Phytoplankton Zooplankton Polychaete sp.1 Polychaete sp.2 Blue mussel Pacific oyster Amphipod Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab Crangon shrimp Shiner surfperch Pacific herring Walleye pollock Northern anchovy Dove sole Chum salmon Gonatid squid Coho salmon Lingcod Sablefish Halibut Chinook salmon Killer whale () Killer whale () 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 137 Cs (Bq/kg wet weight) Time (days) 137 Cs-Japan Consumption Guideline (100 Bq/kg) 137 Cs-Canada Consumption Action Level (1000 Bq/kg) Model Parameterization and Theory Figure 4. Simulations showing predictions of the accumulation of 137 Cs activities in organisms of the food web over time: A) current scenario with seawater activity (C W ) = 5.0 x 10 -4 Bq/L; sediment activity (C S ) = 0.05 Bq/kg dw; and, B) future scenario with (C W ) = 0.01 Bq/L; (C S ) =1.0 Bq/kg dw (B). The simulations include the nuclear decay rate (k N = 6.33 x 10 -5 d -1 ) for 137 Cs. The red solid line represents the Canadian Action Level for Consumption following a Nuclear Emergency of 1000 Bq·kg -1 ; the red dashed line represents the limit for radiocesium contamination in food (100 Bq·kg -1 ) used currently in Japan. While current 137 Cs activities do not indicate a health concern for the consumption of fish products by human populations in the west coast of Canada, 137 Cs activities may achieve levels in upper trophic levels that may pose health risks in wildlife species. A rigorous monitoring program would also support the further development of the model and improve the ability to forecast 137 Cs activities in marine organisms and uptake in human populations that consume sea products. A MARINE FOOD WEB BIOACCUMULATION MODEL FOR CESIUM 137 IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Juan José Alava & Frank A.P.C. Gobas 1 School of Resource and Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada (E-mail: [email protected]) November, 2014 Model Outcomes: Simulations The area selected for the bioaccumulation modeling work is the resident killer whalesouter coast habitat (i.e. offshore) in the Pacific Northwest coast (i.e. a region of the western coast of USA and Canada; Figs. 1-2). A simplified oceanic food web, including Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and killer whales, were constructed for the modeling work (Fig. 3). Most of the data on feeding ecology, diet and trophic levels for fish and other aquatic biota were retrieved from Alava et al. (2012) 137 Cs seawater activity data were obtained from Smith et al. (2013) to simulate current conditions (i.e. using 5.0 x 10 -4 Bq/L), and from Rosi et al. (2013) for a future scenario over the 2014-2020 time period (i.e. 0.01 Bq/L). 137 Cs sediment activity data are scarce for the study region, thus assumed activities were used as inputs in the model (Current scenario: 0.05 Bq/kg dw; Future scenario: 1.0 Bq/kg dw). 137 Cs activities in the atmospheric air inhaled by air breathing organisms (i.e. killer whales) were assumed to be negligible in Pacific Northwest waters off the coast of Canada. The Fukushima nuclear accident on 11 March 2011 emerged as a looming threat to the marine biodiversity in the Pacific Ocean and human health in coastal communities. Assessment of the long term consequences of radiocesium 137 ( 137 Cs) releases from the Fukushima plant should consider the extent of ecological magnification in food-webs in addition to ocean dilution. Pacific salmon are the major diet item of British Columbia resident killer whales (Orcinus orca ), and therefore contribute to the accumulation of contaminants (e.g., POPs) found in this species (Fig. 1; Cullon et al ., 2009). 137 Cs cannot be ruled out as a potential bioaccumulative pollutant in regional food-webs, including the resident killer whale food-web in BC waters (Figs. 1 & 2). Background Study Areas, Food web construction & Diet composition Figure 2. Transport, fate and partitioning of 137 Cs in a multi-media marine environment and in resident killer whales’ habitat and food-web. Conclusion 137 Cs-Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) in Phytoplankton: 20 L/kg, based on Vive i Batlle (2012) & IAEA (2004). The basic kinetic mass balance, time dependent model for the bioaccumulation of 137 Cs in aquatic biota is described as follows: For air respiring organisms, the differential equation is: Dietary Uptake Rate Constant (k D ): Values for k D were derived from Alava et al. (2012) 137 Cs-Elimination Rate Constant (k E ) in invertebrates: k E values for zooplankton (0.053d -1 ), the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (0.04d -1 ) and Pacific giant oyster, Crassostrea gigas (0.01d -1 ) were calculated (using the biological half life:t ½ = Ln/k E ) or data reported elsewhere (Vive i Batlle 2012; IAEA 2004; Cranmore & Harrison 1975). For polychaetes (0.118 d -1 ) and benthic crustaceans (i.e. 0.130 d -1 for amphipods and mysid shrimp, Mysis sp., and 0.224 d -1 for Crangon shrimp and Dungeness crab, Metacarcinus magister), k E values were adopted from Topcuoğlu (2001). Elimination Rate Constants (k E ) in fish: because the apparent elimination of 137 Cs in fish is predominantly due to growth dilution, the growth rate constant can be an adequate descriptor for the apparent elimination of 137 Cs from fish (i.e. k E can be considered negligible). Elimination Rate Constants (k E ) in killer whale: the 137 Cs-half life of 28d estimated for marine mammals by Watson et al. (1999) was used here to calculate a plausible elimination rate constant (k E ) for resident killer whales (i.e. k E = Ln/t ½ =0.693/t ½ =0.693/ 28 d = 0.025 d -1 ). Growth Rate Constant (k G ) estimates for all species were retrieved from Alava et al. (2012). Objective: To model the bioaccumulation of 137 Cs in an offshore food web of the Pacific Northwest with the aims of improving our understanding of the bioaccumulation potential and health effects of 137 Cs in top predators and of conducting an eco-toxicological risk assessment. Nuclear fall out and long-range atmospheric transport Muscle/Fat-soluble chemicals - ( 137 Cs) - Water - soluble ( 137 Cs) ( 137 Cs) - - bound chemicals ( 137 Cs) Water - soluble - Particle - Water - soluble chemicals ( Phytoplankton Zooplankton Polychaete sp.1 Polychaete sp.2 Blue mussel Pacific oyster Amphipod Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab Crangon shrimp Shiner surfperch Pacific herring Walleye pollock Northern anchovy Dove sole Chum salmon Gonatid squid Coho salmon Lingcod Sablefish Halibut Chinook salmon Killer whale () Killer whale () 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 137 Cs (Bq/kg wet weight) Time (days) 137 Cs-Japan Consumption Guideline (100 Bq/kg) 137 Cs-Canada Consumption Action Level (1000 Bq/kg) Phytoplankton Zooplankton Polychaete sp.1 Polychaete sp.2 Blue mussel Pacific oyster Amphipod Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab Crangon shrimp Shiner surfperch Pacific herring Walleye pollock Northern anchovy Dove sole Chum salmon Gonatid squid Coho salmon Lingcod Sablefish Halibut Chinook salmon Killer whale (male) Killer whale (female) Log 137 Cs= 0.0231(TL) - 2.0655 r² = 0.0014, p > 0.05 -6.00 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Log 137 Cs (Bq·kg -1 wet weight) Trophic Level (TL) 90 days Phytoplankton Zooplankton Polychaete sp.1 Polychaete sp.2 Blue mussel Pacific oyster Amphipod Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab Crangon shrimp Shiner surfperch Pacific herring Walleye pollock Northern anchovy Dove sole Chum salmon Gonatid squid Coho salmon Lingcod Sablefish Halibut Chinook salmon Killer whale (male) Killer whale (female) Log 137 Cs = 0.818(TL) - 3.3764 r² = 0.5099, p < 0.0001 -6.00 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Log 137 Cs (Bq·kg -1 wet weight) Trophic Level (TL) 730 days Phytoplankton Zooplankton Polychaete sp.1 Polychaete sp.2 Blue mussel Pacific oyster Amphipod Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab Crangon shrimp Shiner surfperch Pacific herring Walleye pollock Northern anchovy Dove sole Chum salmon Gonatid squid Coho salmon Lingcod Sablefish Halibut Chinook salmon Killer whale (male) Killer whale (female) Log 137 Cs= 1.1731(TL) - 4.129 r² = 0.6298, p < 0.0001 -6.00 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Log 137 Cs (Bq·kg -1 wet weight) Trophic Level (TL) 10950 days N 60° 50° 40° 180° 150° 120° Alaska Vancouver I. Gulf of Alaska Strait of Georgia Aleutian Is. CANADA USA British Columbia Puget Sound Pacific Ocean Washington 137 Cs 137 Cs 137 Cs Figure 1. Through the oceanic life stage cycle , Pacific salmon species are likely to deliver Fukushima associated 137 Cs to the resident killer whalesfood- web in waters off the Pacific Northwest coast. Trophic Magnification of 137 Cs over time Offshore The Fukushima nuclear power plant lies within 200km of the core of the Kuroshio Current Extension Position and direction of the Kuroshio Current Extension Resident Killer Whale TL =4.5 Chinook, Chum and Coho salmon TL= 3.4-4.2 Halibut & Sablefish (Demersal fish) TL= 3.85-4.13 Small pelagic fish TL=3 Zooplankton TL=2 Phytoplankton TL= 1 Benthic biota TL = 2.1-2.9 sediments seawater Gonatid squid TL =3 137 Cs 137 Cs Salmon make up 96% of the killer whales diet, of which 71.5% is Chinook salmon (Ford and Ellis, 2006; Ford et al ., 2010). Phytoplankton Zooplankton Polychaete sp.1 Polychaete sp.2 Blue mussel Pacific oyster Amphipod Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab Crangon shrimp Shiner surfperch Pacific herring Walleye pollock Northern anchovy Dove sole Chum salmon Gonatid squid Coho salmon Lingcod Sablefish Halibut Chinook salmon Killer whale (male) Killer whale (female) Log 137 Cs = -0.4029(TL) - 1.4306 r² = 0.3274; p =0.0035 -6.00 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Log 137 Cs (Bq·kg -1 wet weight) Trophic Level (TL) 30 days Phytoplankton Zooplankton Polychaete sp.1 Polychaete sp.2 Blue mussel Pacific oyster Amphipod Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab Crangon shrimp Shiner surfperch Pacific herring Walleye pollock Northern anchovy Dove sole Chum salmon Gonatid squid Coho salmon Lingcod Sablefish Halibut Chinook salmon Killer whale (male) Killer whale (female) Log 137 Cs = -0.1371(TL) - 1.8221 r² = 0.0497, p > 0.05 -6.00 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Log 137 Cs (Bq·kg -1 wet weight) Trophic Level (TL) 60 days Phytoplankton Zooplankton Polychaete sp.1 Polychaete sp.2 Blue mussel Pacific oyster Amphipod Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab Crangon shrimp Shiner surfperch Pacific herring Walleye pollock Northern anchovy Dove sole Chum salmon Gonatid squid Coho salmon Lingcod Sablefish Halibut Chinook salmon Killer whale (male) Killer whale (female) Log 137 Cs= 0.5734(TL) - 2.9374 r² = 0.3743; p =0.0015 -6.00 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Log 137 Cs (Bq·kg -1 wet weight) Trophic Level (TL) 365 days Figure 3. B E N G D D A A B C k k k C k C k dt dC ). ( . . + + + = B E N G D D W W B C k k k C k C k dt dC ). ( . . + + + = Legends: C B = 137 Cs-activity in biota; C W = 137 Cs-seawater activity; C A = 137 Cs-air activity ; C D = 137 Cs-activity -diet; k W = 137 Cs-water uptake rate; k A = air uptake rate; k N = 137 Cs-nuclear decay rate. A) Current scenario B) Future scenario Figure 5. Linear regressions showing the bioaccumulation behavior and trophic magnification of 137 Cs activities versus trophic levels in the resident killer whales’ outer coast food web for a simulation with C W = 5.0 x 10 -4 Bq/L; and, C S = 0.05 Bq/kg dw at: A) 30 days, B) 60 days, C) 90 days, D) 365 days (1 year), E) 730 days (2 years); and, F) 10950 days (5 years), following the the Fukushima nuclear accident in the North Pacific. 137 Cs activities significantly increase in the food web after one year. A) B) C) D) E) F)

Bioaccumulation Model Poster

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  • Phytoplankton


    Polychaete sp.1

    Polychaete sp.2

    Blue mussel

    Pacific oyster


    Mysid shrimp

    Dungeness crab

    Crangon shrimp

    Shiner surfperch

    Pacific herring

    Walleye pollock

    Northern anchovyDove sole

    Chum salmon

    Gonatid squidCoho salmon




    Chinook salmon

    Killer whale ()Killer whale ()









    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000

    137 C

    s (B





    Time (days)

    137Cs-Japan Consumption Guideline (100 Bq/kg)

    137Cs-Canada Consumption Action Level (1000 Bq/kg)

    Model Parameterization and Theory

    Figure 4. Simulations showing predictions of the accumulation of 137Cs activities in organisms of the food web over time: A)

    current scenario with seawater activity (CW) = 5.0 x 10-4 Bq/L; sediment activity (CS) = 0.05 Bq/kg dw; and, B) future scenario

    with (CW) = 0.01 Bq/L; (CS) =1.0 Bq/kg dw (B). The simulations include the nuclear decay rate (kN = 6.33 x 10-5 d-1) for 137Cs.

    The red solid line represents the Canadian Action Level for Consumption following a Nuclear Emergency of 1000 Bqkg-1; the

    red dashed line represents the limit for radiocesium contamination in food (100 Bqkg-1) used currently in Japan.

    While current 137Cs activities do not indicate a health concern for the consumption of fish products by human populations in the west coast of Canada, 137Cs activities may achieve levels in upper trophic levels that may pose health risks in wildlife species. A rigorous monitoring program would also support the further development of the model and improve the ability to forecast 137Cs activities in marine organisms and uptake in human populations that consume sea products.


    Juan Jos Alava & Frank A.P.C. Gobas 1 School of Resource and Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada (E-mail: [email protected]) November, 2014

    Model Outcomes: Simulations

    The area selected for the bioaccumulation modeling work is the resident killer whales outer coast habitat (i.e. offshore) in the Pacific Northwest coast (i.e. a region of the western coast of USA and Canada; Figs. 1-2).

    A simplified oceanic food web, including Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and killer whales, were constructed for the modeling work (Fig. 3).

    Most of the data on feeding ecology, diet and trophic levels for fish and other aquatic biota were retrieved from Alava et al. (2012)

    137Cs seawater activity data were obtained from Smith et al. (2013) to simulate current conditions (i.e. using 5.0 x 10-4 Bq/L), and from Rosi et al. (2013) for a future scenario over the 2014-2020 time period (i.e. 0.01 Bq/L).

    137Cs sediment activity data are scarce for the study region, thus assumed activities were used as inputs in the model (Current scenario: 0.05 Bq/kg dw; Future scenario: 1.0 Bq/kg dw).

    137Cs activities in the atmospheric air inhaled by air breathing organisms (i.e. killer whales) were assumed to be negligible in Pacific Northwest waters off the coast of Canada.

    The Fukushima nuclear accident on 11 March 2011 emerged as a looming threat to the marine biodiversity in the Pacific Ocean and human health in coastal communities. Assessment of the long term consequences of radiocesium 137 (137Cs) releases from the Fukushima plant should consider the extent of ecological magnification in food-webs in addition to ocean dilution.

    Pacific salmon are the major diet item of British Columbia resident killer whales (Orcinus orca), and therefore contribute to the accumulation of contaminants (e.g., POPs) found in this species (Fig. 1; Cullon et al., 2009).

    137Cs cannot be ruled out as a potential bioaccumulative pollutant in regional food-webs, including the resident killer whale food-web in BC waters (Figs. 1 & 2).

    Background Study Areas, Food web construction & Diet composition

    Figure 2. Transport, fate and partitioning of 137Cs in a multi-media marine environment and in resident killer whales habitat and food-web.


    137Cs-Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) in Phytoplankton: 20 L/kg, based on Vive i Batlle (2012) & IAEA (2004).

    The basic kinetic mass balance, time dependent model for the bioaccumulation of 137Cs in aquatic biota is described as follows:

    For air respiring organisms, the differential equation is:

    Dietary Uptake Rate Constant (kD): Values for kD were derived from Alava et al. (2012) 137Cs-Elimination Rate Constant (kE) in invertebrates: kE values for zooplankton (0.053d-1), the

    blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (0.04d-1) and Pacific giant oyster, Crassostrea gigas (0.01d-1) were calculated (using the biological half life:t = Ln/kE) or data reported elsewhere (Vive i Batlle 2012; IAEA 2004; Cranmore & Harrison 1975). For polychaetes (0.118 d-1) and benthic crustaceans (i.e. 0.130 d-1 for amphipods and mysid shrimp, Mysis sp., and 0.224 d-1 for Crangon shrimp and Dungeness crab, Metacarcinus magister), kE values were adopted from Topcuolu (2001).

    Elimination Rate Constants (kE) in fish: because the apparent elimination of 137Cs in fish is predominantly due to growth dilution, the growth rate constant can be an adequate descriptor for the apparent elimination of 137Cs from fish (i.e. kE can be considered negligible).

    Elimination Rate Constants (kE) in killer whale: the 137Cs-half life of 28d estimated for marine mammals by Watson et al. (1999) was used here to calculate a plausible elimination rate constant (kE) for resident killer whales (i.e. kE = Ln/t =0.693/t =0.693/ 28 d = 0.025 d-1).

    Growth Rate Constant (kG) estimates for all species were retrieved from Alava et al. (2012).

    Objective: To model the bioaccumulation of 137Cs in an offshore food web of the Pacific Northwest with the aims of improving our understanding of the bioaccumulation potential and health effects of 137Cs in top predators and of conducting an eco-toxicological risk assessment.

    Nuclear fall out and long-range atmospheric transport

    Muscle/Fat-soluble chemicals

    - (137Cs)


    Water - soluble (137Cs)



    - bound

    chemicals (137Cs)

    Water - soluble


    Particle -

    Water - soluble chemicals (



    Polychaete sp.1

    Polychaete sp.2

    Blue mussel

    Pacific oyster


    Mysid shrimp

    Dungeness crab

    Crangon shrimp

    Shiner surfperch

    Pacific herring

    Walleye pollock

    Northern anchovyDove sole

    Chum salmon

    Gonatid squidCoho salmon




    Chinook salmon

    Killer whale ()Killer whale ()









    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000

    137 C

    s (B





    Time (days)

    137Cs-Japan Consumption Guideline (100 Bq/kg)

    137Cs-Canada Consumption Action Level (1000 Bq/kg)


    ZooplanktonPolychaete sp.1

    Polychaete sp.2

    Blue musselPacific oyster


    Mysid shrimp

    Dungeness crab


    Shiner surfperchPacific herringWalleye pollock

    Northern anchovy

    Dove soleChum


    Gonatid squid

    Coho salmonLingcod



    Chinook salmon

    Killer whale (male)

    Killer whale (female)

    Log 137Cs= 0.0231(TL) - 2.0655r = 0.0014, p > 0.05











    0 1 2 3 4 5


    137 C

    s (B



    et w



    Trophic Level (TL)

    90 days



    Polychaete sp.1Polychaete sp.2

    Blue mussel

    Pacific oyster


    Mysid shrimp

    Dungeness crab

    Crangon shrimp

    Shiner surfperch

    Pacific herringWalleye pollock

    Northern anchovy

    Dove sole

    Chum salmonGonatid

    squidCoho salmon


    Chinook salmon

    Killer whale (male)Killer whale (female)

    Log 137Cs = 0.818(TL) - 3.3764r = 0.5099, p < 0.0001











    0 1 2 3 4 5


    137 C

    s (B



    et w



    Trophic Level (TL)

    730 days



    Polychaete sp.1Polychaete sp.2

    Blue musselPacific oyster


    Mysid shrimpDungeness crab

    Crangon shrimp

    Shiner surfperch

    Pacific herringWalleye pollock

    Northern anchovy

    Dove sole

    Chum salmonGonatid

    squidCoho salmon

    LingcodSablefish Halibut

    Chinook salmon

    Killer whale (male)Killer whale (female)

    Log 137Cs= 1.1731(TL) - 4.129r = 0.6298, p < 0.0001











    0 1 2 3 4 5


    137 C

    s (B



    et w



    Trophic Level (TL)

    10950 days

    N 60



    180 150 120


    Vancouver I.

    Gulf of Alaska

    Strait of Georgia

    Aleutian Is.



    British Columbia

    Puget Sound Pacific Ocean Washington 137Cs 137Cs


    Figure 1. Through the oceanic life stage cycle , Pacific salmon species are likely to deliver Fukushima associated 137Cs to the resident killer whales food-web in waters off the Pacific Northwest coast.

    Trophic Magnification of 137Cs over time


    The Fukushima nuclear power plant lies within 200km of the core of the Kuroshio Current Extension

    Position and direction of the

    Kuroshio Current Extension

    Resident Killer Whale TL =4.5

    Chinook, Chum and Coho salmon

    TL= 3.4-4.2Halibut & Sablefish

    (Demersal fish) TL= 3.85-4.13

    Small pelagic fish


    Zooplankton TL=2

    Phytoplankton TL= 1

    Benthic biota TL = 2.1-2.9



    Gonatid squid TL =3



    Salmon make up 96% of the killer whales diet, of which 71.5% is Chinook salmon (Ford and Ellis, 2006; Ford et al., 2010).


    Polychaete sp.1Polychaete sp.2

    Blue musselPacific oyster


    Mysid shrimpDungeness crab


    Shiner surfperchPacific herring

    Walleye pollock

    Northern anchovy

    Dove soleChum salmon

    Gonatid squidCoho salmon



    Chinook salmon

    Killer whale (male)

    Killer whale (female)

    Log 137Cs = -0.4029(TL) - 1.4306r = 0.3274; p =0.0035











    0 1 2 3 4 5


    137 C

    s (B



    et w



    Trophic Level (TL)

    30 days


    ZooplanktonPolychaete sp.1

    Polychaete sp.2

    Blue musselPacific oyster


    Mysid shrimp

    Dungeness crab


    Shiner surfperchPacific herring

    Walleye pollockNorthern anchovy

    Dove sole

    Chum salmon

    Gonatid squid

    Coho salmon




    Chinook salmon

    Killer whale (male)

    Killer whale (female)

    Log 137Cs = -0.1371(TL) - 1.8221r = 0.0497, p > 0.05











    0 1 2 3 4 5


    137 C

    s (B



    et w



    Trophic Level (TL)

    60 days



    Polychaete sp.1Polychaete sp.2

    Blue musselPacific oyster


    Mysid shrimp Dungeness crab

    Crangon shrimp

    Shiner surfperch

    Pacific herringWalleye pollock

    Northern anchovy Dove


    Chum salmon

    Gonatid squid

    Coho salmon


    Chinook salmon

    Killer whale (male)

    Killer whale (female)

    Log 137Cs= 0.5734(TL) - 2.9374r = 0.3743; p =0.0015











    0 1 2 3 4 5


    137 C

    s (B



    et w



    Trophic Level (TL)

    365 days

    Figure 3.


    dtdC ).(.. +++=


    dtdC ).(.. +++=

    Legends: CB = 137Cs-activity in biota; CW= 137Cs-seawater activity; CA= 137Cs-air activity ; CD= 137Cs-activity -diet; kW = 137Cs-water uptake rate; kA= air uptake rate; kN = 137Cs-nuclear decay rate.

    A) Current scenario B) Future scenario

    Figure 5. Linear regressions showing the bioaccumulation behavior and trophic magnification of 137Cs activities versus trophic

    levels in the resident killer whales outer coast food web for a simulation with CW = 5.0 x 10-4 Bq/L; and, CS = 0.05 Bq/kg dw

    at: A) 30 days, B) 60 days, C) 90 days, D) 365 days (1 year), E) 730 days (2 years); and, F) 10950 days (5 years), following the

    the Fukushima nuclear accident in the North Pacific. 137Cs activities significantly increase in the food web after one year.

    A) B) C)

    D) E) F)

    Slide Number 1