Bidimensionality and Bidimensionality and Approximation Approximation Algorithms Algorithms Mohammad T. Mohammad T. Hajiaghayi Hajiaghayi UMD UMD r r

Bidimensionality and Approximation Algorithms

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Bidimensionality and Approximation Algorithms. Mohammad T. Hajiaghayi UMD. r. r. Dealing with Hard Network Design Problems. Main (theoretical) approaches to solve NP-hard problems: Special instances: Planar graphs (fiber networks in ground), etc. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Bidimensionality  and Approximation Algorithms

Bidimensionality and Bidimensionality and Approximation Approximation

AlgorithmsAlgorithmsMohammad T. Mohammad T.



Page 2: Bidimensionality  and Approximation Algorithms

Dealing with Hard Dealing with Hard Network Design ProblemsNetwork Design Problems

Main (theoretical) approaches to solve NP-hard problems:▪ Special instances: Planar graphs (fiber networks in

ground), etc.▪ Approximation algorithms (PTAS):

Within a factor C of the optimal solution (PTAS if C= 1+ ε for arbitrary constant ε)▪ Fixed-parameter algorithms:

Parameterize problem by parameter P(typically, the cost of the optimal solution)and aim for f(P) nO(1) (or even f(P) + nO(1))

We consider all above in Bidimentionality and aim for general algorithmic frameworks

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OverviewOverview For any network design problem in a large class

(“bidimensional”)▪ Vertex cover, dominating set, connected dominating

set, r-dominating set, feedback vertex set, TSP, k-cut, Steiner tree, Steiner forest, multiway cut,…

In broad classes of networks generalizing planar networks (most “minor-closed” graph families)

We Obtain (in a series of more than 25 papers):▪ Strong combinatorial properties▪ Fixed-parameter algorithms

◦ Often subexponential: 2O(√k) nO(1) where k=|OPT|▪ Approximation algorithms

◦ Often PTASs (1+ ε approx): f(1/ε) nO(1)

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Beyond Planar GraphsBeyond Planar Graphs A graph G has a minor H if

H can be formed by removing and contracting edges of G



Hminor of G


• Otherwise, if G exclude H as a minor is called an H-minor-free graph• For example, planar graphs are bothK3,3-minor-free and K5-minor-free

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Graph Minor TheoryGraph Minor Theory[Robertson & Seymour 1984–2004][Robertson & Seymour 1984–2004] Seminal series of ≥ 20 papers Powerful results on excluded minors:

▪Every minor-closed graph property(preserved when taking minors)has a finite set of excluded minors[Wagner’s Conjecture]

▪Every minor-closed graph propertycan be decided in polynomial time

▪For fixed graph H, graphs minor-excluding H have a special structure: drawings onbounded-genus surfaces + “extra features”

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TreewidthTreewidth[GM2—Robertson & Seymour 1986][GM2—Robertson & Seymour 1986] Treewidth of a graph is the smallest

possible width of a tree decomposition Tree decomposition spreads

out each vertex as aconnected subtree of acommon tree, such thatadjacent vertices haveoverlapping subtrees▪Width = maximum overlap − 1

Treewidth 1 tree; 2 series-parallel; …



(width 3)

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Treewidth BasicsTreewidth Basics Many fast algorithms for NP-hard problems on

graphs of small treewidth▪ Typical running time: 2O(treewidth) nO(1)

Computing treewidth is NP-hard Computable in 22O(treewidth) n time, including

a tree decomposition [Bodlaender 1996] O(1)-approximable in 2O(treewidth) nO(1) time,

including a tree decomposition [Amir 2001] O(√lg opt)-approximable in nO(1) time

[Feige, Hajiaghayi, Lee 2004] (using a new framework for vertex separators based on embedding with minimum average distortion into line)

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Treewidth BasicsTreewidth Basics Many fast algorithms for NP-hard problems

on graphs of small treewidth▪ Typical running time: 2O(treewidth) nO(1)

Computing treewidth is NP-hard Computable in 22O(treewidth) n time, including

a tree decomposition [Bodlaender 1996] O(1)-approximable in 2O(treewidth) nO(1) time,

including a tree decomposition [Amir 2001] 1.5-approximation for planar graphs and

single-crossing-minor-free graphs [EDD,MTH,NN,PR,DMT]

O(|V(H)|^2)-approximable in nO(1) time in H-minor-free graphs [Feige, Hajiaghayi, Lee 2004]

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Bidimensionality (version 1)Bidimensionality (version 1)

Parameter k is minor-bidimensional if▪Closed under minors:

k does not increasewhen deleting orcontracting edges

and▪Large on grids:

For the r r grid, k = Ω(r2) and more generally Ω(f(r))



v w

v wdelete


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Example 1: Vertex CoverExample 1: Vertex Cover

k = minimum number of vertices required to cover every edge (on either endpoint)

Closed under minors: still a cover(only fewer edges) still a cover,possibly 1 smaller

v w

v wdelete


v w v w v w v wcover

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Example 1: Vertex CoverExample 1: Vertex Cover

k = minimum number of vertices required to cover every edge (on either endpoint)

Large on grids:▪Matching of size Ω(r2)▪Every edge must be covered

by a different vertex

v w v w v w v wcover



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Bidimensionality (version 2)Bidimensionality (version 2)

Parameter k is contraction-bidimensional if▪Closed under contractions:

k does not increasewhen contracting edges

and▪Large on a grid-like graph:

For naturally triangulatedr r grid graphs, k = Ω(r2)

v w


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Example 2: Dominating SetExample 2: Dominating Set

k = minimum number of vertices required to cover every vertex or its neighbor

Large on grids:▪Ω(r2) vertex-disjoint cycles▪Every cycle must be covered

by a different vertex

v wcover u

v wu

v wu

v wu



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Example 2: Dominating SetExample 2: Dominating Set

k = minimum number of vertices required to cover every vertex or its neighbor

Closed under contraction but not minor:

Not necessarily a cover anymore

still a cover,possibly 1 smaller

v w

v wdelete


v wcover u

v wu

v wu

v wu

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Contraction-Bidimensional Contraction-Bidimensional ProblemsProblems

Minimum maximal matching Face cover (planar graphs) Dominating set Edge dominating set R-dominating set Connected … dominating set Unweighted TSP tour Chordal completion (fill-in)

v w


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Bidimensional Bidimensional Relate RelateParameter & TreewidthParameter & Treewidth

Theorem 1: If a parameter k isbidimensional, then it satisfiesparameter-treewidth bound

treewidth = O(√k)in any graph family excluding some minor[Demaine, Fomin, Hajiaghayi, Thilikos, JACM 2005;

Demaine & Hajiaghayi, Combinatorica 2010] Proof sketch:

Large treewidth very large grid [minor theory] very large k [bidimensional]


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Bidimensional Bidimensional Subexponential FPTSubexponential FPT

Theorem 2: If a parameter k is▪ bidimensional, and▪ fixed-parameter tractable on graphs of bounded

treewidth: h(treewidth) nO(1) time then it has a subexponential fixed-parameter

algorithm: h(√k) nO(1) timein any graph family excluding some minor▪ Typically 2O(√k) nO(1) time (h(w) = 2O(w))

[Demaine, Fomin, Hajiaghayi, Thilikos 2004; Demaine & Hajiaghayi 2005]

Proof sketch:Run bounded-treewidth algorithm (tw = O(√k)) [If (approx.) treewidth is large, answer NO]


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Bidimensional Bidimensional Subexponential FPTSubexponential FPT

Corollary 1: Vertex cover and feedback vertex set have subexponential fixed-parameter algorithms: 2O(√k) nO(1) time in any graph family excluding some minor[Demaine, Fomin, Hajiaghayi, Thilikos 2004; Demaine & Hajiaghayi 2005]

▪Previously known for vertex cover (and some other problems) on planar graphs [Alber et al. 2002; Kanj & Perković 2002; Fomin & Thilikos 2003; Alber, Fernau, Niedermeier 2004; Chang, Kloks, Lee 2001; Kloks, Lee, Liu 2002; Gutin, Kloks, Lee 2001]

v wv w


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Bidimensional Bidimensional PTAS PTAS

Theorem 3: If a parameter is▪bidimensional,▪fixed-parameter tractable on graphs of

bounded treewidth: h(treewidth) nO(1) time,▪O(1)-approximable in polynomial time, and▪satisfies the “separation property”

then it has an PTAS:(1+ε)-approximation in h(O(1/ε)) nO(1) time in any graph family excluding some minor [Demaine & Hajiaghayi, SODA’05]


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Bidimensional Bidimensional PTAS PTAS

Corollary 3: Vertex cover and feedback vertex set have PTASsin any graph family excluding some minor[Demaine & Hajiaghayi 2005]▪Previously known for vertex cover (and

many, many other problems) on planar graphs

▪E.g., feedback vertex set result is new,even for planar graphs

v wv w


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Consequence: Separator Consequence: Separator TheoremTheorem Theorem: [Demaine, Fomin, Hajiaghayi, Thilikos

2004; Demaine & Hajiaghayi 2005]For every bidimensional parameter P, treewidth(G) ≤ √P(G)

Apply to P(G) = number of vertices in G Corollary: For any fixed graph H, every H-

minor-free graph has treewidth O(√8n)[Alon, Seymour, Thomas 1990; Grohe 2003]

Corollary: 1/3-2/3 separators, size O(√n)(A vertex set whose removal leaves no

component of size greater than 2n/3)

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Application to Independent Application to Independent Set (Lipton-Tarjan 1980)Set (Lipton-Tarjan 1980)

Independent Set: a set of vertices with no edges in between

Note that OPT is at least n/4 since planar graphs are 4-colorable

For PTAS break each component of greater than εn (=log n) and ignore separator vertices

Solve each component individually and take their union as the final solution

Consider a laminar family: level 0 are leaves

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Application to Ind. Set Application to Ind. Set (cont’d) (cont’d)

• Note that l<= n/ ((3/2)i-1 ε n) since the size of a level I component is at least (3/2)i-1 ε n• Let ε= log n/n, so εn= log n (and thus we can solve each component individually in 2log n= n time)• So the total number of ignored vertices is at most n/ (√ log n)< ε n/4<= ε OPT (In each component we are not worse than OPT)

• The maximum number of levels is at most log3/2 n• Say C is the union of all separator (ignored) vertices.

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Polynomial-TimePolynomial-TimeApproximation SchemesApproximation Schemes Separator approach [Lipton & Tarjan 1980]

gives PTASs only when OPT (after kernelization) can be lower bounded in terms of n (typically, OPT = Ω(n))▪Examples: Various forms of TSP

[Grigni, Koutsoupias, Papadimitriou 1995; Arora, Grigni, Karger, Klein, Woloszyn 1998; Grigni 2000; Grigni & Sissokho 2002]

Parameter-treewidth bounds give separators in terms of OPT, not n

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Polynomial-TimePolynomial-TimeApproximation SchemesApproximation Schemes Theorem: [Demaine & Hajiaghayi 2005]

(1+ε)-approximation with running time h(O(1/ε)) nO(1) for any bidimensional optimization problem that is▪Computable in h(treewidth(G)) nO(1)

▪Solution on disconnected graph = union of solutions of each connected component

▪Given solution to G − C, can compute solution to G at an additional cost of ± O(|C|)

▪Solution S of G induced on connected component X of G − C has size |S X| ± O(|C|)

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Polynomial-TimePolynomial-TimeApproximation SchemesApproximation Schemes Corollary: [Demaine & Hajiaghayi 2005]

▪PTAS in H-minor-free graphs for feedback vertex set, face cover, vertex cover, minimum maximal matching, and related vertex-removal problems

▪PTAS in apex-minor-free graphs for dominating set, edge dominating set, R-dominating set, connected … dominating set, clique-transversal set

No PTAS previously known for, e.g., feedback vertex set or connected dominating set, even in planar graphs

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Graph DecompositionGraph Decomposition

Separator Decomposition

Simplifying Decomposition

Small separator Large interactionSmall pieces Simple pieces (e.g.

bounded treewidth)

… … … ……

[Lipton & Tarjan 1980; …]

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Simplifying Graph Simplifying Graph DecompositionDecomposition[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi, SODA [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi, SODA 2010]2010] Theorem: Odd H-minor-free graphs can have

their vertices or edges partitioned into two pieces such that each induced graph has bounded treewidth

▪ Previously for planar graphs [Baker 1994],apex-minor-free [Eppstein 2000], H-minor-free [DeVos et al. 2004; Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi, FOCS’05]

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Example: Graph ColoringExample: Graph Coloring

Chromatic number: Use fewest colorsto color the vertices of a graph such that no two equal colors connected by an edge▪Classic NP-hard problem▪Inapproximable within n1−ε unless ZPP = NP

Martin Gardner,April 1, 1975

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Example: Graph ColoringExample: Graph Coloring[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2005/2010]2005/2010] 2-approximation for chromatic

numberin odd-H-minor-free graphsusing decomposition into twobounded-treewidth pieces:

General graphs:Inapprox. within n1−ε unlessZPP = NP

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Simplifying Graph Simplifying Graph DecompositionsDecompositions[DeVos et al. 2004; Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi [DeVos et al. 2004; Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2005]2005]

Generalization to k pieces:H-minor-free graphs can have their vertices or edges partitioned into k pieces such that deleting any one piece results in bounded treewidth▪Useful for PTASs for minor-closed properties

(where k ~ 1/ε)▪(Not true for odd-minor)▪Application: e.g. PTAS for MaxCut

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Many Problems Closed Many Problems Closed Under Contractions but not Under Contractions but not DeletionsDeletions Dominating set Edge dominating set R-dominating set Connected … dominating set Face cover (planar graphs) Minimum maximal matching Chordal completion (fill-in) Traveling Salesman Problem …

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Contraction DecompositionContraction Decomposition[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi, [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi, STOC’11]STOC’11] Theorem: H-minor-free graphs can have

their edges partitioned into k pieces such that contracting any one piece results in bounded treewidth

▪Polynomial-time algorithm▪Previously known for planar [Klein 2005, 2006],

bounded-genus [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Mohar 2007], apex-minor-free [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2009]

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ApplicationsApplications Lots of applications via a general theorem,e.g.

Corollary 1: PTAS for Traveling Salesman Problem in weighted H-minor-free graphs[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2011] solving an open problem of [Grohe 2001]

Coroallary 2: Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for k-cut and Bisection on planar graphs and H-minor-free graphs [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2011] solving an open problem of [Downey, Estivill-Castro, Fellows 2003]

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Application to TSPApplication to TSP

Corollary: PTAS for Traveling Salesman Problem in weighted H-minor-free graphs[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2011]▪Existing bounded-treewidth algorithm

[Dorn, Fomin, Thilikos 2006]▪Existing spanner [Grigni, Sissokho 2002]▪Decontraction:

Euler tour(cost ≤ 2 weight)

+ perfect matching on odd-degree vxs (cost

≤ weight)

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Graph TSP HistoryGraph TSP History PTAS for unweighted planar

[Grigni, Koutsoupias, Papadimitriou 1995] PTAS for weighted planar

[Arora, Grigni, Karger, Klein, Woloszyn 1998] Linear PTAS for weighted planar [Klein 2005] QPTAS (n(1/ε) O(log log n) time) for weighted

bounded-genus / unweighted H-minor-free [Grigni 2000]

PTAS for weighted bounded genus[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Mohar 2007]

PTAS for unweighted apex-minor-free [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2009]

PTAS for weighted H-minor-free [DHK 2011]

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Application Beyond TSPApplication Beyond TSP Corollary: PTAS for minimum-weight

c-edge-connected submultigraphin H-minor-free graphs[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2011]

Previous results:▪PTASs for 2-edge-connected in planar graphs

[Klein 2005] (linear)[Berger, Czumaj, Grigni, Zhao 2005][Czumaj, Grigni, Sissokho, Zhao 2004]

▪PTAS for c-edge-connected in bounded-genus graphs [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Mohar 2007]

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Fixed-Parameter Fixed-Parameter Algorithmic Applications: k-Algorithmic Applications: k-cutcut k-cut: Remove fewest edges to make

at least k connected components FPT in H-minor-free graphs:

▪Average degree cH = O(H lg H )▪ OPT ≤ cH k▪ Contraction decomposition with cH k + 1

layers avoids OPT in some contraction▪ Solve in 2Õ(k) n + nO(1) time

Generalization to arbitrary graphs [Kawarabayashi & Thorup 2011]


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Proof SketchProof Sketch

H-minor-free graph = “tree” of“almost-embeddable graphs” [Graph Minors]

Each almost-embeddable graph has contraction decomposition:▪Bounded genus done▪Apices easy:

increase treewidthof anything by O(1)

▪Vortices similar[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Mohar 2007]

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Radial Coloring for Bounded Radial Coloring for Bounded GenusGenus Color edge at radial distance r as r mod

k▪Radial graph ≈ primal graph + dual graph

Any k consecutive layers have bounded treewidth, provided first k do

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Neighborhoods of Shortest Neighborhoods of Shortest Paths have Bounded Paths have Bounded TreewidthTreewidth

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Contraction DecompositionContraction Decomposition[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi [Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi 2011]2011] Theorem: H-minor-free graphs can have

their edges partitioned into k piecessuch that contracting any one piece results in bounded treewidth▪Polynomial-time algorithm

Seems a powerful tool for approximation & fixed-parameter algorithms

Let’s find more applications!

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Graph MinorsGraph Minors[Robertson&Seymour 1983–[Robertson&Seymour 1983–2004]2004] in in ≥≥ 20 papers 20 papers

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NonconstructiveNonconstructiveGraph MinorsGraph Minors Theorem: Every H-minor-

free graph can be writtenas a tree of graphs joinedalong f(H)-size cliques▪Each term is a graph that can be almost

embedded into a bounded-genus surface(f(H) “vortices” and “apices”)

[GM16: Robertson & Seymour 2003]

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ConstructiveConstructiveGraph MinorsGraph Minors Theorem: Every H-minor-

free graph can be writtenas a tree of graphs joinedalong f(H)-size cliques▪Computable in nf(H) time

[Demaine, Hajiaghayi, Kawarabayashi, FOCS 2005]

▪Weaker form in f(H) nO(1) time[Dawar, Grohe, Kreutzer 2007]

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Grid MinorsGrid Minors

Every H-minor-free graph of treewidth≥ f(H) r has an r r grid minor[Demaine & Hajiaghayi, SODA 2005, Combinatorica 2010]▪Previous bounds exponential in r and H

[GM5—Robertson & Seymour 1986;Robertson, Seymour, Thomas 1994; Reed 1997;Diestel, Jensen, Gorbunov, Thomassen 1999]

Open: What is f(H)?▪Ω(√|V(H)| lg |V(H)|)▪Conjecture: |V(H)|O(1) or even O(|V(H)|)

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Beyond BidimensionalityBeyond Bidimensionality Nontrivial weights

▪Min-weight k disjoint paths? Directed networks (with Rajesh)

▪Useful notion of treewidth? Subset problems (with Rajesh and

Marek)▪Steiner tree, subset TSP, etc. have PTASs

up to bounded-genus graphs [Borradaile, Mathieu, Klein 2007; Borradaile, Demaine, Tazari 2009]

▪Steiner forest has PTAS in planar graphs[Bateni, Hajiaghayi, Marx 2010]

▪Wanted: A more general framework

k = 3

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