base year travel model from ATAC, HDR has been working proactively to coordinate on a few items prior to receiving the model. Overall, the project is at about 60% complete, both on budget and progress.

Mr. Kline asked where we are at with the base model (in terms of receiving it) and Mr. Carbee replied it is anticipated within the next two or three weeks. Although a more precise estimate is not available right not, ATAC has confirmed they have everything they need at this point to complete the base model.


Mr. Pacyna reported much of the preliminary alignment alternatives and connection points have been developed and have been evaluated from a high-level perspective. The third

Bismarck-Mandan MPO TAC May 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes P a g e | 8

study review committee meeting took place in early May, and based on the good feedback received from that, additional refinement of the alternatives is being performed.

Further listening sessions with the business interests and freight interests will be held in June. Also occurring in June will be the preparation for the next public open house which is tentatively scheduled for July.

The project is a bit more than 50% from an overall project perspective. Everything is on schedule concerning time and budget, and in terms of time, the project is still tracking to be complete by the end of the year. TECH MINUTE

Mr. Roberson-Kitzman explained truck platooning is a method of freight movement that has two or more trucks following closely to one another. To initiate this travel method, one driver contacts the other requesting to pair up. Once the request is acknowledged, the lead driver assumes the driving responsibility with the following driver connected to the lead driver’s movements by computer. The spacing between the trucks is approximately 10-feet.

Truck platooning is being implemented in various places, and conversations have taken place regarding truck platooning in North Dakota. It would, however, require legislative action to make it possible. Additionally, some states have FTC (following too closely) laws which are prohibitive to truck platooning. The FTC laws are not a response to platooning; they are laws which predate the opportunity of having computers which communicate with one another.

This concept of travel is said to result in fuel savings of between 5% and 7% per truck, as well as increased safety in trucking situations.

Mr. Rickert asked if there was a group or organization advocating platooning and Mr. Roberson-Kitzman replied there was a big push nationwide, as the fuel savings mentioned is very important to the trucking industry.

OTHER BUSINESS Skype Capabilities

Ms. Drewlow explained MPO staff has been working with Dakota Media Access and City of Bismarck IT department staff, performing test scenarios using Skype. There are still technical issues to resolve and it will also need to be tested in Mandan’s commission room, so it may be a couple months yet before Skype can be used at the meetings.

Bicycle/Pedestrian Subcommittee

Ms. Drewlow reported she had contacted potential members of the Bicycle/Pedestrian Subcommittee. She is anticipating the first meeting of the subcommittee to occur sometime in mid- to late-June.

2018 CPG Funding

Mr. Saunders announced NDDOT has provided information regarding the availability of 2018 CPG (Consolidated Planning Grant) funding for the state MPOs. The Bismarck-Mandan MPO will receive $645,285 for 2018. Although this is slightly less than what was anticipated, it should not be a problem. This amount is approximately $15,000 less than the amount initially projected at the onset of developing the UPWP (Unified Planning Work Program) last year.

Bismarck-Mandan MPO TAC May 14, 2018 Meeting Minutes P a g e | 9

However, because the UPWP transcends calendar dates and project dates, a $15,000 reduction is not significant overall.

UPWP Update

Ms. Drewlow referred to a handout as she spoke of the projected CPG funding for 2019 and 2020, noting she used $645,285 for both years. She stated approximately $290,000 has been spent in each of the last two years on studies. She explained her methodology in achieving the amount of funds remaining to be spent on projects in those two years. She cautioned this amount is fluid, as some of the committed projects could change years, but it does give a general idea of how much money is remaining for any additional studies for those two years.

Also on the handout, on the second half of the page, is a list of projects that were brought forward, each with their estimated cost. Discussion with the jurisdictions will occur within the next few weeks to examine the projects in more detail and refine the list to bring forward a list of projects to the TAC and Policy Board at the June meetings for either tacit or formal approval.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:18 a.m., with the next scheduled meeting to take place on June 18, 2018, at 10:00 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kim Riepl Recording Secretary

APPROVED: _____________________________ Steve Saunders, Chair

This Pag

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Exhibit A

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Exhibit BE

xhibit B

hdrinc.com 4503 Coleman Street, Suite 105, Bismarck, ND 58503-2007(701) 557-9701

Progress ReportDate: Friday, June 08, 2018

Project: Bismarck-Mandan Model Review Study

To: MPO Technical Advisory Committee, Policy Board and Staff

From: Jason Carbee, AICP

Subject: June 2018 Progress Report to the TAC and Policy Board

Work Completed During the Period:

Identify Development Scenarios

HDR staff will hold a meeting with the Steering Committee on June 14 to get thecommittee’s collective recommendation for an selected future MPO growth scenario.

Allocate Scenario Data to TAZs

HDR staff completed a workshop where the transportation analysis zone (TAZ) data werereviewed with the Development Group.

Final comments on TAZ data were received from the Development Group. HDR completed minor adjustments to the TAZ data based on the comments received.

Best Practices Review

HDR staff completed additional coordination with ATAC staff on a methodology toimplement AirSage data into the travel model.

Estimated Percentage Complete: 65%.

A detailed breakdown of study progress and anticipated milestones is provided in Table 1.

Difficulties Encountered / Outstanding Issues:

ATAC staff have been delayed in establishing the base year travel model for our review.HDR cannot initiate the Model Review subtasks until the base year model is received.

Next Steps:

Present allocation data results to TAC and Policy Board – June 2018. Await receipt of travel model datasets for review from ATAC.

Exhibit C

hdrinc.com 4503 Coleman Street, Suite 105, Bismarck, ND 58503-2007(701) 557-9701

Table 1. Study Progress and Milestones by Major Tasks

Sub-Task Deliverables Expected

Completion Date

Percent Complete as of Progress Report Date

Socio-Economic Sub-Tasks

Identify Development Scenarios /General Growth Parameters

Development Scenario SummaryMemo Complete 100%

Complete Draft Scenario Projections Control Total Projections SummaryMemo Complete 100%

Allocate Scenario Data to TAZsWorkshop on 2/28/2018.TAZ Allocation Results SummaryMemo

Complete 100%

Model Review Sub-Tasks

Model Needs and Interviews Model Stakeholder Interview SummaryMemo Complete 100%

Best Practices Review Best Practices Model Summary Memo

Awaitingreceipt of

model fromATAC


Best Practices Implementation Verification Memo

Awaitingreceipt of

model fromATAC


Evaluate 2015 Validation, 2045Scenario Model Development,Sensitivity Testing

Model Evaluation and SensitivitySummary Memo

Awaitingreceipt of

model fromATAC


Bismarck-Mandan MPO Model Review and Socio-Economic

Update Study

Development Scenarios Overview

June 2018

Exhibit DE

xhibit D

Presentation Notes

Overview of Long-Term and Recent Trends



80,234 85,323 83,965


94,866 99,951 109,306










1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015



s of P



n by



Burleigh - Morton Historical Population


Historical Annual Growth Population: 1.2% per year (1985-2015)

2010 – 2016 “Boom” Growth: Approximately 2.4% per year

Aging Regional Population (both Past and Projected)

25.3 27.1

32.3 36.4 37.8 36.9

39.9 42.8 43.0












1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045

Burleigh - Morton Median Age


2016 US Median Age = 37.9

Average US Metro Area = 0.9% • Bismarck-Mandan #11

Top 15 US Metropolitan Areas Population Growth Since 2010


3.1% 3.0% 2.9% 2.6% 2.6% 2.5% 2.4% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3%








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Annual Metropolitan Growth, 2010-2016

= Other US Oil Boom Regions

Presented 4 Scenarios in December 2017o Eliminated “High Growth / Another Oil Boom” scenario

Advanced 3 Scenarioso “Moderate Boom” – this reflects renewed oil boom period in western North Dakota

• Assume short boom period (+1.8% annually for 5 years) occurs during the 30-year horizon, then remainder of periodis return to 1.2% historic rate.

• “Boom” is smoothed across overall horizon for 1.3% annual population growth overall between 2015 and 2045.o “Continue Past Trends”

• Population growth consistent with historical (1985-2015) rates• 1.2% annual growth

o “Reduced Growth Scenario”• Population growth at average U.S. Metro Area annual rate of 0.9% (below 1985-2015 trend)• Somewhat lower than local historical growth rates

Scenario Overview

Household Change by Scenario (MPO Study Area)

Scenario 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045High / Moderate Boom 46,300 49,700 53,100 56,600 60,200 63,800 67,500Medium / Continue Past Trends 46,300 49,400 52,600 55,800 59,000 62,100 65,400Low / Typical U.S. Urban Growth 46,300 48,500 50,800 53,100 55,100 57,200 59,300

Population Change by Scenario (MPO Study Area)

Scenario 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045High / Moderate Boom 114,300 122,100 130,400 139,300 148,800 158,900 169,800Medium / Continue Past Trends 114,300 121,500 129,100 137,200 145,800 154,900 164,500Low / Typical U.S. Urban Growth 114,300 119,500 124,900 130,600 136,500 142,700 149,200

Employment Change by Scenario (MPO Study Area)

Scenario 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045High / Moderate Boom 71,800 78,300 84,800 93,500 101,900 112,200 124,600Medium / Continue Past Trends 71,800 77,900 83,900 92,000 99,800 109,400 121,000Low / Typical U.S. Urban Growth 71,800 76,600 81,400 87,800 93,700 101,000 109,800

hdrinc.com 4503 Coleman Street, Suite 105, Bismarck, ND 58503-2007 (701) 557-9701

Progress Report Date: Friday, June 08, 2018

Project: Bismarck-Mandan Freight Study

To: MPO Technical Advisory Committee, Policy Board and Staff

From: Keith Bucklew, HDR

Subject: May 2018 Progress Report to the TAC and Policy Board

Work Completed During the Period: May 2018

Project Management:

Invoice (for April) submitted in mid May

Freight Advisory Committee (FAC):

Email sent to 10 FAC members about website and asked for feedback.

Compilation of Freight Profile:

Continued the development of freight profile, 95% complete.

Website: http://bismanfreightstudy.com

Information posted on website

Funding and Financial options: Draft narrative portion of chapter

Estimated Project Percentage Complete: 48%.

A detailed breakdown of study progress and anticipated milestones is provided in Table 1.

Difficulties Encountered / Outstanding Issues:

None. We were challenged with improving maps for Freight profile

Exhibit E

hdrinc.com 4503 Coleman Street, Suite 105, Bismarck, ND 58503-2007 (701) 557-9701

Next Steps (June):

Task 2 – Discuss timing for next FAC meeting Task 3 – Collect & organize input from private stakeholders Task 4 – Monitor data/info needs Task 5 – Finalize the regional freight profile Task 6 – Begin identification of key issues, needs & trends Task 9 – Monitor website & add information Task 9 - Collect & organize input from public stakeholders Task 10 – Finalize narrative: funding & finance options for freight projects

Table 1. Study Progress and Milestones by Major Tasks

Task   Deliverables 

Expected Completion 


Percent Complete as of Progress Report 


Task 1 ‐ Project Management 

Multiple sub‐Tasks   Periodic meetings, Invoicing 12/15/18  40% 

Task 2 ‐ Freight Advisory Committee 

Task 2.1 Establish MPO FAC   Revised FAC contact list  4/17/18  85% 

Task 2.2 Initial FAC meeting  12‐Apr‐18  4/16/18  100% 

Task 2.2 Second FAC meeting  Oct‐18  10/30/18 

Other sub‐tasks  on‐going  12/15/18  25% 

Task 3 ‐ Collecting stakeholder input  12/15/18  20% 

Task 4 ‐ Identifying Data Sources   Reviewed sources  4/27/18  98% 

Task 5 ‐ Compile Freight Profile   Rgl Freight Transp System  07/31/18  95% 

Freight generation analysis  04/30/10  100% 

Freight volumes & modes  06/08/18  90% 

Future freight profiles  06/07/18  95% 

hdrinc.com 4503 Coleman Street, Suite 105, Bismarck, ND 58503-2007 (701) 557-9701

Task 6 ‐ Identification of Key Issues 

Needs, Issues & Trends  06/30/18  15% 

Project selection  10/30/18  0% 

Task 7 ‐ Recommendations  10/31/18  0% 

Task 8 ‐ Performance Measures  09/30/18  0% 

Task 9 ‐ Public outreach & meetings   Public involvement plan  03/15/18  100% 

Initial public meetings  04/16/18  100% 

Outreach meetings report  04/30/18  100% 

Second public meetings/OCT  0% 

Outreach meetings report  0% 

Develop & update website  03/30/18  95% 

Task 10 ‐ Funding & Financial options 

Research freight funding in state  Finalize narrative portion  06/25/18  75% 

ID federal funding: freight to MPO  05/25/18  5% 

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REPORTING PERIOD Period Ending May 31, 2018PROJECT NAME US Highway 83 Alternative StudyPREPARED BY Matt Pacyna – SRF Consulting Group, Inc.PREPARED FOR Steve Saunders, Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Planning Organization






Development of the draft year 2040 conditions and issues/needs technical memorandum Study Review Committee #3 (May 3rd) Refinement of preliminary alternative US Highway 83 alignments and connection points based on Study Review

Committee feedback Focus on alternative development, refinement, and evaluation Began coordination of second round of business and freight listening sessions; expected to coincide with another

Study Review Committee Review economic impact case study data and incorporate into the capacity analysis (as needed) Scheduled Public Meeting #2 (July 17, 5 to 7 p.m. at Capital Electric)

Second round of business and freight listening sessions (June 27) Study Review Committee #4 (June 28) Preparing for and starting advertisement for Public Meeting #2 (July 17, 5 to 7 p.m. at Capital Electric) Finalize the year 2040 conditions and issues/needs technical memorandum Focus on alternative refinement and evaluation Refine the preliminary economic impact case study data and incorporate into the capacity analysis

Conduct Public Meeting #2 (July 2017, 5 to 7 p.m. at Capital Electric) Finalize existing and year 2040 issues and needs technical memorandum Continue alternative evaluation/refinement Refine alternatives and evaluation based on listening sessions, SRC, and public input.

Exhibit F

US Highway 83 Alternative Study Progress Report Page 2 of 2



Project Management 45% In ProgressExisting Conditions Analysis 100% CompleteYear 2040 Conditions Analysis 100% CompleteIssues and Needs Summary 85% In ProgressAlternatives Development 35% In ProgressAlternatives Evaluation 30% In ProgressDocumentation and Implementation Plan 10% In ProgressPublic Involvement and Agency Coordination 70% In Progress

Overall Study: 62% In Progress



ATAC staffing issue previously noted has been resolved. However, this has pushed the overall schedule byapproximately 3 to 4 weeks. The overall study is still expected to be completed by the end of 2018.

Website Activity has dropped off in April and May due to lag in schedule. Activity expected to increase inJune as notifications for the upcoming public meeting begin.


Project Website: https://www.hwy83altstudy.com/

REPORTING PERIOD May 1, 2018 through May 31, 2018 PROJECT NAME Bismarck-Mandan MPO Progress Report PREPARED BY Bill Troe ROUTE/COPY TO Molly Netzer




Percent Complete



Tasks Initiated and/or Completed in the Period: • Completed Kick-off Meeting with MPO and Bis-Man Transit staff.• Conducted interviews with department representatives to gain input on system strengths, weaknesses

and opportunities.• Coordinated data needs with staff from both MPO and Bis-Man Transit.• Conducted community surveys at:

o North Dakota Transportation Expoo Touch a Truck

• Initiated Existing Conditions analysis.

• Complete existing conditions report.• Complete public engagement plan document.• Prepare for SWOT analysis with staff and key stakeholders.• Establish transit vision and goals.

• None

• 7%

Exhibit G

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Bismarck-Mandan 2045 MTP Update KLJ Number 18416126 

 Page 1 of 2 

Bismarck-Mandan 2045 MTP Status Report #2

Reporting Period: May 5, 2018 – June 1, 2018

SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES: Bi-weekly progress with MPO staff; Preparation for SCM #2 being tentatively planned for June 12th; Completed proposed TIP and LRTP Amendment to address PM1 for Safety;

approved as part of May TAC and PB. Initiated background data collection and review; Initiated development of project webpage; project branding & preliminary education video.

PROJECTED ACTIVITY NEXT PERIOD: Continue development of draft Baseline Conditions Report; Preliminary Financial Analysis (interim financial analysis meeting with key,

DOT, City and Staff scheduled for 6/12); Develop project web page; SCM #2;

REQUIRED ACTION BY BMMPO: Assistance with Baseline Conditions data assembly (to occur during next

reporting period);

MILESTONE SCHEDULE/COMMENTS: None. Baseline conditions report delivery date adjusted to reflect

coordination with travel demand model approval.



Project Management/QC/QA 1/31/2020 7.5% Ongoing

Steering Committee (10 Total) 10/31/2020 12.5% Ongoing

Baseline Conditions 7/30/2018 15%

Public Involvement 9/30/2019 5%

PIM #1 9/30/2018 0%

PIM #2 4/30/2019 0%

PIM #3 9/30/2019 0%

Exhibit H

Bismarck-Mandan 2045 MTP Update KLJ Number 18416126 

 Page 2 of 2 

Financial Analysis 7/15/18 & 6/30/19


Travel Demand Modeling 7/31/2019 0%

Options and Alternatives 7/31/2019 0%

MTP Development 1/31/2020 0%

Draft MTP 7/31/2019 0%

Final MTP 1/31/2020 0%

Final Approvals 1/31/2020 0%

Overall Project Status 1/31/2020 5%

PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED: Nothing significant. Consulting team waiting on full development of

baseline conditions report until finalized travel demand model is completed and reviewed by MPO. The TDM contains critical existing and projected conditions information.

SUMMARY OF PROJECT DECISIONS: Approval of Interim TIP and LRTP amendments on PM1. MPO staff review

and shortlist of MTP Branding and Logo (pending SCM review and approval).


Tech Minute June 2018

What is V2X Communications?Vehicle to X (Infrastructure, Vehicles, Pedestrians) communications is how autonomous and semi-autonomous communicate between one another. This communication allows vehicles to know when the stop light is red, yellow or green or lane closures. What type of vehicle you are sharing the road with you, what speed it is traveling at, and where it is on the road. And it can even connect with cellular technologies to identify pedestrians that may or may not be seen.

How does V2X Communication work?Vehicles have these communication devices built into them. They communicate over a 5.9GHz frequency band. This frequency passes information back and forth and are immune to extreme weather conditions. There are two different major players in this communication IEEE 802.11p and Cellular V2X.

What are the differences between IEEE 802.11p and C-V2X?IEEE 802.11p was the early adaptor system in both Europe and the United States. It has a limited range of around 225 meters. It is created for safety only. C-V2X has more perfomance ability and has larger direct mode transmission (450 meters without cellular network connections).

Exhibit I

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Exhibit JE

xhibit J

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Fiscal Year Program Location Type of Work Total Cost Federal Share State Share Local Share2018 Urban Roads Burleigh County Washington St (57th‐71st Av) Reconstruction $4,350,000 $3,487,000 $0 $863,000 Scheduled for 11/9/18 Bid2019 Regional Bismarck ND 810 (Expy Bridge ‐ Washington) Mill & Overlay $788,440 $638,084 $71,512 $78,8442019 Regional Bismarck US 83 (Calgary to Urban Limits) NB Mill & Overlay $530,000 $428,929 $101,071 $02019 Regional Bismarck US 83 (Calgary to Urban Limits) SB Mill & Overlay $716,000 $579,459 $136,541 $02019 Regional Mandan ND 810 (Mem Hwy‐Expy Bridge) Mill & Overlay $350,560 $283,708 $31,796 $35,0562019 Regional Mandan Main St (ND 6 to Twin City Dr) Signals, CPR $1,900,000 $1,537,670 $172,330 $190,0002020 Regional Bismarck ND 810 (Expy Bridge ‐ Washington) Microsurfacing $200,000 $161,860 $18,140 $20,0002020 Regional Bismarck ND 810 Expy Bridge Deck Joints, Spot Painting $691,956 $560,000 $62,760 $69,1962020 Regional Mandan ND 1806 (I‐94 ‐ 27th St NW) Reconstruction $7,500,000 $6,000,000 $750,000 $750,0002020 Regional Mandan ND 810 (Mem Hwy‐Expy Bridge) Microsurfacing $88,000 $71,219 $7,981 $8,8002020 Urban Roads Mandan 27th St (1806 ‐ 8th Ave NW) Reconstruction $2,000,000 $1,052,090 $0 $947,9102021 Regional Bismarck US 83 (Calgary to Urban Limits) NB Microsurfacing $111,750 $90,439 $21,311 $02021 Regional Bismarck US 83 (Calgary to Urban Limits) SB Microsurfacing $111,750 $90,439 $21,311 $02021 Regional Bismarck‐Mandan Memorial Bridge Railing, Deck Sealing, Access $702,438 $568,483 $63,711 $70,2442021 Regional Mandan Memorial Highway Phase 1 Reconstruction $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,0002021 Regional Mandan ND 1806 (Main St‐Heart River) CPR, signal $500,000 $404,650 $45,350 $50,000

2021 Regional Mandan ND 1806 at Heart River BridgeDeck Overlay, Bridge Rail Retrofit, Approach Slabs

$737,729 $597,044 $66,912 $73,773

2021 Urban RoadsBurleigh County 43rd Av(N 26th St‐Roosevelt Dr)

Reconstruction $5,250,000 $4,200,000 $0 $1,050,000

2022 Regional Mandan 94B (W City Limit‐Heart River Bridge) Mill & Overlay $225,000 $182,093 $42,907 $02022 Regional Mandan Memorial Highway Phase 2 Reconstruction $10,000,000 $80,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,0002022 Urban Roads Bismarck 43rd Av (Montreal‐State St) Reconstruction $9,100,000 $7,280,000 $0 $1,820,0002022 

Pending Availability of Federal Funds

Regional Bismarck 7th St (Front Av‐Bismarck Expy) Reconstruction $3,125,000 $2,529,062 $283,438 $312,500

2022 Pending 

Availability of Federal Funds

Regional Bismarck 9th St (Front Av‐Bismarck Expy) Mill & Overlay, Curb & Gutter $940,000 $760,742 $85,258 $94,000



Exhibit K

Exhibit K