B B F T T t o 6 v p g b g d 0 8 c F T u p t Music event from Saturday 18th World Music at Villa Ada I t’s the 18th edition of this plea- sant festival dedicated to World Music on the shores of the little lake in the Park of Villa Ada. The programme this year celebrates 150 years of Italian Unity with a special focus on Italian artists, but it also holds true to its original vocation that aims to favour the integration of peoples through music and culture. Six full weeks of festival see the participation of big names in the panorama of world music and there is the usual line-up of ethnic food and drink stalls that make for a relaxing eve- ning. Some names to look out for include those of Mulatu Astatke from Ethiopia, Sean Kuti and his band from Nigeria, Maria Gadù and the Joao Bosco Quartet from Brazil, Tuxedo Moon, Suzanne Vega and Tuck & Patti from the US, Jimmy Cliff and The Original Wailers from Jamaica, Goran Bregovic from Serbia, Cesaria Evora from Cape Verde. “Roma Incontra il Mondo” is from 18th June to 29th July at Laghetto di Villa Ada, entrance in Via di Ponte Salario. Info tel. 0641734712/648, 0641707101, 3472481011, www.villaada.org FESTIVAL Open air concerts at the Casa del Jazz A lmost three months of quality jazz concerts light up the nights at Rome’s “Home of Jazz” thanks to the support of city autho- rities and institutions. The inaugurating event of the “Casa del Jazz Festival” is a tribute to the late jazz pianist Michel Petrucciani with top names of the Italian jazz music scene. But the rich calen- dar features many other big names as well, including those of Stewart Copeland, John McLaughlin, Robben Ford, Steve Lukather, Eddie Palmieri, Joe Lovano, Michael Brecker, and Sarah Jane Morris. The festival, directed by veteran jazz event organiser, Giampiero Rubei, fore- sees different focuses dedicated to “guitar legends”, to “protagonists of the international jazz scene”, to “Brazilian music”, as well as sec- tions dedicated to young Italian talent, Latin Jazz, Jazz & Tango, Blues and Manouche. “Casa del Jazz Festival” from 21st June to 15th September in the park of the Casa del Jazz, Viale di Porta Ardeatina 55, tel. 06704731, www.casajazz.it FESTIVAL best in Rome the best in Rome the 86 TROVAROMA Rock at the race course T he Award–winning rock band “30 seconds to Mars”, inaugura- tes the 2011 edition of Rome’s Rock Festival. The Los Angeles band, composed by lead singer and guita- rist Jared Leto, drummer Shannon Leto and guitarist Tomo Milicevic, has just scooped two gongs at the annual Kerrang! Awards including best international band for the second year running, and performs in Rome for the very first time. The “Rock in Roma” Festival, which takes place in the large arena provi- ded by Rome’s Capannelle Race Course, continues to rev-up the summer nights with a star-studded programme featuring the likes of Dream Theatre, Ben Harper- Robert Plant & The Band of Joy, Skunk Anansie, Jamiroquai, Jack Johnson, Moby and Slash. “Rock in Roma” is from 18th June to 29th July at Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Via Appia Nuova 1245. For info tel. 0654220870, www.rockinroma.com, www.the-base.it FESTIVAL From 18th at the hippodrome in Via Appia From 21st and until 15th September Jamiroquai; left Jimmy Cliff Joe Lovano THE BEST_86-88_1071 14-06-2011 21:17 Pagina 86

best the inRome - la Repubblicadownload.repubblica.it/pdf/2011/best-in-rome/16062011.pdf · Festival” is a tribute to the late jazz pianist Michel Petrucciani with top names of

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Music event from Saturday 18th

World Music at Villa AdaIt’s the 18th edition of this plea-

sant festival dedicated to WorldMusic on the shores of the littlelake in the Park of Villa Ada. Theprogramme this year celebrates150 years of Italian Unity with aspecial focus on Italian artists, butit also holds true to its originalvocation that aims to favour theintegration of peoples throughmusic and culture. Six full weeksof festival see the participation of

big names in the panorama ofworld music and there is the usualline-up of ethnic food and drinkstalls that make for a relaxing eve-ning. Some names to look out forinclude those of Mulatu Astatkefrom Ethiopia, Sean Kuti and hisband from Nigeria, Maria Gadùand the Joao Bosco Quartet fromBrazil, Tuxedo Moon, SuzanneVega and Tuck & Patti from theUS, Jimmy Cliff and The OriginalWailers from Jamaica, GoranBregovic from Serbia, CesariaEvora from Cape Verde. “RomaIncontra il Mondo” is from 18thJune to 29th July at Laghetto diVilla Ada, entrance in Via diPonte Salario. Info tel.0641734712/648, 0641707101,3472481011, www.villaada.org


Open air concerts at the Casa del JazzAlmost three months of quality jazz concerts light up the nights

at Rome’s “Home of Jazz” thanks to the support of city autho-rities and institutions. The inaugurating event of the “Casa del JazzFestival” is a tribute to the late jazz pianist Michel Petruccianiwith top names of the Italian jazz music scene. But the rich calen-dar features many other big names as well, including those ofStewart Copeland, John McLaughlin, Robben Ford, Steve

Lukather, Eddie Palmieri, JoeLovano, Michael Brecker, andSarah Jane Morris. The festival,directed by veteran jazz eventorganiser, Giampiero Rubei, fore-sees different focuses dedicated to“guitar legends”, to “protagonistsof the international jazz scene”, to“Brazilian music”, as well as sec-tions dedicated to young Italiantalent, Latin Jazz, Jazz & Tango,Blues and Manouche. “Casa delJazz Festival” from 21st June to15th September in the park of theCasa del Jazz, Viale di PortaArdeatina 55, tel. 06704731,www.casajazz.it





Rock at the race courseThe Award–winning rock band

“30 seconds to Mars”, inaugura-tes the 2011 edition of Rome’s RockFestival. The Los Angeles band,composed by lead singer and guita-rist Jared Leto, drummer ShannonLeto and guitarist Tomo Milicevic,has just scooped two gongs at theannual Kerrang! Awards includingbest international band for thesecond year running, and performsin Rome for the very first time. The“Rock in Roma” Festival, whichtakes place in the large arena provi-ded by Rome’s Capannelle Race Course, continues to rev-up the summernights with a star-studded programme featuring the likes of DreamTheatre, Ben Harper- Robert Plant & The Band of Joy, Skunk Anansie,Jamiroquai, Jack Johnson, Moby and Slash. “Rock in Roma” is from 18thJune to 29th July at Ippodromo delle Capannelle, Via Appia Nuova 1245.For info tel. 0654220870, www.rockinroma.com, www.the-base.it

FESTIVAL From 18th at the hippodrome in Via Appia

From 21st and until 15th September

Jamiroquai; left Jimmy Cliff

Joe Lovano

THE BEST_86-88_1071 14-06-2011 21:17 Pagina 86

EXHIBITIONSBATTLE PAINTERS –BATTLE PAINTINGFROM THE XVITH TOTHE XVIIITH CENTURYThe exhibition displays pain-tings devoted to the themesof war and military life. The60 works on show exhausti-vely illustrate the genre, withpaintings by all of its most si-gnificant exponents from thebeginning of the 17th, throu-ghout the XVIIIth century. Villad’Este, T ivol i . Tel.0774335850. Open from8.30am to 6.45pm; Mondayclosed. Until 30th October.FARNESINA COLLECTIONSThis exhibition represents aunique occasion to view theprecious “Farnesina Collec-t ions” that are being di -

splayed in a public museumfor the very first time. Someone hundred works havebeen selected to representthe collections and includepaintings and sculptures byimportant Italian ar tists likeAccardi, Afro, Capogrossi,Turcato, Sironi, Pistoletto,Guttuso and Rotella amongstothers. Until 3rd July at Mu-seo dell’Ara Pacis, Lungoteve-re in Augusta. For info tel.060608. Open from 9am to7pm. Mondays closed. THE UNIQUE SIXTIESThe exhibition “Gli IrripetibiliAnni ‘60” pays tribute to aunique ar tistic season thatblossomed from the end ofthe 1950s to the mid 1970sin Rome and Milan. The over170 works on show highlightthe fundamental role of the

cultural interaction that tookplace between the two citiescreating a new epicentre ofexperimentation and resear-ch. Amongst the names in-volved (and on show) arethose of Fontana, Hockney,Man Ray, Baj. Until 31st Julyat Museo Fondazione Roma,Via del Corso 320, te l .066786209. From 10am to8pm. Mondays closed.MADONNAS OF THE RENAISSANCEEight beautiful Renaissancestatues of the Madonna andChild have been chosen toth

e be



La Bohème


Puccini’s “La Bohème” isback at Rome’s Opera Hou-

se after almost ten years ofabsence. The much loved ope-ra brings with it a great castincluding the tenor RamonVargas and the soprano HiblaGerzmava (alternating withStefano Secco and CarmeloRemigio) in the role of thetormented protagonists. TheRome orchestra is conductedby James Conlon, and the pro-duction is a popular one withsets by Pierluigi Samaritaniand costumes by Anna Bia-giotti. From 16th to 26th Juneat Teatro dell’Opera, Piazza B.Gigli 7. Info tel. 064817003,www.operaroma.it

Munich’s OrchestraIts annual season is over,

but Rome’s Istituzione Uni-versitaria dei Concerti rega-les city concert-goers withan extraordinary event: forthe f i r s t t ime in Rome,Munich’s New Philharmonicorchestra conducted by theIsraeli-American Yoel Gam-zou in a programme featu-r ing Mahler, Mozart andMendelssohn. The orchestrais accompanied by LionelWartelle on clarinet. Con-cert on Monday 20th Junein the Aula Magna of “LaSapienza” University, Piaz-zale Aldo Moro 5. Info tel.063610051/2, www.concer-tiiuc.itConductor James Conlon

RRome joins European celebrations of music that take place everyyear to coincide with the summer solstice on 21st June. Origina-

ting in France, the European Music Feast invites musicians of everygenre to make music in different venues all over the city. Celebra-tions in Rome take place over five days invading the city with a richand diversified programme that involves over 1500 musicians in 150concerts, all of them, free of charge. Foreign academies and institu-tions participate opening their doors to the universal language ofmusic. In Rome, the “Festa Europea della Musica” is from 17th to21st June. For information and a full list of events www.festaeuro-peadellamusica.it


The European Music FeastFrom 17th to 21st in various city venues

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celebrate 20 years of acti-vity by Arpai – the Associa-tion for the Restoration ofthe I ta l ian Ar t ist ic Patr i -mony, thanks to which some200 works of ar t have beenrestored. The exhibit inclu-des a bust attributed to Bru-nelleschi who hand model-led it in clay, and after a fir-st firing, cold painted it withprecious materials. Until19th June at Palazzo delQuirinale, Sala delle Bandie-re. 10am-1pm, 3.30pm to6.30pm. Sunday 8.30am to12 pm. Mondays and publicholidays closed. www.quiri-nale.itNEROFollowing the success of theColosseum exhibition dedi-cated to the monument’sbuilder, the Emperor Vespa-sian and his legacy, now it’sthe controversial EmperorNero’s turn, with a projectthat aims to shine new lighton a historically negative fi-gure. The exhibition “Nero-ne”, until 18th Septemberunfolds at the Colosseumand other Neronian sites su-ch as the Roman Forum andthe Palatine Museum. An in-clusive ticket costs 12 eu-r os . Open da i l y f r om8.30am to 5pm. For infor-mation tel. 0639967700,www.pierreci.it

ONE HUNDRED MASTERPIECES FROMTHE STADEL MUSEUMThe exhibition “One hundredmasterpieces from the StadelMuseum in Frankfurt. Impres-sionism, Expressionism, Avant-Garde” offers a rare opportu-nity to admire works of art fromone of Europe’s most famousart collections. The show is divi-ded into seven stylistic and ch-ronological sections, and inclu-des masterpieces by Tischbein,Koch, Corot, Monet, Degas, Re-noir, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Bock-lin and Feuerbach, and then onup to Moreau, Redon, Hodler,Munch, Beckmann, Ernst, Kleeand Picasso. Until 17th July atPalazzo delle Esposizioni, ViaNazionale 194, tel.0639967500. 10am to 8pm.Friday and Saturday 10am to10.30pm. Monday closed.PORTRAITS. THE MANYFACES OF POWERMore than 150 precious arti-facts are on show, includingbas-reliefs, busts and statueson loan from major Europeanmuseums. The exhibition exa-mines the origins of Romanportraiture, as well as the dif-ferent techniques used by Ro-man artists ranging from theRepublican era to the late-an-cient period. Until 25th Sep-tember at the Capitoline Mu-seums, Piazza del Campido-

glio 1. Opening hours 9am to8pm. Monday closed. Forinformation tel. 060608.TAMARA DE LEMPICKAThe show features 90 oil pain-tings, some 30 drawings anda selection of photographsthat trace her artistic develop-ment as well as shining the li-ght on Lempicka’s personalityand her relationship with Poli-sh contemporar y ar t. Until10th July at Complesso delVittoriano, Via San Pietro inCarcere, tel. 066780664. ALL’ALTARE DI DIOA selection of photographs byVittoriano Rastelli and footageproduced in collaboration withRAI, tell the extraordinary lifestor y of a man who left hismark on an era: Pope JohnPaul II. The aim of this exhibi-tion, organised to coincidewith the beatification of KarolWojtyla, is also to reveal themore intimate and private fa-cets of the man, as well asdocument the pontif f’s apo-stolic visits, his message, hisrole in world political and reli-gious events. Until 25th Sep-tember at the Capitoline Mu-seums, Piazza del Campido-glio 1. From 9am to 8pm.Mondays closed. Info tel.060608.

con la collaborazione di Linda Bordoni


TThe fifth edition of “FestiVAL” – the International Festival at Hadrian’s Villa - is promoted by localauthorities and the Musica per Roma Foundation. The wonderful setting inside the archaeologi-

cal site of the Roman Emperor Hadrian’s Villa, with a specially constructed stage in front of thespectacular baths, makes for a truly unforgettable experience. The programme, as always, features

a variety of disciplines and kicks off with Jean-Bap-tiste Thierrée and Victoria Chaplin’s magical “LeCirque Invisible”. Drama is represented by Lithua-nian superstar stage director, Eimuntas Nekrosiaswho presents the European premier of his “Caligu-la” by Camus, and by Italy’s Pippo Delbono in anew project in collaboration with violinist Alexan-der Balanescu. Dance fans can rejoice with two dif-ferent works by Belgian choreographer Alain Pla-tel, and a new production by the young Israeli dan-cer and choreographer Barak Marshall. There isspace for music, both classical and contemporary,thanks to the presence of the Italian singer andsongwriter Vinicio Capossela, the great jazz vocalistCassandra Wilson, and star Chinese pianist ZhangHaochen who is especially acclaimed for his inter-pretations of Bach. FestiVAL at Hadrian’s Villa inTivoli. Info tel. 0680241281, www.auditorium.com.


Hadrian’s Villa: drama, music and dance

A scene from the show “Le Cirque Invisible”

From Thursday 16th in Tivoli

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