Better Deal for Business Presentation to Providers of Publicly Funded Services Presenter Name Job Title Organisation

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Page 1: Better Deal for Business Presentation to Providers of Publicly Funded Services Presenter Name Job Title Organisation
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Better Deal for Business

Presentation to

Providers of Publicly Funded Services

Presenter NameJob Title


Page 3: Better Deal for Business Presentation to Providers of Publicly Funded Services Presenter Name Job Title Organisation

Agenda• Who is involved in Better Deal for Business (BD4B)?• What is BD4B?• Role of Business Link in business support• Key elements of BD4B• Customer journeys

– General enquiry– Transactional– Transformational

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Agenda• Who is involved in Better Deal for Business (BD4B)?• What is BD4B?• Role of Business Link in business support• Key elements of BD4B• Customer journeys• What would you need to do?• Benefits

– For the client– For you– For the region

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Agenda• Who is involved in Better Deal for Business (BD4B)?• What is BD4B?• Role of Business Link in business support• Key elements of BD4B• Customer journeys• What would you need to do?• Benefits• What you need to do now

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Who is involved in BD4B?• Created in partnership by:

– Yorkshire Forward– Business Links– Learning and Skills Councils (LSCs)– Supported by GO-YH and SBS

• To encompass all organisations involved in business and skills support:

– Other funding or commissioning bodies – Representative Groups– Public Sector Business/Skills Support Suppliers– Private Sector Business/Skills Support Suppliers

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What is BD4B?

A vision for the business & skills support networks to:

• Become more customer focussed• Make best use of resources• Be driven by the needs of the customer

– Not by the interests, targets or objectives of the provider of funding or support

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What is BD4B?

A vision for the business & skills support networks to:

• Become more customer focussed• Make best use of resources• Be driven by the needs of the customer• Ensure that business support is accessible• Ensure that business support helps to achieve

economic success for the region

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Role of Business Link• Business Link operations refocused• Information

– Respond to requests for information

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Role of Business Link• Business Link operations refocused• Information• Diagnostic

– Light touch e.g. via telephone conversation– General Diagnosis of business and skills needs– Specialist Diagnosis

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Role of Business Link• Business Link operations refocused• Information• Diagnostic• Brokerage

– Identify and introduce a range of appropriate suppliers who can met identified needs

– Identify funding support where available

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Role of Business Link• Business Link operations refocused• Information• Diagnostic• Brokerage• Entirely impartial• Do not compete with Service Providers

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Key Elements• Strong “Front of House”

– Business Link brand

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Key Elements• Strong “Front of House”• No “Wrong Door”

– Ensure businesses can find support.– Single Gateway

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Key Elements• Strong “Front of House”• No “Wrong Door”• Giving the customer what they need, when they

need it• Ensure businesses receive best advice

– Impartial advice to meet needs.– Support from the supplier best placed to provide it.

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Key Elements• Strong “Front of House”• No “Wrong Door”• Giving the customer what they need, when they

need it• Ensure businesses receive best advice• Quality assurance of Suppliers and their staff

– Ensure support is of a consistent high quality– Appropriate accreditation

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Customer Journeys• General Enquiry• Transactional• Transformational

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General Enquiry• Client initiates the contact• Information style interventions

Client Enquiry

Bus Link Gateway

Diagnose Refer




Internal Advisor

External Advisor

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• In depth diagnostic not required• High volume/low value added• Client generally initiates the contact


Client Enquiry

Support Provider

Diagnose Refer



Bus Link Gateway

External Provider



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• Provision of a specialist service• Holistic diagnostic required• Low volume, high resourced, high value-adding



Client Meeting

Action Plan

Diagnose BrokerProject Manage

ReferBus Link Gateway

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What Would You Need To Do?• Use Business Link to supply IDB elements• Coordinate with other partners

– Marketing and promotion– Delivery

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What Would You Need To Do?• Use Business Link to supply IDB elements• Coordinate with other partners• Ensure Business Link understands service offered

– Features– Benefits– Delivery methods– Costs and subsidies– Availability

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What Would You Need To Do?• Use Business Link to supply IDB elements• Coordinate with other partners• Ensure Business Link understands service offered• Ensure suppliers refer clients to Business Link

– Customer facing staff aware of other services

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What Would You Need To Do?• Use Business Link to supply IDB elements• Coordinate with other partners• Ensure Business Link understands service offered• Ensure suppliers refer clients to Business Link• Quality assurance

– Organisations – Customer First– Individuals – SFEDI or other appropriate accreditation

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What Would You Need To Do?• Use Business Link to supply IDB elements• Coordinate with other partners• Ensure Business Link understands service offered• Ensure suppliers refer clients to Business Link• Quality assurance• Share customer/market intelligence

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Benefits – The Client• Simplifies access to services• Quality services• ‘Joined-up’ solutions and packages • Needs met in full• Improved customer care• Impartiality• Consistency • Confidence in services provided

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Benefits – You• Improved image through joined up approach• Increased referrals → Increased business• Reduced costs

– e.g. Marketing & promotion – Enables money to be used for the benefit of the client.

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Benefits – You• Improved image through joined up approach• Increased referrals → Increased business• Reduced costs• Reduced risk• Improved market intelligence

– Knowledge of client needs– Knowledge of services provided by other organisations– Feedback on quality of services

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Benefits – The Region• Stronger businesses• Improved economic performance• Improvement in skills• Improved value for money• Excellence in delivery and quality of service• Consistency

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So Really… What is BD4B?• Putting customers at the heart of how we operate• Common sense• Making a difference• Customer satisfaction• The way that we should be working

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What Do You Need To Do Now?

You need to:• Own Better Deal for Business• Show real commitment• Ensure your staff understand and implement the

principles• Embed within the way your organisation operates

• Make it happen…

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Evidence Your Commitment

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Further information can be found at


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